chroniclingamerica.loc.govtill' 11 R iCUSE SOLDIERA*', CONVENTION. _ U .irmonsl li»t of signers to...

till' 11 R iCUSE SOL DIERA* ', CONVENTION. _ U .irmonsl li»t of signers to he ool! for tbc ('«invention o.'Iooiul Union Soldiers to lo liai Syracut" ll-»»-: IBs*. B. B Bv-rrev» \m >"«'.!»« H I », 'Ir-i' r **. V. Vc, Vois. ¡UN. Y. Vols. ¦. Vol«. rr Abrara 11 S V. Xo'.A »! 1«. ._":'. N. V. V«.!i. S Y Vols. li. ( ,l.-..'1 V 11 is 'ti ..:¦: S V V..I». I '.V ...i, t; -ir. S V Vol«. \ Voll. » .-,. a. », «.¡st Vet. Carobr. J ti Ti. Y. Vila ill !l*.tb N. Y. Vol*. 'Pint le ¡¡insist William limns Johnson, Si»lb Von uectl .at v imml Lteatenani Tboo. Yan Kin. k, 20tii N. Y»S. M. Jare sl«M o"T (». Wheeler. láO B. Y. Vdl». y, i ¦. rs W. A. Hanlin«.». 24th N. T. VeM V. Borlcll. 1st ü. .S. Indura Inf luf-j-. ,s tii.t I ale Huvey, Slgncl ( ¦.th Milne Vetean Yoi». Bo: séant K. K. A "tU. Beii'.in' .f*t). A. .!¦ laiit» Veteran Yoi« CtorHB. Y.fonrmd » ivania Vol». ir Uo \v. J. Qnibaa, inn). l'tiiL»yiv»aia. Privet« T. C. RaBsy, Bienal i rp«. l'ri»ai>* Iiani' Peaosflvaata. (¡(Hi .ral W A Lye ..lo Cavalry. Priv»»e f, « leran Vol». Private!. « Private1* I 11 Dusbei Prlritf« i Bepl »rt, len I'eiiBtylvania Vois. MasMubaaeta Yetaren Vi.'-. Coi,. ,«.,i''".M ,-< t. :,i. .Itiriii'i Vol.-, Yoi». ..,1'MV'tK «. l"th N.«Y. Voll < it»« MUDO Mattery. I-rlva' th Muh. Vet. Voir. Purste ( L. Mci vo!s. CsBt.-Mmee-I. ra*» «lu!. ftlvBto Alivrt Lin a. BOth ."». «I. Pris «te I* E. Calilos, HthK. H. Vt.i«. berg* tel Jante. li I".,c -7 ;; N. V. Vols. Priesa I. fc"UDwiBel Id M Cavalry*. Privt» n "th N. Y Heavy.rt. Privón: Loyal lvos.S«WI Y. H. I Cav. Norgcii.u IV ewftird. »i Oaw »t.»Vol«. l»r.v-'e K. I,. Mci."*': IBih Mich. Vols. Bead Clerk J. ItobMns, Com Dcp't i 9th Aray Corps. P.tva'e It W Boyd. 11 si Ohio V .1». _*Tir»... A UJooea ldm PaCaralri. !.. -S J .\V.:*i ¦.MHI i Hut er «I A ! v'oU. iTi.e.e J W Hoflma.i. _-;li Pit Yd». Privit (t. arle» Wlhesrtnan. lita Meise. I'rivíit" Max Bertrand llth PB VI Privat-« J raie» Beril», ".-ii N Y. H.iavy Art, Privat« H- A lil B. H. V IT »Bit. IT.ub 11 Kallv. lath VI". Veteran V-I. ".. 11. W. KBreJl Naval Ao.idouiy. Privare 1. 1». Colton. MU N. V. Art. Isgridiniiu Hirl'cn Coi loton. U. S. S. Citos«_Bi_>_L Pin» e P. T. Oh ai' n. l-< Ile. C ivalry. Priva el i L te ::. 1-' .. Prüfte W. 1!. il »1» an!. flth B. J. Vol,. hi*li Kenu CortKirtU-LothSii Kenuiv. H*.'d N Y. fiaatV'Od I..eut J. M Clark, 3d B. Y l'.sttory.. Coat. Addison A Kev.«s, Utfth III Vii Berg«*«nt I». C Teapnaa, H.MI »N. Y. Vol., L'ont ."*. 11. Mooo, l'-tii tt. V. Voto, j H. Temliiik.n. 1st N. Y. Vol*. Licet J. 1 Uou'.al. ('..«bsudfoiil 3d H, Y. S. M. » TbeoUor" Bowne, IS.'.h N. Y. Vols. boot, l !.. Keys, ItMtl I Y. Vois. Pnvati C Urowi: 4th N. Y. An. OorporM KiifusTilbe. !<th B. Y. Vol«. Pilvot" Wilba Hirri*. :-th N. Y He»v.vArt. Private Vi m Pea-still, 7th V. Y. Ititi. Hat. Private Win. Woolner. .1.1 B. Y «S. M. H«rgo«iit Maicr B. C. I.obirië.in, __bt N. Y. 8. Al. Chief Ungió, cr J > Faut id. Parata F.»M. Sullivan, »th Kt?¡inent. P¡iv»U Co'aeliiis Ireland, lït-Mh N. T. Vols. PriTateÎJahn Tide, .list N. Y. Ï-Tirate ('. M. V.n Vl.e». l.l'Ji Illino!« Vols. Corrjor» W. Wallaec l'avnu n l7tb Coon. Vola. pTivnto_,l.¡ l-'-th N. Y. Vols. Pn»»'.,V.'i bar Charlock, l«3cth«X. Y. Vols. Pma»e Mitthen Marlin, l»t N. Y. h-pioeors. Pnrste Vint Y. SalUtmrv, H5tb N. Y. Vols. Private Cairce H. Pollock. !..>th N. Y. Vols. Corpora'.I. Y. Post, lau h N. Y. Vid«. Privat* 0 (iernit:..! ¡Mil N V Vol» Ber;r»»nt Albert J Buree. __4th N. T Vida. . . .-.¡DKiun. l-.-th-*-. Ya.Yols. P-rivsie Jsoo¡-*U. Conine. 3M il. J. Vols. Kttrgoait Iran H. Il¡ett. lSflh S. Y Vols. rnvateC. A. loawreooe, l-Jriih N. Y. Vals. rurale laioe. Aia»ftioag, !_. ¡h »V. Y. Vols. Can.-«.m' ! f. T -williger. Sut B. Y. 8. M. l»r!v"."'> Jobs J. !$>i-.irdas, -.'1st N Y S/V. l18 liff« d W. It .ardus. Slat N Y S M. Priv-nfj «-ornas M. Oirmond, ..'M h N J Vol». r Id llMhN Y Vol». l'i . M.«*V. 15. Mara, r.rttt. N Y VU». M. Vu., l'iu«. O'. S. Navy. Chalks Van Tiac, l_8".h K. Y. Va)U. Aeiti'ï -j-cu2d As**t Lngiucer Wtn. htoteibury, Jr., U. S. Mary. » i'.o John McT)(_iri' 11, Sd N. Y. ('»valrv. Bergeanr Robert Wilson. Ir, 7th K. Y. Bet. Wrn li ( haee, IMth N Y. Vols. to"i'.«ntl Jamos 3. Henty, isBih N. Y. Vols. Private Juba J. Miller, Otk N. Y. Heavy Art. Baoond-tateat. B. T. l!en»oo, la>tk N. Y. Vi Pnvvo VTitti-jn H. Williams. l8'.h,N. Y. Voir. Private .loMph Henry, 56ih N. Y. V. Vols. Privs'e Henrv Look«», .Mh U. S Art. Pnv »to W H'Coiwj.11. Sist N Y Vols «Corpa; a! John Statcuburv. lSBth N Y Vols. Prívate f*harte* WLii«. lil»t N Y Vol». Priva«. ilasry B Sotienck, (J M Dct.'t. Lleut. oL J M Oat*. lIBU _a|Jt M v: Vata, -yessstow. lirgoant TheoTcu Broeck. isotb N Y Vol», G'.) Eagl». |t M -nith__Batlery I*. 1st N Y Art. 1 Brown. Ultn N Y Vols. .-ry West, Öth N Y_H'avv Art. Cea Vt'imer. BtbT.. Y. C'a Cavalrv nant J. W. Moore, M LiglitMrti'lery. Liou!«o»at W. Gowlwle, llllb N. X. O. Vota. Ueatenant Lewis M-xher. .'Od N. Y. Yoi». :,r»ii»u«riT. Tod. 0<ser. 1Kb X. Y. Vol«. «tenant Fred. Goodwin, l_oth K. Y, VoU. Piro Sergeant J. T». Beadle, ath N. Y. Cav. nant K A. Hibbard. lllthN. Y. Vol», "apt.-M. Hopkia«, 8th N. Y. Cav. tajor U.»N. Maffbt. 2Mb IS. Car. Vols. ioutonantO. I». K.ln,er. 1st Veteran Car. ;apt. J.HasIev. 8_ih N. Y. Vols, dsetoiiaut and Bogimeatol (.aatermsster C. H. Wsbster. SOtíx N V Mi.or !.. B. Stephens. 137th N. Y. Yoli. Cipt. Mur«:.»! «oibeit, ia7»h N. Y. Vol». ¦Henry Vi. BMptnan, 137th N. Y. Vol« '".pt. Wir Sage, 137tà N. Y. Yol«. apt. Kdwin llrwin. lOyta N. Y. Vol», rove! M«¿or C. HeRoti. I". R. Vols. . G. David, fath P. s. f. Iufantrv. rove*. Liict Coi and Surgeoa A. J. Sheldon, N. Y. S ?ela Col. W Kreutzer .8tb S Y. R. Vols, Capt. Jo ¡r. TifTt, <Ah SPY. Artülerv. Burgoon Pv/lgbt C. Chamberlln, it h' V. Y. Artillery f argoon W Vosbargh, luth N. Y. Vols. lent n. C Bedgra.. Mb X. Y. Artillery. »lent Jamos A. Ouest, îbOih N. Y. Veta. bleat. B..H. Hberwood. IbOto B. Y. YuU. .«y«. E. A. Miaett. C. S. V V. S. A. .deut C«». I_etter S. Wilton. fWth Vet. Vois. Brevjt « up' .-.-r, «nth N. Y. Vols. Brevot t L Iliront Van Bnren, 1KM 2î. Y. Vol». Brig.-.»*.»r. IL,.. Van Uim-n. V. 8. Vol». 77th N. T. Vol«. I »riel W Arro!d,«T7th B. Y. Vol». Lioo* ¡«m Hvoels»«. 77t!i N. Y. Vol». Lie'«* Nelson J. Oittba, i;_tb«N. Y. Vol«. BeooLd Lient -«oriel Fountain, 77:h N. Y. Vol». ¦Ort'srls- tiergesnt Der.ry H. MorriilA77üi B. Y. Yo!» Orderiy S .-«.-eaut James K. Barna, 7?th N. Y. Vota Orderly .Sergeant Wosley Danleb, _8th N. Y. Vol». Orderly Sergeant Daniel F. Pavne, 5tb N. Y. Vol«. Ordsrlv 8er»;eant A1»k rt Ilarrett. lith N. Y. Car. Corporal Otu-uocey BmUod. ".7lb N. Y. Vol». Corpora! Jame* Von Ornnm. 77th N. Y. Vol». Private «tolotoon Dago, nth B. Y. Cav. Purst. J tit lirogo-y, ilth N. Y. Car. Priva« Fred Matthews, lltb N Y Cav. PrlrateByivoitei Smith, lltb N Y Cav. Private Samuel Johnion. llth N Y Car. Prívete Johtn Cross, 77th B Y. ~ erst Major Bradfind R Wood, ir. irate Wb Fiovd, 5th N Y Car. vate Ja« ob .Sievouaon, 77th N Y Vol«, mole Weal«/ l»«_«l*, 3«th N I Vols. »irate Atbert Barrett, llth N Y Car. trat» Charles Fierce, 77th K Y. trete David Stringham, 77th _f, V. irate Henrv Jame, limh N. Y. Private Adolphus Jame, 77th K. Y. Privat« Adolphus Ooodspeed», 77th N. V. Pa. vate OéorfoH (^>c»<l-r*«d. 77th N V. Private Joseph I). Hardy, ¿th N. Y. v Prlrate Leroy North, 5th N. Y. pel* <*«n. George ¡J. Batcheller, rair«ctor*G«ÍMr»l, late Lleattmant Colonel 113th N. Y. Vol». *idjt. Abram Ashler ¡r l>th N. Y. Vois. ir»TI.i(mt. Thoo. W. Krait, l__?th N. Y. Vols. neate H Milton JTord, «ItlwN. Y. Vol», iv»te Luther Bain, »lit N. Y. Cav. vate Irving A. Fiih, StnrgeeBMee. vate Wm. H. FUat, l*th N. Y. Vol«. '«Irate N. A. Calkin*. 2d Cobb. Hesvy Artlllorv. rivale Uto. W. M«) be, Stith N. Y. Vota, -¦vale Jama G. Allen. 77th V. Y. Vols. geoot Prank H. Trarer. IJOtA N. Y. Vols, rgeant John W. Whiteman. 188th N. V. Vol«, ¦iva* Christopher Mifjork )S8tb N Y. Vol«. Private Aastta J. ctork, Bth tad. Corps M. Y. fhsrp ehoeters. * ftirmtt) Ooo. R HUdreth, 8tb Ind. Corps, 2.. T. Sharp- Prtvate Hoary Van Anles, 19Bth V T. Vols Çapt Jobo I.angdOE, lkStb V. T. Vola, gergoaot Bobers Y«b Sick. 12Bth ». Y. Vols. Prívete Théodore Knapp, lUbih N. Y. VoU, Prirate Henry Ulevter, 128th N. Y. Volo. Capera! Loreis*. D. Ford, 126th B. Y. Vols. Cerperol Wa M. Caoily, ¡SBth N. Y. Vols. Private Wa AL Com bridge, MBth N. T. Vols. ¡vote Harry a Travor, lûtth N. Y. Vols. Toeat Geo. Trier. 5th K. Y. Cavalry. ate lamm «-Anstead, Mb N. Y. Cavalry. geont Aleiarnder Snydrr, Ub ¿I. Y. CaTslry. .v«*.» S Davla7*?ih K. T. Vols. grmai W. Ashley, Sharp's Kilos. t"«v»t« Wm. King, isetk If Y. VoU. a intrate Joba Mace, «th N. Y Cavalry. V ifr alii' <î_uV?rt-a--* ü* **. Vo,í- Hsaeeek's Corps. 2ÄfÄn'iM «.n^k.cTrp.. ^laaillN. y' Vois. ¦_t»wiSw?,*rWjï rV&fäiw.**1 . m-irtTi. im_ h. r.'r(_J^t' B. Biel!..Wtli K. Y. YoU Meaereaa, 15»J_k Jt. Y. YoU. ¦BMia M. Barrett, 15Mh V. Y. Vals. sea 0. Ouyoo. «Wtl N. Y »Yo!» ..Baa r. Barrett lMtb B. Y Vïis. 'cloon Brink, laetii N Y. Volo, The«. V. Dear elly, I troth N Y. Veto. Cb»«. Dale*. I.v.tb N. Y V..i» i)«8iel Klin«, l.'>t>ti¡ N. Y VoU (»il'.ert-C. Kerri» lé-ltiN V. V >U NolMB Gilkv, I.V.!'i K. T. Vol». Albert F. lít-al l.'« K. Y Vo'l fnrha C. IfarUe. 15-th N Y Voto AV ill,I'D. Moreli'.i ... IS.ti M Ya**»« I;., lianl (a lei bunt. i__i« N, Y. Ved« C».n!-W. Piui-,»v. UM N. ?. .I'.bn rr»»»!. jot!. ".'. Y. Vota, VA a II Batt-, IMtb !.. Y Vol». I!. Sir if Kr.-.i. K A'. V..:» Il.ur, T. T»r» Kläger. IT»*»» I». Y. Ve>!« Joba a m |t rbfll i I i. :. V '¦' 'I hor-a«. Wri«lit, ll-ith ti. Y. Vii« i.t-n-e»rhar»rt. It-Blb N.»Y Vol* foaag I rf..!i S, Y Veto» ol«. ¡r.t+i tf. V. Vol«. (.cn. W Scli.»«xiri,_lier, 11.11 N' Y. Vol«, !>.,«.; ( 1 VATKian. I). Dick cr,-lut h N. Y. Art. .ri.« W. VTeycaai IS-HI N- V »el. liri. ¦' Mirtln. l'-4lh B. Y. Vol. lof. Ctpt lirat I.Ktit (Jh«ilc* 11. 1*90. I*4h N. T Cl' 'l. ... Catii, .linne« II A«iler»on n't h Itifaatry. C-pV-re-nder Clirk. l'*«tti Infantry i.i. ut. .«-(».C. T-g-aiT, 7l»i Militi». Meut, nut, Breeel ( apt J rim lui« hie 1 -t-i __-»»>.«. Cfipt 'Henty P. Travifi. ti Uti Infirftry. - ». |.i, 1Mb -Milia. , labdara-dab MiUi., ¿nli Infintry. (T.lit. .Ale Monti. ::»»i«_ Infanlry. i rp1 lie» ry A. llt>t«iiri. Ohio Infin-ry. Cai»t. «rt-irli-l '/. li«. I (¡-il h Iuf.v.lry. «'.".-. Thomas li DeeC*. .Veiv-frrft'v Infaitry *.i i»: B R M(»t>re, :tTd New .loi» r Cargi J-TratSergr. Kohrrt K. i ¡.ot In.-.«!'':!, M, .-.«. 1 « ut W. liatn C. llrown, 1 Uti. Mltlttl liierst. BylreeMr Lawas«, l'.'ttii labatt"". (Teilt. .1 ittre« T. Cl.uta, ICfili*. Lieu». KI ward I!. Leu«« Mit« li.Cuntir. Lieut. J. K. K Oiklcvatelb lufantij. I) ).. Fraiiklii). With Infantry. t. ,1.-1 ». \ 1 -a-1«, *iG li Infinity. "iliijin etiir-ii.» A. It une;, lait h Infaiiliy. I.teiil. Charte« B, I,!«!», :t6th lufantry l.'ciil'D'ividK bit.!i.-iii, 9011 lu.arti... Ni,! «..'M.i'i Infantry. bert Ar.hieoa. 1Mb Cavff,r* nt AViKiaai Uiiiiniehaol. .lS-ltti lu fa airy. S-rg.-ant lliuij A. Phidapa. 4/th Infautry. .i'liiiie» li. Strachan, 7th In li pendent Battery. I'orp.ral Bdwil.!. Mtiali, 1Mb (' «valry. Bl lit :.i. .1. IBebteel, I'lth Infantry. < pin b1 TiiIiii riaadni. 7th ladopendael tia tory. I'. i\, to Tttorna* Ciinnlagham. ICeHli Infautry. fnvule.lBniea Nc-ot». C. id Infantry. 1";'» C. Barr, Iflllblal tiilr,-. IT,vate "Vic. I!. Daniel 7il, -v11 !1. ty. Pi tala.loim l'innry. iiviii Infaatrr l-riv-te "Vru.'tiiiii jjie,7ili Independent Bslfery. l'rivnte Tlmim"*.!. I>t pew t!:h Infantry. I'm »te VWIIIta I). BptalHar. "d Infitn'.ry. ITiv.iit« Willi.» »u (ari~-utur. I.'lili liiîioiry. Privat.»Bobart8ta-_alelé, i»'» t'«v_iry. Private Au^uelu» McKinuey Private i»i»»rd ABderaoa, Wil t ifaatrjr. I'riv, «(. Joseph ». 'I iT'.l). Privule D. Harrinctoti t-ty« »iii «J-oi-ge« II. I'liaiidle', l-.'ltb Inf-tntry. «'or;., al I». I. Kidd, MM LeC-Bt-l I'uval«. Nb*'.ii.i.TWih »uti. I !lth infanlry. I MrMulleii, -Hi lula., if Pri»atir-_.*G. M'ltif*». "Hi Independent liai. PriAflt.-Hiigh Tapp.- (j, M-daC-ntTf. Private Jol n Joyce. Pnvate John Wilma, .'.''li Iu'ialiy Privait .", «lin Prince. :H»th lnlintry l'livateiklitttii Vaaaahaff-, i'tuh Infaatrr. Private Alex Winari-. Mt lataatr* Adjutant'-. Owen alctore, -Oth I -faotijr. T.'out. l.ven.t d. I" a.a. 1'.'.h billilla. *'¦ .|rin..l iImiici« I.vnii. 19411 Infautrv. Sergeant Charlee I: VTiifbt, 7th.riihery. I'rii !t-*Get-r»-e V. Bediker, i'.«), Artillery. Prívele Kdwartl Joluisoii. Uti Ailillery. 3eri-ennt David P AVil_on, A'Dill.ry. Ser.eai.tiCbaiie« Utirnian, 1Mb Artillery. Sergcaal Atcb Booti, '.aub Infintry. Private II cory (Tim ni^iium, 7th llnttei **. Priyate"*(»-Oat Fld«L 'Kith lama rr. Sergeatt Htipii CaBrttaelI, If«-ttTi Infantry. Prtrata ^ iu. 1 ue» 1 » laiantr- l'rivnte Win. Ueodiiah, IS'tb Infantrv. !« Waltir Jones K-tb.Cavalry. ( »tt. K. A Jonen, tttt Infantry, l'rivate Ku)>crt Si ra." Ml ArtlUtrf. Bar gean I li»ie:ti-MatKinncra9aitb Infantry. Lie« .for. A. .Sue--. "Atti Inf.ililry Sergeant Jo«. H.."rViMioiao. Wtb Infantry. C»ipt (Icorge M. lUiea. IT mile Mai (It rim r, itifb Infantry, l'rivdie H.nry Fairbank, 7th BB I'mate Jftinee M»ntg."rv 71*1 Minti«. Lieal Kml Gillespie. _*>ib kiliüi. Corporal lanac Denotatob, Ce.tU luftntry. Co*t»or«l Stepb-0 1.4 bUbt í r*¡!i li.L.ntry. I'm ie ViTlliam lain liild, fini h lud: ti). I.lctil (it-oige VA' Hawkiiie, Naiy. I'npii.c-r i Ctiai I( . U'iril ¡cr. NaTy. Kngloeer Oeorge Iter.neit. Nsw Kt'-meer Roln-rt W'hiloliiil. Ni »y. Uni.- i.e.-r;J»ui'-» T UTyd. -i_v. Bnglnear Baberl 1.1 ii Wfltlam Wsrdrar». Navy. ilBgiga W11 lim J l'tid-r'til'. jr. î.'avy. Kergeant Fred Lavta, f.tli lofatitry. Lieut Krank Page, etta Inf-ritry. Pri«_te',!ubn*ili.iioab. T-Stb Infantry. PrlraM Anatllne, -ttd Infantry. IT n ate John 1) Gatriaoo, 7tb LiitUry. I'm ate- Pani C-ruiio!ia»l. 7th Arlill r^ I'm ale WiUinm Fairchild. Kerb lnfaiTry. Private Acaor. kfeakier, ISttl Infantry. Private Kd Cerbng, IO th Infautry. Pnvate Ed IcroT, l(-<th lnfaotrr Private David Harmab, 7tli Aralaij. Private Hugh Willi, 3d lufatitry. Private Win D lui»!'. .M Infnitry. Ii leal .loseph A Sneetl, tkiIi Infantry. S.-treiiit Wilier D Jone-, Huh Cavalry. Private William Mc('»_HnolL IJ-Ui Cavalry. Majoi Jame« A Nairn r. '¦i~'u liittotry. -argeeD O M lu ni ir.,1», i'.'llh lafaolry. VriTBtaT-it* U -tate, 7-tb tuUulrv. J ergoanBThe-dor« M-Kwen oth Artillen .' mute Daniel TJIinnelly. íth Infantrv. Private, H-kben'i. Ntbl .fantry. Private Aller! I'rl'.cf.f ¦'.th infanlry CorBToral Jrlorv-I.liu (».It II l'.'lüi I.ifantry. PrívaleKober! Meiritt. li«)tb Iil'__iry. I'mnta Charlo* t-_-»er, I .'«Iii InO.Hry. Pri.ateJobn if. Blair, l-IU lafaatr/. PrlraMOeergt Blair. 