Thing to Do After Install Ubuntu 12

How to Ubuntu About Countdown Download Script Rather than working your way through this (rather lengthy) page of commands, you can just Download this Script, mark it as executable and execute it by running ./ Warnings: Using the sudo command can Install GetDeb and PlayDeb Enable Partner Repositories Add Personal Check for Updates, Again Upgrade Package Major Upgrades Things to do after installing Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin Things to do after installing Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin After Installing Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin, there are a wealth of things that need to be dealt with. DVD, Audio and Video Codecs, Archiving formats, generally useful stuff. These instructions presume you are proficient with PPAs, .Debs, and other terminal commands, Ubuntu Tweak, and require a full set of video, audio, and archive codecs, as well as Skype, Flash, and a truck-load of wallpapers.


top thing to do after install ubuntu 12

Transcript of Thing to Do After Install Ubuntu 12

Page 1: Thing to Do After Install Ubuntu 12

How toUbuntu

About Countdown

Download Script

Rather than working your way

through this (rather lengthy) page

of commands, you can just

Download this Script, mark it as

executable and execute it by

running ./


Using the sudo command can

Install GetDeb

and PlayDeb

Enable Partner


Add Personal

Check for

Updates, Again



Major Upgrades

Things to do afterinstalling Ubuntu

12.04 PrecisePangolin

Things to do after installing Ubuntu 12.04Precise Pangolin

After Installing Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin, there are a wealth of things

that need to be dealt with. DVD, Audio and Video Codecs, Archiving

formats, generally useful stuff.

These instructions presume you are proficient with PPAs, .Debs, and other terminal

commands, Ubuntu Tweak, and require a full set of video, audio, and archive codecs, as

well as Skype, Flash, and a truck-load of wallpapers.

Page 2: Thing to Do After Install Ubuntu 12

result in severe system damage.

Read all instructions and confirm

you understand before executing

any commands.

Make sure you type commands

correctly, or copy and paste the

entire code. Your first click will

highlight all the code, or you can

double click in the code area to do

it again.



Add the



Check for






Install Google


Clean Up

Download andInstall GetDeband PlayDeb

Both GetDeb and

PlayDeb are

repositories, sources of

updates for actual

software you have or

will have installed.

They are useful for

getting more

up-to-date versions

than those that ship in

the official Ubuntu

repositories, which

programmers can find

difficult to update as

they encounter red

tape. They may also

contain less popular

software which is not

echo "Downloading GetDeb and PlayDeb"





/playdeb_0.3-1~getdeb1_all.deb &&

echo "Installing GetDeb" &&

sudo dpkg -i getdeb-

repository_0.1-1~getdeb1_all.deb &&

echo "Installing PlayDeb" &&

sudo dpkg -i

playdeb_0.3-1~getdeb1_all.deb &&

if [ $(lsb_release -cs) = "luna" ]


echo "elementary OS Luna,

Modifying to be Precise" &&

sudo sed -i 's/luna/precise/g'

/etc/apt/sources.list.d/getdeb.list &&

sudo rm -f /etc/apt

Page 3: Thing to Do After Install Ubuntu 12

listed in the official


While this may look like

an awful lot of code for

something that should

be relatively simple,

you should know that

GetDeb and PlayDeb

are repositories, they're

not hosted in one.

A large part of this

script is also adding

support for elementary

OS Luna, which, while

based upon Ubuntu

12.04 Precise Pangolin,

is detected as Luna by

GetDeb. Since GetDeb

doesn't support Luna,

we have to pretend to

be running Precise.

If you really want to

shorten it down, you

can remove everything

from if to fi && .

This won't have much

affect on Precise, only a

very slight speed

increase, but will break

support for Luna.

Enable Partner

Page 4: Thing to Do After Install Ubuntu 12


The partner

repositories are

another source of

software, but for those

with restrictive licenses

that mean the general

public cannot simply

share them, such as

Flash and Skype. These

are official repo's that

are already added but

disabled in Ubuntu. This

command enables


sudo sed -i "/^# deb .*partner/ s/^#

//" /etc/apt/sources.list

if [ $(lsb_release -cs) = "luna" ]


echo "elementary OS Luna,

Modifying to be Precise" &&

sudo sed -i 's/luna/precise/g'

Personal Package Archives, or PPAs, are yet

more sources of updates and new and exciting

software. These are some of the most popular,

useful, and reliable sources for some default

software and some more things we'll install


Updates to the latest

version of VLC, the

popular media player

that many people

believe should be

installed by default.

