Thesis - Wind energy system

Design of a Converter for Interfacing a High- Speed Generator to the Grid Prepared by: Xiao Ming Hu Student Number HXXXIA001 Department of Electrical Engineering University of Cape Town Prepared for: Professor M.A. Khan ****Electrical Engineering Department**** University of Cape Town October 2014 Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Cape Town in partial fulfilment of the academic requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering Key Words: Machines, Power Electronics, Vector control, PWM, Matlab/Simulink


grid connection system

Transcript of Thesis - Wind energy system

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Design of a Converter for Interfacing a High-

Speed Generator to the Grid

Prepared by:

Xiao Ming Hu

Student Number


Department of Electrical Engineering

University of Cape Town

Prepared for:

Professor M.A. Khan

****Electrical Engineering Department****

University of Cape Town

October 2014

Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Cape Town in partial

fulfilment of the academic requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering

Key Words: Machines, Power Electronics, Vector control, PWM, Matlab/Simulink

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Declaration 1. I know that plagiarism is wrong. Plagiarism is to use another's work and pretend that it is one's


2. I have used the IEEE convention for citation and referencing. Each contribution to, and quotation

in, this final year project report from the work(s) of other people, has been attributed and has

been cited and referenced.

3. This final year project report is my own work. I have not allowed, and will not allow, anyone to

copy my work with the intention of passing it off as their own work or part thereof.

Name: Xiao Ming Hu

Signature: Date: 16 October 2014

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Terms of reference At the beginning of the project, Professor M.A. Khan instructed the researcher to achieve the

following objectives:

Perform a literature review concerning the possible topologies of power converters used for

interfacing a high speed permanent magnet generator to the grid.

The researcher must choose a suitable topology of power converters for implementation

based on the literature review.

Choose appropriate control and switching strategy for interfacing the permanent magnet

generator to the grid.

Choose and design the grid filter to be used.

Derive a mathematical model for the permanent magnet synchronous generator.

Implement the control strategy with the grid filter and the derived generator model in


Perform analysis on the results obtained from the simulation for the viability and efficiency

of the implemented control strategy.

Determine the efficiency of the designed filter with respect to total harmonic distortion in

the grid current.

In addition, the researcher must:

Include all Simulink models used for the simulation

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Acknowledgements First and foremost I would like to thank my immediate family who is overseas for providing me with

guidance and support throughout my best and darkest moments.

I would like to thank and extend my sincere appreciation to the following individuals and groups of

people who guided me through the process of completing and submitting my thesis:

My supervisor, Dr. Azeem Khan for providing guidance and constantly pushing me to try

harder and complete the project.

Mrs. Shireen Sabodien for organizing meetings with my supervisor and keeping me on track

with general administration.

Post Graduate students Chetan Gajjar and Chris De Beer for helping me with my simulations.

Sarah Jane Newnham for setting time aside to proof read my thesis and correcting all

grammatical errors.

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Abstract Due to increasing power demands, the development of distributed power generation plants using

Micro-turbines has been fast growing in recent years. High-speed machines are typically used for

such applications, as they have the advantage of generating high-density power with reduced size.

However, they come with problems, such as higher loss density and cooling difficulties. The high

frequency AC output power of the high-speed generator needs to be converted into the AC power,

with constant frequency and constant voltage before power transmission at the grid side can take

place. This frequency conversion between the machine and the grid can be accomplished by

implementing appropriate power electronic converter topologies that are properly controlled.

The objective of this thesis is to develop a Matlab/Simulink-based system for interfacing the high-

speed generator with the grid. The system will serve as a tool for studying the machine and grid

behavior during load variations.

The main emphasis of the work presented in this thesis is the understanding of the fundamental

concepts developed in the past for similar high-speed generator systems. Furthermore, a step-by-

step approach used for designing a model suitable for simulation of such systems is demonstrated.

The machine under analysis is a surface mounted permanent magnet generator, which is connected

to the grid through an AC-DC-AC converter and an LCL filter. A mathematical model for the PM

machine, suitable for simulations, was developed for implementing the appropriate control scheme.

Vector control algorithm along with SVPWM switching strategies, are implemented on both the

machine-side and the grid-side. The LCL filter design is based on a systematic algorithm adapted

from past literatures. The controllers are designed using modulus optimum and symmetrical

optimum tuning techniques, along with approximated transfer functions derived from system

models. Further analysis and alteration was conducted on the controllers using Matlab/Sisotool for

improved performance.

Simulation for the designed system shows the correct operations of the control strategy and good

filter performance. The results from the simulation confirm the feasibility of the proposed design


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Table of Contents Declaration ............................................................................................................................................... i

Terms of reference .................................................................................................................................. ii

Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................ iii

Abstract .................................................................................................................................................. iv

Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... v

List of Figures ....................................................................................................................................... viii

List of Tables .......................................................................................................................................... xi

Nomenclature ....................................................................................................................................... xii

Chapter 1 - Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background to the study ............................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Objectives of this study ................................................................................................................. 1

1.2.1 Problems to be investigated .................................................................................................. 1

1.2.2 Purpose of the study .............................................................................................................. 2

1.3 Scope and limitations .................................................................................................................... 2

1.4 Plan of development ..................................................................................................................... 2

Chapter 2 - Literature review .................................................................................................................. 3

2.1 Permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) ................................................................... 3

2.2 Converter topologies for micro-turbine generator....................................................................... 3

2.3 Machine-side control .................................................................................................................... 5

2.4 Grid-side control ........................................................................................................................... 6

2.5 Grid filter ....................................................................................................................................... 6

2.6 Modulation (switching) scheme ................................................................................................... 7

Chapter 3 - Theory development ............................................................................................................ 8

3.1 Reference frame theory ................................................................................................................ 8

3.1.1 Stationary reference frame (αβ frame/Clarke transformation) ............................................ 8

3.1.2 Synchronous reference frame (dq frame/Parke transform) .................................................. 9

3.1.3 Reference frame theory application .................................................................................... 10

3.2 Machine model ........................................................................................................................... 10

3.2.1 Electrical equations of PMSG ............................................................................................... 10

3.2.2 Mechanical equations of PMSG ........................................................................................... 11

3.2.3 Block diagram model for PMSG ........................................................................................... 12

3.3 Vector control ............................................................................................................................. 12

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3.3.1 Field Oriented Control for PMSG ......................................................................................... 12

3.3.2 Voltage oriented control for grid-tied converter ................................................................. 13

3.3.3 Control techniques for FOC .................................................................................................. 14

3.3.4 Control technique for voltage oriented control................................................................... 16

3.3.5 PI controller tuning techniques ............................................................................................ 17

3.4 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) ................................................................................................. 19

3.4.1 Sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) ..................................................................................................... 19

3.4.2 Space vector PWM (SVPWM) .............................................................................................. 20

3.5 Grid filters ................................................................................................................................... 21

Chapter 4 - Modelling ........................................................................................................................... 24

4.1 Phase Locked Loop (PLL) ............................................................................................................. 24

4.2 Voltage source converter (VSC) .................................................................................................. 24

4.3 LCL filter ...................................................................................................................................... 25

4.4 Filter design ................................................................................................................................. 26

4.5 Grid model .................................................................................................................................. 29

4.6 DC link voltage ............................................................................................................................ 30

Chapter 5 - Controller design ................................................................................................................ 31

5.1 Machine-side controllers design ................................................................................................. 31

5.1.1 DQ-axis current controllers .................................................................................................. 32

5.1.2 Speed controller ................................................................................................................... 35

5.2 Grid-side controllers design ........................................................................................................ 39

5.2.1 DQ-axis current controllers .................................................................................................. 39

5.2.2 DC-link voltage controller .................................................................................................... 43

Chapter 6 - Simulation and analysis ...................................................................................................... 47

6.1 Model verification ....................................................................................................................... 47

6.2 Grid side simulations ................................................................................................................... 50

6.2.1 Current Step response of the grid side converter ............................................................... 50

6.2.2 Voltage step response of the grid-side converter ............................................................... 51

6.2.3 DC link control in relation with active/reactive power flow to the grid .............................. 52

6.3 Machine side simulations ........................................................................................................... 56

6.3.1 Current step response of the machine-side converter ........................................................ 56

6.3.2 Speed step response of the machine-side converter .......................................................... 57

6.3.3 Speed control in relation to applied shaft torque due to load demand variation .............. 59

6.3.4 DC-link voltage variation with respect to machine torque variation ................................... 64

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6.4 Complete system simulation....................................................................................................... 66

6.4.1 Back-to-Back Power flow ..................................................................................................... 69

6.5 Grid filter efficiency..................................................................................................................... 72

Chapter 7 - Conclusions ........................................................................................................................ 74

7.1 Converter topology chosen ......................................................................................................... 74

7.2 Model of the PMSG derived ........................................................................................................ 74

7.3 Filter analysis and design ............................................................................................................ 74

7.4 Control and switching strategy ................................................................................................... 74

7.4.1 Choosing the control method and switching strategy ......................................................... 74

7.4.2 Design and simulation of the system with control algorithm implemented ....................... 75

7.5 Assumptions made ...................................................................................................................... 75

Chapter 8 - Recommendations ............................................................................................................. 76

8.1 Improve machine model accuracy .............................................................................................. 76

8.2 Include micro-turbine model ...................................................................................................... 76

8.3 Introduce realistic operating conditions ..................................................................................... 76

8.4 Explore alternative converter topologies ................................................................................... 76

8.5 Explore alternative control strategies ......................................................................................... 76

8.6 Improve filter design methods .................................................................................................... 76

8.7 Implement the designed system ................................................................................................. 76

Chapter 9 - List of References ............................................................................................................... 77

Chapter 10 – Appendices ...................................................................................................................... 80

10.1 Appendix A: PLL Model ............................................................................................................. 80

10.2 Appendix B: PMSG model ......................................................................................................... 81

10.3 Appendix C: VSC model ............................................................................................................. 83

10.4 Appendix D: Adapted Simulink model for SVPWM ................................................................... 84

10.5 Appendix E: Simulink model used for PMSG model verification .............................................. 85

10.6 Appendix F: Independent grid-side Simulink model with control implemented...................... 86

10.7 Appendix G: Independent machine-side Simulink model with control implemented ............. 87

10.8 Appendix H: Simulink schematic for the complete system with full control strategy

implemented ..................................................................................................................................... 88

Chapter 11 – EBE Faculty: Assessment of Ethics in Research Projects ................................................. 89

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List of Figures Figure 3.1 Adapted from Relationship of stator current space vector and stator phase currents ........ 8

Figure 3.2 Adapted from [31] Relationship of current space vector components in stationary and

rotating reference frames ....................................................................................................................... 9

Figure 3.3 Block diagram of a permanent magnet synchronous machine ........................................... 12

Figure 3.4 Extracted from [13] Field Oriented Control Schematic Block .............................................. 13

Figure 3.5 Adapted from [16] Voltage oriented control for grid-tied inverter ..................................... 14

Figure 3.6 Adapted from [2] Phasor relationship between machine stator current and Torque angle α

using CTA ............................................................................................................................................... 14

Figure 3.7 Adapted from [2] Diagram of vectors and vector angles using UPF .................................... 15

Figure 3.8 Grid side voltage and current space phasor diagram .......................................................... 17

Figure 3.9 General Control loop ............................................................................................................ 17

Figure 3.10 Extracted from [37] Three-phase-two-level-full-bridge voltage source inverter .............. 19

Figure 3.11 State space hexagon resulting from SVPWM .................................................................... 20

Figure 3.12 Frequency response of L, LC and LCL filters ....................................................................... 22

Figure 3.13 Extracted from [38] Series resistor damped LCL filter ....................................................... 22

Figure 3.14 Series resistor Damped LCL filter with varying resistor values .......................................... 23

Figure 4.1 Extracted from [41] Generalized structure of PLL for grid applications .............................. 24

Figure 4.2 Extracted from [20] LCL filter circuit .................................................................................... 25

Figure 4.3 Extracted from [20] Single phase LCL model in s-plane ....................................................... 26

Figure 4.4 Relationship between attenuation and r ............................................................................. 27

Figure 4.5 Bode plot of LCL filter ........................................................................................................... 28

Figure 4.6 Bode plot of LCL filter after damping ................................................................................... 29

Figure 4.7 Extracted from [20] Grid voltage phasors ............................................................................ 30

Figure 4.8 Extracted from [41] DC link circuit of AC-DC-AC converter ................................................. 30

Figure 5.1 Adapted from [2] Machine-side full controller structure .................................................... 31

Figure 5.2 Q-axis current control loop .................................................................................................. 32

Figure 5.3 Root locus plot for the current controller ............................................................................ 33

Figure 5.4 Open loop bode plot for the current controller .................................................................. 34

Figure 5.5 Step response of the current loop ....................................................................................... 34

Figure 5.6 Improved current loop step response ................................................................................. 35

Figure 5.7 Speed control loop for the PMSG ........................................................................................ 35

Figure 5.8 Closed loop response comparison between actual current loop and approximated current

loop ....................................................................................................................................................... 36

Figure 5.9 Root locus plot for the speed controller .............................................................................. 37

Figure 5.10 Bode plot for the speed control loop ................................................................................. 38

Figure 5.11 Closed loop step response of the designed speed control loop ........................................ 38

Figure 5.12 Adapted from [20] Grid-side controller structure ............................................................. 39

Figure 5.13 Grid-side current loop ........................................................................................................ 39

Figure 5.14 Modulated sine wave input for the filter ........................................................................... 40

Figure 5.15 Comparison of filter response to an input at 50 Hz ........................................................... 40

Figure 5.16 Comparison of filter response to an input at 1000 Hz ....................................................... 41

Figure 5.17 Root locus plot for the grid-side current control loop ....................................................... 42

Figure 5.18 Open loop bode plot for the grid-side current control loop .............................................. 42

Figure 5.19 Step response of the designed grid-side current loop ....................................................... 43

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Figure 5.20 Grid-side voltage control loop ........................................................................................... 43

Figure 5.21 Root locus plot for the voltage controller .......................................................................... 45

