· THI VOL....

THI VOL. Ig. NO. 314 W M S 'o r 11 110 GIFTT; 3Efai:ira i ll ~Cifalnmn'of Democratic Na- "J tional Committeo Calmly J Testidss to Accompani- ; ment ol Savage Exctianjes ^ ' C fpy The AEsociatcd Press) o W ASHINGTON, April i ' —to tho 'accompani- * mont o£ savafce ex- * \ cbanftcs between msmbers of “ the senate lobby committcc. John J. Raskob, chairman of H the Democratic national com- mittee, calmly testified today that hc had contributed $65,- 000 daring tJic laat five j'w rs to the Auociatlon Ajolnst lhe Pro- mmituii AiiiniiHiinit-Bnd^th*V-he- — Kfts a director of the orsanUallon. In Q low, even tone the Demo- ^ . -craUc chlettola imlllagly-repUed.lo. n< questions atMUl his relations vlth (iie uKKlaClon. K« <ald IC attempted to obtain lhe elecUon of conpess- men (avorlne repeal or modUleatlon brihe'prohibinSn RcL'ne added lhal he «as not vtry active knlhe wort o( ■■^■•rSi,l.lh.podt..nol15i belns B contributor and a dlreclor" uc ho explained. r, Raskob appeared amused at the on (requenl closhcs between members go: of the commlitee over questions pro- - pounded by senalor Robinson, In- w __ dlana, the_qnly Republkan praen^ Other members'who atiended thc hesrlna were Chairman Carttway, Arkansas, and S tato r Walsh, Moo- lei tana both '•dry- Democrats. Sena- trl tors Blaine, Wisconsin, and Borah, Idaho,. Republicans, were absent. loi Alter the heorins, Robinson an- in nounced'lie would call Josephus da Daniels. Democrat, secretary ot the navy In the Wilson cabinet, for ques- tioning on Tuesday coDcemlng an =* editorial atUcklnj Raskob. K, Other witncues expecKd nesfl.. " week ore Henry H. Curran, New .i. York, president of the AssoclaUon . ABalnsl the ProhlblUon Amend- went, and William H. Slayton, \j. Washlnaton, chairman of lhe board of directon. ~ The mosl heated arsument, «Ucb y produced an umnir tojajuiifcUfli 3 ecmmlUee room,‘ c a m 8 > n C T K o P u, - - ' inson asked Raskob U he lalended to ^ reslsn hit poslUon os DemoeratJe chairman. -I objecl lo U jair Walsh snopped. ?! Aflcr a aharp ezchaose belweeo <i, .the two senators, Iho qucsUon went v, unanswered. Aflcr the hearln* was over. Ra»- .. .kob told n»(L»nttnL'rm<»n hn had no objection to ansvciliiu Uio qucltluuin and added that he did not Intend to resign. The dispute started when Bobln- — eon read aneailorlarrrotn'tnFKew r| and Obscner, which crlUclsed Ros- i, kob for his connection with the As- toclation Against Iho Prohibition >. Amendment. ■_ The editorial, as read by Robin- ton. said lhe relation was “so In- „ Jurlous to lhe DemocraUc party ns to M ~puflls'fUture'in'Jeopardy'^and'add- n ed that "no man thould remain at the head of the committee whose ac- tions and money consUlute a parly peril." "I mention Ihls.** Robinson said, 'because ll Is a serious charge (rom a prominent mcmbetJf.your party." 'The question s-hetWeFTflris-®- f Dcmocral hasn't anyihlng lo do wllh this.” Caraway commented. *The polnl It— ” began Robln- ton. •”1 know Uie point," Caraway In- terrupled. “Everybody know* the r point."— 7 • • **1110 point U." Robinson resumed. "wheUier Mr. Raskob has Uken his £ presenl poalUon and lefl the Re- ^ publican party because ho could la- ,, Jluenee-leglslallon better -as-chalr- , man of Uie DemocraUc aaUonal com- <>« mittee." H "No.** Carawayfetorted. "he aald di he wanted to gel in an bon(sl party." |j HOUSEWIFE REFUSES TO - -------- Mguf_ynpH- j « »t-.even “ Uncle Barn's enumeralori WtttTtoWot IS eannol change a mode o( livings that 'sp has bKn In vogue (or 33 years. A » Bronx head counter can aUest to . ... that,- ______________ _____ , Approaching a certain housewUe today he /lueried: cl *-Whtre was your husband bom?** oi "I think In Irelanl** "WIU you ask him to make r ir e r "And Uiat 1 »m not. We haveni ^-■-ip0kea'f0r»*yeBW-«nd-D0t=«Teft- {or Ute census wUl I do I t r oi SoUiat’tlhal. Ir ZNDRTH;SiDE-flESIDENTS— i I MC ei ^ - B Q1B& APrtl i t/n-Anomerccn- a -------PnterrfaeUfe-ottlotoli rtlatlv-to- ^ nm alnga bus line Uirough tbo town*. ~ihiTpubliruUliUes-commi«loa-wM „ advised today. ^ The tbree towns, located on tbe cj road between Bllsa and Twin Falls, h have wpiesled Uial,ono or more d r > of the busses now operaUng between h 1 Portland tad salt Zitot Ci:7b*ep- a \ crated tto nad'lnitead ot tU A by way ot Uie road Utrough Bager- F man nlle* and Bubl u ttsteseaL.o E TW UABID WIRI UWOER OP AasociATiD pnxaa 140DESCENDENTS0F 51 _MAN KILLED BY FIRE * IN WI^ISKERS MOURN" ' tlOBOKEN. N. J.. April i m - i.-Lonfl_hundrcd-Jorty_dircct_____ detceodenls and a cousin who is -hlmseU 10j-jtar»-0ld today_al?. _ tended the (uneral of Kupper ■BUr,.wllMrt.ttosheEJiutchec irhQ. _ died yesterday at Uie ago of 109 Irom shock resulUng from bums he rtcelved whtn hi* whlsktrs caught f\re u he was lighting a cigar in btd. Tbe 105-year>old cousin Is Eli Bier. Brookl>Ti. Among the dcs- cendanU al Uie (uneral wera 11 of tho deceoMd’s 13 children. Bamuel, 7$, the eldest ton, led _ the procession. Arthur, 36, the % youngest, broughl up the rear. } ~ o\ nm oe I IMS ir M it; -------- Ull Nation’s.:.CIiicf Executive g And Gucsis Try Luck at Fishino in Twilight Hour S _____ m< ._0nAMOE, y.. AprtM tn -P m - K Idem Uoovcr arrived at nis rccreu- as Uon camp at the headwater of .lhe (o< Rapldan river at 0 o'clock tonight on his first (Islilng trip of tho tea- son. ' The ehlcf extcullve and his (ruest* tui tried their luck al (Ishlng before ho dinner. ___________ _____________ The president chose a "royal wl fnarhmnn" and n "grteley KlnFi” t<> lli tempt the trout on his (Irsl Ibhlng “T trip of Uie season. Al Uie presldenl’s (Ishlng lodge n log (Ire was prepared for the party Dl tn readlnes for their arrival al sun- n| doft'n. SPRING'S FLUSH LURES PRESIDENT TO STREAM • WASHINOTON, April 4 (/TV-TllO ] (tush of spring brlghlenlng the hill- ja tides lured Presldcnl Hoover today kii 10 hls.lvoriw trout »lrtam In Uie ch Virginia mountains. va Uavlng Uio Wblle Bouas .iriUi t La of Mead* early la'.tbarX(ter- at the Qulet counlr}-*lde u> Itcd tree- i dom^ron executive .. ....................... - lls Mn. Hoover, who waa In Phlla- lo delphla. did nol retum In' Ume lo soi accompany the chief executive on his Un (Irsl excursion o( lhe season. Wllh oil him went three cabinet ofdccrs. At- Uv lomey General MlUhell. Secretary hi; 0/ Commerce Laajont, Seeretary ot i the Interior Wilbur, and Llcutenftnl »ui physician, and Lanenco Richey, bis 0< secretary, *ei Thu p1ann(«^ ^cvntf JU: his whole day lomorrow to (Ishlng- 11 will be the'drst opportunity he . has had to fish (or trout since last _ fall, the Virginia (ishlng season hav- ing opened only (our days ago. iiifiiis-L PMKSIICiSE Famoos-Gfiminplogist-LalioF- - Ing on Moormeister Mur- der Expresses' Optimism SALT LAKE OnT. Aprif ri-VH ' ; Expressing opUmlsm over the re- sults obtained (rom a sclentlllc cx- amlnoUon,o( Uie.cIuM.In'.thcjnurder. _ o( Mr*. DoroUiy Moormeister, B. O. Helnrlcli, criminologist, declared to- day that he would remain hero at le'asl one more day and poulbly longer to conUnue his InvesUgaUon. I The cTlmlnologlsl. stated Uiat he _ had-beeo-tblfr-to-rwonalruct .lhe - crime which occurred dn a lonely ; road ffiv ligiB tiinfcbruary 31, Ho ^ n C most 01 tne<flay quetuoninlf persons who might Uirow some'light ' on the mj-stery. and conUnued his I laboratory exa'mlnatlon o( bits of cloUilng worn by M n. Moormelsler ' on lhe nlghl the was murdered. ' QijBlnale Theory ;. ,.,County dtflcera.elimltitttedA th e- ^ 017 Uiat Mrs. Moormeis'ter was be- ing (ollowed by t prlvato detective la a car two daya before ahe wa* mur- : ae5d*hM[I>."ArAJti!lradrPftrK:ciVL I eyothtemtalwi-tttiiiy-thiit-he drive* - t car almllar to the' bne'descrlbed.' thft MoormettterLcar_y^ p'tiflrTPF ~ ------------------------------------ I .,Helnr|ch.and.Chle!_.pep.uty_aer- _ Ut LarKn. ta a two-hour confer- s enea wlUi Ur. Frank MoonaeUler, . huaband of the -murdered woman. 1 dl*eusted Uie #moTemenU ot Mn. 1 MoonnelsUronUiedayahewuklU- . ed. 71» pair tlto lotervlewed.Mlsa I Amelia Bugentobler. aUter. tnd Mill Uoormelsler, atep-daugliter - otJ te jp u tf •^■Uf.oniin. THE ONLY m t nW i TWI HnHFo F i r comr JFNIIBItPW^S ^ry. -------- Me SetiMcrs BorSrAnd'IhdmSs Vote lor Government Op- eratioh ol Giant Pro- re,' ject at lituscle'Slicals !n! He clnl (By Tlie Assoclaled Prtss) pla W ASHINGTON.-Aiml I —Once mord the sen*! nto todny voted to tiirirj^* over tlie jrovcmmont's 000,000 nitrate nnd power', ant project at Muscle Shonls. Ala* i off bnmn, (o n government con-,*’® trolled corporntion for perimcntution in fcrtilizer|__ prodiiction. ~ It was lhe sccond Ume In the 1D> fl ycar-controversy ut f r a t5po!m6n~eP= Ulls 8lR»nllc wartime property thst the rc.wlullon hns been approved. The vole was 4S.U) 23. wlUi Uicjlc- . f) publlc.-in rrsubrs In opposition. U Tho flttfmp« to modlly the r«o* | luUon ttcre rcjecWd In the closlDg hours of the lhrrr-ili>v dcbnU.-. Tlu- mcosurc""was sent to ilie house in '... procllcally llie same (onti as It wnt' lYll adoDlPd by cbnrrrs^ tao yciir» ago. Prejidcnt Coolldse pocket ve- toed ll then. • Doubt Shroivls Futnre Considerable doubt covers Uie lu* tvrc ol iJie Norris rcsoJutJon la llie r Iiouse. Leaders there have given no assurance (or itJi consideration. Uke- ■fclsc tlirre' ls somc'uiiccrtalnly at sen the capllol over the atlilude of om (Conlliiucd on'pagroTcolumnTr --------------------------- iSot iNINCliyilCN81IE..s -------- lot REXBURO. Idaho. April 4 (ir>—'spe James Slmtt. .S3, wns olmost Insunily ^.gu killed hetc this aflemoon when a , pre cliaree ol dynamite uted In exca-1 _ vaUng tlie baMment for the new! JJ LaUer Day Salnls church, exploded f " at hi* (eet. He was rushed.lo Ui«* 2 hospital but died within a lew mln-' no UM.- - • - . - --.^...-1 au Shall had planted the dj-namiie, I Mt IISh;«d-U)o-(us«-and haslentd away iwo lo wall for the explosion. After Uo somo tlmo Shall returned lo inve*- Ugate why lhe charge had nol gone! otf, and Just os he reached ilie spot $1 the explosion occurred. One side of hls'bcdy was badly mutilated. Shall wftj well known here. He Is survived by lils widow ond two sons. ] ftripipohaHr-aait''Luiie ciiyrnnd-ispi OCorze Slinll. Rcxbunt. and a daugh- on ter, Mlts Alton Shall. Rexhuw. No foi Xun{mL_fltinn3fiticnis_hi»«_ttcn_hii mnde. tttt The Wheat Fan ■MWHdCTUS. ' COMMODITY / FAMILY / * 1jff\ W xnwivW *_ ^ ' ^ I.' -yaCr t .y Hv.vyyAT^ \\\\ - r, ^ ^ 11 L « ll X •« - - • • SOCIATED PRESS NE}YS P X E l WIN FALLS. IDAHO, SATUUD^ Officials Releasi Flier Held Fo: MEXICALI, L o w « r California, at AprU 4 U l — Lorca MendeU.-Los lieu Angeles aviator, arrested 30 mllea on south at here (or alleged lllegtl ent- Isiii ry, WM released byoffltlait'arUie tild Mexican custom* ofllce wlUiln 30 nm toit of thi night. Him The (Her walked to a hotel and T told t Unlled SUWs ImmlgraUon of- pan llcer. who came from Claexico. Call- Unl fornla. ocrota the boarder from here Am' to Interview him. lhal he would tu y to in Mexicali for “three or four dajt." hod He said he cxpected. Mexican offl- to b clnls to releato to him tomorrow the bee: piano they contltcalcd al the llmo nrn ot his arrest. gall Shortly before hc wa* laken (rom Ir Uie Mexicali Jail. Mendell luued ft said i\talcnient denying thal he had con- "I (essed ho Intended lo smuggle Jap- Puli anese Into California. Unlled States Ann officials said they desired to quet- ma< tlon him rencernlng Uie alleged lhe smuggling plot. iue< Mendell was arrested Wednetday two SIS McCammon Miss Triumphs 30 —By^Sptllinif^Bivcrsibn^ — Correctly in State Bee POCATELU), April 4 M^-Lnvon D Sorenson 10. student ot Madison high Pol' schck)l,R<xburg. woirUie laaho-itatc oraterlcal chamnlcnshlp tonight in -^4. Uie ataw Mn'tesi held at Uie Unl* vtrally ot Idaho, souihem branch, Sorenson, who hns won the UUe be- fore, spoke tonight on "The Consti- T tmlon, ft Guarantee ot Human lhe Victor Lawrence, Pocaiello high school, won tecond ploce, his sub- ~ Jtet being “Jnmes Madison, Father Uie ot the Con.«ltutlon." Each ct lhe lo l speakers delivered an extemporon- 'Iro :<'ous talk Immediately afttr their rep: prepared oration. 1. Third place went to Arihur Wise. jJerome. .j, * MyrUe Llljenqulst, J3, McCammon. ihe ' won the stale spelling Ulle, betn^ Ujci I earretUy aptll- “dlrerslon.'' nU I Mbs Marjory Owerj, 14. Idaho Falls, q iwon second place, .and Ada Marcl Hocbel. 11. Arco; won third. [jj STATE FIXES DATE FOR CA OPENING BIDS ON ROAD BOISE, April 4 m —Bids will be q 'T5pciiTd-by'ntnnirratr-of-Wjhwft>*- ~ Ion April 32 on gmding and nirfacUm tour miles ot the North and Bouth mlr -hl(;h«a>^lMlwwn-LewUton.and.Gcu-. sud tesce. It was announced today. toi irm er W as N ot the Only P W m , S aved ' . Copyright, JWO, WSPAPER IN TWIN FALLS IDAY MOUNING. APRIL 5,1930 ise A m e r ic a n . H|| 'o r S m uggling | at BUck nutle, 30 mllea touUi ot ■hEt,C...lij: Mexican customs otflclaU on churse ol lllesal entry. Ho liad an sfrirtane near Bla£k Butte kiUl Uo Jnpaheso who were (ound iiritby. otilclals tald, admitted they Tlte Mexican offlclala were accom- , panled ly Ihreo membera o( Uie Unlled iialps border paUol. Tlie , , Amerlcsn otflcera tald lhal en route I to Mrxicsll, Mendell contested ho hod flcrred with tome unnamed man to bring the Jopanete to Los Angeles bec.itite he was oul of money and nrrtird funds to meel pressing obU- gallotu. y. In hll statement tonlghl, Mendell \m salll: J l "1 merely was mnking a Irlp lo , Palm Springs. Calilornla. trom Los un: Anitelrs and got loo tar souUi and cri madt a loreed landing on account ot A. the eiiglne.'* The staltmenl was is- lued sliorlly after a conferenco with two atlorneya. " ^ lio fF1MPiPi-£ iliiSTRIKS ll _______ . ______________j i w 30 Persons Rccelve Injuries u» —Bnring-^lash-at^ombay-m El2 Railway Passenger Station pen -------- "dr BOMBAV. India, April i 0P>- nnt Police loday fired on a crowd of n'lll itrlkui3-lncllan-rallwaymen,-tnlur- — : lng 30 perfons, Including two Euro- ®"l: nnd Mlu B. Hay and H. B. Burley were UKcn lo the hospital. Tlie cneounicr occurred outside the Vlcionn terminal o( the great Ul Indian peiiliuulnr railway, where U | 2D00 sirJkrrs. were demonstrating. The natives forced Uielr way Inlo [ the stailcn and demanded to be laken I lo lhe Matlon ot Byculla, In the en- virons of the city. Railway otilclals replied by shutting tho plaUorm ^ notes, an action thal so Incensed the strikers thol they bunt Into en Ad uproarious disturbance. Tlic tMlIce were seni tor, bul when boi they arrived tho striker* received poi ^cni wllh a barrage ot (tone*. .They boi nlallaWd'by opening dre.'- ' ', loc Order has wen restored, tnd lha . police were cn guard tonlghl around i,y the station. ob« CANADIAN EX-MINISTER ]"> DIES IN OTTAWA HOME . -------- , ho; OTTAWA. Anrll 4 {,n~lohn C. sli< Saunders, co. tor lO years deputy ^ minister ot tlnance tor Canada, died 1 auddcnli'-laday OJ he.was.preparlng or to leave his home tor lils offlcc. - (oi Person That— ------- CIS otf " ■ . ', - I— ' " ■ I sct Ly^C-/- hll HEAVE>rn to HIM / E J lai \ \ f e ■I !■ I ( T* we S^eew v. bll /A: do 'M lit ______ Ul ■Mv 'I n u M \ ■* ‘ \6^ z ------- tni ^ Po 7 S? Wl' I I m ' ■■ ........ Id< ht inO. by Tbe Kew York Tribune. Inc. Id j S COUNTY. M o 10 iifWECirn CMIASPiS ' 10 mmm] i C< Formci— Progressive State Chairman Further Ven- p 1 tures to Hazard Senator Holds Electorate's Favor r p t <By Tlie Assoclaled Preut ti B OISB, April 4-Rny Sic- \ Knltr, f o r m e r I’roBrcs- c hIvo state _ dny iiisucd n fttntcmoiit ns- cribinjr State Senntor Donnid _ A. Callnhnn’.H move nKalnst [1 {he prohibition nmendment to M a dc.sirc to ruu nsainst and ' d e f e a t Senntor William E. ] liorah. , Senator Callahan reecnUy.asslatcd ltror8anIsaIIoirr6r“Ui(ncljfsr"OT “ the Elghleenih mnendment .with a p, view to eliminating what he drscrlb* O' ed as “Intolerable" condlUons under present entoreement. In the slatement, McKalg', a prominent Orange leader, declared '^lere can be only ono inicrpreta- Uoi^ of the Callahan antl*pn>hibiilon mo\'<mcnt. parUcularly In a slate ^ Elghleenih nmendment can b« re- penled only through congressional I”* action ond that Borah Is an avowed "dry." Thi* means, therefore, an nntl-prohlltiflon movement In Idaho mi»t bc directed agalnsl Borah. _J:Froni_tlinl,'.Lhc_conllnued.J.'il.lj . only n atep to the deduction that " Callohn would be cmlnenUy aultiifils. IConilnued on Page fl. Colmn 3> to -------------------------- - al BfllD'S SHIPS C O N IiL BsmEmiHsusi _____ of DUNEDIN, New Zealand. Apfll 4 Ui (/?>—Tlie latest news received al Rear D Admiral Richard E. B>Td'* head- ^ quartera here trom the homeward- bound bark. City ot New York, re- ported Uinlght lhal Uie ship aUll w u hove lo In a wind ot cyclonic ve- a loclty (ar out In Uie Pocltlc occan. « .The bark left hero for Ncw Vork w by way o( the Panama canal, on S’ March 33. and In (our daya aalled aboul 800 mllea. Bhe has been rid- tc Ing out a acrtre storm (or many hour*. ~ • kl Tlio steamer. Eleanor Bolling, also homeward-bound, wirelessed thol slio was encountering . heavy head « StlU; bill kli wai'well on boanl.------ TJ Rear Admiral Byrd and the last or his pnrty will leave here Monday 0 (or Wellington. a: * FOUR GRAIN SELLERS IN RUSSIA P ^ I T H LIVES ZAPOROJIE, Union ot Sovlcl So- II clallst Republics, Aprll'4 tJn~To\ir \ otdclols ot the sute grain trust were sentenced to deaUi today for selling hiindred* of tons ot high grade (lour to prlvalo tpeculalor* durhig the cx- . ircmltt period In the government grain collcctlon campaign. Thirty other ottllcals Implicated- £ 1 to 10 years Imprisonment. POTATO CELLAR IN UTAH OAVES IN, KILLING M A N - 'a lp in e . Utah. April 4 W>)-Crush- ed under tons of debris when hi* , large potato ctllar caved In, Law- ^ rcnce A. Devey, 37. wa* killed here today. More than 30 mtn worked for ^ « minutes belore recovertng Uie man'a body. , i, Devey and his son, John, 14. were working In the cellar when a rum- B bling sound w-arned them the ctve- ^ In had turted. BoUi dathed (or lhe door tnd John e.«aped. but lhe fa- “ .thi»f Irnivlfhri rifitt-n hy n twHim lj blocks Just as he reached the d m . ^ m rcotm T n!R ^bK S i“ * FIGHT OLEOMARGARINE p BOISE, April 4 WT-Ada co'unty « Pomona Orange hero today adopted resolutions Indorsln] Congressman ^ French's bill to place Arrowrock dam ,, wlUiln the boundaries ot Boise na- v Uonal lorest. ^ -..'pie-pr^c . recon^cn'ded a appdlhtnient o( commitice* tb aid ^ dairy intereats by "educating Ida- {, lioan* ogalnst using oleomargarine.** v MA£HHOMJ!OCAiELQ_: J 'n r ^ IWa^rlnStwyomlng. m ti found today In o re(rlg:rator car ot „ a Union Pacltlc (rclsht Uala ai.ColL '/ ores. Wyoming, a lew mllci east ol Laramie. Tho man's tktill had been fracturcd by two deep cuts on the I hetd. The pockets ct hit coat wc.-e |: turned Inside out. Indlcnllng robbery t might htve been the motive. He nas t identified from union cards. Hit a hat bore the namo at t PocjlcUu, a Idtbo. store. t f NE' UBuniR Atmrr nuntAO o r CIHOUUTlOltB. ^CENSUS 'ENUMERATORsi 11 IN COUNTY IN KANSAS "I WANT HIGHER WAGES ' [ •nODOB CITY. Kas.. April 4 M*> ■^—H.F. Mllllkan. federnl ceniu* supervisor (or 19 counUes, Uxlay announced that the (our cnum- eraton appointed to uke the census In. Orceley counly have gone on a strike tor hltlur pay. The enumerator* have not tlgn- C( cd thtlfoaUis. Mr. Mlllllctn said, pending Uielr demand (or more money for asking qut8llon.i. The original m ir ot pay stl for Oreeley county census enum- ' rrnton was 8 cents tor each perton listed and 40 cents foreac/i tarm. *nils rate was Increased to 10 cent# and 47 ctnU. bul the enumerators wero not satlslled •* and are demanding n greater In* I create. X C( iWllflOF s SIHIBBSI *“““ Is Beloved Woman Calmly And AppaFcntly, Painlessly;; Oifis at Winter Relugc JJ ROME. April 10T-quesn vktorU bronchial allm^'nt, calmly and ap* parenUy painlessly died here today in In Uie winter home lhat was her ref- cr ugo every year trom the rigorous cll- cr mate ot Sweden. Sho was OB years old. King OusUT. who relumed trom ^ . trip to Naples yesterdoy,Vrid Prihce ® William were at htr bedside. Though ‘ ‘ Uio quMK’fUmirriadTiefH'Wreseen P tur weeks, all present were deeply ^ triecled. J Queen Victoria Uad been gradually „ sinking In vllallty for a long tlmo " from n pulmonary complicaUon. " Yesl^rday.hfr condlUojj wos dls- “ quieting and King Oustav. who had gone on an excualon to the Island ^ of Capri, was sent for. g .The queen, sinking rapidly, died as “ Uiough she were falling aalcep. only ^ □r. Munte. who haa attended hcr (or more Uian 30 years, realised lhal ‘ sho was dead. Lover ot Flowers Aided by nunes, Dr.- Munto clod w Uu body In burial g&rmenU o( b^ek „ tnd laid It out on the bed, dver " whleh were strewn roses'from tha garden lhal the-queen-had-loved . tnd penonally aupen-lsed. She used to aay that It was Uie sight and per- h fume ot flowen In sunny lUly Umt *1 kept her olive. a By t colnclderice. today was Uie Ii first In weekt on whlcli the queen * had been deprti'ed ot ttio *prlng-«ke tJ folr-weoUier, rain (ell tleadllyr 5 Services (or her will be held nl the German churclLln-Rome.tomorrow,- *1 and tomorrow or Sunday the body will be sent to Sweden. Among Uie first persons to tend ^ .....— -- d (ConUnued on Page 3. Column 3)’ b .— — , a WIHA. a -------- e GovemmenLAssembles_Wan I Machinery to Combat Re -1 bellion in Northern Region 5 SHAKailAI. April . ’m -chlna'i nationalist government today began * assembling' It* war machinery .to c combat Uie latest rebllllon, the a northern alllanco headed by Oen'er- t tis Yen Hsl-Shan and Peng Yu- E Hsiang. Rallying to the aid ot the centrol \ governmeni at Nanking, the Man- churian dlclaur, Chang Hsueh*LI- tog. dispatched n squadron of gun- boats to Tsing TttO, Shantung prov- UMiia m* Manchuria's i vranHhe sea end of tllfi yriui wull Df i China, bulk more than 3000 years 1 Chang's ‘‘troops were ordered pre- ‘ pared'lo movo ogalnst the city ot , Tientsin and the forces of the North- * cm alliance................................... --- j Aroused by the proclamaUon ol c Yen Hsl'Shau, Kovernor ot Shansi c province, that he would head ti re* i volt ogalnst the Nationalist govern- { meat and overthrow President Chl- i anBKat*Shtk,thc8ovemmeDl'(ki«le i council lonljlit approved a mondote tor "the nrrcst and subjugaUon" ol . Vcn. Tlie Eovernment Is expecttd * lo luue ihe.mondatc tomorrow. This is eousldered vlriuolly a dcclarailun bnrlr'^^nne-tnllttarHt-W orth-'- - .-S>ipp°rtfd..ty. Goner.il_P;nii Yu* j lo|£>hindl^qiBuy-untUu^!^UwI| d''m*"cUi^^cc*^n^^ ^ no 'err-.ira*. \/:dncsdsy ut Taiyuan* t (Ui 'M^'llai-oi-hii s;iiu;;l-provliiee<~..; la Ini:ln7 ccmmand of the "Na- llonai" Ijrcj;. he (tat»l Uie pur* 5 pa:c et the tl:.-ilurncn Is lo ovfi* throw P.-e:ld;nt Cltlang Kal*3h<i:. • who lie charged w tt Uiu dlcutcr of e a govermcent in whlcli eortupyor. I a n i bribt.-y wrre prrxliced opciUy 8 junrt. _ TODAY: M iii’ "' Wm- IPPAGES-SCENTa. iic r s iAV IlL mmm plans HOMEWIME ConlererReserve Cabins on “ Leviathan Alter Atlaining Major Obiective ol Con- lcrence, Tri-Partito Pact (By The Associated Press) L o n d o n . A pril 4— HaWnj? achieved thcir major ob- ' jcctivcA at the London conferenco in nn American* ]iritIsh-Japane.<«c naval afrrcis mcnt. Colonel Henry L, Stlm- son and the rest of thc-Amcr- ican {leleRation todny reserved cabin.s on the Leviathan for Ihc homeward journey April ^lQpc.fot_lvJlH:Power_agroei^tJ Is being abandoned and tho beUet is thal the conference cannot Itst longer than that date. II Is under- stood that the Amerlcan-BrlUah-- Japanese agretmenl will covcr t (Ive- year period from the explraUon o( the Washington dlsannament treaty Announcement Uiat Uie Americans were preparing to buy their iteamer • tensest days of the conterenee tnd Indication* tonight are that t crlslt exist* which may end the many crises ot the London conterence. Detdtock CeDOaaet Franco and Italy are as Ughtly deadlocked-as ever-over pailljr und'" Prlmo Minister MacDonald; Great Brlumr4*-maUiig.«Uenuous-e{(orli:T lo save the situation. Also lhe Anglo- French aecurlly formula still eludes foreign secretary Henderton of Great Britain and Foreign Minister Briand of France, who aro dlll{er.tly a c t - ing It. Thus the whola trend of eventa points to t speedy wlnd*up ‘ot the patle> with a Uirce*power pact ti Uie. main achievement tnd t (We- power agreement on tuch problems nt humanization ot tubmarlne war- fare and Uie technical quesUons ot naval standardization and construc- Uon. ' *r)w British spoketman dcciarcd to&lght U u t political dlacusslona htve hot Vr0kea..d0Tn. b u Uio- lamb ilna t security (ormult baa not been (ound. _____ lUrdealn* on lason Anm toUi Frencb tnd lUUts headquartcii today came atatement* thowlng hardening on Issues wblcti mutt be settled betore Pnnce tnd Ittly can Join lhe, undersundlnc which tbo United States, Great Bri- tain tnd Jspsn hs>e rescbed.- /• —•*,» U no iongfr» nmHsa^uaija, claim for parlly bul ot Frtnce'a clalnu-for superiority.” tha Italian Prom Uie French came the word, In e((ect, that the London confer- enee was not their parly: that they didn't want to come la Uie first jdace but neverUieleia have worked bard and eamesUy (or agrtement, WEISER LEGION PLANS' ~ F O R DISTRICT SESSION' WEISER, Idaho. April 4 OP)-Mem- bers o( Amerlgon Legion posts tnd auxlllartea west ot Mountain Bome, eaal of Baker. Oregon, and aouUi ot McCall wUI altend t district coa- terenee-her»-tomorrewr’ ■ In tttendance will bo- Nicholas Iftl, Pocatello, Idaho commtnder: Mrs. CaUierine EdeU, president ot the Idaho auxiliary; Leitorp. Albert, deparunent adjutant, and Uie Or«fOn_ commander and-tuxUlary president The meeUng being prlmtrUjr (or social purQoset, a banquet wUl be th* chief feature,' and another may be a bugle and drum corpa contest be- tween mu*lelan* trom Uw Bolte tn d BUer poita. WHITEMAN REFUSES TO . APPEAfl IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVERTBriush ColumbU;' April 4 U'>-An ImmlgrtUon ruling wiiicirwourd'^fpornirKl* orchea- tra-«rkcep-two. danee.-ftigagement* here caused Paul Whlteiaan to can- Uisatre tonight. ' ' ImmlgraUon Commluloner A. B. Bklnner said the ruling admitting orchcjlras to Canada only, a*Jlentcr^ talnera" would permit them to pity only trom Uieatre stage* and not, tt dances. Whlltmon said he wat not aware of Uils InterpreuUon unUl atter two baggage cara of parapber- nalla nnd 33 members of Ua prchet*_ MILITARY PLANE BOMBS . MEXICAN OUTLAW BAHP; fflTV, ftpraatetBiiafe small uprisln? In Uis U t aIks reztmf them. Ac:ord*ji7 to rcpsrtf/tofBt t!nlv:rjal Gra:i»,' Kvsril ;-ose!t' prre-lrillra:------------------- Quln:st*ir. icae:r .of •tha'.trm iS ^ ltuvr'tr:t in U:?'Knie'rs7tm«l>sn« ihe ib:::*j:re.“er;ti:?o*^^i«^y ep:ratlns t^el cndcdllaijiiMliSK k&S profl:^. t3 gaUie,td't ii»f Ha esupett (rorn ;tl» JM nEm« .; ___

Transcript of · THI VOL....

Page 1: · THI VOL. Ig. NO. 314 WMS'or 11 110 GIFTT; 3Efai:ira i — ll ~Cifalnmn'of Democratic Na-

T H IVOL. Ig . NO. 314

W M S 'o r 11110 GIFTT;

3 E f a i : i r a i— ll

~Cifalnmn'of Democratic Na- "J• tional Committeo Calmly J

Testidss to Accompani- ; ment ol Savage Exctianjes ^

' Cfpy The AEsociatcd Press) o

WASHINGTON, A pril i ' —to t h o 'accom pani- * mont o £ savafce e x - *

\ cbanftcs between m sm bers o f “ the senate lobby com m ittcc. John J . Raskob, chairm an of H the Dem ocratic national com- m ittee, calmly testified today th a t hc had contribu ted $65,- 000 daring tJic laat five j 'w r s to the Auociatlon Ajolnst lhe Pro-

— mmituii AiiiniiHiin it-B nd^th*V -he- — Kfts a director of the orsanUallon.

In Q low, even tone the Demo- ^. -craUc chlettola imlllagly-repUed.lo. n<

questions atMUl his relations v lth (iie uKKlaClon. K« <ald IC attem pted to obtain lhe elecUon of conpess- men (avorlne repeal or modUleatlon

— brihe'prohibinSn RcL'ne added lh a l he «as not vtry active knlhe w ort o(

■■ ■ • r S i , l . lh .p o d t . . n o l15ibelns B contributor and a d lrec lor" uc ho explained. r ,

Raskob appeared amused a t the on (requenl closhcs between members go: of the commlitee over questions pro- - pounded by senalor Robinson, In - w

__ dlana, the_qnly Republkan p r a e n ^Other members'who atiended thc •

hesrlna were Chairman Carttway, Arkansas, and S t a to r Walsh, Moo- lei tana both '•dry- Democrats. Sena- trl tors Blaine, Wisconsin, and Borah, Idaho,. Republicans, were absent. loi

Alter the heorins, Robinson a n - in nounced 'lie would call Josephus da Daniels. Democrat, secretary ot the navy In the Wilson cabinet, fo r ques­tioning on Tuesday coDcemlng an =* editorial a tU cklnj Raskob.

K , Other witncues expecKd nesfl.." week ore Henry H. Curran, New .i.

York, president of the AssoclaUon . ABalnsl the ProhlblUon Amend-

w ent, and William H. Slayton, \j. Washlnaton, chairman of lhe board of directon. ~

The mosl heated arsum ent, « U cb y produced an um n ir to ja ju ii fc U fli 3 ecmmlUee room,‘ c a m 8 > n C T K o P u,

- - ' inson asked Raskob U he la lended to ^ reslsn h it poslUon os DemoeratJe chairman.

- I objecl lo U ja ir Walsh snopped. ?! Aflcr a aharp ezchaose belweeo <i,

.th e two senators, Iho qucsUon w ent v, unanswered.

Aflcr the hearln* was over. Ra»- . . .kob told n»(L»nttnL'rm<»n hn had no objection to ansvciliiu Uio q u c ltlu u in and added th a t he did not Intend to resign.

The dispute started when Bobln-— eon read an ea ilo rla rrro tn 'tn F K e w r |

and Obscner, which crlUclsed Ros- i, kob for his connection with the As- toclation Against Iho Prohibition >. Amendment. ■_

The editorial, as read by Robin- ton. said lhe relation was “so In- „ Jurlous to lhe DemocraUc party ns to M

~ p u f lls 'fU tu re 'in 'Jeopa rdy '^ and 'add - n ed tha t "no man thould remain a t the head of the committee whose ac-

• tions and money consUlute a parly peril."

"I mention Ihls.** Robinson said, 'because ll Is a serious charge (rom a prominent m cm betJf.your party."

■ — 'T h e question s-hetWeFTflris-®- fDcmocral hasn't anyihlng lo do wllh this.” Caraway commented.

— *The polnl I t— ” began Robln­ton.

•”1 know Uie point," Caraway In- terrupled. “Everybody know* the

■ r point."—7 • • **1110 point U." Robinson resumed.

"wheUier Mr. Raskob has Uken his £ presenl poalUon and lefl the R e- ^ publican party because ho could la - , , Jluenee-leglslallon better -as-chalr- , man of Uie DemocraUc aaUonal com- <>« mittee." H

"No.** Caraw ayfetorted. "he aald di he wanted to gel in an bon(sl party." |j


-------- Mguf_ynpH- j « »t-.even “Uncle Barn's enumeralori WtttTtoWot IS eannol change a mode o( livings tha t 'sp has bKn In vogue (or 33 years. A » Bronx head counter can aUest to

. ... th a t , - ______________ _____ ,Approaching a certain housewUe

today he /lueried: cl*-Whtre was your husband bom?** oi " I think In Irelanl**"WIU you ask him to make r i r e r "And Uiat 1 » m not. We hav en i

^-■-ip0kea'f0r»*yeBW -«nd-D0t=«Teft- {or Ute census wUl I do I t r oi

SoU iat’t lh a l . Ir

Z N D R T H ;S iD E -f lE S ID E N T S — i— — I MC ei

— - B Q1B& APrtl i t/n -A n o m e rc c n - a

-------P n terrfaeU fe-o ttlotoli r t l at lv - to - ^nm alnga bus line Uirough tbo town*.

“ ~ihiTpubliruUliU es-com m i«loa-wM „ advised today. ^

The tbree towns, located on tbe cj road between Bllsa and Twin Falls, h have w piesled U ia l,ono or more d

r > of the busses now operaUng between h1 Portland ta d sa lt Z itot C i :7 b * e p - a

\ crated t t o n a d 'ln ite a d o t tU A by way ot Uie road Utrough Bager- F man n lle * and B ubl u t t s t e s e a L .o


AasociATiD pnxaa



tlOBOKEN. N. J.. April i m -i .-L o n fl_ h u n d rc d -Jo rty _ d irc c t_____detceodenls and a cousin who is

-hlmseU 10j - j ta r» - 0ld today_al?. _ tended the (uneral o f Kupper

■BUr,.w llMrt.ttosheEJiutchec irhQ. _ died yesterday a t Uie ago of 109 Irom shock resulUng from bums he rtcelved w htn hi* whlsktrs caught f\re u he was lighting a cigar in btd.

