This is the Place



Viewbook of The College of Saint Rose in Albany, NY.

Transcript of This is the Place

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At The College of Saint Rose, we believe that your edu-cation should be both innovative and relevant, and should em-power you to think critically, write cogently, speak articulately, and to gain the knowledge and understanding of different cultures and faith traditions—because these are the leadership skills you will use throughout your personal and professional life. Our mission ensures that students experience the value of service to others whether in a local afterschool program, or in an orphanage in Honduras.

We also know that in the end, you and your parents want your college experience to provide you withthe tools you need for life after college. You need to

have a resumé with internships and/or field experiences that will enable you to walkinto a job interview and land that firstjob. If you are pursuing graduate study, you need to have the coursework, recommendations, and scholarlyacademic research experience to beaccepted into the master’s or doctoralprogram of your choice.

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76 students from a range of disciplines displayed their research in the College’s

2011 Undergraduate Research Symposium and nine students presented their findings

at the 2011 National Council of Undergraduate Research (NCUR) Conference.


Our professors teach not only advanced-level classes, but also introductory classes—and

often involve their students in their research. Research, you ask? You bet. Saint Rose profes-

sors regularly invite students to join them on major scholarly, research and artistic projects.

Our students don’t just learn things, they discover them— from examining whether the blue whale will become extinct to isolating the personality traits that canmake the difference between a stellar citizen and a thief—our undergraduates unlock mysteries and break ground,using tools of research provided across the disciplines.Junior Kajanna Mckenzie’s dream of becoming a doctoris one step closer to reality with the research she hasdone with her professors culminating this past summerin a research internship at Albany Medical Center.

Student-teacher collaboration at Saint Rose is one ofour hallmark experiences—an act of intellectual andcreative energy. Students engage in dynamic, ongoingresearch with their professors. They present their find-ings at an annual Undergraduate Research Symposium

and publish in the College’s Journal of UndergraduateResearch—a faculty-reviewed publication from all fields.Their projects fuel learning on campus, in capstoneseminars and labs. But the work also has impact beyondcampus walls. Undergraduates co-author research papers with their professors that appear in scholarlyjournals and present their findings at prestigious confer-ences—often garnering honors.

Along with individualized attention from your professors,you’ll be instructed by some of the best and brightestminds in the profession of teaching. More than 92 per-cent of our faculty members have the highest degree in their field. They are professors who share a passionfor learning and readily make themselves available outside the classroom.

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Every year, more than 600 students volunteer at Reach Out Saint Rose,

the College’s annual day of volunteerism, at more than 45 sites across the

Capital Region—ending with a big pizza party in the gym.


Talk to any student on campus and he or she is probably involved in a club or two, or seven.

Getting involved truly is a way of life here. Joining an organization is an opportunity to

find friends with similar interests, learn how to lead, give back to others and occasionally

have meetings that are all fun and games. What’s not to like?

You might even end up like Ryan Butler who balanceslife as a Division II student athlete with being an R.A.and officer in several clubs. His advice to get the mostout of college: Get Involved!

There are plenty of organizations that you can join. If you’re into lending a hand, there is the Best Buddiesclub. Or maybe you would prefer to have a shovel in handand want to join Habitat for Humanity or the GeologyClub. Many students find college is a time to exploretheir spirituality by joining the campus ministry club orgetting involved in interfaith discussions or retreats.There are many ways to explore the meaning of socialjustice from volunteering locally to going on one of themany College service trips from Washington, D.C., toHonduras. If you want to immerse yourself even moreinto your major, there are clubs in graphic design, music,

business, science—you name it, we probably have onefor your discipline. And if your favorite hobby or interestdoesn’t have a club, you can always start one. Whetherit is adventure you are looking for or frisbee you’re into,our advisors will help you get your club up and runningin no time. Plus, don’t miss any opportunity to cheer onthe College’s Golden Knights teams.

Of course, you go to college to learn, study, researchand earn a degree. But we also know that you want tomake friends. Our pathways program for incoming fresh-men is one way that we enable you to build a group offriends right away. Plus, our First Year Experience (FYE)program has a series of activities and events that bondyou with your classmates.

Saint Rose is the perfect place to be involved.

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In the College’s most recent Career Center Survey, nearly 80%

of the Class of 2010 said they had participated in one or more

internships or student-teaching/clinical experiences.


Employers usually cite that one of the most important things they look for in a job candidate

is work experience and demonstrated skills. In today’s economy, it is even more important

for employers to recruit those with a college degree and with relevant job experience. How

do you get that experience as a college student? Internships and field experiences.

