THE UREATUITT NEWS J WISH HACllNS Odltor = hrldny April USiHl 1004 VltOKKSSlONAL CAIWSt 1 N ue llAOIVJ 0 X UOWLIKO HAG INS tC fl 9WUNO AITU1tN11SAf W Ofltce over loil0fllc JACKSOX Jh KENTUCKY ErH business intruded to them will receive prompt and careful nt tenttunJrmnnnnnnmnnnnnmmnnnnnnl g L C ROARK s LAWYEK 3- E JAOJ SON KENTUOKY t Wilt practice in BreathItt and 1 = Ming lllsi Counties E iI IIII111WIUIlliUUlilllAUWU1111- WttlllINfN g N1NN N NNN 1 Ii L JAQKBON KENruCKi N NNNNNNNN NN- t N 1 fl VDi nc ZTrnTE CawyQrO- fllegotierhank Mnnchusier Clay Co > a Kentucky f Also UbqiirCpS Kenlucky Title Bld- Rt Louisville Ky Will prnclUeln Sinle and US Gonrtr + Invites correspcndence touching New Hrn Co Innds in Oxvley or C V L Co lands in llnrlnn or Goose Greek funny KyUpon 11 InveRliRntr nnd report vuluenof titlesor Inr e tincl tit timber conl nod oil Inndii locntfd between Me lmcU Monroe county Ky and the bend of KiiiRdi ni Come Lelch er Co Ky 5S252525252525252S2S225lin m CIVIL ENGINEERS rnAN1 SURVEYORS ill Prompt Attention given toID > nil classes of work aid rn BATTsFACfioN GUARANTEED IMr JACKSON o r f FICEJ KENTUCKY- SHSHCHSHsaSHScEaSHSHSHSH m 1 n 4 Circulation moro than FOUltlIEN lIUXDIUiJO copies I Ionlr 4to Ikins Ilny 100 tho Lonttuttoo to tljWpoiiioirraJic nominee for Con usa rQul district and th imiimryrylifch was called fofMu 1 7tli JIMS i t called off ytv will accept advertisements on a guaranty that our paper liioro than twice the circulation in t pi yutt Countyof any paper plhltshbdur luittnr goes to o- er v 1nnn in Perry County R IIIlIJ iodory ouu ill Lee 1fl1 Rofht V H and Wolfe Couilit tlG9- 1t MI J Jf rtireaeh the uwuu tIt BHEATS II J f TIT qr r r yK Iltle0da stiiteuient in tlJ1 t r JluUorilat week that tho Conn tJ Imilriccntiinlated n surplus ef orJ ppOpalove current expens 03 dtuilig the fiscal year J 1 t t f t down to tho ollico to akdftmblc at the records and found tli3aollpwj order l e oi JilIlrjourllLll tnlttyl enl Con A AI lerm5th llaii lrilityurAp 11- 1r OOfl tijn vrd4 rcdaay ih 11th P tllurgla Ill and lie Iii lldi ebyia- E1 r pointed Ihii courts CuininUsloner 7luJrrov inc nqy nnd pay off tiny debt li Hienlhilt county and i foltlitijiynr 1003 anti the rtnau WJJ rcutUtt county fa hereby dhecl- to litinor ill Y wurrlllltll drawn by sal alarg e Ii tld lurIIIS6 iVU eailt understand teh tho cbttntv with such a surplus should ib0 cinIilllcd to borrow money to j i tirront oxpollses 6 c 4aontana Miners Stay Out AWWttoalont April 18The strike 7rr a RN Lodg Is not over despite the ord 1 q or President Mitchell of the Unll c Nine Workers of America for the men t r to relun The miners decided that president Mitchell does not under y t3stand tho situation and resolved tu out until further communication could be had The operators cefuse to nrbitTAjo with tho local union Appointedx Senator JudsoH ct Sandusljy received a tel ° j graw froTO Washington stating th- J lilt iwmnatlon as colkctor of custom n at S duaky In place of Colonel I U r ° ehDfst who recently resigned 1 1iS I cllttQtbe senate- s To Revise Pension Law Washington April 18 Captain w 1F r McCuraber introduced a hill provld ping for the appointment by tho presl il i dent 1lta commission of three t Foils Oayjovlse tho pension laws and 4 report tho next lIes910n of congress I it a y 1 y f r y A 5 5 Ki i vGJorrcspoiulcriGc llOXliU- y IliotoRinpliHr Seixell of InnnKniin here Kridtiy jlmping up tlu good lnok boy niul girls fur rut fxchnniiiw of heir picture MB nlsio subscribed fur the rlrenlhlll Ciiiiniy Ninvtt nnd the Weekly CmirlurJumnnl llir ujjli the nicnuy of the hazer correspondent vhllt here 0 U Tenill unfurinnaiely gut hi leg broken last xxvek while 1111 hlt Noy to VIIhiiral station with n load if roll road tipsI titan looks hnppy its he ails in ln tI and superintend llu construction f neat little cultuRe he id having central on the sehrcleyl sight near hili fntherV mlnxv IInlll Isis family Nunuli will more into the cotl te tie ooii tie it lout been completed J D KlnK the nuteil nipper luck n flying plenswe 1111111Jnckllull the hit ler purl of hint week AnionK those who claim to tie cm ihe