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:videolan/stable-daily

Add Personal Package Archives

Page 5: Thing to Do After Install Ubuntu 12

The default music

player is Rhythmbox,

and is usually at least a

few version behind.

This PPA is provided by

the Webupd8 Team.

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/rhythmbox

GIMP is an image editor

akin to Adobe

Photoshop, except

free. It is included in

many open-source

systems, and it would

be a crime to use a

version old enough not

to have single window


sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp

While we won't be

installing the full

GNOME desktop

environment, they do

make many of the

packages that are

already installed on

your system, and they

can be updated from


sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3

Another WebUpd8 PPA,

this time a masterfully

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java

Page 6: Thing to Do After Install Ubuntu 12

crafted Java package. It

hosts Java 8Beta (not

yet stable), Java 6 (an

old version) and, most

importantly, Java 7

(which we will install


This PPA (WebUpd8

again), hosts the

program Y PPA

Manager. That's right,

we're adding a PPA so

we can add PPAs. But

that's not all it does, it

can also remove, purge,

check for duplicates

and remove broken


sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/y-ppa-manager

This PPA is for the

amazing(ly popular)

Ubuntu Tweak, which,

as it's name suggests, is

a tool for tweaking

Ubuntu (and other

distributions based

upon it, to a certain


sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:tualatrix/ppa

Transmission is the

default torrent client in

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:transmissionbt/ppa

Page 7: Thing to Do After Install Ubuntu 12

Ubuntu, and as such

should be kept shiny

and new.

Add theMedibuntu


This is another source

we're going to add (it's

that last one, promise),

and has to be done in a

slightly different way

to the PPAs and

packaged lists of

GetDeb and PlayDeb.

Unfortunately, it also

requires some extra

code for elementary OS

Luna compatability. You

can just execute the

second command

begining with sudo

and ending just before

fi . Or execute all of

it, for an easier life.

if [ $(lsb_release -cs) = "luna" ]


echo "elementary OS Luna,

Installing as Precise" &&

sudo wget --output-




Check forUpdates

We need to see what

software is available in

what version for all

sudo apt-get -qq update

Page 8: Thing to Do After Install Ubuntu 12

those new sources

we've been adding.


Unfortunately the way

we have to install

Medibuntu is

unauthenticated, and

so not secure.

Fortunately we can

secure it by installing

the keyring.

sudo apt-get -y -qq --allow-unauthenticated install medibunt

Check forUpdates, Again

Now we've done that,

we're going to need to

run that update

command again.

sudo apt-get -qq update


Now that we've

finished adding places

to get updates from

and secured them, it's

time to update what

you already have.

sudo apt-get upgrade

Page 9: Thing to Do After Install Ubuntu 12

Major Upgrades

Some updates are

bigger than others. This

command is for the

huge ones.

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Disable Guest

Now we're all up to

date, we can disable

the guest session. This

is the only step not to

do with installing or

updating software.

sudo /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults -l false

Install Essentials

Now we're going to

install all the things we

thing the average user

will need to not

encounter any

problems playing

Music or Videos,

watching DVDs, going

on YouTube or

extracting archives.

Below you can find a

breakdown of what

each package does. This

is the step that most

sudo apt-get install synaptic

ubuntu-tweak vlc gimp gimp-data

gimp-plugin-registry gimp-data-extras

y-ppa-manager firestarter bleachbit

openjdk-7-jre oracle-java7-installer

flashplugin-installer unace unrar zip

unzip p7zip-full p7zip-rar sharutils

rar uudeview mpack lha arj cabextract

file-roller non-free-codecs libxine1-

ffmpeg mencoder flac faac faad sox

ffmpeg2theora libmpeg2-4 uudeview

Page 10: Thing to Do After Install Ubuntu 12

frequently goes wrong

and you should read

what your terminal

prints out before

confirming. You may

end up removing

something you don't

want to if there is a


synaptic is a package

manager, which we use in

many tutorials.

ubuntu-tweak is far

more than a settings

manager, it has templates,

scripts, workarounds and a

file type manager, plus an

amazing but simple

cleaning utility.

vlc is one of the most

popular and powerful

media players available.

gimp , gimp-data ,

gimp-plugin-registry ,

and gimp-data-extras

are all parts of a powerful

photo editor, built to rival

Adobe Photoshop.

y-ppa-manager is there

so you can manage PPAs

without needing to use

firestarter is a Firewall

management application.

