THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald...

occur, .':Jomes, and businesses would get electrical power often enough so they could be kept, warm during cold spells. Councilman Frank Prather In Sep- tember ha.d askep. city officials" to draw .... up a,.fist of steps which would be taken In case fuel runs' short, noting that 'it should be done months and not days before they ,are P\Jt into effect. Hall said Tuesday night that he, city administrator Fred. Br,nk" city. clerk Dan Sherry and power plant superin- . ten dent Norbert Brugger drew' up the fuel conserving steps. Councilmen ask-ed for tfme to review the proposed steps before taking official action on them. Councilmen having suggestions for additional steps, or' suggestions will probably make; them at the Nov. 13th meeting. city to cut back on u;>e of .. """" Shutting off' street lights on one side of the street. V" Shutting off s·treet lights on both sides 'of the streef. - 'Shutting off . lights in all' city parks. ' ,; 'Cutting off half the city for one hour, then svpply,ing it with power for an hour, while cutting off the other half. V" RU"f.H1ing only the smallest motor at the generating plant. whiCh would· provide. a quarter of the city with power every hour.- Hall noted that he hopes the "day never comes" 'when power plant officials have to start shutting off portions of the tity to conserve fuel. but he noted that even if that does .................:.:::::: Electrical service to homes throughout Wayne would probably be cut back if the municipal power'plant ever. comes close to running out of fuel during ,the coming winter, city coun· cilmen rearned Tuesday night .. Turning off electricity f.lowing into' private homes is one at the steps which could be laken if the city's fuel tanks ever start running" dry, mayor Kent Hall told the their regular meeting. But 'that would happen only if the shortage gets "real - serious", and appeals by the city. for' voluntary conservation of elecfricaJ power fall shqrt, Hall noted. ,"T.he: pos,sible steps in dise of a fuel shortage qS Qutlined by the mayor: ", Re'questing everybody in the .-J If Fuel Crunch Hits Home, Home Lights May Stop Burning MRS. WALTER HALE Another $300 grand prize will be (Thur:sday), in all stores pa,r'ticipating.·l.n the promotion: If the gran,d prjze' goes, unclaimed, the '$50 -aonsola- non ,pr,ize -wIll be awarded the person whose' birthday falls chasesf'" to the winriing' date. Announcement of the,. date' wfll be made In partiCipating stores af 8: 15 p.m'. . Th-e Birfb{jay Bucks, awarded In t,he weekly' e"ent may 'be spen{ iust like cash in any, of the stotes or firms takjng part. ' Past wInners are eligible to win again, and all. employees not working on Thursday nights are eHgible to participate. . Mrs. Wtil1er Hale, e'orrespond- ent for The, Wayne Herald from Wakef'leld, "won the $50 prize In last week's Birthday Bucks pro- motion In Wayne. Mrs. ',Hale, who was :'shopplng 11'1 J. ,M. McDonald-' Co. last Thursday night, missed the $300 prize by just, one day. , The' date ,drawn In th'e weekly giveaway was; one day', away from her birtt,day. < P"per6acks for Sale Several hvndred paperback books 'will ,be on displ,ay at the Wayne High schoohlbrary to- day (ThursdayJand Friday (rom 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Indlv'lduals Interested In look- So,PAPERBACKS. pago 5 THE WAYNE HERALD In other action the council: v'" AGREED 6-2 to pay reserve police officers $2 an hour. Voting See COUNCIL page 5 He said "it's pretty hard to say to an industrial prospect that, this is what we pfan to do rather than what we have done." He noted that several firms have been looking at Wayne as .;a possible site for plants, and that one, a Dakota City firm, is very close to making a decision on purchasing land. "We know now that we'll have to have a site developed to get industry," counci Iman Gross said. "We may have to go into debt (to accomplish it), but in time the mill levy would go down," he added. Money s'pent on developing the site' would probably be the best investment the city ever' made, he noted. Council will discuss the sale offer at its next meeting after the <;Hy administrator gathers more detailed information about toial costs, possible federal grants· or loans and other in- formation Published Ever)' Monday and Thursday at 114 Main, Wayne. Nebraska 68787 many. to issue and whether to issue them on a population basis. Action- on the ordinance may be t€lken at one of the couDci.!'s two meetings in No- vember. Voting against having the atforney draw up the ordinant;:e were Brasch and Russell. COUNCIL ALSO DISCUSSED but took no action on an otter by a local industrial development group to sell about 50 acres of land to the city for $32,000. Wayne Industries has offered to ,sell land e.ast of the dty so the city can develop it into an industrial park. Several councilmen noted that more information about total cost of developing the land - which reportedly could run as high as $390,000 - is needed before a decision on the offer Cdr) be made. Robert Merchant. president of the indusfrial_ development tol,d the coun,cH that, )t js . very -difficulr·to"'sell an indus trial prospect on locating in Wayne without having a de- veloped site. a full time city administrator. The administrator should be able to do much of the work the council had asked the city's engineering firm to do in past years. he said. IN OTHER ACTION, the council voted 8·0 to recommend to the state that a bottle club liGense be issued fa Melodee Lanes. The state liquor commission will make the final dedsion on the request by the bOWling es· lablishment. which curre_ntly has an on and off-sale beer license There were no opponents to the requesi Council voted after Val Kie nasI, operator of the business, said he wOl,Jld hQve to give up his present license for the right to sell mixed drinks and on'sale beer After tha1 decision, council voted 6,2 to have the ciiy attorney draw up an whIch would permit the countil to limit the number of baffle club licenses issued in the city. Council will later discuss how WAYNE, NEBRASKA 68787, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER " 1973 NINETY-EIGHTH YEAR NUMBER FORTY-TWO No MS Drive, eut Capisters To Go Out The Multiple Sclerosis Society did nol conduct a fund-raising drive in Wayne_ this year, but canisters for contributions wilt be placed in local, business places durIng the month of \ November. Assisting Wayne MS chairman Mrs. Jerry Malcom is canister chairman Judy Bargholz, whose mother, Mrs, Harry Bargholz. ls one of Wayne's sev'cn multiple sclerosis patients. Multiple sclerosis strikes be- tween the ages of :20 and 40, and can lead to paralysis, blurred vision, uncontrollable tremors, severe speech impediment and bowel and Qladder problems. There is no cure for MSi--and no re'ally effective treatment for MS patients has been developed. The cause of the disease Is 'not although Or. Hilary Ko- prowsk i has reported finding in the brain tjssue of MS patients a parainfluenza virus of the type known fa cause acute respira- tory illness. Twp other lnqepe-ndent, inyes- tigation'S, . one.-, tn 'England and fh,e, Jothe'r in Australia, have ..lrongly' 'substantiated Dr. Ko- findings;" The isolation of'fhe'vlrus does not nec:;essarily proyl!i' :that It causes sclerosis; but' it it". cvide-nt'tha"( It might. ThL' Wayne, Carroll Music Boosters annual maga7inp. sub scription drivE' begins this week, according to president Mrs Jean Nuss Music students from the high school and mIddle school will be selling subscriptions 10 various popular periodicals in the Wayne and Carroll areas through Nov, 14. Proceeds will be used for music department equipment in both schools and for scholarships to summer music camps Project chairmen are Mrs Marlyn Koch and Mrs, Dallas Havener -.'i"f" of M"{!lI::;;""., !l"{!;,,., 'I'll;., W,'"k ARCHBISHOP SHEEHAN Priest's Senate To Meet in The 30-member Sen· 3te of the Omaha: Archdiocese will meet with Archbishop Dan· iel E. Sheehan of Omaha at St. Mary's Cat hal ic School in Wayne Monday afternoon. The senate, founded six years ago to give priests an active voke In ,the operation of the archdiocese. holds nine meet 109s be- tween 'Omaha 'and out·state cit .. ies. Senate, are elected by pr)'est.$ in"thE!:' diocese. The -'Rev,- Paul Begley of St. Mary's Ca'thollt:· Chur,ch ·in Wayne, Was named of the senate ,at the in Omah-a. . Sunday, Nov. aside as Dr. R. L, Herse Day in Laurel. honoring the !'nan who is 'In h'ls 50th year of dental practice in LaureL A recognition dinner and pro gram will be hetd at the Laurel High School auditorium 031 1 p.m Dinner tickets, at, $2.50 each, are available from Lions Club president Gary Smith, T.uesday Club prElsident Mrs, Shirley Kraemer. Chamber presiden1 Roger Heitman, Felbers Drug Store. Security National Bank, Laurel Feed and Grain and the Laurel Advocate. City Re-HiresEngineering Firm Wayne is back in the business of contracting for professional services Tuesday night the council voted 5·3 to re·hire Consolidated Engineers·Architects of Wayne .and Omaha as, the city's en· gineering Hrm. reversing actIon taken in August wfii'ch'resulted in terminating the city's long· standing contract with the firm. Council voted to re·hire the firm after Fred Brink, recently appointed city administrator, recommended that the city ac· cept Consol idated's contract proposal. one of two being considered by the council. Brink noted that man)' experts agree that it is cheaper in the long run to"" contract for gineerin'g, architectural and Ie gal services than II is to take bids on individual projects. He sa id Consolidated is very familiar v.ith the city's history and IS able to provide much information at a minimal c0St which would be very expensive . if a different engineer were hired for individual proiects. Voting in favor of renewing the contraci were cO'Jncilmen Darrel Fuelberth. Frank Pra ther. Keith Mosley, Vernon Rus sell and Pal Gross Opposing the decision were Ivan Beeks, Harvey Brasch and Jim Thomas, who was success ful in getting Ihe council to vote 5-2 in Augusf to end' the can . tract Voting to lermlnate Ihe contract at that time were Beeks. Brasch. Thomas, Russet! and Gross Mosley was not present for that vole. Thomas again argued Tuesday night that the city should remain freE? to hire any engineering f,"m It wi$hes on individual projects, He apparently gained that poinl when ctluncilmen agreed 10 make a small change in Consolidated's contract which Wpuld permit the engineering firm to take part in projects only at council request He also no.ted that a contract firm is necessary now that the city has Second Class Postage Paid at Wayne Nebraska This Issue... 18 - Two Sections of the band's performance and will be shown on television during the next meeting of the Wayne Carroll Music Boosters on Nov. 5 Band at AHS Seeks Funds ·for Festival Trip Next public per.formance of the local band will be in the Voteran's Day parade in Wayne on Npv. 11 Saturday's festival. which at tracted nearly 60 bands this year. is the largest indoor marching band competition in the world. Nearly 4,000 high school bandsmen pclrticipated in the compel'it'lon Allen High School band has been Inylted to' attend the ninth .- annual Dakota Days Band Fes· tival at Rapid City May 31-June 2, accordIng to director Lorna Stamp. ' Bands from all over the Uni· ted States and Canada attend the festival each year, and lCfti,t year two European bands were present. Approval for the trip has been given by the school,. and pa.rents and band members are trying to raise $1,500 for lodging, meals, transportation, chaperones and .bus drivers'. The grovp 'expects to earn the needed amou'nt through various j Area re's'Jdents who have odd jobs are lnvlted)o ,contad .'ba·"" members; If anyone to make a cash donation to the projcl;t, Mrs. Ed Fahrenholt, Band Mother president' be 'Contacted . Wayne State faculty members who were invited to lead recent ouf-of-stafe events Include or· chestra condvcfor Michael Pal· umbo, guest clinician for the American String Teachers Asso' clatlon lunior high festival at Carroll, la:, and Dr. Nell Swan- son, chairman of the business department, who led a session at the, Conference on the Role of Women ,In Business Manage- ment at Dakota State College, Madison, ' Wayne competed with such bands as those from Albion, St. Paul, Syracuse, Wahoo, Ord and Waverly performing in precision drills .. and a half minutes at Pershing Municipal Auditorium, the band played "Trumpet Voluntary." "Brasses to the Fore," "Amazing Grace," "Basin' Street Blues," "Don't Fence Me In" and "Brasses Wild." Included in the perform· ance were block band drills, a dance step and a compressed band routine which Datton says has become a trademark ot the Wayne High band. ,.,- Leading the musicians as band major was senior Gary Stoltenberg, a transter 'r'om Laurel High School, laurel earned a two·plus in the judging, just below Wayne High's rating. Dalton said a Him was made The Weather. Date High Low Pre. Oct. 24 78 56 Oct. 25 72 41 .02 Oct. 26 68 44 Od_ 27 56 34 Oct_ 28 48 34 Oct_ 29 50 18 Oct. 30 56 36 SHOWING OFF the plaque and trophy Wayne High's marching band won at Saturday's marching band festival are drUM major Gary Stoltenberg, left, and band president Gordon Cook. Band Repea,ts Top Performance WSC Prof, '64 Graduate To Take Part. in Confab Wayne High's marching band has done it again. The 73·member band Saturday earned Its second straight su perlor rating In the annual Nebraska High School Marching Band Festival at Lincoln. The superior ratIng Is the highest given participants, requiring perfect ratings from all three iudges ,In the event. And for their efforts, band members won another large trophy, just like they did a year ago when they placed among the fop in the competition, as well as a plaque for participating In the event for the 10th time In 16 years:- Wayne High's band was one of only six to receive the superior' ratings, according to conductor Ron Dalton, A total of 13 bands in Wayne's class. participated this year. A Wayne State College profes. sor and a 1964'graduate former- ly of Ral\dolph 'wlll take I,adlng roles In the Wlse-pnsln School Music Association convent Jon at Madison Frlday_ Dr. Cornell Runestad, WSC chora' director, will lead two sessions for choral directors on the topic "Teaching literacy' and Style In the Choral Rehear- sal." He plans to explain' how historical, analy1"k"ll and stylis- tic factors influence music being studlep. Wes Frltl of the physical directed by Rod Witte, 1964 science faculty reCeived a Na- music graduate Of WSC, son. of ' tlonal Institute of health grant to Mr, and Ernest Witte" of attend a semh\ar af Columbls, Rando.lph and grandson of Mrs. Mo.,' MQ'nday.Wednesday this }

Transcript of THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald...

Page 1: THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980... · tember ha.d askep. city officials"to draw....up a,.fist of steps which

occur, .':Jomes, and businesses wouldget electrical power often enough sothey could be kept, warm during coldspells.

Councilman Frank Prather In Sep­tember ha.d askep. city officials" todraw....up a,.fist of steps which would betaken In case fuel runs' short, notingthat 'it should be done months and notdays before they ,are P\Jt into effect.

Hall said Tuesday night that he, cityadministrator Fred. Br,nk" city. clerkDan Sherry and power plant superin­

. tendent Norbert Brugger drew' up thefuel conserving steps.

Councilmen ask-ed for tfme to reviewthe proposed steps before takingofficial action on them. Councilmenhaving suggestions for additional steps,or' suggestions will probably make;them at the Nov. 13th meeting.

city to cut back on u;>e of ele'Cf~idty.."""" Shutting off' street lights on

one side of the street.V" Shutting off s·treet lights on

both sides 'of the streef.- 'Shutting off . lights in all' city

parks. '

,; 'Cutting off half the city forone hour, then svpply,ing it with powerfor an hour, while cutting off the otherhalf.

V" RU"f.H1ing only the smallestmotor at the generating plant. whiChwould· provide. a quarter of the citywith power every hour.-

Hall noted that he hopes the "daynever comes" 'when power plantofficials have to start shutting offportions of the tity to conserve fuel.but he noted that even if that does


Electrical service to homesthroughout Wayne would probably becut back if the municipal power'plantever. comes close to running out of fuelduring ,the coming winter, city coun·cilmen rearned Tuesday night..

Turning off electricity f.lowing into'private homes is one at the stepswhich could be laken if the city's fueltanks ever start running" dry, mayorKent Hall told the councilme'i1~at theirregular meeting.

• But 'that would happen only if theshortage gets "real - serious", andappeals by the city. for' voluntaryconservation of elecfricaJ power fallshqrt, Hall noted.

,"T.he: pos,sible steps in dise of a fuelshortage qS Qutlined by the mayor:

", Re'questing everybody in the

.-JIf Fuel CrunchHits Home,Home LightsMay StopBurning


Another $300 grand prize willbe offe~ed·to~,ight (Thur:sday), inall stores pa,r'ticipating.·l.n thepromotion: If the gran,d prjze'goes, unclaimed, the '$50 -aonsola­

non ,pr,ize -wIll be awarded theperson whose' birthday fallschasesf'" to the winriing' date.Announcement of the,. date' wfllbe made In partiCipating storesaf 8: 15 p.m'. .

Th-e Birfb{jay Bucks, awardedwinn~s' In t,he weekly' e"ent

may 'be spen{ iust like cash inany, of the stotes or firms takjngpart. '

Past wInners are eligible towin again, and all. employees notworking on Thursday nights areeHgible to participate. .

Mrs. Wtil1er Hale, e'orrespond­ent for The, Wayne Herald fromWakef'leld, "won the $50 prize Inlast week's Birthday Bucks pro­motion In Wayne.

Mrs. ',Hale, who was :'shopplng11'1 J. ,M. McDonald-' Co. lastThursday night, missed winni~g

the $300 prize by just, one day. ,The' date ,drawn In th'e weeklygiveaway was; one day', awayfrom her birtt,day.


P"per6acks for SaleSeveral hvndred paperback

books 'will ,be on displ,ay at theWayne High schoohlbrary to­day (ThursdayJand Friday(rom 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Indlv'lduals Interested In look­So,PAPERBACKS. pago 5


In other action the council:v'" AGREED 6-2 to pay reserve

police officers $2 an hour. VotingSee COUNCIL page 5

He said "it's pretty hard tosay to an industrial prospectthat, this is what we pfan to dorather than what we havedone."

He noted that several firmshave been looking at Wayne as .;apossible site for plants, and thatone, a Dakota City firm, is veryclose to making a decision onpurchasing land.

"We know now that we'll haveto have a site developed to getindustry," counci Iman Grosssaid. "We may have to go intodebt (to accomplish it), but intime the mill levy would godown," he added. Money s'penton developing the site' wouldprobably be the best investmentthe city ever' made, he noted.

Council will discuss the saleoffer at its next meeting afterthe <;Hy administrator gathersmore detailed information abouttoial costs, possible federalgrants· or loans and other in­formation

Published Ever)' Monday and Thursday at114 Main, Wayne. Nebraska 68787

many. to issue and whether toissue them on a populationbasis. Action- on the ordinancemay be t€lken at one of thecouDci.!'s two meetings in No­vember.

Voting against having theatforney draw up the ordinant;:ewere Brasch and Russell.

COUNCIL ALSO DISCUSSEDbut took no action on an otter bya local industrial developmentgroup to sell about 50 acres ofland to the city for $32,000.

Wayne Industries has offeredto ,sell land e.ast of the dty sothe city can develop it into anindustrial park.

Several councilmen noted thatmore information about totalcost of developing the land ­which reportedly could run ashigh as $390,000 - is neededbefore a decision on the offerCdr) be made.

Robert Merchant. president ofthe indusfrial_ development.9r'0up~ tol,d the coun,cH that, )t js

. very -difficulr·to"'sell an industrial prospect on locating inWayne without having a de­veloped site.

a full time city administrator.The administrator should beable to do much of the work thecouncil had asked the city'sengineering firm to do in pastyears. he said.

IN OTHER ACTION, thecouncil voted 8·0 to recommendto the state that a bottle clubliGense be issued fa MelodeeLanes.

The state liquor commissionwill make the final dedsion onthe request by the bOWling es·lablishment. which curre_ntlyhas an on and off-sale beerlicense

There were no opponents tothe requesi

Council voted after Val KienasI, operator of the business,said he wOl,Jld hQve to give uphis present license for the rightto sell mixed drinks and on'salebeer

After tha1 decision, councilvoted 6,2 to have the ciiyattorney draw up an ord\nan~e

whIch would permit the countilto limit the number of baffleclub licenses issued in the city.Council will later discuss how


No MS Drive,eut CapistersTo Go Out

The Multiple Sclerosis Societydid nol conduct a fund-raisingdrive in Wayne_ this year, butcanisters for contributions wiltbe placed in local, businessplaces durIng the month of \November.

Assisting Wayne MS chairmanMrs. Jerry Malcom is canisterchairman Judy Bargholz, whosemother, Mrs, Harry Bargholz. lsone of Wayne's sev'cn multiplesclerosis patients.

Multiple sclerosis strikes be­tween the ages of :20 and 40, andcan lead to paralysis, blurredvision, uncontrollable tremors,severe speech impediment andbowel and Qladder problems.

There is no cure for MSi--andno re'ally effective treatment forMS patients has been developed.The cause of the disease Is 'notknown~ although Or. Hilary Ko­prowsk i has reported finding inthe brain tjssue of MS patients aparainfluenza virus of the typeknown fa cause acute respira­tory illness.

Twp other lnqepe-ndent, inyes­tigation'S, .one.-, tn 'England andfh,e, Jothe'r in Australia, have..lrongly' 'substantiated Dr. Ko­p~owski~s findings;"

The isolation of'fhe'vlrus doesnot nec:;essarily proyl!i' :that Itcauses .m~It~pl~ sclerosis; but' itit". cvide-nt'tha"( It might.

ThL' Wayne, Carroll MusicBoosters annual maga7inp. subscription drivE' begins this week,according to president MrsJean Nuss

Music students from the highschool and mIddle school will beselling subscriptions 10 variouspopular periodicals in theWayne and Carroll areasthrough Nov, 14. Proceeds willbe used for music departmentequipment in both schools andfor scholarships to summermusic camps

Project chairmen are MrsMarlyn Koch and Mrs, DallasHavener

-.'i"f" of M"{!lI::;;"".,

!l"{!;,,., 'I'll;., W,'"k


Priest's SenateTo Meet in

WayneMon~The 30-member Prl~t's Sen·

3te of the Omaha: Archdiocesewill meet with Archbishop Dan·iel E. Sheehan of Omaha at St.Mary's Cat hal ic School inWayne Monday afternoon.

The senate, founded six yearsago to give priests an activevoke In ,the operation of thearchdiocese. holds nine meet109s ~er ye~r,. ~lfer~aflng be­tween 'Omaha 'and out·state cit..ies. Senate, are electedby ot,~,~r pr)'est.$ in"thE!:' diocese.

The -'Rev,- Paul Begley of St.Mary's Ca'thollt:· Chur,ch ·inWayne, Was named tr~asllrer ofthe senate ,at the '~eptember

m~eting in Omah-a. .

Sunday, Nov.aside as Dr. R. L, Herse Day inLaurel. honoring the !'nan who is'In h'ls 50th year of dentalpractice in LaureL

A recognition dinner and program will be hetd at the LaurelHigh School auditorium 031 1p.m

Dinner tickets, at, $2.50 each,are available from Lions Clubpresident Gary Smith, T.uesdayClub prElsident Mrs, ShirleyKraemer. Chamber presiden1Roger Heitman, Felbers DrugStore. Security National Bank,Laurel Feed and Grain and theLaurel Advocate.

City Re-HiresEngineering FirmWayne is back in the business

of contracting for professionalservices

Tuesday night the councilvoted 5·3 to re·hire ConsolidatedEngineers·Architects of Wayne

.and Omaha as, the city's en·gineering Hrm. reversing actIontaken in August wfii'ch'resultedin terminating the city's long·standing contract with the firm.

Council voted to re·hire thefirm after Fred Brink, recentlyappointed city administrator,recommended that the city ac·cept Consol idated's contractproposal. one of two beingconsidered by the council.

Brink noted that man)' expertsagree that it is cheaper in thelong run to"" contract for

gineerin'g, architectural and Iegal services than II is to takebids on individual projects.

He sa id Consolidated is veryfamiliar v.ith the city's historyand IS able to provide muchinformation at a minimal c0Stwhich would be very expensive

. if a different engineer werehired for individual proiects.

Voting in favor of renewingthe contraci were cO'JncilmenDarrel Fuelberth. Frank Prather. Keith Mosley, Vernon Russell and Pal Gross

Opposing the decision wereIvan Beeks, Harvey Brasch andJim Thomas, who was successful in getting Ihe council to vote5-2 in Augusf to end' the can

. tract Voting to lermlnate Ihecontract at that time wereBeeks. Brasch. Thomas, Russet!and Gross Mosley was notpresent for that vole.

Thomas again argued Tuesdaynight that the city should remainfreE? to hire any engineeringf,"m It wi$hes on individualprojects, He apparently gainedthat poinl when ctluncilmenagreed 10 make a small changein Consolidated's contract whichWpuld permit the engineeringfirm to take part in projectsonly at council request

He also no.ted that a contract---1;;/-f=--.-f'"I-e-FS-e----t.I{lfV--~-wittr__;rn----en-gine_e_rin-gfirm is no-t---I-------~--__:____~-~----__:____~--:--:-~.:tt_~~--~­

necessary now that the city has

Second Class Postage Paid at Wayne Nebraska

This Issue...18 Pa~~ - Two Sections

of the band's performance andwill be shown on televisionduring the next meeting of theWayne Carroll Music Boosterson Nov. 5

Band at AHS

Seeks Funds ·for

Festival Trip

Next public per.formance ofthe local band will be in theVoteran's Day parade in Wayneon Npv. 11

Saturday's festival. which attracted nearly 60 bands thisyear. is the largest indoormarching band competition in

the world. Nearly 4,000 highschool bandsmen pclrticipated inthe compel'it'lon

Allen High School band hasbeen Inylted to' attend the ninth .­annual Dakota Days Band Fes·tival at Rapid City May 31-June2, accordIng to director LornaStamp. '

Bands from all over the Uni·ted States and Canada attendthe festival each year, and lCfti,tyear two European bands werepresent.

Approval for the trip has beengiven by the school,. and pa.rentsand band members are trying toraise $1,500 for lodging, meals,transportation, chaperones and.bus drivers'. The grovp 'expectsto earn the needed amou'ntthrough various Pfoll3et~. j

Area re's'Jdents who have oddjobs are lnvlted)o ,contad .'ba·""members; If anyone wlshe~ tomake a cash donation to theprojcl;t, Mrs. Ed Fahrenholt,Band Mother president' ,:S~9uldbe 'Contacted .

