This money-making opportunity is so effortless it’s been called

THE CLOSEST THING TO PRINTING MONEY! It’s so fast, I’ve used it to make as much as $304,200.00 in just one day! It’s so fool-proof, I’ve been doing it for 15 years and have never lost a cent on it! It’s so simple, you can start right now with the five enclosed lessons on how to get access to over $20 BILLION dollars in “FREE MONEY!” Chuck Hughes Author, Financial Mentor, Self-Made Multi-Millionaire, Ranked 1 st Place Money-Maker 8 times This money-making opportunity is so effortless it’s been called… THE CLOSEST THING TO PRINTING MONEY!

Transcript of This money-making opportunity is so effortless it’s been called

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MONEY!It’s so fast, I’ve used it to make as

much as $304,200.00 in just one day!

It’s so fool-proof, I’ve been doing it for 15 years and have never lost a cent on it!

It’s so simple, you can start right now with the five enclosed lessons on how to get access to over $20 BILLION dollars in “FREE MONEY!”

Chuck Hughes Author, Financial Mentor,

Self-Made Multi-Millionaire, Ranked 1st Place

Money-Maker 8 times

This money-making opportunity is so effortless it’s been called…




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A chat over coffee led Daniel to a $1.54 MILLION DOLLAR fortune! (And he’s only just begun!)

I love it when people use my methods and make even MORE MONEY than me! Here’s what happened when Daniel tried out what I show you in these pages …

Daniel wrote: “Now that I’m semi-retired, I have time to meet the local guys for coffee at the neighborhood café. There are usually about five of us, plus “Coco,” the little rescue dog Chuck Hughes brings along. (Or maybe she brings him, since she’s usually the one pulling the leash!)

Well, one morning over coffee, Chuck mentioned a business opportunity he developed. He said it was “a way to profit from billions of dollars sitting un-used in banks!”

Now, if anyone else said this, I wouldn’t pay much attention. But Chuck Hughes isn’t a big talker. He never brags or tries to impress anyone. He’s what we call “the guy you’d want with you in a foxhole.” Trustworthy as you can get!

So I asked him to tell me everything he could. Then I went home and did exactly as he had told me. Well, shortly thereafter….

I was making as much as $300,000 dollars in one day! And let me tell you, it wasn’t a one-time thing. So far, I’ve raked in over $1.54 MILLION and I’m still going strong! And I have my tax returns to prove it.

That brief conversation with Chuck honestly changed my life! I don’t like to brag either, but I have to tell you I love this money-

making method so much, I do it even more than Chuck and I’m making even MORE MONEY than he is!

I bought my dream home in Florida and I am having so much fun I never want to

stop doing this! THANK YOU, CHUCK for generously sharing your money making

opportunity and making my “golden years” solid gold!!!

NOTICE: Testimonials are believed to be true based on the representations of the persons providing the testimonials, but facts stated in

testimonials have not been independently audited or verified. Nor has there been any

attempt to compare the experiences of the persons giving the testimonials after the testimonials were given.

The average reader should not necessarily expect the same or similar results. Testimonials are not indicative of future

performance or results. No compensation was paid for testimonials.

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This risk-free invitation is unlike anything you’ve ever received. Because it comes from a financial mentor unlike any you’ve ever met!

MEET CHUCK HUGHESAs a Captain in the Air Force, Chuck Hughes took a

vow to serve and protect his country. And he meant it for a lifetime. So while he retired from military service long ago, he has since dedicated his life to protecting financial freedoms and preserving the great American Dream!

The information in this booklet is his gift to you – and an introduction to his proven, powerful Wealth Building methods that can change the way you live and make money forever!

Over the past three decades, Chuck Hughes has earned his reputation as a financial mentor who practices what he preaches. He makes his own money using the same methods he teaches and says, “Learning to make money from someone who hasn’t gotten rich with that same method is like taking flying lessons from an instructor who has never been inside a plane!” So if you’re ready to follow in the footsteps of success....

Captain Chuck Hughes, Columbus Air Force Base, 1973.

It’s been amazing! ” I was thirty something when I started thinking seriously about my family’s future. My husband and I had three kids and plenty of debt we were still trying to pay off… Once I started using your strategies – boy did my life change. It has been amazing! Your approach to Wealth Building is easy to understand and simple to implement. Things have been going well! My husband and I are now thinking of buying a retirement home with the proceeds.... Santa Barbara here we come! I always wanted a condo over looking the polo field. Thank you Chuck Hughes!” — Helen M. CA

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✔ If you’re tired of struggling over money, bills, and work problems…

✔ If you’re fed up with worrying about losing, changing, or finding a job…

✔ If you’re done with opportunities that don’t pan out… and courses from instructors who don’t even use the methods they teach…

✔ If you’ve had it with corporations, banks, and brokers profiting at your expense…

Get ready for a breath of fresh air! Right here, you’ll discover a simple, fast Wealth Building system – from a man with the integrity, experience, and knowledge to guide you to financial freedom.

Years ago, banks gave away toasters to thank new customers for opening accounts. Today, they have something a whole lot better to offer… In the form of CASH! But you’re not going to hear about it from them!

In fact, this might be your ONLY chance to learn about the HUGE STOCKPILE OF UN-USED PROFITS accumulating in U.S banks… profits that belong to NO ONE… and could end up belonging to YOU.

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Dear Potential Millionaire:

My name is Chuck Hughes. A little over ten years ago, an unexpected turn of events cost me my career and my paycheck.

But I discovered I don’t need a job – and neither do you! Because right here, I’m going to show you the very same Wealth Building formula that enabled me to land on my feet – and never have to work for anyone else again!

