Through the Bible - Jesus-tempted in the... · persuaded by Satan to do that...

Name: ___________________________ Date: ________ © 2011 Ronald Williams, 8306 James A Reed Rd, Raytown, MO; [email protected] Through the Bible GOSPELS Introduction Jesus: temptation

Transcript of Through the Bible - Jesus-tempted in the... · persuaded by Satan to do that...

Name: ___________________________ Date : ________ © 2011 Ronald Williams, 8306 James A Reed Rd, Raytown, MO; [email protected]

Through th e Bibl e



Jesus: temptation

STUDY Through th e Bibl e Jesus: temptation (13.13) 3

ondayonday:: Introduction Last week we talked about friends and how John the Baptist demonstrated that char-acteristic. Unfortunately, there are also people in the world who are just the oppo-

site—enemies. There are many reasons people (and nations) become enemies but it usually boils down to both sides wanting the same thing (from the other one). Sometimes the confrontation can be resolved peacefully but usually it ends in conflict.

What word describes the struggle between the parties below: sports, divorce, price war, strike, war.

nations spouses businesses athletes employees

1 2 3 4 5

The physical realm is not the only place we have enemies. In fact, it’s only a small fraction of the actual battles raging in the spiritual realm all around us.

human angel enemy Who is involved in warfare in Dan 10:1-13?

6 7 8 You probably have seen illustrations of the devil that look like the picture on the right. But most people have no idea where the details came from. Even though this is not what the devil literally looks like it does have its basis in the Bible.

✍ Fill in the key words of the verses below (and some ‘between the lines’ words) to show why the devil is sometimes pictured this way.

• Exod 32:3 1. ____________,9 calf [2. split _______,

3. _________, 4. ____________, 5. ___________10] • 1Sam 2:13 6. ___________________ of three teeth11

• Rev 12:3 7. ________12 (color) But don’t be deceived into thinking the devil will be so obvious when he appears. Paul explicitly warns us in 2Cor 11:14 that Satan will look like an ____________________________13 when he appears on earth.


4 1



3 5


4 Jesus: temptation (13.13) STUDY Through th e Bibl e

Preview This week you will see the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. He not only faced the physical hardships of being alone for 40 days but the spiritual attack of our #1 enemy—the devil. You will learn:

• The three ways Jesus was tempted,

• Why he didn’t give in, • How he resisted,

• The three kinds of sin everyone is subject to, • God’s way to defeat each kind of sin.

Bible Reading: Eph 6

Meditation Verse: Eph 6:12 Write the meditation verse on a 3X5 card.

STUDY Through th e Bibl e Jesus: temptation (13.13) 5

uesdayuesday:: Turn the stones to bread The next event in Jesus’ preparation for his earthly ministry was his temptation in the wilderness. It’s almost like a final exam in college before graduating and going out into

the “real world”. But for Jesus the stakes were much higher and the test much harder. Matthew, Mark and Luke all record the temptations but with slightly different angles. Of the three ac-counts, which one could have been given to Sergeant Joe Friday (Dragnet) who always wanted “Just the facts, ma’am”?14 One of the differences between Mark and the other two concerns how Jesus decided to go into the wilderness: • Mark 1:12 ____________15 by the Spirit • Matt 4:1, Luke 4:1 ________16 by the Spirit

Mark also includes two additional facts: Jesus was with the _________________;17 and the _____________18 ministered unto him (also in Matt 4:11). It’s interesting that these seem to il-lustrate the contrast between Jesus and Satan.

Use the following references to show the contrast between each pair: Heb 1:14, Jer 27:6, Luke 4:5, Matt 20:28. • Jesus: came to _____________19 • angels: _______________20 spirits • Satan: seeks _________________21 • wild beasts: ___________22 (Nebuchadnezzar)

The first area of temptation focused on Jesus’ physical needs.

Fill in the correct verse (Matt 4:1-4, Luke 4:1-4) for the following details:

____________23 full of the Holy Ghost

____________24 returned from Jordan ____________25 tempted forty days

____________26 fasted forty days and forty nights ____________27 tempter = devil

Why didn’t Jesus agree to Satan’s request? (Theology 101, next page)28

Jesus quoted Deut 8:3 to repel Satan’s attack? Why? One reason was to show that God’s word is all we need to sustain us (like Moses on the mount for 40 days and 40 nights). The Bible is “spiritual food.” It is a complete and balanced diet.

