Thursday Notes: Middle School August 18, 2016 Next Week At ... · Next Week At A Glance:...

Next Week At A Glance: 8/22—Science MAP in science classes Volleyball Tryouts (4:30-5:30) 8/23—Science MAP in science classes 8/24—Reading MAP in ELA classes 8/25—Reading MAP in ELA classes 8/26Comment/ Quesons? We are here to serve your family. Your feedback is crical to our success as a school. Thank you for your partnership and teamwork as we prepare your scholar for college and beyond. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Return this poron to the Comment Box in the main office or in your scholar s Thursday Folder.) Thursday Notes: Middle School August 18, 2016 Announcements: Signatures Required: Your scholar received a copy of the form listed below in Circle today. Parents are required to read, sign, and return the forms by Monday, August 22. - Parent Commitment to Excellence—It takes commitment to be an Upliſt Luna parent! Please read and sign this list of parent agreements. Course Syllabi: All middle school course syllabi are now available on the school website. Check these out to see what your scholar will be learning this year. Educaonal Technology: Your scholar has access to the following programs at home. The first me that scholars logs into the program at school, they will be asked to record their username and passwords on first page of their planners. Volunteer Opportunies: Want to help at Upliſt Luna Middle School? There is always lots to do! Call the main office at 214-445- 3300 to RSVP for any of these volunteer opportunies: -Aſternoon Carline—Help us keep scholars safe by direcng traffic, supporng scholars in locang their vehicles, and walking scholars to the train. When you call the main office, ask to leave a message for Mr. Cervantes. -Teacher Support– Help teachers by running copies, laminang posters, pung up bullen boards, hanging decoraons, etc. When you call the main office, ask to leave a message for Mrs. McCoy. - LPAC Parent Representave– Is your scholar receiving ELL support? We need your help as the parent representave at our quarterly meengs. When you call the main office, ask to leave a message for Mrs. Murillo. Volleyball Tryouts: Volleyball tryouts will take place aſter school on Friday 8/19 and Monday 8/22 from 4:30-5:30. Scholars must aend both tryouts . From the Desk of the Director: Vision and Priories ULMS Vision— Upliſt Luna Middle School works in partnership with fami- lies and Deep Ellum Community members to provide an Internaonal Baccalaureate educaon that increases youth well-being and college graduaon rates. Did you noce the phrase youth well-being?Upliſt Luna Middle School cares about the type of person your scholar is becoming, and is commied to supporng scholars in becoming the best possible versions of themselves. Part of overall well-beingis emoonal health. This year, ULMS is priorizing developing scholarsabilies to self-monitor and regulate their own emoons. Emoons maer, and we want scholars to understand that all emoons are important, and can be used to make informed and healthy decisions. This work begins with us as the adults in their lives modeling healthy emoonal awareness. We are anchoring our work in the five RULER skills that come from research conducted by the Yale Center of Emoonal Intelligence. In order for scholars to learn these skills, it is important that families and teachers alike are comfortable discussing these skills with scholars. Check out the RULER Informaonal Page aached to the Thursday Notes to learn all about how you can discuss the RULER skills at home with your scholars. Aachments: -RULER informaonal sheet -Parent Commitment to Excellence (sent home with scholars) hps:// login.thinkthrough math. com/accounts/ sign_in iStaonHome/

Transcript of Thursday Notes: Middle School August 18, 2016 Next Week At ... · Next Week At A Glance:...

Page 1: Thursday Notes: Middle School August 18, 2016 Next Week At ... · Next Week At A Glance: 8/22—Science MAP in science classes Volleyball Tryouts (4:30-5:30) 8/23—Science MAP in

Next Week At A Glance: 8/22—Science MAP in science classes

Volleyball Tryouts (4:30-5:30)

8/23—Science MAP in science classes

8/24—Reading MAP in ELA classes

8/25—Reading MAP in ELA classes


Comment/ Questions? We are here to serve your family. Your feedback

is critical to our success as a school. Thank you for your partnership and teamwork as we prepare your scholar for college and beyond.



