THF - Postgraduate Medical Journal


Transcript of THF - Postgraduate Medical Journal

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VOL. XXV No. 290





ASBESTOSISH. Wyers, M.A., M.D., D.I.H.




P h b

^ tPublished by

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ASBESTOSIS H. Wyers, M.A., M.D., D.I.H. 631





AU rights reserved. No part of this journal may be reproducedin any form uithout permission in writing from the publishers.

EDITOR:Andrew Monro, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.S.


Charles Read, F.R.C.S., F.R.C.O.G. A. Clifford Morson, b.B.E., F.R.C.S.David Levi, M.S., F.R.C.S. K. I. Nissen, F.R.C.S.Harold Davis, M.B., M.R.C.P. R. S. Bruce Pearson, D.M., F.R.C.P.Colin Edwards, M.B., M.R.C.P. N. Lloyd Rusby, D.M., F.R.C.P.Ronald Jarman, D.S.C., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., D.A. Sol. M. Cohen, M.A, F.R.C.S.

PUBLISHERS:The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, I, Wimpole Street, London, W.I.

BUSINESS MANAGER:R. H. Blythe, 24, Margaret Street, London, W.I. LANghni 4526.

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CHARLES TURNER THACKRAH, I795-1833'If any object that the cure, not the cause Ior pr-evention of disease, is the business of the medical practitioner,

I would reply that the scientific treatment of a malady requires a knowledge of its nature, and the nature is butimperfectly understood without a knowledge of the cause.'

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Charles Turner Thackrah

Charles Turner Thackrah was born in 1795.Apprenticed at the age of i6 to a surgeon inLeeds, he later became a pupil at the Leeds In-firmary. Thence he moved to London for twoyears to study at Guy's Hospital, where he cameunder the influence of Sir Astley Cooper; in hisdiary he states that during this time his usualhours of study were from 7 a.m. until 11.30 p.m.Two years after returning to practice in Leeds

he was appointed by the Committee of the LeedsWorkhouse to report on the miserable state of theinferior lodging houses. These were the earlyyears of the industrial revolution in this countrywhen living and working conditions in the in-dustrial centres defied description. Thackrah be-came interested in the 50,000 people working inthe newly-formed factories and industries ofLeeds, showing that their expectation of life wasgreatly reduced. ' The destruction of 450 personsa year in Leeds cannot be considered by anybenevolent mind as an insignificant affair.'

In I 83 I, the year in which he helped to found theLeeds School of Medicine, he published the re-sults of his observations in a book entitled ' TheEffects of the Principal Arts, Trades and Pro-fessions, and of Civic States and Habits of Livingon Health and Longevity: with particularreference to the Trades and Manufacturers ofLeeds; and Suggestions for the Removal of many

of the Agents which produce Disease, and shortenthe Duration of Life.' ' The ohject of this paper'he said'' is to excite the public attention to thesubject.' For the benefit of labourers andmechanics, therefore, he wrote in plain, simplestyle.He was especially concerned with the dusty

processes in the flax mills where, he says, ' the.coughs of the persons waiting to be examined wereso troublesome as continually to interrupt the ex-ploration of the stethoscope.' He further ex-pressed his feelings in these words:-' The em-ployment of young children in any labour iswrong. The term of physical growth ought notto be a time of physical exertion. Light and variedmotions should be the only effort-motions ex-cited by the will, not by the taskmaster-the runand leap of a buoyant and unshackled spirit.' Ithas been stated of his book -that it is difficult tofind a page which does not foreshadow futuredevelopments in industrial medicine.

Thackrah's book was not the first on industrialmedicine, being preceded by I28 years byRamazzini's ' Diseases of Tradesmen.' It wasthe first, however, by a careful anatomist, an ex-cellent clinician and a great lover of his fellowmen. His death at the age of 37 was a tragedywhich may well have put back progress in in-dustrial medicine by half a century.

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The information contained in this section is published by courtesy of theorganizations concerned and no responsibility for any changes of detailor omissions can be accepted by the publishers. In all cases, applicationsfor enrolment or further information should be made direct to thesponsors of the course.

FELLOWSHIP OF POSTGRADUATEMEDICINEProctology. January i6 to 21. All day. St. Mark'sHospital. Fee, £& 4s. od.General Medicine Revision Course. February 6to March 8, 5 to 8.30 p.m. daily (Saturdays, 2 to 4.30p.m.). St. Stephen's Hospital. Limited. Fee,,£24 3s. od. (No entries accepted until syllabus ispublished and circulated.)Obstetrics (D.Obst.R.C.O.G.). February I3 to I8.All day. West Middlesex Hospital, Isleworth. Limited.Fee, &J4 4s. od.Children's Diseases (D.C.H.). February 20 to March4. Daily, 5.30 to 7 p.m. Princess Louise KensingtonHospital. Limited. Fee, C5 5s. od. (No entriesaccepted until syllabus is published and circulated.)Surgery (F.R.C.S.). February 27 to April 29. Monday,Thursday and Friday morning. Royal Cancer Hospital.Limited. Fee, £i6 i6s. od. (No entries accepted untilsyllabus is published and circulated.)Anaesthetics (Revision). March 13 to 25. All day.Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford. Limited. Fee, £io I08. od.Rheumatic Diseases (week-end). March 25 and26. All day Saturday and Sunday. Rheumatic Unit,St. Stephen's Hospital. Fee, £2 I28. 6d.Please note that instruction arranged by the Fellowshipof Postgraduate Medicine is open only to Members (annualsubscription, from month of joining, Ios. 6d.). In thecase of 'limited' courses no entries are accepted inadvance of the detailed syllabuses being published andcirculated; postgraduates (whether Members or not) arenot automatically included in the mailing lists, but mustnotify the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, I WimpoleStreet, London, W.I, if they wish to be sent syllabuses aspublished, and must specify the subjects in which they areinterested. Information regarding courses can be obtainedfrom the Office daily between Io a.m. and 5 p.m. (Satur-days IO a.m. to I2 noon). Telephone: Langham 4266.

ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OFENGLANDThe following lectures will be delivered, admissionfree:-Otolaryngology LectureDecember

i 5 p.m. Professor Geoffrey J7efferson. Intracranialabscess.

Arnott DemonstrationsDecember8 3.45 p.m. Mr. R. J. Last. The knee joint.20 3.45 p.m. Mr. R. J. Last. The larynx.Anatomy, Applied Physiology and Pathology. Acourse of lectures and practical demonstrations will begiven from April I7 to July 7, 1950. Practical demon-strations will be held in the morning and early after-noons, and lectures will be given at 3.45 p.m. and sp.m. on certain days of the week. Fees (demonstrationsand lectures), C37 I6s. od. (Fellows and Members andLicentiates in Dental Surgery, ,33 12S. od.); (lecturesonly), Ci6 I6s.- od. (Fellows and Members andLicentiates in Dental Surgery, Cz2 I2s. od.).Fellowship and Dental Examinations. SpecialFinal Fellowship Examinations have been instituted inOphthalmology and Oto-Laryngology. A Fellowshipin Dental Surgery has also been instituted.Conjoint Examinations. The Diplomas of L.R.C.P.,M.R.C.S., are granted jointly with the Royal College ofPhysicians, as well as Diplomas in ii specialties.Scholarships and Prizes. The College grants manyResearch Scholarships and Prizes and in certain casesmakes grants in aid of surgical research, the work beingcarried out either in the College or elsewhere.Residential accommodation is available in the Collegefor postgraduate students.Full particulars may be obtainedfrom the Secretary, Post-graduate Education Committee, Royal College of Surgeons,Lincolns Inn Fields, W.C.2.

SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF LONDONDiploma ofIndustrial Health (D.I.H.). The-exanna-tions are held in July and December each year.Diploma of Mastery of Midwifery (M.M.S.A.).The examinations are held in May and November eachyear.A course of lectures on Modern Therapeutics will bedelivered in The Hall, Black Friars Lane, as follows:December5 3.30 p.m. Dr. T. F. Cotton. Carditis.

5 p.m. I. G. WiUliams, Esq. Radiotherapy inmalignant disease.

6 3.30 p.m. Prof. Laurence P. Garrod. The use ofpenicillin and other antibiotics in medical con-ditions.

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December6 5 p.m. Prof. Clifford Wilson. The use of strepto-

mycin in non-tuberculous infection.7 3.30 p.m. Sir Hugh Griffiths. Rehabilitation:

Whither medicine ?S p.m. Dr. R. D. Lawrence. The essentials ofdiabetic treatment.

8 3.30 p.m. Sir Lionel Whitby. The commonanaemias.5 p.m. Dr. G. B. Mitchell-Heggs. A review ofsome dermatological treatments.

9 3.30 p.m. Dr. A. Y. Amor. Industrial hazards.5 p.m. Sir Stanford Cade. The present positionof chemotherapy in the treatment of inoperablemalignant disease.

Fee, C3 3s. od. for the course or 7s. 6d. for a singlelecture.For regulations apply to the Registrar, Society of Apothe-caries, Black Friars Lane, E.C.4.

MEDICAL SOCIETY OF LONDONDecember12 8.30 p.m. Discussion on 'Bone tumours' to be

introduced by Dr. J3. F. Brailsford and Dr. H. A.Sisson.

For fu)ther information apply to the Registrar, TheMedical Society of London, i i Chandos Street, CavendishSquare, London, Wi.

UNIVERSITY OF LONDONAdvanced Medical Studies. London School ofHygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, GowerStreet, W.C.I, on December i at 5.30 p.m. A lectureby Dr. J. H. Sheldon on 'Some problems of old age.'Admission free, without ticket.

VICTOR HORSLEY MEMORIAL FUNDVictor Horsley Memorial Lecture. UniversityCollege Hospital Medical School, Gower Street, W.C.I,on December 8, at 5 p.m. Sir Hugh Cairns, K.B.E., on' Disturbances of consciousness with disorders of thebrain stem.'Admission free on presentation of visiting card.

DENTAL BOARD OF THE UNITEDKINGDOMThe Dental Postgraduate Bureau was instituted by theDental Board of the United Kingdom in I947 to collectinformation regarding facilities for postgraduate studywhich exist in the British Isles and to make it availableto persons interested.A programme has been compiled from information

collected by this Bureau, and much of it, although of ageneral nature, will serve as an indication of the typeof courses which may be arranged in particular centres.A supplement has been included outlining, briefly,conditions attaching to higher dental qualifications. Fordetailed, information reference should be made to theUniversity or Licensing Corporation concerned. Inaddition to regular courses, arrangements have beenmade with various hospitals and schools in Londonwhereby dentists can attend occasional sessions asobservers in:-Anaesthesia, bacteriology, clinical radi-ography, dental surgery, operative dentistry, oral

surgery, orthodontics, paradontics and pathology.Appointments can only be made through the DentalPostgraduate Bureau. Attachments to maxillo facialunits in various parts of the country can also be arrangedfor short periods. In this connection attention is drawnto the work of postgraduate committees of Birminghamand Manchester which organize short courses from timeto time. To facilitate the organization of week-end andother courses, particularly in districts which are too re-mote from Dental Schools to take advantage of thebenefits offered by them, the Dental Board are preparedto make grants within specified limits towards the costsof local courses organized by practitioners workingthrough a local committee.The Bureau has also collected information about

dental courses held in the United States of America.Further information can be obtained on application to theDirector, Dental Postgraduate Bureau, 44 Hallam Street,London, W.I.

INSllTITE OF CHILD HE4LTH ANDINSTITUTE OF CARDIOLOGYA course of lectures is being given at the National HeartHospital, Westmoreland Street, London, W.I, onTuesdays at 5 p.m. on Heart Disease in Childhood.December6 Mr. R. C. Brock. Surgical treatment of congenital

heart disease.I3 Sir John Parkinson. Rheumatic heart disease.Fee, 7s. 6d. for a single lecture.Applications for tickets, with remittance, should be sent tothe Secretary, Institute of Child Health, The Hospital forSick Children, Great Ormond Street, London, W.C.i.

INSTITJTE OF CARDIOLOGY(National Heart Hospital) (University ofLondon)Full-time course of instruction lasting three months isavailable for Membership candidates and generalphysicians. Fee, £26 5s. od.A limited number can be accepted part-time, which in-cludes out-patient sessions and lectures.Special short courses lasting two weeks are given atintervals. Fee, Cx2 i2s. od.Further details and applications for admission to thesecourses should be made to the Dean, Institute of Cardi-ology, National Heart Hospital, Westmoreland Street,London, W.i.

INSTITUTE OF DISEASES OF THE CHEST(Brompton Hospital and The London ChestHospital) (University of London)The Institute of Diseases of the Chest (MedicalSchool of the Hospitals for Diseases of the Chest) issituated in the grounds of the Brompton Hospital,S.W.3. Courses of instruction in diseases of the chestincluding tuberculosis, are conducted during terms of12 weeks starting in January, the end of April andthe end of September. The courses consist of clinicalwork in wards and out-patient departments, lecturesand demonstrations. A whole-time programme can bearranged for a limited number of graduates, preferablythose specializing in diseases of the chest. For this thefee is at present Li5 15s. od. per term. A larger numbercan be accepted for part-time study, for which the fee

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is £12 I2S. od. per term. Graduates are accepted forshorter periods only if vacancies are available; for thisthe fee is C5 5s. od. for one month.Industrial Pulmonary Diseases. A course of lec-tures will be given on Fridays at s p.m. as follows:-December2 Dr. K. M. A. Perry. Effects of dusts of vegetable

origin.9 Dr. T. A. Lloyd Davies. Manganese, beryllium,

vanadium and platinum.I6 Dr. A. Thelwell3ones. Industrial lung disease due

to gases.These lectures will be open to enrolled students of theInstitute without extra fee; a limited number of ticketsis available for the course at a fee of £3 3s. od.For further information application should be addressedto the Dean, Institute of Diseases of the Chest, BromptonHospital, Fulham Road, S.W.3.

