Think about this…


Transcript of Think about this…

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In this special exposé, I’ll be sharing with you the culmination of my research about how we came to eat the way we do. It really blew my mind when I discovered this, but I’m just going to lay it all out there for you and tell you the truth about where your food comes from before it reaches your dinner plate.   It wasn’t too long ago when we humans relied on fresh, locally produced, wholesome food – REAL FOOD. The land that it came from was rich in nutrients because the soil was replenished by mulching and crop rotation. What the animals grazed, they returned to the ground in the form of natural fertilizer.     These simple agricultural methods worked just fine for thousands of years. Food produced in the rich soil had all the vitamins and minerals necessary for good health, and no one ever needed supplements or medicine to stay alive.  But only recently, corporate greed and our natural thirst for sugary salty snacks inspired the food industry to invent ways to use man-made technology to OUTSMART nature.    This was the beginning of the degradation of American food chain… Manufacturers and producers have depleted the land by using a new mass production factory approach to creating our food supply. Science and technology, rather than Mother Nature, started to quick-ripen, cold-store, freeze dry, pre-cook, blanch, bleach, pasteurize, hydrogenate, dehydrate, ultra-filtrate and package food.   Almost everything in the grocery store now is processed food, meaning it’s been chemically altered in some way. It’s no longer in its natural state — if it ever had one to begin with. Processed foods are full of fat, sugar, salt, preservatives and colorful synthetic chemicals, swapping nutritional value for TASTE that SELLS better. We all know about potato chips, sugary cereals and tasty cakes, and almost everything that comes in a box or a package has been altered for taste, appearance and in the interest of artificially extending its shelf life to increase sales.

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Think about this… How good can something really be for you if it has an ability to sit on the store shelves at room temperature for months or years? Can you even call that “food”?   

One of the most common ingredients in processed foods — and one of the

most harmful — is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a type of artificial sugar made from corn syrup. Many serious diseases have been linked to eating too much HFCS, and most experts agree that sugar and HFCS are key factors in today’s obesity epidemic. HFCS adds unnatural amounts of fructose to your diet, which the human body has not evolved to handle properly, and it is just WAY too available in our food supply in today’s society. In fact, up until the last few decades, your diet would have contained only a very small amount of fructose from natural sources such as fruits and vegetables. HFCS is also easily converted to fat when consumed in excess. In the long term, this fat accumulation can lead to serious health problems, such as fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.

And corn, along with rice, canola, and soybeans, come from seeds that are not even found naturally on this planet! They are actually genetically engineered in a laboratory, and are referred to as genetically modified organisms, or more commonly, GMOs. So, the ingredients used in most of our packaged foods are scientifically engineered, have never been used as foods in the history of mankind and the effects of them have not yet been fully discovered.

What’s more concerning is that the rise in autoimmune diseases, infertility, gastrointestinal problems and chronic diseases may be associated with the introduction of GMO foods. Most healthcare professionals will even advise their patients to avoid all GM foods whenever possible. As of 2010, the U.S. does not require food manufacturers to identify foodstuffs produced with genetically modified crops. This is why more and more companies are putting out products that are ‘non-GMO certified’.

Nevertheless, it seems that record-high incidences of diabetes, hypertension and obesity are acceptable side effects, as long as the food industry turns a profit.

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A human body, especially a child body, needs whole, natural, real food to keep its immune system strong enough to protect itself from disease. That should go without saying, because it worked so well for so long. 

But when food is processed for optimum TASTE, most of the nutrients are stripped out. You probably have seen those packaged foods that say,

“Added vitamins,” or “Enriched with vitamins” just so they can sell it as “healthy enough.” But the final product is still likely to be less nutritious than the original product before all the special treatment! 

It’s the truth — foods that we eat today just don’t contain the vital elements essential for normal human health.  

But don’t take my word for it. Here is an example straight from the latest Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA) handbook, the official government agency that

monitors the quality of our food. 

Vitamin E content of food varies greatly depending on processing, storage and preparation procedures during which LARGE LOSSES MAY OCCUR.

Vitamin C may be considerably lowered because of destruction by heat and oxygen during processing.

50 to 70% of vitamin B6 is lost in processing meats, and 50% to 90% is lost in milling cereals.

