tIt e JI...TEaVl soad cooka asd tt maid XTED Womia to cook warts an ftvamy tay night Call between S...

rilE EVE 1XG TIMES WASHINGTON SATURDAY FEBRUARY 15 1902 8 r m SHE gftS FUR lliliGfSff- c525oooo FronT Two of His Acquaintances lr Henry 1C Nwlnu Thinks They Are I l jj i tis f for DlHHppuarM- MU Her SPHUMC- H CHICAGO Feb 15 Mr Hefeft K X of Jones Koiaa a wealthy jt jhrPajguJeaa Cal Kw brought circuit court for 250Mt daasage- sliBik Jttlm Kartell the Chicago mil lioaoJre aad evangelist aad Michael lsaihsa the saloonkeeper Her suddea disappefcraace a few dajrtf after their arrlaoe wild is alleged to haw ben due to tile iafloeaee exert over hist br defeadaats IK- Kive as the basis of the suit She says she dors aolkpow where her hasbaad is- Farsrell sad Nolan she says wore well acquainted and the former she alleges endesmaced to induce Nolaa to come more C Mcly fa touch with Christian work Mrs olaa alleges that Mswabaa was Implicated it briaciag about Nolans dIg appeapin At tbe of Nolans dis- appearance his wife stated ia aa later Yfettt that she believed a relative of her h lMMdv cas eapoastble his leaving W His wealth she saM had raised the cwaidtty ef the retatives in eoUea sal this owe had spirited him oat of Chicago If4l sar4pytt she might become possessed of his property if they lived to- gether Mr Farwell sad Jrfoaatea are both sot of tewa- TJESEKCEE STTRBElTDEB- SIvas One of UK Who Icft Training Ship RufTalo- XKMPH1S Tens Feb IS Harry Drppo t rtyoje years old of Tray N arrest hers as a deserter fro llha Batted States tralaiagshlp recCTtaay i Blear at this place who tuned hint over to the police Diflpo left the traialagshlp within two days after boglnninc service He aJtesed that there were loS others who left M Alt same time sad says that they did so because they were being starved tq death Utppo has expressed his willingness to retvra tOO Mew Orleans sad will be held until aa officer oomes to take lIB back JHBIP WASTED FEMALE kptf ae work two white deposit roaeired Bmpio- yord cook choaibermaid- WAtnSisw coauaeteat waitress Apply WAKXED None white csannitat to handle carf t fever boar reference from doctor 79- VJmhrrwamsa day work good pay fever ia hease bat esar- ae TmM rmoid woitfoia eosk aad BUT sued sass also aW so cIa tore 3M3 K vY aw l- KK irU steady work JMJ Ofegoa av aw m stera Aaaro BOX Me taw r with nJuear S KAXN SOt CO Market soave mIM WASTED A SratctoM mdks uOsr 1X12 F st- WAKTED4iri lot gessral hamnurk briag- rdenBKex CU Mth at up- i 9unp lady soasaoav- W ltTED arstcJast white waitnssm Apply aff once THK TARHUM HOTEL K Jav aad- CottoeT ml- TEaVl soad cooka asd tt maid XTED Womia to cook warts an ftvamy tay night Call between S sea K today U17 aofaut ml K ftispTa tr week Adortm OX IS eMt- WA3CTED Neat colored girl al family of two no wasUae mx year old nautaom 4 H eMt- WAXTKIVReiaed esperieneed wafcvea huaedi Not WAXTED LauoOFow to sot ia keuewerk no- eooMac Apply MN ath st aw elM WANTBBM oace whtte womaa order cook is- JMff O st aw eUl- mUliren alejtodios Aomuuu BOX 118 Ato erne tomily of t ir ataeral 1447 S at after J ptas WAXTED Jtoliabto white Kd far cokfam aad- Kcaoml hooiimork la amall family May at niawU- Ca Ht Ml St SW V AXTEUColored girt tor senenl bouaework- Apsty l C t nw mlIV- AKTK Ten todioi to aerure muobr for a nrastoal aojarltrtoa thaw who can smc and play preforotd 4B prr wook easily made Call f a- w tof p m otl 7th at nw mlS7- IIVATIOXS VAXTni3PEMALEW- AXTEDWaobiae to do at home akw iroaioK work dose AXMR TABftK w N ot- inr el WANTKBIK colored place a Reuerali- MWsoworker stay sights Call in T ot el- WAXTMIftVMd ilmmotroia will MW ti tly with Oiiaomaktr or do oewinc at her tmmVaiu- MM kIt ct aw WAMTKB Bv a eotored Call at VAATBUACKJiT3W- AJfTEt Aiceat with caosfetiimt and comnumion peruwnent rX MKBOY CO Ktaker 5U Dread Phtladelphia Pa mif- UOKlTABLK OnH Sered aceati ia every town to eour auttteripUoik to The Ladies llodt Jooisal sad The faturda Eveaicd Poet We vut tre U wbo work taoreu oiy aa4- IU hobo artes to coyer rack tectMa with Mtr IHuitrated Mitl bookleU and other tUlci Batter and la look tUrply after tt M old Mbtcrifeen Te pay U rate end of tbe M will be tbe worken aa extra priza for good votk l c l me of our icesU hare ceded it taU lo a Bttle booklet we would Uke to aead tf oortniU of tome et our lift areoU with ttckftory bow taer aade It pty TOE CURTIS WAiTBD IIOUSH3- TKD To buy a houar prefer corset with WAKTED At tour k SMi J IlK nortbesst from WMX- W sash rive tatl panle jinx at os T J GILES H5 Uth ot aw GONE 1t I- III r kate mlut 11 P- latter a the > of 4 f f 0 Y Bat fa Mttiottedat New up to the A II tI- 11IM eouk a- M111ir 1 ida I al- A iIUAJIIIIf Pa WIJtJalA u to apt k c6c I a1W pit Ida bt 11I1 b 00 ZLCTI1CAL fe 111 y S Ms T w USi dIet cw Iaoft H- ill w IS tW lie tau I p aIM ant trI girl or Prite i III III M rl JIb at MAW doC pod I art k Bull Jiuug u dYer fist cadet lilt M at PtldalLd5bIJ Ia- t oItoI er lido MI WI li MISS It- t itt k tine h fur sesso Orleaa- by repoftieg I a4 wsitvseea U 311PiNIspiVIsI aseaa St- v ASVBIiIIr sad chsohersoId aiss cot gesal wss r4sece4 B otaw et Mae Mt scslct sitmvW V5fIlLsdy tsr samr ih quid 3 ea ssk or 1 1- etiDA diiL M lass PSI aS- gfrl do hoss- ewf sd withess I A good WADA 7 151 I LT 144- 1a 115b14 s 1 ieitus se sad shse egs fltl I baum aft Ito 39 tM ease stse atr e usue w c sad spdssss eli S wIxrzDk release a lMIOR p isisied e li hs sole ikMo4d is AesIy be it- 4euico s eae r h 54 Sib Va 2 or all a em gin COtUAlY wort ore 000- Gdrelr13iTa 114I essj Ie ksosdisIe psidoru a is- f sbIt > ¬ ¬ > > > > n lP VANTBI MALE WANTED Waiter Sit ami board col- r deposit Sfl- factorers aid sell to m deaien in the District Maryland sad nia Addrus BOX this onVe el ANTEI- of typewritiaa 17 yenra old kaowledRe- em BOX t Ciy ooSee- U AXTKOEaptnitoced clerk for tea sad coffee driver for WMFOTI most lufnujh good rrlcrtace Addreas BOX IzS this omce U ANTED AB ri ie cr l ateat cotter with wf- Addrcm POX 143 this oface WANTED A brtr tr well remed rnlored boy ia- doctors omre BUM aarhntaod waitim oa table Applir iua 14tkk el hostler buary washer to ISM New York av ml- WAXTKUA bookkeeper eatry Apply carijr BtTLKR LAKSKALK CO Sib aad G UANTTO OsidsiKc iwhMe mlssli age with 11 faoaf and hotae was WANTED IMT day BOX mj- ulSS Colimrr- Ilupa toborer ra the District LmihU at p vV aw Call 1 14th at aw Wrber at eaee J X KROCS- H S 7th at ml- WAXTED Boatauck 7M 7th at nw ml WANTED sea to so- licit sad collect for a reapoasibie boss f per day guaranteed Call at ROOM t 1339 F st ml WANTED tIt Address POX US WANTED Aa uUeif r to haodte de set of book sew b- CMI at once tot earJusfee territory D APPLE- TON CO MS V aw aUsa WANTED Youar ants Call alter M m BASKMKNTatS 13th at aw WANTED Two sort colored men Sec homework throe waiters dtoawaobefB two driven city and country peaple SHACKLEPORITe SM E- st BB ml WANTED BsfccMOOM M Central BuUiMnr Sib sad P ma- WANTKDOae is every baja 413 lot aw 7 ml WANTED Tbros HIP Sebooi mes to work hour or CSA dajr ass make good money ZU- 1ft st w K to 11 a let WANTED BveryvlMre hustlm to tack sians distribute circlet samples etc no lanramimr good pay SUN ADVERTISING BUREAU Chi- cago ml- H ANTED Go itoBsmtsnce sad CIGAR SAfaSCTtAK Kaptrlence good pay EMANUEL CO Statioa J N Y City WANTEDOna oslosod labormn 1 S per day 5 S SONS the sad Fare 80S Florida ave Be eMS WANTED White hey about U yore of age ia drag store Mt H at ac e4t WANTED Souse ma would Kke to exdMoge dirtatkn with sons goad shorthand student Adams BOX hto omee e43- WANTEDFifiycoad tomrri toboren per Baltiujorc aad Ohio depot Monday M Jt i crprmcs Apply at C14- SWAXTEDFift old Apply a oar Cweutetioo Departmeat WANTED Ftortot sad Bardeaer to take charge aveacre borne ftve miles moor city Apply ROOM WANTED Mcyeies lot Bessemer orrr lee can eara iiom 130 to M per BMAt- aCuanMeoi school bays or bays oUierwtoe Sod tens S lo 3ft p ra- M p m daily at 38 cents per sight VUTUAL BfSTIUCT MESSENGER CO UW F at a U- IIBLI AVAXTI8D 3IALE KE3IALE SPECIAL PRBPAKATION for Ws rr civil service AddreH BOX a sad S wofcsea cnavamecs for eood pay JERSEY COr J a n iw ml- IX Jite RAT Pastor E- Soodsy aarht 745 February SHE HID Swem- IS Free ferns Baottot Chorea Audi 6ITUAT1OXS IVANTISD MALE WASTED OBtterocradmiU wiahn papDa ia brancfaei Latin Creek Biatheautiro- or situatioB Sf JUveraess Addrem BOX 144 tab WAJfTEDCutter wants posh t cotorad bov place as csevator boy or driving earrioae A tt the ml- WANTEU y Jkjrossa educs4ed colored dues so slat IB ofaee or stale or say the kisS C H HOmSe nj ww ml- WANTBHYomlr awa of rrsaiment will sei so sdHeHm collector pie or ofhce work from U to BV tor amanVmtory refer- ences as to character H BAKER SM Fast Capitol st- WAXTKD By youoa man place as sorter or eager or work of say Bad Address BOX 11- 3WAXTBD ROOMS WAXTKD Win rv IS moats for slaM room sore Lflmry recister host BO UgM Addrc r 115 State Deportment PROIERTV WILT EXCIiAxto uudoswted mining seturiti s for a large plantation in Maryland or Virginia tidewater preferred lasers aarwer- WM H KNOW Real Estate Trot BMf PMta delphia ms7- WAXTHD iiooais AND WAXTKD SfcjRfa roow by Kmtlemoa Berth west board 4WW ternM Address HI this omce soilS IVAXTKIJilllSCELLANEOOS- WANTKDTo MMirfor a month or two a small job press Address lION 135 this oaVe mtt3 WANTED To 76 Myrtle bather beds E MARKS eM WANTED Several fcbinjr cows about might feet bag AddroM MIWV4LOR Four Mile Ron Va WATTEDX feet Addttn gHT h st nw elS3 INFANTS AND SMALL CHILDREN cured let at tooMe tens ror tetoraution apply 1O7- mll HIGHEST CASH rjllCKC 4d for tos send OOB per bran botfJ book sad rubber mechinery sad eonvral mtrebiadisa EDGAR BAUM 7th st BW detttf- WANTEUI will ti bifihest cask price tor ladies and cent castoff rlothing 7th sC aw- fe 3 t- WAXTED Cash pHIl tor all kinds of nous skald furniture otMee sad store Salute she SoW oa- commissioa H KO6EMJEKG Auctwaeor 8SS av a W JilW- AXTBDBrioe your ofcl soW aod dive uaiches sad dtatsosdc to the MINT sU G at- aw and get MI value ia Money OBO- MAHTIH Mana ec FOR JtET HOU3E3 FOR RE T1 1 X t Mvea rouse two totrobot sad nagr lath sail cJoMt key Beat door IUM el 53 FOR RENTTO olor d teaaat six both 173 SMI NW CLARK BRO F- StMW r e 4 ton 3otory ha a all modem bn- proveMient in good roadition Key si grocery oppo lto I Y YODKR W6 Sth ortd a aYe it el I 1At Y ItS 1W p- US A Call It ir 11 loa dar J el I e A F Dri t8 tie 1 sac 1 tie th U5 al- A K al- A VThWblI MIl uarr ie take p a 0 at ATEDY T pod Ma lIS- aL JIll Ie wMk al Ice pi 11 t the g sad JiIHHIC lit Po IlL a IlL of by Al Yost s OII gtlanatee to t1 A ce k woN S- UIt o OMI ISO J we 1 15 utncE tw MIl sad tit woit cosatcy prefanlll t4 eUt with aced t II te ow 11ft WATMI2 sd PZK cu Rca tan R sot w- ry A rEOBr iotD pQIitioa II reel hors Wdr BOX IN tW with S pstSisl ref BOX of