INSTITUTE OF CHILD HEALTH (Universityof London) (Hospital for Sick Children)The Institute of Child Health is associated with theHospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, andthe Postgraduate Medical School of London at Hammer-smith Hospital. Teaching is also given at the QueenElizabeth Hospital for Children. In its programmeteaching on every aspect of child health is piovided.Visits are arranged to the department for the new-born and premature infant at the Postgraduate MedicalSchool of London, Hammersmith Hospital, Maternityand Child Welfare Clinics, Nursery Homes, etc. TheInstitute provides tuition throughout the year in threeterms of three months' duration each, beginning inJanuary, May and October. In addition a series oflectures by specialists and experts in various spheres isgiven each term. The fees vary from 25 guineas forsix months' attendance to three guineas for a week.Applications should be addressed to the Dean, Instituteof Child Health, Hospital for Sick Children, GreatOrmond Street, London, W.C.i.

INSTITUTE OF DERMATOLOGY(Medical School of St. John's Hospital forDiseases of the Skin)(University of London)Clinical Teaching. Instruction is given twice dailyin the out-patients' department for which the feevaries from one guinea for one week to I5 guineas for ayear. Selected cases are shown each Monday at 4.30p.m.Laboratory. There are facilities for study and tuitionin the pathological laboratory. Arrangements can bemade for individual instruction and for research work.Lectures. (a) A systematic course of lectures, extend-ing over a period of six months, commenced in October.A copy of the syllabus may be obtained on applicationto the Institute. The fees are at the rate of threeguineas a month or I5 guineas for the complete course.(b) A special course of lectures on the Histopathologyof the Skin. Advanced class io-ii a.m. Wednesday,elementary class 4.30-5.30 p.m. Friday.Decemberi Dr. L. Forman. Ulceration of the mouth.

6 Dr. L Muende. Histopathology of the skin.8 Dr. R. T. Brain. Virus diseases of the skin.13 Dr. G. B. Dowling. Scleroderma.14 Dr. C. W. McKenny. X-ray technique.20 Mr. A. K. Monro. The treatment of varicose con-

ditions of the lower limb.January, 19503 Dr. M. S. Thomson. Animal diseases com-

municable to man.5 Dr. B. Russell.. Eczema and/or dermatitis.

io Dr. A. C. Roxburgh. Cutaneous syphilis.12 Dr. G. B. Mitchell-Heggs. Penicillin in derma-

tology.17 Dr. I. Muende. Histopathology of the skin.x8 Dr. C. W. McKenny. X-ray technique.24 Dr. H. Corsi. Diseases of the nails.3I Dr. I. Muende. Histopathology of the skin.General. No ward instruction is yet possible, but anew extension to the Hospital is in the course of con-struction, and greatly improved facilities for teachingand study will be available on completion.Enquiries should be made to the Dean, Institute ofDermatology, St. John's Hospital for Diseases of the Skin,Lisle Street, Leicester Square,, London, W.C.2.

INSTITUTE OF LARYNGOLOGY ANDOTOLOGY (Royal National Throat, Noseand Ear and Golden Square Hospital)(University of London)A comprehensive course lasting 20 weeks and designedto cover the whole field of the specialty is held twice ayear in January and July. This consists of lectures,demonstrations and attendance on the practice of thehospital, with facilities for dissection. A special point ismade of the anatomy, physiology and pathology relatedto the subject. Advanced students may obtain additionalexperience by appointment as Out-patient Assistants.An Advanced Revision Class (io weeks) for M.S. andF.R.C.S. students is also given twice yearly. Thecomposite fee, including enrolment as a clinical assis-tant, attendance on the hospital practice and at oneof the comprehensive courses, but excluding dissection,varies from 35 guineas for three months to 45 guineas fora year. There are lower rates for attendance on thehospital practice only.For further information applications should be addressedto the Dean, Institute of Laryngology and Otology, 330Gray's Inn Road, W.C.i.

INSTITUTE OF OBSTETRICS AND XGYNAECOLOGYIncorporates the teaching facilities of Queen Charlotte'sMaternity Hospital, the Chelsea Hospital for Women,and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology ofthe Postgraduate Medical School. Applications toattend courses of instruction are invited from graduatesholding a registrable medical qualification. TheSpring Term will commence on January 9, 1959.On enrolment, graduates are posted to one of theconstituent hospitals but they also attend combinedclasses at the other two hospitals on two days -a week.This provides a wide variety of teaching and clinicalmaterial. The enrolment fee is C3, and the charge forone term is L20 or for two terms the charge is ,35.

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General practitioners wishing to obtain further ex-perience of obstetrics may be accepted at Queen Char-lotte's Hospital to attend the practice of the hospital,for periods of two or four weeks, during which time theywill have opportunities for delivering normal cases. Inaddition they will attend the combined classes of theother two hospitals. A fee of C3 a week is chargedduring term time, for attending the practice of thehospital. Postgraduates may attend the practice of thehospital at the Postgraduate Medical School and QueenCharlotte's Hospital during the vacation, when a chargeof CIi a week is made. An intensive course suitable forthose preparing for higher examinations will be held atthe end of the Autumn Term.Hostel accommodation is available at the PostgraduateMedical School and at a short distance from QueenCharlotte's Hospital.Applications for further information and for enrolmentforms should be made to the Secretary, Institute ofObstetrics and Gynaecology, Chelsea Hospitalfor Women,Dovehouse Street, S. W.3.

INSTITUlT OF OPHTHALMOLOGY(Royal London Ophthalmic, Royal West-minster Ophthalmic, Central LondonOphthalmic Hospitals) (University ofLondon)Courses of lectures and classes beginning March i andOctober I each year to meet the requirements ofcandidates entering for the examination fox the Diplomain Ophthalmology and other ophthalmological examina-tions will be given by members of the staff of the Hos-pital and Institute. Each course is designed to extendover two terms of approximately I8 weeks each and isnormally divided into two parts.

Part I. Anatomy (including embryology and normalhistology), elementary physiology of the eye, optics(elementary and physiological), piactical tutorials inrefraction work and clinical subjects.Part II. Advanced physiology, all clinical branches ofthe subject together with bacteriology and pathology.Students can attend ttie daily clinical practice of the twobranches of the Moorfields, Westminster and Central EyeHospital, and hold the appointments of Junior ClinicalAssistants and Clinical Assistants concurrently with theabove courses. A composition fee of £26 5s. od. willadmit students once to the lectures and tutorial classesof any one term, with six months' clinical practice inthe hospital.Advanced Course. Clinical teaching and lectures ata higher level for advanced students. Fees are adver-tised as and when courses are arranged. Next coursewill begin about February 13, 1950.Extra Courses. Slit lamp microscopy (fee, Ls 5s. od);orthoptic training (one week's intensive course, fee,

s5 5s. od. Next courses: February 13 to I7 andFebruary 20 to 24, 1950); contact lenses (one week'sintensive course, fee, Cio Ios. od.). Additional coursesby arrangement.Hospital Practice only. Fees as follows: one mnonth,L 2S. od.; three months, L5 5s. od.; six months,LIo IOS. od.

For further information apply to the Academic Secretary,Institute of Ophthalmology, Judd Street, London, W.C.I.