Wayne State faculty memberswho were invited to lead recentouf-of-stafe events Include or·chestra condvcfor Michael Pal·

umbo, guest clinician for theAmerican String Teachers Asso'clatlon lunior high festival atCarroll, la:, and Dr. Nell Swan-

son, chairman of the businessdepartment, who led a session atthe, Conference on the Role ofWomen ,In Business Manage­ment at Dakota State College,Madison, '

Wayne competed with suchbands as those from Albion, St.Paul, Syracuse, Wahoo, Ord andWaverly

performing in precision drillsfo~·""six.. and a half minutes atUncol,'~'s Pershing MunicipalAuditorium, the band played"Trumpet Voluntary." "Brassesto the Fore," "Amazing Grace,""Basin' Street Blues," "Don'tFence Me In" and "BrassesWild." Included in the perform·ance were block band drills, adance step and a compressedband routine which Datton sayshas become a trademark ot theWayne High band. ,.,-

Leading the musicians asband major was senior GaryStoltenberg, a transter 'r'omLaurel High School, laurelearned a two·plus in the judging,just below Wayne High's rating.

Dalton said a Him was made

The Weather.Date High Low Pre.Oct. 24 78 56Oct. 25 72 41 .02Oct. 26 68 44Od_ 27 56 34Oct_ 28 48 34Oct_ 29 50 18Oct. 30 56 36

SHOWING OFF the plaque and trophy Wayne High's marching band won at Saturday'smarching band festival are drUM major Gary Stoltenberg, left, and band presidentGordon Cook.

Band Repea,ts Top Performance

WSC Prof, '64 GraduateTo Take Part. in Confab

Wayne High's marching bandhas done it again.

The 73·member band Saturdayearned Its second straight superlor rating In the annualNebraska High School MarchingBand Festival at Lincoln. Thesuperior ratIng Is the highestgiven participants, requiringperfect ratings from all threeiudges ,In the event.

And for their efforts, bandmembers won another largetrophy, just like they did a yearago when they placed among thefop in the competition, as wellas a plaque for participating Inthe event for the 10th time In 16years:-

Wayne High's band was one ofonly six to receive the superior'ratings, according to conductorRon Dalton, A total of 13 bandsin Wayne's class. participatedthis year.

A Wayne State College profes.sor and a 1964'graduate former­ly of Ral\dolph 'wlll take I,adlngroles In the Wlse-pnsln SchoolMusic Association conventJon atMadison Frlday_

Dr. Cornell Runestad, WSCchora' director, will lead twosessions for choral directors onthe topic "Teaching literacy'and Style In the Choral Rehear­sal." He plans to explain' howhistorical, analy1"k"ll and stylis­tic factors influence music beingstudlep.

Wi~I' ~~';ic:;str:rt~onRu~':~~a~th~: Wes Frltl of the physicaldirected by Rod Witte, 1964 science faculty reCeived a Na­music graduate Of WSC, son. of ' tlonal Institute of health grant toMr, and Mr.5~ Ernest Witte" of attend a semh\ar af Columbls,Rando.lph and grandson of Mrs. Mo.,' MQ'nday.Wednesday this

~I~~~~~ ~~~~~~n~~s~a,~~e'L~~~~ '::~~I~;IO~a~fs~~:l~e'~fb~II~:~

} "''''''":'~"''';" '.'''~ffi'_.

Page 2: THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980... · tember ha.d askep. city officials"to draw....up a,.fist of steps which

Phone 375·2600

Norvin HansenNews Edi~or

Jim MarshBusiness Manager

during the past yearNew officers eleeted for 1974

are Roy Johnson of Norfolk,president; Roger Nelson· ofWayne, vice presiden1 and pro·gram director; Mrs. GertrudeEmerich of Norfolk, secretary,and Mrs. Arnold Freudenburg ofNorfolk, treasurer.

The evening concluded withgames, conducted by Mrs. Emerich and Mrs. Freudenburg.

Nine members of the grouptoured 1he garden of membersMr. and Mrs. Otto Haas ofWisner last week.

A special gues' at the Mondayafternoon ':oterie meeting wasMrs. Roy Peters of Reno, NevThe group me1 for a luncheon inthe home of Mrs. R. W, Casper

Monday's meefing will be a11'30 p,m. for a dessert bridge afMiller's Tea Room. Mrs WarrenShultheis will be hos1ess.

Coterie Entertains

Guest from Nevada

Wayne, Nebraska 68787


Official NewspCiper of the City of Wayne, 'he Countyof Wayne and the State of NebraSka

Serving No,.theast Nebraska's Great Farming Area



".......iI NN' SUSTAINING,~= MEM!~~

Poetry -- The Wayne Herala does not fea1ure a literary page;and does not have a literary editor. Therefore poetry is nofaccepted for free pubrlc.ation

114 Main Street

Esfabll'5hed in 1875; a neW5Pilper published semi·weekly~.

Monday and Thursday (except hoHdaysL by Wayne HeraldPubli~hlng Company, Inc.. J Alan Cramer. President; enteredin the post office a1 Wayne. Nebraska 68767 2nd class postagepaid at Wayne, Nebraska 68787

Forty members and guests werepresent

Gene Gaddie of Stan10n andRoger Mazur 01 Omaha reportedon the American Iris SocietyRegional Judging School theyhad attended at Lexington Friday and Saturday. Mrs. JohnCox of Norfolk displayed a newbronzy brown tall bearded iris,Velvet Shadows, a varIety whichdoes not usually bloom in thelatter part of October.

Treasurer Mrs. Emma Pederson of Norfolk reported a 50 percent increase in membership

r· ··u..u: : : : ~;;:.:.~::~u.:~.:..:.~.:;~::..:; ..I the World Community Day Ser·I Women vices to be held this Friday: afternoon at St. Nl.ary's CatholicI Scryool hall, The 2 p.m. meeting~'I WI' is sponsor~d annually by Church5 e come.. Women United of Wayne, and is

L :~..~:..~:~.:.'.' ~::.:: ..

Social Events

The Elkhorn Valley .Iris Society me1 Saturday evening at theS1anton coffee shop for their fallbanquet and election of officers.

Julia .Haas Hostess

elephant tableSandwiches, soup, desser1s

and coffee will be served, begin.ning when the doors open at 10a.m., for those who want tospend their lunch hour or coffeebreaks at the bazaar.

Chairman for the annual eventare Auxiliary officers.

New INS Officers Named at Banquet

Mrs. Mildred West attendedthe wedding of her aranddauah.ter, Alice Skalberg of Wausa foMickey Coke of Bloomfield atWausa Friday evening, Also Inattendance were the bride'suncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.William Stipp, who served ashosts to the receptIon; Mr. andMrs. Lynn Gunderson and Mrs.Gale Bathke" an aunt of thebridegroom.

Craft Demonstration

Set November 26Members of the Newcomers

Club will meet Nov. 26 with Mrs.Steve Schu·macher. The 7:30p.m. meeting will feature a' craftdemonstration by Mrs. Hofeldtof Bancroft.

About 15 members and gueststurned out for the group's fan·due pady Oct~ 22 in fhe home ofMrs. Ken Halsey.

Monday' Pitch Club membersmel this week with Mrs. JuliaHaas. Prizes at- cards went toMrs. R. H. Hansen ,and· Mrs.Herbert Green November 12meeting will be with Mrs. Han·

. sen at 2 p.m.


.Attends Wedding

C1~b Meetings


by sondra breltkreulZ

Public Welcome At Hunn's ..ace. -Jngs,throug!1__~. ~ .._ S"BSCRIPT.JGN-~S-

scheduled to begin this Friday Nov. 11. In Wayne. P'ierce. Cedar, DhtOn. Thurston Cuming Stantonevening a1 the Wesleyan Church, Fea1ured ~speaker wi". be the and Madison Counties:, siSo per year. 16,00 for six months,according td the Rev. George Rev. B. O. Hunn, .who recently $4,25 for three months. OutSide coynties menfioned: $8.50 perFrancis. The public 'is invited to returned from a triP to the Holy year, $7.00 for six months, $5.75 for three months. Single copiesattend the 8 p:m. nightly meet. Land. lSC.

man of Dixon, and John L.Pearson. son of Mr. and MrsLloyd Pearson of Waterbury,,.... ill be married Nov. 24 in ritesat Marfinsburg.

Area residents beginning tothlri~ abou1 Christmas shoppingshould keep in mind the. HospitalAuxdiary's annual fall bazaar,to be'held Sa1urday, Nov. 11, atthe cify ~uditorium.

Gifl shop items will includehand made articles such asaprons. tea towels, pillow casesand children's toys, and new thisyear, items just for men.

Other features of the annualevent are t.he candy booth, thetood tare, grab bags and a white

ma Splittgerber and MathildeHarms

Food was' brought in tor thesupper by Don and SherryLangston,: the Anton Pedersens, -

~~~a K~~j:: L::ar~ndGr~ti:~~ .Wa'yne Resident Will Be 93 Tuesday0~eh~;aa~'~ a~J~il:dy~nget~~led"; Longtime Wayne resident . '18BO and at age lTcame'w-rtl'i'ln'H'" . Marc'h"29';'·HI91:!;·"she'·Was".".,arr"l'ett

Monday afternoon' Maryl<iep Mrs, ,Meta Hefti writ ·mark her parents to tbe United States to in Wayne to Rudolph Hefti. Herer, Pear! Griffith, Monta Bomer 93rd birthday Tuesday afternoon settle in the Wayne area. On husband died 25 years ago, afterand Dorothy Kabi-sch observed', with her children who plan to :~: f~~~~e had moved in fromtheir' birthdays and were hon . call at Dahl Retirement Centerored with the birthday. song a1" where she has made her home w~~:~H~~i~~I.c~~;,enEf;i~~I~:the center. Refreshments were the past two years.provided by Mrs, Kieper and Mrs,. Hefti, the former Meta ler, Mrs. Adolf Rholff, Mrs.

Mrs Griffith. Grimm, was born in Gern;any in ~~~:~~r K~~u;~l~r,Wi~~~. HJ~~~Ochsner, died las1 year. Thereare 12 grandchildren and twogreat grandchildren.

Start Shopping at Bazaar


Jeanine Emry. daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Morris Emry, ofAllen. has received notice fromthe Board 01 Registry of MedicalTechnologists of the AmericanSociety of Clinical Pathologiststhat she has, passed the regis·tery exam'and is now an ASCPrEgistered medical technologist.

Miss Emry is a 1973 graduateof the University 01 South Dako-.ta at Vermillion. She interned afMcKennan Hospital in SiouxFalls, S D.. and IS curr:enllyemployed at a Sioux ValleyHospital. She is also enrolled asa studenf a1 rhe North American'Baptisl Seminary in Sioux Fallsand hopes to go in -'0 medicalmission work.

A 1969 graduate of Allen HighSchool. she is the granddaughterof Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schultzof Ponca and Mr. and MrsRalph Emry of Allen.

Bride Showered At Dixon Sunday

and Ed JohnsonThe band, accompanied by

other center members, will visitDahl Refirement Center at 2p.m. this afternoon.

A bridal shower honoring Helen Templeman ot Dixon washeld at naily Hal-l Sunday afternoon, Twenty live guests werepresent trom Newcastle. Decorations were in yellow andwhite and entertalnmenf cansis1ed of a quiz, a song for 1hehonoree and two poems.

Mrs Melvin Swick Sr. ofDixon was hQstess

Miss Templeman. daughter ofMr and Mrs, Clifford Temple

Allen Girl Passes Med .Tech Exam

" --i.Wayne Golden Agers Spend Day

Singing, Swinging and Supping

AHS Ploy ChosenA thrpe-acf mystery, "The

lRte-d-,rSpitfer." will be presentedby the Allen H'lgh School 'Iuniorclass la1er ,·this month. Mrs.Keith Simpkins is director andDoug Smifh. student director.

The monthly sin'g-a-Iong andold f.;lshioned dance was held atthe Wayne Sen'lor: Citizen's Cen.ter Tuesday. afternoon. Bobblesand Bubblettes provi.ded music.

Thirty-si,x' members attendedthe Qyster and chicken noodlesoup supper which foHowedAmalia Bahe offered the ·ihvO·

- cation. J rOn. the committee in charge

were' Gladys Petersen, MaryKieper, ,M-inna Otfe, Anton andRena Pedersen., Ed Joh.nson .Pearl Griffith. ¢mma Soules,Elsie StenwalL Goldie Leonard,Vi Frink. Besse. Peterman, AI-

By Joycelyn Smith

ANDRESEN:""" 1I/Ir. and fo.f\rs. RogerAndresen, Jackson; a daughter,Angela 'Dawn, 5 Ibs., 7 'oz., Oct. 28,Wa~efield Hospi~ar. "

PROKOP -: Mr. and Mrs. KennethF. Prokop Of' Wayne, a-daughfer,T~resa Ann, 7 ,lbS., 5' oz.., Oct. 23,Wa:kefieJd Hospital. G-·randparentsa're Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Pr:o'l\:.op ofpender and' Mr. and Mrs. 'Juliu'SBaier Of, Wayne: Grea1' grand.parents are Ml"'s. Selma Abendrothof. West Poinf .and Mr. and Mrs..Eelrl .Stoakes and Mrs. TheresaBaier Of, Wayne. Mrs. 5aryhStoakes ot.'Traer, la., is- fhe baby'SgrlO'at great grandmother.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stenwallobserved their 51st weddinganniversary at 1he Wayne SeniorCitizen's Center Tuesday after­noon. Bobbles and Bubblettesband provided musk for danc­ing. Teresea, Stenwell, grand.daughter of the .couple, ,sang"Somewhere, My Love," andthe group honored them with theann~ve'rsary song.

StenwaHs served ice creamand cake and the cenfer addedpunch and cofff;!e for lunch.Thirty attended 'he fete.

Assisting· Mrs. Jociell Bull,center director, with servingand clean-up chores were Tere·sea: Stenwall, Mary Kieper,Mary Echtenkamp, Rena Ped­ersen, Besse Peterman, GoldieLeonard" Gladys Petersen,Mabel Sundell, An'on Pedersen

Boec~eNHAUER.- ,Mr. and Mrs~

Dean Boeckenl'tauer, Wak,erield, adaughter, Ka'rla' 'Sue" 7 Ibs., 4 PZ.,oct. ~3, ,Wakefield l-foSpitaL

F,R'EY ~ M,:, .af:1d Mrs. Ca"los Frey;wayne" a son',,9 Ibs., ocr. 26,Wayne HO~pi~al.


Thurston·, Mr. and Mrs. RoyAnderson of Laure'l and liAr. andMrs. Clarence Emry of AI,lenCandl~s were lighted by Mau

reen Anderson and Bradley Emry, sister and brother of thecouple. Ron' Dalton played"Trumpet Voluntaire." Mrs

. Larry' Rabbass sang "EntreatMe Not To Leave Thee," "TheLord's Prayer ,'" and "WeddingBenedl,ction," accompanied byMrs. Fred Webber.

The.... brjd.e was. aUended' .-bySre-ri"qa' Gaunt of Wayne andJulie Larsen of Hooper. Thebridegroom's attendants werehis brother, Greg Anderson, andDonn Dutton.

The bride's· gown, fashionedby her 'mother of cream 'coloredcrepe and lace trim, featured anempire waistline, Vi(:torian bodice and toe-length' Uirt. Herfinger-tip, illusion veil wascaught to a large organza bowheadpiece and she carried withher bouquet of burgandy roses,

. pink carnations and white stephanotis, a lace handken:hiefwhich had been made by thebridegroom's grandmotherMurray. .

The bride's attendants woresimilarly styled gowns of burgandy polyester double' knit andcarried brandy snifters, eachholding a burgandy candle, pinkstephanotis and greenery.

For her daughter's; weddingMrs. Emry chose a dr'~s of limegreen crepe with a lace coat.Mrs. Anderson worE! a light blueknit. Ie

Or. and Mrs. Niel Edmundsgreeted the guests who attendedthe reception at the fellowshiphall following the ceremonyGifts were arranged by LarryAnderSiPn.

The'~ke was cut and servedby Mr~. Delb.ert Lar:,sen ofHooper and Mrs, Gordon Lich1of Norfolk. Sue Daniels of fre·mont poured and Sharon Hem.mingsen of Newell, la., servedpunch. Waitresses were Donnaand Diane Kraemer of Menom­onie, Wise., Shelley Emry,Kathy O'Donnell and -Anita Sahdahl.

The couple is at home inWayne.

board chairman Art Nebelsickof Crete.

Next board beeting will. beDec. 6 at Lexington.

Heaped high on vegetable. similar to pumpkin pIe recipes,sfands lining the;, countrysJde with perhaps the only differenceand colorfUlly displayed on SU- being a bit more sugar some·pe'rmarket: produce shelves are times added to the squash.the bei;lutiful vegetables of au-

tU~:ash"n its many varieties, Stenwol Is Dance on 51 stis a favorite to many appetltes~ .._.~_~_Bes1 known Winter varieties touS are the smooth-skinned beigebutternut, cy'lindrlcal in shapewith a bulbHke base; the 'mot.Hed green-skinned buttercup,wl1lch has a tu,.ban' forma­ti6n at the blossom end, and thesm'ooth, dark green, widely rib­bed acorn. All yield a richgolden flesh which is high invitamin A content but low incalories..

For' today's homemaker ­busy,.as always -: the prepara­tion of squash can be quick andeasy. Bak~e it ,in serving sizeport,ions wrapped in foil' alongwith other foods for dinner.

as~~~~~ f~:os~r:~~S;q~~~~a~~squash into- individual serving:remov,e ~he seeds and stringyfibers., Oo.t ea,ch portion with agenerous pat of burter or brushwith bacon or dr:ippings. Seasonwith salt, pepper and one ormore of these, spices: mace,nutmeg, cardamon and' ginger.Honey or brown sugar. may' alsobe adqed, Wrap in foil or placein a covered baking' dish. Bakeat 300 degrees' F for n~ hours Orat 400 degrees F for 30 to 60,minute,S until tender. Time var­ies according to size and type ofsquash.' Test· 'for donenes~ bysqu,eezing gently. Some pret,eruncovering the squash, duringfhe .last 1'5 .,minutes of baking~

Squash may also qe baked un'·cover.ed in a shallow greasedpari., ,Place cut side down fortirst half of thebaklng Pi'riOdto

. all~ it to, steami turn' up;brush with buUer ,and season.Allow longer baking, time whenu~jng thIS: method. :.

!3"ut don It, stop :with usingsquash as a vegefable:' Its' flavoris, scrumpfi'ol,ls in pies; too, andsome ,consider: ·'f, bett~r thanpUmpkin. Use t~. foil.b~klng

method, .minuS'butter, and spicesto prepar:e·'if..No 'need, 10 put·buttercup or butternut 'squashthrough,...a sieve. l't ,has littlefiber conte,!f' and whip·

oped up in the"eJe<;tric mixer:AAa'ny squash pl.e re.c:1pes a're


Now Thru Saturday!7:20 & 9:30 P;M.

9argain Matinee 2 P.M.Sunday $1,00 & SOc

l~ .a ~d~ubre ring ceremony .Guests, register:ed by PamT~urs,day evening at ',the First and Todd ·Larse(l of' Hooper;',Uril.te<:t Methodist· Church, Patrl- ,'were ushered into the church by'cia Em~y" dtlughter'of Mr:-and Gotdon Emry, a bi-other of tqeMrs, Arnold Emry, became the bride, and Jay KohLbride of David Anderson, son of Special guests at the weddingMr. ahd Mrs. Maurice Ander, were the coyple's grandparents,sOl!. All are of, Waynf\' Mr. and Mrs'. Paul Murray of

, ..... , ..... , ..Gag Theatre

1 Wd I'm Nf'br! PnOrlf' 375 1780

••• I ••••••••••

Kensington ChangedThe OE'S Kensington meeting,

to have been held this Fridayafternoon, has been rescheduledso as not to conflict "iitl1 WorldDay of Prayer servk:es to behe~d t!Jat afternoon,

The OES Kensington meetfngthis month will be held Saturdayafternoon at 2 p.m, at theMasonic Temple.

Monday, Jodell BulL directorof the Wayne Senior Citizen'sCenter, and center member,Goldie Leonard, attended a meeting of the board, of directors, ofthe Nebraska Senior Cit~zen's

Council at Lexington. ,During the meeting the board

went on record in supporl of:- Legislation to bring about

an increased state role in theprovision of transportation forthe elderly.

- LegiSlation to liberalizeelfgibility requirements' for participation the 90 per centHomestead Tax Exemption pro­gram.

- Study and recommenda­tions for the reform of state willand probate cpdes.

Miss Leonard will serve as amember of the technical advi­sory committee to which Mrs.Bull was appointed chairman by

Local. Center Represented'..

At Meeting in Lexington

'N1et/iodiStChurchS.tene of~-,,"~;:-,;::;;-'-:' J.< • 'r •

ginry-Anc!erson C~remony

Page 3: THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980... · tember ha.d askep. city officials"to draw....up a,.fist of steps which

Shf'er 'to thewal'it


Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kluge ofWayne spent the weekend 'inManhatten, Kan., visiting theirson and daughter· in· law, Mr.and Mrs Robert Kluge, andtheir three da'ughters

Robert Kluge, formerly ofWayne, is on a sabbatical leavefrom Miiford Technical"" Schoolwhere he is admissions counselor, and is studying at KansasState University at Manhattan.

Son on Sabbatical

2: 30 p.m.

I' ~ , "


Logan Homemakers Club. Mrs. Wilbur Nolte, 2 p.m.Roving Gardeners Club, Mrs. Walter SplittgerberSt. Paul's LCW Altar Guild, 2 p.m

fRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1973Friendly Neighbors ClubWorld Community Day services, St, Mar'J'S Catholic

School hall. 2 p.m (;SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1973

, Central Social Circle, Mrs. Jack Rubeck, 1:30 p.m,Goldenrod Club, Mrs. Dorothy DangbergOES Kensington, Masonic Temple, 2 p.m

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1973American Legion Auxiliary, Vets Club, 8 p.mConfusable Collectables Questers. (IvbCoterie, Mrs. Warren Shultheis, 1:30 p,mSunshine Club, Mrs, Meta Thun, 1:30 p.mWayne-Carroll Music Boosters, high school band room,

Supp-hose givesyou a greatpair of legs.for only $4.95

-A great peW (d IfoLJS'/{dS to lee) as yood dS they look

S~ Supp~hos" II,,; kllli SliPPUrl a pood morningfeeling 10 your jc;ys .. (}VC'II d[ c:llcJ uf d uay

You'll stili be wecH Ir)~l them' loug ~-dtl:n yuu've aUl­

worn your ordinid'~5{_jJdrltYhjse.You get beautifullysheer support for O/ill,y" $4.95. That's Ilot d lot to payfor a great parr o( I~g$. .

The Wayne (Nebr.l Herald, Thursday, November 1, 1973




THEOPHILUS (HURCH(George Fr,1ncl~. p,lSlor)

No" MO(lllt1() I/V(l(~hlp

'>U'lC!d 1 ',(ll{)OI '0 II)

fRUIT SALAD TOPPING'IlCUPIUi8fI lablespoon flour....JtablupoonslemonJuice

l',cl,lppinlllpplejuice!n.J f"<ll combine all,ng'ed'cnh. "\I, well

look ,lowly, '1""'11 con'lanlly, unl" mi,_IU'e" lhl~k (hIll Y"'/d, I "J '"itpJ


(John Epperson, pastor)For buS service to Wakefield

Church <,crvIC('s call Ron Jones,37S18B6

WESLEYAN CHURCH- (Georg<:, Francis. pastor)Frid,ly, Nov. 2 Sunday, Nov 11

EvangelIstiC ''>('rvi(e~, The f~ev B'"D, Hunn.

.'>vncJ,ay, Nov 4' SUnU,lY school" 10worship. 11, f"vcl1onq servlCC,,.

Nov 7 M'c!wec'k


(Roberl H, Haas, pastor)Sunc!,ly NOV 4' Morning wor~hlp.

9 4-' a rn collce and tellowshiphour. 10 church ,>chOOI, 10 50;('Vl'ry (L1nvass. 1 10 5 p.rn :

YouTh 6 30Monda y, Boy Scou r Troop

174,7 p,rnTuesday, Nov 6, Pastor'S Bible

~ ludy c.lit~Ses. 9' 30 am, and B p, mWednc<,day, Nov 7' UPW, 2 pm,,;

chOIr and confirmation cl"5S, 7


(A R. Domson, pll$tOrJ",11ureJdY, Nov ) Conllrrnahon

1!1~Trucllon, 9 10 I' JO a,rnS<Jn(J,l/ No" 4

Wl",rwood RO,ld, vlso1orsA If) ,1 m

ST PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH(Dolllvl~r Peterson, pastor)

lllu(",<1"y Nov I LCW AIT,l('JudcL ) p rn

f-, (1,1, No" ] 1N0(1(1 CommuniTyD" ',T Mar,,.,, Cr)rhol,c',,- IH"JI ,J P '"

'>",,(Idy Nov 41{"Hj ',ltlqf' comm,T!ppv.-nr'.t'lIP, 10 30

MonUd'r NOV " (Iorh,nq {Jf.-ver I"IOr< n', d,olr ,1 p rn

Nov ! L ,W Mrlfy

(,n I"", ] P 'n7 llh ,1nd )j1h q(ad,.

/10 '>Ur>,IIlY

(l'd(I" ,- 'Jnj,"11dT,()n

fj 'wThu("dily Nov I:l l (W ~"wlnq

(1,1',. " 30 <'I '11 W(Jr<,h,p "IHI t111J~1(

r 'Jlnn" TT('" I I~ '1'

6 ~O P rTl nl(l~~, 8 and l' 30 a m,lnrl 7 p ,n

':~'k"'lIUr()"y N~V p3m

) 30 10 6 and 7 30 10 8 )0"nc! ,"omlly 6

.... ';n(Jdy. Nov 4 Mass and homl!¥..H ,H1d '0" m

Moncj"y Nov" Ma'-.<" 8 JO n iTl

r",,".Ic,' ~Pnrllp, <'IT I JO P mA 10 ol m

l\jo" M,,1~~ B 10(( D I(,r hi ~Th qrades.

I JO Iii " ]0 p,.n CCO for 6Th 8thqr,o,dc'" ! 10 7 ,,\ nla,;s, A.( [' D ICJr .111 h,qh ~tuden1<,

H \(1 In (/ l(\


623 Ea!of Tonth S,reel(James M. Barnett, pastor)

Sunc!".',I, Nov A Mornlnq prilyer)030 am'

ST. MARy'S CATHOLIC CHURCH(Paul J< BeQley, p8$tOrl

ThurSday. Nov, 1 Feast Of AUSainlo;·, Confessions, 11 to 1] J.O a mand 5-.30 to 5 50 p,m mass, ]]'30arnarld6pm

IOridaY, NOV.-'Z· All soul~ Day al'fdFI(st Friday. Confe,ssions, 7:~O fo7.50and 11 to ll'20a,m and6 JOto


(J,ohn Up'on. vacancy pastor)Safurdily. Nov ) Junior chol( 9

,1 m S,ll,J((/,l'f ~(hnol and (on

n',t, LJ' lion, '/ J()

!\l1J'.' j >uncJ,l'i ·,1 "001and B,hlp ~I,l<'~'·<' 'I iI rn WOr<,h'lJ10

Mond,'Y. No" S Coll<ltjf' !-liI,l!'

"Judy Ir-'<lrJ,'r~, " JO " n ,·urn'lldhon., CQm,nlll(:f'. 1 p ,)l chuI'(h(ounul, B

WNJn"<'d,lY Nov 7 RI'rMr<, M"rl.,-., Kor,I1 Ilfl

W"llh,·' 1".1'1'11


(S K d('Frecse, pastor IThur'.dily, Nuv I (h"nu·1 chOl'

7 P '1>

l ",I"" NO<I ? COtl'tTlU"iTyDoIY ':.1 Ma,'y", ] r)rn

"l1lJl"(l,ly Nov j ~J,nlll qr"rJI(IInl,rtll,tl,nn. 10 ,) "1 pro 01.'0, '0

'.llnn .. , No" ~ [:.'fly <"'rv'u" <;I

dclufl B,tll,' clil',~ (tflO

'" hOOI 10 lilTl' ',('rv,(", ,<,(,,~I KTCH Jun,of l_(',HjUI: (hOlr 7


Wf'cJnf'~d,,',I Nov 7 youth cho,r 7

11mTtlur<,<I,l'f Nov e Chaflu·1 ch(l,r

I pm

Wakdield H("pital


S,J1urda'( Nov 3 '><1 lurcl<1 y,;chOOl, " ]0 <l m •

Sundily, Nov 4 "Llnd,ly Sthool,930 iI 'Tl wor';h,p. 10 'W

Tu!',>cJcly Nov 6 VVillft"., I.,·"qu'

'p m

!I',I< hf'r~. ! ]0 pm doc IrIOai B,!Jlf'8 both ClI S06 Sh{'(m,ln

Nov II V,,>,t,,l,on.",I S06 ShNm<Hl, 7 pm

ADMITTED: Mrs Pilulln~Magnuson, Wakefield BrendaSt<'lillng, Concord, Jeffery Anclf'r"on, Wakefield; Mrs ShirleyProkop, V\lavne: Mrs ElizabethBoeckenhaucr, WakeJield:Merle Saxon, Ponca; Mrs MaryPattf'rson. Wakelleld L~lnell

Bevelhymer, Ponca, Mrs, Altaloren/en, Wakefield, Mrs". Marlene Andresen, Jackson

DiSMISSED' Mrs AlyceHammer, Norfolk: Jeffery Andel-son, Wakefield; RaymondVoss. Emerson; Eugene Wheeler Allen Mrs EllzabefhBoeckcnhclucr and daughter,Wakefield: Mrs. Shirley Prokopclnd dilught~r, Wayne, Li'lnellRf:vC'lhymcr, Ponca. Brenda51clillng, Concord; Merle Saxon,Ponca

LOSE UGLY FAT~~~tE~oJ~"c~.~~~qEt;~:Ya ~n~lablet thaI wllf help curb your de­sire lor e.ced food. -Eat le!l~-weI9hlen. Contain, no .dangsroul drugland will n'ol make you nervous, Nostrenuous exercise, Change your !if&

. starl loday. MONADEX costsS3.00 lor a 20 day 5t!pplV and $5.DO

, lor lwice lhe"llmounl. lose ugly falor your money will' be tefunded withno questi~ns asked by:

Felber Pharmacy216 Main St. Wayne 375-1611

( :tlholl(

GRACE BIBLE CHURCHI Eldon Schuler, pil!>lor>

'>lIril'f;',y-' Nov 4 SunCltly ';--chool'I 1\ " ,n I'. BiI)11' .,luU,I 'j(j f! " j! ',00 'ohr'rr;t;l,lf1

N,'(h"",(l,l'l Nov I ~lJnrJ"'y ~(hool

N.ov 1 Jun,o' rho,(,,h(l·r /) 30 ,h,lncr'1

Rd)I,· ',I'JrJ, (j(OUP ! lfJ

fh,Jr "(101 Y 1\J'~v H f-l,IJlr' "rudy'lUJUIJ '/ 30 ,I n,


(Frank Ktrtley, paslorlThl'f'.{l<l .... Nov I ~ 'f'~' yf'ar con

I"m.,lop rl,,-,', 6 'l() pen ,;c'lond,1',1f (onllfm,ll'()fl (1,1<'<, 7 )0

r r,eJ,ly Ntlv 2D.1'1 ~I'rv" !,C, 51

<" honl ] p '--"

'."n{J", i<j(Jv 4 I,M" n,fllj

a '10 .-1"'1 11 ,1 '11 ,,,,," ... "cc,M"PV1<! '.1 worn"fl C('I,'

H,qll U/VlYF

Of.This Hu~e Sale

IOmt to (hurcbI

FIRST CHURCH of CHRI~( John Eppenon, pastor)

,>und,lY, Nov l Wor'.hlp ,,"el

communion: \0 a m

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH(Harry CoWie!>, pil!>tgrl

SUfll;l,lY, Nov 4 SunO,ll ',( hool9 ,I~ ,I ,n wor<.,h,p,11


(larry Ostercamp, pastor)Sundily, Nov A Sunday ·,chool, 10

,l m wor<,h,p, 1I, younq pPoplr"rn('('1In9.6 IS pm, ev('nmy -,I;'r",~e

I 3DW~dn('<,(jilY, NOv 7 Blbl" Sll)dy

~UA f- ,I,f,l(r~', RQad 8 pm

ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH(MarVIn Bram""iln, pils'or)

Su~day. Nov J Wor,>hlp. 9 cl m5unoo'l school, 10, t.'venmq ,>erVI~{'

7 30 p mW('dnp,>dc'ly, No\;' 7 Blblp. ,>ludy

'''and pr,lypr ,>prVI((·, 7 30 P m

Bexel FallVitamin Sale

Wachter-BrandMr and Mrs. LeRoy Wachter of Hoskins

and Mrs, Marvin Brand of Curlis announcethe engagement of their daughter and son,Diane Carol Wachter to Robe'" MarvinBrand

Miss Wachter is a skJdent at theUniversity 01 Nebraska"Lincoln, where sheis affiliated with Sigma Alpha Iota and PiLambda Theta, She will receive her degreein ,music education ne¥lt spring

Her fiance graduated this year from 'theUniversity of Nebraska· Lincoln, with adegree in electrical engineering He iscurrently enrCllled in pilot training course atReese Air Force Base, Lubbock, Tex

A winter we:dding is planned

The irltNvlewer, L M. Wicl<s.will be irl the bas('ment of thecourthouse on Nov, 14 dnd 78from 9: 30 fa 10' 30 a m

Thursday, Nov. 1

11 A.M. to 5 P.M..

Jim Pucketf and Sherry and Mrand Mrs Clayton Cooper ofPender, Mr. and MrS. Phil Dietzand family of Norfolk and Mrand Mrs Les Pederson andfamily of South Sioux City

D ~B.."",l ..


PLUS MINEAALSMIbIRQH The Y~f~ but Yllimln and HOn y,tim'n Inll mrneral

C~ewlbleIMlt In U~'IJlt' tntuflncefof