Figure 5.22 Bode plot for the voltage control loop .............................................................................. 45

Figure 5.23 Closed loop step response of the designed voltage control loop ...................................... 46

Figure 6.1 Electromagnetic torque response comparison during motoring mode .............................. 47

Figure 6.2 Rotor angle comparison during motoring mode ................................................................. 48

Figure 6.3 Rotor speed comparison during motoring mode ................................................................ 48

Figure 6.4 dq-axis current comparison during motoring mode ............................................................ 49

Figure 6.5 Electromagnetic torque response during generating mode ................................................ 49

Figure 6.6 dq-axis current response compared to references .............................................................. 50

Figure 6.7 dq-axis current response zoomed in at t = 0.15s ................................................................. 51

Figure 6.8 DC voltage response compared to the reference voltage ................................................... 51

Figure 6.9 DC-link input power and current ......................................................................................... 52

Figure 6.10 Comparison between grid active/reactive power and input DC link power ..................... 53

Figure 6.11 dq-axis current during input power variation .................................................................... 53

Figure 6.12 DC-link voltage response due to DC-link current variation ............................................... 54

Figure 6.13 Grid currents and voltage behaviour for varying grid input power ................................... 54

Figure 6.14 Grid phase A voltage and current ...................................................................................... 55

Figure 6.15 dq-axis current step response............................................................................................ 57

Figure 6.16 dq-axis current step response (Zoomed in) ....................................................................... 57

Figure 6.17 Machine-side speed loop step response ........................................................................... 58

Figure 6.18 Machine-side speed loop step response (zoomed in) ....................................................... 58

Figure 6.19 Required power and torque from the machine at rated speed ........................................ 60

Figure 6.20 Torque response to the load demand variation at rated speed ........................................ 60

Figure 6.21 Rated machine speed response ......................................................................................... 61

Figure 6.22 dq-axis current response at rated speed ........................................................................... 61

Figure 6.23 Stator current and voltage response at rated speed ......................................................... 62

Figure 6.24 Output power response compared to the reference input power at rated speed ........... 63

Figure 6.25 Torque and power demand for half rated machine speed ................................................ 63

Figure 6.26 Stator current and voltage and half rated machine speed ................................................ 64

Figure 6.27 Shaft torque variation ........................................................................................................ 65

Figure 6.28 DC-link voltage variation .................................................................................................... 65

Figure 6.29 DC-link currents variation .................................................................................................. 66

Figure 6.30 Applied torque to the machine for the complete system ................................................. 67

Figure 6.31 DC-link current for the complete system ........................................................................... 67

Figure 6.32 DC-link current for the complete system ........................................................................... 68

Figure 6.33 Machine and grid-side active and reactive power ............................................................. 68

Figure 6.34 Machine-side voltages and currents .................................................................................. 69

Figure 6.35 Grid-side voltages and currents ......................................................................................... 69

Figure 6.36 Machine-side voltage and current during inverse operation ............................................ 70

Figure 6.37 Grid-side voltage and current during inverse operation ................................................... 70

Figure 6.38 DC-link voltage during inverse operation .......................................................................... 71

Figure 6.39 FFT analysis of grid-side current before filtering ............................................................... 72

Figure 6.40 FFT analysis of grid-side current after filtering .................................................................. 72

Figure 6.41 Grid current before filtering .............................................................................................. 73

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Figure 6.42 Grid current after filtering ................................................................................................. 73

Figure 10.1 PLL Matlab/Simulink Schematic diagram ........................................................................... 80

Figure 10.2 Electrical part of the PMSG model ..................................................................................... 81

Figure 10.3 Mechanical part of the PMSG model ................................................................................. 81

Figure 10.4 Complete PMSG model ...................................................................................................... 82

Figure 10.5 VSC simulink schematic ...................................................................................................... 83

Figure 10.6 Adapted simulink model for the SVPWM .......................................................................... 84

Figure 10.7 PMSG verification system in Simulink ................................................................................ 85

Figure 10.8 Independent grid-side simulink model .............................................................................. 86

Figure 10.9 Independent machine-side simulation .............................................................................. 87

Figure 10.10 Complete system simulation in simulink ......................................................................... 88

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List of Tables Table 3.1 Switching states of a 3-phase inverter implementing SVPWM ............................................ 20

Table 4.1 System Rated Parameters ..................................................................................................... 27

Table 4.2 Calculated filter parameters ................................................................................................. 29

Table 6.1 Machine parameters used for the simulation ....................................................................... 56

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Nomenclature PMSM Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine IPMSM Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine SPMSM Surface Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine MTG Micro-Turbine Generator IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor PCS Power Conditioning System V/HZ Volt per Hertz Control FOC Field Oriented Control DTC Direct Torque Control PMSG Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator SVPWM Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation PLL Phase Locked Loop VOC Voltage Oriented Control DPC Direct Power Control VSC Voltage Source Converter SPWM Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation THD Total Harmonic Distortion Stationery frame real and imaginary variables Space phasor of three phase currents Alpha and Beta current components of

d and q current components of

Space phasor of three phase voltage Alpha and Beta voltage components of

d and q voltage components of

Space phasor of stator flux linkage d and q flux components of

Flux linkage produced by the permanent magnet

Angle between d-axis and -axis Electromagnetic torque Pole pairs Synchronous inductance dq-axis inductance component of

CTA Constant Torque Angle control UPF Unity Power Factor control CSF Constant stator flux control MTPA Maximum Torque Per Ampere control Modulus Optimum transfer function Modulus Optimum time constant Damping ratio Frequency modulation index

Amplitude modulation index DC-link voltage L-filter transfer function LC-filter transfer function LCL-filter transfer function Electrical radian speed Mechanical radian speed Viscous Damping constant Inertia Mechanical torque

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MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output system SISO Single Input Single Output system da, db, dc Converter upper switch control signals Converter upper switches Converter leg voltages Voltage between converter negative bus and capacitor

midpoint DC-link current Filter inverter side inductance Filter grid side inductance

Filter damping resistance Switching frequency

Resonant frequency Filter inverter-side inductor parasitic resistance Filter grid-side inductor parasitic resistance

Active power Reactive power Filter capacitance

PI controller proportional gain

PI controller integral gain PI controller integral time constant PI controller transfer function Converter transfer function Current loop transfer function Machine transfer function Sampling delay transfer function

Grid filter transfer function

DC-link capacitor transfer function

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Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.1 Background to the study Accelerating commercialization of distributed resources has brought up the development of micro-

turbine generators (MTG) as a viable technology to implement distributed power generation. An

MTG is usually a high-speed rotating machine that is capable of generating high-efficiency power on

the scale of kilowatts [1]. These electrical machines usually come in the form of synchronous

machines that have applications ranging from high power to low power [2]. Within this class of

machines, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (PMSM) are especially suited for distributed

generation systems. The main advantage of a PMSM is its reduced size and higher density power

generation capabilities.

The increase in efficiency from using high-speed machines also introduces a proportional increase in

its grid connection complexity. A Highly efficient power conversion system is needed to convert the

high-frequency AC output power from the machine to the low-frequency AC power compatible with

the grid. The power conversion system usually consists of power electronic converters with

controllable switches, such as an Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT). These converters are

commanded by appropriate control and switching strategies in order to achieve efficient frequency

transformation between AC energy sources. They also have the responsibility to monitor the

operating conditions on both the machine and grid side.

MTG systems, together with a well-developed power conversion strategy, will realize all the benefits

of implementing high-speed machines and avoid negative impacts on system reliability and safety.

1.2 Objectives of this study

1.2.1 Problems to be investigated

This project will look into the design methodology for the power conversion system used to connect

a high-speed permanent magnet synchronous generator to the grid. The main problems to be

investigated include the control and switching strategy for a frequency converter, as well as the

design of a grid filter.

Possible converter topologies must be investigated and compared for an optimal solution. Different

control and switching strategies will be explored for the chosen converter topology. For the machine

side, the control scheme must be able to regulate the speed of the machine. For the grid side, the

control scheme, together with the grid filter, must regulate the grid voltage and eliminate high

frequency harmonics caused by the inverter switching operation. The filter design must take into

consideration the grid frequency, converter switching frequency, DC-link voltage as well as the

power requirements.

The final deliverable will be the complete Matlab/Simulink based system implementing all the

system requirements mentioned in the above paragraph.

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1.2.2 Purpose of the study

Distributed generation using high-speed machines is a relatively new concept which is becoming

more popular in recent years due to improving machine and power electronic technologies. By

integrating distributed plants into the utility grid, decentralized power supply can be realized, which

has proven to be more economical in many cases.

The PMSG is a popular, if not the best, choice for such systems. However, there is a trade-off

between efficiency and complexity when one must consider implementing this technology. There

are many different existing control strategies that can be used for this kind of system. This research

allows a good understanding of the fundamental concepts governing the above mentioned system

by presenting simulated results on the system behavior.

A good understanding of the system will provide increased efficiency for future development. The

design complexity can be greatly reduced based on past experiences.

1.3 Scope and limitations This project provides a solution to the design problem of a power conversion system for integrating

a high-speed permanent magnet synchronous generator into the grid. A Matlab/Simulink-based

model will be derived and used for simulation results. The proposed system is limited to a machine

rated at 5.5kw and 20000rpm, as specified by the project requirements. The proposed system does

not include the micro-turbine model and operates in stable conditions with only load demand

variations. Experimental implementations are not included in this project.

1.4 Plan of development The report begins with a brief description of the applications of high-speed machines. This is

followed by stating the objectives of this thesis with its scope and limitations.

A literature review of the most commonly used converter topologies, control and switching

strategies for integrating a high-speed permanent magnet generator to the grid is presented in

Chapter 2.

In Chapter 3, the relevant theories necessary for the development of this project are discussed; basic

analysis and comparison are performed for the different types of grid filters.

Chapter 4 presents a more specific analysis based on the machine and grid-side modelling.

Furthermore, this chapter also includes the grid filter design based on the theoretical discussion in

chapter 3.

Using all the information from the previous chapters, chapter 5 shows the step-by-step approach of

designing the system controllers.

The designed system is completely simulated in chapter 6. The results are presented with

accompanying discussions that explains the efficiency of the system.

Conclusions and recommendations are finally presented in chapter 7 and 8 respectively.

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Chapter 2 - Literature review This project is simulation-oriented, for a converter that connects a biogas turbine-driven high-speed

generator to the grid. The issues that need to be covered are mainly centered on meeting

requirements with regard to machine- and grid-side control. This section provides a brief review of

the literature that is applied to this project. The discussion evolves from very basic topologies to

complex topologies of converter design, including its associated control schemes and modelling. The

relevant theories are discussed further in chapter 3.

2.1 Permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) A brief overview of PMSM was discussed in [2]. Different types of PMSM were categorized. The

machine that is relevant to the scope of this project is Sinusoidal type PMSM, which can be

separated into Surface Magnet (SPMSM) and Interior Magnet (IPMSM) types. The main difference

between the two structures is that SPMSMs have identical dq-axis inductances where IPMSMs have

different dq-axis inductances. The different usages, advantages and disadvantages for SPMSM and

IPMSM are mentioned in [2]. In [2], the high-speed machine is designed using IPMSM and in [3]

SPMSM was used. Comparing the two machine structures, it is seen that IPMSM is inherently suited

for high speed operation. However it introduces saliency and hence complicates the control of the

machine. On the other hand SPMSM has simple control algorithms due to its identical dq-axis

inductances. However for high-speed operation the rotor construction must be carefully carried out

to cater for high mechanical stress on the circumference of the rotor. For that reason, machines with

a low pole count are usually used. Control strategy for salient PMSM and flux weakening of the

machine were briefly discussed in [4]. From the literature, it is apparent that, for high-speed

operations of permanent magnet synchronous machines, the main issues are the mechanical stress

imposed on the machine as well as the impact of increasing temperature on the magnets. A

significant number of careful decisions must be made for the construction of the high-speed PMSM.

2.2 Converter topologies for micro-turbine generator The recent interest in distributed generation has brought up the need for generators that are

smaller in size with high efficiency in power generation. A micro-turbine-driven high-speed

generator (MTG) seems to be a promising solution. For most of these MTG units, the turbine shaft is

directly coupled to the generator rotor shaft, causing the output power frequency of the PMSM to

easily reach the range of kHz [5, 6, 7]. This high-frequency output must be converted to an output at

grid frequency, usually between 50 or 60 Hz, before interfacing. Appropriate generator model and its

associated converter topologies must be chosen for efficient operation for both machine- and grid-

side. The PMSM discussed in section 2.1 is most suited for such high-speed MTG systems as it is

much more compact for low volume operations compared to other magnetic machines. Hence a

converter topology will be chosen for the PMSM.

A dynamic model of an MTG system only suitable for transient analysis was developed in [5]. The

proposed model in [5] uses a brushless PMSG that is directly connected to a gas-driven turbine. The

converter used is an AC-DC-AC converter. The machine side is connected to a three-phase diode

bridge rectifier, and the grid side is connected to an Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) based

power inverter. The high frequency ac current output from the PMSG is first converted to DC by the

rectifier and presented to the inverter as a voltage source by a DC link. However, simulations in [5]

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only presented the model’s time-domain dynamics while no stability analysis was done. This makes

the study inherently inaccurate with respect to industrial applications.

The diode bridge rectifier is commonly used in industry for the three-phase system described in [5].

However, the quality of output using such rectifiers is poor. The main problem is the significant

amount of harmonics and hence reactive power generated on the AC side. These poor quality power

output results in voltage distortion, poor power factor at power supply side and slowly varying

rippled DC output at DC side. This problem is investigated in [8] where an efficiency comparison was

analyzed between two IGBT-based power converter systems (PCS) for connecting an MTG to a grid.