Tbe 105-year>old cousin Is Eli Bier. Brookl>Ti. Among the dcs- cendanU a l Uie (uneral w era 11 of tho deceoMd’s 13 children. Bamuel, 7$, the eldest ton , led _ the procession. Arthur, 36, the % youngest, broughl up the rear. }

~ ■ — o \

n m o e IIMS ir M it;

-------- Ull

N a tio n ’s . : .C I i i c f E x e c u tiv e g

And G u c s is T r y L u c k a t

F ish in o in T w i l ig h t H o u r S_____ m<

._ 0nAMOE, y . . Apr tM t n - P m - K Idem Uoovcr arrived a t nis rccreu- as Uon camp a t the headw ater of .lhe (o< Rapldan river a t 0 o'clock tonight on his first (Islilng trip of tho tea­son. '

The ehlcf extcullve and his (ruest* tui tried their luck a l (Ishlng before hod inner.___________ _____________

T he president chose a "royal wlfnarhmnn" and n "grteley KlnFi” t<> l l itempt the trout on h is (Irsl Ibhlng “T trip of Uie season.

Al Uie presldenl’s (Ishlng lodge nlog (Ire was prepared for the party Dltn readlnes for their a rrival a l sun- n | doft'n.


• WASHINOTON, April 4 (/TV-TllO ] (tush of spring brlghlenlng the hill- ja tides lured Presldcnl Hoover today kii10 h ls .lv o riw trout » lrtam In Uie ch Virginia mountains. va

U avlng Uio Wblle Bouas .iriUi t Laof Mead* early la '.tbarX (ter- a t

the Qulet counlr}-*lde u> Itcd tree- idom ^ron executive ......................... - lls

M n. Hoover, who waa In Phlla- lo delphla. did nol retum In' Ume lo soi accompany the chief executive on his Un (Irsl excursion o( lhe season. Wllh oil him went three cabinet ofdccrs. At- Uv lomey General MlUhell. Secretary hi; 0/ Commerce Laajont, Seeretary ot i the Interior Wilbur, and Llcutenftnl »ui

physician, and L anenco Richey, bis 0< secretary, *ei

Thu p1ann(«^ ^cvntf JU:his whole day lomorrow to (Ishlng-11 will be th e 'd r s t opportunity he . has had to fish (or trou t since last _ fall, the Virginia (ishlng season hav­ing opened only (our days ago.

i i i f i i i s - LPMKSIICiSE

F a m o o s -G fim in p lo g is t-L a lio F - -

Ing on M o o r m e is te r M u r­

d e r E x p r e s s e s ' O p tim ism

SALT LAKE O n T . A p rif r i-V H '; Expressing opUmlsm over the re­

sults obtained (rom a sclentlllc cx- amlnoUon,o( Uie.cIuM.In'.thcjnurder. _ o( Mr*. DoroUiy Moormeister, B. O. Helnrlcli, criminologist, declared to­day tha t he would rem ain hero a t le'asl one more day and poulbly longer to conUnue his InvesUgaUon.

I The cTlmlnologlsl. sta ted Uiat he _ had -b ee o -tb lfr- to -rw o na lruct .lhe - crime which occurred dn a lonely

; road f f iv ligiB tiin fc b ruary 31, H o ^ n C most 01 tne<flay quetuoninlf “ persons who might Uirow some'light

' on the mj-stery. and conUnued his I laboratory exa'mlnatlon o( bits of

cloUilng worn by M n . Moormelsler ' on lhe nlghl the was murdered.

• ' QijBlnale Theory

;. ,.,County dtflcera.elimltitttedA th e - ^ 017 Uiat Mrs. Moormeis'ter was be­ing (ollowed by t prlvato detective la a car two daya before ahe wa* mur-

: ae5d*hM[I>."ArAJti!lradrPftrK:ciVL Ieyothtem talwi-tttiiiy-thiit-he drive* - t car almllar to the ' bne'descrlbed.'

thft MoormettterLcar_y^ p 'tiflrT P F ~------------------------------------

I .,H elnr|ch.and.Chle!_.pep.uty_aer- _ Ut LarKn. ta a tw o-hour confer-

s enea wlUi Ur. Frank MoonaeUler,. huaband of the -murdered woman.1 dl*eusted Uie #moTemenU ot M n.1 M oonnelsU ronU iedayahew uklU - . ed. 71» pair t l t o lotervlewed.Mlsa I Amelia Bugentobler. aUter. tn d M ill ■ Uoormelsler, atep-daugliter -„ o t J t e jp u t f •^■ U f.on iin .


n W iTWI

H n H F o F i r comr


-------- Me

SetiMcrs BorSrAnd'IhdmSs Vote lor Government Op- eratioh ol Giant Pro- re,' ject at lituscle'Slicals !n!


(By Tlie Assoclaled Prtss) pla

WA SH IN G TO N .-A im l I —Once mord the sen*! nto todny voted to tiirirj^*

over tlie jrovcm m ont's 000,000 n itra te nnd power', ant p roject a t Muscle Shonls. Ala* i off bnmn, (o n governm ent con-,*’® trolled corporntion for perim cntution in fc rtiliz e r |_ _ prodiiction. ~

I t was lhe sccond Ume In the 1D> fl ycar-controversy ut f r a t5po!m6n~eP= Ulls 8lR»nllc wartime property thst the rc.wlullon hns been approved.The vole was 4S.U) 23. wlUi Uicjlc- . f) publlc.-in rrsub rs In opposition. U

Tho flttfmp« to modlly the r«o* | luUon ttcre rcjecWd In the closlDg hours of the lhrrr-ili>v dcbnU.-. Tlu- mcosurc""was sent to ilie house i n ' . . . procllcally llie same (onti as It w nt' lYll adoDlPd by cbnrrrs^ ta o yciir» ago. Prejidcnt Coolldse pocket ve­toed ll then. •

Doubt Shroivls Futnre Considerable doubt covers Uie lu*

tvrc ol iJie Norris rcsoJutJon la llie r Iiouse. Leaders there have given no assurance (or itJi consideration. Uke- ■fclsc tlirre' ls somc'uiiccrtalnly a t sen the capllol over the atlilude of om

(Conlliiucd o n 'p a g ro T c o lu m n T r--------------------------- iSot

iNINCliyilCN81IE..s-------- lot

REXBURO. Idaho. April 4 (ir>— 'spe James Slmtt. .S3, wns olmost Insunily ^.gu killed hetc this aflemoon when a , pre cliaree ol dynamite uted In exca-1 _ vaUng tlie baMment for the new ! J J LaUer Day Salnls church, exploded f " a t hi* (eet. He was rushed.lo Ui«* 2 hospital but died within a lew m ln - ' no UM.- - • - . - - - .^ . . . -1 au

Shall had planted the dj-namiie, I Mt IISh;«d-U)o-(us«-and haslentd away iwo lo wall for the explosion. After Uo somo tlmo Shall returned lo inve*- Ugate why lhe charge had nol gone! otf, and Just os he reached ilie spot $1 the explosion occurred. One side of hls'bcdy was badly mutilated.

Shall wftj well known here. He Is survived by lils widow ond two sons. ] f trip ipohaH r-a a it' ' Luiie c iiyrnnd-ispi OCorze Slinll. Rcxbunt. and a daugh- on ter, Mlts Alton Shall. Rexhuw. No foi Xun{m L_fltinn3fiticnis_hi»«_ttcn_hii mnde. t t t t

The Wheat Fan



* 1 j f f \ W

x n w i v W

*_ ^ ' ^ I.' - y a C rt .y Hv.vyyA T ^ \ \ \ \ -

r, ^ 11


« llX • •« • - - • •



Officials Releasi Flier Held Fo:

MEXICALI, L o w « r California, atAprU 4 U l — Lorca MendeU.-Los lieuAngeles aviator, arrested 30 mllea onsouth at here (or alleged lllegtl ent- Isiiiry, WM released b y o f fl tla i t 'a rU ie tildMexican custom* ofllce wlUiln 30 n m to it of th inight. Him

The (Her walked to a hotel and Ttold t Unlled SUWs ImmlgraUon of- panllcer. who came from Claexico. Call- Unlfornla. ocrota the boarder from here Am' to Interview him. lh a l he would t u y to in Mexicali for “three o r four d a jt." hodHe said he cxpected. Mexican offl- to bclnls to releato to him tomorrow the bee:piano they contltcalcd a l the llmo nrnot his arrest. gall

Shortly before hc wa* laken (rom Ir Uie Mexicali Jail. Mendell luued ft said i\talcnient denying tha l he had con- "I (essed ho Intended lo smuggle Jap - Puli anese Into California. Unlled States Ann officials said they desired to quet- ma< tlon him rencernlng Uie alleged lhesmuggling plot. iue<

Mendell was arrested Wednetday two

S I SMcCammon Miss Triumphs 30 — By^Sptllinif^Bivcrsibn^ —

Correctly in State Bee

POCATELU), April 4 M^-Lnvon D Sorenson 10. student ot Madison high Pol' schck)l,R<xburg. woirUie laaho-itatc oraterlcal chamnlcnshlp tonight in -^4. Uie a taw Mn'tesi held a t Uie Unl* vtrally o t Idaho, souihem branch, Sorenson, who hns won the UUe be­fore, spoke tonight on "The Consti- T tmlon, ft G uarantee ot Human lhe

Victor Lawrence, Pocaiello high school, won tecond ploce, his sub- ~ Jtet being “Jnmes Madison, Father Uie ot the Con.«ltutlon." Each c t lhe lo l speakers delivered an extemporon- 'Iro :<'ous talk Immediately a f tt r their rep: prepared oration. ‘

1. T hird place went to Arihur Wise. jJerome. .j,* MyrUe Llljenqulst, J3, McCammon. ihe ' won the sta le spelling Ulle, betn^ Ujci I earretUy aptll- “dlrerslon.'' nUI Mbs Marjory O w erj, 14. Idaho Falls, q iwon second place, .and Ada Marcl Hocbel. 11. Arco; won third. [ j j


BOISE, April 4 m —Bids will be q 'T5pciiTd-by'ntnnirratr-of-W jhwft>*- ~ I on April 32 on gmding and nirfacUm tour miles ot the North and Bouth mlr

-hl(;h«a>^lMlwwn-LewUton.and.Gcu-. sud tesce. It was announced today. to i

i r m e r W a s N o t t h e O n l y P

W m , S a v e d

' . Copyright, JWO,



i s e A m e r i c a n . H||

' o r S m u g g l i n g |at BUck nutle, 30 mllea touUi ot

■hEt,C...lij: Mexican customs otflclaU on churse ol lllesal entry. Ho liad

an sfrirtane near Bla£k Butte kiUl U o Jnpaheso who were (ound iiritby. otilclals tald , admitted they

Tlte Mexican offlclala were accom- , panled ly Ihreo membera o( Uie Unlled iialps border paUol. Tlie , , Amerlcsn otflcera tald lh a l en route I to Mrxicsll, Mendell contested ho hod flcrred with tome unnamed man to bring the Jopanete to Los Angeles bec.itite he was oul of money and nrrtird funds to meel pressing obU- gallotu. y .

In hll statem ent tonlghl, Mendell \msalll: J l

"1 merely was mnking a Irlp lo ,Palm Springs. Calilornla. trom Los un:Anitelrs and got loo ta r souUi and crimadt a loreed landing on account ot A. the eiiglne.'* The s ta ltm en l was is- lued sliorlly a fte r a conferenco withtwo atlorneya. " ^



ll_______ . ______________j iw

3 0 P e rso n s R c c e lv e In ju r ie s u »

— B n r i n g - ^ l a s h - a t ^ o m b a y - mEl2

R ailw ay P a s s e n g e r S t a t i o n pen

-------- "drBOMBAV. India, April i 0P>- nnt

Police loday fired on a crowd of n'lllitrlkui3-lncllan-rallw aym en,-tnlur- — :lng 30 perfons, Including two Euro- ®"l:

nnd Mlu B. Hay and H. B. Burley were UKcn lo the hospital.

Tlie cneounicr occurred outside the Vlcionn terminal o( the great U l Indian peiiliuulnr railway, where U | 2D00 sirJkrrs. were demonstrating.

The natives forced Uielr way Inlo [ the stailcn and demanded to be laken I lo lhe Matlon ot Byculla, In the en­virons of the city. Railway otilclals replied by shutting tho plaUorm notes, an action tha l so Incensed the strikers th o l they b u n t Into en Ad uproarious disturbance.

Tlic tMlIce were seni tor, bu l when boi they arrived tho striker* received poi ^ cn i wllh a barrage ot (tone*. .They boi nlallaWd'by opening d re .'- ' ' , loc

Order has w en restored, tn d lha . police were cn guard tonlghl around i,y the station.


D IE S IN O T T A W A H O M E .-------- ‘ , ho;

OTTAWA. Anrll 4 {,n~lohn C. sli<Saunders, co. to r lO years deputy ^minister ot tlnance tor Canada, died 1auddcnli'-laday OJ he.was.preparlng orto leave his home tor lils offlcc. - (oi

Person T hat—

------- CISotf

" ■ . ' , - I— ' " ■ I sctL y ^ C - / - hll

HEAVE>rn toHIM /

E Jlai

\ \ f e■I !■ I ( T * ’

weS ^ e e w v . bll

/A : do'M l i t ______ Ul■Mv 'In u M \ ■* ‘ \ 6 ^ z ------- tni



7 S?Wl'

II m

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inO. by T be Kew York Tribune. Inc. Id


M o10

iifW E C irn CMIASPiS '10 mmm] i

■ — C<

Formci— Progressive State Chairman Further Ven- p

1 tures to Hazard Senator Holds Electorate's Favor r

p— t

<By Tlie Assoclaled P reu t ti

BO ISB , April 4 - R n y Sic- \ Knltr, f o r m e r I’roBrcs- c hIvo s ta te ch a lrm nn - _

dny iiisucd n fttntcmoiit ns- — cribinjr S ta te Senntor Donnid _ A. Callnhnn’.H move nKalnst [1 {he prohibition nm endm ent to M a dc.sirc to ruu n sa in st and ' d e f e a t Senntor W illiam E . ] lio rah . ,

Senator Callahan reecnUy.asslatcd ltro r8an Isa IIo irr6 r“ U i(ncljfsr"O T “ the Elghleenih mnendment .with a p , view to eliminating what he drscrlb* O' ed as “Intolerable" condlUons under • present entoreement.

In the slatement, McKalg', a prominent Orange leader, declared '^ le re can be only ono inicrpreta- Uoi^ of the Callahan antl*pn>hibiilon mo\'<mcnt. parUcularly In a sla te ^

Elghleenih nmendment can b« re- penled only through congressional I”* action ond th a t Borah Is an avowed "dry." Thi* means, therefore, an nntl-prohlltiflon movement In Idaho m i» t bc directed agalnsl Borah. _J:Froni_tlinl,'.Lhc_conllnued.J.'il.lj . only n atep to the deduction th a t " Callohn would be cmlnenUy aultiifils.

IConilnued on Page fl. Colmn 3> to -------------------------- - al


B s m E m i H s u s i_____ of

DUNEDIN, New Zealand. Apfll 4 Ui (/?>—Tlie latest news received a l Rear D Admiral Richard E. B>Td'* head- ^ quartera here trom the homeward- bound bark. City ot New York, re­ported Uinlght lh a l Uie ship aUll w u hove lo In a wind ot cyclonic ve- a loclty (a r out In Uie Pocltlc occan. «

.The bark left hero for Ncw Vork w by way o( the Panama canal, on S’ M arch 33. and In (our daya aalled aboul 800 mllea. Bhe has been rid - tc Ing ou t a acrtre storm (or many hour*. ~ • kl

Tlio steamer. Eleanor Bolling, also homeward-bound, wirelessed tho l slio was encountering . heavy head «StlU; bill kli wai'well on boanl.------ TJ

R ear Admiral Byrd and the last or his pnrty will leave here Monday 0 (or Wellington. a:



ZAPOROJIE, Union ot Sovlcl So- II clallst Republics, A prll'4 tJn~To\ir \ otdclols o t the s u te grain tru st were sentenced to deaUi today for selling hiindred* of tons o t high grade (lour to prlvalo tpeculalor* durhig the cx- . ircm ltt period In the government grain collcctlon campaign.

T hirty other ottllcals Implicated- £

1 to 10 years Imprisonment.


' a l p i n e . Utah. April 4 W>)-Crush- „ ed under tons of debris when hi* , large potato c tllar caved In, Law - rcnce A. Devey, 37. wa* killed here today. More than 30 m tn worked for ^ « m inutes belore recovertng Uie man'a body. , i,

Devey and his son, John, 14. were working In the cellar when a ru m - B bling sound w-arned them the c tv e - ^ In had tu r te d . BoUi dathed (or lhe door t n d John e.«aped. but lh e fa - “.thi»f Irnivlfhri rifitt-n hy n twHim lj

blocks Just as he reached the d m . ^

m r c o t m T n ! R ^ b K S i “ *


BOISE, April 4 WT-Ada co'unty « Pomona Orange hero today adopted resolutions Indorsln] Congressman F rench 's bill to place Arrowrock dam ,, wlUiln the boundaries ot Boise n a - v Uonal lorest. ^- . . 'p i e - p r ^ c . recon^cn 'ded a appdlhtnient o( commitice* tb aid dairy intereats by "educating Id a- {, lioan* ogalnst using oleomargarine.** v


'n r ^ I W a ^ r ln S tw y o m ln g . m tifound today In o re(rlg:rator car ot „ a Union Pacltlc (rclsht Uala ai.ColL '/ ores. Wyoming, a lew mllci east ol Laramie. Tho man's tktill had been fracturcd by two deep cuts on the I he td . The pockets c t hit coat wc.-e |: turned Inside out. Indlcnllng robbery t m ight h tve been the motive. He nas t identified from union cards. H it a h a t bore the namo a t t PocjlcUu, a Id tbo . store. t

f N E 'U BuniR Atmrr nuntAO



•nODOB CITY. Kas.. April 4 M*> • ■ ^—H .F. Mllllkan. federnl ceniu* supervisor (or 19 counUes, Uxlay announced tha t the (our cnum- era ton appointed to u k e the census In. Orceley counly have gone on a strike tor h ltlu r pay.

The enumerator* have not tlgn- C( cd thtlfoaU is. Mr. Mlllllctn said, pending Uielr demand (or more money for asking qut8llon.i.

T he original m ir ot pay s tl for Oreeley county census enum- ' rrn to n was 8 cents tor each perton listed and 40 cents foreac/i tarm . *nils rate was Increased to 10 cent# and 47 ctnU. bul the enumerators wero not satlslled •* and are demanding n greater In* I create. X



*““ “ Is

Beloved Woman Calmly And AppaFcntly, Painlessly;; Oifis at Winter Relugc JJ

ROME. April 1 0 T -q u e sn vk torU

bronchial allm^'nt, calmly and ap* parenUy painlessly died here today in In Uie winter home lh a t was her ref- cr ugo every year trom the rigorous cll- cr mate ot Sweden. Sho was OB years old.

King OusUT. who relum ed tro m ^ . trip to Naples yesterdoy,Vrid Prihce ® William were a t h tr bedside. Though ‘ ‘ Uio quMK’fUm irriadTiefH 'W reseen P tur weeks, all present were deeply ^ triecled. J

Queen Victoria Uad been gradually „ sinking In vllallty for a long tlmo " from n pulmonary complicaUon. " Yesl^rday.hfr condlUojj wos dls- “ quieting and King Oustav. who had gone on an excualon to the Island ^ of Capri, was sent for. g

.The queen, sinking rapidly, died as “ Uiough she were falling aalcep. only ^ □r. Munte. who haa attended hcr (or more Uian 30 years, realised lha l ‘ sho was dead.

Lover o t Flowers Aided by nunes, Dr.- Munto clod w

U u body In burial g&rmenU o( b^ek „ tn d laid I t out on th e bed, dver " whleh were strewn roses'from tha garden lh a l the -queen-had-loved . tn d penonally aupen-lsed. She used to aay th a t It was Uie sight and per- h fume ot flowen In sunny lU ly Umt *1 kept her olive. a

By t colnclderice. today was Uie Ii first In weekt on whlcli the queen * had been deprti'ed ot ttio *prlng-«ke tJ

folr-weoUier, rain (ell tleadllyr 5 Services (or her will be held n l the

German churclLln-Rome.tomorrow,- *1 and tomorrow or Sunday the body will be sent to Sweden.

Among Uie first persons to tend ^— .....— -- d

(ConUnued on Page 3. Column 3)’ b .— — , a

W I H A .■ a

-------- e

GovemmenLAssembles_Wan I Machinery to Combat Re-1

bellion in Northern Region 5

SHAKailAI. April . ’m - c h l n a 'i nationalist government today began * assembling' It* w ar machinery . to c combat Uie latest rebllllon, the a northern alllanco headed by Oen'er- t t i s Yen Hsl-Shan and Peng Yu- E Hsiang.

Rallying to the aid ot the centrol \ governmeni a t Nanking, the Man­churian dlclaur, Chang Hsueh*LI- tog . dispatched n squadron of gun­boats to Tsing TttO, Shantung prov- UMiia m* Manchuria's ivranHhe sea end o f tllfi y riu i wull Df i China, bulk more than 3000 years 1

Chang's ‘‘troops were ordered pre- ‘pa red 'lo movo ogalnst the city ot ,Tientsin and the forces of the North- *cm alliance................................... - - - j

Aroused by the proclamaUon ol cYen Hsl'Shau, Kovernor ot Shansi cprovince, that he would head ti re* ivolt ogalnst the Nationalist govern- {m eat and overthrow President Chl- ianBKat*Shtk,thc8ovemmeDl'(ki«le i council lonljlit approved a mondotetor "the nrrcst and subjugaUon" ol .Vcn. Tlie Eovernment Is expecttd * lo luue ihe.mondatc tomorrow. This is eousldered vlriuolly a dcclarailun b n r lr '^ ^ n n e - tn l l t ta rH t-W o rth - '- -

.-S>ipp°rtfd..ty. Goner.il_P;nii Yu* j

lo |£ > h in d l^ q iB u y -u n tU u ^ !^ U w I|

d''m*"cUi^^cc*^n^^ ^no 'err-.ira*. \/:dncsdsy ut Taiyuan* t (Ui 'M^'llai-oi-hii s;iiu;;l-provliiee<~..;

la Ini:ln7 ccmmand of the "Na- llonai" I jrcj;. he ( ta t» l Uie pur* 5 pa:c e t the tl: .-ilu rncn Is lo ovfi* throw P.-e:ld;nt Cltlang Kal*3h<i:. • who lie charged w tt Uiu d lcu tcr of e a govermcent in whlcli eortupyor. I a n i bribt.-y wrre prrxliced opciUy 8


_ TODAY: M ii i ’ "'

W m -I P P A G E S - S C E N T a .

i ic r s iAVIlLmmm plansHOMEWIME

ConlererReserve Cabins on “ Leviathan Alter Atlaining Major Obiective ol Con­lcrence, Tri-Partito Pact

(By The Associated Press)

Lo n d o n . A p ri l 4— H aW nj? a c h ie v e d th c i r m a jo r o b - ' jc c tiv cA a t th e L o n d o n

c o n fe re n c o in nn A m e ric an * ]iritIsh-Japane.<«c n a v a l a f r rc is m c n t. C o lonel H e n ry L , S t lm ­so n a n d th e r e s t o f th c -A m c r - ican { leleR ation to d n y r e s e rv e d cab in .s o n th e L e v ia th a n f o r Ih c h o m e w a rd jo u r n e y A p r i l

^ lQ p c .fo t_ lv J lH :P o w er_ ag ro e i^ tJ Is being abandoned and tho beUet is thal th e conference cannot I ts t longer than tha t date. I I Is under­stood th a t the A merlcan-BrlUah-- Japanese agretm enl will covcr t (Ive- year period from the explraUon o( the Washington dlsannament trea ty

Announcement Uiat Uie Americans were preparing to buy their i teamer •

tensest days of the conterenee tn d Indication* tonight are th a t t crlslt exist* which may end the many crises ot the London conterence.

Detdtock CeDOaaet Franco and Italy are as Ughtly

deadlocked-as ever-over pailljr und'" Prlmo Minister MacDonald; G reat Brlumr4*-maUiig.«Uenuous-e{(orli:T lo save the situation. Also lhe Anglo- French aecurlly formula still eludes foreign secretary Henderton of G reat Britain and Foreign Minister Briand of France, who aro dlll{er.tly a c t ­ing It.

Thus th e whola trend of eventa points to t speedy wlnd*up ‘o t the patle> w ith a Uirce*power pact t i Uie. m ain achievement tn d t (We- power agreement on tuch problems nt humanization ot tubmarlne war­fare and Uie technical quesUons ot naval standardization and construc- Uon.' *r)w British spoketman dcciarcd to&lght U u t political dlacusslona h tve ho t Vr0kea..d0Tn. b u t . t t Uio- lamb iln a t security (o rm ult baa no t been (ound._____ lU rdealn* on lason

A nm toUi Frencb tn d lU U ts headquartcii today came atatement* thowlng hardening on Issues wblcti m utt be settled betore P n n c e tn d I ttly can Join lhe, undersundlnc which tbo United States, G reat Bri­tain t n d Jsp sn hs>e rescbed.- /• —•*,» U no iongfr» n m H s a ^ u a i j a , claim for parlly bul ot F rtnce 'a c lalnu-for superiority.” tha Ita lian

Prom Uie French came the word, In e((ect, th a t the London confer- enee was not their parly: th a t they d idn 't w an t to come la Uie first jdace bu t neverUieleia have worked bard and eamesUy (or agrtement,


WEISER, Idaho. April 4 OP)-Mem- bers o( Amerlgon Legion posts tn d auxlllartea west ot Mountain Bome, eaal of Baker. Oregon, and aouUi o t McCall wUI altend t district coa- terenee-her»-tomorrewr’ ■

In tttendance will bo- Nicholas Iftl, Pocatello, Idaho commtnder: Mrs. CaUierine EdeU, president o t the Idaho auxiliary; L eito rp . Albert, deparunent adjutant, and Uie Or«fOn_ commander and-tuxUlary president

T he meeUng being prlmtrUjr (or social purQoset, a banquet wUl be th* chief feature,' and another m ay be a bugle and drum corpa contest be­tween mu*lelan* trom Uw Bolte tn d B U e r poita.


VANCOUVERTBriush ColumbU;' April 4 U'>-An ImmlgrtUon ruling w iiic irw ourd '^fpo rn irK l* orchea- tra-«rkcep-tw o. danee.-ftigagement* here caused Paul Whlteiaan to can-

Uisatre tonight. ' 'ImmlgraUon Commluloner A. B.

Bklnner said the ruling admitting orchcjlras to Canada only, a*Jlentcr^ talnera" would permit them to pity only trom Uieatre stage* and not, t t dances. W hlltmon said he w at not aware of Uils InterpreuUon unUl a tter two baggage cara of parapber- nalla nnd 33 members of Ua prchet*_


fflTV, ftp ra a te tB iia fesmall uprisln? In Uis U t a Ik s reztm f

them. Ac:ord*ji7 to r c p s r tf / to f B t t!n lv:rjal G ra :i» ,' K v sril ;-o se !t'p rre -lrillra :-------------------

r . ieQ uln:st*ir. icae :r .of • th a '. t r m iS ^ l t u v r ' t r : t in U :? 'K nie'rs7tm «l>sn« ihe i b : : : * j : r e . “e r ; t i :? o * ^ ^ i« ^ y e p :ra t ln s t^ e l c n d c d lla iji iM liS K k&S p r o f l :^ . t3 g a U ie ,td 't i i » f

H a e supett (rorn ; t l » J M n E m «

. ; ___

Page 2: · THI VOL. Ig. NO. 314 WMS'or 11 110 GIFTT; 3Efai:ira i — ll ~Cifalnmn'of Democratic Na-

- U H DIE IIIm w

------- T.-Word8nHuniorTChlel-Exc=-culive ol Bach Company, And Pilot, Lose Lives

ROOSEVELT HELD, N. Y„ AprU 4 (/Ty-PlunRlni; lo n /Iffy landing behind a hill nenr here, a Dach Ul-

presldeni of the D.ifli Alrrrafl com.• pany, nnd TL W. McAlllJter. i>iIot.

both of Los AiiKClP*.Tho d a f t hurt Jiut Appeired over

Ihc field a l the rnrt nl a fllRhl from Oethtny. Conncciictii.

. rield altcr.dunti «lio nished to lhe Uic rpKue drew forth tlie itto chnr- rc<l bodies o'nly itfter flames hnd re- diieetl lhe plane to n iifaM of clndcr* hnd t'ilMrd bm of menl- Terrific heal lorrnl them to it.iHd idle jpcc* tators unlll the fhimca sub.'liled auf- flclently lo pcrmll llicin to np- jiro.ieli,

WlineiJM saw lhe plane circle over llie flelrl In order to mikc n land*

• i:iR In lhe wind. «hlc:i “ ns .roujh. HylnR over the plnnt ot the Tcxaa csmpany. In Oarden City, the ship i»iridf»ly plunged from u lietjhl of j JOO feel.. timployees of thc Texns company, U llh hnnd exiltiKUlilitrs. were Ihc

--------- tlr^! In ri.-irh rh,. .r^pr. .n u L tlieblljterlni: hent of thi' tire prevent.* cd them from alicmpltiii; uny move U) save thc men.

Hunter and McAllUler, on n busl- M :-'5 'tour-of'‘th« coimtrr, arrtved hern lasl Wcrine.tdBy tn their pfane, one ot the sintitlnrd trl-motorcd ships of lhe Unch company. .The nlane. aiihough in um on several l>acHie co airtimiHii. tt'm U)mcilllnn of n iiDvelly In the E-ist. The ship

els In Umt ll Is made of wood, with a m cu l frametk-oric, while the othera are of all>mclal constnictlon.

Yejterdsy the t m men flew the p}nne to Qclhnay, Connecticut, and were on their way back to Rooicvcll

______Udd_ttlica.Uja craili occuncU. They..h a d planned lo leave tomorrow with I #lx pajscngers. for Detrolt>_Ihcy

had planned 19 fly bnclc lo Los An* seles soon.


Hunter, killed' in*<in airplane acci* den t a t Roosevell field, New York, to* day. Is 3J. yeai* old and Li tho son o t Tlwmaa Hunter, a retired Detroit

. capltallsu He-lived here unlll about a year ago when hc went to Colo­rado' Springs, Colorado. L ater ho v e n t to Los Angeles and became president of the Bacli Aircraft com­pany, six months aso. Previously ho bad been Interested In commercial aviallon venturcj here.

Hunter twice held the dlslrlcl solt championship heru and waa runner- up three Umcs. He Is survived by hb widow, M n. Margery Muir Hunter, and two young children. T. Worden Hunler, Jr., three years oldj aod Het- tj', 0.


—T. Worden Hunter, president of Ujo Bach Aircraft company who loat hla life In tho crash of a iJacinfiMnoior- ed monoplano near Roosevelt field

Springs whero he reccnily i)ad his- - Bach plane to r to t/J lg h U .____

61* weeks afio ho flew lhe plane over PIke’a'Pcak. the fL-»t fllRht ever to bc mado over the mountain by a trl*motorcd alilp.


JEROME, April < (Special to Tlic JIen'8)—Mr#. Sarah Llckley, pioneer

---------or-tbo-Jerome-dlsirlcir- dled-Ftldaj^a t 2 A. M. from Iieart iroubfe. a t her home near Falls City.

Mrs. Llckley Is survived by a daughler. Mrs. William White. Call* fomla. and a son, VlrgU Llkeley,

■ — r f l l i C ily .-------------- ------ -------------Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Llckley were

early sclllen of this region, and cs* tabllshcd a farm hotnc near Jerome more than 30 years a;o.

Funernl aervlces will be held Sat­urdny a t 3:30 P. M. a l the Melhodlst church In Jerome. The body lylll bc ten t To Pomona. Callfomla. for

. burial beside her huib!knd..who pre­ceded her In deaUt a t Falls ^Ity lo 'e ra l i ’fttTraBtfr

JEROME, April i (Special to The News>—At an eveniog meeUng nl

--------the Civic c!ub, -Jeromo RolarlatuiIhclr wives, and a number of Invited suesta enjoyed a most Interesting pro­gram Tueaday night.

Tbe feature of the evening was a description by B. E. shepherd of (he

=^^.,ijflp .b tjw j4 jira^8hepucrd_rtccn ;ly . took through the Panama canal. Mr. Bbepherd began liis accotint wllh In* teretUng facts about San Diego.

_____California, jo id-Jiev .O ileA m .J)c lhof.w hlch placea wera visited before

____ ^tbeneo Uiroush the canaL

i . » n r were lumishcd" 6y-Mrs. WUIbm A. Petera and Miss SbyUIa Robinton.

TJPliliffltES''. IN cnm IT— • . i »V -A n t m r d of

feVicdSffiliMSjO'AI for

Pago Two

T h e W e a t h e r

l l / FORECAST FOiT t o d a y AND 'M lO M O BB OW -Fair inil mild.

Minimum temperature In the Tl*— oaUty-of-:rwtiv^>U«-uM-tf. r i rg i ta

above Mro during the 24>hour pertodCi- prcaaodlng-C-P. \ l vcaLtlg5):i_nci

coffllng to thc report of thc Rovern- IV, menl weather ob»ener here. Maxi*

mum temperature for the aame CS period « * 07 dfgrees, Tlie i>nn was

. not obKUicd by cloud.'.

safilllLlllCKS ' s SWSMNfllS

COlSC, April A U’J-A tmll of bad rer chcek.'i, laid from Twin Fail* lo noise )m by one man nnd rn to C»«nrto by

anolher, was brokfit up by #u i« he traffic pntrolmen today ftiih tho ir* result th a t only one innu iaclns re- a bad check charse In CascaJc while crs the other' wm charurd by federal flc aulhorliles with trnnjporiln^’ a stolen >c* car frem Dixon. Callfarnln, to Boise, i f . Clyde Homrlck wns arrc'tcd In p . Cascade by Olflcer C. R. Lane after

he Is a tlced to hnve pj.vcd bad rer cheeks to a locnl nuiemoblle dealer (t. In purcha.<lni a car. ufiath.’r to a ;ti. local ho ld and a third t;> officer u Lane for an nulomoblle llcen.^e. lip J . R. Kins was arrriird by Officer ofiJame.n E. Brandfin In Hnt^e on In-

vlTbrroailoii from Twin F.-ill* officers ly, ifial he hart bart chprku ihrrc. he InvesU;aUne. Brandon &atd he dls- i i t cotvred that Jfie Kine drJv- il. lng had beeJTilalth'frem'Ti'TnirBBC

him over for trlul nn tlinl cliurKC sl- .. - . — Ied IherVKlietp In CuU a county was ap< |

proved) by the »iipreme eouri today. I ^ The boun fr.imd lhat he MeMur* j tie ray *heep Imd been driven on tho .al Hammond land and kept there lor— ■ wnrlr t i f r r lie hml m .lirril them- I- off nnd lurt srcurcd nil InJuncUon, jj. and when mmnionrt ordered them

~ 0 gun. Tltey were kepi on lhe tnnd wllh Roy Mc.Murrhy'8 connivance,

u . the court toumi, for a week'ftfler an Injunction was obiulneil aitnlnsl their

... Invasion of tiie pluce.Hammond waa awarded MOO by

•the‘ dlslrIcl"courl' ofCu:<nla“ couh1y nnd this was approvcrt as well as the iniiiiiHiiciit liiJuuL llu inu?ilta^"the‘ McMurrays for ((razing Ihd r sheep on Jlamjnonil's land.


(Continued from Page One)

u t thcir condolences'wero the king nnd a- queen o f Italy and Premier MusSo- iic llnl. The duce offeretl all the fa* ne cllltlen tho Rallan government could

furnish. ■ •M King Vlclor Emmanuel and Queen lal Helena came In person shortly after*

wards lo the queen’s villa.

When Queen Victoria llrs l w ent lo Sweden as the 19-year-old brida of

ff* Uio then Crawu,Prince of Norway nnd Sweden. Oscar Qu-ilav 'Adolph,' It was a triumphal entry Into her ndopted country and Into the hcarta o t lls people.

The hold which she gained upon jPf thc affections ot Uie Swedish people

a t Uiat time waa reUlned tiirough- oul the more than a quarter of a

![(1 wa.i strenglhened in the yeara thn t | do followed wiien_ these snmo peo* ,l5 pie became her subjects.

Her iiusband bccame King Gustav ne Y of Sweden bn Dccem6er fl', 1007. er upon thc death of hts father, K lngt a Oscar IL Queen Victoria shared the I •. democratic views of Uie king nnd wns!

snld lo have encouraged him In hLi j refusal to endure any coronation pomp_ln_Uie ecremony_w'hlch cICi vated them lo the throrics.' T belr

I coronailon often haa been compared f In Ita simplicity to the Inauguration L ef 0 pre.»ldcnt of thc United suites.

Thereafter, this loyal couple were halted as the most democratla rul-

“ ® era o t Euro]*.Sopiila Marla Victoria waa born

■at-Karbruherit>—BftdeniOerntft!iy, " A\ 7, law. Uie onb- daughter of

O rand Duke Frederick of Baden ond “ Uio Orand Duchess Louise, o daugii-

ler of Emperor William I. Shei there* fore, wns a flrat cousin of tbo for- mer kaiser orQermnny.'’ Being" a

” Branddaughicr of Sophia. Princess of “■ Sweden, her marrlsge to Ouatnv

effected a union between tho Der- . nadolio dyna:ly and the anelent

Swcdl-ili royal house of Vaaa.Tbcy became acquainted when

” Crown Princc Oustav w u attending the German .arm y maneuvers a t

. 8tra.nburg In iho aulumn of 1879.; Their belrothsl waa announced on

March 12, 18S1, nnd the ir wedding took placo a t Karlsruhe on Septem­ber 20 of the samo year. A few doys

~ id tcr when Uihiav-ana- tnttaifi&' ay-'' • rived In Sweden they wcm received ;P wilh ono of llie most enthuslasUe j{-.demnn^lmtlnn fv>r glvgn b roval

•' couple In tha t counlry. T heir trip . Irom Oothenburg to Stockholm was be a trlumpiial one In which peasants a t and nobles vied In showing tHcir op- «< proval of the choice of the crown ttt princc. Victoria had leamed Uie 0* Swedish Inngunge and in a few yeara

It scarcely eould have been rccog- a nlzed Uiat she was ro t a notlve of her.

adopted country, lly. « -T ie« -*oa* -w en bom -to -austav ■r- and Vlctorla-Crown Prlneo Oustav n* Adolphus, who also has tho UUe of

Duke o t Scania: Wllilam, Duke of Soedermanlsnd. who Is an aecomp*

” jtotdj»oct.B £llit^ao(L P-ik,

...From early girlhood. Queen _Vk-

a r SO it^a iK f^ond^ot-a ih iitlesi-T liu ir ' I t waa one of the ironies of fale th a l

“ she should have developed a bron* chlal ailment, which for many years

— m ado-lt dangerous for-her to llvo , fn the rfgorous cllmnle of Eweden.

Sho spent her f ln t summers ta

T Sweden a l Uie royal detached pal* ace of TuUgtni, not f i r from Stock; holm, and whea .Ui« ellmate tbere prored unfavorabte a villa was erect­ed fo r.he r on Uie.£wedlsh island of

B( Ooelaad. in ths BalUe sea.1* I n U te r ye an th# c lloato there

' ' ________ T

riTIOiEITERliSr e iP A T K iB lfCM- - - ____ .

