Timeline of the civil warmaurersandersonss.weebly.com/.../civil_war_causes_josh.pdfTimeline of the...

Timeline of the civil war Joseph, Styles shippy, Joshua Bennett, Joshua Swann

Transcript of Timeline of the civil warmaurersandersonss.weebly.com/.../civil_war_causes_josh.pdfTimeline of the...

Page 1: Timeline of the civil warmaurersandersonss.weebly.com/.../civil_war_causes_josh.pdfTimeline of the civil war Joseph, Styles shippy, Joshua Bennett, Joshua Swann Compromise of 1850

Timeline of the civil warJoseph, Styles shippy, Joshua Bennett, Joshua Swann

Page 2: Timeline of the civil warmaurersandersonss.weebly.com/.../civil_war_causes_josh.pdfTimeline of the civil war Joseph, Styles shippy, Joshua Bennett, Joshua Swann Compromise of 1850

Compromise of 1850

Who: Henry Clay

What: Fugitive slave act was amended, slave trade in Washington was abolished, California became a free state, territorial government was created in Utah, settling a boundary dispute between Texas and New Mexico, and established a territorial government in New Mexico were the five bills that made up the compromise of 1850.

When: January 29th, 1850

Where: United States Senate in the north wing of the Capital of Washington D.C.

Why: California wanted to become a Free State.

Perspective: North was happy/ South was mad

Page 3: Timeline of the civil warmaurersandersonss.weebly.com/.../civil_war_causes_josh.pdfTimeline of the civil war Joseph, Styles shippy, Joshua Bennett, Joshua Swann Compromise of 1850

Fugitive Slave Act

Who: The confederate states, slave patrol (bounty hunters)

What: Allowed the south to capture and return runaway slaves. Some blacks were free living in free states but if the slave patrol thought you were a slave they would take you back to the person who set the ransom amount

When: September 18,1850 - ended in 1864

Where: All throughout the U.S.

Why: It sought to force the authorities in free states to return fugitive slaves to their masters

Perspective: south(yes) North( no)

Page 4: Timeline of the civil warmaurersandersonss.weebly.com/.../civil_war_causes_josh.pdfTimeline of the civil war Joseph, Styles shippy, Joshua Bennett, Joshua Swann Compromise of 1850

Underground RailroadWho: Harriet tubman, northern abolitionist, free slaves, quakers

What: allowed slaves to escape to freedom through a network of routes within

the area

When: 1850-1860

Where: all across the southern states and to the northern states

Why: abolitionist and allies were sympathetic to their cause

Perspective: south(no) north( don't care)

Page 5: Timeline of the civil warmaurersandersonss.weebly.com/.../civil_war_causes_josh.pdfTimeline of the civil war Joseph, Styles shippy, Joshua Bennett, Joshua Swann Compromise of 1850

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Who: Harriet Beecher Stowe

What: a abook about anti-slavery and it help lay the groundwork for the civil


When: March 20,1852

Where: All around the U.S.

Why: To voice concerns about slavery

Perspective: south( mad as crap) north(yes)

Page 6: Timeline of the civil warmaurersandersonss.weebly.com/.../civil_war_causes_josh.pdfTimeline of the civil war Joseph, Styles shippy, Joshua Bennett, Joshua Swann Compromise of 1850

Kansa-Nebraska Act

Who - the northern government.

What- it was an act passed by the US congress to allow the states to decide if they wanted to allow slavery or not allow slavery.

When- May, 30, 1854

Where-kansas, nebraska

Why- because the north and the south disagreed so they let them decide.

Page 7: Timeline of the civil warmaurersandersonss.weebly.com/.../civil_war_causes_josh.pdfTimeline of the civil war Joseph, Styles shippy, Joshua Bennett, Joshua Swann Compromise of 1850

Bleeding Kansas

What-a series of violent political confrontations in the United States When -1855 – 1861

Where -Kansas and Missouri

Why -Involving anti-slavery "Free-Staters" and pro-slavery "Border Ruffian", or "southern" elements in Kansas.

