Theoretical Framework Augustine

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  • 8/8/2019 Theoretical Framework Augustine


    Theoretical FrameworkTheoretical Framework

    Augustine Peter Augustine Peter

    S2, B2S2, B2IMKIMK

  • 8/8/2019 Theoretical Framework Augustine


    W hat is a Theoretical Framework?W hat is a Theoretical Framework?

    A mechanism that helps to clarify a big idea A mechanism that helps to clarify a big idea A means through which you can explore the A means through which you can explore themultiple dimensions of a big ideamultiple dimensions of a big idea

    An instrument for judgment An instrument for judgment A filter through which you can consider various A filter through which you can consider variousideas in order to further clarify a positionideas in order to further clarify a position

    An intelligent means through which you can An intelligent means through which you candevelop a response or an argument regardingdevelop a response or an argument regardingan issue.

  • 8/8/2019 Theoretical Framework Augustine


    H ow can you start?H ow can you start?

    Consider a big question that is important toConsider a big question that is important sure your question provides room for Make sure your question provides room for abstraction (its not too practical)abstraction (its not too practical)Consider the various theories and philosophicalConsider the various theories and philosophicaldirections that may inform your questiondirections that may inform your question

    Become well versed within theBecome well versed within thetheories/philosophical directions that you maytheories/philosophical directions that you mayuseuse

  • 8/8/2019 Theoretical Framework Augustine


    W hat NextW hat Next

    Identify themes, main ideas, and possibleIdentify themes, main ideas, and possibletensions within the theories/philosophytensions within the theories/philosophythat you are using to inform your that you are using to inform your frameworkframeworkOrganize the themes, etc. in a way thatOrganize the themes, etc. in a way thatwill help you to achieve your originalwill help you to achieve your original

    purposepurposePlay with ideas to determine thePlay with ideas to determine theeffectiveness of your frameworkeffectiveness of your framework

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    D irect TheorizingD irect Theorizing


    You may be able to pull your framework directly from theideas of one theory or philosophy.

    Ex. Using D eweys theory of inquiry to define the reflectivepractitioner or to determine the necessary conditions of

    inquiry for schools.

  • 8/8/2019 Theoretical Framework Augustine


  • 8/8/2019 Theoretical Framework Augustine


    Extracted TheorizingExtracted Theorizing


    You may choose to use part of a theory or a philosophy eventhough you may not agree with all of it.

    Ex. Goodmans critique of the conservative movement inschools that uses elements of Marxist ideology whilerecognizing its weaknesses as political ideology.

  • 8/8/2019 Theoretical Framework Augustine


    Metaphorical TheorizingMetaphorical Theorizing


    You may use the elements of some idea or phenomena to serve as metaphors todevelop an analysis of your question or problem.

    Exs. Using D eweys critique of architecture as a means through which to build aframework for public space in theorizing

    Using the myth of Odysseus to explore a critique of modernist rationality

    Using the image of H ermes to explore hermeneutics and the role of the teacher inhermeneutics.

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    Eclectic TheorizingEclectic Theorizing

    You may use multiple ideas, philosophies, theories to build your argument or to develop a framework. Ex. Public space according to

    social theorists, philosophers, etc.

  • 8/8/2019 Theoretical Framework Augustine


    Sample: Conditions for InquirySample: Conditions for Inquiry

    Reflective partnerships are collective:

    Transformative communication

    H igh levels of interaction

    Positive response to change


  • 8/8/2019 Theoretical Framework Augustine


    Conditions of Inquiry cont.Conditions of Inquiry cont.

    Reflective partnerships exist within educativeexperience:


    Evidence of open problem solving

    Consistency with aims

  • 8/8/2019 Theoretical Framework Augustine


    Conditions of Inquiry cont.Conditions of Inquiry cont.

    Reflective partnerships have a deliberatepurpose:

    D etermined by participants

    Guided by common beliefs and

    assumptionsH igh levels of commitment to purpose

  • 8/8/2019 Theoretical Framework Augustine


    Conditions of Inquiry cont.Conditions of Inquiry cont.

    Reflective Partnerships are active:

    Active to prepare preservice teachers

    Active to explore new possibilities inrelationships

    Active to build and maintain relationships

  • 8/8/2019 Theoretical Framework Augustine


    Conditions of Inquiry cont.Conditions of Inquiry cont.

    Reflective partnerships serve a significant purposebeyond themselves:

    Promote teacher education reform

    Promote professional growth of teachers

    Promote professional growth of professors

    Increase student achievement

    Serve community

  • 8/8/2019 Theoretical Framework Augustine


    In Conclusion. . .In Conclusion. . .Theorizing and the creation of theoreticalframeworks involves intentionally andsystematically playing with ideas in order to

    achieve some deliberate purpose. In order to theorize, you must step away from theimmediate, from the purely utilitarian. You

    must let go even if for a while in order to explore the possibilities that can emergewhen ideas begin to intersect and grow.This does not come easily nor withouttensions .

  • 8/8/2019 Theoretical Framework Augustine


    Thank YOU..Thank YOU..