TherapistTraining 2015 -web - Humaniversity · In 1978 Veeresh founded the Osho Humaniversity and...

Therapist Training A four-year training program

Transcript of TherapistTraining 2015 -web - Humaniversity · In 1978 Veeresh founded the Osho Humaniversity and...

Page 1: TherapistTraining 2015 -web - Humaniversity · In 1978 Veeresh founded the Osho Humaniversity and created a variety of therapeutic techniques and Social Meditations of which the AUM

Therapist TrainingTherapist TrainingA four-year training program

Page 2: TherapistTraining 2015 -web - Humaniversity · In 1978 Veeresh founded the Osho Humaniversity and created a variety of therapeutic techniques and Social Meditations of which the AUM


Veeresh, a remarkable therapist and teacher, created the Humaniversity community, trainings and therapies. After a 14 year addiction to heroin, aged 28, he joined Phoenix House, a drug rehabilitation program in New York City, where he overcame his addiction and subsequently trained as an addiction therapist.

In 1970 Veeresh established the first Phoenix House outside of the U.S.A. in London. In 1974 he met Osho and was deeply touched by his philosophy. He received from Osho the name “Anand Veeresh” which means “bliss beyond fear”. The following year Veeresh was invited by the Dutch government to design a training program for addiction therapists in The Hague. Due to Osho’s inspiration he brought his work to more people in the west and sought to train “the best therapists in the world”.

In 1978 Veeresh founded the Osho Humaniversity and created a variety of therapeutic techniques and Social Meditations of which the AUM is the best known. He achieved a black belt (1st Dan) in Hapkido and founded the Humaniversity martial arts program, Osho-Do.

Veeresh, our beloved friend and teacher passed away on 27th January, 2015. He will live on in our hearts and the love we share.

”Today my understanding has deepened, and I am starting to see everything in a broader perspective. It’s not just about training the best therapists in the world. It’s about helping all human beings to develop themselves in the most beautiful and loving way they can. If they happen to be therapists, that’s fi ne. So my commitment to Osho has expanded. It is now: “Working with people to create a better world.”

- Veeresh

to Osho’s inspiration he brought his work to more people in the west and sought to train “the

In 1978 Veeresh founded the Osho Humaniversity and created a variety of therapeutic techniques and Social Meditations of which the AUM is the best known. He achieved a black belt (1st Dan) in Hapkido and founded the Humaniversity martial

Veeresh, our beloved friend and teacher passed away on 27th January, 2015. He will live on in our hearts and the love we

”Today my understanding has deepened, and I am starting to see everything in a broader perspective. It’s not just about training the best therapists in the world. It’s about helping all human beings to develop themselves in the most beautiful and loving way they can. If they happen to be therapists, that’s fi ne. So my commitment to Osho has expanded. It is now: “Working with people to create a better

Page 3: TherapistTraining 2015 -web - Humaniversity · In 1978 Veeresh founded the Osho Humaniversity and created a variety of therapeutic techniques and Social Meditations of which the AUM


tarts with living a better life.”

Humaniversity Therapist Training: A Training Program over Four Years

WWWStudying therapy is one of the most exciting challenges you can undertake in your life. The answer to helping others lies in having the courage to encounter what is inside you. It means working with yourself throughout the program, being honest and experiencing all available techniques. The focus is on you: the games you play, your fi xed patterns, your talents, your way of living, your awareness, your responsibility, your love and ultimately your being.

“Working with people for a better world....

Through your participation in this training, you will learn:

• what you need and what you can give • how you relate and how you want others to relate to you• the best way to express your love, your creativity and your sexuality• how to create friendship and intimacy in your life.

You will create a nourishing and fulfi lling life that enables you to:

• Lead classes using Humaniversity techniques• Provide counseling sessions to others• Lead Humaniversity meditations• Guide personal growth workshops

This program leads to a Facilitator degree in Humaniversity Psychology when combined

with the residential Student Program in the Humaniversity campus.

Page 4: TherapistTraining 2015 -web - Humaniversity · In 1978 Veeresh founded the Osho Humaniversity and created a variety of therapeutic techniques and Social Meditations of which the AUM

What can I expect to experience?You will experience going beyond your limits. You will have more energy, learn to dance more, fall in love with more people, make more friends and express yourself more fully and honestly than you ever believed possible.

Through all of this you will discover that the limited, restricted picture of yourself that you carried around for a long time is not really you.