DIlL IiI ip tItle oSke u II dim filii HI- VA TED OOti TRY dMa lit BOX j tit tU- IAiDr Jew CIWIb its Loch lit 1II j t tool Lou ready JoII i MII lID YOK Wo IlL eGnIit 011 f lit W WI a m- la W W 1 rosa tore I reposed clva ANTt1 rreor IMtU te ipteoro at X batases S asi a M or so ase she ha4 so i s ossde fans at wasted sd shea I oros ia oce eskeed bay Ie ebaspe ot shep this ee 1 a- las a M4VtISI15 sole sos for pensseoat psy CsUttor 15 ItASCMf 3th aw wood je sve baUd fosony soes peefesred tM osa Jorge speniosce as New isvedMt reMorbels ead night d ns WO3J sot usorrnsry 11915 baa sd L dovk 14 aw heys sd ycors T1MFs cR- 4WANTgD0 codme sad osvuseav- trictly wIflJs ss l ise Nertrk ace ia134 550 en any S eaaadauion taSte day 147LbI yeS Ia nso siso torus b J 14 men ortat ssso esceliest rot- Ireoreb e ci solisW- tSia ysst sud orencor Addien 14 thIslIes oils cest cR2I StuARt 4 B ifa kit disoSd asS If7j pslel4 divor aeiuut SiR ir Is12U sbewcao S or i 2411 Mach ala tar 5 portal will call use 0 Se moan NEItTliJG tb ae brick re IBiS S < > > > > > < FOR RRTfT rtTRXISIinn ROOMS FOR RENT Large frost room very reasonable 43 H st nw el 3 FOR RENT Two fnratoted rooouj I 7 2d at ne- eli3 FOR RENT One oecowUtory front room all coBVCBiencfg AppIy M at staw elS3- FlMt RENT Large fa lylufBOjed room sooU- iem wnnn well fcept home an- vUth SMttabie lit two private Madly IMS Tot el FOR RENT LMO comfortable leant room wel heated gas lath plenty of hot water at an hours btootimUy furnished with efesMt- furaiture velvet nm etc convenient to tbrrr rar Knot accuuuaudationi lee two private family el POR RKXT I hauimtd- Mh at mr mUj FOR MKNTCsmfortshly hnBtolie rooms is- US fo9 E st aw FOR RENT Partly famished house or lursisbed room for rent a to good parties Sth st Convenient to 7th Mi SMS FOR RENTFuiaishid or uiifurnnihcd rooms for iMtbt boosekecpiac heel gas aod hot wat- FOK RENT One tone front well heated on car the convenient to and Library fmwfly no children el43 FOR RENT Fumtobul sad Mstaraisbed rooms MS th at aw ml43 F R RKXT Owe fstohsitil roam for freatleaass- aad wife oae uafuisbhtd MOM for xeatlnaoB- MS Xw York sew nw soilS met RENTLanre room seeond Seer furuMKed or unf mehed well heated gas bath 6M M- St BW mMS FOR RENT ia llth sC ruruistted rooim FOR RENT One foratohsd Nod frost room warm geetlemwi fs 1W Man ave Be- mMS FOR KENT Neatly furnmtul root sons south- ern exposure Stt C st as r B4T FOR RENT Forntobed TOMB jultabk reasonable K Mth BW m4 FOR RENT Front htrolitud teems beat aad sat 16 noeth 7M 4th t ae ei i FOR RENT Oe heat siogto at 38 h- diaua steam heat sail west furnished price 8 per nell ell RENT Furnished ales large third Saw front rooms beat sad gas W I st aw mISS FOR KKNT 44 7th st aw- furatobed rooms two gentlemen preferred 21 FOR RENT Large H 411 3d st aw FOR RENT G st aw FOR RENT Frost roem te per week deatroble parior suitable fir or light hoojthitpiBy Apply betoro I or after 7M p m 4IS si BW mltS FOR RENT Karatoked rooms 411 K aw FOR lU T Slit C H at aw three aieely foraMi d pens for homclrepplag ic w im well kept MMe afc other sean Sat neoad- mlS3 FOR JtEXT Poratobe or ff AC rooms OUMf TOOwMl- fl l lath at tow FOR RENT Faratobed roamo heat sad F bath OB each itS K ot aw mMJt 901 E ST XW Fmtohed or naforatohed dr- ainble reom with or without besot ceatral location torso andante ctlpF FOR RBNT bay wiadowo Keatlomaa prelIsted tX f ROOMS AND BOARD HOTEL BALTIMORE White Howe apectol to tomsUea dude looa board SCS up Wth A sad Yew York ave eU J ROOMS ASD BOARD Jfear Capitol sad Li- brary farstohoi weUheated rooms with good table board rate tow gg A ae A ROOMS AND BOARO The TISTOS CAffc week Ifll E at aw et5 FOR RENT Steam heated rooms with booed near Capitol Zt M at ae m5S FOR REXT Lam airily tintfit frost roost erood ioor tssf llth aw TWO trust roaom with or wnttV out booed near Capitol asd Lftrary as d sL- SEOOKD rrORY KHOKT with hosed H U aw mad band 718 Uth f FOR lt T soilS FOR RENT Kewty paiatad sad far BJsfaed rooam strictly mot boardmsc 414 h at aw mJ47 LARGE aWe at aw eU3 FOR MEXT I two xoBtlemeo sw te beth MW GOOD TABLE BOARD 199 A at MP e3I- 1USIKBSS CUAKCES poll SALE Two thouMad okara of Wirekv Telegraph dock cheap ala SBbcompaai a share Addrcm BOX IM that HAVE SEVERAL BARGAf- ft 991 Uth at nw el2 WASTED Full sot of oecondhaad carriage uuth took Addrem BOX 1 L t FOR SALE Ceraer doiac flood nom S fctore full selL tto- acw rea oa other bt daem puce 9I7S m- ageata Addrea BOX 14 mU4 FOR LE Half latenotb- maiMW CArnAL BlSINKSs EXCHAX At toatc Bwiidiac j 3 i soilS HtSTLINC ed man desire to bay ore sad pool room o amotbiy payment muaC be ia good tocat- Xh hull partkulan Addrem BOX U7 this WAXTEDA Madkale fe sea beiac board Spindle Tsp sad Solpaor Station Four reHuMe- poiiomi with meaaa to loamlo1 ayadtorte nm- mitke xOtedee ianre tmeat elm at iaveatisatioa- Mlkited 3 aad 4 Ot 14th ot aw alt FOR SALE Grocery decor cigar stores roomiaff house roses coafectioaerieii IMXLAf- MM K at ml4t FOR SAIJi t K of- tioaery aod aottoss Ssll 7th si a ml43- WAXntDReapoaaible maa wiSh I8W9 to taM iartereat in the bent carriage koniami in thto city proiU iwaraateed JkHm BOX IS thte- omrr mH FOR VLK Mflliaery god locatioa aorthweot at 121 tItle omce Addnaa BOX mltS- or will trade Comer eUl FOR VLE W c UoB milk Mote aod bwiarai sad Salute ch a Jur OML Ad- SJTOCK AND FIXTURBB of iiUbbMini grocery and market More Sootbeaot dwelMkK good moneymaker Addrem BOX 117 this ooVv elM FOR SALE Grocery store aod SUsan Apply K ot aw mU1 FOR SALK Solooa hotel oa Maw 4oW W J DCCAX a7 LaT K iaU4 meat lUpaitmtat W J COAX 7 La mU3 FOR SALE Kectton of WMhiwrloa owaor retkiac rxrGAK 7 U e mlM FOR sad property on account of illoew iwvia ia hmUuoj for twentr year AddreM BOX 112 tak otare wVM FOR SALE SalOM 9M09 stock M- Oftt daily Addua BOX 111 that OBKTLKMAX iroior to Hawaii sad AnOralaato casts Mrretary with aamU capital Address BOX MS thto omre t lft Foil SALE otrori quick ore Leslie btMiaew W H YOUNG 709 it BILLS COLLECTED or MO oVyge 11 D OORIKIN Lawyor 14th ot aw mlC BEST WATCH ilAIVSIRlNCS lOc BROWNE F whet you transfer rail if lit r T t iL Mre MISs us lit IUD JIIlW tel lit spurt lie N IIwt to sec story heck ell w list heft per cia 111- IUI week or j I- pi lot Seer lit I I awe tipIIa uI y H r4 M1JJ tIt It MISS tt urahheJ delightful pre4ened Sour ser tit with fit IlL ua I e- Mtv r Mt WIder bout 311 D sub Sib IlL UOA1LD el sad other ot Call PI- CO i j oct tar pens OMOCXRY tM BOX px YOU at cAr c- at MOO ll tIC u costa t JoOIt StlMflaut artJ for dirt carts or 1Cfa sad It t a t FOIl SAUSSaisos Osi W J r iLEX > Itt SW sA- D teN Ba Ri poe s S tls eb s S or 8 exp o Sw ely 701 aka solh3 it ac rosso crs cx Ed BEXTXlceRyfornkhed ass ges ga 50 551 roeso 55 3t at Bc sep assith hsane or cehlsg sodI fortes san oil pacar iseIseiy wlthLes Mr host ness solS4 544 c 24 ser ad 5i eMkmsse mISS sons sensed Issat W allS Mica slo dagl it reons seed svd s frost rooM board Mi r sw- l33 TflLlI 1 c grocrl than h1ahi4 qitib soiI1 rd PAYING invoice mes- ocrithe Aduireso 137 tIff ece 153 cigar sad price altS islbIc eli asS sulphur peepuertka sad lassie end Sorry po I out feed ws15 lad srsor sit Sc ied 7 sad musH It- colaut antheMt Mime he is 10 basted c ks 10 are sad bmssbo isles bee w stir jail S used itt Sib dii < < = > < ° ° Ion nfi V tTXFCRJflSHED H ROO3IS- H RKXT Three unfurnished n l floor rooms vith bath boowkeepimj SM Sib ot ae 1 rt K REXT HIM furnished or two wnWmtid rooms near tmgrewionol reatoaable OS B at el S rot RENT 8- reat reaeooabto B Itth at aw elS KOP RENT Three large safoxatohed sons bath adjourns entire jtcoad BBS heat all faa iTovtmsats coaveaiesit to three coy Hues sad two nuMveto privnte family ttSti aw ei- POnTRkxT Unfurnished worm rooawI- OT hoo eFtprag cheap Cotebna at KKNT 1 naft aiohed And ens fill tams av aw- OR REXTThrce LiiiMsaiLatii rooms lor sousekeepiag MItt Eye ot BW eMS FOR RENTThrM loansi keeping U RBS aid ssclsr cooking Ui Sixth at aw is eMS FOR RKNT Extra IMp fro t three windows wmtk sat Ml H st nw u OR REXTThrec aonr light bouofhupiag people 81 at nw FOR RKXT Three bath sad SU ja Ph w aw FOR RKXTs F at nw- aor 4 FOR KEVTXeor Idbm 7 these uwfuTnisbed coors with private frmlll foamnshlt 143 D- st w n4 Mat sad tor light mlit FOR HK2ST Two FOt RBST U 194 4th at ae FOR HKXT Three rottod or third Soar all mpwemenU U r 912 Qoincy at aw owner o take pODiUMioii on er Uw 1M Apply l 7 rt aw ail FOR KEXTUaforalalKd ooaaectiBe r ona ItW lltfc at aw MtS1 FOR RENTAi- iayravtmtnU I4J per ell ak a tow rouat Sat tX per S CARR 1355 Jlary load H 4- fOk RENTKtat of foor tooaM aloe for alt family all cMiveaienea tf 7th t aw mU3 RENT A deikMM lot of tvoia sad bath fourth Seer of the Proxott M I it a to a featetauM eat 47 CYWOOO fc CAR 0117 FOB RENT Sice threeloan isis B rtliwoK I7J9 to 920 M A UALUXGEK Rood Bwil- dKOIl 11EVT STABLES FOR KENT SUMcs FOIL 8ALK SUlJUUUAr FALLS CHURCH VA alee hoaw for sole or enhaa r Ion city rvevrtj cfear AdIos BOX Utt tee U4l FOR SALE Six worn sad atx Me WM P M4WT Beraya Md ri4J FOR SALETw lote WoMd Md Owner C IL SERRIX 1XM E M aw eit7- FOR SALE tots on electric our Use WO saeb west AMa Serge aad smell farms end wr can for list JAMBS E CBHBtENTS 1106 C st aw foolnt FOR SALE New cottage SOO advaacfefi tots now 300 Sc Sect eaaaee sow J469 to 9t3C9 uy paytseeU Mitt OBO B HILL 61S 14th it aw sKtf FOR SALl3HOHSli3 AiD VEUICLEJ FOR SALE One fourwheel heidi cab will rraaooable in good conditioa a H at ae lVS Moodhaad boaiaoM wagaa 1 McoMitutad roape aha a d hasKieoro d lor oaick bayera TAdft B m Pa av soilS SALE Horae waua aa ale offer refuted KosoJre OYSTlfJt HOI SK FOR h l igK pomdhane mot able for fana work 7KI at aw 1- 4rtr ko FOR SAtVEao gmxr hswtt imd do bay ray cheap no niMcniMi blur uluata BS U FOR SALE One oca Tilt Ooe top alOitar bapry wit te sold at RatctiOeA Auctioa Haoaa for rcsoits sad men Saturday at 12 oV1- NO OFFER REFUSED hone and Bares ranging K weight K to U4- fimioroi or would K- MRESIDOCE m 4H aw mlo7 LEGAL OTlGlfiS SUPMUffi COURT OF TItS DISTRICT OF CO- LCKBIA NOLINVG A PROBATE tXCRT No MfiM Adainntr Uoa This i to give notice tbmt the aobocriber of the BMltft of Colombia baa oUate d bass te Probate Court of the District of Uahuobia lt tote vSfgSilK of Cbtamwhu doceaoed All Spans irajaiir tto weeamed M hereby warned to exhibit the with tbe vouchers thereof autbeaticated to the tnbocriber on or before the liTH DAY OF EMS LRfARV A B W otberwtoe they may by esetwded troto all btao t of nmry lie EIJKBirrH T OXEIL 7M 8 d ot nw- Attest LOCI6 A l tUT of for the DIstrIct of Colombia Clerk of the Probate Court CHARLES W HAbIt Attorney IN THE SUPBBME COURT OF THE BffiTRKT- OF COLUMBIA KATIE K LBTr T AL Comslniaaata is MARY CALLACIIKR- THOXA8 HMOULAHAX ET AU 1 Itoeket No V TIN object of tab suit ic to obrjrta Ufr parti ties sad ai of lot 17 ia