Times Herald. (Palatka, FL) 1915-05-07 [p...

CRYSTAL RIVER NEWS CRYSTAL RIVER FLORIDA r ri DISASTROUS FIRE SWEPT CANAL CITYC- olon Chief Ameican City Of Panama Zone Swept By Flames And Several Killed LOSS IS OVER 2000000T- en Dead And Hundreds Are Injured Beautiful Little City a Com plete Ruin Colon More than halt the city was swept by a disastrous fire Ten persons are known to be dead Including two native policemen and several hundred persons have been in jured while between 10000 and 12 000 others mostly negroes have been rendered homeless The loss Is estimated at about two million dollars The fire destroyed twentytwo city blocks Many arrests have been made for looting The town Is now under the guard of a native police and two com- panies of the United States coast artil- lery who aided in fighting the fires Half the population have lost all their belongings- The fire started in the heart of the city and soon was beyond control of the native fire brigade The citys wooden buildings burned like tinder Most of the largest stores all of them carrying heavy stocks of merchan- dise were directly In the path of the flames Firemen in the canal zone began dy nnmltlng buildings in the path of the flames For a time these efforts were fruitless but the fire was brought under control All the banks In the city were de stroyed and part of the railway was burned All that part of the city between Seventh street south to past Twentieth street and on Front street eastward beyond Bolivar street was destroyed TROOPS Report Circulated In London That AngloFrench Troops Get Firm Hold in Galllpoll resistance British troops according- to an official statement Issued have established themselves on the Galll poll peninsula and advanced a consid- erable distance toward the narrows of the Dardanelles while the French Cape Kum Kaleh pn the Asiatic Bide ot the straits of Turks The Turks under German officers placed every obstacle In the way of the invaders but against the fire of the allied fleet and the gallantry of the army they were forced to fall back The British forces lost heavily- in the operation- Six points were selected for the landings which commenced at day light of April 25 At five points they were successful immediately but at the sixth near Seddul Bahr the troops were unable to advance until the even ing The Australians and New Zeal anders landed on the west coast of the Galllpoll peninsula directly across the country from the strongly fortified narrows The other British troops die at the extreme end of the peninsula and very soon when It was decided to give the men a rest and time to enable the posltlons to be consolidated they had reached Krlth ia on the road which runs along the peninsula and over which they will Join their comrades from the domin- ions and attack the forts guarding the narrows In the rear Roosevelt Trial Witnesses Syracuse N for Theo dore Roosevelt placed before the jury trying William Barnes suit alleging libel testimony designed to indicate the existence of a blpartlsan combina tion between Barnes as leader of the Republican organization and Charles- F Murphy as leader of the Democrat- ic organization To this end former State Senators Harvey D Hinman Fred M Davenport and Joshua T Newcombe and H C McMillan a correspondent in Albany for a New York newspaper were placed on the witness stand Villa Claims A Victory El Paso battlo was fought between two of Villas brigades and the Obregon advance guard at Trinidad according to an official Villa statement reaching here It was said the Carranza troops were deflated retreating to Clloa It was stated that the enemy lost six hundred dead while the Villa losses were placed at one hundred and forty killed and wounded This Is the first battle in several days but It Is thought that there will be much fighting in the near future LAND n WUlcnUUTarh to have embarked YCounsel TexasA sta- tion ALLIES Loa onAfter serioijs fllghting rOIi rr cteared for- mer Fr ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ DARDANELLES ATTACKED BY LAND AND SEA C Qmr Ulair CFy elyrr0ulatra- t rrti n- lI of LAND v e S GUNS of WA frAiLI 4 t 4 I a L i tj h r aMIat9 L eklfi- nrnayrt e r fa PSAH- rl oara s 1e rrr rlt- tr e qe l rt o 9 r- W t WI l4 lSFllei- lrr r ousulUol- Lehml4te ui k4Se a- t bemaburm s 1 J t S c1lfifARlD i 1 oaa 1Gnrtdle- harrfalh t XTth J e r o us RirRNCC- f e c RU41i rorts e terles- I a iv cw I oKutKicii Sea kites tr ke wnnM f l wrpetre raztarsra ooae- ID1 d4 tr DiatanttsinSe7Miles rbrs eatroneeto0ordVaNfSJ4- umNe e rjlJioli < ° ° ° ° SIEGE OF ALLIES DETERMINED TO TAKE CONSTANTINOPLE THIS TIME Stiff Resistance Made By Turks In Defense Of The Attempt Failed London The march on has begun British and French troops after landing on both sides of the Dardanelles under what are de scribed as excellent conditions taken many prisoners and are continu- ing their advance The British war office and admiral- ty announce that the troops landed- on peninsula are thorough ly making good their footing with the effective help of the navy Paris officially announces the of KunvKaleb on the Asiatic desperate resistance to both land- ing and occupation although they were under the guns of French war ships Is indicated by the fact that they delivered seven counter attacks and employed heavy guns The number of troops on this expe dition which is in command of Gen Sir Ian Hamilton Is not known but while those already ashore are mov- ing forward and strengthening their positions the disembarkation from the transports still goes on The Turkish official statement re- specting the operations declares that although hostile forces were landed