Thesis Deo 10

 SACRED HEART SEMINARY SCHOOL OF PHILOSOPHY 1 SOREN KIERKEGAARD ON INWARDNESS & AUTHENTIC RELATIONSHIPS ------------------ A Thesis Proposal Submitted to Sacred Heart Seminary School of Philosophy -----------------

Transcript of Thesis Deo 10

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In Partial Fulfillment

to the Requirements for the Subject

Thesis Proposal


Sem. Deo B. de los Reyes

September 2011

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“It seems essential, in relationships and all tasks, that

we concentrate only on what is most significant

and important.”

- Soren Kierkegaard

What is it to make a choice? Each day, we live a life, full of choices. Big

or small, important ones or just simple questions, we are required to give an

answer, a yes or a no, either true or false, and answers that will ever change the

course of one’s life. Every day we are confronted by this reality of making a

choice. And we are bounded by this reality, as free thinking individuals. As

persons who are free, knowledgeable and having free will. We are individuals

responsible of our own selves, then the question should not be only be limited to

“what”, but also to “how” that is, how to make an authentic choice?

Today, we live in a postmodern world which has its own way of choosing;

postmodern culture takes the approach of the marketplace of ideas. 1 Rather than

choose one concept of right and wrong or one standard by which everyone must

live, in our postmodern times, all worldviews are welcome. Every idea, no matter

how odd it may sound, is not only tolerated but also warmly accepted. When it

1 Arthur Goldwag, Isms and Ologies: 453 Difficult Doctrines you’ve always Pretend toUnderstand. London: Quercus, 2007. p. 125.

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comes to what is normal or abnormal, people want it both/and, not either/or. 2

We’re open to every possibility.

Perhaps people may have already forgotten their ability to choose

authentically in this age. We have become untrue to ourselves, have lost our sense

of accountability in the actions we perform and begin to blame our wrong doings

to the rising trend of the modern times. We pass the blame to others and deny our

own culpability. Personal decision is a thing of the past; everything is decided by

the so- called “crowd”. And today, we are now suffering from this type of morality

which is known as ethical relativism. It has already infiltrated in some aspects of

our human lives ranging from mass media, education, and culture.

But what really is this, ethical relativism? Ethical relativism is an offshoot

of postmodernism, a philosophical temper which rejects any form of authority,

questions the historicity of a particular thought, and emphasizes not the objective

but solely the subjective truth. 3 An ethical relativist would tolerate expressions

that depend upon one’s situation, culture or place. Another guise to name for

ethical relativism is situation ethics 4 which also does not apply general moral laws

and principles but rather moral decisions depend on the context in which they are

to be made or rather, to what is most fitting to the situation. If this is the case,

there could be no absolute truth and goodness. If everything is true, then nothing

2 Mark Tabb, Mission to Oz: Reaching Postmoderns without Losing your Way, Chicago:Moody Publishers, 2004. p. 34.3 Fr. Ronald Quijano, SThD. Kindling the Hearts of Priests, Philippines: John Paul IINational Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, 2009. p. 32.4 Joseph Fletcher, Situation Ethics: The New Morality, USA: Westminster Press, 1966. p43.

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is true. There is no single answer but only a multiplicity of possible answers.

People do not believe that one truth will work for all people for all times, they are

more open to an ever-expanding variety of small explanations. They believe in

what is true for them and whatever combination of ideas works to help them cope

up with life and achieve the highest goal of happiness. Nowadays, for relativism,

this is the approach to everything.

So is there anything we can do to counter ethical relativism? Is there a

philosophy that could correct and bring back authentic and responsible choice to

people? As Pope Benedict puts the question, “Do we have time to reflect critically

on our choices and to foster human relationships which are truly deep and

lasting?” 5 I say that yes there is, and it is found in a certain philosophy where we

are able to decide and choose and live authentically. Through our own authentic

choices we become to be the persons we are. We should get back to the

philosophy of Existentialism. This kind of philosophy does not follow systems of

thought, but rather it is a philosophy that teaches us a way of life.

Existentialism is a philosophy of finding meaning, of what how it is to

exist. We live life according to what we know is worth living. We live up to the

principles and beliefs we know that is worth living and dying for. That must be the

life that we need to live. But how do we live this life of responsibility when faced

5 Pope Benedict XVI, Papal Message for the 45 th World Day of Social Communications:Truth, Proclamation and Authenticity of Life in the Digital Age – June 5, 2011, Url source: ben-xvi_mes_20110124_45th-world-communications-day_en.html

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pluralism that celebrates the multiplicity of point of view, and a line of thinking

that Kierkegaard anticipates in many ways. 8 Kierkegaard had already anticipated

the dawn of relativism as an extremity of subjectivity and the rise of the

individualistic life- view of existence. However, Kierkegaard’s own concept of

subjectivity and individualism may be different from the concept used now by

Relativism. Subjectivity, for Kierkegaard should be grounded on the true meaning

of freedom and responsibility, which is in the present case are being distorted by

ethical relativism. Today such terms are applied to explain the causes of

Relativism, but however Kierkegaard never used these terms to be the cause of

such inauthentic existence. Subjectivity and individualism should be understood in

the way Existentialism has understood it, especially in the meaning, Kierkegaard

had used to create his philosophy of authentic existence, Existentialism.

