This is england

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Transcript of This is england

  • 1. Representations of youth / sub culture:The idea of working class Britain is immediately introduced through the mise en scene of Shauns bedroom here as a class who lived in poverty during this era.Its interesting that the very first shots of this central character signify to the audience two things about him. Firstly, his class, as signified by the mise en scene of his surroundings and secondly, the fact that his family is a broken unit due to his dads death. This immediately signifies the ideology of the film maker as he is dealing with two aspects of British history: How the working classes were affected by policies during the Thatcher government of the 1980s (poverty and unemployment) and how the Falklands war affected the country as a whole.Shaun wakes up. Bedroom: peeling walls, framed photo of a man in uniform, chair as bedside table.The framed photograph signifies someone important in Shauns life we later discover that his dad has died in the Falklands and this photograph then serves to signify that Shaun is grieving over his father and still feeling his loss deeply.It is worth noting here that the working classes are perhaps the most affected by war time as a great number of troops come from the working class. Clearly, the film maker wanted to explore how the government of the 1980s affected British youth of the time. Violence / aggression Family / sense of community (area live in) Working class Skinhead sub cultureEngland in the 80sThe ideologies of Shane Meadows

2. Representations of youth / sub culture:The idea of working class Britain is furthered here as Shaun uses violence to sort his problems out. This could be due to the fact he is grieving the loss of his father and simply loses his temper, but violence and aggression as a way of solving problems is also a stereotypical feature of the working classes.In these shots youth is depicted as cruel (to each other) and bullying is highlighted as an issue. Shaun is bullied because his clothes are out of fashion which signifies the importance of fashion to youth sub cultures. In the next scene , Shaun is bullied at school because of his flared trousers and a comment is made about his dad. He jumps on the bully and hits him. Violence / aggression Family / sense of community (area live in) Working class Skinhead sub cultureThese shots have further connotations of Shauns isolation from any group. We have yet to see him in a friendship group.England in the 80sThe ideologies of Shane Meadows 3. Representations of youth / sub culture: I found it interesting that when viewing this scene, I immediately felt apprehensive for Shaun as approaching a group of youths in such a confined space is intimidating and Im so accustomed to the stereotype of youths hanging around, waiting to start on innocent passers by. The representations of this group are immediately favourable then as instead of mocking or trying to hurt Shaun, the group try to make him feel better and even befriend him. The stereotype of British working class is of grafters or hard workers, but the youth in this film are just hanging around. This could be due to unemployment during this era, but most likely, the youth within this film are avoiding the responsibility that comes with unemployment.After Shaun is punished at school, he walks home through an underpass and meets the skinhead group for the first time. They ask him whats wrong and try to make him feel better.Violence / aggression Family / sense of community (area live in) Working class Skinhead sub cultureIn these shots, the audiences first impressions of the group are formed. Woody in particular, is the first friendly character in the film.England in the 80sThe ideologies of Shane Meadows 4. Representations of youth/sub culture:Signifying that that Skinhead sub cultures in this time were all unemployed and within their spare time they just go round smashing stuff up. This may because or pure boredom but due to them all having fake guns it could be them acting out the Falklands war.The representation portrayed within this scene is that skinhead youths were all hooligans running around and smashing things up also showing that they are aggressive. This scene also shows that the area they live in is very abandoned and run down. This is due to the connotations that they run into a few abandoned buildings, this also shows how the working class were the worst effected within this period as many places were being closed down and left for nothing. Violence/aggression Family/sense of community (Area live in) Working class Skinhead sub culture England in the 80s The ideologies of Shane MeadowsGadget comes and gets Shaun from his house and makes friends with him/bringing him into group. The group then goes into the building and starts smashing up the place. All shoot gadget Gadget hits ShaunGadget feels rejected by the group as if his rankings within the group have fallen. This is signified from them all hiding then shooting him like he is the easiest target within the group. 