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    Caliornia is morethan just a state.Its an adventure.Explore Caliornia has more than a

    dozen packages to help you discoverthe Golden State. Tour wineries,

    cycle hidden trails, snowboard down

    the north ace o a powder-coated

    mountain. Whether youre a gourmet

    enthusiast or an o-road junkie, well

    take you to the premium spots and

    share this states best-kept secrets. Our

    packages are designed to t a variety

    o budgets and schedules and we

    employ an expert sta o guides that

    can tailor each experience to meet

    your needs. We create memorable

    journeys so that on the way you

    can create memorable moments.

    Explore Caliornia today!

    Catalog 2010


    The Gden State Seciaists

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    ContentsWelcome to

    Explore Caliornia!

    Desert to Sea

    Taste o Caliornia

    Nature Watch

    Snowboard Caliornia

    Cycle Caliornia

    Caliornia Calm

    Backpack Caliornia Golden Gate

    Sunshine: Caliornia has possibly

    the brightest, warmest, and

    most invigorating sunshine in

    the world. And you can see the same

    in the smiles o the Caliornios all overthe state. And ater talking with any

    o our happy residents, you will learn

    what makes them enjoy Caliornia

    so much the antastic diversity

    o experiences. We here at Explore

    Caliornia love to share our state and

    its world-amous sunshine with all

    o you. Come and join us weve got

    an experience tailored or everyone.

    From the mountain to the desert

    to the sea, rom environmental

    expeditions to luxurious vacations, we

    can create a lie-changing experienceor you that you will never orget. So,

    come and Explore Caliornia with us.

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    4 Explore Caliornia 8 34 5 678 ww w.explorecalio Explore Caliornia 5

    Desert to Sea

    the sun just around eet away rom some o the best

    waves in America The next stop is Mammoth Lakes,

    where the snow pack stays beautiul all year l ong and

    the skiing and snowboarding is amazing The next

    morning well get moving down to San Franciso

    Bay and the Alameda Yacht Club Youll have the

    chance to sail the bay in a 55t catamaran or on a

    personal windsurng board The next day brings

    more winter un a cross-country skiing excur-

    sion rom Big Bend to Paradise, CA Its a 20 mile

    experience through the trees and hills o NorthernCaliornia and the Tahoe National Forest; a relaxing

    and invigorating day to be sure Finally, its on to

    Crescent City home o the Caliornia Mountain

    Biking Championships Youll have the opportunity

    to ride the same trails the pros do on bikes wellprovide Its an amazing package well over 1900

    miles o Caliornia where youll see the state rom

    every angle (including some unexpected ones

    Desert to Sea

    Tour Info

    Dati:2 Weeks

    Cst pe pes:$5000 (based upondouble occupancy)

    Depate Dates: March10, June 15, September 24.

    Iclded: All mealsand lodging.

    nt iclded: Travelinsurance, travel to andfrom departure city.

    fACT fILE

    Palm Deset is hometo a unique non-profitconservation effort calledThe Living Desert The groundsare open for visitors and arehome to a huge variety of

    plant and animal species. Jsha Tees are a varietyof Yucca named by Mormonsettlers crossing the MojaveDesert in the mid-19 th century.

    fact: The Mojave Desertis believed to supportbetween 1,750 and 2,000unique plant species.

    Apil is chief wildflower timein California. Look for lupine,poppies and owlsclovers.

    fact: Californias coastlineis 840 miles long but thetidal shoreline (includingbays and inlets) is awhopping 3427 miles long.

    Caliia tide plsare home to such fancifulcreatures as periwinklesnails, fingernail limpets,

    buckshot barnacles andsunburst anemones.