By the time you’re done reading this, you’ll know how and why my students have collectively made MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars, year after year – and how YOU CAN TOO...

✔ Without being dependent on a job, a boss, a corporation, the government, or anyone else.

✔ Without running a time-consuming business or dealing with customers, clients, employees, or selling any products or services.

✔ And without any prior experience at all!

Chuck Hughes, Author, Financial Mentor, Self-Made Multi-Millionaire, 1st Place Money-Making Champion

“They say “living well is the best revenge!”

Well, the time has come for YOU to start living REALLY well… On the HUGE profits banks have been making off us for decades!” — Chuck Hughes

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If I could become wealthy – SO CAN YOU!

Before I entered the workforce, I served my country proudly as a Captain in the Air Force. When I completed my tour of duty, I was so happy to get hired as a commercial airline pilot.

It was my dream job!

The salary wasn’t great, but I didn’t care. I wasn’t motivated by money. I just loved to fly. I loved everything that went with the job. The responsibility, the challenge, and the thrill of flying. It never got old.

I couldn’t imagine a better career!

But I had a growing family to support. I knew if I was going to keep working as a pilot, I had to find a way to supplement my income. I also wanted the security of a “Plan B” – something to fall back on in case of lay-offs in the airline industry. So in my spare time, I began searching for ways to generate income on my own.

It was harder than I expected!

My schedule as an airline pilot allowed me about 15 days off a month. All the businesses I looked into required more time than that. But I had a wife, a young daughter, and a son on the way. Plus a big mortgage payment every

“I consistently am making money for the first time in many years. Thanks, Chuck!”

— Giles K.

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month. And a growing pile of bills. So I obviously didn’t have a lot of money to risk. And I certainly couldn’t afford the time or money needed to go back to school.

Then I heard about a VERY different way to make money!

It was a way to profit from money made by existing businesses, in every industry you could imagine.

✔ You didn’t have to actually work in any of these businesses, either.

✔ You just made money off their work and their profits!

✔ And you could make A LOT of money – FAST!

It seemed amazingly simple, too. With very little risk. And even though it was like having my own business, I didn’t have to show up anywhere or do it any set hours.

There were no products to sell, no services to advertise, no customers, no clients, no employees, and no bosses. And it took almost no time at all to do.

Truthfully, I was skeptical. It sounded too good to be true. But I’m no stranger to fear. Long, long ago I learned to “feel the fear and do it anyway!” So even though I had my doubts, I rolled up my sleeves and got busy testing out what I called my “Wealth Building Business” (WBB). After all, I had very little to lose. And what if this turned out to be as good as it seemed?

Well, it turned out to be even BETTER!

Before long, I’d made more money on my own than in the past 6 years as an airline pilot. And I’m talking about the kind of money that changed my life!

I’m talking about over $460,000.00 in cash profits – on top of my regular salary!

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How would YOU like an extra $460,000.00?What a thrill, and a relief! I no longer had to worry

about my salary... or about my job... or about my future! I didn’t have to worry about paying the bills, covering the mortgage, or having enough for the necessities and the extras of a rapidly-growing family. I had enough to cover everything and a whole lot more!

For the first time ever, I felt like a free man.

I could relax and enjoy my family on my days off work. I could take my wife and kids on fun trips, all around the country. I could take my wife on romantic “dates” to the finest restaurants, both in and out of town. I could send my kids to the best schools, live wherever I wanted, afford the best health care... with ease!

And now it’s possible for YOU to do the same!Naturally once people saw how much fun I was

having, they wanted to know my “secret.” But I had no desire to keep it secret at all. There’s no competition with this Wealth Building Business – so the more, the merrier! I was thrilled to talk to anyone who wanted to listen to me talk about my new-found “hobby.” And I was even happier to show folks how to do it!

Like Daniel, a friend and neighbor who joins a group of us for coffee every morning. In the time I’ve known him, he’s often talked about wanting a second home in Florida. But he was semi-retired and didn’t have the extra income

$35,225.00 profit in the past five weeks… “Everything out there seemed so complicated and confusing. Then a friend of mine introduced me to your strategies... They really work! My account has grown to more than $62,000. I currently have a $35,225 profit… Not bad for a beginner! Thank you, Chuck, for heading me in the right direction!” — Anne, New Jersey

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to afford it. One morning, I told him about my favorite, fastest, and easiest money-making method. He listened closely… Then he went home and tried it.

Next thing you know, Dan’s a millionaire!And he did it using the SAME method I’m about to

show you in these pages. Just like Frank, another man who joins us at the local café. He’s a 63-year old retiree who tried the same method after he heard me mention it.

Frank made $285,000.00 in just one day!YOU have the potential to do the same – and you don’t

even have to meet me for coffee! Because right here, I am going to introduce you to my “BANK ON IT!” Way To Wealth – the same method my coffee buddies used to make their fortunes. The same one my students have been using to build wealth in good times and bad. The same one I’ve been doing for 15 years without ever losing a cent on it.

It’s not the ONLY money-making method I use and teach. But it’s my favorite because it’s so simple, clear, and reliable.... You can “BANK ON IT!”

I call it my “BANK ON IT!” Way To Wealth.

It’s like having your own money machine – but it’s 100% LEGAL. And 100% fun!

Peter Lynch was the former manager of the Fidelity Magellan mutual fund. In other words, he is NO amateur when it comes to making money! And when interviewed by the renowned financial

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magazine, Worth, he called this method “The Closest Thing To Printing Money!”