CaarUi C UblmMa- kobdivtoioa of square No 614 ia city of- Wm4a toB District of Columbia Oa motioa of the oowipUiaanta by J EMM Ray jr their attorney it to dIM 7th day of January A I 19 ordered that the de- fendant Heoulahaa eauof his jkppear seen to be entered herein oa or Betoie the for- tieth day m 01 tbic order othctwfee the eaoie yroeeedcd with M ia caWof ill iUll TsTT Ul ll j to be published in TIM WmhbWtoa Tiutea and the Law ar7 wad tor three auoceaaive weef i the Court Seal A C BRADLEY Jukiee Tt X iR Y ifNC Chat Br FltBO C OCONNELL AaoCOlerk lrt815 LOST Forketbook oooUmiar money keyit etc with cadhier Temple aad receive re- waroV cU3 mliUke oa the booto aft CTinimoaitate with CRAJfrXMtb Ob u- t sul ml LOST Tueaday Benmrd puppy white with apst over hIt eye were M returaod to e Kye at nw- watoh IsIs with oairwvod- E If reCurs aame to- R E HESTER D 4 14th It nw and r eiv re e 4 LOST Wrdaenday belt with army buckle Re- w r4 it rvtucaca to JT JL aw FOUND At Larry otott modern ice erase lae tory ia Amerion d lic ou aad lee creaa made fins the We per g Kea Also Lareya t- oe per calUa of New York eve Malt 888 delOtf BIRDS j 12TC- MMa pic Mty aeafnwK incubator etc SCHMIITS STORE 712 12th aw Library third liar II beth Jersey h Sums T 3 bright rot sot JIM It r urcoad II sacoad loon II IteM altS IaeI Fat I t 111 ok RENTlw PL JUS I f n Ie 24i very SOft splendid lot all soodeni mouth aYe ae iTr Ida Xew York nt tag jdltlF- Ok beat eekrtdtw low alHl as sad Pierce It at tt a fU nueden SlBttary Uv heevo CEO R 816 lUk at nw jaI tle Cll 3d 8t- dh acre 4 ceaIIJ lure Ie tn8i cull I per tHe bata cIII t 100 t Jet PUtt rod1a harp FoIl so ten 1 BW I- Fk ad MIl L lid Hoe Oft lip dIIIIIp lOtIa IIIIa sAlE ace Q s REAIO ABLE rn to tar alii Um hone a i legally la- W Nil IbIs el fe4lthesrl U II ttS tie ot bob Q After tile LOSor ReSet LO Is it car PetliNHr ll ward UU lit It 1- 1osTiU wteIIf oYeftOt tftriu t57cthrr Reward p14S It 5F- d XI1- POtND dteaf Bal mti- KANI Me JlIa tr1I the BOt acid O Ibeee J I toG 4 roll I guldsacs at so t F e- oR kItThre ruans hal d 1lIS 44 New ace so 514 israherd or sislssahesd it i4 soilS sons both bent light 1st basso bed jes meesad JuJdiad nsi 1 dios to dieable soilS Mrth entire r esoss Smtsw 143 resosable MI4S reese bale IZ1tIrLAT3 loero OIl lee sad so RENTre roan both lola 40 aw nd now HiLL Xsqsire so thIs beg Waeuia geM 55 heleace dewa bssei Mrs IEROX 6 IIMRCHViessa Va alIS year vOlt eli sell SALE esy RAZZAN barns 4 zptfr itksd s let it as citi sos a1l4 5MXOue hsms sheep c weigh iTtARS 305 a kehee 124 ad S S fsr her the quote 44ibO si s haw Mid diate the 554eC beisul 14th uy Rigid WIll I No Equity sod occafr y of thelea pubis cello tory I1eIOIgebOg 4h gelag Iip Peace S ocsc lie is S plan degsad Mr LOTCdiissgi tins ward fruit 5 554M1014g cs ms l ese cob U Silk 11it > > ¬ > ¬ ¬ < < REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE WANTED mall flosses In the Xorthw kt set Nor Have on head kin them LIST Y H US WITH ME E CADDIE mIS7 i STH ST N W PBR90XALS PROF CLAY Clairvoyant Ktnrtiae patent about have few M spenlatKMw V- forcet absent tirade etc settles lacer OMid smite hunbaadt ad wives caaM ipecdy raaovoi faMIly trouble or aiyctcrioM forliax i M daily M H C- Jwj eW- U VK MABRIAUE DIVORCE M y a are a- IW dHcootcntcd cast to tnrthMan K friMMfa C OMH aor snateM SYLVIA THEO Medium sod Pjird Reader lie sad S9r npokra 910 H ft nw lO7 K Loan Offloo 314 Ninth Street N W Uvatj Loaned ca Walcbes iNasaadx KU OLD GOLD AMI SILVER BOUGHT Budoea Uictty MBt aI No ceaeecttoa Kith liT etb r Leaa Office Sa thm cHr- I R L M NORRIS talented Spiritualistic Medium consulted daily from W to i Parlors 7ft 9th at Seance every Sunday at lUceabec Temple SU 1Kb at aw m Mic Silver coihwtioa mKt Prof GATTSCOFFSKYASSI- STED BY Prof VOW The worid Sass clafc oyajrt tra ce- MMriwia aad palaiait idle part wrowat sad future reunite the separated sad caa et speedy CoaoaH UH oa taw aui botiiceai tnaaactioai asS evil iuT ace UOM- t WILL Wallace Palmer sad WOliam Llaeoaara late of the Third I S Y Ka M i drejMB to C C CLARK 175 Valley K aw- ARE YOC A U you are tile t b nwde aware that yoa OWl obtaia a tailor Lkaa your ae price Hoadrod JCSTH OLD STAND 6U D at elO T MME DA VisBom Uafrvoyaac sad H about removes spell maa- ae trusties Uk a hued give lack ann pOts sad drOabiBaeaa 1SS 2Stfc FOR SALE UOUSGS FOR SALE ONLY t44 A Cheep Hosts Twostory brick stable Deawabry Sealed oa MassarbuiKte ore sees sons Wick dWBJa 1st 17 by about Mtt to alley rested at MJf per juoatfc Trust SI at a per oust inter HILL lor 717 Mth St aw FOR OHEAf UTTtJt HOM4C lUMi lies Q sr x B Six room Wish paved stoott tot MxMft alley oa car lisa MOORE Jt SILt 717 Mth st aw fOR SALCA ROd IX XORTHWEST FOR BWOJ Good lomtioa lot to altey- to pnetteathr OM Write or rail for compete hat at all loca- tatlpricM 1 MOORE HJU tec 717 Uthot aw gALK M eaofc sad W boy nroom both ant eettor brisk price 9tV a W C HALOEHAX 717 I4tb ot elM FOR SALEHKM hriou rest fit W C MALPCMAy m Jlh St FOrt SALZ4SMO oaly kM caoa bath aad ceitor brick W a RALDCOIAX 717 l th at 4- SUH uRns PROPKIITYB- REKTWOOD HOLOTS at BBCKTWOOb TRACT three miaotca walk from WSTRJCT UXK 9TATK x tcrrr AXD si BI KBAM ELEC THIO 90xxl4 WW Lou O throe mia vie further US y lot SS moatbly i kits to chose fraa Portly aa auay sold bM sass Six bo oa boildia HOLLADAY TRACT both aide electric road asS B O STAT1OS- oa property LoU 4 Kl2a SlaO to f3Mu STORES Streets tcraveled sad UirMed 3t to choose from Aa arid sad improved W A HARTLETT sad Treat leUJQt FUR SAin JUHCRIIANKOUS FOR SALK One Hove ptotiorm scale oa vheeb- aeariy weigh op to yHMLAXPas set dbelvio- cjal PUS a cheap IMS C FOR SALC eod quality 3 S pi wood cord delivered bfecbs Addrta A B FOR SAtU Cheap at Foateau of my JmotjraamMbed ma- be aay library taMra purist deg Wdtooo- ifuraitare ia oak aiahocaay sad hirdVey ma- t thoeaaaker niaa minors tbiaa closet couch iron gad heal beda- waidssim sar o HiXioir aotisoe pewter aad cop- per dime sea lornoj Sac rockets aad imalu- ttm odd aood SeW tilL K M- CROaSE 01 aw eMt COGSWKLLS to the cheap sad sat reliable U boy aw accoadhaad FOR SLY PawatMutlor aoatairc- rir a aad ic Asdrtot BOX MS thIs ml4 FOR E New Wleeirr TTUsoas sad other arot ctosn sewing macbmrs 7 aod FUNKS m C allS FOR SALETwo show CMCS oae SVuntloa tank and taroebum aauslrse stove Apply at GROCERY STOKE M Sib sfc nw 4 We sell tile WHY PAY MMOC seMis pa iB a U eat xtiraintaU 5 yearn guBraiucc No atceata rommiraiom or high feat to pay Good mackiae 43 im tens POM New tjtoewritora baM price sad Was MOORK MHOS Roam 1 aod S W r at Pkoet 17 4 m NEW V DROP CAMNBT SEWING MACHINES 1S At Domeatie Owe Trial Frs Sec r tL Keating We A Slay Reliable Jfe- painag C AUKRHACH Phone Heel 788 etStf ON CREDIT DTOM iroooa avtta skirts fora bee cortaiiu btaaketa comforU mens sad bo- clothii etc Address MUX SSt this FORt SALK tor henna ebair with halt euiV 0 let bust in t o k nil roekrra flt8 betkevm a l peeler suites llOJ Sot et KEDUOXD4 I113B 7tb at a- FOK J ALK tieod quality opaqu anodes fitted to jeur windows only tOy best quality oil cpaq e ai Me atwff free will c U umi 4n KLEEBLATra 1Kb J H u ae- Pb ae Vast MD elOU 1ILSIXBSS SITE EUGENE E GADDIS 425 tilt aw- POR SALK BUSINESS SITE MJTM Sf WEAK PA AYE LOT 4iz75 RIPE FOR lMr ROVKKKT mtt7 SAllt PAIU1SX- OHTHKHV Virciata farms sad cooatry borne of every clan lao a Sead t loKue P B d Broker SPECIAL oa walt paper Saeat aai ceata per roll up alto paiatrMg Cel FEW DAYS ONLY Rooms papered St79 up- wmptea brought HI XT 4C7 U a aw KOLTE K4 Dth L aw U eoeataatly reeein the latest asS meet attractive design in Papers and papers leema Irem Jt00 up Cal tad met 7ouref sad be silt I n purl Ia4IIeI Ie Me tel or ain tee races 10 t u tr G to tIe truthful IlableOmaha 8ft MME l Palmist f H FUl TONS Jewry alt e Good set Jy y 9 8a t Lt c I 0 a tOfsoef will be too glad Ie t or 1IfdMIy n Jon COllIe iW Ion at the uks Cud T tow deJao l w- wi ens tORE k SALEA list A ihe homsa II ia Wee MAe at t lOA will UW e k v lay I per s eMIIIII8 IlL s I v ua clay placo MId Siuirgie l ft elIV ic oil Mr fee haJf uer week w u miSS SAt < 7 k H h molt tStf the lit lOn for Bl ELL 7 WALL U YOUNGESt ksscy are watt investigate COIl1 OII q t b rc b s th t s s n L I raE Gee Mis loom hay bade deeM aw Bosh carla sad silI7 trial w can- e night nags sad S t Stir so sot alti an ders tool yOu osly o ash prteesst med Mr btzer sad lea lb bat- e ha suit secea ruons ais big which rMIs Mr 55135 bass tmeis Mr saw dzrue s 5 soiL aay ass new tell cbp BALi r or i 55 WILLiS 12th sad its anor he astare see booee Pluto W sIb at hers leap ii deytes sad 4e1Mse scos it diaad see elk Ie it 5 its 50 5e ilsibise em Lit seem tawesyvcnhiBpe lbs g elk MItel tan parts aa shot wIt Pta tIt State 4otdci i iet PAPISSI 410 New so all < > < > > > < > WashingtonAexandria Mount Vernon Railway From Pfwn Tnnhi Ave asS MW la eject Xowsmaur 1 IMC For Atenndria Week dwrs 74 7 9- 4e e s3 Week dsyi For Arltoctoa and Aooesset days tM 7 4 7JS 84 S n- M fX 11 au 1X 1 S- 4I Ja 7 P SVX0ATS7I B 11 a m 15 noon MM I tat s Ju 4 t t a i- S 63 7 L 7M S au x ExprcM To Arliawtoa Parcels carried Baggaae checked Q E ABBOT PresideaC CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RY TRAHW LEAVE PES5WYLtA A TATK K sad SC LoaH 1SolW twin Sac sciaoati Puitaa rj to Ctedaoati Lertactoa Lounwilto l dtoMsetic sad St Look without shag CM- rarior oars Ciariaasti to 11M P M DAILYF F V Limited SUM train tor Cincimati o Cmeto aatl LexiaRtoa sad LoatovfllrT 10 A Sf tXCSTT SCNDAT WatOis toa MIl Old Point Speci Less then 4K hour teals t OW Point Cuafort via JT1 route Sees SU PeaaaylTsnia Aveaoe SW V h Strict F t the Tdtshant edt Slam Hit lee PeMk lvaBfe Service IL W FCLLEH Tekobeae MaSs MM Coc Auseacor Agwt Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Co Every day ia the year for Uorfott Krw fuperb powerful steel i Sews Norfoa sad Wssh- tflRToe oa tfc Mlowiac ebedsle- LT yrasbtBte8JM pm Lv PortMBoutk M pta Lv Alezaadria7M pm Lv pal Ar Ft Ue roe7C am LT Ft Xoaroe7C9 pa Ar NoHolk 800 am Ar AhaadrU L3 aa Ar PorUmoutkSU am Ar Wasbii xua7M am Tickets oa sale sad staterooms re red at general ticket olSen Bond BuUding 14th- st sad N Y ae at downtown ofsce Ilk st aad Pa awe at ofoee ca wharf Sad oe board steamers ZSPor furtaer intorasttoa apply at pa era ofseca Met 7th st phaSe 7C or 14th ct T aye C Tsooe SO JOHN CALLAHAN Coral Master OCKAS STBA3ISUIP3 BED STAR Os e tordFeb It FllalimLFeb M BOOB YafteriSmeh tt INTERNATIONAL NAYIGAT1OK COJtPANT- COMPAXYS WASHINGTON OFFICE MW F St X W or Ceo W Moos 1411 O St S W FOREIGN MAIL WASHLYCTON a C MOTKS amuld teed daily as caansst may occur K say time JIAlLg are forwarded to the ports of thaw toUy sad the schedule of or- raaged on the tmsumstiun of their aata- ovetalaob transit For the week ending- s be asade rram the MADt OFF1CK as foGowc