    Explore Caliornia Relaxing

    Caliornios have a reputation or

    being a little more laid back then

    the rest o the nation and that

    perception is not ar wrong We work

    hard and we play hard, but when we

    relax, we really know how to relax

    This package was designed to really

    show you how we relax in CaliorniaThe rst day is a quiet and peaceul

    day in San Diego, voted the most beau-

    tiul weather in America by Weather

    Magazine On this rst day, well go on

    a small tour o the gardens o Balboa

    Park, then relax with native teas rom

    Mexico at the Coronado Resort and

    Spa The next day, well travel to Palm

    Springs and enjoy a native Hota expe-

    rience hot rock treatments, sweat

    lodge, and a rereshing pool o real

    hot springs to relieve all o your stress

    A quiet evening o chamber music

    and scented candles nishes the

    day The ollowing day is an exciting

    one a chance to rub elbows with

    the Caliornia elite Youll have a ullday at the Beverly Hills Day Spa or as

    many treatments are you want You can

    have a massage one table over rom

    a starlet or share a sauna with

    your avorite soap star Next,

    its o to Santa Barbara and the

    Bocarata Resort and spa and

    swimming with the dolphins

    Your nal day will be in beauti-

    ul Monterey where tall trees

    meet the sur, and the pace o

    lie slows to a crawl Truly, thispackage oers all o the relax-

    ation anyone could ever want

    As with all o our tours and

    packages, Explore Caliornia

    is dedicated to making your

    Caliornia experience truly

    enjoyable, and that means

    making it completely adapt-

    able to your needs When

    booking the Sporting and

    Relaxtion packages, you will

    be asked to complete a detailed

    questionnaire about your skill

    level, any existing health prob-

    lems and any special requests

    Take this opportunity to tell us

    what you would like rom yourCaliornia adventure and well

    do our best to make it happen

    Explore Caliornia has been working in Caliornia

    or years, showing people rom all over the world

    the true beauty and complexity that makes Cali-

    ornia We are so proud o our state, its history, its

    people, and its landscapes thats why we star ted

    this company And to best show o our marvelous

    state, weve developed two packages one sport ing,

    one relaxing to show you around our Caliornia

    Explore Caliornia Sporting

    This week-long package is entirely developed with

    the sporting enthusiast in mind We will start out in

    the Southern Caliornia desert in Palm Desert, CA

    where youll experience all the exotic nature o the

    sands, riding ATVs through the desert (on dedicated

    trials o course), looking at the most amazing vistasin America The next day its out to Manhattan Beach,

    where youll enjoy the sand and sur on water crat,

    sur boards, and beach volleyball Youll be basking

    No state has the extremes o Caliornia. From the highest mountain in the lower 48 states

    (Mount Whitney) to the lowest point in North America (Death Valley), Caliornia has always

    done its best to be all things to all people. For those with a penchant to enjoy the waves,

    Caliornia boasts some o the best sur in the world. Like to backpack? The Golden State has

    thousands o miles o backcountry trails. You a skier? Caliornias Sierra Nevada range is by

    ar the best range or snow sports. But most people travel to Caliornia or either the sur or

    the desert so lets take a look at what Explore Caliornia has to oer in these two extremes.

    Jsha Tee natial PakThe Big S castlie.
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    6 Explore Caliornia 8 34 5 678 ww w.explorecalio Explore Caliornia 7

    Taste of California

    A Brie History o Caliornias Roots

    Almost as eagerly as the prospectors, armers plowed

    west ollowing the Gold Rush o the 1850s They

    ound the temperate climate and rich soil well suited

    or a wide variety o crops, most amously, citrus

    So-called citrus barons were crowned in the early

    1900s, but it all started with two small trees rom

    Brazil that the US Department o Agriculture sent to

    a Ms Eliza Tibbets, who volunteered as a test grower

    These two trees led to widespread irrigation projects

    and even the ounding o such dubious institutions

    as the Citrus Experiment StationTo bacchanaliansdelight, grapes ourished in the

    coastal areas Vintners set up stakes and carved out

    Caliornias amous wine trails in areas such as Napa

    Caliornias third and most bountiul resource, ollowing sunshine

    and would-be starlets, has to be its cuisine. Taste o Caliornia is a ve

    day, ournight tour o the best avors and oodstus this side o the

    Mississippi. Youll travel rom Napa, including a stop at the renowned

    French Laundry, then on to the oyster shoals o Hog Island, and visit

    the aromatically bracing Gilroy, garlic capital o the world. To top it

    all o, a visit to the vast Alemany Farmers Market in San Francisco,where you can collect everything rom globe artichokes, blushing

    apples, blood oranges, to homemade candied apple sausages and

    clover and sage honey, to recreate the taste o Caliornia at home.

    Valley and Paso Robles in the central coast Currently,

    Caliornia produces 90% o American wines, alling

    only behind France, Italy and Spain in production

    Other less amous crops were established, arti-

    chokes, garlic, avocados, strawberries, apples, andor almost every ood, there is a estival Indio leads

    with its bellwether Date Festival in February and

    Carpentaria brings up the rear with the Avocado

    Festival in October

    The Tour

    This ive-day, our-night package starts in

    San Francisco Lodgings are conveniently located

    nearby the amous Ghirardelli Square and Fisher-

    mans Whar Take a cable car to Chinatown and walk

    though the Chinatown Gateway Enjoy dim sum, a

    traditional variety o delicate dishes, such as fuy

    pork dumplings and egg tart, alongside the ritual

    tea In the evening, catch a erry around the bay and

    take in spectacular views o the Golden Gate Bridge

    The next day includes travel to Central Napa, a

    short hours drive rom the bay The next two nights

    lodgings are provided at a world-class winery, where

    you can survey the estate rom your private balcony

    The package includes two tickets to a guided winery

    tour, by bus or by bicycle On the second day, havea massage, acial, or other service rom any one o

