Things I learned the hard way being a freelancer

Things I Learned The Hard Way Ine Dehandschutter @matuvu 2012 The business adventures of a freelancer Monday 4 June 12


I have been a freelancer since 2000, and I made loads of mistakes... You don't have to! This presentation talks how I do stuff now, and I wished I knew this before :) Enjoy. *Interested in an inspiring presentation or workshop for your company/organization? Hire me for a day! ;) *

Transcript of Things I learned the hard way being a freelancer

Page 1: Things I learned the hard way being a freelancer

Things I Learned The Hard Way

Ine Dehandschutter@matuvu 2012

The business adventures of a freelancer

Monday 4 June 12

Page 2: Things I learned the hard way being a freelancer

Hi,I’m Ine,

a (web)designer & photographer, currently based in Ghent, Belgium.

(I’m also lead designer of

I have been a freelancer since 2000.And I made loooooads of mistakes during the years.

You don’t have to!

Enjoy this presentation.If you do, don’t hesitate to like

& share it,


Monday 4 June 12

Page 3: Things I learned the hard way being a freelancer

because you will. suffer. cry. blood. tears. die.over and over again.

Have A Dream To Die For


Monday 4 June 12

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use S.M.A.R.T principle: specific.measurable.achievable.relevant.time framed.

Outline Your Plan


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because if you don’t earn, you have no bread on your table.(define what you need by calculating all your costs)not earning enough? reconsider your business plan!

Define Your Wage


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a good accountant can save you a lot of money, but most of all a good accountant thinks along with you!

Get A Good Accountant


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never. ever. work for free. unless it is for your mom.

Don’t Sell Cheap


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when you can, ditch the friends, family and fools.they’re perfect for starters,

but bad for pro’s.

Find Real Clients


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learn from the 20% 80% rule:20% stand for 80% of your trouble.

keep the good clients, ditch the others.

Teach Those Clients


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and follow up your cash flow.don’t play bank to your clients.

no money on the bank = no bread on the table.

Charge Fast


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it is the best way to find exiting new clients.or to find new partners.

or to do fun stuff.



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the best way to loose your uncertainties is to talk to colleagues.unite with others.

(consider co-working, join certain business groups, ...)

Surround Yourself


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measure everything you do.your time, your projects. your profits.

learn from your mistakes. and do it better.

Measure, Evaluate


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try it: will earn you more.

if not in money, in quality.

Learn To Say NO


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don’t spend to ‘save taxes’. if you pay taxes you keep 50%. if you spend you keep nothing.

Save For Later


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make time for your personal life‘later’ = ‘now’

it is gone before you know.

Live The Now


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be prepared to fail, to change, to adapt.sometimes stuff works, sometimes not.

Most Of All Be Flexible


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It Is A Bumpy But Adventurous Ride


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Thank YouIne Dehandschutter

(web)designer & photographer & talker

Monday 4 June 12