Stalls for South and Central America Indies Btc- m lor the BA- Maito ion XECFOCXDLAXB by saM to North dose daily csrept Sssdayot 1S a m Mofsdaya wisuissayo aauMoaya d for MKKJELON BoMoaT sad tbeace steamer dose beat tan at m aad oa- a m d M CUBA MAILS eSooe here nit Pst Pm Mail for MEXICO 7 n ipn Istli- Maa tor BKLKE GUATEMALA b rail to Mow OrUfbl aad aVnce vie steamer close Mew daily at Mflfra m and 104t p m inc on Momau for OflSTA MTA by tall to Xew fMeaa- m sad V p m 4fae betas OB Tuesdays TrtturfIaelflc halls MaBs for CHCtA sad JAPA T A Vmwoweer here daily st m up IVhroacy IS- iuenmive for w ipatrh per a- Mercbaadfae for the United State Xatta sad XAROXtSAS KLAX- DalJae of hid are imr Btor REGISTERED MAILS clcae at the MAIN PICK follows b At n m mme day p m same day d At a m day f At prmisoa day b- At 12 9 p m previous T At p at day 0 At 4Au m preriotK day JOHJf A MERRtTT P U1SCELLANEOU3 PIANO TUNING 130 factory expert JAS D DURITY S Uth a se el- SJS500 Knabe SIOXTHLY PAYMENTS i French waRs match oilk r ami free d i n- an included at- M montbl paymenu F G SMITH 1225 Pa MISS lEONARDO PBEHIEBE DANSEUSE Only reprojeatative ia Waohto toa of Martooa- lUweUtioo MMMra f DMC Pr cct youncL from incompeteat liD ttth at aw- WimooVtana Club Now York and Coafed- rratc Veterans HalL Phone Main 4S7- SiaSliriHSu13t PIANO TUNING H factory expert JAS R SOS ttlh at ae mU3 THE OUT O SIGHT ae tile bat far rats aad mice Me MIll We seth SCHMIDT BIKD STORE 7U ttth MJMT mtt4- BUSINEi ATTRACTOJtS onttohctorr cheap promptly delivered H o card bUMmMto or ejfeaopm HAYS S L C nw PIANOS AND ORGANS TUXS HCtBK MUSK STORE 1741 7th at totSlmo c TEETH WITHOUT PLATBSFfcm rimtoiUtili durable beautiful nadetectabto petals I R WILSON liSt F at nw bt4 FULL DRBSE S iTS tor like moo dettar JULIUS COHEN 11S4 7th aw SK WILLIAMS BOOK EX0HAN8C Boost bought aad sold aloe bo l Madts to aU braacbcs 813 G rt nw e atf nni uam t jom ghclau iriTcrs few THE REX STA ELLa U MNSHEIMKR Proprietor KM It CTT Rubber tired Weies oi kMHk- Stse aad Itartoa caress a hand elli FOR RBT SUUURI1AX FOR NKXT 1 n Re from Anaeaotto cottaxe- H room and crU r 3 acres Apply SM Sib O aft Stat St SfI 1lM 1- 1m 40 J- xS 4JI 454 5418 5 730 a 8tI Ja 119 1lJI L- nw 1W M 13e- I 4M 4IS iM 1M 841 1515 11 O115IIJa- PK wt It1- eOO a xltMd 1- MJl 4 G- p Sa So a ti 11- I 101 II 54 6 11M l0 ill 815 COLT illperbteHst P IL DAILY l Jor Virpaia Hot car chess TIrEleSS JIot Art Disi cw Chicago sad It Loots iI Osly all JtftftYlltiolJ sort tickets at Ohie dNa eat ST OA port sews sad iii poIiIU stJI Itl i I S4rJO1k I Baud WuW h V L AMERICAN LIN SEW It 1HIFeIa l1Wais PlaUwldtIJeBL Si LeI Ie La NEW I 5 t ca- w 1C 1t rt J I 1M the last est TtDATO L litItiS cca fran J at DIe Me Math rail to via at UJI llamA JIIa TJW at L dIspatch ho- s York cMse aaJ- II PI1DI8 tile sad t lit dans p eI lit spa lair ria Sn at Ja lip to liatch J JacJM fee L 0 ltatis inn COCIJIN CIIIXA Yen for roDfttioa- uPHIUIPLiE XDS JiIIdI lit to Sea Francwao a all cat- o with tile or- tS Jt p Sat1ada 245 M t rebut n IUD Jtf j about half price Tens AYe DANCING L Da 1ft H ire at i aU S soilS a 1 3 n C a 4 1 S 455 81 815 521 30O Sli x13W 1115 134 1sa see 530 355 s414 iSta 7W 9J 151- 6ll5 1155 Susdey7lI 5W 1140 a sass 121 t3S 0 35 1W 135 4 05 130 so S S4 1140 so wi xli 711 515 p 1- 5SuadsyiIttG a 12ISO5 100 BJWCWot s 1245 215 iS S5 315 4 5445 a 115 5I 615 50 ails Batag without deeper I sad iteepits l thanpeske aM ser sad Bedroed the trarnces tIll RuDdier YoRKcTltAItrEOg4rmip0E StPaetlkhItSIaso LIE T0itKANTWliSP4JlJ8 sees sase sees cSm it At 1035 Sydusy sd thence is atormut bye ISIS so sad as js sad h sja uudys Wedneideys a it SilO so Lad via sad lod7pR- G 15 1 add Mr e her 4aig a sag coanuttisg cIsiui Is th he thesce 11 mansoer hre isso- a Lan his mel he dlpctmd Tia- I sacsvor Pseisi Aeuci cssas is o lot TAJUTI Ftaac else hen daily 515 so tsh pee a- AMITI1R Sec with Zanpees atasanra rlStvked itt thet- o15e consect Coseesmsal hesepseIg 1 ci 515 sesoc so k Kasbe irand casehardwood walnut stool iS Academies see pry ti busts ILlS ar wall ls alasic c ae > > > > > > > < = = = = = = = ° RAILROADS RAILROAD STATION CORNER OF 9TXTK AND a SIB SA M DAILY PITTS8C1W EXPRESSParlsS Seopiac Dining SmoUnt sad Ob Cars to Chtoaeo Clneto St Louis Clevamnd aad Toted Buflrt Parlor Car to Batriibutj M JO A If DAILY PAST UN PwBmnu Buffet Parlor Car to Uarrtoborz Seat Padbr JaT Hirrfahuu to P X DAILY CHICAGO AXB ST J piBC Car Wasbisctsa louts Lostovflle vto- T f M DAILY WESTER men Steeping Car to PUtabur and Calsmi Carte 74 P M CWCtt NATf EXPRESSPonman sUeptec Cars wash Wt3 ta and to Oeje had sad Cmrianati Dminr Car- e P M DAILY PACIFIC KtP BB8Ps aeeptoc Car to Pitteburg A DAILY BUFFALO BIT EXPRESS with threw Parlor Car DhaW r iy For 7M P X SAlLY WHT EXfifea- to ra Cmpori 74p M DAILY for Eric lee BvrWiter BoffMa sad Mfegm rate Jelly exe A Xatofd te- ht P M lor Brie CaaaadaMcot HoJhls Md Xla M Path s P M CONOKgSMIOXJU UiRTEa Set West Test an Parlor wIsh CM aHha re For Pfalladelplila New the Bait 115 4 Diniwc Car from HOrimorrj fflf M 8 P KM sIght Oa 7s Dtofnc Car Oar 8rB3- M C 119 Car lean A- M 1SO3 3Oi 448 Dinte Car tram Bald SilO M 9 P K ltW skIt Iter Express 7U A P M weekdays ai SriTyi 1C For Boiteo without 745 A M Per Battfcaore 19 T- M O M4C 1 J 110 A M KilX 75 7 40- Mrf W 11 JS P Jf IBd lilO tit Oa Sodayi 70 769 7 7 sW 06 1SS96 11 A M M C 115 t SU S- dfl9 L4ffitt d 4M i 430 5W 5 8 9 711 74 0 1449 P iL and KSfl For jLnaapeUx 79 80 A L d aa4 S4tv P M weekday Ssadcys 90 A M aad- SM M Ticket Ocei crner FUteeatb and C Street tad at Ui claiMs Still and B BUetU where MB be Mt lor the ehcekkc b cr r to dotfcatlen from hotels cad residences Telephone call lt41H tat PeauylrtaU Ball road Cab Eerriee J R HCTCHIKSOy 3 K WOOD Geswal Usatfer Rnr l Mw icrr Arrot- Ecbcdala bi erect Norembtr 17 1901 Chicago and Northwest a m 8 0p ffl Ciociaaati EC Loi a and IxxSirtHi JSiftJ- m SrlS p is n sIght TitUmrr cad Cterelaad iei5 a cv 33Qp- Oolunbui tad WfceeUar 6S9 m Winchester g35 a m S45 cad J5rf9 p B- Luraj 3O p m x Annapolis U743 MBtO S S 11 5 a aw- 3M p rv T FrederIck 9- lrfO aad ijaao p n tad Tray petals 1831 Oift ojEri l ll R6JO J1 11 JO p OHberdmrz sad way points Q8J5 SiOO a m t 114 UJO SaOO BSOX- M atC2t aJ acU a tf y peinU 8d3 90 a 115 14 115 9 p s- BiJtinare week days zSl 59 8dO x7sOd- 3C7J6 xJ 835 x 39 x rOO lldi a St Soot zl 5 rf9 z49 z4tt 4- X5W zCJS z 9 J sIll xJ700 zKda- 11J6 p a Evadaya z76 z7US S t- z 0 a Bu zU 9 1U xSt09 oS OS ROYAL BLUE LKE All trite with PJcUch Sight BattlaMre PhUaddaWa 7w BasSes J tk last 19 74 IMaer P Bofiot 0 IMaer I1 O Diaer a at- r Car at J 9 oetocKl- in Gad a all day traiss- Athvatfe City Ma9 awn Baiiy UXzeeyt awdcy Saaday rfy- x Exams trahu Iii B e E e B 4 far aad cheeked hotfltf a lu- rtridtaeo bjr Uaie Tnaat r Ce a ardors jjl west York avemt ud PUteeatk Street et ataUoa SOUTHERN S t a m Daily Local lor- teotou Chariotte and h l a m Uaily S 1115 a m Daily United Faot SenS- IFiint ebua eoacbea sad drawin Nee Odessa Diaimr ear at1- 1S T a m Daily Local tic Wwoatoar aUj Cbaxtotteoville 4 1 p E Week Days Local tor Heertm bore and way fiattons ou Mnn rnrWi cb- Chartotteavfne m Week days The Soalhoraa Palm AH Puttmaa traM New p Daily WahactoB sad Ck taaaeora- a Daily Sew Tack sad Athvate Firatcl- Toorta steeper waakiactoa to Sea Pwoehso- m Deity New York sad Florida a- tctoac too eh aad steeper to SavaoaaV- vorrttle CharlaKoa Aucuata and TiMo Oa aad oaoaectioa tor Bmt- M4fip m Waehtmjtoa and SsottVroH era Limited AU PuBmaa traia club aod emo valise cams to Attentaaad SMdays sad Fridays Dbun car TRAINS ON BII7E oOKT THtXHCIL WaonioEtoa 8 at a m daib l ja au i 4 J6 p aM 44 p m week dam cad p- m S diya only tor Blutmat asS ai pm week sad 1I4O p m thsotre Mfm days sad iulormattoa sea be had at ticket oflsm MB Vta- Sr HI PemmphnBia vemm sad Fimiili a Station is c cheeked tbroun kom har aad rmidencea Phone lists 1441 P R R Cab Sorotoe FRANK S GAXNOX Id V S H HARDWKK Gene L S BROWN Ceaeral SEABOARD AIR LINE RYv Capital Qty Roato Leave Washington Peona R R Stetto- aIIOI A M SEABOARD FAST MAIL Thmft DAILY Pullman Sleepers o Jacbou u OMMctinc at Hamlet wsA JjdJ DAILY LwrntDsoW amg- uKiae Pun ROOM nent Obfcrvotioa and Dmtof CM Sleet T to Atlanta Puthaoa Thor trains olin excellent achtdulu sad aervtr to FrttrabyrK Ra fh v thc B Ptooa- njrat C and all Florida points C- tlaota Orleans Cha points and SouthwoC flMneha tt NIce 14tt Penna ave- R E L BtJJICH W H BOLLwsi- C aoml Pie A mt ijoneral Agqjfcp TABLB BOARD rrif E WHO WOULD appreciate select private table board apply to 11 Grant place e64 T Cots lturiallwc sit J 1 PENNSYLVANIA rl polil Pit S St to fIe St daIIMI aM aa I JI V DAlLY ST was D- oc Pit Ie M Couchor 711 K Mr Mae sad Pith xcept 030 J lee KIain It t SII BUFFALO l Iujt Car ssd Quashs cr tar York Eq 715 Car i JI Car tar II J1ft it 7 PI tRek u4 411 r H 11i SlS Llmlte4 4tt 4oa 140 S59 115 7i e I Itt Per ro k m ud II P den of 6 BALTIMORE OHIO RsHi Lun New Jersey Ln aDd o1e L aDd OI aillt V L m I1 u Hagertewa IIM05 L m aM p m Boyd JL MT05 CICIJe1S UUO Po m L iSIS illS xll38 p m ted all BiBs S uItt4 DiIte nm aal m 4 wi t ticket e BMIIt 1 n RVneo- rMetH to It w TraM lean FIerida LiBIiteIL cia eleeper io is iM to aM 5t n dIaII- aM eatS IlL JiIMte Vis sad tlHtlillg Gr to CMITr- K sleeper Odenas rM seid A W a sad PtaIIIaaa iee- a sad t to L Atlasta Iacoa Tri to Piseheist S c Wile Leave IlL w s W a 811 a 716 a dUy ro lit Lid Po Isad In- UJi a WWC- to deity Fro a aM p IlL a eM iad J P sd Gee SIftper to P M S D St Dn n aM to ColUMbIa Savasab J P L LOCALTs sdMna PiM- sW e I 7 L K K a l t a PNNSYLVANIA sd Diot sse i i bIlLY UtTBB Pun slid ash DI5 is sad asS tr liang Louis e- an e SiarrSRsg ta SLLes14i 45 Ut54 Bi Chicago nsa I Zsoporia 1 laibashon X3e5ra daily Sar 3 sad Nesess Wlib BuSeS Jasedsa SMe Wskistea to 5seder ith Jelly Pdiscs Beeping Wasbisgean Is Psds Selsi- a sj dII tar bisar Iran nnd DI 115 1515 DMia4 DMM1 Cat lean A M 30S11 It UIaru lee change ViS- T9fD iit 415 43 111 List 746 a 413 n- a weekdxya Waai ngtan 1515 1 U1543 I I 1 flS1O 43o 715 i ute ailS xl35 l zWtO Z1113 Sew U1 15 1Ie- uet 106 30i 115S pan keel dices lii z Now is4 ScbedsIc Jsessy late ErQG4ytvaaia Stadie Masddi Wlir say tstaaR j EirutLi ra Jrkaoyul ow Scat ee service 4 15 p a Daly Locat toe srveMsa 515 5 Liitet Tech WMortsa 3thee Asaste Apr co Lya P11else esaub Rosob XsocvSle ass is New 5I pew shepsr is- Mdes PriMp Sunset s bfet kcfrsasvifle Temp hsuuu Ama ie Bafi Macs espan W- Naibuille Mmsphd isssdes Wet days heM etpuhest- natas Iranthe aotte- isgis 54i so a a 151- a so otespi Iteedepa so- so 915 so deSy a so 940 so tarlWteni flekcta e557 reeewdse lipe Pasr Agee t5t5i TCOss5 is A Qums55n as- a lkspe iBe- ja Saturday Ssmsbsss- PIICbIe5C 5151e jilt Bow Stebes Weit M Petersburg bAILi > > > > = > = = = ° ° ° °