    the world-class spas Ater relaxing, enjoy a our-star

    meal no less than nine courses at the French

    Taste o CaliorniaLaundry, called the most impetuous restaurant in

    the worldby critic Buck LeSabre Try the oysters

    and pearls,a silky sabayon o pearl tapioca with

    oysters and sevruga caviar

    From Napa, its a hop, skip and a jump to Gilroy,

    youll know it when you smell it, Caliornia The

    Garlic Festival is held in July, but this town sports

    year-round treats such as garlic ice cream, gar lic gator

    on a stick, and a local avorite, the Gilroy MartiniBurn o the burn with a round o gol on any one o

    the three courses and enjoy shopping in the quaint


    One night in Gilroy and youre back to San Fran-

    cisco Visit one o the areas 15 Farmers Markets,

    most amously, the Alemany FarmersMarket, estab-

    lished in 1943

    Pack a picnic with your edibles and drive an hour

    north to visit the H og Island Oyster Company Take

    a tour o the sustainable aquaculture harvesting

    techniques Enjoy the pristine Marshall beaches

    and pick up some oysters to go rom the arm Or

    stay and shuck them or grill them at Hog Islands

    bayside picnic area

    Spend the waning hours wandering the beach, or

    you can return to San Francisco to pickup some last

    minute gits or the oodies in your old, such as aloa o San Francisco sourdough or a special bottle

    o brew rom the Anchor Steam Brewing Company

    Tour Info

    Dati: 2 Weeks

    Cst pe pes:

    $5000 (based upondouble occupancy)

    Depate Dates: March10, June 15, September 24.

    Iclded: All mealsand lodging.

    nt iclded: Travelinsurance, travel to and

    from departure city.

    fACT fILE

    fact: California is the numberone dairy state. Moo!

    www.caliia-wie.g The California Wine

    Institute. An excellentsource of information.

    Dim Sm is translatedas to touch your heart.

    fact: Californias leadingexport crop is almonds.

    E. & J. Gall wiey, theworlds largest and locatedin California, produces 75million cases of wine a year.

    The avel age wasthe first citrus to beplanted in California. An alphabetical listingof 25 California foodand wine festivals

    Wieies e a glimpse it Caliias al past.
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    8 Explore Caliornia 8 34 5 678 ww w.explorecalio Explore Caliornia 9

    Nature Watch

    In an eort to highlight some o the nature packages

    that we oer, there are three that stand out or us

    here as our most popular The rst takes you rom

    the southwestern deserts o the Mohave to the busy

    downtown o Los Ang eles our Fossil Tour

    The Fossil Tour

    Caliornia is a hotbed o Paleozoic creatures, mostly

    due to the act that the immense range o elevations

    and seismic activity has caused much o the states

    ancient rock ormations to be exposed The Mohave

    Desert was once a large inland sea, and the creatureswho lived, and died, here have been preserved in the

    rocks around the current sandy soil Our Fossil tour

    starts here, with three days o geology lessons and

    Its had to believe, but Caliornia boasts the most uni que species in

    the continental United States. There are also some o the most well-

    preserved ossils ound in Caliornia, so you could say that this Golden

    State has the most interesting mix o animals past, present, and uture.

    Here at Explore Caliornia, weve got some great packages to highlight

    the natural world o our great state. From coastal expeditions toview the largest creature to ever live, the blue whale, to orest

    hiking trips to see some o the most beatiul insects ever, Explore

    Caliornia has something or any Ranger Rick or Regina out there.

    working on an actual dig Any ossils ound would

    be yours to keep, compliments o Explore Caliornia

    and the state o Caliornias Long-Dead Creatures

    act Ater that, its two days in Los Angeles, explor-

    ing the still-bubbling La Brea Tar Pits Prehistoric

    creatures ell into the petroleum here in what is

    now downtown Los Angeles millennium ago, and

    historians and geologists are still pulling out new

    species everyday

    Coastal Experience

    For our coastal experience patr ons, we not only show

    you the marvels o the deep, but the playulness o

    our most popular denizens For the rst day, a San

    Francisco Bay tour, highlighted by a chance to kayak

    with some o the playul Caliornia Sea Lions that

    ll the docks at Pier 38 From here, its just down

    the coast to Monterrey, where our guests will visit

    the world-amous Aquarium, and see the wonder-

    ul sea otter in their natural habitat Currently, the

    Caliornia population numbers around 2,000 and

    is ound rom Hal Moon Bay to Morro Bay, so its

    important to visit them quickly The last stop is the

    Channel Islands o Ventura County a ascinating

    area where the coastal islands have been isolated or

    centuries and species have developed separated romthe rest o the state Here well visit the Santa Cruz

    o, the smallest member o the ox amily at less

    than 2lbs! And on the way to and rom the islands,

    Nature Watch

    Tour Info

    Dati: 2 Weeks

    Cst pe pes:

    $5000 (based upondouble occupancy)

    Depate Dates: March10, June 15, September 24.

