Theoretical Examination of Pious Child Character as A Part of Validation of Assessment...

Theoretical Examination of Pious Child Character as A Part of Validation of Assessment Instrumentation in Teaching ARIE RAKHMAT RIYADI UNIVERSITAS PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA

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Theoretical Examination of Pious Child Character as A Part of Validation of Assessment Instrumentation in Teaching


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“the human being can only become human through education” (Kant, 1803)

Studies on human nature philosophically facilitated the birth of educational goals (Harris, 1999)

Education is a matter of goals and focus (Bereiter in Kartadinata, 2014)

“…certain philosophical view of human nature is subjective”(Syaripudin & Kurniasih 2008, p. 15). That is, a system of theory or system of thought about human philosophy is true for the philosopher himself or for the adherents respectively.

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For the Indonesia nation, education was held based on Pancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945.

In this regard, the Indonesia has its own philosophical foundations of education, namely Pancasila.

Human nature according to Pancasila are creature of God Almighty. In fact, Article 29 of Constitutions 1945 clearly states that the state is based on belief in God Almighty (Darmodiharjo & Shidarta 2006, p. 241).

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Basic Assumptions

Ontologically, all men have the idea of God, and reality are more perfect than human ideas. Therefore, God must exist, and the reality of His there was definitely more perfect than human ideas about God.

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The cosmological argument, everything that exists must have a cause. The existence of the universe-including human-is as a result. In the universe there is a sequence of cause and effect, but surely there must be a First Cause that is not caused by the other. For the first is the source for any other cause, does not exist as matter, but as "Private" or "Creator".

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The teleological argument, that everything has a purpose (example: eyes to see, walking legs etc.). Therefore, everything (reality) does not happen by itself, but was created by the manager that goal, which is God.

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Moral argument, that the moral man, he can distinguish between good and evil deeds, and so on. This shows the base, the source and destination of morality. Basic, source and purpose of morality is God

(Syaripudin, 2014: 10-11).

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Basically the description of the previous slides related to: (1) an agreement view of human nature as a creature of God Almighty; (2) through education, faith and piety into focus the potential development of basic learners to have the spiritual power of religion; and (3) the development of science and technology high uphold religious values. “…facts that occurred, in general nowadays education

systems delivered tend to be secular and materialistic. Related to this, people rarely admit it honestly” (Isnaini, 2015)

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Rationale (1)

Ibn al-Qayyim (Iqbal, 2015) stated the purpose of education in Islam is keeping (purity)/fitrah of human nature and protect it in order not to fall into the irregularities and manifests itself ubudiyah (servitude) to Allah Ta'ala.

Allah Almighty says, "And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me." (Ad-Dzariyat Q.S.: 56).

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O you who have believed, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims [in submission to Him] (Al-Imraan, Q.S.: 102).

The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: (1) Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); (2) knowledge which is beneficial; (3) a virtuous (pious, righteous) descendant who prays for him (the deceased).” [Sahih Muslim]

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A third source of reward is having pious (virtuous) descendants.

Educating children on the right lines and then making dua for them to be among the righteous is essential, so that after a person's death they continue to pray for him or her.

The prayer of pious children in favour of parents is very useful.

Therefore pious child character need to develop as one of the goals in education (learning outcomes, in teaching practice).

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Rational (2)

Learning Outcomes

Instructional Activities


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Learning outcomes are statements that describe significant and essential learning that learners have achieved, and can reliably demonstrate at the end of a course or program. In other words, learning outcomes identify what the learner will know and be able to do by the end of a course or program.

(Lesch, 1995)

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Instructional Activities refers to teaching and teaching-related activities such as curriculum development; preparing for and conducting class meetings; developing instructional materials; preparing and grading assignments and examinations; other related student life and student support activities.

(Ball & Forzani, 2010)

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Assessment is a systematic process of collecting and analyzing data and information to inform and improve student learning or programs of student learning in light of goal-oriented expectations

(Furqon, 2016)

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Background and Rationale

Learning Outcomes

Instructional Activities


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Assessment produce data and feedback

“…the data-based inquiry process can maximize the benefits of data use by helping teachers share effective practices, adopt collective expectations for students’ performance, gain a deeper understanding of students’ needs, and develop effective strategies to better serve students”.

(National Association of Elementary School Principals, 2014)

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Make data as a part of an ongoing cycle of instructional improvement (NAESP, 2014)

To help all students achieve, teachers need to systematically and routinely use data to guide instructional decisions and meet students’ learning needs.