doubled list nreJndce Diinull J 0 Hurst niul John I Siwell MIn Lulu KlkiiiK of Lime Wns n very pliMrfait culler nt SexvelUvllle Suinluy She also pnrllcIpnleJ III the itijiiiK ut the home of J J Sexvell Sun Ilthell Harris nf Slrliujlnivn fieii ernl manner of ihe Frozen Creek Gun ¬ net Goal mines in the absence of Supi Birch moved to Gnarl Oily Mundnv- Onjt Hurst nmtilciilmr the ncnil emy nt Jncksor visited liU pnrent fiiun Friday till Mondity- Tnyior Hurst Jr xvns hero Monday In eenrch of the boys nut girls lielmiK IIIR to the Ilitle Frozen fchool dUtrici lie onlleil nt the Imperial Hotel Vx lecline to write down Iho names nod nROd of the proprietor fniidy only titI leers tliit they had moved tu mioiher district EVEU50IJS The4ieople in thh neighborhood tire all nlmuUyvell of smallpox John MnKiuney pr Mndlion county Wits lien the ITrsl of Dm week buying catilaInrkin Gibson old MrMoKinnev eight heud of cuUJgfor n gtlOlIIrlctI Among there who virtutit Fir vexv Siindny were Mllsrrs Luln nnd Ollie ScnleMillie mid nettle KevnoM Henden Keynold Albert Muore Oil lit iii WiUnn nnd Wnyne Shepherd Wayne Shepherd Itns nbont finished turning his corn loud nnd Is now trap plug fur n Stale Mrs Maggie Ualhihiui a very slek Ii this wrilfiiR Ji Mime Florence uud Rote Gibsfri 11 have purchased 1111 nrgn- uItEd EverolH yvns III til ntiuhbor b6onti hutjjrrtny anti biNiiRhtirhorso unit a CIt prod n culf fur tISO- D 1enpfu nib about through lowing Data A very finnll per eeiii nf oats lint been amved JhU year owing to the icurcliy oMfie teed Shephenla III n ouorgan asSome of Iho sugar campers Lroke brta Ouril llowtnnni snjike house n fev nights ago HIM t tusk quite n tat of meat terdwere six in theRiuiRi hut uit1yltvohnru IItIJIIJSIIIIIIII far Iiut otitnrday tltght HRiiia Golo wn n shut nml killed by Urlce MWffd of lie dints Tllejnre dour nrighhors anti went In n deuce together Sntimlnj night ulicut too nilliss front their timer We did n1it Rft Iho put tieiiliry llmt Cull li AICIJ Moorj if kr IdlIlIl s 1 toot tri Fe < eii f Gjjle1 lunrsu shoot mlr l t i n ni ire de gieul it nnd tfi ilfiVg ti tI Pe They urn Unlh good ll out of Ithisll1l1llhl teerN111jtfi iJrIiikinR anti we believe it wn the t hiskj nnd niulHint any ill feeliniit9 the Illill lor ench other Tins killliift took pfnqeoui In the yard nod ire learn hut I err wild hilt e 1ttl irM iiI Lui4eU Jrb 1bUlI S1 J > archr rout + r y HeliiH UtJt IIi nuilent there tor flveyenr painuI at his liirnVTiitsliiy A iiuk Hew1 ii stud tttrueU Ilim In iliofnco bienkliiR 1rt T nlioujI Jacob Hush of Z iiliniiiiil wns painful ly hurt nl bill faw still hmt weep Thus ante cm rhme caiiulil his font iiRtiiiut 11 iilll anti if It had out been stopped in limn by ihn wniithful miwer Win Jnitii Auit fractured hone and one neflrjypio Nick Inrkelt of UURewood eloped Sunday night with AlUs Sinmper ile fourleet year old duiiRhter of Dick lurhelted HOUdSIUU LO ullllllill hit i rented Iho nervy Howard farm and hoe t lIdlt in outs Robert Mclnldfili lini ItQiiRhth new ileam still mid will set it ppon Wolfe Creek uat r corn last week i 11nllll Mcliitosh njid J M Riots r hitvu 11111I 1r Alt CoUliH will nttcnJ four Jlil li yards orirllecuratlan Uny beginning ul 70 s a- r There s More ° Slian fus good matches when its for tit rAnl t Every bus of UKSP famous matches contains a coupon of real value to the holder You not tally get the surest lighting and mot perfect burning of all matches but spnuttluug to show for your money after the matches are consumed Get Search tight Matches nt your grocers and Save tlte Coupons THE DIAMOND MATCH CO tV Minixs nod ending nt It M Me Qtiinnd II REAi JIIMII Second xveek of futl lIIti diivelnpsii urent deal or nuliviiy li lo this writing mi civil eases hate ln ci tried Numerous mUdrmennor ntI liuva leer tit + potetl of flues niiipm fnun f5 lo 130 A great ninny rnren u- lhugsilautingailh proresseii reel 111I ma found hive been dUmUted Tin felnny ensediposifil of are Dutid lu ells fur she murder of 0 Illbbins emu year in thu peiiiletlUnr- yJ J Thuuipsun frfiUliiitjQtlnleriiLWni Sildlinm rllhlmIih a Itret1U- teuiintyhungjury i tit S