9-th lniniitrr. I.lum. :ih V \ Infautiy. Col Willi'iin It Brown, lo«!h»Iufaotry. I.'cnt WBtea Brnyi i-.t I Private Luke Jackson l.'i'li luftntry. l'rivate (ieorpe A Abbott, iixta lutautry. Private J D ¡Scott. Kuti lufni.lry Private A S Heater, 19th Infantry. Prirnie («entire Trnttnttn, 7:!i ltat:*iry. Pi.»ate Samuel C_*!i. ».Iii Ir» inti Private O W Kidd, 3d Inlantry. Prlva'e J li Matthew?,«th Kt'tery Pi IV,.li« Hugh Cellin», li ..».nt-Bl r Piivati I A Min-, 7lft Infantry Privat Wie flllBlbail. Olli Artillírv Piivtt" James Mailerauii, Jil InfBtf.ry i i-l AA'in U William« 1th N Y a»airy C'»i»t KodneT I: Crawley, '""li B *r da « .-pt 1 lanllin Clones, (ilfh N V V .la Caul Halve- LMoii.h, Mt. N Y Vol* Pinate Alfred li Pu, e, IMth B Y Vn¡i Lit-ut Jfttuo»(i"*JohnK')"i Ctfa N \ V tal Adil m re »i». »'-i *. v v .u Lieutenant Addison Marn'it, «Ith î« Y Vtl« Lii-nt'.liu-t Al!«-)t(. DOW,!.. Cl'li NV Ault I lealeatat M J r, Mil: M i' v tit I.iuutenar.t I kaaBCOJ ii '.«. r:¦. ».) » K Y Vol« L etitct,:ir:l.(lei,ri-" W \A'«tk i. Mtb N Y Voll Captain Multliew Ii Chctt«T. IMtb N Y Vul«"- BlgarO Km;-)! '. iii N A Yol| SerifiBiil Lvnau Dean oit',.S A V. la I'riv.itc- L-vl I. Carr, Mtb .*«' Vol». «, PrlvaU B «'ii L Ki -, Mtb N Y Lieut An.-iiu I, itiiilill. UM .S Y Voll. * Sergeaal William Bradshaw, Mb Cara«**-*, ii Charle» 1 Hedeman, »i b Lient Clinton Brtdlbaw, 71sl Vol». Privóte He/ekiah Fortkit, t*l N Y('**aliy. «'.rjKiral ./«»el It l«»i re Uti ti t Volt." C «at 'llmoihr A C Krttett, MlhW I Vola, J'in.-te Bear. Mortran ntirii N \ Vn\*. ITnate Iel i,i I. Waiab, '.«Iii N Y A ,.'. Private Oilhert Bodgen-, i.itli N Y V U. Pii.atc i'..ory Bcatley, I »ith ".' V Vols. Private Jerome I'^-itlev, \ Y V'ola. Scrr-eiint Sainael Owi ». Mt. N Y Vul». Private l'lmetitine (' Miynelbi nth N \ a Scrge«ut Chirle» S. Ulacl. MM N I Volt. I'i.,.ile Ji»»t-pli Price .lib N Y Vul». PrlvaU Dal tala M. Oreare-i«, IMtk B Y AT,!«. S'.-gciiLi Mii.iur Alona »J. Burton, .'iii c.iv.ilir. Gorge Vi. \\i Itii'iti .-it.» K A Vol« OrangeOrar, IMth N T v.--- I'nva'e Sn'imel Ilrvai.t IMtb Kf. > Iluiitlnlpli, fcltli N Y I Lient. Wanlm It Wsit, i.itli S Y A , Private (liria K AVfnt. (Mtb N Y Vol». Private William JJ. (ian, Mtb IN Y Veil« i'mate .fame« M. lloaiilmtn, MM N Y Yoi« Private Henry r.oanlniati, Mili N Y Vu!» I'mate Jaiiie« William». Ilâtb ,N VhIi, I'livstu.Joel Ben v, Mtb .', Y Vol«. PrlvtteSylvetterW. (lould, 1Mb II Artillery I'miite Luther <!uui-l"tf>ii. lUth II Arti'lerr Seritemt IVid. Praslie, MM N Y Vu',«.' Prívale Wm. Jnphet, .Ith N Y Vaia Private Nathaniel Irol»nd. »»iii 'N' Y Y.U Private Arno« A Hall, iitli N' Y Cav Privóle Horace Hall, jr, »tli B Y ( av Private Cym« Davenport. Mb X Y Car Private Dotr Pnc», 1.1th N 1 Yob Private A mini« Frankhu, nth N Y Voll Corporal Barnet li Moabei. t,4th N Y Volt Coi peral aTo-l I'.Wtit, Clth .N Y Vol» (ciiporal BetJ F Cu_a:ngbar_, fclt!. S Y V '.i «"ai.t Horatiu llunt, ullh N' Y V-l, Private John C Plopper. Mtb NY Volt Private Ramnel Lonr, IMtb M Y" Vol« Private Wai U a Ca.,.l.ell )54th N Y Yoi« Private (leo Wait, jr,4th .N V Vol«' Capl Frederick It Mather 7th Heavy Art To prevent a misappreheniion which «eemi lo e_i«j, wo call attention to the fact that tho S-jldicrt' and Sailori' ConvBition at Syrauuao on the 20th t o«a»i Convention, and not a Convention of Delegate«. _|/.»tre re«-tucet«d to tttenl. _ 8ÜDDEK ItEATn 01 A 1'oLK .man..Ou 8at-urday nl|bt. at 111 o clock, the dcx-rnjan ip tbe riftb rrecitiot Station. Üí__f !f_ÎId ft pl'f0? 0,í?iB 7** ,r' t0 ot> d_lT-Bt mid» i.f.».' .<lD»-*,f-h«MUBber. Charla« li Barbar, wa« 'c.t,»ei~ed by the turn over in lied but did no4 rite. In a few «"n'.^.i'J _,".one _f bIolh,T *fflce« ¦¦»J«. Btrhtt tot the l-W.^V.*fckl0,!hlID'-,^ t;°*M ¦¦'VettigBtloa raveaitdtae fact that he waa lOMBtible. Polie« Kajg»«--. K.enn««_y wa* at one« sent for. bnt ere he-arrived ,!eatb bid eni-««! ' Yesterday Coronal-Kinm-an held an irniitil on tba body. D-puqr Coroner Thoora« l_nbi«|0-, M. 1;., tt«da»a\a>.t- mortem tiannnâtioB and foiind tbst deai. bTd bMn i-a_seilbr enlargemeot of tb« heart Deceaaed was liad 33 vaars a nattie of tht. cttr »ad re-lded at No. IO* qr\V£tï, where' h. l«a*e« «wit« and fojit d-iiarra. He batTbain a aei-tMr \t th. Police Deptrtmant for «e'etal yetii pa-i, bavin« toJ «t taaked to tb« Fifth Preointt dering ti« mi.« that liu. «Id -jr*-l«fk of very billi/ by bj« it te «««otjtt}^ "' T*f \ B* tj i_ap. j Pill Dow« Ataim.-Oit Saturday efeiiinï ß.n')4r.J Hammond, reai-lng at Bo. IO Knig-it». fell down at«_r» st No taab ( RIM ISAl. COURTS. !_T OF BPBCIAL BE8SI0Ha (n«'oisj Ju'tl-e Dowlinf ) » Ou BatÉfiajr, in the m ti v gani which cam«* np f«»r MIM 1 «toa «tSsahS, Ibas ara rather more lamenen nsualiy ..ttialderablt a number. The Jureailo do- l.u'i' .>'' r In tho mnjority, ai y r««r.l!» the cats. at the »tod for I t'.¡» msn- aer. lo the U«t ¡v days _f Co weok t. ties abo dal 1* Biult« and 'uti r : died lo p-o t . wck and esrn s fen do' ." keep tue wolf ¡rom th« drvor ind t'.e » id Hie itoui'''ti. annul«, ti. weald Ike lo i uneelva np m and on Monda) t'.e a1: ¡. c>"ut» g»n»in!ly begin. It nivub tbe*c peopU a malrinionini drama, lb» Ci«t oa halag in Hi* i uni aseaos latontoj might, the mcol.ii ia n house on Bssdsy aurel la passed In an ¡uikiiblj drinking- l«',u(-i!ic third act on tie street cn Inodsy rreolag »admin» RtBlkiii-lIoiiso slt*r the inevitable row lia» termine! i^rfnrmun:» of tiiC (lav: ll.o fot.i ih eel li. ;' .. Taeodsy norning, sod tha ffth and last r.ct _aBlsakw»irs Irland in the W( rkboqto. Tbta plnv cor rtnned, sad will be floated »d ¡y'li't.»» pr-«b»b!y, to ise gieat di'.iubt of admir¬ ing eisdiBuce« 'Ho pt ni ni«»« of assoaB Bad battery oaea ÇClt-h come In oa Tnesday n haraday and Saturday se»n ol ila Covt are Sitare «Biet, omi' the Saturday eight bringa «¿au tu» nr» ictofthB drams juil ikrtohed. "ji.'vr mia v Tua." Tic« ja*n-tc tx»r«, aged wspsotlrelr IO sr.d I «yeera, st! .¦named Abo Highesead Jrimis Pi noll, wea broogkl ipon aoaaaas tu stealing a htiin from WsAilogtoO M ikft Mr. j... r ii ¡.l unini kal ¡c! stsTBag Ms barns sesaearoly bat ahM the two tu)« sd nnitruogoao aud «rot riser au nr »r.ih it, Mr. 8. U the privóte wetohmanei m goori I..«« paralas property nu i .i.ibitlou In the market, sad hi» mu natural.« Indignant tha » po lion o«"J i, should dlirtujieir wit hi 11 koewledge orconay-. T wa committed shout S o'clock in the morning, and tho ent.i-* priaiag ytmtiis MIN ssoB barry lag away tram tho m..rk't ai i t«t s- ti," sill » s sight t »ey oorrli i s cnlti psraB t¡ea, aud wero «Inly ari eitel 'i» ii'« Ai-nrn. The aetl if of both « in Court and begged hnn'i'or lim relea-e if their paSOBSl progeny, end l'u«y Wi ra reoi.uidoil fur MTitt«'( ". If l eau atUIV the/edge of petra cod i "«lim« sebeo! and ont of the ttrei'i» I', :' tkOWOOk's n Ile i--.i' a|tk the rae, will denbtlae Be ooL.tdeted »uibcient |Hini»liii ti, SB li d. a . i \: i v B1 r; m Amt. Itory 1> -iilistii. l-in_: toaMBod bv lomr devil which »! ttmn infest« hts nu«ni asea, i>h-"1 np Iront th«- .«i »»";« small, stove a bleb etool ia frísol of tho store of Mr. M aft fun» Ab* bott. Ma 137 Eighth are Hardly, however, had le turned thetfirst eoraa «i so Ms Ih-ii -«r c«tue to th* rasor, and the result of Ihsasolel «'¡«I moral ikinni-h which m ut ou wilbla poa Ker] twnltod iu a liciory lor ile go.ul spirit, who, tbereopoe. I led [lory's boori wiu a gro.«t repeataace. end li-st i «« i> gsaasolBd to pSfMea " work» meet for legoatoaoa bj :'<""' oonyiagbaal Bastaos at h»idw»r«* Winch lisul »a. I*-t '!'.' teal H «I hi'ii tn tua di stroctios. DeipilO, however, ol this remoraet'il action on Iks port cf Kor:, the im- plaoabic Motilan« v I, and caused Ms i»ircat and iDc.irc'-ietii.',. (n. s boarioa of «II the facts, the Judge re* fu nil to tom ntl sod 1: ii A V NI.I'TIVK W11)awi it. Il-nry Bcckbavt n It rou«; ni «cLarte-m/tnint Li« »irle: in law, «w».!. t-.t, ««. 'i,". un ,'tly o.ef' rn '1 tit es puie spite «uu mallee Hut iii Indignation of toe I latotswas thoroagb- I.r» si. Mr Bookbavesti n i»ell*dre»sed, weD-to-do teak« in_; man «¡Iib 'crd coiiiiteiiuiice, a fuco to no trana- f-r iiiticy. Lo si ¡nonti» h.4 wife was taá.'ii sick a MStchad cur bv lií-r -tar, Ms S B sjal ahile oa hw deathbed kerba bead to live my »Uni «Bl la nil nr. li "'c-s us soon as I amdead and buiod I wael her la Luve all Bl iniagi. " Thoa 'thtog»' «o¡.si-«ed for tba mool i-.irt of weoriog »n- |»orel. sod ft« it wit ttir* herenv ,' hnibsnd himself WbOtosltfiod to tba ¡in-t. ¡t »nu tlliiu'l* io determine why be liaie^iit"-yui hi BOhappi . ter iatoCoori a acrUalaal wheo bi> only i lu gc! ter « ii. taking *0B» nan sod three cbetSiSM M toe «aba of ltd. " ltockb«vcn sm«l !lmt the tfilnj's »ero j taken ttefttro his elfa dioi, tod on thal usinuiptiun ho predi- C1 tod tho shorge «I I'uctny. .ViiTi» i-i. "Hj, itilKlesl It'liii.p girl, wboerldcatl] aevei sad sa liag Iron aay one. and «be vaus ni ead scault! ibe uitv!" nu conour cüB»ge «k ursi tier brotlier-iu lii»v, ,- w,i»evidt nt to all h».1 i'ie rhoseti tu »iiea'< «lie t ml.! »¡sit sSBMlBsd my»- lory. A tli Blotter was UfI Ibsehargesp^ ts io hal purely aaUaasaa, im o n n li : r m nix. Miobiie! McCaffrey a le»- da»« ug«. ».,.» « nt need by .Tin ice Bkaadle. i imprl o i. f«»i Drilling, (lill ii Bern (linns w'*« taking !i r" i'" h V sp wi '. M eheel os wait««! belllcooe »nj pttebed lato Bernard;'for.thii Baa ard bad Mlebal sp i»«»*line. bul is Ma wroth had cooled he staled ii., be ditTa'i -»ant .ii'inihirt touch So the f'itl sin .'I !'i »ID nu«! lilli g". BAILiü. IBd c -L'l-.K lAc-t iiLOBO. TbomaiC. l|,-n, aim had every ontiviirtl appeaienc.« etbemg a '»Aileur bo«, only BtoetcoB yetrsold,' baieglrea full «mt ,.t ratVr fin« y «»ii It. be« odder« on tiif» ooraei - ..f b!« wi le »hlrt-coli ir, »« «i iccueu o: « tag m1 baatiog Joba i¡ro| Ige, wgyialaa 1 be a sególa old »alt, »»a« disposed belockai to s l.-i drop II. ¦- ni «er been ten ii sot a sailor sad arra wa '«it tMiugt.t hu prtvtty ««.dor clothe« ,.f sorm 8 »o that he eau u;>" long th» whorra. Ile « ni thal Broj street lilli. lIpoRtb.i the.ludt"». who l.een looking « er Li* ai«en, .uiitteiiir saaaeaeed t> GiBoa « «li¡" »»ry, ia ibea leras "»> hj. 1.1, »a, I bat . :.»t »« .. ¡"r »bantioui: «; J bad f ¡-w I wa« »t flr»t dlBpuenil lo ayotpalbiie with yon. . Bal I un 1 gea « S S I llghl t«. your Iliol i ..iiLei at ..¡I 1 'i ni I" Hat« what Then, i- tot fal .t..i , ind bl» l.lii" |tiuts If h'-bndi.T du « tiling lüidor fnliO colon he'd haveigol off » i»i ¦!.¦ aer. IliW A JON 'I «v !*¦ « sill. S«i»h Os" . - »en goelfHaads sadalgithan uaaed i*im» wore it no! I" Ibal llmuai. too Í««"«! of tli_t1rt!,_r. and that when . g>*"sl '1 » - '.'"'¦ . g(S5h de«!«,!*«levii i- - of Imm. (loo unlucky day lan wee- llsimahii .- » »mt and «dille tbetc »IB pul lulu li« r i" >. > .rais » »live; wttch» »«! v.1 St |l It * -.,"!« 111!«»--d b«r |Mat »n! l»nl i' on »(tam. and befog og»!» el, tri ti,« table »id toe ranark. 'Howi I 11 1 «uiii d to." In a I " re, and «In" to . 1U »I I'«9 kctiotl* sasasM f»ar«l, cm»»'! 1er f'-ni;er f*r:«-ud tu Ix: and«tod. arid when in Co.!tJibe «»al. "Iftho'do ty tell tut, i ., itiol t o.iiti-^'.r ir i llorglve bor. two ld*at«_»re If he'd ra.»e'l li'lou It it n mu 'n* ti, ki Bal »ira, I ti Iga » "I l«i ¦'* v » l'as n «I | ,',.r t lolbworinal i of ein If she'll only toll asooeol cri e i bj woteh, r»i Mrgtra Bas su' I sever akiMigbt hi r iilBld. Ia regir Hoaaab said, 'Sbess l.eratjier hs« gol a trunk full '.I Sarah dei.1 and lbs* probability that the ct'iih'-« aa toa w iB tbrtiigti w!'¡ d » if li maob |i- ,|. -., s -, «¦ Iml li ...',-¦.( B8AB. i i.-d I, ias hi» ¦ t al .'an I » '"t « in ¦ lill«-'tatoüi uil| II I Ide and «cce»- ss.'" fi -m It On sight lea week he »».'i -.. b ! sa ! Lurg bi« el'illnng ora ¦ clair. In his t am til »t«out |a) ia balik notes, one of walch a ia li bill so peca« Uarlyaposteit «ttsgethei sod ot t. rti»- Barked* that he could idouitfy it an » v hen», lui :.;» ii'i,-lii mr, Mr. iFsdward Ms_Uhe_k whs »:.«.'« ssrtnsr, whll« la a ileea oral sea, sea a maa ismed i*. .¦.- .n»r lbs losrkwj I, II in i-W'^nt f"f ¡,'.¡,. tug swai" «v* hu usit'i-i .. loss, «nd r.s u:. it Iibv- iiis,» bom !" eo lal isii'vi. poiori n. at on« "tnl"(l >!.. I.«ne, wboo»a«"d ¡bisrrestofCniiiier. UWa««kowat! f ii ibu loot cr.»i. '.«'<¦» tektoa eow c. s h ia "i horse.» wklsth ore koot la Mr Laae. liable, and thal be » in tl.c ital'Io that night aftai Mi Laae bad goae io bad AsbeeooM not rai -f toril di : r bis , Was kUi' te A VF.RY t-UALL III'. I it - An Italien gOMli man ¡i..¡ asia ¡It and til' ... agaI lelluw n a. n..rl»» rhicg wa» to mi orllnsrj n«a nit sad Innerv aba B set-to I l»o i!ir»e dsy ol'! abMICM ¡i to thsBottio al (Vatsrloo, a what line" auil-iiijiiTi.c i- ¦ D Ha -«,d Hist CTnuli* liad "»ii«Hied bil li >l und it ahewd a Ittto aBrk.aa hu bead whlcbo pHyfiil sit n eil baby atight hare aade wBa it-,."li- but whick the dell« cale m d da.n'i Italian bad Wrapped 00 la a :<>ii;. bandage» if lu» ann lia.I U-'-u (ja-!,' 'I I, ti,, if . Boa lae olbOW to (be wri-t. With aa Indlgooot growl oboal the tlaa at lbe I athel / t»!,'" u.i lu I" iiiiii'i. Hie Judge Ihaaderad " mil bim guilty.ti'ie him » 1. jrlsOBSI was bumbling for f 1 out Let bim go.uieai mil,' walo. Lut two Baas aay vd been meant to apply eitner to the hied lim. 1'ntiin who lugtrtor, sad . in istia -a¿mu'.! «ftcr his pr SMAlI.lIT :i -1,- Mirl»r, s.soi , mun. » ho n ant. t be 11 OBOWICal eren u|. Mary A, Berkeley in ii. 'na Louso of .- siirn l'uni, rumsiucd With i, i mit..lis¬ ent cbiii|-'il her with staling |7. luesent of >.', th« (liim ni ?', looked rseeedisgly lite s«i st tempt to swiiiill«( "Hie girl deoied the charge, said tl.c was nut ii taara ela jo), and bad beéi tba i». Till. .It..' n»1«*rc«l s icorebing rebuke lo tia ko bad .brought tho clüirje, 8SSBI. r Lirn thal it the poa t-r lay lu the Conti he. Mr. Henty Milli r.ihooJd «o to tim fsian. wttb toe «¦'i.iil be bad abased. TBBB1 AHAIvsi o aBailliolome-tv Foi alUg« . e Ilaii-.-ave, X. bin Burn» adtt Frst.k Brirns hud t-iiuced Lim into Ham« i where they hud attacked »rid btateu Li'ii. After charges and nouuterohari'e» el d I mung ing »omcbodi's wile, it wa» decided tnat ílnrgra. and Ibe Iwo Hate», who are lather aLd «or. old r.i.mai.d thus l«sy. acre noi. Acocrdiagto lot's itory, he Lud dei .*.«. io the bandi ol ü .nu s eld« r, »nd last when be 3d a «ak for hit money n denied ha»,ng rec«.»ed r t! a*, le th»n went out; that tl.c little liov Hums ran otter I, ¡n; that little b«iy Burns coaxed him to go bit, k. th»* be Iii! bo limit wita little bo» Burn«! i!,nt aoen be entered toe store little troy Borns Uaoked t!,e ti,.cr; Ihsf IfagTBTS I bon fell opon f. lient bim, tliHt rhl Hurni then can.« iu »Ld held hu I ¡ii« while little boy Burns btmmtinl bl tha th« two Bi were tbe very bui.eit of sll boar B'8 »titi* ti« bee and hesd, while Hargiovu was psyleg stsntiea io La rib» and stomach; that at l»»t Le hr« kt avrav from il.e two Duty B'i¡ tia« he bnr.t through the door w th »i»ch » ¡elenco thit the knob of the door came off In ha» hand. Nf't»,tb»tncdii¡( this letiirtuy story, Ufe nsigiitrste wss too ly i.r lui. and be lieved bim not, «mi t«, be let th« buiy B'i fly away to gather money «li ihe d»y bom *\ery «sosaiag, but «UursraTC wss fined #n.. A LOXO LOOK'ABF.lD. P( r Sn ii!, ta k » loog iookiinio the future, ind finding b.Us.