Thibodaux minerva (Thibodaux, La.) 1853-10-15 [p ]Finger Rings. Ladies and Gents Breast Pins and...

MERCHANDISE, ETC. A. BTRIiGÏ» 7 ^" FAMILY GROCERY STORE, No. 8 Stf Philip street. r PHE undersigned has now in X store, anil is constantly replenishing, a well »elected assortment of GROCERIES, WINE6, and Liquors, consisting in partofthe following, viz. Appt r. Dried an Orcen KeTCHl'r. Walnut, Tomato Avurtci, Lard, NO. 1 Leaf AmSKTTe, IJOBSTKBS, A\k HAKDLen, LEMONS, ItiCoM, Hams, Side», and LAMP WICK SknvlderB; LIQUOBS, Cognac, ekampa- BxEr, Sugar-cured gne,peach,and New-York BÜTTEB, Goshen and fVes- Brandy; Old Bourbon Irish and Rectified Whis- key; Holland Oin; Ja- maica Rum, etc., etc Murr aw. Creole and Ky. tern REANR. Navy lïiscuiTg, ~i/da and Butter RRBAD, Pïîvt and Navy HncKwnEAT kegs A bozea MO^ASSEST, BROOMS, Assorted MACARONI, BLACKINO, "Mason's" MATCHES, Friction BASKETS, all sizes; Mac* BUCKETS, Tin and painted NUT*IM COFFEE, Rio, Java, Mocha. Nuti^Pecans and Jilmnn# CANDLES, Sperm, Star and OILS, Olive Lamp and Lard French tallow ONIONS CIIEESE, Pine Apple, Eng- PICKLES, Assorted lish hairy and Western PORK, Mess and Prime CHOCOLATE, NO. 1 POTATOES, Sweet and Irish CANDIES, Assorted J PEACHES, Dried CORDIALS, do. PEPPER, Black CIGARS, an excellent as'mt PEPPEB SAUCE, CABDS, Playing POWDER, Sporting and Rifle CINNAMON, PIPES, Clay and Stone CLOVES, RAISINS, Malaga CLOTHESPINS, Iiics, Carolina and Creole CORKS, London SALT, course, fine and Table CAPS, Percu*»ion SUGAR, Loaf and Brown DEMIJOHNS, all sixes SOAP, bar Castile and fancy Koos, ST ARCH. Fox 1 s andColgate* s FLOUR, Si. Louis and Ohio SNUFF, Schtchand Macaboy FISH, Cod, Mackerel and SARDINES, Herring l'tsitiNo TACKLE GINOER, GARLIC, GARDEN SEEDS, HAMS, Sugar-cured INDIOO, Jros, Stone jell -ly SnoT. Buck and Drop SAL iËKATis, TEAS, Assorted °TOBACCO, do. TIN WARE, do. WINKS, Madeira, Skerry, Champagne, Port, h. Red WASH BOARD* ETC., ETC. A. B. RAGAN, 8 St. Philip street. J UST RECEIVED, and for sale— EXTRA ST. LOUIS FLOUR, GERKINÖ AND MIXED PICKLES, LOBSTERS and SALMON in tin cans, SWEET OIL, pints and quarts, BEST HAVANA CIGABS, BOSTON and BUTTER BISCUIT, Ac., Ac. mayüO B. t. HOLDEN. Q UN DRIES— SUGAR—Stuart's Crushed, Pulverised and Loaf; COFFEE—Java and Rio ; No. 1 MACKER EL—whole, half, and quarter Kitts; BEEF AND BUFFALO TONGUES; MAY BUTTER ; CHOCOLATE, TEA, Ac. ; S0A1'—A large lot, in whole, half, and quarter boxes ; HAMS—Stagg A Shay's, Dysons, and Sugar Cured; CIGARS—Best Havana, anil Smoking Tobacco ; l'ickles, Tomato Ketchup, Pepper Sauce, Lemon Syrup, and a variety of other articles in the provision line. Old Bourbon Whisky at 45, 60, and 75 cents, and $125 per gallon ; Good Friction Matchcs, Ac., all just received, and for sale by jelS B. F. HOLDEN. READ THIS! ("1HEAP GROCERY STORE—Hav. ing fully determined on continuing the Grocery business at my old stand, corner of Main and St. Louis St., I hereby notify my friends and former patrons, as well as the. public in general, that I now have on hand and shall con- tinue to Iceep constantly in store, a choice and general assortment of Family Groceries, Western Produce, Ac., Ac., which 1 will be happy to disjiose of at prices equally as low and advantageous as any other establishment engaged in the trade. A liberal share of patronage is solicited. jy80 JNO. THEOPHILÜ8 DAÜNIS. J UST RECEIVED— BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SUMMER COATS A PANTS ; INDIA RUBBER BAND COMBS : TUSCAN STRAW BONNETS; MOHAIR do. do. ; GENTS' WHITE AND DRAB FUR II ATS ; WALL PAPER ; MATTING AND MAT8; CEDAR TUBS, BUCKETS AND PIGGINS; [may21] For sale by OSBURN A CO. "YTEW ARRIVAL AT RAGAN'S.— i-l A LOT OF BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, 150 BOXES WESTERN CHEESE, 8000 HAVANA CIGARS, 25 p(\QKS COFFEE 10 TIERCES STAGG A SHAY'S SUGAR CURED HAMS, 5 CASKS ST. JULIEN CLARET, 10 Hhds. SHOULDERS, 20 Bbls. MONONGAHELA A BOURBON WHISKY, 2 Pipes OLD CASTILLON BRANDY, 60 HALF-BARRELS MESS PORK, 60 do. No. 2 MACKEREL, 10 do. MESS BEEF, And a great variety of other article* too numerous to mention, ust received and tor sale by A. B. RAGAN. B ARGAINS!— SECOND UAND GOODS FOB SALE! MOSQUITO BARS, BED TICKS, BLANKËT8, SPADES, SHOVELS, AXES, LARGE FRENCH POTS, DUTCH OVENS, and various other Cooking and Table utensils. ALSO—in WHEELBARROWS. tSf~ Many of the above articles are as good as new, and all will be sold CHEAP. ALSO—RED FLANNEL SHIRTS, HICKORY SHIRTS, AND SEVERAL CASES DITCHERS' »OOTS, entirely aug6 new—for sale cheap. B. F. HOLDEN. Hazard Powder Company. T IIE Undersigned Agenis of the above GUNPOWDER MANUFACTORY—at present the most extensive one in the United States—having by recentarrivals, reeeived large supplies of the various qualities of Pawder, usual- ly demand 'Un this Market, have now onaand, aud infer for saw, the following kinds, vis : CANISTER POWDER, In Canisters of 1 pound, and 25 to a case, of the "American Sporting," being the finest quality made, the "Indian Rifle." and thé '-Keutucky Rifle," Powder, F. F. F. g ; also In Canisters of 5 pounds and 12 to a case, of the "Kentucky Rifle" Powder. F. F F. g. and F. F. G. ; KEG POWDER in whole, half, and quarter kegs, of the "Kentucky Rifle," the staple Powder of the country, F. F F.G,,F.F. G., "Sea shooting, in quarter kegs of the "American Sporting" Powder, the hiebest manufac- tured for sportsmen's use and Pistol shooting ; and also in whole kegs of Fair lawn Mills, being Cannon or Mus- ket Powder. The high reputation which the Hasard Company's Powder ha* obtained as far as it has become known, su- percedes the necessities of any remarks In its praise, and we will only state that we GPARVNTEC IT UNEXCELLED BY AN* oTBE* MANUFACTORY, although it is acknowled- ged by those who have tried it to be superior to all other brands. We wish It to be expressly understood that any pack- age not proving satisfactory, will be taken back by ns, and its cost and expenses refunded. We are prepared to deliver promptly any quantity upon order being left at onr store, on hoard of Steamboats, free of charge. O.'T. BUODECKE & CO., Agnats. 10" Tchoupitoulas Street, New Orleans. Graines fraîches Garanties ygfc T. BACHBIER, XgT Marchand Grainier, nnrHruUeur, BotanirteT Rue ^Uridines, entre Vieil}« Levée et Condè. TTIENT •> recevoir de Fr.»noe, par le navire Lemuel " Dyer : A "" Carole, Conx, (10 variétés,) K5T 1 ' Persil; Pota, Hcononere, etc., etc. Asperge, Betterave,' Cerfeuil, Chicoree, Uhoufleur, Ir choix,Cresson. Laftu, Romain«, Oignion, Panais, Poireau, Poirée, ou Bette, Radis. Salslflis, Lagrande r»potaton qtTU s'est faite depuis qu'il résidnt loi. tant pour Pexeellente levée de ses graines, que pour le chuta des aaaëces, meta même de vendre * des prix tré* modérés, quoique les récoltée aient «te mauvaises. Il lnslste prés des amateurs qui ordinairement Mit Vsor semis d* fleurs m printemps pour qa'll les fusait à I'm tomne. D'après les expériences da climat de la Louidaae, il a ikbtenu d'excellents résultats de semis hits à eetwëpsqne Lea plus belles collections de fleura sont toujours dispo nlbles H son magsln. Parmi—œillet flamand. 1er choix, «Billet de fantaisie, double varié, choix, Baaoncule, ane- [«-»f.] Season Seed«. JOST reeeived from the Nortb and Europe, a assortment of Seeds and Flowers ; Corn Salxd, Lettuce of all kinds; Common Parsley ; Yellow Onions: « White Early; „» of York, of Bulheart, Cabbage of Short Dutch, " of Milan, " " ^h«r* aunr. " «V Jrnxelle, " V Branch Flower, « « 1st choice, rarrot, short, early, Bndive, 8 carol. Flat white Turnips, early, Bed collar M Black Salsify, etc., Flowers of all kinds. Round Red Beet; Ctrrot, Red, half discs ; Red round Radifeh: " half long; * Scarlet; Flanders Splnnaeh; Black Mustard ; Garden Barrel, large leaf Lao« large green Artichoke . . . U W H W W A I U U I U K T i OOHtanHr anhand Seeds of aH sorts of the last growth. Floww 8eedi, sto., uncommon it Um bcgippîpf of ca5 eSS-*' pwsOM lrl * Wn S to supply theuudvet vUf please Planters, Gardeners and others an invttod to try these Beedj, and »"V vHHbe oonvtacad that no hetteTLn be found. BACHELIER, S^dsqu^d And f9411 ühwUno 8t., between Old Lev»» and Condé CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. SACHÊ & SANCAN, Daguerreotype and Painting Gallery, myl4 No. 8«, CAMP St, NEW ORLEANS. Antoine A. l^aforest, C OMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, tind General Factor and Jigent, So. 28 Old I,cvce, New Orleans, hereby tenders hUservices to the inhabitants of this and tha adjoining parishes, and hopes by his strict and prompt attention toall busi- fier* confided to his care* to be deserving of their liberal " •' M: VALUABLE MEDICINE. patronage. 14-tf durch 1,1853. CHS. MAILLOT, P. W. CHURCH. C HARLES VÎAILLOT & CO., NO. 25 GRAVIER STREET, NEW ORLEANS Importers of French Wines, Cognac Brandies. Liquors, Preserves, Fruits in Juice, Sardines, Oils, «ftc. E. E. YOUNG. H. t. BUCKLEY. YOUNG & CO., X [LATE KELSON A. YOUNG * CO.] No. 8 Camp Street.—New Orleans. A RE now receiving their Pall snpply of goods, consis ting in part of the undermentioned articles: Heavily cased gold and silver hnnting watches, very substantial from the best manufactures of London and Liverjinöl suitable for Planters and Overseers. Gold and silver face Watches. Very rich gold hunting and open faced Geneva watches plain and engraved for Ladies. Fine Gold Guards, Fob and Vest Chains, new patterns Studs, Collar Buttons, Finger Rings. Ladies and Gents Breast Pins and Ear- Rings. Single Stone and Cluster Diamond Pins and Fin- ger Rings. Gold and Silver Sepectaclci for all ages. Silver Ware warranted pure as coin, consisting of Table Tea and Dessertspoons, Table and Dessert Forks, Soup Ladles, Butter Knives, Mustard and Salt Spoons, Sugar Toitgs. Plated Ware consisting of Castors, Candle-sticks, Waiters, &c. The whole of which is warranted as fine as any offered by any house in the trade and at reason- able prices. . t5T The strictest attention given to repairing Clocks Watches and Jeweljy. Ail fine watches committed to our charge we personally attend to, and our charges are reasonable. [48tf.l New Orleans, Nov.7, 1851. ® HOUSE FURNISHING STORE© * B. BROWER 4* CO., 1 ri CAMP STREET, NEW ORLEANS.—China, Glass, A I Earthernware. Plated Silver, Britanla and Tin Warfe ; Japannery, Knives and Forks, Lamps. Castings, Wooden Ware, Baskets, etc.—Also ; The celebrated Re- public Cooking Stoves. f48-ly] B. BROWER fc CO. Corson & Armstrong STATIONERS, PRINTERS AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURBRS, Ifo. 5!» Camp Strert, NEW ORLEANS. Musical Notice. T^HE undersigned takes the pleasure of 1 informing his friends and the plantersEjtWrjS}^ in «pnpriil that hftR r.nnRtnntlv nn hn.n<L in general that lie has constantly on hand, and is always receiving large assortments \ggiiuäisStmJ of Musical Instruments, such as Pianos of all size*. Guitars, Music Pa|>er, Violoncellos, Violin«, Violin Strings and Hows. &c. &c, The following are among some of his newly received good« m PIANOS : A large stock of new scale of 0, GJ 6} and 7 Octavo Piano Fortes, all of which will be sold at faotory prices, GUITARS : Toma's Guitars constantly on hand—also, imported Guitars, of the best gpanish and French pal- mKs, together with low priced German Guitars. RULED MUSIC PAPER: Music Paper of 12, 14, IG, constantly on hand, and manufactured to order. VIOLONCELLOS: In every variety. STRINGS: For Violin, Violoncello, Tenor Viol, Double Bass, Guitar and Banjo. Keepsthn best Strings that can be procured. Sold wholesale and retail. VIOLINS AND VIOLIN BOWS: Violin Cases, Bow «lair, Bridges, Pegs, Taii Pieces, Finger-Boards, Mutes, Rosin, &c.4te. REEDS: For Clarionet, Bassoon and Obo«. DRUMS: Of all sizes, Drum Heads, Sticks, Cords, Snares. &c. &c. GUITAR PATENT HEADS : Gnitar Pins, Cases,Ca- po d'Astras. Bridges, Knobs and Pins. PIANO FORTE TRIMMINGS : Of alt kinds. Piano Forte Stools. TUNING FORKS; Tuning Hammers, Tuning Pipes. Dealers and Heads of Seminaries, supplied at the low- est wholesale prices with everything in the Music Line. Address W. T. MAYO, 5-tf. Nos. 5 Sc 0.1 Camp Street, New Orleans. Building Materials and Naval Stores. 4 B. BACON, No. 10 Gravier street, -ZtLo New Orleans, dealer In Lime, Cement, Plaster, Fire Brick, Hair, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Turpentine, Ac. jy28 ly To the members of the Louisiana Bar. rpiIE undersigned haa the following works, relating to the - 1 Laws of Louisiana, which he is prepared to sell for cash, at a very greut reduction upon the prices formeriy de- manded. MARTIN'S REPORTS of Ca-es arsned and determined In the Supreme Court of the Territory of Orleans, and in the Supreme Court of the State of Louisiana. By François Xavier Martin, one of the Judges of said Courta—with margins! references, by Thomas Gibbcs Morgan, Counsel- lor at Law. New edition, 1852. The original twenty volnmes, without abbrevation. Price #5 per volume to subscrib rs, prior to November 1,1S52, and to non-sub- scribers $6 cash. ROBINSON'S REPORTS, 13 volumes, embracing the Deci- sions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana, from October 1841, to March, 1846. This valuable work is now offered either by volume or by set, at a much lower price than heretofore. Nothing need be said in commendation of a work so well known to every Louisiana lawyer. Its pos. session is indbpen <aiile to secure the continuity of the decisions of the Supreme Court GREINER'S LOUISIANA CODE OF PRACTICE—new edition. BENJAMIN S- SUDELL'S DIGEST, enlarged. A Digest of all Decisions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana, down to the thirteenth volume of Louisiana Reports. DESLIX'S DIGGEST—This is a continuation of Benjamin t Slidcll's Digest, and is brought down to the third volume of Robinson's Reports. DESLIX'S GENERAL INDEX, from 1809 to 184S. An alphabetically arranged ta Me of all the cases decided during the above-mentioned long period. For sale by J. B. STEEL, 60 Camp street. N. 0. August 20th, 1852. (37-6mo.) 1JATWT MEDECINS#—ComHoek 1 ! Medednes.Tnrrant's I' Aperient. Radwagr*« Ready Kelief, Daltey*, tw» Ex- tractor, Ayer*» Cherry Pectoral, Wintar's BhINIB of WSd Cherry, Htia Pectoral, Speed'! Toole, Jalne'» MtAeclMa, ftMtinir'i Syrup Nsptha. Townseod's SarsaparBa. Wipers' Canadian VwmiAwe. Mutanr Ualment. Nerve and Bone do., Arabian do., Paltaonli Wafers, «te , aotd bv *tf J. fl. IBUBLL, Drnfgftt. F CAZE-GRRBER, WATCH.MA. KEH AND JÄWEU5», cor wSr¥o r?s r , of Mala and St. Loob rtroet«, ThUwtoBX, (eld «land of O. gewrt.j taka. Alamuortuaityof lqfoWBlB« L * ,n rnadytoattand to ttoteeadloisand repalrlnf öf Watches, A Book for every ^mcrican. MEN WANTED TO TRAVEL AS AGENTS. T HF. Subscriber is now publishing a Third Edition of THE LIFE AND VOYAGES OF AMKR1CU8. The great Navigator who gave name to this Western Continent. By C. El LISTER, late U. S. Consul. Illustrated wtfh en- graving!«. From the JV«t> York Jvurnal of Commerce:—"This Is a very lntere ting and instructive volume, especially to American«, as it relates to the discovery and early history of this continent. The Plates illustrating various points in the history of the great Navigator, add to the value of the work, and still more to its acceptablene» to the common reader." From Pie Hew Tort Christian Adutrtieer.