W 11- 1PWI lIlturi + ° lhlllltl Jp r Ii n ftiiii l finiii lirtHirhitt nf ltVIhiikilling Quurrcd nun fun r tt tun 1illlltItaI 18 3rnra mt fmiMiis tlt119t John who knl tit lIJdteclire rake tutu Jun Frrl nlMiuifi yearn ego in Instill ccuiily andl t1 who wan niiiiillitl ivns iirrnt > rtIJ fur the Mr 1Vsitftud Majs n px d riii Zijiuf HIM county mi the night nf UCI M ItNC tuna tried nnd given 8 yenr 11 the lit o- Ina ilielionchnrged with lit IIHI tier or Kl Eilon nt ISentiyville lune liiinuii ruts d19lllisllnw on irniljiry Kelocted sad UoiniiMiixvdnlihii ie uiuu ny In A grunt legiil I ullti i hns Ijeiii wnutd from thN hJ nilliti ilt UiisVne Thtjbntthirs nnd friendl of thn deeea ed hnve empliiyed nlJle iMiinsfl emii Utfnu urJlt While of Irvine K 1- IIoggohIiuauvileuttdA If llyid of I Vinclie ler ngillleil by Otnyily Ally I II 111 ItflUlllrUllllhlllHhhoi ct luriieyj lv IfobeilH The ilefeiidnill huit employed cuunsel uf equal noto rieiy JnilKu S I Sninpoi ot Bratty tille JudKe f V OUlltlor Iteiilly rile anti Judge U It lieiUviue uf Jnck inin Kvery inch of ground H heing uoiiiesliil 111111 ihVr tt IJu Krent tltlIlIIr tollinttnll iis tu Ui I r llie trial II ViriiliiKnttifniysiiiuiittMrrt J II Itvilwiie U II Ilillnrd < ii > niiliiK lied N file of Iiickynn J II Vhltu jind Illicit Riddlkxsf Estill 3 F 111111 r Qllr1 i i I1Ogg Clinic IruJr l s rI f J tIr uJt t 1111coot I 01111 of Jlllri 1un l 1i1 Uturnrp Juj P Ad ma u r 8 1 IIliI ttl ithttI ll1ii the rid uf K JrR1t r ynatl ildjiinrnid after eiglil uny a fej nn1Tnii1inK iiuinvinui Indict iiuiils fiiiistiv JHiidenieuiuir Atly C litlillotiuiut ay if Stitt if UliT beglifVQeoUe c ieksin of IK ton und 1 F yteH of l still HOII r city if Jodgu nhlIi11l1IJluilltd th1 fu IIIUlll 1llitlotiillIrlllJltlr ptec111it tars boater I Arch Saute den 1 KSntioOUi rfll nlni Bins et LtuouttJdslenN ra It OlIlUurtj1 a nre Iiill Up the Oum clilI t rrb g t HrIIII ir mint to Ii pmr cubitNgff 10 It N Ciodhiri f Lonlsviil funner cashier uf otll hitdt Is In our rite talrliypf1t nllve in our city V ftv > CpSNKYVIUE 7 J lid u Mnlnh Rjl is visiiinc iela ilvoa ut Iuu OUe r ° i < MISS Florin Shnckluford alto laiits IfiiidiiiK 1C W A nt Ouini tit vviIeil her parenln tit this pinch Sgniriluy V- Mr Miiry Innlkner xvim in Qii1nitoii last week shoppIng TIC roll who hill been H r Ident tIIliNlicrily Q II Folks sit WhltlleiKii liuhlblloiij I Ohairinnn ur Wolfe county vlSlteU + l- IilIveI Itlru loaf welll John W Cox has beet ter d fiIh nieaslfii fur several daj jIHli I y i h cl sr lilaR el i spent F- lanMkTCH lIitlIlirIII lire Uiibinson pastor nf I he Firs the niiirefiiliiinnl CMiuroli nl tlllI pine H ill sliorlly move fruin Nicholas ronii lif y to thimriiriie hero Wolfe W T rjiiiitBri who IPIS been at tend Intl l IIIHIII lulIlIIII I nlllti tIIIJUII Est InilllId lust C it + tjhlllt at iciud lug Item lute CuRduljlhhlu his parrots litnler Ihall ffnfifiiL iilniiir inixlv and h Brat lilglilytepHjfeil irlili Ilia Kthool Slier utlUt jn1fitgllt IIIlr and WI xx III xxnlrh his r w1111 pritiu We fee I Cut fi dent ORffcJItt will nmk his mark in tin world Viiil ietiii hiiitur lu lda piunli bid fiiimlry nndhls GI SIrlnjtUiuA SlniPkleford lilt ex 13 appnfutenhltIat ihi lncf IXRIV iiK KQirettil rnllsfiiulinii SIe is tail tnkhij ithti iCC1itnlnlnJntu g worth- tar4ul IGt1Ittlllld IlIlnt rougrululnt- wl nti11131tnlttttt Iii giviog M > 3 linr6 lrruoh t111 tiI11uipUarat Mr tfoiy Riuilkner will iipen a inii linurp flrHun Cluirchsi in a fen dnj J 1 IISiStwrl It Qisney the liiuuiii fi r uf our tu 1111 Will II V II Gus- t fl1tpk Crtingt look churJe ui Ilu ili ridrnveull prsra ago i it IV111t i ieiiU tour WIIS quiiu snudl iii Trit 111 tired fi ILllly untilue u w lilfSlno bat giTny lelioul in WUtI eau t V i JIII lttJjtIlSlltnr IIli place n imiii becufUtfJf lOiliyS lushly h11It j boilh nlSiii 1 rnni faro ever Imtf hiI return friVni Iho llilipdne > lu n t Hr ItIxo r iiirre i indent flute lliui Ii N is iij gtdbNnllh nnd ref n3blg life mill mil lfiuqw has beets offered n JL- ht UlJJ1r niiinili In n a hl8Itl es liiltl vie it t tit lull placri when hiseu lllil t qlfxplres next Febrnnry 111 