THOSE ASSISTING THIS MORNING - First … OF CONFESSION God our Creator, we confess that we are...

THOSE ASSISTING THIS MORNING - Preacher: William L. Hathaway; Liturgists: Heather G. Shortlidge, Jane MacMurray (8:30), Gordon Duvall (11:00); Ushers: Jim & Ellen Reinig (8:30), Tom, Lois, Emma, Caroline and Sam Lander (11:00); Greeter: Joyce Fowler (8:30); Time with Children: Miss Good (11:00); Discovery: Kelly Friends (11:00); Acolyte: Jeanette Manseau (11:00); Minute: Debbie Mitchell; Bulletin: Thank you to Janis, a new office volunteer from the Providence Center, who collated today’s bulletin ( ). STAFF HOURS - Please know that there has been a modest change to Sharon’s office hours; the office will now open at 9:00 am (until 4:00 pm). Other weekday staff hours are listed below: Bill - Monday-Thursday Heather - Tuesday-Friday Miss - Tuesday-Friday Dottie - Monday afternoon (1:00-6:00 pm), Wednesday and Thursday (10:00 am-5:00 pm) John - 8:30 am-6:30 pm, Tuesday-Friday Al - 7:30 am-2:00 pm, Monday-Friday Bob - by appointment Sharon - 9:00 am-4:00 pm, Monday-Friday (closed Friday in summer) WELCOME COMUNIDAD PRESBITERIANA LA TRINIDAD - For the past two years we have provided support to the Rev. Migde Lucas and the emerging faith group called Comunidad Presbiteriana La Trinidad. The group has progressed to offering weekly worship -- Saturdays at the Harundale Presbyterian Church in Glen Burnie and, starting today, Sundays on our campus. The group will be present at the 9:30 hour using the Chapel for worship, then Coffee Hour. Our Sunday School will be open to children as they begin to attend. Welcome Migde and friends! LOOKING AHEAD IN WORSHIP Sunday, January 21 - Service of Ordination and Installation (11:00 am) Rev. Shortlidge will preach from Psalm 62:5-12, Mark 1:14-20, “Calling the Disciples.” Sunday, January 28 Dr. Hathaway’s sermon will be “Spirits” from Mark 1:21-28. What does it mean to speak of or embrace the spirit of a family, a church or even a nation? What spirits do you confront (good or bad)? Worship will include the annual dedication of memorial and special gifts from 2017. First Presbyterian Church, Annapolis, Maryland January 14, 2018 8:30 & 11:00 am Worship Second Sunday after Epiphany PREPARATION FOR THE WORD Please rise in body or in spirit. PRELUDE - Meditation Robert Rushton SILENT PRAYER You invite us, O God, to live in your ways, and you give us to each other to know and to love as we journey in this life. Show us your will for all creation. Help us to listen to your urgings with prayerful hearts so that we may honor what you have made, in the name of the Holy Trinity, one God, now and forever. Amen. NOTICES OF CONGREGATIONAL LIFE Minute for Worship - Sanctuary Banners (Please sign and pass the greeter pad down the pew and back.) CHORAL INTROIT (11:00) - Great God of Every Blessing AURELIA CALL TO WORSHIP Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. The Lord is about to do a new thing. Speak, O God, for your servants are listening. Let us worship God. HYMN 32 - I Sing the Mighty Power of God ELLACOMBE

Transcript of THOSE ASSISTING THIS MORNING - First … OF CONFESSION God our Creator, we confess that we are...

THOSE ASSISTING THIS MORNING - Preacher: William L. Hathaway; Liturgists: Heather G. Shortlidge, Jane MacMurray (8:30), Gordon Duvall (11:00); Ushers: Jim & Ellen Reinig (8:30), Tom, Lois, Emma, Caroline and Sam Lander (11:00); Greeter: Joyce Fowler (8:30); Time with Children: Miss Good (11:00); Discovery: Kelly Friends (11:00); Acolyte: Jeanette Manseau (11:00); Minute: Debbie Mitchell; Bulletin: Thank you to Janis, a new office volunteer from the Providence Center, who collated today’s bulletin ( STAFF HOURS - Please know that there has been a modest change to Sharon’s office hours; the office will now open at 9:00 am (until 4:00 pm). Other weekday staff hours are listed below: Bill - Monday-Thursday Heather - Tuesday-Friday Miss - Tuesday-Friday Dottie - Monday afternoon (1:00-6:00 pm), Wednesday and Thursday (10:00 am-5:00 pm) John - 8:30 am-6:30 pm, Tuesday-Friday Al - 7:30 am-2:00 pm, Monday-Friday Bob - by appointment Sharon - 9:00 am-4:00 pm, Monday-Friday (closed Friday in summer)

