Tire City Case Solution

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Transcript of Tire City Case Solution

Balance Sheet Assets Cash Accounts Recievables Inventories Total Current Assets Gross Plant&Equipment Less:Accumul Dep Net Plant&Equipment Total Assets Liabilities Current Maturities of L.T.D Accounts Payables Accrued Expenses Total Current Liabilities Long Term Debt Ne Bank(B/f) Common Stock Retained Earnings Toatal Shareholders Equity Total Liabilities 1993 1994 1995 1996 Amt($) Amt($) Amt($) Amt($) 508 609 706 846 2545 3095 3652 4372 1630 1838 2190 1625 4683 5542 6548 6843 3232 3795 4163 6163 1335 1515 1728 1941 1897 2280 2435 4222 6580 Amt($) 7822 8983 11065

Amt($) Amt($) Amt($) 125 125 125 1325 1440 1777 1432 1653 1974 2882 3218 3876 875 750 625 Err:522 1135 1135 1135 1135 2133 2930 3880 Err:522 3268 4065 5015 Err:522 125 1042 1145 2312 1000 7822 8983 11065


Income Statement Net Sales less:Cost Of Sales Gross Profit Selling,general,admin Exp Depreciation EBIT Net Intt Expense PBT Less: Income Tax Net Income Less: Dividends RE Ratio Analysis Liquidity Ratios/Short-term Ratos Current Ratio C.A/C.L Quick Ratio C.A-Inventory/C.L

1993 1994 1995 1996 Amt($) Amt($) Amt($) Amt($) 16230 20355 23505 28206 9430 11898 13612 16416 6800 8457 9893 11790 5195 6352 7471 8941 160 180 213 213 1445 1925 2209 2636 119 106 94 Err:522 1326 1819 2115 Err:522 546 822 925 Err:522 780 997 1190 Err:522 155 200 240 Err:522 625 797 950 Err:522

1993 2.0 1.3

1994 1.9 1.3

1995 2.0 1.4

1996 1.8 1.3

Cash Ratio Cash/C.L 0.22 Debt Service Coverage PBIT/(Intt+(Cuurent Matut/(1-t))) 4.3 Long-term Solvency Toatal Debt Ratio T.A-T.E/T.A 0.50 Debt-Equity Ratio T.Debt/T.Equity 0.31 Eqity Multipler T.A/T.E 2.0 Time Intt Earned Rat EBIT/Intt 12.1 Turnover Ratios Inventory Turnover COGS/Inventory Days Sales in Inventry 65/Inventory Ratio 3 Recievables TurnoverSales/Debtors(Reciev) Days sales in Recievab 365/Reciveable Turnover Payables Turnover Purchases/Creditors Days purchase in Payabl 365/Payables Turnover Total Asset Turnover Sales/Total Assets Profitability Ratios Profit Margin Net income/sales Gross Profit Margin Gross profit/sales Return On Assets (PBIT*(1-T))/T.A Return On Equity Net income/T.E

0.21 5.9 0.48 0.22 1.9 18.2

0.22 7.0 0.44 0.15 1.8 23.5

0.22 7.8 0.44 0.17 1.8 22.8

5.8 63 6.4 57 10.6 34 2.47

6.5 56 6.6 55 9.1 40 2.60

6.2 59 6.4 57 9.7 38 2.62

10.1 36 6.5 57 8.9 41 2.55

0.05 0.42 0.124 0.239

0.05 0.42 0.139 0.245

0.05 0.42 0.139 0.237

0.05 0.42 0.135 0.232







1997 Amt($) 1015 5246 3148 9409 6563 2274 4289 13698 Amt($) 125 2132 2369 4627 500 Err:522 1135 Err:522 Err:522 13698

What if accrued exp dont rise This Mean I m paying back,cash is reduced n more

1997 Amt($) 33847 19699 14148 10729 333 3086 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522

Assumptions Sales Growth COGS Selling and Dist Dep Tax Dividends Cash A/c Recievables Inventory Plant&equip Accumulated Dep Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses Investment Warehouse New Dep RATE on Invst Interest Rate Inventory

20% 58.20% 31.70% as given 43.40% 20% 3% 15.50% as given as given as given 6.30% 7% 2400 5% 10% 9.30% Fund Requirement(Accrued Exp) Err:522 Err:522 5% 998.51 1833.62 6% 703.07 1465.09 7% 407.64 1096.56 8% 112.2 728.02 9% -183.24 359.49 10% -478.68 -9.05

1997 2.0 1.4

Fund Requirement(Inventory)

0.22 7.9 0.45 0.21 1.8 17.9

6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11%

Err:522 -73.37 281.15 635.68 990.2 1344.72 1699.24

6.3 58 6.5 57 10.0 37 2.47

Fund Requirement(Depreciation) Err:522 6% 1082.8 7% 1069.04 8% 1055.29 9% 1041.53 10% 1027.78 11% 1014.02 Fund Requirement(Recievables) Err:522 Err:522 16% 555.36 1280.82 17% 850.79 1649.36 18% 1146.23 2017.89 19% 1441.67 2386.43 20% 1737.11 2754.96 21% 2032.54 3123.5 Fund Requirement(Payables) Err:522 Err:522 5.30% 703.07 1465.09 4.30% 998.51 1833.63 3.30% 1293.95 2202.16 2.30% 1589.39 2570.69 1.30% 1884.82 2939.23 0.30% 2180.26 3307.76

0.05 0.42 0.127 0.221


h is reduced n more debt required

More Than 15.5%

Lower Than 6.30%