Transcript of tIt e JI...TEaVl soad cooka asd tt maid XTED Womia to cook warts an ftvamy tay night Call between S...

Page 1: tIt e JI...TEaVl soad cooka asd tt maid XTED Womia to cook warts an ftvamy tay night Call between S sea K today U17 aofaut ml K ftispTa tr week Adortm OX IS eMt-WA3CTED Neat colored


rm SHE

gftS FUR lliliGfSff-

c525oooo FronT Two ofHis Acquaintances

lr Henry 1C Nwlnu Thinks TheyAre I l jj i tis f for DlHHppuarM-


H CHICAGO Feb 15 Mr Hefeft K Xof Jones Koiaa a wealthy

jt jhrPajguJeaa Cal Kw broughtcircuit court for 250Mt daasage-

sliBik Jttlm Kartell the Chicago millioaoJre aad evangelist aad Michaellsaihsa the saloonkeeperHer suddea disappefcraace a

few dajrtf after their arrlaoe wild isalleged to haw ben due to tile iafloeaeeexert over hist br defeadaats IK-

Kive as the basis of the suit She saysshe dors aolkpow where her hasbaad is-

Farsrell sad Nolan she says wore wellacquainted and the former she allegesendesmaced to induce Nolaa to come moreC Mcly fa touch with Christian work

Mrs olaa alleges that Mswabaa wasImplicated it briaciag about Nolans dIgappeapin At tbe of Nolans dis-appearance his wife stated ia aa laterYfettt that she believed a relative of herh lMMdv cas eapoastble his leavingW His wealth she saM had raised thecwaidtty ef the retatives in eoUea salthis owe had spirited him oat of ChicagoIf4l sar4pytt she might become possessed

of his property if they lived to-

getherMr Farwell sad Jrfoaatea are both sot

of tewa-


SIvas One of UK Who Icft TrainingShip RufTalo-

XKMPH1S Tens Feb IS HarryDrppo t rtyoje years old of Tray N

arrest hers as a deserterfro llha Batted States tralaiagshlp

recCTtaay i Blear at this place who tunedhint over to the police

Diflpo left the traialagshlp within twodays after boglnninc service

He aJtesed that there were loS otherswho left M Alt same time sad says thatthey did so because they were beingstarved tq death

Utppo has expressed his willingness toretvra tOO Mew Orleans sad will be helduntil aa officer oomes to take lIB back

JHBIP WASTED FEMALEkptf ae work two whitedeposit roaeired Bmpio-

yord cook choaibermaid-

WAtnSisw coauaeteat waitress Apply

WAKXED None white csannitat to handlecarf t fever boar reference from doctor 79-

VJmhrrwamsa day work good payfever ia hease bat esar-

aeTmM rmoid woitfoia eosk aad

BUT sued sass also aW so cIa tore3M3 K vY aw l-

KK irU steady work

JMJ Ofegoa av aw

m stera Aaaro BOX Me taw

r with nJuear S KAXN SOtCO Market soave mIMWASTED A SratctoM mdks uOsr 1X12 F st-

WAKTED4iri lot gessral hamnurk briag-rdenBKex CU Mth at up-

i 9unp ladysoasaoav-

W ltTED arstcJast white waitnssm Applyaff once THK TARHUM HOTEL K Jav aad-CottoeT ml-

TEaVl soad cooka asd tt maid

XTED Womia to cookwarts an ftvamy tay nightCall between S sea K today U17aofaut ml

K ftispTa tr week Adortm OX ISeMt-

WA3CTED Neat colored girl alfamily of two no wasUae

mx year oldnautaom 4 H


WAXTKIVReiaed esperieneed wafcvea huaediNot

WAXTED LauoOFow to sot ia keuewerk no-eooMac Apply MN ath st aw elMWANTBBM oace whtte womaa order cook is-

JMffO st aw eUl-

mUlirenalejtodios Aomuuu BOX 118 Ato erne

tomily of tir ataeral1447 S at after Jptas

WAXTED Jtoliabto white Kd far cokfam aad-Kcaoml hooiimork la amall family May at niawU-Ca Ht Ml St SW

V AXTEUColored girt tor senenl bouaework-Apsty l C t nw mlIV-

AKTK Ten todioi to aerure muobr for anrastoal aojarltrtoa thaw who can smc and playpreforotd 4B prr wook easily made Call f a-

w tof p m otl 7th at nw mlS7-


AXTEDWaobiae to do at home akw iroaioKwork dose AXMR TABftK w N ot-

inr elWANTKBIK colored place a Reuerali-MWsoworker stay sights Call in T ot el-

WAXTMIftVMd ilmmotroia will MW ti tlywith Oiiaomaktr or do oewinc at her tmmVaiu-MM kIt ct aw

WAMTKB Bv a eotoredCall at


AJfTEt Aiceat with caosfetiimtand comnumion peruwnent rX MKBOY

CO Ktaker 5U Dread PhtladelphiaPa mif-

UOKlTABLK OnH Sered aceati ia every townto eour auttteripUoik to The Ladies llodtJooisal sad The faturda Eveaicd PoetWe vut tre U wbo work taoreu oiy aa4-

IU hobo artes to coyer rack tectMa withMtr IHuitrated Mitl bookleU and othertUlci Batter and la look tUrply after

tt M old Mbtcrifeen Te pay U rateend of tbe M will be

tbe worken aa extra priza for good votkl c l me of our icesU hare ceded ittaU lo a Bttle booklet we would Uke to aead

tf oortniU of tome et our lift areoU withttckftory bow taer aade It pty TOE CURTIS


TKD To buy a houar prefer corset with

WAKTED Attour k SMi J IlK nortbesst from WMX-W sash rive tatl panlejinx at os T J GILES H5 Uth ot aw






kate mlut



latter a








fa Mttiottedat Newup to the


11IMeouk a-

M111ir 1




WIJtJalAu to aptk


a1Wpit Ida

bt 11I1

b 00ZLCTI1CAL fe 111


Ms T w USi


cw IaoftH-


w IS tW






girlor Prite i

III III M rlJIb at


pod I

art kBull Jiuug



fistcadet lilt M

atPtldalLd5bIJ Ia-


oItoI er lido MIWI







h fur


Orleaa-by repoftieg


a4 wsitvseea U311PiNIspiVIsI aseaa St-

v ASVBIiIIr sad chsohersoId aiss cotgesal wss

r4sece4 B otaw et

Mae Mt


V5fIlLsdy tsr samr ih quid3 ea ssk or


etiDA diiLM lass PSI aS-

gfrl do hoss-ewf sd

withess IA good



ILT 144-1a

115b14 s 1 ieitusse sad shse egs fltl I



39 tMease


atr e

usue w c sad spdssss

eli S




isisied e li hssole ikMo4d is AesIy be it-

4euico seae r

h 54 Sib Va 2






wort ore 000-Gdrelr13iTa 114I

essj Ie ksosdisIe psidoru ais-

f sbIt








n lP VANTBI MALEWANTED Waiter Sit ami board col-

r deposit Sfl-

factorers aid sell to m deaien in the DistrictMaryland sad nia Addrus BOX thisonVe el

ANTEI-of typewritiaa

17 yenra old kaowledRe-em BOX t Ciy ooSee-

U AXTKOEaptnitoced clerk for tea sad coffeedriver for WMFOTI most lufnujh good

rrlcrtace Addreas BOX IzS this omceU ANTED AB ri ie cr l ateat cotter with wf-

Addrcm POX 143 this ofaceWANTED A brtr tr well remed rnlored boy ia-doctors omre BUM aarhntaod waitim oa tableApplir iua 14tkk el

hostler buary washer toISM New York av


WAXTKUA bookkeeper eatry Applycarijr BtTLKR LAKSKALK CO Sib aad G

UANTTO OsidsiKc iwhMe mlssli age with11 faoaf

and hotaewas


BOX mj-


Ilupatoborer ra the District

LmihU at p vV aw

Call 1 14th at aw

Wrber at eaee J X KROCS-H S 7th at ml-

WAXTED Boatauck 7M 7th at nw mlWANTED sea to so-licit sad collect for a reapoasibie boss f perday guaranteed Call at ROOM t 1339 F st mlWANTED tItAddress POX USWANTED Aa uUeif r to haodtede set of book sew b-CMI at once tot earJusfee territory D APPLE-TON CO MS V aw aUsa

WANTED Youar antsCall alter M m BASKMKNTatS 13th at aw

WANTED Two sort colored men Sec homeworkthroe waiters dtoawaobefB two driven cityand country peaple SHACKLEPORITe SM E-

st BB mlWANTED BsfccMOOM M Central BuUiMnr Sibsad P ma-

WANTKDOae is every baja413 lot aw 7 mlWANTED Tbros HIP Sebooi mes to work

hour or CSA dajr ass make good money ZU-1ft st w K to 11 a letWANTED BveryvlMre hustlm to tack siansdistribute circlet samples etc no lanramimrgood pay SUN ADVERTISING BUREAU Chi-cago ml-

H ANTED Go itoBsmtsnce sad

CIGAR SAfaSCTtAK Kaptrlencegood pay EMANUEL CO Statioa J N Y City

WANTEDOna oslosod labormn 1 Sper day 5 S SONS the sad Fare

80S Florida ave Be eMS

WANTED White hey about U yore of age iadrag store Mt H at ac e4t

WANTED Souse ma would Kke to exdMogedirtatkn with sons goad shorthand studentAdams BOX hto omee e43-WANTEDFifiycoad tomrri toboren per

Baltiujorc aad Ohio depot Monday MJt i crprmcs Apply at

C14-SWAXTEDFiftold Apply a oar Cweutetioo Departmeat

WANTED Ftortot sad Bardeaer to take chargeaveacre borne ftve miles moor city Apply ROOM

WANTED Mcyeies lot Bessemer orrrlee can eara iiom 130 to M per BMAt-aCuanMeoi school bays or bays oUierwtoe

Sod tens S lo 3ft p ra-

M p m daily at 38 cents per sightVUTUAL BfSTIUCT MESSENGER CO UW F at

a U-


AddreH BOXasad S wofcsea cnavamecs for

eood pay JERSEY COrJ a n iw ml-

IX Jite RAT Pastor E-Soodsy aarht 745 February


IS Free ferns Baottot Chorea Audi


WASTED OBtterocradmiU wiahn papDa iabrancfaei Latin Creek Biatheautiro-

or situatioB Sf JUveraess Addrem BOX 144 tab

WAJfTEDCutter wants posh

t cotorad bov place as csevatorboy or driving earrioae A tt the


WANTEU y Jkjrossa educs4ed coloreddues so slat IB ofaee or stale or saythe kisS C H HOmSe nj ww ml-

WANTBHYomlr awa of rrsaiment willsei so sdHeHm collector pie or ofhcework from U to BV tor amanVmtory refer-ences as to character H BAKER SMFast Capitol st-

WAXTKD By youoa man place as sorter oreager or work of say Bad Address BOX 11-


WAXTKD Win rv IS moats forslaM room sore Lflmry recisterhost BO UgM Addrc r 115 State Deportment