I f- M rs . J . F F a n k T I E n r v G ives

3 ; S p r in g L u n c h c o n a n d C a rd

>■“ S o c ia l a t C o u n t r y H om e

KIMBEm,Y. April ( - M r i J. Frank Henry entertained on Thurs­day a t her countr]- home a t a prcl-

Q tliy arranged spring luncheon a t 1:30 i n o'clock for i ; guests, including thf

Kimberly Drld^o cvlub incmlKrs and Mr*. 11. B. em lth nnd Mrs. O. McVey.

>ad Mrs. Jurtd Oi'iiiiftt and so u . AI> iise. fred and Keith, who iiave spent the by winter with relatives In K aiuai. ar«

a i« rived a t Ihclr home In Kimberly on tho Wednesday.Ins Henry Iknrd. who U a polient :ille a t thc vcloniii^' hoip ltal In Bolte. rral jubmltled lo nn ojKratlon for np- ilcn penrtlclll* thc la tte r p a rt of lasl 'Iw. week. Hc exp;cu lo be confined lo

in the hospital for two M'ceks before ’te r coming home.90d Mr. and M n. Joe HImler. Nampa, klcr arrived in itimberly Wednesday lo ) a visit over nlsht w ith Mr. and Mrs, oer N. W. Gwearln’icn, Mr*. HImler and

Mr*. Swearlnncn aro nisters. cer Kimberly hlsh sehooi students In- enjoyed a plensatil April fool on :er» Tuesday iilicrnton. when Superln- pre, tendcnt Don D. Olbbs declared a lls- half holiday. P;cnlc.i 'nnd hikr.i •Jv* were eiijo.vcfl fj- m m bfr.t nf theBBC p tu n n r

given by the Ladles’ Pioneer cluB on Tuesday evening In thc Odd Fcl-

ap< {lows liall was att<-iide<l by-3& coupler- lay. tFour gnmes of bridge and plnoclilc ur*|wero played. High honors wenr to tfio .\frs. fJ. r . Bobtcr, Tw in Falls, Mrs. lor L. E. Byrne. Kimberly, M. O. Con- em- over. T«ln m il-, iv ri Mg-wn. Kim* on, berly. Roy D. Scott, and Mr. Pierce em received coiiMlatlon gifts. R. O-

■nd auctioneers for ihc box supper. Thc ice, proceeds netted Uie club |« .05 . an Mr. nnd Mr*. Loving Wood left

lelr Wcdnciuiay inorntJii; for their home a t Roscljunt, Ort'sun. a flc r a tlx*

by weck_vlslt_lierf!_jvlth Mr. W ^ 's niy moiher. Mrs. Lllnh Woo'd, ihe

ecp sho wna otjllged to inn lu numerous IrJp.? to IinJy, where »Jie roolDialn- ed a winler home, and to the Island of Maliiau, lu Lake Consliince. Ba­varia. which had been willed to her.

3 S Notwlilislanding ilie Impaired condition of her health . Queen Vic* torln, by lier fiympathctlc. charllnbie

_ and genuinely iinsdflsli nature, md eanied the nffcciloniilc tltiea ot Jo- “model mollier" nnd "mother ot the fa* lund." cxpre.v ionK of .sentiment that uld meant a great deal lo her.

I n t e r e s t e d In charity work ten throuKhoui most ol her life. Queen cr* Victoria lncrea;.ed her acllvlUes In

Uiat direction a t thc outbreak of the WorM wnr. She formed thc

, to Queen’s central commute lo organ* of IM and direct the private charity

;oy nld_ wllhln the counlry nnd nlto pll,' showed grenl In tereal'in ’ lhe'actlvi* ner tle.i ot the Swedish Red Cross, the ,rta soldiers' and Biillnrs' homes and pl*

oncers of Lapland, xin Many times durhig the war she iple mads vlslu to her nged mntlicr at jh - K nrhruhe.'vlslls th a t otcn were r a fnuiRht wllh diinger. O n one of ttnso ,m{-J>cciuaoni - . Frfnrlv . f t o t a - j a j ja ia . b n t; bombarrted the royol palace Tihrre eo* Uie queen wn.'. slaylnT.

Siic was on a sim ilar vlsll In No-1 Inv vember, 1018. when th e Oerman rev* 107. olutlon-brokc oiti-nnd aiie-nnd-lier! lng I mother wrrr cibllcod lo take refuge, Uic I In Uie eastle of ZwlnEmbcrg, rast ot vas' Heidelberg. T!io leaders of tiie rev* hLi j olutlon. however, jran tcd lhe queen ion and her mother pcmit:hlon to move :!c. to n castle In the south of_Bndcn. leir owned'by n Sr.-cdl’ih' coiiht, wiio w u red a chnmbcrlnln of thc queen, ion

ere Charter N o-JM Syt Re«er\-e D istrlri No. 12

RSrORT OF CONDITION OF THE>ra F i r s t N a t i o n a l B a n i t"y- at T w irrsiH nn-fbp-S taJruf-Jdal)".

»l Ihe Cioie of DmlncM on Mareh in'* 27lh. 1030

RESOURCES t . Lona* nnd dlacount.v.J 7<4,10037

9Jz. -2..0 verdralta__—L _- ' IJ 3. United .Stnlej Oov-

ernment securitieslav ow ned .................... - 3O5.6O0B0cr- 4. o ther bonds, stock.1. cnl • and A c e iir l t lC A

ownert...................... 170,239.87len 6. Bnnktng hou*e. lOS.* ing - -000; Fum ltiirc-atida t 'fixtures. *23,000 ..... 120.000.00

179. 7. Real estaie owned on oUier tban bankingino house ........ ............. 4.000.03m* 8. Reserve wllh Federallys t> c « n 'e B a n k ......- 80t036.W

luc 10- Ouuiile checks anilml_ other c sih Items -■ 4,17309

^ _T0tal ............................I1.7J5.5W.B4n l, L IA n iL m E SJ‘ . 1.V Cnpllal atock paid ln » i 10, Bilrplus...... ................. lO.OCO.OO.k . 17. Undivided prbflli —^ net .......... - ............ 10.030,11“ 18. Rcjcrvea f o r dlvl-

der.ds, conlingcn-cto . c lc . ....................... J},7:6.2S

, ^ 21. Due to banks, Includ*M •— ing*cer»fl«d“ lfiirt------- ’

cashiera' c h c c t a“i outsUndlng .......... 156,838,7J« 23. Demand depaslta ..... 088,87337

•P* 23.Tlm6-deposlts-=:L;i:r-i7a3io,M 31,J3U ier-itobm »f,s____ ____O i^S

j T o i ^ -- _

laW bovc-nam ed bank,, do ' eolemnly in* swear tha t Uie' abovo statement Is ars true to Uie best of m y knowUdgsIvo and belief.-................ ........ ...........en. ' J . M. MAXWELL,ta Cashier,

al* :0R R E C T -A ttcst:;k; CHAS. H. HELMER, ere n . W. CLOOCHEK, c t- R. P. PARRY, Directors, of Subscribed and sworn to beforf

me UiU 4Ui day o t April, m o , ' ere EULA B. GRANT.Jld : (SEAL) . -Motary PubUo.


IP BUSINESS WOMEN MEET- ID IN SESSION AT JEROMEy JEROME. A p rirr [ flp e d a l to-Th«I N (a s )-T h c Business and R tifes-

.1 ilonal WomeiVs club held i l l ttfu la r monlbly dinner m etU ni here oa

— wsdnw dsv n lgbL at .tbe.Methodiit..v^ ' in u rcn 'cmeiBTO--------------------------ES w . w . Henry addressed the club oa

'•'Idaho ta w s for Women." ro Mlss Mary Brown was « p ie s t of

the club. The tables were decorated UG in the Easier color scheme, yello*

candles and yellow trimm ed nu t b u * kets carrj'Ing out the .moUf,

lilOISTiiNflf i CflSTLEfmSMEAl* — .the CASTLEFORD. April 4—The Cas- ar* lleford U dles’ Aid soclely of lhe on i,fc!hodUi church met T hunday alt*

ernoon a t the home of Mrs. U. R. ent Senftcn. wllh Mrs. Fred Senftoa u - i»e, sijiing. Mr*. J. L. Carr read a paper ap- on 'T he Religion of Idaho Indians.” iast and .Mrs. W. J. Burke talked on "In*

10 rtlans ot the Southwest." Marie Benf*. ore ten sang two Indian love songs. Tbe

next meeting will bu In the form of ipa. a cooked-food sale on April 13 a t the

to Castleford Mercnntlle company, fre. Mr. nmt .Mrs. J. W. Downey and mrt family arrived Tliursday from Long

Deneh. California, where Uiey spent nts the winter. They will be employed by on W. l l R uuell thla year.In- The hliih tchool glee club, under 1 a lhe dln'cilon ol Mrs. Marjorie Leon- ke.i nrd, .‘-.ins' » l the Ratpona theiiter inUlf ilutiLOHjrhu'Sdflj'^evenlnj,________

Mr-I C. C, Da^ls. who submitted to

luo reported to bo recovering satisfac- 'el- torlly.leu. -T lw noxt meeting.of Evcrywora- hle nn'a club will bo April 10 a t the to Methodist church. Mcidamea W. J.

frs. Laci:aniien antf R. L. 01U «t wlW tw m- Im.iteucn. Thc chnlrmen. Mrs. J . J. m* Dlick nnd Mrx J . H. Olanderman, rce" nml .Mr«. .'Jd» u rscn .’MUte ciiiurmnu O. nf Public Welfare, will talk on "Tu*

■a s‘ucrculii.-.i:.," Di. gr i=- P c n y ;-B util, rhe wilt discuss, "Tuberculosis Among

Children." "niere wlll be speclal.m'u* left sicul numbers. .me .

siXii[[lS-OF-GLyB-In- ____ _indJa- SYRINOA. April 4—The Syringa icr, club me: Wedne.-day afternoon wllh i red Mrs. O. e . Hnhn as hostess. Seven- ] lc* leeirclub members and Mrs. Oeorge j ble Hnhn, a guest, were In aitendance: ire. to enjoy an afternoon a t cards. Mrs. 1 of Hahn icrve'd lunch a t thc cloio c t,

11,t the Bfternocn. Thc next meeUng ot 1 ',31 the oiRonlzailon will be Wednesday,!

I April 0, n l the home of Mrs. Frank ■ „j( Attains.-en Mr. and Mrs. Joc Onssner and Mr. Jn nnd ^Ir.'. Louts Wegener surprised q; Luke V. Sonner on his birthday an-

ihe nlvcrMiry Monday eveolng.Mrs. Eoilly ■I'umlpseed lefl Sunday

.i,y for Wclscr. where sha will vlsll wltb a'slster for .iome lime. She has been vislUne n t lhe home-of her son,- R- Ii. .Tumlpsced, lo r the last several monilw.

Mrs. Joe KuHp Is recovering aails- 1, . faclorlly from an appendlclUs opera­nt lion which sho underwent last week.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Quy Droliny, Nortli - Fork. Nevada, arc thc guests o t Mr.

ond Mrs. Ed Lelgliow licre. ■[p - ^ ifr - a i im r atcpw rrm n e rt-nir-hcr

Ihome hi Slaudberry, Missouri,Tues*.- doy a tter a week'a visit wllh her son.

I. C, MePherron.,.* i .Mr, nnd Str*, Oconre Caiigh. Bur- " ‘ley, are visiting a t the'home'oT'M r,

'®?land Mr*. !•’. G. Wilson. Mrs, Baugh aud .Mrs. Wilson are sisters.

lmi)SEWS[LEi:T5__ : OFFICIIILHT JEROME, , r JEROME. AprU 4 (Special lo The

News)—Jeromo lodge ot Mooao at [ the meeling here Wednesday evening, »n, Ajirll-a,-eleol«d-&fflc«rs-for-Uja^a-X cb filing year and delegates to the n a - ;

tlonal and slate eonvcnllons, as fol* . ' lows; Dictator, W. C.CIaypool; vice ,

37 dictator: Alva Miller, prelate; A. P . i £ l Hcssler; secretary. C, M. Salladay;

■ ireasurer, o . C. Smllh; delcgalFlb ' ' the supreme lodgo convention, '

ao Oeorge Howflid; alternate, W. C ( Ciaypool; delesates to the state Ida­ho Moose afsoelatlon a t Twin Falh I

.87 III June, W. C, Ciaypool, Earl P. Kennedy and W, w . WItham.

.00 ■

’ S ^ \w i£ ) X J00 j f j f I• D oitlta ir------■

■ a 4 t t t 4 e i'73 , j


h? ~ ~ 7 p u i tflTPUah~lll«^CTHrs b /- i~ 1 lly continuous proccu. Every beny . Is b n u i td lo perfeeiion tod a 1

ge - unifbnn flsTor is produceil, <• FWih~Jrm - tAtreritinai-voiUum

paek. Em Uj eptnid txiA ih* hy . }

■ H ILL S ^



A -------- ....

i l N M S H O r PICWTJli


~ unrisnan bnneavor aocielT „ 01 Presbyterian Church

i^eets at Outdoor SupperU . — —

JEROME. April 4 -A group of young folks belonging to the Chrii* Uan Endeavor soclely of the Jer­ome Presbyterian church hiked down (0 the canyon and had a plenle sup*

I r per-Tuesdoy evening. The Endea'^’ f vorers making up the party were:

Betty Buckley. Robert Eaff. Volley Wallace, Bob McCutcheon. Margar*

IS- e t Hardwick, Jessamine -Bruce, Jie Frances Williamson. Dorothy Cor* It* penter, Julianno and John Wise. R. Marjorlo Showers, Eitiier Nlnu and u* Marguerite McCulclieon. They were XT accompanied by Rev. IL S . McCulch* J."* •'fleven Chances," a three-act com- af- edy, will bo presented by Jeroma •be high sclipol studenu Prlday, April- of 11, In tho high whool auditorium.

Jie Mlss VlrglnU Holdeman, assisted by Howard Knobel, Is directing the play,

ud The Needlecraft club met o t lhe* IDS home of Mrs. R. E. Shawver Wed- int nesday aflcrnoon. The usual social by meeling wiu enjoyed. Tlie next

meeting will be a t the home of Mrs. le r W. C.* Tiic Roynl Neighbors of Jerome in met In regular lesUon Tuesday niRlil.

_ A clevrr playlet, “J'm j»_Bunj,U«s_ to given by M rilV rC . a l l . Mrs. Audry

r ls -H a n » O r^ rs^ e d -I rv in ,-a j:d -M rs_ ic* O. D. MacClanahan.

W. Kenneth Clayton nnd Virginia m - O. Wright, botb -ot-Wendoll, wero iie married April 1, by Rev. O.' L.* Kcn*. J . ------------------------ •

i F E i E H H fll. ' *................ .................

iu* Aria Lind-wns jlr c tc d president ot Ihc Blue Triannlo' lo succccd AzaUn Klmes nl on elcct{un held Tuesday evening. Dorothy'ProvosC

__ was clcclcd Vice president: Helen.Pipes, trcnsurcr and Virginia Young,

, - secretary.

LLI J t ’NlOR IHGH SCHOOLThe Junior High school tludents

entered Uio Jouniallsilc flild ihts' Ign week wtlh u new publlcnllon, "Tiie nn 1 Cub New.i." Tho lollowlng la the :n -l staff of lhe new publication: rge j Boj v editors. Theda Herrick. Bob iccjP ois. Leslie Voorhees. Helen WUd- Lrs.)man, Curollrre South. Bctiy Vleh-- c t Weg, Ocnevieve Higgins, Dick Max- ot I well. Venice Telford. Ciiorloite Rulh-

a y ,! han . Winifred NuHoil. Hope Sher* ,nk , reli. Reese Wflllums, Neva Surtwell.

and Hnsel Woolrldgc: Dorothea ilr. Cress, Viola Cooke, Dorine Diamond, icd Donna DregRs, Curtis Eaton, Joan in* Hester, Leslie Lincoln, Betty Mal*

Ion, Dclena Jfoorc, Virginia M. lay Mort, Stella Afumpowcr, Evelyn Itb Rude, Dorolhy Smith. Lucille Wake* <n field,ChnrIesSilnrer,Dorotiiy Cress,R. Viola Cook, H,U,-Lon3.------------- ---ral —


KNtn^L. April 4 (Special lo Tlte

tlon ot the Knull Presbyterian chureh ,r - assemWcdal7P.M.3Jiursda>-at tbeir ,lr. annual banquet ami bucbieui-meet- gh ing. After a dcllclous dinner served

In lhe basement of Uie church by tho women cf I’.ie church, the regu* lar business meeting was presided over by the pastor. Rev. Jam es Mil-

— lar— ________ ____ _________: —IP Reports of the year's work In all IL departments of ih j thurch were glv- IL en by officers. Tlio following, mem*

bers were eieclcd to serve tiie con* gregnjion for the ensuing yoar: PI*

ho anlst. Mrs. W. S. Ellsworih: tnislees a t F. S, Cnppell and W. 8 . Ellsworth: lg. cradle roll superintendent, Mrs. V. n-^B.-MoieBnf-eldeMor*thre«-i'eor*rVr a - E. Morgan,>1* , V. E. Morgan and Charles Grieve ce were chosen as delegates lo aUend

the Presbytery al Buriey on Tuesday, Aprll.8.________________ _________

toin, . , .


T h o y E a t K e l l o g g ’s A L L - ' BRAN D aily j

M neoace ^ healUi today. I t la ox- y trem olf d a n ^ u s in Iteelf and U

” » i r a l l r u n u 'inera is no pernuricne r ^ e f In plUa and d n i ^ M ony.ot them t r o dangerous.

K e l lo n ’i A LL*IIItAN i s p o il- t l « i y cuaranlced to reileva a nd ,to p m e n t both Umporary a n d xerar-

eonstioatlea. I f i t doea sot, B ion» TfUl M reluodod.

I ^ o n ’a ALI..BRAN to m s h -

J -

I , 111, bnllt e . I t l i t t ,

a ^ < r u ] t J i ^

l a v m ^ . i a J«stai(« u d .Tast*


S-- — ^ — f


” ___ SMART-SILKH(---------------- EASTEB

lla S heer and beautiful, th e < " ‘ f lee ts g’oo 'firtaslc iT chlur

ing. Silk from top to toe _ A pnir

3 — $1.95nt , II ■ i — 1

cn _____

~ —I . - S I wlis- f j ^ ‘:>he I - ' - " . - ■ r - ^

V - '- ‘ '

ob I •d- V - .U--X- V Vh-r* B111. I

S WITH A SMART :C I HANDU. Hm S You'H bs prepared fo r e c* H ero I.S a larKe aMOrtmt y>- _ e a t .- In - tt- .v a r ic ty -o f .s b a

Exce llen t (luality.


z 2 z _ ^ r ^

h WK ////Am / / / / a \ v v V

n* ' ‘

cs« PRESEl

» T H ew E as tiT h ro u g h thc co-operation

~ o f T o rtla n d , Oregon, oiir I chasQ th is 'advance show!

S Coata fo r tho E aste r Seai and m ore on nny one o f :

f N o t one of thoae coats j - - §22.50.

• ............. SPECIAL p u n c

I $16g d Icctlon . . . you will i

' fro n i now a.«i It is a t I, i o f these coata nrc leaI-

ot- — -


i^ ¥ a lSDEPENTF m v

™ g,-Ae b ii;i-b. 1930

DRfS!E C J T T E t^

FROCKS t h a t a r e ENGAGING(

On lines th a t aro fla tte rin g to 'e :rcatfon« in ip ired by th e new m£ }ilhouctte.*-ChormlngIy deaigned touches th a t proclaim them smai

$ 1 8 . 0

NEW CHARMING AlThese frocks portray th a t so f t '' ' t secs in th c la te s t Faria models. Rt s ilhouette frocks of th e season of ful georgctl^cs In charm ing colors


HOSE-EOR------------- A5 R ---------------------------------

e q uality th n t ro- 'u red in th is sell; y :oe. Allen-A heel, j

EASl ----- Eelfc-and-Str

If you would bo ch Htraw nnd fe lt ha t

. How cleverly th e\ ^ these sm nrt modeh

y $3.9i

IT BAG IN /C D Z '• every occasion. / m en t o f tl^o l a t - . J ^ W Kb a!p ^ -an ‘d-8izcs-------

/ ' ' | j CLASPF or E aster choose t

A Hands will be con:

V .illlL / o f shade in such c;

..........; $


ter Sport Coaton o f th e B eaver Coat Co,, rir b uyers 'w crc able to p u r - ........Iw ing o f new Tweed S port i cason a t a sav ing of $6.76 if th e se coa ts-fo r you . . . s a re valued a t less th an

RCHASE P R IC B -t--------------------

5.75II f ind i t hcrc and you wil) t .w i ll 'h e aa. am art weeks — i t th e m o m e n t. . . Not ono less th a n $80.00 values.

Special Purciiase Price

3 $ 2 3 .7 5 '.■ J M O T w d - n S r T s a ^ ----------



■^very girl’s figure. L o v c ly _ nodes which accentuate the >d and finished w ith d e f t - a r t _

0 0

VND GRACEFUL"dressm aker'' influence ono R uffles and flounces. . . tho o f Lovely P rin ts and graco- irs.

0 0

iTERHATS traw-CombinationB-----chic thia E a s te r . . . w ear a a t to mntch your ensemble, e s traw is m anipulated in uia.

15 to $6.95

m--------' ■■■-------------- *--------- •

PED HANDSJ th e W ashable Kid. Clasped inscious of th c ir daintiness exquisite gloves.



Page 3: · THI VOL. Ig. NO. 314 WMS'or 11 110 GIFTT; 3Efai:ira i — ll ~Cifalnmn'of Democratic Na-


6 y a r d s __________

$ 1 . 0 0r Our f in e s t q u o l-- --------= - - - i t j r ^ ^ - h c R v n y . E l:__ _ n n p .p c .d ; J o n a t , _____ p ln

w earing. ' low






qunlity xhamL

.Turkish t Svtc1s“ -

---------------- ^ e —N ationally fam ous Tow­els a t Wnrd W eek Sav . ings I Colorcd b o rd e r s ^ fin e abso rben t quality .

r - -------m G R H ^ B B ^J. Usually Pricec

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S e c d i

I __ , __ ;

™ B F


3 cE l e c t r o f i H v c r - — Colorful,-plfttQ.d Thim bles, t iv c jn U tlow jiriccd. * tubfaat. ’


ifi____________________ ;

00 — — .S - NEWlo toelMla. A u c Jn Jrcitest

-------- Linen Toweling

__ - 2 0 c __Yard

^ All pure Linen Toweling.^ A bsorbent nnd full bo<l- - icd. Specially nrlced-for—

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5B-SPREADS d a t? r .9 8 ' ^ _

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SHEETS Hy in W ard W eek such | H | ■velous B l c a 'c h c d ~ c t b a ^ ^ s l Slzo^ 8L-

c a c h T ic e * ^ ^ H C

m d a n d S h o s h o i


5 c . 19cyard

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t . ’ ly low-pricetl.

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Fine Shears

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th i t give

to Spring ' _

o n e


J’S o r t l c l a l U a p i e


. 9 8 cSpe___ V G . u . a r a n t c c d . 2 7 . . . . .

in'nl^ y n n ln g s r ^ A ^ r o g u -

~ |l a r .? l ; 2 5 valueT “ T ”

S a r g a i n s - C

CROCES$,5.'50 Values for W ard Week at

-$3;9§— =ilivc P roo f th a l Style «nd )my Can tio H and in Himd!

Iiiivc purchased a wonderful of new Drcaaew—and are o f. _ tiK them n t a g ren t price con- iim in W ard W eek!■ic lire fflshioncj] o f aott, lus* s Rayon crcpc in brigh t ng hued p r in ti . inctive trim m in g features Kic Incc, ja b o ts , and pleated li's. Buy tom orrbw , fo r sum- iind im m ediate w ear!

. S ires 11 to 18


New, fushion-rigl'

fercd a t a remnrki Now Brlmmcil H a

—and flilk combin


$ r o o —A sav ing of alm ost 1-31 L inen c rash 6ix>l‘l inchcs Ih s ire ; colored borders.

aen’s-Pajamasrcoat-style; 3ath Stool, with shine stam ?olding Auto Beds, see the Janvas Hammocks, a real Besk Lamp, clamp on anyv


i iu :

E l k s l


-Women’sGarden Hoe >

49c s:• L ight w eight— -------- 25 f

m a d e of finest ‘ liioldi “ ■lniiU'rihl.s, ' ' ' • ' ” oargj

o n - S a l e J y iSM A R TS

Guaranteed Tub-FasI -------____ All Sizes

77c'' 1‘rints. P astels. Pcrcales


--------BriKlill.v L'uluivJ i« iiil.i—iiovI'ltv diinitie.'*—percale.s—nn linons in .<(lyles bccom ing^t every type! Colors th a t conr lip rmlinnt a f te r every tub l)ing. D ainty frocks th a t sim ply miilic you w an t to wca them ! Shop early fo r beat .xck'ctilHii- - •

Sizes M to 50


L6 j6 _ ^ _ „ _S2.95 Elsewhere! rig h t I la ts—bought I’a rd W eek, and of- srkab ly low prico!H u ts w itii th e i m

sw irls! F elt—straw ibinations th a t radl-

Little Girls Dresses

---- 79c------M others, a tten tion ! Pon­gee and rayon dresses, In sizes 2 to C a t th is low pricc. A ssorted colors.- - —<

lera-bargain— :rr:;n“98cand, reg. $7.95, now J83.9Jhese a t on ly ...........$4.9Ea l b u y a t .................S1.6Ji y w f t e r e ^ . ^ „ . . „ „ ^ „ . . . . . . „ j t l ^ R


$ 5 5 .6 5I’o r .H o rsw JVeijhlnff up. to 1500 •

- •• ' Pounds r. T eam ste r I H ere 's a W anl Wee •luc fo r you. A harness, cxperti illt. E v e ry s tra p genum e oak-har nncd stccrh idc. Guaranteed for

H u y j2 fo S a y - -S a v c -a lJ l^ d ’s.a.^_

) B i i i l c ^ g



12.40 $1.0t ,r.A O f colorful

- ii«ii! » ii i , i’Ided A print. F a srgain. or.s.

^ o n d a y ! ^ WASH FRO

\ I S S ^'im - -•car *X’.

Rayon Jacquard Brassieres

50cWill su it tho m ost .dls-

- c r im in a t in g women. i

U J S ROCKFORD_ _ _ S O C K S _ -

8c 89cQ K 8 p » i2 ______


JO, 'I , i __-y InchM Wide

'cek Supply your Ir-_ - fisatlon nccdi

W_____ o f this

IG.AP.RII, li, 1930„


00 69cV v K x t r a , iloulile-fui b a - c.xtra and triple1 flower ■ (‘xlraHize.i—knit-i R t coir__ tod ra'yon— '



________________________________ M l

O C K S ! » f - 'luitprlnl ?.liUr. J Uc vMu

Foot lie S ---- t l ‘Wltti


ImlI , "■ An unt

)/l>i L l m i U curtMiw

l - 1

\ Lon[ii'e;

• P nol mis!

All Silk Slips,

— $-h69— -Niccly tailored slips of ^ f la t crepe. Shadow hem. ,_ c A n unusual value! st

S - . , , ' A x m J s ;Nbrmally Pi

: i 7-AS -. -In th is selcction-you!te rn s to su it every rups from our rcgula

- ally low fo r th is Wai

Rearview Mim

T w i n F a U s , I c


39c- - T l o y n * fuH- c u t ‘I_____ checked.nnlnaook...

A th letic Suits.


ilEKlSm O R I S _



^ 98 m -

ileiJlh mod.Illl iiiiiiiiiii K j i ' i r I . o r f i nee - w n kid. VlInitUan Iu t.


- ^ S H E E T I N ^ _ ~

you Bhould ilsil —

Cheesecloth5 Y ards

— 34c—F o r s tra in ing , bandag­ing, dusting nnd a vari­e t y o i _ u s c s . C a -n ^ - t^ ‘- stre tch .

?riced a t $52.95

3.95iti 'll find g ra des an d nat» ' f room. T hey’ro all f in e liar stock, m arked unusu- ’a rd W eek event. . .

T o r \

■ ^ 9 - M

Page 4: · THI VOL. Ig. NO. 314 WMS'or 11 110 GIFTT; 3Efai:ira i — ll ~Cifalnmn'of Democratic Na-

- Page-Four-, V-— ' ---------

TWiN FALLS DAILY (EW‘ ___ _ tUBlCBiniUN M T li

! Ob* TfM ---------------------------- MSU Uentta

_______ oS T hS u!^ — »■

i ^ - i l P S S s r w i rI I ? ; ..........................—

ani'nlrJdilu,.. , . ---------^

" MkMBUi o r *g»ociATKui;nni Til* A»»el4i«l P»t»» 1* nciiitiTclT »;

UUM la tn i UM tDf pulHlcullUD at i D m dlituiuhn ciroiini lo i(. sr e

;• • eujfm*» wrfliwa.m Ull*U* lonl n**» pubiubns nartn, /

; riib t or KDiiuimtoii ot •ptcui diI ~ r ::— pttcnn awtip «i»o ------------!'■ tn a t*ni w c n i td rrm .

Ttu Hnn It > DKtntxr o» Uii Auil ' Duitftu ot areul*llon«. Inm wtwm i

lnfonn«llon u lo fItfiilttloii m»y >'» «' tAlsrd upon iiipllrillon Urisllrtl li twa»Uen luppilKl lat«ll> iiimi twjun

No rrtiunilbilliT >* Miuinrd foi ll ; a n 01 uniallciwd m.n-jMflpu. pnoi.

I ([tiptu or,oUiri KiiuiDiiirJ m*li<' Articic* «utjinU«»(J lot puBIIc»UiI ttiouia not »»««! tMtt tiunarrt »mrI I IB ipiisin and thould conlinta' oplr» of cunrnt «rntfml liilfrMI Atioi

Winm cotnmunlciUoM Of lln»» »tt*<i lot ot tStm-Int In ptfuuillllro »m Be b« putiilthrtl. No miniucripu «lll I rtturnrd uoloM uouspinins ot oteti ur- pu«u«»'■ N.tTIIISAl, n b R H rs T A m iir ’

niuuuBN. KINU AHI) ruuuiii: tit* Yor», CalMio. flan mB«K«. U mcH'*- a»iiJ» __________

HUMAN’ NATVKE Traffic offlcKi alio iravcl tl

;------------ »tre<b iin iirw a in srT C K cw rsr-'i . Uiflr duly nt ft liljlicr rnio of *p« 11 liian l i pfnnlltcd lo tralllc nr« n<

* ap t to /(nd UiemseJfCJ cccifpito?------- -Yerr-jwpuUr-pMUlon-lii-Uw-evci

tluii itifj' meel with »ccldent or nea accident ihefiuwlve*.

~ THU w u w cM Iuitr» '«lday in Los Anjelcs when i clt

I : “gpecd cop- Incurred tlie dliplcasui of fl lingf rrf>n-f1 bftamc hc tiandc

' ! whose oftenie wefned to the cro* ij ; to consut l.i having cauied lh , i • (peedlns offiMr to cxecut« a dangei 1 i our avcr\’t la order to arold coJlUloi—f -------- ordlnaniy, » h e n -in olfleer-gei- r i— — Jntot5i«itnlUwr-U>*-«ow4-4*-wa

th a officer. There Is enough la bercn t respect for ta* In the av

! erage man or irotnan lb ensure Utl re su l t B ut the olJleer has to -1 right. . i r the situation U such t

I to give ground for complaint agalni hltn, If there U the sllghUsl cvl

i denee o t v h a t thc crowd Ukcs l be Injustice. Immediately the po&ltlo: Is reversed and the represcnuilv o f the la v fm?*t he has, per

‘ haps unvliUagly, Incurred the en tnlty of the public he U paid t

' ' prelect.I Human nature Is a tunny thlnj

v t lh mob conception ,ot fair pla ooe ot l u itroagett guiding 'in

. . i . pulses. Respect tor the la* coutu lo r lltUe It the law or Ita repn sentatlve appear a l fault. There no souisd basis for any such reaaot log, but, do croirds ever reason?

- - * GBOUPISM ------

“ 1— ~ ’i*cnly-Jlve“ U) h ijS i^u~ iiiinaH I ' tblrty-flve u marking the u&ns I i' tloa trom the old Individualism i j I k nev gnuplsm In American eeon< ■ _ ..m ic Ute. This Is the opinion of

i ahrewd obsener. Olenn P r a n I president o t the University ot Wh

consln.—T----------- -m c-Jrm Jw t-or the'oW AmcrtcB

h e says, " v ts the pioneer wllh h• emphasis on Individualism. Tt

: I eynoM of the ne* Amcrlca that1 In the making Is Qie corporatlo ' • w llh l u emphasis on group acUon

! ite Is no l paulng judgment, t

• This lehdency.doesD't appear on , ! Jn*b'usine3S, either. Dr. m q k flnt

In _s^ ^phases of American 111 ( ■ And m osi o f tiT sS m quite cohtei ; : WIUj the diUt. We care jn y e nboi

BDtl'trust laws nov. Wo are recoi 1 • cited more and more to lhe lou i ' ! personal independence.

________Fe * teem to see *hat_thc movim enl Implies. Sup^'i~lnsl<a'd~<

1 "grouplsii" we tald “Collectivism.'While profcBlng to bato the Ru

alan system, iue we so l setUng i .m uch the same tort of mncblnei as Russia? W hat do a ll our cbai stores, a ll our ' merged rtU rotj

il ■ point to. if no l to A naUon-vlc .. e e o ^ l o organization? and U

•• inoro we mergi. tiie moro we se t obliged to give tbe goTcramei au tbo rltr over lbe mergers. Uov li

I c an tbis go?_ Wo a U U ^ ^ t ^ p r i n t* owne:

•' •b lp . ’tio u g b i l g ro ii Ihtd 'gibu; : ; ow w nh lp . Otherwise are we n I' " d rltU iir -to w a rd 8U t« Boclallsn

dfV<n1ii« «»# l«*t i r e : ),, merger <it xoergen, combining Bu

; lo e a i 'U d Ootemmeot in one ly

; iifce P r , ICT c o l pas

V , \ '7 ^ 'O l d - I a i U o ^ A m ^ c a n indlrli u tU sm t

■============---------.“ I f T BA G ID r

^ j l r o n j r of lat« l i depleted 1 lU tk tt l a tb t caae oM £

w>ux, w ttbout p an tn m » p laM wbie

IB m ldilr.‘ to ttheu$ua»TH r«

: iiu c lUeU without serious mUJisp *» " . w u nol seriously menaced by lh

flames until some mlnules Ister. . j te e The Incident took plsce tC TUl*«

Oklahoma, a day or tvo ago. In .« JQ vestlgallon Indicates thal had lh auM - tlQ ac iL ic w e iM d jn jiie « iyg,^c

probably would have landed In com parative u fcty .

m«»r, Those who regard airplane traw “ joV- I '- J y L * * » f e M autofnobiling ar

Invlled to help thcmsclve.i and g »» as Uiey like, Thtre need b no reslrlellons. strictly speaWni

rf Bot there Is not a Rreat deal of rls under a re« c« /Jj’lnc condltJow. Bu

i fll*- t^arguo th a l tlie busln«.i of Jlyln iiTn6i'lnofo''h'iiArdoui'Uukn llfiln

____ in a car U to dlsrcgnrd the knovi

r i l lwQb- J t mny no t always be lhai wa:

bui it ll th a t way now.

t Ihr moio.

I I S O C IE T Ym'’2i AND O.OB9’**“ ■ Urx E. D. William*

D T " Pboae 391Jilm I________________________ ___>. Ua ■ , I. I____ Mr. and .Mrs, Tlioniw E. Fyk------ vero host and hostesa Wednesda:

evening a t the ir counlry home oi . j ,j Addison Avenue, ol ft numbrr o

Jflcndr nml n f lKMlxir s on lliu occa slon of.Uie n liy ^ lrs l Uirtlidny 0 Mr. P>ke, Plnochlc v,a< the r« rca

• not tlon of the evenlni. Charle.^ Miniun „g a »t>n bl«h score, wl'.li Raymond Fyk'

second liiRhesl. Mrs. Ben Pierce lool low K ore rT hM ea ttcndm rw p 'M * and Mrs. Charles Modlln; .Mr. am Mrs. Ben Plcrce nnd dnugliler, Imo

)Uier gene: Mr. and Mr.v Lloyd Jonw: Mr ,itv and Mrs. U Roy Wcllcr; P. H. Well- ' ' er: Mr. and Mrs. Charle.i .Mlniui

nnd chlldrcn. VIrgll and Madeline nded ^ l a ^ ^ y g Q g ^ g r t l f t n d ^ ^ ^ ^

fo -d Mr.’nnd Mrs, Thomas E. tVke an< sons. Roy and R.iymond. Dellclou.

‘ ''® refealimenls were served.jger- _____SlOO. U rs. O ven Buchanan, was hotles s c u to the Catholic Woman's Leagui

wjuvdent. Mrs. Anna Richmond presldet

av« over lhe usual business s«.ulon. Mrt UUs John n . Coughlin who relumet

, . h- Wednesday trom a four-month vorli ' tour tpoke briefly of Uie Journey » “ Mrs. Buchanan sen’cd light refresh alnst m enu ossUted by Mrs. H. A. Olesi evi- and Mrs. Oeorge Thomeu.

* Tlie T S S Club enjoyed no Itlon hostess dinner Friday a t the Horn' alive of Mr*. W. !L Stanley on Walnu per> S l m t Decorallons for the tabl<

vere In yellow and green. The usua , business meeting was held afle

4 *0 which the aftcnioon vas spent to dally.

hlng, --------Mr». H. R. SmlUi entertained n

^ ’ bridge Wednesday evening a l he hocnf ftl Kimberly. "Falrlawn." ii

)unu compliment to Mlss Virginia SmlU: tpre- A delectable luncheon was serve'

M afler tho games; a color scheme o yellow beln;; used for Ute decora

* * " ' tlons and menu. Calendulas wer 1 the aUractlve eehlerpleces for lh

tables. The Bucsts of the evening ii addition to Mlss SmlUi wero MLt&e

• • " ttuU i- sto ry ,--B ctty -R ay-Phllllp i Hired- Mwthft Peck. Alene Seakand Messri

H t o A E 3 S 0 5 5 Z 5 M r 3 H P»<»«»• Paulson. TR-ln Palls; Forest Ehler UUI- Eden, and E arl Williams and Claud m to Bernard. Kimberly. roDO-ol a — —

wi Church Services«A.NSE\-COSn«UNlTY ClIUBCl

The Rev. B. P. MeredJlo, p u to r 10:00 A, M .-C hurch school. The

“ odore Scott, tuperlntendenl. atlon 1UOOA.M.—MortilnK«orshlp.Th Jon." paster will take for his theme. ' I t Re Could Begin ARaln.”

i :00 p. AL=Evcnlng scrrlce. 8u t------- jeclr^f-V ou-H ad-But.O o».Wlah.: .only


, , ...... Rev. B ert A. Powell, p u to rnteol 10:00 a. M .-Sunday school. B. J Ibout TAyJor. superintendent.•con- 11'-<X> A. M.—Momlng worsbii „ Q, Special music. Admlnlslratlon c

UiesocramenL Short address by Ui pastor, "The Meaning o t Lent.”

tove- 8:00 p. M ,-Evening service. Bei id”or mon by-the pa4tor.--“Jesus-In H! jjgH Day; Jesus and the StnDer."