« ti nlreatly iL.»ei»i«. tilth tde clill of ntxt »Vlnter*» . nf.vis, l.e r«»«,vc,l to f.irtlfy hlnraiflf in time. scvcrdingly he .t«»I« fiom Kdw«rd nuwtird »de/en pair ot woolen <lr»wer«, sodwasicni« memh» ti the Pealtoottary. As Peter-».,1 get out in Jsnuary h.» dra «r» will u'He i-aOtiv, If hs ha» put them whero beean £o.l them. «X)lT IN I PKOVI IT. Mwi» Kiley Mid that« «ihei me Brsnagsn stele some hntk billa snd currency from ber. but »he ccu.dn'l prove ,t, sod io CaUeuae was pencilled to degaft A (TREAT MA.*. IN SB.MI. Bl«"»!.. S«, Georr« Washington, a black man. ws* lound gu.ltv of iteal Ing s I..' birnen Loai Custles J. Warner, s__d wai «ice! up for four months. A LIIEBABr IAB-BNV. Jstnea Mccormack pleaded guilty of .stealing s do let's welth of hook fiooi Joli» H. liosry, but ind H »ai Li» hist offeuic, soil so only got « month. WABTBn, a sit or.cms \ .faha Danbar liKik s,a in t bin» enp« fre-a a crate i»«!ongisg -^»iB»! -Us W.l;ias)> Ju_.uuv.u. _g.« i. raait »other waa in oourt. The Judge -told ber to Uki bim home aad te« he weat to scbsol ir.cer.tlii». Cpou thit hint the 'Ile wontVuto tcbool, honor. I can't mike Lim go to icho»»!." H"** Johnny beean to blubber, «ni in tbe moat so-ri-eilo manner to piuieet and p,ror_ii»e. " I will gr> t-» .oktciel.I wlb go lo ».kool, me." and t- »ii « rub of o-rtii ftiil it-rbi. Johnny'«) tear« carne too'Ivte, how¬ ever, for Ibo Judge «.nt bim tu the H .»mc of Keft.fe for . yoar. A BAD A-F.. Mainel Bruch«, «boy only la »ears old, ->1e«d.d ""nity of 1»,-'i-i >. b'it *i_td f .r feateacy, be« mm "«omi be* . got me drunk. Uune of K-tntie. Ail.l..ATl»T_ HEALTH LAW-. Ana Brr ni an and .fame» U'K'-rfe were chorged with violat¬ ing as otdinir-ia of (tie B-ard ¦>! llc«!'!i hy holli-* twill on a viiwnt lut in I-ti-flr«» -t. b-twet-n Suth ml heventh-ave«. Oflicer Laekwaaa * he mad« the arrest, »nd the ttuil in ti-« _ruk» »a» iu cflnutlto and So fall of maggot« that lie tbo.(¿It it w u Lolling, but a closer et_n.¡nation r*ve«!i ti tb« i»T fs«t (hat It wat tue leething and heavlnt* c»r la« ata-rtuU ti.-t caU-'d the app.-r»»-t boiling. Far boiling t m unit ultkv «iel dL-guitlng »tatfaiin l»r tho t.t-i"« of decit Ann «nil Jamct were fiacd |.'"> »"«cb. Tbey promp'lv prtMBod and p«i,l the m-aey, though ti»« rlnthr« of the tau wet «n riic-od and fililty that fur old rag« tbey would uoMiave btou worth a penny a pound. ah lawn cnA_n-i>NB?-i P'l»| Donaho b'ard a man «av «unielhing dlit_a«r>eot'.'iiI of ho li.tti oallen to a piiltc-enian of Irish tiali»i>"'liy, and a* ha Til-, t re.nt it Lina did. She got lulu a .gal tb.reby and wa« Gd la. eiNiRiictiAvo*- or a Jano "¿urra-and Catherine, Boyla» had a r-aarrol, »ho: a fi»:u', tlo-ii tbey i|»it in c-aah otber'a lacet, thoa they oaroo fore the Court with tLeir troBb-t, and wen- »cut (drágala. babif- is OOtntl One oftliD f*o-imont*t t.-lik.» on- that ia rery old, «nd yet alwava new, (lie bri u_ lag into Couit by women of (luir t.«!»i-,, tba j .tiu.'cr .the batt»r. The object In. of to l.nik "interentinir." t>> otdtl tb» «yin- palin of the and the tooctatora and li tim advoriary, if pos-nTle, by a sort of flank attack. Many a MM ho« boeu won I», a pretty woman «mldonly bn:«t- int- in»ti nobs before n j iry. al d preulflg li«r chill to ber bear-. m. b and (I'liici'g it wit'i hor tears. A case of tbi« tori Urelated li Ut Dicken.» I'.pori«. Bardell tiçt, Fiokwick. Dudio'.i A 1 tiiri; tur Complainant« On 8-turtIay a c-BO of Mitti, tad battey wnt tobo trie!, and tbe complaltiant, « ",»» wai called, at once aprnng np with her baby in htr artu«, citing aae lae! touch to bei liiue dear, one final twirl to tbo curl «..artmucally arran.od juif over the rit-hr evu ni e harried to« »rd the .lutlrfu. YVli-a a!,, had go) li«Ir- way, »ho era« stopncl hythe rereoiptory order of the Mugit- trate to .' t-ike ile ->,_l<t out of Court, and come next tt- youryiii«, and leat bring -ny bahv Nm» time« ou; of Un when natue« aro 1 rouirhl IBM thi.» G -net it solely for tho Mf-peaa < f crTc. t. mid I ont Iii-, o it any lougr !.' lina ti p. rfi'i'tly Jrue; and Bat. EMM Hil», on« half tin» babies sre borrowed frito uceo moda Un g neighbor», sud T.- ever it ti.nie a bron'r'ht In tbat not fait asleep, baring*a.I b.-eu «In .".»! v UT perogorto to keep tltctn t-'iiri. tb« attention of the tnr ther partly <ri» en t«» the cana in band, and partir tu the i hiltl m an»-", the efloot of thll »ay of doing btelaeM li sometime« comi-ril enough. Imagine fur Insturice a c».»e nf aaetvilt n'..'. l.ntlery prefc.-re! lait Saturday. Billiget Otiurflr!". B »tout-mined trascuñes of ti i gtaa« k ¡ii hi n »nui I,«real to bet friend Kllen Sweeney, .a lui li ni 1 iiily been -»Died and ws» row living «t home with a bnDy «f her oe n. Il'i.pitiility am! gin wera toe aider of tbo clay, and a light ne« the reault. Ellen ooine"« iuto Couit with « i -in muí tiii!r »-'.iii. lex.k« like o hago pioce ol'b.-<-t I-....1 «riarpediip In a üi.-Yio-ii 1 I- Isa*» lieea b1 »3 contrived iu f-of l that ¡f the roeag IBliff of »billelub in ber arm» «liou'd aoddenly Bum. rrfrtihmert be could bo at once .indaterl. Flierl fe li« ber «lory, tall inn fir«! » Jii-K-I then, in a lower ton., to lier club!, m that picul:.>r dlalaul llitxl lu I."tin n ¡iii.' c illcd u lb* I»!:' 11)00, Li or ueiiiiio« to lior ir» Brilgt t. Mt__tbing follow»: ", ihe unrip t.. in. ho'im .lu'lge h:¡' 1 Irited her like a Irtilv. .Indie.ann ililli'« « bal »lu lea'}, Jed**«».(ta tb-fende.nt) . Ve kuow >e'r not: lldn*l .«.." t U tM a dirty io .lu gare hr«r Ike tay lad«**, «ntl the »chito betel, «ttiil laabin«' o' ftidg_, «ntl the c ike, .lu-gc. nu"'.(beio the chila get» uara«., and Kl'i. MM« la bali.«/-" Dtritw little, I Ait ill lillie not ii¡ ..'./ n t te rhilly.pillij . Mu: ¡I beNMUt-f.III f HUM netty -erf;, ii, i, | .,,r I. So tbr'n'It 11.".aml -luIge, whee ¦badea!and »l.e'ii «linn«:. »T-dfe, «be axed mc, twig*, 'tRi LLav-i o Ikraf Itobneb, .Indi:« ;' rii.owVhat I mean, know li weil, Juti t elltd rett nr.ea.-j. aad de-oenili hei atteatioa)."/Wi -, hoir tttatlt-pmttl*, mm* til ,'t'r'e laBt-B »«»irr. ». r »,.:.' U ., ty ,.i,w, by.I» it- tome fa » mt. uti .(lu .li il|.-e)-A-ni then »lie drank, Jndi'"tml /tero». » an«! »hen »he took tome merv. J ai.d then, iiuti-e alie gal «pi rel oat Ilka, «al ah» warn«-to flglit nie. Jinl-o. an I »li« mrow« a tetpo» at too. Judge, «mt a "-'.peril«»*. lo Hrnl.r »-. .. Ve tciuiv re ii.I. ve d Ml I. To ¦' .Al "I ¦ d i -IiiiIrTe. anil th-» i«i'iit<«>n. .Ino..-. aad wid tin platMroe My beedBaa iinahtel n », :,->." to Bil.y 'Didn't ;ht i«",. : .11- bia« k- d »ntl lilio .1 _y| eye«. »! ' bill -"_> woman beal ,t» » minc, und ii ttr Itrlin-purlin t.«..,;. i ate I | 1 " .!«.<!.*.¦ -".'.iel iii.ii.-»li, li.«lue. «ml 1 WBiifj .'.- -lurlire. atd I wniit . Wo!«- I'm in a burry aow¡ r.i aaa . bai'k neal we«'l JuJ-c. uii« i i lamil» rae Uughlag heartily. «I|_t to U ! bel i ii .- etui i,i c l: t,!,. ,i;, . anea te at sn ead io tbi« Coori at leaf."and no w «iTii-ii« n II ev r by briufing one lo'o the ToMbl ' "'i. r-»m. i»ii\ M'ir» tUaai thal i * » it No.**, linibii"^ » nu i tbeafb I Hied M «baw by li.tu» » la aJMraVwori i.g lid "ti r . IO du Wltb WMB ' » bul that iii« wile ¡I it tbe eiil¡»!'i-- party. Ile ia Used : i asd teni io it.aal'mi tentiary Bl iii iuo IB, w M tr« Faite** wu owla* a lrowl lev. »n. I tb ut. tal.« tin! it, tin pi--Ti>e«(»«n wa-t Bogrral that 'I ir-el-«'1 ""' nude hi'i»-'f " i! » mt. ».-.. Ctnir». Ihe gaulleman ,. Hut it '«.I i. -client nul then i emit tiie line, but i._t tie.u--«-) l««l n»"' I weeli ««( be iiBBtrl 'li- i that aller a el «iotil.1 par " -"' |. I tf.VT IM POLI" K DI K1 . ¡»¡.I A who«« inmetei« refiler« ni li .«-a! ... l- r' M i Et i »fi Bl|l T lu I . -?,"-.. J, al:« Mt torne ona « hand m li' r j- a iui'i r.ani*«l -!<>' u Haiti in »lu- rtel of withdraw! ,g hi« BOfM coi.!». b. t'a away Mr Muni« gan- li ¦: »' .m, and t ".«i gar! tb« alarm, and i ..t cunue»»ed, kh'. ' ...til. an of (be Third !'i .!..«", »i!» bad ¡Mnti la tbo pul «ii' *. *i«i r».i«r'..T ably Pialen «bout tho» head tad face. Tht '. »a i!. Rrlea, wlin ut.: Bitted Lim foi n "l i ted a i», rr »j an«.) t race and hi lien i.-um the ffl'ec-t.« beating i tai U a uri .¡.r- frciui c t, and Mid li anivr.l If. fl f mi"1"»" .1 ma. . ;. OT A ' '. It U noatwlto '" bi them ilutoa d«v nirht Cb iili.n. It ¡- r ii li » Iron) it Uli'« t». Bil Of Clot . :ir* to to »be p«»i bIb * .i «ad « «tori'i » are offariui. .r-ii.-r-. tunn, ' _...- ' .' :_.',, Mr "»ha !'' »Ill«, aii'l'-g " Un. n n .:.'. ahite ti pic'«|K)Cki ' .-li .Ti i fli 1 np \. ben \'h Preeini r. inmed: «lair - ¦¦¦ wai and chain into .1 Trifft?! ti Ckliwtl t»r»i iiured ame «I JoUn To!» I Able,:: BO I. lie .i i- tiri Ob Bt I iii-in. »1 ii ilitorii i ICI t rli in i iii. 1 ruin ti,-« mit'i » ci, ii dh.» Ii.iii DowliBg, It «.' pe»! Bl - M t! '. a'. »:,-. Ititedi f tha opioloa ..' lr-f ; ... .1 ,' trial. «r« dial on» tri i. ItOBI Bl ilr.irr. BMeher«eart» bock«and ot > r- througlj tb« ttrecft «ad Brotad eon m 11 a rite of ip- .1 n .'..».attng a nant ir. tlelt «,.- ; ul»llfü. It-.l'- .! It "'«i.- lfn ». 1 ii" e ti t .' leek, At thal hour Jacob wn dririBg u i,u.«- _ti«..ucil to a »ak^r'a pj jru way nt aaij'^b rat« ol ipecd, and Coiidáiidt t. he ki -i and run ,. u-. |W. gul«. UBM l.«-i Min,«-! am) Ann ' Cotgro.e nLo «ii" Ittearptiii tacNM Broad wa* oe .heir »... lo Ibe macu.'H.t :y »here.tlcj «ra«Bployad. Botk *trh w«re ter oii»:i injored. '1 l.e o «ari-Bci wu wltitaaed hy an ii» .1«, .nil i . » .rruted Lttx,and bid the ki. . teareyel te ti« .tun. ii»;,»e. aber« tb*lr t »..r ii'emltd to hy a »tirgeun. An, i'at tb» nu«' u »ml au« eaB*0T*d to lier re«ld»'^,'¦'¦, .No. :i Ba-reed-are», le»»vy ( Hy. laitir in (ho lay Beta _lel_L«-n in lui- recovered at to be «ble to appear liefore aTaattee 1' ead mate complaint iK-tnrt L ttr, »bo wot i<'!__iii'cd bi ibeBtfftetraMtoaaawera '_-r¿i' otreckleinliiiiii«-. Jhe i>. ito... r aitt-_|,te«l io juttry hin-tulf i i ric |.flra tb»t be MBM Lot pa I up lu lia " 'o i,rov Bl Ihn out.:rn lu*. '1 siat wi« dt'tiud b> tbo coui|i|.ii_aut, -.»ho at -ited ibat in bad ample time Lad le lui .«til d the »'eruine Cllit of l-ticif and ce nipan.n iDir.L) MtXB-GX iRBBEX mabkiii it,: k*| CuVBX. R*)or* Jut'ice -lit. h Tl., Tiie liii-mese before JaM M-'.-ti.ld on Sitiirdiiy tnd yetterdty win t.ot'.f uluiuiI i-itt-rear. Oa Sati^day there wu «ob« variety. Vriterdav. JruBklaDd duo-.erly wat al-ooit tbi only ieatnir. D.riLg the Lewin";», it appetied tUt John Obtea, s viitnom Bt-tatM-, visited li Ka Daverport foi tie pnri-ote of inelbof . .¡iturbanee. Ellen did not fane* tbt pretence of to good a min »ntl lhere fore pucea-c. Lim In detaalt of Bio. Ellen wai locked np, aad will apneer io due tii_»at tit (ourtefi-oeciaJ-etiiOnt. , y Y Chti. Miller wu compttini'd of by If.rrr gi l.tvob. of Ko »0 Clrl*t!*-it., for having ttoleu froto bim clothing to the amount of 115. Miller wu rommitteiMor triiL If Catbirme Jitan armed with a tin pad, wa« charged with UviQg sjitulted Margaret lii-r-ninc-, « neighbor f keri. They ltd often Li, wordv nuarre'i before, and i_«r<'.>¡. Ctlh- .rme «as bell for trial at the t-peeial Setalon». hilen Brown wt« biuugbt upon the diirepotaüln «.liarge ol Launa «ti b't, from Ilenr; Ketmar of No. I'M Mtdl-on-st. I cloth Mck. Tlia »»el wn« fruí.-, ««inn. and «he wa» held to a ti« wer. I-rnnl wai c-ompiniut-d of hy Catii ir, beM .- Ibe «tB« hoqM, with bavlag alieuipted aa ladreent JfOtJlt 1'u_l«il.. uu\ Ut» KI bl »ail». .T. ) .¿.'_J_.ini Frank a¡a discharged After heirlng a large aiaber of draak and llsord'-rir ra»«», the Court adjourned. CIVIL COURTS. SfKriOOATB'S C01*RT-8ei*t.__biii l..-Before Sdttotkii XOOOIb J. i IBBBBAB K»B TnK BHlTHMllltB THIS-. ^ " Tbc flanagita aifl C'illtlio c«ilead»r of conic -I "1 «»« f fnrt in Tu«"« '..v. lill laM al «It o'.lrtck ». m. The f ileiwlrg »I.« cub'iidfir. No. I, 1'rederlek Sfsiokdieek; Not I Thoa P. GleesoOt No..:i. Baa Mala Formaoi N". «, Patrick W. I-aagton No -*>. Peter B is l!¡ N¦». 6, Mury Martin; No. 7. Tho,. It. Sriliinaiii No. B, Abraham 1>. Cleinent¡ Ko. 9, Elua 1'-. -Iiini'-i, No. IO, Patrick Murphy; »Vo. 11. Margaret HopVcr: No. II Catii.nine A. McAleer; N«». 13, Jonatbiin .i. No li, Calhsrlne Mo«'iß. ey Nu, 15. J. ». Donnel; «.divsril Hrun Olirl'ty; KT. 17, Benjamin l«aaos; No. H. James i «Vu »Low- No. I!' «nliahi Knllani No. I'i, Ed wara M. Kobiaioii, Ni. Si, Edward li Yoaug, Ko. '¿I, Millen Fmkle. wills rrovED. ** During the past week the hurtuirvtu adnatt.d to probeta the Wills of ibo followin»;*ri.iniodi>erirtiut William McCoy, Joba A. P»r»in, leronce O'malley, Tll/a«. beth Nelson, M'dliaio Kattr, .lames V»'il»on. Kichael'titeLn* flode, Benii:niu K Dnweon. Mary N. Crave* K.isaiXth W. I'erkia«, Rebeece PI [flips. Peter Wari, Mary Kiernan. -. UIBH <*¦*"" AD-:*M«ntATiox. * Letter« of sduiit.istratun were irrantol to tbe'foHnwlng o«tate»¡ John '««»»land, k'runois Hu) len, Alexander Kerr, Louis Holla. Will« a Dobo. IlilcuC. Wrh-bt, Kllen Gleo* 800, Ailehai Hor/li'Til, John Murrir, Johu'Wyall, John Spi* er» Milu ard HantiJgaa, James (»'Hearne, Jooih 8chneider: la,bmliu Hilden. Matilda Foster, Peter Haunlgau, Cornelias II Wlnitskor, Mar» Stock, Pfitiick Kerrigan Henrietta Mott. Charles Kerrigan, William Kcgonsburg, Joleph'tt. Anderson. .»». », I LTTBIlS OP OÜAKDIAN.sniP. S * Letter of Guaidtsnahip wore granted to tim follón Ing named person» for the following named minors: Joh« W. M'.-Culro far elisabeth. John anti Thomas J)««'ii»bne. Jaoob Hanob for Frederick llancl.i Patrick llovían for Teronce and Catharine. Hurlan, lh-nj. T. Phillip» f n l'lioiJu» 13., Morris W», James M.'and Jauion H. Pulfip; Patrick (»leeson for Klward Glee¬ son; Phi.l»pi-na fcLnoI'lcT for Auoic Schneider Kinma, Louim and Mar- * ibnsi 1er nari:- Arma!,inter for Kll/ihetb. John, Mary anil Cour«.d lordsn. J. J. John Fit'gerald fir Wta. Stock; M irs-rct Pur ,«U foi Catharine, Mary A., Janis and liHiaoeth p. ParssU. _________ 8UPBF.MI'. COÜÄT-CiUviBBiw-SsiT. 15. [Befaras Jualtce ¿utliciUud-l gg-TM-IW John 0. S|toars t/epf. «lohn Garretson, Sec..Onler granted continuing report of nias'i-r in Chanoery. lu ra ('!.,.. 1- A Nlehoi- for na order direottrgthot a trust li« vacated. Ilcport of rolara asaBraid ar»d|order granted. r.»f...««.ti.tbe Noah Daría The Wsihiegton Medallion Pen Company agt. EbOrbard, lal W sal «athen. Permanent injunction ordered and ref»r- 1. red to lid»» ard P. I owles, oatp, to compute piaiotlfiTa damage«. IIBftBD dTATES MSTBICT (.OtP.T-Sirr. li. (Iiefore Jt J.« TBBATI WITH ¡sWKDKN. » In re llie ¡-"«anien of the SOip Ju!i«. EdaT-F Jfimsl moved ihi.