What other similar ideas were expressed in the following verses? Job 23:12 ... I have esteemed the words of his mouth _________________________________.29

Jer 15:16 Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the __________

_________________________________:30 for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts.


6 Jesus: temptation (13.13) STUDY Through th e Bibl e

Fill in the blanks with the following verses for the food God’s word is compared to: 1Cor 3:2, 1Pet 2:2, Eph 5:26, Ezek 3:1-3, Heb 5:12-14, Luke 4:4, Prov 16:24, Psalm 119:103, Rev 10:9-10.

• Milk: _______________________________31 • Bread: ______________32

• Honey: _______________________________33 • Honeycomb: _____________34

• Water: _________________35 • Meat: ________________36

Bible Reading: Isa 14:12-20

Meditation Verse: Luke 4:4

Write the meditation verse on a 3 X 5 card.

Review the previous meditation verses.

Theology 101

First, Because he would not do what Satan bade him do, for that would have looked as if there had been indeed a compact between him and the prince of the devils. Miracles were wrought for the confirming of faith, and the devil had no faith to be confirmed, and therefore he would not do it for him. Secondly, He wrought miracles for the ratification of his doctrine, and therefore till he began to preach he would not begin to work miracles. Thirdly, He would not work miracles for himself and his own supply, lest he should seem impatient of hun-ger, whereas he came not to please himself, but to suffer grief. Fourthly, He would reserve the proof of his being the Son of God for hereafter, and would rather be upbraided by Satan with being weak, and not able to do it, than be persuaded by Satan to do that which it was fit for him to do. Fifthly, He would not do any thing that looked like distrust of his Father, or acting separately from him, or any thing disagreeable to his present state. Being in all things made like unto his brethren, he would, like the other children of God, live in a dependence upon the divine Providence and promise, and trust him either to send him a sup-ply into the wilderness or to lead him to a city of habitation where there was a supply, as he used to do (Ps. 107:5-7), and in the mean time would support him, though he was hungry, as he had done these forty days past.

STUDY Through th e Bibl e Jesus: temptation (13.13) 7

ednesday: ednesday: Worship me The next area of temptation was designed to appeal to Jesus’ supposed desire for things and power.

Fill in the missing words to show the following differences (Matt 4:8-11, Luke 4:5-8):

Matthew 4 Luke 4

_______________37 high mountain high mountain

sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, in a _____________________________38

All these ____________39 will I give thee All this ___________40 will I give thee

and the ______________41 of them, for that is ____________________________;42

and to whomsoever I will I __________43 it.

if thou wilt _____________44 and worship me If thou therefore wilt worship me,

Satan’s desire to be worshipped shouldn’t surprise you. It certainly didn’t surprise Jesus. He knew about it before man was put on earth. His plot is described in Isa 14:12-14.

• Who is addressed? ____________45 • What catastrophe happened to him? ___________________, _____________________46

• What two words did he repeat five times that revealed his pride? ___ ________47 • What five steps did he plan to exalt himself (I will …)?

[1] ____________48 into _____________,49

[2] _________50 my ___________51 above the stars of _________:52

[3] _____53 also upon the ____________54 of the ______________________,55 in the

sides of the ________:56

[4] _________57 above the heights of the _________;58

[5] be like the _________ _________.59

What Lucifer (Satan) really wanted (and still wants) was to be worshipped as THE God, not just A god. He wanted to be #1.

Meditation Verse: Luke 4:8

Write the meditation verse on a 3 X 5 card.

Review the previous meditation verses.


8 Jesus: temptation (13.13) STUDY Through th e Bibl e

hursdayhursday:: Cast thyself down The final area of temptation was designed to appeal to Jesus’ pride. Fill in the missing words below to show the following differences (Matt 4:5-7, Luke 4:9-12):

Matthew 4 Luke 4

5Then the devil taketh him up into the _______ __________,60 and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple,

9aAnd he brought him to ________________,61 and set him on a pinnacle of the temple …

6And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

9b … and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence: 10For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, _______________________:62 11And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

When was Jesus actually ‘born up’ by angels?63

Write ‘Jesus: temptation’ for Matt 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13 and Luke 4:1-13 on the Har-mony of the Gospels outline.