at KumKaleh and advanced under the protection of the warships they were driven back to the coast several hun dred men being killed Culebra Cut Changed Washington President Wilson has signed an executive order changing- the name of Culebra cut In the Pan ama canal to Gaillard cut In honor of the late Col D D Gaillard who died from disease while a member of the Isthmian canal commission WIRE FLASHES Bryan Denounces Alcohol Secretary Bryan urging total declared In an address under auspices of the National Abstainers Union in New York that the shown that patriotism was no match for the appetite vhlch alcohol cultivates in Ita victims Abolish Party Bosses Party bosses should be dropped as obsolete institutions and the ot New York made the party in tho state Jacob Gould Schur man president of Cornell university and a vice president of the convention declared in an before the Unconditional club at Albany Increasing the executive power to Initiate legislation- will make him the controlling he continued Arbitration Pact Signed An arbitration award advancing to some extent the pay of sixtyfour thousand locomotive engineers and hostlers on ninetyeight Western railroads has been signed In Chicago A dissenting opinion was lied on behalf of the Brotherhood ot Snglnemen In which the arbitration was branded as a failure and tho Newlands law under which It was an Inadequate device for of industrial The had been fn session for and their finding has been awaited with interest by both sides THE DANDANELLES PortePrevious GaUl poll side or by French ifAr crT bC lOr olfeted gover- nor lead- er Repub- lican fire- men ar- ranged ar- bitrators Constanti- nople have occu- pation Ittgatptt the absti- nence Euro- pean war had constitu- tional ad- dress Influ- ence set- tlement some- time ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ANOTHER CRUISER INTERNS KRONPRINZ WILHELM NOTIFIES WASHINGTON IT WILL STAY AT NEWPORT NEWS American Port Now Protects Two Ger- man Cruisers Prlnz Eltel and Wilhelm Newport News German commerce destroyer Kronprinz WIl helm will be interned for the war in American waters at the request of her commander Lieutenant Captain Thier felder Notice of his intentions was given by the German officer to Col lector of Customs Hamilton in this message Herewith I have to officially In- form you that I intern Commander Thlerfelder later ampli- fied verbally this message by saying that it had been his Intention to at tv Worships otf guaroFlTff the VffBnnff but that the continued serious Illness of more than sixty members of his crew would make the dash impos sible before the expiration of the time time set for his departure from this neutral haven It was understood that the Washington government had al- lowed the commander until midnight ITALYS ENTRANCE CERTAIN Prince Von Buelow Said To Be Over Outlook Concern ing Hostilities London The opinion Is growing In Rome that Austria and Italy are drift Ing Inevitably toward war A diplo mat accredited to the qulrlnal quotes German Ambassador von Buelow as saying it would be impossible for Aus tria to accept Italys demands The position of Greece may bo cleared up after the visit which Prince George is paying to Paris and Lon- don although nothing Is likely to hap pen until general election about to take place Fill Hall Of Fame Vacancies New York The names of twenty six widely known men to fill vacancies created by deaths In the roll of one hundred electors In the hall of fame at New YOrk university were announced The twentysix are Pres ident John 0 HIbben of Princeton uni- versity Dr Alexander Graham Bell Maj Gen George W Goethols George- W Cable Winston Churchill James Whitcomb Riley Miss Ida M Tarbell Mrs Helen Elkin Starrett Supremo Court Justices Charles E Hughes and William R Day William Howard Taft Walter Hines Page Henry Van Dyke Oscar S Straus Senator John Sharp Williams Senator Morris Sheppard Senator Joseph E Ransdell Champ Clark John Wanamaker John R Mott Myron T Herrick James Doug las mining engineer of New York Elbert H Gary Arthur J Brown of New York Robert S Brookings of St touts and Henry Watterson Expectations From Income Tax Washington Complete preliminary estimates from all internal jevenue collection districts received at the treasury department incldato that the Individual and corporation income tax this year will not only come up to the general estimates of 980000000 but will probably exceed that sum This most welcome bit of information that has come to the ears of treasury officials in many months If the es timate Is borne out the prospective issue of Panama canal bonds may be delayed VaThe I f bA pes after the and women t Pessi- mistic lathe ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CALOMEL SICKENS IT STAY 1 t SALIVAiE51- DONT I Guarantee godsons Liver Tone Bowel Cleansing You Ever Ha 1 1 r W- and Calomel makes you sick you los days work Calomel Is quicksf and it salivates calomel Injt liver If you are bilious f and all knocked are constipated aCfotw or Btontoch is sour Just take a spoon- ful of harmless Dodsons Liver Tone instead of using sickening salivating calomel DodsonsLiver Tone Is real liver medicine Youll know It next morning because you will wake up feeling fine your liver will be work- ing your headache and dizziness gone your stomach will be sweet and your bowels regular You will feel like working Youll be cheerful full of vigor and ambition Your druggist or dealer sells you a EOcent bottle of Dodsons Liver Tone ou and A ¬ ¬ He Owes It You must pay a pretty high rent for this studio old man My dear boy in the bright lexicon- of art there Is no such word must Important to