THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends,...


Transcript of THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends,...

Page 1: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They








NIM. 210915043




JULY 2019

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THESIS Presented to State Institute of Islamic Studies Ponorogo in

Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Sarjana in English Education



NIM. 210915043




JULY 2019

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Page 6: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They



All praises to Allah who has blessed me until I can

finish this thesis that becomes the requirement of the degree

of Sarjana in English Department, Faculty of Tarbiah and

Teacher Training, State Institute of Islamic Studies of

Ponorogo. I, on the other hand, would like to dedicate this

thesis to many inspiring people in my life. They are:

1. My beloved mother (Nadjini), father (Imam

Ma‟ruf), sister (Eti Fathus S.), Brother in law

(Taufik Hasan), and grandmother (Mardiah) for

the biggest support, love, prayer. They are the

people who contributed the most in my life. I do

love them.

2. My thesis supervisor, Mrs. Aries Fitriani, M.Pd,

who has guided me patiently. She gave me many

Page 7: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


advices and suggestion. Without her, I would not

be able to finish this thesis well.

3. The English Teacher of the tenth grade student in

SMAN 1 Sambit, Mr. Marsudiono, who has

given me the big help during the process of

finishing this thesis.

4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia

Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost

four years. They make my college life colorful

and more exciting. I am grateful because I have


5. All of my classmates in TBI.B who have been

successful in fulfilling my life story. I will really

miss our togetherness.

Page 8: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They



Science without religion is lame. Religion without science

is blind

Albert Einstein

The past is a ghost, the future is a dream, and all we ever

have is now

Bill Bosby

Page 9: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They



‘ulya, Maela Himatul. 2019. Graphic Organizer in

Teaching Writing Biographical Recount at the

Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 1 Sambit

Ponorogo.Thesis, English Education Department,

Tarbiyah Faculty, State Institute of Islamic Studies

of Ponorogo, Advisor Dra. Aries Fitriani, M.Pd.

Key Word: Graphic Organizer and Writing

Writing, one of the skills having been learned since

childhood, is related to many human activities and even

ones daily activities. In the educational world, it helps the

students to communicate effectively with their friends,

teachers, and others. This skill is such as a stair. It has some

levels. It will be started from writing simple sentences as the

basic level of this skill till the more complicated one such as

an essay or text. Graphic organizer is a suitable learning tool

in teaching writing. Students that construct graphic

organizers can understand easily what the ideas of an essay

and the connection between them. The understanding of

them can be the guidance for the students to develop the

ideas that have been existent into an organized and accepted


The objectives of this research were to find out 1)

the implementation of graphic organizer in teaching writing

at the tenth grade students in SMAN 1 Sambit Ponorogo, 2)

the factors influencing the implementation of graphic

organizer in teaching writing at the tenth grade students in

SMAN 1 Sambit Ponorogo, and 3) the students‟ responses

Page 10: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


in the implementation of teaching writing using graphic

organizer at the tenth grade students in SMAN 1 Sambit


This research was conducted in SMAN 1 Sambit

Ponorogo. It applied case study qualitative research. The

researcher used the observation and interview to collect the

data. After getting the data, they were analyzed through data

reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing techniques.

The result of the research could be summarized as

follows: 1) The implementation of graphic organizer in

teaching writing biographical recount was divided into three

main activities. They were: (a) drawing the skeleton, (b)

making a draft, and (c) writing biographical recount. 2)

There were some factors that influenced the implementation

of graphic organizer in teaching writing biographical

recount. Those factors could be the supporting or inhibiting

ones. They were: material, media, classroom activity,

classroom management, teacher‟s approach, and students‟

spirit in learning. 3) The students gave the diversity

responses in the implementation of graphic organizer in

teaching writing biographical recount. Most of the them

enjoyed studying writing recount text using graphic

organizer because its form was unique and represented the

generic structure of biographical recount and its basic details

made the students write biographical recount more easily

while the others complained that learning writing

biographical recount using this tool spent much time and

could not solve the difficulty in choosing diction.

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The writer is very grateful to Allah who has given

her mercy and blessing so she can complete this thesis.

Peace be upon to our prophet Muhammad who has

introduced the religion to us.

The writer realizes that she would not be able to

finish her thesis by the title “Graphic Organizer in Teaching

Writing at the Tenth Grade Students in SMAN 1 Sambit

Ponorogo” without the assistance, support, and guidance

that are given by some great people. So, she would like to

show her gratitude to the following:

Page 12: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


1. Dr. Hj. Siti Maryam Yusuf, M. Ag as the Head of

IAIN Ponorogo

2. Dr. Ahmadi, M. Ag as the Head of Faculty of

Tarbiyah and Teacher Training

3. Mrs. Pryla Rochmahwati, M. Pd as the Head of

English Education Department

4. All lecturers in English Education Department

5. Mr. Agus Prasmono, M. Pd as the Headmaster of

SMAN 1 Sambit

6. Mr. Marsudiono, S. Pd as the English teacher in

SMAN 1 Sambit

7. All students in the tenth grade MIPA 2 of SMAN 1


Page 13: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


8. Everyone who has given the assistance, support,

guidance, and prayer to the writer that can be

mentioned one by one

The writer says thanks a lot to you all. May Allah

always bless you and give the best reward to you. Indeed,

the good thing will appear the good effect to the doers.

Besides that, she realizes that this is not a perfect thesis.

Some mistakes can be found. Therefore, the suggestions

and comments are needed by the writer.

Ponorogo, May 12, 2019

Maela Himatul „ulya

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TITLE PAGE ………………………………………… i

APPROVAL SHEET ………………………………… ii

RATIFICATION…………...………………………… iii

DEDICATION ………………...……………………… iv

MOTTO ………………………………………………. vi

ABSTRACT …………………………………………. vii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT …………………………… ix

TABLE OF CONTENT …………………………….. xii

TABLE OF FIGURE …….……………………….. xxi

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TABLE OF PICTURE …………………………….. xxii

TABLE OF APPENDIX …………………………… xxiii


A. Background of the Study ………………. 1

B. Focus of the Study ……………………. 12

C. Statement of the Problems …………… 13

D. Objective of the Study ……………….. 14

E. Significance of the Study ……….……. 15

F. Organization of the Thesis ……………. 17

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A. Previous Research Findings ………. 21

B. Theoretical Background

1. Writing

a. The General Concept of Writing

…………………………….. 26

b. The Process of Writing ……. 28

c. Teaching Writing …………. 30

d. Essay Writing …………….. 41

Page 17: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


2. Skeleton Graphic Organizer

a. The Definition of Graphic

Organizers …………………. 50

b. The Use of Graphic Organizers

…………………. ……… 53

c. The Implementation of Graphic

Organizers ……..………….. 55

d. The Factors Influencing the

Implementation of Graphic

Organizers…….………….. 56

e. The Types of Graphic

Organizers ………..………. 61

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A. Research Design……...…………… 65

B. Researcher Role …………………. 67

C. Research Location ……………….. 68

D. Data Source……………………… 69

E. Technique of Data Collection …… 70

F. Technique of Data Analysis …….. 74

G. Data Credibility ………………….. 78

H. Data Procedure ………………….. 79

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A. General Data

1. The History of SMAN 1 Sambit

…………………….…………... 83

2. The Geographical Place ….……. 84

3. The Vision and Mission of the School

……………………………….... 85

4. Teaching English in SMAN 1 Sambit

……………… ………………… 87

Page 20: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


B. The Specific Data

1. The Data about the Implementation of

Graphic Organizer in Teaching

Writing Biographical Recount

……………... ………………… 89

2. The Data about the Factors

Influencing the Implementation of

Graphic Organizer in Teaching

Writing Biographical Recount

………………………………… 108

3. The Data about the Students‟

Responses in Teaching Writing

Biographical Recount …………. 119

Page 21: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They



A. The Analysis about the Implementation

of Graphic Organizer in Teaching

Writing Biographical Recount …... 125

B. The Analysis about the Factors

Influencing the Implementation of

Graphic Organizer in Teaching Writing

Biographical Recount……………. 133

C. The Analysis about the Students‟

Responses in Teaching Writing

Biographical Recount ……….…… 143

Page 22: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They



A. Conclusion …………………….. 149

B. Recommendation ………………. 151







Page 23: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They



No Figure Page

2.1 Skeleton Graphic Organizer 63

4.1 Skeleton Graphic Organizer with Its

Generic Structure and Basic Details


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No Picture Page

4.1 Student‟s Picture of Skeleton Graphic



4.2 Student‟s Draft 101

4.3 Writing Biographical Recount 103

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No Appendix

1 Interview Transcript

2 Observation Transcript

3 Document Transcript

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A. Background of the Study

Writing, one of the skills having been learned since

childhood, is not a strange term in nowadays life. It is

related to many human activities and even ones daily

activities. This term calls on two skills that are so

different that they usually conflict with each other:

creating and criticizing.1 It is a combination of both of

them. It includes the ability to create words and ideas

that belong to the writer then criticize them in order to

decide which one that is proper to be used.

Writing is a very important skill in the educational

world. It helps the students to communicate effectively

1Peter Elbow, Writing with Power (New York: Oxford

University, 1998), 7.


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with their friends, teachers, and others. It is one of the

most powerful tools that both the teachers and students

have for teaching and learning process because it is

useful for conveying and demonstrating what they

know. Chohan, Santangelo, and Olinghouse in Katie

Lancaster even state that studies show that when

children are not taught how to write effectively,

significant barriers in education, employment, and other

life pursuits may occur.2 That is very difficult to

imagine how the teaching and learning process happens

without writing.

From all language skills that must be mastered by

the students who learn language, writing is often

regarded as the most difficult skill to be conquered.

Unzueta in Abdul Majed states that educators and

2Katie Lancaster, “Using Graphic Organizers to Teach

Writing,” (Thesis, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, 2013), 3.

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language art teachers in America complain that their

students have limited writing abilities and struggle to

write compositions that convey their thoughts and

ideas.3 If this case is experienced by the native speakers

of English that always use the mentioned language in

their daily life, there is a big possibility that the non-

native speakers of English or foreigners will have the

same problems or even the bigger ones when they learn

this skill.

The students as the beginner writers often consider

that writing is not easy. There are so many writing rules

that they have to obey. Those rules include the simple

one such as using punctuation until the more

complicated one such as avoiding making sentence


Abdul-Majeed Tayib,“The Effect of Using Graphic Organizers

on Writing (A Case Study of Preparatory College Students at Umm-Al-

Qura University),” International Journal of English Language and

Linguistics Research, 1 (January, 2015), 15.

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fragment and run on sentence. Because the number of

writing rules is uncountable so this skill is sensitive

with taking risks and making mistakes. In writing, the

students should be able to develop a topic that is given

and think like a writer too. If they are not accustomed to

write, it will spend much time. Teaching writing is also

a complex process because the teacher must be able to

help the students until they are successful to produce

the good writing result. Kissel on Katie Lancaster states

that effective writing teachers must reinforce the idea

that learning involves practice: practice provides

opportunities for growth. 4

So, teaching writing is not

only about guiding the students to write well but also

encourage them to practice writing many times until the

accepted writing results are produced.

4Katie Lancaster, “Using Graphic Organizers to Teach


Page 30: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Writing is such as a stair. It also has some levels.

Writing simple sentences is the basic level of this skill.

Based on the research observation which was located in

SMAN 1 Sambit, Ponorogo Regency on September 17,

- October 29, 2018, it was found that writing simple

sentences was a difficult thing for some tenth grade

students. Word order and even vocabularies were two

confusing things for them. For the result, some students

got dissatisfying scores.5 In the next level, the students

will also learn about writing an essay. Essay means a

sequence of some paragraphs (at least two or three

paragraps) which has a certain purpose, some generic

structures, and language features. There are some

genres of essay writing. Halliday and Hasan in Dollar

Yuwono devide genre of essay writing into analytical

5Observation in SMAN 1 Sambit, Ponorogo Regency on

September 17, - October 29, 2018.

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exposition, description, news item, report, hortatory

exposition, spoof, discussion, narration, anecdote,

explanation, recount, procedure, and review.6 Some of

those genres are taught in Senior High School level. For

the example is biographical recount which is taught in

the tenth grade of Senior High School.

The tenth grade English teacher of SMAN 1 Sambit

explains that if some students were confused in the

basic level of writing, that is normal. They had just

learned how to write the English sentences. In teaching

essay writing namely biographical recount to the tenth

grade students, he will apply graphic organizer

learning tool. He claims that graphic organizer is a

suitable learning tool to teach biographical recount. He

6Dolar Yuwono, Writing (From Practice to Theory: Getting

Smart and Creative to Write) (Yogyakarta: Magnum Pustaka Utama,

2016), 6.

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has applied that tool for teaching the mentioned chapter

for some years. As the result, the students were spirit to

learn the material. They could understand it easily and

get the satisfying results.7 The larger progress is

happened after that. Many students of SMAN 1 Sambit

are interested in learning English more deeply. They are

not only active in English extracurricular but also

follow some English competitions. The proud results

are received. Some of those students are even

successfully to be the winners. The examples are in

news casting competition held by UNESA in 2017 and

English speech contest held by UMY in 2018.8

Graphic organizers, learning tool used for teaching

writing, which also called by semantic map, visual

7Interview to Mr. Marsudiono in SMAN 1 Sambit on January

17, 2019.

8Interview to the Students of SMAN 1 Sambit on February 10,


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organizer, structured overview, story web, and mind

map have been defined clearly by some experts.

Katherin S. McKnight states that graphic organizers are

important and effective pedagogical tools for organizing

content and ideas and facilitating learners‟

comprehension of newly acquired information.9

According to Lovitt in Fabienne S. Nicholas, graphic

organizers are diagrammatic illustrations used to

organize and highlight content information and or


While Linda Irwin, et al., define graphic

organizer in a singular form as a visual representation

of knowledge that structure information by arranging

important aspects of a concept or topic into a pattern


Katherin S. McKnight, The Teacher’s Big Book of Graphic

Organizers (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass A Wiley Imprint, 2010), 1.

10Fabienne Sara Nicholas, “The Implementation and Effective

Use of Graphic Organizers in the Classroom: Graphic Organizers to the

Rescue,” (Thesis, Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, 2008), 3.

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using labels.11

It means that graphic organizers are

learning tools that help the students to get the general

representation of a text from both words and images

that are provided and develop them into a good writing.

Graphic organizers can be the suitable learning tool

in teaching writing. Students that construct graphic

organizers can understand easily what the ideas or

details of an essay and the connection between them.

The understanding of them can be the guidance for the

students to develop the ideas that have been existent

into an organized and accepted essay. Abdul Majeed

Tayib states that graphic organizers had significantly

improved the students' writing ability and had positively

impacted their attitudes towards this skill.12

11Linda Irwin, et al., Graphic Organizers for Reading, Writing,

and More (Jefferson: Scholastic Professional Books, 1999), 6.


Abdul-Majeed Tayib,“The Effect of Using Graphic

Organizers on Writing (A Case Study of Preparatory College Students at

Page 35: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Furthermore, Katherin S. McKnight divides graphic

organizers into five types based on the skill sets being


One of them is graphic organizers for

writing. There are many kinds of graphic organizers for

writing. Unfortunately, not all of them can be applied in

all writing topic or subject. Some organizers may be

more suitable to be applied in certain topic than the

others. For the example is skeleton graphic organizer

which is claimed to be a suitable learning tool in

teaching the topic about biographical recount writing

because it is simple, unique, and its form can give the

proper representation of the generic structure of the

mentioned topic.

Umm-Al-Qura University),” International Journal of English Language

a nd Linguistics Research, 1, 15.


Katherin S. McKnight, The Teacher’s Big Book of Graphic

Organizers, v-vii.

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Related to the explanation above, the

researcher will conduct a research entitled “Graphic

Organizer in Teaching Writing Biographical

Recount at the Tenth Grade Students in SMAN 1

Sambit Ponorogo.” This study is intended to describe

about teaching writing biographical recount using

graphic organizer. It will be focus on its

implementation, factors that influence its

implementation and also the students‟ responses. She

hopes that through this study, the more information

about the topic will be able to be served and applied.

Then, in the future the more various tools will be found

to solve students‟ problems of writing. So, writing skill

will be easier to be mastered by the students.

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B. Focus of the Study

1. This study will be focused on the implementation

of graphic organizer in teaching writing

biographical recount, influencing factors, and

students‟ responses in its implementation.

2. Kind of graphic organizer that will be applied is

skeleton graphic organizer.

3. For the objects, they will be specific to the

students in the tenth grade MIPA 2 of SMAN 1

Sambit in 2018/2019 academic year.