R “»* C H im ciI O P TIIE BREXnnlC Ig up Sccond avenue and PourUi street laery northrh .in Rev. 11 8. Wll, pastor

* 10;M A. M .-Sunday school. ^ 11 ;00 A. M .^M omlnri worship. Bei e t c . mon tonic, Bellectlons. bd "It! -wide Cross." The chdhu wiU sing. “Neai

H,, e r My Ood to Thee;** a m ile quai lel composed of U w re n ce ' T u m t Victor Meltbn. Vemie Melton an

ment Maurice Melton will sing ’T here 1 i r ia r a Foumaln* Mrs. Meyer u d Mr

Berry wlll sing. "Just At X Am."__ _ 7:00 p. M .-O roup meetings.

8:00 p. M .-E venlng worship. 8« coiip^ moa loplc,'•ThoPcnally o rN « lec t

not 8:00 P. M. Tuesday—Prayer sen » .m » lcc» a t Homer Schnell’t ,J»me 1

««»* ,8:M p . m . w rfnetday-C lforv Bus- practice at the church. ' • o s - The Ladles'. Aid society will me<

____ a l the home ot Mrs. I> L. Magoffli^ T h .r.< g . I t o o o n .

S ^ r a W t j K A l g ^

llrjd . o( John K Jo h iiu n . resident of Mtn taugb and former resident ol Enul WlU be held In th e Whlto chap

-------bere.oa,6unda],a:M P . U . anwill be eondueted by Rer. Jami Millar of tb e Presbyterian ehurti

4 IB 2 ^ JohaaoB't death oceurn , Thursday erening Irom heart tali

fltofoUowtcg pneumonia. .

ibleb Arcbea h s r t r I t u m . Dt. Foi » be tt*- _________________

i n i . lu ltable lo r book paper hi iw M ben buuIa f n m aoutbem d1d&

,111 Twin Falls High S Story of Stolen (

, Win American L—ir v . Jonwr w n F a iu Wgn iehaMiMh, h is .to ld -thcjto ry a t Uie sto en key u r th e Winchester caUiedn

iriTcl Uie classic of Uie Hum Field ArU s arc lery regiment of which he w u [a m Tnem bcivand"ln*the'telltni“ he"hi .M L * 0 " » ••0 Pr>« awarded by U

“ , Amerlean Legion Monthly for “B iklng. Moment" experiences of World wi ' risk vetenms.. B ut Merc Is Mr, Jones' ilory u It a; living I” ‘ho April num ber-ot-U

American Legion Monjhly;_______\.r..Z "Aa a member of Uio USth'Plel

ArUllery, I landed In Uverpoc January 7. 19IB, nnd « e n l by tral

way to Cahip Mom Hill near the ol English clly of W inchester, aroun which centered the tale of King Ai thur’s Round Table. On January 9 «

. - vlslled the old casUe, viewing U historic Hound Table, and also vl

« lied Winchester’s ancient cathei ' ral. The guide told us, with grei

pride, of Ihe historic significance i esch object, da'cllfng eipectilly c Uie history of the ksy whleh ha never been removed from lU loe In more Uisn 100 yeara.

fSBlSHIPiNTSS - G i l i E - H lmumFyke --------

JSr‘ Total.oU656_Cars.ofJ92 i S Crop Pass Through Mini id l- doka at Third IMonth Eniniun _____illne; '.ugh- Bean shlpmenU of tho 1930 cro

ia n d 1030, amounted to ISM cars.'aceori: clous ing to tlgures received yesterday b

C. P. Bowles, treasurer o t tbe Soutl: e rn Idaho Wholesale Oroeery coa

itless pany, which Is the selling agency < rigue th e Southern Idaho Bean Oroverle on assoclaUon. - ............... ......................'W P * " BR !pm ctits'ror"aTM llar"W rlM 'l sided 1027 were 774 cars: In 192fl, Uiey wet Mra. 12M cars; In 1929, they were 13<

imed cars.In 1027 cars shipped a fte r April

amounted to 133 cars; In 1908 to 17 cars: in 1920 t« 211 cars. I t Is esll mated Uiai th e cars to be shlppe ihrouffh Minidoka on April I tb!

' ■ year numbered 501. . iio"me ShlpmenU In March thU yes

amounted to ISO cars; l u l year to 1 table 'niitiiBi cars. Mr. Bovles pointed ou

tha l shipments up to April 1 Ihlt io

Ilar period previously and th a l ship menta for March, vcete more tha double March shlpmenU any oihc

her“ in Michigan shlpmenU to March mlUi. thU yearw ere 383BcBrs;.toMafeh: crved i9W .'theyam ouiltcd-to iOtO 'carsrt

ot ^ f i^ h 1. i m . to 4848 ears, and t eora- Mareh 1.1937,10 6477 cars. Mlchlga v rre on March 1 Uils year had 3500 cai

• iiie sUll lo ship against ISOO cars. Mlch n i m ‘R'I" bean cars contain <00 bags atr ILws W«ho bean cars 600 bags of 10mips.- pounds cach.— ------ ------------tj j f j . ^Importations ot beans In excea


I S T E V E N ^lECri ----------------^ir — IThe-

i.The I —^ jV

'sub -

E!5^_____ ^ u lU la s b mrB .8 . ^ ^ = ^ = 5 = ^ ^ ^ ^

I0 of , <>■ ffl■rthe y / (

Ber- ( l Y y ^ i X \t Ills , }

“ i f ' ! n In 1i . ^ r - J____________ l l l i U __________}

^ ■ T O ^ iquar- \ \ Jjm er; -----------t r ~ \ \ ---- ------- :

and ’ b h m ^ \

Mrs. <

I'se r- Scrvlcp. o r C h iffo n . A f tiect.7 T a n , ' S o la y , R osndo r,

r ^ - •■ -■ ■ ■ ■ • '.T h e s e h o a e a r e th e s a r

to r q u a l i ty a s h a v e b£ gjte( th e c o u n t ry o v e r a t $1.

«ffin, in t h i s o u ts ta n d in i ; lov— -------------------- — E S a tc r ir o s :

~ ' ..........snuU, # 1 1hapel ^ ^ ■. a n d ------------ -----------------------------1 .lames - A

S . .

A t The S


1 &hoolCoMh Tells”I Cathedral Key to Le^on Monthly Prizeflmotr—'1 » ro -n e a l -d a y -w e -U IU d r . U ‘ to!* navre U>rough-BouUiamptac.-aa<

then to camp d# Bouge. Near B or I deaux. atler unloading, we w m Un'

r h u rd up. and an officer from O entra ’ the Pershing's staff explained th a t thi “Big mftyor of Winchester bad brought t<

I war lhe nollce cf the king U u t ao Amer lean soldier had laken a rerjr va l

I ip . uable and historic key from the caUi I-the edral at-W tothaster. and.U »,Iagllst

govemment demanded IU ta m id l' •U -rsu im .-W e wera-noUUed-Uia

^ we vete to be searehed from thi skin out and all e<(Ulpment latpeet>

. ed. At UiU point, a buck prlrati ’ squealed Uiat his corporal bad tak ® e n It. and when confronied by b l F o i l eommandlni officer U u corpora

confeuedhlsoveniow erlncdeilr«fo 1 . Uie key u a souvenir and forthwlU

■hrt.'great "Thus the honor ot Amertea wai ce of saved, a corporal waa court-martial ^ on ed. » buck private becam* u a e c a

had foriably unpopular, and W taehea lock ter cathedrals key agaW repoMd

in lls lock." ■

bags; up lo Mareh 1,1939, Usey wen 313.618 bags, and up to M areb 1 1930. they vere 783j70 bags. To laaki a comparlsen v llh Michigan flgurei

i i n f It Is necessary to divide Ute toU I l i v number ot bsgs Imported by 400, It 4 If I order to comptre them with Idubt

figures It Is necessary to divide then by coo.

929 - AT THE HOTELSI jn ] . ROOERSON-Mrs. W. A. Cannon , Beltingham, Washington: Mra. E. L PnH Kcnzelman. Albany. Oregon; Vemi

Hollander, R. M. OelUnan. Tacoma Mr, and Mrs. O. C. Raaler. Oreer niver, Wyoming: Irene Bemhelm, A

"2JJ. Y. SatleittektrHrD. Hanson, R. Deal Twelves, Mr. ana *irs. is. u. jenKl Sam S our, 8 a li Lake City; M n . 8

'^,1^ D. Sprague, E. A. Lombard. J . C ■utn- Brough, J . C. Wilson. Boise; Law

rence L. Sharp. Payette; W. B. Stein 'y te rser. 8an FWnclseo; 8 . B . Molrle

Minneapolis: A. W. Colson, P . C------ Murray.-M.-Ii.-8cott.-Deim!r; P.-Q« in ^ ed e co f, s u m ^ , Norman M cCirti «ere Albion; A. M. Oebel, Chlcago; S . J 1349 Moyle. W. N. Richards, Jr.. Pele

Novak, Marie Ctark. SeatUe; W. t >rll I Johnson, Idaho Falls.

im u if f l lM E s .IN HOOKA ILLA6I

Z927 _____I out Tlw report of the census of Mini Ihls doka village received yc>«fday b:

Sim- Judge O. P. DuvaU, tuperrtsor o ship- lhe SouUi Central Idaho dUtrlct lhan from John A. K aufman, enumerato Jiher of th a l vlUage, was the first complet

return rccelvcd a t headquarten ch 1 Judge DuvaU said. The popuUtlon 0 eh 1. the vUlago Is 193. against. 3S3 i srto '* l» e6 r-I t- lr -s ta ted 'th a t-p a rt-o f-th id to populaUon th a t formerly Uved li ilgan Uie village are now Just outside ll cars limits.

tlch- -----------------------------and Champagne was Istroduoed laU 100 England a t the time of BonaparUI

. - falL .............. ................... ................ ...(cess -u o f r i— 8leaa» balbe, Ot. r« e i« f t-W «,aC3 S40.--Ad«.- .

S ^ S g e l e n c o Iu m ^ — ^

> ___ y

m t d ' ^ i e n f ______

Z T ^ L E S S I h fb r ie f ild rt o f ( ^ ( J yesterday. I t inspiitd the maker* o f H umming Bird H oriery_ .to ••hdghtt” • .they’U never reccde from. Hummfng Birds a ic u long today u ever; luui w ith aa fine silk into as fine a w e U

If the ^ " b lc a p a n tc o f hose ii leas, ita expression to color is u

| - a „ t i c as b e t ^ M m d Julie--------B oiegvd . studying the trends of

— f a s m w - in .P u u fo r Humming .. • fl<Td. anurca you th a t the Hum* • . .

I mfng B ird c u o n being shown I today ift thia store are correct

A fte rn o o n ,. M u sc a d in c , B each ir , P l a g e / a n d - o t h e r S p r in g

sh a d e s ___

s a m e c o B s t ru c t io n .a n d ^ s u p c r - . . , b e en a o ld l v l M d i n g B tores ]

3 1 .50 to ? 1 .6 5 th e p a ir . S h a re ' log p r ic e m a k in g y o u r



S -y -E Store


ar-L» ' . . _______ '-aad-Bor-lU n-

h tto

U ta t -


90ttXK i a r a R » * 2 B e P I I I

iwiui I f M y f ^ i i »<

waartiai.- -


1 1. Winnie Ugbtner aad Johnny Ar aake ner Brothers. aU talking ViUphoo [Urea Monday opening wiUt a special pi to ta l - •0 .1 0 ----------------------------------------------


3 - -A -la rge crowd of ChUdren whlc mon, crowded the T v ln PU ls high schoc E. I* auditorium Thursday afternoon t

attend the presenutlon o t lh irMin "Dream'Boat,” by 80 pupUs of th n A. Washington ichool. w u duplicate

by an equal number of odulU lai

.. a* preclatlon of the play u the chi: , „ • dren h td done. The ptay w u d; i * . «■«“ *<« Mlss Agnes SkartvcdU Mr

^ 1* . A. Wilton Peck waa pianist, olrlc. ^'. O. , The United States annually cor

tumes-m ore-tban SOiOOO-barrcls-<iir iy : ------------------------------------------B. J . -------------------------Peter Artificial arms and legs vere mat V. L. In Egypt u early aa 700 B, C.

isjg[ Hey!Winnie‘The

See and 1r by

s£ Tonight aiplete - ~

P j S k WHAT A \-gr^^-wiLLoo:


" ........ytK~ 9 h n H r ^ ‘ ' I


_ .

I * . w

-TOLLOWINO h er < a=r-.=r. Diggers of Broad#

more of Winnie Llg No" answers th a t de dynamic comedienne scope to her talent musleal dram a o t a | a fearful price for a

~ -------------- LA'ST T EPLAY BALL!

1007. Enlertalnincnl O p en in g t h e S e a so n o f

.... B ig LeagueB a se b a ll T a lk in g

r*--- ‘ - - P i c i t n t s

' K u ra ! T h r iH V i t h ( h e

— -9 0 ,0 0 0 P e o p le a t a W o rld

“ “ ~ "V M deT u]e~ A cia f n d i h e

P u a m o n n l News Weekly


B o a u o r h


B ^ w i iArthu- In “Sbe Couldn't Say No”, a Wi

tone prodoeUoa a t Uie Idaho flnnday a> prevUw show lonlght a t l l : « P . M.


hlch Aboul 16 members e t - the seo :hool leadership training school class fre n to rw ln FaUs counly and about

the membert from the N orth Side tc tho Uon are expeclcd to be present

theV utdoor meell«g tonight a t Bl Lukes, It w u

5**]!' Snake rlvcr nrea; I t Is planned . , ** have a campfire. stunU and pn

Uce and probably camp over nlg Mr. Scotl said yesterday Uiat i

board of review of the T v ln p« ■=on- district, of which Jack Shrout

chalrinttn.-wm m w l-ln - lhe-prob^ vuuit iiMui T uesday tilght.

nade Donlons h s r ir PtL Or. Fo« 840. Adv.

leGil IdiggerVBa.k! Hear "Her—

i t 11:45 p .m^ WOMAN I



&1II7 E U en

T ally H an U D

A rt ia r

!r sensational debut In "Oold adway'’ Uw fans ctamorcd for Llghtner. "She Couldn't Say demand v llh thU vivacious,

m e In a role th a l gives full n t and versatUlty. A colorful a gifted songstrest who paid

r a love the couldn't hold.

nM E s w d a V ----------,._ „V an « Scbeock_________ ________1. .

.B enJeLove' ' 'Nagent

Benny Rabin f Mary Doran

I y ' r ______j f , _

r a b U in e a t r e

’ f t t f a a n n t n e ts rc f •

KNIAg , APRIL 5, 1980

i Rose.' ^- — - 5 m

RO'All Thrifty, A

= ___ E a c h :3 _ 5 ,C ::

B ritish Q ueen ‘(W hite) E dw ard Mawley

I (Crim son)J Lady A shtow n (Pink) I Mme,. E douard H errlot I (C opper) 'I Mra. A aron W ardS (Yellow)I O phelia Suprem o (Rose I P ink)

S I - “ Sale start; War- a t 8:30 a t out1 “ * N ursery S

D H lD .H .P I

Seoul.............................. 45 Yea;from - 207 8thUMO . F R U

nt at Apjiles, P ears, Peiich(

^ __________________J^ tQ U u n b t 'i i j i ivum jiK 'iry,prac- Straw berry , .

K ORNAMENTAL)ui It Globe Locust, C u t Leafrebate -A m erican-Elm ,-ChinoM:------- -Pnrplc'L-ca^Plum 7•Bab^F -w . C hcrrj

= Sl_ Lilacs, Hydrnnffca.^, Sp;

tc rfly Bush-

lr[ Wfe Call Your Spi Delicious Apples, Montmorency Ch

(A new variety, vc';j , ear

—also to ou r climbin{

i| WNyM!\ L a s t T in

M A TIN EE ____ 1 0 l i . 3 0 ^ - 4 0 »

: T H B


U ^


I ^ - J lI R

^ - "night ride" " a n rw e ^ e here-to-fore onknown to

_ ------ =— ........ ............gan{

~ ' M A C K S E N N B T I G “SUGAR9 w ith A n d y Clyde, Harr;



Well Rooted P lants .

: 3 f » r $ 1 . 0 Q

•) ' . RadianceSouv d ' Claudius Pemi

(Yellow)) P rem ie r Red (Red)

Prince E . C. de Arenber (S c a rle t). _

W ilhelm Kordes 50 (CoWon)

W illiam F . D rec r (Pinl<

rts This Morning: jr Nursery Grounds.-S.lock o f Ali K inds

Peck Co.r*ECK. P ro p rie to r a r a ’ Experience , th Avenue E a s l

JIT-TREEShes. Plum s, A pricots, Cherries

8ERRIESriJiacK Dcrry, O tirnm U ','' Grape. , A sparagus, R hubarb ,.

L AND SHADE TREESaf lla p le , A m erican W hite As! « Elm .-Cut-Lcaf-W eeping-B lrcl bylon-W eepinff-W lllow,-JapanM ry—nnd o thers

SHRUBSipyreas, Syrlngna, D entzia, Bu h —and m nny, o thers

pedal Attention To Ou 3, Early Richmond an h e r r i e s a n d Dougla Pears

vy re s is ta n t to b ligh t and an arly bearer)ng roses and lla s to d o n Straw- - ^ c r r i c g ■

m e s T o d a yEVENING

_____ 1 5 ^ - 3 0 ^ - 4 0 r



uimui sillDE P


iw y E

■«Terywttirt8~|{nown“ an<l"ioffl lo “get his story” and bring th ng to-jostUe-------------------------


Page 5: · THI VOL. Ig. NO. 314 WMS'or 11 110 GIFTT; 3Efai:ira i — ll ~Cifalnmn'of Democratic Na-

: f f iF l i9 D H iH lM lf iE S

1— Earl Ramsey, Princlpal^f Hljh School, Names Pu­pils to Receive Diplomas

_____ _ WTJrn, Aprtl t - 'f t l r tv .H w i t i u• denU ot Uu lenlor e lta ot tbe ni«r ■■ • rurilTflgh'MhoorwnrcorapIetrihe

.1____ coufM Ot ituily and r tc tUo their— 7 dJploinM t l- th e «mm«Beement « - t e rc l tu which will tw Iwld in the

Audltmlum o t the ichoot o n May a » ( e P. M.. tecordlns to a Hit

' lu u e d here thU ve«k by Earl Rani* aey, prlncltwL The commencement •d d ro a will be deUrered by Rev. 0 . E. Rlitow, pastor o t the Twin Falli MethodUt church, -niose tlnUhlng

- - t h e work ar«: Clannee O. Kalb* U eluh. Mary VlrglnU U H ue, Ward P . iMackle, Lyle B. MUler, Raymond R . Keale, Vance 0. Meale, Wayne A. Orm, Everett K. Park, LuclUe P. Petenon. Rudolph Petenon. Wood- row Reed, OrrtUe D, Baekett. Iren# Sharp, Wade Sharp, Zella aibbett. H arry WlUon, Oladyi L. Allen. Ker- m lt R. AllUon, Melvin Barton, Mary Jayne Bear. Helen A. Sever, Myrtle B rovn. Ethelyn A. Butting, Morrta W . Carrion, Truman T. oU rk. Rich­a rd Oravei. Mlldrtd Cobb, DorU E. Cobb. naJrlgh Dtris, Anoa Mae Diehl. ? red L. Oentiy. John H anh - ba rge r.-V lrtan RarUey. Carl N. Hendrtx. and E ityr Xlnkley.-

The nier_ aectlon ot Twin PalU county cooncll o t leouta begin work thU week raUIng Ita quota ot funds to r lupport ot activities.

W, C, Nuzmao has been re-elected principal of the gnde tenooU ot FUer. Mr. Nuzman h u held th a t poilUon for several jeors. All lhe o ther teachers were re-elected, at-ih o d g irw n » T n v 6-BM-T*t' Mgniiuir

w hether o r no t they will r tlu m ne*t year. Those who have accepted con*

I. trac ts are Myrtle Dexter, Onah Davis, M argaret Chosleen, Velma Orlmm, Margaret N um an. Vivian KUnk. Anne CaslerUn and Qladys

_____ Kelsey.__________________________HoraM H ^ e s ^ e n ^ t i J w d

quUs were used tor decorations, u r>■ rylng ou t tho color scheme ot }'eilow

a n d green. T hou present were: Mesdames M. J. Ooode, P . A. Dwight, May Snyder, O. W. Parsons, Daum , Showers, and VlneenU Alter th e luncheon, bridge was played, Mrs. Dwight receiving high score.

E llube th MUier was honored a t a surprise party Sunday evening a t th e home o( her parenta. Boy and Sirl trlends en}oyed the evening with games, bringing their own lunches,

' w hich waa served a t a late hour.Mr. Prank J. Keenan, who h u

spen t tho last week In the F i l e r country, returned Thursday to Boise, accompanied by Mrs. P M J. K iaa« M rs. Klaas. accompanied by her daughter, Mary Ellen. Mrs. Keenan

' . aod dauzhter. Beatrice, will retthn “ '~ t o P l l e r f t l d « y r T ~ ~ '^- - T h e PUer rural high school oper­

e tu , "Paul Revere," which waa previously announced to r AprU 4, waa postponed to AprU t. Tlwre wlU bo a matinee to r the >rode chUdren a t 3:00 P. M. The mala pertonnanct

• — wUl-bfl in the evening a t 8 o'clock;

Mrs. J . t t W right enleitalned a t dinner Sunday. March 30. AU their children were hone a t thU time. Among those present were: U r . and M rs. Carl Blogette ond daughter, J o u i ; Mr. and Mrs. 0 . H. Wright; M n . Loren Price and Eldon. Twin FaUs; Mr*. Ronald Taylor, Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. Talley, Hazelton; Mr.

__ and Mrs. Josh Warden: ;^ r. and Mrs. 'W lila rd W a r d ^ and BIU and Bob

W arden.Tho Flier Woman’s elub win en­

te rta in tbe Maroa Woman'a club a n d tbe Bverywoman'4 dub, C u tle -

_____?9td.Jn_M«Jklett»dUt.c»urcli.SHw?m en t here AprU B.

The regular meeUng ot the Eastern wu held Wednes^ y evening.

Fox^M. J . Ooode, and Hawklna. Af­te r the lodge meeUng, a can t party w u enjoyed, sponsored by th t men.

. The Filer Udles* Aid society held Its regular meeUng In tbe MethodUt church Tuesday attemoon. AprU i . M rs. M. J . Ooode in d Ur*. Charles

, Fox vere hostesses, aerrlnf a dainty -lu n ch a t the close of Iho neeUng.

T be prosram to r tbe attem oon con- to le d ot ttutSo by a ‘AaVtm band.

U r . and Mrt. Earl Murray spent a few days thU week a t U agle B ot

• Springs. During their absence, Mr. a n d Mrs. Fred Uunyon took e an o t U u raneh.

K A Humphrey. DOther of Mr*. W alt^M usgrave . Jr„ UIU tbU week.

sU n of unborn or newborn Persian Iam bi. — —

7 ~ ,~ 5 « tw e e o ISAOO andmuniUta In the Vnlled S tate! use electricity.

Tobacco growing in^Sanada h u - m ade rem aikablepT oresitn tbe Uat

J. r e a r ^ _______________

L e a r n T o F l y



-ler .h e ~

IX- ~heay


ao I B E H I H H H H H IA. . - - -------------------------

J* BEGINNING E A R L Y 5n thoo j tc rcd A fly ing school a t Rltt, before n ig h tfa ll cach had!r- th an 10 m inutes. Each fli'TT c ircling o f th e field andH* arc ( le f t to r i g h t ) : Mrp.S ner and D orothy Galbrcth

iciMISSHFUIN « M SJO HME*1 JEROAtE. April i (Speclol to The

Nevii—Jerome county commUslon- e n a t the l u t meeting planned a land u ie to r May 6. th«.sale.l« tfO :

“ .m.ftmlnated by the counly co>HlRs»l«w e n . The land h u b n n inspected

^ and approUed by the commlulonen.who have ruled tha t It must bring

^ tor. ot Its appnUed value. i _ The property U ottered for a le ^ a t prices ranging trom t l to HOC on ^ ■CTe'fof'oountryproperty, and 'iots

^ l i a lot to tlooo per lot. There are approximately 3000 acres ot 'countr}- property, and 200 lols In Jerome,

^ 135 in Eden and 8 In Hazelton. . ns, r” T


BUHL, AprU 4 (Special lo The New8)-6uperlntendent M. M. Von Patten and Mrs. V an Fallen wUl

**’ leave early next week to r Spokane to attend the Inland Em pre Educatjon- ol association annual convenUon, April 9.10 and n . ThU U the th irty '

* second annual seulon o t the asio* J*; elation which Includes delegates

from Montana. W uhlngton, Idaho ^ and Oregon. . ;™ -A -nurnbcr-o t-no tw l-speak irs-m -*

scheduled to appear on the program, among them : XewU Browne. New York City, authority on problems of comparative reUglon; D esn wilUam P..RusseU, Columbia unlvenlty; E.

“ Rulh Pyrtle, president of the Na- tional Education assoelatlon;.James E. R «lge« , preildent of the No-

leO IM. Oloss, Rollins coUege, Flor-

** Ida; 0 , A. Howard, sU te superin- tendent, Oregon. ‘ ' The sta tes o t Idaho and Montano wUl have headquarters a t the Dav-, enport hotel. j

rin ■ ' .............—------- — I" ! STORK VISITS IN RUPERTI r . ^^ —RDPERT.TApril-4-Two-RlrU-ar-*

rived here by stork express Wedaei- ^ day, April Z one little lady came ®* to the home o t J. E. Collord, Ru*

pert, and one arrived a l the home ^ of'-lnman McOUl. P a u l i

_ A new American airplane h u ™ ath levedaapedof U«e«m UcsaraW -jn i; ------- ------------------[If" Out o t a populaUon of 6,000.000, ^ AustraUa sen t 400,000 men to war. I

^d = = = ^ = : ^ = ; '

^ S A F Eml —

o .i n ' -- J W t K g B j g y

ek. >


Z ^ 'E x m m“ m m m a t c o w n w o f a i i to m u

w e t lb t la w ater. S P n l H C o a p m lta lM fe rr M . | . I J . | ^ | - a o i t a a ......... P o r t—• H aw ardU b Wa(w

Cr»(MT{siw.QiU> i M y H p S M drill p rd e r I t . . .

K 'l iB a ra a te a d l


.he d a y th r e e w o m en nov iccs o n - it R o o se v e lt f ie ld , N o w Y o rk , a n d h a d m n d e a so lo f l ig h t o f m oro 1 f l ig h t c o n s is te d o f a take<off, a nd a- la n d in g . T h e y o u n g w om en

FILER eMOUIES flE EifmmiiiPiiiiTyrhe FILER. April 4 (Speclsl to The

Kew*)—One of the most attractive * * of the etirly spring evenu whtch VK feature the club social calendar w u ^ m rT trefkfaf t 's e ^ '^ Sunday m ora-

the College o t Idaho, Cnidwell.’ a t which time the engagement of MUs

*"» Bemdelta Orieser and Kenneth Nor- quest w u announced.

Ttw sut&ls, who w tre houw m m - . . . . bers.QMhe-club.-wcra.Mated-at.ofia L,„, long table whose colorful arrange- J f , ment was suggesUvi of a fflt“6 t old‘

Erin. Emerald candles In luUe Ued ' \ holders of . green glass sited a sott

’ light over tbe ub ie and lU verdant■ decoratlon.1. Streamers of green

ribbon extended from each plate loI a large IrUh hat In the center o( the

toble. At 0 signal from MUs Pay UB FosUr. who presided os hojteis,'the

aatin slrcamera were puUed, each re- Pt,e vealing a shamrock booklet contain- f ,n Ing news of the betrothal and a snap- am 'sho t ot the young couple. The book- , t g . l c t a t Iho honor guest's place dU- -H, closcd a diamond engagement ring

which was placed.on her finger by MUsElouUeNorque^.-

JO- MUs OHeser, wlio U teaching at lies Ragermon thU winier, ottended iho CaldweU college for tbo previous two

years. Bhe w u a member o f tlie »r#j^carlctaiaai3uajind-wm -be.remcm.. UQ. bered to r her clever Interpretation |l e w ____________ __________ ■I of ---------------------------------------------------am r - - ___________

I Qualit;^ — P r ic e (


T - l ■ W E B S T E

? “Quality Mean= 1 B u y a t F a l k - T i n g f l

■ ' k e t a n d y o u m a y b i

■ m e a t s a t IC h o ice le g s o f lam b ,

■ lb .......................... A ...................L a m b s ch o p s ,lb .................................................L a m b S tew , lb ............................... ..................

MILK i ’l1 V e a l s h o u ld e r r o a s t s , .

lhV e a l s te w , lb .......................... .......................


p P o t R o a a t ,

B a b y b e e f s ir lo in s te a k ,NU . lb ----------------------------- .........

^ — ------------------- ^ ~ G H EJ u s t rc c c lv e d a sh lp m en C h e e s e /a g e d sliicB J u ^ e ,n ip p y , lb . ..J.......................

t I W isc o n s in C h e d d a r C h e e f r * | - r —:m e llo w f lav o r,-lb .-= n :.i:: ;;

F u r o b u lk la rd .k

'■ Q u a l i t y

| : PHONE 760


Fly in One Day i n i i o I - m i

' B D r a l a r r T a R r Q u a n t l t r c i

G r o c e r ie s , C a n n e d Fruit A n d . $ 3 o r $ 4 In S i lv e r

KKUL&. AprU 4—The home ot Mrs. O allaa Oorden. Knull, j r u en-

- tered du ring th e -w ly boun o f th e erening Saturday. A large supply ol greeerie*. canned fruit, a child's.

~ baW rtw ita te teg -U -o r M in-atlvefrr and a e m a l amaU artlelet were stol­es. Ho clue u to the idenUty o t th e ! tblerea e r thief h u been ascertained

. ed thU week.U r. and M n . H an ey Coggins, P u -

adena, CalifomU, arrived Knull on Tuw day, and are guestZ a t the horae o t Mrs. Coggins' lUter, M n. B m er Doasett. In the near future they m u n d to go to Jerome, where U r. Oogfflna wUl engage In the hard­ware bualness.-

n . W. H . Sm ith h u purchased a resl- denoe b i Twin FaUi and wUl move

1® there th e la tte r part o t thU week.Boys o t the Pleasant View Mhool :

" her6 were victorious in a baseball ^ gams w ith the Elmwood team at g - Elmwood Friday attem ooa They WlU |

p\ay a n tu m gam s on the kxtd diamond nex t Friday afternoon.

— Wlloui PU b h u been eonfinrd lo hir-bom e durlng .lho jM lJt« lc w ith .. an a ttack of measles.

Merle Alexander U a guest a l cne >U h one of h is parenta. Mr. and U ro. ' I Ralph Alexander, after having spent ‘ I tbe l u t winter In an avIsUon Khool '

In California. ' - 'M n. U lllan Beveridge. Wendell. U .

he vUlUng he r daughter, Mrs. Scoll ve ElUworth thU week. |A Mrs, O . O . Victor lelt tor BoUe u rad a y , where she wUI visit a few n- days w ith her sUtei;;~XimMt-yni-

a t school. MUs Armstrong wltl retum iu wltb he r the t i n t p a rt ot the week 7- to spend ber spring vacation here.

M n. Lillian Denller anlved here n - from' BoUe Friday to sptad a (ew fie days-vU ltlng.R t_the_hoas-O LM n. i>. Jeasle Gordon. I

n) —------ - -------ltt in “All-ot-a-Sudden-Peggy." Mr.n t Korquest is a senior thU year anden popular In campus actlvliles. Ue Uto a memberof the AbboU, and lost yearhe w u vice-president o f the studentay body. He w u recently selected m an-he ager o f th e foundere’ day events. , e- ScholuUcally Mr. Korquest sUnds In* high, being the condldate from Col- IP* lege o t Idaho to r the Rhodes schol-k- arship tW s year. iis- Miss O rieserU tho daughter ot Mr. Ins and Mrs. 0 . E. Orteser, Filer. 'by — _

, . Moving pictures are used-to-»how Ia t lepera In Hawaii the beneitt ot theed chaulmoogra oil Ireotmeni.

he ^UnU». fibre comes from a wild s - jp e cle s .o L b o n an a .g ra a 'n o aly .ln tb s . on IPhlllpplijea.

y - M e a t ejd L o w e r —

^ S A Y S ^

ins Superiority”K w a l l ’s Q u a l i t y M a r - '

b e s u r e t o g e t f i n e s t

t l o w p r i c e s

28c.......... ....32c............12V2C .FED VEAL

_________ 12V2CBABY BEEF

________22c_____28c , |

nSESE---------------------l e n t o f N ew Y o rk C heddar

45c ~le ^ c , ve ry r i *

'ingwall’sy M a r k e t



S U'A UUEN LESLIE Rudolph o f the Mi.H80uri s ta te pcn-j'

rc tcn tln ry whose s tr ic t rulc.s; fe broke th e revolt In tho in -',

s titu tio n when convicts m u -1, tin icd because of diB.mtiii.,1 faction w ith the food.—(/I*) •' Photo.

iREGEU CONVENE INE SESSlJlTlEiith ._________________________________

,e HAOERMAN. April. «-T 1 jc dl.i- : ;a. trlc t Rebekah lodge met in regular nt » w io n here Tueidsjrewnlng. Thirty i ol mem ben Jrom Hsgerroan and 11 ;

visiting memben from WendeU were iU -------------------------------III _______________


i p C le a n s e r s o f

w j- '• in fac t, overyk* 4 I ipan and your

lid [Ml ' Knowing t h a t ) hs . u p ___ : .ilsm s-a l- th li- t!


I - S E A F O i

- . I________ Eoc-Wnahlog^Scgul

1^ ^ ' Cleaning


I CA. .Large B otli

11. Each... . . .■ j ~BI1• j l J ' , , F r e a h

I Pound.....: r : ” : : : : J

3 j/ Wb Gi

S : ::3f olMdsj.:

II SBntbes..


Quells Prison R iot Il E r a i S i r_ TOSiSllElEri- KAILBV, AprU a - Mre.-Ttllle-Wr

, tendent. atiended a meeUng of ichool luperintendenU i t Shoshone Wednesdsy.

Mr. and Mr*. W. A. Relmen at« the p a re n u of a son. born T hun-

. day momlng. April 3.Mr. and Mrs. John E. Schad have

relum ed trom Salt Lake Clly. whero Ihey spenl the winter with Vernon

- and Virginia Schad. ' .M n . Charlea Read made a visit

10 Jtrom e this w «k .B. T . Thamm.“ 'eounty recorder;

held a u ie of delinquent tax Und Wednesday afternoon a t Uie court- houK. Bidding w u lively and a

> large acreage w u dlspoied of.I Mrs. Charles Sheperd, Hailey, and

h *Mn. C. E. Brandt. Ketehum, vimed I In Salt Lake City over the week-end.

'* 'ln attendance. One condidaie. Mrs. I-1 Jack Woodhead, w u Initialed into <-|ihe order. RefreshmenU were terv- i*) • fd by Mrs. W. O. Tupper. .Mrs, John

. lla«tlngs ond Mrs. Ouy Semnoa ; Women of the Dorcns soclcly of

r i l h e Hagerman MethodUt church jc.ilhered a t Iho community church jfor a socUl ond business meeting on Tuesday.i The hotel H ogennan manhRement

l l jh a s been taken over by Mrs. Me- I Reynolds.

Mr. Johnson and snn, Lee. ar«'- Ttattng-M rrJonnson'rdanRhtcr. Mn. t- Le.iter Hcdse, WeUer.i r . .M rs..SlcUa.Shocm otc.eutcnalned ly on Sunday for M n. Andy Ulndorf. n formerly of Hagerman, who vlslled re aU la st ji-cek with Hagerman trlends.

^ p To f all kindsy broom s, m ops, polii rything to moko th o hom e spti )ur spring housecloaning task e ik you will be In need oF many of i-tim e-w d-have-decided-ko-m ak* \N IN © WEEK a l a lf 'o f ou r r to rq Ig li a re feakuring necessities o ^ n a tu re a t saving prices. I

I pay you io lay in your i J - N O W r « v e n - f f you a re not- ^ —


)AM -— SBj ^ b U n s H i r d ------------------

[e...l9c 1 0 1 b . B a g

:atsupitlle — V an Camp’s

. . . . . . . . . ......19c! U T M

!flh C ream ery

....... .-.37c: O F F E E

G rind I t F re sh

NIONSt V « o

.....10c Dozen...

TO. APRIL 5, 1930 ‘

lUFERIliNNiErrEnAllDiDIES, RUPERT. AprU 4 (Special to Tht^ T T iT T ^ n n d S o n r w f i i f i r T n n o

bo y -v m ee iv rsn -E a u am en e im h ip ” U again before the KhooU o t the

state. T hom u A Edison having ot­tered to again confer a scholarship on

'* one boy from each state and the I- DUtriet ot Columblo.

Pir»t selection eomes through re­re commendation of high school sup* •0 erlnlendenU'and the-selectlon for .n th s county U placed In the hsnds

of a county committee.. The names It of A. C, DeMao'. president of R u tk r

Chamber o t Commerce;'Judge 11. A. . - Baker, and Albert IL Lee. edlioc and

publUher ot The Minidoka .County ” newi.'aU of Rupert; were announced ‘■ 'Thursday u the county commlllee.

by Miss Bertha Nutting, counly sup*, erlntendeni.of schools.

^ The countf nominees npiwnr be* ^ tore an examining commlitee of the d. sla te and the one selected to rep- _ resent the su te nppenrs In person be- " foreMr.EdUon.^ ■ - • • •


:h RIJPERT, April 4 '(8pfclol to The a i News)-MovlnB here trom Burley o> >n an employee ot Rupert's new casein

plant, H. W. Tliacker thU week pur-' n l chased n hoaw nnd threo lola In the c- south pa rt ot Ruperl. buying what

U knoAn M the Frank Earley place in r«' the E. B. Smllh addition, rs, Tho tranucllon w u in chnnte ol

Borap and Ssn and consideration!d WU.S800_____________ __________rf. • ------------------------cd Australia hn.i resources for nearly Is. 400,000,000 sheep.


y , J p r i l J _ .

W Lll

i g . . . . . . 5 8 c l O B a i



: 1 0 1 b . P a i l . . . . . . .

WGolden B antam C om and E

' 4 N f t r 2 T i n s ...............


Pore Ins

I o f M m — - — ^ *

. 2 3 c I k ;


, p r iz e '

: ' dessett-r is

\ JeWmlli __ e ltn e r ^ m c te • ■y eaaufuL ’d h sh t^ ji i tT u rm . W m

' Iu i l l lutcimi bulc I- flivon pro»id«j|*»**its n . '

of unlimited vuicty. t V h lew oaC tudP ris ts i

lhe Ezpotiiloo loufos**• ; tioaile, PsjU.

. Accept 00 subulreu.