—'' In the elegantly printed volume, the compilers have preserved all the information accessible respecting this celebrated voy- ager. This Book will be a valuable acquisition." From the New Tort, Recorder. —"This is a worthy tri- bute to one of the great navigators whose name and history, will be forever connected with the American Continent. The work is well worthy of attention as a repository of much that is valuable, bearing on the early history of the Few World." From Mo Albany Spectator.—' "The subject of this work is sufficient of Itself to attrack and interest every American. The man who gave name to this great western Continent, can never lie forgotten. ••It Is written in that flowing and attractive style, which characterizes tit Mr. Lester's productions, and cannot IUI to have an extensive circulation." A number of active and intelligent men of good charactet are olfered profitable employment in circulating, by sub- scription. the above valuable and interesting work in the State of LoaMam. The Terms will be given on application to the Subscriber, H. MANSFIELD, Publisher, 184 York Street, New Haven, Connecticut. Martin's Reports. 'I'mE uuderslgued has irow in press a new edition of A MARTIN'S REPORTS, Including the new series, with notes of reference to subsequent dédiions of the Supreme Court, op to the Seventh Volume of the Annual Reports ; re fcrsuoe to the Amendments to the ConstltntHns, Statutes, land Civil Code aad Onde of Practice, since thos# decisions TOre rsaderod.^ Compiled by Tno». GISBKS Monom, Esq., This work has been got up with great labor and research, and it is hoped will be found to merit the patronage of the profession. No attentions of the original have been made, except to correct typographical errors, and, in some instan- ces, by adtBng marginal notes of points decided, but not no- ticed by the reporter. The high character of the Court during the time embraced n these volumes—the great number of cases involving tho most important principles of the Civil Law, as It obtained prior to the acquisition of Louisiana—the learned and able briefs of the emineat counsel then at the bar, render this work of the greatest Importance In aB those States and Ter- ritories, formeriy under the jurisdiction of Spain ; while at the same time, the aotea afford a ready reference to the sulisequentadjudieations of the Supreme Court of this State. The original tweaty volumes, comprising all the cases of the Sopnme Court of Louisiana, froii 1809 to 1880, will be published m tan volumes—price, to subscribers, live dollars per volume ; to non-subscribers, six dollars per volume— cash in all cassa. Neither expense nor labor will be spared to make the work, in every respect, worthy of the patroruure of tbepnfegsion. It will be published complete and ready for doh'Tenr in this ci ty, by the first of November next, until which date tubserfyttons will be received. It Is tha intention of the publisher to follow it up with a new edition of the LOUISIANA REPORTS, noted in the same manner ; and, also, to publish new editions of the CIVIL CODE AND CODE OF PRACTICE. In the latter works, it Is proposed to publish the original text entire, raÜMr each artiele with the Staiutary Amendments entire aad the decisions of the Supreme Court upon eacb, by re- ference to the volume and page. Such wsvks will require great labor and care, and as they will be executed under the immediate superintendence of tha asaotaur of Martin's Reporta, I think they can be safely commended tothe especial attention of the profession. Some propres» has already been made in these works, and they srilfba pnhHshad saspaadily asmay be oompatiMe with the utmost accuracy. _ __ S B STEEL, Publisher, Jewelry, tu. C87-3kn .> Nofifi Camp strae t, New Orleans. R T GEBENS FAMILY MEDICINES, ichtw, -M Swayiie'ado, Souky's Bitter«, "Wright's Indian Vege- jell-ly I sbfe PULi, for aale by jell J. S. FKEELL. DE.. SEINE'S CELEBRATED FAMILY MEDICINES, XO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT TUE3I! Dit. S«AVi\i;'S Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry ! The greatest remedy for Consumption, Coughs, Colds Asthma' Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breathing, Pain in the Skie and Breast, Pal- pitation of the Heart, Influenza, Croup, Broken Constitution, Sore Throat, Nervous Debility, and also all Diseases of the 53^-TIIROAT, BREAST AND LCNGS. ..MFi Still another remarkable Cure qf Consumption, and its dangerous attendants, after hariny been given rip to die by Physicians and Fi-iends, the annals of history cannot furnish a, parallel. POINT or ROCKS, Frederick Co., Md., I June 9th, 1S52, f Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir : Believing it a duty I owe to the public, and in justice to you, I have thought proper to make tyni one of the most extraordinary cures in my own case, that has ever been truly recorded. In the month of October last I was afflicted with a severe gathering In my breast, which formed a large abscess, and almost communicated to my lungs, and very much afflicted them, and discharged large quantities of corruption, external and internal—that is large quantities passed through my lung, which I threw up. My breath could also pass through mylungs and out through the cavity of my breast with apparent ease, attended with a violent cough, day and night, loss of appetite, and extreme debility, so that mxphysician thought my case entirely hope- less and beyond Hié power of medicine. I remained in this wretched condition for a long time, until I was wasted to a mere skeleton, and there seemed to be no hope for me ; but having read in the public papers of the many wonderful cures performed by your COMPOUND SYKUP OF WILD HY, I immediately sent to Baltimore for five bottles, and commenced its use, and to my great satisfaction and the joy of my anxious family, the abscess or opening in my lungsj began to heal, and the cough to subside, and on using ten bottles, I was restored to perfect health. I feel very grateful, and firmly believe that to you? valuable medicine, under ihe blessing of Divine Providence, I am indebted for this | * ' change, and am happy to say that I am now enjoying as health as I ever have. Yours, very respectfully, THOMAS DIXOS. The subscriber is well acquainted with Thomas Dixon, and can testify that he has been afflicted as above represented. I regard his recovery as almost a miracle. He is a worthy member of society. Jauks R. DUKBBOW, Pastor of Burlin Circuit, Baltimore Conference. BE CAREFUL IN PURCHASING, To obtain the original and only genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, which must have the portrait and signature of DR. SWAYNE on each wrapper around the bottle. Until you obtain this compound you will never know the real virtues of Wild Cherry. Sroagiu's (Eclcbratcîr ikrmifuge, In Square Sotties, very pleasant to the taste, and the mos effectual remedy in expelling Worms, curing dyspepsia, soär stomach, increasing the appetite, and invigorating the whole system. Obserr« that it is iu square bottles, with the por- trait of DR. SWAYNE on each wrapper around the bottle. jVbae other is a ermine. DB. SWAYNE'S .Sugar Coated Sarsaparilla <3t Tar Fills A gentle purgative and alterative medicine, far superior to the Pills in general use, more mild prompt and uniform in their operation, may be taken at all times, and in fact in every disease where an aperient, alterative or purgative medicine is required, and for the diseases incident to females, they are unequalled. These valuable Pills are the result of medical l-n<nrl- edfje combined with long «nperience, having used them many years in my private practice, therefore have had ample opportunity in testing their power to relieve and cure those diseases for which they are designed. DR. SWAYNE'S Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, and RÉ^-DYSENTERY CORDIAL,-©a A speedy and effectual remedy for ASIATIC CHOLERA, Common Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera In- fantum or Summer Complaint, I'ains in the Stomach and Bowels, Vomiting, Sea Sickness, Sickness of the Stomach, Lowneas of Spirits, and all affections of the Stomach and Bowels. _ The above valuable medicines are prepared only by D1Ï. SWAYNE at his LABORATORY, NO. 4 NORTH 7TIJ STREET, PHILADELPHIA, and for sale by Druggists and Dealers in Medicines everywhere. For sale by J. S. FRIZELL, Thibodaux. J. C. FISHER, Red River Landing, D. MACENEKY, Marksville, J. W. SMITH, Shreeveport, BEACCHAMP & SAWYER, New Iberia, HU. KENNEDY, N, Orleans, SICKLES & CO., N. Orleans, A. FISHER, Village Post Office, jy2-ly S. P. BERNARD, Lake Providence. DESULTORY NOTICES. Female School. M R. and Mrs. Lathrop, assi-ted by Mrs. Duffield, will commence the second term of thnir School oil the 1st Monday in January, in the first dwelUcg house above the Methodist Cburch, on Jockson Street. TERMS PER MONTH Primary Class 00 Junior do.... 4 00 Senior do •••••; •» 00 Music on Piano and Guitar. Drawing and Pamtm«, all kinds of Embroidery and Fancy Work, and the French Language will also be tau«ht—Terms made on application. A lew boarding puni : H will be received. REFERENCES. J. J. ROMAN, LOUIS BDSH, HENRY S. KARR, WM J. FERC.USON, LEWIS A. REED, ROBERT J. HARP. Thibadaux, December, 1S52. (02-tf.) Plows ! Flows ! _ To those who do fall ploughing, we beg leave to calltheirattention W to onr assortment qggf oung's sup- VfegdjfEEasaJ'vicrior Ploughs, ofWfferent num- ** bers. We shall have for the ensu- ing season, a large assortment of those f.ivorite Ploughs. For the information of those whe; have not used the Young Plough, we would state that they have been in use by our most practical planters, among whom we would name Judge Geo. S. Onion, Van P. Wind- er. Esq., Mfes W. & P. Webb, Mess Nelson & Donaldson, iiMScudday & Co., Mess Connelly A Baily. W. A Shaf- fefJÊsq., Mess J. & II. Cage, J ustreceived, and for sale by H ' ° B. F. IIOLDEN, Thibodaux, Sept. 1st 1P52. (89-tf.) Ji«cnta JUCICIAFC NOTICES. Estate of Marl* llo*ul& VTagenspack (wl community idth Louis Andre WnQ^nspack—.No. zo4. S UCCESSION SALE.—state of Lou- isiana—Fifth District Court—Parish of Lafourche. In the name and by the authority of the i?ifth Judicial District Courw. sitting in aud for the pariah of Lafourche, there wifl he tflered for sale at public auction, by M. Bourir, Sheriff, dilly qualified and sworn, in and for said parislv, on the premises, situated in si,M parish on the left bank of bayou Lafourche, at about nine miles below the town of Thibodaux, ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1SS3, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following described property, td'Wit : 1.—A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND situated in the parish of Lafourche, on the left bank of Bayou Lafourche, at about nine miles below the towa of Thibodaux—measuring one arpent front by sixty-two arpents lit depth ; bounded above by the land of Hubert Wagenspack, and below by the laud of Ulger Wagenspack—together with the Buildings arufimprovement--« thereon. 2.—A NEGRO WOMAN, aged about TO years. 8.—A HORSE, a lot of HOGS, RICE, 100 Bbls. CORN, a CORN MILL, Ac., Ac. TERMS ASD Cosmnogs.—The personal property and slave payable in all the m<atf of March, 1854 ; and the land pay- able by thirds—one-third in all and each of the months of March of the years 1854,1855, and 185li. The purchaser shall be bound to give good and approved security, and the land shall remain specially mortgaged until final payment ; and all sums not punctually paid at maturity to bear eight per cent, interest per annum thereafter. Lafourche, October 8,1358. [42j M. BOURG, Sheriff. É^erior Liquors! A kB We Inve this day received % pipe superior »Champagne Brandy, <4 01d Montegue ; cask superior Madeira Wine, "South;'* 2 Bbls Old Bourbon Whisky; 2 casks London Porter, Byas's, in qxarts,2 do in pints; 2 do Harvey's Scotch and india BSfcle Ale; ^cask Old Port Wine—a fine article for invalids " ~ F. HOLDEN. Carts and A S the rolling season i< drawninj»«ear, we beg leave to call the attention of our < friends, to our very large stock of Cane Cart«, light Bagasse do. Cane Waggons of different width treads. We have a larger assortment this year than we have had any previous year. The work is folly warranted to beof the bestquility, Just receivot'und for sale by B. F. HOLDEN. 39 tf Agents for Bodley A Co. Wheeling Virginia. d«3 F. P. DIJCOlï 6E| I MPORTER OF FRENCH AND ENGLISH CHE- MICALS AND PREFUMEltY, and wholesale and retail dealer in Diugs, Medicines, Patent Medicines, Ac. NO. 39 CHARTHKS STREET, Between Bien ville and Customhouse streets, JV. O. Country merchants, planters and physicians will always find a complete and extensive assortment of everything in the line, at low prices and liberal terms. The qu .lity of articles always warranted. f29-ly.J Daeonge's Sectoral Balsamic Syrup L ABORATORY OF THE PROPRIETOR, No. 39 char très street, New Orleans. The well known virtue of this Vegetable Syrup, in all the ailments of the breats, chest, longs and bowels, is so well established, and has been tested for so many years, by such extensive patronage, that it would be idle to dwell at any length on its efficacy in colds, coughs, asthma, bronchitis, inflammation of the throat, stomach or bowels, spitting of blood, and whooping cough. , It has beer, found highly beneficial in all inflammatory disorders, such ns Reliumatisin, Diarrhœa. or Dysentery (summer complaint,) and especially in those cases of chlo- rine, which, for want of proper notice, so often degenerate into confirmed cholera. In all affections of the lungs verging on Consumption, it has been found to prevent that dreadful scourge, whenever timely resorted to. Besides its acknowledged certainty of cure, this truly wonderful Medecine has, over most compounds of the same nature, the decided avantages that owiug to its agreeable flavor, it can be administered without difficulty to children, and it requires no very particular diet. 0F" Prepared and sold at the Laboratory of the Pro- prietor. F. P. DUCONGE, 2!)-ly.] No. HO Chartres street, New Orleans GOUTTES DE THIEL1AV OO SPECinqrB ANTI-onOLEBIQFE. C ES gouttes peuvent être employees comme un remède certain et etticce, et rétablis-an t de suite tous ceux qui peuvent se trouver atteints de dysentetrie, coliques, crampes, ele , ces a vant-rourenrj du choiera. Les familles et ceux qui vont en voyage feront bien dp se munir d'une fiole île ce remede, auquel un grand nombre de personnes doivent la vie—A vendre par F. P. DUCONGE, No. 39 rue de Chartres. Nouvelle-Orleans Dépôt chez C. HIMEL, Assomption. J. COURTADE, do. J. AUGIER, Thibodaux. [29-ly.] A. VERILLOUX. Lafourche Interne. THIELMAN'S DROPS—OR ANTI-CHOL- ERA SPECIFIC. T HESE Drops are a safe and sura remedy for affording immediate relief in »11 cases of dysentery, cholics and cramps Ac., which generally precede rhe cholera. Familiesand persons travelling,will do well to provide themselves with a vial ofthis medicine, which has alreidY saved the livesof a great many. Sold by P. F. DUCONGE. no. 39 Chartres street, New Orleans. To be found at C. HIMEL, Assomption, J. CODRTADE, do. do. J. AUGIER, Thibodaux, [20-1 y.] A. VERILLOUX, I.ifourcheInterior JOHN LARKIN, POPPER, ZINC, TIN AND SHEET- VV IRON WORKER, on Jackson street, * ^ near the Fotindery, keeps constantly on hand a large and foil stock of Copper and [ar\ *tk>49 T n Ware, snch as Bath-Tubs. Shower \tr and Seat Baths, Cooking and Kitchen Utensils, and a great variety of Conking, Parlor and other Slaves. All kinds of work In his line repaired, and cleaned, to order. Gutters and Bpoots pot np atthe shortest notice. H. FLEMING, P LAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PL AS TERER, has just reeeived and will constantly keep at bis Ware House on Chnreh street, a foil stock of Thom- aston, Western and f>sar Lio^, Sharp Sand, Cement, Hair, Plaster of Paris, fee, much he Till sell as low as they can be procured from New Orleans. June II. Batli-IIoiue. CAUSSE, Barber, on St. Philip st., begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has just opened a Bath House, where hot and cold baths may be had at all times. RATES.