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C. Statement of the Problems

The statement of problems is formulated as


1. How is the implementation of graphic organizer in

teaching writing biographical recount at the tenth

grade students of SMAN 1 Sambit Ponorogo?

2. What are the factors influencing the

implementation of graphic organizer in teaching

writing biographical recount at the tenth


students of SMAN 1 Sambit Ponorogo?

3. What are the students‟ responses in the

implementation of teaching writing biographical

recount using graphic organizer at the tenth grade

students of SMAN 1 Sambit Ponorogo?

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D. Objectives of the Study

Based on the statement of study, this particular study

is aimed at finding out whether

(1) The implementation of graphic organizer in teaching

writing biographical recount at the tenth


students of SMAN 1 Sambit Ponorogo

(2) The factors influencing the implementation of

graphic organizer in teaching writing biographical

recount at the tenth

grade students of SMAN 1

Sambit Ponorogo and

(3) The students‟ responses in the implementation of

teaching writing biographical recount using graphic

organizer at the tenth grade students of SMAN 1

Sambit Ponorogo.

Page 40: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


E. Significance of the Study

This study is expected to give the valuable

contributions presented as follows:

1. Theoretical Significances

Related to the theoretical significance, the

researcher hopes that this research will give a

valuable contribution for developing theory of

teaching writing biographical recount using

specific graphic organizer. This research, in the

other hand, is expected to enrich the knowledge

and references about it.

2. Practical Significances

a. The teacher

The teacher is expected to get more

information about teaching writing especially

in writing biographical recount using skeleton

Page 41: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


graphic organizer and apply it. So, he will be

able to solve some students‟ problems of

writing it.

b. The students

The students are expected to be more

excited and enthusiastic in learning how to

write an essay well and master writing skill.

c. The other researchers

The result of this research can be used

as a reference for the other researchers who

will conduct research which is related to this


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F. Organization of the Thesis

To make easier in writing the thesis, the thesis will

be divide into six chapters as follows:

Chapter I introduces the whole of the research

content which consists of some subchapters. They are:

background of the study which discusses about the

reason of choosing the title, focus of the study which

minimizes and focus the discussion area, statement of

the problems that brings up some questions which are

answered by conducting this study (about the

implementation of graphic organizer in teaching writing

biographical recount, factors that influence its

implementation and also the students‟ responses),

objectives of the study that become the intention of this

study, significance of the study that explains the

contributions of this study, and organization of the

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thesis which resumes all chapters and subchapters in

this thesis.

Chapter II discusses about previous research

finding and theoretical background. The previous

research findings help the researcher to finish this

research. Here, the researcher takes the researches that

were conducted by Herdy, et al.., Stephanie Miller,

Katie Lancaster and Abdul Majeed as the previous

research findings. The theoretical background in this

research is about writing (the general concept of

writing, process of writing, teaching writing, and essay

writing) and skeleton graphic organizer (the definition,

use, implementation, factor influencing, and type of

graphic organizer)

Chapter III explains about research method that

consists of research design that is used in this research,

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researcher‟s role, research location, data source,

technique of data collection, technique of data analysis,

data credibility, and research procedure.

Chapter IV discusses about research findings that

consist of two big subchapters. They are the general

data and the specific one. The general data includes the

history of SMAN 1 Sambit, geographical place, vision

and mission of the school, and teaching English in that

school while the specific data presents the data that are

gotten from all data collection techniques after passing

all data analysis techniques about three statement of the


Chapter V is discussion. All of the data that have

been presented in chapter V are analyzed by the

researcher. The analysis must refer to the related theory

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in chapter II. So, this chapter contains the core of data

in chapter IV and the analysis of them.

Chapter VI is closing. After having the discussion

in the chapter V, there is the summary of the result

based on the statement of the problems. It is called by

conclusion. There is also the recommendation that is

given to some people.

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A. Previous Research Findings

There were some previous researches related to the

topic. They helped the researcher to finish this research.

In this part, the researcher discussed several previous

researches as the guidance to do this thesis.

1. The first was a research that was conducted by

Herdy, et al. by the title: Improving Students‟

Writing Skill by using Graphic Organizer at the

Second Year Students English Education

Department Faculty of Education and Teachers

Training Lancang Kuning University Pekanbaru.

It was a classroom action research which consisted

of four steps namely plan, action, observation, and


Page 47: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


reflection. In that research, the researchers wanted to

investigate: (1) whether graphic organizer could

improve the students‟ writing skill or not and (2)

factors influencing the improvement of students

writing skill by using graphic organizer. Based on

that research, graphic organizer could improve the

students writing skill from circle to circle and some

factors that influenced the improvement of students

writing skill by using graphic organizer were

material, media, classroom activities, classroom

management, teacher‟s strategy and teacher‟s

approach. 14

2. Second was a research that was conducted by

Stephanie Miller by the title: Using Graphic

14Herdy, et al., “Improving Student‟ Writing Skill by Using

Graphic Organizer at the Second Year Students English Education

Department Faculty of Education and Teachers Treaning Lancang

Kuning University Pekanbaru,” Journal English Language Teaching, 2

(July, 2014), 52-53.

Page 48: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Organizer to Increase Writing Performance. It was a

case study qualitative research which examined the

effects of using graphic organizers as a prewriting

tool to increase student writing proficiency. Results

from this research determined that the incorporation

of outline, detail web, and compare and contrast

graphic organizers to guide and organize students‟

thoughts and ideas improved their writing.15

3. Third was a research that was conducted by Katie

Lancaster by the title: An examination of Using

Graphic Organizers to teach writing. It was a

quantitative research method. The researcher wanted

to determine whether using graphic organizers to

teach writing would have an impact on first grade

15Stephanie A. Miller,”Using Graphic Organizer to Increase

Writing Performance,” (Thesis, State University of New York,

Fredonia, 2014), ii.

Page 49: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


students‟ attitudes toward writing and proficiency in

the areas of word choice and organization or not. At

the conclusion of the research study, results showed

that graphic organizers were effective in writing.

Students improved their attitudes toward writing and

their usage of word choice and organization.16

4. The last was a research that was conducted by Abdul

Majeed by the title: The Effect of Using Graphic

Organizers on Writing. It was a qualitative research

design which used case study approach. In that

research, the researcher wanted to investigate

whether graphic organizers helped to improve

Saudia students' writing performance or not. The

result of this study proved that graphic organizer

model had significantly improved the students'

16Katie Lancaster, “Using Graphic Organizers to Teach

Writing,”, 2.

Page 50: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


writing abilities and had positively impacted their

attitudes towards this skill.17

This research and the previous researches above

discussed about teaching writing using graphic

organizer. There were the differences on research

method, problems, and location between this research

and the previous researches. In this research, the

researcher used qualitative research method. It was

focussed on the implementation of graphic organizer in

teaching writing biographical recount, factors that

influenced its implementation and also the students‟

responses as the research problems. Moreover, this

research was conducted in SMAN 1 Sambit Ponorogo


Abdul-Majeed Tayib,“The Effect of Using Graphic

Organizers on Writing (A Case Study of Preparatory College Students at

Umm-Al-Qura University),” International Journal of English Language

a nd Linguistics Research, 1, 15.

Page 51: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


with the specification of kind of graphic organizer that

was applied.

B. Theoretical Background

1. Writing

a. The General Concept of Writing

According to Peter Elbow, writing calls on

two skills that are so different that they usually

conflict with each other: creating and criticizing.

In other words, writing calls on the ability to

create words and ideas out of yourself, but it

also calls on the ability criticize them in order to

decide which one to use.

He states: “When you begin to realize how

writing calls on the two opposite skills of

creativity and critical thinking, you get a better

understanding of its difficulties. If you trying to

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be intentional and come up with lots of

interesting new ideas, it is usually the worst

thing in the world if someone comes along and

start being critical. Thus the power of

brainstorming: no one is allowed to criticize my

idea or suggestion that is offered; no matter how

stupid, impractical or useless it seems. You can‟t

get the good ones and the fruitful interaction

among the odds ones unless you welcome the

terrible ones. Besides, you don‟t know which

ideas are good or terrible till later. Similarly, if

you are trying to be tough mindedly critical and

find the weakness in your own thinking, you

will be impeded if someone comes along and

makes your dream up lots of fresh new idea. To

be critical, you have to be doubting, detecting,

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uninvested in the idea to be criticized; to come

up with fresh ideas you have to invest yourself

and be believing”.18

b. The Process of Writing

Writing is a complex process that consists of

several stages. Brookes, et al., in Rima

Kusumawaty state that tackling one by one the

elements which determine what we write down

is what process writing is about. According to

Mc. Crimmon in Rima Kusumawat, the writing

process is divided into three stages: planning,

drafting, and revising.

18Peter Elbow, Writing with Power, 7.

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1) Planning

Planning is order procedure used to

bring about a desired result. As the first stage

in the writing process, planning is a series of

strategies designed to find and produce

information in writing.

2) Drafting

Drafting is a procedure drawing up a

preliminary sketch. As the second stage in

writing process, drafting is a series of

strategies designed to organize and develop a

sustained piece of writing.

3) Revising

Revising is a procedure to improve or

correct a work in progress. As the third and

final stage in the writing process, revising is a

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series of strategies designed to re-examine

and re-evaluate the choice that have created a

piece of writing.19

c. Teaching Writing

According to Brown in Irma Riantika,

teaching may be defined as showing or helping

someone to learn how to do something, give

instruction, guide in the study of something,

provide with knowledge, and cause to know or

understand. He also adds that teaching is

guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the

learning to learn and setting the conditions for

learning. In teaching writing especially, the

teacher should guide students in order that the

19Rima Kusumawaty,”Teaching Writing at SMPN 1 Balong,”

(Thesis, State Institute of Islamic Studies Ponorogo, Ponorogo, 2017),


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students have good skills in writing many kinds

of text. Therefore, the teacher should choose the

best way to teach writing for students in order to

have good competencies in writing. Brown says

that there are a number of basic principle for

designing writing technique in teaching writing,

they are:

a) Incorporate Practices of “Good”


Teacher should consider the

various things that efficient writers do

and their technique should include

some of these practices. For example:

good writers should focus on a goal or

main idea in writing, easily let their

first ideas flow on to the paper, follow

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a general organizational plan as the

write, utilize feedback on their writing

and revise their work efficiently.

b) Balance Process and Product

Because writing is a

composing process and requires

multiple drafts before an effective

product in created, teachers should

lead the students through appropriate

stage in the process of writing. At the

same time, the teachers should not get

so caught in the stages leading up to

the final product that they lose sight

of the ultimate attainment: a clear,

well-organized, and effective piece of

writing. These processes are aimed to

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make better product of writing and

add experience in writing which is

very useful for further writing


c) Account for Cultural/Literacy


If there are some apparent

contrasts between students‟ native

traditions and those that teacher is

trying to teach, teacher should try to

help students to understand what it is,

exactly, that they are accustomed to

bring them to the use of acceptable

English rhetoric. Thus, the teacher

should teach students about the

differences in cultures. The

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differences can be in cultural

backgrounds that influence writing


d) Connect Reading and Writing

By reading a variety of

relevant types of text, the students can

gain important insights both about

how they should write and about the

subject matter that may become the

topic of their writing. They give

examples of good sentences which are

organized into good paragraph, read a

lot of words that enrich their

vocabulary in writing and get

knowledge to develop their ideas in

choosing a topic. Thus, before

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writing, students should have reading

activities to help them write.

e) Provide as Much Authentic Writing

as Possible

Writing activities should

connect to the real writing in which

students write for some certain

purposes, not only for fulfilling the

teachers‟ assignments. For example:

they publish a class news letter, write

letter to people outside of class, write

a script for ask it or dramatic

presentation, write a resume, write

advertisements can be seen as

authentic writing.

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f) Frame the Technique in Terms of Pre-

writing, Drafting, and Revising Stage

In teaching writing, the

teacher should use the writing process

that can be put on pre-writing, draft

writing and revising. The pre-writing

stage that encourages the generation

of ideas can happen in numerous ways

such as reading a passage, brain

storming, discussing a topic or

question and free writing. In addition,

guided tasks are necessary to help

students plan what they want to write.

In drafting and revising, students must

be reminded that what they write in

drafting is not a finished product that

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is considered unchangeable, but it is

flexible. Moreover, they are really

suggested to involve in collaborative

writing. They work in pairs or groups

to share ideas that contribute to the

success of the final product. They way

of giving responses also has to be

planned, whether the teacher has full

autonomy or it also includes peer


g) Strive to Offer Technique that are

Interactive as Possible

Interaction is emphasized in a

process-oriented approach in which

students work in pairs and groups to

generate ideas and peer-edit.

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Generating ideas is difficult to do if

they work on their own so that they

need to have interaction with peers.

Moreover, peer-edit helps students to

deal with their writing. Teachers

should not think that writing is a

solitary activity. It is a good deal that

a good writer can be most effectively

developed within a community of

learners. Therefore, teachers should

strive to apply techniques that are


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h) Sensitively Apply Methods of

Responding to and Correcting Your

Students‟ Writing

Writing needs correction from

beginning up to the final draft. As the

teachers respond to the students‟

writing, they act as a guide of a

facilitator. After the final work turned

in, they have the position of evaluator,

but until then, the role of consultant

will be the most productive way to

respond. Ideally, the responses will be

written and oral. There are many ways

for responding to students‟ writing

such as self feedback, peer feedback,

and teacher feedback. Under less than

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ideal condition, written comments

may have to suffice.

i) Clearly Instruct Students on the

Rhetorical Formal Conventions of


Teachers should explain about

the formal structures of writing

because each type of writing has its

formal structures. They should not

assume that students will pick these

up by absorption. To help students

understand the structure of text types,

the teacher should ask them to read

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some different types of texts with

their structures.20

d. Essay Writing

According to Dolar Yuwono, essay is one

type of written works which methodically

analyses and evaluates a topic or issue.

Fundamentally, an essay is designed to get your

academic opinion on a particular matter. In

broad sense, it is an academic writing which is

designed to write serious academic thought

usually expressed in complex sentences showing

considerable variety in construction, and clear

and well-planned in its organization and having

20Irma Riantika Sari,”The Effectiveness of Clustering

Technique in Teaching Writing on Recount Text at Eight Grade of

SMPN 1 Mlarak in Academic Year 2016-2017,” (Thesis, State Institute

of Islamic Studies Ponorogo, Ponorogo, 2017), 19-24.

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free from grammatical error and accurate on its

technical and academic language usages. 21

Halliday and Hasan in Dolar Yuwono divide

the genre of essay as follows: 22

1) Analytical and Hortatory Exposition

Exposition is non-fiction writing. Its

purpose is to give information to readers in

an organized format. Writers give reasons,

facts, or details to support a main idea.23


difference between analytical and hortatory

exposition is in their generic structures. The

generic structure of analytical exposition

consists of thesis statement, arguments, and

reiteration while the generic structures of

21Dolar Yuwono, Writing (From Practice to Theory: Getting

Smart and Creative to Write), 2.


Ibid., 6.


Dolar Yuwono, Writing 1 (From Practice to Theory: Getting

Smart and Creative to Write) (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Felicha, 2015), 39.

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hortatory exposition are thesis statement,

arguments and recommendation.

2) Narration

Narration or narrative is an account of

a sequence of events, usually in chronological

order in which they actually occurred in time.

It is usually to retell the story or previous

experiences. There are many kinds of

narrative such as comedy, mystery, romance,

horror, history which it tells a story rather

than just describing something. The generic

structure of narration consists of orientation,

complication and resolution, and


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3) Recount

Recount is a text telling the readers

about a story, an action or an activity. Its goal

is to entertain or inform the readers and tell

an event in the past time chronologically. The

generic structure of recount consists of

orientation, events, and reorientation.24

Furthermore, this genre is divided into three.

They are individual or personal recount,

historical recount and the last is biographical

recount. A biographical recount is a written

account of the series of events that make up a

24Dolar Yuwono, Writing (From Practice to Theory: Getting

Smart and Creative to Write), 14-22.

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person life. This type of recount contains

same basic details such as date and place of

birth and death, family information, lifetime

accomplishments, major events of life etc. 25

4) Descriptive

The purpose of this essay is to

describe a particular person, place or thing

being discussed in detail or describes parts,

qualities, or characteristics. The dominant

generic structure consists of identification

and description.

5) Spoof

Spoof means funny and poking fun at

someone intended to its readers. So the story

contains humor telling factual or fictional one

25Marsudiono, Bahasa Inggris Lintas Minat (Bright Way to

Learn English) (Ponorogo: SMAN 1 Sambit, 2018), 46-47.

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that happened in the past with unpredictable

and funny ending. The generic structure that

it usually uses is orientation, event (s), and


6) Anecdote

An anecdote is usually a brief

personal narrative or a short account of an

interesting or amusing incident, usually

intended to illustrate or support some point in

an essay, article, or chapter of a book.