-. morning, before Jitd^o Holts, at Chamber», fur*» writ of bubcas corpus to produce* tha «ailon« of the Swedish ikip Jabe, who were reminded to Hu« »bin by C'»iumi,«.-i-.ner Ne.vtou for alleged mutinous con¬ duct. Mr. dranes lu'-k the «mint tha the Its! treaty with Sweden ive» OBS B ils M U ft, un.'er nhb-h Me Commitmloner claimed to act that that sagtrad by its own limitation la 1817. sod bal set aiaee beea asoearel. .luug» Bett» d.rected that nil tha BOasra in the muller be lirni.irht before him at 8 30 a. ¡a. oa Monda.«., when tia u Ma B to be argued. -»T.-. si".'//'. COUNTERFEITING UAsr. [Jailed States ngaim-t John Breen wat taken up on Saturday beft)re Cotinoisslouor Oibor'i. OdLWood, ti»'- « i.i-fi'ftbi i ato a M..te».««_ciet Service, wa» rcci»lle«i. Be ledi.lied that be wished to explain that he had held out no indu« cmentfs to the prisoner to make any statement«;! the substance was that he tv. ii nea», had told bim it Would be better for ¡otu lo I the whole thing; ho had previously rolan- ¡»ere.1 M m«!- ¦'»»». though licdid not make them till -mer In« (Wot d's) remar»-. I io Mi. *»iuart.Marslml .Mareiv t r" «aid when'bc carno to bia " 1 it! < it n very sollow toolter,*- or ».om »thing of ."hat i i.ind. after soca toll briweea ssyestf ood Moraba! Mnrray, loss I " m t leg who stoke next; t!,-« !"¦» »¦»¦. ' ...n .ifrs'i-, " Yee, mid ) cn bad bettor tell is» ni lioat it;" tti»re »a* quite a I«.ne conven »tion before he Ho make s T.nan wn there, bnt I nt't parlor | «. MB, lireoa asked us ¡'»nmg cor«»r»i»tit n wa» an ex- to v- llttoo, codaboal llillontn- before Biased the uocr, Mr. mea sd roi mt" red to tell the «-hole I thick ho said ho would tri atari after I slsaed ila dixi:?, «o' I Ha be bad better maki a cloan Dreait " * 'J'.. ' o' .«.Pen.I «-ure bim no further pionil'e- he promised ( a good «leal ahoat on port .»- tbeiewas cowar- raut «ml «a'Siual .Tin. his »r.l'c« a.«ted me m !...» preoOBOB :»rad mi; 1 'old !. ;¦: I w«s Chief of the Beeret lerrlce Depastmoal »ud he knew I àad no wari I ram ; bejta» not jri«««tr <1 t a sssMtlaa sftori according to as hoon, to try and To Ike Coasilsstnasr TIM interview was st ManLsl Mer v. iicn 1 li«.I we»i «o lira«»«'« kaute I tamd aim I waatc.l nota t" F" " 11.11 111 «¡«»th ' Murray, who « »Row.d 1<.li), hi» »li the tntWing. rio I, iu reply lo Ii» volunteer-. .- '.."Dt. T.r tk* C.orernmeni. Fi *vnilge drlindo -''.iiiiii I lo »ti .¦. on" the wdoi« of the ooiifes* .ion m I", an uisde tt. i,nl »Vo.mI, anti «.. .nie. .ii mat that icitairi j lit» » and i" .Tlerl'eits wera k1 War«, an ikemon. i .¦-, «teiiiert». testify that tbr»«? plates were, In on. this mi lie risoner'«. t.« mill it.« iho«.ngtot the net oi bia ask ingall ¡i »hovs si 'ml utody. lltS'i, wltl' " it ¡s a ft o-! blandly i> « Bia t«»at bid Now, it hnd been doubted IAb* Jingi!»!) ind m «"'t.e "I the StBt'-tV-ourli of cadd be received es »nt tie :. h'.t li iv*s at »ny r 'i.- h eu that | had luren obtal u ti bb Mr. S«.t-,rt ar- good at grésil kagth that thltscvi ihlatbleralcs and ihotud therefore he stn ¦¦ a oat.» tYithont this co lhere was bo! a particle «of «rvidoace «r»iitii«t tin« pr Us found lo hi» j isIob "tiiiir." but this tritisi'-i i't-.a« which the I altad Bate« »athoriUo« ireaied to I 'Iii: k : * fur a priatOI to ii .-. ¡i" . Id ubi .' iw there arra b1 Mist a doaa ¦t thll , Ity, Bl » '! be (leiile.l- th»y «ih't-v t i" history »i tbii traBsfoi prt -«. Ii bul beea in » 11 .'.¦ » ka ad but wn« pore «»ed bv tli« prUoaer with- of the wada and for the pur* Mr. Bl liions bad been ¡ruled i . el such »s vou.hiid Letter tellin | MC. al » . , ia iriwered at lorne length. H i ai aean t » .y tat Mr. Breen lens-its Bat the tat ted« f Mtet-a ¦;r v. .u k. M ne »vaa iVKSk onouiih, in jill | ¦ Bare ¡ r r nu pent. No« lexai-tl» !'"' '.¦'-... .. t. .-' ' sapptos preprlt m i. ii it w is sold '. ass a sent U ¦¦ Murray ia« 1 .This TI» not ,.,, r .. 0 a i .¦'. ft.i.u.r«_w i.. . ,i titeo' :.. at. Il v , . BOtO« H. lin o iii -. dalag thal i.ot t-j compelled to . to Liu; Ihsl by Lan « li . C1.¡eh »ai '. bun be «a ii . .. -a.¡Lout any kno«l« . , roriv. The prisoner '»as ti ereo by Imself la im Br. Wot i"¡ 'L« ii .lied » Mr.*. lull i Vii. \, ., ,!. The Connell thal In bli emuloo t!» ii out ! c ¡..a Ii th..: wa« «tri -e the | lUlloli" iii u' Hill !" bit ti Ht .n ou Moaday, «t i p a t* '," nai 9? -Vm gV, , 1*4 g « ,*m_Ott ^¡olT ?"".Hi' At*")1 o', lo«!, mi Sa! irday luoriling n li., sied in tue Moto * 11 ibe large »ample building Nes.öi.'Bnd lekents ft aa «rho wari »ooa ui>»u the groond, Knildcit.-i'iiis'i the faire«, ti»e ba.ement and upper »torlea wer«« ronsitlerably damage,! by Ure and water. "Hie bai'-metit w..« a B| .ed by J, A U .»»ause, IsiMll iu «grl- eau.ral inip;. ...¦¦« Li east« k altool ."V na lan u »».¡s occeptod a ili»n«i|wliian ¡Sieaui Laundiv. Lai on macuwery and lutursa. llJUOi no Insur-. ance, fbe » ;ond door «v». oeeopled bv Mr. Johoeaa, n sal. 11."ure of piano st-tmnr. Lia« on itockaad maehinorr »ont *j"i»i; Maarol ia eily «aoaayaaJea, il. third door wa occu¬ pied by Mr. Jic-iinie.ii. m-in ula turer cf nisn.) ir olding» I,"»son etoik ii en l_,00t); partially insitred ITie fourth floor ti occupied by Oribi * tieer. silk "weavers. Tbev suffer » iligkt los» hy sim»-.-. lLe bailing owned by'll nit'i .v Blown, etsd ii daiuag d to lLe sil Btof.g2.00_ Par'i»I!r lastned. rbeorli / ti..» tire is nt preaet-t ¡mknowD '..uti* under iureitig»tiou by Kne Marihel jlik".. AT THE MOB OH WAi:ai_»N*._r. tjhortlv-.iîc t '-! o. lock on blUadaf lnoniing the woodaork in t! 8 »it.iiiilyi.itI,« tVla* wa-e. lyingat the Mol ,f Warrecet. eeogbt Ire, an 1 the Hamel were exiiiiguiilicd damage to the «mount .»JOtj wa laitalned. 'Hie bon i, owued by i roderick Schalt «ami in* laired. ¦__._ i 4" VII II. It l'_. o'clock a. m. ye«lerdj_f, Joaopb Mitch.-ll. a resident of No. I. Brooklyn. E. D., while grossly intoxicated, was mu ovei by cjr No. no of the Bieeck.«r-«t. IssBaai and luatmcd a fracture of the right »roi. He « oa taken to Belle, ne Hospital On «Saturday'. (-'roderick Wldi-rhold, »red'li vear«, while «tlt-mptiiiif to Jump upon the rront |l»lf..riii cf one of the ir« ni ile Aieic.e line, at Ih« enter of 'lliirtecnihit.. « to the ___\tt lil mai VI» ).'.-, i ... COMMERCIAL MATTERS SALES AT TUB VTOCX BXOt-A*f ,*L En. 1th Difgo. 10. S. be, ltio7. ile-hi^h tad Mu«*, l.-00.t...... *..-» .-..OJO.131 «007... |l llitn.iii Central B D'. 8. f»vl._8pc«.up IloeU>4 W«4*.!V .-,000..'..IOC ¡U-0OO-.128 .-)*...1- (Jt. m. '93tU.K.***,'di,coup. iKn« ivooo.mi i,-.-)').rat Dei. L. a- w. a _.. o';_. g* 5-_<hx,'6.. W--Wo . m ¿,000.io_i' 1S.0O0.108' Erie prefc-rod ^ MaripoM ut ni. 600.-08 I'-1*".Tf '¦iMtii). . .p; ic.K.6«, _-joe. 'eü. Kea-liüg. « B.ia_ofCo__iiier_.i 10,000-.lill j.117 ».(KOO.Ill] 2,70).I|_J 45.l18 Ü.H..«,5-30c,'64.| 1,000....t«. I lil Im. o- Trader» ilk.I '-,000....* ....ion,1 mu).«»ll_| 10."115 .-.H.'*, 5^ cp..'tô LOO.'».--! call. 1151 t'nntou. li"«)).IO«.* N. Y. «k N.ilavta. 100.S.' 'J.S..r»-,_0-40ep. 3''. .Alt Dol.fcU. Canal.! <».*)00.98} Mich. Central. 139..-»ifUretsury 7 3-lOt, I 100..lill Cnmb. Coal. prof. . lal «.he«. | 100.«,.112 .100. 4.., 13,100 «in-ll.lft'.L 200.llji Weet. Union Tel.l ^,000.10«,¡ 90._U.I rtOO....-ti* '-dMnee. Miih.Sotitli X SA 100.s30. ijB'i 1.100..small lO.'.'i ..30 33. 5H} 10O.bJO. Ä' 100.r.30. 58, Weit,I. lol. B. IK. 150. '.«. Ki.tland Marl.le. 100. »_>M .»100..-8, Onickiilrer. lOO. 521 .IJO. -:¡ Marirr>t-_-. 200. 19 -0..'.. It. Mari pota pr.f. 100. tt 100...2dt.. 31 N. Y.CentrtL 100.107 1,000.107 100_b60.107 50.r,30 10* 400 2,1 call... 107 Illtnoia Central. iOO.191 HW..30.1.- .0,000.lOfil 3,000.IO*» 3d keru-». 6,000..»mall. IO."»" 5,000........10. Ohio .tate 6a,'TO. 5,»)00.W Tean. 6«, new. 45,003.71J Virginia Ge. t.-i'W.6. J Ü.000.fc> ». V. R.7i, B.I- Jef!:-::». 6 Cleve, it fitts. soo.a N.W. -00.1 1.0CH). soo.iio a Chtc. It B.W. p 400.ti 50-).6 11-0.bl5. ( .300.C 17,000.106, Chie__*o It U. I. Missouri.«. »O-O.1091 1,00»).77-lku.t- l'.daC.I pr_ iio.c.-cii&s.J.i». . ¦>.m 1.0-0.80. P..F.W, __Ch*c. N Car. now boml»», 200.IO» ¡.2,00().82] 500.1051 lOhioiVMi««. Or. IO*.13_a 20.0DO. ..' n Allon -, X. H- IO. It Mi*4.Ccr. pf.l 101. 3-51 7.000. 7a Cb te.--«. Alton ;Kri» l«i ml.«». SOO.10.1 1,000.IQ-H'Tol. W._.W**t. I 100. _J| OPI..«'-HOArD 0? U-TRERä-.10 A. li AmchcaaOolrt. iK-tlaul Marble. Mut..'*-» __N. I. -3d.-.».144"; 100. H 1*.0,000.144 C Watt. Union Tel. 15,000....e .111*1 200. í»-t¡ '¿"»,000....... 1441 100.b3. 59 40,000....c'ltlj N. Y.-Ccnti-l. Spruco Hill. 800..107' ;«W.._b3. ' 4{ loo.blO.-O.* Bonton Water I*. .30o. 107 100.b3. Hl.'Kne. p.tu.,_'t. w.i_c. uno.7-:; 200.bit. I«.'»*} 000.«3.-'7--| H»0.«3.105] 200.b3. 7-1 KH)......blO.Ki'n1 , 72} 200._.10:»i I fl'C-oca no*--. Ohio dr. Mis*. Cor. Kpruoe Hill. lUTKJO. 29. i,000....»-0. 4 ... '.".'i N.Y.Contrsl I'"). -3| FitU. 100. Hot IMS. -Al 200.1»-«, ria,J 400.I6| e..»'-".ug. m.m 11_| i^uie-ai.vor. loo.bia. -¿J UanpoM IT«. ttt..01 100..1 -Ol 100.btO. »M, .'10,000. 10,003...sl5. 2D1 10,000.... 1)5. BtJ Rutland Marbi«. 28' MO 300. Knc. 800. 1,800. 600.b3. 2,100. -00.bia »SOO. 100.blO, 200.b3. 28. Cumberland.. 100.4oJ Qatoksllrer MB..b3, bli Mar, pot a. (jOO. 12 Weat Union To). -00......5*1 200.S3. Stn] * PKTBOLhlM AND MININO MO'iJ Clor. «V Pitt«. 400. 861 Clev. ItlToi. "doo.116/ Chic, R. J. le I'ac. 100.bW. 1011 .. Chic. .K W I 72_i«_00.i)*J. 351 73 100.1)30. 351 73 100. 351 -\ N.w.rr. 1074 107 M 400.b3. 73» 400.ant Micli. Ho.-Se. N. 1. Ip..r\ W.fc Chic, 1,800.HI)1 1(10.b4 106* 100.b-O.'8-îl itOO.ititi 300.b3. b-Ui 200. t()5. f_!_ II 1100. _.:î;RiiHdta«-. 1,200.... Brookl-'a.jj 100...'. LfbortrO.I. » 1,000.« .tn. Benno Run Oft. .100. 3 50 100. 3 40 loo. 3 30 clinton 700?....blO. 2.00 50.-.2 OO United Btataa. 2,060.8 50 Bunch Fami. .»00. Cr-T-ii-r. )).b3. Hooky Mountain 45 100. 8 25 1 200.*3. 8 'J.. 300.»3 8 30 *«M0.. 1ft).. liol mau (1 >l-l. 200. 41 1,000 . 41 ¡"BroVD Al S3 8 35'n«!ir.:i.üotf R. b3. 8 40 100. -I» 400.. 300.. mai., 300.. 100.. 200.. 200., 100. 8 I0Ü. IM 1.30. 8 r«_ :tot>., if t ..-"sil. 8 .'l^Atfi.-ncan V. ..b30. H 5o .oO. 8 55 Creal rC. 8 40 200. '.'.h'M. 8 5-> rtoriil'bï'paV. ..b3«). H 8(i -nJO.II IB 200.II 9# A b4, IN .Smi(h A i'aruia.e« ¡WO. II 5. Couddroeffl 300.b3. 120 100.b3.1I 50| 100.ei. ¡Ü tt .i»,. IBS IO»).II 751 2-0.HB .'wo.i 3<) 200.. .ii .to; ii Ouart- Hill. 100.b3 11 e\«r 100.M OS -iOO.«10 8 00< 200.U H "XV).IS lj 100.Vi. 5 05! 500.1. ii:'II.»'- .r>:i (¡oil. 200. 5 00' 700.12 0-1 500. 41 ODO.SOSlWalklll. «. niicllOoUt. 200.5 151 100. :*) MO . 1 II Ml. 5 2«l 200.t ti CorrdJir. Hil.blOIMl li*)*).s3. IB 5-Ni. 475 700.r» _.-» 500.... bMl I -'.. Li»x-riv 300..5 -.i) Con. Col. MO.iM C'lIiiiiiliiititJ. ft S) 100. I lo IM. I 451 ( nil ii (I.Dir. (I. 100.s»( 17 75' MB...If* «)' 500.. Iih).l,.i.i is M Condin. IM.c-l-t 05: 'iOn. 1 ~m K.-vftoni Silver. I». . 12, 600. Kipp A Bn ii. Mt.... bl». Iik.i.b3 I ok (.(inii'il! (."M. IB . I 1 li 500.«3. 2 30 I ,»00. '.' :t.)'W,ooO. 1,000.3 M Kipo ii B I,(WO.... 1x3.) 2 35, 100.*.1 « .VI"). b'.-i 2 K lb 1,000.9 :*») v."««!. 65 7(H)_ i»30. I li."> I't-r.-y an 11 "..«¦».».'w. 500.«:i. 2*1 MO . 3 00 '. 35 Q. ir'« Kill. MO.Mt »d .. 5 '«J 4 71 4 .: 4 ;. :ioo. ll.H-ky M. I'M-.b3 o 41 MO . S 2").1,1'. S Satvbi.iv s-'p' ¡r.-r _. ( Il.l1 l.c" .. (I t': ..piliug ii! ii'í, kUib». «I 1 111 aiiii 111 Till loatag lili, fbo aiipjily o'' earth < »II i^ nu the- iatwaee at. '«rg»: »uioiint» eaa I"' t> »r »>Wi»J flat. »iiiven.tiieiit bon'l« o'all dlte-iV. «h»*«' In iiaipurèni.jnl nú-I «e la ao".?.' -. a. :T !. u |_o4a«ioo>i 5-2Bt ».f l*J»î«1 soldi) 111 j ar.l 7 ..I-'« at IO»',. Tor the lie! -uri'»«, at li)6t' '¦*¦? the o'ii-, f-i.i-if's. S'..'.) Indi mtn Irai Miatonrf «oldat77*, r.:i:n-f' bow, 6 percent at 714. Viri-tnia 6 per cent 69], Th« mi_«. ellai co,ih bare jli«i »h n- »'1-. waaia d.-t..a_d tit :.!}. 0'-l"-'"ll",',* b-ffora 1 } pe t i-o. Coal trlmrci »ere Mttly wi'U ¦BUT lota. -r. « . . TheSaltwaj Uti optait tOB, vtilyi«. .. aad th a Irene« wa» i_.«de on ihe entire lit Nan* ¦ I at 10'j, MttbiB-l a'. 84, ¦al I15f, anil th" baliucc of -.'"onir. _ficr the call aricti wera not loatained, to. tiiet.» wai *.- It -1 « m . tfiiitotj aell, and the tdranc» ot iii« momuj i-t. all til? Dil!-».") weh I:-ii;.'. Pta waa hciel feady at r-.', rtl »¦ ,tl$ purl o! __# Ja«, and ol' stud: chi-i-erl Land« nt t!;:it fgkmm, m i,l o. li-!»- call, «ii l.ir_,- ;. r uva ¡iriy whir are BMtneveriti«* the ."....I ni» lu T.t,. cl>"i'ir'll'. ;.)'. J ,i tu. market waa dull fnnd h"i.y. Ne» Votk t fir t' I i.'tm in;;. La.-, ro; ..;:¦.,. ffntrnti »BtTir.Tr?: i:«-.. i.i..-, n.i« 11, t: IIIa-ifMI l .illral. II-',: Miet.i.Mii Soi.t.i m, ii'» Titra!, l-\'_di:j, Cleveland mi 1 V'< »'.arglti Cicv.-laud and Tolodo, llttBllt. U IM lal »uj 10SJ a 108.; Nortli-W.»toni, 3.5_)'I5}. »I«, l'r.- rr-l. G'ia> '."i; Knit Wiiyno, 10»'» 1«».*¿ Ohiottu) Mi »i Uppi Ctf- .'','; ( tit.»ii, 5.'i. Ciiiiilx'riaii (iiiil, li,, l^iicik- iilvcr, 5-i»-_.i .Maiipeisa Prefcmd, 31 'li. Money.toBtlBBttaaayalt per eeat. wttu .».»*«; m_i Maa it I per. 'i-ani*'» cl«)-»*d qniot tbrthesl.-eni'i. It .1« al M dayl ob LondB-"a?e quoted at Vr*). .'.mar, cial W -I»)?*for banker»', do. al »bort mmfjmt, IO»*|Bllt|| MátTI, 5.->¡.«*5.V:,: dy. It «BOH lifM. .',i»-«v - *. "-' .-. ' « .. j . a . . . » ra Bt . a B .- .. * I .¿«r-i.'.'fl; KwiM, j.-.'. J'-...*.'5; liant' -tug, 3.',ii-3o; Amsterdam. 3y«i*a»4.J ^nai-foct, 40« Itj* Brcuicn, 77*#lo Bru .¦¦«.au Thalet«, 7ü_»7l. Of ftpetie. loday, tlic tTty of Boaton Uikc- ou' $1^,090. ¡Tbc ït"a_i«bip Hanta, fr'«m Bremen via >«» 'iitiiipt-aa l.'tli. brii'K» £141.000. Frcii-lit» tre quiot ti .. eut-tj-cments to Ia« ti«.»! art -'1.000 buali. Com at 14".. 6M) bbb-. Roaia a: U. ."».J: MB » otii.ii, and 150 hlids. Tobacc«*. at-.".« ijd. lu Ain-erp-jOO bli«. I'otrolcym at-». An Ar_jt«v-_t_i »i ip was «bartered to Pcnartli K.taila ami omt [orla iv,th 33,000 bu»b. Com H fiotn 4«. 3d.»4«. 6,1 1 he total i-ipo-'i al »Ncw-V.Ti for th.-wooe c-imiiara an follow»i Auk M. Bar. ML t«..".«»..i"-' *¦' rit tit t.'.-.a.'j.- *-,i..«-,3n Week ending .... Sept. Il tvpt r. Dry t-ood». *._->ll.i).T But«..It) (ienTBdae. ¿.noli,437 ..;.«, 1-J ToU!.tK1.0.ii» lA»ïr«-,>';i;-. MwHwM Tue New-York lni*».rl« of dry froodi compare .-» fol* Itérai fe, the W'*«J|. I«t«4. IS».-,. l-irlt. Knieredat the port ... 11. 8', _*; )*-.',i.'>t.i>'t |.-.<--| li.roan on m»rket... -.«¡Xi -l.el'J "HTt,»!! SiiHoJao-líl. l«.t,l 1N6S. IHM, I-'.üteretl st the port ...._-»¦.'..«lu.I¦_.. |!?,4<V.d!". I»*J fi*, TV Liitonii 00 Barket .*.. _J,o!..l(i. ..-.'..i. « ' M vii.-rj. I be follow.UK e-f-Bipatlioa ibowi the amount of flout aiid graia in iti-re t* Chicutjo topi », um. -*-<>t *), im». '.loir, l('.'---f) » Wheal, bmb. 8>«..r«7-' 4».'Mi Corn, rrlsr» .... l,.l4,r**W l.T^ogn (lau. boah. _)_.»¦.'.-. .I|0-»- llorley, buah. «»>--- Iflt»)«- Bve«, .litt,. 144.61? l-r-lea. Total gtan, bath Li Qmnmict ei l*i*)W*«V*l' hHMM «-*« "-»"al iy«-t<M