You will experience and learn that:

• Your emotions can be expressed safely• Your sexuality is beautiful• You have the right to exist as your true creative, caring and authentic self • You are loveable

What I will be able to do?As a Graduate of the Therapist Training you will be able to support others in their own process of self-exploration by giving classes, counseling, and all-day workshops. You might begin for example by offering an ongoing introductory class where people can meet, share and make friends.

Outcomes of this training include:

• Know how to create intimate loving relationships • Be able to express yourself accurately, effectively and authentically • Be able to say no when you mean no and yes when you mean yes• Know how to use your mistakes as tools for learning

• Know how to get help when you need it, and how to invite other people to be part of your projects and your life as you recognize the richness of working and living together. You will also learn how to invite other people to be part of your projects and your life as you recognize the richness of working and living together.

What if I’m not sure if I want to be a therapist?That’s fi ne. There is no need to be sure about this when you start, or even as you progress through your training. The elements of the training are basic ingredients of living a healthy and well-integrated life, no matter what work you may choose to do afterwards.

Page 5: TherapistTraining 2015 -web - Humaniversity · In 1978 Veeresh founded the Osho Humaniversity and created a variety of therapeutic techniques and Social Meditations of which the AUM

1stTherapist Training


First Year (Takes place in Netherlands and UK)

You will be part of a peer group where you support each other to:

• Recognize old patterns of behavior that may have worked for you in the past, but have long since outlived their usefulness.• Experiment with new ways of relating and expressing yourself, fi nding the ways that are best for you in your life now.• Develop increased respect for your own ability to learn, change, and be fl exible.

This year focuses entirely on self-experience and personal awareness. You learn about your behavior, attitudes and feelings towards

yourself and others, your responsibilities, actions and reactions concerning authority, relationships, families and the planet. You learn to give and receive love in a fully supportive environment.

Content• Participation in nine weekend workshops, each on specifi c themes such as Emotional work, Authority, Sexuality, Encounter, Bodywork, and Sensitivity.• As a participant, you join the workshops, follow the group structures and experience all the techniques. Before and after each group there is a sharing to integrate your experiences.• Participation in the month-long Summer Workshop WOW led by the Humaniversity staff. It is always an intensive adventure in relating with others that brings you closer to who you are.

EvaluationSuccessful completion of the fi rst year is not measured in terms of knowledge or skills, rather it is based on your willingness to use the training to discover yourself.

Course Counselors: Isha & Jayesh

Page 6: TherapistTraining 2015 -web - Humaniversity · In 1978 Veeresh founded the Osho Humaniversity and created a variety of therapeutic techniques and Social Meditations of which the AUM

2ndTherapist Training


Second Year(Takes place in Netherlands and UK)

The focus of this year is on taking responsibility for yourself, while becoming aware of the actions, intentions and needs of the people around you. You will continue to develop yourself and share what you have learned. The challenge is to learn to take care as well as to participate in the groups and sessions. There are tutorial days and a Tutorial weekend to help you integrate your practical work with theoretical studies.

Content• Caretaker in the nine weekend workshops of Level 1.• As a caretaker you assist the staff in organizing the group. You attend the caretaker meetings, help in the structures and work on the assignments given to you• Caretaker in the month-long Summer Workshop• Participation in tutorial days connected with the topics of the workshops• Participation in a Tutorial weekend on Humaniversity Therapy• You will be asked to submit a paper describing one topic in psychology relevant to your personal experience in the training to distribute to your peer group.

Evaluation• Your willingness to learn; your ability

to take a position and to remain open to feedback• Your personal motivation to continue to train yourself in working with people• Your ability to stay centered while involved in both your personal process and the group process• Your skills and ability to work with people• Your presence - your ability to give and be aware• Your clarity of expression• Your availability - being open to the needs of the workshop participants• Your fl exibility - your ability to respond to change• Your organizational capabilities• Your active participation - your willingness to present ideas and suggestions• Your ability to make friends in the workshop and with the staff

Dharmaraj & Aranyo

Course Counselors:

Page 7: TherapistTraining 2015 -web - Humaniversity · In 1978 Veeresh founded the Osho Humaniversity and created a variety of therapeutic techniques and Social Meditations of which the AUM

Third Year(Takes place only in Netherlands)

This year focuses on your ability to develop your professional skills as a junior assistant. You will be working under supervision in a responsible way in the workshops, guiding the group through given structures. You will also begin to train the caretakers. This position requires sensitivity and awareness of your internal process and that of others under challenging conditions. You will be developing your capacity to perceive and report on the progress of the participants in the group. Feedback is used extensively as an aid to learning.