As much as 50% of folic acid may be destroyed during household preparation, food processing and storage

More than 80% of magnesium is lost by removal of the outer layers of cereal grains.

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Dr. Robert Harris, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry at MIT, reports in his textbook, Nutritional Evaluation of Food Processing, about the destruction of nutrients in vegetables and fruits by modern cold storage.

The fact is that fruits and vegetables grown decades ago were much richer in vitamins and minerals than the varieties most of us get today. For example, stored grapes lose up to 30% of their vitamin B during storage. Tangerines stored for eight weeks can lose almost HALF their vitamin C, and asparagus stored for only a week loses up to 90%! 

This happens in refrigerated containers during transport. The fruits and vegetables in your local supermarket probably traveled THOUSANDS of miles to get there. In order to have fresh tomatoes available year-round, they were picked while green and ripened for weeks in the dark with ethylene gas. Fresh corn may have traveled for months from Chile or Argentina, strawberries from Mexico.  

Another huge culprit in this disturbing nutritional trend is soil depletion: Modern intensive agricultural methods have stripped increasing amounts of nutrients from the soil in which the food we eat grows.

Efforts to breed new varieties of crops that provide greater yield, pest resistance and climate adaptability have allowed crops to grow bigger and more rapidly, but their ability to manufacture or uptake nutrients has not kept pace with their rapid growth. Again we see corporate greed and mass production being more important than the health of the entire population!

It’s one problem to be eating fruits and vegetables that lack their nutritional value… but we have another issue to deal with, and that is that many foods are drenched in pesticides – chemicals specifically designed to KILL living organisms.

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93% of non-organic oranges, 78% of apples and 43% of all conventionally

grown fruits and vegetables have detectable levels of pesticides? 50% of lettuce contains residue from seven or more chemicals!

And 71% of “healthy” cereal bars and 83% of oily fish (like tuna) have pesticide residues. 

It gets worse! 

Clean food activists identified 12 fruits a n d v e g e t a b l e s t h a t , w h e n conventionally grown, are covered with pesticides. Even if you try to remove the peel, it won’t get rid of the toxins.  

Did you know that…

This “dirty dozen” list includes:

• Apples

• Cherries

• Nectarines

• Peaches

In fact, if you eat the recommended five daily servings of these fruits and

vegetables, you can be unknowing swallowing an average of 10 different pesticides a DAY!  Recent science points to negative health effects from pesticide exposure including non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, endocrine disruption, general developmental problems and cognitive deficits in infants and children, low birth weight and smaller brains, reproductive problems, asthma and poor respiratory health and increased risk of diabetes and obesity.

• Pears

• Strawberries

• Potatoes

• Spinach

• Sweet bell peppers

• Celery

• Grapes (imported)

• Lettuce

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In developing children, pesticide exposure contributes to neurological problems, which impair learning, memory and attention.

Kids eat more food than adults relative to their size, and are less capable of processing chemicals that enter their small bodies. Both factors make them especially vulnerable to the hazardous effects of these chemicals.

The danger doesn’t stop with fresh produce.  

Got Milk?  Hormones are regularly fed to cows to make them grow faster and produce more milk.

In 1950, the average cow produced almost 635 gallons of milk a year. Today, a typical cow produces more than triple that amount — 2,150 gallons! 

Feed a cow a steady diet of genetically engineered/modified grains and a growth hormone called rBGH, and you’ll increase cow’s milk output by as much as 25 percent. And this drug is used with anywhere from 5 percent to 30 percent of the cows in the U.S. More milk production means more money for the guys in suits who have never even set a foot on a farm, and don’t seem to care where their food comes from or at what cost to the health of society. 

However, ingesting rBGH through cow’s milk causes an increase in the naturally occurring hormones in our bodies, which in turn increases our chances of breast and prostate cancer — hence the record high levels of these types of diseases these days.

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What’s even more concerning, is that cows are pregnant nearly 300 days of the year. Harvard Health stated that the more times a cow has been pregnant during that year, the more hormones she produces through her milk every time. Cows were not meant to stay pregnant 300 days of the year and they develop infections due to this high demand for production, not to mention  may be subject to further disease and bacteria when antibiotics aren’t used (such as in organic farming practices).