tluttItshpa nut jet decided to nctepi I liu iJsft Ion nnd iniy return t i hi old home ni thla ultra Jim fa n gaud Guy und ad hope r will return IIOIIIH where pence and plenty ii u itt him pt inNyvI1enhhnugD IN nnnlu darn fiat ndirn the niiip nf use United Slates fi model Joivn Il I+ riltntedsiY oilier lr m Uumplon six miles from Iln7el ireen six miles from Iunio KXRT Uiiytinand six mile frninMnylinvii In llui lltiviT Vnllny The xxhUUeuf the l Htiiiiuilvu if ned out disturb the ili XiijiiilHuiiiK ill sultry iiniii our whim in twblrt curtnins of ulgbt art dnnvn ii- VlpUii mil plniiined xvith dlnmniid t llIfilllllnllChhlllllYIi With their blniik attui4iqth irked Ain Iii Ito ly1u iihiuiM proud 0i lqiH lulher litM lmr fs upon I ki + fnekell iJillItur itileinprrls ro- tkuiltiful II1Iali nod their lrniraiii rt I Ihll1lIlIlIlIfn ill 113 hnvigt a nd QtIlitrtIIlltlal IIIIII1t1I 1 ei fytFlbte urup1IjhIGt 11 tli I eAut 3rren lesy s tkl1 b OArIIII 1I krriu hl i 1 11- urer li rlilp t ttstlR- lnre Jiutvqtuldiiitutucluir l 4Ifmr 1 fl JhCI 01f1ti OiiUflnnd 3outu1ilnotIlui ally diana iiKnliist nnyclll11IJ1If1dlIe1IIti Ye do Clot need any luelig here for Ibeic4ri pie ixre lninqjltTlli IIllJllJlt are IfiTu I r- pliable ltill2 iytil tIlirI e iviiiilu not any or pt lliiriii iiisncyvilM Into jlven to ivorld nuiiy men of priurliiLiiije gave Dr Juines ILjSinhjjyjr n i Ilui utiiiuld Itlivlt ukJEtTiH iii cJluul itril I1 feanlos lloclnlmi Ciotijeyvillu us but birthplnce lluii A II Sinmper n mini t j uliom Volfu unduly liii delighted li honor Iji byiiiitinyi xvns burn hero bet + KlierilT tuna burn IIIIhcI ililiiiiijf the medical IlIurI II iloii xvns born here lion A roller Ityrd tho HllverioiiKned orntor of the noiinliiinrt the nbluflt Ciiiiiinnmveulllis or Attorney told distrfcl ever had ono of will the brlKhtest legal lights In Knntiiuky of mil who ut nil dlnlnnt dnyVIll be ieanl In the bolls uf Congie 01J corn here 00 Folks the frlenJpf 1 fl L r I 111 ntedynndutprrrnt unr Cunnty J Attorney tind x tin w1I named hih un Indh rat fiiine un IMIMI line J Tiiylnr Center exCiiinl Judge u f miiiuty uua liurn hen J T Oenlurs i he lend in j Democrntlc cnn fur Amecdir was born lucre und lint out Ifiul the nun Jus I ItrN xx ho is now Kiiirtli Aiii > lnnt lut niller Ceiiirul f Ihn tnileil Sinter sit vita light of Jny tied lioed TIME PIECES 1OU EVERYBODY WATCHES rs INa Gold NIOKLE AND r GUNMETAL Si 5 50 34T0 20 AND UPWARD HEINTZJEWELER 3L us ST Oii1 TIIW Iuurzu- LEINiiTO I KY into the I lying eyes uf h1s mother n little IOK cabin xxiih the henry Knwlnij by the dntir und the grope jrmvli i Hirpli In till klllllI ul plxrrIbis of II Wilhih Hie linsiiin of III hell lien iioiiuli buried < H to iiiiuiiliitM the xrnrld IW Awl ill ItIIII Irut a II hlml o- Fullpriula 111 ihiynndi uf time Siiifle lank g MAKER H IIlIulnJ MilfnsFlour tylafWh tnrul tdllaI- IlId Iluvor UUA Jolt8 ter whllrpi breatlkl6ns II unto tw UUfl lJecall e lu Is trust wmKutfand stilled Iho vigil JS35H j best equipped t 161uv 1 + ntiieky- ck Let n u Ib > BEsr PATENT MOUNTAIN UjLV talk to you It be mure convliwlti lllnn a barrel words Ak your grocer her If 0 MANSFIELD S SON ROSSLYN KY 1 t t f w r j n t i l t tf L DAY BROS 1 1 = = r I OMPANY = Wholesale and Retail Have the most complete stock of te GENERAL W O11AINDISE l Ever brought to Jackson Consisting of it OQdSt l r 0 It 0 ItS J I efttfuqt i i 1ats t 1I foes We have the Finest Line of SHOES in Eastern Kentucky- Our mens shoes are r of the Latest Style For the Ladies Ae have the most Fashionable Lot of Sloes money eQuIp buy Hi linery Goods Thij Department is under the man agementof Mrs R J Fulkerson who cans ow you hlatest Style Hats direct from New York City Also FASFIQNABLEt I weaves from tf s e7nMttrKet5 r If need any Mouse Furnisiiings or RNtTURflif4 tile people you are lool r a for lave it by car loads to suet- every r bodyis me and see us out r r r Jf elk IIIIiHrIIllllltllllllllllllinllftlllllllltllllllllllllllll lllllnlllllllllllluh rry c J7Are All Rreght 1 4 if Ih I 5 i II II II II < 1 BRDS7l < > f J oYr L COMPA9t r- w 1 Jf Jck o l QJicky flr t jIf 1 t1lJ3J4 I t- A f 1 n lih 0 1 t1