Anecdotes and humorous pieces are not only

jokes, but exquisite literary devices as well.

The generic structure of anecdote consists of

abstract, orientation and reaction, and coda.

7) Procedure

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A procedure essay is an essay that

tells the way (s) how to do, make or use

something. It is usually to give a step-by-step

guide to its readers so that they can achieve a

specific goal. The generic structure of

procedure consists of goal or aim and

materials or equipments, and steps

8) News Item

News item is an essay writing which

is used as news to inform readers, listeners,

or viewers about events of the day which are

considered newsworthy or important. This

essay can be often found in newspaper,

magazine, or periodical because the passage

often tells the readers about the important,

great, interesting, tragic, entertaining, or fresh

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incident or events that all people should

know. The generic structure of it consists of

newsworthy event, background event and


9) Discussion

Discussion is a text to present a

problematic discourse. The problem that will

be discussed is usually viewed from the

different perspective. It is a process to find

the meet point between two different

viewpoints. The generic structure of

discussion consists of statement of issue, list

of supporting and contractive and the last is


10) Explanation

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Explanation writing presents a

particular viewpoint or report a certain event

of situation. It explains the viewpoint or

situation in detail and attempts to clarify any

confusing or difficult to interpret facts.

Rather than criticism or argument, analysis is

the main goal evident in an explanatory

essay. Its generic structure consists of general

statement, explanation and closing.

11) Review

Review is a text which frequently

expressed in the form of an article that

presents a critical evaluation of a text,

performance, or a production. For the

examples are reviews of a book, movie,

concert etc. The generic structure of review

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essay consists of identification or orientation,

evaluation and interpretative recount and


12) Report

Report is a text which functions as an

account of information about an event or

situation given after investigation or

consideration. It is a result of systematic

observation and analyses. It usually presents

information as it is. The generic structure of

report consists of general information and

series of specific information.26

2. Skeleton Graphic organizer

a. The Definition of Graphic Organizers

26Dolar Yuwono, Writing (From Practice to Theory: Getting

Smart and Creative to Write), 24-47.

Page 76: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Some experts clarify the definition of graphic

organizer. According to Lovitt in Fabienne S.

Nicholas, graphic organizers are diagrammatic

illustrations used to organize and highlight

content information and or vocabulary.27


Marano, Pickering, and Pollock define graphic

organizers as tools which combine linguistic

forms with non-linguistic forms which show


The last, Katherin S. McKnight

states that graphic organizers are important and

effective pedagogical tools for organizing

content and ideas and facilitating learners‟

comprehension of newly acquired information.


Fabienne Sara Nicholas, “The Implementation and Effective

Use of Graphic Organizers in the Classroom: Graphic Organizers to the

Rescue,” 3.


Hasan B. Kansizloglu, “The Effect of Graphic Organizers on

Language Teaching and Learning Areas: A Meta-Analysis Study,”

Education and Science, 42 (January, 2018), 139.

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Gardner‟s theory of multiple intelligences posits

that students are better able to learn and

internalize information when more than one

learning modality is employed in a learning

strategy. Graphic organizers present material

through the visual and spatial modalities (and

reinforce what is taught in the classroom). For

today‟s classroom, nothing is more essential to

successful teaching and learning than strategy-

based instruction. It is through the use of

specific teaching strategies and learning tools

that students can be more successful learners.

Graphic organizers are teaching and learning

tools; when they are integrated into classroom

experiences, students are better able to

understand new material. Creating a strong

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visual picture, graphic organizers support

students by enabling them to literally see

connections and relationships between facts,

information, and terms.29

b. The Use of Graphic Organizers

Graphic organizers have many uses. Some

experts explain about it. Krasnic says:

Graphic organizers, also named as visual maps,

enable the use of skill areas of the brain entirely,

help overcoming the information load and allow

the information and resources to be collected in

one place. Besides, they increase creativity

providing flexibility in thinking and help the

individuals perceive the information entirely.

Moreover, they clarify the thoughts by means of

relationships and organization, help the

individuals solve problem, make decision and go

into action and also they develop memory and



Katherin S. McKnight, The Teacher’s Big Book of Graphic

Organizers, 1.


Hasan B. Kansizloglu, “The Effect of Graphic Organizers on

Language Teaching and Learning Areas: A Meta-Analysis Study,”

Education and Science, 42, 140.

Page 79: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Miller in Abdul Majeed for instance, states

that graphic organizers serve as visual

representation of ideas that help learners

organize their thoughts and apply their thinking

skills to the content in a more orderly manner.

Bromley, et al. further state: “Graphic organizers

work as tools that also contribute to critical

thinking because they help the individuals focus

on what is really important by taking their

attention to the key word, key concept and

relationships between them”.31

Quite recently,

Bishop in Abdul Majeed reports that graphic

organizers can be used to mitigate difficulties

that less skilled writers face as these organizers

can improve planning, organization, word

31Ibid., 140.

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choice and composition coherence.32

As the

final result, he states that graphic organizers had

significantly improved the students' writing

ability and had positively impacted their

attitudes towards this skill.33

However, Linda

Irwin ever states that the biggest challenge that

will be faced by the teachers who implement

graphic organizers is about time.34

It means that

Graphic organizer is a kind of learning tool that

needs the large time for its implementation.

c. The Implementation of Graphic Organizers


Abdul-Majeed Tayib,“The Effect of Using Graphic

Organizers on Writing (A Case Study of Preparatory College Students at

Umm-Al-Qura University),” International Journal of English Language

a nd Linguistics Research, 1, 15.

33Ibid., 15.


Linda Irwin, et al., Graphic Organizers for Reading, Writing,

and More, 15.

Page 81: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


1) The teacher uses a story with which the

students are already familiar to model of

organizer as the example.

2) The students use graphic organizers as a pre-

writing activity which helps them to sketch

the basic outline of the story.35

3) After finishing making the basic outline of

the story, the students begin to write.

4) The teacher corrects all writing mistakes and

adds some more details.

5) The students rewrite their writing with all

corrected message.

6) The students type their writing.36

35Katherin S. McKnight, The Teacher’s Big Book of Graphic

Organizers, 187.


Ibid., 208.

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d. The Factors Influencing the Implementation of

Graphic Organizers

According to Hardy, et al. there are

some factors that influence the

implementation of graphic organizer in

teaching writing. They are media, classroom

activities, classroom management, teacher‟s

strategy and teacher‟s approach. Those

factors also determine whether teaching

writing will be successful or not.

1) The first factor is material. The material

given should make the students

challenged and interested in the writing

activities. The new material given can be

connected to the students‟ prior

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knowledge and should be relevant to the

students‟ real lives.

2) The second factor is media used by the

teacher in teaching writing. The media

helps the students to comprehend the

material more easily. Meanwhile, the

media also helps the teacher when he is

teaching in the classroom. By using a

good media, the teacher can handle the

material well. It helps the teacher in

explaining and demonstrating the

material during the teaching and learning

process happens.

3) The third factor is the classroom

activities. The variation of the classroom

activities can improve the students‟

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writing skill in order to get more writing

practices in the classroom. The good

implementation of graphic organizer can

attract the students to be active and

creative in writing activities.

4) The fourth factor is classroom

management. The teacher should be able

to handle all during teaching and

learning process happens. He must

encourage and motivate the students in

writing activities without spending much

time. Moreover, the good atmosphere is

needed to be created to make the

students feel comfortable.

5) The fifth factor that influenced the

students‟ writing skill is the strategy

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used by the teacher in teaching writing.

The strategy used by the teacher must be

effective for the students because it will

help them to be able to comprehend the

material quickly.

6) The last factor is the approach that is

used by the teacher.37

Approach means

viewed as an overall theory about

learning language which then lends it-

self to approaching language teaching

and learning in a certain manner.38


all approaches in language teaching, the

teacher must adopt a suitable approach

37Herdy, et al. “Improving Student‟ Writing Skill by Using

Graphic Organizer at the Second Year Students English Education

Department Faculty of Education and Teachers Training Lancang

Kuning University Pekanbaru,” Journal English Language Teaching, 2,



Andi Susilo, Teaching English as a Foreign Language

(TEFL) 1 (Ponorogo: Stain Ponorogo Press, 2012), 2.

Page 86: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


that can motivate, stimulate, and guide

the students during teaching and learning


e. The Types of Graphic Organizers

Katherine S. McKnight divides graphic

organizers based on the skill sets being

developed in which every type has many kinds

of graphic organizers. Types of graphic

organizers are:

1) Graphic organizers for brainstorming and

idea generation

2) Graphic organizers for vocabulary


Page 87: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


3) Graphic organizers for note taking and study


4) Graphic organizers for supporting reading


5) Graphic organizers for writing39

Although there are thousands of different

graphic organizers that have been created for

educational use, there are a select few that are

proven to increase writing skills and guide

writers to create proficient pieces of writing.40

Some graphic organizers are also more relevant

to different subjects and topics than others. Kind

of graphic organizer that is applied to teach

biographical recount writing is skeleton graphic

39Katherin S. McKnight, The Teacher’s Big Book of Graphic

Organizers, v-vii.

40Stephanie A. Miller,”Using Graphic Organizer to Increase

Writing Performance,”, 64.

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organizer which includes type of graphic

organizers for writing. Here is the example of

the form of it:

Figure 2. 1 Skeleton Graphic Organizer41







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A. Research Design

A research design is simply the framework or plan

for the research that is used as a guidance in collecting

and analysis the data.42

It is needed because it facilitates

the smooth sailing of the various research operations,

thereby making research as efficient as possible yielding

42Prabhat Pandey and Meenu Mishra Pandey, Research

Methodology: Tools and Techniques (Romania: Bridge Center, 2015),


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maximal information with minimal expenditure of

effort, time and money.43

According to John W. Creswell, the research design

is divided into three. They are quantitative, qualitative,

and mix method.44

This research applied qualitative

research method. This method seeks to understand a

phenomenon by focusing on the total picture rather than

breaking it down into variables. So, its goal is a holistic

picture and depth understanding rather than numerical

data analysis. It is divided into seven types. They are

basic interpretative studies, case studies, document or

content analysis, ethnography, grounded theory,

historical research, narrative inquiry, and

43C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods and

Techniques (Jaipur: New Age International Publishers, 2004), 32.


John W. Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative,

Quantitative and Mix Methods Approach (California: Sage Publications,

2014), 22.


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phenomenological studies. 45

The type of this qualitative

research was a case study. According to Merriam in

Robert C. Bogdan, a case study means a detailed

examination of one setting, or a single subject, a single

depository of document, or one particular event.46

Through it, the researcher arrived at a detailed

description and understanding of the entity.

B. Researcher’s Role

Qualitative research method applies human as

instrument. It means the researcher„s role is absolutely

needed in the research. That is because this research

method studies human experiences and situations. So,

the researcher needs a flexible enough instrument to

capture the complexity of them and an instrument which

45Donald Ary, et al, Introduction to Research in Education:a

Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners (Canada: Nelson Education, Ltd.,

2010), 29.


Robert C. Bogdan, Qualittive Research for Education

(Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2007), 59.

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is capable of adapting and responding to the


Furthermore, there are two types of

observational research according to Ranjit Kumar. They

are participant observation and non-participant


The researcher role has to do with both

the physical as well as the psychological or emotional

distance between the observer and the observed. In this

research, the researcher was a non-participant observer.

She did not get involved in the activities of the group but

remained a passive observer that watched, listened to the

activities and drew conclusion related to the statement of

the problems.

C. Research Location

47Donald Ary, et al., Introduction to Research in Education:a

Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners, 424.


Ranjit Kumar, Research Methodology: a Step-by-Step Guide

for Beginners (London: Sage Publications, 2011), 134.

Page 94: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


This research was conducted in SMAN 1

Sambit Ponorogo. That school is located in Ponorogo-

Trenggalek street, Besuki-Sambit-Ponorogo.

D. Data Source

1. Primary Data Source

The primary data are data that have been

observed, experienced, or recorded close to the

event. These data are the nearest ones can get to

the truth.49

The primary data sources in this

research were the students and the English

teacher in the tenth grade MIPA 2 of SMAN 1

Sambit in 2018/2019 academic year. There are

49Nicholas Walliman, Research Methods: the Basics (London

and New York: Routledge, 2011), 69.

Page 95: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


several basic methods or techniques to collect

primary data. They are asking questions,

conducting interviews, observing without getting

involved, immersing oneself in a situation, doing

experiments, and manipulating models.50

In this

research, the researcher used observation and

interview as her techniques to collect primary


2. Secondary Data Source

The secondary is written success of that

interpret or record primary data.51

The secondary

data sources of this research were from written

materials namely books, thesis, journals, and

articles related to the topic.

E. Technique of Data Collection

50Ibid., 92.


Ibid., 69.

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The use of the right technique in collecting

data is important to take the objective data.

Technique of data collection is all ways that are

used by researcher to get data in research. The

techniques of data collection in this research


1. Observation

Observation is used as a technical

term in research with its specific

meaning. In everyday language,

observation usually refers to the use of

our visual sense to record and make

sense of information. In research,

observation refers to data gathering

which involves the use of not only visual

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sense, but also all the senses necessary to

get valid and reliable data.52

In the field, researcher paid attention,

watched, and listened carefully. She used

all the senses and noticed what was seen,

heard, smelled, tasted or touched because

she became an instrument that absorbed

all sources of information.53


observed about the implementation of

graphic organizer in teaching writing

biographical recount, influencing factors,

and students‟ responses in its

implementation. She, on the other hand,

concerned to the physical surrounding,

52Mohammad Adnan Latief, Research Methods on Language

Learning An Introduction (Malang: UM Press, 2013), 77.


W. Lawrence Newman, Basic of Social Research: Qualitative

and Quantitative Approaches (Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2007),


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physical appearance, behavior and the

context in which events occur.

2. Interview

According to Monette, et al., in Ranjit

Kumar, an interview involves an

interviewer reading questions to

respondents and recording their answer.

Interviews are classified into two

different categories according to the

degree of flexibility. They are

unstructured interviews and structured

interviews. 54

In this research, the

researcher applied the second category

(structured interview). The researcher

asked some predetermined questions,

54Ranjit Kumar, Research Methodology: a Step-by-Step Guide

for Beginners, 137-138.

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using the same wording and order of

questions as specified in the interview

schedule. The interview schedule here

means the list of questions that will be

asked face to face to the respondents. It

is used as a research tool or instrument

for collecting data. The respondents were

the English teacher and the students in

the tenth grade MIPA 2 of SMAN 1

Sambit. The questions were related to the

implementation of graphic organizer in

teaching writing biographical recount,

influencing factors, and students‟

responses in its implementation.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

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In this research, the data were served in the form of

words and picture organized and analyzed after the

researcher collected it. According to Miles and

Huberman, there are 3 techniques of analysis data in

qualitative methods:

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is a process to select, focus,

simplify, summarize, code, abstract, and

transform the data that appear in written-up field

notes or documentation in teaching and learning

process. Data reduction is a form of analysis

which sharpens, sorts, focuses, discards, and

organizes data in such a way that final

conclusion can be drawn and verified.55


longer a researcher does the research, the more


Matthew B. Miles and A. Michael Huberman, Qualitative Data

Analysis (California: Sage Publications, 1994), 11.

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complicated data she gets. In this research, the

researcher needed to analyze data through data

reduction technique. She selected, summarized,

and simplified the data that she got from both

observation and interview. She was focus on the

data that were related to the statement of the

problems (the implementation of graphic

organizer in teaching writing biographical

recount, influencing factors, and students‟

responses in its implementation).

2. Data Display

The next technique to analyze the

data after data reduction is data display.

Generically, a display is an organized,

compressed assembly of information that

permits conclusion drawing and action. In

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qualitative research method, data display is in

the form of narrative text, matrices, graphs,

network, or charts.56

In, this research, the

data that had been summarized, selected, and

simplified in data reduce technique were

displayed by the researcher in the form of

narrative text, figure, and pictures.

3. Conclusion Drawing

The third technique to analyze data

according to Miles and Huberman is

conclusion drawing. In this technique, the

researcher made a conclusion of the analysis

which provides the information needed to be

focused in the subsequent data collection.

The conclusion is written based on data


Ibid., 11.

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reduction and data display. The first

conclusion can be changed if there is the new

one with stronger evidences.57

In this step,

the researcher described and interpreted the

data that had been reduced and displayed

related to the answer of the statement of the


G. Data Credibility

Related to qualitative research, Cavanagh says that

qualitative researchers should strive to achieve reliable

and valid results.58

It means that qualitative research

findings should be tested for credibility or accuracy

using terms and criteria which have been developed for

the approach. Appleton argues that the process of


Ibid., 11. 58

John R. Cutcliffe, et al, “Establishing the Credibility of

Qualitative Research Findings: the Plot Thickens,” Journal of Advanced

Nursing, 2 (August, 1999), 375.

