Thermal management 1 Топлинно проектиране в микроелектрониката...

Thermal management 1 Топлинно проектиране в Топлинно проектиране в микроелектрониката микроелектрониката Доц. д-р Славка Цанова
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Transcript of Thermal management 1 Топлинно проектиране в микроелектрониката...

Page 1: Thermal management 1 Топлинно проектиране в микроелектрониката  Доц. д-р Славка Цанова.

Thermal management1

Топлинно проектиране в Топлинно проектиране в микроелектроникатамикроелектрониката

Топлинно проектиране в Топлинно проектиране в микроелектроникатамикроелектрониката

Доц. д-р Славка Цанова

Page 2: Thermal management 1 Топлинно проектиране в микроелектрониката  Доц. д-р Славка Цанова.

Thermal management2

Защо термично управление? Надеждност и производителност -

термично повлияни Базови модели за обмен на топлината Системни нива и отвеждане на топлината Изисквания за охлаждане на микросистеми Електронни методи за охлаждане

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Thermal management3

Защо топлинно проектиране?

Цел на топлинния контрол в електрониката: Предотвратяването на фатална неизправност – внезапна

и пълна загуба на електронна функция и физическото разрушаване на компонентие или схемата.

Фаталната неизправност или отказът често се дължи на голямо покачване на температурата, което може да доведе до драстично влошаване на поведението на полу-

проводника и/или напукване или счупване, деламинация, стопяване, изпаряване и дори взривяване на мотажните материали.

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Thermal management4

Защо топлинно проектиране?

Първи “закон” на електрониката Законът на Гордън Мур (Gordon E. Moore),

който прогнозира, че броят на транзисторите върху един чип ще се удвоява на всеки две години,

които в съчетание с намаляването на размерите допринася за лавинното нарастване на термичните предизвикателства.

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Thermal management5

Брой транзистори

1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010











Pentium® Pro

K1 Billion 1 Billion


Source: IntelSource: Intel

Pentium® IIPentium® III

Courtesy, Intel

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Thermal management6

Законът на Мур при микропроцесорите


80808085 8086


486Pentium® proc









1970 1980 1990 2000 2010Year




rs (



2X growth in 1.96 years!

Transistors on Lead Microprocessors double every 2 yearsTransistors on Lead Microprocessors double every 2 years

Courtesy, Intel

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Thermal management7


P6Pentium ® proc











1970 1980 1990 2000 2010Year






Lead Microprocessors frequency doubles every 2 yearsLead Microprocessors frequency doubles every 2 years

Doubles every2 years

Courtesy, Intel

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Thermal management8

Отделяна мощност

P6Pentium ® proc









1971 1974 1978 1985 1992 2000Year






Lead Microprocessors power continues to increaseLead Microprocessors power continues to increase

Courtesy, Intel

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Thermal management9

Плътност на мощността





486Pentium® proc







1970 1980 1990 2000 2010Year








Hot Plate



Power density too high to keep junctions at low tempPower density too high to keep junctions at low temp

Courtesy, Intel

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Thermal management10

Втори закон на електрониката

През последните години нарастващият страх, че законът на Мур ще се “забави“ или спре да дайства, в съчетание с непрекъснато търсене на евтини микроминиатюрни устройства доведе до

концепцията на система в пакет (system-on-package (SOP), в която системната платка и корпусът на интегралната схема стават едно и също нещо.

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Thermal management11

Second law of electronics The SOP technology integrates a number of leading-edge

technology waves that include digital, RF, micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), sensors, and optoelectronics in a highly miniaturized system package.

The focus of SOP is thus on miniaturization of system components, including not only actives but also passives, power sources, I/Os, thermal structures, and system I/Os.

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Thermal management12

Why Thermal Management of Microsystems?

Single microelectronic chip may include as many as 1 milliard transistors.

Many tens of such components may be used in a single system.

The minimization or elimination of thermally-induced failures requires the reduction of the temperature rise above the ambient and minimization of temperature variations within the packaging structure(s).

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Thermal management13

Thermal Sourcesin SOP

Power converter



System Memory

Decoupling Capacitors


Power Amplifier

Power Converter

Thermally SensitiveElements

Transmission Line Structures

MEMS BasedSwitches

Vertical Cavity SurfaceEmitting Laser

Laser Diode

Light Emitting Diode



Thermal Sourcesin SOP

Power converter



System Memory

Decoupling Capacitors


Power Amplifier

Power Converter

Thermally SensitiveElements

Transmission Line Structures

MEMS BasedSwitches

Vertical Cavity SurfaceEmitting Laser

Laser Diode

Light Emitting Diode



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Thermal management14

Тенденции при плътността на мощността

Power dissipation Hot spots Cost of cooling

Low cost cooling Air flow fans Heat sinks

Expensive cooling solutions Liquid cooling Refrigeration

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Thermal management15

Надеждността и функционирането – зависими от топлината

Operating temperatures outside a range can cause deteriorated performance of active semiconductors- the leakage current may increase in DRAM, clock frequency may reduce, and wavelength drift and power drop may occur in

optoelectronic modules.

