THENEW YORK HERALD.It* price is fully maintained. Thedemand forhide*, skins, &c., good, and previous...

t THE NEW Y WHOLE NO. 10,076. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, ORK HERALD. APRIL 19, 1864..WITH SUPPLEMENT. PRICE THREE CENTS. IMPORTANT FROM EUROPE. Tbe Glasgow and Baionla aC New fork with Ptir Days Later Hews. Sari Russell's Explanation J the Attempt to Communi¬ cate with Richmond. The Alexandra Case Decided Against the Crown. ¦AXIHIUAN'S DIFFICULTIES. THE DANISH WAR. The Towo SF Sonderburg Bom¬ barded and on Fire. A Number of Women and Chil¬ dren Killed. Garibaldi's Reception and Speech in England. The fttansfeld-Mazaini Conspiracy Against Napoleon* Btansfcld Resigns His Seat in the Cabinet. TRIAL OF HEENAN, SAYERS AND MACE, &#tf &4tft The steamship Glasgow, Captain Sill, from Liverpool on the 2d and Queens town oa tbo 4th lost., arrived at tins fort abiut four o'clock yesterday moraine. TUe Glasgow baa landed over aoven huudred pacseugerg. The steamship Saxonia, CapUia Trautmarm. from ¦aothampton on the "tb of April, reached this port yes¬ terday afternoon. Tbe news by tho Sascma four days later than the advices of the Asia at Boston. BU thousand rates Lad defeated the *l* at Teile. The Duke of Newcastle has resigned, and Mr. Cardwell kse succeeded to the Colonial Secretaryship. Lord Clarendon has at copied tlie Chancellorship of the Dach-y of iAucaster. The Liverpool Albim cays . The Great Eastern has been tnlcen up by Glass. Elliot A Co., for tlio purpose of layiug the cablo between Eng. land and America. When tbo cable is lata tbe proprie¬ tor* of the Great Eastern are to receive £60.000 in paid ¦p shares of the Mlautic Telegraph Company. It is not fatten dud to lay the cable till next spring. Tbe news of an intended meeting of the democrats in Madrid has been denied by the democratic party. All the Madrid journals except four support the policy of the government. Domtntc, Duke of Palmetto, died at Lisbon on the 2d of April, after a lingering lllnees. According to the news received from Corfu, tbe trail¬ er of tbe Ionian Islands to Greece will take place on Um 2Mb of April. A battalion has been disbanded at tHssolonghl for mutiny. Advlcoe from the Cape of Good IIopo are dated Table Bay February 20, and Ascension March 6. At tho Cape business was advancing. Too large a quantity of unite- ary and useless merchandise, such as jewelry, pie I, books, boots and shoes, sljpe, hardware, Ac., of a ofeeap description, has been of late received on consign- Mt. The prize negroes brought In by the British bteam ¦loop Rapid had all been apportioned, and although but two hundred were for disposal, ovor two thousand were applied Tor. At Tort Elizabeth business continued dull, and little improvement was looked for until the uneap! Mas caused by late failures subsided. Actual wants (tally supplied, and stocks of all sorts plentiful. Owing tokumerous orders for wool for the American market It* price is fully maintained. The demand for hide*, skins, &c., good, and previous quotations fully main¬ tained Tbe New Zealand war was proceeding. Tbe natives were concentrated at Pokectlke. General Cameron sur¬ rounded litem, and they will be compelled to surrender through starvation. Tba Kangaroo left Liverpool on the 0th instant for New Torn. The Pidcn tailed on the bth instant for N#w York The City of New York. [From tne London Telegraph, April 7.] A telegram dated queenstown, Wednesday, states . "The position of the vessel Is unchanged. A large supply .fstnpty casks have gen* out to her this morning. To- sorrow is appointed for tbe attempt to float her. and strong hopes of success are entertained." AMERICAN AFFAIRS. Bafiiih (ommaalcatloa with the He be it.British Subjects Ported Into tho Confederate Army.Consular Art- vlce to the Recmita-Hr. Crawford's Rlesion and the Return of the Foreign ebel Iron-Clads. A Hint at Recogni¬ tion, Ac- IB the House of T>oms, on the 5th of April, the Marquis tCLAHRiciiwB, in moving for tbe correspondence with I government of tbe Confederate Ptales relative to the vena oval of Prltl'h consuls from their territory, com- Sd that the facts of tbe soveral oases had not been represented by the government, and that in some ces tbe consuls had been removed owing to tbe representations of tbe federal government, and had not keen driven out,as Insinuated, for their conduct in op .osing tho forcible enlistment of British subjects In the Coefederste army, although he believed the It.terferemo sf some of these functionaries had been intolerable, lie AM not go the length of desiring the recognition of tbe confederacy, but there was no doubt that tbo want of sr. credited officials had been productive of much mconTeni- eaca and loss. In his opinion this want might be supplied without recognizing tbo Confederate Plates Rari Itnsscu..It is rather difficult to make out the er¬ ect sblert which my noble friend bss in vluw, but 1 will <*tatn yonr lordships a short time bjr a few remarks on the various circumstances to which he