PROIERTVWILT EXCIiAxto uudoswted miningseturiti s for a large plantation in Maryland orVirginia tidewater preferred lasers aarwer-WM H KNOW Real Estate Trot BMf PMtadelphia ms7-

WAXTHD iiooais ANDWAXTKD SfcjRfa roow by Kmtlemoa Berthwest board 4WW ternM AddressHI this omce soilS


WANTKDTo MMirfor a month or two a smalljob press Address lION 135 this oaVe mtt3WANTED To76 Myrtle

bather beds E MARKSeM

WANTED Several fcbinjr cows about might feetbag AddroM MIWV4LOR Four Mile Ron Va

WATTEDXfeet Addttn gHT h st nw elS3INFANTS AND SMALL CHILDREN cured let at

tooMe tens ror tetoraution apply 1O7-mll

HIGHEST CASH rjllCKC 4d for tos send OOBper bran botfJ book sad rubbermechinery sad eonvral mtrebiadisa EDGARBAUM 7th st BW detttf-WANTEUI will ti bifihest cask price torladies and cent castoff rlothing

7th sC aw-fe 3 t-

WAXTED Cash pHIl tor all kinds of nous skaldfurniture otMee sad store Salute she SoW oa-commissioa H KO6EMJEKG Auctwaeor 8SS

av a W JilW-AXTBDBrioe your ofcl soW aod diveuaiches sad dtatsosdc to the MINT sU G at-

aw and get MI value ia Money OBO-MAHTIH Mana ec


FOR RE T1 1 X t Mvea rouse twototrobot sad nagr lath sail cJoMt key Beatdoor IUM el 53FOR RENTTO olor d teaaat sixboth 173 SMI NW CLARK BRO F-

StMW r e 4

ton 3otory ha a all modem bn-proveMient in good roadition Key si groceryoppo lto I Y YODKR W6 Sth

ortd aaYe it el

I 1AtY ItS


USA Call

It ir 11 loadar J el



A F Dri t8tie





A Kal-


MIl uarr ie

takep a

0 atATEDY Tpod M a lIS-

aL JIll

Ie wMk



pi 11 t theg sad JiIHHIClit Po IlL


ofby Al Yost sOII gtlanatee to t1A ce


S-UItoOMI ISO J we 1 15


MIl sad tit woit cosatcyprefanlll t4 eUt


aced tII te




PZK cu


tan R sot

w-ryA rEOBr iotD pQIitioa II

reel horsWdr BOX IN tW

withS pstSisl ref




tItle oSkeu

IIdim filii



lit BOX


tU-IAiDr Jew

CIWIb its Lochlit1II j






YOK Wo IlL eGnIit 011f










rosatore I reposed

clvaANTt1 rreor IMtU

te ipteoro atX batases S asi a M

or so


she ha4so

i s ossde fansat

wasted sd shea I orosia oce

eskeed bay

Ie ebaspe ot shepthis ee 1


las a M4VtISI15 sole

sos for pensseoatpsy CsUttor 15 ItASCMf

3th aw

wood je


baUd fosony soes peefesred tM


Jorgespeniosce as New isvedMt

reMorbels ead nightd ns WO3J sot



baa sd


dovk14 aw

heys sd ycors

T1MFs cR-

4WANTgD0 codme sad osvuseav-trictly wIflJs ss

l ise Nertrk ace ia134



eaaadauion taSte day147LbI

yeS Ianso



J 14men

ortat ssso esceliest rot-Ireoreb e ci

solisW-tSia ysst sudorencor Addien 14 thIslIes






B ifa kit disoSd asSIf7j pslel4 divoraeiuut SiR ir Is12U

sbewcao S or i


Mach ala

tar 5portal will call use

0 Se


NEItTliJG tb aebrick

re IBiS S

< >







FOR RENT Large frost room very reasonable43 H st nw el 3

FOR RENT Two fnratoted rooouj I 7 2d at ne-

eli3FOR RENT One oecowUtory front room allcoBVCBiencfg AppIy M at staw elS3-

FlMt RENT Large fa lylufBOjed room sooU-iem wnnn well fcept home an-vUth SMttabie lit two private Madly IMS Tot

elFOR RENT LMO comfortable leant room welheated gas lath plenty of hot water at anhours btootimUy furnished with efesMt-furaiture velvet nm etc convenient to tbrrrrar Knot accuuuaudationi lee two private family

elPOR RKXT I hauimtd-Mh at mr mUjFOR MKNTCsmfortshly hnBtolie rooms is-US fo9 E st aw

FOR RENT Partly famished house or lursisbedroom for rent a to good partiesSth st Convenient to 7th Mi SMS

FOR RENTFuiaishid or uiifurnnihcd rooms foriMtbt boosekecpiac heel gas aod hot wat-

FOK RENT One tone frontwell heated on car the convenient to

and Library fmwfly no childrenel43

FOR RENT Fumtobul sad Mstaraisbed roomsMS th at aw ml43F R RKXT Owe fstohsitil roam for freatleaass-aad wife oae uafuisbhtd MOM for xeatlnaoB-MS Xw York sew nw soilSmet RENTLanre room seeond Seer furuMKedor unf mehed well heated gas bath 6M M-

St BW mMSFOR RENT ia llth sC ruruistted rooim

FOR RENT One foratohsd Nod frostroom warm geetlemwi fs 1W Man ave Be-


FOR KENT Neatly furnmtul root sons south-ern exposure Stt C st as r B4TFOR RENT Forntobed TOMB jultabkreasonable K Mth BW m4FOR RENT Front htrolitud teems beat aad sat16 noeth 7M 4th t ae ei iFOR RENT Oe heat siogto at 38 h-

diaua steam heat sail west furnished price8 per nell ell

RENT Furnished ales large third Sawfront rooms beat sad gas W I st aw mISS

FOR KKNT 44 7th st aw-

furatobed roomstwo gentlemen preferred 21FOR RENT LargeH 411 3d st aw


FOR RENT Frost roem te per weekdeatroble parior suitable fir or lighthoojthitpiBy Apply betoro I or after 7M pm 4IS si BW mltSFOR RENT Karatoked rooms 411 K aw

FOR lU T Slit C H at aw threeaieely foraMi d pens for homclrepplag ic w imwell kept MMe afc other sean Sat neoad-

mlS3FOR JtEXT Poratobe orff AC rooms OUMf TOOwMl-fl l lath at tow

FOR RENT Faratobed roamo heat sad Fbath OB each itS K ot aw mMJt901 E ST XW Fmtohed or naforatohed dr-ainble reom with or without besot ceatrallocation torso andante ctlpFFOR RBNTbay wiadowo Keatlomaa prelIsted tX f

ROOMS AND BOARDHOTEL BALTIMORE White Howeapectol to tomsUea dude looaboard SCS up Wth A sad Yew York ave eU JROOMS ASD BOARD Jfear Capitol sad Li-

brary farstohoi weUheated rooms with goodtable board rate tow gg A ae AROOMS AND BOARO The TISTOS CAffcweek Ifll E at aw et5FOR RENT Steam heated rooms with booednear Capitol Zt M at ae m5SFOR REXT Lam airily tintfit frost roosterood ioor tssf llth aw

TWO trust roaom with or wnttVout booed near Capitol asd Lftrary as d sL-

SEOOKD rrORY KHOKTwith hosed H U aw

mad band 718 Uth fFOR lt TsoilS

FOR RENT Kewty paiatad sad farBJsfaed rooam strictly motboardmsc 414 h at aw mJ47

LARGEaWe at aw eU3

FOR MEXT Itwo xoBtlemeo sw te beth MW



poll SALE Two thouMad okara of WirekvTelegraph dock cheap ala SBbcompaai a shareAddrcm BOX IM thatHAVE SEVERAL BARGAf-

ft 991 Uth at nw el2WASTED Full sot of oecondhaad carriage uuthtook Addrem BOX 1 L tFOR SALE Ceraer doiac floodnom S fctore full selL tto-

acw rea oa other bt daem puce 9I7S m-

ageata Addrea BOX 14 mU4FOR LE Half latenotb-maiMW CArnAL BlSINKSs EXCHAX Attoatc Bwiidiac j 3 i soilS

HtSTLINC ed man desire to bayore sad pool room o amotbiy payment

muaC be ia good tocat-Xh hull partkulan Addrem BOX U7 this

WAXTEDA Madkale fe sea beiac boardSpindle Tsp sad Solpaor Station Four reHuMe-poiiomi with meaaa to loamlo1 ayadtorte nm-mitke xOtedee ianre tmeat elm at iaveatisatioa-Mlkited 3 aad 4 Ot 14th ot aw altFOR SALE Grocery decor cigar stores roomiaffhouse roses coafectioaerieii IMXLAf-MM K at ml4tFOR SAIJi t K of-

tioaery aod aottoss Ssll 7th si a ml43-

WAXntDReapoaaible maa wiSh I8W9 to taMiartereat in the bent carriage koniami in thtocity proiU iwaraateed JkHm BOX IS thte-omrr mH

FOR VLK Mflliaerygod locatioa aorthweot at121 tItle omce

Addnaa BOXmltS-

or will tradeComer

eUlFOR VLE W c UoB milk Mote aod

bwiarai sad Salute ch a JurOML Ad-

SJTOCK AND FIXTURBB of iiUbbMini groceryand market More Sootbeaot dwelMkKgood moneymaker Addrem BOX 117 this ooVv

elMFOR SALE Grocery store aod SUsan ApplyK ot aw mU1FOR SALK Solooa hotel oa

Maw 4oW W J DCCAX a7 LaT K iaU4

meat lUpaitmtat W J COAX 7 LamU3

FOR SALEKectton of WMhiwrloa owaor retkiacrxrGAK 7 U e mlMFOR sad property on accountof illoew iwvia ia hmUuoj for twentryear AddreM BOX 112 tak otare wVMFOR SALE SalOM 9M09 stock M-Oftt daily Addua BOX 111 that

OBKTLKMAX iroior to Hawaii sad AnOralaatocasts Mrretary with aamU capital Address BOXMS thto omre t lftFoil SALEotrori quick

ore Leslie btMiaewW H YOUNG 709 it

BILLS COLLECTED or MO oVyge 11 DOORIKIN Lawyor 14th ot aw mlC

BEST WATCH ilAIVSIRlNCS lOc BROWNEF whet you transfer rail if



T t iL Mre




tel lit spurtlie

N IIwt tosec story heck ell wlist heft per cia 111-


week or j I-pi lotSeer

lit I






tturahheJ delightful







e-Mtv r

Mt WIder bout

311 D

subSib IlL



sad other ot Call PI-CO

ij oct

tar pens


px YOU





u costa

tJoOIt StlMflaut artJfor dirt carts or 1Cfa

sad It




FOIl SAUSSaisos Osi

















o Swely 701



it acrosso crs cx

EdBEXTXlceRyfornkhed ass ges

ga 50 551roeso 55 3t at Bc

sep assith hsane orcehlsg sodI




pacar iseIseiywlthLes Mr

host nesssolS4

544 c



ad 5ieMkmsse


sons sensed IssatW allS


slo daglit

reons seed svd s

frost rooM board Mi r



c grocrlthan h1ahi4 qitib



PAYING invoice mes-ocrithe Aduireso 137 tIff ece 153

cigarsad price


islbIc eli asS sulphur peepuertka

sad lassie

end Sorry po I


feedws15 lad srsor

sit Sc



sad musH It-

colaut antheMt Mime he is 10

basted c ks10are

sad bmssbo



stir jail S

useditt Sib











H RKXT Three unfurnished n l floor roomsvith bath boowkeepimj SM Sib ot ae 1

rt K REXT HIM furnished or two wnWmtidrooms near tmgrewionol reatoaable

OS B at el S

rot RENT 8-

reat reaeooabto B Itth at aw elSKOP RENT Three large safoxatohed sons bathadjourns entire jtcoad BBS heat all faaiTovtmsats coaveaiesit to three coy Hues sad twonuMveto privnte family ttSti aw ei-

POnTRkxT Unfurnished worm rooawI-OT hoo eFtprag cheap Cotebna at

KKNT 1 naft aiohedAnd ens fill tams av aw-

OR REXTThrce LiiiMsaiLatii rooms lorsousekeepiag MItt Eye ot BW eMSFOR RENTThrM loansikeeping U RBS aid ssclsr cookingUi Sixth at aw is eMSFOR RKNT Extra IMp fro tthree windows wmtk sat Ml H st nwu

OR REXTThrecaonr light bouofhupiagpeople 81 at nw

FOR RKXT Threebath sad SU ja Ph w aw

FOR RKXTs F at nw-aor 4

FOR KEVTXeor Idbm 7 these uwfuTnisbedcoors with private frmlll foamnshlt 143 D-

st w n4Mat sad

tor lightmlit


FOt RBST U194 4th at aeFOR HKXT Three rottod or third Soar allmpwemenU U r 912 Qoincy at aw ownero take pODiUMioii on er Uw 1M Apply

l 7 rt aw ailFOR KEXTUaforalalKd ooaaectiBe r ona ItWlltfc at aw MtS1

FOR RENTAi-iayravtmtnU I4J per ell ak a towrouat Sat tX per S CARR 1355 Jlaryload H 4-

fOk RENTKtat of foor tooaM aloe for altfamily all cMiveaienea tf 7th t aw mU3

RENT A deikMM lot of tvoia sadbath fourth Seer of the Proxott M I it ato a featetauM eat 47 CYWOOO fc CAR

0117FOB RENT Sice threeloan isis B rtliwoKI7J9 to 920 M A UALUXGEK Rood Bwil-




FALLS CHURCH VA alee hoaw for sole orenhaa r Ion city rvevrtj cfear AdIos BOXUtt tee U4lFOR SALE Six worn sad atx Me WMP M4WT Beraya Md ri4JFOR SALETw lote WoMd MdOwner C IL SERRIX 1XM E M aw eit7-FOR SALE tots on electric our Use