Northern: would have agreed with this because the result of this was a free state victory

Southern:Would have disagreed because the north won

Page 8: Timeline of the civil warmaurersandersonss.weebly.com/.../civil_war_causes_josh.pdfTimeline of the civil war Joseph, Styles shippy, Joshua Bennett, Joshua Swann Compromise of 1850

Dred Scott Decision

Who:Dred scott and his wife, U.S. Supreme court, the supreme court of Missouri

What: a case on whether or not african americans were considered citizens

When: March 6,1857

Why: an african american was not given freedom even though they had lived in

a free state during the masters time in U.S. military

Perspective: South( yes they are with the decision),North( they feel it's not fair)

Page 9: Timeline of the civil warmaurersandersonss.weebly.com/.../civil_war_causes_josh.pdfTimeline of the civil war Joseph, Styles shippy, Joshua Bennett, Joshua Swann Compromise of 1850

Caning of charles sumner

What-United States Senate, Representative Preston Brooks attacked Senator Charles Sumner , an abolitionist, with a walking cane in retaliation for a speech given by Sumner two days earlier in which he fiercely attacked slaveholders including a relative of Brooks.

Perspectives :Northers were enraged because a southern (Brooks) attacked a northern representative (Sumner)

Page 10: Timeline of the civil warmaurersandersonss.weebly.com/.../civil_war_causes_josh.pdfTimeline of the civil war Joseph, Styles shippy, Joshua Bennett, Joshua Swann Compromise of 1850

Lincoln/Douglas debates

Who: Stephen Douglas and Abraham LIncoln

What: A series of seven debates between Abraham Lincoln of the republican and Stephen Douglas of the Democratic party

When: Aug 21, 1858 – Oct 15, 1858

Where: All over Illinois

Perspectives: North sided with Lincoln South sided with Douglas

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Who: Abraham Lincoln’s election

What: South Carolina leaving the Union.

When: December 20th, 1860 to June 8th, 1861

Where: Southern States/ South Carolina

Why: Abraham Lincoln’s election

Perspective: North will be infuriated/ South has mixed thoughts on the subject.

Page 12: Timeline of the civil warmaurersandersonss.weebly.com/.../civil_war_causes_josh.pdfTimeline of the civil war Joseph, Styles shippy, Joshua Bennett, Joshua Swann Compromise of 1850

Election of 1860 Who: Abraham Lincoln, Stephen Douglas, John C. Breckinridge, and John Bell

What: Presidential Election

When: 1860

Where: United States

Why: Lincoln wins with 40% of the vote which sparks Southern secession.

Perspectives: South sided with Douglas and leaves the U.S. because of his loss. North sided with lincon

Page 13: Timeline of the civil warmaurersandersonss.weebly.com/.../civil_war_causes_josh.pdfTimeline of the civil war Joseph, Styles shippy, Joshua Bennett, Joshua Swann Compromise of 1850

Raid on Harpers Ferry Who: John Brown an abolitionist who believed armed insurrection was the only way to overthrow the institution of slavery in the United States and his band.

What: overran the federal arsenal


Where: Harpers Ferry, WV

Northern perspective: Agree with John brown decision to raid

Southern perspective: hated brown’s decision to raid because Harpers Ferry is in the south

Page 14: Timeline of the civil warmaurersandersonss.weebly.com/.../civil_war_causes_josh.pdfTimeline of the civil war Joseph, Styles shippy, Joshua Bennett, Joshua Swann Compromise of 1850

Battle of Fort Sumter

Who: U.S Major Robert Anderson

What: The North Provoked the South and the South then bombed Northern

militia. Abraham Lincoln was mostly the cause with him delivering equipment to

the Northern militia in the South, this initiated the Civil War. (last straw)

When: April 12th, 1861 to February of 1865

Where: Charleston Harbor, South Carolina or Fort Sumter

Why: Abraham sending equipment to Northern militia.

Perspective: North was mad for being bombed/ South angry for being provoked.