—Cold Baths, 35 cents ; Hot do. 85 cents ; with two Towels furnished each. 52-tf F. ^^FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, No. 1 St. Philip street, THIBOD/ UX. T TROUGH the medium of the public press, I take the liberty of announcing totne public, that I still continue to carry on, at my old stand, as above, my calling as Boot and Shoe Maker, and 1 am, at alltimes. ready to accommo- date my customers at the shortest notice. Boots and Shoes, of the latest bihions, made to order with despatch; and warranted an easy fit, or no sale. April 9th, 1863. (18-tf.) J G, QUINOT 4 Co. §„ BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS, If No. 12 St. Philip street, THIBODAUX, H AVING recently established themselves here, respect- fully Inform the pnbtic, and the amateurs of good work, that they aie now ready to accommodate them with Shoes, Boots Ac., at the lowest cash prices. Having exercised their trade in many of the principal towns of France, as well as in New Orleans, they feel confident that their work will please the taste ofthe most fastidious. They are con- stantly in recept of the best Bordeaux Calf, Strasbourg Morocco; and varions other leather. All are invited to call. August Hth, 1868. (86-tf.) A COULON, SILVER SMITH AND JEWELER, at ?.. Cane's, corner of Main and St. LouisV— streets, Thibodaux, manufactures any article in his Gne to order ; likewise repairs and exchanges jewelry. [37-tf.] "1X71ST Aft'S Balsam of Wild Cherry, Ayer's Cherry V Pectoral. Jayne's Expectorant. Osgoods India (Tho- paoptie, tnd McLane's celebrated Verraifnge. Jost received, mid for sale by J. 8. FRIZELL. JOHNSON & FITCH, flonse, Sign and Ornamental Painters. tfSSg Wo. 6, St. ffMip street, Thibodaux, La. Beg leave to Inform their friends and the Pnblic generally, that they are no« ready to fil I orders with neat nessanddlspatch. June 31st,1851.-tf BOOK AND JOB PRINTING OFFICE. T HE proprietor ofthe MINERVA OFFICE, having purchased a splendid Imperial Press, and a large variety of Plain, Fancy, an#Ornamental Type, wonld respectfully inform the public that he is now enable« 1 to execute CIRCULARS, 4 4 BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, A A BILL-HEADS, BOOKS, |PM CARDS, 0]t/ü TF/ FIST £ßcu/in^ r I I E f ! K S . L A B E L S . LABELS, IF®£ÂMÏÀ Hand Bills, Posters. Bray Receipts, And in fact, every variety of fetter press printing, in a neat and elegant manner, at the shortest notice; and at prices equally as low as those of any establishment in New Orleans. Arrival and Departure of tHe Mails. T HE Western and Northern Mails, arrives on Tues day, Tbnrsnay nnd Satnrday at 3 oclock, P. M. Clones on Wsilne-day and Friday at 7 o'clock, A. M., and every Saurday at 1 o'clock P. M. Arrives from Alligator, Tigerville and Houma, on Wednesday and Friday at 8 o'clock, A. M. Closes for the above places on Tuesday and Thurs- day at 2 o'clock 1*. M. TMbodanv Jan. 211th, 1851. J. Y. BENNETT, P. M. AGENCY OF THE Merchants' Insurance Company of Mew Orleans. Ij^OR the parishes of Assumption, La- JL fourche and Terrebonne. The undersigned having been appointed a?ent for ti e above Insurance Company, beg leave to call the attention of Planters, Merchants' und property holders of the three «hove parishes, to the follow- ing clause adopted by the Botrd of Presidents of Insurance Companies of New Orle ns, for country Fire Risk*. FIRE PISKS out of New Orleans, on buildings or contents, excepting Gin and Sugar Houses and their con- tents, to have the following clause inserted. PROVIDED THE PLACE HAS NO INSURANCE COMPANY OR AGENCY IN IT ; namely— It is understood and agreed to be a condition of this In- surance, that in cft'e of any 1 >ss wl'hin the policy, the In- su'ers are to be liable only for THREE FOUTH8 OF THE SAME, not exceeding the sum herein insured, and the OTHER FOURTH to he BORNE BY THE ASSURED. The Undersigned is ready to Insure properties against Fire Risks and iibo Cargo per Steamboats. CHARLES LESSEPS, Agent. Firm of L»ss"ps & Deguilhem, Thibodaui, L». May Gth, 1&">3. [22-1 y J Succession ofArcine Bergeron, widow qf yulcry IFymel. wSSaSwrtrt Co^-^Ï a iilu 0 rÎhe L0 ^i J^ e t and by the authority of the Fifth Judicial DI& Lafo,,rche - In the name trict Court, sitting in and for the parish of Lafourche, there will be offered for sale at public auction by Mathurin Bourg, Sheriff and Auctioneer, on the premises, 9ituated in the town of Thibodaux, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1SÖ8, at 10 o'cloct i. *., the following described property, to-wit : 1.—A CERWLIN TOWN LOT, situated in said parish of La- fourche, in the town of Thibodaux, known and designated on a plan of said town, made and executed by James B. Grinage, the 1st May, 1842, and deposited as No. 115 in the Recorder's office—with the Buildings thereon. 2.—A NEGRO BOY, named Casimire, aged about eighteeif years. 3.—Several Bedsteads, Bedding, an Armoir, a Bureau, a Looking-Glass, a Clock, Safe, Chairs, Ac. TERMS AND CONDITIONS.—The pessonal property, payable cash ; and the real property payable by thirds—ond-third in all and each of the months of March of the years 1S54, 1655 and 1S56. The land and slave to remain specially mortgaged until final payment ; and all sums not punctually paid at maturity, 4^ bear eight per cent interest thereafter. The purchaser to dive good and approved security. Lafourche, Octobre 8,1853. M. BOURO, Sheriff. AVIS FR ANC Als. Succession de Jfurie Rosolie 1 Vagen»jMck% (-t txutô mec Leon Andre \Vayeiu*i>udc ' V ENTE DE SUCCESSION—RU, d la Louisiane—Cour du Cinquième District—n. de Lafourche. lar "«« Au nom et par autorite de la Cour du Cinquième ni Judiciaire, siegeant dans et pour la paroisse Ue l-ufour, f sera offert en vente publique par M. Bourg, Sherif « " centeur, dûment qualifie et assermente, sur les lieux > dans la dite parois«! sur la rive gauche du bayou Laf,, a environ neuf miles audessous de la ville (le Thibm!-,,. ' SAMEDI, le 12 du mois de NOVEMBER, IS53 ' a 10 heures A. M., la propriété ci-apres decrite, savoir - 1. Un certain morceau da terre situe dans la paroi«.. Lafourche, sur U rive gauche du bayou Lafourche u „^7 neuf tulles audessous de la ville de Thibodaux, mesurant araent de face par soixante deux arpents en prilf 0il borne en haut par les terres d'Hubert Wagenspack et «1ï' parcelles d'Ulger Wagenspack, avec toutes les bari, ameliorations qui s'y trouvent. u « 2. UNE NEGRESSE, ageedeîft ans. 8. Un cheval, des Cochons, du ris, 100 barils ilP moulin a grue, etc., etc. m, -> TKHMKS ET CONDITIONS.—La propriété personnelle pt p clave payable en tout et Mars, 1S54, et U terte pavibb tiers, un ters en tous et chacun des mois de Mars dw ÖL« 1854,1855, et lt>56. L'acquereur fournissant Minie et val m* caution, et la terre restant speciallement li> [Kithpqnee j„ ' , parfait payment, et tout payments non' iJonctuellei2 U échéance portant huit pour cent d'interet par im a [42-tds.j M. B0UKG, Shérif. SHERIFF'S SALE. O STATE OF LOUISIANA—P -PARISH OF LAFOURCHE. Citizens' Bank of Louisiana 1 vs. y Number 6104. Mathurin Pitre ) TAKE NOTIC&Diat by virtue of a writ of fi. fa. issued by the Fifth Distil« Court of Orleans, in the above entitled case, I have siezed and will offer for sale at public auction at .the Court House in the town of Thibodaux, on SATURDAY, the 5th NOVEMBER, 1853, at 11 o'clock, A. M., the two following tracts of land, being now in the possession of Mrs. Clerville Barras, and a portion of a larger tract now owned by her, to-wit : 1.—A CERTAIN PLANTATION situated in the parish of La fourche, at about three miles below the town of Thibodaux and on the right bank of the Bayou Lafonrche, consisting of two tracts of land—one of them measuring two arpents front and forty arpents in depth, bounded above and be- low by land now owned by Mrs. Clerville Barras. 2.—ANOTHER TRACT, measuring one arpent, more or less front, by forty arpents in depth ; bounded above by laud now owned by A. B. Thibodavx, and below by land owned 8.—S^N^SHARI^ifOne Hundred Dollars each, in the Capital Stock of the Citizens' Bank of Louisiana. TERMS AND CONDITIONS.—The purchaser to furnish his stock notes for the sum of Two Thousand Three Hundred and Ten Dollars, ($2,310) payable on the 1st of August, 1S54, or re- newable according to the provisions of the charter ; and the balance CASH. The stock notes to be identified with the act of mortgage by M. Pitre and wife in favor of the Citizens, Bank of Louisiana, passed before T. Segher, Notary Public* in New Orleans, on the 25th May, 1S87, and with the Sheriff's deeds in this case ; and the purchaser to assume all the ob- ligations, charges, and conditions imposed upon the stock- holders of the Citizens' Bank of Louisiana. J. K. G0ÜRDAIN, Deputy Sheriff. October 1st 1S53. [41-tds.] XTOTICE.—All persons indebted to the -i-* Succession of Jules Billard, are requested to come for- ward and settle ; and all persons to whom the aforesaid Suc- cession is indebted, aTe hereby notified to come forwartl and receive the amount of their claims. August, 27 1553. [aS-lt.j L. BUSn, Curator. S ALE.—Will be offered for sale at the Court House in the town of Thibodaux, for cash, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1855 at 9 o'clock, A. M., by the undersigned, the moveable effects belonging to the vacant estate of Jules Billard, and consisting of a TURNER'S LATHE and accessories, and sundry other articles. oct8-2t L. BUSH, Clerk and ex-officio Curator. m FKANKLIN HOUSE. rpHIS NEW HOTEL, in the large A new Brick Building situated on the corner. of St. Louis .street and Commercial Row, Thibodaux, La. and fitted up about one year ago expressly for a hotue of entertainment, has of late enlarged its room and con- veniences, and can now accommodate many more boarders. Families or «ingle Ladies and Gentlemen can be com- fortably situated either in summer or winter, the house being wellarranied for ventilation and the rooms large and convenient. TllKil * Single Meal and Lodging,each, $ 50 Supper, Lodging and Bieakfast, 1 25 Board per day, 1 50 " " week, payable weekly 8 00 " " month, " monthly 23 00 '• " year, " quarterly, 250 00 " " week, without lodg'g, payable weekly 6 00 " " month, " " " monthly 18 00 " •' year. " " " quarterly 180 00 " " month, for extra furnished rooms.. 25 00 This House being arranged and fittod in the beststyle ahe furniture, beds and bedding, and everything necessa- tryf or furnishing such a House, are new and of good material. Ths, together with the determination ofthe Proprietor to deserve patronage bjr his unremitting exer- tions to please, it Is hoped will offer sufficient induce- ments for citlzensand strangers to patronize him. No effort necessary will be spared to keep the Table at all times as well supplied as the Markets within reach will afford. II. F. HOLPEN. Proprietor. Horses and Carriages^ A LWAYSin readiness, Horsesand Carriages, for trips to Donaldsonville, Houina, or elsewhere, whenever there is enough in number to justify. Also stabling for horses—and all connected with the Franklin House, by the proprietor, B. F. HOLDEN. Thibodaux, December 13. 1851. Impprtaiit to Planters and Others. ÏTïTïTSTTi •* ••• (••((•••••••M IIIIIIIIIIIIMI pimrnii IfllKIIKI •llllllllll minimi iiiiiiiiiiiiiai iiiiiiiiii linn •in IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII niMiiri mi TTINKLE & GUn.P, Builders, Ware Room«, No, 356, IX West Front St., Cincinnati, Ohio. This extensive Building,60 by a"i0feet, with machinery for manufacturiug 1' innel Doors, Sashi Blinds, Window and Door frames Mouldings, Base, Pilasters, Weathrr-boarriing, White and Yellow Pine, flouring, Shelving for Stores, Kalling for fences, Ac. Ac. Buildings framed. Lumber furnished of every descrip- >n. Persons building, can be supplied here with all the materials for houses ready made, of seasoned Lumber. Thimç.—CASH. All orders through Beatty, Ligget k Co., New Orleans, or S. M. Heart It Co., Baton Rouge, will be attended to. Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 26, 1853. 12:ly. I. JENNINGS' NEW PATENT PREMIUM SAFETY © A S LAMPS! And Patent Phosgen Gas for Burning in the lame. T HIS Lamp, for producing a p itiable light, is confident- ly recommended as superiorto any other now in use. The light ii produced by the burning of an serlformOas, which Remitted in beautiful jets from small perforatious in Platina. The Gas isgenerated as it is used, by the heat of its own combustion acting on the burner, connected with the Liquid in the Lamp. Thus it is a perfect and portable apparatus for creating and burning œriform Gas. Its construction is such that all possibility of accident from its use is entirely removed ; and the great simplicity ofits arrang«mentreoders it lest liable to get out of order than any other kind of lamp. It requires no cleaning and trimming; as do the oil and camphene lamps, and burns equally well, either with or without a glass globe or shade, and perfectly freefrom smakeor odor. The opinions of the scientific may be learned from the fact, that at the Annual Fair of the American Institute, in 1345, a SILVER MEDAL was awarded to the Inventor, and a Diploma to the Manufacturer ; and at the same time it was pronounced the best light ever exhibited to the Fair For sale, wholesale and retail at B. F. HOLDEN'S. Where the Lamps can be seen baring every evening. tS r These Lamps only require to be tested to put a stop to all complaint about poor light, smoke or grease. [26-tf] «•fSSZ Confectionary Store. T IE Subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has opened a confectionary store at the, owner of St. Philip and Main streets, where he will lie happy to snpply Balls, Wedding, and Dinner Partira, and the public, with any article in the line of his business, on as cheap and advantageons terms, as they can be Itadatany other establishment in this city. All he wants is that the public shouM call and examia for themselves. Thib'x July 10 1858. (31-tf.) VICTOR CODDOU. F LINTS—White, Red, and Black Lead, Venition Red, Spanish Brown, Prussian Blue, Paris and Chrome Dry and in Oil, Litharge, Yellow Ochro, Chrome Yellow, Lamp Black, I,in?eciOil, 3pts Terpentine, etc., can be had atthe Drug Store of ["-tf ] J. S. FRIZELL. Succession of Mary A. Bouterie, wife of J. T. Da unis, deceased. QTATE OF LOUISIANA—Fifth Dis- trict Court—Parish of Lafourche. WHEREAS : J. T. DAUNIH, of said parish, has filed his application with the Clerk of the above Court, to be ap- pointed Administrator of the said Estate : Therefore, all persons are hereby warned and notified to file their objections, if any they have, to the said application, with the Clerk of said Court at his office in the town of Thib- odaux in ten days after the first publication hereof, or the said application will be confirmed in due course of law. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court, this «•RKISth day ofOäober, one thousand eight hundred and Iggfifty-three. [42-gt] L. BUSH, Clerk. Succession d'Arcine Bergeron, f'ewr.e Valéry //™ , TRENTE DE SUCCESSION,-^. V de la Louisiane, Cour du Cinquième District Judicial» Au nom et par autorite de la Cour du Cinqnlera- Bit,;,- Judiciaire, siegeant dans et pour la paroisse <1« Ltioorehf i sera offert en vente publique par M. Bourg, Sherif et enran teur, sur les lieux, situes dans la ville de Thilxxlanx LUNDI, le 14eme jour de NOVEMBRE, îjjg a 10 heures A. m., les propdftes suivantes savoir; ' 1.—UN CERTAIN LOT VILLE, situe dans la haroisgetî. Lafourch, dans la ville de Thibodaux, connu «hjegiime m un plan de la dite ville fuit par James B. Grin* |çj ,j~? 1S42, et depose dans l'office du Recorder comme le M avec toutes les bâtisses qui s'y trouvent. ''' 2.—UN NEGRE, nomme Casimir, age de 18 ans. 8.—Plusieurs bois de lits garrü«, une armoir, un bare« (toiliet,) une pendule, des chaises, etc., etc. TER»« ET CONDITIONS.—La propriété personnelle Coran, tant, la et l'esclave, payable par tiers, un tiers en torn et cbacnn 'des mois de Mars des années lsô4, 1855 et !S5fl La terre et l'esclave restant speciallement hypotheqoeejugqn'à parfait payment, et toutes sommes non ponctuellement parts portant huit pour cent d'interet après echeance. Les acque- reurs fournissant benne et valable caution. Octobre 8, 1858. [42-tds.] M. BOCRG, Sherif V* Banque dl E DE SHERIF. DE LA LOUISIANE—Paroisse de Lafourch? de» Citoyens de ia Louisiane, j t>K, >• No. nu. Mathurin Pitre. j SACHEZ, qu'en conformte a un writ de fi. fa, lao«e pgr la Cour do Seme District de la paroisse d'Orléans, tas it cause ci-dessus intitulée et numerotee, j'ai saisi et j'offrirai en vente publique a la Maison de Cour dans la ville de Thibo- daux, SAMEDI,le 5 NOVEMBRE, 1S58, a 11 heures, »., les morceaux de terre ci-apres decrite étant dans la possessio» de Mme. Clerville Barras, et étant une partie d'un plus grand morceaux de terre qui lui appartient, savoir : 1. UNE CERTAINE HABITATION situe dans la parai«, de Lafouwh», % environ trois miles audessous de la ville de Thftii<igl»')p b rive drpïfeaul'kayou »fourche et consistant de deagRgMwêêmi de terre, m d'eux mesurant deux arpents de face par quarante en profondeur, borne en haut et en bas par des terres appartenant a Mme. Clerville Barras. 2. L'AUTRE MORCEAUX DE TERRE mesurant un ar- pent de foce plus ou moins par quarante arpents en profon- deur, borne en haut par les terres de A. B. Thibodaui, et en bas par selles de Mme. Clerville Barras. 8. SOIXANTE-DIX ACTIONS de cent piastres ctaqie dans de capital des bonds de la Banque des Citoyens de la Louisiane. TERM ET ET CONDITIONS.—L'acquéreur fournira ses billets pour les actions, pour la somme de %2,810 payable le premier Août, 1854, el renouvable en conformité de la chartre, et la balance COMPTANT. Ley billets pour les actions seront identifies avec un acte d'hypothéqué par M. Pitre et sa femme, en faveur de la Banque des Citoyens de la Louisiane, passe devant T. Segher, Notaire Public a la Nouvelle Orleans, le 26 Mai, 1687, et «UBsi identifies par l'acte de vente du Sherif dans ce procès, et l'acquereur sera sujet aux obligations, changements et con- ditions impose sur les actionaires de lu Banque des Citoyens de la Louisiane, J. K. GOU11DAIN, Dty. Sherif. Octobre le 1er 1S58. [41-tds.J A VIS.—Toufns personnes qui doiventa V- ]a Succession de Jules Biliard, sont par le present re- quis de se presenter et de regier, et toutes jiersonnes a qui Is dite Succession doit, sont de meme requis de se presenter et de recevoir le montant qui leurs est dues. Août, ce 27 lSfri. [8S-4t] L. BUSH, Cnrateur. "l^ENTE.—Il sera offerte » Maison de Cour, dans la ville de T en vente a la Thihoit'ix, pour du comptant, JEUDI, le 20 OCTOBRE, 1SÖ3, a neuf heures du matiu, par le soussigné, les effets mobiliers appartenant a la succession .vacante de Jules Billard, consi*«it d'unTOC R A TOURNETIt, et se» accessoires et divers «nâSr-es articles. octS-2t. L. BUStt, Greffierex-oflicio Curateur. Succession of Patrick JfcCue, deceased. S S ATE OF LOUISIANA—Fifth Dis trict Court—-Parish of Lafourche. v trict Court—Parish of Lafourche. Whereas MARTIN McCUE, of said parish, application with the Clerk of the above Court, to Administrator of the said Estate? Therefore, all persons are hereby warned and notified to file their objections, if any they have, lo the said application, with the Clerk of said Court at his office in the town of Thib- odaux in ten days from the first publication hereof, or the said application will be confirmed in due course of law. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court, this 1st day of October, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. [41-2t] L. BUSH, Clerk. QT\ trict £'»täte of Benjamin Holmes, doçeaaed. TE Oft LOUISIANA—Firth Dis- trict Court—Parish of Lafonrche. Whereas, LORING HOLMES, of said parish, has filed his application with the Cleak of the above Court, to be* ap- pointed Administrator of the said Estate : Therefore, all persons are hereby warajgMiiid notified to file their objections, if any they have, to tte said application, with the Clerk of said Court at his office in tne town of Thibo- daux in ten days after the first publication hereof, or the said application will be confirmed in due course of law. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court, this VPBRlst of Octobre, one thousand eight hnndreil and ^üjy fifty-three. [41-2t] Ly IS BUSH, Clerk. T?LECTION NOTICE.—* 1-A STATE OF LOUISIANA—PARISH OF LAFOURCHE. PurWant to law and a proclamation of his excellency PAUL 0. HUBERT, Governor of the State of Louisiana, dated the 10th of September, 1858, an election will he held In the Parish of Lafourche, on MONDAY, the 7th NOVEMBER, from 9 o'clock a. m. to 4 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing one Justice of the Peace and çpc Constable for each Ward in said Parish, except the 11th w#d wherein the town of Thibodaux is situated which shall elect two Justices of the Peace and one Constable. The places of election and commiffiioners are the same as prescribed by law. The com-niitioners will make their retnrng in dne form to the undersigned Sheriff and returning officer. M. BOURG, Sheriff and returniug officer. Lafourche, October 7,1883. X? LECTION NOTICE. -LI STATE OP LOUISIANA PARIS STATE OP LOUISIANA PARISH OP STREBON&E. Pursuant to law and a proclamation of his excellency" PAUL O. HEBERT, Governor of the State of Louisiana, dated 10th of September , 1858. AN election will be held in the Parish of Terrebonne, on MONDAY, the Tth of November, 1858, be- tween the hours of 9 a. m. to 4 p. M., for the purpose of voting for one Member of Congress, for the AD Congressional Dis- trict, composed of that part of the city of New Orleans above Canal street known as the 1st District and District No. Four, formerly the city of Lafayette, of the Parishes of Jefferson, St. Charles, St. John the Baptiste, St. JIME*, Ascension, As- sumption, Lafourche, Terrebonne, St. Mary and St. Martins, Por one State Treasurer, an Auditor of Pnblic Accounts, and a Superintendent of Public Education. For one Senator from the Distrfct composed of the Parishes of Assumption, Lafourche and Terrebonne. ROT a Sheriff, Recorder, Clerk of Court, Coroner, Assessor, one Justice of the Peace and one Constable in each ward, for one Representative for the Parish of Terrebonne. The places of election and the commissioners are the same as established by law. The Commissioners will make their returns in due form to the undergigred Sheriff and returning officer. M. VERKET, Sheriff and returning officer. Terrebonne, October 8, 1858. UTÄTE OF LOUISIANA—Parish of Lafourche. Pursuant to taw and a proclamation of his excellency PAULO. HEBERT, Governor of the State of Louisiana, dated 10th September, 1&5S. An election will be held in the Parish of Lafourche, on MONDAY, the Tth day of November, 1858, between the hour of 9 a, m. and 4 p.m. for the purpose of voting for One Member of Congress, for the 2d Congres- sional District, composed of that part of the city of New Or- leaus above Canal street known as the 1st District and Dif* trict No. Four, formerly the city of Lafayette, of the Parishes of Jefferson, St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, St. James, Ascension, Assumption, Lafourche, Terrebonne, St. Mary and St. Martins. Por one State Treasurer, an Auditor of Public Accounts, and a Superintendent of Public Education. For one State Senator from the District composed of the Parishes of Assumption, Lafourche and Terrebonne. For a Sheriff, Recorder, Clerk of Court, Coroner, and As- sessor, for Tl\ree Representatives to the Legislature, for the Parish at Lafourche. The places of Elections and the Commissionners are the same as established by law. The Commissioners win make their returns in due form to the undersigned Sheriff and returning Officer. M. BOURG, Sheriff and returning Officer. Lafourche, Septembrr 23, 1S53. T^ESIRABLE PROPERTY for -L' SALE.—I wish to sell the House and Lot situated on St. Philip street between the residences of Dr. J. A. Scudday and Rev. L. A. Heed ; also, a_ SERVANT and the FURNITURE now in the house, prepared to give an unexceptionable title, by virtue of a power of attorney which ia in my possession. For particu- lar! a* to price, term?, 4c., inquire on the premisee. July 23,1SÖ3. [33tf] E. F. TILTON. Succession, de Marie A. Bouterie, épouse de J. T.DaunU, decede. "CITAT DE LA LOUISIANE—Cour JLi du Cinquième District, Paroiwe <le Lafourche. ATTENDU: Que J. T. DAUNIS, de la dite parole, ce jour fait »ou application au Greffier de la dite Cour, pour etre nomme Administrateur de la dite Succeesionou. En consequence, toutes les personnes qui pourraient avoir def dUections a la dite demande sont par les [»resentes notifiees de ïw deduire au G refiler de la Cour, a son bureau dans la ville Thibodaux dant les dix jours qui suivront la premiere publication de cet avis, sinon la dite application sera accorde et confirme selon la loi. Témoin ma main et le sceau de la dite Cour, ce 8me Octobre, mil-huit cent cinquante trois. [42-2t] L. BUSH, Greffier. Succession de Patrie MvCue. E TAT DE LA LOUISIANE—Cour du Cinquième District, Paroisse de 1 .»fourche. ATTBNDU : Que MARTIN McCUE, de la dite parois»«,*ce jour fait son application au Greffier de la dite Cour, pour etre nomme Administrateur de la dite Succession. En consequence, toutes les personnes qui pourraient avoir des objections a la dite demande sont par les présentes noti- fiées de les deduire au Greffier de la Cour, a son bureau dans la ville, Thibodaux, dans les dix jours qui suivront la pri- rieme publication de cet avis, sinon la dite application sera accorde et conflrtpe selon la loi. Temàin ma main et le sceau de la dite Cour, ce 1er Octobre, mil-huit cent cinquante-trois. [41 -2t] L. BUSH, Greffier. Succession, de Benjamin Holmes. TJ^TAT DE LA LOUISIANE—Cour J—^ du Cinquième District, paroisse de Lafourche. ATTFNno : Que LOEING HOMES, de la dite paroisse, » a jour fait son application au (Irelïier de la dite Cour, pour nomme Administrateur de la dite Succession. En consequence, toutes personnes qui pourraient avoir dea objections a la dite demande sont par les présentés notiSec* de le» deduire au Greffier de la dite Cour, a sofc bureau, dsni la ville de Thibodaux, dans les dix jours qui suivront la premiere publication de cet avis, sinon la dite application sgra accorde et conforme selon la loi. Témoin ma main, et le sceau de la dite Cour, 1er Octobre, mil huit cent cinquante-trois. [4i-2t] LOUIS BUSI1, Greffier, E TAT DE LA LOUISIANE—PA. OISSE de Lafourche. Conformementa la loi et a une proclamation de son Excel- lence. Paul 0. Hebert, Gouverneur de l'Etat de la Louisiane, datee le 10 Septembre, 1853, une election sera tenue dans b paroisse de Lafourche, LUNDI le T Novembre, 1863, depuh 9 heures A. M., jusqu'à 1 heures P. M., afin d elire uri Jug« de Paix et un Constable dans chacun des arrondisaetnenU de cette paroisse, excepte dans le lime arrondissement ou m trouve situe la ville de Thibodaux, qui élira deux Juges d* Paix et un Constable. Les lieux d'elections et les Commissaires sont les inetnet comme 11 est prescrit par la loi. Les Commissaires feront leur retours en formes legales n soussigné Sherif et officier retournant. M. BOL'ilti, Sherif et officier Retournant. Lafourche, Oct. T. 1853. ' T^TAT DE LA LOUISIANE—Paroisse de Terrebonne. Conformément a la loi et a one proclamation de son Excel- lence, Paul 0. Hebert, Gouverneur de l'Etat de la Louisiane, date le 10 Septembre, 195S, nne election sera tenu dans la pa- roisse de Terrebonne, LUNDI, le 7 Novembre, 1858, depuis 5 heures A. M., jusqu'à 4 heures P. M., pour voter pour un Re- présentant au Congress pour le Deuxieme District Congres- sionel compose de cette partie de la ville de la Nouvelle-Or- leans qui se trouve en haut de la me du Canal et connue comme le Premier District et le District No. 4, autrefois » ville de Lafayette, des paroisses de Jefferson, 9t. Charles, st. Jean Baptiste, St. Jacques, Ascension, Assomption, Là- fourche, Terrebonne, Ste. Marie et St. Martin. Pour un Tresorier d'Etat, un Auditeur des Comptes PublK», et un Surintendant de l'Education Publique. Ponr un Sénateur d'Etat, pour le District compose des pa- roisses de Lafourche, Assomption et Terrebonne. Pour un Sherif, Recorder, Greffier de Cour, Coroner, As- sesseur et un Juge de l'alx et un Constable i»ur chaque ar- rondissement de ladite Paroisse. Pour un Représentant a la Legislature pour la paroisse de Terrebonne. Les lieux d'elections et les Commissaires sont lemem® établies par la loi. Les Commissaires feront leur retours en forme legales atr soussigné Sherif et officier retournant. Octobre T, 1853. _ M. VER RET, Sherif. E TAT DE L A LOVISIANE—Paroisse de Lafonrche. . Conformément a la loi et a une proclamation de son excel- lence Panl 0. Hebert, Gouverneur de l'Etat de la Louisiane, date le 10 Septembre, 1853, une election sera tenu dan« ia P*' roisse de Lafourche, LUNDI, le 7 Novembre, 1858, dq»» » heures A. M., jusqu'à 4 heures P. M., pour voter pour un re- présentant au Congres pour le Deuxieme District Cojigre«- slonef compose de cette partie de la ville de la Nouvtlle-in- leans qui se trouve en haut de la rue du Canal et conn comme le Premier District et le District No. 4, autrefois ville de Dafayette, des paroisses de Jefferson, St. Charles, «- Jean Baptiste, St. Jacques, Ascension, Assomption, M- fourehe, Terrebonne, Ste. Marie et St. Martin. Pour un Tresorier d'Etat, un Auditeur des Comptes PuDiio, et un Surintendant de l'Education Publique. Pour un Senateur d'Etat, pour le District compose des P* roisses de Lafourche, Assomption et Terrebonne. Pour un Sherif, Recorder, Greffier de Cour, Coroner et w Pour trois Représentants a la Legislature pour la parois« de Lafourche. . . Les lieux d'élections et les Commissaires sont les établies par la loi. , _ . ^ Les Commissaires feront leur retours en formes Itgai soussigné, Sherif et officier retournât. „. .. Sept. 28, lçÂJ. M. BOURG, Shent pUTLERY—A fine assortment ofknives razors, scissor?, a\es, &r.. fur Mie by iiiyll A. B. RAGAN,'« M. Pl^llp street,

