This summer assignment is due by– August 31,...

Name: _______________________________________________________ Welcome to AP World History , I am looking forward to meeting you in the fall. These assignments will assist in building your fundamental knowledge of World History and are intended to lay the foundation for the material covered during the course of the year . For many of you, this is your first AP class. To be successful, you will need to stay focused and work hard. You should be prepared to spend several hours a week outside of class on AP World History. During the school year we will explore 10,000 years of human history , learn valuable skills, and take the AP World History Exam in May. This is an exciting class that will allow us to look at the big picture of history , trace cultures over time, and examine human interactions. The purpose of this summer assignment is to get a jumpstart on the curriculum. The summer assignment will also provide us with an opportunity to go into more depth on certain topics throughout the year . I STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU START SOONER RATHER THAN LATER!!!! T his summer assignment is due by– August 31, 2015. The following items will be turned in: 1) The An Edible History of the World by Tom Standage book assignment 2) The map activities located in this packet 3) The chapter notes from the required chapters Late assignments will not be accepted as I will be quizzing you on some of the information from this assignment as soon as school starts. It is important that you show me you are capable of successfully completing this independent assignment in the time allotted. This gives me a clear picture of your ability to handle the college-level course load you will experience throughout the year . I will be available by email during the summer but please do not expect an immediate response; it may take a few days. If you have questions, do not hesitate to email me. Good luck and I’ll see you in August! Ms. Hummel [email protected] AP WORLD HISTORY SUMMER ASSIGNMENT!

Transcript of This summer assignment is due by– August 31,...

Name: _______________________________________________________

Welcome to AP World History, I am looking forward to meeting you in the fall. These assignments will assist in building your fundamental knowledge of World History and are intended to lay the foundation for the material covered during the course of the year.

For many of you, this is your first AP class. To be successful, you will need to stay focused and work hard. You should be prepared to spend several hours a week outside of class on AP World History. During the school year we will explore 10,000 years of human history, learn valuable skills, and take the AP World History Exam in May. This is an exciting class that will allow us to look at the big picture of history, trace cultures over time, and examine human interactions.

The purpose of this summer assignment is to get a jumpstart on the curriculum. The summer assignment will also provide us with an opportunity to go into more depth on certain topics throughout the year.


This summer assignment is due by– August 31, 2015.

The following items will be turned in: 1) The An Edible History of the World by Tom Standage book assignment 2) The map activities located in this packet 3) The chapter notes from the required chapters

Late assignments will not be accepted as I will be quizzing you on some of the information from this assignment as soon as school starts. It is important that you show me you are capable of successfully completing this independent assignment in the time allotted. This gives me a clear picture of your ability to handle the college-level course load you will experience throughout the year.

I will be available by email during the summer but please do not expect an immediate response; it may take a few days. If you have questions, do not hesitate to email me. Good luck and I’ll see you in August!

Ms. Hummel [email protected]


Section I - Summaries For each of the six parts (Parts I thru VI) and for the epilogue, write a ½ page summary of the author’s main points. Explain the when, where, how, and why certain foods changed human existence. Give specific examples of how food affected history.

Section II – Answer the following questions in a couple of sentences each: 1. Using maize as the example, describe the process in which man transformed wild grains into domesticated ones. 2. In what ways was farming “the worst mistake in the history of the human race?” 3. How does the development of monumental architecture, such as pyramids and temples, show evidence of social stratification in early civilizations and how does food fit into those systems of social order? 4. Why might Arabs have created “myths” about the locations and production of spices? 5. Explain what is meant when the book states that “the pursuit of spices is the third way in which food remade the world…” 6. How did the Columbian Exchange alter the demographics of Eurasia? Africa? 7. Explain the pros and cons of ethanol. 8. What was Nicolas Appert’s discovery? What were its long term effects on naval and military activities? 9. What is the explanation for why famine has never struck a nation with both a free press and a representative democracy? 10. Describe the Green Revolution. What are the plusses and minuses of it? 11. What is the connection between agricultural production and industrialization in developing areas? 12. What is the purpose of seed banks?

Section III – Answer these questions in a paragraph each. 13. This book is not organized like a textbook. What do you think of Standage’s approach to history? Is this a useful way to think about history? What other approaches might one take? 14. One of the criticisms of Standage’s book is that it fails to discuss more social history concerning food – such as the development of restaurants, cooking and cooks, cookbooks, social food occasions, etc. Did you find this a weakness of this book? Would you have preferred to read about this aspect of food and history? Why or why not? 15. Do you like this book? Why or why not?

Part 1: An Edible History of Humanity by Tom Standage. Part 1 is a book assignment. Tom Standage has written a book tracing the development of world civilizations based on the foods that impacted civilizations, trade, economics, etc. Below is the assignment to accompany that book. Students may purchase the book from Amazon to have their own personal copy, or students may fin d a PDF version of the whole book linked on my AP World site.

Type, or neatly write your responses. Typed responses should be in Times New Roman, 12 pt font.

NDEPENDENT WORK: Please note that the use of any resources on the internet regarding this book to complete your assignments will be viewed as plagiarism. In submitt ing your assignments, you are pledging that the work is the result of only your effort.

Part 2: Mapping Exercise Neatly label the world maps with the land and water features listed below in the color indicated in parentheses. Print neatly and make sure your maps are easy to read. Some you will need to do their approximate placement.

Map #1: AP World Regions These regions will be mentioned through out the year. It is extremely important to know where things are in the world, especially when we do things such as comparing and contrasting regions. Refer to the included page from AP World History Course Description. Then using the world map provided in this packet, draw and label the AP Regions based on the “closer look”. If the region is not on this map (for example, Oceania is not labeled on “closer look”) use the “Big Picture View” Color each region a different color. However, please use a stripes to indicate regions that overlap.

