There and Back Again: An Introduction to Integration and Synthesis


Transcript of There and Back Again: An Introduction to Integration and Synthesis

“Those who Fail to Plan

…..Should Plan to Fail.”

**Alan Lakein

Planning for Learning:

Quality Instructional Design

Unit Title: Grade:

Subject, Topic: Time:

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Learning Target(s):

Students will understand that…

Critical Questions:

Students will know… Students will be able to…

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Formative Assesssments: Summative Assessments:

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

Learning Activities: High Yield Strategies:

Accommodations: Differentiation:

What does Quality Teaching Document say about planning?

Visit our Google Site to find this document: Teaching Quality Standard (under Resources)

Open up the PDF document

Scan through the KSAs for “interim certification” and highlight those KSAs (letters) that apply to “planning”

In your table groups, compare/contrast this document with the Draft version of the new “Professional Practice Competencies” on planning and learn what it says.

Key Concept/Academic Vocabulary

What is “synthesis”? What is “curriculum integration”? What is “understanding by design”?

Where can you find the answers?

What do we need to “synthesize” from prior learning?

Pre-assessment: Integrated Curriculum

Four Fold Concept Activity (Concept Formation)

Examining “Integrated Unit” Examples

Assignment: Integrated Unit Plan

Week #1: Begin With the End in Mindor “There and Back Again”

Part 2: An “Introduction” to Synthesis and Integration

Synthesis: What does it mean?

Integration and Middle School


….more specifically in terms of curriculum, instruction and assessment

….more specifically in terms of curriculum, instruction and assessment

Four Fold Concept What is Integration?

LIST:10 Synonyms to describe integration

COMPARE:Integration is like __________ because _____________________

RANK:Top 3 Priorities


Are we teachers? Determining the learning destination

Creating questions that foster inquiry

Designing units, backwards

Determining assessment evidence

Recognizing the benefits of performance criteria

or are we designers?Architects of instruction?Facilitators of learning?AGENTS OF CHANGE?

Digital and Technological Fluency


Social, Cultural, Global and Environmental Responsibility

Creativity and Innovation

Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making

Collaboration and Leadership

Lifelong Learning, Personal Management and Well-Being

And how will we teach today’s digital learners?

…Further Thinking and Doing Complete the “Logistics” part of your integrated unit plan

(e.g. What grade/subjects/topics will you be teaching during practicum? Print off/save program of studies for your designated grade/subject/topics and have with you at all times (due next week)

Professional Reflection: You will assigned one of five readings (placed on our Google Site). Please read and provide a one page reflection on how you feel this article is relevant in terms of our conversations/key learning this week (due next class). It is your choice as to how to get this “Read and Response” to me but have it available to share on Tuesday.

We Swim Together, or We Sink Together“

JUMP IN – The water’s fine, and so is the learning