INSTITUTE OF ORTHOPAEDICS(University ofLondon)The Institute is concerned with postgraduate educationin oxthopaedics and with xeseaxch. The practice of thehospital, both at the Central Hospital in Great PortlandStreet, and at the Country Hospital at Stanmore, is opento postgraduates, who may join at any time. In additionto hospital practice, formal courses of various lengthsare held during academic terms. Facilities for ad-vanced clinical work are available for selected can-didates having a suitable scientific or surgical training.A six months' systematic course in orthopaedics whichbegan October 3 will continue to March x8. This is acomprehensive course including the full practice of theTown and Countty Hospitals and about 2oo demnonstra-tions and lectures.Further particulars may be obtained from the Dean,Institute of Orthopaedics, Royal National OrthopaedicHospital, 234 Great Portland Street, W. i.

INSTITUTE OF PSYCHIATRY(University of London)The Institute, which is part of the British PostgraduateMedical Federation, was formerly the Maudsley HospitalMedical School. Since July 5, 1948, it has also beenassociated with the Bethlem Royal Hospital.It is concerned with postgraduate education in psychiatryand allied subjects, and with research. A course ofinstruction covering two to two and a half years, andstarting in October yearly, is provided for medicalpractitioners who wish to specialize in psychiatry or toprepare for the Diploma in Psychological Medicine.Clinical instruction, which includes case conferences,seminars, and practical experience in case taking, isgiven as associated hospitals in the mornings, andsystematic lectures and demonstrations are arranged forthe afternoons. Students may also enrol for shorterperiods or fox separate lecture series.The subjects covered include general and child psy-chiatry, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, electro-physiology with special reference to the clinical applica-tions of the electroencephalogram, neuropathology, bio-chemistry, psychology, principles of psychotherapy,forensic psychiatry, criminology, mental testing, andstatistics. Lectures on subjects of special interest arearranged from time to time. The tuition fee for a fullyear's course is' C52 Ios. od. For shorter periods thefee varies with the type of course chosen.Selected students are eligible for appointments onthe staff of the Joint Hospital.Facilities for research and supervision of study forhigher degrees also exist in clinical work and in thebiochemical, electrophysiological, neuropathological andpsychological laboratories.Further information may be obtained from the Dean,Institute of Psychiatry, Maudsley Hospital, DenmarkHill, London, S.E.5.

INSTITUTE OF UROLOGY (St. Peter's andSt. Paul's Hospitals) (University of London)Three courses are held annually. Instruction includessystematic lectures, out-patient sessions, ward visits,operation sessions and tutorial demonstrations. Fee£xI8 i8s. od. Special courses in venereology are heldtwice yearly.

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Applications should be addressed to the Secretary, St.Peter's Hospital for Stone, Henrietta Street, London,W.C.2.

GUY'S HOSPITALA course in preparation for Part I of the Diploma inPhysical Medicine will be held, beginning January 10,1950.

Further information can be obtained from the Dean,Medical School, Guy's Hospital, London, S.E.r.

LONDON SCHOOL OF HYGIENE ANDTROPICAL MEDICINE (University ofLondon)Course of study for the University of LondonCertificates and Diploma in Public Health. Thecourse is designed for qualified medical practitioners andis intended primarily to prepare them for the AcademicPostgraduate Certificate and Diploma in Public Healthof the University of London. The preliminary part isintended to meet the needs of registered medicalpractitioners who intend to devote themselves to anybranch of Public Health work, and the full course isintended to provide more advanced instruction forthose practitioners who wish to qualify themselves forappointments in which they are required by law to holdregistered Diplomas or Degrees in Public Health (orState Medicine). The preliminary course lasts threemonths, and the complete course covers one academicyear of nine months, and tuition begins at the end ofSeptember in each year. The tuition fee for the coursefor the Certificate in Public Health is £2I, and for thefull course is £56 14S. od. (both payable at the time ofenrolment). These fees include payments in respect ofwork in a public health department, instruction in in-fectious diseases and hospital administration, and certainvisits. They do not include University registrationand examination fees. The registration fee, payable tothe University by students who have not previouslymatriculated in the University of London, is k3 3s. od.Application for admission to the course should be madeto the Registrar of the School. Applications fromnationals from Pakistan and India should be madethrough the offices of their respective High Commis-sioners in London. Part-time students are not at presentadmitted to the course. The detailed regulations,governed by the Rules of the General Medical Council,are issued by the University of London.Course of study for the Diploma in TropicalMedicine and Hygiene (England). The course isintended primarily to prepare qualified medical prac-titioners for the examination of the Conjoint Boardfor the Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.The course is open to any qualified medical practitioner,but those not holding a medical qualification registrablein England should consult the Secretary of the Con-joint Board, 8 Queen Square, London, W.C.l, re-garding their admissibility to the examination for theDiploma. The course is a continuous one of five monthsduration, preparing for a single examination by theConjoint Board. The tuition fee for the whole courseis C40, but it does not include the examination feepayable to the Conjoint Board.Application for admission to the course should be madeto the Registrar of the School. Students from overseasare advised to make application as early as possible inorder that they may be assured before sailing that thereis a place available. Applications from nationals from

Pakistan and India should be made through the officesof their respective High Commissioners in London.Course of study for the Academic Diploma inBacteriology. This course is designed to preparecandidates for the Academic Postgraduate Diploma inBacteriology of the University of London. The courseis open to graduates in medicines science and pharmacyof the London or another approved University, whoseprevious training has, in the opinion of the LondonUniversity fitted them to profit by the course; reg-istered medical practitioners and other students who,though not graduates. have obtained a qualification andundergone a previous training which, in the opinion ofthe London University, has fitted them to profit bythe course. The course begins about the first week inOctober in each year and lasts one academic year ofnine months. The examination for the Diploma isheld once in each year beginning on the Thursdayfollowing the third Monday in June. The compositefee for the course is £C6 14S. od.; this includes tuition,hire of microscope, and the provision of a clean gownand towel each week. The examination fee is CS Ss. od.The registration fee, payable to the University bystudents who have not previously matriculated in theUniversity of London, is ,;3 3s. od.Applications for admission to the course should be sub-mitted to the Registrar of the School, and should beaccompanied by a statement of the candidate's pastexperience, and of the particular branch of bacteriologythat he intends to take up in the future. A list ofpublications, if any, should also be included. It isimportant to know whether the candidate is going to takeup bacteriology as a whole-time career. The number ofplaces is strictly limited. Applications for admissionshould be received by the end of March; candidateswill be informed by the end of April whether or notthey can be admitted.Applicants who are interested in hospital pathology asopposed to public health bacteriology are reminded thata course for the Diploma in Clinical Pathology is avail-able at the Postgraduate Medical School of London.Short courses in the principles of MedicalStatistics and Statistical Methods. In addition tothe general course of instruction in medical statisticsand elementary statistical ideas and methods whichforms part of the curriculum of students working foracademic diplomas, the Department of Medical Statisticsoffers a short and rather more advanced three monthcourse in these subjects. In this short course particularattention is given to the analysis of medical statisticalmaterial and students are taught, in lectures and bypractical work, the more important methods of treatingand interpreting numerical data. Special lectures aregiven on the general principles of statistical inferenceand the elements of the theory of probability. Thenature and source of medical-statistical data are dis-cussed and lectures given on statistical-epidemiologicalaspects of diseases and on such subjects as occupationaland social aspects of mortality and morbidity, popula-tion sampling methods and tests of inoculation pro-cedures. The programme consists of 4-5 lectures and6-7 hours of practical work each week, usually arrangedto occupy two whole days. The days and hours ofattendance are not fixed but are arranged from term toterm to fit in with other courses in the School and tomeet, when possible, the needs of students who wishto take this part-time course and to carry on with otherwork at the same time. Those with more time at theirdisposal are able to do additional practical work and areassisted in analysing statistical material of their ownoutside the fixed hours of classes. The course lasts