" j i te tu u i t Je lls s e V fE tL


raiASOAP - l ' l'ine for L nundry T“ |

ITS.............. . 3 9 c I

rrERSCOTCH^UP-------------...........................7 9 c

Small T ender Sw eet 'j

. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 9 c I

E n z i yospected


I 'r e y e V e V e V y i iM W ^ m f l l

Page 6: · THI VOL. Ig. NO. 314 WMS'or 11 110 GIFTT; 3Efai:ira i — ll ~Cifalnmn'of Democratic Na-

n i S c k i r lI ------------------------

English Fighter To Floor Twice

I _____

‘ C ro w d o n 1 ,0 0 0 C u s to m e rs

= - R c o l s t c r S ' 5 p a s n ) s j ) U 5 y . .

A nd R a g e W h en W illia m s-

I b u r g B o x e r H its F a r D ow n

(Br The AtjoflaUJ

Ne w YOUK. April I - Juckic (K id) Ik u '. l^ n s - jnnd. belled o u t a IO*

round dccisinn toniKht over ‘ J o c ( i l i c k , Williamslmr;;.

nmid a s to rm of low iilows tha l ull b u t incnpocUatcd him und tw icc flonrcd 'him for counts in eighth round. IkfR , one o f Chnmpion Sam* niy AuusclcII'A tnosi jicMisicut IIkIii* ,

> vclchl challi 'iism , Hcib’ticil n u u , J ’ Ollck I37'j.I TJw croftrf of 11,000 Itl .Mudlson ' S<]uare Qordcu 'am siiricd lu cUtcr*

lu te spiuni»-of—rajte-itml Joy by Click's low Miustica ici Uiu ooUy z will Berg's b iif tr bjilling lo ollscl the W litii Joc lluniptirics hii- R nounc«(l th a t JUerg had uou thc un* { unlsiQUs vcrdlct of the judgi’s u id retcrcc, Jio rccclvcd a grcnl ovation

I w litrcu Qllck wns heartily ixwcd., 111 tho m idst o( ijic coiitrovortlcs

tha l hnvo rojcil over thc louj cndliic __c{JiiiJL iu l0«p_iuaj0£Jii)U M ..U £n: .

wa< luced n lm w i witu the iiPCtMiiy UI UkJnK ttiiotiier that way lii the « elshth round. Ollck iniashed lilm to " the floor with ft k i t hook that wa# palpably loul and Uerg was lorced to Uko ft eotmi ot sevetu J u it os Ult £nsU3h youngster reached lilt leet, Olick M iiuhed him low A^aln and Berg sank in dUtreas.

teeth ond Hew a l Ollck. punclilng N tike A perpetual moUon machlno he se locked tho WUilainsburg tailor grog- tli

' ey. Ollck wa* very weary ond bled el ireely irom cula uvtr l»Ui eyes a l Sv ihedOK. T hercwerenoothiTkiiock- , tfoaiii

* —. (j(■ llfel'NOLlJS' WINS' fo

HAMILTON. Ontario, April i ( ,r j - fll I Jack ReyaoIdA, welterwclghl w rut* tli

tcr, deleated T e tra Tackhosl. Japan- <o 1 MC Champion, here IctUght, w o la ili «

to one. ^' Tbo tfiJpWl'Se. llRlitnliiB la st lorc- w

ed Reynolds to uncover all hU wares, hi Reynolds gained the llral foil wUh a punlahlne sp ill hold tf le r 33 mln- " utes of wrcsUlnit. T^ckhaal came

_ b ijf c jo ocose a j a l l . l n » lUtlo-more _ lhan eight minutes. Jleynotds then ai

, K ond the deddhiii lall with Another B• tplll In seven mlnulca. d i \ --------- ■ »


■ Bherldfln, a iw x _Clty, Iowa, ecorcd “ a te c h n lc f t lk r^ o u i oyer Joc mtto.

I 10-round m atch hero tonlcht. Qtt> to'» tecond! to u c d In iho lowel alter their fighter h a d undergono levere «

> punishm ent— Dolh—w eighed -103 pounds. T

n C H T TO DRAW 0.*JAHA, AprU 4 (,17-Heiiry Pale- t

gano, Des Moines llghlwelghl, and___ Chel.WlUOns.-Omaha, recognlted a t ;

• Nebruka llghtwclBht champion., • fought e lsh l round i to a draw to- , ; nlghl In thc m ain event c( a KnlghU I I ot Columbus flg h l show,

' WIN.S ON F 0 U L _ L 1____SAN FRANCISCO; April 4 ( ,1 ^

Andy Dlvodl. New York, won oci a . foul tonight over Madison Dix, Bell- J

;----- lllSlum. IVUJllHgloii. In the l in t j!• round of Uielr 10*round bout a t ’

Dreamland auditorium. Dlvodi ° weighed MOU: D U HOJi. ^

S E N A T E A P P R O V E S ............. e

F E D E R A L C O N T R O L "

O F N IT R A T E P L A N T 5

I (Continued from Paso One)

P re tldenrH oovrr toward the pre- 1 posal. 11 was opposed by admlnls- V

tration leaders in- Uie senate. MBtnator Nocrls '.«iS live tirlve lot C

tals resoluUon In Uic senate. Kc sue- ^ ; ceulully BU»ved o ff tverj- nltempt a t J'

serious modlllcatlnn.[ ffainator—Vandenbej i;. n iiuublicBnrr— : *ucni«an, (w u g n rio sirlke ou l the

provision allowing pa>-menu to the ^ ^ s t a l e s of ;AIabonjtt and Tennerjec

' from 'prw eids on the sale o l surplus • power. T h a t move wai detenied.

Alter fttsallln* Uio general ternit •n d principal of tho bill, Sennior Pets. Republican, Olilo. sought to ellmlnato th e provision for construc- ,7 Hon of ft »34.000.000 dam on the n Clinch river In Tennessee a t Cov.- oeelc. This was tu rned back wllh- ou t ft reoord vole. »

------£ lgit«o4lepul>U cftns-vot«d-w lih „'30 Democrats and the Farm er-La- » bor lenator, Sblpsteod, Mlnnesola, fo r th s resoluUon. while twx> Demo- n,

,^ t* ,J3 t« c Jc ...lo w j» ._ ftn d _ 3 ! j 'd li» i. « K ftirland. Joined a i R e p u b lic ^ In q,

’* S w r i r i i t e d ^ th e rcsolalloB.' ■ "- iii

April 4 « v -H e f trt i» on ” « ^ ^ A (id lK ia -T .-e m lth bill c a r ry l^ g i fcW iOOO-to enlftrgonent of Uia vet> op S n a r . t e v U B l a t Boise wlU bo held In f l t f M t tb t i ib o t tM veterans' leglsla- be j f f iK B B te d a w A pril 10 and Idabo ol w B lm in t l f t i i i i l in i r m irn tn i fuUr. O l f i M K B i u m State id ju to n t o t ali S B i B S d S i S ^ ^ n . today. In

dol*. tg:

i l ' . hmSiT : .

B e i l ^ P uG i a n t s I n T r a i n

' n ls I g W

[. . ■ ■, '

■ D A V E B A N C R O I'T ( lu f t ) , nnsY o rk G Innt.i, nm l K m il M cn

> o f IM O bnsplmll.q w ith \vhi( / t r n in in y a t S a n A n to n io , T(

; N e w J e r s e y F i v e ^

I D n i b s S t . P a u l ’s

; A th e n s '. N a t io n a l C h a m p io n

[ Q u in te t B o u n d s A long T o - r l;

I w a r d S e c o n d H oop T it leI 12

~ ~ ~ .................. - — tn

: New Jersey, tonlghl reached the ho■ seml-flnnU round of thc Inicrnn-

tlonnl Younjt Men's ChrlJllan ivuo- op dallon basketball tournnmeiit, beat-

. liiR St. P«\)l,'.^tlnnetDto. 3VAo.2S. Ui . .The Rahway' llvo which reached 25 the quarter-Ilnnl by an ea.iy 30-W*2l J® decUlon over N w ton, Kanias, todny, fonnd the Northerners touslier but (Inlshed (asi to win, 61. Paul gained Jn the quarter final position by a 11- “ lo-lfl victory over Orccn Doj-, WU-

, con.<ilii.Kaavi.i Clly riualUlrd to meet n a h - 1

way In lhe llrsl Rml-llnai Riime to - •* , morrow afternoon by delcatlns U n- I coin. Nebraska, 33 to ID. K a n m Clly . . moi-ed lip today by a 47-lo-l0 decls- , Ion over PcrtsmouUi, Ohio.! _ I n Ivclvo years o( naUonal.toura- .I aments no gamo has surpassed tho r Bra.ieUon-81. John's game lor *|)orU U

drnma. Trailing to polnla lalo In rd ' tho third period, tho Cadets came A:

back will a rush lo cut Drawlion'a m . advanUiRc to 31 (o 31 a t lltc end of 74 ; the third period thcn.ovcrcamo ft 0- e] J polnrhanciieapm-ihe-fliliii cv^ln ln- -n

. The champions tonlghl captured clir Ihelr ninth straU ht game in n a - w.. lloiiot toumameni competition,'de- M

fenilnff,JVJieatland._Not_untlLJho i-Texans sent In substitutes did W heal- sliInnd and its lamed pair ol sharp- e° shooters. McOlnty nnd Durand, mako

. a slwwlns. Al the three-quarter ot,! mark. Athens led. 37 to S. and loafed ni

tlw K 5t’Qt_tlie wny, WhUe McOtniy's pi_ long rafiKo shots loiind Itielr mark, cl

' H a s h e r s W i n O v e rI

C l e a v e r S w i n g e r s I I

[ Orlll Cafe bowlers won from Uio• Market aggregation. 1 r •t643*t07J3Mrin"u"lftO*gIlni6” "4enfJ "A ' Clly league contest a l the Cox andI Slone alley here last night.

• DerUcIi with 375 i»lnl4 wasrhlgh Individual scorer of thc evening.

GRILL CAFK nB eam --------------------- 178 ITJ 35J htH o f------------------------ 150 1<Q MB \ lDert.'eh ------- ------ --- 1S5 IM 375 wl

• D um m y------------------- 130 130 260W Ith am ----------------- 101 105 356 b


■ Vonnl^....... ...... ....J.— 08 104 283 MM cKlnlcy---------------- 123 104 227 p,

; C aldw ell----------------- m m 344 o. Blltioa - -------------------- 134 157 291; Ju iiB Jl-------------------- 1S3 1117 320 jl,

i MCKAIG S U S P E C T S ' ■


TO BO RA H ’S P O S T [;

, (Continued from Page One) “

; 10 CtiliiiTiin aa th^succcsso r to rc• Boroh. ... In ' He said thnt In 102< "when tbero’ wo* widespread dlwaliifacUon In di

RtpuWican .ninks with th e senior •' wnntor,'" Cnllahah was talked of to' »’ replace him. • - • - di ' Tho senator's • position with the ' porty and wltli the Idaho e le ^ ra te ,■ McKftlg-deolaredrlrso 8trom r,-lhat “■ in ltla t-1 ^ I

•■There Is no reason " to get sOl “ steam ed- UD about the Callahan: I

feat will automatleall}'follow.", .

gaUon » lll be M nt to Waahington to oppear la support of Uie bUl but alt lolonaaUoQ coneemlna the c u e «U1 be supplied to the Idaho congretsVtt- , al delegaUon.. - " 1

l% e Idaho .bill wUl be considered ; along wlUi bills for bosplUUzatlon i , tm provem enU 'lnU ontanaaodPeaa-l , O tv u la ,

■■ '■________ n

l i i i c l i ^ Cl i n i n g I n T e x a s '

.V. b M o' c

n .s sU ta n t m a n n R o r o f thO N ew “ ^Icnscl, c o n ch , iinw ropp in ff a n e t ^ v h ic h t h o Giant.H H ta rtcd s p r in g, T e x a s .— P h o lo .___________

, . ~ 11

, 'O Iaf O lson B ow s ; T o D e rn in M atc h .

j I n S a l t L a k e C i t y «. ..BALT LAKE rTTY,-A|^l-4-<i»>— ^

1 ou l o l three falls lo defeat Olnl *tCuckt Qiaon. MlnneapolLi, In their ^wrestling match here lonlght. Olson ^

" loolc tho first la tl wllh a reverse body *« twM In 25 mlnules, Dem .won the

' sccond wllh a reverse body bar in 112 mlnules. nnd .was awarded the u

■ tnird tn 'I I mlnules'wlicn'Olson was7 T O m n iiia a ' a r t a in g -m ir"sti'K«Bto'|~ ! hold.

Dern weighed 200 pounds, and hU■ opponent weighed 10 more. Ni

Dick Daviscourt, Kansa.i, losl Ihe wi Ursl fall lo CbtI Lemle, Beaton, in bs

t 25 mlnules with a body clutch, but ai i look tho lasl two and Uio malcti. al

Daviscourt won Ills first loll wlUi to> a reverse utIs I lock ond body hold fo I In 8 mlnules nnd the next with ft S | . body hold In 12 mlnules. Daviscourt Ol . scaled 210 and Lemlc CIO. br

--------------------------- ,.W

: H a r ry R ised G ives !? ; F a n s T h r il l W ith

P in S co re o f 748 "5 CLEVELAND, Apr« 4 (.IV-Harry p,J need, Roehejter. New York, provld- „!1 rd lhe Ihrlll for Inns nttendliig the q ,: American Bowling Congress touma-J ment here wlien hc touclied o il ft « ,f 748 series lo plaee second In lhe tin -^ glrs e y n l ^lodny, He had Rames o l -jg

- -^ T w a -o lher ■evenls san lead e r* ^ I c tiangn also. Ninth In the-doubles j- wns assumed by B. Itdss and L. ij, . Meyer. Milwaukee, they gettlnjt a t«. J 1200. while Jim Dodls-ClevtlamL• slioi tlxUi In Uie aii-evcnls. his nine• game lotal being 1031.) Cleveland, because n young amiy m r o l- li best bowlers wero in 'action,1 mnde li<avy Inro.ids on lhe »100,000 = s p tlJ i.Iu u d In -bo ih . cvtnU. CVher-

ClUes were ihere VIUi subslanlial claims also, there being no leu than ' • to totals of 1200 plnced in Uie dou­bles and 83 terles ol MO or more In the singles. The laiter U tho besl

y showing tor Ihts event In the toum-_ _

j E i f l ^ C i l S l r f d s — ' R e g u la r P ra c tic e j

The Twin Falls Rifle dub held lls regular weekly malch a l lhe dub I

> heodduarters under Ute Shipman 1 HardwRte company store l u t n ljh i 5 with the following results:J • ■ Prone S td iS ltns 3 Burge-y .......... ..........01 77 S7- Reddca— ......... ......... 03 --86- ts-.-• W. O. B h l p m a n o r Be col

Snodgrass .........87 88 57 i5 Moore ................ — 89 75 23I P. H, B ottcher--------71 73 5J .I OiiniSirson________M 04 C3

; N o rto n a n d L ew is _ B a t t le to D r a w l”

' Wlllnrd Norlon,.Eugene. Oreson., aud Mvltt U w U . PocateUo Nttfjo, f loughttO TO undstoadraw alO gden

last evenlnjr, according (o word re­ceived here. Lewis, according lo this report, hurl his lu n d In the Kcoiid

J round, lu t had piled up tuch a lead ’In the Ilrst two rounds that lie was

J able to hold his own w)^h Norton ] durlns the remainder of the bout, r On Ih t tamo ta itl. MScVty ’McCal - 3 ferty, Etigent; Oregon, went to a-

draw In tlx rounds vrilh Kid Barga, i Preston.

t “ New York C l ty h a n o w m t lo r o f — . I elevator shafts. _ _

1 .— -___ —

T o O u r P a t r o n s and■ F r i e n d ^ ^ _____ :

I - T h e .ARMOUR C R ^ STA- I TION which tins been operating

for the last eight years on Sho* thoae street, has moved to 122 ‘

I 2nd e t . SouU), acroae from Falk- T ln i^all, U t door touUi of Idaho . Department Slore. We ssllclt your patronage.


9 u ! 1 0 - W' Y o i i t l i t i i l S a l t l e ~

Miss Breaks Two . SwimmingMarks I

H e le n M a d iso n E s ta b l is h e s I

- J o r m e c o r d s in 2 0 0 i IA nd 3 0 0 - Y a r d E v e n ts in I F i r s t B acc A fte r R e tu r n I

iny The AuorUltd Press) IHEATTLE, April 4-T w o world’i I

reeords In one rscc wett establlslsed Ihere tonight by MUs Heieoe ttb d l- I•on. IS-year-oid Seattle twiminlnc IMniattoo. Sbe thalUred Uit 200 and I300-yard marks. I

In her endeavor to break tho Iworld't 300-yard matk la her tlrs t Ithowliis m Seattle since her record Ibreaking perlormance in Florida lasl Im onlh, ildene dipped lT«i teconda Io il the oltlclal time establUhed by IGertrude Edcrle, New York, in 1922, I

,- nnd nearly 3 seconds oil the b le s t I> record sel by JMcphlne .McIClm, Los I, Angeles. ■

EieeU Gtrltude i;detle I____Ildcne’s timo tonlalil-was-l-min- - k, tiles 41 3-5 secondi, compared with K

MUs Ederlc's time or 3 minutes 8S 4-9 scconds. and .MUs McKlm's recent m ark o( 3.44 l-s.

Timers nUo dockwl ,MUs MadUon * ' ftl ttio end o t 200 yards and found

. th a l slio Imd slaslied nearly 3 tec-

. onds o il the olllclal world's record.and 1 1-5 seconds o il her own recenl


. 2 ailnuLfA 211 twinnrtt, rnmpared — w llh Uie olllcnl record ot 3:22 es- Ubilshed by Mls.i Ethd Lackey, New York, lleleno's rtcenl rccord In Flor­ida wos-2;23 4*5. __

; Jerome Boys’ and_ G r | ^ i r l s ^ - ® ^ W 4 f t -

JERO.ME, April 4 (Special to The f N ew s)-Jerom c grade schooU teams

' were victorious In a double-header I baseball game wuh Pleasunt Plains i i ;■ on lhe Jerome diamond Thursday■ alternoon. n i c glrU' score wns 12 ‘°

to 8-iind the bo jt' 11 lo 6, Line up■ for girls' leams; Pleasant Plains— ' ^■ Spencer, ealcher: U Kyle, pitcher:■ Oldham, short stop: A. Kyle, first

bnse: M. WycoII, second base: IL.■Wycotf, third base: Humphries, cen-

tc r field; O:.«on, right lldd: Brown. le ll lldil, Jerome-Prcntlce, catch- C c r; rayion, plicher; Smith, llrs l O'l b.'lse, Clanr. Kcond bate; Wagner, ch: shorl stop: Nelz, Uilrd F laih- Uio crs. rlghl Held: Bullen, center field: Durton, lefl field.

Llheiip for boy?"teams: rieosnnl P laliis-H atdltw , catctier; C. Stoker, p itcher; Templelon, l ln l base; D. BlUlngton, sccond base; P, MorrUon. short slop; L. Stokes, third base; lleddlck, rlghl Held; R. Morrison, oPr centcr Held; P . Spencer, Iclt lldd . con

-Jerome—Sehaflcr.— catchcr;— Mag- nelli. nltdier: Perslev..flrsVba3e: M. ntlv King, Mcond base; Pratt, short stop; hea J . King, third base Claycomb. riuhi Held: Neti. center field; Schroeder. I le ft Held. ________ _ Hoi

Washington scorched for and wide boy for the trees which tie planted a t Am M ount Vernon. dlst


I W k T a

PERFEGF o r th e G olden W ei

1 c a o now b e p u rcha i I i n th e Pacific N o rtb

KTOcery n o re . N a tio n a l w o m en ’a :

--- ---------- . th o w o n d e tft il re su la scientific “d r ip " *y w h a t th c G o I d e o W a p e r fe c t system foi T h e 'o p c r a t i o h }» s i l

t : . -| « Jt drip. No boiUo

G o M e n

COFIG o l d e n W e s t ( I c


^ o u n d DlSwimming M arvel I


■ m < H', m i r . H M nl

ar^ B r r —. . ' | K ' wl

• B i , "

H f -

■ I M ’"'^ ^ K s t f l R B S K c sa


- be------- ^

W A L T E R L A U F E R , L a k e S h u rc A th le t ic cU ib, C h i- m c ag o . la s t y e a r w o n sccond tic p lacc fo r h is c lu b a t n a tio n - u i A m n to u r A th lc t ic un ion

- '•m -o t^ irT lH jrw h rT ro -tio iic s to p. c a p tu rc fir^ it p la c c sin irlc - su h a n d ed a t C h ic a g o m oot.— ke m Pholo,

SCI " Lq

Gagnon Agrees to - ™ -B attle Griffiths™

' . twCHICAOO, April 4 (/P)—Jack Gag- He

non. Bcilon heavyweight, today •am ted to n««lTu({y OrlttllUs. Sioux CtCity, Iowa, and Chicigo. In llic 10- toround tlnal boul ol th e Chicago tHsUdltim 's April 30 show, by' Gagnon, who sprang a surjirlsc wl

Monday night by slopping OrlfflUu wlIn Phllnddiiliin. nccepted the sta - op dlum's otier ol 30 per cen t ol tliegflte. a t 14.99 iop.% n licr holding out drfor <10 for lhe besl scats. ba

GriIIlili.1 nnd lil.< manager. JackO'Krefe. Imd airoacly signed lor Ule “ chance lo wipe oul lhe smear on Uio tough ORC't record.

_________ ________ hc

H O D G IN -S U P E R V IS E S —


J. L. Hodnln. Twin Fulls, hns been nppolnted American Legion b.i4eball commissioner Ior i h e American U -«lon-FlIih-dlstrlei,-ftecordlng to ndvlce.< reeeivftl fm n Hcnnrtmmt ^ fieadquartera ol the orgnnliatlon yesUrday.

In th a t capacity ll wlll be Mr. roi Hodgln's duly to certily for Inter- ilr afs&lct and state competlUon. the tin boys' boeebill leam sponsored by an l

.Amerlcon Legion poat th a t wlus the en |d W ,l.t . lu n ,p l.„ .l , l„ . .b,

Z Z Z Z Z 2


ZT coffee ev@rD R IP C offee M a k e r _ ^

:h w e d b y every h o iu c w ifc , i r th w e s t , fro m h e r r e g u la r p icn ,«

I 'a magazbea a re laud ing n u lts OT m ikiiig coffce-by— trrbor i ” sy item d that^* ju s t iW e s t Coffee M aker i * . . . KjWw

fo r maklng^drip** coffee. S ± 5 i g i m l e t ' ■ • - •

i^bolllttg waier, and

i W e s t

FFEE on d llid

( C o f f e e M a k e r , j u s t r o u n i


l e c i s i o r iH n r n c W A i l '

HeelUpsetsCubsJoe McCartliy Sends Main­

spring of Cliamplon’s In- fjeld . Back to Clilcago

cm cA oo. Apm . wKPTMUentWUllam L. Veeck o t Uie Chleago Oubi, UiU ftf temoon s tld Rogera Homsby would leave Los Angeles to ­night tor Chicago, where anoUier ex- amlnaUoo o t hU ailing righ t heel WlU be nude, Veeck ta ld ho knew • nothing of reports th a t Hom sbr. th e i mainspring of Uie NaUonal league I champions' Inflold, might be ou t for a whole season.

Veeck said Manager Joe McCarthy had told him Homsby eould accomp- Ibh noUiIng In training and sug- , Retied VM- ftihltte r tlu ro to Chicago J for medical attention. ;

“Homsby will arrive Monday Ij momlng," Veeck said, “and probably ; wlli be examined belore noon. U ntil ' we hear a physician's report we can , say noUUng about how long he moy ’ bc ou l o t action." ‘

Homsby dropped out of the Cub . «neup Wednesday when the h eel, ,~ wlilch was vj(ciutrd'Tin"li«t w in ter %, tor tho removal o t a growth, a sa ln . became extremely sore.'Lesier Dell, ‘ whoso arm has been lame., relum ed to Uilrd base yeslerday, atid Clarence 1 Dlalr, chief uUllly Infielder, wns * moved from Uilrd to Hornsby's s ta ­tion a t second base .'

nORNSDYCONFlDENT .L 0S.A N aE L E S,-A prll'4-(rf>-^kr t

■Wogew llomsby'a waiU for It, nu T such smftll matter as a soro heel wUl g keep him from patrolling tho sccond p sack for the Chicago Cubs when th e n season's opening clasli wlUi the S u a LouU CardinaU rolls around. p

The “Rajah" offered this Infor- d matlou to The Associated Press In no i>

° entrained

ahffld ol hU leam mates who hove « twT) remaining exhlbliloB games wlUi n Hollywood ot Uie PacUle const league. >'

“Sure my heel U sore, and Joe Mc­Carthy dcclded l l was best lo r m e . to stay olf my lect as much as pos- ’ slble unlll it feeU better,-fald H orns- by. "B ut I'll bc baek wlUi the boys when they get to Kansas Clly and when the season openi you'll find me operating a l second base."

Homsby admllied tha t ho would drop In on a speclalUt when he gets back to Uie Windy City. Jusl oa a maUer of course lo sec how the heel U celling along, bul he iM lstcd U iaf e\-en ih u fact lacked the enr marks of a gesluro to tho posslblllly th a t hc mlghl be forced to have ano ther operation and be ou t for_6CVCCftl monUis. ■ -

L a b a rb a D e fe a ts P a u l a t B u f fa lo

-D p F r A L o r N rY r A ^ ir r f / i ^ F i -

wdght. won the Judges' decision o v e r! ■njmmy Paul. Buffalo, In 10 Inst rounds here tonight. I t was Paul's fimt venlufp hpyonrt tlig_»l».rBunrt limit.

Martin Zuniga. Los Angeles feath­erweight, beal Mickey Paul, Bullolo, six rounds.

iry day!« ,6.cupM tker,o& lf .

........_m trM tr liM p o n ri tr ' *


NG, APKIL S, 1980

O v e r J eI

f o o Y o C " 0 * o 3 r V N 5 r e o r l . THtf M U K B en , T lT 'u .e £ - I O F JOWM Mlll£R5] ON

M o y je ? y \ 3 » o R . ‘

I M edill O u tp o in ts IG aston L e C ad re 1

_____ • 1NTW YORK. April 4 (-D ------Joey ‘

' MedlU. Chicago, defeated Ooslon Lc « ‘ Carde. Itancp. In lils lO-rour.d debut, tonight In .Mnrilsoii Srjuare Qardrii. a , Tho held hls oa-n for II fIVB rounds but could no t keep Ded- I

ill's pace In tlie final half. Tliere <; were no Unockdowns. Medill weighed i

140'i, Le Cadre 140. IAl Rowe, Plilladelphln. won a close I

dscUlon tcom Fte-Wy Anderson. New «‘ |V frK llgl'tyHfl'l ItY-g-Sit.rmmri' bout. Rowe wcljhed 134. Anderson t' 1 3 4 4 . : '- ................

; R u p e r t R if le C lub | O rd e rs E q u ip m e n t ‘RUPERT. April 4 (Spcclal lo Tlie

r Ncws)i^New' n iuipm ent-fcr-R opert *

1 guns, another army rifle nnd a aup- Ji ply of ammuiulon ordered recenlly tI wlll be here shorlly, nccordlng to ., announecmeni of R. D. Arimlrong. '

ptcsldenl ot llic duh , who on T hu ft- ». dny Usued a coll for n club mecUng II Monday-tveiila:.-AprU_7. £

L °t ware nnd ^loraKe. TliU Is nn annual , meeling nnd oiliccrs fOr the ensuing

year will be elected. cStimulating weather o f the last o

O u r P o l i c y : “ T o

v a l u e t l i a n y o u c

m o n e y ” — i s o n e i

r o n a g e c o n t i n u e s

. S 7 x > p".W here Barfpilni

T W L \ F A L L S

j P s u n t P n c e



I O nr E n tire Stock of Faini

,■ Paint_____

. ProtcctaAnd iS»rPBeautifiesReduced Acm

f ic f B a l i l o

' 7 9 c Rtlltrt£_ 98While PER Pi

: = J 3 ; 3 9 zg a l l o n i h o e k B b s ^

•Z V E |17 T O O L FO B T H E I S H E B E A T B U I

Best Steel Bow

r . s h s i . i s i

DandeUoa . I | H 0 ~ teakV.

_ ^ 9 c

r - - . - .....

" ^ ^ “ 897“ '

Big Ben Aiftrm Clock S 3 . 2 5

M L a n Big B en . S 3 .7 S

Q ie O lic k' p .

Causes Delay for Boxing Card Here

C h a r lie F c r a c i , W ith N ose

= D a m a o e d in ^ A u to -A c d d en tf^

T a k e s T im e t o R e c o v c r B e-

' ( o re M e e tin g W a sii in g to n

An Amerlcon Legion boxing a r d wllh ft 10-round main bout between Charlie F e n d , Bon FraacUco, and Buddy Washington. Pocatello N(«ro. Ilu l was to hnve been held here next Tuesday evening, hfts been postpon­ed ono week to April 15. It was an­nounced last evening. •

postponement wos decided upon atler word was received lhat Fencl had been hurt In a n nutomoblle mU- hap while relum ing to Salt Lake c :ty Irom Pocatello a lter his bout with Joo Cortes la t t Thurtday eve-, ning. Feraci, It was reported, was Iraveting atone In his car and fd i asleep momentarily, losing control of -the-car-and-belng-throw n-btavlljt- against the wheel ond Injuring his noie when It lurched from the road.-

Fertid indicated hU willingness to fuifUl hU engagement here next Tuesday. If th a t was IniUled upon; but In the in terest of a better exhi­bition ll was dcclded lojioslpone the boiiU

Tlirough hU nutnagcr, Waihlng- lon-eon»enle<l-lo-lhepo(rtponemrnt-

will refrain from nny other encoun- le n durlns the IntervaL

week Rives tlw xirge for the club lo get nlo nction, according to Fred S. Crolg, secreUry, ahd Ihe schedule o t'outdobr shooting will be arrang­ed 51 infi'KOnSay u lghl meltlOg-

Tlu: per caplin coMumptlon of enndv in the Unlled States has lu- oreoscd 500 per ccn l In 40 years.

I g i v e y o u m o r e l

e x p e c t f o r y o u r , !

r e a s o n o u r p a fc ? ]

1 t o g r o w . ' i-

I? '®i p j s © 'tal Awftit Yon” •


i e ^ a i s h e d

------------ y o n - i . —i s a » . w i L i i ^

SAVE I F 1J B f f "^Y O IT B U T ^M H ____ PA IH T-------s p HERE NOW

b U a t Cnos«-ODt Prices .

n ' “ Enamel^ r o t Aii -

r o W t z 3 ” w e S f t « rth e C o lo r- V ou Like.

m n q mc 9 k 8 t e s QUAjty :

5 cPAIR __________

b e i ^ ^ * b e s t ■ M A D B ^


8 eUd Socket - 'Ba Shore!W f t h ' m rlight bUldlQ


Page 7: · THI VOL. Ig. NO. 314 WMS'or 11 110 GIFTT; 3Efai:ira i — ll ~Cifalnmn'of Democratic Na-

E H l i l. ' ................................... edbi


-------- «n<li

.Pill_.Pulpit.Jw^Pre5by- lo j lerians in,Wflsl End City

B C B U ’A p tU i-B W . C M to w . Htltay. sw iu e . wlU tUi tbe pulpit of i r i tha P m b y te r la ir chureh •( bolh JM

^ nora lJtc u td evenlne M niect here U U I next Bunday. Rev. Haliejr l i « ctn* p, i d ldtte for the local pulpit to lueetcT I '

}iF byterlus churth . M lu Loli Tludy It _ 1 th s newly-«leet«J leader of the aen* * b lo n and Mra. P. W. Joyce wlil lead h h e junlora a t the 1-oung people'a

I oera ld Hyde, U ttiu aon o t u r . and[ Mra. Harold Hyde, Is a patient la a Menf Twin Palls hospital, following an op* andI eratlon for Infection, of the bone o t in .t.

the left thigh. The lad hnd been 111 „ ? «fcr leveral weeks but U rtporU d to c j, be Improving.

Mra. £ . L. Chapin and three chll* Healdren arrived here Thurtday to make exuan extended visit with Mrt. Cliapln'a themother, Mra. C. H. Taylor, while Mr. insilC&spin Is spendlni icveral weeks In prevCalKornIa on builneu. Their home dtieill in Enterprise, Orcson. and Mr. MaliChapin Is seeking a new location. Qorg

Clyde WItllanu. Buhl, w u pain- SKI/ully injured Wedneaday while re* on npairing the roof of a house on hts cam

-lann -ln -D ee irC rec lt-d litnc t. -W il* Hllanu illpped from the roof and fell to tl

-* d l» U n ce o t W l« t . rtrtUng his ItU m larm whleh waa apralned and bruUed. alloiHis Blasses, broken In lhe fall, cul a to ri sash near one eye.

lilrs. 0 . B. Mohannah, Mrs. Chris ■J. Benney and Mr*. C huter Cham* I Iberlain wero hoiteues a t a it April l l Fool party for the young people's

_.c|a>iee o t lhfl .O hrlatlan .chuich .a t . -

W ord'wai reeelred bere thla week by Mra. Oeorge W alter of the dealh o t her alster, M n. Anna Llnditrom, O m aha.M w .W aU erw aaunabletogo east for the ^lneral. which will be iVir! held in Chleaso.

i Mrs. n . E. nouchelle Is spendlnB ___ I;-two weeka In Balt u k e Clty on'b u i l* ___

! wtu vlalt toc two or three weeta wllh ; her daughter. Mrs. Florence Hare,

Bel Norte, Colorado. She plans to d )retum to Buhl about May 1. crar

Bar. knd Mrs. Olho Schwab, Oklar >chohoma City, Oklahoma, wltl arrive Tliehere next week to conduct a sc rlu Loo;

' evangeliitlo meetings for a period viceo t 10 days In the W amene church, lecnaccording to announcement mndr wasthis week by Rcv. C. T . Leckle, pa.-ilor Durlof Iho local church. The mcclIni!* Cartwill begin Wednesday evening and accoRev. Schwab will fill lhe pulpt each ard•venlng.. Mra. Schwab will conduct orlglthe music. tum . M lu Lcola Seeds. Buhl high ichool

atudent. winner of Ihs sccond place Intb s lntcr*dlstrlcl dcclamatory coiv- " ‘i',

._£ishon8.iocenlly, will . O'np reaen t BuW a l Uie s ta te conteil *“ •

- a t poeatello oo April 11. Miss Seeds wlil be accompanltd by M lu IvaOman, declamatory coacb. '

Mr. and Mra. F. 0 . U ttle have gone ,.f_, to Ogden (0 consult ipeclnltsta In re* aard to Mr. U ttte 'i t« a lU L _ T h « . ^ were accompanied by Mr. Little's

had been called here by tho critical Ulneu o t her son.

t f iis K a te BklllM-pjs spending gav* w eral days in Bolie, w h e r r s u n n i r an c called by tha lUneu of her mother, m M lis Sklltem Is a member o t the tain faculty ot the Frank It. Ouhl aehool club

■ " M ^ 'E v e r e t t Hobton, Mlsa Clara was Adams, Charlea Adams, Buhl, and was

-01arene»-Adania.-Sol»«,-havo-been and- called to Tenneuee by the ctiucal gWv UlncM of the ir fother. An* er i< olher son, Bd Adams. Buht. went to (he hU talher-a bedside aeveral weeks M< ago. ^

: • A'blcycle owned by Joe and Von* — ;ie y Hopkins, b rothen, sons o t Mr. j>|md Mrs. Roy Hopkins. Buh], whlcli( m a taken from t he Lincoln tchool __LTueMBy w rnirthTiads wera in clatiT ’‘ V u recoTered Thunday In an empiy cellar a t Cedar.eroulng, three mllei e a it o t Buhl on the highway, by members of asecUon crew.

U n . Chester O. A. Dlvelblss and b a r'iU ler, Mrs. 0 . H. Taylor, hare been called to Boulder, Colorado, by th e sudden death ot a lUler. Mr«. ’ Aose Finch. A broiher, J. II. Chap­man, and Mra. Chapman, Twin Falls.