I’ve been using it for over 15 years. I have NEVER lost a single cent doing it. I’ve made as much as $304,200.00 in just one day. And I’m going to introduce you to it right now with 5 FREE LESSONS that have the potential to MAKE YOU VERY WEALTHY!

The opportunity for YOU to live the life of your dreams is knocking - right here. And you can answer the door with your very first Wealth Building lesson. Right now!

Wealth Building Lesson #1:Don’t Get Even – Get RICH!

✔ Whether or not you’ve ever made money on your own....

✔ Even if you think you know next-to-nothing about building wealth....

✔ Take this one-question “pop quiz” and you’ll see how much you already know!

Q: “Where is the first and last place you’d go for MONEY?”

If you answered, “A BANK” – you’re right!

BANKS certainly are the FIRST place you’d go to access your personal funds. But at the same time, they are the LAST place you’d probably go to MAKE MONEY. As Mark Twain said long ago, “A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain.”

Some things never change!




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Commercial banks have always been in business to make money for themselves and their stockholders. They are not in business to make money for you or me. And they usually succeed at making LOTS of money. Even when everyone else is failing.

Indeed, even when everyone is starving because of the banks – the banks still get fed. In fact, they recently got beefed up to the tune of a very generous $200 billion dollar government bailout!

But did any of these banks share this windfall with YOU?

Has a bank EVER invited you to duck under its cash umbrella for a little financial relief?

We both know the answer is “NO.”

None of us saw a cent of the $200 billion dollars that was handed to the commercial banks. In fact, it’s a mystery where this money even went, or what the commercial banks did with it.

But I CAN tell you what hundreds of other banks did with their profits – and it’s VERY GOOD NEWS FOR YOU!

Right now, there is about $20 BILLION DOLLARS safely on the books of certain U.S. banks, all around the country. And while this money is safely accounted for by these banks... This money belongs to NO ONE! But if you follow my very simple instructions...

This money could belong to YOU!

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Wealth Building Lesson #2:Your Treasure Map To A

$20 Billion Opportunity!A few pages back, I mentioned my Wealth Building

method makes it possible to make money from the profits of other businesses, in every possible industry. Well, one of those industries is BANKING.

Wouldn’t you just love to make a profit off one of those banks?!

Now you can – once you know exactly which banks to target. And how to then put yourself in line for a possible FORTUNE!

And yes, it’s completely legal!Let me explain. There are two kinds of banks.

1. There are commercial public banks, like Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Chase. These banks are owned by shareholders.

2. There are smaller private banks that have members instead of owners.

These private banks hold the potential for your fortune!

Right now, private U.S. banks have a combined net worth in excess of $20,000,000,000 (twenty billion dollars) according to The Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS).

But there’s a catch!




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Not a cent of all those profits can be used or claimed by the banks. At least not yet! And while that’s a “catch” for the banks – it’s a HUGE opportunity for YOU!

✔ You see, private banks can’t use their profits because, as I said, private banks have no owners. So the banks – and all their profits – are technically owner –FREE.

✔ Unlike commercial banks that can use and distribute profits to owners/stockholders – private banks cannot touch their profits. All they can do is let the money pile up, year after year after year.

✔ So after 25 years, 50 years, 100 years of being in business and accumulating profits, a private bank can have a net worth of $10 million, $50 million, $100 million, $300 million or more!

And that’s where all the “FREE MONEY” is waiting for you!

As long as a private bank remains private, those profits remain “untouchable.” But when a private bank goes public, all those profits are now up for grabs! And if you follow my instructions, you can be in line for a VERY GENEROUS HANDOUT!

“Chuck, I’m down here in Florida with my family enjoying our vacation home. I just wanted to thank you for helping me achieve my financial independence! I have gains of $1,540,000.00 thanks to you! Your recommendations take very little time to execute…. I’ve been averaging over $42,700 a month in profits over the past three years. Chuck, I’m sending a big thank you your way!” – Dan J., Florida

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Wealth Building Lesson #3:How to get to the front

of the ‘Free Money’ line!It’s so simple, you honestly won’t believe it the first time

you hear it. Are you ready?

When a private bank goes public – and the accumulated profits are released – you will be eligible for your share if you have simply opened a savings account at the bank.

Yes, that’s all you have to do to be eligible!The amount of money in your account doesn’t matter.

You can deposit as little as $50 or as much as you wish. As long as you are a bank customer, you’ve earned your place on the “Priority List!” Hard to believe? Then let me show you —


And it happened overnight. With virtually no work at all!

It began with a fun family vacation – the same way your fortune could begin! (If you don’t want to travel, you can do this from home. Or from anywhere else you choose. Because private banks are almost everywhere!)

My kids are so used to me running into banks and opening accounts when we go skiing or out of town – they think that it’s a normal part of every family vacation!

“In just two short months I have made profits of $23,568.36. Chuck, this is probably not news to you -- since your record speaks for itself! I would like to thank you for your service and hope you keep up the great work.” — Bob G





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Well, in this particular example, I was on a family trip and we saw a sign for Provident Bank. I went in and deposited $50. I’ve opened hundreds of savings accounts this way, either by mail or while on vacation. I deposit less money than I’d spend on a dinner out, and I never miss it. In fact, I love knowing I have “safe money” on deposit, earning interest, while I wait for private banks to convert to public!

That’s it. There’s nothing else to do. You just open a bank account, then get back to your regular daily life. There’s nothing to worry about, nothing to check on, nothing to keep track of. After I opened my account at Provident Bank, I continued my vacation, then went home and didn’t give it another minute of thought. I knew my money was safe, and it wasn’t enough that I ever missed it at all.

And then one day...

I got my “Golden Ticket” in the mail!It’s not really a ticket.