Transcript of chroniclingamerica.loc.govtill' 11 R iCUSE SOLDIERA*', CONVENTION. _ U .irmonsl li»t of signers to...



U .irmonsl li»t of signers to

he ool! for tbc ('«invention o.'Iooiul Union Soldiers to lo

liai Syracut" ll-»»-:

IBs*. B. B Bv-rrev»\m >"«'.!»« H I», 'Ir-i'

r**. V. Vc,Vois.¡UN. Y. Vols.

¦. Vol«.rr Abrara 11 S V. Xo'.A

»!1«. ._":'. N. V. V«.!i.

S Y Vols.V« li.

( ,l.-..'1 V 11 is 'ti ..:¦: S V V..I».

I« I '.V ...i, t; -ir. S V Vol«.\ Voll.

» .-,. a. », «.¡st Vet. Carobr.J ti Ti. Y. Vila

ill !l*.tb N. Y. Vol*.'Pint le ¡¡insist William limns Johnson, Si»lb Von uectl

.at vimml Lteatenani Tboo. Yan Kin. k, 20tii N. Y»S. M.Jare sl«M o"T (». Wheeler. láO B. Y. Vdl».y, i ¦. rs W. A. Hanlin«.». 24th N. T. VeM

V. Borlcll. 1st ü. .S.Indura Inf luf-j-.

,s tii.t I ale Huvey, Slgncl (¦.th Milne Vetean Yoi».

Bo: séant K. K. A "tU.Beii'.in' .f*t). A. .!¦ laiit» Veteran Yoi«CtorHB. Y.fonrmd » ivania Vol».ir Uo \v. J. Qnibaa, inn). l'tiiL»yiv»aia.Privet« T. C. RaBsy, Bienal i rp«.l'ri»ai>* Iiani' Peaosflvaata.(¡(Hi .ral W A Lye ..lo Cavalry.Priv»»e f, « leran Vol».Private!. «

Private1* I 11 DusbeiPrlritf« i Bepl »rt, len

I'eiiBtylvania Vois.MasMubaaeta Yetaren Vi.'-.

Coi,. ,«.,i''".M ,-< t. :,i. .« .Itiriii'i Vol.-,Yoi».

..,1'MV'tK «. l"th N.«Y. Voll< it»« MUDO Mattery.

I-rlva' th Muh. Vet. Voir.Purste ( L. Mci vo!s.CsBt.-Mmee-I. ra*» «lu!.ftlvBto Alivrt Lin a. BOth ."». «I.Pris «te I* E. Calilos, HthK. H. Vt.i«.berg* tel Jante. li I".,c -7 ;; N. V. Vols.Priesa I. fc"UDwiBel Id M Cavalry*.Privt» n "th N. Y Heavy.rt.Privón: Loyal lvos.S«WI Y. H. I Cav.Norgcii.u IV ewftird. »i Oaw »t.»Vol«.l»r.v-'e K. I,. Mci."*': IBih Mich. Vols.Bead Clerk J. l» ItobMns, Com Dcp't i 9th Aray Corps.P.tva'e It W Boyd. 11 si Ohio V .1»._*Tir»... A UJooea ldm PaCaralri.

!.. -S J .\V.:*i ¦.MHI iHut er «I A ! v'oU.iTi.e.e J W Hoflma.i. _-;li Pit Yd».Privit (t. arle» Wlhesrtnan. lita Meise.I'rivíit" Max Bertrand llth PB VIPrivat-« J raie» Beril», ".-ii N Y. H.iavy Art,Privat« H- A lil B. H. VIT »Bit. IT.ub 11 Kallv. lath VI". Veteran V-I.

".. 11. W. KBreJl Naval Ao.idouiy.Privare 1. 1». Colton. MU N. V. Art.

Isgridiniiu Hirl'cn Coi loton. U. S. S. Citos«_Bi_>_LPin» e P. T. Oh ai' n. l-< Ile. C ivalry.Priva el i L te ::. 1-' ..

Prüfte W. 1!. il »1» an!. flth B. J. Vol,.hi*li KenuCortKirtU-LothSii Kenuiv. H*.'d N Y.

fiaatV'Od I..eut J. M Clark, 3d B. Y l'.sttory..Coat. Addison A Kev.«s, Utfth III ViiBerg«*«nt I». C Teapnaa, H.MI »N. Y. Vol.,L'ont ."*. 11. Mooo, l'-tii tt. V. Voto,j H. Temliiik.n. 1st N. Y. Vol*.Licet J. 1Uou'.al. ('..«bsudfoiil 3d H, Y. S. M.

» TbeoUor" Bowne, IS.'.h N. Y. Vols.boot, l !.. Keys, ItMtl I Y. Vois.Pnvati C Urowi: 4th N. Y. An.

OorporM KiifusTilbe. !<th B. Y. Vol«.Pilvot" Wilba Hirri*. :-th N. Y He»v.vArt.Private Vi m Pea-still, 7th V. Y. Ititi. Hat.Private Win. Woolner. .1.1 B. Y «S. M.H«rgo«iit Maicr B. C. I.obirië.in, __bt N. Y. 8. Al.Chief Ungió, cr J > Faut id.Parata F.»M. Sullivan, »th Kt?¡inent.P¡iv»U Co'aeliiis Ireland, lït-Mh N. T. Vols.PriTateÎJahn Tide, .list N. Y. V«Ï-Tirate ('. M. V.n Vl.e». l.l'Ji Illino!« Vols.Corrjor» W. Wallaec l'avnu n l7tb Coon. Vola.pTivnto_,l.¡ l-'-th N. Y. Vols.Pn»»'.,V.'i bar Charlock, l«3cth«X. Y. Vols.Pma»e Mitthen Marlin, l»t N. Y. h-pioeors.Pnrste Vint Y. SalUtmrv, H5tb N. Y. Vols.Private Cairce H. Pollock. !..>th N. Y. Vols.Corpora'.I. Y. Post, lau h N. Y. Vid«.Privat* 0 (iernit:..! ¡Mil N V Vol»Ber;r»»nt Albert J Buree. __4th N. T Vida.

.. .-.¡DKiun. l-.-th-*-. Ya.Yols.

P-rivsie Jsoo¡-*U. Conine. 3M il. J. Vols.Kttrgoait Iran S» H. Il¡ett. lSflh S. Y Vols.rnvateC. A. loawreooe, l-Jriih N. Y. Vals.rurale laioe. Aia»ftioag, !_. ¡h »V. Y. Vols.Can.-«.m' ! f. T -williger. Sut B. Y. 8. M.l»r!v"."'> Jobs J. !$>i-.irdas, -.'1st N Y S/V.

l18 liff« d W. It .ardus. Slat N Y S M.Priv-nfj «-ornas M. Oirmond, ..'M h N J Vol».r Id llMhN Y Vol».l'i . M.«*V. 15. Mara, r.rttt. N Y VU».

M. Vu., l'iu«. O'. S. Navy.Chalks Van Tiac, l_8".h K. Y. Va)U.

Aeiti'ï -j-cu2d As**t Lngiucer Wtn. htoteibury, Jr., U. S.Mary.

I» » i'.o John McT)(_iri' 11, Sd N. Y. ('»valrv.Bergeanr Robert Wilson. Ir, 7th K. Y. Bet.Wrn li ( haee, IMth N Y."i'.«ntl Jamos 3. Henty, isBih N. Y. Vols.Private Juba J. Miller, Otk N. Y. Heavy Art.Baoond-tateat. B. T. l!en»oo, la>tk N. Y. Vi 1»Pnvvo VTitti-jn H. Williams. l8'.h,N. Y. Voir.Private .loMph Henry, 56ih N. Y. V. Vols.Privs'e Henrv Look«», .Mh U. S Art.Pnv »to W H'Coiwj.11. Sist N Y Vols«Corpa; a! John Statcuburv. lSBth N Y Vols.Prívate f*harte* WLii«. lil»t N Y Vol».Priva«. ilasry B Sotienck, (J M Dct.'t.Lleut. oL J M Oat*. lIBU _a|Jt M v: Vata, -yessstow.lirgoant TheoTcu Broeck. isotb N Y Vol», G'.) Eagl».|tM -nith__Batlery I*. 1st N Y Art.1 Brown. Ultn N Y Vols.

.-ry West, Öth N Y_H'avv Art.Cea Vt'imer. BtbT.. Y. C'aCavalrv

nant J. W. Moore, M LiglitMrti'lery.Liou!«o»at W. Gowlwle, llllb N. X. O. Vota.Ueatenant Lewis M-xher. .'Od N. Y. Yoi».:,r»ii»u«riT. Tod. 0<ser. 1Kb X. Y. Vol«.

«tenant Fred. Goodwin, l_oth K. Y, VoU.Piro Sergeant J. T». Beadle, ath N. Y. Cav.

nant K A. Hibbard. lllthN. Y. Vol»,"apt.-M. Hopkia«, 8th N. Y. Cav.

tajor U.»N. Maffbt. 2Mb IS. Car. Vols.ioutonantO. I». K.ln,er. 1st Veteran Car.

;apt. J.HasIev. 8_ih N. Y. Vols,dsetoiiaut and Bogimeatol (.aatermsster C. H. Wsbster.

SOtíx N VMi.or !.. B. Stephens. 137th N. Y. Yoli.Cipt. Mur«:.»! «oibeit, ia7»h N. Y. Vol».

¦Henry Vi. BMptnan, 137th N. Y. Vol«'".pt. Wir Sage, 137tà N. Y. Yol«.apt. Kdwin llrwin. lOyta N. Y. Vol»,rove! M«¿or C. HeRoti. I". R. Vols.

. G. David, fath P. s. f. Iufantrv.rove*. Liict Coi and Surgeoa A. J. Sheldon, N. Y. S

?elaCol. W Kreutzer .8tb S Y. R. Vols,Capt. Jo ¡r. TifTt, <Ah SPY. Artülerv.Burgoon Pv/lgbt C. Chamberlln, it h' V. Y. Artillery

fargoon W Vosbargh, luth N. Y. Vols.lent n. C Bedgra.. Mb X. Y. Artillery.»lent Jamos A. Ouest, îbOih N. Y. Veta.bleat. B..H. Hberwood. IbOto B. Y. YuU..«y«. E. A. Miaett. C. S. V V. S. A..deut C«». I_etter S. Wilton. fWth Vet. Vois.Brevjt « up' .-.-r, «nth N. Y. Vols.Brevot t L Iliront Van Bnren, 1KM 2î. Y. Vol».Brig.-.»*.»r. IL,.. Van Uim-n. V. 8. Vol».

M» 77th N. T. Vol«.I »riel W Arro!d,«T7th B. Y. Vol».

Lioo* W¡ ¡«m Hvoels»«. 77t!i N. Y. Vol».Lie'«* Nelson J. Oittba, i;_tb«N. Y. Vol«.BeooLd Lient -«oriel Fountain, 77:h N. Y. Vol».¦Ort'srls- tiergesnt Der.ry H. MorriilA77üi B. Y. Yo!»Orderiy S .-«.-eaut James K. Barna, 7?th N. Y. VotaOrderly .Sergeant Wosley Danleb, _8th N. Y. Vol».Orderly Sergeant Daniel F. Pavne, 5tb N. Y. Vol«.Ordsrlv 8er»;eant A1»k rt Ilarrett. lith N. Y. Car.Corporal Otu-uocey BmUod. ".7lb N. Y. Vol».Corpora! Jame* Von Ornnm. 77th N. Y. Vol».Private «tolotoon Dago, nth B. Y. Cav.Purst. J tit lirogo-y, ilth N. Y. Car.Priva« Fred Matthews, lltb N Y Cav.PrlrateByivoitei Smith, lltb N Y Cav.Private Samuel Johnion. llth N Y Car.Prívete Johtn Cross, 77th B Y.~

erst Major Bradfind R Wood, ir.irate Wb Fiovd, 5th N Y Car.vate Ja« ob .Sievouaon, 77th N Y Vol«,

mole Weal«/ l»«_«l*, 3«th N I Vols.»irate Atbert Barrett, llth N Y Car.trat» Charles Fierce, 77th K Y.trete David Stringham, 77th _f, V.irate Henrv Jame, limh N. Y.

Private Adolphus Jame, 77th K. Y.Privat« Adolphus Ooodspeed», 77th N. V.Pa. vate OéorfoH (^>c»<l-r*«d. 77th N V.Private Joseph I). Hardy, ¿th N. Y.vPrlrate Leroy North, 5th N. Y.pel* <*«n. George ¡J. Batcheller, rair«ctor*G«ÍMr»l, lateLleattmant Colonel 113th N. Y. Vol».

*idjt. Abram Ashler ¡r l>th N. Y.»TI.i(mt. Thoo. W. Krait, l__?th N. Y. Vols.neate H Milton JTord, «ItlwN. Y. Vol»,iv»te Luther Bain, »lit N. Y. Cav.vate Irving A. Fiih, StnrgeeBMee.vate Wm. H. FUat, l*th N. Y. Vol«.

'«Irate N. A. Calkin*. 2d Cobb. Hesvy Artlllorv.rivale Uto. W. M«) be, Stith N. Y. Vota,-¦vale Jama G. Allen. 77th V. Y. Vols.geoot Prank H. Trarer. IJOtA N. Y. Vols,rgeant John W. Whiteman. 188th N. V. Vol«,¦iva* Christopher Mifjork )S8tb N Y. Vol«.

Private Aastta J. ctork, Bth tad. Corps M. Y. fhsrpehoeters. *

ftirmtt) Ooo. R HUdreth, 8tb Ind. Corps, 2.. T. Sharp-Prtvate Hoary Van Anles, 19Bth V T. VolsÇapt Jobo I.angdOE, lkStb V. T. Vola,gergoaot Bobers Y«b Sick. 12Bth ». Y. Vols.Prívete Théodore Knapp, lUbih N. Y. VoU,Prirate Henry Ulevter, 128th N. Y. Volo.Capera! Loreis*. D. Ford, 126th B. Y. Vols.Cerperol Wa M. Caoily, ¡SBth N. Y. Vols.Private Wa AL Com bridge, MBth N. T. Vols.

¡vote Harry a Travor, lûtth N. Y. Vols.Toeat Geo. Trier. 5th K. Y. Cavalry.ate lamm «-Anstead, Mb N. Y. Cavalry.

geont Aleiarnder Snydrr, Ub ¿I. Y. CaTslry..v«*.» S Davla7*?ih K. T. Vols.grmai W. Ashley, Sharp's Kilos.

t"«v»t« Wm. King, isetk If Y. VoU. a

intrate Joba Mace, «th N. Y Cavalry. Vifr alii' <î_uV?rt-a--* ü* **. Vo,í- Hsaeeek's Corps.2ÄfÄn'iM «.n^k.cTrp..

^laaillN. y' Vois.¦_t»wiSw?,*rWjïrV&fäiw.**1. m-irtTi. im_ h. r.'r(_J^t'B. Biel!..Wtli K. Y. YoUMeaereaa, 15»J_k Jt. Y. YoU.¦BMia M. Barrett, 15Mh V. Y. Vals.

sea 0. Ouyoo. «Wtl N. Y »Yo!»..Baa r. Barrett lMtb B. Y Vïis.'cloon Brink, laetii N Y. Volo,

The«. V. Dear elly, I troth N Y. Veto.Cb»«. Dale*. I.v.tb N. Y V..i»i)«8iel Klin«, l.'>t>ti¡ N. Y VoU(»il'.ert-C. Kerri» lé-ltiN V. V >UNolMB Gilkv, I.V.!'i K. T. Vol».Albert F. lít-al l.'« K. Y Vo'lfnrha C. IfarUe. 15-th N Y VotoAV ill,I'D. Moreli'.i ... IS.ti M Ya**»«I;., lianl (a lei bunt. i__i« N, Y. Ved«C».n!-W. Piui-,»v. UM N. ?.'.bn rr»»»!. jot!. ".'. Y. Vota,VA a II Batt-, IMtb !.. Y Vol».

I!. Sir if Kr.-.i. K A'. V..:»Il.ur, T. T»r» Kläger. IT»*»» I». Y. Ve>!«Joba a m |t rbfll i I i. :. V '¦'

'I hor-a«. Wri«lit, ll-ith ti. Y. Vii«i.t-n-e»rhar»rt. It-Blb N.»Y Vol*

foaag I rf..!i S, Y Veto»ol«. ¡r.t+i tf. V. Vol«.

(.cn. W Scli.»«xiri,_lier, 11.11 N' Y. Vol«,!>.,«.; ( 1 VATKian. I). Dick cr,-luth N. Y. Art..ri.« W. VTeycaai IS-HI N- V »el. liri.

¦' Mirtln. l'-4lh B. Y. Vol. lof.Ctpt lirat I.Ktit (Jh«ilc* 11. 1*90. I*4h N. T

Cl' 'l. ...

Catii, .linne« II A«iler»on n't h Itifaatry.C-pV-re-nder Clirk. l'*«tti Infantryi.i. ut. .«-(».C. T-g-aiT, 7l»i Militi».Meut, nut, Breeel ( apt J rim lui« hie 1 -t-i __-»»>.«.Cfipt 'Henty P. Travifi. ti Uti Infirftry.

- ». |.i, 1Mb -Milia., labdara-dab MiUi., ¿nli Infintry.(T.lit. .Ale Monti. ::»»i«_ Infanlry.i rp1 lie» ry A. llt>t«iiri. Ohio Infin-ry.Cai»t. «rt-irli-l '/. li«. I (¡-ilh Iuf.v.lry.«'.".-. Thomas li DeeC*. .Veiv-frrft'v Infaitry*.i i»: B R M(»t>re, :tTd New .loi» r CargiJ-TratSergr. Kohrrt K. i ¡.ot In.-.«!'':!, M, .-.«.1 « ut W. liatn C. llrown, 1 Uti. Mltlttlliierst. BylreeMr Lawas«, l'.'ttii labatt"".(Teilt. .1 ittre« T. Cl.uta, ICfili*.Lieu». KIward I!. Leu«« Mit« li.Cuntir.Lieut. J. K. K Oiklcvatelb lufantij.

I) ).. Fraiiklii). With Infantry.I» t. ,1.-1 ». \ 1 -a-1«, *iG li Infinity."iliijin etiir-ii.» A. It une;, lait h Infaiiliy.I.teiil. Charte« B, I,!«!», :t6th lufantryl.'ciil'D'ividK bit.!i.-iii, 9011 lu.arti...

Ni,! «..'M.i'i Infantry.bert Ar.hieoa. 1Mb Cavff,r*

nt AViKiaai Uiiiiniehaol. .lS-ltti lu fa airy.S-rg.-ant lliuij A. Phidapa. 4/th Infautry.

.i'liiiie» li. Strachan, 7th In li pendent Battery.I'orp.ral Bdwil.!. Mtiali, 1Mb (' «valry.

Bl lit :.i. .1. IBebteel, I'lth Infantry.< pin b1 TiiIiii riaadni. 7th ladopendael tia tory.I'. i\, to Tttorna* Ciinnlagham. ICeHli Infautry.fnvule.lBniea Nc-ot». C. id Infantry.1";'» C. Barr, Iflllblal tiilr,-.IT,vate "Vic. I!. Daniel 7il, -v11 !1. ty.Pi tala.loim l'innry. iiviii Infaatrrl-riv-te "Vru.'tiiiii jjie,7ili Independent Bslfery.l'rivnte Tlmim"*.!. I>t pew t!:h Infantry.I'm »te VWIIIta I). BptalHar. "d Infitn'.ry.ITiv.iit« Willi.» »u (ari~-utur. I.'lili liiîioiry.Privat.»Bobart8ta-_alelé, i»'» t'«v_iry.Private Au^uelu» McKinueyPrivate i»i»»rd ABderaoa, Wil t ifaatrjr.I'riv, «(. Joseph ». 'I iT'.l).Privule D. Harrinctotit-ty« »iii «J-oi-ge« II. I'liaiidle', l-.'ltb Inf-tntry.«'or;., al I». I. Kidd, MM LeC-Bt-lI'uval«. Nb*'.ii.i.TWih »uti. I !lth infanlry.

I MrMulleii, -Hi lula., ifPri»atir-_.*G. M'ltif*». "Hi Independent liai.PriAflt.-Hiigh Tapp.- (j, M-daC-ntTf.Private Jol n Joyce.Pnvate John Wilma, .'.''li Iu'ialiyPrivait .", «lin Prince. :H»th lnlintryl'livateiklitttii Vaaaahaff-, i'tuh Infaatrr.Private Alex Winari-. Mt lataatr*Adjutant'-. Owen alctore, -Oth I -faotijr.T.'out. l.ven.t d. I" a.a. 1'.'.h billilla.*'¦ .|rin..l iImiici« I.vnii. 19411 Infautrv.Sergeant Charlee I: VTiifbt, 7th.riihery.I'rii !t-*Get-r»-e V. Bediker, i'.«), Artillery.Prívele Kdwartl Joluisoii. Uti Ailillery.3eri-ennt David P AVil_on, A'Dill.ry.Ser.eai.tiCbaiie« Utirnian, 1Mb Artillery.Sergcaal Atcb Booti, '.aub Infintry.Private II cory (Tim ni^iium, 7th llnttei **.

Priyate"*(»-Oat Fld«L 'Kith lama rr.

Sergeatt Htipii CaBrttaelI, If«-ttTi Infantry.Prtrata ^ iu. 1 ue» 1 » laiantr-l'rivnte Win. Ueodiiah, IS'tb Infantrv.!« Waltir Jones K-tb.Cavalry.( »tt. K. A Jonen, tttt Infantry,l'rivate Ku)>crt Si ra." Ml ArtlUtrf.Bargean I li»ie:ti-MatKinncra9aitb Infantry.Lie« .for. A. .Sue--. "Atti Inf.ililrySergeant Jo«. H.."rViMioiao. Wtb Infantry.C»ipt (Icorge M. lUiea.IT mile Mai (It rim r, itifb Infantry,l'rivdie H.nry Fairbank, 7th BBI'mate Jftinee M»ntg."rv 71*1 Minti«.Lieal Kml Gillespie. _*>ib kiliüi.Corporal lanac Denotatob, Ce.tU luftntry.Co*t»or«l Stepb-0 1.4 bUbt í r*¡!i li.L.ntry.I'm ie ViTlliam lain liild, fini h lud: ti).I.lctil (it-oige VA' Hawkiiie, Naiy.I'npii.c-r i Ctiai I( . U'iril ¡cr. NaTy.Kngloeer Oeorge Iter.neit. NswKt'-meer Roln-rt W'hiloliiil. Ni »y.Uni.- i.e.-r;J»ui'-» T UTyd. -i_v.