Map #2: Bodies of Water and Rivers Oceans, Seas, Bays, Lakes (color them blue) 1. Atlantic Ocean 2. Pacific Ocean 3. Indian Ocean 4. Arctic Ocean 5. North Sea 6. Baltic Sea 7. English Channel 8. Barents Sea 9. Mediterranean Sea 10. Black Sea 11. Caspian Sea 12. Red Sea 13. Persian Gulf 14. Arabian Sea 15. Bay of Bengal 16. South China Sea 17. East China Sea 18. Yellow Sea 19. Sea of Japan

Map #3: Mountains and Deserts Mountains (Brown) 1. Alaska Range 2. Rocky Mountains 3. Appalachian Mountains 4. Andes Mountains 5. Alps 6. Atlas Mountains 7. Ural Mountains 8. Himalaya Mountains

Rivers (draw them in blue) 1. Nile River 2. Tigris 3. Euphrates 4. Amazon River 5. Mississippi River 6. Rio Grande River 7. Indus River 8. Yellow River (Huang He) 9. Yangtze River 10. Ganges River 11. Mekong River 12. Congo River 13. Danube River

Deserts (yellow) 1. Gobi Desert 2. Kalahari Desert 3. Sahara Desert 5. Sierra Madre Desert 6. Mojave Desert 7. Syrian Desert

AP World Regions M


AP World Bodies of W

ater and Rivers Map

AP World M

ountain and Deserts Map

Part 3: Textbook Notes Throughout this course you will be asked to break down cultures and civilizations to a basic level that will allow you to recognize the MOST important characteristics and easily compare one civilization with another. Notes for each chapter will be assigned throughout the course to analyze a civilization/culture.

Use the provided outline for the FIRST THREE CHAPTERS OF OUR TEXTBOOK. This will be the model you will follow through out the year. Focus on key information and important facts. It’s important to be specific so you know who did something, not just that something occurred. Attempt to get at least FIVE key ideas for each section. (FIVE IS THE MINIMUM - that doesn’t mean you should stop at five - especially for larger sections. The more important info you write, the better your notes are, and therefore the better your quiz scores will be!) If struggling for ideas, look for things that fit into the following categories Art, Social, Political, Intellectual, Religion, Economic (see below for explanations of categories).

• ART AND ARCHITECTURE o Having to do with art (visual, musical, written) and architecture as well as intellectual movements/philosophy

• SOCIETY o Having to do with people in groups, their living together, and relat ions with one another o Includes such issues as: gender, economic status and ethnicity

• POLITICAL o having to do with gaining, seeking, and organizing power o events related to the funct ion of government: making laws, enforcing laws, and interpret ing laws

• INTELLECTUAL o Having to do with the technology used by the society o New invent ions

• RELIGIOUS o having to do with religious beliefs, whether organized or tradit ional o the religious inst it ut ions of cult ure

• ECONOMIC o Having to do with how people meet their basic material needs o The product ion, distribut ion, and consumpt ion of goods and services o Including such issues as domest ic and internat ional trade, monetary policies and taxat ion

!!!!IMPORTANT!!!! The assigned chapters (1-3) are linked on my AP World site!

If you DO NOT have internet access/are unable to get to the textbook chapters - TELL ME - we have some textbooks I can loan out prior to the school year start ing.

Chapter 1 - Before History Introduction

The Evolution of Homo Sapiens

The Hominids

Homo Sapiens

Chapter 1 - Before History Paleolithic Society

Economy and Society of Hunting and Gathering Peoples

Paleolithic Culture

Chapter 1 - Before History The Neolithic Era and the Transition to Agriculture

The Origins of Agriculture

Early Agricultural Society

Chapter 1 - Before History Neolithic Culture

The Origins of Urban Life

Chapter 2 - Early Societies in Southwest Asia and Indo-European Migrations


The Quest for Order

Mesopotamia: “The Land between the Rivers”

The Course of Empire

The Later Mesopotamian Empires

The Formation of a Complex Society and Sophisticated Cultural Traditions

Economic Specialization and Trade

Chapter 2 - Early Societies in Southwest Asia and Indo-European Migrations

The Emergence of a Stratified Patriarchal Society

The Development of Written Cultural Traditions

The Broader Influence of Mesopotamian Society

Chapter 2 - Early Societies in Southwest Asia and Indo-European Migrations

Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews

The Phoenicians

Chapter 2 - Early Societies in Southwest Asia and Indo-European Migrations

The Indo European Migrations

Indo-European Origins

Indo-European Expansion and Its Effects

Chapter 2 - Early Societies in Southwest Asia and Indo-European Migrations

Chapter 3 - Early African Societies and the Bantu Migrations Introduction

Early Agricultural Society in Africa

Climatic Change and the Development of Agriculture in Africa

Egypt and Nubia: “Gifts of the Nile”

The Unification of Egypt

Turmoil and Empire

The Formation of Complex Societies and Sophisticated Cultural Traditions

Chapter 3 - Early African Societies and the Bantu Migrations

The Emergence of Cities and Stratified Societies

Economic Specialization and Trade

Early Writing in the Nile Valley

Chapter 3 - Early African Societies and the Bantu Migrations

The Development of Organized Religious Traditions

Bantu Migrations and Early Agricultural Societies of Sub-Saharan Africa

Chapter 3 - Early African Societies and the Bantu Migrations

The Dynamics of Bantu Expansion

Early Agricultural Societies of Sub-Saharan Africa

Chapter 3 - Early African Societies and the Bantu Migrations