It is simply a letter sent to customers by a bank to notify them of the conversion. But I call it a “Golden Ticket” because it always feels like I’ve hit the jackpot – since it’s a chance to be first in line for a share of the bank’s profits!

So when Provident Bank went public, it sent its customers the letter announcing their conversion from “private” to “public” – and inviting them to become OWNERS of the new bank.

And here’s where it gets exciting!

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Wealth Building Lesson #4: How To Cash In Your Golden Ticket!

This “Golden Ticket” letter from the bank gives you the opportunity to purchase shares of the new commercial bank – for an incredibly low rate. In this case, Provident Bank was inviting customers to own shares for just $10 per share.

Who wouldn’t jump at that? It’s a chance to own the accumulated profits of a rock-solid BANK with real cash profits on the books – for less per share than you might spend for lunch at a fast food joint!

So obviously when I get these “Golden Ticket” notices, I leap at the chance. And when I got the notice from Provident Bank, I immediately grabbed up 52,000 shares.

Look what happened – the very same day!Those $10 shares went up to $15.85!

And I made a very fast profit of $304,200.00...


And unlike what you probably associate with investing or the stock market – there are no stockbrokers involved, no brokerage fees, no worries about market timing. And unlike other types of investing, there’s no guesswork here, either!

When it comes to money, I don’t believe in fortune telling.




IMPORTANT NOTICE! Stock and option trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risks. You must be aware of the risks and willing to accept them in order to invest in the equity or options markets. Don’t trade with money you can’t afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to buy/sell securities, or listed options.

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I take money-making very seriously. Sure, I have fun doing it. But it’s not a game to me. I’m not about to gamble with my financial security OR YOURS! I never try to predict anything or guess about the future. I use a proven method based on evaluating past trends – so I can make decisions with confidence and ease.

And with decades of experience, I’ve learned some pretty special ways to increase your money – without a minute of extra work!

Wealth Building Lesson #5: The Little-Known Secret

That Can Double Your Money!When most companies go public, the owners walk

away with a huge chunk of the profits. But since private banks are owner – FREE ...

When a private bank goes public and sells shares, the cash received from selling the shares goes right back into the bank!

So the bank becomes more valuable – and so does the value of your shares!

That’s pretty darn amazing! And completely true!

In fact, in an interview with Worth Magazine, Peter Lynch summed it up as “the same as buying a new car for cash, then discovering that the dealer has left the cash in the glove compartment as a car-warming present!”

And that’s exactly right!

In the same interview, Lynch spells out how it works:

(Continued on page 22)


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“Chuck Hughes puts his money where his mouth is!”Steve F. is a computer programmer and church youth-group leader. He enjoys flying and skydiving for excitement. But he doesn’t want to take ANY risks with his financial security.

“I feel confident following Chuck Hughes because he teaches what he already knows

has worked. He’s the “real deal” who puts his money where his mouth is. Unfortunately that’s a rare thing in today’s world. Fortunately, we’ve got it in Chuck Hughes!”

“I took other money-making courses in the past but the rules were so confusing, I never really knew what to do. Even when I thought I understood the instruction, I’d end up losing money. But that doesn’t happen with Chuck Hughes. He makes everything easy to understand and he’s always there if you need help. I’ve met him at seminars and he’s a very sincere, down-to-earth guy who honestly cares about your success and it shows in the results you get.”

“I don’t have to worry about working or about money. I’ve got Chuck Hughes!”

Don T. was 53 years old and the vice president of a large aerospace company when he left it all behind and headed deep into the Colorado Rockies. “I could do it because I was making money using Chuck Hughes’ Wealth Building methods,” says

Don. He fished, he hiked, and he made a fortune, even while living “off the grid.” “Now I’m back in civilization, but I’m not going back to work!” Don says.

“I spend an hour or so every morning with my Wealth

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Building business. Then I spend the rest of the day doing such things as hiking in the mountains. I don’t have to worry about working or about money. I’ve got Chuck Hughes!”

“A profit of $12,000.00 in March and another $10,000.00 in April… with plenty of playtime!”

Eric G. is an entrepreneur who wanted to make some extra money doing something that required no employees, no overhead, and left him plenty of time for fun. “That’s when I found Chuck Hughes,” he says. “I looked into Chuck’s Wealth Building

strategies and I liked what I saw. His methods are very simple. They are easy to do. And they REALLY WORK. I’ve been having a great time and making consistent profits – even when the economy has been awful! It’s like having an exciting hobby that pays you – and pays you quite well, too!”

“I like being outdoors. I play golf and tennis. I enjoy riding my road bicycle. And I do a lot of family activities with my wife and 4-year-old daughter. My Wealth Building business lets me do and have it all. Chuck Hughes, my family and my bank account thank you!”

“I made a profit of almost $30,000.00 in just one day!”

Dr. Jack is a retired optometrist. He wasn’t a total beginner when he got started with Chuck Hughes. But until now, building wealth was more of a side-line hobby for Dr. Jack. Now it’s his source of income. “I’ve been involved with Chuck Hughes for about 7 months. And my account is already up by 50%!

Please see notice on page 21.

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“I’ve always been interested in multiplying my income,” he says. “And I’ve used a lot of different money-making methods over the past 50 years.” Dr. Jack speaks from experience when he says “I’m impressed with Chuck’s knowledge, track-record, and especially with the money I’m making!”