Bnglnear Baberl 1.1ii Wfltlam Wsrdrar». Navy.

ilBgiga W11 lim J l'tid-r'til'. jr. î.'avy.Kergeant Fred Lavta, f.tli lofatitry.Lieut Krank Page, etta Inf-ritry.Pri«_te',!ubn*ili.iioab. T-Stb Infantry.PrlraM Anatllne, -ttd Infantry.IT n ate John 1) Gatriaoo, 7tb LiitUry.I'm ate- Pani C-ruiio!ia»l. 7th Arlill r^I'm ale WiUinm Fairchild. Kerb lnfaiTry.Private Acaor. kfeakier, ISttl Infantry.Private Kd Cerbng, IO th Infautry.Pnvate Ed IcroT, l(-<th lnfaotrrPrivate David Harmab, 7tli Aralaij.Private Hugh Willi, 3d lufatitry.Private Win D lui»!'. .M Infnitry.Ii leal .loseph A Sneetl, tkiIi Infantry.S.-treiiit Wilier D Jone-, Huh Cavalry.Private William Mc('»_HnolL IJ-Ui Cavalry.Majoi Jame« A Nairn r. '¦i~'u liittotry.-argeeD O M lu ni ir.,1», i'.'llh lafaolry.VriTBtaT-it* U -tate, 7-tb tuUulrv.J ergoanBThe-dor« M-Kwen oth Artillen.' mute Daniel TJIinnelly. íth Infantrv.Private, H-kben'i. Ntbl .fantry.Private Aller! I'rl'.cf.f ¦'.th infanlryCorBToral Jrlorv-I.liu (».It II l'.'lüi I.ifantry.PrívaleKober! Meiritt. li«)tb Iil'__iry.I'mnta Charlo* t-_-»er, I .'«Iii InO.Hry.Pri.ateJobn if. Blair, l-IU lafaatr/.PrlraMOeergt Blair. 9-th lniniitrr.I.lum. :ih V \ Infautiy.Col Willi'iin It Brown, lo«!h»Iufaotry.I.'cnt WBtea Brnyi i-.t IPrivate Luke Jackson l.'i'li luftntry.l'rivate (ieorpe A Abbott, iixta lutautry.Private J D ¡Scott. Kuti lufni.lryPrivate A S Heater, 19th Infantry.Prirnie («entire Trnttnttn, 7:!i ltat:*iry.Pi.»ate Samuel C_*!i. ».Iii Ir» inti ,¦

Private O W Kidd, 3d Inlantry.Prlva'e J li Matthew?,«th Kt'teryPi IV,.li« Hugh Cellin», li ..».nt-Bl r

Piivati I A Min-, 7lft InfantryPrivat Wie flllBlbail. Olli ArtillírvPiivtt" James Mailerauii, Jil InfBtf.ryi i-l AA'in U William« 1th N Y a»airyC'»i»t KodneT I: Crawley, '""li B *r da« .-pt 1 lanllin Clones, (ilfh N V V .laCaul Halve- LMoii.h, Mt. N Y Vol*Pinate Alfred li Pu, e, IMth B Y Vn¡iLit-ut Jfttuo»(i"*JohnK')"i Ctfa N \ V

tal Adil m re»i». »'-i *. v v .uLieutenant Addison Marn'it, «Ith î« Y Vtl«Lii-nt'.liu-t Al!«-)t(. DOW,!.. Cl'li NV AultI lealeatat M J r, Mil: M i' v titI.iuutenar.t I kaaBCOJ ii '.«. r:¦. ».) » K Y Vol«L etitct,:ir:l.(lei,ri-" W \A'«tk i. Mtb N Y VollCaptain Multliew Ii Chctt«T. IMtb N Y Vul«"- BlgarO Km;-)! '. iii N A Yol|SerifiBiil Lvnau Dean oit',.S A V. laI'riv.itc- L-vl I. Carr, Mtb .*«' Vol». «,

PrlvaU B «'ii L Ki -, Mtb N YLieut An.-iiu I, itiiilill. UM .S Y Voll.*Sergeaal William Bradshaw, MbCara«**-*,

ii Charle» 1 Hedeman, »i bLient Clinton Brtdlbaw, 71sl Vol».Privóte He/ekiah Fortkit, t*l N Y('**aliy.«'.rjKiral ./«»el It l«»i re Uti ti t Volt."C «at 'llmoihr A C Krttett, MlhW I Vola,J'in.-te Bear. Mortran ntirii N \ Vn\*.ITnate Iel i,i I. Waiab, '.«Iii N Y A ,.'.

Private Oilhert Bodgen-, i.itli N Y V U.Pii.atc i'..ory Bcatley, I»ith ".' V Vols.Private Jerome I'^-itlev, \ Y V'ola.Scrr-eiint Sainael Owi ». Mt. N Y Vul».Private l'lmetitine (' Miynelbi nth N \ a

Scrge«ut Chirle» S. Ulacl. MM N I Volt.I'i.,.ile Ji»»t-pli Price .lib N Y Vul».PrlvaU Dal tala M. Oreare-i«, IMtk B Y AT,!«.S'.-gciiLi Mii.iur Alona »J. Burton, .'iii c.iv.ilir.

Gorge Vi. \\i Itii'iti .-it.» K A Vol«OrangeOrar, IMth N T v.---

I'nva'e Sn'imel Ilrvai.t IMtb Kf. > Iluiitlnlpli, fcltli N Y ILient. Wanlm It Wsit, i.itli S Y A ,

Private (liria K AVfnt. (Mtb N Y Vol».Private William JJ. (ian, Mtb IN Y Veil«i'mate .fame« M. lloaiilmtn, MM N Y Yoi«Private Henry r.oanlniati, Mili N Y Vu!»I'mate Jaiiie« William». Ilâtb ,N VhIi,I'livstu.Joel Ben v, Mtb .', Y Vol«.PrlvtteSylvetterW. (lould, 1Mb II ArtilleryI'miite Luther <!uui-l"tf>ii. lUth II Arti'lerrSeritemt IVid. Praslie, MM N Y Vu',«.'Prívale Wm. Jnphet, .Ith N Y VaiaPrivate Nathaniel Irol»nd. »»iii 'N' Y Y.UPrivate Arno« A Hall, iitli N' Y CavPrivóle Horace Hall, jr, »tli B Y ( av

Private Cym« Davenport. Mb X Y CarPrivate Dotr Pnc», 1.1th N 1 YobPrivate A mini« Frankhu, nth N Y VollCorporal Barnet li Moabei. t,4th N Y VoltCoi peral aTo-l I'.Wtit, Clth .N Y Vol»(ciiporal BetJ F Cu_a:ngbar_, fclt!. S Y V '.i«"ai.t Horatiu J» llunt, ullh N' Y V-l,Private John C Plopper. Mtb N Y VoltPrivate Ramnel Lonr, IMtb M Y" Vol«Private Wai U a Ca.,.l.ell )54th N Y Yoi«Private (leo Wait, jr,4th .N V Vol«'Capl Frederick It Mather 7th Heavy Art

To prevent a misappreheniion which «eemi lo e_i«j, wocall attention to the fact that tho S-jldicrt' and Sailori'ConvBition at Syrauuao on the 20th i« t o«a»i Convention,and not a Convention of Delegate«. _|/.»tre re«-tucet«d totttenl.


8ÜDDEK ItEATn 01 A 1'oLK .man..Ou 8at-urdaynl|bt. at 111 o clock, the dcx-rnjan ip tbe riftb rrecitiot Station.Üí__f !f_ÎId ft pl'f0? 0,í?iB 7** ,r' t0 8° ot> d_lT-Bt mid»i.f.».' .<lD»-*,f-h«MUBber. Charla« li Barbar, wa« 'c.t,»ei~edby the turn over in lied but did no4 rite. In a few«"n'.^.i'J _,".one _f "¦ bIolh,T *fflce« ¦¦»J«. Btrhtt tot thel-W.^V.*fckl0,!hlID'-,^ t;°*M ¦¦'VettigBtloa raveaitdtaefact that he waa lOMBtible. Polie« Kajg»«--. K.enn««_y wa* atone« sent for. bnt ere he-arrived ,!eatb bid eni-««! '

Yesterday Coronal-Kinm-an held an irniitil on tba body.D-puqr Coroner Thoora« l_nbi«|0-, M. 1;., tt«da»a\a>.t-mortem tiannnâtioB and foiind tbst deai. bTd bMn i-a_seilbrenlargemeot of tb« heart Deceaaed was liad 33 vaars anattie of tht. cttr »ad re-lded at No. IO* qr\V£tï, where' h.l«a*e« «wit« and fojit d-iiarra. He batTbain a aei-tMr\t th.Police Deptrtmant for «e'etal yetii pa-i, bavin« toJ «ttaaked to tb« Fifth Preointt dering ti« mi.« oí that liu. «Id-jr*-l«fk of very billi/ by bj« it te «««otjtt}^ "' T*f \ B*

tj i_ap. j

Pill Dow« Ataim.-Oit Saturday efeiiinï ß.n')4r.JHammond, reai-lng at Bo. IO Knig-it». fell down at«_r» st No



!_T OF BPBCIAL BE8SI0Ha(n«'oisj Ju'tl-e Dowlinf ) »

Ou BatÉfiajr, in the m ti v gani which cam«* np f«»rMIM1 «toa «tSsahS, Ibas ara rather more lamenen

nsualiy ..ttialderablt a number. The Jureailo do-l.u'i' .>'' .» r In tho mnjority, ai i« y r««r.l!» the cats.

at the »tod for I t'.¡» msn-aer. lo the U«t I« ¡v days _f Co weok t.ties abo dal 1*Biult« and 'uti r : died lo p-o t . wckand esrn s fen do' ." keep tue wolf ¡rom th« drvor ind t'.e» id Hie itoui'''ti. annul«, ti.weald Ikelo i uneelva np mand on Monda) t'.e a1: ¡. c>"ut» g»n»in!ly begin. It nivubtbe*c peopU a malrinionini drama, lb» Ci«t oa halag in Hi*i uni aseaos latontoj might, the mcol.ii ia n house on

Bssdsy aurel la passed In an ¡uikiiblj drinking-l«',u(-i!ic third act on tie street cn Inodsy rreolag »admin»RtBlkiii-lIoiiso slt*r the inevitable row lia» termine!i^rfnrmun:» of tiiC (lav: ll.o fot.i ih eel li. ;' ..

Taeodsy norning, sod tha ffth and last r.ct _aBlsakw»irsIrland in the W( rkboqto. Tbta plnv I» cor rtnned, sad will befloated »d ¡y'li't.»» pr-«b»b!y, to ise gieat di'.iubt of admir¬ing eisdiBuce« 'Ho pt ni ni«»« of assoaBBad battery oaeaÇClt-h come In oa Tnesday n t»haraday and Saturday se»n m» ol ila Covt are Sitare «Biet,

omi' the Saturday eight bringa «¿au tu» nr» ictofthBdrams juil ikrtohed.

"ji.'vr mia v Tua."Tic« ja*n-tc tx»r«, aged wspsotlrelr IO sr.d I «yeera, st!

.¦named Abo Highesead Jrimis Pi noll, wea broogkl iponaoaaaas tu stealing a htiin from WsAilogtoO M ikft Mr.j... r ii ¡.l unini kal ¡c! stsTBag Ms barnssesaearoly bat ahM the two tu)« I« sd nnitruogoao aud «rotriser au nr »r.ih it, Mr. 8. U the privóte wetohmaneim goori I..«« paralas property nu i .i.ibitlou In the market, sadhi» mu natural.« Indignant tha » po lion o«"J i,

should dlirtujieir wit hi 11 i» koewledge orconay-. Twa committed shout S o'clock in the morning, and tho ent.i-*priaiag ytmtiis MIN ssoB barrylag away tram tho m..rk't aii t«t s- ti," sill » s sight t »ey oorrli i s cnlti psraB t¡ea, audwero «Inly ari eitel 'i» ii'« Ai-nrn.The aetl if of both « in Court and begged

hnn'i'or lim relea-e if their paSOBSl progeny, end l'u«y Wi ra

reoi.uidoil fur MTitt«'( ". Ifl eau atUIV the/edgeof petra cod i "«lim« o» sebeo! and ont ofthe ttrei'i» I', :' tkOWOOk's n

Ile i--.i' a|tk the rae, will denbtlae Be ooL.tdeted »uibcient|Hini»liii ti, SBli K« d.

a . i \: i v B1 r; m Amt.Itory 1> -iilistii. l-in_: toaMBod bv lomr devil which »! ttmn

infest« hts nu«ni asea, i>h-"1 np Iront th«- .«i »»";« small,stove ableb etool ia frísol of tho store of Mr. M aft fun» Ab*bott. Ma 137 Eighth are Hardly, however, had le turnedthetfirst eoraa «i so Ms Ih-ii -«r c«tue to th* rasor, andthe result of Ihsasolel «'¡«I moral ikinni-h which m ut ou

wilbla poa Ker] twnltod iu a liciory lor ile go.ul spirit,who, tbereopoe. I led [lory's boori wiu a gro.«t repeataace.end li-st i «« i> gsaasolBd to pSfMea " work» meet forlegoatoaoa bj :'<""' oonyiagbaal Bastaos at h»idw»r«*Winch lisul »a. I*-t '!'.' teal H «I hi'ii tn tua di stroctios. DeipilO,however, ol this remoraet'il action on Iks port cf Kor:, the im-

plaoabic Motilan« v I, and caused Ms i»ircat andiDc.irc'-ietii.',. (n. s boarioa of «II the facts, the Judge re*fu nil to tom ntl sod 1: ii

A V NI.I'TIVK W11)awi it.Il-nry Bcckbavt n It rou«; ni «cLarte-m/tnint Li« »irle: in law,

«w».!. t-.t, ««. 'i,". un ,'tly o.ef' rn '1 tit es puie spite «uu malleeHut iii Indignation of toe I latotswas thoroagb-I.r» si. Mr Bookbavesti n i»ell*dre»sed, weD-to-do teak«in_; man «¡Iib 'crd coiiiiteiiuiice, a fuco to no f-r iiiticy. Lo si ¡nonti» h.4 wifewas taá.'ii sick a i» MStchad cur bv lií-r -tar, Ms S Bsjal ahile oa hw deathbed kerba bead to livemy »Uni «Bl la nil nr. li "'c-s us soon as I amdead and buiodI wael her la Luve all Bl iniagi.


Thoa 'thtog»' «o¡.si-«ed for tba mool i-.irt of weoriog »n-

|»orel. sod ft« it wit ttir* herenv ,' hnibsnd himself WbOtosltfiodto tba I« ¡in-t. ¡t »nu tlliiu'l* io determine why beliaie^iit"-yui hi BOhappi . ter iatoCoori a acrUalaal wheobi> only i lu gc! ter « ii. taking *0B» nan sod three cbetSiSMM toe «aba of ltd." ltockb«vcn sm«l !lmt the tfilnj's »ero jtaken ttefttro his elfa dioi, tod on thal usinuiptiun ho predi-C1 tod tho shorge «I I'uctny. .ViiTi» i-i. "Hj, itilKlesl It'liii.pgirl, wboerldcatl] aevei sad sa liag Iron aayone. and «be vaus ni ead scault! ibe uitv!" nu

conour cüB»ge «k ursi tier brotlier-iu lii»v, ,- w,i»evidt nt to h».1 i'ie rhoseti tu »iiea'< «lie t ml.! »¡sit sSBMlBsd h» my»-lory. A tli Blotter was UfI Ibsehargesp^ ts io halpurely aaUaasaa,

im o n n li : r m nix.Miobiie! McCaffrey a le»- da»« ug«. ».,.» « nt need by .Tin ice

Bkaadle. i imprl o i. f«»i Drilling, (lill ii Bern(linns w'*« taking !i r" i'" h V sp wi '. M eheel oswait««! belllcooe »nj pttebed lato Bernard;'for.thiiBaa ard bad Mlebal sp i»«»*line. bul is Mawroth had cooled he staled ii., be ditTa'i -»ant .ii'inihirttouch So the f'itl sin .'I !'i »ID nu«! lilli g".

BAILiü. IBd c -L'l-.K lAc-t iiLOBO.

TbomaiC. l|,-n, aim had every ontiviirtl appeaienc.« etbemga '»Aileur bo«, only BtoetcoB yetrsold,' baieglreafull «mt ,.t ratVr fin« y «»ii It. be« odder«on tiif» ooraei - ..f b!« wi le »hlrt-coli ir, »« «i iccueu o: «

tag m1 baatiog Joba i¡ro| Ige, wgyialaa 1be a sególa old »alt, »»a« disposed u» belockai to s

l.-i drop II. ¦- t» ni «er beenten ii sot a sailor sad arra wa '«it tMiugt.t hu

prtvtty ««.dor clothe« ,.f sorm 8»o that he eau u;>" long th»whorra. Ile « ni thal Brojstreet lilli.

lIpoRtb.i the.ludt"». who l.een looking « er Li* ai«en,.uiitteiiir saaaeaeed t> GiBoa « «li¡" »»ry, ia ibea leras"»> hj. 1.1, »a, I bat . :.»t »« .. ¡"r

»bantioui: «; J bad f ¡-w I wa« »t flr»tdlBpuenil lo ayotpalbiie with yon. .

Bal I un 1 gea « S S I llghl t«. your Iliol i ..iiLei at ..¡I 1'i ni I"

Hat« what Then, i- tot fal .t..i , ind bl»l.lii" |tiuts If h'-bndi.T du « tiling lüidor fnliO colon he'dhaveigol off » i»i ¦!.¦ aer.

IliW A JON 'I «v !*¦ « sill.S«i»h Os" . - »en

goelfHaads sadalgithan uaaed i*im»

wore itno! I" Ibal llmuai. i« too Í««"«! of

tli_t1rt!,_r. and that when . g>*"sl '1 » - '.'"'¦ .

g(S5h de«!«,!*«levii i- - of Imm. (loo unlucky daylan wee- llsimahii .- » »mtand «dille tbetc »IB pul lulu li« r i" >. > .rais » »live; wttch»»«! v.1 St |l It * '» -.,"!« 111!«»--db«r |Mat »n! l»nl i' on

»(tam. and befog og»!» el, triti,« table »id toe ranark. 'Howi I 11 1«uiii d to." In a I " re, and

«In" to . 1U »I I'«9 kctiotl*sasasM

f»ar«l, cm»»'! 1er f'-ni;er f*r:«-ud tu Ix: and«tod. arid when inCo.!tJibe «»al. "Iftho'do ty tell tut, i ., itiolt o.iiti-^'.r ir i llorglve bor. two ld*at«_»re If he'd ra.»e'lli'lou It it n mu 'n* ti, ki Bal »ira,I ti Iga » "I l«i ¦'* v » l'as n «I | ,',.r t

lolbworinal i of ein If she'll only tollasooeol cri e i bj woteh, r»i Mrgtra Bas su' I sever

akiMigbt hi r iilBld.Ia regir Hoaaab said, 'Sbess l.eratjier hs« gol a trunk

full '.ISarah dei.1 and lbs* probability I« that thect'iih'-« aa toa w iBtbrtiigti w!'¡ d »if li maob|i- ,|. -., s -, «¦ Iml li ...',-¦.(

B8AB.i i.-d I, ias hi» ¦ t

al .'an I » '"t « in ¦ lill«-'tatoüi uil| II I Ide and «cce»-ss.'" fi -m It On sight lea week he »».'i -.. b ! sa ! Lurgbi« el'illnng ora ¦ clair. In his tam til»t«out |a) ia balik notes, one of walch a ia li bill so peca«Uarlyaposteit «ttsgethei sod ot t. rti»- Barked* that he couldidouitfy it an » v hen», lui :.;» ii'i,-liimr,Mr. iFsdward Ms_Uhe_k whs »:.«.'« ssrtnsr, whll« la a

ileea oral sea, sea a maa ismed i*. .¦.-

.n»r lbs losrkwj I, II in i-W'^nt f"f ¡,'.¡,.tug swai" «v* hu usit'i-i .. loss, «nd r.s u:. it Iibv-iiis,» bom !" eo lal isii'vi. poiori n. at on« "tnl"(l >!.. I.«ne,wboo»a«"d ¡bisrrestofCniiiier. UWa««kowat!f ii ibu loot cr.»i. '.«'<¦» tektoa eow c. s h ia "i horse.» wklsthore koot la Mr Laae. liable, and thal be » .» in tl.c ital'Iothat night aftai Mi Laae bad goae io bad AsbeeooM notrai -f toril di : r bis ,

Was kUi' te

A VF.RY t-UALL III'. I it -

An Italien gOMli man ¡i..¡asia ¡It and til' ... agaI .» lelluw n a. n..rl»» rhicgwa» to mi orllnsrj n«a nit sad Innerv aba B set-to Il»o i!ir»e dsy ol'! abMICM ¡i to thsBottio al (Vatsrloo, awhat line" auil-iiijiiTi.c i-

¦ D Ha -«,dHist CTnuli* liad "»ii«Hied bil li >l und itahewd a Ittto aBrk.aa hu bead whlcbo pHyfiil sit neil baby atight hare aade wBa it-,."li- but whick the dell«cale m d da.n'i Italian bad Wrapped 00 la a :<>ii;. bandage»a» if lu» ann lia.I U-'-u (ja-!,' 'I I, ti,, if . Boa lae olbOW to(be wri-t.With aa Indlgooot growl oboal the tlaa at lbe I athel /

t»!,'" u.i lu I" iiiiii'i. Hie Judge Ihaaderad" mil bim guilty.ti'ie him » 1. jrlsOBSIwas bumbling for f 1 out Letbim go.uieai mil,' walo. Lut two Baas aay L» vd beenmeant to apply eitner to thehied lim. 1'ntiin who lugtrtor, sad. in istia -a¿mu'.! «ftcr his pr

SMAlI.lIT:i -1,- Mirl»r, s.soi ,

mun. » ho n ant. t be 11 OBOWICal erenu|. Mary A, Berkeley in ii. 'na Louso of .-

siirn l'uni, rumsiucd With i, i mit..lis¬ent cbiii|-'il her with staling |7. a»luesent of >.', th« (liim ni ?', looked rseeedisgly lite s«i sttempt to swiiiill«( "Hie girl deoied the charge, said tl.c wasnut ii taara ela jo), and bad beéi tba i».Till. .It..'n»1«*rc«l s icorebing rebuke lo tia ko bad.brought tho clüirje, 8SSBI. r Lirn thal it the poa t-r lay lu theConti he. Mr. Henty Milli r.ihooJd «o to tim fsian.wttb toe «¦'i.iil be bad abased.


aBailliolome-tv Foi alUg« . e Ilaii-.-ave, X. binBurn» adtt Frst.k Brirns hud t-iiuced Lim into Ham« iwhere they hud attacked »rid btateu Li'ii. After charges andnouuterohari'e» el d I munging »omcbodi's wile, it wa» decided tnat ílnrgra.and Ibe Iwo Hate», who are lather aLd «or. old r.i.mai.d thusl«sy. acre noi. Acocrdiagto lot's itory, he Lud dei.*.«. io the bandi ol ü .nu s eld« r, »nd last when be <¡ 3 d a«ak for hit money n denied ha»,ng rec«.»ed r t! a*, le th»nwent out; that tl.c little liov Hums ran otter I, ¡n; that littleb«iy Burns coaxed him to go bit, k. th»* be Iii! bo limit witalittle bo» Burn«! i!,nt a« aoen a« be entered toe store little troyBorns Uaoked t!,e ti,.cr; Ihsf IfagTBTS I bon fell opon f.lient bim, tliHt rhl Hurni then can.« iu »Ld held hu I ¡ii«while little boy Burns btmmtinl bl tha th« twoBi were tbe very bui.eit of sll boar B'8 »titi* ti« bee andhesd, while Hargiovu was psyleg stsntiea io La rib» andstomach; that at l»»t Le hr« kt avrav from il.e two Duty B'i¡tia« he bnr.t through the door w th »i»ch » ¡elenco thit theknob of the door came off In ha» hand. Nf't»,tb»tncdii¡( thisletiirtuy story, Ufe nsigiitrste wss too f« ly i.r lui. and believed bim not, «mi t«, be let th« buiy B'i fly away to gathermoney «li ihe d»y bom *\ery «sosaiag, but «UursraTC wssfined #n..

