Thurs march 12

Thursday, March 12th

Transcript of Thurs march 12

Thursday, March 12th


• Course Calendar

• Reflection essay: self-evaluation

• Reflection essay: peer evaluation.

• Discussion: Final portfolio submission

Calendar• Tuesday, March 17th

– Turn in Reflective essay to be graded.

– Revise and edit combined essay

• Thursday, March 19th

– Get back reflective essay with comments.

– Revise and edit both reflective essay and combined essay

• Week 12: Tuesday, March 24th 4:00-5:00 pm– My office: F1-11– Turn in Portfolio essays

if you have two copies of your essay

Get out both copies of your essay. If you don’t have two copies,

move to the back of the room.

Find a partner to work with.This must be someone who

brought two copies.

Find two seats toward the front of the room.

On your own Essay: Paragraph 1 Underline your Point. Put the numbers 1, 2, and 3 over each strategy or skill you included in your point sentence.

Put check marks next to your three “What” sentences. ✔These Information sentences should have details about what the skill is.

<Put brackets around your three “Why” sentences. >These explanation sentences should tell why the skills you listed are important to your writing development.

While I have learned many writing strategies and skills in EWRT 200, the

three that have helped me most are brainstorming, PIE paragraph

structure, and writing a strong thesis. Brainstorming means engaging in

thinking to generate ideas to write about. < It has been helpful to me

because now I know how to start thinking of ideas to write about in my

essays. > The PIE paragraph is a structure that reminds me that I need to

make a Point, provide Information, and then Explain what I mean in each

paragraph. <This is helpful because it provides me with a constant

reminder of what I need to include in a paragraph when I write. > Finally,

I am really happy to know how to write a thesis statement; the thesis is the

heart of my essay. <Now that I can write a strong thesis, I know where my

essay is going, so I can generate the sentences I need to support my main

idea. >



In your on Essay: Paragraph 2

• Underline your Point SentenceThis might be a metaphor or another sentence

that describes your writing process.

Number the steps you have included in your process.

Make sure the last step uses a finishing word or words:• Finally

• Last

• Ultimately

In your essay: Paragraph #3

Underline your Point Sentence, which should introduce the broad ideas you have about your future.

Point Example: Writing will be very important to my future, so I want to make sure my skills are developed.

Number the points you have made:1. Which classes will you take?2. Why will you take them?3. How will you prepare yourself?4. How do you know you are ready?

Give a copy of your essay to your partner; then, Take turns Reading your

essays to each other

When you have finished reading both Essays

Look at the questions on the handout.

Think carefully about each question. Look at the essay carefully, and then answer the questions on the handout

Remember, your comments will help both you and your partner do well on the portfolio essay!

MLA Formatting

Header: ½ inch from the top

1” margins top and bottom too!

Title CenteredNo bold or italics

Indent ½ inch


Right Margin 1”

Left margin 1”

What the committee looks for:

• Clear organization

• Well-developed, focused paragraphs

• Specific examples, details

• Well-constructed sentences

• Correct grammar and punctuation


Revise your reflection essay based on the feedback you got today

Due Tuesday: Reflection essay. Bring one copy to turn in for grade and feedback.

Bring: one clean copy of your combined essay to class.