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triangulation increases the accuracy of qualitative

research findings in that data from different sources can

confirm the truth.59

The researcher should triangulate

different data sources of information by examining

evidence from the sources and using it to build a

coherent justification for themes. If themes are

established based on converging several sources of data

or perspectives from participants, then this process can

be claimed as adding to the validity of the study.60


this research, the researcher triangulated the data that

were taken from both observation and interview.

H. Research Procedure

1. Formulating the Research Problems


Ibid., 378. 60

John W. Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative

and Mix Methods Approach, 247-253.

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The researcher decided the general

area of interest or aspect of a subject-matter

that she would like to inquire into.

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2. Extensive Literature Survey

At this juncture, the researcher

undertook extensive literature

survey connected with the topic that was

taken. So, she could get the representation of

it and compared it with her research that was


3. Preparing the Research Design

The researcher was required to

prepare a research design. She decided the

research design which facilitated the smooth

sailing of the various research operations,

thereby making research as efficient as

possible yielding maximal information with

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minimal expenditure of effort, time and


4. Collecting the Data

The researcher collected the data

through two techniques of data collection.

They were observation and interview. The

observation was held three times on March

13 and 19, 2019 while the interview was held

twice on March 12 and 22, 2019.

5. Analysis of Data

After the data had been collected, the

researcher turned to the task of analyzing

them. The analysis of data required a number

of closely related operations. They were data

reduction, data display and drawing


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6. The Report or the Thesis

Finally, the researcher

prepared the report of what has been done by

her and faced the thesis examination.

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A. General Data

1. The History of SMAN 1 Sambit

SMAN 1 Sambit was established on June 1,

1985. In the first year, that school was under the

auspice of SMA 1 Ponorogo. A year later, it was

moved to Ponorogo-Trenggalek street at Besuki-

Sambit-Ponorogo. In the beginning of its

establishment, that school only had three

classrooms, a headmaster office, a teacher room, an

administration room, an extracurricular room, a

counseling room, a warehouse, a teacher's toilet

and a student's toilet. There were no electricity,

telephone, and fence. The soil condition was dry.


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The weather was hot. Mr. Poedjono as the first

headmaster of SMAN 1 Sambit planted a pine tree

as a sign of the existence of that Senior High


2. The Geographical Place

a. School Name : SMAN 1 Sambit

b. Address :PonorogoTrenggalek

street, Besuki village

c. District : Sambit

d. Regency : Ponorogo

e. Province : East Java


Look at the document transcript number 07/D/12-III/2019.

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3. The Vision and Mission of the School

a. The Vision of the School

Building the school which creates graduates

that have good abilities in religion, science, and

technology, independent, and love the nature

b. The Mission of the School

1) Developing religious attitudes and

behaviors in the school and outside one

2) Developing the culture of curiosity, fond

of reading, tolerant in cooperation,

discipline, respect each other, honesty,

hard working, creativeness and


3) Carrying out the effective, creative, fun,

communicative and democratic learning

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that can actualize superior student


4) Utilizing study time, physical, and human

resources for the best results from the

development of the independent students

5) Creating a school environment that is

comfortable, safe, neat, clean and healthy

and encourages student independence

6) Instilling social and environment care,

love for peace, love for the motherland,

national spirit and democratic life

7) Implementing environmental protection

and preservation programs that integrate

with curriculum development of the


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8) Implementing participative, transparent,

and accountable management that will

make the school as a choice of


4. Teaching English in SMAN 1 Sambit

There are three English teachers in SMAN 1

Sambit. They are Mr. Marsudiono, S. Pd who

teaches the tenth grade, Mr. Nur Imam Badri, S. Pd

who teaches the eleventh grade, and Mr. Edy

Purnomo, S. Pd who teaches the twelfth grade.

Bringing mobile phone in SMAN 1 Sambit is

allowed. So, The English teachers take the

opportunity from that rule. They often use online

media to teach English. Those media are used to

deliver the material, give the assignment, and take a

62Look at the document transcript number 08/D/12-III/2019.

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test. The teachers adopt the various interesting

strategies in teaching English. They always consider

what kind of strategy which suitable with the

material that is being taught. So, the students can

study English well and happily. Meanwhile, the

comfortable learning atmosphere is always tried to

be created.

Teaching English in that school uses K13

curriculum. The teachers apply student center

approach. It means the teachers are not focus on

what they will teach but what the students will do. In

teaching a material, the teachers only spend for about

ten minutes for explaining the material while the rest

time will be spent for the students' activities that are

related with the material. The students' opportunities

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to practice the lesson are opened as widely as


B. The Specific Data

For collecting the specific data, the researcher

conducted the observation three times on March 13 and

19, 2019 and the interview twice on March12 and 22,

2019. The specific data that had been collected are

analyzed through data reduction, data display and

conclusion drawing techniques. Then, the result is

explained as follows:

1. The Data about the Implementation of Graphic

Organizer in Teaching Writing Biographical


In the implementation of graphic

organizer in teaching writing biographical 63

Look at the interview transcript number 01/I/12-III/2019.

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recount, the teacher will make a project

system. It means there are some activities

that must be done by the students in the

determined time. Those activities will be

begun in the same time but will be finished in

the different time because the students'

abilities are not same. Some of them are

quick learners while the others are medium

and slow learners.

Generally, teaching writing

biographical recount using skeleton graphic

organizer is divided into 3 main activities.

The meant activities were explained by Mr.

Marsudiono, S. Pd as the English teacher of

the tenth grade MIPA 2 of SMAN 1 Sambit.

He stated:

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I will apply “project system” in the process of

teaching writing biographical recount using

graphic organizer. The process will be begun

in the same time but it will be finished in the

different time based on the ability of the each

student. I have a planning that the first

meeting is for drawing the skeleton, the

second meeting is for making a draft, and the

third meeting is for writing biographical


When the researcher conducted the

observation three times on March 13 and 19,

2019 in the fifth, eighth, and ninth periods,

she found that the process of teaching

biographical writing using skeleton graphic

organizer was as follows:

a) Pre-activity

The pre-activity phase was

opened by salam and greeting the

students. After that, the teacher began


Look at the interview transcript number 01/I/12-III/2019.

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the teaching and learning process by

basmallah and checked the

attendance list. Then, he gave some

leading questions related to the topic

that would be learned. That was an

apperception activity. The questions

given to the students were: In Junior

High School you have learned about

some kinds of text, haven‟t you?,

what kinds of text that you ever

learned in Junior High School?, and

do you still remember what recount

text is?. After the students answered

those leading questions, the teacher

explained that the topic which would

be learned by the students was about

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biographical recount. He also

explained that in learning

biographical recount, the students

would draw the skeleton graphic

organizer, make a draft, write an

essay, and present the result orally.

So, in the end of the lesson, the

students were expected to be able to

write a biographical recount text

using its social function, text

structure, and language element and

present their own texts orally.

b) Main Activity

In this phase, there were 3

main activities that were done. They


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1) Drawing the Skeleton

In the first meeting, the

teacher used a story of a famous

person namely W. S. Rendra as a

model of essay. He asked the

students to read the essay then

invited the students to understand

the content of it together. He also

explained that the essay above

included recount text and there

were 3 kinds of recount text.

They were: the individual or

personal, historical, and

biographical recount.

Furthermore, a story about W. S.

Rendra was the example of

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biographical recount because it

was a written account of the

series of events that made up a

person‟s life.

After the students knew the

definition and the example of

biographical recount, the teacher

used skeleton graphic organizer

to give the deeper representation

of it to the students. The deeper

representation was about generic

structure and basic details of that

essay. The generic structure of

biographical recount text consists

of orientation, events, and

reorientation in which every part

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will be divided again into some

basic details. Here is the example

of skeleton graphic organizer


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Figure 4. 1 Skeleton Graphic Organizer with Its Generic

Structure and Basic Details



Address, etc


Work Experience

Family, etc

The last impression

or message

or hope

After that, the students

were asked to draw their own

skeleton graphic organizers. It

was one picture for each





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student. They used their

imagination to draw it. So, the

results were diversity. Their

skeleton pictures were almost

same as human, ghost, or even

doll pictures. In drawing the

skeleton graphic organizer, the

point was not about how

beautiful the picture was but it

must consist of head, body, and

foot and represent correctly

three generic structure of

biographical recount. So, the

body of the skeleton must be

drawn longer than its head and

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foot. 65

Here is the example of

the skeleton graphic organizer

that was drawn by one of the


Picture 4.1 The Student‟s

Picture of Skeleton Graphic



Look at the observation transcript number 01/O/13-III/2019.

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2) Making a Draft

In the second meeting, the

students were asked to determine

what story they would choose

and make a draft or sketch the

basic outline of the story. The

topic of the story was about “the

inspiring person for the student‟s

life”. It could be one of their

families, a teacher or even a

famous person.

After the students determined

the topic of the story, they

sketched the basic outline or

draft. They made a draft based on

the picture of skeleton graphic

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organizer that was drawn. So,

that graphic organizer was such

as the guidance for them.

As represented in figure 4.1

that the generic structure of

biographical recount is

orientation, events, and

reorientation. Then, every part of

the generic structure consists of

some basic details. Orientation

consists of name, birth, address,

etc. Events include education,

work experience, family, etc

while reorientation contains the

last impression or hope or

message for the character in the

Page 128: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


story. In making a draft, the

students must fulfill the basic

details with the information

related to the character that they

chose. The information must be

real. Here is the example of the

draft that was made by one of the


Picture 4.2 Student‟s Draft

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Then, the students who had

finished of making drafts or

outlines showed the results to the

teacher. Then, they would get

some comments. But the students

who had not finished of making

their drafts would continue that

activity in the third meeting.66

66Look at the observation transcript number 04/O/19-III/2019.

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3) Writing Biographical Recount

Picture 4.3 Writing Biographical Recount

In the third meeting, the

students whose drafts had been

corrected were asked to develop

the drafts into a biographical

recount text while the others

should finish their drafts first.

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When the students were doing

their assignment, the teacher

walked around the class and paid

attention whether the students

had problems related to the

assignment or not. After they

finished their assignment, he

checked it one by one and

corrected the writing mistakes

that were made by them. At the

end of the meeting, the teacher

gave the homework to the

students to type their

biographical recount and sent the

result to his WhatsApp. He gave

the special score to the first five

Page 132: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


students that finished all the

activities above. He gave the

various scores based on the

quality, quantity and the speed of

doing the assignment. Here is the

rubric of the assessment:

No Aspect Description Score

1 Quality





and content

of essay)

Very good




Very Bad






2 Quantity

(the length

of the


Very long




Very short






Page 133: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


3 Speed (the

speed of




Very Fast




Very slow






Table 4.1 Rubric of the


Note: the total score is multiplied by


c) Post activity

In post activity phase, the

teacher reviewed the material for a

moment. He asked about the

definition of biographical recount, its

generic structure, and basic details.

Then, he informed that the students

must present their biographical

recount orally, in the next meeting.

Page 134: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


So, their homework was preparing the

presentation. This phase was closed

by giving learning motivation, saying

hamdalah and salam. 67

2. The Data about the Factors Influencing the

Implementation of Graphic Organizer in

Teaching Writing Biographical Recount

Although graphic organizer is a good

learning tool for teaching writing biographical

recount, there are some factors that can

influence the success in its implementation.

Those factors can be supporting or inhibiting

factors. The meant factors are material, media,

classroom activity, classroom management,

67Look at the observation transcript number 07/O/19-III/2019.

Page 135: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


teacher‟s approach, and students‟ spirit in


The explanation is as follows:

1) The Material

In teaching and learning

process, material includes one of the

teaching and learning system

components. This component is so

important because without it the

students will got nothing and the

learning process will be useless. A

good teacher must be able to match

the material that is being taught and

the tool that is used. Dion made a

statement: “The chosen material must

be proper to be taught using graphic

68Look at the interview transcript number 01/I/12-III/2019.

Page 136: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


organizer. Graphic organizer learning

tool can help the students to write

biographical recount more easily but

it does not mean that this tool is

proper or suitable for all materials”.69

Based on the observation that

was conducted by the researcher, the

material about biographical recount

was suitable to be taught using it. The

generic structure of that essay could

be represented successfully through

it. As the result, the students

understood the material easily.70

69Look at the interview transcript number 01/I/12-III/2019.

70Look at the observation transcript number 02/O/13-III/2019.

Page 137: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


2) The Media

Not all of the media are

effective. Every medium has its

strengths and weaknesses. The used

medium for teaching writing

biographical recount was the picture

of skeleton graphic organizer. First,

the teacher gave the example of the

picture of it. Then, he explained the

material through it. After that, the

students were asked to draw their own

skeleton graphic organizers. It was

one skeleton for each student. They

used their imagination to draw it. So,

the results were diversity. Their

skeleton pictures were almost same as

Page 138: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


human, ghost, or even doll pictures.

The point was not about how

beautiful the picture was but the

picture must represent correctly three

generic structures of biographical

recount. So, the body of the skeleton

must be drawn longer than its head

and foot.71

Furthermore, Dion said:

The media that is used in teaching

biographical recount through

skeleton graphic organizer is the

picture of skeleton which is drawn

by every student. It helps the

students to understand the

representation of biographical

recount and remind them that the

orientation which is represented by

the head form and reorientation

which is represented by the foot form

must be shorter than events which

are represented by the body form.

71Look at the observation transcript number 02/O/13-III/2019.

Page 139: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


So, the students must be able to draw

the skeleton correctly.72

3) Classroom Activity

When the researcher

conducted the observation, she found

that there were 3 main classroom

activities that were done. They were

drawing the skeleton, making a draft,

and writing biographical recount. The

others activities just supported those

main classroom activities.73


to the classroom activity, Dion said:

The classroom activity must be able

to help the students reach the

learning objectives. So, the teacher

must decide what activities which

are suitable for the students. In

teaching writing biographical

recount through graphic organizer,

the teacher applies many classroom

72Look at the interview transcript number 01/I/12-III/2019.


Look at the observation transcript number 08/O/19-III/2019.

Page 140: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


activities that can be shorted into

three main activities. They are

drawing skeleton, making a draft,

and writing biographical recount.

The unsupported activities will not

help the students to reach the

learning objectives and even waste

the time. Besides that, because we

are applying “scientific approach” so

the activities must be done in row.

We can not instruct the students to

write the biographical recount before

they draw the skeleton graphic

organizer and make a draft.74

4) Classroom Management

The classroom management

can be a factor that influences the

success in teaching writing

biographical recount through graphic

organizer. It is suitable with. Dion‟s


The management of the class will

influence the success of teaching

and learning process. So, the

teacher must be able to handle it. In

74Look at the interview transcript number 01/I/12-III/2019.

Page 141: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


teaching writing biographical

recount through graphic organizer,

the good learning atmosphere must

be created and learning time must

be managed. So, the teaching and

learning process will run as

maximal as possible.75

When conducting the

observation, the researcher found that

the teacher tried to make the

comfortable classroom atmosphere.

The comfortable one did not mean the

class must be quiet. In explaining the

material, the teacher did not look so

serious. He often made a joke so all

of the students laughed. The students

sometimes talked to their friends

during the teaching and learning

process. But it was just for a while.

After that, they were focus on the

lesson again. The teacher walked

around the classroom when the

students were doing their assignment

75Look at the interview transcript number 01/I/12-III/2019.

Page 142: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


of making a draft and writing

biographical recount. He checked

whether the students got some

problems in doing the assignment or

not. Furthermore, the management of

time was also considered. The teacher

managed the available time so it

would be enough for all classroom


5) The Teacher's Approach

The different approach must

give the different effect to the result

of teaching and learning process

especially to the students'

understanding about the material that

is taught. The teacher applied

“student center” and “scientific

76Look at the observation transcript number 05/O/19-III/2019.

Page 143: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


approach.” So, the students could

understand the material more


Besides becoming the

supporting factor in teaching

biographical recount through graphic

organizer, the teacher‟s approach can

be the inhibiting one. It is suitable

with Dion‟s statement:

The teacher's approach will

influence the students' attitudes in

learning. In the past time, the

teachers used “teacher center

approach”. It makes the students

dependent with their teachers. They

were not used to think deeply and

creatively. By applying “the

student center approach” and

“scientific approach”, the students

will be encouraged to be more

active and creative.78


Look at the observation transcript number 08/O/19-III/2019.


Look at the interview transcript number 01/I/12-III/2019.