Another impact of the hormones in cow’s milk is that it raises our levels of insulin, which causes blood sugar swings. Not only can this lead to being tired, moody, and even weight gain, but can also lead to acne, which many people struggle with. Acne is strongly influenced by hormonal changes, which is one reason so many teenagers struggle during puberty. Why would we put ourselves through that any more than they already have to? We all know that teenage girls are also developing earlier and earlier due to these increases in hormones in the diet.

What’s Lurking in Your Beef? Did you know that most of the meat bought at your local supermarket, served in restaurants, and used as ingredients in everything from hot dogs to soups

comes from corn-fed cows?  

Just in case you didn’t catch that… they eat corn!!! Cows are designed to eat only one thing – GRASS. They even have a real fancy five-stomach digestive system to be able to break it down. Feeding cows genetically engineered (GMO) grains like corn really fattens them up, and it’s much cheaper. Farmers don’t even need to HAVE a field of grass when corn can just be dumped into a trough.  

So, what is wrong with eating beef that comes from corn-fed cows? What a cow eats can have a major effect on the nutrient composition of the beef. This is particularly evident when it comes to the fatty acid composition.

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A corn-fed cow develops meat that is high in artery-clogging saturated fat that can’t just be trimmed off in the kitchen.  

GRASS-FED cow beef, on the other hand, is lower both in overall fat and in saturated fat. A sirloin steak from a grass-fed cow has half the total fat of a similar cut from a corn-fed cow and thus is much lower in total calories. 

Grass-fed beef is also associated with lower levels of cholesterol and twice the levels of cancer fighting acids. It even has 5 times the amount of Omega 3s! Grass-fed beef also contains about twice as much CLA as grain-fed beef. This fatty acid is associated with reduced body fat and some other after beneficial effects

You can’t just change an animal’s diet — which has taken millions of years to develop — overnight without serious side effects. Just imagine how your body would react if YOU started eating grass today instead of your normal cuisine. It would be a major shock to your system. In fact, you would need high doses of antibiotics just to keep you alive!  

The Union of Concerned Scientists estimates than 70% of all antibiotics in the U.S. are fed to pigs, poultry and cattle for reasons OTHER than treating disease. 

So, we are force-feeding cattle drug-laced food they’re not meant to have. Eating the meat and drinking the milk from these cows, and thus ingesting the antibiotics they are fed, weakens OUR immune system and causes legitimate doctor prescribed medication to lose its effectiveness. 

We get sick more often, and we have to take stronger and stronger drugs to get well. It’s a vicious cycle.

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Free-range chickens are known for producing eggs that are much more nutritionally dense than the eggs laid by caged hens. According studies, free-range eggs are a much healthier choice in a lot of specific ways. Compared to

eggs from battery-caged hens, eggs from free-range hens contained:

• ⅓ less cholesterol

• ¼ less saturated fat

• ⅔ more vitamin A

What About Poultry?  Chickens naturally eat grass, green vegetables, and seeds. But commercially raised chickens are also fed our favorite antibiotic- and hormone-laced, genetically engineered grain mixture to save costs, but also for an additional reason.  

They use the chemicals just to maintain an acceptable SURVIVAL RATE. The severe stress from deprivation in low light and poorly ventilated, overcrowded facilities where the chickens are unable to take a few steps without falling over from their enormous overgrown breast meat would not be survivable if it weren’t for the drugs in their feed. 

Poultry processing plants then even salvage extra meat by cutting away visible diseased or contaminated sections and selling the rest as packaged wings, legs and breasts.

Even hens are given artificial growth hormones so they lay eggs more often than is normal.  

Numerous studies have shown that organic pastured chicken has 30-40% more omega-3 fatty acids, which promote heart health.

Moreover, conventional chickens have been injected with salt, water, and preservatives, with the aim to enrich their taste and add moisture. This is why they are high in sodium. For all of these reasons, overconsumption of conventional chicken would contribute to poor overall health. Conventional chickens also lead to the same issues above as the conventional cows, with regards to hormone disruption.