-lecoBvptoled-lheBL_____________ -' p . A. Burt, Srle, PenniyWanla, H th e guest here o t bs brother, P , 0 .S u r t . ---------

Marlon Ambrou. 18-year-old son « t Mr. and Mrs. WUl Ambrose, sut* lered t broken left arm Thuraday utaUe e n n U a g & eor. The a rm was

Charlea R . Krelgh. Ted Peleraon, P. 1 ~ Q. Pharla. Roy Hlenwood, William "■ Hopple, Joseph Coleman and A. B . = Loraen, membera'Of tho Buhl Odd Pellowa lodge, ittepded leaalons o t “ ■ tha last lnter*clty meeUngs ot lodgef o t souihem Idaho, held In Twin Palls Thursday evening. Degree work was presented by tho W er lodge. Plana for a contlnuanco o t the meetings vetQinade b7 (he delegatfs «hd.Qther. _ i lodges are to be Included In the series nex t season. -_ K n . a z .J lu d y -U .co iin n ed ,to -b ^

lo m e by Ulness. • ■'Frederick Kergts, manager o f tbe

Oolden Rule store, bas 're lum ed

O tttn D oan 'USD to 5 ,

even lap .7 to l :U _— p s wv wt t — ~

neeU o T banby 1 9 | VBoase CaOs V H v

( K i g g § g i (

rom • b n i t t t t i tr tp - to -8 a a -m B * ■—

Mr. and M n. Jo h n RbodM retura* t d hena Thuraday tro m BOM, wbere ,

•rents.Mr. aod U ra. CHorg* Brobb, « tie

lava spent t h t w in ter Id CalUomla nd Oklahoma, h tT t t« tu n td t« Buhl » tha i t t a i e r . w tq n la.OMthoBit

Pred Oobb baa |o M (a Arkansas o_s]MM_i*vtrtl waeka wltb h l i ta* her.'Mr. and u n . P. B, a n l ) i ora Um - j

laranu ot a daughter, born AprU j

IMiliifWINS :m i z E j j i j

JBROUS, April 4 (Bpeclal to Tb« (a n ) -E d t th L y l« BruckBtr, • unior In Ihe Jerotnfl hlgb a»oel,l u been announoed w lu ter fo r tbo = tale ot Idaho ia a aatlonal a asv sn te it tondutted b y tb* Q «T|t»Memorial insututo o f tropteal a n d -nd prevtntllvo m edlelm a t W uh* gniton. U lu B ruckner reeeotly re* l lelred a cash prlae o t |90, The topic ■<f her cuay w u *T be Oorgaa Ma* Inorlsl: l u rela tion lo Ptraonal Ileallh And T he PertodlS ^ a l t b Ibiomlnallon." The eaaay dealt with Ihe work of tbe Q o rg u memoriai 11nsiliute, an Instlluia dealing 'w ith Iireveniloo-and healing of in p lea l Iitseaies snd founded In honor of Iia io r-Q uera t W UU ua o nw to rd ( I3orgu; a physician in the Uaitcd IiUles army who did a valuable work In m aiirlal d laeuu la (tie P w affli ( Ianal tone. ■ - —11J3ie_prU a-w hlcb-w nrB raw arded I0 the nillonal w inner in this essay Ionieit Is uftO i n - n a h - u d k trav«l - IOlowanee o t IUO to W tsb la |toa, I0 recclve the prlso. I

m w m

p iiT i ir n p I T n iv flm J l wn1llnllnnlt3ran^rs. Ray Looney Beoomes I

President at F Ifil Sej- J -sion-of- -Groti|>*<t-SchooJ - j j

DIXOS, April i - T h e Dlwtt u t .Tary tociely was o rg in lted a t tbe A ii choolhousa here M onday arealag. nie 'offlctrs elected a re : Mra. Ray iooncy, president; M rs. Prank Grant.Ice president; Mlta A ltha R&nkla.

ecreiary* treu u re r. A commltUe vas appointed to d raw up by«lawa )urlnf[^lhe program hour Miss J*"* :arol Coclirsn played a violin solo, ■ccompanted by M rs. Lbonayj How* rd Cope and E arl Bryson gave a n irlglnal ikelch, enUUed "Tho R«* M um of the Booba.” A n old fuhlonad peUlng match Is scbeduled for tbe day icxt mceling wblcb' v t l l be oa Moa* Broi lay. April l i , and

Olenna Jean, sm all d a u fb te r 'd f Mrs. dr. and Urs. R ufus M ltn, h u te* M :overed from Uie e ffec ti of swtUow* Uta ng a pin. she w u nutaed te Bubl bo. or ireaimenk i rMr. and Mrs. Ray l,oonay enter* eatk

alned their pinochle club Saturday will venlng, Ouesta Included frienda pum lum.Kiiitigtiy miLi a n flto n r-M n : " m

.t the close of th e games. tbeRoy Rice, who waa rushed te tbe Be«l

Vendell hup lU l i u t v e ^ Isjnak*. who noa iU fa tU w y -rtco v e ty tollowlng her n operation. h uMr. and Mn. W. R . Mite entet^ t o b

alned lh fitturday E ren ln i Bridge L. lub l u t week. A dellcloui dinner hls c u terved a t S P . M . High aoore b u i c u awarded to M n . Fay Shepherd wbei nd-Dave Douglaa.-.Tho Udles were levei ;Wtn the honor o t securing a high* ShC r score thaa tbe gentlem en during tom he evening. MlMeasles are again tn erldenoe attei

— D E M O N S T I

*‘D e L M o n t e S A T U R D A Y ,

Purchase one ponnt Receive Free a can

M ilk”

BUNGALOW I2 8 M t h - A v i

D o e s II-to -use-Sulphate o f Am

izer?■Bere a re th e resultinsi

d u r l n s r 1 9 2 8 a 1828

- N a m t g ^ a ------- Totol B o w

2 0 H o t f s r t u S ^ “ s r ’' " " ' "

20 M t fw tU Iied 132W e sMl h ^ e a b o q t ^ t i

Ammonia wHich has nc one wishing tli gtve 1

A L B E R T P■ Phone.iiO



W M I - W n E HftRH " T H I S •

• ih m S; pwwh

Em bark fo r H i

AIM EE 3EM PLE M cPHERSON Square Gospel pastor, and he: from New York recently on Land.—Wl Photo.

here. The lower room of the otxon TwU lohool which had escaped infection, due b u six children out of sohpdl Uils A week. Hall

Mr. and M n. John Kinder, Filar, W. t were guesta a t a dinner party Sun* ;(u ir day given by Mr. and Mra. W. W. Brown. The iw al guesta wera Mr. in and Mra. R o u Seeley and Mr. and < ceui Mrs. fran i( Grant. . . tain

i l r . and M n: A. O. Varnes spent Uia wMk*«nd vlslUng in Malad. Ida* t h i bo. will

Ira Van Amberg has mods appll- thar cation te r work u ditch rider and then will be given either the graTlty orpump in th u community, • ___"M rs . A '.'0. P a l m e r ^ w nT ^rang: , fflOtMtd tu Oiaue, td iM , tA spend Uw w«ek*end wlUi Mr. and M n . Ed Beal and tamily. UtUe Nadine Seal. who-«<veral-wefks-ago-had-4me-o( her eyes aertouily out by a knife, ^ h u Kcov^ted wllh UWta Ul «!{««10 her vision.

L. A. Shepherd, accompanied by hls daughter, M n. Billa Johnson, — b u driven overland to Beaver, Utah, wbere Mra. Johnson wUl visit for leveral'weeks, ond from 'w here'M r. ShCepherd wUl conllnue lo Call­tom la fer an extended s i ^ . \

M lu Ruby Cepe, who' h as beea J attending Gregg Business college a t

r R A T I O N ---------

te’Cottee j i . A p r U 5 t h

md of C offee. . . an_of “M orning -.....


GROCERY -im - N o . r

[t P a yLmmbnia as « ' fertU-~ ir 7 ■ ■ ■

t S f a t e r t 6 f 2 0 ffe S s '3 and 1929 'Me i ' . ■ ...... .

^ 8 ' 86 ■

L t d M o f J u l p J i a t e - o f - n o t b e e h a o l d i ' A n y -

r e ^ a t r i a l , c a l l

A D ID V o o 9,

'*1 W O N ’T '* I


Holy Land |j |j




^ iiA tha 1 Uv«i IngaIwnprtilJiroiUltp






N ( le f t) , Los Angelea, F o u r wert her jdaughter, R oberta , flailed 311 a pllgrlmagfi to th e Holy

Rt- ' lend

th e irwln Falls, returned home Tuesday ***** lue to iltncM. ThA Tw in Palls company Is busy in- homi

talUng contraet syphons on th e W. afwt ft. Nlckolson and tbe R. 0 . Cochran rlslti a m u . w u

. — a litIn England, alcohol h u been auc* «jKi

:eufully produced from 'ethylene ob* :alnedfromoQ»landcokioVengases.

tHE B IU S5 ANOLt SPllA T o m s J "Vlll do more te Insure your fru it crop [ ! ? han anyUilng else, If you wUl usehem. c . G. Fargo, phone 450. adv. S t

------ ----------- tng I------- ^VIOOBO-PeitTlUZSA ------ W ib

Tini t>finp«-iai,rwln Falls Peed * Ice Co. adr.

---------------------------- Ml.8leam jurn-aleetrie-balha,-w om aa memu d m an alU ndanL Ph. Dr. fe tte r , teaclU9. AdT. day i


- .......... t h e MUSIC «y i p W ANT IT--------



There’s a Kicit f o r !

I.....- - ........... Now V iclor I i« o n


~ jDpriH I' ' .n T H E C I T Y M

th a t clean, new plac» ity comes first alwayi

............ ■_ r ig h t

■ Special Eor~jSMOKEDM


...... .....: J M E

C I T Y M AN ext to MotPt

PhoneWL M .J a in



_____ Oeoi

^rs. N. M. Ba^fay, Jeromo, = District President of O r - f r ganization, Gives Address J J

“ h a z e l t o n , A p rl l" < P M e m b ¥ n « f* B ha Eden Clvlo elub were gueiU of Jv« K attllon CIv^Q a t a gatb»> ^ lng at the H aaalton Odd Fallows hsli ^ lura Wednesday evening. The dlstriet prtildeni, M r t NalUa M. Barclay, Iirome, gavo a ta lk u a feature ot Lhe ptegram whleh followed tbe reg*D\ar lodge tn i i e n . O ther numbers on tha program ineluded! Addreu

iponse, Mrs. Hayea, Eden; reSdlng,U n. J. B. Dickinson; piano solo, Mrs. Ditbout. Eden. T h e baU w u pret­tily arranged, w ith btaulUul b u * ' keti of flowers a n d floor lamps lend*Ing a ffsUve air. A ^ t 60 women were present. Luneh w u served a t m ail tables. -M rs. O . D. Buckloy,Mrs. R. W. C arpenter' and Mrs. Moort-Jerome, aceomponled Mrs.. Darclty.

Roy nice la recovering from an op- tratloa-whleh- h a underwent l u t week. Ke Is a paUent In tha Wen* dell hospital, under tho care of Or.B, Hopper.

Rtv. and M n . O. A. Hawley a t­tended B meeting of the Seulon e t the Edtn P re iby tenan ehurcb Wed* ntsdty evening.

The Ladles' Aid society met a t Uie homa of Mrs. H. Kyers Wednesday KfumiMCi w ith U m e n b tia and one visitor present. T he annual report w u resd by the secretary, showing a iltady growth fo r the yesr. Tbe (lection ot oftlcers tollowed, wiih'the tlnal resulis as follows: Pruldent,U n. U. K. BclD ont: t i n t vtce prei---------idem, M n. B. P . A letoan: seeond vloe prtsldant. M tt. A. Van Buren; . H crtta^ , M n . D, O . Longenberger; Lrtaturer, Mrs. 0 , A. Bawlay.

Bert Bpencir was callad to Oood*Ing Sunday by th e aerlous lilheu of M ibrotM f.O laud«ej>ei««.-w boha —betn a lufferer w ith for a ; ___numixr oi years. ^

Mrs. IL H. K erfoot entertained members of th e flnt-grA da.anltbel£ _ teaeber. Miss Naomi BennsU, Satur* day afltm oon a t h e r bome, tn hooot

1 Y O U .W A N T L W H E N Y O U ______

O n V l t l o t R e co rd s


iMiT-Bi>»rr I

)r Every Golfer

M rt'N o . 22323 ;

B U H L -,

fo ry e t- =M A R B E T... ee-rr. where quai- lys, and prices are h t

r-Saturday -I MEATSa BOASTS •i d v . , , ' ' ■ ' ^

A R K E TtPsGrocery !lM 9 "

E. G. Brown■ * ■ 1 1 .1 1 1 ' ........................ J g


L g f tS E U tT h E T eU L j K acsM pm * Be f o r e I

t th e seventh birthday ajmWtiaaiy t her daughtCTi Laurlne. ■ ■The m em ben of the local Amer*

tan Legion post and Auxiliary en* e^Uilned wllh a card party In tlielr a ll Monday evonlhg.A dance w u given Friday evening

a the L atter D ty Saints imll for ieorse Mendenhall, who Ls leaving n a ib o rl time on a mlsilou.

O peni

Fanner’s------------ --------------- a t 7 C



_ h a t

^ M H E S T - M O V t- I 0^ cr. s be Vou hej

u N tiB K - M C m H T H K T \ CbUl.

wm (T Hyse'


F i r e m e n ’Benefit Firemen’f

DANCEL Wednesday, A j

x'llghthawkg Orchestr

in g TOE

5 Service 1O ^ E a s t M a i n S

^ W ith every 5 gallor i j -Gasoline you get oi

PREE—Today only!

p l i i

■-firaiiMiTHihiick Btardngy c «c .” arejaBt wore tbement. Bat ydi

— Balanced Gasoline tho7 ara raottOet/ motor fiiel realtor < tiu t ara claimed 1 linear^--------------

p a n ^ b ase M oto « 0« ap an Io n to B aIaB fo a lfy m ttU A«at—I

' -m m p U o iiu T V y th ^


?0l Main t e t

S n A d J. h y I - -

O j j .


E iJy ^S l 'n l l ■ I. ''rs = = s s s s s s s t ■,


I’s B a l lI’s Relief FundLAND.pril 16.1930tra Tickets $1 '

= S = S ! = = = S S S S = S E = S K S


Station ^S t ; --------------------------------- ---

ms of .White Eagle one quart Kaynoil yl

d ie

i l i i i e : —

aalcL pick*up, r u in an adrer* ■ ' ith Eaglo Ise in jon r tanl^i---------—U T l^m odem )' does the th ings![ for moBl gofo« j 1 .

■ \ ' ' Itor O ll» is the j ;' r -and lowen eon* • 'fOe two ftcM ' ; ■

n n i lp r n v m a t u ■


Page 8: · THI VOL. Ig. NO. 314 WMS'or 11 110 GIFTT; 3Efai:ira i — ll ~Cifalnmn'of Democratic Na-

' » H i !OF LUK b e s ;

■ . ■ ------- ■_________ 5F a c tio n u p e r a t in g h o r A d - f

v a n c c C a s ts R e s t r a in t t o !1

, W in d s D u rin g W ild S e s s io n =

• ' ■ ' ________ Ir

M a rk e ts a t a G lance l ib---------■ n\

:----------g io e k irS tro n B rln x lin s y\

“ r r " S ; HTcrtlbles louch nrw hlgln. Ir

Curb: firm : Aluminum com- pnHy r*lllcs nharply.

PorelRn Exch»nae»: 8l*#dy: E. U lln -A m trlran currtnclt* rUe lurtlwr.

Collon: Dwllned; Tpports ena* c

• ' " Z A : ..U -

_ _ SCHICAGO: . ^W ipai: Daffl)' Mcndy: btarW i L.

Oklalioma rfporli and rfutlilnir. lo Corn: Ea«y: lo*cr w u ih m t dt

markfU,CalUf: Bl*wlr. .Jloes: Higher. ) «

By rLAUI)£ A. JAOOER !!1' (AMOclalfd l^ c « Kliiaijclnl WrlKD

NEW YOtlK. April 4-Bull(i CMt reslraint to - th e -winds- lu wda>--a ntarkpl opd »pnt on auch n rom- j

• jjajc a* liaa nnt been wen In Wall alreet aince llic poat-rlectlon whoo- ueo of Novfniber. IOM. Tlic prlcc index of M rcprcMnlatlVB iMuca waa puhed up 3 point* lo a new hlch ,

r Jevfl for t he vear. and ironiuictlana _ — nggrcgttted SjiilT titO aiiarc--, U»7 7j[;

larseat lumover slnee lhe trouble* ■aome daj'a of last November. There . has not been aujh feverish « U v .Uy itl n normal bull markel slncc , the fptculallve onty during Uie Ihrec weeka aubacauenl lo the Hoover clce* . tlon. ollhouEli Rale.1 ran higher dur- „

— In fa ^e o rU ie l'lb lcn lre b o u n d rliiz t fall, _

peared o l Umes. bul apeculalor* lo r j Uie rlae did nol hw llalc to ruah In to lake up lhe slack. A sore spoi . was the omuscmcnt allare.i. whlcli were deprcaW by heavlneM In W arner Brotliers. altrlbuled lo ni* j mors lha t flrsl quarter earnluits Jor j Ihln company would not approach lhe optlnilsllc esllmalcs heard a few v;ecbi ago. S:ores o( ulllltles and industrials, however, werc hurled up g^j

. nbout 113 I t poln'a aa slocka elians- • ,l fd hand* In blocks of SOOO to 30.000 y , chirDs. Although public parllclpa- y j. Uoi In lhe market appeared, to bc ^ ■Rvo»lns rapidly, the clmracier of the tradlnic sugsestcd rather dcMnllcly th a t ll.was a jpxulatlvc camlVal of slants. Xr

• * Tho (Win of «HB,000,000 in week------]y brobtra' loans caused no surprise and np;urenlly no qualms. There ] haa b s;n no Indication so far th a t v(, federal rfsc r\e auUiorlllea regard tho movemcnl ta geltlng oul of bountla, altiioush UieTctervc jyalem ,

.-.-li-jiow in:a;jauch .bcller poaltlon.lo ftpply lhe damper than it was when „ ]

*80. loiCredit condlllons remained com*

— lo rta b ien r tU m u m o n e rn o ia i iirM r “ j flUaity a t 4 per cent, bul ovallablc ^ In Uie outside msticet a t 3H.

Weekly business nnd trade revlowa jo,. - .................. bu

ralT w in F a l l s M a r k e ts . «•


Tbt Twin rail* dUUIet mark«t y«> br WU u t o l l w »i,

tJ(&t butchen --------------- m t» .hnkry butcben ----------------------- Ii s s ______HiB iKm rinnt«MfW er]•M«ti « « (0 tsoo ex


nnTT hent, S lbT !*n?up___ ISeWZOeU sbt beni. under S Ita, Ibu_ISe to Isc oriL « t i i ^ iitat. lb. _ ^ _ _ l c a t o tc Ilr^ U w h o n u — 21

__________ ^. ButUKat. aour , 3<clo37c dU

: xn> to 'n c’ flnm -W lielm l*

OUI M.MBMt -----------— ---------------- M39 Bl

Poutowj T t i - g g a s a i>

S S ! ! t e S = S : S w

B««dS S i fd,^ -------------- „

______t t s ^

.................. iwnw ^

i ^ Mww‘a~ir~ n r. i . ps-g or

'^Page'Etc^t _

.S to c k M a rk e l A v e ra g e s ‘ "

HKW TOWC. APJII < W7z5'«,*‘ JUJJi “ k it a»tr»i». IW®. BiandiW

ln<na Iu” <U wS-» TOUI gw a r ----- 1 » « »«J0 g ' S fg JS HritT. day —i**.*. M j™ .}»»» n

f p t i i H ii f e ' & s s S S ! a s s s '

TDiai wiM ».ni.aio.

rn g 'trb cu e r* « ee l mill operallona. ^ m odeule Improvemenu In wholesale and relall Irade. and a dccldedly better tone’In' commodity marlieia. - allhouBh WllIj'S Overland reported ft*^o*s-of•wB^^y-W.000,000-f^lM ^ J-

TOitsylvmla-r»llft»d;-«atd-1i#-aaw - llllle prospect of Improvemenl in traffic durlnj lhe aeeond quarter.

- Rtronr lasuM Bli« *American Telephone and Genefal ^

Electrle were ouiatandlng atrone , spou, aurglng aboul 5 polnia to r« * i ord ieveU for lhe recovery. Allied j Chemical aold up about S and Case g ll-jw lnU , ftllliouBU mey-aasBCd o & lllllo Jn profll-talclng before the close. _

Unlled SUlca S led sold up more — lhan 3 polnta, and closed up about — '2. net. Warner Brolhers loul more Uian 3 polnu. nnd Brunswick Balkc. Loews. Paramount nnd Vanadium lost aboul 2. Worihlnglon Pump dropped S.

In Ihc commodliy markeu. wheal fulurra cold up n couple ot ccnU on ' bullish weather reporu. bul encoun­tered heavy profit-taking ajid fo«e ^ nroTo'ofUielr'B ahis. Corn sagged ^i moderately, and coiton declined 00 aii cenu 10 11.60 ft bale In rcallzlng.on A|Jj IU recent advancc. Am

Fortlim'exehBnke* were-pracUcai. - to ly unehanged. Sterling cables licld J J n l The LaUn-Amcrican eur- Amreneica wero again Ilrm. ^

------- ArtMETALS AU

NBW VOIUC. April * w v-Copper: gj[ a * « . n l f l r - ' l " - - I" ........ .

Iron: Quiet; unclianged. cu T in: Slendy; spot and nearby cai

$30,37; future 130,83. g "Lead: Easy; spoi New York 13.00; ch<

East St. LouLs tS.4S.Zinc: Qulel: Eaat St. Louis spoi ch,

mulJulurt.M.M_lo_l5,_____________ »>fAntimony $0. ^

-------------- — MOSEI------------------- ^NEW YOmC. April 4 (rtl - Call g l

money: Steady: 4 per cent all day. cuiTime loans: Firmer: 30 days 3% gj*

to <: 60 days 4; three, four and six omm ontlu 410 4’i. ^

Prime commcrclal paper 3*i to 4. g ,.Bankers' accepUtnces: Unchanged. ^

GOVERNMENT BONDS q"NEW YORK. April 4 (,T>-UnlUd o ti

Slates (ovemmeni bonds closed:Liberty 3',»i 3J*47________ IJ00.13 r rLiberty flrsl 4 'ia 32-47 .....IJ01.14 y—Uberty Ilrsl 4‘is ,re « 33-47 $101.10 , Liberty fourth 4'..s M*38 — 4100J8Triasury 4‘ia 47-J2_______ 1111.12 ITreasury 4s 44-S4 ..... ......- .... 1107.12Treasury 3 ^ s 40-66 _______ 1105.10Treaaury 3%s 43M7 ------------llOO’.l j

BAB SILVER * ’*NE\V YORK, April 4 O^V^Bar sU- *}®_ z

SUGAR *'■'NEW VORK. April 4 {iD—Baw SUB*

sales of 19,600 bags of Cuban J ro m

Jor May arrival a l 53,81 to localrfUnfm ---------

Future* opened unchanged lo 1 polnl iower under liquidation and selling by Cuban interesu, but zncl, ronsiderable coverlns and ouUldo buying. After lhe coti the market rallied parUy and a t one time was L nel unchanged lo 1 polnl abovo the D previous close. Continued liberal o f ' stei lerlnca-in-tpol-aiid-easler-LondOD wit cables discouraged agfresslve b u y l^ Up however, and in the late Jorenooo bra values eased again and under re - C newed Cubaa-selllng.'The lUt a l stei m id-day.vas.Lloa.polnU jiet.Jow er. yea

In refined lhe demand was more hei nciive. sUmuiated by Uie asnoune> I8> ed advance a t 'th o opening tomor« dlu row. Fine sranulated was quoled a t ter 14:70 but will advance to I4JKI to - SU morrow. bul

Futures closed alcady. Approxl* 110 mated'tales 3i,900-tons: May -CJuly $1.70: September tl.TT; Deeetn- bcr I1A4; January I1.SS; March $1.69.


CHICAOO. April 4 (rT; — Butter: Jor Firm; recelpU 12,200 tubs: cream* ly; ery ejU as"37',je |-sunflarfl«-37K c; ste extra flftU 38Hc to 37c; JlrsU 34c < to 3S’ic ; aecoRda 31c lo sao 'ic . - tlo

Egg: Steady; recclpu 30,717 caaes; am extro flrtU iSc; graded JlrsU 24'.«e; gn ordanary llrsu 33c; alorage paclied 60( fInU 39'ic; storage packed u t r a s v»

can ; fowis 2«e;' brollera 3Sc to 40c; to rooiiera 28c;. lurkeys 85e; heavy nio ducks 2l)c to a c ; geese I5c. _ , thi


Bulterfal 43!tc. DOnions; Jobbing Australl(inbro.wi>s 25;

$1.1S to $1.40: Jancy high as $1.7S. IlC —Pot*toes:-Jobbtng-8tocltton'»3.75 mi to $3.50 cwt.. poorer lov as 1130; tu| Washington Gemt $3M to $3.40; new det ttock San Dlego 6c u> 6 » c : Colma J» GlimeU7c l6»cTTexas‘ 7c'to'1l4c. i

Pouliry: Brollcrt 22c Ui 36o: hens ela 27c to 30c; lurkeys dressed 90a to 32c. spi

. _ lar------LOS-ANGELEB-PaODUCBr— 1 do- LOS ANOEltS, April 4 oU0UC4 exthange~recelHU. ButtenTfli* i MO pounds: c h w e 30,500; pounds: trt

BBJii unchartgW. ^ HrPoultry :UDchanged. K,

DBIED FRUITS pa—NCTrTORKrAprU-4-W T=.Orted pli fru it UDChaofed, 19,

BUSSET BESD FOB M LECto^nVPlT eettUled Idaho Rusaet *

•eed potatoes d in o t Jrom Ashton ^ and Victor, d iy fan n aUwlc Jit at* ty tn e U re p r lM Inspect tttnples and po laavB yoor o rden a t e u Morth Main po orphOM l4M W . po

• D A HW HAUnr. i d r . to

_________ - TW

^ I'LU B S T .N O O I’v e CCfT I A VMOAKED O U T B T R 4 f R THAT T jP F .V JR ffR R n TMM* W «kS U S B O IM VVJR\Tlf

\ PA.BT O P TM B lA T E P . ODOA Vs. VvllUU. _____________

~ N E W Y

i f n a MCLOSING

Al Chftn A Dye ..-310U Oeld D u i(.......AIIU Clul M rs------aj j uoodriett' (Dn (Am Can ............ CIrtham P>l|e .Am A ror fo v tr >.... MI4 a m t Norib n>An L era_______ m a rta t W at Bui-Am am tll i l lUC, .7a___ Uusp U ster CarAm Ouiar p ( _____ior Illioota CrntrtlAW T 'L :------JM 'l ln t C«n»nU _A m ^ i j ...... ^.....,.230 Inl lUnMtn’ _Anaconda CopiKrll.' 7l«i tn t T ft T ZTZAnnour Orl p ( ___TO KtonKsit CepAiehiien T St 8 ....Ziaf; Kolit*r Radio ...lUldwln Loto pt _ .tu Kraft m tn .. ..^ t S« Ohio ....—- uf?.**ik tw m m 8 » ? n !r io i« i' U nSiM ym T onurrauilu Add .... 47n MarhlcMtn AlkalCaiutntt * IlKta ... 3t>i Miami Cepprr .Canadian Pac___ SH Uld Con K t ...Cai« T&rMli _____ 373<k U unurl PMineE W o ! r “. - i SB U 8 tP .A iP p r _ l l ' i Merter Whnl _.O n I4 l P . .1 ___ 12J NMh MownChnrtlff C orp----- 3»n Nat Cuh AColum O O lir 'NMlenal W rtlyCom 8el» ------------M Hew te tk Cent:Cenim toilH _____ 1»% T Hew H St »Com Pioduet* M»J Northern Pae IColy ____________joi^ PKkard Uoler .CurtuaW rtiht___ I4lk Pan Am D .....D«1 a Kud_______ITS Param Pam UikDniR Ine _______a ji; renn n R ____DuPont d» Hfm .. . iMU f^wrt# np« LiiKutman Kodak .....JU PuVman Ine .....D Pow it U | ___ MH Puro OU............Cri< n n . . ____ SBI, rudio Corp oc airwl Mln ai Bm___ its lUrnoiiU Teii Ba tn Aipliilt_____ 0S>4 BtetnOen KIN New___ Ba< BlLB Pity . . ..Orn PDoda 49>« fkhult* Ret Ato Otn Uolon _ _ _ S01« Stan HoebucK aUdden Co______ U t, Sec NaU lo m t


-PORTLAND. April 4 m - lV S D pai A)—Uogs: RecelpU 623; n i l supply Joa 510. oil direct; markel slov; quot* I bee ably atcady; top and bulk trucked-in j ten light butchers early $10.05; odd head to slaughter pigs $10. ^ G

CalUe: RecelpU 35, calvcs 10; all gen tfrt« lns;_no_eatiy_talcs;_ |jiartt_ct }«,' quoUbty steady. lan

4«,no early sales; mariiet quoubly pet«CBdj'j.only.cBrly.arrlYal».tnick lo a d ___iow grade lambs; one double truck load medium to choice 65 pound , wooled lambs late Tliursday $8.75.


D A ) — Hogs: Ilecclpts 200; Jully jgg steady; load 174 pound N cb n ak u (o ' -W lUi-Irtlght..bcncIll.$ll :_practlcal top $10.85 on lond 187 pound Ne* p j braskas. hni

CatUe: Recelpls 100. calves 25: g{e. steady; pa rt load 634 pound local fed gio yeatUng sleers $11.75: load 6B8 pound ( heifers same owner $11.35; odd cows $8.35 to $8.50; bulk common to me- c(j| dlum $7 to $8: low cutU rs and cut* ..<• ters $4 to $6.75; bulls scarce. Calvea: SUady; odd milic vealers $13 to $17; 1 bulk to medium calves a il welghu <er $10.50 to $14; culls d o m to $8M. ^ul -Sheep: No-rteelpu^'cbolce spring {

lambt quoted to $ I1M . aal■ ftlw

OGDEN LIVESTOCK (»] O O O m April 4 (Ao (U 8 D A l -

Hpgs: RccelpU 1061, Including 148 Jor market; no lop hogs told ear* ly; Jsw lou mixed butchers about ( steady a t $9M to $9J4. - — H®

Cattle: RecelpU 151. a ll markel; tlow. ateady: numerous I0U medium v 1 and good, cows $8.75 to $8; lower grades $3J0 lo $0,10; medium and P°* good bulls $6.75 to $7J5: Jew loU vealers $12: odd bead common calvcs j MM ta t l ifl. ■ ■ >9-1-« w * iH ^ tw e lp tM 6 0 ^ ttd ln g 174 i f ' to Idalio breedera and 286 Callfor* nla aprlng lamba U> Chicago; none P*< th b markcL


D A l-C a llle : RecelpU 250, calves <0°25; Jew loads plain quality fed tle e n In 1 $10 10 $11: fully sUady; olheni.'bom arkefnom tnaliyit«dy:'m e>defale clatupply replacement stock held hy >0dealen: vealers mosUy $12 down; ^lew $13. lo-'S heep : ■ R ecc lp U r4 0 0 0 ra illr ig ln |elaases Rcneraiiy steady: Kansas poi spring lamba $13.50; top wooled lambs $8: oUier 95 pound kindsdow nw ard-to-$8JSi-bwt^PP«rs$8| 18.oUien$$TM . an< ^ 6 g K 'H e 4 * ip u - 4ow ;-fa ltiy -acU ie tiTc. mosUf 10c to 15c higher than ve

iin B in R T w rT B O T io u B ^ n sn jr to la* $SM: 270 to 325 pounds $0.35 to $945: u i 130 to 150 pounds $0.25 to $9.75; U : packing so v i $6.19 to $8J0; stock Po< p ln 's tro o g to-i0c 'h lgher,'$8 .50 'to chi $9J5. $0.

-------- $«.OMAHA UVESTOCK

OMAHA. AprU 4 8 D A)I E o ts: RecelpU n,CK)0; uneven: most* 1

ty I to higher; top |10 on 310 to 225 8h pound bu tchen: bulk 140 to 340 on

I poundi $9.78 to t» M ; 340 to 280 «n pound-butcher* IBM to t9M : 280 odt o s s o p o u ^ a r t n g e i s j s t o t t i o ; r .

[■WIN F A L ^ DAlI.iKEWl

f w E L L O a v e r n : ^ 1 l o o k s a & if nc a : : ___ g . l « w w m i M a - k wITINO P I B U TTH B LWJOSC


Y O R K 1)1)

I f l f f l a . IBID

......... _ « « i , Bhtll U nion_____ RaiPl Co.. Bimmoni C o --------Mli '|e ___ U>t blncuir Con Oil __ lolj

n y p r w ujfiir Oil _______ n u (Buiar... 31H iMulh Cnl EdlMn -

_____ T< m»nii a « M Bec...ii»<,t ____ M flunil Oil Old ____ SMiZ T Z ." 6#*,* HI.11U Oil N Y ' ~ 37 j« p ___3T>. Sitaart Warn Speed 4SU

- s ? i i 5 , s i i : i e , 8 - Mi£iToBUlIo't Un OU of Cal ___ 4T 0 /1■kail _ 471. Un PacKIc........ 237 i ,..,r - : ! ! ! ! K i a s r i z b S ! ! S im e......»4 Tf H niihiw.1. I

S .;.5 E S ,‘= 1 S■1____ B 't Vlr* Caro Chem____ 8 enl^"aT I m , w 2 ! i i " ^ 5 ^ o n ^

V ‘“ 5 l S : 1!!.*

J r Z T n ' t cu«'^qX?5tioM d i r t - Caniiiky - JJ’i Am 6up Pow-------- - u _ I unf:"LinV.:. nv, C onunenu i'o inZ ; la j i '_____ a : 'i n « rw as 8h«r» .....m li ■ terrl--- -----23>i Xi« Bd & flhar® pf 1011, 1 ciifA m .-81 'i Oulf on of p* _ ;_ m 1, ^OB___IIMU Mlnlns __________ 11%te *__ ICO Null invrtlon ‘CllW......... ...ItJij Nnr nradferd ...... S'blvcsl.fitorfn... a>, NURtra l l u d _____ Jl» i;*“ .CK — eas Miami OU of Jnd _ SSU I «> <m t — I tli Tratu-Amtrle* _ _ 40U nr.d

- sain

packing t o « tS.fiO to $8JHt feeder ai plga $SJO to $9.

CalUe: Receipts 1000, calves 100: tcrd all classes moderately active, fully 13c sUady; fed steers and yearlings weel $10.5.0 to $12: KolstolBs n t IIOJO; tho pa rt load medium w eights $13.50; prof few loU helfen IIO lo $10J)0; bulk stoo beef cows $7 lo $8.50: bulk a ll cut*!tom< terv $5 to $0J5; medium bulls $7.35 to to $7.50; practical top vealers $14. (our

Sheep: RecelpU 7000: fn t lambs day generally steady; early sales $835 lo Cals }«,75;.'nothJnB.dow.onJiafitw:wti«fitidujt lambs; 90 pounds and down bidding; soul

pM lambs; wooled ewea $0 and down, ai

- ST. JOSEPH LIVESOCR fo r' 8 t ; JOSEPH, April 4 ( ,7 ^ (U 8 D "P f

A )-H ogs: Becelpu 3000; acUve. un* 1 even. 5c to 15c higher; closed meat- f**' iy 10c to 15c higher th n n Thurs- 7 “ day’s average; top $0i)5 for choice ^190 to 310 pound welghU; bulk 170 I’l'" to 220 pounds 19.80 to $9J)0; scatter-1 ^ ' ed.sales.220-U)-M0-pounda-$ £ “" $9J0: few 330 polind hogs $0J3; odd I , bunches light llghu $9 U> $9.85; tows steady to tU^ng; bulk $8J0 to $8.73; alock pigs* lllUe changed. $8 JO down, ''"f,'

Cattle: RecoJpU 000. calves 100; hardly enough offered o t nny oho ' class to test value; generally steady »-IUi cows'atrong: few loads com- , V mon. to medium Slaughter ateers $10 to $1J5; beef cows $6.75 to $8J0; cut- te r grades $4M to $8.25: medium bulls $7 do«-n: cliolce venlers $14,

8heep:-Reec!pU -7000: no early sales o r bids; fa t Inmbs Indications aboul ateady. or around $9 for best fed wooUklnJr S“/ '


CHICAGO. April 4 (U S D A) De<Hogs:.R«ceipU13M0.1ncludlng.4000 Oatjd lr«ct;m ost1yI0cto30chi8her;falr- Maiy acUve to shlppera and amall pack* Set e n : top $10J0 paid for 160 to 210 pound welghu; 290 pound averagesa t $10: 340 pounda $9.75: bulchers O:medium to choice 250 to 300 pounds 2 tu19.65 to $1030: 200 to 250 pounda 4da

•a :i r t 5 " » 0 J f l ;~iW~tb~ » o poutids [ R$9.8S$10M:130tol60pounds$l0.SQ; 77c;pscking sows $8.60 io $9.40; pigs me- yelkdlum to chotce 90 to 130 pounds $9 $I0J0. . .Ol

CalUe: BecelplJ 1500, calves looo; -whil generally steady; fa t cows thowlng some strength: heavy steera continueIn demand with llghl kinds and light Ti yearlings weak; top $14; slaugtiier 3 yectassea-steeri'iood 'aod 'cliolce noo ' Oi to 1(00 pounds $1325 to $15.25; noolo 1300 pounds $13.75 to $15.25; 950 pilo 1100 pounds $12 to $15; fed yearl- Piin n ro o d 'a n d ' choice 750 to sso nitiipounds $13 to $14.75; heifers good $l.i; and choice $8 to $10; c u tte n 15 to whe $8J0; bulto good nnd choice ibccf)$$8.a5;.vealen fmllk ted) good — a^^C h0 lM -W _^$13 ; an^

weights) 110 to $llAo.

lam b a^ tab la-s iead y r-tam b rR o o dand choice oa'ptmnd? down $$.75 to oosr|9 M : medium to 'choice 02 to 100 inelipounds 18 to 19.50: ewea medium to terrcholee-l^O potm d?-down- M oS'to edH$0.8S: feeder lambs sood a n d choice comW i5 to W.75. ^

ly o• DENVER SUEEP e d l

SKNVSR. AprU 4 m - < U S D A ) origSheep:R*c«lpU7400:noearlyaeUon aemon fed lambs. aaUng higher or ingiro n n d •8.18 for best handyweliihta; 50o,odd loU trucked-ln naUvcs $7 lo strliT JO : f i v lato e m i |9 M iteady; Uie scUt



g b t i s T

N O U .H A D I W O O m ' i

ISCfsW M O . ' • ¥

^ 1

iHTwmisL cmsEinyiii'

__________________ ---------------------- i u iR ap id ly S w in g in g M a r t E n ~

c o u n te r s H e a v y P ro f l l ^

— T a k i n g - i n - C h i c a g o - P i ( - | f f i

Or JO IIK F. ROUGIIAN »(As.v)clatcd P r u s Mnrket Editor) 9CinCAOO. April 4 - ln a bic. rnp g

m ; ; s irtnpln r m m ia . 11 uplurr ■of wheat prices todny encoiititefci ■heavy proflt-uk ing sales, but re Bsuiting aelbacks wcrc followed b; Bfresh rallies. ReporU of hazardou: Bcrop condlllons bccauso of penlst 1 1enl drought-ln Kansas. Oklahomi Bnnd Nebraska m e i aomethlng of ai B offset In aascrlloiu-by.tomo expert;,-. B Uiat needed moisture waa likely l< IjBbe received before damage bccami B

ever, of tiuge dust storms over Ui< I Canadian prairie provinces and 0 H unfavorable weather as well fo ■ seedlnit in domcsllc spring whea wk territory. H

Closing quotations on wheat writ w Irregular, vnrying from ?ic net dc- “ cllne to ' i c ndvnnce compared with . » yesterday's finish. Com cloaed Uc to I ’ic down, oau Uc to Hc off, nr.d provisions thowlng 2c to 5c gain.

Genernl Preflt-TaklnrAl today's top ijuotatlons, wheat —

was up nbout 2c n bushel over yes- tcrday's f lnbh here and as much as ^hl 13c higher lhan prices current last jpr. week. U nder sucli clrcumsunces. j tho Incentive for selling to realize’ fioi proflu was loo tempting to be with­stood. On the other hand, ventur- some speculative sellers who tried ,, to reserve Uielr mnrket posiUon found difficulty in doing so ns th e ; day drew to nn -end, especially as ^ . Calgaryjepofla.toKard.Uift.laat.sald,. duit.clouda.wcro-Uio.Konleveraeon south and west of there, maktng the sunuuiiOliig it'itluii tlu ii us iilgliu— —

Acting OS more or leas of a curb, «tliouBhron-frleftd i-o f-h lghcrrrlnarV nfor wheat waa the facl th n t Uie Llv- 1 , , erpool markcl today closed e l a m a - . * r lerlal rcducUon from top levels rcaehcd earlier. Besides, export bus- • * q Iness today in North American w heal, failed to equal yesterday's total, new : p purchaso for Europe bclng'esllmaled n a t only 1.000,000 bushels, mostly I » Canadian. . i“ Corn-b-clfwcolhcrtbr:dlllons'wero-f~^ favorable for field work, nnd Uils clr-1 cumslance mnde ilic com market ■” unresponsive to late rallies In wheat, i Country olJerlngs ot corn were said lo bo Increasing from Iowa and Illinois. OaU Jollowed com. ^

Provisions reflcclcd hog market upturns.

W hea l- Open H l|h Low Cloae fic May — .116U 115H n S l i 113H mi July „..116U 110% 114'1 114H j : Sept. — llflei” H 94-115H “ 117U- — ' Dec. -„ 1 3 3 '; 123',i 121U-131S (»

Corn—> ! a y __ aS'.i- 88>4 M \ 85!iJ u l y __ 89>a OOU 88>i B8HS e p t.— OIU 9I<4 89<i 19S Pc Dec. _ _ 85U - 8 J 'i 83!i .83!; in

OaU----------------------------— --------------ihM a y __ 4 5 '; 45!i 44TI 45 mScpl._ ._44T i 45 ' 43% 44 . j ,

OMAIIA GRAIN ^OMAIU, April 4 (/D -W heat: No.