Transcript of Thibodaux minerva (Thibodaux, La.) 1853-10-15 [p ]Finger Rings. Ladies and Gents Breast Pins and...

Page 1: Thibodaux minerva (Thibodaux, La.) 1853-10-15 [p ]Finger Rings. Ladies and Gents Breast Pins and Ear-Rings. Single Stone and Cluster Diamond Pins and Fin ger Rings. Gold and Silver


A. BTRIiGϻ7^"

FAMILY GROCERY STORE, No. 8 Stf Philip street.

rPHE undersigned has now in X store, anil is constantly replenishing, a

well »elected assortment of GROCERIES, WINE6, and Liquors, consisting in partofthe following, viz. Appt r. Dried an Orcen KeTCHl'r. Walnut, Tomato Avurtci, Lard, NO. 1 Leaf AmSKTTe, IJOBSTKBS, A\k HAKDLen, LEMONS, ItiCoM, Hams, Side», and LAMP WICK

SknvlderB; LIQUOBS, Cognac, ekampa-BxEr, Sugar-cured gne,peach,and New-York BÜTTEB, Goshen and fVes- Brandy; Old Bourbon

Irish and Rectified Whis­key; Holland Oin; Ja­maica Rum, etc., etc

Murr aw. Creole and Ky.

tern REANR. Navy lïiscuiTg, ~i/da and Butter RRBAD, Pïîvt and Navy HncKwnEAT kegs A bozea MO^ASSEST, BROOMS, Assorted MACARONI, BLACKINO , "Mason's" MATCHES, Friction BASKETS, all sizes; Mac* BUCKETS, Tin and painted NUT*IM COFFEE, Rio, Java, Mocha. Nuti^Pecans and Jilmnn# CANDLES, Sperm, Star and OILS, Olive Lamp and Lard

French tallow ONIONS CIIEESE, Pine Apple, Eng- PICKLES, Assorted

lish hairy and Western PORK, Mess and Prime CHOCOLATE, NO. 1 POTATOES, Sweet and Irish CANDIES, Assorted J PEACHES , Dried CORDIALS, do. PEPPER, Black CIGARS , an excellent as'mt PEPPEB SAUCE, CABDS, Playing POWDER, Sporting and Rifle CI N N A M O N , PIPES , Clay and Stone CLOVES, RAISINS , Malaga CLOTHESPINS, Iiics, Carolina and Creole CORKS , London SALT, course, fine and Table CAPS, Percu*»ion SU G A R , Loaf and Brown DEMIJOHNS, all sixes SOAP, bar Castile and fancy Koos, ST ARCH. Fox1 s andColgate* s FLOUR, Si. Louis and Ohio SNUFF, Schtchand Macaboy FISH, Cod, Mackerel and SARDINES,

Herring l'tsitiNo TACKLE GINOER, GARLIC, GARDEN SEEDS, HAMS, Sugar-cured INDIOO, Jros, Stone

jell -ly

SnoT. Buck and Drop SAL iËKATis, TEAS, Assorted

°TOBACCO, do. TIN WARE, do. WINKS, Madeira, Skerry,

Champagne, Port, h. Red WASH BOARD* ETC., ETC.

A. B. RAGAN, 8 St. Philip street.


mayüO B. t. HOLDEN.

Q UN DRIES— SUGAR—Stuart's Crushed, Pulverised and Loaf;

COFFEE—Java and Rio ; No. 1 MACKER EL—whole, half, and quarter Kitts; BEEF AND BUFFALO TONGUES; MAY BUTTER ; CHOCOLATE, TEA, Ac. ; S0A1'—A large lot, in whole, half, and quarter boxes ; HAMS—Stagg A Shay's, Dysons, and Sugar Cured; CIGARS—Best Havana, anil Smoking Tobacco ;

l'ickles, Tomato Ketchup, Pepper Sauce, Lemon Syrup, and a variety of other articles in the provision line. Old Bourbon Whisky at 45, 60, and 75 cents, and $125 per gallon ; Good Friction Matchcs, Ac., all just received, and for sale by

jelS B. F. HOLDEN.


ing fully determined on continuing the Grocery business at my old stand, corner of Main and St. Louis St., I hereby notify my friends and former patrons, as well as the. public in general, that I now have on hand and shall con­tinue to Iceep constantly in store, a choice and general assortment of Family Groceries, Western Produce, Ac., Ac., which 1 will be happy to disjiose of at prices equally as low and advantageous as any other establishment engaged in the trade. A liberal share of patronage is solicited.



[may21] For sale by OSBURN A CO.






And a great variety of other article* too numerous to mention, ust received and tor sale by A. B. RAGAN.



other Cooking and Table utensils. ALSO—in WHEELBARROWS.

tSf~ Many of the above articles are as good as new, and all will be sold CHEAP.


aug6 new—for sale cheap. B. F. HOLDEN.

Hazard Powder Company.

TIIE Undersigned Agenis of the above GUNPOWDER MANUFACTORY—at present the most extensive one

in the United States—having by recentarrivals, reeeived large supplies of the various qualities of Pawder, usual­ly demand 'Un this Market, have now onaand, aud infer for saw, the following kinds, vis :

CANISTER POWDER, In Canisters of 1 pound, and 25 to a case, of the "American Sporting," being the finest quality made, the "Indian Rifle." and thé '-Keutucky Rifle," Powder, F. F. F. g ; also In Canisters of 5 pounds and 12 to a case, of the "Kentucky Rifle" Powder. F. F F. g. and F. F. G. ;

KEG POWDER in whole, half, and quarter kegs, of the "Kentucky Rifle," the staple Powder of the country, F. F F.G,,F.F. G., "Sea shooting, in quarter kegs of the "American Sporting" Powder, the hiebest manufac­tured for sportsmen's use and Pistol shooting ; and also in whole kegs of Fair lawn Mills, being Cannon or Mus­ket Powder.

The high reputation which the Hasard Company's Powder ha* obtained as far as it has become known, su­percedes the necessities of any remarks In its praise, and we will only state that we GPARVNTEC IT UNEXCELLED BY AN* oTBE* MANUFACTORY, although it is acknowled­ged by those who have tried it to be superior to all other brands.

We wish It to be expressly understood that any pack­age not proving satisfactory, will be taken back by ns, and its cost and expenses refunded.

We are prepared to deliver promptly any quantity upon order being left at onr store, on hoard of Steamboats, free of charge. O.'T. BUODECKE & CO., Agnats.

10" Tchoupitoulas Street, New Orleans.

Graines fraîches Garanties

ygfc T. BACHBIER, XgT Marchand Grainier, nnrHruUeur, BotanirteT Rue ^Uridines, entre Vieil}« Levée et Condè.

TTIENT •> recevoir de Fr.»noe, par le navire Lemuel " Dyer : A

"" Carole, Conx, (10 variétés,)

K5T1' Persil; Pota, Hcononere, etc., etc.

Asperge, Betterave,' Cerfeuil, Chicoree, Uhoufleur, Ir choix,Cresson. Laftu, Romain«, Oignion, Panais, Poireau, Poirée, ou Bette, Radis. Salslflis,

Lagrande r»potaton qtTU s'est faite depuis qu'il résidnt loi. tant pour Pexeellente levée de ses graines, que pour le chuta des aaaëces, I« meta même de vendre * des prix tré* modérés, quoique les récoltée aient «te mauvaises.

Il lnslste prés des amateurs qui ordinairement Mit Vsor semis d* fleurs m printemps pour qa'll les fusait à I'm tomne. D'après les expériences da climat de la Louidaae, il a ikbtenu d'excellents résultats de semis hits à eetwëpsqne

Lea plus belles collections de fleura sont toujours dispo nlbles H son magsln. Parmi—œillet flamand. 1er choix, «Billet de fantaisie, double varié, choix, Baaoncule, ane-


Season Seed«. JOST reeeived from the Nortb and Europe, a — assortment of Seeds and Flowers ;

Corn Salxd, Lettuce of all kinds; Common Parsley ; Yellow Onions:

« White Early;

„» of York, of Bulheart,

Cabbage of Short Dutch, " of Milan, " " ^h«r* aunr. " «V Jrnxelle, " V Branch Flower, « « 1st choice,

rarrot, short, early, Bndive, 8 carol. Flat white Turnips, early, Bed collar M

Black Salsify, etc., Flowers of all kinds.

Round Red Beet; Ctrrot, Red, half discs ; Red round Radifeh: " half long; • *

Scarlet; Flanders Splnnaeh; Black Mustard ;

Garden Barrel, large leaf Lao« large green Artichoke — . . . — U W H W W A I U U I U K T i

OOHtanHr anhand Seeds of aH sorts of the last growth. Floww 8eedi, sto., uncommon it Um bcgippîpf of ca5 eSS-*' pwsOM lrl*WnS to supply theuudvet vUf please

Planters, Gardeners and others an invttod to try these Beedj, and »"V vHHbe oonvtacad that no hetteTLn be found. BACHELIER, S^dsqu^d And

f9411 ühwUno 8t., between Old Lev»» and Condé


S A C H Ê & S A N C A N ,

Daguerreotype and Painting Gallery, myl4 No. 8«, CAMP St, NEW ORLEANS.

Antoine A. l^aforest,

COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, tind General Factor and Jigent, So. 28 Old

I,cvce, New Orleans, hereby tenders hUservices to the inhabitants of this and tha adjoining parishes, and hopes by his strict and prompt attention toall busi-fier* confided to his care* to be deserving of their liberal

" •' M:


patronage. 14-tf durch 1,1853.



Importers of French Wines, Cognac Brandies. Liquors, Preserves, Fruits in Juice,

Sardines, Oils, «ftc.




No. 8 Camp Street.—New Orleans.

ARE now receiving their Pall snpply of goods, consis ting in part of the undermentioned articles:

Heavily cased gold and silver hnnting watches, very substantial from the best manufactures of London and Liverjinöl suitable for Planters and Overseers. Gold and silver face Watches.

Very rich gold hunting and open faced Geneva watches plain and engraved for Ladies. Fine Gold Guards, Fob and Vest Chains, new patterns Studs, Collar Buttons, Finger Rings. Ladies and Gents Breast Pins and Ear-Rings. Single Stone and Cluster Diamond Pins and Fin­ger Rings. Gold and Silver Sepectaclci for all ages.

Silver Ware warranted pure as coin, consisting of Table Tea and Dessertspoons, Table and Dessert Forks, Soup Ladles, Butter Knives, Mustard and Salt Spoons, Sugar Toitgs. Plated Ware consisting of Castors, Candle-sticks, Waiters, &c. The whole of which is warranted as fine as any offered by any house in the trade and at reason­able prices. .

t5T The strictest attention given to repairing Clocks Watches and Jeweljy. Ail fine watches committed to our charge we personally attend to, and our charges are reasonable. [48tf.l New Orleans, Nov.7, 1851.


* B. BROWER 4* CO., 1 ri CAMP STREET, NEW ORLEANS.—China, Glass, A I Earthernware. Plated Silver, Britanla and Tin

Warfe ; Japannery, Knives and Forks, Lamps. Castings, Wooden Ware, Baskets, etc.—Also ; The celebrated Re­public Cooking Stoves. f48-ly] B. BROWER fc CO.



Musical Notice. T^HE undersigned takes the pleasure of 1 informing his friends and the plantersEjtWrjS}^ in «pnpriil that h« hftR r.nnRtnntlv nn hn.n<L in general that lie has constantly on hand, and is always receiving large assortments \ggiiuäisStmJ of Musical Instruments, such as Pianos of all size*. Guitars, Music Pa|>er, Violoncellos, Violin«, Violin Strings and Hows. &c. &c, The following are among some of his newly received good« m

PIANOS : A large stock of new scale of 0, GJ 6} and 7 Octavo Piano Fortes, all of which will be sold at faotory prices,

GUITARS : Toma's Guitars constantly on hand—also, imported Guitars, of the best gpanish and French pal-mKs, together with low priced German Guitars.

RULED MUSIC PAPER: Music Paper of 12, 14, IG, constantly on hand, and manufactured to order.

VIOLONCELLOS: In every variety. STRINGS: For Violin, Violoncello, Tenor Viol, Double

Bass, Guitar and Banjo. Keepsthn best Strings that can be procured. Sold wholesale and retail.

VIOLINS AND VIOLIN BOWS: Violin Cases, Bow «lair, Bridges, Pegs, Taii Pieces, Finger-Boards, Mutes, Rosin, &c.4te.

REEDS: For Clarionet, Bassoon and Obo«. DRUMS: Of all sizes, Drum Heads, Sticks, Cords,

Snares. &c. &c. GUITAR PATENT HEADS : Gnitar Pins, Cases,Ca­

po d'Astras. Bridges, Knobs and Pins. PIANO FORTE TRIMMINGS : Of alt kinds. Piano

Forte Stools. TUNING FORKS; Tuning Hammers, Tuning Pipes. Dealers and Heads of Seminaries, supplied at the low­

est wholesale prices with everything in the Music Line. Address W. T. MAYO, 5-tf. Nos. 5 Sc 0.1 Camp Street, New Orleans.

Building Materials and Naval Stores.

4 B. BACON, No. 10 Gravier street, -ZtLo New Orleans, dealer In Lime, Cement, Plaster, Fire Brick, Hair, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Turpentine, Ac. jy28 ly

To the members of the Louisiana Bar. rpiIE undersigned haa the following works, relating to the -1 Laws of Louisiana, which he is prepared to sell for

cash, at a very greut reduction upon the prices formeriy de­manded. MARTIN'S REPORTS of Ca-es arsned and determined In

the Supreme Court of the Territory of Orleans, and in the Supreme Court of the State of Louisiana. By François Xavier Martin, one of the Judges of said Courta—with margins! references, by Thomas Gibbcs Morgan, Counsel­lor at Law. New edition, 1852. The original twenty volnmes, without abbrevation. Price #5 per volume to subscrib rs, prior to November 1,1S52, and to non-sub­scribers $6 cash.

ROBINSON'S REPORTS, 13 volumes, embracing the Deci­sions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana, from October 1841, to March, 1846. This valuable work is now offered either by volume or by set, at a much lower price than heretofore. Nothing need be said in commendation of a work so well known to every Louisiana lawyer. Its pos. session is indbpen <aiile to secure the continuity of the decisions of the Supreme Court


BENJAMIN S- SUDELL'S DIGEST, enlarged. A Digest of all Decisions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana, down to the thirteenth volume of Louisiana Reports.

DESLIX'S DIGGEST—This is a continuation of Benjamin t Slidcll's Digest, and is brought down to the third volume of Robinson's Reports.

DESLIX'S GENERAL INDEX, from 1809 to 184S. An alphabetically arranged ta Me of all the cases decided during the above-mentioned long period. For sale by J. B. STEEL, 60 Camp street. N. 0. August 20th, 1852. (37-6mo.)