(Return this portion to the Comment Box in the main office or in your scholar’s Thursday Folder.)

Thursday Notes: Middle School August 18, 2 0 1 6


Signatures Required: Your scholar received a copy of the form

listed below in Circle today. Parents are required to read, sign, and return the forms by Monday, August 22. - Parent Commitment to Excellence—It takes commitment to be

an Uplift Luna parent! Please read and sign this list of parent agreements.

Course Syllabi: All middle school course syllabi are now available

on the school website. Check these out to see what your scholar will be learning this year.

Educational Technology: Your scholar has access to the following

programs at home. The first time that scholars logs into the program at school, they will be asked to record their username and passwords on first page of their planners.

Volunteer Opportunities: Want to help at Uplift Luna Middle

School? There is always lots to do! Call the main office at 214-445-3300 to RSVP for any of these volunteer opportunities: -Afternoon Carline—Help us keep scholars safe by directing traffic, supporting scholars in locating their vehicles, and walking scholars to the train. When you call the main office, ask to leave a message for Mr. Cervantes.

-Teacher Support– Help teachers by running copies, laminating posters, putting up bulletin boards, hanging decorations, etc. When you call the main office, ask to leave a message for Mrs. McCoy.

- LPAC Parent Representative– Is your scholar receiving ELL support? We need your help as the parent representative at our quarterly meetings. When you call the main office, ask to leave a message for Mrs. Murillo.

Volleyball Tryouts: Volleyball tryouts will take place after school

on Friday 8/19 and Monday 8/22 from 4:30-5:30. Scholars must attend both tryouts .

From the Desk of the Director:

Vision and Priorities

ULMS Vision—

Uplift Luna Middle School works in partnership with fami-

lies and Deep Ellum Community members to provide an

International Baccalaureate education that increases

youth well-being and college graduation rates.

Did you notice the phrase “youth well-being?” Uplift Luna

Middle School cares about the type of person your

scholar is becoming, and is committed to supporting

scholars in becoming the best possible versions of

themselves. Part of overall “well-being” is emotional

health. This year, ULMS is prioritizing developing

scholars’ abilities to self-monitor and regulate their own

emotions. Emotions matter, and we want scholars to

understand that all emotions are important, and can be

used to make informed and healthy decisions. This work

begins with us as the adults in their lives modeling

healthy emotional awareness. We are anchoring our

work in the five RULER skills that come from research

conducted by the Yale Center of Emotional Intelligence.

In order for scholars to learn these skills, it is important

that families and teachers alike are comfortable

discussing these skills with scholars. Check out the RULER

Informational Page attached to the Thursday Notes to

learn all about how you can discuss the RULER skills at

home with your scholars.


-RULER informational sheet

-Parent Commitment to Excellence (sent home with scholars)



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Page 2: Thursday Notes: Middle School August 18, 2016 Next Week At ... · Next Week At A Glance: 8/22—Science MAP in science classes Volleyball Tryouts (4:30-5:30) 8/23—Science MAP in

Notas de Jueves de la Secundaria Agosto 18, 2016


Firmas Requeridas: Su hijo recibió una copia de la forma a contin-

uación en el Círculo de hoy. Los padres están obligados de leer, fir-mar y devolver los formularios para el lunes, 22 de agosto. - Compromiso de Padres Para la Excelencia– i Toma compromiso ser un padre de Uplift Luna! Por favor lea y firme la lista de acuerdos de los padres.

Los Planes de Estudio de Curso (Syllabi): Los planes de estudio de

las clases de la secundaria están disponibles en el sitio web de la es-cuela. En estos planes pueden ver lo que su estudiante va a aprender este año.

Tecnología Educativa: Su hijo tiene acceso a los siguientes pro-

gramas en el hogar. La primera vez que los alumnos accedan estos programas en la escuela, se les pedirá que escriban su nombre de usuario y contraseñas en la primera página de sus organizadores.