• 2 times more omega-3

• 3 times more vitamin E

• 7 times more beta-carotene

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What’s in Your Seafood?  We need fish in our diet because it’s rich in Omega-3s, which our bodies don’t produce naturally. Its also much more difficult for our bodies to use the Omega-3s found in plant sources. Omega-3s are the “good fats” that power up your children’s hearts and brains. Their skin, joints, eyes and blood vessels are also dependent on this powerful nutrient. 

But figuring out where the fish in the supermarket came from is difficult, if not impossible, as the source is often intentionally mislabeled. 

And while healthy seafood habitats remain — like New Zealand, Australia and Alaska — the cost of importing fish from these areas, compared with closer offshore areas that may be contaminated by pollution and industrial runoff, means that much of the seafood we eat is tainted with high levels of mercury, metals, and other dangerous toxins. Water you wouldn’t even swim in is regularly fished commercially. 

“Farm Raised” is touted as healthy, but are you kidding me? Raising fish in captivity only gives farmers the ability to control environment and diet. You guessed it — the same chemically laced, cheap corn-based animal feed.  

Here’s a frustrating paradox for those who eat fish for their health: the nutritional benefits of fish are greatly decreased when it’s farmed. Take omega-3 fatty acids. Wild fish get their omega-3’s from aquatic plants. Farmed fish, however, are often fed corn, soy, or other types of feed that contain little or no omega-3’s. This unnatural, high-corn diet also means some farmed fish accumulate unhealthy levels of the wrong fatty acids.

Farmed fish are also packed as tightly as sardines in a jar. These unnatural conditions give rise to diseases and parasites, which often migrate off the farm and infect wild fish populations.

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Wrapping things up...Let’s take a deep breath Whew! I know all this sounds terrible and you may be wondering if there’s ANYTHING you can do about it. And yes, I’m concentrating on the negative aspect of the food industry in this guide, and let’s be clear there are certainly plenty of perfectly healthy things available in the stores.  

I’m telling you all this because it’s the truth. This is the harsh reality of the food system in this country and around the world. It wasn’t this way when our parents grew up, but now, for the first time in history, we and our children are spending our lives eating a very different diet that’s more artificial technology than real food. We’ve spent hundreds of thousands of years on this planet growing stronger and living longer. Only now is that trend being reversed.  

In the past few decades, there has been a strong effort by the food industry to hide these facts from consumers.  

Their experts want you to believe that all this technology keeps our food cheap and available. But if you factor in the lifetime of medical bills, surgeries, medication and “get well” products that you otherwise wouldn’t need, this “new food” is actually the MOST EXPENSIVE you could buy. 

Just recently, these and other truths are coming out, and people like yourselves’ eyes are being opened about the reality of where our food comes from. 

I’d like to point out that this isn’t the fault of the farmers. The working people that plant the seeds and raise the animals everyday are heavily controlled and manipulated by the few corporations that tell them what to produce and how to do it. 

Who could even blame those corporations entirely? Sure, they trade our health and wellbeing for profits, but aren’t they only creating a selling product, answering our demand for the sugary, salty foods they chemically engineer?

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The second step is just as simple. Solutions through choices. We live in a fantastic period of time where we can CHOOSE to live an enjoyable healthy lifestyle.

In this next section, you’ll learn 10 action steps you can take every day to clean yours and your children’s bodies from all these chemicals and toxins so that they will start feeling fantastic. Not only that, but I’ll explain ALL of the choices you have, so you can make an informed decision about what works best for you and your family. 

It’s never too late. No matter where you are starting from, these simple choices can be the difference between a short lifetime of struggle with obesity, diabetes and sickness, and one full of energy and wellbeing. 

I’m looking forward to sharing this new information with you. It’s changed the life of my family in such a positive way and I just know it’s going to do the same for you and your family.

If you care about your health, if you’d like to live a long, happy life, if you’d like to see your children do the same without a lifetime of illness and disease, I’m happy to tell you that it’s easy to do. And you don’t have to move to Antarctica, break the bank or feed your family any weird, bland “hippy food.”  

The first step is knowledge. Like they say, ‘knowledge is power’. I’m going to be doing all of that work for you. It started right here in this guide, and I’ll be sending you more information as I uncover it. You’ll always have all the tools you need to stay aware about healthy foods and lifestyle, right here in this one single website

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Action Plan It’s really easy to eat wholesome, organic foods. And contrary to the naysayers, you don’t have to spend your whole paycheck to get the good stuff. You just have to know what to look for and make a few simple choices.