“It doesn’t take much time to do and I love every minute of it! The rest of the time I go to the gym or play golf with my wife and some friends. And we do a little traveling. Go visit the grandchildren, or go down to Hilton Head – we’ve got a place there. But my real passion is this Wealth Building business. It’s absorbing and really exciting…”

John Weston

“Before I met Chuck Hughes, I worked as a hospital administrator and barely made enough to cover the bills. My 401-K was a joke. I knew I’d have to work the rest of my life if things continued as they were. I was like a

boat without a rudder… with little or no hope of reaching destination “Success”.

But then one day, something came in the mail from a man named “Chuck Hughes.” I didn’t know who he was, but something made me sit down and read it – twice! I admit I was skeptical and a little nervous. But his message rang true and it gave me hope. So I ordered the course. When it came, it was nothing like what I expected!

It wasn’t hard. It wasn’t intimidating, even for a guy like me with almost no money-making experience. It actually was fun. And best of all, it WORKED!

The first year I earned profits of $251,542.00…

My second year I made $800,098.00…

Within 24 months I had a new career. A new home. A new lifestyle.

And a total income of $1,051,750.14!

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I used part of my money to buy a 4,400-square-foot French-chateau “castle” style house with 3 fireplaces, 4 bedrooms, 20-foot ceilings, and a genuine slate roof. It’s on a gorgeous hill, overlooking a coastal town that looks like a storybook village.

Not bad for a guy who was in a dead end job… struggling to make ends meet… not too long ago!

And speaking of jobs…

I quit mine!

I waved good-bye to my alarm clock…

And I re-set my life to my OWN schedule.

Now I play tennis at the country club. I’ve been on 3 luxury cruises in the past two years. But the best part of being my own boss is that I have time to give something back. And I have something of value to give.

You see, I was so successful with Chuck’s lessons that he asked if I wanted to mentor some of his students. So now I get to work with Chuck... if you can really call what I do “work.” It’s like a dream. And I’m living proof it can happen to ANYONE.

All you have to do is give yourself the chance. Actually, all you have to do is give Chuck Hughes the chance, and he’ll lead you on your way.

Sincerely,John Weston

P.S I know from personal experience that if you don’t do something to change your life, your life won’t change. And in one year… five years… ten years and beyond… time that passes quickly… You will be right where you are today or possibly a lot worse off. I am so grateful I said “YES!” to Chuck Hughes and learned how to have fun making money… and how to have the life I honestly never imagined could be possible for a guy like me!

NOTICE: Testimonials are believed to be true based on the representations of the persons providing the testimonials, but facts stated in testimonials have not been independently audited or verified. Nor has there been any attempt to compare the experiences of the persons giving the testimonials after the testimonials were given. The average reader should not necessarily expect the same or similar results. Testimonials are not indicative of future performance or results. No compensation was paid for testimonials.

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“Let’s say the local S&L (mutual bank) had a book value of $20 million, the result of decades of earnings built up inside the company. Then it went public and sold $20 million worth of shares in the offering. That $20 million invested by the shareholders became their thrift-warming present to themselves; in effect, they were buying the business for nothing. And because their $20 million was injected into the S&L, the book value doubled overnight, from $20 million to $40 million. Theoretically, each share was now worth twice as much as the investors had paid for it.”

This is why I consider “BANK ON IT!” the greatest money-making method on earth!

And that’s why it’s the first money-making method I show you in my Wealth Building Business Course. The examples I’ve given you are NOT uncommon.

In fact, here are some of the REAL CASH PROFITS my family and I have made from my “BANK ON IT!” method.

PROFIT MADE BANK $174,210.00 Fox Chase Bancorp $209,135.00 ESSA Bancorp $98,170.00 TFS Financial $83,781.00 Chicopee Bancorp $140,240.00 Northwest Bancorp $114,889.00 Keystone Bancorp $48,917.00 New Alliance Bancorp $226,380.00 Hudson City Bancorp $45,951.00 Newport Bancorp $40,338 Fox Chase Bancorp

(Continued from page 17)

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Now let me break it down again – and show you how it works from the BANK’S point-of-view. Here’s a real-life example that had a lot of happy customers laughing all the way to – and from – the bank!

The bank in this example is Cambridgeport Bank. It was a private savings bank that had been in business since 1853. Over all these years, it accumulated $78,578,000.00 in OWNER-FREE PROFITS.

When Cambridgeport was ready to convert from private to public status, it sent letters (those “Golden Tickets” I told you about) inviting customers to purchase shares for just $10 each!

The bank sold 7,443,000 shares and collected $74,430,000.00 – almost doubling its net worth to $153,008,000.00 ($78,578,000.00 + $74,430,000.00 = $153,008,000.00) – right off the bat!

And all those “lucky” customers doubled their money OVERNIGHT – as the value of their stock rose from $10 to $20.55!

Are YOU ready to get lucky too?My dad used to say, “The actions you take are the

luck you make.” The Cambridgeport Bank customers didn’t just “get lucky” out of nowhere. They acted on the opportunities that made them eligible for their share of the “FREE MONEY.”

AND YOU CAN, TOO!There are literally HUNDREDS of these private banks

all around the country. And in my Wealth Building

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Business Course, I give you the names of hundreds... and hundreds.... and hundreds of these private banks.... So you’ll have everything you need to “BANK ON IT!”

You don’t have to go searching for lists of banks. There’s nothing to hunt down or find or research. I’ve done all the homework for you, so you can just have all the fun!

And boy, can you have fun with this business!My family and I have enjoyed the fall in New England,

eaten fresh lobster on the Cape, shopped on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, and sailed on the Chesapeake. All on my business trips for my Wealth Building Business!

We recently toured the beautiful coastline of Kauai, went whale-watching off of the Kona coastline, and snorkeling in the pristine coral reefs surrounding the island of Antigua.