1JATWT MEDECINS#—ComHoek1! Medednes.Tnrrant's I' Aperient. Radwagr*« Ready Kelief, Daltey*, tw» Ex­tractor, Ayer*» Cherry Pectoral, Wintar's BhINIB of WSd Cherry, Htia Pectoral, Speed'! Toole, Jalne'» MtAeclMa, ftMtinir'i Syrup Nsptha. Townseod's SarsaparBa. Wipers' Canadian VwmiAwe. Mutanr Ualment. Nerve and Bone do., Arabian do., Paltaonli Wafers, «te , aotd bv

*tf J. fl. IBUBLL, Drnfgftt.


n«r, of Mala and St. Loob rtroet«, ThUwtoBX, (eld «land of O. gewrt.j taka. Alamuortuaityof lqfoWBlB«L*,n

rnadytoattand to ttoteeadloisand repalrlnf öf Watches,

A Book for every ^mcrican. MEN WANTED TO TRAVEL AS AGENTS.

THF. Subscriber is now publishing a Third Edition of THE LIFE AND VOYAGES OF AMKR1CU8. The

great Navigator who gave name to this Western Continent. By C. El LISTER, late U. S. Consul. Illustrated wtfh en­

graving!«. From the JV«t> York Jvurnal of Commerce:—"This Is

a very lntere ting and instructive volume, especially to American«, as it relates to the discovery and early history of this continent. The Plates illustrating various points in the history of the great Navigator, add to the value of the work, and still more to its acceptablene» to the common reader."

From Pie Hew Tort Christian Adutrtieer.—'' In the elegantly printed volume, the compilers have preserved all the information accessible respecting this celebrated voy­ager. This Book will be a valuable acquisition."

From the New Tort, Recorder.—"This is a worthy tri­bute to one of the great navigators whose name and history, will be forever connected with the American Continent. The work is well worthy of attention as a repository of much that is valuable, bearing on the early history of the Few World."

From Mo Albany Spectator.—'"The subject of this work is sufficient of Itself to attrack and interest every American. The man who gave name to this great western Continent, can never lie forgotten.

••It Is written in that flowing and attractive style, which characterizes tit Mr. Lester's productions, and cannot IUI to have an extensive circulation."

A number of active and intelligent men of good charactet are olfered profitable employment in circulating, by sub­scription. the above valuable and interesting work in the State of LoaMam.

The Terms will be given on application to the Subscriber, H. MANSFIELD, Publisher,

184 York Street, New Haven, Connecticut.

Martin's Reports. 'I'mE uuderslgued has irow in press a new edition of A MARTIN'S REPORTS, Including the new series, with

notes of reference to subsequent dédiions of the Supreme Court, op to the Seventh Volume of the Annual Reports ; re fcrsuoe to the Amendments to the ConstltntHns, Statutes, land Civil Code aad Onde of Practice, since thos# decisions TOre rsaderod.^ Compiled by Tno». GISBKS Monom, Esq.,

This work has been got up with great labor and research, and it is hoped will be found to merit the patronage of the profession. No attentions of the original have been made, except to correct typographical errors, and, in some instan­ces, by adtBng marginal notes of points decided, but not no­ticed by the reporter.

The high character of the Court during the time embraced n these volumes—the great number of cases involving tho most important principles of the Civil Law, as It obtained prior to the acquisition of Louisiana—the learned and able briefs of the emineat counsel then at the bar, render this work of the greatest Importance In aB those States and Ter­ritories, formeriy under the jurisdiction of Spain ; while at the same time, the aotea afford a ready reference to the sulisequentadjudieations of the Supreme Court of this State.

The original tweaty volumes, comprising all the cases of the Sopnme Court of Louisiana, froii 1809 to 1880, will be published m tan volumes—price, to subscribers, live dollars per volume ; to non-subscribers, six dollars per volume— cash in all cassa. Neither expense nor labor will be spared to make the work, in every respect, worthy of the patroruure of tbepnfegsion. It will be published complete and ready for doh'Tenr in this ci ty, by the first of November next, until which date tubserfyttons will be received.

It Is tha intention of the publisher to follow it up with a new edition of the LOUISIANA REPORTS, noted in the same manner ; and, also, to publish new editions of the CIVIL CODE AND CODE OF PRACTICE. In the latter works, it Is proposed to publish the original text entire, raÜMr each artiele with the Staiutary Amendments entire aad the decisions of the Supreme Court upon eacb, by re­ference to the volume and page.

Such wsvks will require great labor and care, and as they will be executed under the immediate superintendence of tha asaotaur of Martin's Reporta, I think they can be safely commended tothe especial attention of the profession. Some propres» has already been made in these works, and they srilfba pnhHshad saspaadily asmay be oompatiMe with the utmost accuracy. _ __ S B STEEL, Publisher,

Jewelry, tu.

C87-3kn .> Nofifi Camp strae t, New Orleans.

R T GEBENS FAMILY MEDICINES, ichtw, -M Swayiie'ado, Souky's Bitter«, "Wright's Indian Vege-

jell-ly I sbfe PULi, for aale by jell J. S. FKEELL.



Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry ! The greatest remedy for Consumption, Coughs, Colds Asthma'

Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breathing, Pain in the Skie and Breast, Pal­

pitation of the Heart, Influenza, Croup, Broken Constitution, Sore Throat,

Nervous Debility, and also all Diseases of the


Still another remarkable Cure qf Consumption, and its dangerous attendants, after hariny been given rip to die by Physicians and Fi-iends, the annals of history cannot furnish a, parallel.

POINT or ROCKS, Frederick Co., Md., I June 9th, 1S52, f

Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir : Believing it a duty I owe to the public, and in justice to you, I have thought proper to make tyni one of the most extraordinary cures in my own case, that has ever been truly recorded. In the month of October last I was afflicted with a severe gathering In my breast, which formed a large abscess, and almost communicated to my lungs, and very much afflicted them, and discharged large quantities of corruption, external and internal—that is large quantities passed through my lung, which I threw up. My breath could also pass through mylungs and out through the cavity of my breast with apparent ease, attended with a violent cough, day and night, loss of appetite, and extreme debility, so that mxphysician thought my case entirely hope­less and beyond Hié power of medicine. I remained in this wretched condition for a long time, until I was wasted to a mere skeleton, and there seemed to be no hope for me ; but having read in the public papers of the many wonderful cures performed by your COMPOUND SYKUP OF WILD, I immediately sent to Baltimore for five bottles, and commenced its use, and to my great satisfaction and the joy of my anxious family, the abscess or opening in my lungsj began to heal, and the cough to subside, and on using ten bottles, I was restored to perfect health. I feel very grateful, and firmly believe that to you? valuable medicine, under ihe blessing of Divine Providence, I am indebted for this | * ' change, and am happy to say that I am now enjoying as health as I ever have.

Yours, very respectfully, THOMAS DIXOS. The subscriber is well acquainted with Thomas Dixon, and

can testify that he has been afflicted as above represented. I regard his recovery as almost a miracle. He is a worthy member of society. Jauks R. DUKBBOW,

Pastor of Burlin Circuit, Baltimore Conference.

BE CAREFUL IN PURCHASING, To obtain the original and only genuine preparation of Wild Cherry, which must have the portrait and signature of DR. SWAYNE on each wrapper around the bottle. Until you obtain this compound you will never know the real virtues of Wild Cherry.

Sroagiu's (Eclcbratcîr ikrmifuge,

In Square Sotties, very pleasant to the taste, and the mos effectual remedy in expelling Worms, curing dyspepsia, soär stomach, increasing the appetite, and invigorating the whole system. Obserr« that it is iu square bottles, with the por­trait of DR. SWAYNE on each wrapper around the bottle. jVbae other is a ermine.

D B . S W A Y N E ' S .Sugar Coated Sarsaparilla <3t Tar Fills

A gentle purgative and alterative medicine, far superior to the Pills in general use, more mild prompt and uniform in their operation, may be taken at all times, and in fact in every disease where an aperient, alterative or purgative medicine is required, and for the diseases incident to females, they are unequalled.

These valuable Pills are the result of medical l-n<nrl-edfje combined with long «nperience, having used them many years in my private practice, therefore have had ample opportunity in testing their power to relieve and cure those diseases for which they are designed.

D R . S W A Y N E ' S

Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, and

RÉ^-DYSENTERY CORDIAL,-©a A speedy and effectual remedy for ASIATIC CHOLERA, Common Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera In­fantum or Summer Complaint, I'ains in the Stomach and Bowels, Vomiting, Sea Sickness, Sickness of the Stomach, Lowneas of Spirits, and all affections of the Stomach and Bowels.

_ The above valuable medicines are prepared only by D1Ï. SWAYNE at his LABORATORY, NO. 4 NORTH 7TIJ STREET, PHILADELPHIA, and for sale by Druggists and Dealers in Medicines everywhere.

For sale by J. S. FRIZELL, Thibodaux. J. C. FISHER, Red River Landing,

D. MACENEKY, Marksville, J. W. SMITH, Shreeveport, BEACCHAMP & SAWYER, New Iberia,

HU. KENNEDY, N, Orleans, SICKLES & CO., N. Orleans, A. FISHER, Village Post Office,

jy2-ly S. P. BERNARD, Lake Providence.


Female School.

MR. and Mrs. Lathrop, assi-ted by Mrs. Duffield, will commence the second term of thnir School oil the 1st

Monday in January, in the first dwelUcg house above the Methodist Cburch, on Jockson Street.

— T E R M S P E R M O N T H — Primary Class 00 Junior do.... 4 00 Senior do •••••; •» 00 Music on Piano and Guitar. Drawing and Pamtm«, all

kinds of Embroidery and Fancy Work, and the French Language will also be tau«ht—Terms made on application. A lew boarding puni : H will be received.


Thibadaux, December, 1S52. (02-tf.)

Plows ! Flows ! _ To those who do fall ploughing,

we beg leave to calltheirattention W to onr assortment qggf oung's sup-VfegdjfEEasaJ'vicrior Ploughs, ofWfferent num-

** bers. We shall have for the ensu-ing season, a large assortment of

those f.ivorite Ploughs. For the information of those whe; have not used the Young Plough, we would state that they have been in use by our most practical planters, among whom we would name Judge Geo. S. Onion, Van P. Wind­er. Esq., Mfes W. & P. Webb, Mess Nelson & Donaldson, iiMScudday & Co., Mess Connelly A Baily. W. A Shaf-fefJÊsq., Mess J. & II. Cage, J ustreceived, and for sale by

H ' ° B. F. IIOLDEN, Thibodaux, Sept. 1st 1P52. (89-tf.) Ji«cnta

JUCICIAFC NOTICES. Estate of Marl* llo*ul& VTagenspack (wl community

idth Louis Andre WnQ^nspack—.No. zo4.

SUCCESSION SALE .—state of Lou-isiana—Fifth District Court—Parish of Lafourche.

In the name and by the authority of the i?ifth Judicial District Courw. sitting in aud for the pariah of Lafourche, there wifl he tflered for sale at public auction, by M. Bourir, Sheriff, dilly qualified and sworn, in and for said parislv, on the premises, situated in si,M parish on the left bank of bayou Lafourche, at about nine miles below the town of Thibodaux, ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1SS3, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following described property, td'Wit : 1.—A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND situated in the parish

of Lafourche, on the left bank of Bayou Lafourche, at about nine miles below the towa of Thibodaux—measuring one arpent front by sixty-two arpents lit depth ; bounded above by the land of Hubert Wagenspack, and below by the laud of Ulger Wagenspack—together with the Buildings arufimprovement--« thereon.

2.—A NEGRO WOMAN, aged about TO years. 8.—A HORSE, a lot of HOGS, RICE, 100 Bbls. CORN, a

CORN MILL, Ac., Ac. TERMS ASD Cosmnogs.—The personal property and slave

payable in all the m<atf of March, 1854 ; and the land pay­able by thirds—one-third in all and each of the months of March of the years 1854,1855, and 185li. The purchaser shall be bound to give good and approved security, and the land shall remain specially mortgaged until final payment ; and all sums not punctually paid at maturity to bear eight per cent, interest per annum thereafter.

Lafourche, October 8,1358. [42j M. BOURG, Sheriff.

É^erior Liquors!

A kB We Inve this day received % pipe superior »Champagne Brandy, <401d Montegue ; cask

superior Madeira Wine, "South;'* 2 Bbls Old Bourbon Whisky; 2 casks London Porter, Byas's, in qxarts,2 do in pints; 2 do Harvey's Scotch and india BSfcle Ale; ^cask Old Port Wine—a fine article for invalids "


Carts and

AS the rolling season i< drawninj»«ear, we beg leave to call the attention of our <

friends, to our very large stock of Cane Cart«, light Bagasse do. Cane Waggons of different width treads. We have a larger assortment this year than we have had any previous year. The work is folly warranted to beof the bestquility, Just receivot'und for sale by B. F. HOLDEN.

39 tf Agents for Bodley A Co. Wheeling Virginia.

:Ö d«3

F . P . D I J C O l ï 6 E |


retail dealer in Diugs, Medicines, Patent Medicines, Ac. NO. 39 CHARTHKS STREET,

Between Bien ville and Customhouse streets, JV. O. Country merchants, planters and physicians will always

find a complete and extensive assortment of everything in the line, at low prices and liberal terms.

The qu .lity of articles always warranted. f29-ly.J

Daeonge's Sectoral Balsamic Syrup

LABORATORY OF THE PROPRIETOR, No. 39 char très street, New Orleans.

The well known virtue of this Vegetable Syrup, in all the ailments of the breats, chest, longs and bowels, is so well established, and has been tested for so many years, by such extensive patronage, that it would be idle to dwell at any length on its efficacy in colds, coughs, asthma, bronchitis, inflammation of the throat, stomach or bowels, spitting of blood, and whooping cough. ,

It has beer, found highly beneficial in all inflammatory disorders, such ns Reliumatisin, Diarrhœa. or Dysentery (summer complaint,) and especially in those cases of chlo­rine, which, for want of proper notice, so often degenerate into confirmed cholera.

In all affections of the lungs verging on Consumption, it has been found to prevent that dreadful scourge, whenever timely resorted to.

Besides its acknowledged certainty of cure, this truly wonderful Medecine has, over most compounds of the same nature, the decided avantages that owiug to its agreeable flavor, it can be administered without difficulty to children, and it requires no very particular diet.

0F" Prepared and sold at the Laboratory of the Pro­prietor. F. P. DUCONGE,

2!)-ly.] No. HO Chartres street, New Orleans


CES gouttes peuvent être employees comme un remède certain et etticce, et rétablis-an t de suite tous ceux

qui peuvent se trouver atteints de dysentetrie, coliques, crampes, ele , ces a vant-rourenrj du choiera.

Les familles et ceux qui vont en voyage feront bien dp se munir d'une fiole île ce remede, auquel un grand nombre de personnes doivent la vie—A vendre par F. P. DUCONGE,

No. 39 rue de Chartres. Nouvelle-Orleans Dépôt chez C. HIMEL, Assomption.

J. COURTADE, do. J. AUGIER, Thibodaux.

[29-ly.] A. VERILLOUX. Lafourche Interne.


THESE Drops are a safe and sura remedy for affording immediate relief in »11 cases of dysentery, cholics and

cramps Ac., which generally precede rhe cholera. Familiesand persons travelling,will do well to provide

themselves with a vial ofthis medicine, which has alreidY saved the livesof a great many. Sold by P. F. DUCONGE.

no. 39 Chartres street, New Orleans. To be found at C. HIMEL, Assomption,

J. CODRTADE, do. do. J. AUGIER, Thibodaux,

[20-1 y.] A. VERILLOUX, I.ifourcheInterior

J O H N L A R K I N , POPPER, ZINC, TIN AND SHEET-VV IRON WORKER, on Jackson street, * ^ near the Fotindery, keeps constantly on hand a large and foil stock of Copper and [ar\ *tk>49 T n Ware, snch as Bath-Tubs. Shower\tr and Seat Baths, Cooking and Kitchen Utensils, and a great variety of Conking, Parlor and other Slaves.