The MTG in [8] was a two-pole machine, operating at 5000 rpm that generated three-phase AC

voltage at 400-900Hz and power up to 175KW. The PCS is responsible for converting the high

frequency generator output voltage to the gird voltage at 480V 60Hz. One PCS topology involved a

diode rectifier as well as a boost DC-to-DC converter and a PWM inverter while the other one

contained an active rectifier and a PWM inverter. Based on the dynamic simulation results in [8] for

the studied MTG, the PCS using the topology with an active rectifier and an inverter shows better

operating efficiency under heavy load conditions. These results are applicable to a MTG system with

higher operating speed as long as the frequency does not exceed the maximum switching frequency

of the power semiconductors used in the PCS.

The MTG models considered in [5] and [8] uses unidirectional converters for grid interfacing. In

reality, the micro-turbine does not have the ability to self-start [4]. Power is needed to operate the

PMSG as a motor for the startup of the turbine. Hence the converter design must have mechanism

put in place for the starting period of the MTG [9]. One way would be connecting an extra inversion

stage to the PMSG. However, a converter topology proposed in [6] offers bi-directional active power

flow without the extra inversion stage. This topology consists of two back-to-back active converters,

each controlled properly so that the generated energy was exchanged with the grid system under

unity displacement factor. The studied MTG model in [6] uses a two-pole PMSG with non-salient

rotor that operates at 1600 Hz, the machine output power is 30 kW and the terminal line-to-line

voltage is 480 V. The grid is represented by a balanced three-phase source, 480 V line-to-line, 60 Hz

frequency, having an internal per-phase impedance of 0.4 ohms resistance and 2 mH inductance.

Simulations performed in [6] provide good insight for operations of the MTG during its steady-state

and transient period. Comparing the converter topology used in [5] and [8] to the one used in [6], it

can be realized that for bi-directional converters the control requirement is much more


In paper [10] [1] [11] alternative AC-AC converters were discussed. Studies in [10] [1] are based on

matrix converters and a high-frequency cyclone-converter was developed in [11]. In [10], a review

was conducted on developing AC-AC matrix converters by Fuji Electric. The paper discussed the

principle of an AC-AC matrix converter and its associated advantages when comparing to

conventional AC-DC-AC converters. The advantages include the realization of motor regeneration by

the matrix converter with almost no input current harmonics, reduction in size due to the

elimination of a filter capacitor or reactor, and reduced power loss. New technology, such as reverse

blocking IGBT, protection, and control, was discussed in [10] as these technologies have direct

implications on overcoming matrix converter practical limitations. Another AC-AC matrix converter

model, to interface a high-speed MTG connected to a utility grid, was presented in [1]. Specifics such

as switching strategy and control mechanism were shown. The simulation of the MTG system,

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including the dynamic models of the MTG, generator, matrix converter, converter control, and MTG

control were performed on computer software for dynamic behavior analysis. The simulation results

in [1] showed the viability of using AC-AC matrix converters for interfacing MTG to the grid.

However, as the matrix converter is a recently developed concept, it has limitations that are not yet

solved. The construction of a matrix converter requires many more semiconductors than a

conventional AC-DC-AC converter. Furthermore, the switches require bi-directional capabilities

which must be realized by appropriated arrangements of semiconductor devices. A matrix converter

also requires very complex control schemes and its maximum output voltage cannot exceed 83

percent of its input voltage. From the above mentioned published papers, it is realized that the back-

to-back full bridge converter offers a full range of control options and is by far the most well

developed AC-AC converter as yet. For this project, control strategies for this type of converter are


2.3 Machine-side control The control of the machine side is needed for regulating the speed of the generator as well as

producing good sinusoidal current waveforms. The control methods for a PMSG are mainly divided

into scalar and vector control. Scalar control method monitors only the magnitude and frequency of

voltage, currents and flux linkage. The Volt/Hertz (V/HZ) control of the scalar control class is the

most popular and commonly used for electric drive system applications. This control strategy is also

one of the easiest methods amongst other types of control schemes. Vector control is based on the

concept of establishing a relationship between speed, torque and currents of the machine [12], it is

more complex than scalar control and implemented in the synchronous rotating reference frame.

From the literature, it can be concluded that although scalar control is a simple method for steady

state control of a PMSG. However, the superiority of vector control is obvious when dynamic

behaviors of the machine are concerned.

In [12], two methods from the vector control class were discussed; they are Field Oriented Control

(FOC) and Direct Torque control (DTC) specifically applicable for electric drive systems. In [13, 14],

implementation of the FOC algorithm was discussed. FOC is implemented by transforming machine

equations into the synchronous reference frame. This method uses the rotor speed in its feedback

control strategy, it also has two current control loops that allow independent control on the flux and

hence torque of the machine. Using FOC strategy there are a few requirements. The acquisition of

the three-phase stator currents and the rotor position are required. The disadvantage of FOC is its

complexity in having three control loops and hence the design of three separate PI controllers with

additional sensors. As a solution for easier control strategy for PMSG, DTC was developed to

eliminate the two current control loops whilst provide torque and flux control for the machine. The

disadvantages of DTC lie with its dependency on high end technology in terms of controller, variable

switching frequency, high torque pulsations and fast sampling time requirements.

In [6] and [15] both FOC and DTC were implemented for a PMSG. It can be seen from the simulation

results that DTC and FOC both yield similar results when efficiency is concerned. However, due to

dynamic behaviors in the PMSG, FOC turns out to be the better option as it does not produce high

torque pulsations. Both vector control methods are implemented in conjunction with space vector

pulse width modulation (SVPWM) as the switching scheme for the rectifier.

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Different control techniques can be embedded in the vector control scheme to efficiently operate

the generator and hence reduce losses [16]. Different control techniques were discussed in [17] and

[4]. The most frequently used control techniques covered in literatures are constant torque angle,

constant stator flux, unity power factor and maximum torque per ampere control. The constant

torque angle method keeps the angle of torque produced by the machine at a constant value; it is

most suited for a surface mounted PMSM [17]. The constant stator flux method has superior steady

state performances; however torque capability of the machine is limited due to limitation on the

stator flux [17]. The unity power factor method keeps the stator voltage and current in phase to

minimize the volt-ampere rating, but the machine efficiency is reduced [18]. Maximum torque per

ampere method is the most complex control technique; it uses the machine reluctance torque to

maximize the torque-per-ampere ratio, this control method is most suited for interior magnet PMSM

control [19].

2.4 Grid-side control Grid side control aims to achieve low harmonic content in the grid currents, it requires the DC link

voltage and as well as the grid voltages and currents to be monitored [16]. Vector control with grid

filter and phase locked loop (PLL) is most frequently used [20].

The type of vector control used on the grid side converter are voltage oriented control (VOC) and

direct power control (DPC) [20]. These two methods are analogous to FOC and DTC with the

machine-side. VOC was discussed in literature [20], [21] and [22]. VOC orients the current along the

dq-axis voltages hence it consists two inner current loops and one outer voltage loop that monitor

the DC voltage. VOC has good transient and dynamic performances however this is limited to

balanced grid condition [20]. DPC is a simplified VOC strategy as it eliminates the two current control

loops, the reference voltage for the modulator is provided directly by power controllers via a look up

table [20]. Unity power factor technique should be embedded in the vector control scheme for the

grid side [16].

The PLL is used to synchronize the inverter output current to the grid voltage [20]. It is also used to

acquire grid information such as the grid frequency and phase [23].

2.5 Grid filter Voltage Source Converters (VSC) produces waveform with harmonic distortion at their switching

frequency [16]. It is important that these high frequency harmonics do not pollute the grid; hence an

effective filter must be implemented to eliminate these harmonics. Since the switching frequency is

well above the fundamental grid frequency, hence the harmonics can be removed by a low pass grid

filter. The topologies and design limitations for the grid filter are discussed in [16], [20] and [24]. L,

LC and LCL filters are most commonly used for grid connected inverters and they are compared for

performance analysis in [16] and [20]. The L and LC type filters are simply implemented; however

their application is limited for low power operations as the inductor size for these filters must be

increased for good current harmonic attenuation at higher frequencies. The LCL type filter achieves

high current harmonic attenuation even with small inductor values, however it requires damping as

it introduces resonance to the system. The damping for LCL filters can be done by passive damping

using resistors or active damping using active circuit components [16]. The design procedure and

limitations for an LCL filter was comprehensively dealt with in [24]. Filter characteristics such as

reactive power absorbed by the filter capacitor, resonant frequency, voltage drop across inductors

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and passive damping losses must be carefully analyzed before designing the filter. In [16], [20] and

[24] the grid side inductance of the filter is lumped together with the grid impedance, this is correct;

however they should be separated for accurate grid voltage acquisition.

2.6 Modulation (switching) scheme Based on the above research for the converter topology and control, it is realized that for correct

implementation of active converters, good modulation techniques is vital for commanding the

controllable switching elements in the converter. As a result, good quality voltage and current

output at desired frequency and amplitude can be achieved for varying load types [25].

There are many types of modulation scheme; the two used most frequently for power converters

are the Sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) and Space Vector PWM (SVPWM) [25].

SPWM is the most commonly used pulse-width-modulation technique, its application ranges from

low power to high power systems. In most applications, the disadvantages of SPWM are overlooked

as it is relatively insignificant compared to the advantages and simplicity of SPWM [26]. The main

advantage of SPWM lies in that it is suitable for most modern digital technologies. The control and

implementation of SPWM switching based power converters are much less complex when compared

to the requirements of other switching techniques. However it has also some disadvantages that can

affect the quality of some systems. SPWM is well known for its attenuation of the fundamental

frequency amplitude, this behaviour is not acceptable for high power systems. Compromises must

be made when choosing the switching frequency, SPWM produces less THD at higher switching

frequencies but that also implies more switching losses will occur due to the switching transients of

the switching elements. These disadvantages can cause a significant amount of stresses on the

switching devices. Furthermore high frequency components with high amplitude may exist which

can greatly reduce the quality of the converter output [27].

Space vector modulation for a two-level three-leg voltage source converter is implemented based on

representation of three-phase quantities as a vector in a two-dimensional plane. 8 possible switching

states are imposed on the voltage source converter so as to have the output current always

continuous. The desired output line-to-line voltage of the voltage source converter is provided by a

reference vector rotating clockwise or anti-clockwise in the two-dimensional plane [28, 29, 30].

Comparing SPWM to SVPWM, the main advantage of the latter is that the output THD is much

lower. However, the complexity of SVPWM has steered away many from implementing it. It is not

hard to see the compatibility between SVPWM and vector control method discussed in section 2.3

and 2.4 since both uses similar transformation of three-phase quantities to a two-dimensional


The relevant theory for both SPWM and SVPWM is discussed further in chapter 3.

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Chapter 3 - Theory development This section provides a brief discussion on the theory involved for the project development. The

project is of multidisciplinary nature, hence many aspects need to be studied and revised for good

analysis of the system. The fields of theory covered in this section include reference frame theory,

vector control, filter design and converter switching theories. Furthermore, the mathematical model

for the PMSG is presented in this section so that the vector control theory can be explained with

respect to the machine. A Simulink based model of the PMSG will be derived from the mathematical


3.1 Reference frame theory This section is a brief summary of reference frame theory based on the material obtained from the

course EEE4014C and literature [31] and [32].

3.1.1 Stationary reference frame (αβ frame/Clarke transformation)

The three-phase stator currents of an AC machine or the three-phase currents of a grid-tied inverter

can be represented as a space phasor that rotates at the angular frequency of the currents in the



Transforming from abc frame to αβ frame, the three-phase quantities can be represented as two

time varying quantities defined by equation (2):


The phasor diagram in Figure.3.1 below shows the relation between the stationary reference frame

(αβ frame) and the natural reference frame (abc frame).

Figure 3.1 Adapted from Relationship of stator current space vector and stator phase currents

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The transformation from the abc frame to αβ frame and vice versa is done by using Clarke/Inverse

Clarke transforms:




] [

] (2)






] (3)

3.1.2 Synchronous reference frame (dq frame/Parke transform)

The stationary reference frame variables are time varying hence still in sinusoidal form. Using these

variables will complicate the control system design. The αβ frame variables can be projected on to

the synchronous reference frame (dq frame) that rotates at the same angular frequency as the

current space phasor. By intelligent placement of the real d-axis of the dq frame, the current space

phasor can be transformed into two dc quantities defined by equation (4).


The phasor relationship between αβ frame and dq frame is shown in figure.3.2 below.

Figure 3.2 Adapted from [31] Relationship of current space vector components in stationary and rotating reference frames

The transformation from αβ frame to dq frame and vice versa is done by using Parke /Inverse Parke


[ ] [

] [

] (5)


] [

] [

] (6)

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3.1.3 Reference frame theory application

For an AC machine, the three-phase stator currents can be transformed into two dc currents in the

dq frame. Using these DC quantities, simple linear control algorithms can be derived for the

machine. For machine-side converter control, d-axis is aligned with the rotor pole axis of the

machine, this means the dq frame rotates at the same electrical angular speed as the rotor of the

machine, and hence the space phasor components are constant when observed from the dq frame.

The same principle can be applied to the grid-tied converter but the d-axis is aligned with the grid

voltage phasor.

3.2 Machine model The machine model can be separated into electrical and mechanical parts for the PMSG. The model

is derived in the synchronous rotating frame for less complex machine control.

3.2.1 Electrical equations of PMSG

The derivation of the model and relevant equations are based on EEE4014C course work and

literature [16, 2]. The following equations depict the voltage and flux linkage of the machine in dq

reference frame:

Voltage equations





and = d and q-axes voltages

and = d and q-axes currents

= stator winding resistance

and = d and q-axes inductances

= flux produced by the permanent magnet

and = d and q-axes flux

= electrical rotating speed of the machine

The component voltages induced in the d and q-axis coils can be classified as “transformer emfs” or

“rotational emfs”. The transformer emf terms in equations (7) and (8) are


. They are

induced in the d and q-axis coils as a result of the rate of change of the total flux linking the

respective coils. The rotational emfs account for the remainder of the induced voltage terms in (7)

and (8). They are induced as a result of the relative movement between the stationary three-phase

stator winding and the total d and q-axes fluxes.