Bible Reading: Luke 18

Meditation Verse: Luke 4:12

Write the meditation verse on a 3 X 5 card.

Review the previous meditation verses.


Theology 101 Christ quoted Deu. 6:16, where it is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God, by desiring a sign for the proof of divine revelation, when he has already given that which is sufficient. For so Israel did, when they tempted God in the wilder-ness, saying, He gave us water out of the rock; but can he give flesh also? This Christ would be guilty of if he should say, "He did indeed prove me to be the Son of God, by sending the Spirit upon me, which is the greater; but can he also give his angels a charge concerning me, which is the less?’’

STUDY Through th e Bibl e Jesus: temptation (13.13) 9

ridayriday:: All that is in the world Heb 4:15 assures us that Jesus was without _______64 even though he was tempted “in all points like as we are.” 1Jn 2:16 defines ‘all points’ as three kinds of sin (the same

three kinds you face: _____________________________, _____________________________, ______________________.65

Write the appeal of each temptation in the correct column below (1st row): Pleasure, Po-sition, Possessions.

Write the temptations Jesus faced in the correct column below (2nd row): He shall bear thee up, I will give you these kingdoms, turn stones to bread.

Write the temptations Eve faced in the correct column below (3rd row): good for food, make one wise, pleasant to the eyes.

Write the angel’s example of each temptation in the correct column below (4th row): to show the angels committing each type of sin: Isa 14:12-13, Ezek 28:16, 17, 18, Jude :6-19.

Lust of the flesh Lust of the eyes Pride of life Physical: body Mental: soul Spiritual: spirit

1. 66 67 68

2. 69 70 71

3. 72 73 74

4. 75 76 77

11 Lust of the flesh: I enjoy … Even though God created the universe to be enjoyed, when we love physical pleasures more than God it becomes sin. This can be manifested in several ways:

Write the appropriate word from the following verses above the correct picture to show what lust of the flesh (physical pleasure) it pictures: Prov 6:9, 23:21, 1Cor 7:2, Deut 21:20.

Write the following verses below the correct picture to show what love (physical pleas-ure) it describes: Isaiah 57:8b, Proverbs 21:17, Genesis 27:4, Proverbs 20:13. 78 79 80 81

82 83 84 85


10 Jesus: temptation (13.13) STUDY Through th e Bibl e

22 Lust of the eyes: I want … Even though God created all physical possessions for our use, when we love them more than God it becomes sin. Eccl 1:8 says “the eye is not ____________________86 with seeing”. This is manifested in two ways:

Greed: Fill in the blanks with what people are greedy for: Isa 56:11 ______,87 1Tim 3:3

_______________,88 (money) Jude :11 ________89

Covetous: Eph 5:5 and Col 3:5 say covetousness is the outward evidence of inward

____________.90 2Pet 2:3 says it results in treating people like _________________91 for your

own gain. Fill in the blanks with what people covet.: Exod 20:17 ____________,92 ________,93

_________________,94 ________________,95 _____,96 _______,97 ______________,98 Luke

12:15 ___________,99 1Tim 6:10 ____________100

Write the following verses in the blanks below to show whether they describe greed or covetousness: Prov 1:13-19, 1Tim 3:3, Micah 2:2, 1Tim 3:8,Luke 12:15, Exod 20:17, 1Tim 6:10

Greed: (money) ____________,101 ____________,102 (things) ____________103

Covetousness: (others’ possessions) _________,104 _________,105 _________,106 ______107

Write the following verses in the first row of the table below to show different ways greed and covetousness are manifested: Deut 25:13-14, Exod 20:15, Ezek 22:12, 1Sam 8:3.

Bribe Extort (threaten) Steal Cheat 108 109 110 111

33 Pride of life: I will … Even though God created people to know him, when you worship yourself instead of God (believe you are good based on your own merit) it becomes sin.