It’s really that simple.

Best of all… You don’t have to eat bean sprouts, brown rice and soy milk.. give up beef, eggs or cheese… or deny yourself any of the foods you love to gain all the health benefits!

There are easy, affordable choices you can take… Starting today!

Action 1 – Avoid Food with Problematic Ingredients “You put junk food into your child’s brain, you get back junk behavior, junk learning, and junk mood.” – Dr. Sears

Everyone says to cut out processed foods from your diet if you want to live a healthier lifestyle, but it’s not as simple as it sounds. Simply cooking a food, or harvesting and cleaning it, can be considered processing.

So, what I recommend you do to get your family on the right nutritional track is to avoid foods with top 12 toxic ingredients, including:

• Hydrogenated oil (trans-fats)

• MSG (monosodium glutamate)

• Artificial sweeteners, (Aspartame – NutraSweet, Equal, saccharin – Sweet’N Low, SugarTwin, and sucralose – Splenda)

• HVP (hydrolyzed vegetable protein)

• BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole)/BHT (butylated hydroxytonuene)

• Acesulfame potassium (acesulfame K)

• Potassium bromate

• Sodium nitrate/nitrite

• Propyl gallate

• Sodium benzoate

• Artificial colors (blue 1 and 2, green 3, red 3 and yellow 6) and

• High fructose corn syrup

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A good practice is to have this list on hand when you’re grocery shopping, and use it when you’re reading labels. If you see something from this list on a food’s ingredient list, then it’s best to put that food down. You’ll also find a lot of foods that are free from these items at a ‘Whole Foods’ store, or in an organic section of a store.

Action 2 – Replace Unhealthy Food Choices with Healthy Choices Replace unhealthy foods and with healthy alternatives. If unhealthy foods aren’t around, you don’t eat them and don’t use them in your cooking. That simple. Below are just a few “Instead Of” suggestions you could try:

• Instead of having a single burger with everything on it or a double or triple

cheeseburger, try having: a small burger on a whole grain bun with lettuce, tomato, pickles, and mustard or grilled chicken sandwich or veggie burger.

• Instead of fried chicken strips or fried chicken nuggets try serving your

family chicken burrito without extra cheese or refried beans, chicken salad, grilled chicken sandwich or grilled fish sandwich, instead of French fries or potato chips, try having baked chips, baked potato, fruit cup or salad.

• Instead of extra-large pizza with bacon, sausage, pepperoni with extra

cheese try having a medium or small cheese pizza or small or medium vegetarian pizza (mushrooms, green peppers, and tomato) or small or medium whole wheat crust pizza.

• Instead of ice cream, cookies, pies or milk shakes try having fruit cup or

frozen yogurt, instead of soda, try having 100% fruit juice, organic milk, unsweetened ice tea or water flavored with a splash of 100% fruit juice or lemon.

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Action 3 - Shop on The Outside Perimeter Of The Supermarket This is where you’ll find fresh produce, dairy, meats and cheeses. Many unhealthy packaged, processed foods are located in the middle of the supermarket for easier access. “They” want you to go there and purchase those foods. Don’t you think it’s a little suspicious that the most unhealthy foods are being placed right in front of you and you can see them as soon as you enter any supermarket? Hmm… Something to think about.

Action 4 - Substitute The “Dirty Dozen” With The “Clean 15” Remember the “dirty dozen” list I told you about?

If you don’t want to buy organic immediately, or can’t always get organic produce, begin by substituting the “dirty dozen” with the “Clean 15.” The Environmental Working Group's (EWG) have identified these 15 foods to be the least likely to be contaminated with pesticide residues.

The Clean 15 fruits and vegetables include:

• Onion

• Avocado

• Sweet Corn

• Pineapple

• Mango

• Asparagus

• Sweet peas

• Kiwi

• Cabbage

• Eggplant

• Papaya

• Watermelon

• Broccoli

• Tomato

• Sweet potato

If you want to take a giant leap towards living a healthier life free of pesticides, chemicals and artificial additives, the quickest way is to go organic for all your produce and meats.