My daughter is interested in film-making, so we toured the film locations for the Indiana Jones and Jurassic Park movies on the Island of Kauai and the original set for the movies Titanic and Master and Commander at Fox Studios in Mexico.

And if you don’t want to travel – NO PROBLEM!You can do this without even getting off the couch!

But whether you do it from home.... Or from a five-star hotel on the beach in Maui... Or from a breathtaking forest campground in the mountains... or even a luxury cruise ship....

You’ll have the potential to live the life of your dreams!

With the money I’ve made using the same methods I’ll teach you, I’ve put my kids though college (five down, one

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to go!). I recently moved my family to a $3.6 million dollar house in the town where Clint Eastwood was once mayor. It’s on the beautiful coast of California – in the exact location I’ve wanted to live since my family visited this area when I was 12 years old.

But best of all is having the ability to help others live their dreams, too. For me, the greatest joy comes from giving back – and from making it possible for others to do the same. That is what gives my life meaning. And letters like this one – from one of my students – is what makes teaching worthwhile.

Marie came to one of my seminars, and sent me this note not long after she got home:

Dear Chuck....

Since I am new to your program I did not know what to expect.  And to be honest I was a little intimidated...  My concerns were soon put to rest... Your teaching methods of creating wealth, step by step, were so easy to follow, a breeze to learn and even easier to put into practice! I felt confident using your strategies right from the get go.  I can

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tell you really love what you do and your enthusiasm is contagious!

I also wanted to write to let you know that I started making money almost immediately and consistently!  Yes, I am clearly on my way now to something big, thanks to you.  The best part about your program is that it is allowing me the freedom to work from home, earn money and give back to the charitable cause which I support.  I am optimistic that this new-found wealth will help create our family’s destiny.

Prior to your seminar, we lost my father-in-law in a long, painful fight with cancer. The entire family was touched by his courageous battle, but we were also left feeling depressed and drained. 

I can’t tell you how good it felt to write that check to the American Cancer Society. It was the first time since the diagnosis that we felt we were doing something positive! It made us go from helpless to hopeful! 

Thank you and god bless,  Marie

Marie’s letter really touched me. She was so excited about making money. And not only for herself, but also because she wanted to help a charity that meant a lot to her. And in doing so, she also helped herself feel better over the loss of her father-in-law.

I have two close friends who are effected by Multiple Sclerosis. One is an adult I have known a long time. The other is the father of two girls who both suffer from the disease. There is no known cure yet. So I decided to follow Marie’s example and donate to a charity helping those with the disease. When some of my students heard about it, they wanted to pitch in, too.

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But I didn’t just want to give my students a chance to donate money. I also wanted to give them a way to make more money, too. So I decided to offer all my students a condensed version of one of my most advanced courses – a course that high-level investors happily pay close to $2,000.00 for. I offered it for just $39 and donated all the profits to The Multiple Sclerosis Society.

It was a total win-win for all!

But it only put a small dent in what’s needed. I want to keep going and give more. So here’s what I’m going to do now for the same charity... and for YOU!

I’ve taken my complete, basic Wealth Building Business (WBB) Course – and packaged it as a special “START ME UP!” edition – for just $97!

I will also include 4 MORE business opportunities at no additional charge!

That’s right! You get a total of FIVE business opportunities in one comprehensive course. I call these my “High Five” money-making methods because they give you a super-high potential for huge profits – with minimal time, effort, or risk!

And when you enroll in the next 7 days, I’ll also include two free bonus gifts – yours to keep no matter what!

Plus I’m donating 20% of the profits from this mailing to the Multiple Sclerosis Society. So not only will you be helping yourself achieve financial freedom...

“I have made $10,545 in the last three weeks!” — Edwin M

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You’ll also be helping a very worthwhile cause!

It’s my pleasure and my privilege to be able to give back in this way. And quite frankly, it’s not something I ever imagined I’d be in a position to do.

Yes, today I am a wealthy man. But I started out with no finance background, no trust account, no rich parents to pave the way. I didn’t even think much about money! My motivation was to do a job I loved and still be able to support my family. If I had waited to get started... or listened to all the negative critics... or given in to my own doubts and fears...

I would probably be in VERY bad shape right now. Because right about the time my Wealth Building Business was taking off, I suddenly began having dizzy spells.

At first I thought it was just the flu. But the vertigo didn’t go away. I was still working as a pilot. So I took a leave of absence from work, assuming I’d be back to normal in no time at all. But instead of getting better, the dizziness kept getting worse.

When I got the medical reports, I was devastated. It turned out I had an inner ear condition called Ménière’s disease. It wouldn’t end my life. But it ended my flying career immediately and permanently.

It was the last thing I ever expected. And it wasn’t the loss of income that upset me. I was actually making more money than ever before.

In fact, I had recently won first place in a very prestigious international competition – using my

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Wealth Building strategies. The strategies have produced $4,569,797.88 in actual cash profits!

But in spite of the money, I was devastated. All I had ever wanted to be was a pilot. It was the only job I was trained to do. I thought I had lost my purpose in life.

But then something happened that proved me wrong.

It came in the form of a disability check.

Since I could no longer work, I qualified for disability income. When I saw the amount of the very first check... I was stunned! There was no way I could have supported my family on that small amount. Yet if I didn’t have my own Wealth Building Business – that is exactly what I’d have to do. And it’s exactly what hundreds of thousands of people have to do, each and every day.

And that’s when I knew what I was really meant to do with my life. Being a pilot was my dream job. But it wasn’t my true calling. If I wanted to really to be of service and make a difference, I needed to help others achieve the same kind of financial freedom I’d discovered.