Mothers every of remedy for Infanta and children and see that it Bears the Signature In Use For Over 30 Years Children Cry for Fletchers Caatoria Had to Shortly after the Civil war a lady In New York asked her colored cook to get her husband to come over and help move some furniture She no ticed that the negro man had several bad scars on his head Was your husband In the war Di nah she asked No maam he get all those scars on his head she asked Oh dats whar wes had words to- gether How could you Dinah He seems like a nice man said the mistress- Oh hes good nough now but it took a lot of work wid de tater masher to persuade him to be good County Citizens Only The following announcement peared on the poster advertising county fair Among the other attractive of the great fair there will highly amusing donkey races and pig races Competition in these two races open to citizens of the county only We Work Here Bill According to an English r j per 00000 women iniSondon were thrown out of work by the war r over sixty en began knitting in this country when the war began IN A SHADOW Tea Drinker Feared Paralysis Steady use of either tea or coffee often produces alarming symptoms- as the poison caffeine contained in these beverages acts with more po tency In some persons than In others- I was never a coffee drlnket writes an 111 woman but a tea drink- er I was very nervous had frequent spells of sick headache and heart trouble and was subject at times to severe attacks of bilious colic No end of sleepless spells at night when my right side would get numb and tingle like a thousand needles wore pricking my flesh At times I could hardly put my tongue out of my mouth and my right eye and ear wero affected The doctors told me to quit using tea but I thought I could not live with out it that It was my only stay I had been a tea drinker for twentyfive years was under the doctors care for fifteen About six months ago I finally quit tea and commenced to drink Postum- I have never had one spell of sick headaches wince and only one light attack of bilious colic Have quit hav ing those numb spells at night sleep well and my heart Is getting stronger- all the time Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Read The Road to Wellville In pkgs Postum comes in two forms Postum Cereal tho original form must be 16 and 25a pack ages Instant Poitum a soluble powder dissolves quickly in a cup of hot wa- ter and with cream and sugar makes delicious beverage Instantly BOo tins Both kinds aro equally delicious and cost about the same per cup Theres a Reason for Poatum sold by Grocers as CASTORlA a safe and sure 1 f L liP fea- tures be JI JillAnd wom nightswould- have 30c s Broke- n How did a well and fi ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = and straighten yov v you can have your money back Chil- dren gladly take Dodsons LlverTone because it is pleasant tasting doesnt gripe or cramp or make hem sick I am selling millions of Dodsons Liver Tone to people who have found that this pleasant liver medicine takes the place i of dangerous calomel Buy one bottle- on my sound reliable guarantee Ask your druggist or storekeeper about mft i bottles or will start r NuIaA and vege- table > OneSided Definition What Is your Idea of neutrality Neutrality answered the diplo- mat is a state of mind so disinterest- ed and accurate as to permit no that the side of the controversy represented by me is entitled to the fullest support Backache Is a WarningTh- ousands suffer kidney not knowing that the backache headaches and dull nervous dizzy all tired are often due to kidney weakness alone Anybody who suffers constantly from backache Some Irregularity of the secretions may give Just the needed proof Doans Pills have been curing backache and sick kidneys for over fifty years A Florida Case Mrs D James wTrjelw 212 S Fifth St Palatka A heavy dis- ordered kidneys and my back got so lame I couldnt I stoop to tie my shoes I was hard able to do my housework Doan Kidney Pills helped- me aa soon as took them and two boxes fixed me Utt good remained cured Vj i FCHTER4OJURN CO BVFTAUO IfcY queS- tion should thelddney KId- ney I r In v I A 15 e Ilk unawares condi- tion r X cold x 1 h s e I as ti- 011Do t i LL1 a u 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ < < For Thrush and Foot Diseases eput- 11at sad HettYs HANFORD Balsam of MyrrhF- or Galls Cuts Lameneu Strains Bunches Thrush Old Sore Nail Wounds Foot Rot Fistula Bleeding Etc Eta Made Since 1846 25c SOc and 100 SYRACUSE JITNEY OfferTills and DONT MIS3THI8 Cototdthls slip enclose with EC to Foley Co 8843 Sheffield Dept A Chicago clearly You will rectlre In return ft trial package containing Foleys Honey and Compound coughs colds and croup Foley Kidney Pills In tide kidney and bladder ailments and Calh- artlo a wholesome and thoroughly cleans- Ing cathartic especially comforting tojitout peopl A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to be as needed For DouchesI- n tho local treatment of womaria Ills such as leacorrhoea and Inflammation ho No woman who has over medicated douches will fall to clean end healthy condition Faxtine produces fend the relief from soreness which follows nteThls U because Foxtto ommended Paxtlne in ttteir private radenco relieved say it is worth Its IdVt Wire i OR WRfE All Dealers Y- Our C E In your name and T S for for douches of Paxtlae are very mCac us the lOtt healing properties For Plnkham Medicine Co rod wHh Woo men which Its Women who have At or maiL TolleCo v J 4 wIi Ask Anybody Price a d Ave writing back- ache r r iu4 l dWAfeet- ni g and o liu y been weight MJJISIN4P The Puto Jos MN f M > <