~~~~i~~~YYbrtllNOW lor adutt~ NOW Iteflaltnand NOW';' PRICE ISO Clp~uln V, PRICE ,aill" V, PRICE

NOW *649,



'480225 Clptute!

'349[tonornyS,lt Re, SlUg [COIIllrnYSlle y, PRICEfie,. $8.49 Re, S69S




FOR CHILDREN 1n!.tire,Otquille IRON TONICO~Il"o-us. ttlew~bje NOW ~up"ly of lmporla"t NOW for ~ff1 acli~e RELIABLE PRESCRIPTION SERVICEchoco1at#.1llVlJled lJJlamill BCompJtJ ptople; ol4tf ~d\llls SINCE 1906In muillco-Ia", V, PRICE fatton ';' PRICE andltiOSI!,whlj NOWI!JO T,blel~

'349 250 Cap>ule~

'212need "on

2rOR'279-Ec~"om~ S'le ['OIIo-myS,/C .lllllJllces Phone 375-1611 Wayne, Nebr. 216 Main St,fle«$69g Rtg $4]] Reg 1.2"19



TWice during November arepresentative of the deparlment of labor office af Norfolkwill be in the Wayne Countycourthouse In Wayne 10 help anyi'lrt'"a resldenls wdh job P~,

I"'l'rl'ipu'pr PIli", ,';/Op. 1I1 (;ollrlholl.l'

Mrs, K. R Mitchell was mcharge 01 the ceremony ::Vhichrecognized Mrs. Jenssen's yearsof service to the church, andSunday school Mrs RubelHutch'lngs presented her a spcclal membership 'pln in behalf ofthe United MethodIst Women

Mrs. Janssen, who is retiringafter 15 years as secretary tothe Dixon County agent, will bemovmg to Pender

Allen Church Recognizes

Retiring Member Sunday

Hoskins Hosting Two.'-State RallyMUSiC Students,Tr;ndy Luthenon Church., Nel)raskalowa Lutheran Wom eran Church tor. 11th consecu ~Ian to Enter / M if;tory Wedding for MQrtha Wi /IS

Ho:skins will be ho~f.this ,Sat,ur- en's Missionary Society of the five fertTllast August. Jr Hi Clinic The United States Naval-Base and Ensign Peter Romanski of Bolles. Guests were registered and Barry Coombs. All are ofday to the ·fall rally"of the WI,sc;ons!" Syn9d: _ The LWMS business session Chapel at Newport, R. I., was .London, England. Krist! Wflis of by Jennie 'Martinez of Pueblo, Ne~r.t, R. I-

"_.--·--.R-egistr(lflon,--tO--begin at, n:3.0 .'li1lL_~~ conducted by Mrs. Rob· Wayne High Schoof and the scene of the ceremony Oct. Wayne was flower girl. Colo. The bride chose a white knita.m., wiJl be followed by a' noon ert Dorr of Siou£' ~City, t~" Wayne Middle SchoOl, m.usrc 20 uniting in marriage Martha Captain H. V. Bolles of New. Ushers V::;er-;; 'Lieutenants Joel floor.length dress and carried nluncheon and the business ·ses· president of tne Nebraska·,lowa departments will send, 18 stu, Marie Witls of Wayne at)d port offiela,ted at fhe double'ring Heuring and Michael Stewalf. nosegay of assorted flowers, Tnt}sian and program, will get un- lWM6 circuit. Women are ex· dents to the third annual Junior Ensign John Edward Pedersen rites. Charlene' Jensen of Seat- the couple's commanding offi· bridegroom and best man worederway at· 1 p.m. pected to attend 'from 12 con- High Orchestra Clinic to be held of San ,Die-go, Calif Hl;!, Wash., sang' "The Weddi'ng cers, and Ensigns Peter Smith, full dress whites and the ushers

Guesf"'speaker will be the Rev.. gregations in Nebraska and at Fremont Saturday, according Parents of the couple are Dr. Song," accompanied by Mrs, Brock Phillips, Robert Coleman wpre full dress blues,OScar Naumann of Milwaukee, Iowa. to instrucor Mrs. Bonita Day, and, Mrs, Stanley E. Wills of Mrs. Wills selected a blue knit

__ ~~~~::Ir:~~e~~;::::: ..~:.~~::.~:,: .'._m~;.~~~~~.~o~~c~~;_~r~.~:;~:.r.~~.;.~._ ...E.r.:_~.9.cil/~.~1.~.;.!.9.~~ .._~~.~6~_~_~~:'h.;;t. .. _,. ~:Je~~e~~~f ~;~ ~:~e.M~:j/ohn • :~~r~~:~t~ gr::skn~rSs~/)ederhis talk, "The Blessings of the Lutheran Collegians Evan· will be held at the senior high Hono·r attendants were Chris- , The bride's parents served asChristIan Educatlon/'··Naumann gelism Fund, "Word of Life" school- building. Registrat10n at tina 'aa(~r 0'( Carson City, Nev.," hosls to the reception for 60plans to'snow hoW" fhe lack~of Radio Broadcasf over KMA in 9:30 iun will be folloVyed by a guests heldat the chapel recrea-Christian s:chdols has detrlmen. ~henandoah, la., and Mission for morning" and afternoon of reo ~....~No.....: I tion room following the aftertally affected' the .life of the !:tw Blind hearsal5, pnd the day will con ~ffO_~ I~ noon cerlimony,, Ellen O'LearyCOl')-tessional Lutheran Church dljde with a 7 p,m. concert at of Boston, Mass" cut and serv~d

bodies in Germany. BUtTERFLY SHRIMP the high -school gymnasium Waynp Ho~pital the cake and Willie Byerly ofPastor Naumann was ordain· 2¥.1P1und',..Ied......lnd, Parcnls and friends are invited , Newton, Tex" poured.

ed in 1936 and ,has served ,..jumbemrifllp to attend the eve~ing presenta ADMITTED: Jose Flores, The couple took a wedding tripparishes in Ohio. Wisconsin and _ DaIII,...,., tlOn ' Le,xington: Verna Flege,' to the New .England sfates andMinnesota. He was a professor ~::=Ia:~I:~h About \00 students from Wayne: Herman Obermeyer, after the firsl of the year will beat Dr. Martin Luther College in 3Vctlb'-lpoan'dtl'lheny W~lynC', Nnrfolk~ Columbus, Fre· Laurel; Dora Griffith, Carroll; stat'roned at the U.S, Naval BaseNew Ulm, Minn, Six years: J~~'::;:':h1':=ct man1, York and Beatrice will be Ruth Ellis, Wayne: Emil Dian. in Adak, Alapresident of the Minnesota Pis ~cupba'linlPowdlr taklnq part in the program. Dr Wayne, kenneth Olson, Can The bride is a 1969 graduate oftrict of the Wi~consin Synod five OUfordl.ptryln, Piwl Todd, pr01essor 01 strings cord, Otto G.erle~an, Wayne:_ Wayne High School and T972years and was elected president LtlMnWldpi ,lt the University of Nebras~a Rosa Baker, Wayne; Mrs. Al graduate of Wayne State Col·

THE REV, OSCAR NAUMANN of the Wrs.consin Synod of Lu!h CUllhrimplenllhwlse.nd~preadSprinkle Omclha, will be gue,sl clinician Grashorn, WaYfle: Mrs. Carlos lege. She is presently enrolled in;~~.::::~c:n::,~:~~:t::..,~~:~~e.;~,%~ The program. 10 be made up FrI~y, Wayne. Laurence Hansen, the U,S, Navy officer candidate"'"Iocoal ComhineeR/t',cOIn,'arch.nd of numbers which individual Waynf!. Mrs. Ed Sala, Wayne; school at Newport, R, I.h.kln~ powdel. 'llr unlll ,moolh D,p schools arC" '.'larking on now in Mrs Tom F=,redricksen, Laurel; The bridegroom is a 1969

~,~:~:~ne~:c~~,~:u~~~~,~~nIO;c;,;~~4 preparation for thf' clinic, will PelUl Ahmann, Wayne: Judy graduate of a San Diego, Calif.,Include "Festlque" by Daniels: Brader, Carroll High School and a 1973 graduate

La Tclr:-nbourine' Bauern DISMiSSED: Jose Flores, of the United States Internaschmidt 'Dalten by Star L,('xington Paul Hanson, Con tional University. He completed

Tr,lln Ride," by Mafesky; cord, Julia Surber, Wayne: De officer candidate school earlierl<,nlJcklp Concerto.. for piano wain Taylor, Newcastle: Mrs this month and will be attending

'orchestra by Hastinqs, AI Grashorn, Wayne; Mrs, Mer an advanced communications01 ',17" by LeGrande lin Sievers, Wayne: Dora Grif school in Key West, Fla .. until

ewd for strlnq orchestra, "DanIa 11th, Carroll, Beniamin Brand Dec. 7for Strlnq<;' by Nelhybel _ sletter, Wayne

Mrs. Anna Janssen was hanored wilh a special recognitionceremony at the Allen UnitedMefhodlst Church during wor'ship services Sunday, and with adinner for her family at thechurch afterward.

~A letter was read quril;g theservice from Mrs Janssen'sson in law and daughter, Mrpnd Mrs Ron Witter, who withtheir family are living In Okinawa, Other members of Mr,s.Janssen's family, all present forthe, OccaSion, are Mr. and Mrs

Page 4: THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980... · tember ha.d askep. city officials"to draw....up a,.fist of steps which



NE Nebraska ConterenceW L T

6 0 05 1 0, , 04 ] 0] ] 0, ] 1, 5 0, 5 1o 6 0

Pla,nv,ew (80)N'el,gh (7 1)

R,lndolph (61)(rofton (5])

O'Ne,f( (5))("rl"lqhl0n (3 311"Pierce (16)L"urpl [75 ! IBloom',eld (0 8J

Wayne High's reserve footballteam ran,into a case of fumblltlsMonday' n,ight in losing theirsecond game of the season, 20-6to South Sioux City

The locals lost three of fourfumbles with one very costlymiscue happening in the firstquarter

'We had the ball on SouthSIOUX'S two-foot line and tum·bled It." coach Ron Carnes said.

Wayne scored the first touchdown of the game in the thirdquader on a 15-yard pass fromquarlerback Paul Mallette toDave Hix for'a 60 lead, The tryfor fwo faded

But fhe host squad came backwith I'S six pOtnter to knot theg~lme a' 66 going Into the fourthperiod South Sioux- then strucklWlce to close out Wayne'sseason on a J 2 record

Rob MilcheH led rUShers with84 yards while Gary Hansen had11 tackles for the defense, Otherleading defenders were DaveSherry and Sieve Brand! witheight and seven drops

Reserves Fall

To South Sioux

WmSlde ()) IJO",mond 1)'51Wvnol (0. 7)


TRUCKTIRES ,,:$2485 .

LeWIS and Clark Conlerence

W LW(',>l po,nf 16] 1 4 7~(r,hnf'~ I~ 71 4 '1Hooper LOQiln VLl'W 14)J J '1O,l",I,l1'1d Cra,q (4)1 7Pf'no('r :51' 1T'-'",ilm,lh Hf'rmiln 1431 )

NorlhBpndl161 3L ,'on,> 10 III 6


Husker ConferenceWl!'sIDI'J1Slon

Clark D''o'I,>,on

qui~f 'as far as division titles areconcerned

Coleridge officially ..xrascrowned Clark winner last weekwhen it beat WinsWe, 3413NEl;wcastle of the Lewis division­appears to be the front runnerwith Homer the only roadblock.'The Red Raid'ers will find outhow tough the Knights are in thelast game of the season, Nov, 9

This Friday, though. a preview of the conterence battlemay take place as Coleridgehosts Newcastle

LeWIS Dllllto,W L

NI'wra','lp 'I> 11, J 0"II("n '1" ) 1Pr)nc,l IJ _i 1 ) I

Walthdl (,\ ]\ ) )Homer!} 41' I 1W,nneh,lQO 161 0 5

'II L(oler'Oqe I' 11 4 1W<1U"il () III ) 1Harl'lnqlon (S 2) 1 1

'liLTLakeView IS l' Ii 0 1

'1'/'lyne 7 1\ 1 IS',lnton (J ) I 7 1E rner~0n Hubb"'~d I} ~ 3 (1

Wakel,eld (~ 3 II 3 0

Madison 12 J 1) J IW,,,,nN PilON 11 51, J ]HMhnCllOn (( 17-61 J 0

Eaor.t Dlvlor.lon

USED Qlyo Sue OE!$crlp1Ion ai, Sill' Oescrlption, 735 14 Rel;j, Tread J GT815 Snow Tire'S, 71~ 14 Reg_ Tread , B1S1S Snow Tire,>

TIRE1 FlO 101 Wide Tread' 8 H78 IS Reg, Tread1 750 1~ Reg Tre'-lCJ 1 ,885-15 Reg Tread

.1 G7B 14 Reg TrC<ld 1 378 IS R(!g, Tread) ass 14 Reg, Tread I JR78 15 Radial Tire

SALE!, 85$ 14 Snow Tires 1 L1B 15 Reg Tread

1 775015 Sl"iow Tire 1 670 15 6,Ply Trk Tire

6 B1515 Reg Tread J JOO 17 6 Ply Trk Tires

3 G7815 Reg Tread , 600 16 Wayon Tires

'50'x60'withlringed $~44endB.. carry Insnap·handle bag

1Machln(> washableland dryublcl, shrink·rc~uslant,moth·rcslfttant Limit one

al thiSpriceAdditionalSB.6Deech

ICE GRIP ... -... - f.l1

BUY 10pu"ulll...-.:I ..idll"nc;ontKt

:/1978-13 e.22.. 95 -21.35 118t ""'" 'Ow '0' ••ul~"1 fl.Chon

C18-13 :25_25 2•.50 "3 •PoIyestsrconi bodyC78 14 26.&0 29.40 '" NOW!E78·14 27.55 30.10 '"


!IUI""",1'Iar1 f78----:,4'" .11 31.1' 231 - nUl yo" Wlllt III • Wln\P trtI-

PfOt\,bi!edby IIW)G18 ,. 29.80 33.15 253 BEAT •Extra stud holes

\.~~HllS-14 32.10 35.15 '" 1JtfI'l'","'",noonoli6 IC.G"P-'f~

f18·1~ 29.31 32.10 1,",,2 12 moll lhln OUf prl""'U'

THE To",,,, Ilo CPU"'lry(IIlJ'dlflOl.v.,I.bIe

G78,15 30.10 33.'1 ,.. "'hll'p'o"'bltldb,~"'f

H78·1~ 32.8' 31.5' ,ao USE YOURJ1815 37.M 30' SNOWlSCRAPER l18-15 35.8& 39.'0 3" MASTERCHARGE


P,ieed ill ,too~·ii·Fjiesl(in.-SU,re"ComJ~tlfj"l~prittd-fl fi,nIQn, d••..,. and 'I KtVlctI 14Illonl dlipt.olymg Ihl F""'IQIW ~Il"

Neli~h,Plainview Clash to DecideFirst of Three Conference Races

A r('~ll powerhouse footballgorne IS in store tor Nor.theastNebrc1sk('l Activity Conferencetans Friday when Plainview andNeligh square all to decide theloop champion

tlle Pirates, ranked No. 1 inQmaha World Herald's Calss Cstandings. lead the league with a60 mark, N~ltgh, ttie newpaper's No lour fearn, is second at51 .

:. This (onferenCt: match will be.-the only one this week to endthree conferencE' races

Allhaugh. the field will benarrowed in the Ea!>' half 01 theHusker league from thre-e coleaders, the race IS hot 'andrapid

West Point. Scribner andHooper Logan View share fhetop billing with identical .4 ')

marks But the sfanl;lings wiHchange a bit when the WestPOint club fakes on division foeNQrth Bend, Scribner goes out ofthe diVISiOn as does Hooper Logan View before those teamsround up lhe season Nov. qagainst division opponents

In the West half, powerfulColumbus Lakeview has theconference hall vIrtually sewedup wilh only two division Qamesremaining ._' Madison Fridayfollowed by Hartington CedarCatholiC

Even if the Vikings should loseone of !hose matches. theywould slill wm Ihe loop since atie With Wayne would go Infavor of Lakeview, According toConference rules. Wayne cannofrepeat as champion if a tiedevelops because the Devilsrepresented the conference lastyear

Over In the Lewis and ClarkConference, all seems to be

If all the ice, pC Antarcticamf.>lted. the oceans wouldrise abou t 200 f~et, drow'ti·inH: thf!, world's !I('aporl,sand co~astaIIOWland~

"Anderson Sundry and EllisElectric will sponsor the lastAllen High football boos1li>rsbre'akfast this Friday at 7:30a.m. in the Home Cafe.

group wdl offer n ham dinnerlopped off with homemade pieHot coHee will be availablethrouqhout the afternoon

BrE-clldast tickets wdl cost $1each, dlOner ficke!,:> 52, Children'<; dinner portions are $) 25

thiS Isn't goiOg to be a game the teaiTt--­can take lightly. I'm sure Wif\slde willshow ifs true championShip form and fopthe ',)smend dub

My l.eeling about the Wakefield atEmerson' Hubbard match is thai it will bea toss up_ Some area coaches may feel'hat Emerson isn't 'hat strong a team,but 'the Pirates can surprise any goodteam

The Trolans. on the other hand, are ateam that has really improved over thepast fwo week-s with the offensivestealing the show onc week only to havethe defense lake its turn the followinggame

Somehow I have the feeling Wakefieldwill gel both ifs offense and defense goin9the same night fo knock off Emerson

My prediction tally fOf the season is 19right, 14 wrong for 60 per cent. I pIckedTvJ6-'-oufciTlllTee----match--es-ftgh-t--F r idaynighC with the only flaw bein.g Coleridge's defeat of Winside Since Wayneand Allen played in midweek. I did notpick winners in those contesfs

--- Sports Slate' ---VOLLEYBAlt. Today· (Thursday) - Osmond at

Win~:!(je;_ ~f1day Hus~~r ptaY"offs ,hlte urideterm)~d);Tvesd_av ---: Lewis, and Clark pla,yoffs"af ,WInside:

FREsHMEN FOOTBAll, Today - Wayne al Harting'lonHigh. .

VARSITY FOOTBALL, ·Friday ­Wins~de_ a,t 05mond, Wayne a,t Har:tingtonWakefi.eld ~t Eme(son· Hubb!3rd, .V"ausa at



For the second week i'1 a row. offensive and defensivestars from fou;' Of the five area higt'l school football teams rat.emention for this week's Athlete of the Week award.