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three months and is held twice a year, beginning in thefirst week of January and about mid-April, if sufficientapplications are received. The fee for the course isLz 12S. od. Application should be made to the Registrarof the School not less than one month before the courseis due to begin.Course in Applied Helminthology. A short courseis held from time to time, and is designed for membersof staffs of agricultural colleges, officers or intendingofficers of the Colonial Agricultural and VeterinaryServices, and officers engaged under local authorities.The course lasts three weeks and is held in the monthof July, but it is not held every year. The fee for thecourse is £4 4s. od.

METROPOLITAN EAR, NOSE AND THROATHOSPITALThe postgraduate training is the traditional one of beingappointed as clinical assistant to one of the surgeons,taking part in the out-patient clinics and assisting atoperations. Special four-week courses are held forgeneral practitioners, which necessitate attendance atthe hospital at least twice a week for lectures, practicaldemonstrations and training in the examination ofpatients. In addition there are frequent intensiveweek-end courses for general practitioners. There is adaily Hearing Aid clinic at the Hospital.Daily operations at I.P. Dept., 5 Collingham Gardens,S.W.5. Courses for specialists by arrangement.For further information applications should be addressedto Chief Lay Administrative ffi cer, Metropolitan Ear,NVose and Throat Hospital, 14-I6 Granville Place, W.i.

NATIONAL HOSPITAL, Queen Square(Institute of Neurology)The teaching is mainly by attendance on the hospitalpractice. Mote advanced students are appointed asclinical clerks to the wards or to the electroencephalo-graphic, or one of the other special departments, or tothe research laboratories. In addition, two full-timecourses of ten weeks' duration are given each year inthe autumn and spring terms. The first portion of thecourse deals with the anatomy and physiology of thenervous system, methods of examination, neuro-pathology, neuro-ophthalmology, neuro-otology, radi-ology and psychology, and consists mainly of lecturesand demonstrations. A course in neuro- surgery isgiven during the summer term. Special lectures byneurologists from outside London and from abroadare held throughout the three courses. Fees: For theten-weeks' full-time course, C2I; For attendinghospital practice, £15iI5s. od. for three months or£;29 8s. od. for six months.Applications for further information should be addressedto the Dean, Medical School, National Hospital, QueenSquare, London, W.C.I.

NORTH LONDON POSTGRADUATEMEDICAL INSTITUTECourses in advanced medicine, advanced surgery, andobstetrics and gynaecology. Instruction in pathology,anaesthetics and radiodiagnosis. Clinical instruction atBearsted Memorial Hospital, Chase Farm Hospital,North Middlesex Hospital, the Prince of Wales'sGeneral Hospital and St. Ann's General Hospital.During the coming academic year there will be eight-week courses in advanced medicine suitable for those

taking the M.R.C.P. examination, and eight-weekcourses in advanced surgery suitable for those takingthe F.R.C.S. examination, also two-week courses forthose taking the D.Obst.R.C.O.G. examination.For further information apply to the Dean, the Princeof Wales's GCenral Hospital, London, N.IS.

POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL SCHOOL OFLONDON (University ofLondon)The Postgraduate Medical School of London (formerlythe British Postgraduate Medical School) is associatedwith the Hammersmith Hospital, Ducane Road, W.12.It has University Departments in Medicine, Surgery,Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and Pathology. TheDepai-tment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology togetherwith Queen Charlotte's and the Chelsea Hospitals, nowforms the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Theteaching in the clinical departments, which is of anadvanced nature and based on ward work, is continuousand is supplemented by lectures during three ten-weeksessions starting in January, April and October.Suitable students are encouraged to undertake researchwork. A course for the University Diploma in ClinicalPathology, lasting one year, is available for a limitednumber of selected students. This commences inOctober. In anaesthetics, short practical courseslasting a fortnight, and longer periods of training for sixmonths, are provided. The Department of Radiologyof the Hospital provides courses for the Diplomas inMedical Radiology of the University and ConjointBoard. The fees vary from £3 for one week to £6ofor a year.For further information application should be made to theDean, Postgraduate School of London, Ducane Road,W.I2.

ROYAL EYE HOSPITAL (King's CollegeHospital Group)Clinical Ophthalmology Lectures: Methods ofExamination will be given by Mr. C. Taylor onThursdays, January 12 and i9, at 5 p.m., and by Dr.R. A. Burn on Fridays, January I3 and 20, at 4.I5 p.m.Ophthalmic Neurology will be given by Mr. L. H.Savin on Wednesdays, December 7, I4, 21, January 4and iI, at 5 p.m. Operative Surgery Demonstra-tions will be given by Mr. B. W. Rycroft, byarrangement.Occasional lectures will be given as follows:December8 5 p.m. Prof. S. Nevin. Ocular palsy.I5 5 p.m. Prof. S. Nevin. Papilloedema and optic

neuritis.January3 5 p.m. Mr. T. Keith Lyle. Squint in children.10 4.15 p.m. Dr. C. G. Kay Sharp. Contact lenses.24 4.15 p.m. Dr. C. G. Kay Sharp. Contact lenses.17 5 p.m. Mr. T. M. Tyrrell. Surgery of the

lachrymal apparatus.i8 5.30 p.m. Mr. G. C. Pritchard. Artificial eyes.25 5.30 p.m. Mr. R. P. Crick. Toxoplasmosis.26 5.30 p.m. Dr. Denis Hill. Psychiatry in relation to

ophthalmology.31 5 p.m. Mr. T. M. Tyrrell. Surgery of the iris.Practical Courses, Pathology and Bacteriology byDr. J. D. Gray and Dr. A. Cunliffe on Tuesdays,December 6, 13, 20, January 3, Io and 17, at 4 p.m.

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Refraction, by Dr. T. H. Whittington, by arrangement.Operative Surgery, by Miss J. M. Dollar and MissMary Savory, by arrangement.The lectures are open to both postgraduate and under-graduate students. A fee of CS 5s. od. per subject, ora composition fee of £12 12S. od. will be charged forPhysiology, Anatomy and Optics, and a fee of /J5 5s. od.for each of the practical courses. Tutorial reN isionclasses will be held by arrangement during the course.

Full details on application to the Secretary to the MedicalCommittee, Royal Eye Hospital, St. George's Circus,London, S.E.s.

ST. GEORGE'S HOSPITAL MEDICALSCHOOL (University of London)The following lecture-demonstrations will be given at4.30 p.m. There is no fee for attendance.DecemberI Dr. Feiling. Neurology.8 Dr. Curran. Psychiatry.

