Third Sunday of Lent · Ted Noble, Meghan Decker, Fred Burbank, Mary Ann Comiskey, Virginia Fazio,...

Parish Center 700 Wyckoff Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ 07481 Office: 201-891-1122 Fax: 201-891-3708 Website: Email: [email protected] Parish School Website: Office: 201-891-1481 School Principal Karen Lewis CHURCH OF SAINT ELIZABETH March 24, 2019 Third Sunday of Lent

Transcript of Third Sunday of Lent · Ted Noble, Meghan Decker, Fred Burbank, Mary Ann Comiskey, Virginia Fazio,...

Page 1: Third Sunday of Lent · Ted Noble, Meghan Decker, Fred Burbank, Mary Ann Comiskey, Virginia Fazio, Elizabeth Urciuoli, and Claudia Wagner A time for sorrow…. Our recently deceased:

Parish Center 700 Wyckoff Avenue, Wyckoff, NJ 07481 Office: 201-891-1122 Fax: 201-891-3708 Website: www.saintelizabeths.orgEmail: [email protected] Parish School Website: Office: 201-891-1481

School Principal Karen Lewis


Third Sunday of Lent

Page 2: Third Sunday of Lent · Ted Noble, Meghan Decker, Fred Burbank, Mary Ann Comiskey, Virginia Fazio, Elizabeth Urciuoli, and Claudia Wagner A time for sorrow…. Our recently deceased:



Offertory $22,085| Online $2,526 | Total $24,611

+ My dear parishioners:

Thank you for all the wonderful feedback you gave me last weekend on the first of three homilies

to explain the Mass. You are always so kind in your affirmations. It is truly beautiful what we do

every time we gather as a community to give thanks to the Lord for the gift of Himself to us in the


I also want to take this moment to thank all of you for being such faithful parishioners. Father Car-

los, Father Vincent, and I are very pleased to be here with you serving your spiritual needs. You

make our vocations as priests all the easier through your witness of love for God and the Church.

Speaking of the Church, if you have not received a copy yet of my book Catholic Bishops in the United

States, you can get one at the Help Desk in the Narthex or in the Parish Center. Normally, the book sells for

$25, but I can offer it for $15. I was supposed to give a talk last Monday night on it, but I got a flareup of

diverticulitis that knocked me for a loop. We’ll set a new date soon.

As I have found in all my research, I always deepen my appreciation for the people whom I study. Our bish-

ops have been in the news a lot since last summer. I understand that many people are really upset with them,

questioning their credibility. However, I have found the vast majority of our bishops to be hard working

disciples of our Lord, who strive every day to spread His Gospel near and far. In fact, I want to give a

“shout-out” to our neighbor in Franklin Lakes, Bishop John Flesey, who has been Auxiliary Bishop for Bergen County for

many years. He recently retired as pastor of Most Blessed Sacrament, but he continues to serve as our Episcopal Vicar.

Whenever I have had a complex issue that I needed to resolve, he always gave me sage advice. He is a great inspiration to


I would say the same about Cardinal Joseph Tobin. As you know, he came to visit us on the Feast of Saint Elizabeth last

year. He met our beloved Tommy FitzPatrick and Tommy’s family that night just before Mass began. When he heard that

Tommy went home to God, he drove all the way from Newark to greet the family for a few minutes before Tommy’s funeral


Before closing my column for this week, I want to mention to all the 20- and 30-year-olds among us that the

YACHT (Young Adult Catholics Hanging Together) Club will meet at 7 PM on March 28. We will discuss

Brené Brown’s book, The Gifts of Imperfection. I encourage you to come and meet new friends. You could

also bring some of your old friends, too!

During this season of Lent, I will discuss the most important artifact in Christendom: the Shroud of Turin. I

have studied this relic for many years, so I look forward to focusing my homily on it for March 30 and 31 as

part of our annual Lenten mission. I will then give two more talks on the Shroud on April 1 and 2 at 7:30 PM. You won’t

want to miss seeing the life size replicas that I have both in x-ray form as well as the photography of the actual cloth. The

information is absolutely fascinating and can be life-changing. I hope to see many of you at the mission!

Finally, I thank all of you for your get well wishes and prayers this week. I’m sure I’ll be in good shape by the time you read

these lines. The heavy-duty antibiotics have already kicked in. Thanks for being so caring. I love all of you too!

In Christ’s Peace,


Second Collection Next Weekend: There will be a second collection on March 30/31 for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. More than 46 million people in the United States live in poverty today.

Bereavement Support Night: We encourage anyone who has experienced a loss to come to Bereavement Support Night on Wednesday, April 3, at 7:30pm in the Amadeus Room. No registration is necessary.

Page 3: Third Sunday of Lent · Ted Noble, Meghan Decker, Fred Burbank, Mary Ann Comiskey, Virginia Fazio, Elizabeth Urciuoli, and Claudia Wagner A time for sorrow…. Our recently deceased:



Memorials for the week of March 24th Altar Bread & Wine: In memory Mabel Accettura,

donated by Raymond Accettura

Sanctuary Light: In memory of Joseph Francica, donated by Ann & Ryan Doenges

Saturday, March 23 9:00 am Memorial Mass

5:00 pm John Bonner

Sunday, March 24 7:30 am Carmen Castellano

9:00 am People of the Parish

10:30 am John Bonner, Sr.