WO saebwest AMa Serge

aad smell farms end wr can for list JAMBSE CBHBtENTS 1106 C st aw foolnt

FOR SALE New cottage SOO advaacfefi totsnow 300 Sc Sect eaaaee sow

J469 to 9t3C9 uy paytseeU MittOBO B HILL 61S 14th it aw sKtf

FOR SALl3HOHSli3 AiD VEUICLEJFOR SALE One fourwheel heidi cab willrraaooable in good conditioa a H at ae lVS

Moodhaad boaiaoM wagaa 1McoMitutad roape aha a dhasKieoro d lor oaick bayera TAdftB m Pa av soilS

SALE Horae waua aaale offer refuted KosoJre OYSTlfJt HOI SK

FOR h l igK pomdhane motable for fana work 7KI at aw 1-

4rtr koFOR SAtVEao gmxr hswtt imd do bayray cheap no niMcniMi blur uluata BS U

FOR SALE One oca

Tilt Ooe top alOitar bapry wit te soldat RatctiOeA Auctioa Haoaa for rcsoits sad men

Saturday at 12 oV1-

NO OFFER REFUSED honeand Bares ranging Kweight K to U4-fimioroi or would K-MRESIDOCE m 4H aw mlo7



This i to give notice tbmt the aobocriber ofthe BMltft of Colombia baa oUate d bass teProbate Court of the District of Uahuobia lttote vSfgSilK of Cbtamwhu doceaoed AllSpans irajaiir tto weeamed Mhereby warned to exhibit the with tbevouchers thereof autbeaticated to thetnbocriber on or before the liTH DAY OF EMS

LRfARV A B W otberwtoe they may byesetwded troto all btao t of

nmry lieEIJKBirrH T OXEIL

7M 8 d ot nw-Attest LOCI6 A l tUT

of for the DIstrIct of ColombiaClerk of the Probate Court

CHARLES W HAbIt Attorney


Itoeket No VTIN object of tab suit ic to obrjrta Ufr parti

ties sad ai of lot 17 ia CaarUi C UblmMa-kobdivtoioa of square No 614 ia city of-

Wm4a toB District of ColumbiaOa motioa of the oowipUiaanta by J EMM

Ray jr their attorney it to dIM 7th dayof January A I 19 ordered that the de-fendant Heoulahaa eauof his jkppearseen to be entered herein oa or Betoie the for-tieth day

m01 tbic order othctwfee the eaoie

yroeeedcd with M ia caWof ill iUll TsTT Ul ll jto be published in TIM WmhbWtoa Tiutea andthe Law ar7 wadtor three auoceaaive weef i

the CourtSeal A C BRADLEY Jukiee

Tt XiR Y ifNC ChatBr FltBO C OCONNELL AaoCOlerk


LOST Forketbook oooUmiar money keyit etcwith cadhier Temple aad receive re-

waroV cU3

mliUke oa the booto aftCTinimoaitate with CRAJfrXMtb Ob u-

t sul mlLOST Tueaday Benmrdpuppy white with apst over hIt eye were

M returaod to e Kye at nw-

watoh IsIs with oairwvod-E If reCurs aame to-

R E HESTER D 4 14th It nw and r eiv ree 4

LOST Wrdaenday belt with army buckle Re-w r4 it rvtucaca to JT JL aw

FOUND At Larry otott modern ice erase laetory ia Amerion d lic ou aad

lee creaa made finsthe We per g Kea Also Lareya t-

oe per calUa of New York eveMalt 888 delOtf


MMa pic Mty aeafnwKincubator etc SCHMIITS

STORE 712 12th aw


third liar IIbeth Jerseyh


T3 bright





sacoad loonII IteM altSIaeI Fat It 111


fn Ie 24i



splendid lot all soodeni

mouthaYe ae

iTr Ida Xew York nttag jdltlF-

Ok beat eekrtdtw lowalHl as sad Pierce It at tta fU nueden SlBttary Uv heevoCEO R 816 lUk at nw jaI tle

Cll 3d 8t-dh


4 ceaIIJ lure Ietn8i cull I per

tHe bata cIIIt100 t




FoIl so ten



Fk ad MIl Llid

Hoe Oft

lip dIIIIIplOtIa IIIIa

sAlEace Q s

REAIO ABLE rn totar aliiUm honea



Nil IbIs el


U IIttStie

ot bobQ After tile



LO Is it carPetliNHr ll

ward UU lit It 1-

1osTiU wteIIf oYeftOt

tftriut57cthrr Reward




d XI1-

POtND dteaf Bal mti-KANI Me

JlIatr1I the BOt

acidO Ibeee


toG 4








oR kItThre ruans hald 1lIS 44 New ace so 514

israherd or sislssahesd


soilSsons both bent


1st bassobed

jes meesad

JuJdiad nsi1 dios to dieablesoilS

Mrth entire

r esossSmtsw 143





OIl lee

sad so

RENTre roanboth lola 40 aw

nd nowHiLL

Xsqsire so



Waeuia geM55 heleace

dewa bssei MrsIEROX 6 IIMRCHViessa Va alIS

yearvOlt eli





zptfr itksd slet it as citisos

a1l45MXOue hsms sheep

c weighiTtARS 305 a

kehee 124ad S S


her the quote 44ibOsis


Mid diatethe 554eC beisul 14th uy

Rigid WIll


No Equity

sodoccafr y of thelea pubis



I1eIOIgebOg 4h gelag Iip

Peace S ocsc lieis


degsad Mr




5554M1014g cs ms l ese cob





> ¬





REAL ESTATE WANTEDmall flosses In the Xorthw kt set Nor

Have on head kin themLIST Y H US WITH ME



PROF CLAYClairvoyant Ktnrtiae patent about have

few M spenlatKMw V-

forcet absent tirade etc settles lacerOMid smite hunbaadt ad wivescaaM ipecdy raaovoi faMIly trouble

or aiyctcrioM forliax i M daily M H C-

Jwj eW-


IW dHcootcntcd cast to tnrthManK friMMfa C OMH aor snateM


THEOMedium sod Pjird Reader lie sad S9r

npokra 910 H ft nw lO7

KLoan Offloo

314 Ninth Street N WUvatj Loaned ca Walcbes iNasaadx


Budoea Uictty MBt aI No ceaeecttoaKith liT etb r Leaa Office Sa thm cHr-

I R L M NORRIStalented Spiritualistic Medium

consulted daily from W to i Parlors 7ft9th at Seance every Sunday at lUceabecTemple SU 1Kb at aw m Mic Silvercoihwtioa mKt


Prof VOWThe worid Sass clafc oyajrt tra ce-MMriwia aad palaiait idle part wrowat sadfuture reunite the separated sad caa et speedy

CoaoaH UH oa taw auibotiiceai tnaaactioai asS evil iuT ace UOM-tWILL Wallace Palmer sad WOliam Llaeoaaralate of the Third I S Y Ka M idrejMB to C C CLARK 175 Valley K aw-

ARE YOC AU you are tilet b nwde aware that yoa OWl obtaia a tailorLkaa your ae

priceHoadrod JCSTH OLD STAND 6U D at elO T

MME DA VisBom Uafrvoyaac sad Habout removes spell maa-

ae trusties Uk a hued give lackann pOts sad drOabiBaeaa 1SS 2Stfc


A Cheep HostsTwostory brick stable Deawabry Sealed

oa MassarbuiKte ore seessons Wick dWBJa 1st 17 byabout Mtt to alley rested at MJf perjuoatfc Trust SI at a per oust inter

HILL lor 717 Mth St aw


lies Q sr x BSix room Wish paved stoott

tot MxMft alley oa car lisaMOORE Jt SILt 717 Mth st aw


Good lomtioalot to altey-to pnetteathr OM

Write or rail for compete hat atall loca-tatlpricM

1 MOORE HJU tec 717 Uthot awgALK M eaofc sad W boy

nroom both ant eettor brisk price 9tV aW C HALOEHAX 717 I4tb ot elMFOR SALEHKM hriou rest fitW C MALPCMAy m Jlh StFOrt SALZ4SMO oaly kM caoabath aad ceitor brick W a RALDCOIAX 717l th at 4-


REKTWOOD HOLOTS at BBCKTWOObTRACT three miaotca walk from WSTRJCTUXK 9TATK x tcrrr AXD si BI KBAM ELECTHIO 90xxl4 WW Lou O throe miavie further US y lot SS moatbly ikits to chose fraa Portly aa auay sold bMsass Six bo oa boildia HOLLADAY TRACTboth aide electric road asS B O STAT1OS-oa property LoU 4 Kl2a SlaO to f3Mu STORES

Streets tcraveled sad UirMed3t to choose from Aa

arid sad improved W A HARTLETTsad Treat leUJQt


FOR SALK One Hove ptotiorm scale oa vheeb-aeariy weigh op toyHMLAXPas

set dbelvio-cjal

PUS acheap IMS C

FOR SALC eod quality 3 S pi woodcord delivered bfecbs Addrta


FOR SAtU Cheap atFoateau of my JmotjraamMbed ma-be aay library taMra purist deg Wdtooo-ifuraitare ia oak aiahocaay sad hirdVey ma-

t thoeaaaker niaa minors tbiaa closetcouch iron gad heal beda-

waidssim sar o HiXioir aotisoe pewter aad cop-per dime sea lornoj Sac rockets aad imalu-ttm odd aood SeW tilL K M-

CROaSE 01 aw eMtCOGSWKLLS to the cheap sad sat reliable

U boy aw accoadhaad

FOR SLY PawatMutlor aoatairc-rir a aad ic Asdrtot BOX MS thIs


FOR E NewWleeirr TTUsoas sad other arot ctosn sewingmacbmrs 7 aod FUNKS m CallS

FOR SALETwo show CMCS oae SVuntloatank and taroebum aauslrse stove Apply atGROCERY STOKE M Sib sfc nw 4

We sell tileWHY PAYMMOC seMispa iB a U eat xtiraintaU 5 yearnguBraiucc No atceata rommiraiom or high featto pay Good mackiae 43 im tensPOM New tjtoewritora baM price sad WasMOORK MHOS Roam 1 aod S W r at Pkoet17 4 mNEW V DROP CAMNBT SEWING MACHINES

1S At Domeatie Owe Trial FrsSec r tL Keating We A Slay Reliable Jfe-painag C AUKRHACH Phone Heel 788 etStfON CREDIT DTOM iroooa avtta skirts fora beecortaiiu btaaketa comforU mens sad bo-clothii etc Address MUX SSt this

FORt SALK tor henna ebair with halt euiV0 let bust in t o k nilroekrra flt8 betkevm a l peeler suites llOJ

Sot et KEDUOXD4 I113B 7tb at a-

FOK J ALK tieod quality opaqu anodes fittedto jeur windows only tOy best quality oilcpaq e ai Me atwff free will c Uumi 4n KLEEBLATra 1Kb J H u ae-Pb ae Vast MD elOU


EUGENE E GADDIS425 tilt aw-



OHTHKHV Virciata farms sad cooatry borneof every clan lao a Sead

t loKue P B d Broker

SPECIAL oa walt paper Saeat aaiceata per roll up alto paiatrMg Cel

FEW DAYS ONLY Rooms papered St79 up-wmptea brought HI XT 4C7 U a aw

KOLTE K4 Dth L aw U eoeataatly reeeinthe latest asS meet attractive design inPapers and papers leema Irem Jt00 up Caltad met 7ouref sad be





Ia4IIeI Ie Me

telor ain


10 t


tr G to tIe truthfulIlableOmaha 8ft

MMEl Palmistf





Jy y 9 8a


Lt c


0 atOfsoef will be too glad

Ie t or 1IfdMIyn Jon

COllIe iW Ion at the uks








ihehomsa II iaWee MAe at

tlOA will




lay I per


IlL s

Iv ua


placo MIdSiuirgie lft elIV



Mrfee haJf uer weekw

u miSSSAt


7 k H







for Bl ELL7


UYOUNGESt ksscy are


investigate COIl1 OII















haybade deeM

aw Bosh carla sadsilI7






sad S t Stir so sot

altian ders tool

yOu oslyo

ash prteesst med Mr btzersad lea lb bat-

e ha


secea ruons aisbig whichrMIs Mr 55135

basstmeis Mr

saw dzrue


5 soiLaayass

new tell cbpBALi ror

i 55WILLiS 12th sad its

anor he astare

see booee

Pluto WsIb at

hersleap ii deytes sad 4e1Mse

scos it

diaad seeelk


5 its

50 5e ilsibiseem




g elkMItel

tan parts aa

shot wIt

Pta tItState

4otdci i iet


410 New so










WashingtonAexandriaMount Vernon RailwayFrom Pfwn Tnnhi Ave asS MW

la eject Xowsmaur 1 IMCFor Atenndria Week dwrs 74 7 9-

4e e s3

Week dsyi

For Arltoctoa and Aooessetdays tM 7 4 7JS 84 S n-

M fX 11 au 1X 1 S-


11 a m 15 noon MM Itat s Ju 4 t t a i-

S 63 7 L 7M S aux ExprcM To ArliawtoaParcels carried Baggaae checked

Q E ABBOT PresideaC


sad SC LoaH1SolW twin Sac sciaoati Puitaarj to Ctedaoati Lertactoa Lounwilto ldtoMsetic sad St Look without shag CM-

rarior oars Ciariaasti to11M P M DAILYF F V Limited SUM

train tor Cincimati o Cmetoaatl LexiaRtoa sad LoatovfllrT

10 A Sf tXCSTT SCNDAT WatOis toaMIl Old Point Speci Less then 4K hour tealst OW Point Cuafort via JT1route

Sees SU PeaaaylTsnia Aveaoe SW V h StrictF t the Tdtshant edtSlam Hit lee PeMk lvaBfe ServiceIL W FCLLEH

Tekobeae MaSs MM Coc Auseacor Agwt

Norfolk and Washington

Steamboat CoEvery day ia the year for Uorfott Krw

fuperb powerful steel iSews Norfoa sad Wssh-

tflRToe oa tfc Mlowiac ebedsle-LT yrasbtBte8JM pm Lv PortMBoutk M ptaLv Alezaadria7M pm Lv palAr Ft Ue roe7C am LT Ft Xoaroe7C9 paAr NoHolk 800 am Ar AhaadrU L3 aaAr PorUmoutkSU am Ar Wasbii xua7M am