Organic foods are regulated by the Department of Agriculture under the Natural Organic Program. Organic foods have to meet stringent production guidelines before producers and sellers can label their products as “organic.”

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Here is a very important point to note when you buy fresh produce.

As you’ll see in the store, there are going to be a lot of fruits and vegetables that are marked as “natural.”

It’s misleading.

You need to be aware that it is a marketing tactic to convince you to buy the product.

Technically, these foods are natural, because they are not processed. But they are grown according to conventional methods, often with a large amount of pesticides applied on them.

After  countless  studies, pesticides have been linked to cancer,  Alzheimer's Disease, ADHD, and even birth defects. Pesticides also have the potential to harm the nervous system, the reproductive system, and the endocrine system.

‘Natural’ also is not a regulated term, so technically anyone could slap it on their product.

What you want is organic. Organic foods are grown without chemical pesticides and fertilizers. And organically grown fruits and vegetables have greater nutritional value than conventional growth produce. Here are some of the many benefits of organic foods:

Organic foods often have more beneficial nutrients, such as antioxidants, than their conventionally-grown counterparts and people with allergies to foods, chemicals, or preservatives often find their symptoms lessen or go away when they eat only organic foods.

Organic food is often fresher because it doesn’t contain preservatives that make it last longer. Organic produce is often produced on smaller farms near where it is sold.

Organic food is GMO-free. So this is an easy way to know you’re getting a non-GMO food or product.

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And again, organically raised animals are NOT given antibiotics, growth hormones, or fed animal byproducts. Organically-raised animals are also given more space to move around and access to the outdoors, which help to keep them healthy.

So, you need to look for the USDA Organic label on the produce.

Here is a little trick about the label I discovered recently.

If you look on the sticker label on the produce it will have one of three possible set of digits.

• Organic produce label has 5 digits and starts with number 9.

• Conventional produce label has 4 digits and doesn’t start with number 9. Most start with number 4.

• Genetically modified (GMO) produce have 5 digits and start with number 8.

The sticker label on the produce actually tells you how the produce have been grown – whether they were organically grown or conventionally grown with pesticides and herbicides or if they have been genetically engineered.

This is very important to know, because stores are not obligated to tell you whether fruits that you’re buying have been conventionally grown with pesticides fertilizers or organically grown and are pesticide- and herbicide-free.

Use this tip next time you go shopping for produce. When I learned about this, I went to Greenwise, the Publix’s healthier store. I picked up an apple it had 4552 written on the sticker label. I knew right away that this apple was grown using conventional methods. It’s that simple. You really get an amazing feeling from knowing where your produce items come from, as you have been let in on a secret… It’s quite an interesting experience, because we are always in the dark as to where our food comes from when we shop for produce.

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If more people knew where their food came from or how it was made they wouldn’t eat it.

That is why it’s important to learn more about where the food you eat comes from if you want to live a healthier and longer life.

Action 5 – Choose Grass-Fed Beef When shopping for beef, make sure you choose 100% grass-fed beef. And make sure it says that on the packaging.

100% grass-fed beef comes from cattle that spend all their lives on pastures and were not fed GM corn during the last portion of their lives, which often happens with conventionally raised cattle.

Grass-fed meat is actually more nutrient-rich than conventional meat. It has higher levels of vitamin C. And again, organic, grass-fed beef and organic milk have higher levels of Omega-3 and vitamin E.

Action 6 - Choose Organic And/Or Hormone-Free, eBGH Dairy Products When shopping for dairy and egg products, look for dairy that is organic and/or hormone-free, especially eBGH. As you remember, cows are often injected or fed this growth hormone. This is the growth hormone that increase cow’s milk production.

Injecting rBGH through cow’s milk causes an increase in the naturally occurring hormones in your body, which in turn increases your chance of breast and prostate cancer.

So, when you buy milk that has been labeled “hormone-free” or “rBGH-free” you can be sure that cows which are used to produce your milk were not given artificial hormones to increase their milk production.

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Action 7 – Choose “Free-Range” Poultry When buying poultry, look for labels that say “free-range.” The same goes for eggs. Buy eggs that are labeled “free-range.” Reading labels and making healthy choices could be sometimes difficult, but that is where I come in. I’ll provide you with unbiased information about the best choices you can make to keep yourself and your family healthy.