The list includes:' Wayne's Marty Hansen, a dazzling 211yards against Emerson-Hubbard last week; Winside's LarryWeibre, ..exploding.. _for nl_~~~s against Coleridge: DougFischer and Randy Bargholz of Wake-llercrs defensive squadthat stopped Hartington Cedar Cathonc for three quarters_ andenabled Wakefield to post ns fourth win in seven st.arts, andLaMont Sohler and Sferling Stolpe of Laurel for offensiveleadership in the Bears' close loss to Pierce

aut two ot those stOOd out in last week's games ­Wakefield's Fischer and Winside's Weible. one leading thedefense, the other scoring all ~is team's points. The resultthey share this week's Athlete Of' the Week award.

In last Friday's 34 13 loss, ,to Clark title winner Coleridge01 the Lewis and Clark Conference, Weible not only made itthree weeks in a row to go over the lOO-yard barrier but set aschool record 10 the number of touchdowns scored Inconsecutive games_ He has scor~d all eight touchdowns inWinside's last four outings

The senior halfback rolled up 221 offensive yards in aloosing effort against the Bulldogs Combined with some 30yards in punt returns, Weible had about 251 yards for thenight.

This makes the second time thiS year that Weible, son 01Mr_ and Mrs, Ed Weible of Winside, has received the honor

Wakefield's Fischer isn't noted for his off.ensive ability,iust his tough defensive play

During fhe Harfington CC game. the senior made 15t-ackles, boosting histotal to 85 for the year. infercepted onePflSS for a ::1.1 yard return, and blocked andJecovered a puntthat. set' up Waketleld's first score

"He played a super game," coach John TorClon pointedout. "He's a dedicated player."

The son of Mr and Mrs, Harold Fischer of Wakefield, heis the third Wakefield player to' earn the Herald's Athlete ofthe Week honor

Athlete of the Week

Lions To S'ponsor Hunter FeedThe Laurel Lions club again

will be providing a day long feedfor local and area hunters onSunday al the Laurel city audltorium

A pancake and sausd'gebf'-eClkfast will- begin af 6 d_mand continuf' until noon when the

Wakefield JV'sKnock Off~yons

Wakef.ield High's reserve foot­ball team ended its season witha 26·6 win over Lyons Mondaynight at Wakefield.

The home"team jumped out toa 13·6 halflime lead on the able lost Eagle Meetingrunning of Scott Mills andRandy Kahl Mills took theopening kic~off 70 yards for a6-0 lead before Kahl raced 55yards for tfl.e second score.

!n the second half Tom Hattighit, on a one-yard plunge anc;iquarterback ,Mike Soderbergcompleled a 45·yard ~trike toScoft Keagle for a team'.s firsfwin in two starts.

"Ken. Dolph did a good job of /receiving the Iia"," adde~

" Joe Coble, pointing, ouf thatS6de.t.berg and ,Keagle. alsd hada go8'd night. Defensively, Cobleprc:'lised Hattig and ChuckLeoa·rnard.

wayne Peru13 12119 83171 127290 7108222 4 11 08)8 9352:2 0074 19


,~:. '

First downsYards. pas.sinqYardS rushingToral 'lardS g'Hnp.d

PasseSPuntsFumbles loslYMds penaliled

StorIng bV Quarters:Wayne 7 9 0 0 16Peru 7 0 6 1 10

Wayne ranking third amongnine colleges in team defense.Sixth If) Glfense -- a drop fromthe prevfous high point of secondin both defense and offense

Wildcat defense had driven Peruback to its own eight with twoquarterback blit;::es, a booming.Peru' punt .e~uded the Wildcatreceiver, and Peru recoveredthe fumble at the Wayne 31. Twoplays later, Barry Reid-put. Peruon top with a 22·yard end run".and the conversion made it20·16.

Wayne stalled one more Perudrive. In ~he last two minutes 21secon'-as': Wj~dcat quarterbackDave Miller' passed for threefirsf dewns on' eight tosses. onlyto have the ninth pas.s fall intoBobcat -hands as time ran out

The Yardstick

Ott Leads· in NNe Rec.eiving

Three Area Teams Wrap Up Season Frida.y

scoring is- 1.54·107, Kearney's141·114, Peru's 124-158.

'jriayrf't! dominated f5eru in thefirst half; of their "Oak Bowlclash. Though Peru scored first,on a Criger to Gary Rosenbeck­pass for 44 yards, Wayne roaredback ,on the next drive. It endedwith ir, 8ened~tto pass for erghtyards to wlngback- .[)ean Ott and.Rich Mangiarfleli's point kick.

Then another Benedetto passfound split en.d Mauri.1i;. Miotkenhandily out behind Peru's defense, and Wfiyne. had a go·ahead touchdown. of 56 yards"plus a Mangiameti kicK. Beforethe second quarter ended, an Ottpunt to the Bobcat three-yardline led to. a safety on the nextplay when defensive end TomAllie tackled- Criger in the endzone ~ second titne this yearAllie has done this_ .

The second half was something else. Peru drove to atouchdown in the third quarter- on Criger's 27-yard jaunt.Then in the fourth quarter, after


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Thursday., November l. 1973

Wayne'Sta.te's Bid for ShareOf NCCTitle Falls Short

Wayne ,State's football Wild·cats"are g,irding for their seasonfinale Saturday with' intentionsto make a fine record petter.

Despite two straigh!' I_osses,Wayne will hcwe a 5--2-r chartgoing, .'.Into -'a -Glash -, 'Saturday

• afternoon,-itith"lowa Wesleyan at.Mour'!,t- Pros:pect. U's- the firstmeeting ~f the' two teams.Westeyan evened its record at3·3 Saturday with a 20-17 winave;" Principia. 4-

Coach Del Stoltenberg says ,ofWesleyan, "It's hard to knowwhat we 'can expect, except asirigl_e-wing offense. 'We haven'tscouted Wesleyan, but do havefilms."

Last Sat,urday Stoltenberg hadhis WlIdcats prepared for a Perusingle·wing in case Bobcatquarterbacks were unable _ foplay. But it turned out first­string QS Terry Criger wasready enough' to play after anankle Injury a week earlier, Infact, 'Criger ran weI! enough toscore a 27-yard touchdown..

Matching that. however, wasthe running of Wayne's startingquarterback, junior Rick Bene·detto, who got' away for a38·yard broken treld dash - Triple threat Dean Ott, Waynelongest Wildca.t run of the sefi· State's do-everything football

·son. And Benedetto added player, took over the lead inenough more yards to put his Nebraska collegiate pass re 'rushing net on the plus side for ceiving after last week's games.the year. The significance of NAIA Oistrrct statistics issuedthat: all four Wayne .quarter Wednesday show the' sophomorebacks now have plus rushing wingback from Hooper atopyards - a rather rare feat on pass receiving with a 56-yard·any team. average He has

But Wayne domination of both caught 31 aerialS. for :148 yar.ds.rushing and passin'g against He atso ranks fifth In puntingPeru' went for naught in the with a 36;4~yard average, and isimporta:nt matter of scores. tied for second in scoring on 54Peru came, off a 7--16 halftime. points.deficit to win by 20-16 and take a Earlier in the season heshare cif the Nebraska Colleg.e ranked up pretty well in rushingConference title', with Kearney too. But in recent weeks he hasState. It is Peru's first piece of done less rushing. more widethe crown since a 1965 tie, also receivingwith Kearney. For the second game in a row,

The- champs finished wHh 2- J Ott posted a Wayne seasonleague records while Wayne and record in pass rf:'ceiv'lng. FiveChadron shared' third at 1-2. catches for 51 yards lifted himIronically, both losers own bet· to 448 yards, erasing the oldter season records and scori~g mark of 405 by Gary Martenstotals than the NeC winner5": last year Last week Ott set" aChadron, 5-3 'over-all. tallied 168 se.;!son record for passes caugHt'points, gave up 68, while Wayne He now has snared, 31

The NAIA district stats show

Young Boxers'Fair WellAt N folk BY BOB BARTLETT Newcastle dumped Allen. 197. Some

Six of ~~ne's boxing- entr~ to:t~a~~ ~~a:;: .~veL::~:I, hi~'~enSChaOn~ ::i~o~~~ ~~J~~Oen~:~~~:~v~:t~ht~~C~;~at Norfolk's smoker Saturday Wayne - will end their season Friday Ra.iders this Friday, but it seemsdid "a real good job," according night. Two of them - Allen and'Wayne - doubtful that such an upset will occurto coach Gary Wiebe/haus. will be tighting to end the season on a Bofh Allen and Walthill have almost

"All the kids won trophies," win now that they are no longer in loop Identical overall records - the Eagleshe pointed out. even though no races ) 5. the Blue Jays 3-4 However. thedecision was' handed down in' Wayne, at the West Husker Conference. Walthill clan gets the nod because of

-----lower we.igb1s... goes to Hartington Cedar Catholic to Allen's increasing number of first-stringFrank Mrsr})f. Doug Proeff, improve its 5-2-1 record_ The Devils' lost IOluries .

Rich Johnson, David Hamm and their chance to sweep the West half two Laurel won't find Friday's match withKevin Nissen part.icipated in the' weeks ago when they dropped a 1512 rugged Wausa of the L C league anyfirst smoker of the year along bout with division champ COlumbus more pleasant than last we..,.k·s disapwith a new member of the team, Lakeview. The best they can gain is a pOlOting 20 16 loss to Pierce The VikingsStu~rt Nissen. "Darren Proett second·place finish after last week's 26-14 are a strong team too strong fOf thealso went to the bouts," the conquest of Emerson·Hubbard Bears to handlecoach pointed buf. "but there Wayne's foe Friday suffered a defeaf at Two squads that will continue afterwas no one in his age group to the hands of Wakefield, 14·6, leading me Friday are Wakefield and Winside.fight." to beHeve Wayne will take this one since The Winside Wildcats were the latest

Rick Load; was the only the Devils beat fhe Troians earlier in the area favori~ to drop from the divisionmember of the group to go three season. ~ title _sc_ene when 1he'i_ Le~1 to Clark

_._.Dlunds, The_ 165·.pollnder lost- a- ~Heni -of the - t::ewi"S diVision or ~e-- diVISIon king -Coleridge of the L C leaguedecision aiter winning fhe first Lewii and Clark Conference, battles last Friday, 3413_ The Cats afe going toround. 'He was knocked down in Walthill for a possible runner·up spot in have. to shrug oft that big loss to preparethe second round. the final standfngs. for Friday's Osmond game

The· next scheduled bout is The Eagles' title hopes all but ended Although the Tigers are not as potent

Nov. 2..3_a_l_N_o_rf-O-lk-. O_C_I_._1_2---,a",t_t_h_e_ir_h_o_m_e_c_o_m_ln_g_w_he_n__a_'_la_s_t_y_e_ar.,' coach Doug Barclay knows

"DAILymREHT" ~eS~Yn~S~t~~:n"~:s?rv~s, ~!~V~~~'hilledvolleyball feam deart another through a 15 11 game, thenon pair of defeats to Platte College decIded they would go out andMQnday night at Columbus, blank the Platte girls in the next

Varsity coeds had to stretch a ga'rne. And that's what happenbi1 in J5- JO and 17 15 games_ The ("d' Wayne 15 to O. So the

reserves remaIned unbeaten infour outings.

The varsity now has a 5-6re-cord. They go to UncolnSaturday for a triangular withUN· Llncoln and PeriJ Sfate, fhento Seward Sunday tor with Concordia andCreighton ..

Page 5: THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980... · tember ha.d askep. city officials"to draw....up a,.fist of steps which


Police Blotter

Most POWf'F-fu-t tl~eclric the eleclric eel (Elec­trophorus eleclricus). Anaverage-sized specimen candischarge 400 volts at 1ampere, but measurementsup to 650 volts have beenrecorded. -.....



TAPES STOLENAppro)(lmately 28 slereo tapes

belonging 10 Garr-y-Jol 56 6f 622Walnut Dr were ti3ken from his carwhile parked In his dr,veway sometime between mIdnight Friday findnoon Saturdi'ly

CAR ACCIDENT--A parked car owned by ChriS

tian Bargholl 01 410 W, Second wasstruck on thp I{'II Side about 7 pmTuesday when Fred Otte- was backing his vehicle oul of a parking stallon the 100 block of Pearl

stereo equipment," he pointedout.

"But to get into a smallbusiness and keep it going,you've got to be willing tosacrifice," he reiterated

~ Featurin~ -

Fresh O.ysters - Solid. Pack

Mrs, Hans AsmusPhone 565-4411

Round Arm Roasts.

Ground Chnck ' , ..

Custom ·Sl.ughtering & Procening . C~r1ng . Sausage Stuffin'g

JOH.NSON .FROZENFM~SPhone '375~1100' . 1-16 We',t ,Jrd.:

Ground Beef, ....


~1 O....a.i...... ;~" ~",&?flt .".,

. ~ ~fJ.~~

'.' At Lowest Pri~es V- WEEKEND SPECIALS -

.lb. 99C

h09. lb. ".1

No, 7 Beef Roasts. ~..--,-Ib.83c

. Ib.93c

Small Busine~s KeyTo Economic Growth

Big businesses across the na·tion usually generate the bignews when it comes to makingeconomic changes. But it's thesmall businesses, said Don Sab·bann, that make up the majorityof today's economy.

Sabbann, an executive at theDakota County State Bank inSouth Sioux City, pointed outthat many people may forgetthat the small business is re­sponsible for much of today'sadvancements in fhe busines~,

world,"That is why Nebraska gov­

ernor J, James Exon proclaim·ed the first two weeks inOctober as 'A Stand Up forSmall Business Week," he toldWayne Kiwania,ns during Mon­day's luncheon.

"Most, people consider profit adirty word," he went on, "whenit really isn'f." Profit motivatesa lot of small businessmen toventur;e into bigger business ­that Is one reason today's smallbusinesses are so valuable toour econor:n ie growth, he noted.

Small businesses are the an·char of the community - theygive the community drive, heemphasized. and they are thebasis of free enterprise,

Sabbann labeled sm~1l busi·nesses as the "doorway for theyoung and minority races" toimprove, themselves and achievesuccess,

But not every business can bea success, he cautioned: "Thereare high risks and sacrifiCes inrunning your own business, butthe rewards are great for thosewho can make it."

Of the 100,000 businesses thatstart up each year only halfsurv'lve the first 18 months ofoperation, and another 20 percent fail in the first 10 year.s.

Sabbann sa~d the, big,gestproblem in a new company i'spoor management. "About 20per cent of small businesses failbecause of low capitaL" he said.

Looking to the future. Sabbannspeculated that· recreation willcontinue to be a promising fieldfor new businesses, "Peoplehave m'ore leisure time," hepointed out, "and want to getout of the house and do some·thing."

Another area that seemspromising, he said, is electron·ics, "Many of our young peopleare buying a lot more music and

visitors in the Vernon Behmerhome.

John Wendts. Pilger. and Ar·nold Mi Ilers spent Sunday in theArthur Eschliman home, DavidCity, for his birthday.

Sunday guests in the StevenDavids home were Fred Davids,Norfolk, the Dale Lorenze fam­ily, Osmond, Henry Sweigardsand lryl Svensons, Stanton, and

Clty, visited Friday ev-ening in Mrs. Elphia ScheHenberg.the Erwin Ulrich home, Imo Svenson, Iryl Svensons,

Gary Asmuses, Norfolk. the George Ficklers, Stantpn, andDon Volwiler family, Carroll. Fred Davids, Norfolk, were Fri­and Mrs. Katherine Asmus were day evening guests in the Stevendinner guests Sunday in the Davids home in honor of thehome of Mrs, Martin Anderson, birthday of the hostess.Randolph, Joining them for sup- Lynn Reber, Chadron, spentper were the Herman Kremp- from Wednesday until Sunday inkes. Randolph. the home of his parents, Mr. and

The Larry Koepkes and sons Mrs. Clinton Reber.and the Les,ter Koepkes spent Mrs, Douglas Biorklund,Sunday in the Herbert Kleen· Pamela and Michelle. Siouxsang home, Fremont, ' City, were weekend guests in the

Ralph Keefers an¢ Jo Bendin, Lucille Asmus home. Mrs. Mar·Norfolk, Carl Petersen', Neligh, tha Frevert. Wayne, was aand Louis Bendins were 'Sunday Sunday dinner guest,guests in the home of Mrs, Lynn Reber, Chadron, andTheresa Spahn at Ewing, Clinton Rebers, Carla and Paula

Bill Jacobs, Rick and Ryan, were Thursday evening dinnerHowells, and Jim Behmers, guests in the Clarence SchroederPilger, were Sunday evening home.

SiouxThe Edwin Ulrichs,

Evening Birthday GuestsThursday evening guests in

the Edwin Strate home in honorof the host's birthday wereGladys and Willis Reichert, theFred Johnsons, Winside, EstherKnebel, Edith Strate, Norfolk,Mrs. Don Johnson and daugh­ters, the Jerry Schwede famity,the Harry Schwedes, the Opfers, Mrs, Meta Pingeland Mrs, Katherine Asmus.

Pitch prizes were won by Mrs,Asmus and Willis Reichert.high; Esther Kneb~1 and FredJohnson, low, and Mrs, E. Strateand Jerry Swede, traveling."

Meet WednesdayMembers of the Rook Club

met Wednesday evening in theH. C. Falk home,

Prizes were won by Mrs,Edwin Meierhenry and Mrs.Elphia Schellenberg, high, andMrs. Kathryn Rieck and GeorgeWittler, low.

Next meerlng will be Nov. 15in the Edwin Meierh'e'nry home,

Members EntertainAll members of the A-Teen

Extension Club entertained patJents a' the Pi.erce ManorFriday afternoon.

They presented a Halloweenskit, read poems and enjoyedgroup singing.

Pinochle ClubThe Ed Winters entertained

the Pinochle Club Sunday even­ing. Mr~'-and-Mrs'.-uera-fd-- Brug­geman were guests,

Prizes were awarded to Mrs,E, C Fenske, and Arthur Beh·mer, hi-gh; Mrs, Lucille Asmusand E. C. Fenske, low, and EmilGutzman, traveling. B rug g e­mans received"the guest prize.

The Nov. 25 meeting"Witi be inthe Emit Gutzman home.

Travel to NorfolkFive members of the Twen·

tieth Century Extension Club,entertained patients at the Bel,Air Nursing Home in NorfolkThursday afternoon,

Bingo was played and members fqured the nursing home, Aclub tour to Norfolk ,is plannedfor Nov, 13.

Council(Continued from page 1)

against the pay level wereBeeks and Brasch.v'TABLED ACTION on In·stalling a radio beacon at themunicipal airport so pilots couldhome in on it during lowvisiblJity, Council approved hav­ing the city administrator pur­chase a radio for ground-ta-alrcommunication. The presentradio 'Alas;' ruined by lightningseveral months ago. "The newradio will cost approximately$500.v' AGREED TO RENT 12 by18-toot spaces In vacant hangarsat the airport for $10 per month.v' APPROVEO ORAWING UP

an Qrdinance which would per­mlt left-turn' lanes on, MainStreet at the corners of Sec-ondand Third Streets. The Depa''rt­ment of Roads has proposed thechange.v' APPROVED ANNE1(ING

the plot of, land. w-here the newPizza Hut is being buUt on ·'t~e

east edge of, t.he,' city. Notincluded in. the portion to beannexed is land be,lqngin~ to Mr.and Mrs. Thomas McCright just..~ast of there. ,-.. v.' APPROVE~ J..IMITING twoparking spaces. In fremt o! ger­a),d's Painting, and" Dec9ratlngon Logan Street to 30-minutepa...~,in91 ., ,~AGREED TO OPEN bids on

a new hal,Hon pickup, !or thestreet pepartment. at the: coun·cWs, NOli, 27th meeting.

~ Lewis and Clark ConferenceeancrOf! 27, Allen 0Newcasilt' 22, Winnebago 8Coleridge 34, Winside 13t:larfington 16, Ponca 8Homer 26, Walfhill 20

Cub Scout ~eetin~

A training seS{oion fOr Lewisand Clark District Cub Scoutleaders will be held at 'heNational Guard Armory thisevening (Thursday),

A new film on Cub Scouting, fabe shown at 7 p.m" will befollowed by discussion on ScoutIng methods and programming.

Den mothers, Webelos lead,ers, Cub masters and assistantsare urged to attend.

. Drivers, Check

License DateFor Expiration

Wayne County residents' Whohave not taken a driver's exam­

, Inatlon for some time are urged!,to check the expiration dates atthe bottom of their drlvi'nglicenses.

According to the records ofcounty treasurer ,Leon Meyer.there are a lot of drivers in thecounty who are running the riskof a Hne. 'Some, in fact, havelicenses Whl-cb are over a yearpast due.

A license, good for four years,expires, on the operator's birfh­day 'durlng th,e years his age Isdlvls/bte by four. Applicationfor a new I,icanse dm be madeduring the, 20 days preceedingthe operator's birthday. .(I

An eye examination and writ­ten fest will be given eac'hoperator, whQ applies for renew~

al 'of hl~ license. E,xaml-nersmay ,also as~ him, to drive fort~em., '. '

Driving ,examiners are at theW?yn,e County courthouse eachWednesday from ~;30 a.m., fo 12noon and from l to 4:30 p,m.

J~ ..~.. LO.Ok BaCk... • ". The Wayne I Nebr.I.Herald, Thur.sda

y, November " 1973

W,yn'26H"~~;,~~~I~~~~~"d14 HoskIns Garden Club MeetsWakefIeld 14, Hartingfon"CC 6

~;~!'~:;~;~:2;!:~g~:~~:~n7 12 For Dessert LUIl·~~cheonArlln9,ton West Holl 17. Hooper,LoganVI~8 '

l:0lumbus La,keview 31. Stanton 0 Fourteen members were pres- tr .Dodge 21. North 'Bend 6 el)f when the Hoskins GardenWest Point CC 32, Oakl'and CraIg 14 Club met Thursday afternoon in .Pender 20, Lyons 0 the Walter Fenske home for a os.k,'ns

NE Nebraska Conference 1:30'p.m, dessert luncheon., Mrs, ICrofton 14, Bloomfield 6 W... Fenske openeq the meeting ~ . NO'Neill l,J, Randolph 6 .. with the Lord's Prayer '. . eW5Plainview 26, Creighton 0 .' "! "Loves Old Sweet Song" and

~:r~;~ ~~: ~~~:~I ~~khorn Valley 6,., },j'Come' Ye Thankful People-~ome," were sung by Jhe group,Roll call was an October poem..' Mrs, H, C Falk read a poementitled "A Package of Seeds."Mrs, Bill' Fenske gave thecomprehensive on fall yardcare. The lesson, "Ins and Outsof Composting," was presentedby Mrs. Erwin Ulrich,

Plans were made for theHoskins Garden Club and theTown and Country' Garden Club

Slated Here Tonij!hC :~:P~~~~~n~ ~~r~e ~::~ ~~;;; 3~;6a.m. until noon. Proceeds will beused for town improvements, Afamily dinner is planned forNov, lB,

Cards were sent '0 LawrenceJochens, Mr, and Mrs, HenryWalker ando Mrs. August Bran·zynskL,

Newly elected officers areMrs, Bill' ,Fenske, president;Mrs. Carl Wittler, vice presi­dent, and Mrs, H, C. Falk,secretary, treasurer

The Nov, 15 meeting will be at1:30 p.m, in the George Wittlerhome,


West Husker cr.own, The winner said he was pleased with theof that game will meet the East, way' his girls played againsthalf representative next week Newcastle Tuesday night altor the conference tille, though Newcastle beat his var

Wakefield now hosts the (.4 sity clubdistricts, which includes Allen, The Wildkittens went down instarting Nov, l.2. two s.traig'ht, 11,15 and 2-15, for

Elsewhere in the ilrea, Allen an even 7·7 record.completed its season with a loss The reserves and freshmento South Sioux City Tuesday teams, however, took theirnight to finish its record at 3·6, matches. The reserves pohshed

Coach Lot'n() Stamp's girls lost off -Newcastle in three sets, 15-8,two straigh,t varsity sets, 9·15 9-15 and 15-9 for a 3·9 mark afterand 10·15, The same story held the C team claimed its fifthtrue for the reserves. who fell to vicJory against four losses, 16.the h,ost team. 10·15 and 2·15. 14, B 15 and 15-,3,

Winside coach Don' Leighton Winside plays Osmond foday(Thursday) before heading intodistrict play at Battle Creek.The W-ildkitfens are paired,against Stanton in the secondgame on Nov, 12, Other teams inthe district are Tilden-ElkhornValley, Elgin High, Madison,Elgin Pope John, Norfolk Ca'h­olk and Battle Creek.

Laurel's A team lost Mondaynight to Neligh and Plainview ina triangular,

The host team fell to Neligh,13·15 and 6·15, before Plainviewadded the final touches with twostraight vIctories, 2-15 and 11·15,

The Bearettes' r:ecord is 5·4overall and 5·3 in fhe conference.

The B team also went down to- -both clubs for ,-a --0-8 record,

Laurel starts Northeast Nebraska Activity Conference playMonday at Pierce.

Paperbacks -(Continued from page 1)

Ing at or purchasing any of thebooks are invited to visit duringthose hours. The display is opento the pt,lblic, according to highschool superintendent FrancisHaun.

Groups, who would find an'evei,ing'visit more convenient,may call the schOOl to makearrangements.

Two years ago, when a similarproject was attempted, ordersfo~ various books were taken.This year, several copies o-f eachbook wIll be available so orderswill not be necessary.

The collection covers the lat­est in fiction, many non-fictionand professional books. Theprices range from 95 cents to$1.25 each,

The fair. which will hopefullybecome an annual project, isbeing sponsored by the highschool library and the iuniorclass.



i,po,nents but some iniu~ies ,ar'~ expected inthe spor', "Football- does involve hit-ting/' he; ~aid: ~ ,

Porter agreed that some injuriesshould be expected in a good game. Hepointed out, "As far as I'm concerned,I'm not worried who we play footballagainst. just as 1099 as we playsomeone."

MONDAY'S initial story on the topmen's and women's bOWling scores ~

received a lot of favorable mention. Ihope to continue writing aoout mote highscores i'n addition to getting some teaturestories on some of the area bowlers whohave good nrghts.