Data use is an ongoing cycle of collecting multiple data sources, interpreting data to formulate hypotheses about strategies to raise student achievement and implementing instructional changes to test hypotheses.

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Validation of Assessment Instrument

One limitation of assessment concern whether the assessment has validity. A recent way of approaching the concept of validity is to focus on whether the assessment task is a true indicator of the achievement of intended learned outcomes (Bentham, 2002).

Validity involves the degree to which a given instrument measures what it purport to measure (Blocher, 1974).

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The three first steps (from 26) guide to developing valid and effective assessment instrumentation

These includes:1. determine the purpose;2. decide what you are measuring; and 3. consider the audience.

(Diem, 2004).

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Pious, Piety, Virtuous? (Shaleh, Soleh, Saleh?) Sholeh/saleh/shalih/shalihah (sifat), “sholaha” = baik Opposite “fasada” = broken; “ashlaha” = fix; shollaha = peaceful. As a subject, “shoolihun/shoolihatun” = a person who do

good things; “amalun shoolihun”: ‘amalum muwafiqum bimaa jaa a bihii

nabiyyun = amal sholeh adalah amal yang cocok/sesuai dengan yang dibawa/dilakukan oleh Nabi.

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Definition of PIOUS1a :  marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship b :  marked by conspicuous religiosity <a hypocrite—a thing all pious words and uncharitable deeds — Charles Reade>2:  sacred or devotional as distinct from the profane or secular :  religious <a pious opinion>3:  showing loyal reverence for a person or thing :  dutiful4: marked by self-conscious virtue :  virtuous5:  deserving commendation :  worthy <a pious effort> piously

 adverb piousness


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Definition of VIRTUOUS : morally good : having or showing virtueDefinition of PIETY : devotion to God : the quality or state of being pious

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Based on the analysis of the language we can be took several characteristics of pious character as follows. Sholeh / sholehah show kindness, good nature.

Everything refer to word “pious” is good. The opponent is "fasad", broken. Not in good condition, or damaged.

Sholeh also in "aslaha" shown to be active. Is movement, mobilization of resources and efforts to achieve goodness, transform into good condition, repair, and progressive.

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3. In the words “sholeh” also in "shollaha" asserted condition, situation, order / obedience, pillars, peace. Pious people are in a state of law-abiding, harmonious and reap peace.

4. Characterized in person to "shoolihun / shoolihatun" those who do good, do good.

5. When put into action, "amalun shoolihun", then it must be good deeds and kindness was obtained through deeds / actions that correspond with reference to the Prophet.

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Results of Theoretical Examination

As for the character of a pious child includes wholeness of the human characters are expected by Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, namely: (1) sholihul Qolbi (heart), a clear heart, submissive

heart, obedient or sami'naa wa atha'naa to rules of Allah;

(2) shalihul 'aqli (mind), intelligent, creative, and have ghirah, motivation or enthusiasm for thalabul' ilmi;

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(3) shalihul 'Amali, doing charity or act in accordance with the command of Allah, whether related to hablumminallaah and hablumminannaas; and

(4) sholihul Jasadi, clean and healthy physical.(Yusuf, 2004)

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The construction of pious child character in line with the classification of the purpose of education in the view of Ibn Qayyim. First, Ahdaf Jismiyah (goals related to the body). That held

education is to maintain the health of the body. Second, Ahdaf Akhliyah (purpose related to the fostering

morals). According to Ibn Qayyim, happiness will be achieved by covering themselves with noble act and away from bad morals.

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Third, Ahdaf fikriyah (goals related to train the mind). A good education is aimed to foster and maintain a child with active thinking skills. According to Ibn Qayyim, if a children do forbidden act, so it would be accustomed to the detriment minds.

Fourth, Ahdaf Maslakiyah (destination-related skills). According to Ibn Qayyim, education must have a purpose uncover talent and expertise (skills) that are stored in the child. After knowing his talent, then immediately held guidance to the appropriate fields, and both will realize the benefit of themselves and humanity as a whole

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Definition of pious child is a child who do good deeds and kindness which obtained through actions that correspond with reference to the Prophet.

The dimension include, (1) Jismiyah/Jasadi (physical ability and maintain health) (2) Fikriyah/Aqli (mind, thinking skills)(3) Qalbiyah (heart, emphatic understanding)(4) Amaliyah/Akhlaq (moral actions)(5) Maslakiyah (talent, skills)

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Making “pious child character” as goals / learning outcomes.

Constructing the blueprint of assessment instrument based on the operational definition and the dimensions.

Develop a data-based teaching (instructions) to attain pious child character.