Transcript of Times Herald. (Palatka, FL) 1915-05-07 [p...




olon Chief Ameican City Of Panama

Zone Swept By Flames And

Several Killed

LOSS IS OVER 2000000T-

en Dead And Hundreds Are InjuredBeautiful Little City a Com

plete Ruin

Colon More than halt the city was

swept by a disastrous fireTen persons are known to be dead

Including two native policemen andseveral hundred persons have been injured while between 10000 and 12

000 others mostly negroes have beenrendered homeless

The loss Is estimated at about twomillion dollars

The fire destroyed twentytwo cityblocks

Many arrests have been made forlooting The town Is now under theguard of a native police and two com-

panies of the United States coast artil-lery who aided in fighting the fires

Half the population have lost alltheir belongings-

The fire started in the heart of thecity and soon was beyond control ofthe native fire brigade The cityswooden buildings burned like tinderMost of the largest stores all of themcarrying heavy stocks of merchan-dise were directly In the path of theflames

Firemen in the canal zone began dynnmltlng buildings in the path of theflames For a time these efforts werefruitless but the fire was broughtunder control

All the banks In the city were destroyed and part of the railway

was burned All that part of thecity between Seventh street south topast Twentieth street and on Frontstreet eastward beyond Bolivar streetwas destroyed


Report Circulated In London ThatAngloFrench Troops Get Firm

Hold in Galllpoll

resistance British troops according-to an official statement Issued haveestablished themselves on the Galllpoll peninsula and advanced a consid-

erable distance toward the narrows ofthe Dardanelles while the French

Cape Kum Kaleh pnthe Asiatic Bide ot the straits ofTurks

The Turks under German officersplaced every obstacle In the way ofthe invaders but against the fire ofthe allied fleet and the gallantry ofthe army they were forced to fallback The British forces lost heavily-

in the operation-Six points were selected for the

landings which commenced at daylight of April 25 At five points theywere successful immediately but atthe sixth near Seddul Bahr the troopswere unable to advance until the evening The Australians and New Zealanders landed on the west coast ofthe Galllpoll peninsula directly acrossthe country from the strongly fortifiednarrows The other British troops die

at the extreme end of thepeninsula and very soon when Itwas decided to give the men a restand time to enable the posltlons to beconsolidated they had reached Krlthia on the road which runs along thepeninsula and over which they will