So I decided to put everything I knew into writing – so anyone could simply follow along and make money... With none of the hassles or headaches that go hand-in-hand with most other businesses.

✔ You don’t have to make any sales calls!

✔ You don’t have to recruit friends, family, or hire employees!

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✔ You don’t have to buy or stock any inventory, rent any retail or office space, or drum up clients or customers!

✔ You don’t have to buy a new wardrobe, follow any schedules, fulfill any quotas, answer to a boss, or get any special certification!

My Wealth Building Business Course includes all the information, tools, and knowledge you need to take care of business, for the rest of your life.

And you don’t have to stick with just one business either – I give you FIVE money-making

opportunities in one integrated course!You get everything you need for unlimited profit

potential – with a variety of exciting, proven business opportunities. Do them all, or do just one or two. It’s up to you. These are my “High Five” money-making methods, combined together into one fully-integrated Course that shows you how to make the most amount of money. With the least amount of risk.

I’m not talking hypothetical profits or pie-in-the-sky dreams here. I’m talking REAL MONEY I’ve made using the same techniques I teach you in my Wealth Building Business Course. And you can get started right now, with the special “START ME UP!” WBB edition.

AND YOUR SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED!I’ve made this invitation as risk-free as possible so you

can enroll with NO pressure or concern. You don’t even have to worry about making up your mind yet.

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✔ Go ahead and enroll in this special edition of my Course. Call toll-free 1-888-233-1431. Or complete and mail the attached enrollment form today.

✔ When your Course arrives in the mail, give it a try and see how you like making money on your own.

✔ Watch how your family and friends respond to your new financial confidence.

✔ Have fun with it for up to 3 months at no obligation.

✔ Call my trained WBB counselors as often as you’d like for assistance, support, and encouragement.

If you love my WBB course – and I know you will – keep it and owe me nothing more! If you decide this program is not for you, simply return the materials within 90 days for a full tuition refund. You get to keep all the money you’ve made, no questions asked!

Where do you want to be in the next six months?

Where do you see yourself in the next two years.... five years... and on into the future?

You don’t need a crystal ball to know where you’re headed. If you keep doing what you’ve been doing financially – you’ll be exactly where you are today. Or probably worse off. Because things don’t get any easier as you get older!

Just look at what happened to me!(Continued on page 36)

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Valued at $1,090.00 if materials purchased separately

Yours for just $97!The “START ME UP!” edition comes with everything you need to start up your own Wealth Building Business right away – and keep it growing for a lifetime! And it all comes with my money-back guarantee!

You won’t believe how much you get! The Start Me Up Guide. This “quick start” guide gives

you an overview of the course – and a blast of energy to get you going fast! It has the energy and get-up-and-go power of the Rolling Stones’ song “Start Me Up”— so I gave it that name. It will wake you up, get you moving, and inspire you to go the extra mile, just like the song does for me!

$95 Value! WBB Opportunity #1: Learn to “BANK ON IT!” with

The Banker’s Greed Manual – Everything you need to reserve your space in the “FREE MONEY!” line! Just follow the clear instructions laid out in this manual. There’s nothing for you to figure out! No sales calls to make, no services to sell, no customers to find or recruit either. You’ll know exactly how to do it, where to go, what to do, and why Peter Lynch calls this “The Closest Thing To Printing Money!” 



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$95 Value!


If you think “BANK ON IT!” sounds like fun, just wait until you get a look at Business Opportunity #2! If you can do basic grade school math (the old, simple kind, not the newfangled math!) you have the potential to make MILLIONS... and have a blast doing it! I show you, step-by-step, how I personally made over $1.5 million from this simple business opportunity. There’s no question that it’s easy. The only question is: HOW MUCH MONEY WILL YOU MAKE?!

$95 Value!


The world is your oyster, and I’ll show you how to crack open unlimited money-making opportunities all around the globe – without even leaving your house! This opportunity paves the way to endless earning potential. I’ve made over $439,000 in profits through this “Global PowerTrend” method. And I’ll show you exactly how!

$95 Value!

WBB Opportunity #4: Learn to go from “RAGS TO RICHES!” with the “How To Become A Millionaire On A Shoestring” Manual

I didn’t start out with money, connections, or even any financial sense! I started out on a shoe-string – and I’ve made over $4.1 million with the methods you’ll learn in this manual! Even if you’ve never made money on your own... even if you doubt you can do it... even if you have no spare change... I can show you how to turn things around and increase your income in no time at all!




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$95 Value!

WBB Opportunity #5: “THE PERFECT ‘DOWN IS UP’ BUSINESS!”With the “How To Make Profits in A Bad Economy!” Manual

Forget about waiting for the “right time” to get rich. This is the BEST TIME EVER to start building your fortune! I’ll show you why a so-called “bad” economy is a GREAT time to profit –when you know the wealth building secrets you’ll discover in this manual.

Value = $297

Three months of one-on-one Course Counseling! People pay $99 for 30 days of personal counseling from

my specially-trained WBB team. But you’ll get THREE FULL MONTHS included at no extra charge! Call or email anytime for support, advice, recommendations, encouragement, or even just a pat on the back from someone who cares about your success.


Three-month subscription to my Video Newsletter. It’s like a personal visit from me to you!! Every other week

I’ll email you a video with my latest Wealth Building updates, news, tips, and more.. Along with details of my own personal financial moves so you can see exactly what I’m doing, too.

Enroll in the next 7 days and I’ll include these

2 valuable bonus gifts!




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$198 Value!