5. Representations of youth/sub culture:The ideologies of Shaun Meadows shows here that to be able to fit in within society you have to dress in the right designer clothes and look the part. This also links in within skinhead sub culture as they show more about their fashion and style with the Doc Martins, Ben Sherman shirts and the shaved head. Violence/aggression Family/sense of community (Area live in) Working class Skinhead sub culture England in the 80s The ideologies of Shane MeadowsWoody within this scene is signified again as the new father figure for Shaun. Due to Woody acting like a proud father when Shaun is all dressed up and looking like a skinhead.Within the next scene Shaun is getting his head shaved by Lol. After this Woody then gives Shaun a Ben Sherman shirt.Lol within this scene is showed to try and act responsible. This is show through the signifiers of her keeping on asking Shaun whether he is sure and if his mum would be okay with this. 6. Representations of youth/sub culture:This scene shows that youths in the 80s do have deference for adults as they believe that adults are above them and that what they say is in fact right. Whereas I would have believe within this scene that the teens would have answered back and not really cared what she had to say as I am so used to the stereotype of today's youths. This scene also represents the disposable income in that the teens within this decade had to spend within cafe shops. Violence/aggression Family/sense of community (Area live in) Working class Skinhead sub culture England in the 80s The ideologies of Shane MeadowsThis scene shows that when confronted with an adult figure the teens are tamed. This is show from the signifiers such as Lol stuttering when answering and the whole group going quietAll of the gang are in the hangout spot at the cafe where Shaun's mum walks in and confronts the teens about them hanging around with her son.Within this scene Woody is shown as a respectful and caring characters. The connotations of Woody saying Love and being very apologetic. 7. Representations of youth/sub culture: This shows that Shane Meadows did not only want to show the classic skinheads who were inspired by Jamaican music but also show the newer racist skinheads who wanted Britain to become Britain. This shows that the Skinhead sub culture was changing within society and becoming a more racist subgroup. This also shows that skinheads liked to spend their spare time drinking and smoking. This may be because the working class had it the worst so they used this as a method of escape from what was happening in the Falklands Violence/aggression Family/sense of community (Area live in) Working class Skinhead sub culture England in the 80s The ideologies of Shane MeadowsThis is the audiences first impression of Combo. He is shown to be smug and arrogant character. This is signified through him wanting to be the centre of attention with his stories and his opening into the scene with the prank and charging in like he owns the place.All the group hanging around laughing while drinking and smoking. Combo turns up and mood totally changes.Combo is shown as a New skinhead. This is signified through his language using words such a Wog and Nigger. This making Milky who is half cast feel hated and uneasy with Combo around.Majority of the group within this scene feel uncomfortable with Combo there. While Combo is telling the story slow non-diagetic music starts to play whilst showing close ups of each characters faces. Most of the groups faces show disgust and awkwardness with only Gadget and Buke who are actually enjoying and laughing at this story. 8. Representations of youth/sub culture: This represents the working class as being the most aggressive and wanting the cause the violence to sort out their problems. Due to Thatcher within this time sending troops to Falklands and letting immigrants enter the country to work. This therefore meant it was harder to get jobs as there was more competition. The mise en scene used within this scene shows that the working class live in bad conditions due to Combos apartment being run down with a few mattresses on the floor for seats. Also Shane Meadows gets across the ideology here that the Working class were the worst hit and they were the ones standing up for it. Lastly this scene shows how racism grew within England in the 80s due to the immigrants taking the jobs. Violence/aggression Family/sense of community (Area live in) Working class Skinhead sub culture England in the 80s The ideologies of Shane MeadowsCombo brings across the idea that the working class jobs are all being taken over by immigrants and that they are taking over all the houses.We are able to see that combo is a great orator. He is able to put across his points in a way to indoctrinate the members of the group to make them believe he is right. We can tell this through the signifiers like Buke and Gadget sat there nodding with agreement with what Combo is saying.COMBOS SPEECH.Shaun at first disagrees with what Combo is saying we are able to tell this as Shaun lashing out swinging at combo connotes that he is in total disagreement that Combo believes the Falklands is phoney war. However Combo twists what he says to Shaun to draw him into his side. This is done by him using the death of Shauns father as a way to capture Shauns attention by saying fighting will make his father proud