All ports are closed by

default, which means you

should never need to use.

bleachbit is a powerful

cleaning utility.

openjdk-7-jre is an

open-source Java


oracle-java7-installer is

the official Java installer.

flashplugin-installer is

the official Flash installer.

unace , unrar , zip ,

unzip , p7zip-full ,

p7zip-rar , sharutils ,

rar , uudeview ,

mpack , lha , arj ,

cabextract , and

file-roller are there to

extract and compress files

non-free-codecs ,

libxine1-ffmpeg ,

mencoder , flac ,

faac , faad , sox ,

ffmpeg2theora ,

libmpeg2-4 ,

uudeview ,

libmpeg3-1 , mpeg3-

utils , mpegdemux ,

liba52-dev ,

mpeg2dec , vorbis-

tools , id3v2 ,

mpg321 , mpg123 ,

libflac++6 , ffmpeg ,

totem-mozilla , icedax ,

lame , libmad0 ,

libjpeg-progs ,

libdvdcss ,

libdvdread4 ,

libdvdnav4 ,

w32codecs ,

libavcodec-extra-53 ,

libavformat-extra-53 ,

libavutil-extra-51 ,

libpostproc-extra-52 ,

Page 11: Thing to Do After Install Ubuntu 12

the Terminal. in various archive formats. libswscale-extra-2 ,


extras , app-install-

data-medibuntu , and


are all media codecs. They

play videos, music, and



adds basically every

wallpaper that has ever


Install GoogleChrome

Google Chrome is not

only one of the more

popular, fastest, and

most reliable browsers

available, but it also

includes a pre-packed

and fully patched

version of Adobe Flash

and a huge array of

extensions and apps.

This is another section

of the script that seems

long for what it does,

but Google Chrome

sets up it's repository

itself when you install

it. This script is set to

download the current

if [ $(getconf LONG_BIT) = "64" ]


echo "64bit Detected" &&

echo "Installing Google

Chrome" &&



stable_current_amd64.deb &&

sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-

stable_current_amd64.deb &&

rm -f google-chrome-



echo "32bit Detected" &&

echo "Installing Google

Chrome" &&

Page 12: Thing to Do After Install Ubuntu 12

version and install it,

but is more than three

times as long so that it

can detect whether you

are using 32bit or 64bit

and download and

install the right one.

Clean Up

Now it is time to tidy

up, and the first

command here makes

sure we have

everything we want.

Second, we get rid of

any old dependencies,

then remove all the

packages we've

downloaded and

installed, as we likely

won't use those again.

You can also use

Ubuntu Tweak to

remove orphaned

Configurations and

Outdated Kernels.

echo "Cleaning Up" &&

sudo apt-get -f install &&

sudo apt-get autoremove &&

sudo apt-get -y autoclean &&

sudo apt-get -y clean


How to Burn an ISO to a CD or DVD in


How to decide if you should use 32bit or

64bit Ubuntu

Further Reading

About Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pagolin

How to Install Ubuntu 12.04 Precise


How to make your Dual Boot better with

Page 13: Thing to Do After Install Ubuntu 12


















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This work islicensed under

Creative Commons license whichrequires suitable Attribution uponthe reproduction of any work, forNon-Commercial uses only. It alsorequires you Share-Alikederivative works under the sameor more liberal license.

All article have been tested to work with Ubuntu 12.04, 12.10 and 13.04 unlessotherwise noted.

Ubuntu, Canonical and the Circle of Friends are registered trademarks ofCanonical Ltd.

How to find out how much RAM is

installed in Ubuntu

How to Install a 32bit programme in

64bit Ubuntu


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