All kinds of work In his line repaired, and cleaned, to order. Gutters and Bpoots pot np atthe shortest notice.


PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PL AS TERER, has just reeeived and will constantly keep

at bis Ware House on Chnreh street, a foil stock of Thom-aston, Western and f>sar Lio^, Sharp Sand, Cement, Hair, Plaster of Paris, fee, much he Till sell as low as they can be procured from New Orleans. June II.


CAUSSE, Barber, on St. Philip st., begs leave to inform his friends and the public

in general, that he has just opened a Bath House, where hot and cold baths may be had at all times.

RATES.—Cold Baths, 35 cents ; Hot do. 85 cents ; with two Towels furnished each. 52-tf



No. 1 St. Philip street, THIBOD/ UX.

TTROUGH the medium of the public press, I take the liberty of announcing totne public, that I still continue

to carry on, at my old stand, as above, my calling as Boot and Shoe Maker, and 1 am, at alltimes. ready to accommo­date my customers at the shortest notice. Boots and Shoes, of the latest bihions, made to order with despatch; and warranted an easy fit, or no sale.

April 9th, 1863. (18-tf.)


No. 12 St. Philip street, THIBODAUX,

HAVING recently established themselves here, respect­fully Inform the pnbtic, and the amateurs of good work,

that they aie now ready to accommodate them with Shoes, Boots Ac., at the lowest cash prices. Having exercised their trade in many of the principal towns of France, as well as in New Orleans, they feel confident that their work will please the taste ofthe most fastidious. They are con­stantly in recept of the best Bordeaux Calf, Strasbourg Morocco; and varions other leather. All are invited to call.

August Hth, 1868. (86-tf.)


Cane's, corner of Main and St. LouisV— streets, Thibodaux, manufactures any article in his Gne to order ; likewise repairs and exchanges jewelry. [37-tf.]

"1X71ST Aft'S Balsam of Wild Cherry, Ayer's Cherry • V Pectoral. Jayne's Expectorant. Osgoods India (Tho-

paoptie, tnd McLane's celebrated Verraifnge. Jost received, mid for sale by J. 8. FRIZELL.

JOHNSON & FITCH, flonse, Sign and Ornamental Painters. tfSSg Wo. 6, St. ffMip street, Thibodaux, La.

Beg leave to Inform their friends and the Pnblic generally, that they are no« ready to fil I orders with neat nessanddlspatch. June 31st,1851.-tf


THE proprietor ofthe MINERVA OFFICE, having purchased a splendid Imperial Press, and a large

variety of Plain, Fancy, an#Ornamental Type, wonld respectfully inform the public that he is now enable«1



0]t/ü TF/ FIST £ßcu/in̂

r I I E f ! K S . L A B E L S . L A B E L S ,

IF®£ÂMÏÀ Hand Bills, Posters. Bray Receipts,

And in fact, every variety of fetter press printing, in a neat and elegant manner, at the shortest notice; and at prices equally as low as those of any establishment in New Orleans.

Arrival and Departure of tHe Mails.

THE Western and Northern Mails, arrives on Tues day, Tbnrsnay nnd Satnrday at 3 oclock, P. M.

Clones on Wsilne-day and Friday at 7 o'clock, A. M., and every Saurday at 1 o'clock P. M.

Arrives from Alligator, Tigerville and Houma, on Wednesday and Friday at 8 o'clock, A. M.

Closes for the above places on Tuesday and Thurs­day at 2 o'clock 1*. M.

TMbodanv Jan. 211th, 1851. J. Y. BENNETT, P. M.

AGENCY OF THE Merchants' Insurance Company

of Mew Orleans.

Ij^OR the parishes of Assumption, La-JL fourche and Terrebonne. The undersigned having been appointed a?ent for ti e above Insurance Company, beg leave to call the attention of Planters, Merchants' und property holders of the three «hove parishes, to the follow­ing clause adopted by the Botrd of Presidents of Insurance Companies of New Orle ns, for country Fire Risk*.

FIRE PISKS out of New Orleans, on buildings or contents, excepting Gin and Sugar Houses and their con­tents, to have the following clause inserted. PROVIDED THE PLACE HAS NO INSURANCE COMPANY OR AGENCY IN IT ; namely—

It is understood and agreed to be a condition of this In­surance, that in cft'e of any 1 >ss wl'hin the policy, the In-su'ers are to be liable only for THREE FOUTH8 OF THE SAME, not exceeding the sum herein insured, and the OTHER FOURTH to he BORNE BY THE ASSURED.

The Undersigned is ready to Insure properties against Fire Risks and iibo Cargo per Steamboats.

CHARLES LESSEPS, Agent. Firm of L»ss"ps & Deguilhem, Thibodaui, L». May Gth, 1&">3. [22-1 y J

Succession ofArcine Bergeron, widow qf yulcry IFymel.

wSSaSwrtrt Co^-^Ïaiilu0rÎheL0^i J^et

and by the authority of the Fifth Judicial DI& Lafo,,rche-In the name trict Court, sitting in and for the parish of Lafourche, there will be offered for sale at public auction by Mathurin Bourg, Sheriff and Auctioneer, on the premises, 9ituated in the town of Thibodaux, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1SÖ8, at 10 o'cloct i. *., the following described property, to-wit : 1.—A CERWLIN TOWN LOT, situated in said parish of La­

fourche, in the town of Thibodaux, known and designated on a plan of said town, made and executed by James B. Grinage, the 1st May, 1842, and deposited as No. 115 in the Recorder's office—with the Buildings thereon.

2.—A NEGRO BOY, named Casimire, aged about eighteeif years.

3.—Several Bedsteads, Bedding, an Armoir, a Bureau, a Looking-Glass, a Clock, Safe, Chairs, Ac. TERMS AND CONDITIONS.—The pessonal property, payable

cash ; and the real property payable by thirds—ond-third in all and each of the months of March of the years 1S54, 1655 and 1S56. The land and slave to remain specially mortgaged until final payment ; and all sums not punctually paid at maturity, 4^ bear eight per cent interest thereafter. The purchaser to dive good and approved security.

Lafourche, Octobre 8,1853. M. BOURO, Sheriff.

A V I S F R A N C A l s .

Succession de Jfurie Rosolie 1 Vagen»jMck% (-t txutô mec Leon Andre \Vayeiu*i>udc '

VENTE DE SUCCESSION—RU, d la Louisiane—Cour du Cinquième District—n.

de Lafourche. lar"«« Au nom et par autorite de la Cour du Cinquième ni •

Judiciaire, siegeant dans et pour la paroisse Ue l-ufour, f sera offert en vente publique par M. Bourg, Sherif « " centeur, dûment qualifie et assermente, sur les lieux > dans la dite parois«! sur la rive gauche du bayou Laf,, a environ neuf miles audessous de la ville (le Thibm!-,,. '

SAMEDI, le 12 du mois de NOVEMBER, IS53 ' a 10 heures A. M., la propriété ci-apres decrite, savoir -

1. Un certain morceau da terre situe dans la paroi«.. Lafourche, sur U rive gauche du bayou Lafourche u „^7 neuf tulles audessous de la ville de Thibodaux, mesurant araent de face par soixante deux arpents en prilf 0il

borne en haut par les terres d'Hubert Wagenspack et «1ï' parcelles d'Ulger Wagenspack, avec toutes les bari, ameliorations qui s'y trouvent. u «

2. UNE NEGRESSE, ageedeîft ans. 8. Un cheval, des Cochons, du ris, 100 barils ilP

moulin a grue, etc., etc. m,-> TKHMKS ET CONDITIONS.—La propriété personnelle pt p

clave payable en tout et Mars, 1S54, et U terte pavibb tiers, un ters en tous et chacun des mois de Mars dw ÖL« 1854,1855, et lt>56. L'acquereur fournissant Minie et val m* caution, et la terre restant speciallement li> [Kithpqnee j„ ' , parfait payment, et tout payments non' iJonctuellei2U

échéance portant huit pour cent d'interet par im a

[42-tds.j M. B0UKG, Shérif.


Citizens' Bank of Louisiana 1 vs. y Number 6104.

Mathurin Pitre ) TAKE NOTIC&Diat by virtue of a writ of fi. fa. issued

by the Fifth Distil« Court of Orleans, in the above entitled case, I have siezed and will offer for sale at public auction at

.the Court House in the town of Thibodaux, on SATURDAY, the 5th NOVEMBER, 1853, at 11 o'clock, A. M., the two following tracts of land, being now in the possession of Mrs. Clerville Barras, and a portion of a larger tract now owned by her, to-wit : 1.—A CERTAIN PLANTATION situated in the parish of La

fourche, at about three miles below the town of Thibodaux and on the right bank of the Bayou Lafonrche, consisting of two tracts of land—one of them measuring two arpents front and forty arpents in depth, bounded above and be­low by land now owned by Mrs. Clerville Barras.

2.—ANOTHER TRACT, measuring one arpent, more or less front, by forty arpents in depth ; bounded above by laud now owned by A. B. Thibodavx, and below by land owned

8.—S^N^SHARI^ifOne Hundred Dollars each, in the Capital Stock of the Citizens' Bank of Louisiana. TERMS AND CONDITIONS.—The purchaser to furnish his stock

notes for the sum of Two Thousand Three Hundred and Ten Dollars, ($2,310) payable on the 1st of August, 1S54, or re­newable according to the provisions of the charter ; and the balance CASH. The stock notes to be identified with the act of mortgage by M. Pitre and wife in favor of the Citizens, Bank of Louisiana, passed before T. Segher, Notary Public* in New Orleans, on the 25th May, 1S87, and with the Sheriff's deeds in this case ; and the purchaser to assume all the ob­ligations, charges, and conditions imposed upon the stock­holders of the Citizens' Bank of Louisiana.

J. K. G0ÜRDAIN, Deputy Sheriff. October 1st 1S53. [41-tds.]

XTOTICE.—All persons indebted to the -i-* Succession of Jules Billard, are requested to come for­ward and settle ; and all persons to whom the aforesaid Suc­cession is indebted, aTe hereby notified to come forwartl and receive the amount of their claims.

August, 27 1553. [aS-lt.j L. BUSn, Curator.

SALE.—Will be offered for sale at the Court House in the town of Thibodaux, for cash, on

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1855 at 9 o'clock, A. M., by the undersigned, the moveable effects belonging to the vacant estate of Jules Billard, and consisting of a TURNER'S LATHE and accessories, and sundry other articles.

oct8-2t L. BUSH, Clerk and ex-officio Curator.

m F K A N K L I N H O U S E .

rpHIS NEW HOTEL, in the large A new Brick Building situated on the corner.

of St. Louis .street and Commercial Row, Thibodaux, La. and fitted up about one year ago expressly for a hotue of entertainment, has of late enlarged its room and con­veniences, and can now accommodate many more boarders. .»

Families or «ingle Ladies and Gentlemen can be com­fortably situated either in summer or winter, the house being wellarranied for ventilation and the rooms large a n d c o n v e n i e n t . T l l K i l *

Single Meal and Lodging,each, $ 50 Supper, Lodging and Bieakfast, 1 25 Board per day, 1 50

" " week, payable weekly 8 00 " " month, " monthly 23 00 '• " year, " quarterly, 250 00 " " week, without lodg'g, payable weekly 6 00 " " month, " " " monthly 18 00 " •' year. " " " quarterly 180 00 " " month, for extra furnished rooms.. 25 00

This House being arranged and fittod in the beststyle ahe furniture, beds and bedding, and everything necessa-tryf or furnishing such a House, are new and of good material. Ths, together with the determination ofthe Proprietor to deserve patronage bjr his unremitting exer­tions to please, it Is hoped will offer sufficient induce­ments for citlzensand strangers to patronize him.

No effort necessary will be spared to keep the Table at all times as well supplied as the Markets within reach will afford. II. F. HOLPEN. Proprietor.

Horses and Carriages^

ALWAYSin readiness, Horsesand Carriages, for trips to Donaldsonville, Houina, or elsewhere, whenever

there is enough in number to justify. Also stabling for horses—and all connected with the Franklin House, by the proprietor, B. F. HOLDEN.

Thibodaux, December 13. 1851.

Impprtaiit to Planters and Others.

ÏTïTïTSTTi •* ••• • (••((•••••••M I I I I I I I I I I I I M I

pimrnii I f l l K I I K I • l l l l l l l l l l minimi

i i i i i i i i i i i i i a i • i i i i i i i i i i l i n n

•in I I I I I I I I I I •I I I I I I I I I I niMiiri mi

TTINKLE & GUn.P, Builders, Ware Room«, No, 356, IX West Front St., Cincinnati, Ohio. This extensive Building,60 by a"i0feet, with machinery for manufacturiug 1' innel Doors, Sashi Blinds, Window and Door frames Mouldings, Base, Pilasters, Weathrr-boarriing, White and Yellow Pine, flouring, Shelving for Stores, Kalling for fences, Ac. Ac.

Buildings framed. Lumber furnished of every descrip->n. Persons building, can be supplied here with all the

materials for houses ready made, of seasoned Lumber. Thimç.—CASH. All orders through Beatty, Ligget k Co., New Orleans,

or S. M. Heart It Co., Baton Rouge, will be attended to. Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 26, 1853. 12:ly.


© A S L A M P S ! And Patent Phosgen Gas for Burning in the lame.

THIS Lamp, for producing a p itiable light, is confident­ly recommended as superiorto any other now in use.

The light ii produced by the burning of an serlformOas, which Remitted in beautiful jets from small perforatious in Platina.

The Gas isgenerated as it is used, by the heat of its own combustion acting on the burner, connected with the Liquid in the Lamp. Thus it is a perfect and portable apparatus for creating and burning œriform Gas.

Its construction is such that all possibility of accident from its use is entirely removed ; and the great simplicity ofits arrang«mentreoders it lest liable to get out of order than any other kind of lamp. It requires no cleaning and trimming; as do the oil and camphene lamps, and burns equally well, either with or without a glass globe or shade, and perfectly freefrom smakeor odor.

The opinions of the scientific may be learned from the fact, that at the Annual Fair of the American Institute, in 1345, a SILVER MEDAL was awarded to the Inventor, and a Diploma to the Manufacturer ; and at the same time it was pronounced the best light ever exhibited to the Fair

For sale, wholesale and retail at B. F. HOLDEN'S. Where the Lamps can be seen baring every evening. tSr These Lamps only require to be tested to put a stop

to all complaint about poor light, smoke or grease. [26-tf]


Confectionary Store.

TIE Subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has opened a confectionary store at the,

owner of St. Philip and Main streets, where he will lie happy to snpply Balls, Wedding, and Dinner Partira, and the public, with any article in the line of his business, on as cheap and advantageons terms, as they can be Itadatany other establishment in this city. All he wants is that the public shouM call and examia for themselves.

Thib'x July 10 1858. (31-tf.) VICTOR CODDOU.

FLINTS—White, Red, and Black Lead, Venition Red, Spanish Brown, Prussian Blue, Paris and Chrome Dry

and in Oil, Litharge, Yellow Ochro, Chrome Yellow, Lamp Black, I,in?eciOil, 3pts Terpentine, etc., can be had atthe Drug Store of ["-tf ] J. S. FRIZELL.

Succession of Mary A. Bouterie, wife of J. T. Da unis, deceased.

QTATE OF LOUISIANA—Fifth Dis-trict Court—Parish of Lafourche.

WHEREAS : J. T. DAUNIH, of said parish, has filed his application with the Clerk of the above Court, to be ap­pointed Administrator of the said Estate :

Therefore, all persons are hereby warned and notified to file their objections, if any they have, to the said application, with the Clerk of said Court at his office in the town of Thib­odaux in ten days after the first publication hereof, or the said application will be confirmed in due course of law.

Witness my hand and the seal of said Court, this «•RKISth day ofOäober, one thousand eight hundred and Iggfifty-three. [42-gt] L. BUSH, Clerk.