Transcript of There r OMPANY · N1NN N NNN Ii 1 L JAQKBON KENruCKi N NNNNNNNN NN-t N 1 fl VDi nc ZTrnTE...

Page 1: There r OMPANY · N1NN N NNN Ii 1 L JAQKBON KENruCKi N NNNNNNNN NN-t N 1 fl VDi nc ZTrnTE CawyQrO-fllegotierhank Mnnchusier Clay Co > a Kentucky f Also UbqiirCpS Kenlucky Title Bld-Rt


J WISH HACllNS Odltor=hrldny April USiHl 1004



Ofltce over loil0fllcJACKSOX Jh KENTUCKY

ErH business intruded to themwill receive prompt and careful nt





t Wilt practice in BreathItt and 1= Ming lllsi Counties EiI IIII111WIUIlliUUlilllAUWU1111-






1 fl VDinc


fllegotierhank Mnnchusier Clay Co> a Kentuckyf Also

UbqiirCpS Kenlucky Title Bld-Rt Louisville Ky

Will prnclUeln Sinle and US Gonrtr +

Invites correspcndence touching NewHrn Co Innds in Oxvley or C V L Colands in llnrlnn or Goose Greek funny

KyUpon 11 InveRliRntrnnd report vuluenof titlesor Inr e tincltit timber conl nod oil Inndii locntfdbetween Me lmcU Monroe county Kyand the bend of KiiiRdi ni Come Lelcher Co Ky

5S252525252525252S2S225linm CIVIL ENGINEERS


Prompt Attention given toID> nil classes of work aid rn




1 n 4 Circulation moro thanFOUltlIEN lIUXDIUiJO copies


Ionlr 4to Ikins Ilny 100tho Lonttuttoo to

tljWpoiiioirraJic nominee for Conusa rQul district and th

imiimryrylifch was called fofMu 1

7tli JIMS i t called off

ytv will accept advertisementson a guaranty that our paperliioro than twice the circulation in

t pi yutt Countyof any paperplhltshbdur luittnr goes to o-



1nnn in Perry CountyR IIIlIJ iodory ouu ill Lee 1fl1

Rofht V H and Wolfe CouilittlG9-

1t MIJ Jf rtireaeh the uwuutItBHEATS II

Jf TIT qr

rryK Iltle0da stiiteuient in tlJ1

tr JluUorilat week that tho Conn

tJ Imilriccntiinlated n surplus ef

orJ ppOpalove current expens03 dtuilig the fiscal yearJ 1 t t

ft down to tho ollico to

akdftmblc at the records and foundtli3aollpwj order

leoi JilIlrjourllLll tnlttyl enl Con

A AI lerm5th llaii lrilityurAp 11-1r


tijnvrd4 rcdaay ih 11th P

tllurgla Ill and lie Iii lldi ebyia-E1 r pointed Ihii courts CuininUsloner

7luJrrov inc nqy nnd pay off tiny debt

li Hienlhilt county and i

foltlitijiynr 1003 anti the rtnau

WJJrcutUtt county fa hereby dhecl-to litinor ill Y wurrlllltll drawn by salalarg e Ii tld lurIIIS6

iVU eailt understand teh tho

cbttntv with such a surplus should

ib0 cinIilllcd to borrow money to

j i tirront oxpollses 6c 4aontana Miners Stay Out

AWWttoalont April 18The strike7rraRNLodg Is not over despite the ord

1q or President Mitchell of the Unll

c Nine Workers of America for the ment r to relun The miners decided that

president Mitchell does not undery t3stand tho situation and resolved tu

out until further communicationcould be had The operators cefuseto nrbitTAjo with tho local union

Appointedx SenatorJudsoH ct Sandusljy received a tel °

j graw froTO Washington stating th-

J lilt iwmnatlon as colkctor of customn at S duaky In place of Colonel I

U r° ehDfst who recently resigned1 1iS IcllttQtbe senate-

s To Revise Pension LawWashington April 18 Captain

w 1F r McCuraber introduced a hill provldping for the appointment by tho preslili dent 1lta commission of three

t Foils Oayjovlse tho pension laws and4 report tho next lIes910n of congress

I ita y

1 yfr



5 Ki




IliotoRinpliHr Seixell of InnnKniinhere Kridtiy jlmping up tlu good lnok

boy niul girls fur rut fxchnniiiw of

heir picture MB nlsio subscribed furthe rlrenlhlll Ciiiiniy Ninvtt nnd theWeekly CmirlurJumnnl llir ujjli thenicnuy of the hazer correspondentvhllt here

0 U Tenill unfurinnaiely gut hileg broken last xxvek while 1111 hlt Noy

to VIIhiiral station with n load if rollroad tipsItitan looks hnppy its he ails in ln tIand superintend llu construction f

neat little cultuRe he id having centralon the sehrcleyl sight near hili fntherVmlnxv IInlll Isis family Nunuliwill more into the cotl te tie ooii tie it

lout been completed

J D KlnK the nuteil nipper luck n

flying plenswe 1111111Jnckllull the hit

ler purl of hint week

AnionK those who claim to tie cm ihedoubled list nreJndce Diinull J 0Hurst niul John I Siwell

