This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the...

This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner for this activity. Both of your names should be on your piece of paper. I will show a slide and you will write down your answer. Then we will go over it as a class at the end. If you get the question correct, please give yourself 1 point. Please “grade” your own and be honest. I will be collecting it at the end of the period. 1

Transcript of This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the...

Page 1: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks.

You will be competing with your partner for this activity.

Both of your names should be on your piece of paper.

I will show a slide and you will write down your answer.

Then we will go over it as a class at the end.

If you get the question correct, please give yourself 1 point.

Please “grade” your own and be honest.

I will be collecting it at the end of the period.

The partnership with the highest score will be honored on Monday. Good luck!


Page 2: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

These people were trying toA.gain voting rights.B.register to vote.C. integrate a lunch counter.D.integrate schools.


Page 3: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream” speech at this demonstration to draw attention to the civil rights movement.These are picture fromA. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference.B. The March on Washington.C. The Selma to Montgomery March.D. The Montgomery Bus Boycott. 3

Page 4: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

These photos are from theA. Freedom Rides.B. Montgomery Bus Boycott.C. Freedom Summer.D. Selma to Montgomery March.


Page 5: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

This group, known to be violent, said they were a self-defense group. They had a 10-point plan, and they tried to help improve black communities.They were theA. Freedom riders.B. Nation of Islam.C. Black Panthers.D. Black Muslims.


Page 6: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

These four young girls were killedA. while they were getting ready to go to

church services.B. after they whistled at a white woman.C. after they marched in a demonstration

in Birmingham.D. after they sat in the white section of a



Page 7: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

Marchers went from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, to bring attention toA. the need for voting rights for blacks.B. the need for integrated schools.C. the need for integrated buses.D. the need for equality in education.


Page 8: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

During Freedom Summer, these young people were trying to help blacks in theSouthA. find jobs.B. register to vote.C. participate in demonstrations.D. get better housing.


Page 9: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

This gentleman was a member of, and Chief Counsel for, the NAACP and successfully argued Brown vs. Board of Education before the Supreme Court in 1954.

He also went on to become the first African-American to be appointed to the Supreme Court.

What is his name?


Page 10: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

This Supreme Court decision said, basically, that segregation was OK. The Supreme Court stated that “separate but equal” was constitutional.

What is the name of the Supreme Court case?


Page 11: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

This group is one of the oldest and most influential Civil Rights organizations. On many occasions, they provided legal representation for individuals and groups discriminated against. This group played a major role in desegregation and fighting Jim Crow Laws. One of its founders was W.E.B. Du Bois. They are still active today. 11

Page 12: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

This 14 year-old boy was visiting relatives in Money, Mississippi when he was brutally murdered for whistling at a white woman in a store. Some believe this helped spark the Civil Rights Movement.


Page 13: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

This Supreme Court case ruled that “separate but equal is inherently unequal”, overturning Plessy v. Ferguson. The Supreme Court ordered that desegregation of schools occur "with all deliberate speed”. “All deliberate speed” was seen by some as too vague since it did not include a deadline for desegregation, so many schools did not integrate for years.


Page 14: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

This African-American was a Black Muslim minister, Civil Rights Leader, and a spokesman for the Nation of Islam. After leaving the Nation of Islam twelve years later, he was assassinated. What was his name?


Page 15: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

When people break laws in order to bring attention to them so that they mightbe changed is called….


Page 16: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

This group said its membership was open to "anyone who believes that 'all people are created equal' and is willing to work towards the ultimate goal of true equality throughout the world.” They were heavily involved in several Civil Rights Movement events including establishing Freedom Schools, Freedom Summer, the March on Washington, and the Freedom Rides. They were founded in Chicago, and they are still active today.


Page 17: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rev. Ralph Abernathy started this group during the Montgomery Bus Boycotts. This group believed in nonviolent civil disobedience combined with education. They took part in several campaigns and projects during the Civil Rights Movement including: Birmingham Campaign, March on Washington, Selma to Montgomery, and the bus boycotts. Name this group!


Page 18: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

This was a protest against a city’s policy of racial segregation on its public transit system. It lasted 381 days and led to a Supreme Court decision that ruled that laws allowing segregation in the transit system were unconstitutional.BONUS: Name the person who “started” this protest.


Page 19: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

The citizens of Deerfield decided to build parks instead ofA.put up a statue of Eleanor Roosevelt.B.put up a statue of Franklin a shopping integrated housing.


Page 20: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

This group is a social and political organization that believes in black separation and equal rights. Some find their views to be radical and consider them a “hate group”. The current leader is Louis Farrakhan.


Page 21: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

Segregation in publicplaces, employment,and education.

This picture best represents theA.integration of Little Rock Central High School.B.Civil Rights Act of 1964.C.desegregation of interstate bus routes.D.Freedom of Information Act.


Page 22: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

These were state and local laws that mandated separate but equal in all public facilities. In reality, the facilities were not equal. These “laws” were overturned by the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act.


Page 23: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

Objects, images, and words like these, in society, that promote/reinforce stereotypes and prejudices are considered forms of….


Page 24: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

Executive Order 9981 said that “there shall be equality of treatment and opportunity…for all persons without regard to race, color, religion or national Origin” in what area?BONUS: What president gave this executive order?


Page 25: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

This gentleman was a Baptist minister, led the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the Selma to Montgomery March, the March on Washington, was the president of the SCLC, and was a big believer in civil disobedience and nonviolent protests. (This might be the easiest question on the review.)BONUS: Who inspired his nonviolent beliefs?


Page 26: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

This group was one of the principal organizations during the Civil Rights Movement, playing a major role in sit-ins, the Freedom Rides, the Freedom Summer, and the March on Washington. They were inspired by the Greensboro, North Carolina lunch counter sit-ins, and the group was geared mostly toward younger people. They became more violent when Stokely Carmichael took over their leadership. They are no longer active today.


Page 27: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

In 1995, the Nation of Islam led this event on the Mall in Washington D.C. Its purpose was to encourage black men to be responsible citizens and family members. The crowd was estimated to be between 670,000 and 950,000 people. What was the event?BONUS: Who was the Nation of Islam leader who organized it?


Page 28: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

What made literacy tests and poll taxes for voting illegal?

*I couldn’t find a good picture for a clue, so I went with cute puppies. Who doesn’t love cute puppies? *


Page 29: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.


= segregation= integration

= stereotype

Prejudice ≠ facts

Page 30: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

The End


Page 31: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

This event is considered to be one of the most important events of the Civil Rights Movement. Nine students were initially prevented from entering this school, and President Eisenhower brought in the 101st Airborne Division to enforce integration and protect the students. What was this event?


Page 32: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

What did the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution do?


Page 33: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

This woman was a seamstress and a secretary for the NAACP in Montgomery, Alabama. When she was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white man on a bus, she helped set off the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955.


Page 34: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

This organization was started in the late 1800s in order for African-American baseball players to have a place to play, since Major League Baseball was segregated and only whites were allowed in the league until 1947. Several players have been inducted into the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame. BONUS: What African-American baseball player integrated baseball in 1947 when he joined the Brooklyn Dodgers? 34

Page 35: This is an Image Review Game to find out what you have learned about the Civil Rights Movement the last couple weeks. You will be competing with your partner.

During World War II, civil rights groups and black professional organizations pressed the government to provide training for black pilots on an equal basis with whites. Their efforts were partially successful. African American fighter pilots were trained as a part of the Army Air Force, but only at a segregated base in Tuskegee, AL. Hundreds of airmen were trained and many saw action. They were known as the …….