Succession d'Arcine Bergeron, f'ewr.e Valéry //™ ,

TRENTE DE SUCCESSION,-^. V de la Louisiane, Cour du Cinquième District Judicial»

Au nom et par autorite de la Cour du Cinqnlera- Bit,;,-Judiciaire, siegeant dans et pour la paroisse <1« Ltioorehf i sera offert en vente publique par M. Bourg, Sherif et enran teur, sur les lieux, situes dans la ville de Thilxxlanx

LUNDI, le 14eme jour de NOVEMBRE, îjjg a 10 heures A. m., les propdftes suivantes savoir; ' 1.—UN CERTAIN LOT D« VILLE, situe dans la haroisgetî.

Lafourch, dans la ville de Thibodaux, connu «hjegiime m un plan de la dite ville fuit par James B. Grin* |çj ,j~? 1S42, et depose dans l'office du Recorder comme le M avec toutes les bâtisses qui s'y trouvent. '''

2.—UN NEGRE, nomme Casimir, age de 18 ans. 8.—Plusieurs bois de lits garrü«, une armoir, un bare«

(toiliet,) une pendule, des chaises, etc., etc. TER»« ET CONDITIONS.—La propriété personnelle Coran,

tant, la w« et l'esclave, payable par tiers, un tiers en torn et cbacnn 'des mois de Mars des années lsô4, 1855 et !S5fl La terre et l'esclave restant speciallement hypotheqoeejugqn'à parfait payment, et toutes sommes non ponctuellement parts portant huit pour cent d'interet après echeance. Les acque-reurs fournissant benne et valable caution.

Octobre 8, 1858. [42-tds.] M. BOCRG, Sherif

V* Banque dl

E DE SHERIF. DE LA LOUISIANE—Paroisse de Lafourch?

de» Citoyens de ia Louisiane, j t>K, >• No. nu.

Mathurin Pitre. j SACHEZ, qu'en conformte a un writ de fi. fa, lao«e pgr

la Cour do Seme District de la paroisse d'Orléans, tas it cause ci-dessus intitulée et numerotee, j'ai saisi et j'offrirai en vente publique a la Maison de Cour dans la ville de Thibo­daux, SAMEDI,le 5 NOVEMBRE, 1S58, a 11 heures, »., les morceaux de terre ci-apres decrite étant dans la possessio» de Mme. Clerville Barras, et étant une partie d'un plus grand morceaux de terre qui lui appartient, savoir :

1. UNE CERTAINE HABITATION situe dans la parai«, de Lafouwh», % environ trois miles audessous de la ville de Thftii<igl»')p b rive drpïfeaul'kayou »fourche et consistant de deagRgMwêêmi de terre, m d'eux mesurant deux arpents de face par quarante en profondeur, borne en haut et en bas par des terres appartenant a Mme. Clerville Barras.

2. L'AUTRE MORCEAUX DE TERRE mesurant un ar­pent de foce plus ou moins par quarante arpents en profon­deur, borne en haut par les terres de A. B. Thibodaui, et en bas par selles de Mme. Clerville Barras.

8. SOIXANTE-DIX ACTIONS de cent piastres ctaqie dans de capital des bonds de la Banque des Citoyens de la Louisiane. TERM ET ET CONDITIONS.—L'acquéreur fournira ses billets

pour les actions, pour la somme de %2,810 payable le premier Août, 1854, el renouvable en conformité de la chartre, et la balance COMPTANT.

Ley billets pour les actions seront identifies avec un acte d'hypothéqué par M. Pitre et sa femme, en faveur de la Banque des Citoyens de la Louisiane, passe devant T. Segher, Notaire Public a la Nouvelle Orleans, le 26 Mai, 1687, et «UBsi identifies par l'acte de vente du Sherif dans ce procès, et l'acquereur sera sujet aux obligations, changements et con­ditions impose sur les actionaires de lu Banque des Citoyens de la Louisiane, J. K. GOU11DAIN, Dty. Sherif.

Octobre le 1er 1S58. [41-tds.J

A VIS.—Toufns personnes qui doiventa V- ]a Succession de Jules Biliard, sont par le present re­

quis de se presenter et de regier, et toutes jiersonnes a qui Is dite Succession doit, sont de meme requis de se presenter et de recevoir le montant qui leurs est dues.

Août, ce 27 lSfri. [8S-4t] L. BUSH, Cnrateur.

"l^ENTE.—Il sera offerte » Maison de Cour, dans la ville de T

en vente a la Thihoit'ix, pour du

comptant, JEUDI, le 20 OCTOBRE, 1SÖ3, a neuf heures du matiu, par le soussigné, les effets mobiliers appartenant a la succession .vacante de Jules Billard, consi*«it d'unTOC R A TOURNETIt, et se» accessoires et divers «nâSr-es articles.

octS-2t. L. BUStt, Greffierex-oflicio Curateur.

Succession of Patrick JfcCue, deceased.

SS ATE OF LOUISIANA—Fifth Dis trict Court—-Parish of Lafourche. v trict Court—Parish of Lafourche.

Whereas MARTIN McCUE, of said parish, application with the Clerk of the above Court, to Administrator of the said Estate?

Therefore, all persons are hereby warned and notified to file their objections, if any they have, lo the said application, with the Clerk of said Court at his office in the town of Thib­odaux in ten days from the first publication hereof, or the said application will be confirmed in due course of law.

Witness my hand and the seal of said Court, this 1st day of October, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. [41-2t] L. BUSH, Clerk.

Q T \ trict

£'»täte of Benjamin Holmes, doçeaaed. TE Oft LOUISIANA—Firth Dis-

trict Court—Parish of Lafonrche. Whereas, LORING HOLMES, of said parish, has filed

his application with the Cleak of the above Court, to be* ap­pointed Administrator of the said Estate :

Therefore, all persons are hereby warajgMiiid notified to file their objections, if any they have, to tte said application, with the Clerk of said Court at his office in tne town of Thibo­daux in ten days after the first publication hereof, or the said application will be confirmed in due course of law.

Witness my hand and the seal of said Court, this VPBRlst of Octobre, one thousand eight hnndreil and ^üjy fifty-three. [41-2t] Ly IS BUSH, Clerk.


PurWant to law and a proclamation of his excellency PAUL 0. HUBERT, Governor of the State of Louisiana, dated the 10th of September, 1858, an election will he held In the Parish of Lafourche, on MONDAY, the 7th NOVEMBER, from 9 o'clock a. m. to 4 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing one Justice of the Peace and çpc Constable for each Ward in said Parish, except the 11th w#d wherein the town of Thibodaux is situated which shall elect two Justices of the Peace and one Constable.

The places of election and commiffiioners are the same as prescribed by law. The com-niitioners will make their retnrng in dne form to the undersigned Sheriff and returning officer. M. BOURG, Sheriff and returniug officer.

Lafourche, October 7,1883.


Pursuant to law and a proclamation of his excellency" PAUL O. HEBERT, Governor of the State of Louisiana, dated 10th of September, 1858. AN election will be held in the Parish of Terrebonne, on MONDAY, the Tth of November, 1858, be­tween the hours of 9 a.m. to 4 p. M., for the purpose of voting for one Member of Congress, for the AD Congressional Dis­trict, composed of that part of the city of New Orleans above Canal street known as the 1st District and District No. Four, formerly the city of Lafayette, of the Parishes of Jefferson, St. Charles, St. John the Baptiste, St. JIME*, Ascension, As­sumption, Lafourche, Terrebonne, St. Mary and St. Martins,

Por one State Treasurer, an Auditor of Pnblic Accounts, and a Superintendent of Public Education.

For one Senator from the Distrfct composed of the Parishes of Assumption, Lafourche and Terrebonne.

ROT a Sheriff, Recorder, Clerk of Court, Coroner, Assessor, one Justice of the Peace and one Constable in each ward, for one Representative for the Parish of Terrebonne.

The places of election and the commissioners are the same as established by law.

The Commissioners will make their returns in due form to the undergigred Sheriff and returning officer.

M. VERKET, Sheriff and returning officer. Terrebonne, October 8, 1858.

UTÄTE OF LOUISIANA—Parish of Lafourche.

Pursuant to taw and a proclamation of his excellency PAULO. HEBERT, Governor of the State of Louisiana, dated 10th September, 1&5S. An election will be held in the Parish of Lafourche, on MONDAY, the Tth day of November, 1858, between the hour of 9 a, m. and 4 p.m. for the purpose of voting for One Member of Congress, for the 2d Congres­sional District, composed of that part of the city of New Or-leaus above Canal street known as the 1st District and Dif* trict No. Four, formerly the city of Lafayette, of the Parishes of Jefferson, St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, St. James, Ascension, Assumption, Lafourche, Terrebonne, St. Mary and St. Martins.

Por one State Treasurer, an Auditor of Public Accounts, and a Superintendent of Public Education.

For one State Senator from the District composed of the Parishes of Assumption, Lafourche and Terrebonne.

For a Sheriff, Recorder, Clerk of Court, Coroner, and As­sessor, for Tl\ree Representatives to the Legislature, for the Parish at Lafourche.

The places of Elections and the Commissionners are the same as established by law.

The Commissioners win make their returns in due form to the undersigned Sheriff and returning Officer.

M. BOURG, Sheriff and returning Officer. Lafourche, Septembrr 23, 1S53.

T^ESIRABLE PROPERTY for -L' SALE.—I wish to sell the House and Lot situated on St. Philip street between the residences of Dr. J. A. Scudday and Rev. L. A. Heed ; also, a_ SERVANT and the FURNITURE now in the house, prepared to give an unexceptionable title, by virtue of a power of attorney which ia in my possession. For particu­lar! a* to price, term?, 4c., inquire on the premisee.

July 23,1SÖ3. [33tf] E. F. TILTON.

Succession, de Marie A. Bouterie, épouse de J. T.DaunU, decede.

"CITAT DE LA LOUISIANE—Cour JLi du Cinquième District, Paroiwe <le Lafourche.

ATTENDU: Que J. T. DAUNIS, de la dite parole, ce jour fait »ou application au Greffier de la dite Cour, pour

etre nomme Administrateur de la dite Succeesionou. En consequence, toutes les personnes qui pourraient avoir

def dUections a la dite demande sont par les [»resentes notifiees de ïw deduire au G refiler de la Cour, a son bureau dans la ville Thibodaux dant les dix jours qui suivront la premiere publication de cet avis, sinon la dite application sera accorde et confirme selon la loi.

Témoin ma main et le sceau de la dite Cour, ce 8me Octobre, mil-huit cent cinquante trois.

[42-2t] L. BUSH, Greffier.

Succession de Patrie MvCue.

ETAT DE LA LOUISIANE—Cour du Cinquième District, Paroisse de 1 .»fourche.

ATTBNDU : Que MARTIN McCUE, de la dite parois»«,*ce jour fait son application au Greffier de la dite Cour, pour etre nomme Administrateur de la dite Succession.

En consequence, toutes les personnes qui pourraient avoir des objections a la dite demande sont par les présentes noti­fiées de les deduire au Greffier de la Cour, a son bureau dans la ville, Thibodaux, dans les dix jours qui suivront la pri-rieme publication de cet avis, sinon la dite application sera accorde et conflrtpe selon la loi.

Temàin ma main et le sceau de la dite Cour, ce 1er Octobre, mil-huit cent cinquante-trois.

[41 -2t] L. BUSH, Greffier.

Succession, de Benjamin Holmes. TJ^TAT DE LA LOUISIANE—Cour J—^ du Cinquième District, paroisse de Lafourche.

ATTFNno : Que LOEING HOMES, de la dite paroisse, » a jour fait son application au (Irelïier de la dite Cour, pour e» nomme Administrateur de la dite Succession.

En consequence, toutes personnes qui pourraient avoir dea objections a la dite demande sont par les présentés notiSec* de le» deduire au Greffier de la dite Cour, a sofc bureau, dsni la ville de Thibodaux, dans les dix jours qui suivront la premiere publication de cet avis, sinon la dite application sgra accorde et conforme selon la loi.

Témoin ma main, et le sceau de la dite Cour, c» 1er Octobre, mil huit cent cinquante-trois.

[4i-2t] LOUIS BUSI1, Greffier,


Conformementa la loi et a une proclamation de son Excel­lence. Paul 0. Hebert, Gouverneur de l'Etat de la Louisiane, datee le 10 Septembre, 1853, une election sera tenue dans b paroisse de Lafourche, LUNDI le T Novembre, 1863, depuh 9 heures A. M., jusqu'à 1 heures P. M., afin d elire uri Jug« de Paix et un Constable dans chacun des arrondisaetnenU de cette paroisse, excepte dans le lime arrondissement ou m trouve situe la ville de Thibodaux, qui élira deux Juges d* Paix et un Constable.

Les lieux d'elections et les Commissaires sont les inetnet comme 11 est prescrit par la loi.

Les Commissaires feront leur retours en formes legales n soussigné Sherif et officier retournant.

M. BOL'ilti, Sherif et officier Retournant. Lafourche, Oct. T. 1853. '

T^TAT DE LA LOUISIANE—Paroisse de Terrebonne.

Conformément a la loi et a one proclamation de son Excel­lence, Paul 0. Hebert, Gouverneur de l'Etat de la Louisiane, date le 10 Septembre, 195S, nne election sera tenu dans la pa­roisse de Terrebonne, LUNDI, le 7 Novembre, 1858, depuis 5 heures A. M., jusqu'à 4 heures P. M., pour voter pour un Re­présentant au Congress pour le Deuxieme District Congres-sionel compose de cette partie de la ville de la Nouvelle-Or-leans qui se trouve en haut de la me du Canal et connue comme le Premier District et le District No. 4, autrefois » ville de Lafayette, des paroisses de Jefferson, 9t. Charles, st. Jean Baptiste, St. Jacques, Ascension, Assomption, Là-fourche, Terrebonne, Ste. Marie et St. Martin.

Pour un Tresorier d'Etat, un Auditeur des Comptes PublK», et un Surintendant de l'Education Publique.

Ponr un Sénateur d'Etat, pour le District compose des pa­roisses de Lafourche, Assomption et Terrebonne.

Pour un Sherif, Recorder, Greffier de Cour, Coroner, As­sesseur et un Juge de l'alx et un Constable i»ur chaque ar­rondissement de ladite Paroisse.

Pour un Représentant a la Legislature pour la paroisse de Terrebonne.

Les lieux d'elections et les Commissaires sont lemem® établies par la loi.

Les Commissaires feront leur retours en forme legales atr soussigné Sherif et officier retournant.

Octobre T, 1853. _ M. VER RET, Sherif.

ETAT DE L A LOVISIANE—Paroisse de Lafonrche. .

Conformément a la loi et a une proclamation de son excel­lence Panl 0. Hebert, Gouverneur de l'Etat de la Louisiane, date le 10 Septembre, 1853, une election sera tenu dan« iaP*' roisse de Lafourche, LUNDI, le 7 Novembre, 1858, dq»» » heures A. M., jusqu'à 4 heures P. M., pour voter pour un re­présentant au Congres pour le Deuxieme District Cojigre«-slonef compose de cette partie de la ville de la Nouvtlle-in-leans qui se trouve en haut de la rue du Canal et conn comme le Premier District et le District No. 4, autrefois ville de Dafayette, des paroisses de Jefferson, St. Charles, «-Jean Baptiste, St. Jacques, Ascension, Assomption, M-fourehe, Terrebonne, Ste. Marie et St. Martin.

Pour un Tresorier d'Etat, un Auditeur des Comptes PuDiio, et un Surintendant de l'Education Publique.

Pour un Senateur d'Etat, pour le District compose des P* roisses de Lafourche, Assomption et Terrebonne.

Pour un Sherif, Recorder, Greffier de Cour, Coroner et w

Pour trois Représentants a la Legislature pour la parois« de Lafourche. . .

Les lieux d'élections et les Commissaires sont les établies par la loi. , _ . ^

Les Commissaires feront leur retours en formes Itgai soussigné, Sherif et officier retournât. „. ..

Sept. 28, lçÂJ. M. BOURG, Shent

pUTLERY—A fine assortment ofknives razors, scissor?, a\es, &r.. fur Mie by

i i i y l l A. B. RAGAN,'« M. Pl^llp street,