IS Dr. Williams. Neurology.For further information apply to the Dean, MedicalSchool, St. George's Hospital, Hyde Park CornerLondon, S.W.s .

ST. STEPHEN'S HOSPITAL(Rheumatism Unit)Two concentrated week-end courses in the RheumaticDiseases are given each year, in March and in October,under the auspices of the Fellowship of PostgraduateMedicine.A limited number of postgraduates can attend the Out-Patient Sessions of the Unit on Wednesday and Fridaymornings at io a.m.Applications for attendance at these sessions should bemade to the Medical Registrar, Rheunmatism Unit, St.Stephen's Hospital, Fulham Road, S.W.zo

ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITALTuberculosis Educational InstituteA refresher course in 'Tuberculosis among schoolchildren and the use of B.C.G.,' will be held for doctors,school nurses, social workers, etc., on April I8, I9 and20, 1950. Fee (doctors), £4 4s. od. Visits to institutionsand clinics within reach of London will be arranged onApril zi at an additional charge.Applications for further information and for enrolmentshould be addressed to the Secretary, Tuberculosis In-stitute, Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,London, W.C.I.

EMPIRE RHEUMATISM COUNCILLecture courses in Rheumatic Diseases are arrangedfor general practitioners and other postgraduatesperiodically.Particulars are obtainable from the General Secretary,Empire Rheumatism Council, Tavistock House (N),Tavistock Square, London, W.C.I.

LONDON COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETYA clinical meeting will be held at Bexley Hospital,Bexley, Kent, on December 7, at 3 p.m.

Enquiries and all communications should be addressedto the Hon. Secretary, J. Gabe, Esq., F.R.C.S., St.Alfege's Hospital, Vanbrugh Hill, S.E. I o.

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR MENTALHEALTHCourses for medical officers on Educationally Sub-normal Children and Mental Defectives, 1949, are or-ganized by the Extra-mural Department of theUniversity of London in co-operation with the NationalAssociation for Mental Health; they are intended forqualified medical practitioners, more especially thoseengaged as School Medical Officers and as CertifyingOfficers under the Mental Deficiency Act.Applications for further information and for enrolmentshould be made to the Educational Secretary, NationalAssociation for Mental Health, 39 Queen Anne Street,Londor, W.i.

ROYAL INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTHAND HYGIENEThe next course of instruction of the Institute for theCertificate in Public Health, and for Part I of theDiploma in Industrial Health-which is the same andruns concuri ently-will begin on Friday, March 24,I950. The next course for the D.P.H. begins onJanuary 27, 1950, and for Part II (D.I.H.) on February17, 1950.

All the courses may be taken whole-time or part-time.Further information can be obtained from the Secretary,The Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene, 28Portland Place, W. t.

BRISTOLMedical Postgraduate Department of theUniversity of BristolC.P.H. (Certificate in Public Health) and D.P.H.(Diploma in Public Health). Preliminary course forC.P.H. cccupies ten weeks. Final course for theDiploma occupies the Spring and Summer Terms.Courses run concurrently and begin in October.D.M.R.D. & T. (Diploma in Medical Radio-diagnosis and Radiotherapy). The D.M.R.D.covers a period of I8 months. The D.M.R.T. covers aperiod of two years. Course begins in October.D.P.M. (Diploma in Psychological Medicine) PartI. The course covers a period of not less than twoterms normally beginning in the autumn.Course in Child Health. A course lasting threemonths, suitable for the D.C.H. of the Royal Colleges,begins in October.Course in Anaesthesia. A course lasting 12 months,suitable for the D.A. of the Royal Colleges, begins inOctober.Applications for further information and for enrolment incourses should be made to the Director, Medical Post-graduate Studies, The University, Bristol, 8.

CAMBRIDGEUniversity Medical SchoolPostgraduate Facilities for General Practitioners.From October 3, 1949, to July 31, I950, regular dailymedical and surgical ward rounds, out-patient clinicsand a monthly clinico-pathological conference will be

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December I949 Postgraduate News 667

available at the Cambridge United Hospitals. Adetailed time-table, showing subjects, is obtainable onapplication.Enquiries should be addressed to the Secretary, CambridgeUniversity Medical School, The Naval Hut, DowningCollege, Cambridge.

CARDIFFThe Welsh National School of MedicineC.P.H. Wales (Certificate in Public Health). Threemonths' full-time course, October to December.D.P.H. Wales (Diploma in Public Health). Twelvemonths' part-time course, January to December.T.D.D. Wales (Tuberculosis Diseases Diploma).Five to six months' full-time course, January to June.D.M.R.D.Eng. (Diploma in Medical Radio-diagnosis). Eighteen months' full-time course fromOctober.The number of admissions to each of the above courses isstrictly limited and early application should be made tothe Secretary, The Welsh National School of Medicine,34 Newport Road, Cardiff.

DUBLINUniversity CollegeThe following courses will be held during the session.1I949-50:-

C.P.H. Course and examination. Michaelmas Term.D.P.H. Course. Hilary and Trinity Terms.

Examinations. Summer Term.D.P.M. Course and examination. Michaelmas Term.D.C.H. Course and examination. Hilary Term.Further particulars may be obtained on application to theRegistrar, University College, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin.

EDINBURGHEdinburgh Postgraduate Board of MedicineGeneral Surgery. A three months' course of post-graduate surgery is arranged to start on March 27,I950. It is suitable for surgeons requiring a refreshercourse in the current outlook on general surgery, or forgraduates prepaiing to specialize in surgery; approxi-mately 2oo hours of instruction are provided. Fee,£3I IOS. od.Internal Medicine. A course lasting I2 weeks, suit-able for graduates wishing a refresher course, or tospecialize in Medicine, begins on April 3, I950. Thesecourses consist of 320 hours' instruction, comprisinglectures, clinical demonstrations and ward visits. Fee,,£3I IOS. od.Paediatrics. A short course of instruction is run inconjunction with the course in Medicine, and is primarilyintended for those who wish additional experience inthis subject. A small fee is charged, and the numbersare limited.Obstetrics and Gynaecology. A series of post-graduate lectures, operating sessions, clinical work andpathological demonstrations will be held from March20 to April 14, I950. The class is intended for thosewishing to specialize in these subjects and is not ageneral refresher course. It will consist of approxi3mately 8o hours' instruction and will be conducted bythe senior staff and the clinical teaching staff of theRoyal Infinmary and the Simpson Memorial Maternity

Pavilion. The class will be limited to a minimum of 12and a maximum of 20. Only those with considerablepostgraduate experience in Obstettics and Gynaecologyshould apply. Fee, 20 guineas.Medical Sciences. A three months' course in AppliedAnatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Bacteriology and Bio-chemistry will begin on July 3, i950. This courseis suitable for postgraduates wishing to take the PrimaryFellowship examination. The number attending willbe limited. Fee, £3' IOS. od.Applications for enrolment should be addressed to Directorof Postgraduate Studies, Surgeons' Hall, Edinburgh, 8.Applicants for courses, except general practitioners,should supply particulars of qualifications and post-graduate experience.