MIn Lulu KlkiiiK of Lime Wns n verypliMrfait culler nt SexvelUvllle SuinluyShe also pnrllcIpnleJ III the itijiiiK

ut the home of J J Sexvell SunIlthell

Harris nf Slrliujlnivn fieiiernl manner of ihe Frozen Creek Gun ¬

net Goal mines in the absence of SupiBirch moved to Gnarl Oily Mundnv-

Onjt Hurst nmtilciilmr the ncnilemy nt Jncksor visited liU pnrentfiiun Friday till Mondity-

Tnyior Hurst Jr xvns hero MondayIn eenrch of the boys nut girls lielmiKIIIR to the Ilitle Frozen fchool dUtricilie onlleil nt the Imperial Hotel Vx

lecline to write down Iho names nod

nROd of the proprietor fniidy only titIleers tliit they had moved tu mioiherdistrict


The4ieople in thh neighborhood tireall nlmuUyvell of smallpox

John MnKiuney pr Mndlion countyWits lien the ITrsl of Dm week buying

catilaInrkinGibson old MrMoKinnev

eight heud of cuUJgfor n gtlOlIIrlctIAmong there who virtutit Fir

vexv Siindny were Mllsrrs Luln nnd

Ollie ScnleMillie mid nettle KevnoM

Henden Keynold Albert Muore Oillit iii WiUnn nnd Wnyne Shepherd

Wayne Shepherd Itns nbont finishedturning his corn loud nnd Is now trapplug fur n Stale

Mrs Maggie Ualhihiui a very slek Iithis wrilfiiR Ji

Mime Florence uud Rote Gibsfri11

have purchased 1111 nrgn-

uItEd EverolH yvns III til ntiuhborb6onti hutjjrrtny anti biNiiRhtirhorso unit

a CIt prod n culf fur tISO-

D 1enpfu nib about through lowingData A very finnll per eeiii nf oatslint been amved JhU year owing to theicurcliy oMfie teedShephenlaIII n ouorgan

asSome of Iho sugar campers Lrokebrta Ouril llowtnnni snjike house n

fev nights ago HIM t tusk quite n tat of

meat terdwere six in theRiuiRi hutuit1yltvohnru IItIJIIJSIIIIIIII far

Iiut otitnrday tltght HRiiia Golo wn n

shut nml killed by Urlce MWffd of liedints Tllejnre dour nrighhorsanti went In n deuce together Sntimlnjnight ulicut too nilliss front their

timer We did n1it Rft Iho put tieiiliryllmt Cull liAICIJ Moorj if kr

IdlIlIl s 1 toot tri Fe < eii fGjjle1

lunrsu shoot mlr l t i n ni ire degieul it nnd tfi ilfiVg ti tI Pe Theyurn Unlh good ll out of

Ithisll1l1llhl teerN111jtfi iJrIiikinRanti we believe it wn the t hiskj nndniulHint any ill feeliniit9 the Illill lorench other Tins killliift took pfnqeouiIn the yard nod ire learn hut I errwild hilt e 1ttl irM iiI Lui4eU Jrb

1bUlI S1 J>archrrout + r

y HeliiH UtJt IIi nuilent there torflveyenrpainuIat his liirnVTiitsliiy A iiuk Hew1 iistud tttrueU Ilim In iliofnco bienkliiR1rtTnlioujI

Jacob Hush of Z iiliniiiiil wns painfully hurt nl bill faw still hmt weep Thusante cm rhme caiiulil his font iiRtiiiut 11

iilll anti if It had out been stopped inlimn by ihn wniithful miwer Win JnitiiAuitfractured hone and one neflrjypio

Nick Inrkelt of UURewood elopedSunday night with AlUs Sinmper ilefourleet year old duiiRhter of Dick


LO ullllllill hit i rented Iho nervyHoward farm and hoe t lIdlt in outs

Robert Mclnldfili lini ItQiiRhth newileam still mid will set it ppon WolfeCreekuat r

corn last weeki

11nllll Mcliitosh njid J M Riots r hitvu

11111I1rAlt CoUliH will nttcnJ four Jlil liyards orirllecuratlan Uny beginning ul




There s More

°Slian fus good

matches when its fortit

rAnl t

Every bus of UKSP famous matches contains a coupon ofreal value to the holder You not tally get the surestlighting and mot perfect burning of all matches butspnuttluug to show for your money after the matches areconsumed Get Search tight Matches nt your grocers and


tV Minixs nod ending nt It M Me

Qtiinnd II

REAi JIIMIISecond xveek of futl lIIti

diivelnpsii urent deal or nuliviiy lilo this writing mi civil eases hate ln ci

tried Numerous mUdrmennor ntIliuva leer tit + potetl of flues niiipmfnun f5 lo 130 A great ninny rnren u-

lhugsilautingailh proresseii reel 111Ima found hive been dUmUted Tinfelnny ensediposifil of are Dutid luells fur she murder of 0 Illbbins emuyear in thu peiiiletlUnr-

yJJ Thuuipsun frfiUliiitjQtlnleriiLWni

Sildlinm rllhlmIih a Itret1U-teuiintyhungjury i

tit S W 11-

1PWI lIlturi + °

lhlllltl Jp rIi n ftiiii l finiii lirtHirhitt nfltVIhiikilling Quurrcd nun fun

r tt tun 1illlltItaI 18 3rnra mtfmiMiis tlt119t John who knl

tit lIJdteclire rake tutu Jun FrrlnlMiuifi yearn ego in Instill ccuiily andlt1who wan niiiiillitl ivns iirrnt > rtIJ furthe M r 1Vsitftud Majs n px d riiiZijiuf HIM county mi the night nf UCIM ItNC tuna tried nnd given 8 yenr 11

the lit o-

Ina ilielionchnrged with lit IIHItier or Kl Eilon nt ISentiyville luneliiinuii ruts d19lllisllnw on irniljiryKelocted sad UoiniiMiixvdnlihii ie uiuuny In A grunt legiil I ullti i hns Ijeiii

wnutd from thN hJnilliti ilt UiisVneThtjbntthirs nnd friendl of thn deeeaed hnve empliiyed nlJle iMiinsfl emiiUtfnu urJlt While of Irvine K 1-