Page 144: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


6) The Students' Spirit in Learning

The last factor that also

influences the successful of the

implementation of graphic organizer

in teaching biographical recount is the

students' spirit in learning. Dion


The students' spirit in learning also

influences the successful of

the implementation of graphic

organizer in teaching biographical

recount. The students are easy to be

influenced by their friends. Although

graphic organizer is a good learning

tool, it will not be maximal to be

applied in teaching and learning

process if most of students are not

spirit to learn.79

In the real class, the researcher

found that most of the students were

79Look at the interview transcript number 01/I/12-III/2019.

Page 145: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


spirit in learning the material above,

so the other students became spirit


3. The Data about the Students' Responses in

Teaching Writing Biographical Recount through

Graphic Organizer

The researcher conducted the observation

when the process of teaching writing

biographical recount occurred. She found that the

students were spirit and interested in the material

that was being taught through skeleton graphic


It was suitable with the statement of

Aldo Septian. He said: “Skeleton graphic

organizer is so interesting tool. I do not feel


80Look at the observation transcript number 08/O/19-III/2019.

81Look at the observation transcript number 06/O/19-III/2019.

Page 146: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


bored when I am learning writing biographical

recount through it. I think it does not have any


Putri Vania gave the addition:

“Honestly, I dislike writing. It is so difficult. I do

not have any ideas about what I have to write.

But, when I write biographical recount through

skeleton graphic organizer, I become spirit. Its

form represents the essay and its basic details

have been provided. I just have to develop


The researcher also found that during the

process of teaching and learning biographical

recount using skeleton graphic organizer

happened, the students were active and excited .

They paid attention when the teacher introduced

82Look at the interview transcript number 02/I/22-III/2019.


Look at the interview transcript number 03/I/22-III/2019.

Page 147: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


and explained the material. Besides that, they

used their imagination in drawing the skeleton

graphic organizer. They do not duplicate what

the teacher drew on the white board. So, the

results were diversity and not monotonous.84

Yeni Sarofah commented: “When I am learning

biographical recount using skeleton graphic

organizer, it is my first time using graphic

organizer learning tool. It is excited. In my

opinion, the form of skeleton graphic organizer

is unique”.85

However, skeleton graphic organizer is not a

perfect leaning tool. As the other tools, it also

has some weaknesses. It is normal. Some

students conveyed their opinion about it. Alif

84Look at the observation transcript number 03/O/13-III/2019.


Look at the interview transcript number 04/I/22-III/2019.

Page 148: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Anis R. stated: “I like learning writing

biographical recount through skeleton graphic

organizer. It is easy because Mr. Dion has

explained the basic details of that text through

graphic organizer but it spends much time”.86

While Tiara Ayu N.A said: “I am always

confused if the teacher asks me to write the

English sentences. In writing biographical

recount using skeleton graphic organizer, I am

confused about the vocabulary and diction”.87

Dion also gave the short comment about the

students‟ responses in teaching writing through

graphic organizer based on his experiences that

have taught the mentioned material using that

learning tool for some years: “The students give

86Look at the interview transcript number 05/I/22-III/2019.


Look at the interview transcript number 06/I/22-III/2019.

Page 149: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


the good responses for the implementation of

graphic organizer in teaching writing

biographical recount. They look enjoyed

studying biographical recount through it”.88

88Interview to Mr. Marsudiono in SMAN 1 Sambit on March,



Page 150: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Page 151: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They




A. The Analysis about the Implementation of Graphic

Organizer in Teaching Writing Biographical


In teaching and learning process, the

linguistic forms such as words and phrases and non-

linguistic forms are like lines, arrows, circles are

often used. Using the linguistic forms without non-

linguistic ones will make the students easy to be

bored while non-linguistic forms which are used

without the linguistic ones will make the students

confused. That is a reason why combining both of

them is needed. Moreover, according to Marano,

Pickering, and Pollock, graphic organizers are tools


Page 152: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


which combine linguistic forms with non-linguistic

forms which show relationships.89

When graphic

organizers are applied in teaching writing, it can be

defined as learning tools that help the students to get

the general representation of a text from both words

and images that are provided and develop them into

a good writing.

Graphic organizers can be adapted for the

academic demands in all educational levels;

preschoolers, pre-kindergartens, elementary, middle

and high school. Furthermore, Katherine S.

McKnight divides graphic organizers based on the

skill sets being developed in which every type will


Hasan B. Kansizloglu, “The Effect of Graphic Organizers on

Language Teaching and Learning Areas: A Meta-Analysis Study,”

Education and Science, 42, 139.

Page 153: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


be divided again into many kinds of graphic

organizers. Types of graphic organizers are:

1. Graphic organizers for brainstorming

and idea generation

2. Graphic organizers for vocabulary


3. Graphic organizers for note taking and

study skills

4. Graphic organizers for supporting

reading comprehension

5. Graphic organizers for writing.90

Although there are thousands of different

graphic organizers that have been created for

educational use, there are a select few that are

proven to increase writing skills and guide writers to

90Katherin S. McKnight, The Teacher’s Big Book of Graphic

Organizers, v-vii.

Page 154: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


create proficient pieces of writing.91

Some graphic

organizers are also more relevant to different

subjects and topics than others. Kind of graphic

organizer that is applied by Mr. Marsudiono, S. Pd

as the English teacher of the tenth grade MIPA 2 of

SMAN 1 Sambit for teaching writing biographical

recount is skeleton graphic organizer which includes

type of graphic organizers for writing. That graphic

organizer is chosen to teach the topic above because

it is simple, unique, and its form can give the proper

representation of the generic structure of the

mentioned topic.

Dion explained about the implementation of

that tool in teaching writing biographical recount as


91Stephanie A. Miller,”Using Graphic Organizer to Increase

Writing Performance,” 64.

Page 155: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


I will apply “project system” in the process

of teaching writing biographical recount using

graphic organizer. The process will be begun

in the same time but it will be finished in the

different time based on the ability of the each

student. I have a planning that the first

meeting is for drawing the skeleton, the

second meeting is for making a draft, and the

third meeting is for writing biographical


Meanwhile, the implementation of graphic

organizers for teaching writing according to Katherin

S. Mcknight in “The Teacher‟s Big Book of Graphic

Organizer” book is:

1. The teacher uses a story with which the

students are already familiar to model of

organizer as the example

2. The students use graphic organizers as a

pre-writing activity which helps them to

sketch the basic outline of the story92

92Katherin S. McKnight, The Teacher’s Big Book of Graphic

Organizers, 187.

Page 156: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


3. After finishing making the basic outline of

the story, the students begin to write

4. The teacher corrects all writing mistakes

and adds some more details

5. The students rewrite their writing with all

corrected messages

6. The students type their writing.93

According to Katherin S. Mcknight, there are

six steps or activities that must be done by the

teacher in teaching writing through graphic

organizer learning tool while based on the

interview that were conducted by the researcher,

there were only 3 activities or steps. They were

drawing the skeleton, making a draft, and

writing biographical recount. Actually, those

93Ibid., 208.

Page 157: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


three activities are main activities. In every main

activity there were some supporting ones

includes what have been conveyed by Katherin

S. Mcknight. In fact, in the first main activity

namely “drawing the skeleton”, the teacher also

used a story with which the students are already

familiar to the model of organizer as the

example. The story used was about W.S.


In the second main activity namely “making

a draft”, the students also used skeleton graphic

organizer to help them to sketch the basic

outline of the story. They made a draft or basic

outline based on the picture of skeleton graphic

organizer that was drawn. So, that graphic

organizer was such as the guidance for them.

Page 158: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Then, the last main activity is “writing the

essay” namely biographical recount. This main

activity includes some supporting activities such

as the teacher corrected all writing mistakes and

added some more details and in the end of

teaching and learning writing biographical

recount, students typed their writing.

From six steps or activities that must be done

by the teacher in teaching writing through

graphic organizer learning tool according to

Katherin S. Mcknight, the teacher added one

step or activity. That is “checking the students‟

drafts”. He needs to check the students‟ drafts to

make sure that their drafts are correct. That is

important to be done because if the students‟

drafts are incorrect, there is a big possibility that

Page 159: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


their essay will be incorrect too. In this case, the

essay was developed from the draft. He, on the

other hand, also erased one step or activity. That

is “rewriting the students‟ biographical recount

with all corrected messages”. He did not ask the

students to do it because the time limitation. But

although the students did not rewrite the result,

they still typed and sent it to their teacher‟s

WhatsApp number.

B. The Analysis about the Factors Influencing the

Implementation of Graphic Organizer in Teaching

Writing Biographical Recount

Students who construct graphic organizers can

understand easily the ideas or detail of an essay and the

connection between them. That understanding of them

can be the guidance for the students to develop the ideas

that have been existent into an organized and accepted

Page 160: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


essay. Abdul Majeed Tayib states that graphic

organizers had significantly improved the students'

writing ability and had positively impacted their

attitudes towards this skill.94

Skeleton graphic organizer is a kind of graphic

organizer that is good for teaching writing biographical

recount. But, there are some factors that can influence

the success in its implementation. Those factors can be

supporting or inhibiting factors. Based on the

observation and the interview that had been conducted

by the researcher, those factors were material, media,

classroom activity, classroom management, teacher‟s

approach, and students‟ spirit in learning while

according to Hardy, et al. those factors are media,

94Abdul-Majeed Tayib,“The Effect of Using Graphic

Organizers on Writing (A Case Study of Preparatory College Students at

Umm-Al-Qura University),” International Journal of English Language

a nd Linguistics Research, 1, 15.

Page 161: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


classroom activities, classroom management, teacher‟s

strategy and teacher‟s approach.95

The first factor is material. Dion made a statement

related to it: “The chosen material must be proper to be

taught using graphic organizer. Graphic organizer

learning tool can help the students to write biographical

recount more easily but it does not mean that this tool is

proper or suitable for all materials”. The material can be

a supporting or inhibiting factor in teaching writing

biographical recount through graphic organizer because

not all of the materials are suitable to be taught using

graphic organizer. For the example is the material

about grammar. If the material is not suitable to be

taught using that learning tool, it will just become the

95Herdy, et al., “Improving Student‟ Writing Skill by Using

Graphic Organizer at the Second Year Students English Education

Department Faculty of Education and Teachers Training Lancang

Kuning University Pekanbaru,” Journal English Language Teaching, 2,


Page 162: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


inhibiting factor in the teaching and learning process.

So, to be a supporting factor, the material that is taught

and the kind of learning tool must be matched.

Furthermore, the new material given can be connected

to the students‟ prior knowledge and should be relevant

to the students‟ real lives.

The second factor is media. About the media, Dion

said: “The media that is used in teaching biographical

recount through skeleton graphic organizer is the

picture of skeleton which is drawn by every student”.

The picture of correct skeleton graphic organizer was a

suitable medium for teaching the material about writing

biographical recount. For the proof, Dion also stated:

“Graphic organizer helps the students to understand the

representation of biographical recount and remind them

that the orientation which is represented by the head

Page 163: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


form and reorientation which is represented by the foot

form must be shorter than events which are represented

by the body form”. So, the students must be able to

draw the skeleton correctly. It meant the picture of other

graphic organizer or even the incorrect picture of

graphic organizer would not support the teaching

writing biographical recount as maximal as possible.

The third factor is classroom activity. The researcher

found that there were 3 main classroom activities that

were done. They were: drawing the skeleton, making a

draft, and writing biographical recount. Hardy, et al.

state: “The variation of the classroom activities can

improve the students‟ writing skill in order to get more

writing practices in the classroom”.96

The more often

96Herdy, et al., “Improving Student‟ Writing Skill by Using

Graphic Organizer at the Second Year Students English Education

Department Faculty of Education and Teachers Training Lancang

Page 164: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


the students practice writing, the better result they will

produce. Three main activities above were suitable to

be applied in teaching writing biographical recount

using graphic organizer because they were in a row,

included the complete writing process, and help the

students reach the learning objectives of the topic.

Besides that, some supporting activities were also

finished by the students while the unsupported activities

were avoided. The unsupported ones will not help the

students to reach the learning objectives and even waste

the time

The fourth factor is classroom management. When

conducting the observation, the researcher found that

the teacher tried to make the comfortable classroom

atmosphere. Furthermore, the management of time was

Kuning University Pekanbaru,” Journal English Language Teaching, 2,


Page 165: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


also considered. The teacher managed the available

time so it would be enough for all classroom activities.

According to Hardy, et al., the teacher should be able to

handle all during teaching and learning process

happens. He must encourage and motivate the students

in writing activities without spending much time.

Moreover, the good atmosphere is needed to be created

to make the students feel comfortable.97

The classroom

management must be concerned by the teacher. He

should not always be so serious, ignore the students,

and able to manage the time. If the classroom

management was not good, teaching writing

biographical recount using graphic organizer will not be

successful enough

97Ibid.,, 51.

Page 166: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


The fifth factor is teacher‟s approach. Besides

becoming the supporting factor in teaching biographical

recount through graphic organizer, the teacher‟s

approach can be the inhibiting one. It is suitable with

Dion‟s statement: “The teacher's approach will

influence the students' attitudes in learning. In the past

time, the teachers used “teacher center approach”. It

makes the students dependent with their teachers. By

applying “the student center approach” and “scientific

approach”, the students will be encouraged to be more

active and creative”. So, choosing the proper teacher‟s

approach is crucial. From all approaches in language

teaching, the teacher must be able to choose a suitable

approach that can motivate, stimulate, and guide the

students during teaching and learning process. Then, he

should adopt and apply it. The different approach must

Page 167: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


give the different effect to the result of teaching and

learning process especially to the students'

understanding about the material that is taught.

The additional factor that also influences the

implementation of graphic organizer in teaching writing

biographical recount based on the observation and

interview that have been conducted by the researcher is

students‟ spirit in learning. In observation she noticed

that because most of the students were spirit in learning

the material above, so the other students became spirit

too. It will be different if most of students are not spirit

in learning it, the students who are spirit will be not

spirit too. While in the interview, Dion added:

The students' spirit in learning also influences the

successful of the implementation of graphic

organizer in teaching biographical recount. The

students are easy to be influenced by their friends.

Page 168: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Although graphic organizer is a good learning tool, it

will not be maximal to be applied in teaching and

learning process if most of students are not spirit to


Hardy, et al. on the other hand, have opinion that

teacher‟s strategy also become one of the influencing

factors in teaching writing using graphic organizer.

They say: “The strategy used by the teacher must be

effective for the students because it will help them to be

able to comprehend the material quickly so that they

could generate and organize the ideas in their writing

more easily.” According to Dion, the strategy that is

used is graphic organizer itself. He stated: “Graphic

organizer can be both a tool and a strategy based on our

point of view. It is called by a learning tool when it

refers to the picture of graphic organizer or the thing

and it is called by a strategy when it refers to the steps

Page 169: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


of the implementation”. The steps of the

implementation of graphic organizer have been

discussed in classroom activity so strategy does not

conclude in the factors influencing the implementation

of graphic organizer in teaching writing biographical


C. The Analysis about the Students' Responses in

Teaching Writing Biographical Recount through

Graphic Organizer

Dion gave the short comment about his students‟

responses in teaching writing through graphic organizer.

He said that the students gave the good responses for the

implementation of graphic organizer in teaching writing

biographical recount. They looked enjoyed studying

biographical recount through it. It was also what the

researcher found when she was conducting the

Page 170: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


observation since the first meeting to the third meeting

of it.

The reason why the students enjoyed studying

writing recount text using graphic organizer had been

answered through the interview that was conducted by

the researcher to the students of the tenth grade MIPA 2.

The researcher can conclude that the students like

studying or learning writing biographical recount using

skeleton graphic organizer because its form is unique and

represents the generic structure of biographical recount

and its basic details make the students write biographical

recount more easily. So, they felt the strength of graphic

organizer. The strength of this tool has been explained by

Krasnic. He states that graphic organizers which are also

named or called by visual maps have some strength as

follows. First, they can enable the use of skill areas of the

Page 171: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


brain entirely. Second, they help overcoming the

information load and allow the information and resources

to be collected in one place. Third, they increase

creativity providing flexibility in thinking and help the

individuals perceive the information entirely. Fourth,

they clarify the thoughts by means of relationships and

organization. Fifth, they help the individuals solve

problem, make decision and go into action and also they

develop memory and comprehension.98

Although this learning tool has so much strength, it

also has weaknesses as the others. Some students of the

tenth grade MIPA 2 have conveyed about the weaknesses

of it. First, they say that learning writing biographical

recount using this tool spends much time. It is suitable


Hasan B. Kansizloglu, “The Effect of Graphic Organizers on

Language Teaching and Learning Areas: A Meta-Analysis Study,”

Education and Science, 42, 140.