A LOXO LOOK'ABF.lD.P( r Sn ii!, ta k » loog iookiinio the future, ind finding

b.Us.« ti nlreatly iL.»ei»i«. tilth tde clill of ntxt »Vlnter*». nf.vis, l.e r«»«,vc,l to f.irtlfy hlnraiflf in time.scvcrdingly he.t«»I« fiom Kdw«rd nuwtird »de/en pair ot woolen <lr»wer«,sodwasicni« memh» ti the Pealtoottary. As Peter-».,1get out in Jsnuary h.» dra «r» will u'He i-aOtiv, If hs ha» putthem whero beean £o.l them.

«X)lT IN I PKOVI IT.Mwi» Kiley Mid that« «ihei me Brsnagsn stele some hntk

billa snd currency from ber. but »he ccu.dn'l prove ,t, sod ioCaUeuae was pencilled to degaft

A (TREAT MA.*. IN SB.MI. Bl«"»!.. S«,Georr« Washington, a black man. ws* lound gu.ltv of iteal

Ing s I..' birnen Loai Custles J. Warner, s__d wai «ice! up forfour months.

A LIIEBABr IAB-BNV.Jstnea Mccormack pleaded guilty of .stealing s do let's welth

of hook fiooi Joli» H. liosry, but ind H »ai Li» hist offeuic,soil so only got « month.

WABTBn, a sit or.cms \.faha Danbar liKik s,a in t bin» enp« fre-a a crate i»«!ongisg

-^»iB»! -Us W.l;ias)> Ju_.uuv.u. _g.« i. raait

»other waa in oourt. The Judge -told ber to Uki bim homeaad te« he weat to scbsol ir.cer.tlii». Cpou thit hint the

'Ile wontVuto tcbool, honor. I can't mikeLim go to icho»»!." H"** Johnny beean to blubber, «ni in tbemoat so-ri-eilo manner to piuieet and p,ror_ii»e. " I will gr> t-».oktciel.I wlb go lo ».kool, me." and t- »ii «

rub of o-rtii ftiil it-rbi. Johnny'«) tear« carne too'Ivte, how¬

ever, for Ibo Judge «.nt bim tu the H.»mc of Keft.fe for . yoar.A BAD A-F..

Mainel Bruch«, «boy only la »ears old, ->1e«d.d ""nity of1»,-'i-i >. b'it *i_td f .r feateacy, be« mm "«omi be* . got medrunk. Uune of K-tntie.

Ail.l..ATl»T_ HEALTH LAW-.Ana Brr ni an and .fame» U'K'-rfe were chorged with violat¬

ing as otdinir-ia of (tie B-ard ¦>! llc«!'!i hy holli-* twill on a

viiwnt lut in I-ti-flr«» -t. b-twet-n Suth ml heventh-ave«.Oflicer Laekwaaa * he mad« the arrest, »nd the ttuil in ti-«_ruk» »a» iu cflnutlto and So fall of maggot« that lietbo.(¿It it w u Lolling, but a closer et_n.¡nation r*ve«!i ti tb«

i»T fs«t (hat It wat tue leething and heavlnt* c»rla« ata-rtuU ti.-t caU-'d the app.-r»»-t boiling. Far boilingt m unit ultkv «iel dL-guitlng »tatfaiin l»r tho t.t-i"« of decit

Ann «nil Jamct were fiacd |.'"> »"«cb. Tbey promp'lvprtMBod and p«i,l the m-aey, though ti»« rlnthr« of the tau

wet «n riic-od and fililty that fur old rag« tbey would uoMiavebtou worth a penny a pound.

ah lawn cnA_n-i>NB?-iP'l»| Donaho b'ard a man «av «unielhing dlit_a«r>eot'.'iiI of

ho li.tti oallen to a piiltc-enian of Irish tiali»i>"'liy, and a* haTil-, t re.nt it Lina did. She got lulu a .gal tb.reby and wa«

Gd la.eiNiRiictiAvo*- or a

Jano "¿urra-and Catherine, Boyla» had a r-aarrol, »ho: a

fi»:u', tlo-ii tbey i|»it in c-aah otber'a lacet, thoa they oaroo h«fore the Court with tLeir troBb-t, and wen- »cut (drágala.

babif- is OOtntlOne oftliD f*o-imont*t t.-lik.» on- that ia rery old, «nd yet

alwava new, i« (lie bri u_ lag into Couit by women of (luirt.«!»i-,, tba j .tiu.'cr .the batt»r. The object In. of

to l.nik "interentinir." t>> otdtl tb» «yin-palin of the and the tooctatora and litim advoriary, if pos-nTle, by a sort of flank attack.Many a MM ho« boeu won I», a pretty woman «mldonly bn:«t-int- in»ti nobs before n j iry. al d preulflg li«r chill to ber bear-.m. b and (I'liici'g it wit'i hor tears. A case of tbi« toriUrelated li Ut Dicken.» I'.pori«. Bardell tiçt, Fiokwick.Dudio'.i A 1 tiiri; tur Complainant« On 8-turtIay a c-BO ofMitti, tad battey wnt tobo trie!, and tbe complaltiant,« ",»» wai called, at once aprnng np with her baby in

htr artu«, citing aae lae! touch to bei liiue dear, one final twirlto tbo curl «..artmucally arran.od juif over the rit-hrevu a« ni e harried to« »rd the .lutlrfu. YVli-a a!,, had go) li«Ir-way, »ho era« stopncl hythe rereoiptory order of the Mugit-trate to .' t-ike ile ->,_l<t out of Court, and come nexttt- youryiii«, and leat bring -ny bahv Nm» time« ou; ofUn when natue« aro 1 rouirhl IBM thi.» G -net it 1« solely for thoMf-peaa < f crTc. t. mid I t» ont Iii-, o it any lougr !.'lina ti p. rfi'i'tly Jrue; and Bat. EMM Hil», on« half tin»

babies sre borrowed frito uceomodaUng neighbor», sudT.- ever it ti.nie a bron'r'ht In tbat i« not fait asleep,

baring*a.I b.-eu «In .".»! v UT perogorto to keep tltctn t-'iiri.A« tb« attention of the tnr ther i« partly <ri» en t«» the cana in

band, and partir tu the i hiltl m an»-", the efloot of thll »ay ofdoing btelaeM li sometime« comi-ril enough.Imagine fur Insturice a c».»e nf aaetvilt n'..'. l.ntlery prefc.-re!

lait Saturday. Billiget Otiurflr!". B »tout-mined trascuñes ofti i gtaa« k ¡ii hi n »nui I,«real to bet friend Kllen Sweeney,.a lui li ni 1 iiily been -»Died and ws» row living «t home witha bnDy «f her oe n. Il'i.pitiility am! gin wera toe aider of tboclay, and a light ne« the reault. Ellen ooine"« iuto Couit with« i n» -in muí tiii!r »-'.iii. lex.k« like o hago pioce ol'b.-<-t I-....1

«riarpediip In a üi.-Yio-ii 1 I- Isa*» lieea b1 »3 contrived iuf-of l that ¡f the roeag IBliff of »billelub in ber arm» «liou'daoddenly Bum. rrfrtihmert be could bo at once

.indaterl. Flierl fe li« ber «lory, tall inn fir«!»

Jii-K-I then, in a lower ton., to lier club!, m that picul:.>rdlalaul llitxl lu I."tin n ¡iii.' c illcd u lb* I»!:' 11)00, Lior ueiiiiio« to lior r« ir» Brilgt t. Mt__tbing a» follow»:

", ihe unrip t.. in. ho'im .lu'lge h:¡' 1 Irited her likea Irtilv. .Indie.ann ililli'« « bal »lu lea'}, Jed**«».(ta tb-fende.nt). Ve kuow >e'r not: lldn*l .«.." t U tM a dirty io .lu

gare hr«r Ike tay lad«**, «ntl the »chito betel, «ttiil laabin«' o'ftidg_, «ntl the c ike, .lu-gc. nu"'.(beio the chila

get» uara«., and Kl'i. MM« la bali.«/-" Dtritw little,I Ait ill lillie not ii¡ ..'./ n t te rhilly.pillij . Mu: ¡I

beNMUt-f.III f HUM netty -erf;, ii, i, | .,,r I. So tbr'n'It11.".aml -luIge, whee ¦badea!and

»l.e'ii «linn«:. »T-dfe, «be axed mc, twig*, 'tRi LLav-i o IkrafItobneb, .Indi:« ;' j» rii.owVhat I mean,

I« know li weil, Juti t elltd rett nr.ea.-j. aadde-oenili hei atteatioa)."/Wi -, hoir tttatlt-pmttl*, mm* til,'t'r'e laBt-B »«»irr. ». r »,.:.' U ., ty ,.i,w, by.I» it-tome fa » mt. uti .(lu .li il|.-e)-A-ni then »lie drank, Jndi'"tml/tero». » an«! »hen »he took tome merv. Jai.d then, iiuti-e alie gal «pi rel oat Ilka, «al ah» warn«-to

flglit nie. Jinl-o. an I »li« mrow« a tetpo» at too. Judge, «mt a

"-'.peril«»*. lo Hrnl.r »-. .. Ve tciuiv re ii.I. ve dMl I. To ¦' .Al "I ¦ d i -IiiiIrTe.anil th-» i«i'iit<«>n. .Ino..-. aad wid tin platMroe My beedBaaiinahtel n », i» :,->." to Bil.y 'Didn't;ht i«",.

: .11- bia« k- d »ntl lilio .1 _y|eye«. »! ' bill -"_>woman beal ,t» » minc, und ii ttr Itrlin-purlint.«..,;. iate I | 1 " .!«.<!.*.¦ -".'.iel

iii.ii.-»li, li.«lue. «ml 1 WBiifj .'.- -lurlire. atd Iwniit. Wo!«- I'm in a burry aow¡r.i aaa . bai'k neal we«'lJuJ-c. uii« i i lamil» rae Uughlag heartily. «I|_t to U

! bel i ii .- etui i,i cl: t,!,. ,i;, . anea te at sn ead io tbi« Coori at leaf."and

no w «iTii-ii« n II ev r by briufing one lo'o theToMbl ' "'i. r-»m.

i»ii\ M'ir» tUaai thal i * »

it No.**, linibii"^ » nu i tbeafb IHied M «baw by li.tu» » k« la aJMraVwori i.g

lid i« "ti r . IO du WltbWMB'» bul that iii« wile ¡I

it tbe eiil¡»!'i-- party. Ile ia Used : i asd teni io it.aal'mitentiary Bl iii iuo IB,


M tr« Faite** wu owla* a lrowllev. »n. I tbut. tal.« tin! it, tin pi--Ti>e«(»«n wa-t

Bogrral that 'I ir-el-«'1 ""'

nude hi'i»-'f " i! » mt. ».-.. Ctnir». Ihe gaulleman n»

,. Hut it '«.I i.

-client I» nul then i emit tiie line, buti._t tie.u--«-) l««l n»"' Iweeli ««( be iiBBtrl 'li- i that aller a

el «iotil.1 par "

-"' |.I tf.VT IM POLI" K DI K1

. ¡»¡.IA

who«« inmetei« refiler« ni

li .«-a! ... l- r' M i

Et i »fi Bl|l T lu

I . -?,"-.. J, al:« Mt torne

ona « hand m li' r j-

a iui'i r.ani*«l -!<>' u Haiti in »lu- rtel of withdraw! ,g hi«BOfM

coi.!». b. t'a away Mr Muni«gan- li ¦: »' .m, and t ".«igar! tb« alarm, and i ..t cunue»»ed, kh'. ' ...til. an

of (be Third !'i .!..«", »i!» bad ¡Mnti la tbopul «ii' *. b« *i«i r».i«r'..T ably Pialen «bout tho»head tad face. Tht

'. »a i!. Rrlea, wlin ut.:

Bitted Lim foi n "l i ted a i», rr »jan«.) t race and hi lien i.-um the ffl'ec-t.«

beatingi tai U a uri .¡.r-frciui c t, and Mid

li anivr.l If. flf mi"1"»" .1 ma. .

;. OT A ' '.

It U noatwlto '" bi them ilutoad«v nirht Cb iili.n. It ¡- r

ii li » Iron) it Uli'« t».Bil Of Clot . :ir* to

to »be p«»i bIb * .i «ad «

«tori'i » are offariui. .r-ii.-r-. tunn,'

_...-' .' :_.',, Mr "»ha !''

»Ill«, aii'l'-g "Un.nn .:.'. ahite ti

pic'«|K)Cki ' .-li.Ti i fli 1 np \. ben

:» \'h Preeini r. inmed:«lair - ¦¦¦ wai and

chain into .1 Trifft?! ti Ckliwtl t»r»iiiured

ame «I JoUnTo!» I

Able,:: BO I.lie .i i- tiri

Ob BtI iii-in. »1 ii

ilitorii i ICIt rli in i iii.

1 ruin ti,-« mit'i » ci, ii dh.» Ii.iii DowliBg, It «.'

pe»! Bl - M

t! '. a'. »:,-. Ititedi f thai« opioloa


lr-f;... .1 ,' trial.

«r« dial on» tri i. ItOBI Bl

ilr.irr. BMeher«eart» bock«and ot > r-

througlj tb« ttrecft «ad Brotad eon m 11 a rite of ip- .1 n

.'..».attng a nant ir. tlelt «,.- ; ul»llfü. It-.l'- .! It"'«i.- lfn ». 1 ii" e ti

t .' leek, At thal hour Jacobwn dririBg u i,u.«- _ti«..ucil to a »ak^r'apj jru way nt aaij'^b rat« ol ipecd, and

Coiidáiidt t. he ki -i and run

,. u-. |W. gul«. UBM l.«-i Min,«-! am) Ann '

Cotgro.e nLo «ii" Ittearptiii tacNM Broadwa* oe .heir»... lo Ibe macu.'H.t :y »here.tlcj «ra«Bployad. Botk *trhw«re ter oii»:i injored. '1 l.e o «ari-Bci wu wltitaaed hy an

ii» .1«, .nil i . » .rruted Lttx,andbid the ki. . teareyel te ti« .tun. ii»;,»e. aber« tb*lr

t »..r ii'emltd to hy a »tirgeun. An,i'at tb» nu«' u »ml au« eaB*0T*d to lier re«ld»'^,'¦'¦,.No. :i Ba-reed-are», le»»vy ( Hy. laitir in (ho lay Beta_lel_L«-n in lui- recovered at to be «ble to appearliefore aTaattee 1' ead mate complaint iK-tnrtL ttr, »bo wot i<'!__iii'cd bi ibeBtfftetraMtoaaawera '_-r¿i'otreckleinliiiiii«-. Jhe i>. ito... r aitt-_|,te«l io juttry hin-tulfi i ric |.flra tb»t be MBM Lot pa I up lu lia " 'o i,rov Bl Ihnout.:rn lu*. '1 siat wi« dt'tiud b> tbo coui|i|.ii_aut, -.»ho at -itedibat in bad ample time Lad le lui .«til d the »'eruine Cllit ofl-ticif and ce nipan.n

iDir.L) MtXB-GX iRBBEX mabkiii it,: k*| CuVBX.R*)or* Jut'ice -lit. h Tl.,

Tiie liii-mese before JaM "¦ M-'.-ti.ld on Sitiirdiiytnd yetterdty win t.ot'.f uluiuiI i-itt-rear. Oa Sati^day therewu «ob« variety. Vriterdav. JruBklaDd duo-.erly watal-ooit tbi only ieatnir. D.riLg the Lewin";», it appetied tUtJohn Obtea, s viitnom Bt-tatM-, visited li Ka Daverportfoi tie pnri-ote of inelbof . .¡iturbanee. Ellen did not fane*tbt pretence of to good a min »ntl lherefore pucea-c. LimIn detaalt of Bio. Ellen wai locked np, aad will apneer io duetii_»at tit (ourtefi-oeciaJ-etiiOnt. , yYChti. Miller wu compttini'd of by If.rrr gi l.tvob. of Ko »0

Clrl*t!*-it., for having ttoleu froto bim clothing to the amountof 115. Miller wu rommitteiMor triiL IfCatbirme Jitan armed with a tin pad, wa« charged with

UviQg sjitulted Margaret lii-r-ninc-, « neighbor f keri.They ltd often Li, wordv nuarre'i before, and i_«r<'.>¡. Ctlh-.rme «as bell for trial at the t-peeial Setalon». hilen Brownwt« biuugbt upon the diirepotaüln «.liarge ol Launa «ti b't,from Ilenr; Ketmar of No. I'M Mtdl-on-st. I cloth Mck. Tlia»»el wn« fruí.-, ««inn. and «he wa» held to a ti« wer.

I-rnnl wai c-ompiniut-d of hy Catii ir, beM.- Ibe «tB« hoqM, with bavlag alieuipted aa ladreent

JfOtJlt 1'u_l«il.. uu\ Ut» KI bl »ail». .T. ) .¿.'_J_.ini

Frank a¡a discharged After heirlng a large aiaber ofdraak and llsord'-rir ra»«», the Court adjourned.


SfKriOOATB'S C01*RT-8ei*t.__biii l..-Before SdttotkiiXOOOIb J.


Tbc flanagita aifl C'illtlio c«ilead»r of conic -I "1i« «»« f fnrt in Tu«"« '..v. lill laM al «It o'.lrtck ». m. Thef ileiwlrg I« »I.« cub'iidfir. No. I, 1'rederlek Sfsiokdieek; NotI Thoa P. GleesoOt No..:i. Baa Mala Formaoi N". «, PatrickW. I-aagton No -*>. Peter B is l!¡ N¦». 6, Mury Martin; No.7. Tho,. It. Sriliinaiii No. B, Abraham 1>. Cleinent¡ Ko. 9,Elua 1'-. -Iiini'-i, No. IO, Patrick Murphy; »Vo. 11. MargaretHopVcr: No. II Catii.nine A. McAleer; N«». 13, Jonatbiin.i. No li, Calhsrlne Mo«'iß. ey Nu, 15. J. ». Donnel;

«.divsril Hrun Olirl'ty; KT. 17, Benjamin l«aaos; No.H. James i «Vu»Low- No. I!' «nliahi Knllani No. I'i, Ed waraM. Kobiaioii, Ni. Si, Edward li Yoaug, Ko. '¿I, MillenFmkle.

wills rrovED. **

During the past week the hurtuirvtu adnatt.d to probeta theWills of ibo followin»;*ri.iniodi>erirtiutWilliam McCoy, Joba A. P»r»in, leronce O'malley, Tll/a«.

beth Nelson, M'dliaio Kattr, .lames V»'il»on. Kichael'titeLn*flode, Benii:niu K Dnweon. Mary N. Crave* K.isaiXth W.I'erkia«, Rebeece PI [flips. Peter Wari, Mary Kiernan. -.

UIBH <*¦*"" AD-:*M«ntATiox. *

Letter« of sduiit.istratun were irrantol to tbe'foHnwlngo«tate»¡ John I» '««»»land, k'runois Hu) len, Alexander Kerr,Louis Holla. Will« a Dobo. IlilcuC. Wrh-bt, Kllen Gleo*800, Ailehai Hor/li'Til, John Murrir, Johu'Wyall, John Spi*er» Milu ard HantiJgaa, James (»'Hearne, Jooih 8chneider:la,bmliu Hilden. Matilda Foster, Peter Haunlgau, CorneliasII Wlnitskor, Mar» Stock, Pfitiick Kerrigan HenriettaMott. Charles Kerrigan, William Kcgonsburg, Joleph'tt.Anderson. .»». »,


Letter ofGuaidtsnahip wore granted to tim follón Ing namedperson» for the following named minors: Joh« W. M'.-Culrofar elisabeth. John anti Thomas J)««'ii»bne. Jaoob Hanob forFrederick llancl.i Patrick llovían for Teronce and Catharine.Hurlan, lh-nj. T. Phillip» f n l'lioiJu» 13., Morris W», JamesM.'and Jauion H. Pulfip; Patrick (»leeson for Klward Glee¬son; Phi.l»pi-na fcLnoI'lcT for Auoic Schneider Kinma, Louimand Mar- * ibnsi 1er nari:- Arma!,inter for Kll/ihetb. John,Mary anil Cour«.d lordsn. J. J. John Fit'gerald fir Wta.Stock; M irs-rct Pur ,«U foi Catharine, Mary A., Janis andliHiaoeth p. ParssU.


8UPBF.MI'. COÜÄT-CiUviBBiw-SsiT. 15.[Befaras Jualtce ¿utliciUud-l

gg-TM-IWJohn 0. S|toars t/epf. «lohn Garretson, Sec..Onler

granted continuing report of nias'i-r in ra ('!.,.. 1- A Nlehoi- for na order direottrgthot a trust

li« vacated. Ilcport of rolara asaBraid ar»d|order granted.r.»f...««.ti.tbe Noah Daría

The Wsihiegton Medallion Pen Company agt. EbOrbard,lal W sal «athen. Permanent injunction ordered and ref»r-

1. red to lid»» ard P. I owles, oatp, to compute piaiotlfiTadamage«.