    Iclded: All mealsand lodging.

    nt iclded: Travelinsurance, travel to and

    from departure city.


































    a chance to see the migration o the blue and gray

    whales, the largest creatures to ever live on the

    planet This is or sure a antastic package

    Endangered Species Expedition

    Caliornia has some o the most amazing endangered

    species on the planet From the Caliornia Condor

    to the grizzly bear, and rom the Santa Cruz banana

    slug to the Caliornia Quail, most o this ne state isprotected wildlie preserve On this t wo-week tour,

    we take you on a trip to visit each protected area, and

    point out the creatures, both great and small, which

    caused the land to be set aside Specic details o the

    tour vary based on season but all versions o this

    expedition have been nothing short o spectacular

    Taking a cue rom the Nature Conservancy, weve

    selected 15 state parks and preserves that are shin-

    ing examples o conservation in action Just one

    example is the Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes Preserve,

    18 miles o Earths most biodiverse coastal dune-

    lagoon ecosystem Activities include camping, hiking,

    horseback riding, boating and bird watching This

    is a great package or amilies who want to pass

    down a great experience and an education to the

    next generation, while participating in preserving

    a part o their uture

    Aial acbatics a pelica dives ish.
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    Explore Caliornia 8 34 5 678 ww w.explorecalio Explore Caliornia

    Snowboard California

    Nothing says extreme winter experience like surng down a mountain without a care

    in the world. While snowboarding may not have been invented in Caliornia, with

    our experience surng the waves and skating through the neighborhoods, you

    could say we perected it. Whether you want to slide down a bunny slope or shred

    a McTwist on the hal-pipe, weve got more than 3 mountain resorts to show you.

    And i you would rather watch than participate, Caliornia is also the home to the

    ever-exciting X-Games; the pinnacle o extreme sports. So whether youre a slope-

    styler or a boardercross racer, come out to Caliornia and well hook you up.

    provide the perect combination o sunny weather,

    cool temperatures and antastic snowall to entice

    any snowman or snowwoman to enjoy their stay

    Types o Snowboarding

    All o the various types o snowboarding are popular

    in Caliornia: reeride, reestyle, and reecarve or

    race Freeride snowboarding is the most commontype o snowboarding it consists o just gliding

    down any hill or mountain It can be as simple as abunny hill or beginners and as complex and beau-

    tiul as aerial fips rom snow hills and twists or

    the long, deep, slow turns o alpine snowboarding

    Most riders will learn the basics o reeride beore

    Snowboard Caliornia

    Tour Info

    Dati:2 Weeks

    Cst pe pes:$5000 (based upondouble occupancy)

    Depate Dates: March10, June 15, September 24.

    Iclded: All mealsand lodging.

    nt iclded: Travelinsurance, travel to and

    from departure city.

    Caliornia is uniquely positioned or winter sports

    With the wind Jet Stream moving rom west to east

    across the United States, a coastal mountain range,

    and the mighty Sierra Nevada range on the eastern

    border, Caliornia receives a lot o moisture in the

    winter and where the mountains rise rom the valley

    oor a consistent and persistent blanket o snow

    or everyone to enjoy Since Caliornia has the tallest

    peak in the lower 48 (Mount Whitney), we oten have

    the best skiing and snowboarding in the nation All

    along the length o Caliornia, rom Bear Mountain

    and Baldy Mountain in the south to Squaw Valley

    (home o the 1960 Winter Olympics) to Mt Shasta

    Ski Resort, the towering Sierra Nevada Mountains

    fACT fILE

    Swbadig wasdeveloped in the 1960sand the 1970s byrenowned extreme sportsand snowboard expertFrancis Wilkinson.

    I 1998 , snowboardingbecame an officialWinter Olympic Sport.

    Wds such as dude, gnarly,and Shred the Gnarare someexamples of words used inthe snowboarding culture.

    Sha White is one of the

    most famous professionalsnowboarders. He is thesubject of two documentariesand multiple video games.

    www.sasa.g The officialsite of the USA SnowboardAssociation. Great informationon competitions, rankingsand regional eventsand snow conditions.

    attempting any other style and 90% o riders will

    stay with reeride as their primary type o ride Free-

    style riders make use o manmade eatures, like

    jumps, rails, halpipes and any other object that

    riders can use to perorm any number o amazing

    eats o daring-do One o the rst tricks that any

    rider will learn is the jibor grind where a rider will

    slide on an object not made or covered with snowThe last type o riding is the reecarve style Much