Page 172: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


with the explanation of Linda Irwin. She ever states that

the biggest challenge that will be faced by the teachers

who implement graphic organizers is about time.99

Graphic organizer is a kind of learning tool that needs the

large time for its implementation. Therefore, the

implementers should organize the time well and even

take time to plan the time management. The second

weakness of graphic organizer that is conveyed by the

student is it can not solve her difficulty in choosing the

correct diction. Basically, this tool has the limitation of

what will be focused by it. Bromley, et al. say that

graphic organizers help the individuals focus on what is

really important by taking their attention to the key word,

key concept and relationships between them. 100

So, it

99Linda Irwin, et al., Graphic Organizers for Reading, Writing,

and More, 15.


Ibid., 140.

Page 173: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


means that his tool will not help the students to choose

the correct diction. The ability of choosing it must be

learned by them independently through practicing writing


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A. Conclusion

After having the discussion in the chapter

V, the researcher summaries the result based on the

statement of the problems as follows:

1. The implementation of graphic organizer in

teaching writing biographical recount is divided

into three main activities. They are: (a) drawing

the skeleton, (b) making a draft, and (c) writing

biographical recount. In every main activity,

there are some supporting ones. Furthermore, in

its implementation, the teacher will make a

project system. It means those activities will be

begun in the same time but will be finished in the

different time because the students' abilities are


Page 176: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


not same. Some of them are quick learners while

the others are medium and slow learners.

2. There are some factors that influence the

implementation of graphic organizer in teaching

writing biographical recount. Those factors can

be supporting or inhibiting ones. They are:

material, media, classroom activity, classroom

management, teacher‟s approach, and students‟

spirit in learning.

3. The students give the diversity responses in the

implementation of graphic organizer in teaching

writing biographical recount. Most of them

enjoy studying writing recount text using that

learning tool because its form is unique and

represents the generic structure of biographical

recount and its basic details make the students

Page 177: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


write biographical recount more easily. While

the others complain that learning writing

biographical recount using this tool spends

much time and can not solve they difficulty in

choosing the correct diction.

B. Recommendation

1. For the teacher

The teacher should adopt the various

learning tools that can solve the students‟

problems in learning English especially

learning writing. He also should manage the

students to be able to finish the assignment in

the same time. He can be more focus to the

slow learners.

2. The students

Page 178: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


The students should be more excited

and enthusiastic in learning how to write an

essay well and master writing skill. They

should remember that mastering writing skill

is very important. So, they have to practice

writing regularly.

3. The other researchers

The result of this research can be used

as a reference for the other researchers who

will conduct a research which is related to

this research. But, the researcher realizes that

there are some weaknesses in this research.

So, the future researcher should learn from

those weaknesses and fulfill them.

Page 179: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They



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Page 183: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

Appendix 1


Number : 01/I/12-III/2019

Informant name : Marsudiono, S.Pd.

Informant identity : English Teacher

Date : March 12, 2019

Interview time : 10.00 am

Interview place : Teacher’s room

Arranged time : 07.00-08.30 pm

Researcher Siapa saja guru bahasa Inggris di SMAN 1 Sambit?

Who are the English teachers in SMAN 1 Sambit?


Di SMAN 1 Sambit, ada 3 guru bahasa Inggris. Saya, Pak

Badri, dan Pak Purnomo. Saya mengajar kelas 10, Pak badri

kelas 11, dan Pak purnomo kelas 12.

There are three English teachers in SMAN 1 Sambit. They are

Mr. Badri. Mr. Purnomo, and I. I teach the tenth grade, Mr.

Badri teaches the eleventh grade, and Mr. Purnomo teaches the

twelfth grade.

Page 184: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

Researcher Kalau pengajaran bahasa Inggris di sini seperti apa, Pak?

How is teaching English in this school, Sir?


Kalau saya sama Mr. Purnomo itu lebih condong ke media

online. Kebetulan memang disekolah sini diperbolehkan

siswanya untuk membawa hp dengan ketentuan tidak

mengganggu proses pembelajaran. Penggunaan online media

misalnya meminta siswa mengumpulkan tugas via WhatsApp,

memperbolehkan siswa searching materi diblog, ulangan

dengan menggunakan google form, dll. Sementara kalau Pak

Badri itu lebih ke offline media. Jadi sering menggunakan buku

paket bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, kita mengajarnya lebih ke

student center. Jdi bukan kok fokus ke kita mau ngajar apa tapi

apa yang akan dilakukan siswa. Misalnya saya mengajar materi

tertentu ya. Nah itu saya cuma menerangkan materinya sekita

10 menit sisanya aktifitas siswa. Jadi, siswanya yang lebih

akktif. Dan supaya siswanya belajar bahasa Inggrisnya senang,

kita berusaha untuk menciptakan suasana belajar yang nyaman

dikelas dan menggunakan berbagai strategi yang menarik, yang

sesuai dengan materi yang kita ajarkan.

Mr. Purnomo and I often use online media. Just in chance, this

school allows the students to bring the mobile phone if it does

not disturb the teaching and learning process. The examples of

Page 185: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

the use of online media are asking students to collect the

assignment by WhatsApp, allowing them to search the material

in blog, taking assessment using google form, etc. Mr. Badri

prefers to choose offline media. So, he often uses the English

Textbook. Besides that, we adopt “student center approach”.

So, we are not focus on what we will teach but what the

students will do. For the example is I teach a certain material. I

only explain the material for about ten minutes while the rest

time is for students’ activities. So, the students should be more

active than the teacher. And so that the students learning

English happily, we try to create the comfortable learning

atmosphere in the class and apply the various interesting

learning strategies which are suitable with the materials that are

being taught.

Researcher Kalau untuk mengajar biographical recount Bapak akan

menggunakan skeleton graphic organizer ya? Itu

pengaplikasiaanya bagaimana?

You will teach biographical recount through skeleton graphic

organizer, won’t you? How is its implementation?


Iya. Saya akan menerapkan project system dalam proses

mengajar biographical recount menggunakan graphic

organizer. Proses tersebut akan dimulai dalam waktu yang

Page 186: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

sama tapi selesainya berbeda tergantung kemampuan masing-

masing siswa. Saya berencana. . . pertemuan pertama untuk

gambar skeleton-nya, pertemuan kedua untuk membuat

draftnya, pertemuan ketiga untuk menulis biographical recount

dan pertemuan keempat siswanya mulai presentasi.

I will apply “project system” in the process of teaching

biographical recount using graphic organizer. The process will

be begun in the same time but it will be finished in the different

time based on the ability of the each student. We have a

planning that the first meeting is for drawing the skeleton, the

second meeting is for making a draft, and the third meeting is

for writing biographical recount, and in the fourth meeting, the

students begin the presentation.

Researcher Kita fokus ke writingnya saja ya, Pak. Kalau untuk penilain

tulisannya seperti apa?

Let’s be focus on writing only, Sir. How is the writing



Penilaian tulisan essaynya berdasarkan kualitas, kuantitas, dan

kecepatan. Kualitas mencakup aspek-aspek seperti structure,

diction atau pemilihan kata, isi dan lain lain. Kuantitas berarti

panjang pendeknya essay siswa. Terakhir kecepatan, kecepatan

Page 187: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

disini maksudnya kecepatan mengumpulkan tugas. Semakin

cepat semakin baik. Lalu, nanti hasil akhirnya dikalkulasi.

The assessment of essay writing is based on the quality,

quantity, and speed. Quality includes some aspects such as

structure, diction, content, etc. Quantity means the length of the

essay. The last is the speed. The speed here means speed of

collecting the assignment. The sooner the better. Then, the

result will be calculated, later.

Researcher Bapak pernah bilang kalau skeleton graphic organizer ini

sudah diaplikasikan untuk mengajar biographical recount

selama beberapa tahun ya? Jadi, apa saja faktor yang

mempengaruhi penerapan skeleton graphic organizer dalam

mengajar writing biographical recount berdasarkan

pengalaman anda?

You ever said that the skeleton graphic organizer has been

applied for teaching biographical recount for some years, didn’t

you? So, what are some factors that influence the

implementation of skeleton graphic organizer in teaching

writing biographical recount based on your own experience?

Informant Berdasarkan pengalaman saya memang ada beberapa faktor

yang mempengaruhi penerapan skeleton graphic organizer

Page 188: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

dalam mengajar writing biographical recount. Misalnya materi,

aktifitas, dan pengaturan kelas.

Based on my own experience, there are some factors that

influence the implementation of skeleton graphic organizer in

teaching writing biographical recount. For the examples are the

material, classroom activity and classroom management.

Researcher Maaf, maksudnya itu bagaimana, Pak?

Sorry, what does it mean, Sir?


Ya mengenai materi. Materi yang dipilih harus sesuai untuk

diajarkan menggunakan graphic organizer. Alat pembelajaran

graphic organizer memang dapat membatu para siswa menulis

biographical recount dengan lebih gampang tetapi itu tidak

berarti bahwa alat ini cocok atau sesuai untuk semua materi.

Selanjutnya mengenai aktivitas kelas. Aktivitas kelas harus

dapat membantu siswa meraih tujuan pembelajarannya. Dalam

mengajar writing biographical recount melalui graphic

organizer, guru mengaplikasikan banyak aktivitas kelas yang

dapat dipersingkat jadi 3 aktivitas utama yaitu menggambar

skeleton, membuat draft, dan menulis biographical recount.

Aktivitas-aktivitas yang tidak mendukung tidak akan

membantu siswa meraih tujuan membelajarannya bahkan

Page 189: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

hanya akan membuang-buang waktu. Selain itu, kita

mengaplikasikan scientific approach” jadi aktivitas harus

dilakukan dengan runtut. Kita tidak bisa menyuruh siswa

menulis biographical recount kalau mereka belum

menggambar skeleton membuat draft. Pengaturan kelas akan

mempengaruhi kesuksesan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Jadi

guru harus mampu menghendelnya. Dalam mengajar

biographical recount menggunakan graphic organizer suasana

belajar yang baik harus diciptakan dan waktu pembelajaran

harus diatur. Jadi, proses belajar mengajar dapat berjalan

dengan semaksimal mungkin.

Well about the material: The chosen material must be proper to

be taught using graphic organizer. Graphic organizer learning

tool can help the students to write biographical recount more

easily but it does not mean that this tool is proper or suitable for

all materials. Next about classroom activity. The classroom

activity must be able to help the students reach the learning

objectives. So, the teacher must decide what activities which

are suitable for the students. In teaching writing biographical

recount through graphic organizer, the teacher applies many

classroom activities that can be shorted into three main

activities. They are drawing skeleton, making a draft, and

Page 190: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

writing biographical recount. The unsupported activities will

not help the students to reach the learning objectives and even

waste the time. Besides that, because we are applying

“scientific approach” so the activities must be done in row. We

can not instruct the students to write the biographical recount

before they draw the skeleton graphic organizer and make a

draft. The management of the class will influence the success

of teaching and learning process. So, the teacher must be able

to handle it. In teaching writing biographical recount through

graphic organizer, the good learning atmosphere must be

created and learning time must be managed. So, the teaching

and learning process will run as maximal as possible.

Researcher Iya, Pak. Kalau media bagaimana?

Yes, Sir. How about the media?


Media juga berpengaruh. Media yang digunakan dalam

mengajar biographical recount melaluli graphic organizer

adalah gambar skeleton yang digambar masing-masing siswa.

Gambar tersebut membantu siswa memahami gambaran dari

biographical recount dan mengingatkan mereka bahwa

orientation yang digambarkan dengan bentuk kepala dan

reorientation yang digambarkan dengan bentuk kaki harus

lebih pendek dari events yang digambarkan dengan bentuk

Page 191: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

badan. Jadi, para siswa harus mampu menggambar skeleton

dengan benar.

Media also influences. The media that is used in teaching

biographical recount through skeleton graphic organizer is the

picture of skeleton which is drawn by every student. It helps

the students to understand the representation of biographical

recount and remind them that the orientation which is

represented by the head form and reorientation which is

represented by the foot form must be shorter than events which

are represented by the body form. So, the students must be able

to draw the skeleton correctly.

Researcher Kalau teacher’s approach dan teacher’s strategy apakah juga

berpengaruh dalam pengaplikasi graphic organizer dalam

mengajar writing biographical recount, Pak?

Do the teacher’s approach and teacher’s strategy also influence

the implementation of graphic organizer in teaching writing

biographical recount?

Informant Teacher’s approach akan mempengaruhi sikap para siswa

terhadap pembelajaran. Dulu, guru-guru menggunakan teacher

center approach. Approach tersebut menjadikan siswa

bergantung dengan gurunya. Jadinya Mmereka tidak terbiasa

Page 192: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

untuk berpikir mendalam dang kreatif. Dengan

mengaplikasikan student center approach dan scientific

approach, para siswa akan terdorong untuk lebih aktif dan

creative. Lalu, berdasarkan pemahaman saya, graphic

organizer bisa jadi tool bisa pula jadi strategy tergantung sudut

pandangnya. Ia disebut learning tool ketika merujuk pada

gambar graphic organizer atau bendanya dan disebut strategy

ketika merujuk pada langkah-langkah pengaplikasiannya.

Untuk langkah-langkah pengaplikasian, itukan sudah dibahas di

aktivitas kelas. Jadi sama saja. Cukup diambil salah satu. Dan

saya malah merasa semangat belajar para siswa dalam

belajarlah lah yang mempengaruhi graphic organizer dalam

mengajar biographical recount. Para siswa itu gampang

terpengaruh dengan teman-temannya. Ya, meskipun graphic

organizer itu alat belajar yang bagus, alat tersebut tidak akan

bisa maksimal digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar kalau

mayoritas siswa tidak semangat belajar.

The teacher's approach will influence the students' attitudes in

learning. In the past time, the teachers used teacher center

approach. It makes the students dependent with their teachers.

They were not used to think deeply and creatively. By applying

the student center approach and scientific approach, the

Page 193: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

students will be encouraged to be more active and creative.

Then, based on my understanding, graphic organizer can be

both a tool and a strategy based on our point of view. It is

called by a learning tool when it refers to the picture of graphic

organizer or the thing and it is called by a strategy when it

refers to the steps of the implementation. About the steps of its

implementation have been discussed in classroom activity

topic. So, the content of strategy and classroom activity are

same. Taking one is enough. And I even feel that the students'

spirit in learning influences the successful of the

implementation of graphic organizer in teaching biographical

recount. The students are easy to be influenced by their friends.

Although graphic organizer is a good learning tool, it will not

be maximal to be applied in teaching and learning process if

most of students are not spirit to learn.

Researcher Emm, kalau respon para siswa bagaimana waktu diajar dengan

graphic organizer, Pak?

Emm, how are the students’ responses when they are taught

using graphic organizer, Sir?


Para siswa memberikan respon yang bagus untuk penerapan

graphic organizer dalam mengajar writing biographical

Page 194: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

recount. Mereka kelihatan enjoy ketika diajar.

The students give the good responses for the implementation

of graphic organizer in teaching writing biographical recount.

They look enjoyed studying biographical recount through it.

Page 195: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 02/I/22-III/2019

Informant name : Aldo Septian

Informant identity : The student of the tenth grade MIPA 2

Date : March 22, 2019

Interview time : 10.00 am

Interview place : Classroom

Arranged time : 08.00-08.30 pm

Researcher Kemarin diajar menulis biographical recount dengan skeleton

graphic organizer ya?

Yesterday, you were taught writing biographical recount

using graphic organizer, weren’t you?

Informant Iya, Miss.

Yes, Miss.

Researcher Gimana kesanya pas diajar menulis biographical recount

dengan skeleton graphic organizer?

What is your impression when you are taught writing

biographical recount using graphic organizer?

Page 196: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

Informant Menarik. Saya nggak merasa bosen pas diajar menulis

biographical recount pakai itu.

It is interesting. I do not feel bored when I am learning writing

biographical recount through it

Researcher Ada nggak kekurangannya?

Are there any weaknesses of it?

Informant Menurut saya nggak ada, Miss.

I think it does not have any weaknesses, Miss.

Page 197: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 03/I/22-III/2019

Informant name : Putri Vania

Informant identity : The student of the tenth grade MIPA 2

Date : March 22, 2019

Interview time : 10.00 am

Interview place : Classroom

Arranged time : 08.30-09.00 pm

Researcher Apakah kamu suka menulis?

Do you like writing?

Informant Hehe.. Jujur saya nggak suka nulis.

Hehe.. Honestly, I dislike writing.

Researcher Kenapa nggak suka?

Why don’t you like it?

Informant Susah banget nulis itu. Saya nggak puny ide mau nulis apa.

It is so difficult. I do not have any ideas about what I have to


Page 198: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

Researcher Jadi masih kebingungan pas menulis biographical recount

dengan skeleton graphic organizer?