IIBftBD dTATES MSTBICT (.OtP.T-Sirr. li.(Iiefore Jt J.«


In re llie ¡-"«anien of the SOip Ju!i«.EdaT-F Jfimsl moved ihi.-. morning, before Jitd^o

Holts, at Chamber», fur*» writ of bubcas corpus to produce*tha «ailon« of the Swedish ikip Jabe, who were reminded toHu« »bin by C'»iumi,«.-i-.ner Ne.vtou for alleged mutinous con¬

duct. Mr. dranes lu'-k the «mint tha the Its! treaty withSweden ive» OBS B ils M U ft, un.'er nhb-h Me Commitmlonerclaimed to act that that sagtrad by its own limitation la 1817.sod bal set aiaee beea asoearel. .luug» Bett» d.rected thatnil tha BOasra in the muller be lirni.irht before him at 8 30 a.¡a. oa Monda.«., when tia u Ma B to be argued.

-»T.-. si".'//'. COUNTERFEITING UAsr.

[Jailed States ngaim-t John Breenwat taken up on Saturday beft)re Cotinoisslouor Oibor'i.OdLWood, ti»'- « i.i-fi'ftbi i ato a M..te».««_ciet Service, wa»

rcci»lle«i. Be ledi.lied that be wished to explain that he had heldout no indu« cmentfs to the prisoner to make any statement«;!the substance was that he tv. ii nea», had told bim it Would bebetter for ¡otu lo t« I the whole thing; ho had previously rolan-¡»ere.1 M m«!- ¦'»»». though licdid not make themtill -mer In« (Wot d's) remar»-.

I io Mi. *»iuart.Marslml .Mareiv t r" «aid when'bc carno tobia " 1 it! < it n very sollow toolter,*- or ».om »thing of ."hat

i i.ind. after soca toll briweea ssyestfood Moraba! Mnrray,loss I " m t leg who stoke next;

t!,-« !"¦» »¦»¦. ' ...n .ifrs'i-, " Yee, mid ) cn bad bettor tellis» ni lioat it;" tti»re »a* quite a I«.ne conven »tion before he

Ho make s T.nan wn there, bnt Int't parlor | «. MB, lireoa asked us

¡'»nmg cor«»r»i»tit n wa» an ex- to v- llttoo, codaboal llillontn- beforeBiased the uocr, Mr. mea sd roi mt" red to tell the «-hole

I thick ho said ho would tri atari after Islsaed ila dixi:?, «o' I Ha be bad better maki a cloan Dreait

" *

'J'.. ' o' .«.Pen.I «-ure bim no further pionil'e- he promised( a good «leal ahoat on port .»- tbeiewas cowar-

raut «ml «a'Siual .Tin. his »r.l'c« a.«ted me m !...» preoOBOB :»radmi; 1 'old !. ;¦: I w«s Chief

of the Beeret lerrlce Depastmoal »ud he knew I àad no wariI ram ; bejta» not jri«««tr <1 t a sssMtlaa sftori according to

as hoon, to try and

To Ike Coasilsstnasr TIM interview was st ManLsl Merv. iicn 1 li«.I we»i «o lira«»«'« kaute I tamd aim I

waatc.l nota t" F" '¦ " 11.11 111

«¡«»th ' Murray, who« »Row.d 1<.li), hi»»li the I, iu reply lo Ii» volunteer-.

.- '.."Dt.T.r tk* C.orernmeni. Fi *vnilge drlindo

-''.iiiiii I lo »ti .¦. on" the wdoi« of the ooiifes*.ion m I", an uisde tt. i,nl »Vo.mI, anti «.. .nie.

.ii mat that icitairij lit» » and i" .Tlerl'eits werak1 War«, an ikemon.

i .¦-, «teiiiert». testify that tbr»«? plates were, Inon. this mi lie risoner'«.

t.« millit.« iho«.ngtot the

net oi bia askingall ¡i »hovssi 'ml utody. lltS'i, wltl'

" it ¡s aft o-! blandly i> « Bia t«»at h« bid

Now, it hndbeen doubted IAb* Jingi!»!) ind m «"'t.e "I the StBt'-tV-ourli of

cadd be received es »nt tie:. h'.t li iv*s at »ny

r 'i.- h eu that| had luren obtal u ti bb Mr. S«.t-,rt ar-

good at grésil kagth that thltscvi ihlatbleralcsand ihotud therefore he stn ¦¦ a oat.» tYithont this colhere was bo! a particle «of «rvidoace «r»iitii«t tin« pr

Us found lo hi»j isIob "tiiiir." but thistritisi'-i i't-.a« which the I altad Bate« »athoriUo« ireaied to

I 'Iii: k : * fur a priatOI toii .-. ¡i" . Id ubi .' iw there arra b1 Mist a doaa

¦t thll , Ity, Bl » '! be (leiile.l-th»y «ih't-v t i" history »i tbii traBsfoi prt -«. Ii bul beea in »

11 .'.¦ » kaad but wn« pore «»ed bv tli« prUoaer with-of the wada and for the pur*

Mr. Bl liions bad been¡ruled i . el such »s vou.hiid Letter

tellin|» .

, ia iriwered at lorne

length. H i ai aean t » .y tat Mr. Breenlens-its Bat the tat

ted« f Mtet-a¦;r v. .u k. M ne »vaa iVKSk onouiih, in jill |

¦ Bare ¡ r

r nupent. No« lexai-tl»!'"' '.¦'-... .. t. .-'


sapptospreprlt m i. ii it w is sold

'. ass a sentU ¦¦ Murray ia« 1

.ThisTI» not ,.,, r ..

0 a

i .¦'. ft.i.u.r«_w i.. . ,i titeo':.. at. Il v

,. BOtO«

H. lin o iii -.

dalag thali.ot t-j compelled to


to Liu; Ihsl by Lan « li . C1.¡eh »ai'. bun be «a

u» ii .

.. -a.¡Lout anykno«l« ., roriv. The prisoner '»as ti

ereo by Imself la im

Br. Wot i"¡ 'L« ii .lied » Mr.*.

lull iVii. \, ., ,!.

The Connell thal In bli emuloo t!»ii out !

c ¡..a Ii th..: wa« «tri -e the |lUlloli" iii u' Hill !" bit ti Ht.n ou Moaday, «t i p a t*


nai9?-Vm gV, ,

1*4 g « ,*m_Ott ^¡olT ?"".Hi'At*")1 o', lo«!, mi Sa! irday luoriling n li.,

sied in tue Moto * 11 ibe large »ample building Nes.öi.'Bndlekents ft aa «rho wari »ooa ui>»u the

groond, Knildcit.-i'iiis'i the faire«, ti»e ba.ement andupper »torlea wer«« ronsitlerably damage,! by Ure and water."Hie bai'-metit w..« a B| .ed by J, A U .»»ause, IsiMll iu «grl-eau.ral inip;. ...¦¦« Li east« k altool ."V na lan

u »».¡s occeptod "» a ili»n«i|wliian ¡SieauiLaundiv. Lai on macuwery and lutursa. llJUOi no Insur-.ance, fbe » ;ond door «v». oeeopled bv Mr. Johoeaa, n sal.11."ure of piano st-tmnr. Lia« on itockaad maehinorr »ont*j"i»i; Maarol ia eily «aoaayaaJea, il. third door wa occu¬pied by Mr. Jic-iinie.ii. m-in ula turer cf nisn.) ir olding»I,"»son etoik ii en l_,00t); partially insitred ITiefourth floor ti occupied by Oribi * tieer. silk "weavers. Tbevsuffer » iligkt los» hy sim»-.-. lLe bailing i» owned by'll nit'i.v Blown, etsd ii daiuag d to lLe sil Btof.g2.00_ Par'i»I!rlastned. rbeorli / ti..» tire is nt preaet-t ¡mknowD '..uti*under iureitig»tiou by Kne Marihel jlik"..

AT THE MOB OH WAi:ai_»N*._r.tjhortlv-.iîc t '-! o. lock on blUadaf lnoniing the

woodaork in t! 8 »it.iiiilyi.itI,« tVla*wa-e. lyingat the Mol ,f Warrecet. eeogbt Ire, an 1the Hamel were exiiiiguiilicd damage to the «mount .»JOtj walaitalned. 'Hie bon i, owued by i roderick Schalt «ami i« in*laired. ¦__._


U« 4" VIIII. It l'_. o'clock a. m. ye«lerdj_f,Joaopb Mitch.-ll. a resident of No. I. Brooklyn.E. D., while grossly intoxicated, was mu ovei by cjr No. noof the Bieeck.«r-«t. IssBaai and luatmcd a fracture of theright »roi. He « oa taken to Belle, ne HospitalOn «Saturday'. (-'roderick Wldi-rhold, »red'li vear«,

while «tlt-mptiiiif to Jump upon the rront |l»lf..riii cf one ofthe ir« ni ile Aieic.e line, at Ih« enter of 'lliirtecnihit..

« to the___\tt lil mai VI» ).'.-, i ...


SALES AT TUB VTOCX BXOt-A*f ,*LEn. 1th Difgo. 10. S. be, ltio7. ile-hi^h tad Mu«*,l.-00.t...... *..-» .-..OJO.131 «007... |l

llitn.iii Central B D'. 8. f»vl._8pc«.up IloeU>4 W«4*.!V.-,000..'..IOC ¡U-0OO-.128 .-)*...1-

(Jt. m. '93tU.K.***,'di,coup. iKn« ivooo.mi i,-.-)').ratDei. L. a- w. a _.. o';_. g* 5-_<hx,'6.. W--Wo . m¿,000.io_i' 1S.0O0.108' Erie prefc-rod ^

MaripoM ut ni. 600.-08 I'-1*".Tf'¦iMtii). . .p; ic.K.6«, _-joe. 'eü. Kea-liüg. «

B.ia_ofCo__iiier_.i 10,000-.lill I» ».(KOO.Ill] 2,70).I|_J

45.l18 Ü.H..«,5-30c,'64.| 1,000....t«. I lilIm. o- Trader» ilk.I '-,000....* ....ion,1 mu).«»ll_|

10."115 .-.H.'*, 5^ cp..'tô LOO.'».--! call. 1151t'nntou. li"«)).IO«.* N. Y. «k N.ilavta.

100.S.' 'J.S..r»-,_0-40ep. 3''. .AltDol.fcU. Canal.! <».*)00.98} Mich. Central. T»

139..-»ifUretsury 7 3-lOt, I 100..lillCnmb. Coal. prof. . lal «.he«. | 100.«,.112.100. 4.., 13,100 «in-ll.lft'.L 200.lljiWeet. Union Tel.l ^,000.10«,¡ 90._U.IrtOO....-ti* '-dMnee. Miih.Sotitli X SA100.s30. ijB'i 1.100..small lO.'.'i..3033. 5H}10O.bJO. Ä'100.r.30. 58,

Weit,I. lol. B. IK.150. '.«.

Ki.tland Marl.le.100. »_>M.»100..-8,Onickiilrer.lOO. 521.IJO. -:¡

Marirr>t-_-.200. 19-0..'.. It.Maripota pr.f.100. tt100...2dt.. 31N. Y.CentrtLtt.mr100.1071,000.107100_b60.10750.r,30 10*400 2,1 call... 107

Illtnoia Central.iOO.191HW..30.1.-


3d keru-».6,000..»mall. IO."»"5,000........10.Ohio .tate 6a,'TO.5,»)00.WTean. 6«, new.45,003.71JVirginia Ge.t.-i'W.6. JÜ.000.fc>». V. R.7i, B.I-

Jef!». 6Cleve, it N.W.-00.11.0CH).soo.iio aChtc. It B.W. p400.ti50-).611-0.bl5. (

.300.C17,000.106, Chie__*o It U. I.Missouri.«. »O-O.10911,00»).77-lku.t- l'.daC.I pr_iio.c.-cii&s.J.i». . ¦>.m1.0-0.80. P..F.W, __Ch*c.N Car. now boml»», 200.IO»¡.2,00().82] 500.1051lOhioiVMi««. Or. IO*.13_a20.0DO. ..' n Allon -, X. H-

IO. It Mi*4.Ccr. pf.l 101. 3-517.000. 7a Cb te.--«. Alton

;Kri» l«i ml.«». SOO.10.11,000.IQ-H'Tol. W._.W**t. I

100. _J|OPI..«'-HOArD 0? U-TRERä-.10 A. li

AmchcaaOolrt. iK-tlaul Marble. Mut..'*-» __N. I.-3d.-.».144"; 100. H1*.0,000.144 C Watt. Union Tel.15,000....e .111*1 200. í»-t¡'¿"»,000....... 1441 100.b3. 5940,000....c'ltlj N. Y.-Ccnti-l.Spruco Hill. 800..107';«W.._b3. ' 4{ loo.blO.-O.*Bonton Water I*. .30o. 107100.b3. Hl.'Kne.

p.tu.,_'t. w.i_c. uno.7-:;200.bit. I«.'»*} 000.«3.-'7--|H»0.«3.105] 200.b3. 7-1KH)......blO.Ki'n1 , 72}200._.10:»i

I fl'C-oca no*--.Ohio dr. Mis*. Cor. Kpruoe Hill.lUTKJO. 29. i,000....»-0. 4

... '.".'i N.Y.Contrsl

I'"). -3| FitU.100. HotIMS. -Al200.1»-«, ria,J400.I6|e..»'-".ug.m.m 11_|

i^uie-ai.vor.loo.bia. -¿JUanpoM IT«.ttt..01100..1 -Ol100.btO. »M,

.'10,000.10,003...sl5. 2D110,000.... 1)5. BtJRutland Marbi«.



»SOO.100.blO,200.b3. 28.Cumberland..100.4oJ

QatoksllrerMB..b3, bli

Mar, pot a.(jOO. 12Weat Union To).-00......5*1200.S3. Stn]


Clor. «V Pitt«.400. 861Clev. ItlToi."doo.116/Chic, R. J. le I'ac.100.bW. 1011

.. Chic. .K W I72_i«_00.i)*J. 35173 100.1)30. 35173 100. 351

-\ N.w.rr.



400.b3. 73» 400.antMicli. Ho.-Se. N. 1. Ip..r\ W.fc Chic,1,800.HI)1 1(10.b4 106*100.b-O.'8-îl itOO.ititi300.b3. b-Ui 200. t()5.

f_!_ II1100. _.:î;RiiHdta«-.1,200....


LfbortrO.I.» 1,000.« .tn.Benno Run Oft..100. 3 50100. 3 40loo. 3 30clinton700?....blO. 2.0050.-.2OOUnited Btataa.2,060.8 50Bunch Fami..»00.


Hooky Mountain45 100. 8 25

1 200.*3. 8 'J..300.»3 8 30*«M0..1ft)..

liolmau (1 >l-l.200. 411,000 . 41¡"BroVD Al

S3 8 35'n«!ir.:i.üotf R.b3. 8 40 100.



8 I0Ü. .« IM1.30. 8 r«_ :tot>.,

if t..-"sil. 8 .'l^Atfi.-ncan V...b30. H 5o 8 55 Creal rC.

8 40 200.'.'.h'M. 8 5-> rtoriil'bï'paV...b3«). H 8(i -nJO.II IB

200.II 9#



.Smi(h A i'aruia.e«¡WO. II 5. Couddroeffl

300.b3. 120 100.b3.1I 50| 100.ei. ¡Ü tt.i»,. IBS IO»).II 751 2-0.HB.'wo.i 3<) 200.. .ii .to; ii o»Ouart- Hill. 100.b3 11 e\«r 100.M OS-iOO.«10 8 00< 200.U H "XV).IS lj

100.Vi. 5 05! 500.1. ii:'II.»'- .r>:i (¡oil.200. 5 00' 700.12 0-1 500. 41

ODO.SOSlWalklll. «. niicllOoUt.200.5 151 100. :*) MO. 1 IIMl.5 2«l 200.t ti CorrdJir.

Hil.blOIMl li*)*).s3. IB 5-Ni.475700.r» _.-» 500.... bMl I -'.. Li»x-riv300..5 -.i)Con. Col.MO.iM

C'lIiiiiiliiititJ. ft S)100. I loIM. I 451

( nil ii (I.Dir. (I.100.s»( 17 75'MB...If* «)' 500..Iih).l,.i.i is M Condin.IM.c-l-t 05: 'iOn. 1 ~m

K.-vftoni Silver. I».. 12, 600.

Kipp A Bn ii. Mt.... bl».Iik.i.b3 I ok (.(inii'il! (."M.

IB . I 1

li500.«3. 2 30 I,» '.' :t.)'W,ooO.1,000.3 M Kipo ii BI,(WO.... 1x3.) 2 35, 100.*.1«.VI"). b'.-i 2 K lb1,000.9 :*») v."««!. 657(H)_ i»30. I li."> I't-r.-y an 11 "..«¦».».'w.500.«:i. 2*1 MO. 3 00

'. 35 Q. ir'« Kill.MO.Mt »d

.. 5 '«J4 714 .:4 ;.

:ioo.ll.H-ky M.I'M-.b3 o 41MO. S 4»2").1,1'. S j«

Satvbi.iv s-'p' ¡r.-r _.

( Il.l1 l.c" .. (I t': ..piliug ii! ii'í, kUib». «I1 111 aiiii 111 Till loatag lili, fbo aiipjily o'' earth < »IIi^ nu the- iatwaee at. '«rg»: »uioiint» eaa I"' t> »r »>Wi»J flat.»iiiven.tiieiit bon'l« o'all dlte-iV. «h»*«' In iiaipurèni.jnlnú-I «e la ao".?.' -. a. :T !. u |_o4a«ioo>i 5-2Bt ».f l*J»î«1soldi) 111 j ar.l 7 ..I-'« at IO»',. Tor the lie! -uri'»«, at li)6t'

'¦*¦? the o'ii-, f-i.i-if's. S'..'.) Indi mtn Irai Miatonrf«oldat77*, r.:i:n-f' bow, 6 percent at 714. Viri-tnia6 per cent 69], Th« mi_«. ellai co,ih bare jli«i »h n- »'1-.

waaia d.-t..a_d tit :.!}. 0'-l"-'"ll",',*b-ffora 1 } pe t i-o. Coal trlmrci »ere Mttly wi'U ¦BUT

lota. -r. « . .

TheSaltwaj Uti optait tOB, vtilyi«... aad th a Irene« wa» i_.«de on ihe entire lit Nan*

¦ I at 10'j, MttbiB-l a'. 84,¦al I15f, anil th" baliucc of -.'"onir.

_ficr the call aricti wera not loatained, to. tiiet.» wai*.- It -1 «m .

tfiiitotj aell, and the tdranc» ot iii« momuji-t. all til? Dil!-».") weh I:-ii;.'. Pta waa

hciel feady at r-.', rtl »¦ ,tl$ purl o! __# Ja«, ol' stud: chi-i-erl Land« nt t!;:it fgkmm,

mi,l o. li-!»- call, «ii l.ir_,- ;. r uva

¡iriy whir are BMtneveriti«* the."....I ni» lu T.t,. cl>"i'ir'll'. ;.)'. J ,i tu.

market waa dull fnnd h"i.y. Ne» Votk t fir t' I i.'tmin;;. La.-, ro; ..;:¦.,. ffntrnti »BtTir.Tr?: i:«-.. i.i..-, n.i«11, t: IIIa-ifMI l .illral. II-',: Miet.i.Mii Soi.t.i m, ii'»

Titra!, l-\'_di:j, Cleveland mi 1 V'< »'.argltiCicv.-laud and Tolodo, llttBllt. U IM lal »uj

10SJ a 108.; Nortli-W.»toni, 3.5_)'I5}. »I«, l'r.- rr-l. G'ia>'."i; Knit Wiiyno, 10»'» 1«».*¿ Ohiottu) Mi »i Uppi Ctf-

.'','; ( tit.»ii, 5.'i. Ciiiiilx'riaii (iiiil, li,, l^iicik-iilvcr, 5-i»-_.i .Maiipeisa Prefcmd, 31 'li.

Money.toBtlBBttaaayalt per eeat. wttu .».»*«; m_iMaa it I per.

'i-ani*'» cl«)-»*d qniot tbrthesl.-eni'i. It .1« alM dayl ob LondB-"a?e quoted at Vr*). .'.mar,

cial W -I»)?*for banker»', do. al »bort mmfjmt, IO»*|Bllt||MátTI, 5.->¡.«*5.V:,: dy. It «BOH lifM. .',i»-«v

- *. "-' .-. ' « .. j . a . . . » ra Bt . a B .- .. *

I .¿«r-i.'.'fl; KwiM, j.-.'. J'-...*.'5; liant'

-tug, 3.',ii-3o; Amsterdam. 3y«i*a»4.J ^nai-foct, 40«Itj* Brcuicn, 77*#lo Bru .¦¦«.au Thalet«, 7ü_»7l.Of ftpetie. loday, tlic tTty of Boaton Uikc- ou' $1^,090.

¡Tbc ït"a_i«bip Hanta, fr'«m Bremen via >«» 'iitiiipt-aal.'tli. brii'K» £141.000.

Frcii-lit» tre quiot ti .. eut-tj-cments to Ia« ti«.»! art

-'1.000 buali. Com at 14".. 6M) bbb-. Roaia a: U. ."».J: MB» otii.ii a», and 150 hlids. Tobacc«*. at-.".« ijd.

lu Ain-erp-jOO bli«. I'otrolcym at-». An Ar_jt«v-_t_i»i ip was «bartered to Pcnartli K.taila ami omt [orlaiv,th 33,000 bu»b. Com H fiotn 4«. 3d.»4«. 6,1

1 he total i-ipo-'i al »Ncw-V.Ti for th.-wooe c-imiiaraan follow»i

Auk M. Bar. MLt«..".«»..i"-' *¦' rit titt.'.-.a.'j.- *-,i..«-,3n

Week ending .... Sept. Il tvpt r.Dry t-ood». *._->ll.i).T But«..It)(ienTBdae. ¿.noli,437 ..;.«, 1-J

ToU!.tK1.0.ii» lA»ïr«-,>';i;-. MwHwMTue New-York lni*».rl« of dry froodi compare .-» fol*

Itéraife, the W'*«J|. I«t«4. IS».-,. l-irlt.

Knieredat the port ... 11. 8', _*; )*-.',i.'>t.i>'t |.-.<--|li.roan on m»rket... -.«¡Xi -l.el'J "HTt,»!!

SiiHoJao-líl. l«.t,l 1N6S. IHM,I-'.üteretl st the port ...._-»¦.'..«lu.I¦_.. |!?,4<V.d!". I»*J fi*, TVLiitonii 00 Barket .*.. _J,o!..l(i. ..-.'..i. « ' M vii.-rj.

I be follow.UK e-f-Bipatlioa ibowi the amount of floutaiid graia in iti-re t* Chicutjo

topi », um. -*-<>t *), im».'.loir, l('.'---f)»Wheal, bmb. 8>«..r«7-' 4».'MiCorn, rrlsr» .... l,.l4,r**W l.T^ogn(lau. boah. _)_.»¦.'.-. .I|0-»-llorley, buah. «»>--- Iflt»)«-Bve«, .litt,. 144.61? l-r-lea.

Total gtan, bathLi Qmnmict ei l*i*)W*«V*l' hHMM «-*« "-»"al iy«-t<M