WELCOME COMUNIDAD PRESBITERIANA LA TRINIDAD - For the past two years we have provided support to the Rev. Migde Lucas and the emerging faith group called Comunidad Presbiteriana La Trinidad. The group has progressed to offering weekly worship -- Saturdays at the Harundale Presbyterian Church in Glen Burnie and, starting today, Sundays on our campus. The group will be present at the 9:30 hour using the Chapel for worship, then Coffee Hour. Our Sunday School will be open to children as they begin to attend. Welcome Migde and friends!


Sunday, January 21 - Service of Ordination and Installation (11:00 am)

Rev. Shortlidge will preach from Psalm 62:5-12, Mark 1:14-20, “Calling the Disciples.”

Sunday, January 28 Dr. Hathaway’s sermon will be “Spirits” from Mark 1:21-28. What does it mean to speak of or embrace the spirit of a family, a church or even a nation? What spirits do you confront (good or bad)? Worship will include the annual dedication of memorial and special gifts from 2017.

First Presbyterian Church, Annapolis, Maryland January 14, 2018 – 8:30 & 11:00 am Worship

Second Sunday after Epiphany

PREPARATION FOR THE WORD Please rise in body or in spirit.

PRELUDE - Meditation Robert Rushton SILENT PRAYER

You invite us, O God, to live in your ways, and you give us to each other to know and to love as we journey in this life. Show us your will for all creation. Help us to listen to your

urgings with prayerful hearts so that we may honor what you have made, in the name of the Holy Trinity, one God, now and forever. Amen.

NOTICES OF CONGREGATIONAL LIFE Minute for Worship - Sanctuary Banners

(Please sign and pass the greeter pad down the pew and back.)

CHORAL INTROIT (11:00) - Great God of Every Blessing AURELIA

CALL TO WORSHIP Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. The Lord is about to do a new thing. Speak, O God, for your servants are listening. Let us worship God.

HYMN 32 - I Sing the Mighty Power of God ELLACOMBE


God our Creator, we confess that we are broken creatures. You speak to us with tender mercy, yet we fail to recognize your voice. You know everything about us, yet we struggle to know you. Forgive us, God of grace. Help us to heed your voice of truth, to follow your way of faithfulness, and to glorify you with our lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. (silence)


RESPONSE OF PRAISE - Joy to the World ANTIOCH He rules the world with truth and grace, and makes the nations prove the glories of his righteousness and wonders of his love, and wonders of his love, and wonders, wonders of his love.


(Nursery care open for infants through 4 years old. Pre-k through 1st graders may attend Children’s Discovery after the message. Pick-up on 3rd floor.)

CHORAL CALL TO PRAYER (11:00) - How Clear is Our Vocation, Lord REPTON PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION FIRST SCRIPTURE - I Samuel 3:1-10 ANTHEM (11:00) - Be Thou My Vision Robert Hunter

(The text to this morning’s anthem can be found in Glory to God, no. 450.) SECOND SCRIPTURE - John 1:43-51 SERMON - “Mentors and Open Doors”


HYMN 722 - Lord, Speak to Me That I May Speak CANONBURY

PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND LORD’S PRAYER (Concluding with the Lord’s Prayer, using “debts” and “debtors,” Hymnal, p.35.)


Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Christ all creatures here below; praise Holy Spirit ever more; praise Triune God whom we adore. Amen.

HYMN 69 - I, the Lord of Sea and Sky HERE I AM CHARGE AND BENEDICTION POSTLUDE - Postlude on Duke Street arr. Douglas Wagner

You are cordially invited to lunch at noon and a presentation, “Talent Discovery,” today in Fellowship Hall, hosted by the PWC.

William L. Hathaway, Pastor Heather G. Shortlidge, Associate Pastor Miss Good, Director of Family Ministry

Robert W. Muckenfuss, Director of Music & Organist James G. Kirk, Richard Jones, Parish Associates

Covenant Church with the Haiti Reforestation Partnership Partner with Evangelical Church of the Czech Brethren, Czech Republic

An Earth Care Congregation of the PC (USA) / The National Naval Memorial of the PC(USA) 171 Duke of Gloucester Street, Annapolis MD 21401 / Phone: 410-267-8705 / Fax: 410-268-9643

[email protected] / Visit us on Instagram-FPCAnnapolis Like us on facebook


The silent prayer is from Feasting on the Word

and the Call and Confession from Call to Worship, vol. 51.1.