Join their comrades from the domin-

ions and attack the forts guarding thenarrows In the rear

Roosevelt Trial WitnessesSyracuse N for Theo

dore Roosevelt placed before the jurytrying William Barnes suit alleginglibel testimony designed to indicatethe existence of a blpartlsan combination between Barnes as leader of theRepublican organization and Charles-

F Murphy as leader of the Democrat-

ic organization To this end formerState Senators Harvey D HinmanFred M Davenport and Joshua TNewcombe and H C McMillan a

correspondent in Albany for aNew York newspaper were placed onthe witness stand

Villa Claims A VictoryEl Paso battlo was

fought between two of Villas brigadesand the Obregon advance guard atTrinidad according to an official Villastatement reaching here It was saidthe Carranza troops were deflatedretreating to Clloa It was stated thatthe enemy lost six hundred deadwhile the Villa losses were placed atone hundred and forty killed andwounded This Is the first battle inseveral days but It Is thought thatthere will be much fighting in thenear future


nWUlcnUUTarh to







Loa onAfter serioijs fllghtingrOIi



















t rrti n-


LAND v e



4 t4


a L itj h r aMIat9 L eklfi-nrnayrt e r fa PSAH-

rl oara s 1e rrrrlt-

tr e

qe l rt o 9 r-

Wt WI l4 lSFllei-

lrrr ousulUol-

Lehml4teui k4Se a-

t bemaburm s 1Jt S c1lfifARlD i 1

oaa 1Gnrtdle-harrfalht

XTth J e


o us RirRNCC-

fe c RU41i rorts e terles-

I a iv cw I oKutKicii Sea kitestr ke wnnMf l wrpetre raztarsra ooae-ID1 d4 tr DiatanttsinSe7Miles rbrs

eatroneeto0ordVaNfSJ4-umNe e rjlJioli









Stiff Resistance Made By Turks In

Defense Of TheAttempt Failed

London The march on

has begun British and Frenchtroops after landing on both sides of

the Dardanelles under what are de

scribed as excellent conditionstaken many prisoners and are continu-ing their advance

The British war office and admiral-ty announce that the troops landed-on peninsula are thoroughly making good their footing with theeffective help of the navy

Paris officially announces theof KunvKaleb on the Asiatic

desperate resistance to both land-

ing and occupation although theywere under the guns of French warships Is indicated by the fact thatthey delivered seven counter attacksand employed heavy guns

The number of troops on this expedition which is in command of GenSir Ian Hamilton Is not known butwhile those already ashore are mov-

ing forward and strengthening theirpositions the disembarkation fromthe transports still goes on

The Turkish official statement re-

specting the operations declares thatalthough hostile forces were landed atKumKaleh and advanced under theprotection of the warships they weredriven back to the coast several hundred men being killed

Culebra Cut ChangedWashington President Wilson has

signed an executive order changing-the name of Culebra cut In the Panama canal to Gaillard cut In honor ofthe late Col D D Gaillard who diedfrom disease while a member of theIsthmian canal commission


Bryan Denounces AlcoholSecretary Bryan urging total

declared In an address underauspices of the National AbstainersUnion in New York that the

shown that patriotismwas no match for the appetite vhlchalcohol cultivates in Ita victims

Abolish Party BossesParty bosses should be dropped as

obsolete institutions and theot New York made the party

in tho state Jacob Gould Schurman president of Cornell universityand a vice president of the

convention declared in anbefore the Unconditionalclub at Albany Increasing the

executive power to Initiate legislation-will make him the controlling

he continuedArbitration Pact Signed

An arbitration award advancing tosome extent the pay of sixtyfourthousand locomotive engineers

and hostlers on ninetyeightWestern railroads has been signed InChicago A dissenting opinion waslied on behalf of the Brotherhood otSnglnemen In which the arbitrationwas branded as a failure and thoNewlands law under which It was

an Inadequate device forof industrial Thehad been fn session for

and their finding has beenawaited with interest by both sides



GaUl poll

side or by FrenchifAr crT bC lOr olfeted


nor lead-er













Euro-pean war had

constitu-tional ad-
















American Port Now Protects Two Ger-

man Cruisers Prlnz Eltel andWilhelm

Newport News Germancommerce destroyer Kronprinz WIl

helm will be interned for the war in

American waters at the request of hercommander Lieutenant Captain Thierfelder Notice of his intentions wasgiven by the German officer to Collector of Customs Hamilton in thismessage