I think the problem of relativism lies within the realm of human

relationships. When people no longer see each other as unique responsible

individuals, we lose our sense of loving one another, we find refuge in the arms of

a relativistic society. When we not value the importance of relating, and be

concerned about our own selfishness. And this is not the kind of subjectivity that

Kierkegaard had in mind, of an authentic existence. When although his emphasis

was on the individual as a subject, however he never said that relationships should

be missed out. He even emphasized the need of love as well as loving

relationships in order for an individual to make a meaning out of his own life. It is

8 Caputo, John D. How to Read Kierkegaard. USA: Granta Publications, 2007. p. 3-4.

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in his need for subjective truth, that an individual must exist with another

existence, which can make him realize his own subjective truth. It is in this very

idea, that Kierkegaard had experienced the kind of existence, we call authentic

existence. Although, he was very much un-relational that he had only three

significant relationships in his life, however, we cannot assume that this fact

proves that he has no idea of creating authentic relationships, whereas, through

those few relationships, he has written a good number of philosophical books that

talk about authentic individual existence and its connection to other relationships.

Although he talks about existing out of the crowd but most of his works talked

about love, different kinds of love, and if we talk about love, there always exist

more than one individual, there exists a relationship.

My task is to relate and interpret his philosophy in the light of

relationships, which I feel in every way speaks about it. He has endured much and

has created his philosophy based on his own relationships and experiences. In his

philosophy, Kierkegaard described three life-views with different kinds of

relationships attached to them, which he called aesthetic, ethical, and religious. 9

Which of these lifestyles was best for oneself, he felt is never clear. Even though

he had only three significant relationships in his life but still he was able to make a

philosophy about relationships. Out of the only three significant relationships in

his life, the most influential were his relationship to his father and his fiancée,

9 Manuel Velaquez, Philosophy: A Text with Readings. 10 th ed. USA: ThomsonWadsworth, 2008. p. 654.

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Regina. In which I have found out to be useful and meaningful to apply in

discussing authentic relationships. His other last relationship deals on the

relationship he had encountered with the editors of The Corsair, a paper which

criticized Kierkegaard’s writings, it talked about an inauthentic relationship in

what he called “the crowd.”

However, another concept, that of Inwardness must not be put out of the

context of Kierkegaard on relationships. Inwardness, to seek the truth within

ourselves, is one of the most important things he emphasized. It is when we find

the true meaning of our own lives, in our past experiences, in our relationship with

others and our understanding of ourselves, that we get the truth. It is a kind of

truth that we cannot find outside ourselves 10 , it is only found inside of us. The

direction is inward in the sense that heart and mind is found inside the individual.

It is inward for we believe that there is a core, a focal point, a center within each

unique individual. This core is the object of inwardness. The task is to discover

that core where truth lies. The truth we are speaking here is subjective truth. It is

the truth which can never be denied by any outside source. The truth of a person is

unique from the other yet this same truth is what connects us to others in the sense

that each truth must never be concealed but be shown to all as an act of

authenticity. It is not good to hide the truth from others. This truth whenever is

revealed does not do harm but even creates good relationships among ourselves

even though if it presumes of being authentic of our own inauthenticity. By being

10 Caputo, John D. How to Read Kierkegaard. USA: Granta Publications, 2007. p. 10.

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honest about our own selves, as we impart our truths to one another, we develop a

sense of responsibility and respect for each has done the risk of exposing our truth

which can be our source of both strength and weakness. We then have to be

authentic for this truth is our authentic selves. This authentic self is fragile that

when an act of irresponsibility towards it occurs upon relationships, it could break

the individual apart. It is in this fragile situation, that there rises a need for

authentic relationships, where trust among us individuals protects our own truths

from harm.

It can be said that the life of an individual is interconnected, to quote a

term, “A Web of Life.” Our lives are intertwined through our relationships with

one another. It is true that our existence is co-existence. I mean to say that the

world exists through relations. We could say that relationships involve two or

more individuals relating to each other. A lot of philosophers have created many

concepts about relationships. They have called relationships in paired terms like:

Lover & Beloved, Giver & Receiver, I & Thou, The Self & the Other, etc. There

is one to speak and another to listen, a subject and an object, and the action

between. Relationships work that way.

