Three slide challenge -The Seven Voyages of Sinbad

First voyage of Sinbad: Sinbad and the“Whale” Island Group 1 By: Tavalius, Nguyen, and Cat

Transcript of Three slide challenge -The Seven Voyages of Sinbad

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First voyage of Sinbad:Sinbad and the“Whale”

Island Group 1

By: Tavalius, Nguyen, and Cat

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Summary of the VoyageSinbad’s first voyage was written about Sinbad who was born in the rich family but he was a careless person and ruined everything by himself. One day, he tried his fortune at the sea from the empty pocket. Then, he proved how he was strong and talented when his sailor was out at sea. He saw a pretty island with fruits and flowers and decided to stop here for many days. He had a happy time with everyone on the island by singing, talking,…with them. Suddenly, he saw everything from the ground beneath the palm trees, the fruit trees all around the shore the sea began heaved, swayed, fumed, and spouted. It’s a whale. Everyone tried to come back the the sailor to escape from the moving of the whale. When the sea was calm, everything was gone. He fell asleep until waking up, there were two men welcomed him and told him to stay there for many days for working. After a few weeks, he could come back home with his gifts and gold.

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Wisdom of the Journey

•He became much braver by saving the horsegroom who served King Mihrage.•He made use of the little resources that he had, and

successfully survived on the island.•He became incredibly wealthy by finding lots of

prescious things on the island as well as receiving lots of gifts from the King.

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The second Voyage of Sindbad

Sindbad the Sailor and the valley of the Diamonds

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Summary• On Sinbad’s second voyage we are able to see how he was

restless and tired, while he had set sea again, he was accidently abandoned by his shipmates once again and was stranded on an island which contained roc eggs. When trying to get out of the island he came across a prey and got ahold of his leg. The prey then flew away and took him to a valley which was carpeted with diamonds. The merchants harvest the diamonds by throwing big pieces of meat into the valley; and the birds in this valley carry the meat back to their nest. So Sinbad attached himself to a piece of meat and the bird carried him out the valley with a large sac of diamonds and was rescued by the merchants.

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Take away..• The take away wisdom of this journey was that Sinbad was

intelligent and brave because of the sacrifices he did when he was alone stranded in the island and in the dangerous valley.

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Journey Across the Islands

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• In the third voyage, Sinbad succumbs to greed and although he is already wealthy, sets out with a group of men to search for more treasure. They land upon an island and are attacked by apes, of which some of their men die and few lived. So they jump off their badly damaged ship towards the castle on the island, where they are encountered by cannibal giants who devoured yet another one of their own. In the dead of night, Sinbad and his remaining crew returned to attack the monster in his sleep and then made haste to their boat, where they escaped from the island.• They sailed until they once again reached land, but

one danger to another, this one was infested with snakes which attacked the rest of Sinbad’s men. Solely Sinbad was able to make his escape with a passing boat, which returned out to be his crew from his second voyage. • Sinbad retains all his treasures and is fulfilled again.

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TAKE-AWAYTO be happy and

thankful for what you already have and not

to go looking for more.

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The fourth voyage of Sinbad the Sailor:

Adventure in the tombShari & Nhat

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The summaryOn the fourth voyage, Sinbad’s ship wrecked on the cannibal’s island. His

companions were fed with herb which made them fatter. When Sinbad figured out what is happening, he stopped eating herbs and ran away. Pepper –

gatherers helped him to escape to their island where he befriended with the king. The king gave him a wife, but Sinbad didn’t know that when one of the

partners dies the other one is buried alive with him along with expensive clothes and jewelry. Unfortunately, Sinbad’s wife got sick and died very soon

after. Sinbad was trapped in an underground cavern, a communal tomb, with a limited amount of water and food. When supplies are almost exhausted,

another couple were dropped into the cavern. Sinbad killed the wife to death and took her rations. He continued to repeat the pattern until one day a small

animal got into the tomb. He followed him eventually finding a path to the exit. The passing ship rescued him and took him to Baghdad.

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The wisdomMake research about your partner tradition and never give up hope

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The First Voyage of Sinbad the Sailor

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• Sinbad and his crew embark on a journey out at sea.

They come ashore an island that proves to be a

gigantic sleeping whale on which trees have taken

root. The whale awakens when one of the sailors

starts a fire on the whales back and any men who did

not make it back to the ship in time are stranded in the

water to die. Sinbad is saved by the chance of a

passing wooden trough sent by the grace of Allah. He

drifted at sea until he came upon an island where he

saves the kings groom from a monstrous sea horse.

Sinbad takes the man back to the king and returns him

and his riches. The king is so thankful he gives Sinbad

treasures and gifts. Sinbad sells the presents and

returns to Baghdad.

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Never loses hope• Like Sinbad there are always times in ones life when all

hope is lost. Even though his crew drowned at sea and he was shipwrecked he came out with a positive outlook on life. Sinbad's path to fortune was anything but easy, however, the thrill of adventure is what inspired him.

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Sixth voyage of Sinbad: The journey to Serendib

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Sinbad and his crew had set sail to India, but on their way there, his ship wrecked. Sinbad and his crew had ended up stranded on the side of a mountainous mountain, which was an area known for people never returning from it. The area in which they were stranded in was a dangerous area. It was an area that was polluted and was covered with sailor remains. Sinbad and his crew starved for days. Sinbad came up with an idea to float down a river that he had discovered near the mountain. He constructed a raft in which he will float down into another location. Sinbad ended up in a beautiful city called Serendib. While he was there, he befriend the King of Serendib. Sinbad explored the land and had the chance to go up a mountain, which he claimed to be the tallest mountain in the world. When Sinbad was gathering himself to go home, the king gave him gifts for Caliph Harun al-Rashid, which included a cup carved from a ruby, serpent skin to help him from getting sick, an abundance of natural resources from the island and a beautiful girl who was a slave. Caliph was happy with the gifts although his servants wanted to attack Serendib to go get more valuable gifts. He did not do that and appreciated Sinbad’s actions.

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• The take away from this voyage would be that curiosity could kill. In taking these voyages, Sinbad

and his crew knows that anything could go wrong which could put their lives on the line.

In taking this voyage to India, Sinbad and his crew got

stranded, but with Sinbad’s talents and courage, he managed

to find a way out of it. In doing so, he ended up in another

beautiful island and was able to bring back home gifts for Caliph.

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Sinbad 7th VoyageSinbad and his teams were captured by the

pirates. The merchant wanted Sinbad to hide inside the tree and shoot the

elephant. The elephant captured Sinbad because he killed a lot of elephants. He

managed to escape, the master freed him.

Brenda &Tam

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Summary Sinbad was captured by the pirates was sold as a slave. Sinbad’s master told him to hide in the tree to kill the elephant because they wanted to steal the ivory of the elephant. They continued to kill more elephants, and when the elephant realized why they were killing them, then they took Sinbad to the graveyard where they had a lot of ivories, so they would not kill any elephants. Sinbad managed to escape and went to the master. Then master was shocked because he escaped, so he freed him.

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The lesson of this adventure.

Sinbad realized that every thing he accomplished was not just out of luck, but because he worked for it. Sinbad learned That success and goodness always go together.