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Thermal management16

Надеждността и функционирането – зависими от топлината

The mismatch in the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) between ICs and organic substrates 2.8 ppm/°C for Si, ~6 ppm/°C for GaAs, -25 ppm/°C for eutectic Sn63Pb37 solder, and 14 to 20 ppm/°C for organic epoxy fiberglass

FR4 generates thermal stress at the solder joints.

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Thermal management17

Надеждността и функционирането – зависими от топлината

The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) provides a projected value of allowable junction and operating temperatures in various microsystems.

The junction temperature for single chip-packaged devices can't be allowed to rise

above 125°C in low-cost, handheld, and memory devices;

above 175°C in devices working in harsh environment; and

above 100°C in high-performance and cost-effective devices.

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Thermal management18

Механизми за пренасяне на топлината

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Thermal management19

Механизми за пренасяне на топлината Преносът на топлина може да се осъществява

чрез: топлопроводимост, конвекция и топлинно излъчване.

Топлопроводимост - процес на пренасяне на топлината посредством хаотичното топлинно движение на молекулите и атомите, обусловено от нееднородното разпределение на температурата.

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Thermal management20

Механизми за пренасяне на топлината

Топлопроводимост - процес на пренасяне на топлината посредством хаотичното топлинно движение на молекулите и атомите, обусловено от нееднородното разпределение на температурата.

Топлинно излъчване е процес на разпространение на топлината чрез електромагнитни вълни, обусловен само от температурата и оптическите свойства на излъчващото тяло.

Конвекция е насочено пренасяне на течност или газ от места с по-ниска към места с по-висока температура. При твърдите тела няма конвекция.

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Thermal management21

Механизми за пренасяне на топлината

Според първия закон на нтермодинамиката и закона наФурие:

EнергиятаEнергията, , влизаща влизаща в в обемаобемавследствие топлопроводимосттавследствие топлопроводимостта


EнергиятаEнергията, , акумулиранаакумулиранав в обемаобема

EнергиятаEнергията, , генериранагенериранавътревътре в в обемаобема

EнергиятаEнергията, , изведена от обемаизведена от обемавследствие топлопроводимосттавследствие топлопроводимостта



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Thermal management22

Fundamental Heat Transfer Modes

By applying the first law of thermodynamics and Fourier's law to an incremental control volume and in the cartesian coordinate system it is given as:

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Thermal management23

Отвеждане на топлината на различните нива на монтаж

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Thermal management24

Отвеждане на топлината на различните нива на монтаж

Ниво 1 : Корпусът, който съдържа и защитава чипа, на дъното на монтажната йерархия.

Ниво 2 : Печатната платка, която осигурява комуникацията между отделните интегрални схеми и компоненти.

Ниво 3 : Дънната платка, която свързва печатните платки.

Ниво 4 : Кутията, конзолата, или шкафа, който помещава цялата система.

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Thermal management25

Thermal ManagementTechnologies

Passive MethodsActive Methods Thermal Interfaces

Liquid cooling

Gas cooling

Thermoelectric coolers

Thermionic coolers

Heat PipesThermosyphons

Spray cooling

Vapor Compression

Heat Sink

Heat Spreader

Thermal Via

Conductive Substrate

Thermal Via

Thermal Grease

Thermal Gel

Phase Change Material


Metal BasedThin Interface

Thermal ManagementTechnologies

Passive MethodsActive Methods Thermal Interfaces

Liquid cooling

Gas cooling

Thermoelectric coolers

Thermionic coolers

Heat PipesThermosyphons

Spray cooling

Vapor Compression

Heat Sink

Heat Spreader

Thermal Via

Conductive Substrate

Thermal Via

Thermal Grease

Thermal Gel

Phase Change Material


Metal BasedThin Interface

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Thermal management26

Heat Sink with integrated vapor chamber

Courtesy: Grubb, Thermacore International

Heat Sink with integrated oscillating heat pipe

Courtesy: Katoh et al., ITHERM2004

Heat Sink with integrated vapor chamber

Courtesy: Grubb, Thermacore International

Heat Sink with integrated oscillating heat pipe

Courtesy: Katoh et al., ITHERM2004

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Thermal management27

Classical heat pipe






Garner, Electronics Cooling, 02, 1996

Liquid-vapour two-phase-loop, with evaporation at the one end (heat source) and condensation at the other end (heat sink)

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Thermal management28

Loop Heat Pipe

In the LHP the evaporator and condenser components are separated. LHPs can transport a large amount of heat over long distances with minimal temperature drop & excellent performance against gravity.