One thing that should be mentioned isthat several bowlers were Jeft out ofMonday's story. One was Floyd ''Burt,who shot a 22~ in the' Saturday NlteCouples league two weeks ago. Also, DeeSchulz of the Friday Nlte Ladies grouphad a 477 series and Cleone Zach rolled a175 in the Go Go Ladies league last week,

Entire Stock

Big Selection


, "Bargain Gallery"

Long Gowns·PJ's·Waltz Gowns

Sweater Knitsbouble Knits

Save Up To

Merchandise from every department-has,been movedto the center of the store' for your shopping·ecm,venle.nce.


~~;NKETs$1287Full Size Single Control

Wiilshcloths 7'.cHand Towels 43c

Women's Fleece





Women's Scarfs .. , ... , '12 PRICE

Polyester Fill Pillows .. , , .2/$4"

Kitc~en Terry Towels, ... ,2/$1 00

with 7·15 and 9·15 wins,'Hartington caught us on their

home floor," Trojanette bossErnie Kovar said of his team'sloss, dropping t,he club's recordto 9,5. "But I don't want to takeanything away from Hartington- they hardly make, any mis·takes."

In other first.round action,Emerson·Hubbard defeatedStanton, and Columbus Lake·view topped Wisner, Pilger toadvance to the semi-finals.Lakeview, also beat HartingtonCC to set up a COlumbus·Emer·son colHslon Wednesday for the

SPORTSWEAR$1 - $2 - $3 - $4

One Table Loaded With Values to $15

. By Bob' Bartlett .

~H1er'S shared average' qf 5;3·yards acarry established In 1969 and 1970."

Just to,atJCJ a ,little mar_I:! spice1 duringthe' last, four games Larry was respon·sible for, all eight of his' team's touch·downs. •

RECEIV'ED ,A lefter from an irateEmerson·Hubbard High School studentcompla,lnlng about. the way Winside'sfr~shmen 'played against the Piratesseve,~al weeks" ago.

According tQ the letter, Wins'lde usednot only fre'shmen and sophombresag,alnst ,Emerson's freshmen team butalso a few juniors. The writer pointed olltthat the Winside sq~ua(t w~s unsports­manlike In Its rovgh playIng.

To clarify 5Qme pOints' I talked withbQth the Emerson and Winside coaches.

Accore;:Ung to Carter "Cap" Peterson,Winside,' does not have enough freshmenfor a freshmen-only football team. As aresult he plays some sophomores in hislineup,

AI Porter of Emerson·Hubbard said heunderstood Winside's situation al)d has noc-omplaints as tar as the use of sopho·mores. But one thing he dtd objeCt to wasWinside's use' of juniors and varsityplayers on the sq'uad.

During that contest Emerson had twoplayers injured. one suffering a brokencollar bone. Peterson pointed out that hisplayers were not out to, injure their op-



Brown or Navy


In 1SeasonFashions


38 8 ~·W;~i;~· 997$15

Sizes 3 to 6x 8. 7 to 14



66 7::r.:::977


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Plastic 'Coaster SetWith a $15 or

More Purchase.A $3 Value.

One Coaster Set 1........",Per Customer.

Thurs" Frio & Sat.




Men's Double Knit $11 8 8SLACKS ~~1~2~s .

17 only.... $1788

Boy's Nylon


Men's Sportcoats,



Men's & Young Men's


Wayne High's first· year girls Mavis Dalton: "It looked like avolleyball team made'"n through real team effort,"the firsf round or the West Wayne now advances to dis·Husker playoffs Tuesday after· trict action Nov, 11 at Hooper­noon before falling in the semi· Logan View. As yet no pairingsfinal rounds. have been released. Other teams

The Wayne girls defEtated in that disfrlct are Hooper· Lei­Madison, 15·13 and 16·14, during . gan View, R'and9Iph, Hartingtonthe eight-team tournament' at Cedar Cathollc-, Arlington-WestHartington Cedar Catholic High Holt, Fremonf Bergan, Teka.School. But the locals 10st their mah·Herman and West Pointsixth game against four wins for Central CathoHc, 'the year when Emerson·Hub· Wakefield, also In the Huskerbard -delivered the final blows, "playoffs, went down in the first5·15 and 6-15. round to Hartington Cedar Cath.

"I think the girls did real well olic after winning the first set,against", Madison," said coach 15-8, The host teevn ,came back


i:,Wayne, Wakefield FaU.Jln West Husker Battle1\11\";




~"" .....

~ .. ·ARE~ SPORTS FANS maybe Ihlnking~ that this, week's spo.rts seetlol:', should bel<,".': labeled' "The Larry ~e,lble Story:"'"

, '.';.','..' Despite a." .the publicity the .W.i.n.s. ide 'High" : ,senior Is receivJng, lhe fact remains he Is::;: one of, the Wildcats' outstanding players,

":. Just listing some of his accomplish-


• ments ta~es'; considerable spac~, and~~~~~, durlflQ ,last week's game. against, Cole­':I ridge, he moved closer to breaking his

:~' se~~~.~ f~:tO~~o;~~~.~,r~:,~~~br,oke the'·.fL.."'.": 10.ngasf run from scrlmniage 9.11. th sprintsiiI/Ii. of 85 yards. Another mark he sel was

'. scoring the most points In a game - 20t'~ during the 21·14 beating of Ponca, He also!,~ holds .the single game rushing, record· 0"(:1 221, yards to topple Galen Stevens' rec<;»rd'I' .-;:''",' of 141 yards set back In .1.910. Weible.,t:': alre~dy has surpassed P~II Witt's ~969, ~"." single s,eason rushing record of 622 yard~.

,;~ Wlth'I'fWo games remaining, his total Is

~' 683 yards. '~. TWo other marks the Winside halfback

:,~ has' broken are c"reer rushing and the" ' most points In one season.~, So far Weibli!' has scored SO points -

II· .,1:.1

fo.ur 'better fhan Win's.46 'set In 1969. As~: far as the career rushlng mark is

~ ':~ conlt.erned,- t-he senior Is far above Jerfy~ ~ Wacker's record of 847 yards. Weible has\" 1~ 102 .yards.

it'~ "If Weible continues his present 7.2" yards a carry," coach Doug Barclay

noted, "he .will break WItt's and Dale

Page 6: THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980... · tember ha.d askep. city officials"to draw....up a,.fist of steps which


'~,"" ., .,~~~~!

REG, '126.92


• FI(j~h IlallfHY pOWtlf• srock 'if' HOw'

"R 274'"lEG U'l.99

SAVINGS ON IMJIVIOUAl PI£Cl551treo hpo Pl.-,tl fI",} S~~ 9"P.-nt.onll; 2-5peall., Kil Rell S'Tj '19Home Con~lIIrt.'. Spoaka,.2·PIKI Slereo lock Mounl

Legion Gr~ups To Host MeetThe Wayne Ame~ican Le'gio,n Tuesday evenIng to the annual

Post and Auxiliary will be host county meetingCarroll and Winside post 'and

auxiliary members are ex~ted

to attend.

The post meeting will be heldat the Vets Club and auxiliarymembers will meet at the Worn·an's Club rooms. Following the 8p.m, business sessi,ons, thegroups will meet together' for alunch. Each unit will provideentertainment .

Next year the county meeting"wi'll be at Winsidp

ternlty Parents Club in LincolnOcl. 20.

The Parents 'Club duties are toassist with fund· raising drkves,purchase needed f.raternity supplies, oversee holiday partiesand remain in communicationwith houseparents

Jim Ebmeier, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Morris Ebmeier, is cur·. rently serving .as president ofthe Triangle' Fraternit,.

Fealures Ga";'lfd n'a"'Je' AMFJ,II FM Merao ,no,o WTlh ~ET '-"cU'lry a UdG-> lnpfl ~.,.cl' "a'''''["/ll~h catl",el~ an" F!·spea~.. ' ""lHlS{)l!Ir1s,on lIud,o ~y~le'" Ov~l

co~e' ,,''';I ~ompJe'e "C-U:55("1

laCK& Handbom", c4it>",el'y ",»

• Pol~elh~lene• Ul1blf.jjjkliPIO

• 21'/," ~,_~~~:~

HOURS:Daily 9:00 to 5:30Thur5day 9:00 to 9:00


Attend WorkshopOne hundred and thirty memo

bers of the Northeast Council ofCatholic Women took' part in adeanery workshop Thursday atRandolph.

Learning sessions were heldon family and community aflairs, international affairs, lead·ership, ecumenical involvementand action planning.

Representatives from Laurelwere Mrs. Grover Bass, Mrs.Robert Potter, Mrs NorbertDickes and Mrs. Marlen Krae·

Elected 10 Parents ClubMr. and Mrs. Morris Ebmeier,

Laurel, were elected to thepresidency of the Triangle Fra·

--•LEATHERFO'oTBALL... ~S_II·9$'.-~O

OtliC~lllllUo ind ..mvhl,Or.I~IftI, ''''ilt'

300 Atfend Open HouseNearly 300 persons attended

the Laurel Concord School openhOuse last Wednesday evening

The evening was spent touringthe school, viev,(ing the newlyremodele.d library and talkingWith the teachers. BrochuresNere distributed b·y the StudentCouncil with information aboutnle school

The Laurel Tuesday Clubserved refreshments·

Project Nets 540A Chapel of Hope fund·raising

project, under the auspices offile Tuesday Club of Laurel.netted over $40 trom donationslaken in exchange for handmade

dollsA committee of seven club

women made 75 dolls fromscrap yarn material Thoseworking were Mrs. lillian




FREE Pillsb... ry· Denert Cook !!Sookwith Bundl' pan purchose

------"'" ~ - =--

'~\ ~1~

Scovt·s 'Pla'n P7Pgram Haisch. chairman. Mrs. Blanch.Sauser, Mrs. Marcia HabiCh,Mrs. Florence Fredrickson,Mrs. Ma"xine Haisch, Mrs. Win··1 . n{fred 6ass and Mrs. ShirleyKraemer.

laurel th;h~a~~~IS S~~:I d~~~~aY:~us:tAssisting at the displa')l table

~~ New'.S', were Mrs. Norma Ebmeier and,... Mrs LIllian Ha.sch

Mrs MJrlm Kra.emer During the past year, the Ne·

Phone 2$6 3585 ~t~~~~ o~e~~~~~edtheWoL~~~~~Laurel and area senior citilens ruespay Club is a member,as special gues·ts. agreed to' spearhead a drive to

,A film, _"An Alternative to obtain funds necessary to buildAging" will be $hown. Mrs. a cha'pel at the Girls TrainingBarbara Hansen, Laurel High School at Geneva .. The totalSchool librarian. will display', estimated cost is $75.000books which may be orderedthrough the school in coniunc. The 'present structure did noftlon with Children's Book Week. meet safety standards and will

soon be demolished, Chapel ofHope is undenominational withnew facilifies being planne.d toseat t50

Tuesday ClubThe Tuesday Club park com

mlHee will meet Nov. 2 at 1:30p,m. in the Berni(! Asbra· hometo diSCUSS plans lor city parkimprovements

A representalive from theNortheast Station at Concordwill be present to examine theloss of park trees due to Dutchelm disease

A tour of the park Will betalc.en Any Interested partiesare invited to attend thiS meet,n9

November 6 at 1 p m theTuesday Club '1vill meet at theLaurel cdy auddorium with

, .Seven scout leaders met last ,

Monday evening in the HaroldWhite home, laurel. to plan athree· month program a~t"ae'-

tiv~~:~~rs in aHendantte ~w~reDennis Boehme,. waYrf!i!~' h-tRonErion, 'scoutmaster; :;1arOldWhite, cubmaster; Jerr,,' .Revnoldson, Webelos leader; TomStrange, cub treasurer, andChen,'1 Asbra and Judy Anderson, den mothers ..

The first Pack T76 meetingwill be held Nov. 5 at 7:]0 p.rnat the 'City auditorium with Den2 giving, the flag presentationDE'n 1 will serve refreshmentsand Webelos will be in charge ofgames. A new cu.b induction willbe held and aWd~ds presented.

The Dec. 3 pack meeting willInclude a Christmas tlieme

The Jan 7 pack meefing willbe a sleigh riding party andbonfire

It "'0 .,: ::~;,", 'r,,, 2 ,«liQUl____ • )~1 • ~(I<.!I &<l

--1"'''''~'_''iJ,''H""~",,,, ""ef and

I ,"'»d>. ~...~,,::,?

-- --'-'1-"


Volleyball, Gsmond, here. 6 )0FRIDAY, NOV. 2

Football. Osmond. there, 7 )0MONDAY 1 NOV. 5

LeW~1 . and .Clark:. Loca! MUSICCIl 1(, Wausa

Boa d meeflnQ, 7.30TUESDAY, NOV.'

Conference volleyball playoff,Winside. -8 p,m

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7Staff meeting, 89 a.rn

THURSDAY, NOV. 8Grades' 1 \2 Pop MUSIC Concert'.

7' ]0

Aid and LWMl, 2 p.rn WaltherLeagu,e, 7: 30.


GT Pinochle, Christ WeibleSATURDAY, NOV. 3

Fireman's Dance, city auditor'urn

Library Board, PubliC LibraryTUESDJlY, NOV. ,

Winside Senior Citizens potluckdinner

Legion, Legion Hall. 8 pm

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7Federated Women's Club, audl


Neighboring Grcle. Leo Voss


(Paul Reimers, pastor)Sunday, Nov .:I Sunday

schooL 9:30 a.m.; worship,10: 30.

Tuesday, Nov, 6 Sundayschool teachers.


(G. W. Gottberg, pastor) ,Thursday, Nov. 1: Women's

Bible study, 1: 30·3: 30 p.m ;choir, 8.

Saturday, Nov. 3 SaturdayschooL 9-11:15; youth choir,11: 15-12.

Sunday, Nov. 4 SundaYschool, 9:30 a.m.; worship,10: 30; circuit Bible institute, 7p.r=n. at Wakefiele!,

Wednesday, Nov 7' Ladies


(Robert l. Swanson, pastor)Sunday, Nov. 4: Sunday school

-and adult Sunday school, 10a.m.; worship, 11.

Koch recei"v&d second high.Mrs. Martha LuU and Herb

Peters donated coffee tor Octo.­ber _ Mrs. Gustav Kramerbought prizes for the month.Mrs. Edgar Mar-otz was coffeechairman.

November 6 will be a potluckdinner meeting.

Churches -


Robert MurrayRobert Murray, 43, fa"rmerly of Laurel, died Thursday at

the Douglas County Hospitil(, Omah-l'!. He was born Aug. 17,19j1) at-Di-xon, the son of .John and Rose Duffy Murray

He had resided in the Laurel and Dixon area until 1972when he moved to Atlantic, la. ~, _

Services were held at 9 a.m. Monday at St. Mary'sCatholic Church, Lauref~ with Father Michael Kelly officia

tin~'p:I~~~a~r:ra: i~e;~' ~:'s~~r?=~~r\a~~:onMUrray, Bob

Murray, Mike Reddin, Gary Boesha-fl, Mike Hirschman, KenMurray, Steve Boeshart and Jerry Murray. '

He was preceded in death by his parents and twobrothers. Survivors include six brothers, LaVern of Harting.ton, Eldon and Leo, both of Omaha, Ervir: and Harold, both ofWayne, and Vincent of Santa Monica, Calif.; two si~ters, Mrs.Valerian Redding of Bremerton, Wash. and Mrs. ,PhilBoeshart of Sioux City, and s~veral hieces and nepheyts.

Mr.~. Erl'Jest ChristA former Wayne resident, Mrs. Ernest Chr'ist, died Friday

at Fremont at tl Ie age of 39 yea,.-s. ..",Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the

Bader·Rozanek·Lawson Funeral Home in Fremont with burialin the Fremont Cemetery.

Wilma McPherran, daughter of Adam and Emma PaulsonMcPherran, was born March 4, 1934 at Waynf';. 'She was agraduate of Hahfl High School.

,On June 13, 19S4 she was united in maif ,.., to ErnestChrrst at 'Wayne. The couple resided in Lyons before movingto Fremont.

Survivors' include her parents, Mr. _ and Mrs, AdamMcPherran of Hooper i her widower, Ernest i three sons,Michael, Steven and Todd at home; one daughter, Mrs. Rick(Elma) Vim Buren of Fremont; five brothers. Archie, Calif., Harold of Los Angeles, Calif., Darrell ofRed'and~, Calif., and Jerry and Donald, both of Fremont; sixsisters,. Mrs. Marvin (Hazle) Bern of Sioux City, Mr.s. William(Dorothy) Eltpn of Bellevue, Mrs, Edward (Bonnie) Elton ofFremont, Mrs.. Wallace (Betty) Hartung of Hooper, Mrs.Duane (Ruth) Moore of Lancaster, Calif. and Mrs. Richard(JeaRtlettel Carlson of Wayne;·'28 niec~s and 21 neph~ws.

Preceding her in death were·one brother,. Rus'se-'II; and onesister, Blanche..

Lester Cartwri~htFuneral ,servi.ces will be'held'at 11 a.m . .today (Thursday)

at the Norfolk" First, 'Presbyterian Church for Lester F.Car:fwright, 80~' of Norfolk. Burial ,will be in Norfolk.

The G:artwrights lived io Wayne from 1925 to 1934 al1dsurvivors include Mrs" Ed Skeahan of Wayne, a daugh!'er.. Also surviving ar~ .Car.twrlght's widQy.t; sons, :KeithCartwright'6f Sioux etty, la., and, Lester F. Cartwrigl<tt Jr.. , o~Uncoln;, six grandchildren ,and 'J2 9r~at grandchildren. Hewas preceded 'in death by his ,paren,ts, two 'sisters clnd twobrothers.

Cartwright was. ~rn', Od,.I'n-arrre-d Bernice Jallies of Waynethe coup!.e had made their home in

. Tuesday morning at Our Lad~

Meet ThursdayCoterie met 'Thursday evening

in the Wayne' lmel home. Mrs.carl Troutman vias a gues't.

Prizes were won by Mrs. 1. FGaebler and Mrs. Leo Jensen.

The 'Nov. 15 meeting will be inthe Leo Jensen home.

Funeral ServicesMrs. Gustav Kramer attended

funeral services for her sister,Mrs. Lena Bojens of Denver.Mrs. Bojens is also a sister 'ofMartin Pfeiffer.

Services were held in NorfolkTuesday. Mrs. Kramer spentfrom Sunday to Wednesday inthe Wayne Andersen home andvisj,ted with out·of·state rela­tives

Senior Ci'ti"zensWinside Senior Citizens met

Thursday' e'vening at the citya'uditorium to play cards.

First high went to WilliamJanke and Mrs. Otto Herrmann.Ed Meierhenry and Mrs August

Sewing CircleSewing Circle was held Friday

afternoon at the Trinity 'Lutheran,Church with 11,present.

Quilts are being made formissions· to Africa.

A cooperative lunch was servo, ed.

The Richard Duedngs, Fa'irbury. were weekend guests inthe Earl Duerlt19 home, TheScott Duerings and Shawn ioin·ed them for dinner Sunday

Kandis Thompson, Newman IGrove. spent from Thur~day tcSunday In the Dean Jnnke home, I

The" O,.,s Hall family. O'Neill.were weekend 'o/Isllors In the'Allen Schfu~ter home Mrs Leone Schlueter, Canlslota. S D.,IS spend'ing a few days 111 theAllen Schlueter home

Dinner guests Sunday In the

Richard Hollman ~1:d~~tt~~7::~~. ~1~~01t~~~~ ~~~Richard J. Hollman, 59, of Detroit, Mich., died of ao Lester Grubbses and Mary

apparent heart attack Tuesday while enroute from Detroit to Bowder

Wayne Relatives and trlends gatheredMrs. Hollman is the former Mary Alice Gildersleeve ot in the George Voss home Sunday

Wayne, ',.. to help Timmy celebrate hisFuneral services are pen~log at the WIltse Funeral Home tifth birthday ~==========

in wayne. Tuesday evening visifors in r

Karen Benf{t.fjon ~h~ilC~~i~t A~~~bl~o~~m~in~':e~Funeral services were held Friday at 2 p.m. at the the Otto Kants, Norfolk. and L