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3.2.2 Mechanical equations of PMSG

The instantaneous power produced by the machine can be expressed using rotor dq frame

variables as in equation (10):


The electromagnetic torque is derived from equation (10) in terms of dq-axis current as in equation




electromagnetic torque produced by the machine

= number of pole pairs of the machine

Equation (11) can be expressed in terms of two components as:


Two components can be seen from equation (12), the field-alignment torque component

and the reluctance torque component

. The field alignment torque is produced as a

result of the tendency for two magnetic fields to align. The field produced by the permanent

magnets tends to align with the field due to the current in the rotating q-axis coil, thus producing a

field alignment torque on the rotor. The reluctance torque is produced as a result of the differences

in reluctance between the d and q-axis flux paths. For surface mounted PMSG, , hence the

electromagnetic torque is directly proportional to .

The electromagnetic torque can also be expressed in terms of its relationship with input mechanical

torque , electrical speed , rotor inertia and the viscous friction coefficient .




It should be noted that the difference between is used to accelerate or decelerate the

machine. This is analogous to the motoring and generating operation of the PMSG. If the difference

is negative then the machine is in generating mode.

It is also important to realise that d and q-axis voltages are linked by and . This cross

coupling effect complicates the control of the machine model as it becomes a multiple input

multiple output system (MIMO). However, it can be dealt with in the control loop by adding and

subtracting the coupled terms from their respective links. By using this technique, the system

becomes single input and single output (SISO), which allows simple control algorithm to be


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3.2.3 Block diagram model for PMSG

The block diagram for a permanent magnet synchronous machine is modelled by rearranging

equations (7), (8), (12) and (13). Figure.3.3 below shows the machine block diagram.

Figure 3.3 Block diagram of a permanent magnet synchronous machine

It can be seen that the machine has inherent cross coupling due to the and terms.

Based on the above mathematical model, a Simulink model of the PMSG is derived. The Schematic

diagram of the model is shown in Appendix B figure.10.2, 10.3 and 10.4.

3.3 Vector control For this project the converters on both the machine-side and grid-side are controlled using vector

control algorithm. Vector control is implemented in the synchronous reference frame discussed in

section 3.1.2 above. The types of vector control for the PMSG and the grid-tied inverter are chosen

as field oriented control and voltage oriented control respectively based on the literature review for

machine-side and grid-side control.

3.3.1 Field Oriented Control for PMSG

In [13, 14], implementation of the FOC algorithm was discussed. This strategy uses two-dimensional

vector oriented control. There are three feedback control loops which consist of two inner current

loops and an outer speed loop. The current loops control the dq-axis currents of the machine and

the speed loop regulates the speed of the machine. Each control loop needs a PI controller. Typically

the inner loop must react faster than the outer loop since currents are electrical quantities that vary

much faster than speed which is a mechanical quantity. Figure.3.4 below shows the block diagram

for a PM machine using FOC.

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Figure 3.4 Extracted from [13] Field Oriented Control Schematic Block

From figure.3.4 it can be seen that the output of the speed loop PI controller provides the reference

value for the q-axis current control loop. Using FOC strategy there are a few requirements. The

acquisition of the three-phase stator currents and the rotor position are required. This brings about

the need for sensors that will accurately measure the necessary quantities. The permanent magnet

flux is fixed on the rotor d-axis hence its position can be obtained by measuring the speed of the

rotor. The rotor position θ is obtained by integrating the rotor speed ω. The stator currents

are transformed to the by Clarke transformation, then applying Park transform with θ are

obtained for the current feedback loop. The outputs of the two PI current controllers are the dq-axis

reference voltages

. The converter switching is directly commanded by

. Various control

techniques can be embedded within the vector control algorithm for optimal machine performance;

these techniques are discussed in section 3.3.3 below.

3.3.2 Voltage oriented control for grid-tied converter

The control for the grid-tied converter is similar to the control for the PMSG. Detailed

implementation was discussed in literature [33, 20, 6, 16]. The voltage oriented control consists of

three PI controllers just like the field oriented control, however, the outer loop regulates the DC link

voltage instead of speed hence the name “voltage oriented”. The grid phase voltage angle is

acquired by a phase locked loop (PLL); this angle is corrected (if out of phase) and used for abc to dq

transformation of the grid currents and voltage. This allows the grid voltage to be phase locked to

the grid-converter currents. The DC link voltage is fed back to the outer loop PI controller; together

with the reference DC link voltage the outer loop provides the d-axis current reference. Same as field

oriented control, the output of the dq-axis current PI controllers is used as reference voltages for the

switching of the grid-tied converter. In Figure.3.5, an overview of voltage oriented control for the

grid-tied converter is shown.

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Figure 3.5 Adapted from [16] Voltage oriented control for grid-tied inverter

The control technique that can be embedded in the grid-side vector control is discussed in section

3.3.4 below.

3.3.3 Control techniques for FOC

There are various control techniques that can be used with FOC. These techniques have different

advantages and disadvantages, which result in varying machine performance. For a PMSG the most

important control techniques used are constant torque angle, unity power factor, constant stator

flux control and maximum torque per ampere control. This section briefly presents the above

mentioned control techniques based on the discussion of different control properties in [2].

3.3.3.a) Constant torque angle (CTA)

This method keeps the torque angle constant at 90° where the torque angle α is defined as the angle

between the stator current space vector and the rotor d-axis. The phasor relationship between

machine stator current and torque angle using CTA is shown in figure.3.6 below.

Figure 3.6 Adapted from [2] Phasor relationship between machine stator current and Torque angle α using CTA

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From the phasor diagram we can see that and . Since α is kept at 90°,

this leads to being kept at 0 constantly. Using the above expressions of and , the torque

equation using constant torque angle control technique was derived in [2]:


Referring back to Equation (12) shows that only the field alignment torque component hence is

used to control the electromagnetic torque. It is easy to observe that this control technique should

be only used for a surface mounted PM machine where and that the dq-axis fluxes

produced by the machine are relatively small.

3.3.3.b) Unity power factor (UPF)

In this method, power factor is maintained at unity. This means the angle φ between and is

kept at 0. This allows the volt-ampere rating to be minimized but the maximum torque and

efficiency will be reduced. The vector diagram for power factor control is shown in figure.3.7 below.

Figure 3.7 Adapted from [2] Diagram of vectors and vector angles using UPF

From figure.3.7, since φ is kept at 0, then the stator current space vector is in quadrature with the

stator flux linkage space vector . This leads to the current expressions [2]:

| | | | (15)

| | | | (16)

Where is the angle of stator flux linkage vector. Using the above equations the unity power factor

expression is found as:


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3.3.3.c) Constant stator flux control (CSF)

This technique restricts the flux of the machine below the saturation point and hence voltage is

maintained low. The magnitude of the stator flux linkage space vector is expressed as [2]:

√( ) ( )


Constant stator flux control has the best steady state performance characteristic compared to the

other control techniques shown above. However, the torque capability is limited as a result of

limitation on the stator flux linkage.

3.3.3.d) Maximum torque per ampere control (MTPA)

This is the most complex method from the above mentioned control techniques. The reluctance

torque is used to maximize the torque-to-ampere ratio hence the efficiency of the motor can be

increased. The following equations are taken from [2] which determine the reference dq-axis current

values for the current control loops:

√ ( )

( ) (19)


The advantage for the MTPA strategy is the usage of reluctance torque. Since in an interior

permanent magnet machine is smaller than , this results in non-zero reluctance torque

component for equation (20). Thus MTPA is suitable for controlling the IPMSM.

MTPA can be used for SPMSM in a way similar to the constant torque angle control technique. Since

and are equal for a SPMSM, this means the electromagnetic torque is directly proportional to

the q-axis current as defined by equation (14). The maximum torque per ampere condition will be

satisfied when:


This can be achieved by forcing the d-axis current to 0 hence the stator current equals to the q-axis


3.3.4 Control technique for voltage oriented control

Control for the grid side should be focused on the active and reactive power flow from DC link to the

grid. The unity power factor (UPF) control technique discussed in 3.2.3.b) can be used to ensure

efficient active power monitoring by the grid-tied inverter. UPF for the grid side control differs to the

same technique used for the machine side in such a way that the d-axis of the synchronous rotating

frame is aligned with the grid voltage space phasor as shown in figure.3.8 below.

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Figure 3.8 Grid side voltage and current space phasor diagram

From figure.3.8, it can be seen that UPF can be achieved if θ = 0, thus the q-axis component of the

grid current must be set to zero to satisfy the UPF condition.

3.3.5 PI controller tuning techniques

The PI controllers used in the vector control are tuned using two commonly used techniques

described in literature [34, 4] for similar systems.

3.3.5.a) Modulus Optimum

Figure.3.9 below shows a general control system loop.

Figure 3.9 General Control loop

Modulus Optimum method tunes the parameter of controllers so that the following rules are

complied with [16]:


2. | |

Following the above two rules, the magnitude of the closed loop transfer function will equal to 1

from a frequency of zero to as high a frequency as possible. Note is the closed loop transfer

function of the system in Figure.3.9. The method starts with realizing the order of the closed loop

transfer function of the system. Then it is compared to the modulus optimum equation of the same

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order to solve for the controller values. For the purpose of this project, only second and third order

modulus optimum transfer functions are needed [16]:


( )( )


is the time constant of the feedback control system designed by this control method.

3.3.5.b) Symmetrical Optimum

The general equation of symmetrical optimum design procedure is presented below:


represent the number of controller parameters that can be adjusted. Since a PI controller has two

adjustable parameters, equation (24) can be used to derive the following equations:



Equation (25) and (26) can be modified to achieve maximum phase margin, this is done by Preitl and

Precup in [35]:

√ (27)

√ (28)

The variable β should be set between 4 and 16. If β smaller than 4 the system’s phase margin will be

too small. If β is set to larger than 16 the system’s phase margin will be too large. In [36], the

characteristic equation was derived using the fact that a value of β 9 results in one real pole and

two which form a conjugate pair:


) (

) (29)

The real pole position is determined by and hence must be set to greater than 1 so that the

real pole is faster than the conjugate pair and ζ is the damping factor [36]. The controller parameters

are determined by comparing equation (29) to a third order characteristic equation of the form

shown in equation (30).


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3.4 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) PWM voltage source converters are used to operate as either inverters or rectifiers. The modulation

method used to command the converter is vital for the output quality of the converter. There are

various modulation techniques. For a two-level-full-bridge voltage source converter two modulation

schemes, namely sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) and space vector PWM (SVPWM), are commonly used

[28]. This section serves as a theoretical review and comparison of the above mentioned two

methods based on the theory developed in literature [37, 4, 25].

3.4.1 Sinusoidal PWM (SPWM)

SPWM is generated by comparing modulating sinusoidal signals (with amplitude and frequency

) to triangular carrier wave forms (with amplitude and frequency ). and are the

fundamental amplitude and frequency of the desired output. is the switching frequency of the

converter. To explain the generation of SPWM, A three-phase-two-level-full-bridge voltage source

inverter is shown in figure.3.10 below.

Figure 3.10 Extracted from [37] Three-phase-two-level-full-bridge voltage source inverter

SPWM is generated by using the condition if then the upper switch for a single leg of the

converter will turn on and the lower switch will turn off resulting in the leg voltage to equal either

the dc voltage or 0 respectively. This is applied to all three legs of the converter. The frequency and

amplitude of the fundamental component of the inverter output can be controlled by and

where is the amplitude modulation index defined as the ratio between and . The switching

frequency of the inverter can be controlled by the frequency modulation index defined as the

ratio between and . The modulating signal can be synchronized to the carrier signal which

results in synchronous SPWM, else it results in asynchronous SPWM. For synchronous PWM the

output harmonics are at multiples of the fundamental frequency and for asynchronous PWM the

output harmonics are at frequencies that’s not a multiple of the fundamental frequency. For SPWM

the maximum line-to-line output voltage has the magnitude of √

√ [26].

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3.4.2 Space vector PWM (SVPWM)

Space vector PWM uses the reference frame theory where the reference voltage is given in the

space vector form. For a three-phase system, the space voltage vector can be defined using equation

(1). For a three phase inverter as shown in figure.3.10, the three phase output from each leg can be

described in binary as either on or off. SVPWM implements such a method that 8 possible switching

combinations are possible for the inverter so that no two switches from the same leg will be turn on

or off at the same time. This results in 8 states of the inverter and is illustrated in table.3.1 below.

Table 3.1 Switching states of a 3-phase inverter implementing SVPWM

Inverter output line voltages Inverter output leg voltages Inverter switches state

Vab Vbc Vca Van Vbn Vcn S1 S3 S5

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 -Vdc Vdc 0 0 Vdc 0 0 1

-Vdc Vdc 0 0 Vdc 0 0 1 0

-Vdc 0 Vdc 0 Vdc Vdc 0 1 1

Vdc 0 -Vdc Vdc 0 0 1 0 0

0 -Vdc Vdc Vdc 0 Vdc 1 0 1

0 Vdc -Vdc Vdc Vdc 0 1 1 0

0 0 0 Vdc Vdc Vdc 1 1 1

From table.3.1 we can see there are 6 active switching states (001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110) and two

non-active switching states (000, 111). The switching states and reference voltage can be

transformed into switching vectors and space voltage vector in αβ frame by using Clarke

transformation. The resulting vector diagram is a hexagon in αβ frame shown in figure.3.11 below.

Figure 3.11 State space hexagon resulting from SVPWM

The idea of SVPWM is to approximate the reference voltage vector by applying time-averaged

adjacent switching vectors. The maximum line-to-line voltage output of the inverter commanded by

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SVPWM is √

√ . SVPWM do not generate harmonics at both even and odd multiples of

fundamental frequency unlike SPWM.

By comparing SVPWM and SPWM, it is observed that SVPWM is more efficient and provide better

quality outputs. The SVPWM also display good compatibility with vector control. It is then concluded

that for this project, SVPWM will be used as the switching strategy for the power converters.