At Saint Rose, we know that internships are the key tounlocking the job market for our students. Most of ourmajors, from business to education, from communicationsto social work, require semester-long internships. Weplace students in multinational corporations, entrepre-neurial firms, research hospitals, non-profit organizations,government agencies and school districts in Albany,New York City, Atlanta, Boston and Washington, D.C.Many students are able to do a global internship as part

of their study abroad experience including recentplacements in England and Argentina.

Many graduates are employed as a direct result fromtheir internship placement with employers preferring to hire Saint Rose graduates because they have theneeded specific technical skills, plus the ability to writeand analyze quickly, and a strong work ethic that is embedded in the Saint Rose experience.

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At the crossroads of New England and New York, Saint Rose is under three hours

from New York City, Boston, and Montreal; and the College runs frequent trips to

these cities to visit museums, attend shows or just for fun.


Not every college makes it a point to know your name. Not every college has profes-

sors that will stay after class to help you. Not every college has a president who greets

you over a cup of coffee. Truth be told, Saint Rose is not like every college. And that

is the reason that Rin Wilhelmi traveled 2,000 miles across the country to attend

Saint Rose—because it is that special.

We are a college where every student receives personalattention. With an average class size of 20 students anda collaborative approach to teaching, this is a place whereyou can get lost in a book or discussion rather than in thecrowd. There are plenty of on-campus events to attendfrom Frequency North, our aggressively eclectic poetsand writers series, to concerts and art exhibits nearlyevery night in the Massry Center for the Arts.

When you walk across our idyllic campus, you will dis-cover a beautiful campus green nestled within a vibrantcity neighborhood. Our tree-lined streets, historic homes,and modern, but stately, academic buildings are the perfect backdrop for your education.

Geographically speaking, our campus is the best of two worlds. We are in a city neighborhood merely a fewblocks from Albany’s vibrant downtown, and yet ourneighborhood is just that, a neighborhood with a per-sonal community feeling.

Albany is everything you want in a college town. It is an intellectual, sophisticated, and cultural city that offers opportunities for internships and field placements at largemultinational corporations, entrepreneurial firms, researchhospitals, non-profit organizations, government agenciesand school districts. After all, location is everything.

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92% of full-time Saint Rose faculty have the highest degree in their field.

96% of Saint Rose seniors participate in a capstone course required by

their academic major.


From our 68 degree programs, you can count on individualized attention and be instructed

by professors who readily make themselves available outside of class, on your schedule.


Adolescence Education

American Studies

Art Education (BFA or BS)




Biology 7-12


Business AdministrationAreas of concentrations in: Accounting, Accounting & Auditing, Finance, Financial Planning, Human Resource Management, Information Technology Management (ITM), Management, Managerial Accounting, Marketing, Small Business & Entre-preneurship, Sport Management, and Taxation


Chemistry 7-12

Childhood Education

Childhood Education/Special Education

CommunicationsAreas of concentration in: Film & New Media, Journalism, Public Relations and Advertising

Communication Sciences & Disorders

Computer Information Technology

Computer Science

Criminal Justice

Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood/Special Education

Earth Science 7-12



English 7-12

Forensic Science

Forensic Psychology


Graphic Design (BFA)


History/Political Science

Interdepartmental Studies


Mathematics 7-12


Music Education

Music Industry


Political Science






Religious Studies

Social Studies 7-12

Social Work



Spanish 7-12

Studio Art (BFA)

Women & Gender Studies

Accelerated/Dual Degree ProgramsAccounting (BS/MS)Business Administration (BS/MBA)Communication Sciences & Disorders (BS/MS)Computer Information Systems (BS/MS)Computer Science/Computer Information Systems (BS/MS)English (BA/MA)History/Political Science (BA/MA)

Dual Degree Plus Programs3+1 Biology/Cytotechnology3+2 Engineering3+3 Law3+1 Medical Technology4+2 Occupational Therapy (BS/MS or BA/MS)4+3 Clinical Doctorate in Physical Therapy (BS/DPT or BA/DPT)

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the college of SAint RoSe

HAS IT ALLRewARding ReSeARch oppoRtunitieS

inteRnShipS And field expeRienceS

home of the golden knightS

Ranked as a




Study AbRoAd





A SAint RoSe educAtion inStillS StudentS with the

pASSion, knowledge, And puRpoSe, not only to do

gReAt thingS —— but extRAoRdinARy thingS


RESPOND TODAY!To receive your essential Campus Visit Pocket Guideenter your personal response code: CSRX123456

The Huether School of Business to becompleted in 2012

Centennial Hall, our brand new housingoption, will be available for students be-ginning in August 2012

Undergraduate Students 3,000

Total Enrollment 5,000