During this part of the training, you will have opportunities to experience your theoretical work in practice; humanistic and transpersonal psychology, different body/mind approaches and different paths towards meditation.

Content• Participation in a professional development program including administrative and organizational skills.• Assistant staff in fi ve Humaniversity workshops• Submitting a summary paper on a chosen topic of Humaniversity Psychology, discussing one relevant theoretical background topic within your personal experience and presenting it as a seminar to your peer group.

Evaluation• Your willingness to learn; your ability to take a position and to remain open to feedback• Your personal motivation to continue to train yourself in working with people• Your ability to stay centered while involved in both your personal process and the group process• Your skills and ability to work with people• Your presence - your ability to give and be aware• Your clarity of expression• Your availability - being open to the needs of the workshop participants• Your fl exibility - your ability to respond to change• Your organizational capabilities• Your active participation - your willingness to present ideas and• suggestions• Your ability to make friends in the workshop and with the staff

3rdTherapist Training

year“I want you to train the best

therapists in the world.”

- Osho to Veeresh July 1984 -

Geetee & Rajan

Course Counselors:

Page 8: TherapistTraining 2015 -web - Humaniversity · In 1978 Veeresh founded the Osho Humaniversity and created a variety of therapeutic techniques and Social Meditations of which the AUM

Fourth Year(Takes place only in Netherlands)

You will become part of the group staff and deepen your clinical understanding of the group process.

• Support the junior assistants and continue training the caretakers• Take a more active role in assisting and leading structures in the group• Learn more about the particular techniques and ways of working that attract you.

Content• Participation in professional development workshops• Staff in fi ve Humaniversity workshops• Training and practice in giving individual sessions• Assisting the 14-day Tourist Program• Written work: a report on your professional development in your work outside the Humaniversity • A substantial paper discussing a selected aspect of therapy, exploring the topic from the perspective of at least two

relevant academic theories as well as your personal experience, including a short summary to be presented as a seminar. This can also be in the form of an alternative project to be agreed on.

Evaluation• Assimilation of learning and behavior from previous years• Specialization in therapeutic techniques• Presentation of a substantial theoretical study delivered in written and seminar format.• Applying your newly learned skills to your work with guidance from your course counselors.

Fourth Year

4thTherapist Training


Course Counselors: Yogini & Sambodhi

Page 9: TherapistTraining 2015 -web - Humaniversity · In 1978 Veeresh founded the Osho Humaniversity and created a variety of therapeutic techniques and Social Meditations of which the AUM

Supervision and Support

During the Training:As you begin working with people during the Humaniversity training groups, you will receive supervision and feedback from staff and from your peer group.

One of the most valuable features of the part-time format of this training is the opportunity it gives to bring into your daily life learnings about yourself and about how you relate to your family, partner, friends and work colleagues.

Before every weekend group you will meet with your peer group and course counselors to share how the process of integration is working for you. You will also be given specifi c assignments to support the process of creating a better life. As you begin to practice outside the Humaniversity, you will be supported in developing feedback mechanisms.

And afterwards: When you have completed your training, you will have a supervisor to provide support and discuss your personal issues and progress as your work experience grows.

Every year there is a Humaniversity gathering where you can meet with the staff and therapists. It is a wonderful chance to reconnect with old friends and keep up to date with the latest developments in Humaniversity Therapy.

During the four years of training, you will develop intimate relationships with your peer group. Many trainees continue these connections as life-long friendships and meet regularly.

Page 10: TherapistTraining 2015 -web - Humaniversity · In 1978 Veeresh founded the Osho Humaniversity and created a variety of therapeutic techniques and Social Meditations of which the AUM


tarts with living a better life.”

CHANDRIKA (Switzerland)

Chandrika is an executive director of the Osho Humaniversity. She is a

therapist trainer and mentor in Humaniversity Therapy. She has

a degree in psychology from the University of Freiburg. Chandrika was trained personally by Veeresh for over 35 years, she leads the New Sexuality Training, Tan-Ju Teenager Program, AUM Leader Training and the Social Meditation Leader Training. Chandrika loves painting mandalas and cooking.