Royal Medical SocietyThe meetings of the Society are held in the Society'sHall on Friday evenings during the Autumn and SpringTerms. Meetings consist of Private Business (at 7 p.m.)and Public Business (at 8 p.m.) in which dissertationsby members or addresses by prominent medical men onsubjects of medical interest are given. Clinical meetingsare held periodically in the Royal Infirmary and filmshows of the latest medical films are given in the Society'sRooms. Prospective members will be welcomed on anyFriday evening in the Society's Hall before publicbusiness.December2 Mr. Y. J3. Maccabe. Disseminated sclerosis.9 Symposium: Pyrexia.

January13 Mr. I. B. Tait. Dissertation.20 Mr. D. W. MacLean. The handicapped child.27 Sir Hugh Cairns, K.B.E. Head injuries.February3 Mr. J3. B. McWhinnie. Physique, diathesis and Mr. L. R. Roberts. Dissertation.17 Prof. Walter Mercer. Manipulative surgery.24 Mr. A. Fraser Darling. The nature of cutaneous

sensation.Applications for further inforination should be addressedto the Secretary, Royal Medical Society, 7 MelbournPlace, Edinburgh, I.

GODALMING, SURREYTuberculosis Educational InstituteA three-day refresher course will be held at the KingGeorge V Sanatorium, Godalning, on January 24,25 and z6, I950. Fee, £3 3s. od.Applications for further information and for enrolmentshould be addressed to the Secretary, Tuberculosis Educa-tional Institute, Tavistock House North, TavistockSquare, London, W.C.i.

LEEDSUniversity of Leeds Postgraduate CommitteeWeekly clinical meetings will take place every Tuesdayafternoon at 3.15 p.m.Applications for further informatmio and enolmntshould be addressed to the Senior Administrative Officer,School of Medicine, Thorseby Place, Leeds, a.

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LIVERPOOLUniversity of LiverpoolThe following postgraduate courses of instruction areoffered:-Orthopaedic Surgery. A full-time is-month courseleading to a Mastership in Orthopaedic Surgery(M.Ch.Orth.) open to all medical graduates of approvedUniversities (and to graduates in other faculties withqualifications in nmedicine) who hold an F.R.C.S. of oneof the British colleges or its equivalent. The fee forthe whole course is £80. The course begins in October.Radiology. A full-time course of two academicsessions leading to a Diploma in Radiology (D. or T.)which can be taken in either radio-diagnosis or radio-therapy, open to medical graduates of approvedUniversities and to medically qualified candidates whohold approved higher medical diplomas and a degreein a faculty other than medicine. The fee for the fulltwo-year course is £Ioo. The course begins in October.The degree of M.Rad. may, after report by the Faculty,be conferred on holders of the D.Rad.(D. or T.) of thisUniversity under certain conditions.Surgery. A full-time one-year course leading to theMastership of Surgery (Ch.M.) of the University ofLiverpool, open to medical graduates of approvedUniversities and to graduates in other faculties withqualifications in medicine and an F.R.C.S. of one of theBritish colleges or its equivalent. The course is suitablefor candidates who have already completed the Primaryof their F.R.C.S. and will not include instruction inanatomy and physiology suitable for this examination.The fee for the course is £6o. The course begins inOctober.Public Health. A full-time one-year course leading tothe Diploma in Public Health, open to candidates witha medical qualification from an approved University ormedical school. The fee is £60. All courses of in-struction begin in October.Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. A full-time four-month course leading to the Diploma in TropicalMedicine and Hygiene (D.T.M. & H.) ppen to candi-dates with a medical qualification from an approvedunivessity or medical school. The course begins inSeptember and January. Fee, £42.Anaesthesia. A full-time course of postgraduateinstruction, limited to ten students, will begin onOctober i and last for one year. This course has beenaccepted by the Conjoint Board of England as fulfillingthe requirements of candidates for the Diploma inAnaesthetics. The fee for the course is o60.Internal Medicine. For graduates proceeding to ahigher qualification in medicine (e.g. M.R.C.P. orM.D.) there is a part-time course lasting one year.This comprises lectures and demonstrations in path-ology, bacteriology, general medicine, neurology, cardi-ology and radiological diagnosis. The course normallybegins in October, but graduates may join at other timeswithout disadvantage. The fee for the year's courseiS 2I.Refresher courses for general practitioners arearranged from time to time.Applications for further information should be addressedto the Dean, Faculty of Medicine, The University,Liverpool, 3.

MARKET DRAYTON, SALOPTuberculpsis Educational InstituteThree-day Clinical Courses are given at the CheshireJoint Sanatorium, Market Drayton, throughout the

year. The dates of the next courses will be announcedshortly.Applications for further information and enrolment shouldbe sent to Dr. Harley Williams, Tuberculosis EducationalInstitute, Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square,London, W.C.x.

NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNEUniversity of Durham Medical SchoolCertificate and Diploma in Public Health. Whole-time course for the Certificate and Diploma in PublicHealth of the University will be held during the session1949-50. The course for the Certificate will be heldduring the Michaelmas Term, I949. Fee, L20'. Thecourse for the Diploma will be held during the Epiphanyand Easter Terms, I950. Fee, o40.Applications should be addressed to the Assistant Registrar,Medical School, King's College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.OXFORDUniversity of. Oxford Postgraduate MedicalEducation CommitteePostgraduate education for general practitioners ar-ranged as follows:-At the United Oxford HospitalsClinics held throughout the year, except during Augustand September:-Medicine, ward rounds daily, IO.I5a.m., Radcliffe Infirmary; case discussions, Thursdays,2.I5 p.m., Nuffield Department of Medicine, RadcliffeInfirmary. Chest Diseases, ward rounds, Mondaysand Fridays, 2 p.m., the Osler Pavilion. Geriatrics,to be arranged later, Cowley Road Hospital. Psy-chiatry, out-patients, Tuesdays, 2 p.m., RadcliffeInfirmary; case discussions, Fridays, 4 p.m., ParkHospital. Infectious Diseases, ward rounds byarrangement, Tuesdays, 2 p.m., Slade InfectiousDiseases Hospital. Social Medicine, lectures, Mon-days, 5 p.m. (during term only), Institute of SocialMedicine. Paediatrics, ward rounds, Saturdays,10.30 a.m., Radcliffe Infirmary; Infant Welfare Clinic,Thursdays, 2 p.m., Oxford City Clinic. N4eurology,out-patients, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 2 p.m., Rad-cliffe Infirmary; clinical demonstrations, Thursdays, 5p.m., Radcliffe Infirmary. Dermatology, out-patients,Mondays and Fridays, 2 p.m., Radcliffe Infirmary. Sur-gery, ward rounds, Thursdays, 9.30 a.m., ChurchillHospital; accident service, daily, io a.m., Radcliffe In-firmary; ward. rounds, Mondays, Thursdays and Fri-days, IOJ.5 a.m., Radcliffe Infirmary; Monday, Tuesdayand Thursdays, 2.I5 p.m., Radcliffe Infirmary; clinicaldemonstrations, Tuesdays 4.30 p.m., ChurchillHospital. Orthopaedic Surgery, clinical demon-strations, Thursdays, 9 and io a.m., Wingfield-MorrisHospital. Obstetrics and Gynaecology, post-natalclinic, Wednesdays, 2 p.m.; ante-natal clinic, Thurs-days and Fridays, 2 p.m.; symposium, Thursdays, p.m. (monthly), Maternity Home, RadcliffeInfirmary; ward rounds, Wednesdays, 5 p.m., Rad-cliffe Infirmary. Clinico-Pathology, symposium,Wednesdays, 5 p.m. (during term), Maternity Theatre,Radcliffe Infirmary. Venereal Diseases, males,Wednesdays, 5.30 p.m., females, 2.30 p.m., RadcliffeInfirmary.At the Reading Group of HospitalsClinical Assistantships open to all practitioners inthe area in the following subjects:-medicine, surgery,paediatrics, ophthalmology, oto-rhino-laryngology, ob-stetrics and gynaecology, pathology. These appoint-