    like skiing, reecarve is most likely seen in race or

    slalom experiences More oten seen in European

    resorts, it is still extremely popular in Caliornia and

    can be done at any o the incredible resorts ound

    in the Sierra Nevada Mountains

    Snow Resorts

    Some o the most important snow resorts in the

    world are ound in Caliornia Squaw Valley was the

    host o the 1960 Olympic Games and is comm only

    considered one o the nest snow resorts Mammoth

    Mountain holds some o the most challenging runs

    in the world including the only quad-diamond run

    Mt Baldy is so connected to the southern Caliornia

    liestyle that we regu-

    larly put together Sur/Tur/

    Snow packages where on spring days we present

    you with a surng morning in Orange County, a

    mountain bike expedition on Saddleback Mountain,

    and nally a night skiing session n Mt Baldy all

    the eatures and experiences o Caliornia in one day

    Ski Packages

    Besides the aorementioned Sur/Tur/Snow

    package, we at Explore Caliornia have dozens o

    both a la carte and all-in-one packages available

    or you to stretch your snowboarding legs We

    can put you on any mountain you would like to

    carve down even those without resorts We have

    several ully adventure skiingpackages where we

    put you in the wilderness o Donner Lake and you

    have to cross-country ski and snowboard you way

    back to civilization Nothing says living like blasting

    down Donner Pass to Lake Tahoe with the ghosts

    o history and your own ear behind you So join

    us experience everything the Pacic coast has

    to oer and Explore Snowboarding in Caliornia
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    Explore Caliornia 8 34 5 678 ww w.explorecalio Explore Caliornia 3

    Cycle California

    Both doctors (and we here at Explore Caliornia)

    encourage everyone to commute in an environmen-

    tally riendly way like bicycling A number o our

    employees ride their bikes to work 8 0% o the year

    and while we dont need to worry about winter bliz-

    zards or ice storms, we do have crazy drivers But, i

    you dont want to ride to work how about riding

    or vacation? With our experience in two-wheeledtransportation, weve developed a number o great

    packages or riders o any skill level We know

    most o our riders may have never done anything

    more than riding down to the ice cream shop or a

    double-scoop, so weve got trips that even the leastexperienced rider can accomplish and see some

    o the most amazing sites in Caliornia along the

    Cycling is a antastic way to see Caliornia. Cycle Caliornia oers

    guided and unguided routes and, as with all our packages, we tailor

    the outings to your comort and skill level. This is a great package

    or amilies who want to see Caliornia outside o a car (and trafc!)

    The most popular variety is the 7-day Monterey to Santa Barbara

    tour but this year only, were also oering a special package this

    year that allows serious cyclists to ollow behind a competitor in

    the AMGEN bike race, a race that mimics the conditions in the Tour

    de France. Spots are limited so call n ow to reserve your seat!

    way Bicycling on vacations has been around since

    the invention o the bicycle itsel Many Am ericans

    would take their two-wheeled contraptionson

    train vacations in the nineteenth century and as the

    automobile culture took hold in the early twentieth

    century, vacations would oten include a bicycle or

    two or short excursions during stops All bicycles

    were essentially the same until the invention o the

    mountain bikein the 1970s in Marin County, Cali-ornia We recognize that all cycling is not created

    equal and so we develop experience packages or

    both road warriors and mountain daredevils

    Cycling Packages

    Cycling is a antastic way to see Caliornia and a

    great chance to get some exercise along t he way Our

    most popular package is the Monterrey to Santa

    Barbara tour, a seven-day ride along the beautiul

    Caliornia coastline Filled with possible day trips to

    the world-amous Monterrey Bay Aquarium, gols

    Pebble Beach, and Hearst Castle, the MSB tour is not

    or beginners, but an intermediate experience with

    road cycling will allow you to transverse the 30 aver-

    age miles in just a ew hours All meals are included

    in this package as well as all luxury hotels along the

    way I coastal hills and rugged vistas arent your cupo tea, how about pastoral vineyards and beauti-

    ul oak trees? We oer a wonderul beginners tour

    Cycle Caliornia

    Tour Info

    Dati: 2 Weeks

    Cst pe pes:$5000 (based upondouble occupancy)

    Depate Dates: March10, June 15, September 24.

    Iclded: All mealsand lodging.

    nt iclded: Travelinsurance, travel to andfrom departure city.

    fACT fILE

    May 13th, 2010 is theofficial 16th annual Bike toWork Day. Ditch the 4 wheeldrive and hop on two!

    The AMGEn T ofCalifornia is the largestcycling event in the US, over750 miles and includescycling world champions,Tour de France competitors,and Olympic athletes.

    Deiiti: Peloton. Themain group of racers.Also called the pack. A list of self-guided bikesroutes throughout the US

    The ist bicycle wasinvented in 1817, but had tobe pushed along the ground.Pedals were introduced in1865, but the device came tobe known as a boneshakersince the wood it wascomposed of made for a reallyrocky ride. Bicycling became

    more popular in the 1880s,after the introduction of metalframe and pneumatic tires.