IIoggohIiuauvileuttdA If llyid of I

Vinclie ler ngillleil by Otnyily Ally I

II 111 ItflUlllrUllllhlllHhhoi ctluriieyj lv IfobeilH The ilefeiidnillhuit employed cuunsel uf equal notorieiy JnilKu S I Sninpoi ot Brattytille JudKe f V OUlltlor Iteiillyrile anti Judge U It lieiUviue uf Jnckinin Kvery inch of ground H heinguoiiiesliil 111111 ihVr tt IJu Krent tltlIlIIr

tollinttnll iis tu Ui I r llie trial IIViriiliiKnttifniysiiiuiittMrrt J II

Itvilwiie U II Ilillnrd < ii> niiliiK liedN file of Iiickynn J II Vhltu jind IllicitRiddlkxsf Estill 3 F 111111r Qllr1ii I1Ogg Clinic IruJr l s rI

f J tIr uJt t1111cootI 01111 of Jlllri 1unl

1i1 Uturnrp Juj P Ad ma u r 81 IIliI ttl ithttI ll1ii the rid uf

KJrR1t rynatl ildjiinrnid after eiglil

uny a fej nn1Tnii1inK iiuinvinui Indictiiuiils fiiiistiv JHiidenieuiuir

Atly C litlillotiuiut ay if Stittif UliT beglifVQeoUe cieksin of IK

ton und 1 F yteH of l still HOII rcity if

Jodgu nhlIi11l1IJluilltd th1 fu

IIIUlll 1llitlotiillIrlllJltlr ptec111it tarsboater I Arch Sauteden 1 KSntioOUi rfll nlni Bins etLtuouttJdslenN ra

It OlIlUurtj1 a nre Iiill Up

the Oum clilI t rrb g t HrIIII ir mintto Ii pmr cubitNgff


It N Ciodhiri f Lonlsviil funnercashier uf otll hitdt Is In our ritetalrliypf1tnllve in our city V

ftv >


Jlid u Mnlnh Rjl is visiiinc iela

ilvoa ut Iuu OUe r °


MISS Florin Shnckluford alto laiitsIfiiidiiiK 1C W A nt Ouini tit vviIeilher parenln tit this pinch Sgniriluy V-

Mr Miiry Innlkner xvim in Qii1nitoiilast week shoppIng

TIC roll who hill been H r Ident

tIIliNlicrilyQ II Folks sit WhltlleiKii liuhlblloiij I

Ohairinnn ur Wolfe county vlSlteU + l-

IilIveI Itlru loaf welllJohn W Cox has beet ter d fiIh

nieaslfii fur several daj

jIHli I



cl sr






lire Uiibinson pastor nf I he Firs theniiirefiiliiinnl CMiuroli nl tlllI pine

H ill sliorlly move fruin Nicholas ronii lify to thimriiriie hero

WolfeW T rjiiiitBri who IPIS been at tend


nlllti tIIIJUII Est InilllIdlustC it+tjhlllt at iciud lug Item lute

CuRduljlhhlu his parrots litnlerIhall ffnfifiiL iilniiir inixlv and h BratlilglilytepHjfeil irlili Ilia Kthool SlierutlUt jn1fitgllt IIIlr and WI xx III xxnlrhhis r w1111 pritiu We fee I Cut fi

dent ORffcJItt will nmk his mark in tinworld Viiil ietiii hiiitur lu lda piunlibid fiiimlry nndhls GI

SIrlnjtUiuA SlniPkleford lilt ex13 appnfutenhltIat ihi lncf IXRIV

iiK KQirettil rnllsfiiulinii SIe is tailtnkhij ithti iCC1itnlnlnJntu g worth-tar4ul IGt1Ittlllld IlIlnt rougrululnt-

wl nti11131tnlttttt Iii giviog M > 3 linr6lrruoh t111 tiI11uipUarat

Mr tfoiy Riuilkner will iipen a iniilinurp flrHun Cluirchsi in a fen dnj

J 1 IISiStwrl It Qisney the liiuuiiifi r uf our tu 1111 Will II V II Gus-

t fl1tpk Crtingt look churJe uiIlu ili ridrnveull prsra ago i

it IV111t i ieiiU tour WIIS quiiu snudliii Trit 111 tired fi ILllly untilue u w

lilfSlno bat giTny lelioul inWUtIeau t V i

JIIIlttJjtIlSlltnr IIli place n imiiibecufUtfJf lOiliyS lushly h11It j

boilh nlSiii 1 rnni faro ever Imtf hiIreturn friVni Iho llilipdne > lu n tHr ItIxo r iiirre i indent flute lliuiIiN is iij gtdbNnllh nnd refn3blg lifemill mil lfiuqw has beets offered n JL-ht UlJJ1r niiinili In n a hl8Itl esliiltl vie it t tit lull placri when hiseulllil tqlfxplres next Febrnnry 111