Wakefield Evangelical Covenant Church for Karen .Loree Reka Dangberg, Denver. TheBengtson, 35, of Wakefield. She died last Tuesday in the Walter 'Brubakers, Norfolk, and

~~~I~~~s~~t~~rfV. Johnson officiated. pallbeare-rs-w-er-e-~~:~'ne~~~;~!S~~f~~~n/he;'W;i::Gordon L"md·ln, Jeff 8urkink, Eugene lundin, Randall home August Kochs werE:' FriLarson, Darold Lundin and·Marvin Muller. Burial was in the day evening 9ue~tsWakefield Cemetery. Mrs, Gene Miller and chil

The daughter of Paul and Verna Nelson Bengtson, she was dren, Omaha, spent IromLorn March 17, -1938 at Wakefield. Wednesday to Sunday in the

Survfvors include her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul 'George Farran home and alsoBengtson of Wakefield, and two brothers, Kevin of Wakefield visited In the Alfred Millerand Paul at Garden City, Kan. home

The G Farrans and Mrs.Miller, Omaha, ;vi~jred Mrs.Clarence Hamm in the NorfolkLutheran Hospital Saturdayevening

The Ivan Diedrlchsen familyspent Saturday afternoon in theMrs-.- 'Frieda -Diedrichst:n- home,Scribner .

The Roger Thompson family,Newman Grove, and Andy MannJr" Norfolk, spent Sunday in theAndrew Mann and Dean Jankehomes,,!

The Rod Schwankes, Wayne,and ~oi'S Diedrlchsen and DonGudenkauf, both of Osmond,were dinner guests Sunday inthe Ivan Oiedflchsen home.

The John Asmuses took Mrs.Marvin Asmus to her home inBeemer Tuesday. Mrs. Asmushad been a pafient in a Norfolkhospital

,Three-Four Bridge Club;;";'Moe~tsWith; 1Members


Page 7: THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980... · tember ha.d askep. city officials"to draw....up a,.fist of steps which

lieif lb. I

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.PK~>' 49~Coupon Good Only At Arnie's '

" Coupor' Expires Sunday, Nov; 4,- "",<,," ~<"'<'

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Dividend Discounts ..Yelveeta Sylvania Light

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WITH 2. 60.75 - 100 Wattri Ib b NOC POINTS 2 ...- ....\'III!'..2.~ • ox NOC POINTS


Page 8: THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980... · tember ha.d askep. city officials"to draw....up a,.fist of steps which

Beautiful Blankets In Assorted ColorsAnd TheyC{!II :Q.~ Yours FREE

For Savin~s At Wayne Federal Savin~s and Loan!

p.m.; Rebecca Circle, Mrs. Derwin Hartman. 8. .

Sunday, Nov. 4: S~n.qay

school, ~~fS a.m.; worshIp, 11.

Meet FridayThe Westside Extension Club

met Friday at 2 p.m. with MrsAlfred Meier with ten memberspresent.

Year books were made up andthe afternoon was spent socially

Next meeting will be Nov. 16at 2 p.m with Mrs ClaraNelson

The Laurel High School bandreceived a two plus rating at th(>Nebraska High School MarchingBand Festival at Pershing Audiforium in Lincoln Saturday

Only two bands out of 16 10Class C received superior rajIngs

Accompanying the three busloads of students who made thefrip from Laurel were Mrs. MiloPatefield, Mrs, Wallace Nlaqnuson, Mrs Marvin Hartman.Mrs Verneal Gade, Mrs, Clayton Schroeder and Mrs JohnMcCorkindale. Drivers wereBud Hansen. Don Britell andClyde Mosi.

Nine·week Parent Teacherconferences at Allen Consolluated Schools have been set forthis Friday

Parents 01 jUniOr high andhigh school sfvdents are mvitedto visit the gym any time durinqthe day at their own convenfence. Grade school parents willbe assigned appointments'.


Rates HighAt Festival

Mrs. Walter HalePhone 287·2728


I Shin Kim, pastor)Thursday, Nov. f; UPW, 2


(Fred Jansson, pastor)

Thursday, Nov l' Juniorchoir, 4 p.m.; Bible study in thehomes of Reynold Anderson,Mabel Fleetwood, Melvin Hanson and Elvis Olson, 7: 3D p.m.

Saturday. Nov 3: Confir-mation class, 9 a.m

Sunday, Nov 4: Sundayschool. 10 a.m ... worship, 11;evening service. 7: 30 p.m.

Tuesday, Nov. 6' Women'sPrayer Fellowship, 9 a.m.

·· .. Sunda,y, Nov. 4: Chu,.chschool. 9 a.m.; worship. 10: 30.

Tuesday. Nov. 6: Circle 6,Mrs. Geneva Griggs. 8 p.m.


Thursday, Nov. 1: Kum JoinUs, 8 p,m.

Sunday. Nov. 4::: Bible schooLclasses or all ages, 9:30 a.m.:worship, 10: 30; senior choili,6:30 p.m.; Family Bible Hour.7:30.

Monday, Nov. 5: Bible studyat Wayne Senior Citizens Center.3: 15 p.m.

Wednesday, Nov. 7 TeenBible study, 7:30 p.m.; WayneBible study at Carharts. 8;Wakefield Bible study at Wig.gains. 8




Ocate or $2.00 With a $1,000.00 SavingsCertificate.

E. 100 Per Cent Kodel 72" x 90" Gingham PlaidBlanket (Assorted Colors) FREE with a.$5,000.00 Savings Certificate or .$2.90 With a$2,000.00 Savings Certific~te.


Sunday, Novschool, 9 IS a.m10' 30


'( Robert V. John~on, -pastor IThursday, Nov. 1 Crrcles

meet .. junior high choir, 7 p.m.......Safurday, Nov. 3: Confirma·


Salem Lutherlln Lew Me~ersMeet


Wednesday.choir, 4 p.m


'PEO. 7: 45 p.mTUESDAY, NOV. 6

Happy Homemakers Club.Lawrence Ekbert, 2 p.m.

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7Hospital Auxiliary, 2 p.m.

ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN. CHURCH(Donald E. Meyer, pastor I

Thursday, Nov. J Weekdayclasses, 4 15 pm,,, high schoolclasses. 6: 30; senio,. choi,.. 8p.m

Friday .... Nov 2 Ladies Aid, 2p.m

Churches -'ve Lutheran ChurchWomen of the Salem LutheranChurCh met Thursday at 2 p.m.a' the church.

Circle 6 presented the pr'o·gram. "Problems of the AgIng."Members displayed quilts theymade for Lutheran World Relief. James Gustafson. Mrs.Dean Salmon, Mrs. Gust Han·s!)n, Mrs. Vielor, Sundell. Mrs.Walter Fredrickson and Mrs.FranC\s F'lscher were. on thes~rving commitfee. q

Next meefing will·be Nov. 20..~ 2 p.m. at the church.

made withannounced

now be collecting from theirsponsors Checks should bemade out to CROP, a branch ofChurch World Service Themoney will be used for CatholicWorld Relief, Lutheran WorldReliel, World Relief Committeeof the National Association ofEvangelicals and special requests.

A, 100 Per Cent Virgin Acrylic, 72" X 90" BlanketFREE With a $1,000.00 Savings Certificate.

B. Stadium Blanket FREE With a $1,000.00Savings Certifica.te.

Over 200 hikers turned outSunday afternoon for the 12·mileCROP Hunger Walk northeast ofColeridge

200 Hikers Turn Out for Walk

The walkers.. who totaled over2,175 miles, were from Dixon.Laurel. Belden, Randolph, Wausa, Hartington and_COleridgeBeck y Lewon of Randolph hadthe highest pledge per mite,$6.7S.

The Ald'!!o. Johnson family,Omaha. were weekend visitorsin the Ted JohnSOn' home.

Davy Anderson. Sioux City,spent last week with his grand­parents, the Otto dtrstensens.

The T;.m Bahns, Kearney,visited over the weekend in theClarence McCaw home. •

The Bob Smith. family and"Ai,.-i'n·an-' antt"Mrs;-·JaKif~Keftel"and MacaUa, Oniaha,. spenl Iheweekend in Ihe WalterSchullehome. They wen~ all suppe;guesl' Salurday.ln .lheAmanda·and MarteSchulle hom,e..

The Ralph Noes, Melba, Ida·ho, were Thursday dinner guestsin the Ralph Peterson home.

Mrs. W-ilmer Hertel and Mrs·.Bob Dempster and family spentSunday evening in the AnnieBishop home, Maskell

Melissa Wilbur, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Ellis Wilbu,.. Is apatient in the Osmond Hospital.

. The Floyd Bloom family at·tended a birthday party forPhoebe Fo"sberg. Siou,x City.Sunday.

A large crowd attended theshowe,. and ice cream supperhonoring M,.. and Mrs. PaulSherman Oct. 20 at the DallyHal/.

The Marion QulSfs. the MortonF,.edericksons, Mrs. Hazele,.uggman and Mrs: CamillaLarson -attended the wedaing ofPrudence Nelspn and Bill Cemerat Blair Saturday a.fternoon.

The Duane Prescott family.Kearney, spent th.e weekend inthe Allen Prescott home'.

The Wayhe, Benjami,n· famlly.Omaha. and the Gary Whitesand Russ, Sioux City, wereSundaY'dinner guests in the J.LSaunders home.

CATHOLIC CHURCH(Father Rona'id Batiana)

Sunday, Nov. 4: Mass, 8 a.m.


f CHURCH'-('Thomas Adams, pastor)

Sunday. Nov. 4: Mass. 8 a.m.


Sunday. Nov. 4: "M(lrnlng wor­ship. 9:30 a.m.; Sunday schooL10:30.


Thursday, Nov, I: WSCS, 7p.m.

Sunday, Nov. 4'; Sundayschool, 10 a,m.; morning servoic¢, 11. '

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH(Douglas poner, pastor)

Sunday. Nov. 4:, Church, 9:30a.m.; Sunday school. 10:30.

Mrs. Maud Graf visited JayMiddleton Sunday afternoon' i"n 'the Osmond Hospital. ~

Mrs. Robert Theim'an, Piercewas ~ Friday evenll1g visitor i'the home of Mrs. MargauriteLange:

The Floyd Roots spent severaldays in the of Mr. andMrs. George Brockley and Mrs.Virginia Krause. Lincoln.

the Milo Patefield family, Mrs.Felix Patefield, the WarrenPatefields. the Frank'Pleugersand daughte~. Oscar Patefieldand the Rodney Jewell family.

Churches -

Churches -

Mrs. Cleone Westadt. jeff&r­son. S.D.• and Mrs. LouellaSmith. Laurel. were Sundayafternoon and lunch guests inthe Glen Westadt home

The Richard Drape,.s, Elgin,were Sunday visitors in the R.K.Draper home.

Coin Beuck. Soufh Sioux, andMarvin Beuck, Eddyville, la ..

Mr. and' Mrs. Fred Pflanzwere ·Sunda'y guests in .theVance Pflanz home, Sioux City.They had dinner at the Norm~n­dy in honor of Odober birth·days.

Thursday GuestsGuests In the home of Mrs

Don Sherman Thursday Mrs. J. C. McCaw and Mrs.Laurence Fox as co-hostesses inhonor of their birthdays. wereMrs. Dick Chambers. Mrs. AI·win Anderson, Mrs. WilmerHerfeL Mrs. Clarence Nelson.Mrs. Velma Frans. Mrs, C. 0,Ankeny, Mrs. iV\argaret Lisle,Mrs~ Esther 80rg and Mrs.Elsie Patton.

IN••br:lIfer,ald, Thursday, November 1, 1973

. Mrs. Anderson HostsMrs. R~y Anderson hosted the

Extension 'ClubSliver Sta.r Extension Club

met Thursday' ,afternoon In thehome of Mrs. Fred Pflanz. ,ienmembers answered roll call bytelling why they liked Octoberweather. Mrs. Robert Wobben­horst was a guest.

Mrs. EIIT,l,er Ayer read apoem, "October." She also readan article entitled "Visiting Ne·braska in the FalL" Mrs. Ver·non' Goodsell read "The Song ofPeace:'

The lesson, "Why Did ThaIDress Cost So Much?" waspresented by Mrs. Vernon Good·sell and Mrs. Roy Bauermeister.

Next: meeting will' be Nov. 9with Mrs. Clar~nce Krueger.

Anend BaptismMr. and Mrs. Don 'Peters and

Charles. the George Eickoffs.Mrs. Esther Park. Wakefield.the Ra-ym'ond Durants andTami, South Sioux City, TrudyMattes and the Merle Fausts.Hubbard. la .• attended the bap.ti$m Sunday of Sco11 AllenFause at the Peace LutheranChurch, Wall Lake, la.

Sponsors were._~!:§.,_ ~~in.orldDurant and Charles Peters, M-rs: '­Faust was the former DorothyPark of Wakefield.

Out Our Way Club HonorsMrs. Elmer Gens.ler Friday


Meet ,for PitchMrs. Don Boling entertained

the, Pitch Club -Wednesday aft­ernoon' with ,ten members pres·ent

Mrs. Ted Leaptey won highand Mrs. Kermit Graf, tow.

Next, meeting wiJl be Nov. 28with Mrs. Earl Fish.

Out Our Way Club membershelped former member, Mrs.

:ri;;:e~ir~he~:~er~t C~~~br:~~~.Wakefield Friday aftern.oon.

Mrs. Gensler. who was acharter member of the club, waspresented a floral centerpiece.

Those attending were Mrs.Mike Knelfl, Mrs. William Pen.lerick. ,Mrs. Myron Dirks.Amanda and Marie Schutte andMrs. Ed Hart. Vallejo. Calif.Also attending were Mrs. Gens­ler's daughters, Mrs. FrandsCasey. 'Laurel, and Mrs. MaryErb, Wakefield.

Public card PartyThe Aftar Society hosted a

public card party Sunday nightat' the bank parlors.. Pi'tch prizes were, awarded toFloyd Miller and Mrs.' EmmaWobbenhorst, hJgh; Dick' Theisand Mrs. Pearl Fish, low. andMrs. Fish, door prize.

Birthday GuestsWednesday afternoon guests

in th:e Soren Hansen home wereMrs: Norman Lubberstedt anc;lMrs. Ernest Lehner.

Thursda,y dinner guests t,ohelp the hostess celebrate' herbirthday' were Mrs. Ellen ChriS­tiansen. Mrs; Carl Christiansenand Nancy and Mrs. Ruth Berg.

Evening v'isltors wen~ th~

VJggo Kastru~, Mrs., Edm",DdKastrup, the John Andersons..the Marvin: EI!yson family, theGordon H~,nsen" family and Mrs.H. Ao Cochran, Gayle and, New~slle. •

Blrthdoy Din_ GuestsSunday-"dlnner 'guests in the

'Palll ,Borg home In honor of thebirthdays of Ihe hasl and Mrs,

. Larry Witt, were Mr. and Mrs.Alvl'1. Willers" Mrs, Sen eross,the, ~terHng" ~rgs and Anna, the~Ivin Kraemers, and Melva,and ·the. Andres J,org~nse:ns:~


,QllfJyC/vbMeets InBoIin-gHome ~_ ~:~~~~t~f~end

"'dli!''':L~:to~ ~Ill~h:~of.ur:i '~~~Yn,i~~~~~;.'~a:;J~~e ~~~~~ '.f)'"eld'en' New'.s'. ~~~?I\:::~:;~!a;e:~~~~£::;v~,~:rc_';Mrs. Hazen Boling '~ith 12 and Mrs. Bill Brandow were ices- for the Veterans Ho.memembers present. Mrs. Dick guests.... - r Chapel and the Patton BuildingS.~ape:lrjlan was, a guest. Mrs. John Wobbenhorst won '. .. -, ~~._ at t'-Iorfolk Sunday were Mrs.

",:.,RcJll: .. call - was. answered by high 'and Mrs. ,Bill Br.'andow. -:-- -- _ .-----------:- ~MTS. Ted. Le.apley --- - - Eveline Thompson, District III'::""'~lfl~g ',M.' ,their Hmost extrav~. tow. ' ' Phone 985·2)9] . auxiliary. first. vice president: ...

>;:;'ijp~":hu:~~rit~~t:~nn~~nya,::~ $Jurober Party were Thursday afternoon vistors homE! of Mrs. Boling's pareMs,-. ~ry·cean~ndMrJs~d;;'t;;:iSM~:.rg~~:~·~Mr5:':Ray' Anderson received ,the GU6ts- in t"tle Dave Hay home of Mrs. Louise Beuck. the Louis Buckendorfs. Moun Haas, Mrs., Pearl Griffith, Mrs'.

r '-:dOor·,prize. Thursday evening.for. a slumber Mrs. Cecel'ia Beuck, Ever· tain Home. Ark. Emma. Soules, Harold Thomp.\ ... ~., N"'xf, meeting will be Nov. 15 party in ,hanor ',of the 12th green,. Colo., and Lawrence Du· The Glen·Renlaffs•.<Chambers. son and Mros. Hattie McNutt, all~'·with. Mrs. Ed H! Keifer. birth,day of Pam' Hay were gan. Coleridge. were Tuesday and the' Ed H. Keifers were of Wayne, and Mrs, Dinette Von

Thresa Nanen. Joanie Robinson afternoon lunch guests of Mrs. Sunday dl,nner guests in the Minden of Allen, District III

doanl~PhA.nn lindquist, all of Ran', LOTuhiSee BFe'Ou.ycdk. Roofs~ and Mrs. Yj~~~.L~~dp~ra~i:r~~~~:dhome auxiliary president.Mrs, Von Minden spoke b,.iefJy

Louise Beuck visited F,.iday Friday a,tter spending. the past at the dedic~tion, which wasevening with .Mrsi' Edna Chil· week In the home of Mrs. Severa conducted by, the Nebraskaders in the Harry Sparks home. Pflanz. Warden. Mont. Arne-dean Leifer. and AmericanHartington. Mrs. Gene Magden and chil -legion AUXIliary

Coffee guests Thursday att· dren. Sioux Clty. were Saturday The Rev. Paur Schwaab 'ofernoon in the home of Mrs. Ann and Sunday guests in the home Ponca, past nafional chaplain 01Schram were Mrs. Jack Blotz, of Mrs. Ed Pflanz. the Ame,.ican Legion, spoke atHappy Camp. Calif .. Mrs. Katie The Elmer Ayers and Mrs the'chapel dedication and MajorHokamp, Mrs. Delbert Krueger Margaurite Lange were Sunday General Francis L,. Winner.and Mrs. Ea.,1 Barks. dinner guests in the home of Adjutant General for the Ne

The Ray Andersons we,.e Mrs. Edith Francis and Mrs braska National Guard, spoke atweekend guests in the Eugene Freda Hicks in honor of the the dedication which followedWiebel home. Omaha. birthday of Mrs. ~yer.

The Don Fey family, Omaha. Mrs. Margau,.ite Lange spent A pound of fertile gardenand Liz Loberg, Wayne. were the past week In the Dick soil may contain as manySunday afternoon callers in the Jorgenson home. Omaha ali;)O million bacteria!Alvin Young home.

The Clar.ence Stapel manswere weekend guests in theMeryle Loeske home, FortDodg" la.

The Gordon Casals, the DickStapelmans. Mr. and Mrs. Law·rence Fuchs. the Clarence and the Robert Wobben.horsts enjoyed supper at theNormandy and a show in SiouxCity ,Sunday evening.

The Manley Suttons spentfrom Thursday until Sunday. inthe home of theIr daughter andfamrly. the Dave WiHs. Columbus.

Sunday dinner guests in theCarl Bring home in honor otEmma Mae's birthday were Mr.and Mrs. Dick Jenkins andTami. Norfolk, the Bert Mitchells and Marie Bring.

The Don Bolings spent fromThursday unt:iI Sunday J in the

i;";"," '-''-,'''' :,..,,~ive'ry _~,ms "Otxon ,Counti Drivers .License

examinatl0rtS w1Jl' ,be gNen Nov;1,lrand 21 Ir.o,,! 8 a,m, llnlHS~.m. at the courthouse in Pon~.

E~ening Visitors .SUlldaYeven1nq'vISI!l"$ In the..

. GarCltd Jlwellhcilrif In'hlJncjr Of ,.It\e ~lctt!!Ii!Y,of theJl!'sleR",ere .

F. Polyester Fiberfil Comforter FREE with a$5,000.00 Savings Certifica.te ~r $5.00 With a$2,000.00 Saving,s Certificate.

Page 9: THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980... · tember ha.d askep. city officials"to draw....up a,.fist of steps which

-' ...

model KG9638·120R-3D-inch Range in

decorator colors

SAVE $39.00was .$23e,00

now $199.00• Lightweight,

removable topburn~rs

• Digital clock• Drip-proof

cooktop• Eva,kleen'

continuouscleaning oven

• Famlly.alz.oven with 140·deg,eeLo.

- temp control.


(Robert L. Swanson, pastor)Sunday, Nov. 4: Worship, 9;30

a.m.; Sunday school, 10:30.


(Gail Axen, pastor)Sunday, Nov. 4: Worship, 10

a.m.; Sunday schooL n.

Mrs. Clifford ,BurbachPhone 585·4458

Mrs. Jack Blatz, Happy Camp,Calif., B, L. Tollard, Phoenix,Ariz., Pam Hokamp, Hastings,Lori Mjyahira, Honolulu, Ha­waii, the--B-eb-- We-l-s-enbergs,Wayne. the Earl Andersons,Randolph, and Mrs. Katie Ho­kamp, Belden.


(G. W. Gottberg, pastor)Sunday, Nov. 4: Worship, 9

a.m.; Sunday school, 9:50.

Churches -

SAVE $41.00was $270.00

now $229.00

model KG9632-330A-30-inch Range in

decorator colors

I~ ;II:'~~'~:::.--i ~~~

_.~,......... "

! 2 7~~~II _.

• Cook andkeep programcooking

• lift-off ovendoor

• Glass backpanel

• everkleen'\!'continuouscleaning oven

• Family sizeov.en with 140·degree Lo­temp control.

~. HNurI'Yr~~/.e.i1dSe~0.emb.r1~;1973\' ,', / - -,0· .0pebples .....

Natural Qas D~i5jo" of':1'_ : 'Northern N4:lural!Gas C-ompanr

Lnduetion ceremonies wereheld Oct 72 at the UnitedPresbyterian Church by CubScout Pack 22l.

New scouts who received bobcat badges are Jon Jacobmeier.Danny Urwiler, Rodger Pilger.Richard Roland. Joe Longe,Mark. Kubik andj~_a..rQn .BJ,lJI.~!.

Alan James was presented h'lsWebeJos colors

Skits, with a Viking theme,followed the presentations. DenIV scouts were in charge ofopening ceremonies and theretiring of colors. Retreshmentswere served at the conclusion ofthe meeting ~

The Cubbie mascot travels toDen II for the next month

Cub S<,outs Indm·ted

The Carroll Methodist youthFellowship heid their secondannual oyster and chili soupsupper Sunday evening withapproximately 1,50 persons at·tending.

youths also sponsored a carnival featuring several boothsand concession stands. JerryJunek sang several religiousselections

Guests in Hokamp HomeVisitors during the week in the

Vernon Hokamp home were

150 Attend Soup Supper

...-"';4I Carroll,...,J News

'I'm Not Scared'

The Wayne (Nebr•.> Herald, Thursday, November 1, 1973

TODD BARNER, lower center, wasn't scared when he found out both he and his cousinOarrin (holding ghost mask) were among winners in the annual Gay Theatre'-s costumeparty and free movie Saturday afternoon. Over 300 area children attended the event,sponsored by The Wayr'le Herald, The Morning Shopper and the theatre, with members ofthe Wayne Senior Citizens Center iudging entries in the costume cont~t, Other Waynewinners included: cfockwise from bottom left, Terry Dinges, scariest girt's costume,­David Do_escher, tunniest boy':;. costume; Karen Sandahl, best overall girt's costume, andDeena Brown of Carroll, funniest girl's costume.

OUR SINCERE THANKS -tofriends and relatives for thecards, memorials, flowers andfood in the loss of our motherand sister. We extend gratefulthanks to Pastor Peterson forhis visits and comforting words,and'to the Women of the churchfor1l'teir assistance. Also specialthanks fa Dr. Walter Benthackand the hospital staff. TheFamily of Mrs. Inga Thompson.


WE WISH TO THANK all ourfriends and relatives for theirkind expressions of thoughtfulness and sympathy during Pat'shospitalization and since hisdeath. The Family at Pat At·kffis----:- - ----- I'll

I WISH TO THANK friends andrelatives for the flowers, cardsand gifts while I was in thehospital and since returninghome. Also" to Pastor Niermannfor his visit. A special thanks toDr. Coe, the nurses and thehospital st~ff_ Brenda_S.t,a\\ing.n1

WE SHALi B~ EVERGRATE'FUl to God for haVingand knowing Jerry while he- wason earth with us. For yourprayers, condolences, memor:lals and other assistance, wewish to thank everyone. LaraineL. Noonan, Evonne and- Cal, andJerry's family. n1





the great -','-"GO AHEAD WITH GAS" Sale.




Cards of'Thanks

Older home in excellent candition. Very Ideal for smallfamily or retired couple.Near middre school and 4block walk to downtown.Many, many goodies go withthis home. Three bedroom, 2story. You must see it all totully appreciate

Keith JechInsurance and

Real Estate Agency408 logan375-1429





FOR SALE: 160 acres Improved,six soufh and two east ofRandolph. Phone 337·012CJ.' s24ff

FOR SALECustom built hom e sandbuilding lots in Wayne's new·est addition. There's a lot In the "Knolls." VakocConstruction Co, Phone 3753374 or 3/5·3055 or 375·3091

WE WISH TO EXPRESS oursincere thanks for the many actsof kindness shown us duringBeryl's rrtness and for the cards,flowers, memorials and food wereceived at the time of the deathof our loved one. The Family ofBe,ryl Lanser. nl

Well designed, three bedroomsplit level home near co.llege.Central air, large closets andcathedral -living ·room. Two·cargarage and large fenced backyard,

611 East lothPhomi·375"2125

WE SINCERELY THANK allour friends and relatives for thecards, flowers, memorial~ andfood sent at the time of thedeath of our husband, father andgrandfather. Special thanks toRev. Gall Axen for his v.lsHs tothe hospital and his words of~_Qmf-ort. Man_y.__thanks to __ theWomen's Fellowship for thedinner and to the Sew and SoClub for the lunch.' All thesemany kind deeds are deeplyappreciated. Mrs. Joe Hinkle,Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hinkle andfam fly, Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeKraiaclc and family, Mr. andMrs. Arvid Langfeldt and .farn·ily, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Olber·ding and family I'll

FOR SALE: Abler Truck Ter·minal located at Harfington,Nebraska. This fine 40' x 80' tHeconstructed warehouse - withtruck high loading facilities ­available soon. Housing avail­able. Phone 254-6549 or Res. 254­3361 m4tf



Water Softener

Mobile Homes'

Phone 375-1533 If


12 . 14 . 24 and The All New28 Wide by Shangri La.

-Eight Brands to choosefrom


Wes.t Hwy 30, Schuyler, Nebr.

We service aU makes of Radio

and TV. Wby not enjoy botb tothe fullest.

KEEP YOUR HERD IN AHEALTHY, PROFITABLECONDITION. Use Hubbard ADEl.niectab~e for Vitamin deficlen·cies. Effective, palatable CAT­TLE WORMER with thlabenda·zole for roundworm control. AndSULFA STRESS tor drinkingwater treatment of shippinglever, pneumonia and otherdiseases. See Robert's Feeds

-----and SeedS in Wayne. n1

Rent or BuySee UsNOW

LW, "Bud" McNattOK Hardware~

Wayne203 Main Sf. Phone 375-1533

LOW RATES for insurance forali needs. Check uS out! Pierce­County Farmers Mutual ·Insur·ance Co. Phone 5823385, PlainView, or local agent, MerlinFrevert. Wayne. Phone 375·3609.



Radio &TV Service

Special Notice

FOR SALE: Fancy MissouriRiver Cabin two miles belowPonca State Park. Fireplace, "allglass front, beautiful view, allelectriC. Includes 100' )( 150' lotand boat dock. $24,000. Terms.Phone 40_2-75$-2511, Ponca. ol1t3

SEWING MACHINE REPAIR.Contact The Gallery, 306 MainSt., Wayne, Nebr. Phone 375·2004 POtf

Real Estate

Public Notices

Trustee:Quentin A.- Blehyl, Beemer,1 528·3854

Trustee andAuctioneer:

Loren J. Callahan, Pender,1389-3419

Moodie and Moodie,A"o~rneys

Tuesday, Nov. 62 p.m.

Court Housein West Point

Terms:70 per cent down, balancedue on or before March 1,1974

Don't take chances withyour valuable belongings.Move with Aero Mayflower.America 'I) most recom­mended mOver

Abler Transfer, -Inc.

J AND G CONCRETE COM­PANY, flatwbrk of all types,

;~~t~~~~,gp~c:;"r;; 3~:.~~:~.Fre:l~ti

PRESCRIPTIONSThe most important thingwe do h; to fill your doctor'sRX (or you,



Choice 160 acre CumingCounty farm located 1 mi.east and I) south ot HighwayJunction 51 & 9

When It comes toREAL ESTATE


il2 Professional -Bldg Wayne, PhonI' :175 2134




Misc. ServicesWI'LL RAKE LAWNS: Mustsupply rakes Pay what It'sworfh 'to you. Call 375·1190. 029t3

SLEEPING PROBLEM? Restless? Get Snooler Tablets for asafe night's sleep. Only 98c.Griess Rexall Store 04t8T


FOR SALE=- Registered pointerpups, six weeks old Elhewbloodline in hunting parentsCall 635-2156 after 6 p.m_ onweekdays and all day weekends




WILL CLIP POODLES andother breeds. Price, $7_50 andup. Phone 375- 1.953 0llt6

PIA!'lOS WAN·TED, Up 'to $100or mor:e ,for small uprights, Alsobuy grands, spinets, players ones. Write BasilBrown, 510 W. Charles," GrandIsland, or phone 382-4390. 029t2

DIXON COUNTY Feed Lots atAllen, Nebraska will buy cornand milo. Open seven days aweek. Call 635·2411 jlltf

WANTED: Good home, for oneor two cats. Call 375 2600, daytime only. nitt

I) FOR SALE: Nationally accredited SPF Yorkshire boars andg'llt~40 day Wts. and BFprobes available Excellentquality. Dean Sorensen. Wayne,Nebr., phone 375 3522 011t6

;<~';"!4~~~~OPAL WHITE


FISSURED-Class A Eire Rated


Pizza Hut

WANTED~~~i ,:~:~ed man tor par~

Averages$4 -$5 perhour

No seiling :r~~(Jrred. Musfhave good background, be'honest and willing to work

Write: Box FOB,e-Jo The Wayne Herald

Now taking applications forpart and full-time employees.

Apply at

Pizza HutW. Hiway 35

Wayne, Nebr:

Saturday,Nov. 3

from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

WANTED, RN and LPN·s atWayne Hospital, .J06 Pearl St.,Wayne, Nebr. Contact Administratlon. Phone 375"3800. 029t3

WANTED: Service station attendant for afternoon, nightsand weekends. Carl's Conoco,Wayne, Nebr. nTt3

DRIVERS WANTED. Solo-EastCoast; Dual team·West Coast.Good equipment. Call collect',Tom Jordan Trucking, Inc., 605232-4360_ 018t4

FOR'RENT: Furnished mobilehome. Phone 375-2782. o'11f1-

FOR RENT: Four bedroomhouse, 820 Pearl. Call 375-2808.

. nllg




Here's a modern way to ceiling remodeling_ This new suspendedceiling system takes all the guesswork out of installation. And theceiling panels create the beauty your family and friends appreciate

'" aU---:,.1:;

-. -' ~ ... ~

" ~~c T.... "oM" _ •• ,".'"--:~ ',: -- , ~~...- .. ! (

_.~-;_. . ';: ;=\' :....-~. I;', .....Lower, modern cellin, height • Recessed translucent Ii,hting'011-"'..,.,;.:-:-'~ -. \ .. I,· NOlle reducln. sound conditlonlna - Easy access to ~Ipes. wiring.

~~ /;:;: ,..,.J~ ducts above cellme-{t:"~; ~fr::::. -j 2' X 2' Panels ~eg. 90c Each

~rt... ~~:il~:e~~~~~~~t~.~~.~~~::e·6.9..Itfiresafe (U.L raled). sound Yabsorbing. Easy to InstallWith Conwed System

De. Co~~ecJ SALE\.S PRICE. • • • • EACH_---P:,TtliiW

610 Highland

Wakefield, Nebr.

1 Single Preway Burner allheater with blower, 71 ,500BTU_

+++1 Double Burner Superflameoll heater with blower.

+++1 Copper Clad kitchen range.

Can be seen at

Ford·Mercury Dealer119 East 3rd Ph 375·3780

YOUNG'S SERVICEDixon, Nebraska

T.nk Wagon S.tv_lc.TSA - Radiator Rep.l,

John Young. Owne, 584-2275

For Rent

~~~:i~a~-~:'.· ..... ~~~ ; ., HELP WANTED: Fu'll -timeL..-D -4·0r. . 10 & lU Otte Construction, Wayne, Nebr.