Herewith I have to officially In-

form you that I internCommander Thlerfelder later ampli-

fied verbally this message by sayingthat it had been his Intention to at

tvWorships otf guaroFlTff the VffBnnff

but that the continued seriousIllness of more than sixty members ofhis crew would make the dash impossible before the expiration of the timetime set for his departure from thisneutral haven It was understood thatthe Washington government had al-

lowed the commander until midnight


Prince Von Buelow Said To BeOver Outlook Concern

ing Hostilities

London The opinion Is growing InRome that Austria and Italy are driftIng Inevitably toward war A diplomat accredited to the qulrlnal quotesGerman Ambassador von Buelow assaying it would be impossible for Austria to accept Italys demands

The position of Greece may bocleared up after the visit which PrinceGeorge is paying to Paris and Lon-

don although nothing Is likely to happen until general electionabout to take place

Fill Hall Of Fame VacanciesNew York The names of twenty

six widely known men tofill vacancies created by deaths In theroll of one hundred electors In the hallof fame at New YOrk university wereannounced The twentysix are President John 0 HIbben of Princeton uni-versity Dr Alexander Graham BellMaj Gen George W Goethols George-W Cable Winston Churchill JamesWhitcomb Riley Miss Ida M TarbellMrs Helen Elkin Starrett SupremoCourt Justices Charles E Hughes andWilliam R Day William Howard TaftWalter Hines Page Henry Van DykeOscar S Straus Senator John SharpWilliams Senator Morris SheppardSenator Joseph E Ransdell ChampClark John Wanamaker John RMott Myron T Herrick James Douglas mining engineer of New YorkElbert H Gary Arthur J Brown ofNew York Robert S Brookings of Sttouts and Henry Watterson

Expectations From Income TaxWashington Complete preliminary

estimates from all internal jevenuecollection districts received at thetreasury department incldato that theIndividual and corporation income taxthis year will not only come up to thegeneral estimates of 980000000 butwill probably exceed that sum This

most welcome bit of informationthat has come to the ears of treasuryofficials in many months If the estimate Is borne out the prospectiveissue of Panama canal bonds may bedelayed


I f bA


after the

and women




















I Guarantee godsons Liver Tone

Bowel Cleansing You Ever Ha 1





Calomel makes you sick you losdays work Calomel Is quicksfand it salivates calomel Injtliver

If you are bilious fand all knockedare constipated aCfotw

or Btontoch is sour Just take a spoon-

ful of harmless Dodsons Liver Tone

instead of using sickening salivatingcalomel DodsonsLiver Tone Is realliver medicine Youll know It nextmorning because you will wake up

feeling fine your liver will be work-

ing your headache and dizziness goneyour stomach will be sweet and your

bowels regular You will feel likeworking Youll be cheerful full ofvigor and ambition

Your druggist or dealer sells you aEOcent bottle of Dodsons Liver Tone

ouand A



He Owes ItYou must pay a pretty high rent

for this studio old manMy dear boy in the bright lexicon-

of art there Is no such wordmust

Important to Mothersevery of

remedy forInfanta and children and see that it

Bears theSignatureIn Use For Over 30 YearsChildren Cry for Fletchers Caatoria

Had toShortly after the Civil war a lady In

New York asked her colored cook to

get her husband to come over andhelp move some furniture She noticed that the negro man had severalbad scars on his head

Was your husband In the war Dinah she asked

No maamhe get all those scars on

his head she askedOh dats whar wes had words to-

getherHow could you Dinah He seems

like a nice man said the mistress-Oh hes good nough now but it

took a lot of work wid de tater masherto persuade him to be good

County Citizens OnlyThe following announcement

peared on the poster advertisingcounty fair

Among the other attractiveof the great fair there will

highly amusing donkey races and pigraces

Competition in these two racesopen to citizens of the county only

We Work HereBill According to an English r j

per 00000 women iniSondon werethrown out of work by the war r

over sixtyen began knitting in this country whenthe war began

IN A SHADOWTea Drinker Feared Paralysis

Steady use of either tea or coffeeoften produces alarming symptoms-as the poison caffeine contained inthese beverages acts with more potency In some persons than In others-