Tickets oa sale sad staterooms re redat general ticket olSen Bond BuUding 14th-st sad N Y a e at downtown ofsceIlk st aad Pa awe at ofoee ca wharfSad oe board steamers

ZSPor furtaer intorasttoa apply at paera ofseca Met 7th st phaSe 7C or

14th ct T ayeC Tsooe SO




Os e tordFeb ItFllalimLFeb M BOOB YafteriSmeh tt



amuld teed daily as caansst may occur Ksay timeJIAlLg are forwarded to the ports of

thaw toUy sad the schedule of or-raaged on the tmsumstiun of their aata-ovetalaob transit For the week ending-

s be asaderram the MADt OFF1CK as foGowc

Stalls for South and Central AmericaIndies Btc-

m lor the BA-

Maito ion XECFOCXDLAXB by saM to Northdose daily

csrept Sssdayot1S a m

Mofsdaya wisuissayo aauMoaya dfor MKKJELON BoMoaT sad

tbeace steamer dose beattan at m aad oa-a m d M

CUBA MAILS eSooe here nit Pst Pm

Mail for MEXICO 7 n ipn Istli-

Maa tor BKLKEGUATEMALA b rail to Mow OrUfbl aad aVncevie steamer close Mew daily at Mflfra m and104t p minc on Momau

for OflSTA MTA by tall to Xew fMeaa-

m sad V p m 4fae

betas OB Tuesdays

TrtturfIaelflc hallsMaBs for CHCtA sad JAPA T A Vmwoweer

here daily st m up IVhroacy IS-iuenmive for w ipatrh per a-

Mercbaadfae for the United State


DalJae of hid are imr BtorREGISTERED MAILS clcae at the MAIN

PICK follows b At n m mme dayp m same day d At a m

day f At prmisoa day b-At 12 9 p m previous T Atp at day 0 At 4Au m preriotKday JOHJf A MERRtTT P


PIANO TUNING 130 factory expert JASD DURITY S Uth a se el-SJS500 Knabe


match oilkr ami free d i n-

an included at-M montbl paymenu

F G SMITH 1225 Pa


Only reprojeatative ia Waohto toa of Martooa-lUweUtioo MMMra f DMC Pr cct youncLfrom incompeteat liD ttth at aw-

WimooVtana Club Now York and Coafed-rratc Veterans HalL Phone Main 4S7-


PIANO TUNING H factory expert JAS RSOS ttlh at ae mU3

THE OUT O SIGHT ae tile bat farrats aad mice Me MIll We seth SCHMIDTBIKD STORE 7U ttth MJMT mtt4-

BUSINEi ATTRACTOJtS onttohctorr cheappromptly delivered H o

card bUMmMto or ejfeaopmHAYS S L C nw


TEETH WITHOUT PLATBSFfcm rimtoiUtilidurable beautiful nadetectabto petalsI R WILSON liSt F at nw bt4FULL DRBSE S iTS tor like moo dettar JULIUSCOHEN 11S4 7th aw SK

WILLIAMS BOOK EX0HAN8C Boostbought aad sold aloe bo l Madts to aUbraacbcs 813 G rt nw e atf

nni uam t jomghclau iriTcrs few THE REX STA

ELLa U MNSHEIMKR Proprietor KMIt CTT Rubber tired Weies oi kMHk-

Stse aad Itartoa caress a hand elliFOR RBT SUUURI1AX

FOR NKXT 1 n Re from Anaeaotto cottaxe-H room and crU r 3 acres Apply SM Sib


aftStat St

SfI 1lM 1-1m 40 J-

xS 4JI 454 54185 730 a 8tI

Ja 119 1lJI L-nw 1W M 13e-

I 4M 4IS iM 1M841 1515 11 O115IIJa-

PK wt It1-

eOO a xltMd 1-MJl4 G-

pSa So

a ti 11-I 101 II 54


l0 ill815

COLT illperbteHst


lJor Virpaia Hot car

chessTIrEleSS JIot

Art Disi cwChicago sad It Loots

iIOsly all

JtftftYlltiolJ sort tickets at Ohie



port sews sad iii poIiIU stJI Itli






It 1HIFeIa l1Wais PlaUwldtIJeBLSi LeI Ie La


I 5t


1t rt J

I 1M the last


litItiS cca fran Jat

DIe Me

Math rail tovia

at UJI

llamA JIIa TJW atL

dIspatch ho-s York cMse aaJ-II



sad t litdans


lit spa lair

ria Sn at Jalip to liatch J JacJM fee L

0ltatis inn COCIJIN CIIIXA

Yen for roDfttioa-uPHIUIPLiE XDS JiIIdI lit

to Sea Francwao a all cat-o with tile


tSJt p




rebutn IUD Jtfj about half price Tens






H ireat i













45581 815 521 30O Sli

x13W 1115 134 1sa see530 355 s414 iSta

7W 9J 151-6ll5 1155Susdey7lI 5W 1140

a sass 121 t3S 0

35 1W 135 405 130 so

S S41140 so wixli 711 515 p 1-

5SuadsyiIttG a 12ISO5 100


1245215 iS S5 315 4

5445 a115 5I



ails Batag

withoutdeeper I

sad iteepitsl

thanpeske aMser sad







T0itKANTWliSP4JlJ8sees sase


cSm it

At 1035

Sydusy sd thence is atormut byeISIS so sad as js

sad h


uudys Wedneideys a it SilO soLad via sad lod7pR-G 15 1

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Seopiac Dining SmoUnt sad ObCars to Chtoaeo Clneto

St Louis Clevamnd aadToted Buflrt Parlor Car to Batriibutj

M JO A If DAILY PAST UN PwBmnu BuffetParlor Car to Uarrtoborz Seat Padbr JaTHirrfahuu to

P X DAILY CHICAGO AXB ST JpiBC Car Wasbisctsalouts

Lostovflle vto-

T f M DAILY WESTERmen Steeping Car to PUtabur and Calsmi

Carte74 P M CWCtt

NATf EXPRESSPonman sUeptec Cars washWt3 ta and to Oejehad sad Cmrianati Dminr Car-e P M DAILY PACIFIC KtP BB8Psaeeptoc Car to Pitteburg

A DAILY BUFFALO BIT EXPRESSwith threw Parlor Car DhaW r

iy For7M P X SAlLY WHT EXfifea-

to ra Cmpori74p M DAILY for Eric lee BvrWiter BoffMasad Mfegm rate Jelly exe A Xatofd te-

ht P M lor Brie CaaaadaMcotHoJhls Md Xla M Path

s P M CONOKgSMIOXJU UiRTEaSet West Test an Parlor wIshCM aHha reFor Pfalladelplila New

the Bait

115 4 Diniwc Car from HOrimorrj fflfM 8 P KM sIght Oa 7s

Dtofnc Car Oar 8rB3-M C 119 Car lean A-M 1SO3 3Oi 448 Dinte Car tram Bald

SilO M 9 P K ltW skIt IterExpress 7U A

P M weekdays ai SriTyi 1C

For Boiteo without 745 A M

Per Battfcaore 19 T-

M O M4C 1 J 110 A M KilX75 7

40-Mrf W 11 JS P Jf IBd lilO tit OaSodayi 70 769 7 7 sW 06 1SS96

11 A M M C 115 t SU S-dfl9 L4ffitt d 4M i 430 5W 58 9 711 74 0 1449 P iL and KSfl

For jLnaapeUx 79 80 A L d aa4 S4tvP M weekday Ssadcys 90 A M aad-SM MTicket Ocei crner FUteeatb and C Street

tad at Ui claiMs Still and B BUetU whereMB be Mt lor the ehcekkc b cr r

to dotfcatlen from hotels cad residencesTelephone call lt41H tat PeauylrtaU Ball

road Cab EerrieeJ R HCTCHIKSOy 3 K WOOD

Geswal Usatfer Rnr l Mw icrr Arrot-

Ecbcdala bi erect Norembtr 17 1901

Chicago and Northwest a m 8 0 p fflCiociaaati EC Loi a and IxxSirtHi JSiftJ-m SrlS p is n sIght

TitUmrr cad Cterelaad iei5 a cv 33Qp-

Oolunbui tad WfceeUar 6S9 mWinchester g35 a m S45 cad J5rf9 p B-

Luraj 3O p m x

Annapolis U743 MBtO S S 11 5 a aw-3M p rv TFrederIck 9-

lrfO aad ijaao p ntad Tray petals 1831 Oift ojEri l llR6JO J1 11 JO p

OHberdmrz sad way points Q8J5 SiOO am t 114 UJO SaOO BSOX-

M atC2t a J acU a tf y peinU 8d390 a 115 14 115 9 p s-BiJtinare week days zSl 59 8dO x7sOd-

3C7J6 xJ 835 x 39 x rOO lldi a StSoot zl 5 rf9 z49 z4tt 4-

X5W zCJS z 9 J sIll xJ700 zKda-11J6 p a Evadaya z76 z7US S t-z 0 a Bu zU 9 1U xSt09 oS OS

ROYAL BLUE LKEAll trite with PJcUch SightBattlaMre PhUaddaWa 7w BasSes J

tk last 19 74 IMaer P Bofiot0 IMaer I1 O Diaer a at-

r Car at J 9 oetocKl-in Gad a all day traiss-

Athvatfe City Ma9 awnBaiiy UXzeeyt awdcy Saaday rfy-

x Exams trahu IiiB e E e B 4 far aad cheeked hotfltf a lu-

rtridtaeo bjr Uaie Tnaat r Ce a ardorsjjl

west York avemt ud PUteeatk Streetet ataUoa

SOUTHERNS t a m Daily Local lor-

teotou Chariotte andh l a m Uaily S

1115 a m Daily United Faot SenS-

IFiint ebua eoacbea sad drawinNee Odessa Diaimr ear at1-

1S T a m Daily Local tic Wwoatoar aUjCbaxtotteoville

4 1 p E Week Days Local tor Heertmbore and way fiattons ou Mnn rnrWi cb-

Chartotteavfnem Week days The Soalhoraa Palm

AH Puttmaa traM New

p Daily WahactoB sad Ck taaaeora-

a Daily Sew Tack sad AthvateFiratcl-

Toorta steeper waakiactoa to Sea Pwoehso-

m Deity New York sad Florida a-tctoac too eh aad steeper to SavaoaaV-

vorrttle CharlaKoa Aucuata andTiMo Oa aad oaoaectioa tor Bmt-

M4fip m Waehtmjtoa and SsottVroHera Limited AU PuBmaa traia club aod emovalise cams to Attentaaad

SMdays sad Fridays Dbun car

TRAINS ON BII7E oOKT THtXHCILWaonioEtoa 8 at a m daib l ja au i

4 J6 p aM 44 p m week dam cad p-

m S diya only tor Blutmat asS ai pmweek sad 1I4O p m thsotre Mfmdays sad

iulormattoa sea be had at ticket oflsm MB Vta-Sr HI PemmphnBia vemm sad Fimiili aStation is c cheeked tbroun kom haraad rmidencea

Phone lists 1441 P R R Cab SorotoeFRANK S GAXNOX Id V



Leave Washington Peona R R Stetto-aIIOI A M SEABOARD FAST MAIL Thmft

DAILY Pullman Sleepers o Jacbou uOMMctinc at Hamlet wsA JjdJ

DAILY LwrntDsoW amg-

uKiae Pun ROOM

nent Obfcrvotioa and Dmtof CM

Sleet T to Atlanta Puthaoa

Thor trains olin excellent achtdulu sad aervtrto FrttrabyrK Ra fh v thc B Ptooa-njrat C

and all Florida points C-

tlaota Orleans Chapoints and SouthwoC

flMneha tt

NIce 14tt Penna ave-R E L BtJJICH W H BOLLwsi-

C aoml Pie A mt ijoneral Agqjfcp


rrif E WHO WOULD appreciate select privatetable board apply to 11 Grant place e64


Cots lturiallwc sit J 1PENNSYLVANIA



Stto fIe StdaIIMI aM aa

I JI V DAlLY ST was D-oc




Couchor711 K Mr Mae sad

Pith xcept030 J lee KIain It tSII

BUFFALO lIujt Car ssd Quashs



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u4 411 rH 11i SlS Llmlte4

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iMto aM 5tn dIaII-

aM eatS

IlLJiIMte Vis sadtlHtlillg Gr to CMITr-

K sleeper Odenas

rMseid A

W a sad

PtaIIIaaa iee-asad t to

LAtlasta IacoaTri to Piseheist S c



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a 811 a 716 adUy ro litLid Po Isad In-

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ColUMbIa Savasab JP

LLOCALTssdMna PiM-sW e I










sd Diotsse i i bIlLY UtTBBPunslidash


sad asS tr liangLouis

e-an e SiarrSRsg ta SLLes14i45 Ut54Bi Chicago


I Zsoporia1 laibashon

X3e5ra daily Sar3 sad Nesess

WlibBuSeS Jasedsa

SMe Wskistea to 5sederith

Jelly PdiscsBeeping Wasbisgean Is Psds Selsi-a sj dII

tar bisarIran


115 1515 DMia4DMM1 Cat lean A M 30S11






iit415 43 111

List 746 a 413 n-

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4 15 p a Daly Locat toe srveMsa

515 5Liitet TechWMortsa 3thee Asaste Apr


Lya P11else esaubRosob XsocvSle

ass is New 5I

pew shepsr is-

Mdes PriMp Sunset s


kcfrsasvifle Temphsuuu



Macs espan W-

Naibuille Mmsphdisssdes Wet

days heMetpuhest-

natas Iranthe aotte-isgis 54i so a a 151-a so otespi Iteedepa so-

so 915 so deSy aso

940 so tarlWteni

flekcta e557 reeewdse



t5t5i TCOss5is A


a lkspe iBe-ja Saturday Ssmsbsss-



jiltBow Stebes

WeitM Petersburg







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