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ments will be from one to three months according tothe number of applicants. Applications should be sentto Mr. Gordon Bohn at the Royal Berkshire Hospital,Reading.Ward Rounds to be held throughout the year:-Surgery, Fridays, 2.15 p.m. (weekly), Royal Berk-shire Hospital. Medicine, Thursdays, 2.15 p.m.(weekly), Tuesdays, 2.15 p.m. (alternate weeks), RoyalBerkshire Hospital. Geriatrics, Tuesdays, 2.15 p.m.(alternate weeks), Battle Hospital. Paediatrics,Tuesdays, I0.30 a.m. (alternate weeks), Royal Berk-shire Hospital. Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Thursdays, 10.30 a.m. (alternate weeks), Royal Berk-shire Hospital.General practitioners wishing to avail themselves of thefacilities set out in this schedule should apply to theChairman, Postgraduate Medical Education Committee,9I Banbury Road, Oxford.

SOUTMENDSouthend General HospitalAn abdominal operation session is held every Saturdayafternoon from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., at which postgraduatesare welcome. There is no fee. Trains from FenchurchStreet to Southend or to Westcliff are as follows, butpostgraduates are advised to check them in case ofalterations, the time of arrival is stated in brackets.To Southend: 12.1 (I.7), 12.7 (1.19), 12.13 (I.25),12.25 (I.32), I2.32 (1.46). To Westcliff: I2.1 (1.3),12.7 (r.I5), I2.25 (1x28), 12.32 (I.44). Trains re-turning to Fenchurch Street are as follows. FromSouthend: 7.34 (8.55), 8.4 (9.56). From Westcliff:7.3 (8.30), 7.39 (8.55), 8.8 (9.56).

DAVOS, SWITZERLANDTuberculosis Educational InstituteArrangements are being made in conjunction with theDavos Medical Society for a refresher course in tubercu-losis for a limited number of doctors from March 25 toApril 2, 1950. Fare, approximately £20 second-classreturn. Accommodation, approximately Fr. 20 perday. Registration fee, Xi is. od.Applications for further information and for enrolmentshould be addressed to the Secretary, Tuberculosis Educa-tional Institute, Tavistock House North, Tavtstock Square,London, W.C.i.

CONFERENCES, ANNUAL MEETINGS, ETC.EASTBOURNEHealth CongressThe Royal Sanitary Institute is arranging to hold aHealth Congress at Eastbourne from April 24 to 28, ig5o.The main part of the programme will consist of dis-cussions of subjects covering most aspects of hygiene,including papers of great importance to all those en-gaged in improving the public health. Visits will bearranged each afternoon to municipal and industrialundertakings in Sussex of special interest, to representa-tives of local authorities. The subscription for ticketsfor the Congress and for advance copies of the papersand reports of the proceedings is £2 2S. od. for eachdelegate appointed. Applications should be made onthe appropriate Form C.i, which may be obtained fromthe Secretary, Royal Sanitary Institute, go BuckinghamPalace Road, London, S.W.i.

H.K.LEWIS&Co.Ltd, Medical Lending LibraryMedical Pu blishers ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION from ONE GUINEAand Booksellers For the CONVENIENCE of POST-GRADUATE STUDENTS SHORT

Catalogues on request State interests PERIOD SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE ARRANGED - for 3 or 6 months

1 36 GOW E R STR E ET Detailed Prospectus on applicationThe Library Catalogue revised to December, 1943, containingLONDO N, W.C.1 classified index of authors and subjects. To subscribers,

(Adjoining University College and Hospital) 12s. 6d. net; to non-subscribers, 25s. net, postage 9d.SUPPLEMENT, 1944, TO DECEMBER, 1946Telephone: EUSton 4282 (5 lines) To Subscribers, 2s. 6d. net; To Non-Subscribers, 5s. net, postage 4d.Telegrams: Publicavit, Wcstcent. LondonTeerm Pulcvt .escn,Lno NEW BOOKS ADDED IMMEDIATELY UPON PUBLICATIONBusiness hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays: I p.m.

RUTHIN CASTLE,NORTH WALESA Clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of Internal Diseases (except Mental or Infectious Diseases). The

Clinic Is provided with a staff of doctort, technicians and nurses.The surroundings are beautiful. The climate is mild. There is central heating throughout. The annual

rainfall is 30.5 Inches, that is, less than the average for England.The Fees are inclusive and vary according to the room occupied.

For particulars apply to THE SECRETARY, Ruthin Castle, North Wales.Telegrams: Castle. Ruehin. Teieplsee: Rueb"im

Page 15: THF - Postgraduate Medical Journal


r, WiM?OLE STREET, Li)ON N, W,iTelephone: LANGHAM 4266. ---- At-----k, .. ..- ----- * -- ----


C iitinaihfEf'cSlte CommitteeMAURICE DAVIDSON, D.M., F.R.C.P.

Honorary TreasurerCHARLES D. READ, F.R.C.S., F.R.C.O.G.

Honorary SecretariesMAURICE DAVIDSON, D.M., F.R.C.P.




SecretaryMiss M. L. WORTHAssistant SecretaryMiss E. A. FORDER

Only qualified medical practitioners may become Members of the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine.Instruction arranged by the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine is open only to Members on payment of therequisite fees. Postgraduates (whether Members or not) are not automatically included in the mailing lists,but must notify the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, if they wish to be sent syUabuses as published, andmust specify the subjects in which they are interested. Information regarding courses can be obtained fromthe Office, daily between io a.m. and 5 p.m. (Saturdays io a.m. to iz noon). Telephone: Langham 4266.

Please mark clearly which subscription is required-A, B, or C.A. I wish to become a Member of the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine; annual subscription, Ios. 6d.B. I wish to subscribe to the monthly POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL; annual subscription, 248. post free.C. I wish to become a Member of the Fellowship and also to subscribe to the POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL

JOURNAL; combined annual subscription 34s. 6d.(All subscriptions from month of joining unless otherwise requested. If syllabuses are required, pleasestate subjects of interest).

me (in full) ................................................................................................................................................................................................


TelephoneNo. (if any)..............................................Permanentaddress (if different from above)......................................................................................................................



Applicants for Membership of the Fellowship must also complete the following:Medical qualifications, University or Medical School and year of graduation

December 1949Banker's order form for subscriptions to the JOURNAL are obtainable on request.