WBB Workshop DVD Set Here are the “greatest hits” from live workshops with

students – delivered to you on a two-set DVD package that lets you listen and learn at home or on the go. This set includes a companion DVD for two of the WBB “High Five” manuals, “MAKE MILLIONS FROM GRADE SCHOOL MATH” from Business Opportunity #2, and “THE GLOBAL POWERTREND” from Business Opportunity #3. Each DVD is valued at $99, for a total value of $198. But you get them both FREE!

$120 VALUE!

“765 Business Opportunities” – Your Treasure Map To “Free Money!”

This is the “treasure map” that gives you the exact locations of over 700 opportunities to “BANK ON IT!” I’ve done all the homework and research for you. So all you have to do is follow my simple instructions and you’re there! It was hard to put a dollar value on this – because the information it contains could be worth MILLIONS... But you’ll get it included FREE with your Course when you enroll right now!

And you can try it all out with no risk and with no long-term commitment!

Enroll today and you’ll receive my special “Start Me Up” edition and all the free bonus gifts – at no risk or obligation. Take up to three months to enjoy and profit from all the tools, techniques, and training I provide. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your results, just send back the Course materials within 90 days for a full tuition refund. The free bonus gifts and all the money you’ve made are yours to keep at no cost and with no further obligation!





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I had a job, I had my health, I had everything going for me. Then, out of the blue, life threw me a curveball and knocked me off my feet. If I hadn’t already taken the steps to my own financial freedom, I would have been in a very desperate situation. With no way out.

Fortunately, I had already made my own luck with my Wealth Building Business. Now you can do the same, starting right here. Simply accept my RISK-FREE invitation today. And in no time at all, you could be living the life of your dreams!

✔ Imagine being able to save for your future – without having to give up anything you want today.

✔ Imagine living in your dream house and owning a vacation home in your favorite get-away spot.

✔ Imagine driving the car you want, getting the best seats to sporting events, concerts, the theater....

✔ Imagine enjoying all the latest electronics, gadgets, computers, home furnishings, sporting goods, and every comfort you can imagine...

✔ Imagine being able to easily afford the best health care, education, insurance coverage, travel…. Being able to contribute to your favorite charities, causes, organizations… Easily providing for your children, your spouse, your parents, your family… with not a moment’s hesitation!

(Continued from page 31)

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There’s no question all this is possible – for you or for ANYONE who takes the time to follow my clear and simple Wealth Building instructions.

The only question is: Will you be in line when the next “FREE MONEY” invitation goes out? Or will your “Golden Ticket” go to someone else?

You know what you want and where you want to be. So respond today, and let me show you exactly how to get there.


Chuck Hughes

P.S. Everything I teach, I use myself to this very day because IT WORKS! And I prove it publicly, year after year, by entering highly-competitive financial competitions that require full disclosure of strategies, actions, and results in front of judges and peers. I’ve ranked 1st place seven times – more than anyone else in the history of the championships. I tell you this not to brag, but to show I’m willing to put myself on the line to prove my methods to you!

P.P.S. The money I talk about in these pages was ALL made using the SAME methods I teach to you! The income from my courses, books, and workshops is separate and goes toward the costs of publishing, shipping, and paying the salaries of my excellent professional staff who are here to guide you to success! In addition, I am donating 20% of the profits from this mailing which will go to the

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Multiple Sclerosis Society – so your tuition will help make a difference to the 2.5 million people who are effected by M.S. worldwide. And if you wonder how much that can help, please read this touching note from a father who has daughters afflicted with Multiple Sclerosis.

Dear Chuck,

I want to thank you and your students for

your lifesaving donations to the National

Multiple Sclerosis Society. With two

daughters diagnosed – one at only 14 years

old – this disease has been devastating to our


The money you donate from the tuition of

your courses is so greatly appreciated and

needed. It goes directly to research for a

cure, with some very promising results in the

past year. Just as important are the feelings

of my daughters that other people care so

much and are doing everything to help them and

others with this illness.

You and your students continue to touch

the lives of thousands of handicapped people,

including my children.

Thank you for your kindness.


TO ENROLL: CALL TOLL-FREE 1-888-233-1431


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Chuck Hughes · 22C New Leicester Hwy #117 · Asheville, NC 28806 [email protected] · FAX: 1-888-259-4938

YES! Show me the money!I’m excited to get in on the $20 billion dollars in “FREE MONEY!” and to try out my own Wealth Building Business! Please send me your special “Start Me Up!” edition -- with a total of FIVE money-making opportunities - for one low, one-time tuition. I understand if I’m not completely satisfied, I may return the Course within 90 days for a full tuition refund.

FREE BONUS GIFTS - $318 value! I am ordering within 7 days so please include 2 free gifts, mine to keep, no matter what!

First Name ___________________ Last Name _____________________Street/P.O. Box # ____________________________________________City ______________________________ State _____ Zip __________Phone in case we have a question (_____) ____________________________Second phone number (optional) (_____) _____________________________

CODE FROM BACK COVER (above your name, starts with W) _____________________

Your Email (for your Video Subscription)_________________ @ ________________

COURSE TUITION $1,090.00 Value! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $97.00 New York residents please add 8.625% sales tax (9.06) total price $114.06CHOOSE SHIPPING METHOD

Regular shipping/handling (2-3 weeks) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8.00 Federal Express (5 days) add extra $10 to shipping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00

(Not avail. to Canada or P.O. boxes)

My check or money order for the above total is enclosed, payable to Chuck Hughes I prefer to use my credit card. Please charge to: (circle one)

VISA MasterCard American Express Discover Card

Card No: ___________________________ Exp Date: _______________Signature: ______________________________ CCV:____________




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