Date Church Community

Sun 1/14 8:30 Worship (sanctuary) 9:30 Confirmation (KC4a) 9:30 Confirmation Parents (Room 306) 9:30 Education Hour 9:30 Comunidad Presbiteriana 10:30 Coffee Hour (Fellowship Hall) La Trinidad (Shaw Chapel) 11:00 Worship (sanctuary) 12:10 Come & Consider (Library Parlor) 12:15 PWC Luncheon & Presentation (FH) 6:00 New Officer Orientation (Manse)

Mon 1/15 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE; MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY - Office Closed 12:00 Noon AA (FH) 7:00 Membership (KC1a) 2:30 STAIR Training (KC4a) 7:00 Planned Giving (KC4a) 7:00 ACOA (FH)

Tues 1/16 10:00 Circle 2 (The Annapolitan) 12:00 Noon AA (FH) 7:00 Joint Session with Trustees (FH) 7:00 Circle 5 (Cox home)

Wed 1/17 9:30 CLAMS (Panera’s) 12:00 Staff Meeting (KC1a) 12:00 Noon AA (FH) 4:00 Bible Study (KC1a)

Thurs 1/18 9:00 Archives (KC6a) 12:00 Noon AA (FH) 7:30 Choir Rehearsal (Music)

Fri 1/19 12:00 Noon AA (FH) 12:30 STAIR Board (KC1a)

Sat 1/20 8:30-3:30 Campus Care (ZW Apt) 8:00 Evening AA (FH)

Sun 1/21 8:30 Worship (sanctuary) 9:30 Education Hour 9:30 Comunidad Presbiteriana 10:30 Coffee Hour (Fellowship Hall) La Trinidad (Shaw Chapel) 11:00 Worship (sanctuary) - Officer Ordination & Installation 12:15 Bible In a Year (FH) 5:00 Youth Fellowship (KC)

ANNOUNCEMENTS BACKPACK BUDDIES - Thank you for the outpouring of gifts at last week’s pageant. Along with the magi gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, we presented a large supply of non-perishable foods and $1,720.50 for food supplies for children at Annapolis Elementary. PWC INVITES YOU AND YOUR FAMILY - Today to Fellowship Hall at noon to enjoy lunch and a presentation, “Talent Discovery.” Members of the congregation will demonstrate bird carving, quilting, photography and the making of stained glass and banners. Penne pasta lunch with numerous sauces will be served along with salad, bread, and dessert. Parking passes available. COME AND CONSIDER - Today at 12:10 pm, learn more about joining the church! Attend the short, 20-minute conversation in the Library Parlor. Children welcome. BIBLE STUDY - Join one of the pastors each Wednesday from 4:00-5:00 pm in KC1a for a look at the scripture for the upcoming Sunday sermon. Newcomers welcome. YEAR IN THE BIBLE - Open team meeting Sunday, January 21, 12:15 pm, Fellowship Hall. All who have been reading through the Bible this year are invited to “touch base” and share impressions and questions with Bill Hathaway after worship. “O mortal” (repeated in Ezekiel, our book these days), you are invited to step back and take stock of the big picture. YOUTH FELLOWSHIP NEXT SUNDAY - will be offered on Sunday, January 21 and 28, 5:00-7:00 pm. Mark your calendar and please come! We need your input on the 2018 theme for Youth Sunday and will vote on the 28th -- you must be present to vote! ANNUAL MEETING AND POTLUCK - Sunday, January 28, 5:00 pm dinner followed by the meeting, both in Fellowship Hall. Bring a main course or side to share. The meeting will include a history story with Church Historian, Will Mumford; youth energizers; mission updates; a vote on clergy compensation; an update on plans following Bill’s retirement (in June); distribution of the 2017 Annual Report; and conversation, laughter, and prayer in a church family gathering. WINTER RELIEF FEBRUARY 12-19: Twin Sheets Needed - used/new sheet sets may be left in the volunteer office; 100 Volunteers Needed - during our host week when Fellowship Hall is transformed into a dorm room for 25 homeless men! Visit today to sign-up or contact Winter Relief Coordinators (Bill Hatchl - [email protected]; Bonnie Hatchard - [email protected]).