So, are you still confused when you are writing biographical

recount through skeleton graphic organizer?

Informant Tidak. Pas nulis biographical recount dengan skeleton

graphic organizer, saya semangat.

No, I am not. When I am writing biographical recount through

skeleton graphic organizer, I become spirit.

Researcher Kok bisa?

How come?

Informant Iya, Soalnya bentuknya itu menggambarkan essay-nya dan

detailnya juga udah ada. Saya tinggal ngembangin aja.

Yes, because its form represents the essay and its basic details

have been provided. I just have to develop them.

Page 199: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 04/I/22-III/2019

Informant name : Yeni Sarofah

Informant identity : The student of the tenth grade MIPA 2

Date : March 22, 2019

Interview time : 10.00 am

Interview place : Classroom

Arranged time : 09.00-09.20 pm

Researcher Menurut kamu apakah Mr. Dion sering menggunakan alat

pembelajaran untuk menyampaikan materi?

In your opinion, does Mr. Dion often use the learning tools for

explaining or conveying the material?

Informant Iya, alat yang digunakan itu beda-beda. tapi pas saya belajar

biographical recount pakai skeleton itu pertama kalinya saya

diajar pakai . . . Duh, apa ya itu namanya?

Yes, the used tools are diversity. But when I am learning

biographical recount using skeleton it is my first time using . .

. Duh, what is the name of it?

Page 200: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

Researcher Graphic Organizer learning tool

Graphic Organizer learning tool

Informant Ya, itu.

Yes, it is.

Researcher Jadi, gimana menurut kamu pas diajar biographical recount

menggunakan skeleton graphic organizer?

So, what is your opinion when you are teaching biographical

recount using skeleton graphic organizer?

Informant Menyenangkan. Menurut saya bentuknya unik.

It is excited. In my opinion, the form of skeleton graphic

organizer is unique.

Page 201: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 05/I/22-III/2019

Informant name : Alif Anis R.

Informant identity : The student of the tenth grade MIPA 2

Date : March 22, 2019

Interview time : 10.00 am

Interview place : Classroom

Arranged time : 09.20-09.40 pm

Researcher Kemarin belajar menulis biographical recount dengan

skeleton graphic organizer ya?

Yesterday, you learnt writing biographical recount using

graphic organizer, didn’t you?

Informant Iya.

Yes, I did.

Researcher Apakah kamu suka belajar menulis biographical recount

menggunakan skeleton graphic organizer?

Do you like learning writing biographical recount through

skeleton graphic organizer?

Page 202: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

Informant Iya, saya suka.

Yes, I do.

Researcher Kenapa kok suka?

Why do you like it?

Informant Gampang, Miss. Soalnya Mr. Dion sudah menjelaskan detail-

detail teksnya lewat graphic organizer tapi ya memang

lumayan makan waktu.

It is easy, Miss. Because Mr. Dion has explained the basic

details of that text through graphic organizer but it spends

much time.

Page 203: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 06/I/22-III/2019

Informant name : Tiara Ayu N.A

Informant identity : The student of the tenth grade MIPA 2

Date : March 22, 2019

Interview time : 10.00 am

Interview place : Classroom

Arranged time : 09.40-10.00 pm

Researcher Apakah kamu suka bahasa Inggris?

Do you like English?

Informant Saya suka. Tapi saya itu selalu bingung kalau guru menyuruh

saya nulis kalimat-kalimat bahasa Inggris situ.

Yes, I do but I am always confused if the teacher asks me to

write the English sentences.

Researcher So, do you find any difficulties when you write biographical

recount using skeleton graphic organizer?

Jadi apakah kamu menemukan kesulitan ketika menulis

biographical recount dengan menggunakan skeleton graphic

Page 204: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Informant Dalam menulis biographical recount dengan menggunakan

skeleton graphic organizer, saya bingung kosa kata sama

pemilihan katanya.

In writing biographical recount using skeleton graphic

organizer, I am confused about the vocabulary and diction.

Researcher Oke, jadi itu kekurangannya. Kalau kelebihannya apa?

Okay, that is the weakness. How about its strength?

Informant Menurut saya, unik dan menarik.

I think its form is unique and interesting.

Page 205: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

Appendix 2


Number : 01/O/13-III/2019

Date : March 13, 2019

Observation time : 10.15-11.00 am

Observation place : The classroom of the tenth grade MIPA 2

Arranged time : 02.30-03.00 pm

Observation : The first meeting in the implementation of graphic

organizer for teaching writing biographical recount

Observation Transcript The researcher found that teaching steps in the first

meeting were:

1. The teacher gave salam and greeting to the


2. The teacher began the teaching and learning

process by basmallah and checked the attendance


3. The teacher gave some leading questions related to

the topic that would be learned (an apperception

activity). The questions given to the students were:

In Junior High School you have learned about

Page 206: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

some kinds of text, haven’t you?, what kinds of

text that you ever learned in Junior High School?,

and do you still remember what recount text is?.

4. After the students answered those leading

questions, the teacher explained that the topic

which would be learned by the students was about

biographical recount. He also explained that in

learning biographical recount, the students would

draw the skeleton graphic organizer, make a draft,

write an essay, and present the result orally. So, in

the end of the lesson, the students were expected to

be able to write a biographical recount text using

its social function, text structure, and language

element and present their own texts orally.

5. The teacher used a story of a famous person

namely W. S. Rendra as a model of essay. He

asked the students to read the essay.

6. The teacher invited the students to understand the

content of it together. Then, explained that the

essay above included recount text and there were 3

kinds of recount text. They were: the individual or

personal, historical, and biographical recount.

Furthermore, a story about W. S. Rendra was the

Page 207: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

example of biographical recount because it was a

written account of the series of events that made

up a person’s life.

7. The teacher used skeleton graphic organizer to

give the deeper representation of it to the students.

The deeper representation was about generic

structure and basic details of that essay.

8. The teacher asked the students to draw their own

skeleton graphic organizers.

9. The teacher informed that the students who have

not finished drawing their skeleton graphic

organizers can make that assignment as their


10. He closed the meeting by conveying learning

motivation, hamdalah and salam.

Researcher’s response The researcher knew that the teacher did ten teaching

steps in the first meeting. Those activities consisted of

pre, main, and post activity. Although it was the first

meeting of biographical recount topic, the teacher did

not spend most of the learning time for conveying the

material. Most of the learning time was for the first

main activity (drawing the skeleton) which included

Page 208: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

one of the students’ activities.

Page 209: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 02/O/13-III/2019

Date : March 13, 2019

Observation time : 10.15-11.00 am

Observation place : The classroom of the tenth grade MIPA 2

Arranged time : 03.00-03.30 pm

Observation : The influencing factors in first meeting of the

implementation of graphic organizer for teaching writing

biographical recount



When the researcher was conducting the observation in the

first meeting of the implementation of graphic organizer in

teaching writing biographical recount, she found that there

were some factors that influenced its implementation. The

first factor was the material. The material that was taught was

about biographical recount. That material was suitable to be

taught using skeleton graphic organizer. The generic structure

of that essay could be represented successfully through it. As

the result, the students understood the material easily. Then,

second factor was the media. The used medium for teaching

writing biographical recount was the picture of skeleton

Page 210: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

graphic organizer. First, the teacher gave the example of the

picture of it. Then, he explained the material through it. After

that, the students were asked to draw their own skeleton

graphic organizers. It was one skeleton for each student. They

used their imagination to draw it. So, the results were

diversity. Their skeleton pictures were almost same as human,

ghost, or even doll pictures. The point was not about how

beautiful the picture was but the picture must represent

correctly three generic structure of biographical recount. So,

the body of the skeleton must be drawn longer than its head

and foot.



The researcher knew that in the first meeting, there were two

factors that influenced the implementation of graphic

organizer in teaching writing biographical recount. They

were: the material and media. The teacher has been successful

to make both of them as the supporting factors in its


Page 211: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 03/O/13-III/2019

Date : March 13, 2019

Observation time : 10. 15-11.00 am

Observation place : The classroom of the tenth grade MIPA 2

Arranged time : 03.30-04.00 pm

Observation : The students’ responses in the first meeting of the

implementation of graphic organizer for teaching writing

biographical recount

Observation Transcript From the observation can be known that the

students’ responses in teaching writing biographical

recount through graphic organizer in the first

meeting were as follows:

The students were enthusiastic in following the

teaching and learning process. When the teacher

gave the leading questions, most of the students

answered them. The others kept silent but they

noticed what the teacher asked. When the teacher

asked the students to read the story about W.S

Rendra as the example of biographical recount text,

Page 212: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

all of the students read it. They also looked serious

when their teacher was conveying the material about

biographical recount through graphic organizer.

Next, in drawing the skeleton, the students were

creative because they did not duplicate the form of

skeleton that was drawn by the teacher. They draw

their own versions of skeleton pictures.

Researcher’s Response From the observation above, the researcher knew the

students’ responses in the first meeting of teaching

writing biographical recount through graphic

organizer. Overall, they were active in following the

teaching and learning process and they looked

enjoyed too.

Page 213: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 04/O/19-III/2019

Date : March 19, 2019

Observation time : 01.45-02.30 pm

Observation place : The classroom of the tenth grade MIPA 2

Arranged time : 07.00-07.20 pm

Observation : The second meeting in the implementation of graphic

organizer for teaching writing biographical recount

Observation Transcript The researcher found that the teaching steps in the

second meeting were:

1. The teacher gave salam and greeting to the


2. The teacher began the teaching and learning

process by basmallah and checked the attendance


3. The teacher conveyed that today we are continuing

the material about biographical recount and giving

some question related to the material; the

definition of biographical recount, its generic

structure, and basic details (an apperception

Page 214: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


4. The teacher asked the students to determine what

story they would choose about “the inspiring

person for the student’s life” and make a draft or

sketch the basic outline of the story. They made a

draft based on the picture of skeleton graphic

organizer that was drawn.

5. The teacher checked the students’ drafts.

Researcher’s Response The researcher knew that the teacher did five teaching

steps in the second meeting. The second meeting

would be continued directly with the third meeting. So,

there were no post activities in this meeting.

Page 215: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 05/O/19-III/2019

Date : March 19, 2019

Observation time : 01.45-02.30 pm

Observation place : The classroom of the tenth grade MIPA 2

Arranged time : 07.20-07.40 pm

Observation : The influencing factor in second meeting of the

implementation of graphic organizer for teaching writing

biographical recount



In the second meeting, the researcher found that the

classroom management became the influencing factor in the

implementation of graphic organizer for teaching writing

biographical recount. The teacher tried to make the

comfortable classroom atmosphere. The comfortable one did

not mean the class must be quiet. The teacher did not look so

serious. He often made a joke so all of the students laughed.

The students sometimes talked to their friends during the

teaching and learning process. But it was just for a while.

After that, they were focus on the lesson again. The teacher

walked around the classroom when the students were doing

Page 216: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

their assignment of making a draft. He checked whether the

students got some problems in doing the assignment or not.

Furthermore, the management of time was also considered.

The teacher managed the available time so it would be

enough for all classroom activities.



The researcher knew that in the second meeting, there was a

factor that influenced the implementation of graphic organizer

for teaching writing biographical recount. It was the

classroom management. In classroom management, the

teacher tried to make the classroom atmosphere as

comfortable as possible.

Page 217: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 06/O/19-III/2019

Date : March 19, 2019

Observation time : 01.45-02.30 pm

Observation place : The classroom of the tenth grade MIPA 2

Arranged time : 07.40-08.00 pm

Observation : The students’ responses in the second meeting of

implementation of graphic organizer for teaching writing

biographical recount

Observation Transcript From the observation can be known that the

students’ responses in teaching writing biographical

recount through graphic organizer in the second

meeting were as follows:

When the teacher did the apperception activity by

asking some questions related to biographical recount

material that was learned in the previous meeting, the

students answer those questions together. Some of

the students who have forgotten the material still

tried to answer them although by reading the note in

their books. Then, the students looked interested and

Page 218: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

spirit when the teacher asked the students to

determine what story they would choose about “the

inspiring person for the student’s life”. They did not

need long time to determine it. Some of the students

chose the story about one of their families while the

others chose the story about the famous person. Next,

the teacher asked the students to make a draft or

sketch the basic outline of the story. Some students

who were confused with that task asked to the

teacher. After finishing making a draft, they showed

the result directly to the teacher.

Researcher’s Response From the observation above, the researcher knew the

students’ responses in the second meeting of teaching

writing biographical recount through graphic

organizer. They looked interested and spirit. They, on

the other hand, tried to follow the teaching and

learning process as well as possible.

Page 219: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 07/O/19-III/2019

Date : March 19, 2019

Observation time : 02.30-03.15 pm

Observation place : The classroom of the tenth grade MIPA 2

Arranged time : 08.00-08.20 pm

Observation : The third meeting in the implementation of graphic

organizer for teaching writing biographical recount

Observation Transcript The researcher found that the teaching steps in the

third meeting were:

1. The teacher asked the students whose drafts had

been corrected to develop the drafts into a

biographical recount text while the others should

finish their drafts first.

2. The teacher checked student’s biographical

recount writing one by one and corrected the

writing mistakes that were made by them.

3. The teacher gave the homework to the students

to type their biographical recount and sent the

Page 220: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

result to his WhatsApp.

4. The teacher reviewed the material for a moment.

He asked about the definition of biographical

recount, its generic structure, and basic details.

5. The teacher asked the students to prepare the

oral presentation of their biographical recount

writing as their homework.

6. The teacher closed the meeting by giving

learning motivation, saying hamdalah and


Researcher’s Response The researcher knew that the teacher did six teaching

steps in the third meeting. The third meeting continued

the second meeting directly. So this meeting only

consisted of main and post activities.

Page 221: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 08/O/19-III/2019

Date : March 19, 2019

Observation time : 02.30-03.15 pm

Observation place : The classroom of the tenth grade MIPA 2

Arranged time : 08.20-08.40 pm

Observation : The influencing factors in third meeting of the

implementation of graphic organizer for teaching writing

biographical recount



In the third meeting, the researcher could conclude that there

were three other factors that also influence in the

implementation of graphic organizer for teaching writing

biographical recount. Actually, those factors have influenced

since the first meeting of its implementation. They were: the

teacher’s approach, the classroom activity, and the students’

spirit in learning. The first was the teacher’s approach. The

teacher applied “student center” and “scientific approach.”

So, the students could understand the material more deeply.

The different approach must give the different effect to the

result of teaching and learning process especially to the

Page 222: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

students' understanding about the material that is taught. The

second was the classroom activity. When the researcher

conducted the observation, she found that there were 3 main

classroom activities that were done. They were drawing the

skeleton, making a draft, and writing biographical recount.

Beside those main activities, there were some supporting ones

such as reading the example of biographical recount and

checking the draft to the teacher. The unsupported activities

were avoided because it would only waste the time. The last

factor was the students’ spirit in learning. In the real class,

the researcher found that most of the students were spirit in

learning the material above, so the other students became

spirit too



The researcher knew and could conclude that there were six

influencing factors in the implementation of graphic organizer

in teaching writing biographical recount since the first until

third meeting. Those factors were the material, media,

classroom management, classroom activity, teacher’s

approach, and students’ spirit in learning.

Page 223: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 09/O/19-III/2019

Date : March 19, 2019

Observation time : 02.30-03.15 pm

Observation place : The classroom of the tenth grade MIPA 2

Arranged time : 08.40-09.00 pm

Observation : The students’ responses in the third meeting of

implementation of graphic organizer for teaching writing

biographical recount

Observation Transcript From the observation can be known that the

students’ responses in teaching writing biographical

recount through graphic organizer in the third

meeting were as follows:

When the teacher asked the students to write

biographical recount, they did that task directly.

They spent most of learning time in the third meeting

for doing it. They were noisy enough because they

did that task while they were talking with their

friends. But they were still under the teacher’s

control so the teaching and learning process ran well.

Page 224: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

In the end of the third meeting, the teacher reviewed

the material. The students answered the questions

compactly. They given questions were same as the

questions in the beginning of the second meeting.

They still remembered the answers and even have

understood the material.

Researcher’s Response From the observation above, the researcher knew the

students’ responses in the third meeting of teaching

writing biographical recount through graphic

organizer. They followed the teaching and learning

process happily. Something that made the researcher

amazed was the students were not sleepy although

their activity was writing.

Page 225: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

Appendix 3


Number : 01/D/12-III/2019

Form of document : Picture

Title : Interview to the teacher

Date : March 12, 2019

Time : 10.00 am

Location finding : Teacher’s room



Reflection In this picture, the researcher conducts the interview to Mr.