3.5 Grid filters Grid filters are used for eliminating the high frequency harmonics produced by the grid-tied inverter

[16]. Common filter types used for grid applications are L, LC and LCL filters [38]. The inductor blocks

the high frequency harmonics and the capacitor shorts them. For filter design, size and dimension

must be considered. The size of inductor increases with increasing applied frequency, and the size of

capacitor decreases with increasing applied frequency [38]. LCL filter is superior as far as size and

dimension are concerned [39]. However the effectiveness of a grid filter must also take into

consideration how well it attenuates current harmonics at high frequencies. A comparison between

L, LC and LCL filters based on their frequency response is done in this section in order to understand

the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Neglecting inductor parasitic resistances, the transfer function of an L-type, LC-type and LCL-type

filter for a single phase is shown in equation (31-33) respectively:




L and C are filter inductance and capacitance respectively.

Using the transfer functions of each filter type, the frequency response for each filter was plotted on

a bode diagram using Matlab. The total filter inductance and capacitance (LC and LCL filters) are kept

the same for all three filters where and . Since the switching frequency of the

inverter would not be below the range of kHz, the bode plot has a range from kHz upwards.

Figure.3.12 below is the simulated frequency response for each filter type.

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Figure 3.12 Frequency response of L, LC and LCL filters

Figure.3.12 shows that for the same filter inductance and capacitance, LCL filter has superior

attenuation characteristics at low and high frequencies compared to L and LC-type filters. This

means high frequency harmonics of the inverter output can be easily filtered out by the LCL filter.

However, since LCL filter is a third order system, this means there will be a resonant peak in the

transfer function [40]. This can be seen both from figure.3.11 and the transfer function of the LCL

filter. To damp the large gain at the resonant frequency a resistor can be added in series with the

filter capacitor, this is known as passive damping [24]. Figure.3.13 below shows the circuit of a

damped LCL-filter.

Figure 3.13 Extracted from [38] Series resistor damped LCL filter

From figure.3.13 the transfer function for a series resistor damped LCL filter was derived in [38] as:


Resonant frequency of an LCL filter is defined as [16]:

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Figure.3.14 below shows the effect of a damping resistor, with various values, on the frequency

response of the LCL filter. The resistor values are percentages of the capacitor impedance at the

resonant frequency. The filter inductance values and capacitance values are the same as used for the

different filter frequency response analysis.

Figure 3.14 Series resistor Damped LCL filter with varying resistor values

From Figure.3.14 it can be seen that by adding a damping resistor in series with the filter capacitor,

the resonant peak is eliminated. The system is more damped with increasing value of the series

resistor. Due consideration must be given for choosing the resistor value as increasing resistance

means increasing power losses in the filter. In general a rule of thumb for choosing the resistor value

was discussed in [16] where:


Equation (36) is justified by figure.3.14, as for a damping resistance at thirty percent of the resonant

capacitance; the system shows superior magnitude response.

The design procedure for a LCL filter is derived from [24] which mainly constitute the calculations for

the filter component parameter to guarantee system stability. It is assumed that the current ripple is

caused primarily by the dominant harmonic at the switching frequency. The actual design procedure

is presented in the filter design section of Chapter 4.

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Chapter 4 - Modelling The models of relevant system components with their governing mathematical equations are

presented in this chapter. These models are needed to provide the necessary information and

knowledge for the controller design. Furthermore, some of the models will be implemented in

Simulink for the machine side system. This is due to the reason that the PMSG model was built using

the standard Simulink library, blocks from the Simpowersystems library do not interface well with

the standard Simulink library. Hence components used for the machine-side simulation must be built

using the standard Simulink library based on mathematical equations. The model of the PMSG was

presented in Chapter 3, so it will not be included in this chapter.

4.1 Phase Locked Loop (PLL) The phase locked loop is an integral component for the grid-side system. It is the most often used

synchronization technique used to synchronize the voltage source converter output current to the

grid voltage [20]. Information about the utility voltage such as phase, amplitude and frequency can

be obtained by using the PLL for fast detection. For the UPF grid control method, the phase angle of

the grid voltage is vital information as it is used to transform the voltage source converter current

from abc frame to dq frame. PLL technique is implemented based on a feedback system, a

generalized PLL structure is shown in figure.4.1 below.

Figure 4.1 Extracted from [41] Generalized structure of PLL for grid applications

For the structure shown in figure.4.1, it can be seen that in order to implement PLL a pair of

orthogonal voltage vectors are required. For a three-phase system, these voltage vectors can be

easily acquired by transforming the grid abc voltage to its equivalents using the Clarke

transformation. Using a simple inverse tangent function the phase angle can be determined from

the components of the grid voltage. However, when the input voltage frequency is varied,

stationery error may occur in the detected angle. This can be compensated using a simple PI

controller with the reference for the phase angle set to 0. The output of the PI controller is the

frequency of the grid voltage. The voltage controlled oscillator usually is implemented as an

integrator in power system applications. The output of the VCO will be the grid voltage phase angle

and fed back to the abc to transformation. Using the above theory, a model of PLL was

developed in Simulink. The PI controller parameters and a Simulink schematic diagram of the model

for the PLL are shown in Appendix A figure.10.1.

4.2 Voltage source converter (VSC) The voltage source converter can be modelled as an average model using its gate signals. As

discussed in chapter 3, a voltage source converter using pulse-width-modulation is commanded in

such a way that the gate signals applied to the top switches determines the converter output

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voltage. Consider the three-phase inverter shown in figure.3.10, the signals applied to switches S1,

S3 and S5 are da, db and dc respectively. These signals are binary variables of magnitude 1 or 0, this

means that three switches one per each leg of the inverter will be on at each switching instant. The

inverter output leg voltage with respect to the negative dc bus can be defined by equation (37) [20]:


Consider the inverter in figure.3.10 the output line voltages of the inverter have the expression:


The voltage between the inverter phase and the centre star point of the three-phase filter capacitors

is defined by equation (39) [20]:


Using equation (37 – 39), inverter phase voltages are derived in equation (40):








Since the converter used is a voltage source, current output on the AC side will be dependent on the

inverter voltage and the grid load configuration. The DC side current can be calculated as a function

of phase currents and switches configuration in equation (41) [20]:


Based on the above equations, a Simulink model for the voltage source converter was derived and

the schematic diagram is shown in Appendix C figure.10.5.

4.3 LCL filter The model of the LCL filter is needed for controller design, as discussed in the grid filter section from

chapter 3. The LCL filter can be modelled using per phase analysis. The single phase circuit diagram

of a LCL filter is presented in figure.4.2 below.

Figure 4.2 Extracted from [20] LCL filter circuit

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From figure.4.2, the circuit equations in s-plane can be written as:




Equation set (42) can be modelled using block diagram shown in figure.4.3 below.

Figure 4.3 Extracted from [20] Single phase LCL model in s-plane

The transfer function was determined in equation (34), for convenience it is presented again below.

Note the parasitic resistance for the inverter and grid side inductors are neglected for independent

filter modeling, however, it must be considered when designing the controller. These resistances can

be lumped together with inverter and grid impedances as they are connected in series.

4.4 Filter design The following limitations must be considered for an LCL-filter design [24]:

1. Total inductance of the LCL-filter must be less than 0.1 per unit to limit the voltage drop

across the filter.

2. Capacitor value should be chosen to maintain power factor. 5% is typically applied.

3. Resonant frequency should be such that:


4. The grid-side and inverter-side inductances:

where relates the grid-side and inverter-side inductances in such a way that it

sets how much of the inverter current is attenuated by the filter to achieve the desirable

grid current at the switching frequency harmonic order . The governing

equation for the above relationship is shown in equation (44) below.

( ( )

( ))

| ( )|


Using the above limitations, the following procedure is implemented for the filter design with the

parameters of the system shown in Table.4.1:

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Table 4.1 System Rated Parameters

Parameter Value







Base values:

Maximum filter inductance:

This is in accordance with limitation 1.

Filter capacitance:

Applying limitation 2, 5% of system rating is applied to the filter capacitance to limit the

reactive power absorbed by the filter.

To choose appropriate values for the filter inductances, limitation 4 must be applied. is

first chosen to be . Equation (44) is then plotted using Matlab. The result is shown in

Figure.4.4 below to show the relationship between attenuation and .

Figure 4.4 Relationship between attenuation and r

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From figure.4.4 The value of is chosen to be 1.2 so that the attenuation at switching

frequency is approximately 0.06. Hence the resulting value for

. Checking with which is

smaller than .

Resonant frequency and damping resistor:

After all the component values have been calculated, the resonant frequency can be

checked with equation (45):


The bode plot for the designed filter is plotted using Matlab and presented in Figure.4.5


Figure 4.5 Bode plot of LCL filter

It can be seen that the resonant frequency is at 1598 Hz which corresponds to the calculated

value of 1597.85 Hz. The resonant frequency adheres to limitation 3. As discussed in chapter

3 a large resonant peak can be observed from figure.4.5, this will be eliminated by a passive

damping resistor connected in series with the filter capacitor.

Using the general rule for damping resistor selection, the resistance value is chosen to be

30% of the capacitor reactance at resonant frequency. That is:


The bode plot for the designed LCL filter after the addition of the damping resistor is shown

in figure.4.6 below.

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Figure 4.6 Bode plot of LCL filter after damping

Table.4.2 below shows all the calculated parameters for the designed filter.

Table 4.2 Calculated filter parameters

Parameter Value

26.25 Ω

0.0836 mH

121.2606 µF

8.36 mH

6.063 µF

3 mH


3.6 mH

1597.85 Hz

5.476 Ω

0.1 Ω

0.12 Ω

4.5 Grid model The grid is modelled as three ideal sinusoidal voltage sources each displaced by 120 degrees from

each other. The source generates voltage at the fundamental frequency of the grid. The phasor

diagram of grid voltages is shown in figure.4.7 below.

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Figure 4.7 Extracted from [20] Grid voltage phasors

The active and reactive power is:


√ (47)

4.6 DC link voltage The DC link circuit is represented as an ideal capacitor with series resistance representing the

internal resistance of the capacitor. The circuit diagram of the DC link is shown in figure.4.8 below.

Figure 4.8 Extracted from [41] DC link circuit of AC-DC-AC converter

The loop equation for the circuit presented in figure.4.8 above can be written as:


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Chapter 5 - Controller design The control system is designed based on the discussion of vector control in chapter 3 and the system

models presented in chapter 4. The grid-side and machine-side can be controlled independently

using the PWM back-to-back converter topology. Both machine-side and grid-side control scheme

consists of 3 loops with the outer loop for speed/voltage regulation and inner loops for current

control and these loops all use simple PI controllers due to its compatibility with dq frame variables.

This section utilizes the theory covered in the PI controller tuning technique section and

Matlab/Sisotool for PI controller parameter tuning. In order to simulate a system that is as real as

possible, discrete simulation should be implemented as real systems are limited by the sampling rate

of the transducer. The time delay caused by this discretization must be taken into account when

designing the controllers.

5.1 Machine-side controllers design The machine side control system consists of the speed outer loop and inner dq-axis current loops as

discussed in chapter 3. The governing equations for machine were presented in equations (7 – 13).

Looking at the voltage equations of the PMSG in equation (7) and (8), it can be observed that there is

inherent cross coupling. This complicates the design of the control as the system will behave like a

multiple-input-multiple-output system. Decoupling should be implemented at the output of the PI

controllers so as to cancel out the coupling terms in the PMSG model. The full controller structure is

illustrated in figure.5.1 below.

Figure 5.1 Adapted from [2] Machine-side full controller structure

The transfer function of the PI controllers used has the following form:


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5.1.1 DQ-axis current controllers

Based on the analysis of different control techniques for field oriented control in chapter 3, the

maximum torque per ampere method is chosen as it minimizes the stator current hence has

superiority in terms of loss reduction in the machine. In order to design the controller, the loop of

current trajectory should be approximated by transfer functions for different components.

Figure.5.2 below is the q-axis current control loop.

Figure 5.2 Q-axis current control loop

Since the machine is decoupled by the control algorithm, d and q-axis current loops will have

identical responses. Using the maximum torque per ampere method the d-axis current is set to 0.

This means the electromagnetic torque produced by the machine is purely dependent on the q-axis

current. Hence only the q-axis current controller needs to be tuned. Based on the electrical part of

the PMSG model presented in chapter 3, the machine transfer function can be expressed as:


The transfer function for the machine can thus be expressed as:



The converter and sampling delay can be modelled as simple first order transfer functions with time

constants that represent their statistical average delay [4].



The closed loop transfer function of the current control loop is:

To simplify the transfer function, we know that the zero of the PI controller is used to cancel the

slowest pole of the transfer function, this means the time constant of the machine = . The

converter time constant and sampling time constant can be lumped together as a new time

constant .

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The characteristic equation of after the above simplification is expressed below in equation

(54), comparing it to the modulus optimum equation for second order systems in equation (22) and

setting the damping ratio to be 0.707, the gain parameters of the PI controller can be calculated as



Using machine parameters for the simulation, switching frequency of 5 kHz and sampling frequency

of 10 kHz, the parameter for the PI controller was determined:

Using Matlab/Sisotool, the designed controller was simulated with the above designed controller

parameter. The system was discretized using the zero order hold method and simulated in z-domain.

The open-loop root locus and bode plot are shown below in figure.5.3 and figure.5.4.

Figure 5.3 Root locus plot for the current controller

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Figure 5.4 Open loop bode plot for the current controller

From figure.5.3 it can be seen that the closed loop poles lie on the 0.707 damping trace. This

validates the designed controller and indicates that the system is stable. Figure.5.4 shows the

current loop has a gain margin of 17.2 and a phase margin of 63.5 thus further indicate the stability

of the loop. A step test is performed on the current loop; the result is shown in figure.5.5 below.

Figure 5.5 Step response of the current loop

Figure.5.5 shows that for a step test, the current loop system has a settling time of 1.2 ms and a

4.07% overshoot. This dynamic behavior is within acceptable range. However, it can be improved.

Using Matlab/Sisotool, the parameters of the PI controller was altered, the new values are:

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The step response of the improved current loop is shown in figure.5.6 below.

Figure 5.6 Improved current loop step response

From figure.5.6, it can be seen no overshoot is present and the settling time was reduced to 1.1 ms.