    o the Napa Valley called our Wine Tasting While

    Riding Rolling amongst the ancient hills and trees

    o Calistoga, in the world-amous Napa Valley, the

    WTWR is three days o only 15 miles a day There

    are numerous stops along the way to sa mple any

    one o the 200 wineries in the area and every night

    a chance to stay at a ully apportioned spa

    Tour o Caliornia Special OerFinally, i youre a hardcore cyclist, nothing compares

    to the AMGEN Tour o Caliornia Package While

    the leading cyclists in the world are r iding through

    this grueling two-week event, preparing or the Tour

    de France, you can be riding the same roads, with

    the same support Weve set up an opportunity or

    just 50 this year as a secondary Tour o Calior-

    nia to ollow one hour behind the actual peloton

    Youll be treated just like any other proessional

    cyclist eating with them at dinners, completing

    time trials in both San Francisco and Los Angeles,

    and experiencing the thrill o rolling through the

    nishing banner at a major cycling event This is a

    once in a lietime experience that we are pleased to

    oer our customers

    Seats are extremely limited or this special oer

    Customers should be in physical and mental shapeto complete this two-week ride Be prepared to

    complete a detailed questionnaire about skill level

    and any existing health problems

    Tail idig is a geat way t exple hidde Caliia.
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    California Calm

    Who can say what relaxation is or anyone else? We

    here at Explore Caliornia try and create wonder-

    ul options or everyone where you can choose

    your own adventure or relaxation technique So

    whether you are into active repose or passive t her-

    apy, weve got options or you We love massages,acials, wine wraps and other indulgent spa treat-

    ments But unless youre a Hollywood celebrity,

    these are luxury items, not part o your regular work

    week When you need pampering, dont waste your

    valuable time and money by going to an unproes-

    sional or inexperienced therapist Weve tested thelatest treatments, met with the practitioners and

    visited the newest retreats to nd the best spas

    in Caliornia

    Peaceul, serene valleys. Majestic mountain retreats. Pristine

    beachront vistas. Glamorous urban roo gardens. Secluded deser t

    sanctuaries. However you dene blissul luxury, Caliornia oers a

    perect getaway to renew your mind, body, and spirit. Break ree

    o the stresses o daily lie at one o the many world-class resorts

    that call Caliornia home. Find your own perect balance o activity,rest, and pampering surrounded by the wild beauty o nature, or

    a quiet oasis hidden within one o Caliornias unique cities. Its all

    here, in the state that practically invented the laid-back liestyle.

    Orange County Oasis

    Nestled along the stunning coastline o Oceans-

    ide, San Juan Spa is an intimate seaside retreat

    that refects the culture and heritage o Southern

    Caliornia This unique retreat oers a peaceul sanc-

    tuary to help you re-connect with nature and

    yoursel through serene surroundings and

    therapeutic treatments Our breathtaking indoor/

    outdoor oceanront acilities, complete with foor-to-ceiling windows to ully capture the 160-degree

    vistas, eature soothing treatments and expert

    guidance to help instill a sense o well-being and

    more balanced living With lush landscaping and

    pristine white sand beaches, this is a retreat unlike

    any other oering elegant accommodations, a

    beachront spa, three sparkling swimming pools

    and regional, distinctive dining From its gracious

    cratsman-style architecture to the rugged coastline

    views to a multitude o services and amenities, this

    world-class resort oers a masterul mix o nature,

    art and luxury

    Yosemite Yoga Retreat

    Experience the ultimate Northern Caliornia spa

    resort Yakuza Spa oers massage therapy and a ull

    menu o spa treatments rom nine varieties oacials to therapeutic parafn treatments, and enzy-

    matic sea mud packs The lodges large outdoor pool

    and year-round indoor pool are perect or working

    Caliornia Calm

    Tour Info

    Dati: 2 Weeks

    Cst pe pes:

    $5000 (based upondouble occupancy)

    Depate Dates: March10, June 15, September 24.

    Iclded: All mealsand lodging.

    nt iclded: Travelinsurance, travel to and

    from departure city.

    fACT fILE

    The wd massage comesfrom the same word inFrench, which literallymeans friction of kneading.

    A biblical eeece fromc.493 BC documents dailymassage with olive oil andmyrrh as a part of the beautyregimen of the wives of Xerxes.

    Swedish massage is themost common in the UnitedStates, but there are manyother types, including Shiatsu,Acupressure and Reflexology.

    The Saskit wd yogahas many meanings, andis derived from the Sanskritroot yuj, meaning tocontrol, to yokeor to unite.

    Yga can be either physicalor mental meditation, but itcommonly refers to a varietyof physical poses or posturesthat emphasize balance,strength and flexibility.

    out or just splashing around during your spa vaca-

    tion Indoor and outdoor Jacuzzi hot tubs, sauna

    and yoga studio with 24-hour attendents

    Napa Valley Validation

    You are worth it And at our Napa Valley resort,

    we prove it to you A vineyard oasis ideally located

    between the Napa and Sonoma Valleys with gravel

    paths that crunch underneath your eet, privategardens where you can enjoy a glass o Caliornias

    nest wines, sumptuous hotel accommodations,

    exceptional dining comprised o the regions best

    artisanal ingredients, outdoor showers that can be

    enjoyed under a blanket o stars, crisp white linens

    and decadent spa treatments inspired by local ingre-

    dients ensure a memorable experience that will last

    a lietime Upon entering your cottage youll notice

    the vast amount o natural light that washes over the

    Brazilian cherry wood foors rom a series o large

    windows and French doors leading to a private patio

    and garden Teak patio urniture and gas-red heat-

    ers make these outdoor private spaces perect or

    entertaining, even on cool all nights The spacious

    bathroom is a lavish retreat unto itsel, eaturing

    limestone countertops and heated slate foors In

    most accommodations, a soaking tub is nestledunder a garden-side casement window Guests may

    also choose between showering inside or stepping

    outside or a romantic alresco shower

    Caliia is hme t the sme the wlds mst emiet spa ests.

    relax with a ste massage, t b,

    a dip i e atal ht spigs.