Dion as the teacher of the tenth grade MIPA 2 in SMAN 1

Sambit. She asks some questions which are related to the

Page 226: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

statement of the problems while Mr. Dion answers those

questions clearly. This interview really helps the researcher to

fulfill her data.

Page 227: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 02/D/22-III/2019

Form of document : Picture

Title : Interview to the student

Date : March 22, 2019

Time : 10.00 am

Location finding : The classroom of the tenth grade MIPA 2



Reflection In this picture, the researcher conducts the interview to the

student of the tenth grade MIPA 2. She asks some questions

related to the third statement of the problem (students’ responses

in teaching writing biographical recount through graphic

Page 228: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

organizer). She has collected the data about it when she is

conducting the interview to the teacher and observation. But

interviewing some students directly is needed to collect the more

believable data.

Page 229: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 03/D/19-III/2019

Form of document : Picture

Title : Observation

Date : March 19, 2019

Time : 02.30-03.15 pm

Location finding : The classroom of the tenth grade MIPA 2



Reflection In this picture, the researcher conducts the observation when the

students of the tenth grade MIPA 2 are being taught writing

biographical recount using skeleton graphic organizer. Some

students write the teacher’s explanation while the others listen to

Page 230: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

it. The researcher writes all which are related to data for

answering the statement of the problems.

Page 231: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 04/D/13-III/2019

Form of document : Picture

Title : Reading the example of biographical recount

Date : March 13, 2019

Time : 10.15-11.00 am

Location finding : The classroom of the tenth grade MIPA 2



Reflection Based on the picture above, the researcher knows one of the

activities that happen in the class. It is reading the example of

biographical recount. This activity does not include the main

Page 232: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

activity in teaching writing biographical recount through graphic

organizer but the supporting one before entering the first main

activity. After reading that example, the teacher discusses it

together with the students.

Page 233: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 05/D/13-III/2019

Form of document : Picture

Title : The example results of the students’ skeleton graphic

organizers, drafts, biographical recount texts

Date : March 13 -19, 2019

Time : 10.15-11.00 am and 01.45-03.15 pm

Location finding : The classroom of the tenth grade MIPA 2



Page 234: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

Reflection From the picture above, the researcher knows that the students

use their creativity in doing the first main activity in learning

writing biographical recount through skeleton graphic organizer.

They do not draw the skeleton in the monotonous forms but the

funny ones.



Page 235: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

Reflection From the pictures above, the researcher knows that the students

are doing the second main activity in learning writing

biographical recount through skeleton graphic organizer. They

are making a draft. The teacher has explained what are the basic

details in every parts of biographical recount generic structure.

The students only have to fulfill the draft with the proper


Page 236: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They



Page 237: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

Reflection From the pictures above, the researcher knows that the students

are doing the third main activity namely writing biographical

recount. The students write the biographical recount by

developing the draft that has been made by them.

Page 238: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 06/D/19-III/2019

Form of document : Picture

Title : Writing biographical recount

Date : March 19, 2019

Time : 02.30-03.15 pm

Location finding : The classroom of the tenth grade MIPA 2



Reflection From the picture above, the researcher knows the situation when

the students are writing the biographical recount. The class is

under the teacher’s control. All students do that task. When they

find the difficulty, they ask to the teacher. The students look so

Page 239: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

spirit. Nobody is sleepy although the teaching and learning

process happens in the afternoon.

Page 240: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 07/D/12-III/2019

Form of document : Official Document

Title : The history of SMAN 1 Sambit

Date : March 12, 2019

Time : 11 am

Location finding : Administration room



SMAN 1 Sambit berdiri pada tanggal 1 Juni 1985. Awalnya,

sekolah tersebut berada dibawah naungan SMAN 1 Ponorogo

hingga dipindahkan ke jalan Ponorogo-Trenggalek di Besuki-

Sambit-Ponorogo, satu tahun kemudian. Ketika baru

dipindahkan, sekolah tersebut hanya memiliki tiga ruang

kelas, satu kantor kepala sekolah, satu ruang guru, satu ruang

administrasi, satu ruang extrakurikular, satu ruang konseling,

satu gudang, satu toilet guru, dan satu toilet siswa tanpa ada

listrik, telepon, dan gerbang. Kondisi tanah disekitar sekolah

kering, udaranyapun terasa panas. Bapak Poedjono sebagai

kepala sekolah pertama di SMAN 1 Sambit, berinisiatif untuk

menanam pohon palem sebagai tanda berdirinya sekolah

tersebut. Seiring berjalannya waktu, pihak sekolah mulai

Page 241: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

melakukan pembangunan tempat ibadah, penambahan jumlah

ruang kelas, serta ruang-ruang lain guna mendukung proses

belajar mengajar.

Reflection Based on the data above, the teacher knows the history of

SMAN 1 Sambit and she can compare the situation of that

school in the beginning of its establishment and now.

Page 242: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 08/D/12-III/2019

Form of document : Official Document

Title : Vision and mission of SMAN 1 Sambit

Date : March 12, 2019

Time : 11 am

Location finding : Administration room



Visi Sekolah

Menjadikan sekolah sebagai penghasil lulusan yang ungggul

dalam imtaq dan iptek, mandiri, serta berbudaya lingkungan

Misi Sekolah

1. Mengembangkan sikap dan perilaku religious di

lingkungan sekolah maupun di luar sekolah.

2. Mengembangkan budaya rasa ingin tahu, gemar

membaca, bertoleransi, bekerjasama, disiplin, saling

menghargai, jujur, kerja keras, kreatif, dan mandiri.

3. Melaksanakan pembelajaran yang efektif, kreatif,

menyenangkan, komunikatif, dan demokratis yang

Page 243: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

mampu mengaktualisasi jati diri siswa yang unggul.

4. Memanfaatkan waktu belajar, sumber daya fisik

maupun manusia untuk hasil terbaik dari

perkembangan peserta didik yang mandiri.

5. Menciptakan lingkungan sekolah yang nyaman, aman,

rapi, bersih, dan sehat dan mendorong kemandirian


6. Memanfaatkan kepedulian sosial dan lingkungan,

cinta damai, cinta tanah air, semangat kebangsaan, dan

kehidupan demokratis.

7. Menerapkan program perlindungan dan pengelolaan

lingkungan hidup yang berintegrasi dengan

pengembangan kurikulum sekolah.

8. Menerapkan menejemen partisipatif, transparan, dan

akuntabel sehingga menjadi sekolah pilihan


Reflection Based on the data above, the teacher knows the vision and

mission of SMAN 1 Sambit is not only about how to be a

good school but also how to create the qualified students.

Page 244: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 09/D/9-V/2019

Form of document : Official Document

Title : Headmaster and teacher list in SMAN 1 Sambit

Date : May 9, 2019

Time : 11 am

Location finding : Administration room




1 Agus Prasmono, M.Pd. Kepala Sekolah


Kertosari Indah J4


2 Dra. Hj. Endang Widnarsih Biologi Sambit

3 Agus Heru Dwi Wiyanto Sejarah Sukosari, Babadan

4 Drs. H. Suryono Agama Karanggebang, Jetis

5 Drs. H. Purnomo Sidik

Kustiono, M. Hum.

B. Inggris Jl. Halim Perdana


6 Tri Agung Susetyono, S. Pd. Biologi Gandu, Mlarak

Page 245: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

7 Sugeng Subagyo, S. Pd. Geografi Campurejo, Sambit

8 Sri Purwati, S. Pd. B. Indonesia Dolopo, Madiun

9 Sentot Dwi Basuki, S. Pd. Ekonomi Jl. Pramuka 30 C

10 Sri Wasiati, S. Pd. Fisika Kertosari Indah M 7

11 Parmuji, S. Pd. Olahraga Sawuh, Siman

12 Junus, S.Pd. B.K. Sambit

13 Hj. Isra’ Indar H., S.Pd. Biologi Kutukulon, Jetis

14 Marini, S. Pd. Fisika/Prakarya Kertosari Indah C 1

15 Dra. Hj. Siti Arna Farida Matematika Siwalan, Mlarak

16 Ismu Sururiyati, S. Pd. Matematika Trenggalek

17 Moh. Agus Yunus, S. Pd. Matematika Jl. Barong Ponorogo

18 Sukarniwati, S.Pd. Ekonomi Karanggebang, Jetis

19 Nurul Nurwanti, S.Pd. Kimia Jl. Argopuro


20 Murjanti, S.Pd. B. K. Sawoo

21 Drs. Anang Sulasno Ppkn Keniten, Ponorogo

22 H. Nur Imam Badri, S. Pd. B. Inggris Ngabar, Siman

Page 246: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

23 Dra. Sri Widayati B. Indonesia Jintab, Jetis

24 Sumiana, S. Pd. Ppkn Campursari, Sambit

25 Edy Purnomo, S. Pd. Olahraga Wonoketro, Jetis

26 Kusuma Khoironi, S. Pd. Admin



27 Marsudiono, S.Pd. B. Inggris Ronowijayan, Siman

28 Sugiman Rustan, M. Pd. B. Indonesia Demangan, Siman

29 Uswatun Baroroh, S. Ag. Agama Simo, Slahung

30 Rini Nuryanti, S. Pd. Geografi Sawoo

31 Herni Wahyuningrum, S. Pd. Ppkn Siwalan, Mlarak

32 Priyono, S. Pd. Sosiologi Ngasinan, Jetis

33 Wahyu Ina Fitria, S. Pd. Fisika/Prakarya Bangsalan, Sambit

34 Totok Wahyudianto, S. Pd. Kesenian Jl. Imam Bonjol


35 Prihatin, S, Pd. Bahasa Jawa Tempel, Jetis

36 Anik Meilina, S. Pd. Sejarah Sragen, Jenangan

37 Chrisna Dwi Anggawati, S. Pd. Bahasa Jawa Jl. Muria, Ponorogo

Page 247: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

38 Drs. Supandi Ketua Komite Kemuning, Sambit

39 Parkusnan, SE Tata Usaha Ketro, Sawoo

40 Suwasi Tata Usaha Kutukulon, Jetis

41 Anny Istiana Tata Usaha Kutuwetan, Jetis

42 Patiyah Tata Usaha Besuki, Sambit

43 Suparnu Staf Karyawan Besuki, Sambit

44 Miftah Effendi Laboran Grogol, Sawoo

45 Anjar Rudiana Staf Karyawan Brajan, Sawoo

46 Imam Al-Gozali Staf Karyawan Besuki, Sambit

47 Nyoto Staf Karyawan Besuki, Sambit

Page 248: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 10/D/9-V/2019

Form of document : Official Document

Title : Student list in SMAN 1 Sambit

Date : May 9, 2019

Time : 11 am

Location finding : Administration room



Kelas X Kelas XI Kelas XII



Peserta didik Jml


Peserta didik Jml


Peserta didik

L P Jml L P Jml L P Jml

IPA/ MIPA 3 11 70 81 3 23 57 80 2 18 46 64

IPS 2 12 46 58 2 14 51 65 2 8 36 36

Jumlah 5 23 116 139 5 37 108 145 4 26 82 108

Reflection: Based on the data above, the researcher knows that the total

calculation of the students who are studying in SMAN 1 Sambit this year is 391.

It consists of 138 students in the tenth grade, 145 students in the eleventh grade,

and 108 students in the twelfth grade.

Page 249: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 11/D/9-V/2019

Form of document : Official Document

Title : Facilities and infrastructure in SMAN 1 Sambit

Date : May 9, 2019

Time : 11 am

Location finding : Administration room

No Jenis Ruangan Jumlah Luas (m2)

1 Ruang teori/kelas 16 1152

2 Laboratorium kimia 1 88

3 Laboratorium fisika 1 88

4 Laboratorium biologi 1 88

5 Laboratorium IPS 1 72

6 Laboratorium komputer 1 72

7 Laboratorium multimedia 1 72

8 Ruang perpustakan 1 112

Page 250: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

9 Ruang BP/BK 1 32

10 Ruang kepala sekolah 1 32

11 Ruang wakil kepala sekolah 1 32

12 Ruang guru 1 112

13 Ruang TU 1 32

14 Ruang OSIS 1 40

15 Kamar mandi/WC guru 4 32

16 Kamar mandi/WC siswa 12 80

17 Gudang 5 35

18 Ruang ibadah 1 100

Reflection: From the data above, the researcher knows what are the facilities and

infrastructure that have been provided in SMAN 1 Sambit. Those facilities and

infrastructure are enough but increasing the number of them is better.

Page 251: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 12/D/9-V/2019

Form of document : Official Document

Title : Organization structure of SMAN 1 Sambit

Date : May 9, 2019

Time : 11 am

Location finding : Administration room









T. A














Kelas X


Kelas XI








Page 252: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

Reflection From the data above, the researcher knows the oganization

structure of SMAN 1 Sambit. It has been arranged clearly.

Page 253: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 13/D/9-V/2019

Form of document : Official Document

Title : Student list of the tenth grade MIPA 2

Date : May 9, 2019

Time : 10.30 am

Location finding : Teacher’s room



1. Akbar Muhammad Aulia

2. Aldo Septian Nugraha Putra

3. Alfina Putri Aszahra

4. Alif Anis Rahmawati

5. Anisa Ridhotul Janah

6. Aurelia Kharisma Putri Dewanti

7. Aurora Jasmine Octasya

8. Binti Rohani

9. Desti Yolanda Sari

10. Erni Epriliana

Page 254: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

11. Hana Salsabila

12. Hilda Riski Nailufar

13. Kharisma Nurwidya Putri

14. Melanisa Ratna Pramitasari

15. Putri Asmarani

16. Putri Mei Munawaroh

17. Putri Vania Kusumastuti

18. Renata Pratita Wanaditiya

19. Riva Robiatul Adawiyah

20. Samsudin Surya Adijaya

21. Sulis Setyowati

22. Tiara Ayu Nur Anggraini

23. Trisa Arum Mawati

24. Yeni Sarofah

Reflection Based on the data above, the researcher knows that there are

24 students in the tenth grade MIPA 2. It consists of 3 male

students and 21 female ones.

Page 255: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Number : 14/D/9-V/2019

Form of document : Official Document

Title : The students’ score in writing biographical recount

Date : May 9, 2019

Time : 10.30 am

Location finding : Teacher’s room



No Nama Nilai









Akbar Muhammad Aulia

Aldo Septian Nugraha Putra

Alfina Putri Aszahra

Alif Anis Rahmawati

Anisa Ridhotul Janah

Aurelia Kharisma Putri Dewanti

Aurora Jasmine Octasya

Binti Rohani









Page 256: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

















Desti Yolanda Sari

Erni Epriliana

Hana Salsabila

Hilda Riski Nailufar

Kharisma Nurwidya Putri

Melanisa Ratna Pramitasari

Putri Asmarani

Putri Mei Munawaroh

Putri Vania Kusumastuti

Renata Pratita Wanaditiya

Riva Robiatul Adawiyah

Samsudin Surya Adijaya

Sulis Setyowati

Tiara Ayu Nur Anggraini

Trisa Arum Mawati

Yeni Sarofah

















Reflection From the data above, the researcher knows that the students

Page 257: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They

get the various score in writing biographical recount. The

given score is based on the quality, quantity, and the speed of

each student’s writing. The highest score is 95 while the

lowest one is 80.

Page 258: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They


Maela Himatul ‘ulya, who is called by Maela or Ela was

born in Ponorogo, October 30, 1995. She has the great

parents. Her mother’s name is Nadjini while her father’s

name is Imam Ma’ruf. She is lucky because Lord gives her

a beautiful sister. Her name is Eti Fathus Sa’adah. So, she

only has one sibling.

In 2008, she graduated from MI Ma’arif nglewan. Then, she decided to

continue her study in Al-Islam Islamic Boarding School which is located at

Joresan. She studied not only sciences but also religious subjects, there. She also

followed some agendas such as scout, mukhadloroh, and many others in KIR.

When she was in the tenth grade of Islamic Senior High School, she became the

chief of Qismu Ta’lim in Al-Islam Student Council. She felt so comfortable until

she spent six years for studying in that boarding school and graduated in 2014.

After graduating from Al-Islam, she did not continue her study directly.

She went to Pare and studied English in DEC for some months. Then, she

registered in State Institute of Islamic Studies Ponorogo in 2015. She chose

English Education Department as her major because she was interested to study

English more. Besides learning English lesson in class, she looked for some

experiences by becoming the committee of Stadium General, following the debate

competition, participating in the English Extracurricular of MTSN 2 Ponorogo.

Now, she is finishing her thesis as the requirement of the degree of sarjana. She is

also a private teacher and teaching Tasji’ul lughoh in Al-Islam cottage for girl.

Page 259: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They
Page 260: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They
Page 261: THESIS - IAIN · 4. My close friends, Musetiarini and Prasetia Muntiarini, who are always beside me for almost four years. They