tluttItshpa nut jet decided to nctepiI liu iJsft Ion nnd iniy return t i hi oldhome ni thla ultra Jim fa n gaud Guy

und ad hope r will return IIOIIIH wherepence and plenty ii u itt him

pt inNyvI1enhhnugD IN nnnlu darn

fiat ndirn the niiip nf use United Slatesfi model Joivn Il I + riltntedsiY

oilier lr m Uumplon six miles fromIln7el ireen six miles from Iunio KXRT

Uiiytinand six mile frninMnylinvii In

llui lltiviT Vnllny The xxhUUeufthe l Htiiiiuilvu ifned out disturb the iliXiijiiilHuiiiK ill sultry iiniii our whim in

twblrt curtnins of ulgbt art dnnvn ii-

VlpUii mil plniiined xvith dlnmniidt llIfilllllnllChhlllllYIi With their blniikattui4iqth irked Ain Iii Ito ly1u iihiuiM proud0ilqiH lulher litM lmr fs upon I

ki+ fnekell iJillItur itileinprrls ro-

tkuiltifulII1Iali nod their lrniraiiirtI Ihll1lIlIlIlIfn ill 113 hnvigt a nd

QtIlitrtIIlltlal IIIIII1t1I 1

ei fytFlbte urup1IjhIGt 11

tli IeAut 3rren lesy s

tkl1 b OArIIII 1I krriu hl i 1 11-

urer li rlilp t ttstlR-

lnreJiutvqtuldiiitutucluirl4Ifmr 1

fl JhCI 01f1ti

OiiUflnnd 3outu1ilnotIlui ally dianaiiKnliist nnyclll11IJ1If1dlIe1IIti Ye

do Clot need any luelig here for Ibeic4ripie ixre lninqjltTlli IIllJllJlt are IfiTu I


pliable ltill2iytiltIlirI e

iviiiilu not any or ptlliiriii iiisncyvilM Into jlven toivorld nuiiy men of priurliiLiiijegave Dr Juines ILjSinhjjyjr n i

Ilui utiiiuld Itlivlt ukJEtTiH iii cJluul itrilI1feanlos lloclnlmi Ciotijeyvillu us but

birthplnce lluii A II Sinmper n mini t juliom Volfu unduly liii delighted lihonor Iji byiiiitinyi xvns burn hero bet

+ KlierilT tuna burnIIIIhcIililiiiiijf the medical IlIurI IIiloii xvns born here lion A rollerItyrd tho HllverioiiKned orntor of thenoiinliiinrt the nbluflt Ciiiiiinnmveulllis orAttorney told distrfcl ever had ono of willthe brlKhtest legal lights In Knntiiuky

ofmil who ut nil dlnlnnt dnyVIll be

ieanl In the bolls uf Congie 01Jcorn here 00 Folks the frlenJpf



ntedynndutprrrnt unr Cunnty J

Attorney tind x tin w1I named hih unIndh rat fiiine un IMIMI line J

Tiiylnr Center exCiiinl Judge u f

miiiuty uua liurn hen J T

Oenlurs i he lend in j Democrntlc cnn

fur Amecdir was born lucre und

lint out Ifiul the nun Jus I ItrNxx ho is now Kiiirtli Aiii > lnnt lut

niller Ceiiirul f Ihn tnileil Sintersit vita light of Jny tied lioed






GUNMETALSi 5 50 34T0 20 AND





into the I lying eyes uf h1s mothern little IOK cabin xxiih the henry

Knwlnij by the dntir und thegrope jrmvli i Hirpli In till klllllI ulplxrrIbisof II Wilhih Hie linsiiin of

III hell lien iioiiuli buried< H to iiiiuiiliitM the xrnrldIWAwl ill ItIIII Irut a II hlml o-

Fullpriula 111 ihiynndi uf timeSiiifle lank


MilfnsFlourtylafWh tnrul tdllaI-

IlId Iluvor UUA Jolt8ter whllrpi breatlkl6ns II

unto tw UUfl lJecall e lu Is

trust wmKutfand stilledIho vigil JS35Hj best equipped


161uv 1 + ntiieky-ckLet n u Ib > BEsr PATENT

MOUNTAIN UjLV talk to you Itbe mure convliwlti lllnn a barrel

words Ak your grocer her If



t t fw r j n ti lt tf


DAY BROS 1 1= = r I


Wholesale and Retail

Have the most complete stock of



lEver brought to Jackson Consistingof

it OQdStl

r0 It 0 ItS J


efttfuqt i

i 1ats t

1I foesWe have the Finest

Line of SHOES in

Eastern Kentucky-

Our mens shoes arer

of the Latest Style

For the LadiesAe have the mostFashionable Lotof Sloes moneyeQuIp buy

Hi linery GoodsThij Department is under the man

agementof Mrs R J Fulkerson whocans ow you

hlatest Style Hatsdirect from New York City Also


from tf s e7nMttrKet5 rIf need any Mouse Furnisiiings or

RNtTURflif4tile people you are lool r a

forlave it by car loads to suet-


bodyisme and see us out r r

r Jf elkIIIIiHrIIllllltllllllllllllinllftlllllllltllllllllllllllll lllllnlllllllllllluh rry

c J7Are All Rreght 14




BRDS7l <>

fJ oYrL

COMPA9t r-w1 Jf

Jck o l QJickyflr t jIf1 t1lJ3J4



f 1 n lih 01 t1