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    9/106 Explore Caliornia 8 34 5 678 ww w.explorecalio Explore Caliornia 7

    Backpack California

    From the earliest days o travel in Caliornia, people

    have walked rom one place to another to get around

    Walking and hiking is so ingrained into the abric o

    Caliornia that we have a story about the indigenous

    Chumash people o Ventura County When they

    needed to travel between the beautiul and sacred

    Point Mugu rocks to the natural harbor and villages

    o the Oxnard plain, they needed to pause at a quiet

    south-acing beach They stopped here so oten in

    their travels that it came to be known as wene me

    or resting place, translated by the Spanish into

    Hueneme which it is called to this day

    Backcountry Adventures

    Another amous hiker leads us to our rst back-packing package In 1869, naturalist John Muir

    walked into the valley oor o Yosemite, and opened

    the worlds eyes to the beauty o Caliornia and

    Caliornia has hiking and backpacking experiences or just about

    anyone. I you can walk, we can nd a place or you to stroll and enjoy

    the bounty o our Golden State. From backpacking or weeks along

    the Pacic trail, to walking tours o San Diego or Santa Barbara, there

    is certainly something or everyone at Explore Caliornia. Well ocus

    on a couple o the most popular trips we have here, but contact us i

    you dont see something exactly or you were always happy to worksomething up special and build a program to suit you and your desires.

    especially the Sierra Nevada Mountains His book

    First Summer in the Sierra called millions to this

    marvel o nature We oer packages rom simple

    walks on the valley foor, viewing all o the major

    eatures o the park (El Capitan, Hal-Dome, the

    alls) to a two-week immersive backcountry trip

    over the mountains and back The experience o

    backcountry backpacking cannot be over stated

    and we at Explore Caliornia will take care o allo the particulars, rom the wilderness permit to

    the bear-resistant ood storage (yes, I said bears)

    Yosemite surely shows the grandeur and magni-

    cence o Caliornias mountains and natural wonders

    Walking Among Giants

    I youre looking or something more coastal,we

    have several antastic two and three-day trips

    along the northern Caliornia coast in the beautiul

    redwood orests o King County Towering 500 eet

    tall and more than 40 eet in diameter, the sequoia

    o Caliornia (oten called Coastal Redwoods or

    Caliornia Redwoods) are some o the longest-lived

    organisms on the planet some more than 2500

    years old! Walking among these giants will give you

    a sense o awe and history, the same eeling that

    writers such as Jack London and Daniel Callahanelt We have more than a dozen options or hour

    to multi-day hikes and backpacking trips through

    the sequoia orests o Caliornia

    Backpack Caliornia

    Tour Info

    Dati: 2 Weeks

    Cst pe pes:$5000 (based upondouble occupancy)

    Depate Dates: March10, June 15, September 24.

    Iclded: All mealsand lodging.

    nt iclded: Travelinsurance, travel to andfrom departure city.-

    fACT fILE

    Jh Mi was Scottish-born,but he loved the Americanwilderness. Founder of theSierra Club, he also lobbied forthe establishment of national

    parks, which he succeeded atin 1899 with the passage ofthe National Parks Bill andthe creation of his belovedYosemite National Park.

    The Jh Mi Tail , oneof Californias most famous,extends for 211 miles, startingin Yosemite and ending atthe top of Mt. Whitney.

    Caliias segmet the Paciic Cest Tail is 56 miles long, but theentire trail is over 2600miles long and stretchesfrom Mexico to Canada.

    The ldest kw Castalredwd is 2200 years old!

    The httest tempeateever recorded in Death Valleywas 134 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Hiking in the Stars