I was never a coffee drlnketwrites an 111 woman but a tea drink-er I was very nervous had frequentspells of sick headache and hearttrouble and was subject at times tosevere attacks of bilious colic

No end of sleeplessspells at night when my right

side would get numb and tingle like athousand needles wore pricking myflesh At times I could hardly put mytongue out of my mouth and my righteye and ear wero affected

The doctors told me to quit usingtea but I thought I could not live without it that It was my only stay Ihad been a tea drinker for twentyfiveyears was under the doctors care forfifteen

About six months ago I finally quittea and commenced to drink Postum-

I have never had one spell of sickheadaches wince and only one lightattack of bilious colic Have quit having those numb spells at night sleepwell and my heart Is getting stronger-all the time

Name given by Postum Co BattleCreek Mich Read The Road toWellville In pkgs

Postum comes in two formsPostum Cereal tho original form

must be 16 and 25a packages

Instant Poitum a soluble powderdissolves quickly in a cup of hot wa-ter and with cream and sugar makesdelicious beverage InstantlyBOo tins

Both kinds aro equally delicious andcost about the same per cup

Theres a Reason for Poatumsold by Grocers


CASTORlA a safe and sure


f L



tures be

JIJillAnd wom





How did











and straighten yov vyou can have your money back Chil-

dren gladly take Dodsons LlverTonebecause it is pleasant tastingdoesnt gripe or cramp or make hemsick

I am selling millions of

Dodsons Liver Tone to people whohave found that this pleasant

liver medicine takes the placei of dangerous calomel Buy one bottle-

on my sound reliable guarantee Askyour druggist or storekeeper about mft


bottles or

willstartr NuIaA





OneSided DefinitionWhat Is your Idea of neutralityNeutrality answered the diplo-

mat is a state of mind so disinterest-ed and accurate as to permit no

that the side of the controversyrepresented by me is entitled to thefullest support

Backache Is aWarningTh-

ousands suffer kidneynot knowing that the backache headachesand dull nervous dizzy all tired

are often due to kidney weaknessalone Anybody who suffers constantlyfrom backacheSome Irregularity of the secretions maygive Just the needed proof Doans

Pills have been curing backache andsick kidneys for over fifty years

A Florida Case

Mrs D James wTrjelw212 S Fifth StPalatka

A heavy dis-

ordered kidneysand my back got solame I couldnt

Istoop to tie myshoes I was hard

able to do myhousework DoanKidney Pills helped-me aa soon astook them and twoboxes fixed me Utt


cured Vj i




should thelddney








A 15

eIlk unawares








h s eI as


011Do t i









ForThrushand FootDiseases



HANFORDBalsam of MyrrhF-or GallsCuts LameneuStrains BunchesThrush Old SoreNail Wounds Foot RotFistula Bleeding Etc EtaMade Since 1846

25c SOc and 100


JITNEY OfferTills and

DONT MIS3THI8 Cototdthlsslip enclose with EC to Foley Co8843 Sheffield Dept A Chicago

clearly You will rectlre In return fttrial package containing Foleys Honeyand Compound coughs coldsand croup Foley Kidney PillsIn tide

kidney and bladder ailments and Calh-artlo a wholesome and thoroughly cleans-Ing cathartic especially comforting tojitout peopl

A Soluble Antiseptic Powder tobe as needed

For DouchesI-n tho local treatment of womaria Illssuch as leacorrhoea and Inflammation ho

No woman who has over medicateddouches will fall to clean endhealthy condition Faxtine produces fend the

relief from sorenesswhich follows nteThls U because Foxtto

ommended Paxtlne in ttteirprivate radenco

relieved say it is worth ItsIdVt



OR WRfEAll Dealers


Our C


In your name and TSfor


douches of Paxtlae are very mCacus



healing propertiesFor

Plnkham Medicine Co rod

wHh Woomen which Its

Women who have

Ator maiLTolleCo




Ask Anybody








ni g and oliu y



The Puto Jos MN



