Titles and credits

Titles And Credits. Hana Dervisholli



Transcript of Titles and credits

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Titles And Credits.

Hana Dervisholli

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After researching the conventions of thrillers and their use of titles and credits, we found that most thrillers use white typeface superimposed onto a black background. We then decided to make our titles and credits convey these conventions in order to establish this genre. We used Live Type to create the titles and credits because this program allows us to choose different font types, styles and effects. We chose to use a ‘wave/glow’ effect which flows throughout the text as it gives a cold, shivering effect which relates to the emotions we are trying to make the audience feel; this relates to our thriller genre.

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Credits from Terminator

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Credits from SE7EN.

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We used a wave effect.

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This screenshot shows the effect in a still form.

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We decided to keep all the fonts the same because generally thrillers like to obtain a ‘simple’ effect.

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