2 hard $1.04; N0..3 hard $1A5; No. fe iJaitHftEJULSH_____ _________ m k

Com: No. 3 white 79c; No. 4 white — 77c; No. 2 yellow 79e to 80c; No. 3yellow 7 64c to 78c; No:2 mixed 78a; 'No. 3 mixed 7814c to 77t5c. s •OaU; No. 3 wlille 43Hc; No. 4 gl

-whito 43e. . Io:

TOLEDO GRAIN - - 33TOtBDO. April 4 M >-Coro: No. n .

3 yellow 87c_ to 80c. ____________ y ,Oats: No. a white ^ to 52c. »||


nrtiffM 'daied : M»y 81.UH; July A »I.13K; September $1.12f<. Cash whest; Big S en d Bluestem, hard-- _ 1^u r* d a y 4 w o Jo ad s M Prond-HmW rfflt w -|h lpperr»« .« .- '^ ‘ =— ton

im o iiiit -o n n q u in ru -re ee iw ro irsp pr>GOSr and fin e r quaUty wools. Sales OUInclude graded French «4s. and finer quiteiTllorr woola a t 73e to 75e, acour- ra ted 'ftslsrciio lc«"oM glnanM «-llaM —conila t i^ ’ o f built good French a lcomblw staple, and a m a m strict> f]eiIt combing brings around 75c, acour> ,VTied basis. Average Freneh combing ersoriginal bag wool sells for 73o to 73e, lngleourtd nnd very short comb* 33 lng wooU moved a t p r ic a down to to S s , scoured b u ls . Graded M-eos. itu strleUy coblng territory wools are ret selling a t n o to 796. leoured biiiL-


-A L L A B O ^

S.'H " sJ ^ ^

i i a *

M i l i t i a m e n

'W ‘ ' j | j = = = =

A t T E R A S E C O N D M U T IN Y a c o n v ic tn r e f u s e d t o w o rk na ti a b o v e p ic tu re sh o w s R u a rd an t o t h e m cs3 h a ll.— (/P) P h o to

whllo $1.23; eoft white, western rpiwhllo $1.12; hard wintor, norUiem mesprirg. wcsUm red $1.10. fui

Today's car rccclpU; \Vheat 12, ’ 'flour 5, o a u 7, hay 8. f lr

-------- ----------------------wfMINN'EAPOLISFI^UB Oli

MINNEAPOLIS, April 4 t/TV-Flour <*'20c tilghcr; In carload loU family , pa tenu quoted n t $0X0 to $7 n bar- rel In 98-pound cotton sacks. Ship-

-U ra n KOiO » $ r ; - ............ ... •<>«

-------c m c A O ^ S r c B A i S -------_C 5nC A aO ,.A ptlL 4 .V Il^W hcat:.No. 2 hard--$1.13%: No. 2 mixed ‘>*0 $1.11^. *‘8 . Ckim: No. 2 mixed 86c; No, 2 yel- ‘1>«

low e stjc to 87‘jc . » ^OaU: No.'3 while 45Uc to 46Hc;

No. 3 while 44!ic to 45>ic. b <j Rye: No sales. ®-« Barley: Quotable range 50c to 67a TlmoUiy seed $5.50 lo $6.45. '

i-Clovcr.sced-$$ia.— ____

nmmmmI (

IDAHO MARKET mlIDAHO FALLS, April 4 (fl>-(U 00c

S D A l-^o ta toesi Demand very <alow; too few sales to eaUbllah tom arket: oeeaalenal car RsaasU No. ini2_$3 to $2.18._____________ do

Twin F ills: Demand very alow; 68c(00 few sales reported to qnete. 1

CHirAGQ AURKET Dl!CHICAGO, April 4 bP) tU S D A) cor

PoUtotes: RecelpU 118 cara, on bio _ t " l k _ U 8l- to U l-U n ite d -8U te s- bki

ShlpmenU 1029 can ; trad lnr slow, 1 m arket steady on RttaacU, aUght- 8Sc

..iy weaker on northera atock; Wla- A 1 eonain aaeked rotind whiles $185 I to $3; fancy ahade higher! Mln- igli neseta aacked Bed River Oblos B0< few aalea $110: Idaho u cked Arl

-R oss«U .U 80,to $4, . - . . . . i lc


R D A) — AprU'Sa-ToUl Unlled meS U t« potato ShlpmenU 1029 q tr- kidloads; priaclpal states—Colorado ngi 67, Ftorida 85, Idaho 118, Maine335, nnehlgan 38, Mhineaela 100, I fNew York !0, NorUl Dakota 35, f

-Texaa.51,-Wasblngton 37,-W bcon-- sin 95.




_ D 0 3 T O » .-A p rtr7 '(« --n i,-C o r ii-

tomorrow: • ' ■ • jju‘T here has been some'builness in m

flna and half-blQixl-wft»l*-tHi»*-*«^ = 3*£iunLlEiL 111 jjiu l n'ualltTplT i '! ^ ?prJcw 'w hlehhaVebteirttartiyateady: O thnw lse, Uie market has bech Me quiet, and Uie goods markel Is still ins raUier slow. r~ m m 6‘WMt,'a lignineanfsaie 'to ' cci a Boston houte Is reported of 65,000 me fleeces comprising t h e Buffalo, Mr .Wyoming, pool at.aS il cenU. G rov- trli e rt lit :h4 bright wool states are sell- me lng wool In certain secUons around = 33 cents, being evidantly retucUnt to consign to Ui# cooperaMves on ^ th e ir advances of 18 cenU anc their n relaUrely hlgb charges of 3J0 to ,SM centa for handUag. Bhetnng U i

^ 0 ^ iS W 'T T T i N C O M V ^ ^ l T O TH lB © m U CTU I ,Q M ,T H S ,< ;fsR ,V S B 6 N ,...

: n G u a r d M i s s o u r i S t a t e

------ ■ J' ■ . •

' a t t h e M i.ssouri ,sta to p c n ltc n t li la tio n a l ) ;u a r d tr o o p s w e rc ctillcc Ism en w i th a m a c h in e g u n trn in c i )to ,

rpreadlng nnd lhe new clip move- auj ment wUI doubUcss toon be on.lnls lo full awing. Co

"London and Australia have been or firmer unUl toi^ards U;'e.dose of the qu w tek 'thero w as‘‘aomo Irrcgutarlty.tlht OUicr primary mnrkeU are hardly,Im changed. . wH

"lilohtUr Is dull and prices more or an less nominal a l 40s to 45c for aver- to age to choice original hair." fpi

The BuUctln wiil publish Uie'foi: a" lowing quolaUoos tomorrow: no

PomesUo—_____________________ pn

Delaine unwashed 3Ie to 32c; half th< b lo o d -co m b In g "3 Jrir3 3 c1 'tH F er on eighths blood combing 32c to 33c; Sh quarter blood combing 32c to 33e. kli

M ldilgan and Ncw York fleeces: a t Delaino unwashed 29c to 30c; half llc< blood combing 36c to 20c; three- 1 eighths blood combing 32c to 33c: He quarter blood 32c to 33c. wt:

Wisconsin, Missouri and a\-crago foi Indiana and N ev EngUnd: Halt to b1»d28c to'29c; UireeVelghUis'bllx^ hli 30c to 31c; quarter blood 29c to 30c. th<

Scourcd b a s l^Texas: Flno 13 monUu (tclected)

73c to 75c: fine short 12 mtrntht 70c to 72c; fine 8 months C8c to 70c. —

California: Northem OSc to 67c; middle county 63c to 65c; touUiem . OOo to 63c *

O regoh: Fine aisd P. M. sUple 74e ?.? to 75c; Jine and P . M. P^rench comb- ing 70c to 73c; Jine and P . M. f " cloUibig_67c to. G8c;_.vaUcy No. 1 68o-to 70c.

T erritory (scoured basis)—XtonUna and similar: Pine sta- T

Dls choice 75c to 76c: -half blood J i ' combing 72c to 74c; three.elghlhs ? blood combing 63c to 65c; quarter i!Jblood-comblng-57c-to-5ec. — -------- ®

Pulled: Delnloe 88c to 00c; AA 800 to 88c ; fine A supers 80c to 8Jc; P“ A supers 75c to 78c.

M ohair: DomesUc. good and or- . ' iglnal bag Texas spring 47c to 48c;. good orlglniU Texas kid, Mc*to 60c; Arltona aad New Mexican 40c to nr47r; nn>gnn 4V to inr. ------

DuiiresUu gruuiiigi -pin t cotnnnir S 57c to 58c; BOOd carding 38o to 40c. ,f '

Cdpe wintcr JlraU nominal; Sum- ^ mer f lr its 33c to-35c; cape summer n : kids 6O0 to 63c; Turkey fa ir aver. nge 3fc to 330 d n bond), of


H LER.'A prU 4 (Spcclal to The oU Nea-B)-A convention of the PMUi po< dlsbrict American Legion’ and Aux- Uii illary Is to bc iield here next Uon- 1 day. T im a a n n e r meeting tor a tm ^ im

basement o t the Methodlst.cburcli aa at.7 .P. M .„ ........ .................... of.

A merican-Legion' and - AuxlUanr,'dn Members o t Uie PUer post tre work- pa Ing ou t n program of entertolnmenL a i

Dr. J . N. Davis, Kimberly, dtolrltl _ ] commander. wUl preaido a t tbe tlo mDeUngoftheAm erlcanLegion.aad Ux U rt. H arry Benoit, Twin FalU, dls- go< trlct prealdent, wUt preside a t th# u meeUng of the AuxUlory, ret

Legal AdvertisementsW<mCB TO DOG OWNERS IN ^ .m i N FALLS COUNTY M M b iN by given tha t, pu^

»VB G O T T O ^

[fI T t v i I S A F T e R -N O O K i. - i - •—

\ SVA& XMOMT O R M B . J Y VT H s n . s a u P ^

II ■St ' .

! P r i s o i

» i t J * i — — --------

t i a r y in J e ff e r s o n C i ty w h e n ed in to a c tiv e a e rv ic e . T h e le d o n p r is o n e rs on t h e i r w a y

iuant to Chapter 20 of the 1027 Ses­sion LaTs. t.'io Board of County CoRunUslcncrs odopted a resolution 3r order on February 4th. 1930. re* q u ir ln ? .n » '0wners 0f d03s wlthfa- Uie county, other Uian those tKlong- Ing lo resldenU of a municipality - within the county which has'enacted aod Is enforcing a dog license taw. to pay an annual license of $U>0 fpr each' m^e^nnd female jlo j j_ n n d _ a'85^00~l!ecnsc for'eacH 'kennct of Bol-m ore than-fifteen dogs. hA provided by Scctlon 4 of ta ld Act,

tho_^opU oji o t this resolution or_. ofaer It 8hall~B rthe diity of the Sheriff of the County to seize and klii any .and alt dogs found running 11 large without a collar with such license tog attached thereto.

OwTiers ot dogs are hereby noU- Ued th a t a llsl of those oniiin^ dogs, who have failed lo obtain a license tor their dog. will be lurned over to th e Sheriff April 15th. 1930. fo r_ him to cnJorce In accordance witli' Ui« law.

M, C. WARE. Chairman Board ot County Cofnmls- sloncrs. ^

NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Seated proposals will bo receive*

by tho Commissioner o f Publid Worka of Uie Slate of Idaho, a t th i office of Uie Commissioner of Pub*110 V/orks, Boise, ldaho.-untU two- (2) o'clock p m. on the IBth day of April, 1930, for Uie furnishing ot crushed rock surfacing m aterial In Ilock piles Jor a porUon of tho Buhl* CasUeford road, known os Miscel* laneous Projccl No. 4U In Twla

Prqpua ls wilt be opened and publicly read a t Uio above.sta ted hour.

Plans, specifications, forms of con­tract, proposal forms and oUier In­formaUon may be obtained a t tho offico of lhe Bureau of Hlgh*,-aya. Dolse, Idaho, and from A. N. Ash* llni* uiiit,rfcL-Bi~gInc«r, H tioiboB iP Idaho, and are on file for examina­tion a t the office of the Associated General Coniractors. Salt Lake City. Utah. A charge of Two Dollara ($3.06>' will bo niadi for each 's e t Bt plans and speclflcaUona. Paym ent lo be made by check pa>-ablo to tho Department of Public Works, SUtoof I d a h a - - —-------------------

A ll' proposals must be m ade on Uie Jorms Jurnlshed, and m ust' bo Ilgned by the bidder, w llb hls nam e and.j)osi office o d d i ^

T h o -rlg h t-ls -re sen red ^ te -ro jec t-111 proposaQ. or to accept th e pro­posal or proposals deemed best fo r Uie Stato of Idaho.

No proposal witl be considered

amounf equal-to 'flw per e e n e S t t C i f . t ^ to u I .^ _ u n to f.U ie .p ro p u a L .

iraw h bni u i Idaho bank and made payable to Uie Commissioner: o r (c) ‘ a bidder-a m ls«„ iloner to build the Improvement in Uw ahortest Ume oonslitent wltb good eonstrucUons. and oompleU and well-designed equipment and cf- tecU^e organlaaUon will b t Insisted

D ated AprU 1, 1930.R. U. SBOSUAKER. Offle*

' , J . D. ^ 0 , O oom U doatr . of Publlo Worka.

Page 9: · THI VOL. Ig. NO. 314 WMS'or 11 110 GIFTT; 3Efai:ira i — ll ~Cifalnmn'of Democratic Na-



_______ ^ R y Mll.TON.m.

'■'•■1 »Uh I knew lhat m ru\t, W . en Rnnfcin; but twe hftven't hew d Irom wr him lines tha t day. Ai ioon u he ciu dctlniteljr knew aU Uw facta, he went pit Baat sEtln. to find M lu MUdred. he bla laid. HU Intention w u to bring her back to my client. And there .

^ has bwn no new* o( him a t «U. . , i cither u to w helher he had ««:• ^

cecded In flndln* her or hftd failed.” "You bate no Idea, then, where ho

Lilm ljht.U .localcd?.“ ----------------------- l o j"Not the lUghteat. We did Ihlnk bn

if 'w e might l» able to Ret In touch tig '.-■.wUh him a t Mn. MurchlMn'a In New olc ' ^ York, tor he uiually goe* there aud thi '^apendi much o t hU tin e w llh them, bu

B ut though we have writen, tbere ln( baa been no reply from him, and da; Mr*. Murehlwn claims DOl to have tul aeen him." DrtacoU paused before die addlns-lnexp]snollon.‘'M n.M urcltl* Ol ion Is lhe lady who raised tbe boy In after his moiher died.- , |cei

I f Olrard were In the East. Ran>' U n reflected u he nodded, there, ‘lo obvlouily/would bc lils sta rtln j polnl on In in c ln i him. ‘ i

A New Yfl»k A ddren { “Yes, Mrs, Herman mentioned her. nli

Who Is she. exaclly, and how did she « , come to take charge of th e boy?” qq

[___ ‘‘She

I . den itrcU ’ Mlss Clara—the boy’s pi| moiher, you know, who ran away wltb the salesman—went lo Uve there pn

I ofter she hod been deserted by her go; • husbind. while she worked In somu «a r downtown libre. Mrs. Murchison had ' hli k ' a boarding houae, then. She hasn 't loi L . now, since my client permitted her be: r to wanl for nothing, due to her kind- oci W ncsa lo thc boy. She becamo greatly mi' gu s a iea i o mm~ftiia v m a mim ^

C la ra -1 shall always th ink o t her ha as Mlss Clara, and never u Mrs. JuU usO Irard-afterM lssC larad led , 0,1 sho 'rather odoptcd him. She raised lilm until Mr. Yaeger took him off 1 her hands ond sent him to boordlnj hu school. Bul ho always returns there, cai

__ #»-lhough-il-wefo-Uomc^whooover-jn-he Is In New York. X suppose now th' we shall have to begin a learch tor up him. This business Is becoming ter*

— Hbiy ihvoivta; i;o yBu-im nr w 'U 'gt ’show up when ho knows he Is ' the heir?"

Sccretly, the dclectlve doubted the ] matter, i f hls suspicions had any foundation, Robert Olrard would bo wiser to remain In concealment.

••1 think ll Ukely." he replied, how- ever. “And If not, I shall try to trace . ‘ him. I WOJ wondering whcUier I ^

X could find o picture of him some- S where, to lh a l I could have an Idea J of his npiicarance."

I t seemed, however, tha t there wns none lo be luid. The lawyer cx- plained lha t there had never been ony occasion for taking a plcturc In „ past years, ond rcccntly thcro had been no opporlunlly, since Olrard had nol been home. 1

' ••NelllMr nns the-dcscnptlon th a t . • Rankin extrActed a very satisfying' <

one. The nephew vros o t medium th; height, llRhl compJexloned ond with on dorkUh hair. His age wos 33. Tlm t wii was oil the deloll Driscoll could gtve. yc

' and 11 would have fitted thousands've: of youiifc men. As o means of trac- ju< ing the yauiiK man,' ll wos valueless." ch

Further convcm tlon was Inter- 11.' rupted by Mrs. Herman's apolosetlc.i

— oppearaiieei-----------------------------------TJt"I beg your pardon, sir." she ad- tin

. dressed the lawt'cr. "Bul tho under- we taker Is coming up thc drive wllh • his men. and tliu Rev. Mr. Lorch, and 1 iliouglit pcrlmps you mlghl w ant to do see them, ll being almost llmc—" tn r

•'Certolnly, Mrs. Herman. You did loi quite right." |ne

Ha.'.illy Driscoll e»uscd himself, er'___ and Ronkln followed more leisurely,-111

reaching Ihc'tun'eriirchombflr a ftt r ' lo'i th s first tolemn Breellngs were over, oil As hs waited oround, Irlends began ur to arrive and the exchange ot solu- th lations. In hushed whispers. Informed be him- thot many were dlgnlurles of Tl I tate and promlnenl citizens. Qov-'co' ernors, Senators, the blayor of thc | ' town. Innumerable people of wealth,w t ond po:IUon, vlslled tho chomber efi w ithin the following hour to i>«y Uielr tic la s t homogo to one they had re_- mi •pccted during life. - , a j

Though he attended the funeral w< , len lce i—lhe second such services he bu f had attended wUhln the space of ot V tour days—Rankin's ollenllon was Bi r ta r o tt trom the dignified and sol-'sti

Byrd’s BT

ASSOCIATED PR E SS T ELEPII' Zcnlftiul, filter a two-yea^ cr cxplorRtlon.-?; F ir s t p ic ture I cnhair from tho P anam a (

________ • ■ — — ! -


APPEAEANGE ; { YOUNGM. P B nP P E R ______ ^ ^ _____

enn"rIU ^n«"oceup Ied h lo ie ll in wrestllni w tth tbe newest and most curious detalU of lUa m anr-tlded puBle, caialoguUii tbem Into t lem - ’ blance ot order. 1

New Obeloraref , ]Tbere were to many aew dUclo- J

lures. He understood, clearly, the alt- 1 uatlon which h id driven Morjr Youni 1 trom home. Tor yiara, tbe plan Law-— ; renee Yaeger hsd devUed tor m any-

•log h ll two remaining relfttlvu b a d - been In abeyance; tbere b td been no \ H n of t t being tultUled. T ben the < old uncle h a d been t«kea 111; a t tin t there bad been na couse te r alairn.

•but as the ayraptoma became Increas- Ingty Krlous it was evident tb a t bis h days were^umbered. He desired the I tuItUlment o t hls Kbeme betore he h died. A fler varioua delays, Robert Ml Olrard was located In the East, early U In May. and hurried West tor the _

I ceremonies. He arrived about the i i e th to ' t l n d an u n a iio c altua- lion. His Intended bride had tied on tho lOlh rather th a n m u ry him;

lhe had been disinherited by a re­gretful ond repenlont uncle who was

I moving mountains to accomplish hU < nlecc's re tu rn : and finally, his uncle Me was unapptoachsble trom th a t day T«

,on llU hU dealh, three months later. L m a l oalD vlU tlon It w u to a bit*. tcr man—ono raised by unknown peo- Tri pie In on unknown eovlrciunent oud Tr desperately In need o l moneyl His proipecls o f wealth and ease were ■*. gone. For him there w u only ooe way out. I t the girl who bad refused him. andiwho hod robbed him' ot his long-walled Inheritance, were to die _ before hU already dying uncle, then, occordlng to the lerm s o t the newly,

would be hU. How he must havehated his cousin w ith a venomous, ,deadly hate I Therefore he se t out, ^ostensibly to find her. in riaUty Ar

Conjecture Uiough It all was, It Le. hung together loglc&Uy. Step by step U cach supposition tollowed the oUier Ar

-ln-«-convlncingTnonner=So'mucli ioi 'Ai th a t Rankin was ready to accept il, > upon the bare evidence he hod. as

of previous blunders prevented him te.from tolling Into th e same error Aragoln. ■ U

During a pause In the service, he rc<iuejlcd th e IsnTcr to point out Dr.Sanford, who w u present. He wos a ^ surprisingly young physician for lhe I reputation ho oppeared lo luive a c - ' r . quired.

Alter the last prayer, Rankin | . ‘tciighl him out end Introduced'hlm- fT« l f as a trlend of Driscoll's, which “

' tiniem entl h c Utter Immediately ver-Uled. Thc ph j’slclan expressed him- ^selt as willing (0 assist In whatever Armanner he could. Rankin inquired = as to whelher his case against the missing nephew had any toeluolboils. '

[ . V a j » ’BepU« • , • - en<■ " If s curious tha t you should ask lultha l quesUon." replied the doctor to nilone ot hts tlrs l queries, "becausc It 1was the very thing th a l happened, coiYoung O lm rd came to m e.on lha l ml

‘ vcr>'day—life seventeenth of Maj\ ne:, jus^ ofter old Mr, Yoegersutfercd the Joichnnge i i u t proved total. I knew to

.It ?in,i ctimlng, nnil thnri! wm nothing• I could do to prevent It—mBrely, '^perhapirpostponB'theiTlI-flay.-And tinthe young m an wanted to know what llwere his chances of recovery." I t

"You told him. then—?" eoj,*'0h. I nnswered him vaguely, u ‘

doctors often hove to do when people col'n re too curious. B ut ho pressed me mefor details, claiming a right, ns the thi

jiienresl relative, to know Mr. Yaeg- 'er's exoct condition. 1 odmll I bel

-Ihoughl h is Insiyence rather cur- on' lous o t 'th e time, though trom 'nn- onother vleti'iKJlnt I auppose it wos nat- sh<urol. Bul finally I admitted to him ebthat, Uiough we m ust hope tor Uio Yobest, there w osnt much hope left, wh

.Three m onlhs w u th e very most be no'could Unger. bclI "You see, tho patient w u alfUcted em.wtlli cancer of the esophagus, the bc( effect o t whleh, Jn Its growth, is finally to prevent swallowing. Fifteen montlu la Iho normal Umo for sueha growth to become'fatal. Mr. Y a ^ r waw u suleken In Uie iprlng-o t 1926, latbut unlll la s t May h e w u capable Iatol ealUig wllhout mueh dltflcully. a IBut the cancerous gro«-th so ob-; mc

|strucU th e throat passages tha t fin- foi

Bark R eturns to Civiiiza

[>IIOTO o f th e C ity of N ew York ' crulsc in th o A n tarc tic a s p a r t ol •e to a r r iv e in th is country flown B Canal,— W Photo.

^ __________ Twn

[ ■.

1 f WWAT I CAWT UNMR»TAN&N i A fcotfr Tw*cr 8 o » ( iiA R - A j i r J -


-j \ \A \ (& w k ^ ^ i WWlB 3

B k Im m m i

Sebedalet of PoMtnger Trains and Motor Basset ratslng T b n o |b = Twin raUs. —

OBEQON-SnOBT LINE____ . -.EuU N snnd- -Train B4 le av e s________ «:16 P-MTrain 1S8 leaves _______ T.20 A. M

WestboondTrain 83 leaves_______ 11:S5 A. M. ATrain IM leaves_______ 3 ;« P. M.


Train 3 « leavea_______ l:3o'p. M. Nortbboond

Train 3tO a rrives----------3;35 P. M,PICKWICK STAGES q v

E u U rn Scbeduie »Leave e u tb o u n d -------------la Noon __Anlve trom eait - .....P, M. y ij

Western Scbedole I nLeave westbound-------------- 1 A, M.'mviU ave wesU>gund-------------- 3 P. M. 1. cArrive Irom -uest______ ll;40 A. M. —Arrive t r c m ~ w e s r , ,7:«S P. M. HA


-Arrivfi , _____________ fljL .M -.y .'L eave----------------------------- 7 A. M.A rrive__________ P. M.L eavo________________ 6:63 P. M. —

Eastbesnd Arrive P. M.L eave___________________ 7 A. M.

I A rrive_______________ll:W A. M.I Leove---------------------------- 13 Noon TH

TWIN FALLS-WELLS STAGE _'A rrives_______________ 1:18 P. M, pc:Leaves_____P. M. | ciTtVIN FALLS-SU06U0NE STAGE —U a v e s __________________ J P M. 7 0A nlves________________4:10 P.

alli'eallngbccomes Impossible. When 11 lu s reached this sluge, ll may wellbe considered the bcRliinlng o t the __end. Feeding la poMlble only-Uirough-TH lubes Into the stomach, and then on ly , >] Rlth the greatest ogony." Coi

Dr. Sanford's dLuertntlon upon . conccr conllnued for IlKcen or more OU minutes. Rankin llsirncd Kllh poUle--._l ness, bul lliiDlly broke oway. He wos Kli Joined by_DrLicoU wUli jin Invltotlon „-r to tupper. Tills the detecUve accentfd. ' *

"Thcro is a train for New York. tha t (eaves a t 0 o’clock this evening— ll Is the Iwcnty-two-hour Umlied. * i I t we eat sufllclcntly eorly, I can j|a eailly make It bock." 1 _

"Are you leaving already?" Drls- FO coil's tone expressed his astonish- I: ment. "Hove you found out every- tIO thing you wonl to here?" ’ —

“PracUcaUy," Rankin replied. " I FO believe 1 shall drop in u t your of llco ' >' and see the copy of Uie original will hai and read M IrrYnegers messago when-i*3 she fled. Otherwise, I can't s*o what .T*; eho 1 cau |>osslbly uneartli h e re .i ' You see, no one here knew of th o ' J whereabouu of )>tlldred Yaeger, so none could hove got o t her. I firmly believe tha t the cosc will have Its cA ending In the East whero It had lls t, beginning:" - „a

To New. York 801 Toward lhe closo o f ' Uie ta s t- =

waning oflernoon lie~JOIued' tha c t: lawyer and Uiey proceeded to the latler’s home. Driscoll proved to bc ft bachelor, living In bachelor apart- menta. Ha w u , however, very com- . . fortably situated, wlUt a man ood .. ........................ ................. dnJ ----------------------------

ization '[{j: --------------------------- 1

ofI - .c 11

Hii" ^ thS W i 't f ■■ ■>-----^ ------ „ . t . v " i i - r t K■ST T T r----------- =:------

^ I

- Ihl i t

o rk O T lv Ing In D unedin, ,Now i i of'Re&r A d m i r a l 'B ^ 's polar lira to N ew York' by Leo Scho-

, .............. r i



W ant A(O N E C E N T P E R W O R D „


AU Want Ads alive and actlTt and—they bring (be bnjer. —-

" 7 — r ?!



■■■■■ F o rW ANTED-MIDDLS AOED WO- nii

m an to keep houae ond caro for — Invalid. Tfto m fomlly. W rite Box FOP 1. care News. Ini

HAVE THREE POSITIQNS FOR ROC dependable and reUablo men ond pr

women. VUuol educotlon. Ouoran- Pl tw d ^ r y to I h ^ ^



For Sale—Livestocl<

THOROUOHBilED BOSTON TER- FOR rier. 310 3rd ave. iiorUi. ____

FOR EALE-5-OALLON JERSEY -----cow. jusl Ircsh. Phono 73SJ. FUI

FOR 8A L E -F 0X TERRIER~P"UP- Phoi pies. Twin FalU Floral Co., phone —

045 or 645. . _____ FOP' - -- — ~ cd

FOR OALE-SEVERAIi PAIRS SIL- men ver blsck foxes on good lerms, —

Phone 63HL_____________________ WEI

T H IR 'iv -W E A N L lN O -P IG S -^ tf ^ mlJcs Muthwcst of H a«lton, Geo.

__________________________OUERNSEY C O W -D U E T O fum _lrcoli«iU-fi.B«llons. P..D., Orootes. 008.. Kimberly. Phone 1877. ~

o'U EiursEY'” o ' o w T O ea freshen, 0 gi^Ucns. P. D. O.-ooies, man

■toiiii« ;tr .- P hsHM 4a7T. t ' t io r

200 YOUNO EWES WITH LAMBS- FOF L. E. Johnston, 8_nilics casl ot mi

Hazelton, U mlle' norih. ed.-------------------------------------------------- P])0'FOR SALK-4 YEARLINO, S H O R T -___

honi bulls, registered. Irom »73 to FOF tlOO. .Frank Holmon, phone K»1J1. 01:

FOR 8ALe '~ 0 R TRA D E-^TENyoung Guernsey Jersey and Our- ___

ham bulls. Leo Beekstead. Phone j .r1436, evenings.— ------------ ---------- - _ m

‘ • elec2 OOOD M lLi: COW S-FRESH 0 jjZaI weeks. Bobcock. KImberty Barber ___:Shop, or call a t brick houso east PU Hansen Service Station. s l

CAN SHOW YOO AL.M08T ANY kind of hone on tho market. See

us before you buy. E. J. Hunt dc .Sons, one mile w u t of Peavey. =

_____................_________ ■.......Ihis wife os scrvonl ond lioiiKkecper. — The dinner wos charmingly served pQr and very tu ty ; tl Included squob. . . with deUelous candled sweet potatoes, ___0 favorite o t Rankin's, and ended FOI with sparkling champagne, evidently oi drawn from private stock, tha t made

nilnniultff-ratlsf1td-wlth-hlmseHr-In A U1 the single day he had discovered more F< lh a l was oppllcoble to his cose lhanIn tho enUre l u t week. *

Throughoul tho dinner Uie topic ^of the case woa studiously ovolded. x I t was not, In toct, unUl the delec- at ttve was obout to leave for the ita - pho

I "So you ore going to New York," ho t<1 remarked, "In search of young Oir- P. C I ard. For my take, I hope you find I him. But I can never bellevo himgullly of tho t tenlblo crime." ,

"1 do not say Uiot he U, neces- ^sarily," Ronkln replied, “and, u I pn ]said before, to r your u k e , 1 hope not. ■«,.

[B ut It Is best no t to lay too mueh ; fallh in tho t being the cuc . There

s a lot to be exypIaUied," Hc hesi- ^I toted. “1 wonder if you would do R gsomelhing for me, Mr. DriicollT" R "-"Cerialnly; l i b i l l be pietsed to do e«t ,anything to assUt you." t t i

" In case you abould heor from TwiOlrard, will you let me know of l i t —There’S-no uso m y_ chasing him »■oniund New York l^be slwuld. In the ^

M r ! U tD U u « i> w i4 4 b ^ :d « tg ^

Twenty ralnutee U le r hBTnirnboard the New York Limited. Preseotly h i w u lU rifd toward whol he fondly hoped would be the tlnol steps of hU g ? search and the close of'the baffling c u e . S

( C ^ D c d (a Neat Issoe)

c m i F l E p DICKLOW )V»CAT Also Federollon wheot, seed bar- y

ley and oals. Pbone 191. Twin Falls bu> ;Peed & Ice Co. . e m

• rW M V O liU ik -r \ W^MTTO CUM8

ids-BargFor Rent—Furnished

DEDROOM-PllONg 1533.

FURNISHED ROOMS - PH O N t' ro ino«w. ti

ROOMS- 1 2 1 TTH AVB NORTU. l l JPhone 8 0 1 .----------------- ------------- HK

ROO.\l AND BOARD CLOSE IN.313 2nd ave. north.______________

ONE AND a-ROOU APAR’TMENTS. ” V, Nu children, 411 Moln west. 1( 2.

FOR R E N T -^ N IS H E D A ^ T - ^ menl. Phone 448 or 031R. ^

FOR REN T-LIG H T HOUSBXEEP- Ant lng apartment. M4 Main nortb.

ROOM FO R 'RBNT-YOUNOTJAN “ d' prefirrcd. 851 2nd ave. north . >»• ‘ Phone 52).

beds, new, modest price. ^ Phone 1605, o* ‘

FOR RE.'rr-aiX -RO O M HOUSE FOI 01 3i3 Slxlh avenue east. MO. ^ bi

Piione 735.W.

FOR RENT—Itm m S IIE D 4-ROOM — hou«, Koragc, close In. Inquire ‘ Al

358 4'Ji ave. e u l . °nm(

FURNISHED R O O M -O E N T L E - for man pielcned. 283 Jrd ave non ti. —

Phone 284J.

FOR RENT-3-ROOM FURNISH- All ~ Cd apartment. Bungolow A part- Phc meiiis, Snd nve. c u t . Hot

WEEK-END, TRANSIENT, FURN- piJi Ished opariments. U gh l houM E

keepIng.-Olose ln;-Phono-l«06.— • Ore

FOR R EN T-2-R 00M PU RNISHtD opartment. Light, water and h eat .

furnished. M5 per monlh. Phono __008.___ EOI

SHODAIR HOTEL-133 MAIN AVS.e u t , special monUily raU* lo per- ,„g|

manent quests. Plenty o t beat and cioi imt ituun. ' ■ — t f g

FOR RENT-FURNISHED APART- ^ menl. lighl housekeeping It deslr- =

ed. Suitable for two to four persons.Phone 820J.______________________

TOR REN T-FINE ’THREE ROOM ^ oparunent, front, lumUhed com-

plete for light hou«keepIng. T be __Oxford, Cfl Main norUi.____________TA

2 .R 0 0 M FURNISHED APART- ^ -m e u t ,.tro n t ,-H c h t Jiouzckceplng, ma electric light and cooking. Darrow n Rooms. 238 Shoshone west. wit

P U R N I S H B D A PARTM ENT- Djj!sleam hent. hot waler, electric

light and cooking. Nice new tu m i- p i / ture. 300 2nd ove. north, one block « norlh of Postofflce. Phone 1C09. Tv — like

unt, F o r S a le M is c e lla n e o u s ™

FOUNTAIN AND BACK B A R -^ O X 188. Filer.

FOR SALB-JENKINS STACKER. W> and buck. Phone B48J3. *

AT.T»*t.P* HAV AN D APPLES, w/ Patrick Wynn. Phone 817r3’.

FOR SALB-OOOD BABY CAR- - -r iy e . Phone 1640W.____________

A THOR WASHINO MACHINE ber and piano for u le o t .bargoUi. _ _

Phono 863-J. —

OOOT8-CM«JlDfrMOHTINO-8Y6- “ tem used three yeors, o l a bargoln.

P. O. Box 607. Jerome. FO

TOR SALB-RECONDrnONED 19 cm SO McCormick Deerlng uoeior, eas

U M . Pbone 1649W. 238 7Ui euU —

POR SA LE-4 Q O O D T I R E S , jj I t u b u and rims 130x3.38);' olso tiu ,Hupmobile porta. Call 703 Main ave. maI west._________ ^ _ or

H B R B S - F O R SALE BY H. J . = I Raucb, good to r all sum ach, kid- My.-'bowel, liver and b rw d w u b lc i, - - « t Five Point store, Blue Lakes store, ;Twln Falli, Idaho. PC

B. D . K BU iO aG , AQENT FOR l U U m er^ D n Anenale of lead. Ute _ i t g p tH H k V tte m ty . l»o rspny ria» =

|'- Jo h n = lH W = e o ro planter with ^ lebeok row itttcbm ent, for sale a t Sm iH olkabick and Sullivan's b » I« ^ l g o u B ^ _ t o ^ a y , A p r U J J t ^ e r t ^

F o r S a le — F r u l f s . . . “

8A L B -J0N A T K A N A N D M W lneup applet, 8O0 and 79c t Un

b u k e t. S houses north of W aien KoiUll


: C ( / M P 5 - 5 W £ PJV l o T T h T c k T n

» b ] HE WM I^ MTIR 'TW M.L RK.MT* ^

6 0 “ d0WM . « ANO EXAMJNE _

gains-0F o r S a le — S e e d s

v l i ^ V & J m . \ l ^ T H 0 3 E FINE LAI onion seta. Darrow Brothers. —


taloes. grown ol Salmon City. Ed — L Turner, Phono 1313. S P

m O H TEST RED CLOVER SE E D - ^ ISO Ib. Danver onion teed, «1 Ib. White CUy'Tourlst Pork. 8

RURAb-6EEP4»OT-ATQBBT t YKAnlM)^ „ Iro m certliled dry land» I'lionc ° n2J3. Buhl. Snieat Molander.

FOR SALE - IDAHO RUSSETTS do 'lond roUed, Blue Tog If desired. ^

Andrew C. Long, Twin FoUs, Idoho. ' j.

FOR SA L & ^E N U rN B ' MABTO- ^ —don-Brfrbearlng strawberry plani*.- J. H. Swan. „

R U S B ^ rr S E E D T O T A T O I^tlrs t vear from certified seed, John —

Ashlcnmn. U mUe souUi. u c u tof Curo’. ‘

FOR SALE-GREAT NORTHERN .'jTbeons, Norlh Side l u t year, num- ,,

ber ones, *835. At O lbb't ware- _houso. B. D. KetUn. ________ FO

EARLY OHIO COBBLER^ .ANDBUM Triumph seed.- A Hlmlted _

nmouni ot Aahion dry land Oems r ofor M. Ed Vancc, Public Market, tCER'TIFIED S E eI T PO TA TO ES- ‘jL

high aitltudo and dry farm groan, p cAll varieties. Best of references, jPhono or see V. Hulford, Penlne a jMotel. TA'ln Falls. -________________________________48CPINTO BEEO BEANB-JOHNSON'S 1

Early Pinto, l»o weeks earlier than ^i]O m t Norihem beansoulyieldrthem im9 to 10 buiheU; only a smaU amount phof ihU seed for u le . I t i miles wesl —of Jerome. T . Stacy Johnson. PC

E O R .flA IfcU iaU JU R lT Y .ST A T B .jo.tested seeds. Blue tog G rimm AU- joi

olfo. Blus tag Cossack Alf&lta, com- }ia mon alfalfi. Red Clovcr. Sveet — elover. We seU hish grade seed onlr. ■n-in-H lfj'-rte'd-I Ilu luuiuiuij. A =MTSahderProp;---------------------------- ----

-------- Rl

M isc e lla n e o u s ^

T O u c K iS a o F A u , r a N D s ^ A u , „,!1085R3. ti!

TAKE THE SCENIC DRIVE. IT IS ^ always Kenle. pj,

M A 'irT R ^ '. MADE O V E R — W S ^ make your old m attress like new ' ,

wlUi new Ucking o t 0 big soving. Phone 120S. sweet’s M attress Pac- _tory.__________________ __________ BI

PIANO TO USE POR FREE S'TOR- J , age. W e are repossessing near ...