5.1.2 Speed controller

The structure of the speed controller is presented in figure.5.7, which includes the mechanical part

of the PMSG and the current control loop.

Figure 5.7 Speed control loop for the PMSG

The transfer function for the PI controller and sampling delay is the same as presented in equation

(12) and (13). Base on the mechanical part of the PMSG model presented in chapter 3, the transfer

function of the machine and can be expressed as:



The closed loop transfer function of the current loop must be derived in order to simplify the speed

control loop. In [16], an easy way for deriving the current loop transfer function was discussed

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where the author approximated it by a delay of three times the sampling time. Thus the

approximated transfer function for the current loop is:


To check the validity of the approximated current loop transfer function, the closed loop response of

the actual current loop and the approximated current loop was compared. Result from the

comparison is presented in figure.5.8 below.

Figure 5.8 Closed loop response comparison between actual current loop and approximated current loop

Figure.5.8 shows that the approximated response is very close to the actual current loop response,

even though the transfer function is much less complex.

The open loop transfer function for the speed loop is presented by equation (58) below.


The following approximations are valid near the vicinity of crossover frequency [4]:

From the above approximations can be simplified to:



, the closed loop transfer function of the speed loop is derived as:


Comparing the denominator of to the symmetrical optimum transfer function presented in

equation (29). That is:

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) (


From the above comparison, setting the damping ration as 0.707, the following equations are

derived for calculating the PI controller gain parameters:



) (62)





Using equation (61-64), the gain parameters for the speed PI controller are calculated and presented


Using Matlab/Sisotool, the designed controller was simulated with the above designed controller

parameter. The system was discretized using the zero order hold method and simulated in z-domain.

The open-loop root locus and bode plot are shown below in figure.5.9 and figure.5.10.

Figure 5.9 Root locus plot for the speed controller

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Figure 5.10 Bode plot for the speed control loop

From figure.5.9 it can be seen that the closed loop poles lie on the 0.707 damping trace. This

validates the designed controller and indicates that the system is stable. Figure.5.10 shows the

speed loop has a gain margin of 22.8 and a phase margin of 60.4 thus further indicate the stability of

the loop. A step test is performed on the speed loop; the result is shown in figure.5.11 below.

Figure 5.11 Closed loop step response of the designed speed control loop

Figure.5.11 shows that for a step test, the speed loop system has a settling time of 35 ms and a

10.03% overshoot. This dynamic behavior is within acceptable range. The parameter gains were

altered in Matlab/Sisotool for system response improvement; however it is realized that the system

is already at optimum condition hence the designed parameters were left as is.

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5.2 Grid-side controllers design The grid-side control loops are similar to the machine-side control loops; the difference lies in that

the outer loop regulates the dc-link voltage which is an electrical quantity, hence it must react to

system disturbances faster than the machine-side speed loop. For the current loop, UPF is

implemented. The q-axis current is set to 0 to satisfy the UPF condition hence d-axis current controls

the current loop behaviour; this means d-axis current controller must be tuned. The inherent

coupling of the grid is decoupled by the control algorithm similar to the machine-side control.

Figure.5.12 below illustrates the structure of the grid-side control.

Figure 5.12 Adapted from [20] Grid-side controller structure

5.2.1 DQ-axis current controllers

The dq-axis current controller tuning is similar to that of the machine side, both current loops have

the same dynamics as q-axis current is set to 0. Hence the tuning will be made only for the d-axis

controller. Figure.5.13 below shows the grid-side current control loop.

Figure 5.13 Grid-side current loop

From figure.5.13, it can be seen that all the transfer functions can be presented by equation (52),

(53) and (49) with the addition of can be derived from the filter model presented in chapter

4. Due to the complex nature of the filter model, a method for simplifying the transfer function was

found in [16], the transfer function of the filter was approximated by ignoring the filter capacitance

for low frequencies (i.e. 50Hz) giving the new equation:

( )


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Note and are the inverter-side and grid-side inductor parasitic resistance. As mentioned in the

filter design section from chapter 4, these resistances must be included in the control design as they

affect the system dynamic behavior. To validate this approximation, a sine wave was modulated as

the input for both the actual filter and approximated filter transfer function, the output was then

compared. The frequency of the input was set as 50 Hz then 1000 Hz. Figure.5.14, 5.15 and 5.16

shows the modulated sine wave, comparison of filter response at 50 Hz and 1000 Hz.

Figure 5.14 Modulated sine wave input for the filter

Figure 5.15 Comparison of filter response to an input at 50 Hz

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Figure 5.16 Comparison of filter response to an input at 1000 Hz

From figure.5.15 and 5.16, it can be seen that the approximation for the LCL filter transfer function is

indeed valid for low frequency input.

Using the same tuning method for the machine-side current controller, adding the time constant of

the converter delay and the sampling delay i.e. , the following equations are used to

tune the grid-side current controller:


Using the set of equations (66) and the LCL filter parameter from table.4.2, the gain parameters are

listed below:

The designed controller gain was replaced by a new set of gains; this is the result of using the actual

LCL filter transfer function. The designed gain parameters were used for the actual LCL filter and

displayed a significant amount of oscillation. Thus the gain was altered to improve the system

dynamics. The new set of gain parameters are listed below:

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Using Matlab/Sisotool, the designed controller was simulated with the above designed controller

parameter. The system was discretized using the zero order hold method and simulated in z-domain.

The open-loop root locus and bode plot are shown below in figure.5.17 and figure.5.18.

Figure 5.17 Root locus plot for the grid-side current control loop

Figure 5.18 Open loop bode plot for the grid-side current control loop

From figure.5.18, it shows that the current loop has a gain margin of 9,62 and a phase margin of 77.1

thus indicating the system is stable. A step test was done for the grid-side current loop, figure.5.19

below presents the result:

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Figure 5.19 Step response of the designed grid-side current loop

Figure.5.19 shows that the step response of the grid-side current loop has a settling time of 2ms and

no overshoot. This displays good system response.

5.2.2 DC-link voltage controller

The structure of the voltage controller is presented in figure.5.20, which includes the transfer

function of the dc-link capacitor.

Figure 5.20 Grid-side voltage control loop

The transfer function for the current loop is again approximated using the same method for the

machine-side speed loop controller design. The transfer function for the capacitor can be derived

from the model of the capacitor presented in chapter 4 as:


The open loop transfer function for the voltage loop is presented by equation (68) below.


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The following approximations are valid near the vicinity of crossover frequency [4]:

From the above approximations can be simplified to:



, the closed loop transfer function of the speed loop is derived as:


Comparing the denominator of to the symmetrical optimum transfer function presented in

equation (29). That is:


) (


From the above comparison, setting the damping ration as 0.707, the following equations are

derived for calculating the PI controller gain parameters:



) (72)





Using equation (71-74), the gain parameters for the speed PI controller are calculated and presented


Using Matlab/Sisotool, the designed controller was simulated with the above designed controller

parameter. The system was discretized using the zero order hold method and simulated in z-domain.

The open-loop root locus and bode plot are shown below in figure.5.21 and figure.5.22.

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Figure 5.21 Root locus plot for the voltage controller

Figure 5.22 Bode plot for the voltage control loop

From figure.5.21 it can be seen that the closed loop poles lie on the 0.707 damping trace. This

validates the designed controller and indicates that the system is stable. Figure.5.22 shows the

voltage loop has a gain margin of 25 and a phase margin of 66.5 thus further indicate the stability of

the loop. A step test is performed on the voltage loop; the result is shown in figure.5.23 below.

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Figure 5.23 Closed loop step response of the designed voltage control loop

Figure.5.23 shows that for a step test, the voltage loop system has a settling time of 150 ms and a

5.81% overshoot. This dynamic behavior is within acceptable range. The parameter gains were

altered in Matlab/Sisotool for system response improvement; however it is realized that the system

is already at optimum condition hence the designed parameters were left as is.

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Chapter 6 - Simulation and analysis The modelled system is simulated using Matlab/Simulink. The results are analysed in this section for

observation on the effectiveness of the implemented control strategy as well as the switching

scheme. The models were verified first for their accuracy. Simulations for the machine and grid side

were performed separately first, then the complete system was connected and simulated as a

whole. Note the results presented for the independent machine and grid side are for current in the

positive direction for ease of presentation. However, the results presented for the complete system

simulation are for currents in their actual direction as it is important to show the back-to-back power

flow capability of the PWM converters. The sampling frequency for the simulation is set to 10000 Hz.

The switching scheme used is the SVPWM with the switching frequency set to 5000 Hz. The model

used for the SVPWM simulations was adapted from the SVPWM model done by Siva Malla. A

schematic diagram of the adapted model is shown in Appendix D figure.10.6.

6.1 Model verification For any system design and modelling, before conducting actual simulations the model needs to be

verified for good accuracy when results are obtained. The machine side model for this project is

especially evaluated before actual simulation, the reason being that in order to provide good

understanding of the system and its control mechanism, the model of the PMSG was decided to be

derived from its governing equations instead of using the standard model block in Simulink. The

model was developed and presented in chapter 3. Thorough verification was achieved by comparing

the load/input mechanical torque step response of the derived model to the actual Simulink model

using the same set of machine parameters (default Simulink machine parameters). The Simulink

system model used for this verification is shown in Appendix E figure.10.7. When the machine is

operating in generator mode, the currents are negative and hence the electromagnetic torque

output will be negative. Figure.6.1 to figure.6.4 below shows the machine response as a motor. The

load torque was stepped at 0.25 second, the whole simulation runs between 0.0 and 0.5 seconds.

Figure 6.1 Electromagnetic torque response comparison during motoring mode

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Figure 6.2 Rotor angle comparison during motoring mode

Figure 6.3 Rotor speed comparison during motoring mode

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Figure 6.4 dq-axis current comparison during motoring mode

From the above results it can be seen that although the responses of both model settle at identical

points, however the derived model displays much more oscillation at stepped point and during the

machine starting period. This is due to the fact that governor control is implemented internally for

the Simulink PMSM model. The oscillation in the derived model response can be eliminated by

implementing the vector control algorithm. Note the rotor angle for the derived model was

modulated for convenient data reading. The above figures shows the motoring operation of the

PMSM, in order to verify full effectiveness of the derived machine model, the same simulation was

performed again with the input mechanical torque being a negative step (-1 N.m). Figure.6.5 below

presents the verification results for the PMSM generating operation.

Figure 6.5 Electromagnetic torque response during generating mode

Figure.6.5 shows that the developed electromagnetic torque is negative, this is indeed correct since

power flow from the rotor to the stator hence current is in the negative direction (positive direction

chosen to be from stator to rotor). From the above results, the derived model can be concluded as

fit for simulation purposes.

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6.2 Grid side simulations Grid side operations are mainly aimed to regulate the DC link voltage. As the load demand increase,

more current will be flowing in to the dc link. According to equation (48) used for the DC-link model

presented in chapter 4 that is:

It can be seen that the machine side dc current and grid side dc current must remain constant in

order to keep the dc link voltage fixed. An increase in the supplied current will cause an increase in

the dc link voltage. The grid side control monitors the dc link voltage and increases the grid side

current by altering the d-axis current component hence the amount of real power delivered to the

grid. This section presents results obtained from independent simulations for the grid side so as to

demonstrate the concept discussed above.

The DC-link voltage is set at 700V, as discussed in [42] that for a PWM voltage source converter, the

DC-link voltage must be higher than the DC-link voltage produced by a diode rectifier under the

same operating conditions. The DC-link capacitor is chosen to be 1000 µF for good DC current ripple

rejection. The simulation for the grid side is decoupled from the machine side by supplying the DC

link with a constant DC current source. Step tests are performed separately first for the current and

voltage control loops to verify the controller gains calculated in section 5.2. A schematic diagram of

the independent grid-side simulation is shown in the Appendix F figure.10.8.

6.2.1 Current Step response of the grid side converter

For the current step response, the current source and the capacitor are replaced by a constant DC

voltage source so that the voltage control loop can be neglected. The d-axis current reference is

provided by a step input. The simulation is run from t = 0s to t = 0.5s. The reference current is first

stepped to 5 A at t = 0.15s, then stepped down to 3 A at t = 0.3s. Figure.6.6 and 6.7 below shows the

current step response of the grid side control loop during actual simulation.

Figure 6.6 dq-axis current response compared to references

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Figure 6.7 dq-axis current response zoomed in at t = 0.15s

Figure.6.6 shows that the d and q-axis currents follow the reference values closely; the noise

observed is caused by the converter switching operation. Figure.6.7 is a zoomed in version of

figure.6.6, as can be seen the settling time of the current loop step response is approximately 2.5ms

with slight overshoot. This complies closely to the results obtained from the grid-side controller

design section in chapter 5. The difference in overshoot and settling time can be explained as the

result of using approximated model transfer functions when the controllers were designed.

6.2.2 Voltage step response of the grid-side converter

For the voltage control loop, the constant DC voltage source is replaced by a capacitor (initial voltage

set at 700 V) and a controlled current source. The supply current and the reference voltage are

provided by step inputs. The simulation runs from t = 0s to t = 1s. In order to observe the voltage

step response, the supply current was kept at 0A. The reference voltage was stepped up from 800V

at t = 0.3s and then stepped down to 750V at t = 0.6s. Figure.6.8 below shows the voltage step

response for the grid-side converter during actual simulation.

Figure 6.8 DC voltage response compared to the reference voltage

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Figure.6.8 shows that the DC voltage follows the reference voltage closely; the settling time is

approximately 110ms with no overshoot. These results comply closely to the results obtained from

the grid-side voltage controller design section in chapter 5.

6.2.3 DC link control in relation with active/reactive power flow to the grid

The grid-side converter’s main purpose is to keep the DC link voltage constant as input power varies.