Oportunidades para Voluntarios : ¿Quiero ayudar a elevar la escue-

la Luna secundaria? iSiempre hay mucho que hacer! Llame a la ofici-na principal 214-445-3300 para confirmar su asistencia para alguna de estas oportunidades de voluntariado: -Línea de Carros por la Tarde, nos ayudan a mantener seguros a los alumnos, dirigiendo el tráfico, apoyan a alumnos a localizar sus vehículos y caminan con los alumnos que toman el tren a la estación. Cuando usted llame a la oficina principal, pida dejar un mensaje para el Sr. Cervantes. -Apoyo al Maestro – ayuda a maestros a hacer copias, laminación de carteles, colocación de tablones de anuncios, poner decoraciones, etc.. Cuando usted llame a la oficina principal, pida dejar un mensaje para la Sra. McCoy. -Padres Representantes de LPAC – ¿Su hijo esta recibiendo ayuda de ELL? Necesitamos su ayuda para ser representante de los padres en nuestras reuniones trimestrales. Cuando usted llame a la oficina prin-cipal, pida dejar un mensaje para la Sra. Murillo.

Mensaje de Ms. Nance la Coach de Voleibol— Pruebas para las chicas

de la secundaria para jugar voleibol con el eqiupo son este viernes y el próxi-mo lunes a las 4:30pm. Para ser considerada para el equipo, el estudiante

debe de venir a ambas pruebas. ¡Ven vestida cómodamente!

La Próxima Semana: 8/22—Examen MAP de ciencia en clases de ciencia

Pruebas de competencia de voleibol (4:30-5:30)

8/23—Examen MAP de ciencia en clases de ciencia

8/24—Examen MAP de lectura en clases de ELA

8/25—Examen MAP de lectura en clases de ELA


Comentarios/¿Preguntas?: Estamos aquí para servir a su familia. Su opinión es fundamental para nuestro éxito como escuela. Gracias por su colaboración y trabajo en equipo, mientras nos

preparamos para el estudio de la universidad y más allá.



(Devuelva esta porción a la oficina o en la Carpeta de jueves.)


-Hoja de información sobre RULER

-Compromiso de Padres Para la Excelencia (fue

enviada con su estudiante)

Desde el Escritorio de la Directora:

Visión y Prioridades

Visión de ULMS —

Uplift Luna Middle School trabaja en colaboración con las familias

y miembros de la comunidad de Deep Ellum para proporcionar

una educación de Bachillerato Internacional que aumenta el bien-

estar de la juventud y las tasas de graduación de colegio.

Notaste la frase "bienestar de la juventud?" Uplift Middle School

se preocupa por el tipo de persona que su estudiante se esta

haciendo y esta comprometida a apoyar a su estudiante a conver-

tirse en la mejores versiones de ellos mismos. Parte del

"bienestar general" es salud emocional. Este año, ULMS esta

dando prioridad a desarollar las capacidades de los estudiantes

para monitorear y regular sus propias emociones. Las emociones

importan, y queremos que los estudiantes entiendan esto para

que pueden tomar decisiones informadas y sanas. Este trabajo

comienza con nosotros, los adultos en sus vidas modelado con-

ciencia emocional saludable. Estamos anclando nuestro trabajo

en las cinco habilidades de RULER que provienen de la investi-

gación llevada a cabo por el centro Yale de Inteligencia Emocion-

al. Para que los estudiantes aprender estas habilidades, es im-

portante que las familias y maestros esten

cómodos discutiendo estas habilidades con los estudiantes. Re-

visa la página informativa de RULER adjunto a las notas del jueves

para aprender todo sobre cómo usted puede discutir las ha-

bilidades de RULER en el hogar con sus estudiantes.



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Page 3: Thursday Notes: Middle School August 18, 2016 Next Week At ... · Next Week At A Glance: 8/22—Science MAP in science classes Volleyball Tryouts (4:30-5:30) 8/23—Science MAP in