T«’ln FolU 0 pUno th a t we should . . like to place in some reliable bome unUl wo can sell It. W rito Baldwin J . Plono Compony, Denver. Colo. b / __ __________ ■ -1

W a n te d — L iv e s to c k

W A N T tO ^L D H O R Sra. V ho' n En io w ; ^

WANTBD TO BU Y -O A T T L B O F t t ^ llT a n d i .-I* o * B re k n e B d —Phone ^

W ANTED-OLD CRIPPLED AttD deod horses and cows. R. a New- ^

berry. Phone FUer i s i j x H(1

r o R BMi-^MAHOOANy OAVEN- W port, table, wicker Uvhig room set, <

console Vlctrola; CoU a t 4S4 4Ui ave. = e u t . ^

ATTENTION-HOTELS, R O O M - sU log bouies. touristjiarks. N oil>s ^

the tim e to have your m attreas tc - made. Special prices. Phone 12S9 ' or write Sw eet's-M attreu Factory. ^ -------- ------------------------ ^ LC

* ^ - ^ F o r S a l o o r T r a d 8 ”^ = "-" ™

" e a L E o r TO AD i-lB JO = Model Naab ledaa. W rlto Box N

c u e Neva............... ' ■■■,sa s g s : f f

r e m - f i c r i T t i t f c i W w t i a f ^ ^ scrSmoker. ___________ Di

LO8 T-BLAOK DOG, RIN O NEOS. "* - thd rt-la lL -U st-aeen -l-m lle -w esti — 3H aouUi ot Kimberly. tS reward. NoUty O n MoVey, Kimberly. FC

k 0 8 1 < -B R W Z S K . M D R T A ^ J Burley on M tln hlghw ty. ose £

tu r robe: two h o ru bU nketi; two _ bed blankeU; one overcoat, leaUier K Uneds cpe tweate/ wrapped In tock . 1 K outy John A- Kuoi^ eu u w a ttf . ch

I . ,

!, APRIL C, 1930

N S ' , ■

)pporti]S i tu a t io n s W a n te d ■ ■



SE W IN O -iPH O N E • ItTSJ. Mrs. _ l^ank_ ‘ ggart.;2^______________

M A T E R N m . NURS1NG-M0LU& ■" Smlxer. Phone, 407R4. •

MARRIED MAN WANTS WORK ~ on farm. I’lioiie Flier, b«j j ,

EMMA OAMMETER. PRAC* 81 tlcal nurse. Pbono I198W. 1

WOMAN w r n i ' t w o S M A L L W, chUdren von la work, cooking on i

ranch. Pbon4 itt tW . ^^ E R i® N C iib - r n - R T a ‘A T O iv = =

married m an . no chlldrcn, wants Kotk. Phone 1487W. J

^ o r Sale—Real Estate j :40 ACRM P lR S T 'a X M ^ A IR Y -

term . ^ I r l c k Wynn. Phone 9l7r3.

FOR S A L E - O O O D 4-R O O M ^ house. T o be mored. Phone 12S1J1.

V. E. Morgan.___________________ jj;

FOR SALE—CHEAP, O O O D 8- ' room house. Could take cheap cor 17

In ou I t P . O. Box M, ~

P O R S A L E -4.ROOM MODERN I house, rcosonoBI^. 1150 down, $29 Pc

0 monlh. Phone 1137. “

480 ACRES IN NORTHERN ~ N ^ -r u k a well balanced stoek torm, A'

will leU, o r trodo tor email acteige. ^ Inquire tecond house n o n b 'H o ^ i t t ' — Phone. 393R13.

1 POR SALE. HOMESTEAD, 129I acres, sccUon 31, township 12, range _ .•lO ,-For-IutUiot-Uifotmatioa-writ« H John Schlpper, 1094 Logan St., Grand ltapld8,.!^c li,^ ,14

• ' ' ' — 5

~ — F n r - s a ! e = B i m t r y --------- ---

RHODE I S U W r BD HATCHINO eggs. Phone 9I7R3, Pouiek Wynn. J

FOR 6ALE-2-M ONTII OLD BAR- red Rock pullcta. B. A. McCoy. , ,

Phone 72J3, FUer. ________ * "

FOR SA LE-STA TE ACCR03ITED Rhode Island Red eggs. Elsie A!

Flowerdew. Phone 678r3.

FOR- SAUJ-MAMMOTO BRONZB ' turkey eggs, 35c each, a t ranch.

Mrs. CUfford Denny. Hazelton, Idaho. _

BIO H u sK Y T rra y c h ic k s , h o l - ^lywood tropnesled, stra in S. 0 . y

White Leghorn, 812 pertnm dredralso some choice Buft Orplnglons a t tlB _ a hundred. Phone 79J10. Clover Farm Ti Haichery, Filer. • ^

BADY CHICKS - WHTTE 1 5 5 “- - - horns from Brown ond Mann higb S pedigree males )79 per 900, sU nd- ord maUnRilC9 per 800, assorted 12c, pi seconds lOo culls 6c. Seconds and ;; culU olwoys run heavier to puueu, ^ Tues., Wed., Friday and SaU ore clean up do}'s. Custom hatching 4o per A: egg. Hoycs Hl-Orade Hatobery, q ■TwIn-Pftllfr-and-JeTome,— —' re

F o r R e n t— U n fu rn ish e d . 2

h ou sesT f o r " "r e n t ^ e t t o t Rcol Estate. , ‘ U;

i]0U8E FO R RENT—PHONE 1529 - or call a t 411 Ttitnl'avenue west.

FOR R E N T - L A R G B . W B L L , _ Ughted room tor office, over my W

store. Price low. W. U. Eldrldge.

P O R - R B N T -S T O R E R O O ir ii i W tAit front. 238 Moln ave. no. |09

month, A. T . Read, pbone 488. , , ~

LONG’S A D -7 -R 0 0 U . MODERN house. 135; 8-room house ,'ll5 ; 4- sc

rocnn<house, l33M. Phono 583, Ai - N. Long. 'f>

F o r R e n t— F a r m s __ |

Dr. Dwigh?. Jerome, ^

- F o r - S a i e — A u to m o b ile s— J||

T O R -SA ijW tO T r o i ® T O U ^ , = Muncle tnuumUalon. good rubber ‘

prlco. IlOO. CaU a t 'P lsb Hatcbiry, South P ark . ' . -

FOR SA IiB-CR-W lLL TRAOB 119 ' : tlve.passenger sedan in go o d .u ^ . pt

ohanleaiebndm on for imall elty u e ^ ta

•to e v c f u t ^ H I b .< MAN »«rrH r n f . r

BUT tH S M 'S I f 4 OPCRUTtHSS I i I ‘ .

ONE U M I b I ^- w r m - A — A r — i - i “ ----------CaHT-.FOO'^ ----‘

fu o», >m», fl,


|H f :. Professional

SUAI> IIOUQIS, noom , , M I. ^ k and Trust auUdtag. Pboat C.

Q- lp > j -g v e f c io t‘ Book S m

JOHN W. QRAirAM-Lawyer Bank and T rust BuUdteg. P b S l g ^

Aloofmtn Bulfdtag.

A .J . MVEBS—U w yer. B«nk t mf

Business.ri.iniiiuid T "

uumnvMma a nuiDiaC O r-^ o w H ooa « id saoM . I8J

TTilrd east, phone a a . ^

P l - € M B I N O * U**Unf Co.—Sbeet M stot Workt.

^!g£jlt» tlng jw btes. phone a i-W .


A U lU llNSUBANCE-All c o v e r u t t ^ i t e r Real Esute .

^ ' TRANSfT O ' ' ^

n 7 j . NCQ LE^iTanster, long a n d ihm^uL Piaatess.

W A t e r a p I r a A N s n E i T s i ^ - -CO ,-Coal.and wood. Pbone

j r N lu u o L s T ^ N H m A

- p n ta r aw . ■■ ■ * ”*!


V> a1 W W A N -PalnU ng.'paperhanT I ing and kalsom lntu . 339 s th a ^ je u t , Pbooe »4w r^


M W T K FRA NU is-A eeiedJlMvtoltotM cter. PhoM aiA B

L o a n s , ' •


T ^ B ^ F A f i M LOAN 18 A PEeI: e ^ 814*. sow aTolhble. j . w.

McDowell, pbone 877Jt;-

8-PE R CENT L0AN8. N 0 C 0M »~ mlalons. tlr s t d a ta retldenee Dn»

pertyonly. CaU308o r S l ! ^

MONEY POR e m i G i r r l o a n son n ^ e m bousu t a Twla PWia.

Arthur L. Qwlm & Co.

OOR TEN YEAR FARM LOAN OF- ieia f in 'be tt^ lH aum t n t t n e d —

repayment privileges. No eash mim on. tet«eh-<b

1 AM OFFERINO A VSRY OHBAF ^*ndd« lr»b le tarm loan. I u S jIm i tbe best h m Joao pnpofftlea e re r ottered on Uie Twto

your loan 0 . T R o b l w

W a n tf lf f - ^ M is c e H a n r tu s -

w a n t c d - a ' m o ^ e r , ' ^ a m ’ P 'oundn

«f. Pbw eK O W . - . ..


p a “ '-W P A T .;

a i S i j ,

OMHBJII s i i l i iT iq n U n i t ^

w j u m j p S m

■. ■. V ,-i

Page 10: · THI VOL. Ig. NO. 314 WMS'or 11 110 GIFTT; 3Efai:ira i — ll ~Cifalnmn'of Democratic Na-

IlflTEllS n i I EMlEirFOI I

_______ c p m i n i p i m p o f i F ! ?oonuDrTTJnnrouo

E le c to r s E n d o rse I n c r e a s e

By M a jo r ity o f N e a rly

F iv e to O ne in L ig li te s t

V o te E v e r C a s t on is s u e

Cy a voto ol 70 lo.lC.. fluallllod flrfiow wltlilii llir T-.VIU I'allR lu* (Iriic'ii.loia n'huiil illflrlri yt'ilfrday , "1 ii'ilhnriri'i! Itic t) ':ir.l ot aircclor* KU l.'v,v ill) 10 7 ‘1« |rmoiirii p 'T m ii'n l \Uiliout n rctiT-1 ftulum. Tla- m ihr U iicolru _ jrhool bullilln: iirn-liii". MiiiKl 41 tor | - ini' Ipvv nml il\ »• I« IJllckcrM'hn,)! biilldiiiK [ircclnrt tl»- I vn;c l vJcl 3B fnr iiii'l 10 aiMliifil llic -■ levv, I

Ily .i.|iiKU!:irrn:iicl*T,rr Ihe vote 1 tor Illt li vy «-;is txiicily ih<- Mimt iis -j., hM vtar, when nt bii flwlloii liclil L,, March IS. 73 batloKtt'TO niM In fiivor j or i)ormiiUnt; iho In fm r f. Tlic vole ; I;»st year Hh- levy wa;i 35-,in5rt tli:i:i twlci- ns i:r<'ai u5 ilils ycnr.

The inwl vote «a>P5 thiN year mill IM hi'.t yi-ar. The UkW vdIc pulleil | la 't ycnr, llie «iiiai:c:i on record I n ’

___ IV- .. i-i,. ’.irnn..u;..Hi.tliaL iimc - m i i - pmtnljiiu'd lu till- fact (Imt t/ie r ta y ." was Mormy nmi tlmt there »ns itl rrea t deal ot smnv o n llie dround. I Y«tcr«!ay thc.Ri'athor wa.i Ideal nnd the llKhl vote u iu nttrttJiiU'd Inst 'fj nlKlil to Ihe urowliiR rnnvictlon onl*^'

----- ttic p a rr o t ttie-maJwiiT-of volcr>j -tha t the levy would bi- voted In nny ' cvcni whi ther llity cast tlu-lr ballota

Tlicrc ha.1 nlways bi'tn a heavier P*-

In tlie'uickcl I 'tccm a lti?n in ll i e ' U ncoln jircclivcl. U U year lUc volo In the Ulckel (irtclnci *lood {*' 47 votes tor the levy und 22 ngnlnst ^ It. In the Lincoln prcclncl llie vote r,lo(Hl 32 tor llic levy and 13 nROtnsl lU

-------Tlic «evcirmnU-leKj- w !irU rir< -|n 'f“nboui $58,200; tlie 8 mills levy pec^*.‘» ntllted wtlh rclcrendum. nlll b r ln s 'In nbout SCO JOO. n lotal turn ot I12«.> __ ^00. The balwicc ot *74.700 needed ” to mnks up llie $109,400. csllmnlcd requlremenl ot the dlslrlcl tor the tlK ol year bcKlnnlni? July I. 1030. v lll be mbde iip ’ot stale .vhool. tul- , tlon nnd minor sources ot revenue. ^

i i i i R l i l i PS l f O F i l P i

_____ hi;wa

C . E . B o y d , A c c u se d o f H it-

l i n a 1 2 - Y c a r - 0 l d B o y , P u t s J j

In A p p e a ra n c e a t S t a t i o n ”- M

beC. E. Boyd, South Park, driver ot

— tne car-tnorstn tc ic -P a trlc irO rcnzrl— 12, and wrccked Ills bicycle Thursduy q

— evening,-put lu- a pcrsoiuil-nppeat- • m ance a l the police station here lasi

Earlier In the 'd ny . Mis. Stella qi Orenz. mother o( the boy, hnd sign- ed a complaint In probnte courl nc:. casing Boyd ot a misdemeanor chame >i, o t violatlnjUlie.stnle Im ftle lav s I n , lh a l he tuid tailed to give his namo - ond address arid alK) hnd tulled to „ render nny naslstnnce to the boy otter |g tho mishap. ^

Boyd will nppear In court today to___onsw crjo .the charge. U-W aa.alalcd.-_

Didn't W ant to Artuo At lhe ixillce station last evening

" ’ hn said Ihnc he considered strlklii* the boy on the blcyclc Thursdny e v e - . ' nlciR (in unavoidable accident, and | tho l he had le tt lhe scene when men arrtvlns ihere began Questioning him. bccause, ho said, ho "dldn'l w ant to stand there nrculng about ll.” i

The accident, according to sU tc- ■ ments of witnesses who brotighl the ' boy to the jw llcc.stallon Thursday, evening, oceurrcd when the boy wa.s' turning a t th e goto n t his home on ‘ Washlnston street south. Boyd last . . evening suld the acclilt-nl occurrcd nenr the r g j^ a d cros.<ilng west o t ; South Park™ ,= :

The boy was not seriously Injured. 1 but rccclved two scalp wounds and , VL’n< tllff-lKKiy. • ®

CO U R T G R A N T S D E C R E E “

. W H E N M A R R IA G E F A IL S i

On erounds ot nlleged cruelty, t — i>Boii,w.4ar4>iy-waimfonte<t-tHteer^‘- -

ot divorce from Vlncll Corbly to , whom she was morrlrd In Shoslionc ,

, losl 6eptcm|3pr 10, nnd uas reslon;0 ; to her former name of Dcoot) M«ficr. , > Wlowlng licarln* before Judge W. . A. Bsbcock In district court here yesterday. I

At hearing on on order lo show cause in o. divorce • action, Jacob - WolKr was ordered by Judge Bab> cocic to pay to h li wife, Geneva • blndo WAller, SlOO sull money and

. t5 0 week alimony arid permit her r.-taLvlatt Uwtr t * 0-5« K '0W vloujhttr -

- r : — O nc*-» muY#-*iw «d-«verTthft-h— 'S a id be, "T h li is much sreetier th ^ - fa tto :.h < m I.wlU-rctur a r S o.

su fre re d -^ a h y u n itc h e s and bi .'c . . the Brs£s v&4 tallef. and greeoer. I t ' ^ :jbO-Old.p&Atiue._And.Jo..iUseoun«ei

longings and returned to the bome ; 1 to Jm. back. Nexi time IH be ftzre t

A : d n e , fell m y pouewlons about. '!i< vi; > n o # 'th o moral to: I f you b » « •

befor* you more yi f t w a i . -N E rra E B


rtffoTcn . ' •



M f l H F w j t \ d(.■ 1 \ ■ tor j a r ^ k \ ' is

c \ V B i Z ' 5 ^

"It ain't my tao ll Ifiwy I”J o u t Nattiln' rnuhl Isr (tat tl a< : you're all tho tlm r yankin’ ll up w.

to nash behind 11." °


BR EV ITIES;;I . _____ A.

I-cavM on ru-.lnr.v:-M r’- N in a "JI Taylor le tl for Portland ” |onbuslness.1 ' te• VWti In H urlcy-M rs, A. W. Knud- d, sail went lo Hurley la.M evenlns to visit trlends there. | b

I I ■ hrI Will VUlt Ii)wa-M r. nnd Mrs. P,F. CrombauKh plan to kave on a ^

TfrljTlo CF3arl«plil-i, loun7.Monday.

[ nelom s lo Kup’ert^D , V. Steele. Rupert, jc tu rn rd to his home ves- terdny nftcr n bu.<liicss vl.slt lo Twin

|Ka!K "

1 L r a m for Nrw Hampuhlre—War- T rcn Nash expcct.% to leavi- this morn- f I Inj on a irlp lo Plynioylli, Ncw

I Hampshire.

' Itetnm* fn llulil—K. C. Martjiiara* sen, Buhl; relirmi'd ro h ir home tcs- terday after siwndlng two weeks In Lava Itoi Springs. i

■ « ■ Tv Home From NebraiKa—Mrs. J. R. ca

Morgan returned yeslerday Irom dn -RaH(and.-Ncbraska.-wh:rc.shCJpcnL du

the winter, the gucsl ol hcr falhrr. In . ot

Home From Coasl—Mr. and Mrs. du•w niranT Kon.'last five months In Manhattan irri Beach nnd Lons^fttW i," Callfornl*» Mihave rclurned. cu;

■ dn T r a t t l e O ttleer VUll# - O. R. Uli

Lonsbury, state ira ttlc officer lately wlRsslgned to the North Side dlslrlct ep:with headquarters a l Shoshone, was 1a visitor here yeslerday. ch

Retnms to Nebraska—C. E. OL<ih. Cl Fremont, Nebraska, accompanlcd by

[M n. d ish , le tl for h lrhom o yesicr- "Pdoy.>attcr atlending the tuneral ol M:his moiher. Mrs. E. N. OUh. which llawas held here Wednesday.' Lo

Rclom From Kansas—Mrs, Fred W WlKovcr. Kimberly, relum ed .to her Cl homB_yc8tcrcl#y_atl«r.visiting her, . moiher, Mrs; Anna Jouernlg. who Is «o: seriously ill. Mrs. Jouernlg vlslled Bl Mrs.' Wlscaver in Kimberly o num- tc: ber ot yeors ago, oti

I _ -.............. B!‘ Goes io Uioh'Capllal-^Dr.'Thbmas Ni O. Rees. eye. ear, nose nnd throat tic

•sjiecmtsVTho Tccnrtls tnWTta upo n - pracllce ot h b ^

n brief buslm-ss" V U ir i irS iH rL ttF sfi Ctty where hc was locoted tor mony years. Dr. Rees will return Monday, p

■ bringing wllh him oddlllonal of- ° flee cQUlpmenl.

I . —■ Prfcaver* Lost C a r-C lltt Pierce re­ported yeslerday recovery of his ou- t . tomoblle lha t was taken trom the curb In front of the Elks building |,q here Thursday night. A comporollve

-measurcmeni ot gas ln ihe tonk ln- dicaied tha t the cor had been used tor n trip of some 50 miles, but ap< parently It had not been damaged,

I ■ ■ utl' WIII Atlenil J lee tln* -W . B. Smllh. superintendent of Twin Foils schools, t : wltl allend the Inland Empire Tench-

• ers' meeting, whleh opens in Spo- 9 I kane ncxl Thursday In three day • 'session. U, N. Terry. Twin PaU* high ^school principal, moy a ttend this k

- meeting. U Is underslood-that. M. 1M. Von P.itten. superintendent Buhl hschools. nnd-Eraery D. Doane. Je r- ^ome, su|>crlntcndent Jerome schools, |

^wlll probably otlend. ^

L t rcassnable times (turing pendoncj Jor l l '.v ^ lo n . W aller sued for divorce ^on grdumls oP a llegcd ' misconduct ^nnd Mrs. Woller replied with on tM\s«et and croM-cojnpltilnt. aUegtaj \criminal. cruelly o n d . non-aupi»rt. ^

.Wc have t o n r t f fish- Jin pools, with now Jand then a t r o u i gPricc 10c cach per- J



o -h m .-an d -« a? n tie re -a -p # itu r8 r^ ^ ^ o n my home pasture. I could

I bmtaea. Lol to his horror!*«hlle‘” ^It VOS not nearly ao tender as in k

iged .be.agaln .p lcked .u p .b U -b e ^ ^me pasture. Said he, ** T U good %t the paiture Is better, before I i^

0 Men greener p u tu r e o r rr ths 1^ » your ireu u re i. STORE TKEM ^ SR BE .MARRED. LOST. OR k


---------------------- -----------------------

. _____________ TV

E S i M i ' PRESi|lllPOST.= O l r a i i lo rB— E le a l - ^ O H I i i e r a i

F o r Y e a r a n d P l a n Im ­

p r o v e m e n ts f o r G olf C o u r s e

Asher B. Wilson was electcd presi­den t of the Twin Falls Couniry club to succeed John W. Grohnm. a t on organisation mceling nltended ,by

- new -ond reltrlng -m em ben-o f-thB -l board ot dlreetoTS heJd n t th e Uog-

_ erson hotel y e s te rd o y ,^ h c r Oftlc- ers elecud lacludo D. F. Magel, vice

i president; n .C .E dm unds,secretary, t and Lem A. Chapin, treosurer. Tliese p wllh E. J. 0.-.lrander, Wilbur S. Ulll. ’

Dr. D . L. Alexander, A. O . Benoll and L. Clos, constitute the boord of directors. |

I An execuUve committee compos- L ed of B. F. Magel. chairman, L. Clos ' and E. J. Ostrander was appointed.

A. O. Benoit was appointed chair- . m an of the greens comniltlee and , Wilbur S. m il, chalrmon of the

tournnmenl committee; coch to se­lect other members of his commit­tee from the membership o t the

’ The members crulied tho course 1 la st week nnd laid out a new nine- hole course which will Includo the

' new Tliarp property recently pur- L chased-as.woU as.Uio-Bjoao-proporty- - ' tMugfit year, Tlie meeting nu-

UiorUcd the creens committee to• procced wllh the construction of the _ ' new court IncliidUti: nine new sand' greens. |

E lfm iE 8 '~ i1 'r i

George W. Blake.<:lee, Flier, one of i Twin Foils county's early seltlers wos j

. carrlcd to his Inst resting ploco Fri-1 I dny followlnti tuneral teri'Ices con-

dUCtCd_hy_BCV. n n r l f< P tlotumtll In tlie McthcdlfC Episcopal enurch o t Filer. Flier Masonic lodge con- diietcd services a t the graveside In

‘''1-fclrt' Kails ceTS'eiefj’rbe.'iW e' the 'it: I groves of Mr. Blakcslce's wtte. M rs.! j] . Mary Blokesleei whcso death

curred about 10 years aso. nnd o t his " dnughler-ln-low. .Mrs. Sue St. M arlin ,

. Ulokcslee. World war vc'.eran nurse,■ who sacrificed her life ’during n n ' 2' , epidemic here In the lale fall of JD28. “1 In connection wllh scn’lccs In the

church a (luartci compoMd, ol Mrs. ^ Clare Qlllllan, Mrs., Arthur Bcom. *,

. Clare Olllllan nnd T. D. Wilson, san?■ "Nearer My Ood to Tlircc." n n d *• "Rock of Aws," o l the cemetery ^

Mrs. ArUlur Bcani and Mrs. W ll - 'rI llam Showers san<! by request, "Jcsus *'

Lover cf Mi- Soul." *Poll bearers wcrc J. W. Eaton, W.

I W. McDonough, John O. Llcnen. „ r Charles Mains nnd E. C. Peck.

. Mr. BlnkMlee .was survived by five . ' I tons ot wliom oil but one. Ernest I Blakes!ee. Wlnnemucca, Nevodo, a l- .• tended Uie funerol services. ' The

otiiera ore Ward Blakeslee ond Loren I Balkeslce. Filer; Ouy Blokeslee. M

I Nnmpar nnfl- E an 'B U keslto rW ch* ^ I tlcId. Idnho. .» -M rr-B la k n lw v '- tim h -D cc u T T ea r! , 1 lasl^ Wcdne{da|MollowinT n narn« ^

: B U iiL f« A N IN T O IL S F O R S


Misdemeanor cniiiplaliii chnrBlng^ic , Horace French wllh breaking quar- In : nntlne (or smallpox by lenvlng tits gc ; home where he wos confined nnd I• nppcnrlng_on_tl;c-sirccta .a t_ B u li l | .: last Mnrch 21 was filed in p ro b n te ,o

court here yosterdn/. The eomplnlnl cli wns signed by Ur. Oeorge c . Ualley,

• dlreclor of Falls county health unll. \i


i ^Idaho Depart' ^ " I f I I I s n 'l K ig h t,

----------i g

IRl ^

^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ E x c I u s i ^

^ ____ KNEE B■ ^ Priccd frofti?!, ^ Special prices on largi

I H .4LF H f f BOOTS

^ T h o f in o a t q u n lity r u b b e r s

S- T n a d a - l a t h o ronSon w h y (

lend the field na for aa wcnrh

S* . ties and comfortable fjt go , ^ that’a the whole boot


Pays Poppy *

.. '


' f f i f ' ca

- e b

s (01

I. 'I o»t bc'

' dute:

. £

' / B H, , . sir

I dui8 P R E S ID E N T H O O V E R sm ll- Jua

Ing ly receive .s th e f i r s t * * * e “ bu d d y p o p p y ” o f t h e 1930 J!*'■ n n n u a l an io f ro m l i t t l e ty. n J j in c jM jcn. — (A} ing I i ’lioto. bet

iFoeiiUioisI I w E iw M il;;i -------- IhDMrs. John Hopkins And Auto- JJ

: mobile Wanted Here Show ;l Up inSnokanc: Man MissiI Ke

I Jehn K. Hopkins continues a fug- fn• |lllve, while his alte, Daisy Hopkins, sor■ j alios Oertrude Hopkins has been or- ' rested, nnd nn aulomoblle tha t he is, nlleged lo have obtained here la s t! |" '

March 11 In exchange (or o worihleis I j 'j !:b3iik dra{; has been recovered o i :L

Spokane, nccordlng to word received C ., ; o t the slierIJf's ofllce here yesterday, i?.,,

Spoknne ofJlcers requested ccrtl- “ J■ Hed ccpy ol warrant (or the womon's ,t„ ' nrrcst, anil n na rrnn t charging her

Wllh conspiracy lo obtain property under false prelciucs was dratted

, J n the county a ttorneys o(flce hcie yesterday and forwarded to Spckone 'h '

‘ lasi evening, ”Advtsatllliy of turning. Ihe case

• over to the federol nuthorilles-for prosccuilcn under tho Dyer oct oho

, wos being considered by counly ot- ; flclnlj h e re 'ln sfcvcm w .— ^ — ; = ; Hopkins nnd his wife left here . sliortly ofter oblolnlng the car, o new ; machine valued o t tlOSO, (rom ino {

OroA-nIng Auto company here lost ; Mareh ll . They-were traced to As- ■

torla. Oregon, where, ll was report- • ,^d..ihey-hnd-8lven-a-check-dftK :d-;, March 12 on o Tft'ln Falls bank In .

The trail ended there and for more than two weeks teorch has: been made throughout the North-

, west for lhe Hopkins and the missing

i. The mes.iose from Spokone yes- ; lerdny did not Indlcole whether any I ' Information had been obtained re- I gordtng whereabouu. =

lj- A Douglas tlr tree cu t In British ■, Columbia was found to be 420 years . cld.

Ail (oot iroatilrs. Ph. Dr. Fos. ler. »40. Adv.

rtment-Store^ht, Bring I I Hack” ^


S T O C K O F ' ^

TCATlNr: T nOT.C! ^

s i v e A g e n c y f o r t h e ^

' f a m o u s J

C O N V E R S E 2

L i n e o f f i n e r u b b e r 9

f o o t w e a r ^

B O O T S ^

$ 2 . 6 9 t o $ 3 . 9 8 J

f g e s i z e s , l l s . 1 2 s . 1 3 s _ ^

W m

r s e x p e r t ly ^


ir l iu r q u a l i- 1 | | | M ?

[o . . . ^

l e i e i e M e e e e - i


- investisaling commlllee ofTfiree Western States Makes Favorable Report

been found (ovoroble by a committee represenUng the stotes o f Idaho,_ California and Nevada, which has

- ju«-complet«d-a-*urvfy o r tm i a to tc - v llh relation lo the recognition ot

.. the quaroBllne-regulaUons.ot CoU-' (omla, Nevada and o the r states made by M. L. Dean, Boise, director. of plant Industry for Idaho; A. C. Flory, Socromento, chief qua ran tine! officer of California, and Oeorge; Bchwels. Reno, dlreclor of plant In- ' dustry for Nevada, It was staled yes­terday by Mr. Dean who was here on his way homo lo Boise, alter the completion o( the survey.

The commlllee also Investlgoted the nccredlled oKoKo mills In alf­alfa meal mills In Idaho to determine whether a reporl of a contmlttet* th favor o( opening the shipm ent ot alfalfa meal 12 months instead ol during winter monlhs only w as ,

, Justified. In this case, condlllons ’ seemed favorable, Mr. Dean said.; yet CO deflnlto nctlon will be taken

until nfler ll hos been acted upon L by-tla-cattre , commlttco. roprascnt*. — ' Ir; (he H'estera P lan t QuorsntJne

beard.The Western plnnt quoranilne _

board Is made up of representatives of th e 'll Western ond Iniermountaln n states. Brlllsh Columbln nnd .Mexico. S The presenl Investigation Is con- ^ ducted by o sub-commlttce of the generol committee of this board.

Acreage Increases Relative lo the poloto planting

• Jllunllon Ulls' >cor, Mr.' Ucan said “ thnl he regretted lo (Itid tha t In- u,

. dlcatlons were tha t there would be in on Increase o( (rom 15 to 20 per in ccnt In potato ocreoge In this state L this year, largely because of In- jc crc.ise In prices. This Involves the cli

..daascr-o(-the-plnntlsg-of-ln(<rloc- th seed. I'.e declared. «l

Hc said lhat he' found th a t owing m

, some warehouses potntoes classed pr . jas culls were being resorted; the bel­

ter ones sold as seconds, and the tu 'Ipoorer ones prepared (or sale (or Hj 'ifccd. He believed tho l Increased th , ;intenslty In potato growing should f i [ be dovoled'ralher to Imjx-ovlng the a j ‘ (juallty than Increosln* tho quan- ©( Iuty nnd that he regretted anything Oi

■ which would lo«er the Rititle nnd Ci I the high reputation of the Idaho er , potata b(

"Use better seed o n d better n I melhods thereby Increasing t h e m ; jleld." he wld. "thereby reducing ali• the unit cost which proportionately bi , Increases profll." w:

' fee t hurtT Phone Dr. Foa|er. Hi810. Adf. VI

L ------------------^

': -------------- J E L L I S O N

. ; -------------- Dealers

• Good stock to

425 MAIN 'nviN F.

I Attractive M<C H O I C E

1 0 l b s . S h o u l d e r Cl _ S h o u l d e r P o t R b i

S h o u l d e r S t e a k s

W h o le S h o u l d e r s

S h o u l d e r R o a s t s

S h o u l d e r S t k k s

A l l P o r k S a u s a g e

M i L K F E l

S h o u l d e r R o a s t s

— S h o u l d e r S t e a k s -

— ^ H ^ s a n t

Independent IWE DEL

128 Main Ave. N .


Claims Air Record |

I r. I B g | i i K i | P S g p ^ a ^ II


, 8 b IMRS. BETTY LUND. 19, istu-

dent flier, claimed the wom- en|fl bajTcl roll P^ter J

m ptioto. ' J


Idaho beans ond potatoes will be i u » d by I h t CampbtU Soup company o

' In the new-plant which It Is erecting li I in Oakland, It was etoted yesterday li by Jonn O'Rourke. Comden. New ? Jersey, who was In Twin Falls to take y charge os mnnager of the trafdc and 6 *hlpplng”dcpartmentS"of"theTJlantr ~ when U will open In about a m onth. * Mr. 0-Rourke will visit In Freewo- lerrOregon.-fof a ' shor t Um r before ‘ proceeding to ‘‘Oakland.

“I have, o f course, had no oppor­tunity to make nny ejctended Invcs- llgoUon of Idaho whllo going through." he said, "but your Irrlgol- t i secllon Is splendidly developed In on ngrlcultural wny. The new plant o( tho Campbell Soup compony a t Oakland will employ 7S0 men. The Conllncnlol Con company, which op­erates In connection wllh the Camp­bell soup company. Is constructing 0 factory nenr the same site and will menufncture cans for the soup. We ahall u » Idnho potatoes and beans, Z but I do no t know n t th is time " whether we shall use other Idaho products o r not. However, we will Investigate to dclermlno this when we get started.". .

IN BROS.----------------^ ts In ■

n r t t E M o n i u n e i i t a ______

to select from -


leat SneclalsE B E E F

Cuts B e e f . . ,16cbasts_____ 2flc -s ............... 25c

■s............ ..18c ■s.'...;....:.22c 's ............... 25cg e ........................20c


s.. . . ! . : '....22c

nd Bacon —

Meat MarketELIVER

Phone 162-1G3


REUlMSIlimSA group Ot friends Joined with be- 1

narlM a ^ f l ^ 1

” wWle*mortiiary hero Priday after- i noon (or Jennings Bryan Anderson. i 33 son of Mr, and Mrs. J . W. Ander- 1 son Twin Falls, whoso dealh oc- 1 curred In Bryn Athyn. Pennsylvnnla, I Friday o( laat week following a brlet i lllneis. , lj

Rev. Jomes Mlllar of the Presby- , terlan church spoke briefly, appeal-. lng for trust In divine benewlenoe ]

■ despite grevIous.'barning human ex- i perlenee. ond polnUng , ou l tha t ,

- "time Illumines erenU -and oternliy-, lUumlne* time." Ho paid trlbuUt also , to Mr. Anderson m one who hod offered hU llfo to hU country In a period of crisis and one who had publicly acknowledged tho Divinity and IdcDlUKd hlmselt wllh high standards o( morality enjoined by the (ratem al ontanliatlon o t which , he was a member. |

During the service. Miss LcNelle Breckenrldge sang “There's a Beau* iKul Land" and “BeautKul Isle of Somewhere," with accompaniment a t the piano by Mrs. 0 . H. Stinson.

Pall bearers were Paul R. Taber. Sidney H. Oraves. E. L. Turner. Ter­ry Prater, John llorvey and C. E.

. Ritchie.

. Mr. Anderson wa* the youngest of > a (amlly ot seven children and is- sarvtTed-brtT O -bro thers-and-feur-■ sisters. All cxcept ono sister, Miss

Queen Anderson, Portland, atiended tho (uneral services. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Anderson; Jr.. camo from : Eend. Oregon: Mrs. C, L. M cKelhen! from Portlond. and Mrs. John 8 '' Pearson from Voncouver. W ashing-'

I ton. C. D. Anderson, brother, ind i i|.Mrs. Craig Bracken, sister, ond P .’ i H. Stowell, a cousin, ore Twin P a lls:

residents. I. . Mr. Anderson d ld_not_retiyn to!’ Twin Fnlls after being mustered ou l.I oi thft mUltary scrvlce b u t becamc ; Identified with a concern engaged ' in manufacture o( slalned glass r windows, and had been (or some ! yean manoger o( the Oliver Smllh I Sludlo o t BryTi Athyn. j

“■ Chicken Limners Luncheons and

Parties ; AT

; The Orange Lantern HIMBERLV



FOR IA carload of McMurti CO Wall T in t W e buj W all T in t by the ca

-fre ight,-0.ftiL0UEjiiia no big overhead expe ables us to sell a got furn itu re a t a reasc money back guaran prices, with chain sto

ha'I -W hite House P a in t,!

McMurtry Zinc Paint McMurtry Pure Leadgallon ...................McMurtry Barn Paim McMurtry Imperial E McMurtry 4-Hour En furn itur^and. in s ide ; McMurtry 4-Hour P l Crete, wood and lint well and dries in 4 hoiper q u a r t ....................E g g M I Gloss* Cote Iq u a r t .................... ......Exterior Porch Paint,

J S a t r i G o t e d S f t a f t h a h

q u a r t ....... ..... ;............

4-HOUR \McMurtry 4-Hour Colorcd Flpcr quart :......................This is a water-proof Vamlsl

■ and fur McMurtry 4-Hour Floor Clcapcr quart __ _____

^ h la U a waterproof varnial linoleum, furniture

Pure Boiled Llnaecd Oil, . _per.ial--------------------------

n iiti: h .B oy J to f t , r ^ . t i),W M l»n i • l l i r - " ■ - ' -

-HotTVitS ,

r i n t a --- ----------------------------------

MOCp a d Jt a n d f u r


'im riE S D ur ‘

I DI8P11IMB1SDEMrs. Amy Gagel Wood and her

. husband. Loring A. Wood, regained

b S r o S n n f f i i t. addition, Twin Palli. under Judgmenv , and decree by Judge W. A. Babcock , In district court here following trial ■ last week In uh lch the Jury found , that the Woods hod beeo Induced by : mlsrepresenutlon to trade the prop- ,erty to Charles K. Lowe. Twn Falls, for olher property In Douglas coun-

’ ty, Oregon, last April.: The Judgment ond deaee cancel-

’ led the deed' the W : Lowe on April 23, ond also the deed ‘ by which Lowe transferred a part '■of-the Twin Palls Tjrojirrty 'to his ] daughter, Miss Marguerite Lowe, on * Moy 14, • •' The clerk o( the court was dlrecled to deliver lo Lowo the deed he h&d

' given lo thu Woods covering tha Ore- ' gon land, ond the exchongo agree- f ment was rescinded.1



3 5 c Cal.J BrInK Your Container

^ - W I L E Y - D R U G C O . -; PHONE 40

1 SaturdaySpeeiat—

t ■ •I


* V 2 POUND 1 2 c

Varney’sCot. Srd No. and Shoshone

D r i v e I n

SALE• t r y P a i n t a n d M u r e s -

l y p a i n t a f f d M u r e s c o

: a r l o a d a n d s a v e t h e

o i J m i l d i n s - a n d J i a j ^

} e n s e t o p a y . T h i s e n -

o o d l i n e o f p a i n t . a n d

s o n a b l e p r i c e w i t h a

n t e e . C o m p a r e o u r

l o r e p r i c e s . S a v e a n d

a v e

p e r g a l l o n $ 2 . 0 0

i t , p e r g a l l o n . : S 2 . 5 0

id a n d Z i n c P a i n t , p e r

................................. S . 3 . 5 0

n t , p e r g a l l o n . . $ 1 . 4 5

E n a m e l , p e r q t $ 1 . 0 0

n a r n e l i n 2 1 c o l o r s f o r

! f i n i s h , - p e i L q t - $ l - . 4 5 _

l o o r E n a m e l f o r c o n -

n o l e u m f l o o r s , w e a r s

o u r s m t h a f i n e g l o s s ,

1 f o r i n s i d e f i n i s h , p e r

...................... ............ . < 6 1 .0 0

t , p e r q u a r t .........$ 1 . 0 0

b l e - W a l h r P a i i i t , p e r

...........................c z ^ S l .O O


Floor Vnrnlflh, J J g Q

ish used for ali interior finish urnituro 'carVnrnish, - ^ ^ ' 2 5

lah. It can-bo used on floorsf • ro 'and Inside finish.

............ . ^ $ L 3 0 _

>N’S ^R N I T U R E S T O R E