Action 8 - Choose Products That Are Labeled As Non-GMO, Not GMO-Free

Since we don’t know how eating foods that contain GMO will affect our health in the future, I recommend you stay away from these foods for now until we have more information to make a more informed decision.

While organic choices are some of the most healthful changes you can make, sometimes it can’t be feasible.

In that case, you can go local.

The Non-GMO Shopping Guide features over 150 brands currently enrolled in the Non-GMO Project. This purse/pocket-sized guide will help you identify and avoid foods that contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) foods while you shop. Available in English and Spanish at

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Action 9 - Eat Local Food Locally grown produce and locally raised animals for meat will allow you to eat healthier.

Another benefit of getting your food locally is that you get to eat it within 24 hours of being harvested, which makes food even more nutritious, fresh, and most often much more flavorful.

Local foods are also safer. The more steps there are between you and your food’s source the more chances there are for contamination. Food grown in distant locations has the potential for food safety issues at harvesting, washing, shipping and distribution.

Local growers can tell you how the food was grown.  You can ask what practices they use to raise and harvest the crops. When you know where your food comes from and who grew it, you know a lot more about that food.

Farmers markets are becoming popular throughout the states. By 2014, there were over 8,268 operating farmers markets.

All you have to do is locate a farm or two near you and get your food there.

To find the farm near you, visit This website lists over 3,000 farmers markets, plus tons of additional resources for accessing clean, healthy food – everything from chocolate to coffee to tea, dairy products and eggs, and organic grass-fed beef and free-range chicken.

You can get a variety of food offered at the farmers market, from fruits and vegetables, to meats, eggs, milk, cheeses and more.

If you can’t find a farmers market near you or convenient access to CSA-RA food co-op, you can always try your local supermarket

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• Whole Foods Market

Before you go, let me just say this one thing… yes, buying whole, real, organic foods could get a little pricy compared to buying conventional foods. In fact, that is the reason why big food corporations made it so cheap and convenient in the first place. Processed foods are often cheaper than wholesome, real foods because they are less nutritious, contain lower-quality ingredients and often loaded with fats, sugar and other additives (again which are cheaper to make and low-quality).

But you have to consider the price of your health here and the health of your family. Buying and eating conventional foods just to save a buck will come back to you three-fold in medical bills, increasing insurance premiums and cost of doctor’s visits.

As this new movement of wholesome, real, organic foods continues, more and more companies will start to realize that is what we want. They will start producing more healthy foods to fulfill the rising demand.

Action 10 - Shop Green On The Web

• Amazon Natural Organic Grocery

Some of them include:

• Thrive Market

• Vitacost

There are tons of great resources on the web that offer organic produce and foods.

“Maria Janos is a Dr. Sears Wellness Institute's certified health coach committ-ed to empowering you with healthy eating and healthy living tips, resources, tools, and strategies to help you improve your health and health of your loved


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Foods such as pastured, grass-fed meats, eggs, poultry, organic vegetables and fruit, wild caught seafood, plant oils, clean dairy products and properly prepared grains will get your family on the right nutritional track for life and help your children and yourselves avoid multiple health problems that are associated with non-nutritious, chemically altered, processed foods.

Whole, real, organic foods are where your family’s health starts and stops. You decide!

BONUS RECIPE Bright Start Smoothie


• 1 medium apple

• handful of spinach leaves

• handful of kale

• handful of parsley

• 2 -3 florets of broccoli

• 3 stacks of celery

• small piece of cucumber

• 1 cup of frozen blueberries

• 1 cup of water

Preparation Instructions:

Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth. You may add a scoop of almond butter for some protein. Also, if you’d like to have more fiber, add 2 teaspoons of chia seeds or hemp seeds.

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The information provided in this report is for informational and educational purposes

only. The information shared is based upon years of research and personal experience. It is not intended to be substituted for professional medical advise. You should consult your own healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for

your own situation or if you have questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan.

Maria Janos is a Dr. Sears Wellness Institute’s certified health coach committed to empowering you with healthy living tips and strategies to improve your health and health of your family through the principles of Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude and Nutrition (L. E. A. N.). Visit to learn helpful healthy living and eating tips you can use today to raise a healthy family.