Thorax Card ANATOMY

Farhan Ishrak Ahmed,Roll 51,MH 04 1st year THORAX & ABDOMEN Contents : [Type the company name] [Type the company address] [Type the phone number] [Type the fax number]

Transcript of Thorax Card ANATOMY

Page 1: Thorax Card ANATOMY


1st year


Ishrak Ahmed

,Roll 51,MH


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Contents :

Page 2: Thorax Card ANATOMY

This is a Typical Thoracic Vertebrae ... (T2 to T8 )1. Vertebral Body lies ANTERIORLY and is heart-shaped, ANTERO-POSTERIO DIAMETER AND TRANSVERSE

DIAMETER are almost equal.2. Convex from side to side, deeply concave from behind.3. Body also presents 2 costal DEMIFACETS on each side, close to the borders, one above, near the root of the

pedicle, the other below, in front of the inferior vertebral notch;4. Upper demifacet is larger and articulates with corresponding rib. Lower demifacet is in the inferior vertebral

notch and articulates with head of immediately succeeding rib. 5. VERTEBRAL FORAMEN is small and circular and spinal cord with meninges go through it. 6. There is a BASIVERTEBRAL VENOUS SYSTEM which provides blood supply to the bone tissue.7. SUPERIOR ARTICULAR PROCESS projects upwards and backwards from the junction of pedicle and LAMINA.


8. Two transverse processes. Large and lies posteriorly and laterally.9. Tips contain oval shaped Transverse Facets which articulate with corresponding tubercule of ribs,forming

COSTO-TRANSVERSE JOINTS. Transverse process provides support to rib and restricts sideways movement.10. Spinous process is backwards and obliquely downwards in thoracic level and posterior to VERTEBRAL ARCH.

ATTACHMENTS :11. ANTERIOR LONGITUDINAL LIGAMENT around the front of vertebral arch.12. POSTERIOR LONGITUDINAL LIGAMENT in vertebral foramen.13. LIGAMENT OF FLAVA connects the lamina of adjacent vertebrae.14. LIGAMENT OF NUCHAE connects the Spinous process of adjacent vertebrae.15. COSTO TRANSVERSE LIGAMENT connects transverse process with articulating ribs.16. Spinous process gives attachment to the INTERSPINOUS and SUPRA-SPINOUS ligaments,and to the


©FARHAN ISHRAK AHMED ( Roll – 51,MH 04,Group C)

Page 3: Thorax Card ANATOMY
Page 4: Thorax Card ANATOMY

ATYPICAL VERTEBRAE ( T1 & T9 to T12)This is 1st Thoracic Vertebrae:

Anatomical points :1. Vertebral body is small in size, cervical type, and lies anteriorly2. Transverse diameter is almost x2 than the antero-posterior diameter . **3. Spinous process is horizontal, thick, long and lies posteriorly. **4. FULL CIRCLE COSTAL FACET near upper border of body present for complete

articulation with head of 1st rib. **5. DEMICOSTAL FACET PRESENT in lower border for articulation with head of 2nd rib. 6. SUPERIOR VERTEBRAL NOTCH is prominent.7. Vertebral foramen is large and triangular. **

This is 9th Thoracic Vertebrae :SIMILAR TO A TYPICAL VERTEBRAE EXCEPT : NO DEMICOSTAL FACET IN LOWER BORDER as the head of 10th rib articulates with costal facet on the body of 10th vertebrae.

This is 10th Thoracic Vertebrae:1. 1.Only a SINGLE COSTAL FACET on each side of body close to its UPPER BORDER to articulate with head of

10th rib.2. Transverse costal facets present to articulate with tubercule of 10th rib.3. Body is large and assumes shape of lumber type.

This is 11th Thoracic Vertebrae :

1. No costal facet found on transverse processes as 11th rib is floating.2. Single large CIRCLE COSTAL FACET on each side of body and articulates fully with head of 11th rib.3. Spinous process is short and nearly horizontal in direction posteriorly.4. Transverse processes are very short.5. Inferior articular facets are flat, face forward and medially.

This is the 12th Thoracic Vertebrae :

1. Only one COMPLETE CIRCULAR COSTAL FACET present on each side of vertebral body at the pedicle.2. No costal facet on transverse process as 12th rib is floating.3. There are 3 tubercules on transverse process- superior, inferior and lateral.4. Inferior articular facets are convex and twisted forwards.

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