It is best explained by a parable that Jesus told in Luke 18:9-14. Two men went into the temple to pray (evidence that they were at least religious). Notice each one’s claim to “righteousness”.

What personality traits show their pride of life (vs. 9)?

• confidence: trusted in _________________112 that they were _______________113

• condemnation: and _________________114 others:

STUDY Through th e Bibl e Jesus: temptation (13.13) 11

What place shows their search for “God” (vs. 10)? ____________115

What two people were seeking God (vs. 10)? ____________, ______________116

What two positions showed their inner attitude?

• Pharisee (vs. 11): ____________117

• Publican (vs. 13): standing ___________,118 ____________________________119

What person did they pray to?

• Pharisee (vs. 11): with ______________120 What did he call himself? _______121

• Publican (vs. 13): _______122

What did the publican do to show his remorse (vs. 13)? __________ his ___________123

What was the Pharisee “thankful” for?

• I am NOT as other men are (vs. 11): ___________________, _______________,

___________________, or even as this ______________124

• I DO (vs. 12): _________, __________125

What was the publican “thoughtful” of (vs. 13)?

• His CONDITION: _______________126

• God’s CHARACTER: ___________________127

Which one was pardoned (justified—vs. 14)? ________________128 Why (below)?

• PHARISEE: ___________129 himself • PUBLICAN: ____________130 himself

Which one will be promoted by God (exalted—vs. 14)? ________________131

Meditation Verse: 1Jn 2:16

Write the meditation verse on a 3 X 5 card.

Review the previous meditation verses.

STUDY Through th e Bibl e Jesus: temptation (13.13) 13

undayunday:: Solution Fortunately, God has the solution for every problem and sin you have.

11 Lust of the flesh: I enjoy …

Fill in the blanks with the solution for the lust of the flesh.

Gal 5:24 And they that are Christ's have _______________132 the flesh with the affec-tions and lusts.

Rom 8:13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do __________133 [put to death] the deeds of the body, ye shall live. Rom 6:19 I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now __________134 your members servants to righteousness unto holiness. 1Cor 9:27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into __________________:135 lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. 1Th 4:3 For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should _______________136 from _________________:137 4That every one of you should know how to _______________138 his vessel [body] in sanctification and honour; 5Not in the ________139 of concupiscence [strong desire; passion], even as the Gentiles which know not God: 6That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have fore-warned you and testified. 7For God hath not called us unto ____________________,140 but unto holiness. 1Pet 2:11 Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, _________________141 from _______________________,142 which war against the soul; Rom 13:14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not ___________________143 for the ____________,144 to fulfil the ___________145 thereof.

Lust of the eyes: I want … The solution for covetousness is given by Paul in Heb 13:5 “Let your conversation [life-style] be without covetousness; and be _______________146 with such things as ye have:

for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” In Phil 4:11-13 he explains it in his own life:

• Vs. 11: It is a ____________147 behavior, not one that comes naturally.

• Vs. 12: It depends on knowing “both how to be ___________148 (basic, humble, lower), and

… how to ____________149 (extra, abundance, higher).” “________ __________150 and in



14 Jesus: temptation (13.13) STUDY Through th e Bibl e

____ ______151 we are instructed … both to be ______152 and to be _________,153 both to

_______154 and to _________ ________.”155

• Vs. 13: The (supernatural) ability to be content only comes when you know you can do “___

__________156 through ___________157 which ___________________158 me.”

Fill in 1Tim 6:6-10 to show the contrast between contentment and covetousness.

Contentment Covetousness 6But ________________________ 159

with __________________ 160 is great

____.161 7For we brought __________162

into this world, and it is certain we can

carry _________________163 out. 8And

having ______164 and ____________165

let us be therewith _____________.166

9But they that will be ________167 fall into _______-

________168 and a ___________,169 and into many

foolish and hurtful __________,170 which drown men

in ___________________171 and _____________.172 10For the _______173 of ___________174 is the root

of all ______:175 which while some ____________176

after, they have erred from the _________,177 and

pierced themselves through with many _________.178

33 Pride of life: I will …

Fill in the blanks with the solution for the pride of life.