It is then I think that Kierkegaard’s discussions on the stages of existence,

the authentic self and inwardness also speak of how relationships develop among

individuals and of which I aim to present in this thesis proposal.

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This philosophical research proposal is an exposition of Soren

Kierkegaard’s concepts of inwardness and authentic relationships. Kierkegaard

has concepts of authentic relationship and also of inwardness. He devoted his

writings on the existential questions of the human condition, which nevertheless

mentions the need for an authentic knowing of the self through inwardness and the

need to establish authentic relationships among other individuals as one of the

goals of existentialism.

This paper will try to expose how Kierkegaard’s notion of Inwardness and

Authentic Relationships can be a solution to the problem of relativism.

This study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are authentic relationships for Soren Kierkegaard?

2. What is the importance of Inwardness for Kierkegaard?

3. What is the relation of inwardness and authentic human relationships?

The following questions will be answered as shown in the outline that follows:

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Outline for The Philosophical Proposal: Soren Kierkegaard on Inwardness &

Authentic Relationships:

I. Soren Kierkegaard

a. Life

b. Philosophy

II. Inwardness and Authentic Relationships

a. Relationships

i. In the Aesthetic Sphere

1. Worldliness

2. Recollection-repetition

3. Self-deception

ii. In the Ethical Sphere

1. Either/or

2. The Angst

3. Intersubjectivity

iii. In the Religious Sphere

1. God-relationship2. The Paradox

3. Inwardness

b. Inwardness

i. Subjective Truth

ii. Authenticity

III. Conclusion

a. Acquaintanceship

b. Friendship

c. I-God-Thou Relationship

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One of the reasons why the researcher has chosen this topic on Inwardness

& Authentic Relationships is that of personal interests with the said topic and with

the life and Existential Philosophy of Soren Kierkegaard. The researcher would

like to express the benefit one has received upon reading and understanding

Kierkegaard’s Existential Philosophy and believes in the learning one has gained

upon reading Kierkegaard’s literary works. However, th e researcher intends that

this proposal is mainly for academic interest, which one believes can be a

contribution to the school and for the reader’s benefit of understanding Inwardness

& Authentic Relationships in the light of Existentialism as exposed by Soren

Kierkegaard. Existentialism is considered as a philosophical study, as it delves

into the relevant questions of the human condition. This research proposal is, as

well, be philosophical in character, since it is concerned with the human

understanding regarding Inwardness & Authentic Relationships. This study is

trying to give its readers a better understanding of Inwardness & Authentic

Relationships, or in other words about one’s relationships with life, other

individuals and of the world where one’s life exists. The significance of this study

lies in elaborating Soren Kierkegaard’s philosophy of Existentialism.

This paper will help us understand the value and meaning of Inwardness

and Authentic Relationships among individuals. Since Existentialist Philosophy

contains a moral appeal to the individual person to look at his or her life in a new

and unfamiliar way and to rethink the commitments that have hitherto defined that

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books of Soren Kierkegaard mainly those which contain his philosophical

writings, namely Fear & Trembling, Repetition, Works of Love and Either/Or .

These books contain much of the said topic on inwardness and authentic

relationships since they were written during the time when Kierkegaard had been

creating his own philosophy of authenticity, or moreover on existentialism. His

own encounter with life, relationships and experience during those times shaped

his philosophical views about existence.

The study covers Soren Kierkegaar d’s textual data on I nwardness &

Authentic Relationships, namely, Repetition, Either/or, Fear & Trembling and

Works of Love. These said books eventually will be encountered and cited in the

present study.

It is also needed to cite that Kierkegaard was a Christian Philosopher, his

works then are mostly related to Christianity. The Researcher would like to state

that the research will be closely related to Christian Theology but will not abandon

the philosophical nature of this study.

Likewise, several limitations will take place upon the study, among which

are the following: the research time is limited to S.Y. 2008-2009. The sources of

related literature will be on different sources that have been acquired by the

researcher such as sources available from the school library and several EBooks

(Electronic Books) which was downloaded by the researcher from various internet

sources. In addition, General references and other related materials such as

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commentaries, summaries and guides will be included by the researcher to help

better understand the said research.

Also, t he study is limited by the researcher’s reliance on the English

Translation of Soren Kierkegaard’s text on Inwardness & Authentic Relationships

as the researcher does not understand Danish. The English translations used,

however, appear authoritative because they convey extended and critical notes

regarding the original texts.


This research study uses the following methods: descriptive and

expository. Library research and textual analysis of the primary source were also

done. It begins with the meaning of Inwardness and Authentic Relationships.

The fruitfulness of this study is based on the applications of the principles


Then, conclusion, summary and some recommendations.

The following ideogram gives an overview of the whole study.