12:00 noon Bitsy Madigan,

30th Birthday

6:15 pm Mckenzie Stepe

Monday, March 25 7:00 am Salvatore Anello

9:00 am John Quill

Tuesday, March 26

7:00 am Richard Doherty

9:00 am Surayda Kenneg

Wednesday, March 27 7:00 am Joseph Sullivan

9:00 am Henry McNamara

Thursday, March 28

7:00 am Joseph Testa

9:00 am Brian Abate

Friday, March 29 7:00 am Nancy Welchans

9:00 am Frances Sullivan

Saturday, March 30 9:00 am Memorial Mass

5:00 pm Suzzane Ix

Sunday, March 31 7:30 am Rose Polsi

9:00 am People of the Parish

10:30 am Sharon Taormina

12:00 noon Emily &

Joseph Shadiack

6:15 pm Arthur Zahauer

“To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.”

Your loved one will be announced at Mass for 2 weeks, then the name will be included in the weekly bulle-tin for six weeks. Please call the Parish Center to let us know who we should

include on our prayer lists.

A time to be healed….. Healing prayers for: Mary Ann Comiskey, Lorraine Shaughnessy,

Cameron Hyman, Christina Hyman, Virginia Fazio, Ron Baradel, Dominic Vellucci, Lynn Else, Ari Labell, Carina Villonco, Jojo Rafers, Claudia Wagner, Joseph Cavolli,

Ted Noble, Meghan Decker, Fred Burbank, Mary Ann Comiskey, Virginia Fazio, Elizabeth Urciuoli, and Claudia Wagner

A time for sorrow…. Our recently deceased: Marion Colonno, Florence Wardlow, and Marietta Galdi

One Day Pilgrimage with Fr. Carlos & Fr. Vincent



Stockbridge, MA

Saturday, April 13,

7:30 am-6:30 pm

Cost per person $50

(Includes Boxed Lunch)

Reserve your seat! Call Dotsy at

201-891-1122 ext. 260

or [email protected]

St. Elizabeth School: Is accepting applications for enrollment for the 2019-2020 School Year. Open House dates for prospective students and families are scheduled for Wednesday, April 10th and May 22nd from 9-11 am. Come and join the SES Family. Call 201-891-1481 for information.

Stations of the Cross Fridays 7 pm during Lent, in the Church.

Join us!

Would you like to enjoy the Blessed Mother’s intercession in a personal way?

We will be running a consecration to our Blessed Mother for men and women from

Wednesday, April 10 thru Monday, May 13 Consecration Day will be on the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima at the 9 am Mass.

The consecration consists on the 3 Daily R’s: Rosary, Reading, and Reflection.

You can do the consecration with a small group Monday - Friday at 10 am in the Par-ish Center and weekends individually at home. Consecration can be as a family or in-dividual/self-directed. Those already consecrated are welcome to renew their conse-cration.

REGISTRATION at the Parish Office. Deadline for registration and ordering the book is Wednesday, April 3. If you have any questions, please contact Karen Bron-catello (201) 675-3360 or Fr. Carlos (201) 891-1122, ext. 204. Flyers in the Narthex or Parish Center. The book to be used: 33 Days to Morning Glory, by Fr. Michael Gait-ley (If ordering the book, please make check for $12.70 payable to “Church of Saint Elizabeth”. The books will be available on Monday, April 8 in the Parish Center.)


Page 4: Third Sunday of Lent · Ted Noble, Meghan Decker, Fred Burbank, Mary Ann Comiskey, Virginia Fazio, Elizabeth Urciuoli, and Claudia Wagner A time for sorrow…. Our recently deceased:


ARCHDIOCESAN LENTEN REGULATIONS 1. The days of both Fast & Abstinence during Lent are Ash

Wednesday and Good Friday. If possible, the fast on Good Fri-

day is continued until the Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday night)

as the “paschal fast” to honor the suffering and death of the Lord

Jesus, and to prepare ourselves to share more fully and to cele-

brate more readily His Resurrection.

The other Fridays of Lent are days of Abstinence.

On a day of Fast, only one (1) full meal is permitted and (2)

smaller meals which, if added together, would not exceed the

main meal in quantity.

Those between the ages of 18-59 are obliged to fast. On a day of

Abstinence, no meat may be eaten. Those who have reached the

age of 14 are obliged by the law of abstinence.

2. The obligation to observe the laws of Fast & Abstinence

“substantially” or as whole is a serious obligation.

3. The Fridays of the year, outside of Lent, are designated as

days of penance, but each individual may substitute for the tradi-

tional abstinence from meat some other practice of voluntary self-

denial as penance.

4. The time for fulfilling the Paschal Precept (Easter Duty*) ex-

tends from the First Sunday of Lent, March 10, 2019 to the So-

lemnity of the Holy Trinity, June 16, 2019.

*Canon 920. §1 All the faithful, after they have been initiated into the Most Holy

Eucharist, are bound by the obligation of receiving Communion at least once a year..


Palm Sunday Masses

Saturday, April 13 5:00 pm

Sunday, April 14 7:30 am, 9:00 am,

10:30 am, 12 noon & 6:15 pm

Chrism Mass

Monday, April 15 at 8 pm

(Cathedral in Newark)

Easter Triduum

Holy Thursday April 18

9:00 am Morning Prayer

7:30 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Good Friday April 19

9:00 am Morning Prayer

12 noon Way of the Cross—Family Service

3:00 pm Lord’s Passion

7:00 pm Tenebrae Service

Holy Saturday April 20

9:00 am Morning Prayer

9:30 am Blessing of Food Baskets

8:00 pm Easter Vigil Mass

Easter Sunday April 21

7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12 noon

(please note there will not be a 6:15 pm Mass on Easter Sunday)