This is achieved due to the control of the d-axis component of the grid current. As the input power

to the DC link is increased or decreased, the d-axis current is increased or decreased by the

controller. Since UPF is implemented and hence q-axis current is kept at zero, the output power to

the grid is directly controlled by the d-axis current. For this project only balanced grid condition is

considered and no reactive power compensation is implemented, thus reactive power supplied to

the grid is kept at 0 throughout the simulation process. The input power is simulated using the signal

builder block in Simulink, the DC-link current input is provided by the division between input power

and DC-link voltage since:

The simulation was performed for the time period between t = 0s and t = 1s. The input power was

stepped at t = 0s, t = 0.3s and t = 0.6s. Figure.6.9 below shows the input power and calculated input

DC-link current.

Figure 6.9 DC-link input power and current

The simulation results of the grid behaviour for input power variation presented above are shown

below in figure.6.10 to 6.14.

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Figure 6.10 Comparison between grid active/reactive power and input DC link power

Figure.6.10 presents the grid active/reactive power response to varying DC link input power. The

grid powers are calculated using equations (45) and (46). It can be seen that the actual grid active

power tracks very well the reference input power. The reactive power is fixed at 0Var since the q-

axis current is forced to be 0. Figure.6.11 below shows the dq-axis currents behaviour as input power

is varied.

Figure 6.11 dq-axis current during input power variation

From figure.6.11 it is clear that the d-axis current is being varied as a function of error measured

between the reference DC-link voltage and actual DC-link voltage, as illustrated in figure.5.13 at t =

0.3s and again at t = 0.6s.In return the changing d-axis current counteracts the effect induced on the

DC-link voltage by the varying input DC-link current. The q-axis current is fixed at zero as expected.

The corresponding measured DC-link voltage variation is shown in figure.6.12 below.

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Figure 6.12 DC-link voltage response due to DC-link current variation

Figure.6.12 very clearly shows that as the DC-link current input was increased at t = 0s and t = 0.3s,

the DC-link voltage is trying also to increase. The voltage controller tracks the error and provides the

corresponding d-axis current reference in order to bring the DC-link voltage back down to its set

value. At t = 0.6s the input DC-link current is decreased, hence the DC link voltage shows a dip as it

tries to decrease with the decreasing input power. Figure.6.13 below shows the actual grid currents

and voltage behaviour for the varying power input to the grid.

Figure 6.13 Grid currents and voltage behaviour for varying grid input power

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Figure.6.13 shows how the d-axis current is used to control the grid current. Since q-axis current is

fixed at zero, the grid current varies as a function of d-axis current. It can be seen from figure.6.13

and 6.11 that the amplitude of the three-phase grid currents corresponds to the d-axis current

magnitude. It is also noted that the grid voltage do not change since the grid is modelled as a three-

phase balanced voltage supply. Note the grid voltage presented in figure.6.13 is the phase voltage.

In order to observe the effectiveness of the implemented UPF control, single phase voltage and

current of phase A is compared in figure.6.14 below.

Figure 6.14 Grid phase A voltage and current

Figure.6.14 shows the phase A grid voltage and current are in phase hence the UPF condition is

satisfied. It is also noticeable that the control implemented keeps the currents in phase with voltage

even when the input power to the grid is increased or decreased.

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6.3 Machine side simulations The machine side simulations involve presentation of results obtained by testing the FOC strategy.

The simulations carried out are similar to the grid-side simulations. However, extensive analysis was

performed on the speed response and DC-link voltage variation in relation to different applied shaft

torque. The simulation for the machine side is done independently without the grid side system. For

this project, a micro-turbine is connected to the generator. This means the mechanical torque input

from the turbine is dependent on the grid load demand. However, the model of the turbine is not

included in the scope of this project. The load demand is simulated using the signal builder block as

power steps. The input torque for the generator is derived by dividing the load power demand by

the operating speed of the generator. This section includes independent current and speed control

loop simulations, similar to the grid-side simulations, in order to validate the control system. The

machine parameter used for the simulations is listed in table 6.1 below. A schematic diagram of the

independent machine-side simulation is shown in the Appendix G figure.10.9.

Table 6.1 Machine parameters used for the simulation

Stator resistance 12.5 mΩ

Stator inductance 0.165 mH

Pole pairs 2

Inertia 0.011

Permanent magnet flux linkage 0.2388

Rated speed 20000 rpm

Rated voltage

6.3.1 Current step response of the machine-side converter

The current control of the machine consists of two loops for the rotor and quadrature axis

components of the stator current. With the outer speed loop disconnected, the q-axis current

reference is provided by stepped inputs and the d-axis current is force to 0 since maximum torque

per ampere control method is used and the machine type is surface mounted. The speed of the

machine was kept constant and the applied shaft torque was set to 0. Figure.6.15 and 6.16 below

shows the dq-axis current response. The simulation runs from t = 0s to t = 0.1s. The q-axis current

reference was stepped from 0A to -6A at t = 0.05s.

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Figure 6.15 dq-axis current step response

Figure 6.16 dq-axis current step response (Zoomed in)

Figure.6.15 shows that the d and q-axis current follows its reference current closely. There is a slight

dip in the d-axis current during the transient period of the q-axis current. This is due to the dip in

speed of the machine when applied shaft torque is varied. This idea will be elaborated in a later

section. Figure.6.16 is a zoomed in version of figure.6.15, as can be seen the settling time of the

current loop step response is approximately 1.2ms with slight overshoot. This complies closely to the

results obtained from the machine-side current controller design section in chapter 5.

6.3.2 Speed step response of the machine-side converter

For the speed control loop, the input reference value for the q-axis current loop is provided by the

outer speed loop. The reference value for the speed loop is provided by a step input. The output

speed of the machine is now fed back to the outer speed control loop and the torque is kept

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constant. Note the reference value for the speed loop is provided in electrical terms governed by the


This is due to the way the mathematical model of the machine was setup. Figure.6.17 below

presents the result obtained from the step test for the machine-side speed loop. The simulation runs

from t = 0s to t = 1s. The machine speed set-point was stepped at t = 0s to half rated speed i.e.

10000rpm then it was stepped at t = 0.5s to rated speed i.e. 20000rpm.

Figure 6.17 Machine-side speed loop step response

Figure 6.18 Machine-side speed loop step response (zoomed in)

Figure.6.17 shows the machine speed loop step response, the speed measurement was presented in

both electrical and mechanical form, as well as in revolutions per minute form. Observing the

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measurements, the machine model again shows good accuracy. The actual speed of the machine

tracks the reference speed very well. Figure.6.18 is a zoomed in version of figure.6.17, it shows step

response has a settling time of approximately 40ms and an overshoot approximately 15.3%. This

complies closely to the results obtained from the machine-side speed controller design section in

chapter 5.

6.3.3 Speed control in relation to applied shaft torque due to load demand variation

The main purpose of the machine-side converter is to keep the operating speed of the machine at a

constant set point regardless of the applied shaft torque. Since the PMSG will be connected to a

micro-turbine, the amount of power produced by the mechanical torque is directly related to the

grid load demand. Referring back to equation (13) that is:



If then the speed of the machine will increase. The difference between the

electromagnetic torque and the applied mechanical torque is known as the acceleration torque.

Note if the difference is negative then the machine will decelerate. The speed control is

implemented in conjunction with current control in such a way that if the applied mechanical torque

was increased, the q-axis current will increase accordingly governed by equation (7) that is:

Since maximum torque per amperes method is implemented, d-axis current is kept at 0. By

controlling the q-axis current, the electromagnetic torque will be increased or decreased to counter

the change in the applied mechanical torque hence keeping the speed constant. The friction and

windage losses of the machine were neglected in the model. Hence torque differences only occur

during transient periods of the q-axis current. The simulation for this section uses grid load power

demand and a speed set-point as inputs. The output is the speed of the machine and power

generated by the machine-induced electromagnetic torque. The simulations are first performed with

the machine running at rated speed, then the speed was stepped down to half rated speed and the

same load power requirement was applied. Figure.6.19 below shows the reference power demand

and required torque at rated speed.

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Figure 6.19 Required power and torque from the machine at rated speed

The input and output power of the machine is related to the torque by the following equation:

The required load power is divided by the reference speed of the machine to determine how much

torque must be applied. Using the above presented torque values as the input for the system at

rated speed, results obtained from the simulation for the machine at rated speed are presented in

Figure.6.20 to 6.26 below. The simulation runs from t = 0s to t = 3s with input power and torque

steps at t = 0s, t = 1s and t = 2s as shown in figure.6.20.

Figure 6.20 Torque response to the load demand variation at rated speed

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Figure 6.21 Rated machine speed response

Figure 6.22 dq-axis current response at rated speed

Figure.6.20, 6.21 and 6.22 illustrates the relationship between q-axis current and speed of the

machine during input torque variations. At t = 1s, input torque step causes the electromagnetic

torque produced to increase and eventually settle at the same value as the input torque. Since is

bigger than the machine decelerates causing the speed dip at t = 1s shown in figure.6.21. The

speed control loop calculates the error between the decreased speed and the reference speed

hence providing the reference value for the q-axis current. The q-axis current is increased in order to

increase so as to eliminate the deceleration caused by torque imbalance and hence bringing the

speed back to the reference value. At t = 2s, input torque was decreased causing a reversal effect

compared to the input step at t = 1s. The rotor axis current component remains at zero throughout

as expected since MTPA control was implemented. This means the stator current of the machine will

only be dependent on the q-axis current i.e. q-axis current value equal to the amplitude of the stator

current as shown in figure.6.23 below. The stator voltage stays constant with the generator speed

also shown in figure.6.23.

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Figure 6.23 Stator current and voltage response at rated speed

The frequency of the output stator voltage and currents are governed by the equation:

From figure.6.23, it can be seen that the frequency of the three-phase stator voltage and current is

666.67 Hz. This frequency can be obtained using the above equation as well. The frequency

validation shows that the derived mathematical model of the machine is fully capable of handling

high speed operations. Since the machine is running at rated speed thus 666.67 Hz is the rated

output frequency of the machine. Since the friction and windage losses of the machine are

neglected, the only losses should be due to the internal impedance of the machine; this is shown in

figure.6.24 below as the output power is compared to the input power.

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Figure 6.24 Output power response compared to the reference input power at rated speed

Note the turbine connected to the generator is not within the scope of this project, it is assumed

that the turbine has an instantaneous response to load variations. Using the ratio between the input

and output power shown in figure.6.24, an approximation for the efficiency of the designed

machine-side system at rated speed to be 95%.

The above simulations are then repeated for half rated machine speed. The same analysis will not be

presented again, only relevant information with respect to the effect of varying the machine speed

will be extracted and analysed. As speed of the machine was decreased, to generate the same

amount of power, the mechanical torque input required from the microturbine will be increased.

The new set of input torque with the same power demand is shown in figure.6.25 below.

Figure 6.25 Torque and power demand for half rated machine speed

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Figure.6.25 shows that the power input remains the same, however, the corresponding torque

demand has doubled as compared to the torque demand for the machine at rated speed. This

results in the stator current to increase and the stator voltage to decrease. The results are shown in

figure.6.26 below.

Figure 6.26 Stator current and voltage and half rated machine speed

From figure.6.26 it can be seen low speed operation of the PMSG is undesirable as the current

produced for the same amount of power output is much greater at lower machine speed. This

implies much more losses during machine operation.

6.3.4 DC-link voltage variation with respect to machine torque variation

As discussed in section 6.2 with the grid-side simulation, as current from the machine side varies due

to varying load demand, the dc link voltage will vary accordingly until the current from machine side

is balanced with the current flowing into the grid-side. This section demonstrates the DC-link voltage

variation from the machine-side perspective. The simulation was performed using a resistor

connected to the terminal of the DC-link to dissipate the power generated by the machine. This is for

the reason that during the simulation it was found that the capacitor will charge up infinitely due to

the constant current input from the rectifier. The resistor is modelled as a constant impedance load.

The simulation runs from t = 0s to t = 4s. The DC-link capacitor was assumed to be initially charged at

700V. At t = 1s, a resistor of 100Ω is connected to the terminals of the DC-link capacitor. Figure.6.27

below shows the shaft torque variation.

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Figure 6.27 Shaft torque variation

Figure.6.27 shows that the shaft torque of the machine was stepped from -6 N.m to -8 N.m at t = 1s,

then decreased to -5 N.m at t = 2s. An increase in the shaft torque will cause the DC-link current to

increase and a decrease in shaft torque will cause the DC-link current to decrease. This causes an

imbalance in the DC-link currents. As the resistor side current tries to balance the generator side

current, the DC-link voltage will either increase or decrease. The resulting DC-link voltage variations

as well as the DC-link currents are shown in figure.6.28 and 6.29 below.

Figure 6.28 DC-link voltage variation

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Figure 6.29 DC-link currents variation

Figure.6.28 and 6.29 shows that as the generator side current increases, the resistor side current

raises so as to keeping the DC-link current in equilibrium. During the transient period of the currents,

the DC-link voltage is increasing due to the capacitor charging. When the generator side current

became balanced with the resistor side current at t = 1.6s, DC-link voltage stopped increasing and

remained constant. When the currents started decreasing at t = 2s, the same principle applies.

However, the capacitor is now discharging hence the reduction in DC-link voltage. These variations in

the DC-link voltage is regulated by the grid-side control as shown in section 6.2.

6.4 Complete system simulation In this section, the machine-side and grid-side system are connected together and simulated to see

how effective the control strategy implemented work on the system as a whole. The main purpose

of the vector control is to regulate the machine speed and the DC-link voltage under varying load

conditions. Figure 6.30 to 6.35 below shows the complete system behaviour as the input torque to

the machine varies. The simulation runs from t = 0s to t = 4s. The torque applied to the machine is

varied at t = 0s, t = 1s and t = 2s as shown in figure.6.30 below. Note for this section, all results are

presented for currents in their actual direction, positive values means the current is flowing from

grid to the generator and vice versa. A Simulink schematic diagram for the complete system

simulation is presented in Appendix H figure.10.10.

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Figure 6.30 Applied torque to the machine for the complete system

As the input torque for the machine varies the current flowing into the DC-link increases as shown in

figure.6.31 below. The DC-link voltage will try to decrease at t = 0s and t = 1s and increase at t = 3s.