PREMDIP (France)

Premdip is an executive director of the Osho Humaniversity and a mentor

in Humaniversity Therapy. She is a therapist trainer and the

leader of the Encounter Training. She has over 35 years experience in working with people in a therapeutic communal setting, and has been personally trained by Veeresh. Premdip is a student of macrobiotic cooking, Shamanic Healing with Live Wood and various oriental arts.


Sangitama is the Clinical Director of the OSHO Humaniversity, a Therapist

Trainer and course counselor of the Therapist Training. She leads the

Humaniversity Addiction Program (HAPI), and is the Chief Supervisor of Health and Healing. She gives individual sessions in Psycho-Kinesiology, alcohol and drug detoxing, colon- and hydro-therapy and color puncture. Sangitama loves outdoor sports especially mountain cycling.


Geetee manages public relations and the Humaniversity sound studio.

He is a Mentor in Humaniversity Therapy, leader of the Student

Program and course counselor of the Therapistand Encounter Trainings. He is also a HumaniversityFlushing trainer and Tan-Ju trainer. Geetee is a professional DJ. He loves drumming and high energy.

ISHA (Italy)

Isha is our house manager, a master of Osho-Do and a course counselor of the

Therapist and Encounter Trainings. She specializes in

encounter and passionate relating. Isha studied advertising and graphic design in college, loves performing on stage and is passionate about fitness.

“A Humaniversity therapist has to love himself and other people. In his heart, he wants to give. He cares so much that he’s not willing to give up on anybody.

More than that, he is open to being friends” - Veeresh -

YOGINI (Germany)

As well as being a Humaniversity Therapist Yogini is also trained in Eastern and

Western healing techniques including Shiatsu, Rebalancing, MER,

Bio Energetics, Reiki, Divine Healing and Intuitive Massage. She is a course counselor of the New Sexuality Training and a leader of the Tourist Program. She likes baking, reading, studying and exercising.

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StaffProfi les


Jayesh is a course counselor of the Therapist training and of the New Sexuality Training.

He manages the Humaniversity computer system and works in

marketing. His passions include performing on stage, ice skating and cooking exceptional food.

GABI (Germany)

Gabi was trained as a preschool teacher and has studied macrobiotic cooking.

She is a course counselor of the Therapist Training and leads

the Tourist Program. She loves gardening and beautifying her surroundings.

DHARMARAJ (Australia)

Dharmaraj graduated in law and had a career as legal counsel in the corporate world. He wrote

the book, Veeresh: ‘Bliss Beyond Fear’, which describes the key

principles of Humaniversity Psychology. Dharmaraj is currently writing a second book about Humaniversity Therapy called ‘Love Is Always the Answer’. He is a course counselor of the Therapist Training and is well known for his fascinating seminars, care for detail and great sense of humor.

PREM JAN (Netherlands)

Prem Jan is a course leader of the Tourist Program and an Osho-Do Master. For over 35

years he had studied different methods of meditation, therapy

and martial art. He loves traveling, music, photography, dancing, parties and watching

soccer matches with his friends.


Sambodhi has a bachelor’s degree in art and design. She is a course counselor of the

Therapist training and of the New Sexuality Training. She works

in marketing and graphic design. She leads creativity and introductory workshops. Sambodhi is trained in rebalancing and MER bodywork and is passionate about theater, running, yoga and meditation.

RAJAN (Norway)

Rajan has a master’s degree in sociology and a bachelor’s degree in business and

administration. He is a course counselor of the Therapist Training

and created and manages the Humaniversity website. Rajan is a coffee barista, skier and kite surfer.

Page 12: TherapistTraining 2015 -web - Humaniversity · In 1978 Veeresh founded the Osho Humaniversity and created a variety of therapeutic techniques and Social Meditations of which the AUM

Osho Humaniversity, Dr. Wiardi Beckmanlaan 4, 1931 BW Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands +31 (0) 72 506 4114, [email protected],

Osho Humaniversity is an international center for personal growth, therapy, spirituality, professional development, and the training of therapists. It was founded in 1978 by Veeresh D. Yuson-Sánchez, and is based in Egmond aan Zee, on the North Sea coast in the Netherlands.

The philosophical aim of the Osho Humaniversity is ‘Working with People for a Better World’; a goal which the institute teaches by providing

extensive and intensive experiential education – the combination of emotional awareness and wisdom, and objective, practical information.This takes place in a dynamic communal living environment with a high level of social interaction.

The Osho Humaniversity has several affi liated centers throughout the world, including UK, Sweden, Italy, Canada, and Israel.