Matt 20:26 But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your ______________;179 27And whosoever will be chief among you, let him

be your _____________:180 Lk 14:11 For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that ____________181 himself shall be exalted. Luke 9:48 And said unto them, Whosoever shall receive this child in my name receiveth me: and whosoever shall receive me receiveth him that sent me: for he that is __________182 among you all, the same shall be great. Mark 9:35 And he sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be _______183 of all, and _____________184 of all.

Key 1 war 2 divorce 3 price war 4 sports 5 strike 6 kings of Persia 7 Michael 8 prince of the kingdom of Persia 9 earrings 10 split hoof, tail, horns, LEGS 11 fleshhook of three teeth 12 red 13 angel of light 14 Mark 15 driven 16 led 17 wild beasts 18 angels 19 minister 20 ministering 21 worship 22 serve 23 Luke 4:1 24 Luke 4:1 25 Luke 4:2 26 Matt 4:2; Luke 4:2 27 Matt 4:3 28 Henry, M. (1996, c1991). Matthew Henry's commentary on the whole Bible : Complete and unabridged in one volume (Lk 4:1). Peabody: Hendrickson. 29 more than my necessary food 30 joy and rejoicing of mine heart 31 1Pet 2:2, 1Cor 3:2 32 Luke 4:4 33 Rev 10:9-10, Ezek 3:1 34 Psalm 119:103 35 Eph 5:26 36 Heb 5:12-14 37 exceeding 38 in a moment of time 39 things 40 power 41 glory 42 delivered unto me 43 give 44 fall down 45 Lucifer 46 fallen from heaven, cut down to the ground 47 I will 48 ascend 49 heaven 50 exalt 51 throne 52 God 53 sit 54 mount

55 congregation 56 north 57 ascend 58 clouds 59 most High 60 holy city 61 Jerusalem 62 to keep thee 63 resurrection; ascension (Acts 1:9-10) 64 sin 65 Lust of the flesh, Lust of the flesh, Pride of life 66 Pleasure 67 Possessions 68 Position 69 Turn stones to bread 70 I will give you these kingdoms 71 He shall bear thee up 72 Good for food 73 Pleasant to the eyes 74 Make one wise 75 Jude :6-19//strange flesh; defile the flesh; walk after lust; sensual 76 Eze 28:16, Eze 28:18//merchandize = things; traffic = buy & sell 77 Isaiah 14:12-13, Eze 28:17, Jude :6-19//heart lifted up = pride; I will = self-exalted 78 glutton 79 drunkard 80 fornicator 81 Sloth/sluggard 82 Genesis 27:4 83 Proverbs 21:17 84 Isaiah 57:8b 85 Proverbs 20:13 86 satisfied 87 gain 88 filthy lucre 89 reward 90 idolatry 91 merchandise 92 house 93 wife 94 manservant 95 maidservant 96 ox 97 ass 98 any thing 99 possessions 100 money 101 1tim 3:3 102 1tim 3:8 103 prov 1:13-19 104 exod 20:17 105 micah 2:2 106 luke 12:15 107 1tim 6:10 108 1Sam 8:3 109 Ezek 22:12 110 Exod 20:15 111 Deut 25:13-14 112 themselves

113 righteous 114 despised 115 temple 116 Pharisee, publican 117 stood 118 afar off 119 would not lift up his eyes unto heaven 120 himself 121 God 122 God 123 smote , breast 124 extortioners, unjust, adulterers, publican 125 fast, tithe 126 sinner 127 merciful 128 publican 129 exalted 130 humbled 131 publican 132 crucified 133 mortify 134 yield 135 subjection 136 abstain 137 fornication 138 possess 139 lust 140 uncleanness 141 abstain 142 fleshly lusts 143 provision 144 flesh 145 lusts 146 content 147 learned 148 abased 149 abound 150 every where 151 all things 152 full 153 hungry 154 abound 155 suffer need 156 all things 157 Christ 158 strengtheneth 159 godliness 160 contentment 161 gain 162 nothing 163 nothing 164 food 165 raiment 166 content 167 rich 168 temptation 169 snare 170 lusts

171 destruction 172 perdition 173 love 174 money 175 evil 176 coveted 177 faith 178 sorrows 179 minister 180 servant 181 humbleth 182 least 183 last 184 servant