This voltage variation will be regulated by the grid-side voltage control loop as can be seen in

figure.6.32. Note the DC-link current is filtered for ease of presentation.

Figure 6.31 DC-link current for the complete system

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Figure 6.32 DC-link current for the complete system

From figure.6.32 it can be seen that the voltage is regulated at 700V by the grid-side voltage control.

The active and reactive power flow from the machine to the grid is shown in figure.6.33 below

where the power produced by the machine-side is compared to the power into the grid. The reactive

power is kept at 0 since UPF is implemented.

Figure 6.33 Machine and grid-side active and reactive power

From figure.6.33, by comparing the input machine-side power and the output grid-side power, the

efficiency for the complete system is determined to be approximately 95.6%. The losses are mainly

due to the switching of the converters as well as filter and grid impedances. One of the main

purposes of the AC to AC converter is to change the frequency of the generator output voltage and

currents to the grid fundamental frequency. Figure.6.34 and 6.35 below shows the frequency

transformation by comparing the machine output voltage and current waveforms to the resulting

grid voltage and current waveforms.

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Figure 6.34 Machine-side voltages and currents

Figure 6.35 Grid-side voltages and currents

Comparing the voltage and current waveforms from figure.6.34 and figure.6.35, it can be seen that

the machine-side waveform frequency is 666.67 HZ and the grid-side waveform frequency is 50 Hz

which is the grid fundamental frequency. Hence it can be concluded that the high frequency output

of the machine is effectively transformed to the fundamental frequency required for grid operations.

6.4.1 Back-to-Back Power flow

The chosen converter topology is a back-to-back PWM voltage source converter. As discussed in the literature review, this topology allows power to flow from grid side during machine start-up operation. Since the converter is a voltage source that means the reversal of the power flow is a result of current reversal. The back-to-back power flow operation is illustrated in this section as a comparison to the previous section where the power is flowing from generator to the grid. The same amount of torque was applied to the generator model; however, positive this time which means the machine is operating in motoring mode. Figure.6.36 and 6.37 shows the machine and grid-side voltage and current waveforms during the inverse operation of the complete system.

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Figure 6.36 Machine-side voltage and current during inverse operation

Figure 6.37 Grid-side voltage and current during inverse operation

By observing figure.6.36 and 6.37 then comparing them to figure.6.34 and 6.35, it can be seen that during machine generating mode, the currents are in anti-phase with the voltage indicating the power is flowing from the generator to the grid. During machine motoring mode, the power is flowing from the grid to the machine side since the current is in phase with the voltage as can be seen from figure.6.36 and 6.37. Figure.6.38 below shows the DC-link voltage is kept positive as mentioned earlier that the power flow reversal is dependent only on the current reversal.

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Figure 6.38 DC-link voltage during inverse operation

Comparing figure.6.38 to figure.6.32 it can be seen that the DC-link voltage dips and rises are opposite during machine generating and motoring mode. This is expected since the current is flowing in the opposite direction during both operating modes.

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6.5 Grid filter efficiency The main function of the grid filter is to filter out the high frequency harmonics of the grid-side

converter output current. A general rule for the efficiency of a grid filter is governed by the 5% THD

limit of grid currents [24]. For this project a LCL filter is used, the design of the filter was done in

chapter 4. Referring back to the bode plot of the designed filter in figure.4.6 It can be seen that the

filter has a -50 dB attenuation at approximately 3000 Hz. Since the switching frequency is 5000 Hz

based on SVPWM strategy, the designed filter should be able to attenuate the high frequency

harmonics in the grid-side converter output current. The FFT analysis tool of the powergui block in

Matlab/Simulink was used to obtain the harmonic analysis of the grid-side currents before and after

filtering. The simulation uses the same operating conditions from section 6.4, the FFT analysis is

done on the grid-side currents for the period between t = 0.5s and t = 0.9s (20 cycles with

fundamental frequency at 50 Hz). The results are shown and compared in figure.6.39 and 6.40


Figure 6.39 FFT analysis of grid-side current before filtering

Figure 6.40 FFT analysis of grid-side current after filtering

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By comparing figure.6.40 and 6.39, it can be seen that the THD content of the grid-side current

before filtering is 30.27% and the THD content of the grid-side current after filtering is 1.70%. From

the FFT analysis it can be seen that harmonics at higher frequencies are almost completely

eliminated by the LCL filter, this is expected since these kind of filter are known to have superior high

frequency attenuation. The corresponding current waveforms are shown in figure.6.41 and 6.42


Figure 6.41 Grid current before filtering

Figure 6.42 Grid current after filtering

From figure.6.41 and 6.42, it can be seen clearly that the current waveforms after filtering has much

less harmonics than the current waveforms before filtering. Since the grid current after filtering has

a THD of 1.70% which is within the 5% THD limit, it can be concluded that the designed filter is

effective for the system under analysis.

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Chapter 7 - Conclusions The goal of this project was to design a system that will effectively interface a high speed PMSG to

the grid by converting the high frequency output of the generator to the grid fundamental

frequency. Suitable control and switching strategy must be chosen based on the literature review

conducted on the possible converter topologies for such high speed application. Furthermore, a grid

filter must be chosen based on efficiency with respect to harmonic attenuation. A model of the

PMSG must be derived for implementing the chosen control strategy. The entire system must be

properly designed and implemented in simulation to verify the accuracy and effectiveness of the

designed system. From the analytical and simulated results obtained throughout this thesis certain

conclusions can be drawn. These are discussed in this section.

7.1 Converter topology chosen A literature review was conducted on the possible topologies of power converters that are suitable

for interfacing a high speed generator to the grid. Based on the research, it is decided that a back-to-

back PWM AC-DC-AC converter is most suitable. Using this topology, no external source is needed to

start the generator and the machine-side is effectively decoupled from the grid-side so independent

control can be implemented on both ends. It is by far the most well developed converter topology

for grid interface applications and hence offer a wider variety of control options.

7.2 Model of the PMSG derived The model of the PMSG is derived using the reference frame theory. By comparing the developed

PMSG model and the Matlab/Simulink PMSG model, it is concluded that the derived model is

suitable for simulation and analysis. However, differences in model responses can be observed. This

is due to the obvious reason that the Matlab model is much better developed with internal control

mechanism implemented.

7.3 Filter analysis and design An analysis on the possible filters may be used for grid application was conducted. Results were

obtained based on the frequency responses for different types of filters. It was concluded that LCL

filter has superior performance at higher frequency and the resonance problem can be eliminated by

passive damping techniques. The filter design was based on the method discussed in past literatures

and adheres to all the limitations. The efficiency of the filter was verified in simulation using the 5%

THD limit in grid-side current.

7.4 Control and switching strategy The control method and its complimenting switching strategy were chosen based on the topology of

the converter. The control algorithm was designed and tested in simulation.

7.4.1 Choosing the control method and switching strategy

The AC-DC-AC converter topology allows independent control on the machine and grid-side system.

The vector control method was chosen for its superiority in good system dynamic behaviors. For this

type of control either SPWM or SVPWM switching strategy may be implemented. However, from a

comparison between SPWM and SVPWM conducted in section.3.3 it is clear that SVPWM produce

output with less harmonic content and is 15% more efficient than SPWM. Thus SVPWM is chosen as

the switching strategy for the final system.

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7.4.2 Design and simulation of the system with control algorithm implemented

The Controllers are designed based on the models derived for the machine and grid-side systems.

Theoretical system responses with designed controllers were obtained using Matlab/Sisotool. These

controllers are first tested independently in simulation on the machine and grid-side system. System

response results from actual simulations were compared to the theoretical system responses and it

can be concluded that the designed controllers are suitable for application. Minor differences did

occur due to approximations used during the design phase. The machine-side and grid-side were

connected for the simulation of the complete system. Results show that the designed controller was

able to regulate the speed of the machine and the DC-link voltage. The high frequency output of the

generator was converted to the grid fundamental frequency.

7.5 Assumptions made The machine model was derived neglecting frictional and windage losses and will have more ideal

behavior than a real machine. However the purpose of this project is to analyze theoretically the

control system designed hence the model is applicable. The micro-turbine model is not within the

scope of this project, the input mechanical torque for the generator is assumed to have an instant

response to varying load demands. This is an unrealistic assumption as load variation always happen

earlier in time than the turbine response. However, this assumption has to be made due to the

absence of a micro-turbine model.

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Chapter 8 - Recommendations Based on the above conclusions, the following recommendations are made.

8.1 Improve machine model accuracy The machine model derived in this project does not represent realistic machine behaviors. To

improve the accuracy of the model, more sophisticated derivation is required. Aspects such as the

effect of temperature variation on the stator inductance, viscous damping and saturation effects of

the magnets should be considered. Furthermore the system could be implemented using a

difference PM machine, with interior mounted magnets, for better high speed operations.

8.2 Include micro-turbine model Due to the absence of micro-turbine model, the system designed has significant short coming in

terms of its ability to imitate a real life system. This project can be improved by including the micro-

turbine model to monitor grid load conditions. This will yield much more accurate dynamics at the

generator input.

8.3 Introduce realistic operating conditions The simulation results show the designed system is a valid one. However, the operating conditions

are rather ideal. In this project, it is assumed that the machine does not undergo saturation

conditions and the grid is perfectly balanced. No fault analysis was performed. By introducing more

realistic operation such as machine heating and grid unbalance, better analysis on the system can be


8.4 Explore alternative converter topologies This project is done based on an AC-DC-AC converter that has two full-bridge two-level PWM

converters. Research into multi-level converters can yield interesting results. Indirect converter

topologies should also be explored for future work.

8.5 Explore alternative control strategies Sensorless control strategies such as the direct torque control for the machine and direct power

control for the grid should be considered. These methods could yield better results when the system

is actually implemented in real time as the sampling requirement on the transducers can be greatly

reduced. Comparison between difference embedded control techniques such as constant stator flux

control and constant torque angle control will provide better understanding for machine dynamics.

8.6 Improve filter design methods Using more sophisticated design methods to obtain filter component parameters should be

investigated for better grid-side system behaviors.

8.7 Implement the designed system The simulated system in this project can be implemented to validate the theoretical results.

Alteration for the system can be made based on experimental results for better system


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Chapter 10 – Appendices

10.1 Appendix A: PLL Model The model for the PLL implemented in Matlab/Simulink is presented in Figure.10.1 below.

Figure 10.1 PLL Matlab/Simulink Schematic diagram

The derivation for the PI controller parameters for the PLL is shown in this section. The transfer

function for the PLL consists of the PI controller and an integrator:

The closed loop transfer function of the PLL can be derived as:

The requirements for the PLL are 5% overshoot, settling time within 2% band and the damping ratio

is 0.7071. The restriction imposed on the natural frequency is thus


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10.2 Appendix B: PMSG model

Electrical part of the model

Figure 10.2 Electrical part of the PMSG model

Mechanical part of the model

Figure 10.3 Mechanical part of the PMSG model

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Complete PMSG model

Figure 10.4 Complete PMSG model

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10.3 Appendix C: VSC model The Simulink block for the VSC is shown in figure.10.5 below. The phase voltage gain with respect to

the command signals can be given by the following equation using a matrix gain:




] [


Figure 10.5 VSC simulink schematic

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10.4 Appendix D: Adapted Simulink model for SVPWM

Figure 10.6 Adapted simulink model for the SVPWM

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10.5 Appendix E: Simulink model used for PMSG model verification

Figure 10.7 PMSG verification system in Simulink

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10.6 Appendix F: Independent grid-side Simulink model with control


Figure 10.8 Independent grid-side simulink model

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10.7 Appendix G: Independent machine-side Simulink model with control


Figure 10.9 Independent machine-side simulation

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10.8 Appendix H: Simulink schematic for the complete system with full

control strategy implemented

Figure 10.10 Complete system simulation in simulink

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Chapter 11 – EBE Faculty: Assessment of

Ethics in Research Projects Any person planning to undertake research in the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment at the University of Cape Town is required to complete this form before collecting or analysing data. When completed it should be submitted to the supervisor (where applicable) and from there to the Head of Department. If any of the questions below have been answered YES, and the applicant is NOT a fourth year student, the Head should forward this form for approval by the Faculty EIR committee: submit to Ms Zulpha Geyer ([email protected]; Chem Eng Building, Ph 021 650 4791).Students must include a copy of the completed form with the final year project when it is submitted for examination.

Name of Principal Researcher/Student: Xiao Ming Hu Department: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING

If a Student: YES Degree: BSc in Electrical Engineering Supervisor: Professor M.A. Khan

If a Research Contract indicate source of funding/sponsorship:

Research Project Title: Design of a Converter for Interfacing a High-Speed Generator to the Grid

Overview of ethics issues in your research project: Question 1: Is there a possibility that your research could cause harm to a third party (i.e. a person not involved in your project)?


Question 2: Is your research making use of human subjects as sources of data? If your answer is YES, please complete Addendum 2.


Question 3: Does your research involve the participation of or provision of services to communities? If your answer is YES, please complete Addendum 3.


Question 4: If your research is sponsored, is there any potential for conflicts of interest? If your answer is YES, please complete Addendum 4.


If you have answered YES to any of the above questions, please append a copy of your research proposal, as well as any interview schedules or questionnaires (Addendum 1) and please complete further addenda as appropriate.

I hereby undertake to carry out my research in such a way that there is no apparent legal objection to the nature or the method of research; and

the research will not compromise staff or students or the other responsibilities of the University;

the stated objective will be achieved, and the findings will have a high degree of validity;

limitations and alternative interpretations will be considered;

the findings could be subject to peer review and publicly available; and

I will comply with the conventions of copyright and avoid any practice that would constitute plagiarism. Signed by:

Full name and signature Date

Principal Researcher/Student:

Xiao Ming Hu

16 October 2014

This application is approved by:

Supervisor (if applicable): Professor M.A. Khan

16 October 2014

HOD (or delegated nominee): Final authority for all assessments with NO to all questions and for all undergraduate research. Janine Buxey

16 October 2014

Chair : Faculty EIR Committee For applicants other than undergraduate students who have answered YES to any of the above questions.