375·2180. s6ft .'


FOR' SALE: 1968 Pontiac GTO.Excellent condition. Call 375­2560. 025t4


FOR RENT: Frakes water conditioners, fvlly automatic, ,lffe·time guarantee, all sizes, for aslittle as $4.50 per month. Swan­son TV & AppHance. Phone375-:)690_ - 112ff

FOR SALE: Good buy! 1973Comet. AU extras. NaVy sendingme to Alaska. 375·1595: 029t3

NEW AND USED Motorcycles.Authorized Yamaha De a I e r:Complete Sales and ServiceCalt 373-4316 for evening ajJ,

pointment Thompson Impleme"t, B-loom/ierd, Nebr a5tf

10'0 Main Runners· 12' Wall Mbldlng - Cross Tees - Wire,

-.L!~~rc!.1'hotlt 375'21 TO· - .W~.tItIIr~ 10$ Mala 5t

Grid Components and AccessoriesIt's easy to put light where you want It with light panels in sus­pended ceilings. SimplY-drop Into ceiling grid under strip fixture

,Al For Sale.\11


!£.'t?'<; FOR SALE: Sto'rage ~nd dryihQ;;~ bins. Modern Farm Systems.'I"' YES, we DO have bins and HI· d

dryers. Contact Merle Sieler, e p Wante375-2854, or AI Wieseler, 37S-;~~' .. _

MEN WANTED: Nucor Sfeelnow hiring in all areas. On theiob training in Nebraska's new,est industry. Apply at plant sitesix miles northeast of Norfolk.


Page 10: THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980... · tember ha.d askep. city officials"to draw....up a,.fist of steps which

~,~m~f0;~Wii':J;~» .~i.'·')-' -:':' i ~

Get Your "Christmas Buck Tickets' At The Followin~ Business Firms Startin~ November I

Plus 8 Re~ular Thursda.y N~ht Drawin~s Of At Least '5000

Wor.tmanAuto Co.

Kugler ~IectrlcI

D& K B~ttle ShO;I .

Wittig's Super Valu

Wolske Auto Service


Swanson TV

Sav-Mor Drugs

Sherry's TSC Store

Wayne Book Store

Wayi;!eGrall:l & peed

Wayne Greenhouse

Swan-McLean Clothing

Shrader-Allen Hatchery

Swans' women's Apparel

State National Bank & Trust Co.

~aup's TV


M & S Oil Co.

King's Carpets

Mines Jewelry'

Mercllant Oil Co;

McNatt Hardware

Kuhn's De,t. Store

Hazel's Beauty Shoppe

Jollnson's Frozen Foods

You Can Win - Nothinl{ To Bu.y!


"'IL "




And Make This A Very

Coryell Auto Co.

Ben Franklin Store

Bill's Market Basket

Carhart Lumber Co.


\.... Will Be Given Awa.y -

'10000 PRIZES - November 27-

't~/};i';".\'f.~n.(~;"r.lH...."', ThursdaY, Nov.mber I, .1973 .i .'r.......---------SHOP.IN- .


t Enter Ourt. Christmas Buckst Contest

ttttt December 7-11-14-17-18-19

• -,~OOooPRIZES -, November 30 - December 21






Page 11: THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980... · tember ha.d askep. city officials"to draw....up a,.fist of steps which
Page 12: THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980... · tember ha.d askep. city officials"to draw....up a,.fist of steps which




ThruSunday,Nov. 4

. Sunshine


Emil Muller home to observethe birthday of the host wereMrs. Mary Muller, Mrs. B. D.Meyer, Mrs. Bernard Von Seg·gern and Mrs. Art Havekost. allof Scribl;ler, and Mrs. WalterGrose.

Del Monte

French's Instant






49< Value

10 lb. Ba~

67< Value

303 Can

38< Value ea.

Saltine Crackers

Kubik home, Thu'rston, 10 'V:lslt .with the Eldon Kleborz family 01Loup City. 'Mr. and Mrs. ReigerPaulson, Emerson, wereWednl'!'spay'visitors in the Hen·schke horne. .

Sunday afternoon'guests In tbe

11 oz.

Morton Frozen


Bush Best

were Sunday evening vi5itors in1he Emil Tarnow home.

The Clarke Kais were Sundayevening visitors in the DarrellPuckett home, West Point.

The Paul Henschke familys~ent SU'nd~y in the Clarence



Choose from Chiclcen, Turkey, Salsbury, Meat Loaf.



32 oz. Jar

69< Value

16 oz. CaD

59< Value

We Reserve The Ri~ht To Limit Qua'ntities

O,U'" f) fI,"'. -"f} ".m. "undll\' ,lJru ,"'tI'"n',,~' I ;!:tUl ..'i 1"'". ...",,,Itl\

Sydney where Robert Dolph mether and she visHed with theDolph family in Broomfield.Colo

Jaynie Hansen, Ne.lson, spentthe weekend in the Bill Hansenhome. ft!'.r, and Mrs. Hansen

Mr~. Louis HansenPhone 287·1)46

Churches -

Mr. and Mrs. August Kai,Mrs. Opal Sorenson and GeorgeBerner spent Thursday to Sunday in 'the Larry Berner home,Broadwater. Mrs,. Dan Dolphaccompanied them as far as

Josie Hill, celebrated theirbirthdays Friday, Guests werethe Keith Hills and Wayne Hill,Minneapolis, Minn.. who wasalso spending several days withhis mother.


(Gerald Sloppel, supply)Thursday, Nov. 1: Local

church conference, 8 p.m.Sunday, Nov.' 4: Worship, 9

a.m.; Sunday'schooL 10.

Mrs,. W. UtechtMarks Birthday'

Mrs. Martin Sanders, Denison,la., was' a guest in the WilburUtecht hq.f'ne Thursday to Sun·day. Mrs. Al"in Ohlquist was acoffee guest"; of Mrs. Utecht·­Thursday mornin~ and the Ken.neth Johansens, CoJumbus, wereevening callers in observance ofthe birthday of the hostess.

Guests Saturday evening toobserve the birthday of Mr-s.Utecht were the Bob Hansensand girls, the Arvid Samuelsonsand Galen, the Edward KruS'e.marks, the' Clifford Bakers. theDean Meyers, the Louie Han·sens, the Fred Utechts, theAlvin Ohlquists. the Bill Han·sens, the Clarence Bakers andthe Kenneth Bakers.

Prizes in pitch were won byMrs. Louie Hansen and KennethBaker, high; Mrs. Clifford and Louie Hansen, low, andMrs. Bill Hansen, traveling.

FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH(Clifford Lindgren, pastor)

Thursday, Nov. 1: LeW, 2p.m.; eighth grade conflrma­tion, J; 15i senior choir, 7:30.

Saturday, No". 3: Seventhgrade confirmation, 10 a.m.

Sunday, Nov. 4: Worship, 9a.m.; Sunday school, 10; LutherLeague, 7: 30 p.m.

NIonday, Nov. 5: Church coun·cil, 8 p.m.

Tuesday, Nov. 6: Bible study,9:30 a.m.


Thursday, Nov. 1: UMW, Mrs.Herb Ellis, 2 p.m.; prayermeeting, 8.

Sunday, Nov. 4: Sundayschool. 10 a.m.; 'worship, ,11.

, Leslie.... News·


(E. A. Binger, vacancy pastor)Saturday, Nov 3: Instryction,

8:45 a.mSunday. Nov _4' Sund_2:Y school

and Bible study, 9 a:m.; com·munion worship. 10; Bible tnsti·tute, Wakefield, 7: 20 p.m.

Thursday, Nov. 8: Ladies Aid,2 p.m.

Churches -

The Robert Montgomerys, Sf.Louis, Mo., were Friday over·night guests of Mr, and MrsClarence Schroeder. The Mont·gomerys and Schroeders hadspent Thursday and Friday atChamberlain, S. D" where theyattended the funeral Friday ofKenneth Montgomery, a brotherof Mrs. Schroeder and MrMontgomery.

, The Keith Noe family, Lin·coIn, were "isitors in the 'homeof her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Ronald Allen, this past week

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Williamsand girls returned home lastMonday following a two· weeksightseeing trip to Calrfornia


Springbank Friends MissionaryUnion, Mrs. Herb Ellis, 2 p.m.

firSt Lutheran LeW meets atthe church, 2,f:RIDAY, NOV. 2

ELF Exfension Ctub, Mrs. Lar.ry'Lanser, '1:30 p.m.

Cemetery Association, Mrs.Paul Koester,,2


• TPwn:H'u':S~~;"~V.'8, DR'AJN·.. ..

Bid and Bye Club, Mrs. Bob Me,Cord, 2 p.m.

Sandhill' Club, Mrs, J,oe <:arr, 2 0 .Mr' and Mrs,' Clarence Emry P ENER

and Mr, and Mrs.' ,D.:tle' Emry, • ob

Kent, Wash., were Monday·din,. .

~:~~~~~~~:;~ :~:~ :~:~e;h~ . 'I.. .•.•....'. . ¢"Mont., is v,isiting in the ,EverettLa,mm h.ome, , Newcastle, andwith relatives In the AJlen' 'area.

The' Ken LinafeHers attendedthe ,Marching Band Festival 'InLincoln "Saturday and visitedwifh ,Mrs. Karl zavadil and the

Dean Zavadlls' iri. Lincoln sa,·.••;I~~~~~~~~~~~~~·l·~~t· ~..~~.t'~"r'~~~~r.~~~)(f2P'{rS~G~mt!~.urday evening·."'~:-j;'~ 1'1


parking on. the north and westfor 50 to 60 cars, Five emptyhovses which now sit on thebuilding site, will have to berazed and moved. •

Work is expected to continuethroughout the winter, withcompletion estimated for some·'time in the spring, according toLueders

The William Lueders familyhas operated Bill's Market Basket on Main Street about 15years

Mrs. Ken LinafelterPhone 635.2403

Mrs. Jackso'n Honored'Mr. and Mrs. Duane Koester

entertained Mr. and Mrs. BenJackson and Mr. and Mrs. JonRastede of Omaha Sunday fordinner honoring Mrs, Jackson onher birthday.

Af1ernoon callers were thePaul Koesters and the JimStapleton family.

r}. 'I. lien



Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hill, Globe,Ariz., have been visiting withrelatives and friends in the area.­Jim Hill and his mother. Mrs.

Roberts ReunionA Roberts reunion was held

Sunday noon at the fire hall inAllen with 65 attending ..

The event was in honor of Mr.and -M~ Dale' Emry -of KenT;Wash., and Mrs. Carolyn Merrillof Orange, Calif. Mrs. VeraPoock of Forseyth, Mont., wasan afternoon guest.

closed when the new store opensearly in 1974, according to theowners

About 25 persons will beemployed in the new firm,s'everal ,times as many as nowwork at the Market Basket, saidthe younger Lueders.

The GW store will be locatedon half a city block across thestreef south of Gibson's store.The building, to cover 10,000square' feet, will feature anorthwest corner entrance with

Birthdays ObservedSaturday e"ening dinner

guests of Mr. and Mrs. DaleJackson in honor of the birth·days 6f Ben Jackson, 2, and hisgreat grandmother, Mrs. BenJackson, were the Matt Stapletons. June and John, and theGaylen Jacksons and Kim.

Work IsJInderwayAt Site of New Store

For today: A CheGking Account to pay your bills.~ Easily. Quickly.

For to~orrow:ASavings Accountto make your money grow.. Safely. Regularly,

Good books to have. Everyday..


Grading, dirt trauling and treeand stump removal began Monday morning at the site of 'thefutur.e Lueders GW Store on theea'st edge",of Wayne.

The ii1dependently ownedstpre, to feature a full line otgroceries arid ,an in-store bak·ery, will be operated by WilliamLueders Sr. and WitHam J.Lueders Jr., who currently runBill's Market Basket on MainStreet.

The Market- Basket w'jll be

Chattersew 'Club met Thurs­day afternoon with Mrs. DwightJohnson with nine membersattending. Mrs. "Elmer Whitfordwas a guest and demonstratedthe making of bead rope necklac;;es.

Honey orders were taken fr~members for Honey Sunday.Plans were made to assemblepackages to send to two service·men who are sons of clubmembers, Each member: is asked to 'bring -candy or cookies to

-------!~v~mee1lng,_,1oLtb..e....packages. TIJ.e door prize waswon by Mrs. Leland Sawtell

Next meeting will be Nov. 16in the Basil Wheeler home.

WAYNE VOLUNTEER fire chiM Cliff Pinkelman. right. talks with Nebraska FireService instructor Wayne McClaughn, center, ,and Don Phipps of Wakefield. president atthe Northeast Nebraska Mutual Aid, durir:t9 the organization's regular monthly meetingin Wayne Monday night. McClaughn, immediate past president of the NebraskaVolunteer Firemens Association, discussed his year as head of the state group during themeeting. Also discussed during the evening was the eft_ort by fire departments across thestate to do away with having the governor appoint the state fire marshal.

Talkinf{ Shop

Mrs. Elmer WhitfordPresents Demonstration

Page 13: THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980... · tember ha.d askep. city officials"to draw....up a,.fist of steps which

sons, Wayne, and the BryanErdmanns, Madison.

Thp Unilt'd Slates producesmore than Jl/:I billion pen·dis annually.



SA~., NOV; 3 - B P.M.

'r1~1e.', 'at Audlforlum BOll" OfficeAdull., Adv, $3,50, Door $4;Child, Adv, $1, Door $t.$0

(Au.plc•• SIehl.' City, E!,k", ~cll.~


° Rex Allen, Jr.• Karen O'Donnell It'• Cross Country Boys

-:- -:- -:-


(Clifford Lindgren, pastor)Thursday, Nov. 1, Ruth Cir­

cle, Mrs. Ivar Anderson, 2 p,m.;Naomi Circle, Mrs. Keith'Erick­son, 2; Mar'y Circle, Mrs. EstherPeterson, 2; Martha Circle, Mrs,Doug Krie, Laurel, 8; choir,7;30.

Saturday, Nov. 3: Junior Mis­sions. 2 p.m

Sunday, Nay. 4: Church school'and Bible classes, 9: 30 a.m.;communion worship, 10: 45.

Tuesday, Nay. 6: Bible study,9:30 a.m.

Wednesday, Nov. 7: Biblestudy at the church, B p. m.

Senior CitizensDixon and Concord Senior

Citizens met at the Dixon ParishHall Friday with 13 present,

The TWifight Club of Dixonfurnished entertainment andlunch.

Next meeting will be aThanksgiving dinner Nov. 9 at 1p.m. at the Dixon Parish Hall.Anyone is welcome to attendand is asked to bring a covereddish and their own dishes.

Brenda Sta·lling returnedhome Saturday from the Wake­field Hopsital.

Sunday afternoon guests in theCliftord Stalling home wereErick and Jim Nelsons, FritzRieths, Ernie and Albert Rieth,Mrs. Clayton Staffing anddaughters, Norfolk, MrS. IvanNixon, Mrs. Merlyn Nixon anddaughter and Mrs. Lonnie Nixonand Kyte, all of Wakefield.

JIft'\MY NEWMAN. Cry, Cry Darlong. AII'gator Mon"·

'lOUisiana Soturday Night,,' , fallen Star'·

'·Dan I let the Green Grou fool You."

··My ,Whole World Is failing Dawn··


(H, K. Niermann, pastor)Sunday, Nov. 4· Sunday

schout;-- 9-:-30.----a-.-m--:---;--w-o-rs-h-t-p,10: 45.

Wednesday, Nov. 7: - MorningBible study, 9 a.m.


SIX Doys on the l1ood, .'!! A,n I No

:a1r 11",,,, T,,,,ck D""mg Son of a Clln,··

Who, We're f'9hl,ng For



(Detlov Lindquist, pastor)Thursday, Nov. 1: Mid-week

and youth service, 7:30 p.m.Sunday, Nay. 4: Sunday

schooL 10 a.m., worship, 11;FCYF, 6:45 p.m.; evening servoice, 7:30; choir, B:30.

Wednesday, Nov. 7: Women'sMissionary Society, 7:30 p.m.

Guests Honor Kelli JohnsonBirthday gl.!ests in the Leon

Johnson home Friday eveninghonQring Kelli were the Arthur·Johnsons, the Marlen Johnsons,the Jim Nelsons, Mrs. DeanSalmon and children, the DougKries and Mrs, Leroy Sampson,Sioux Falls, S. D.

C'emmy Aword WinnerCo",ntrr S",nlh,ne,

Here ComeJ My Baby

Direct from Nashville, Tenll.


Make QuiltsConcordia Lutheran Church

Women met Thursday and Fri·day to make quiltSj for LutheranWorld Relief

The Roy Pearsons spent fastweekend in the Harold Pearsonhome, Onawa, fa

The Roy Stohlers, Kathi andJulie spent Saturday and Sundayat Lincoln Yisiting Nancy Stoh­ler and the R. L. Middleswardts,

Churches -

c"$1 69

':~, $119


Th~ Wayne (Nebr.) Herald, Thursday, November 1, 1973

Johnsons and the Evert Jahn­sons and Carla.

Bree Bebee Is 1Birthday guests in the Mike

Bebee home Saturday eveninghonor-jng Bree'!? first birthdaywere the Arvid Petersons, theIner Petersons, Mrs. VerneelPeterson and, Cheryl, Tom An­derson, Laurel, the Dave Swan·


No.1 CAN

llCr~1i~ souP",,,'Sal,way ••ality _

Society -Kries Entertain

Mr. and .Mrs. Doug Krie en­tertained Sunday afternoon inhonor of the host's birthday.

Guests were Mrs. Clara Swan.son, the Ernest Swansons, theMarlen Johnsons, Todd Nelson,Morris Kvots, the Gilbert Kriesand Mrs. Leroy Sampson andAf')n, Sioux Falls, S. D.

Evening guests were the Art






No. 303 CAN

Tow,".." 22Fancy Quality -

C:.:. ~·:~i,.."L.'D~.~.. :::'....'.~.. . ..;:;

Sm W.h Sal,wayOra,d,! :Q.~~

(Contains center and first cuts of th, loin)

The tenderes', juiciest port chops youever fas,edl Fine pinle meat. , . fromroung porb". For a family favoritethat's4lways easy to prepare, brownseasoned chops In a heavy skillet, add alittle wa'er, cover, and cook 'til tenclerover low heert.

f)concord:.J News

Mrs.: Art JohnsonPhone Cll4 749'5

~attended the NebraSKa·Oklahoma football game Saturday atStillwater, Okla.


_PORJ(....cHO.PSIIIIlFOIIR..B'A.KJN.,G.:·.':··I~·'III..h.......".$111I" Canadloan' Bacon e••d". 51;., 'il"'·.',.. SlicedcrBy TltePltce

Pork Sausage ~;':'::,~:,':):"



!lED POTATOESu.s. No. I Grade 69The most venatile vegetable

your ki1chen will ever lee.Their delicious, delicate flavor, ' Cmake them perfect for allyour favorite potato dishes


GRAPEfRUITRub, Red or While- '. 19'him th, famous Indion River area pifloridcLPlump,smooth-skinnedandnear Large Size, . C:';~~fo::t~:y ~e~~~t for addinll a Each


Green Cabbage ~:.:.~~,~~.,

Crisp Celery ~::::;::::;~.

!..~!!ED MUMS' I!~~SE PlANTS D.elicious App.les :~'::':::~.;'."I_~". S249 "0" 49C V I ° 0

. Each Each a entia ranges:;':.:::"~"'"


sateway Round Stea~ Is amallnglyversatilel frtsh cut from USDA ChoiceSGrade, Better Trimm,d, httlr Agede..f. lis fin. quality 'lind svp,rtl flavormake possible a wide Yarifly' of '~,

'erste-'empting meals. s,", yourfamily delicious Safeway Round S'eeI.ahenl


$1 23 SIRLOINTIPSTEAKS.....'" ".",lb. '''..,..11 .. ·1 ''



i~~~~n."n 3-01. PACKAGE

Jell·well. 10c_M~e..lliwen.·.. . . '...........StfJwflW1=--

'JRump Roasts :::'~~:t~::;~M"Boneless Hams ~,::::"

J"~uidance for Grief" Is Ladies Aid Lesson


,.'::" St PaVlis L~~her~'" 'Ladi~~;'Ald u~&'r-" Mrs.' Bill 'Stalling' an~ M~s. Rj~hard EI"Wlns'" the-Arlen M~g,. ·,.,Tt,hn.UgrS,dhae·YJ·ofhhnrOAUgmhm50anfsU,rdBaaYssVefiSt.'': met Thurs'day, afternoori':'~t','the Herman- ·Stolle were,electea· to nusons, Norfolk, the Gene Star.

chur:ch.' 'Mrs: ,H.erm~n ,Stolle 'was the shopping committee. mers" ·the . Vefdon Magnus0J"t5 Mrs. 'Kenneth Klau,sen enter.hostess., and 'gave the lesson, The next meetlng.wllI-be _~Ith anq the Lynn Lessmanns, all of tained 12 ladies at her homeI'Guldance fo~ Grief.'~c Mrs. Rudolph fil,ohm Nov. 15." ,Omaha. Thursday .,afternoon honoring

Offlc;e,rs ~ .elected., were,'.-,:'Mrs:. i The Abner Pea'rsons,. Lincoln, her birthday.Clarence Rastede, president; Sunday din'ner guests In ·:the and the Clarence Pearsons.spent The Evert Johnsons and CarlaMrs. B.IIJ Rieth; \rlce presldentr Glen Magnusol1 home were Mrs. the -weekend at Lake Benton, were. Friday overnight guests inMrS. ii.rlen .Maftes" ·secretary, Gertie Erwin; the Qulnten Er- Minn, the Delwyn Johnson home, Midand'Mrs. Ervin K.!aemer, treas· wln~,~ t~ Verdel Erwlns, the- The NQrman Andersons sp;ent west City, Okla, They a,ls.o

Page 14: THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980... · tember ha.d askep. city officials"to draw....up a,.fist of steps which

PRICE',,0-~ '.

Lady Sunbeam


M.icro Twin ShaVing.....' .... 11heads. One size forlegs, other for un­derarms. Built-in'cord department.

, LS21

of (;O(Jts

En tire Stock


Juniors. Misses pant coats, midi coats.fake furs. some with fake fur collars.Laminated corduroys, nylon quilts.Single and double breasted. Sizes S-18.



'10'· Value

Knit V-Neck

."'~ everybody"sheading


Button Front

100% Acrylic


'99• Value

Washable Solid Colors

The MY8tifin~ OracleTalkin~ Board Set

attery Powered Toothbrush

With Toothbrushes and

Wall Brackets


~I'~J Kenner Snoopy

~~ or~.~ Micky Mouse


The Ri{{hts

To Limit

We Reserve

Model 12784

"as advertised

on TV"

For Makin/! Candle


Christmas Tree Molds All Accessories

~ Christmas• Candle'\~ . Makin~ Kit- C-orrtains Snowman, SAnta Clalle

Stops Automatically

Holds 24 Records Fin/!er Touch Startin/!:

Runs Fast or Slow Protects Your Records

.' .....~...'.......~ . K-Tel






Whitewall2 for $34.002 for 36.002 for 38.002 for 40.002 for 42.002 for 44.002 for 42.002 for 44.002 for 48.002 for 50.00


2 for 38.002 for 40.00·

Blackwall2 for $30.002 for 32.002 for 34.002 for .36.002 for 38.00


No Trade-In Required


Case of 24 QtS

A quality-4 ply polyester tireat 'a' special disco","t price.Improved tread design forbetter tradion. Staggeredwheel lugs give the, tire afirmer fit_ ~

~!j~~f&~;~;~Z~:~$f,£'i~~'~t'! ~;i;::+:~/~!,I\~:::,:';:Y; ;"~i,'!\ "-;~;' :~~:.', . ':

Glacier' Grip



~II Season,

Case of 24 Qts

'''''''' PENNZOIL


No Required

L~fetiThe Guaraiiiee'

10W40All Season,

Case of 24 Qts


. G78'15H78-15J78-15.L78~15 \

Page 15: THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980... · tember ha.d askep. city officials"to draw....up a,.fist of steps which

. J

CompareAt $2.99 Ea.

100 per cent polyester non­slip waffle back shag. Stripesor plush solids. Colorfast andmachine washable .

Compare at 23c

Pleasantly perfurri~d.~:~Thewire will (lot rust or stainyour fixtures.

22" X 44"

20"' X 40"

7' 2 OunceBox

Compare at 59c

Chocolate Cherries

~I-C:::=:=-AREA AND


\The Wayne (Nebr.) Heral~j Thursday, November 1, 1973

CompareAt $2.99

CompareTo $16.99

Foam Bed




Prices EffectiveThru Sund'ay, Nov. 4

Twin or Double Size

Machine washand dry them.Soft flaked ure­thane foam.

Your Cho;ee

Washable, no-iron, in solidsor floral prints. Choose full ortwin size cover.

7 - 14

:~ - 6X




Flared or cuffed leg. Zip-upsor pull·on styles. Acrylicknits, cottons, polyesterknits. All E-Z Care Wash'nDrY. Solids and patterns.

Hr~. 10 .....

Bulh Knit

Orion AtTylie

C"hl<' Sli)'dlin~

Lon ~ Slef've.

Cardigans j (;~. & ~·:/ji'

PulloversSiu'. S - M - L


Rib KnitPullovers


Siu'. 7 - 6X ':J" V"I".,

Bilek Zipper

White lind Color.