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Thermal management29

Loop heat pipe


Liquid line




Compensation chamber

Liquid supply to evaporator by capillary action

Axial grove

Vapor line



AdiabaticLiquid line


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Thermal management30

Pulsating heat pipe

Kahandekar et al., Electronics Cooling, 05, 2003

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Thermal management31

Pulsating heat pipe

Kahandekar et al., Electronics Cooling, 05, 2003

PHP has no complicated wick structure, is easy to produce, and is capable of higher power transportation. Gravity has little influence on a PHP.

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Thermal management32

heat pipes

Охлаждащи модули с пасивни микроохладители (heat pipes) в преносимите компютри

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Thermal management33


IntroductionPackaging 3D

Connections thermiques

Refroidissement actif


Interconnections électriques


Capot avec broches de raccordement

Substrat double face

source froide

Projet « Microcooling » Thalès Avionics

Thèse de N. Popova

• Intégrer un caloduc (dispositif de changement de phase d’un fluide)

• Dissiper 34 W

• Épaisseur max/niveau composants = 1,8 mm

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Thermal management34

maximal thickness of the double sided substrate

1.8 mm

heat power dissipation should be at least 50W

to work against gravity

Project requirements

1 double sided substrate with heat pipe

3 single sided substrates with heat pipe

Initial design

Improved design

Substrates with only 0.9 mm thickness

Substrate with 1.8 mm thickness

Stacked 3D module


Clamping system


Thermal drains



3D packaging

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Thermal management35


Heat enters the heat pipe and evaporates the liquid in the wick

Cold source

Heat sources

Vapor condenses -

heat exits the HP

The liquid evaporates (evaporator section) with an important heat absorption (latent heat)

The vapor flows to the cold part (condenser) of the heat pipe

There the vapor condenses releasing its latent heat

And the liquid returns to the evaporator by capillary effects

Heat pipe

Heat sourcesCondenser


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Thermal management36



réseau capillairesaturé de liquide

sources chaudes


espace vapeur

Caloduc intégré dans le substrat multi puces





source chaude



Flat Micro Heat Pipe Operation

FMHPs are typically used for cooling PCBs or for heat levelling to produce an isothermal plane. They could be embedded directly onto the silicon substrate of an integrated circuit.

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Thermal management37

Packaging Level Passive Cooling Techniques Active Cooling Techniques

IC Package High-conductivity adhesive Air jet impingement

Level 1 Greases Dielectric liquid

Phase change materials

High conductivity molding compound

Heat spreader

Heat sinks

Dielectric liquid immersion

Heat pipes

PWB Thick power and ground planes Fans

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Thermal management38

Packaging Level

Passive Cooling Techniques

Active Cooling Techniques

Level 2 Insulated metal substrates Dielectric liquids

Heat pipes Cold plates

Natural convection

Module and rack Natural convection Air handling

Level 3 + 4 Heat pipes Cold plates

Refrigeration systems

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Thermal management39

Корпусиран чип

Охлаждане на корпусиран чип с радиатор. 1 - дънна платка, 2 – външни изводи, 3 - топло-проводяща грес, 4 – радиатор, 5 –

пластмасов корпус, 6 – бондове, 7 - силициев кристал..

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Thermal management40

Thermal Characterization

The objective of thermal characterization is to determine the temperature fields within the system, with the appropriate resolution spatially and temporally.

As part of the design process of a microsystem it is necessary to characterize the thermal fields through modelling and measurements.

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Thermal management41

Numerical Methods for Thermal Characterization Analytical or closed-form solutions approach

Suitable for a class of idealized situations involving the chip, package, or module.

In this approach, the heat input is usually prescribed as a uniform heat flux or as a uniform volumetric heat generation rate such that exact solutions of linear sets of governing equations can be obtained.

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Thermal management42

Numerical Methods for Thermal Characterization Resistor network approach

1D and 2D heat conduction resistances in rectangular and radial geometries are utilized to simulate the thermal characteristics of the package.

This method is usually used at the package, module, and system levels.

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Thermal management43

Numerical Methods for Thermal Characterization Numerical solutions of the discretized governing

differential equations This method belongs to the broad subject of

computational fluid dynamics (CFD). It can be used for simulations at the package or PWB

level to solve the heat conduction equation in two or three dimensions or for simulations of coupled fluid flow and heat transfer in the entire electronic systems.

Since CFD simulations are capable of producing a detailed temperature distribution, they can also be used for evaluating thermomechanical stresses, especially in locations containing packaging materials with unequal coefficients of thermal expansion.

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