    Down in Southern Caliornia, there are hikes or any

    level o experience From backpacking through the

    Los Angeles River Valley, to ollowing the simple 5mile walk to the world-amous Malibu Grotto, there

    are wateralls, desert rock ormations, movie stars

    to gawk at, and even good, old-ashioned walk-

    ing tours in dierent parts o the region One o

    our most popular hikes is the Death Valley March,where or three days you spend your days walking

    along the foor o the lowest point in the United

    States, and then at night enjoying the unettered

    experience o seeing the universe like nowhere else

    No houses, no street lights, no cars no light at

    all but the largest moon youve ever seen and the

    brightest stars youll ever experience this side o

    the Sahara Desert Its so clear that NASA has desig-

    nated our Death Valley March as the best pla ce to

    view celestial occurrences like eclipses and meteor

    showers Another popular Southern Caliornia hike

    is the Santa Monica Walkabout where youll be

    treated to spectacular views o the Pacic Ocean and

    the Los Angeles Basin One o the added bonuses

    o the SMW is the high probability o real star

    sightings the Santa Monica Mountains contain

    some o the most expensive real estate listing inthe country and you could be walking with any oyour avorite sitcom or soap opera stars as they

    enjoy their backyard trials

    Zabiskie Pit, Death Valley

    Ysemite natial Pak

    Backpackig is e thely ways t get t theCaliia backcty

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    Golden Gate

    Once the largest city in the western United States,

    our City by the Bay is truly a jewel o Caliornia

    Today, San Francisco is a popular international

    tourist destination, renowned or its chilly summer

    og, steep rolling hills, eclectic mix o Victorian and

    modern home buildings The city is also a principal

    banking and nance center, helping to make San

    Francisco teenth in the worlds most powerul


    Our rst day is a sel-guided walking tour The

    journey will highlight amous landmarks and amil-

    iarize you with the unique sociology o San FranciscoParticular attention is paid to the Victorian houses,

    Civic Center, Union Square, Nob Hill, Cable Cars,

    Chinatown, North Beach, Coit Tower, Fishermans

    We chose to name our tour o this great Caliornia city ater the

    bridge that connects it to the mainland. The Golden Gate Tour starts

    with a daylong walking tour o amous landmarks and districts such

    as Nob Hill and Chinatown. Then you can pick rom 3 more ocused

    tours: the Golden Gate Bridge and Park Walk, The Presidio (a tour o

    one o the nal Mexican outposts in Caliornia), or or the brave ew,Alcatraz Week. Alcatraz Week is special yearly oering rom Explore

    Caliornia that oers the chance to actually stay on this inamous

    island. Space is limited to gu ests, so call now to reserve your cell!

    Whar, Marina District, Palace o Fine Arts, The

    Presidio, Golden Gate Park, Twin Peaks, Golden

    Gate Bridge and more Ater this inital experience,

    you can dive into one o these more ocused tours

    The Golden Gate Bridge and Park Walk

    The 2km ull length o the Golden Gate Bridge

    made it one o the largest suspension bridges o

    the 20th century Since surpassed by a numbero less-aesthetic structures, the Golden Gate is

    still the symbol o San Francisco Despite its red

    appearance, the color o the bridge is ofcially an

    orange vermillion called international orange The

    color was selected by consulting architect Irving

    Morrow because it compliments the natural

    surroundings and enhances the bridges visibility

    in og The bridge is said to be one o the most

    beautiul examples o bridge engineering, both as

    a structural design challenge and or its aesthetic

    appealThe nearby Golden Gate Park is three times

    the size o Central Park in New York City and boasts

    some o the most amazing and signature archi-

    tectural pieces in the city Though the park has

    seen changes over the years, what remains today

    Golden GatefACT fILE

    The Glde Gate Bidgewas conceived by JosephStrauss, designed by IrvingMorrow and engineeredby Charles Alton Ellis.

    The Iteatial oagepaint was originally intended

    just as a sealant but localsconvinced the designers tokeep the vibrant color, ratherthan the traditional grey.

    The Ameica Sciety Civil Egiees designatedthe bridge as one of the sevenwonders of the modern world.

    Pesidi cavaly tps(including some of theAfrican-American regimentsnicknamed Buffalo Soldiers)served as park rangersprotecting and maintainingYosemite, Sequoia, andKings Canyon National Parksbefore establishment ofthe National Park Service.

    Alcataz operated as afederal prison for 29 yearsand no escape attemptswere ever successful, which

    might have contributed toits various nicknames, e.g.Devils Island, the Rock, etc.

    is a testament to the will o the city to preserve a

    place to play, relax and grow culturally The new

    de Young museum is sure to bring a new wave o

    visitors, as the re-opening o the Conservatory o

    Flowers did in 2003

    The Final Presido

    One o the nal Mexican holdouts in Caliornia is

    ound at the Presido in San Francisco Here you canexperience the lives o the original San Franciscans

    who were born and died in Alta Caliornia Because o

    the Presidios city-like inrastructure, its nearly 800

    buildings, its inhabitants were able to hold out or

    months while the city o San Francisco was turnedover to the Americans Over the last 148 years, the

    US Army has taken over the space and transormed

    the Presidio grounds rom mostly empty windswept

    dunes and scrub to a verdant, preeminent military

    post Since 1994, the Presidio has been a part o

    the Golden Gate National Recreation Area Your

    tour will highlight the historic buildings and natural

    surroundings that make this area so unique

    The Csevaty flwes, the ldest bildig i Glde Gate Pak.

    Lkig ve nth Beach t Cit Twe