.' Little Girl.' .,i~~



t' a.m. - 9 p.m. MOT/day thru Satar~lay 12:0() - 5 p.m. Sanda)"

-- --~~- --~-


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Super I pt.

8 fl. oz .


Good Only At Gibson's, Wayne, Nebr.

Offer Expires Nov. 4th, 1973LIMIT l' COUPON PER PURCHASt:

Palmolive Rapid Shave

7. oz. Tube

~~~~~I Shave CreamIII 'I" S;"

J "'.NTHOC \ Re"ulnr _ Menthol or Lime.~ ..

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Sha~pooFor Normnl,' Dry or Oily Hair




Lozen~es or


Throat Aids

80' Siz.~

2 oz. TII.I){' ']" Size

(, oz. Lotion '1'<' SiZt,

Multi ScrubFor Acne and Oily Skin

CONlfNf5 Hi TA811T~


Alka Seltzer

Ii•.....~._.~.;i..~._.••.:.-... '


. I •IC._·_·

Page 16: THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980... · tember ha.d askep. city officials"to draw....up a,.fist of steps which


Dandng 8·11 :30


Howells, Nebr.


DICK WICKMAN"His Accordionand His Band"

Adm. 52.00

ness are nof affected by scabies,Hogg adds, but sinl.::e the diseaseis highly ,con1agious a maioroutbreak would result m slowedproduction, therefore, high pro­duction costs


Regular $498 to




For Xmas Merchandise Arriving Daily.

New Fall Colors

Plus Screen Prints and Multitones.

Sales of 45 Inch Woven Goods.

Heller's Savoy Crepe Stitch

We Never Sacrifice Quality For Price.

Buy2 Yards­Get 1 Yard

Petti point Gabardine

Machine Washable

Over 100. Bolts to choose from. Solid and

foncy potterns. All 45 inches wide and

perma press., Buy 2 yCls. and get 1 yd.

FREE off same bolt.

.PolyesterDouble Knits

Known to be the two largest selling Polyester Double Knitson the market. Pettipoint Gabardine is a reversible fabricand Savoy is a -crepe·stitcl1, both 60 inches wide. Both withendless uses. See all the new exciting fall colors and b.est ofall no increase in price. a Permanent Press fabric that ismachine washable and ready to wear with little or noironing.


Now Good TimeTo Feed Trees

Staff MemberAt NE StationPicked for Post

._.-~-~-==~--Bread i!' tht' bf':.t advicf' to J!IVt' lhf' hUJlgr\ .. I HU;';'l..ilrJ

Proverb) . ~

ST~LK ROTS,talk rot in corn is at some

concern every year, but it seems Gladys Stout. extension hometo be of even more importance economist al the Northeast Stathis year. .' tion east of Concord, has been

There is no "cure" 'for -stalk named secretary treasurer ofrot, but fhese are some, prac the home economists section' oftices that will help reduce the the Nebraska Cooperative Examount (If the· disease for next· fenS'lon Associationyear: ~, She and other section officers

1. Use hybrids whose past were named at the orqanizaper10rmance has been satisfac tion's annual meeting In G~and

tory for stalk. strength, resis. Island Fridaytance to root a'nd stalk rot, The association is composed ofmaturity and yield. Resistance cooperative extension serviceto other corn diseases and insect stat! members at the state,pests should also be considered district and cbunty levels

2. Do not exceed plant popu Named president of the assolations recommended by the clation was Mrs. Twyta Lidolph,seed corn company for the Lancasler County e:ll:tensionvarieties selected. home economist

3. Take soil, samples to determine nutrient requirements ofthe crop to be grown Do not useexcessive amounts of nitrogen

4. When possible, plant hybrids that utilize the fall growing season.

Farm Fertilizer StorageCan Be Safety Problem

Farmers purchasing fertilizerthis fall and stori'ng ~t on thefarnj to hedge against a possibleshorrage next spring shouldexercise, extreme hazards, says3 University of Nebraska Extension safety specialist.

Rollin D. Schnieder urgedfarmers to take a good look atthe type of fertilizer and the way

in which 11 15 stored fo avoidpOSSible. problems.

, ". ~ l~~l(l Vet Warns Farmers AboutCattle Scab:~::~o~=:'~?eCd~~~~~~~~E~;~dJ:rh ' " ' I .~ mif~s can be collected from thetn II at... Cattle scab, a disease that IS Nebraska regulatory offICIals In barn Ifch, IS a skm dIsease so the affected animals persis- edge of the lesions, then sent to

~ capable of causing tosses of August and Involves only a few (aused by tinY parasItIc mItes tently lick themselves. rub and Slate or Federal regulatory vet$25·$90 or more per head. has large feedlots in l,northeast Ne liVing on or in the skin. There scratch. Cattle may lie down erinanans to confirm the diagagain invaded Nebraska, warns braska are four species 01 mites that and roll over in attempt! to nOSIS

·University of Nebraska·Lincoln Lasl year's ou·tbreak· il) the affl;'ct cattle in this country. Of relieve the severe itching. High, The approved treatment forExtension veterinarian Dr. Alex south,western United States --'--- these four, USDA offlcials are Iy contagious, the disease will scabies is dipping in ,toxapheneHogg. the worst in 30 years - shOuld especially concerned about spread rapidly through a cattle solutions Dippings should be

The current outbreak of scab serve as incentive for Nebraska psoroptic cattle scabies, Hogg herd repealed plIO 12 day infervalsin cat'tle was discovered by producers to watch for the says ~ Another skin condition that to destroy young mites that have

disease, he noles "" Psoroptic mange mites Jive on may resemble scabies. is ring. hatched from eggs after aWhen the highly contagious the surface of the skin and cause worm. Ringworm is a fungus previous treatment

disease is dtScol/cred, regulatory scabs to form. The scabs dire disease which may have a Although scabies does not killoffiCials qUClfantlf1'e the involved small at first, buf grow to cover Similar appearance, but does not cattle, the animals eat poorlyr,erds or fe(>{jla!s af1d beg i." a large areas of skin These produce th,e intense itching seen because 01 the irritation producproqram of dipping the animals leSions usually occur- on the in scabies. Ringworm is also ed by the mites, Weight gainsIn an approved Insecticide', Hogg s!1oulders, top of the neck, or common on the face and head - are reduced, or there may evenexplaIns around 'the fail head. areas not usually affected by be weighf ross, resulting in

Caflle scabies. commonly The feedi'ng activities of the scabies higher production costs(aIled scab, manqe, itch and mites cause an intense itching, If a cattleman suspects his Meat quality and wholesome


!OT.-_ .~Today

By Rowan Wiltse

You Will Find., An· Unusu·.a~ly Large Assortment OfAll Your Favorite Wines,Liquors, Beer At






~~.j_.i:;b. .;'. ,"~ I.J .Wayne, Laurel, and Winside

Eifher after the leaves havefallen trom a shade tree or lustwhen new ones appear In thenext growmq sensan are the two

DON'T BURN THOSE LEAVES times' \Nhen 11 IS best to leedDon" burn those leaves, buf trees With fertilizer and the

instead make a compost pile for lOb should be done once a year,use in your garden. to the American As

One way to make a -comp,ost sociation 'of Nurserymenpile is to place aUernate layers The nursery professionalsof organic maHer and soil in a prOVide these Inslru(tions topile four to five feet wide and no make Ihe results more effedlvemore than five feet high. The Feed the shade lree when thesoil layer should be two to three ground is damp. Use a crowbarinches thick and the organic or some SImilar fool to make alayer six tnches thick Clfcle of holes ,n the ground

Add to the soil one halt pound about 18 mches apart. Ide-allyof complefe 'ferfilizer, such as eight 10 1/ Inches deep. under5 10 5 and one fourth pound of neath the tree at about the pomtsuperphosphate of the end of the longest limbs

a ~~~::r:f I:a~~e~~~asu,~e ·without Moisten eaCh layer as it is Put two or three tablespoons ofHalit placed in the pile. After a couple fertili/er In each hole, top them

Probably most of us would like of months, turn the pile by off wilh soil. and the lob is doneto ,sample a life of unending cutting qown from one end if) The process assures two benepleasure, completely devoid of thin slices and pile it in'a new fits The tertilizer IS applied

::::ee::lis ;:Ot;:,v:;''',.i.~:i'~''':''ii~ff;,",:+--",'~~~~e''-p·e-a-C'-t;Ch-e-p-,-o-ce-s-s-a-m-o-n~th~~Jeha:re t~t ~~~I ~~Ottheo~~~te g_~e. _bitterness am! disappointmentmust be ell:pected, if only to give later and by next spring the and ,I IS beneath the level ofus perspective and enable .us to compost can be worked Into the grass roots to avoid over abunenjoy. more fully the pleasures gardeA soil fo improve the wi-j -dant growth where it 15 notthat :are sure to follow in the structure. deSirednormal course of events.

It has been said that we neverdo anything for the last timewithout a tr-ace of sadness. Nomatter how pleasant. .01' howunpleasant. .it may be, therealization that we shall neveragain have' that experienceleaves us ~ litfle saddened

Our consideration for peopleand our sincere desire to proltidehelp for 1hose under emotionalstress are the foundahon of ourunexcelled service to thIS com·munity


Some well water tests sent infrom Wayne County have shownhigher than nor-mal cOncentra·'tions of nitrate-nitrogen. Highconc.entrations of nitrates, can beharmful to human health, butunfortunately there are people.that try to take advantage ofihis situation

fOI"O;~~ldst~~~:~t ~~~~State Department of Health. "Ithas come to the attention of theDepartment of Health th~t cer·ta,;n persons or organizationsare selling or offering for sale,chlorinators to Nebraska farm'·ers claimin'g that Chloril"fatiopwill remove nitrates from theirwater supp.J-les. In some c~ses,

these agents 'test' the water for­nitrates and claim high rea,dingseven when nitr;ates are notfound."

Chlorination is a proven andeffective procedure for destruc·tion of harmful micro-organismsin water. However, it should beemphasized that chlorinationwill not remove nitrates, and thehealth departmen1 warns far-mers not to buy chlorinators :,.they hope thereby to remove'nitrates from their water sup·ply.

Ammonium nitrate, a lertllI/er used on bolh lawns andfarm crops, can bl? explosive ifimproperly used or stored, hewarned, Ammonium' nilrate. If~tored In quantities. can becomecontaminated with organic rnatenals4 or harden because ofconlae t with mOisture, he explalned

(haff, straw and dIrt mixedwltl, ammonium nitrate cancause problems. Oils can bemor·e of a problem as they canadd to the ellplosive capabilitiesof ammonium rlltrate if cond)tions are right, Schnied~r said.

"The person who pounds onammonium nitrate ttJat is cakedcould be in for a rude shock,"the NU safety speCialist cantinued. A· wrench dr.opped on aconcrefe floor, for example,might also cause a spark thatcould set off a f.lash fire in sucha mixture, he saId "Ammoniumnitrafe does not burn, but itfeeds fire by supplying oxygenfor fasf, Intensely hot combus·tion," Schnieder explained. '

00 not store ammonium nlIrate in barn _driveways, headvised. And spilled ammoniumnH'rate ,should be swepl' up anddisposed of. If unmixed, or ifmixed with crop residues, -.itcould be 'spread O(l fields orgarden at a small ehough rate tobenefit rqther than injure crops.,

ti~lr;t~:r~~~~gi~ft~~ ~haen;;~e~fmixing of anhydrous ammoniaand LP gas, due to inteq::hang"jng of storage, tanks, Schniedernoted. Again, the threat of as.hortag~ is :,e.ntovraginQ f~rme,s

to, store mQ,re materialS: for their,QI'iI./l US~ J.'~r.. ...:,.'

"Check with your, .fe~tjlizer

supplier for his Elutlook., Ofl nextyear's supp~y," Sc~nieder ad·vised "If he can stofe

will ta~e the.'."I~::.:i~';~~i& ••••~;~.~~;JII',:~~~~!~.9If.:th~.fa~mer's!",$~ul~

Page 17: THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980... · tember ha.d askep. city officials"to draw....up a,.fist of steps which


Performs in ConcertDiane O'lds, _ daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Kenneth Olds ,)fWayne, performed in the or·chestra during Sunday's recitalby the University of KansasChamber Choir in Lawrence.

Miss aIds, a senior, performedon the violin.

The 35-voice choir, the mostselect of six choral groups at

KU, sang three major works.The choir presents about 50concerts a year across the stateand. neighboring areas.

Airman Neal Preston, son ofMr. and Mrs. Jason Preston ofWayne, hc>.c:; been assigned toMcClellan AFB, Calif., aftercompleting Air Force basictraining.


During his six weeks at AFB, Tex., he studied theAir Force mission, organizationand customs and received spe.cial instruction in human rela­tions.

He has been assigned to a unitof the Air Force Communica.tions Service for further trainingand duty as a communicationsspecialist. He graduated earlierthis year from Wayne HighSchool.

Soldier FromWinside GetsCommendation

Specialist Four Stephen Carl·son, son of Mr. and Mrs. AlvinCarlson of Winside, has receivedthe Army Commendation Medalduring ceremonies at Fort Car­son, Colo.

Carlson earned the award forexceptionally meritorious ach­ievement by saving a life whileon leave from the 517th MedicalCo. at Fort Carson.

According to his citation, onJune 12 while in the EpplyAirfield" Terminal Building at

Omaha, awaiting a flight backto Colorado Springs, Carlsoncame to the aid of an elderlywom'an who appeared to besuffering from a heart attacK.Through mouth-to-mouth resus·citation, he was able to revivethe heart attack victim until therescue squad arrived on thescene.

A medi-eal, corpsman, Carlsonentered the Army in January of1972 and completed basic train·ing at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.

The 21·year·old soldier grad·uated from Winside High Schoolin 1970 and attended WayneState College.





Ponca, Fd

lf2 ~al





1949C. William West. Newcastle, Ddg

1948Ke'ith Simkins, Allen, Willys

1962Bdl Curry, Ponca, Fd

1960M8fy L Ausdemore.


1963Clarence Krause. Ponca, ChevMadonna A. Olander, Newcastle,


Wesley Schram, Ponca, Ply1972

Darrel Conrad, Newcastle, DdgHoward S, K'imbell, Allen. Chev

Pkup ,1971

O. N Knerl 8. Son5. Ponca, Fd0, N, Knerl & Sons, Ponca, Fd

1970Jay D Bauman, Ponca, FdKeith Woodward, Wakefield, Pont

1969Anthony L Rohan, Newcastle, Ply

1968Erwin F_ Kraemer. Allen, FdNeil R, Wood, Allen, Pleasure' Mate:­

'967CherYl Kahl, Wakefield, Chev

1965Gordon C Hanson, Dixon, Fd

1964Tom Hattlg, Wakefield, PontRoberl Linderson, Wakefieid, GMC


$509 $975

D & K Bottle ShopPH. 375·3550









1974Newc<)slle Public Sr.hoof.s, Newcas

Ill', PlyJames'-gressier, Dixon, ChevDOfklid R Schulte, Newcastle, ChevArden A, 0150n, Newcastle, FdEmerson Hubbard Community

Schools, Emerson, F:dM8fY LOUise Me<;ker, Ponca, ImpalaMary Sue Mesker, Ponca. ImpalaAlan Mackling, Emerson, FdArden Nelson, Ponca, ChevH8fOld V, G Holm, WakeHeld, Fd


Thomas D Brennan, Newcastle,Minn Mark IV

Doug Schwiesow, Ponca, MazdaRobert Wendte; Newcastle, Sha LaKevin E. Kamrath, Ponca, HaleMarilyn K_ Dirks, Concord, VWLloyd J, Shook, Emerson, Pont

Risinf]; AbQve Ground LevelFRAMED BETWEEN scaffolding that will be used later, workmen at the site of the newhospital under construction on the northeast edge of Wayne go about laying' concreteblock on the foundation of the new structure. Almost all the foundation block has beenlaid, and the building wilt soon start rising' above ground leveL


Melvin and Connie Navrkal 10'Jerry and Connie Ullrich. lot 4, 13and 14,' block 1. vill,Jge of Martin.,burg, $1

COUNTY COURTStuard Wood, Hawbrden, la"

~p{'eding. S21Walter E Bedinger' III, Schuyler.

speeding. S18Gerald Daugherly, Fremon1

speeding, 511

MARRIAGE LICENSESlyle D_ Brown, 11, West Point,

,md Peggi KRouse, 18. WakefieldDarrell Wayne Roland. 24, Ponca

<lnd- Cheryl A Harder; T6; Ponca



The Southwest Quarter 01 theNortheast Quarter (SW1'4NEli~J ofSection Fifteen (15), TownshipTwenty·six (26) North, Range Five(s), East of the 6th P.M., WayneCounty, Nebr.a~a,

1 Will ",ell said real estate at pUb!"caucllon to the highe">! biddf!r onNovf!'mber 2, 1973 at 1'00 PM, atthe east Iront door at Ihe CourtHouse in the City ot Wayne, WayneCounty, NebraS-ka Terms 01 sale.15 per cenl cash al time 01 sale andrhe balance upon confirmation, Thesale will remalO open at least onehour

B. B. Bornhofl, Referee(Publ Oct, 11. 18,15, N'ov, 1)

NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALECase No, 6316In the District Court of Wayne

County, NebraskaMaurice Child5 and Gayle B

Childs, Plaintifls, liS Carl Nell, e1at., Defendants

Nolice is hereby- given that byvirtue of an order of sale issued bythe District Court of Wayne County,Nebraska ;n an action pending Insaid courl Wherein Maurice Childsand Gayle B, Childs are plaintiffsand Carl Neff and others aredehmdants direcTing me as refereeto sell the followiOq described realestate, to Wit

Eight members of the catflshfamily inhabit Nebraska water-s.

(Seal I

NOTICE TO CREDITORSCase No 4071In the.> County Courl 01 Wayne

County, NebraskaIn the Mafler of the Estate of

MarllO Jensen. DeceasedState of Nebraska, 10 all concern

edNotice i", hereby given that all

claims againsr said estate must behied on or before Ihe 6th day atFebruary, 1974, or be forever barred, and hearing on ciaims will beheld in Ihi5 court on the 5th day atNovember. 1973, and the 7th day 01February. 1974, at 1 o'clock P,M.

Luverna Hilton,Associale County Judqe

NOTICE OF MEETINGl'he Winside Public School Board

pf Education wi~l meet Monday,NOVember 5~ 1973 al the high schoolal 7:30 p.M. to discus.s matters thathave been established on the a9.en·da, A copy of the agenda may bepicked up ilt the Superintendent'soffice thilt day between 3:40 and4-10 PM

I Puhl Nov_ 1)

(Publ Oct, 18.15, Nov 1)

NOTICE TO CREDITORSIn Ihe County COlJrt of Wayne

County, Nebra~ka,

In 'he Malter of the Est,:lte OfJohn F. Barr, Decea.,ed

The Stale of Nebraska, to allconcerned

Nol,ce is hereby given that aHclaims againsl said ·estate must betiled on or betore the 4th day ofFebruary. \974. or be forever bar~

red, and that a hearing on claimswill be held in this court onFebruary 5, 1974 at 10 O'clock A.M.

Luverna Hillon,Associate County Judge


(Publ, Oct. 18,25, Nov_ 1)

NOTICE OF MEETINGThe Wayne County Board of Com

missioher!. will meet on Tuesday,Nov. 6, 1973 at the Wayne CountyCourthouse from 9 a.m. vntil A p.m:

~ The aglmda for this ~enng isavailable for public inspection at IheCounty Cf-er~'5 office

N. F. Weible, County Clerk• - (Pub!' Nov I)


what's great about a full S.ervice Bank!

(Pub!. Nov, 1)

Luverna Hilton,Associate County Judge

(Publ, Or' '" I~ Nov I)

awaited vacation. Checking account? Regular or

obtain that dream house, new automobile, IQng

Special - they help keep family finances in Qrder

got lots of other services to offer, too. That's

Just two of our many" .services We can point out our banking

services with pride. They're designed t~ make life

nicer for folks. Loans? They make it possible to

LOIS Seven (7) through Eighteen(18) inclusive. Block Five (S1,

Original Town of Sholes, WayneCoun1y. Nebril.,ka

Part of thc NE)'~ of SE"~' ofSection 13, Town5hip 26N, Range 3E at the 6th P,M, Wayne County,Nebraska. more particularly des,vibed as follows Commencinq il!a-point no' South of Ihe SW corner01 Lot 6, Blk 16,0' Original Townof Wa'yne as a point of begmning,Ihence east ISO', thence Sou'ttl tothe north I,ne.> of the rililroadrighl 01 way. thence Southwesterlyalong Ihe,north line 01 the railroadright of way, to a point due southof the beginning. thence north toIhe point of beginning

Every government .offIclelor boerd thet hencfl'l publicmoneYI, lhould publish etreguler Interval. In eccount·Inl of It lhowlng where endhqw eech doller I. spent. w.hold thl. to be • fund.montolprinciple to democr.tlc gov·ernment.


fa satisty the liens and encumbrances therein set forlh in saiddecree and cosfs of 5uit and accruing costs, all as provided by saidordr.>r ilnd decree The ,>ale willremain open a! leasl one hour

D?1ed at Wayne. Nebr,lska Ihls15!h day of October. 1973

Don Well)le, Sherrff ofWayne County, Nebraska

(Pub!' Nov_ 1,8,15,2'2)

NOTICE OF SALECase No 6312In the District Court 01 Wayne

County, NebraskaThe County of Wayne, Nebraska,

Plaintiff, vs_ FIRST CAUSE OFACTION, John Kuhl and ImeldaKuhl, Husband and Wifc, Defendants; SECOJ'l/iD CAUSE OF ACliON, Nonhern Propane Gas Co" aCorporation, and the Cify of Wayne,Wayne Counly, Nebraska, Defendants

By Virtue of. an order of Saleissued oul of fhe Districl Court ofWayne Counfy, Nebrask,) in pursuance of a de.>creee of said court inan action wherein the County 01Wayne, Nebraska is D!all''lliff andJohn Kuhl and others are defendanls, Case No, 6311, I will at 1o'clock P.M, on Ihe 16th day 0'November, 1973 at rhe east frontdoor of the Court House.> 10 Wayne,Wayne County, Nebraska sell atpublic auction 10 fhe highes1 bidder,lor cash. the tollowing describedproperty situated in said County,10 wi1

NOTICE OF PRQBATE OF WILLNo: 4079" Book, 9; Page 655CounJy Court of Wayne .5:ounty,

Nebraska. .Estate of John H, Luschen, De

CeasedThe Stafe of Nebraska, to all Gon

cernedNotice is hereby_ given 'hat a

petition has been filed for theprobate at the will of s.aid decea~ed,

and for the appointment of AlmaGeewe and Herman J. Luschen asE)(eculrix and E~«>cutor thereat.which will be for hearing in thl!;

'court on November L, 1973, at 4o'clock' P.M

BY THE; COURTLuvern" Hilton,

Associalc Counl,y Judge

NOTiCE Of MEETING.The Wayne· Carroll Board of EdU

cation will meet 'In regular sess'ionat 7:30 p;'m. o'n Monday, November5th, 1973, at tt'le' high school. I()cat.i'!dat 611 West 7th, Wayne, NebraskaAn agenda of said. meeting. keptcon,tinualiy curren!, may be inspected af IIlIi' Oflice of the superintendent

Deadll'n8 ior all le~Ull.notlces-"",lo--be.-..--..::,:Qj:-..t..c.n.o:ots.puliJi!.heti liy -The Wayne Herald 'isifS foflc:iws>: 5 p.rn: Mom:tay 'forThursday'S newspaper and 5 p.m.Thursday ',,:r Monday's newspaper.

NOTICE TO CREDITORSIn the Counly Court of Wayne

County, Nebr,lsl<;a :In The Malter of The EsTaTe of

Erne-sT Roy Bahde, DeceasedThe STale ot Nebraska, to all can

cernedNotice is hereby given Thai all

claims against said esldfe must befiled on or before The 19th day OfFebruary, 1974 or be forever barred,and hearing on c'aims. will be heardin this courl on the 20lh day atFebruary, 1974 al 2'00 o'clock P.M,

Dated this 26th day ot October,1973

( S(~al)Charl(>s E McDermoll, Attorney

(Pvb!' Nov. L 8.15)

NOTICE TO CREDITORS_ -Case No..4068, Book 9, Page, 644.

County~ Courl qf ,_ Wayne Counl'Y;Nebraska.

Esiale of Maptha 0_ PeTersen,Deceased. • •

The State a' Nebraska, to aH cancerned:

Notice \s, hercby given thaI "111claims against said eslale must befiled on or before thEj: 18th day ofFebruary, 1974., or be forever bar.

,red, and Ihat a hearing on claimswill be he'd in this courf onFebruary 19, 1974, at 3 O'clock P.M.

Date October 29, 1973Luverna Hilton,

Associate County JudgeBurbridge, Burbridge & Parsonag-eOmaha, Nebraska

• (Publ. 'Nov. 1,8,15)


J&he (}/mao/f/~cBt-!




lice 'Is here..b¥ given that alls against' said eslate 'must beon or, before the Ajh day of

rary, 197A, or be "forever barand that a hearing on claims beIn't'his court on Feburary S.

al' 11:00 A.M.tEld Oclober 15, 1973.

Luverni:'! HilIon,Associate County Judge


SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTNo, 3956" 00(, 9, Page 532County Court of Wayne Counly,

NebrasllaEstate of Lena A, Relztalf, De

ceasedthe Siale of Nebraska. 10 all

concernedl,,: Notice is hereby give.>n· thai at petition 'has been tde.>d lor' tinal

settlemenl here,n, delermination 01heir5hip, inheritance t9 )(es, lee.>s and<.ommissions, distribution of estateand approval of final account and


disr.harge, Wh,ctl will be for hf.>aring

:"" ~ ~h~~c~~~:1 pO~.November 14, 1973,

':~::~ 19i3nlered this 171M day 01 Oclober,

Luverna Hilton,I>' (Seal) Associate County Judge

,;: W. E Webster, Allorney(Publ Oct, 25, Nov, 1,8)

Page 18: THEWAYNE HERALD - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1971-1980... · tember ha.d askep. city officials"to draw....up a,.fist of steps which