ha* sllnded. In tfe* first place h* said It was not right to say that th* C«af*d*raU goverument had ssnt away our consuls, .or that many British subjects had been compelled to serve In the Oonrederate armies. I can only sp« ak .f the facts reported to me, and as I thought quite .otonous. There bar* been complaints over and *7*r ¦ff'® fm dltmrent parts of the CcnfedTate Mate* that British subjects were obliged to serve tB their mMitla and armiee. We have had to consult Jhe Jaw officers, who bavo said that it was not fair to make .tHtsh auhtMta, not (Ming America* citltOtts .serve tn tbe Cmies of either belligerent, without giving them tim" to ive theoountry If ihsv thought flu iTiave acted on that opinion, and It seems lo me not only law, but fair and equitable. My uoble friend may think they ought to t»e compelled; I belt** tfiev ought nittoh*. Then my noble Ittend enters Into the question of the withdrawal of Mr. Banob's exequatur, which was taken away, I thin*, t rfairly hy th* Vnitfd Hint** jwrerttmfn.', nri th' fr»uml Ituu ftiid mmniuntrattil uiith thr «n<my. Then he enters into the case of Mr. Magee, who sent specie in a Urillsb ship, of- war, and blames Lord Lyons for what he did In that lastter 1 beilets lord l.yons has taken the utmost Cms in his mosi responsible position to behave fairly d Impartially netw'ti both parties f'ermisslon was oh talced from tb* American government that British ships- twar should he allowed from time to time to go to ickaded porta, but Lnrd I.yon, tk.*ivKt u an xlw nftKs ritUye tfuit Iport* Ihotilit to itmt a Ijrmftil.ra't vert m Rrtiuh iAip»f vmr, iassmneh as such *p*eie might afford means of carrying on war against a Plate frtenJIy to Orsat Britain. He accordingly stated thst opinion, and if he bad not done an the American government might ftave withdrawn th* prlvilsge.amt I think there is nothing h the law of uatlons thai wunid have de| rived them of Bie puwer lo do so. (Hour.) I thought thai Uird Lyons pasriglit, and I seat out sn ordsr that Uie oonsul who sent the specie Kbnuk) not be continued In b>s fan« ("..'.J Bal my noble friend gave a rutntr do uiled account of the conduct of Mr Cridhod. Now, *_1*? «i«>l m eooeai it Rich ¦n*® I behove be eujoyed tbe eouHdeoce sad °f «»*y oae for the Manner in wbkl) ba Performed bit He was desired to go to Mobile out " but »o act aa defend and protect Br't*^Pf.0P<irty «<» inur^u. 71 uyu certainty a wry JJSJ'Y*''' f* J*a*i of mr consult, vr of any ono .*Wfor *Bruukt<mn*,t»iM BriiuktnhtcU tAaillui wtrenot*raist their eniutmml in the S«am? a^ t^ZL^L^T in lk4.niomeitt °f / '*»** «tor>^T?h '*<. J*»rl of a cowrW, and I do doi think tbere vm any instruct too given to our oon- &SH? w,brb **J* t*»*y any of then in giving h*w^offlr^«r »h0^ m*r iB opinion of the mw officer* of tbe Crown,or in any directk>um tbat I crave KalJ any,bi"K ,hal wiu,J inuUd rf y. he ' onr,,der*,e sute" hao writti n to ih^n^11 i'7 «* »hat conduct, 1 should have ® A. ri* 10 and even to die biisb tbe consul who had acted in bo impropei * "'.nner instead of that, the Piosidsni of tie ttt tVT*le Go»ern"»;i>» »ent away our .'b<'"g,h tb«»e »'« Hie persons to whom in «rt. . J k. *ou"1 ""urit,lr have recourse ? *£!? rf<,reH* {or grievances. Tho only [®®edy they would have wbeo the consuls were removed ' 525e by Mr Benjamin.namely. that sol ? d m,?hl *PP'y tf' th« tribunals of the «3fJl fc I?T ' 1 e,"lly Mrriu'40 .'I*consul to claim EE*"* , . . m*n ""'cblog about should go in a rth»F^rn«TiT V ".** ,h»ng w,lloh could not be done. J*??*1 th#l » vry harsh and unfriendly proceeding on the part of the Confederate govcrnineot Ihai tbcTnnr^r'.!' °"8bl to hy^m bored, likewise, tnat the '"onfederale government had vood reason to c >m pU.n of our consul, and our consul sa> tog " ,t bo h?d been so instructed, the Confederate government mieht at Or.t have bei.eved h,m. Tbereforel did not enter into uy complaint or angry r«moostr*nce; but I asked Mr mT nuJ! '' 'f OODe"!ar »Wi»te, or perHons under 22L2*: 1wer® 8enl 10 'he <»rfcdeiixie Htates tk^s^^nod-E?V ^ MrfK}d 00 a,,d »«<">"«' .1.. 1, ' 2 . by wbicl» we mlifht ho ablo toobtam JuuTf^®i'SrJ(Jr>#,i0UtiU lu to g,yea-or ll4ve rouHoas riam of thai « Uy D?ble frl6nd d0~ "Ot com f»^^K ? T r bas 00 boon »doluy in car rymp that arrarigement into eni)(!t. it w >s thi vhi no IZXZ" *m<1 a le,ter 10 ^x-'hmond to know w'ether such persons would be received, and tbe letter the federal Tw 10 be ""nl V!l!L!.y / Hrxlxtk government to mdtavor to oifn i."" " Confederate Sla'e, witn- n ,m' vrt' at '""V Slata 01 considerable <t tent, In which etnl war u rarrud on, artri in whirh there n ncoiisideral.U uutnier of fin'uh itUgecU, J say th, re ,<in ^aUun'ZSh. Wthfl!!*n, ""^"tv'n"« I" "Her into commuti,. ratMin un<A those MaUs. (ilenr, hear ) My nobl« rriend f"dw ?^^dry°,"r'0rrdV,'pS kD var,ou* olbcr ¦ubiects. miuwT ^ ii tr*u'ordi' when he arrived at Hirli mond to call the attention of tho fOvernment ^ceth0wh,:rrW <"orre,lKinilenfo. a correspond ^d JEW J b<>',CTC(1 »' the time to bo genuine b^eo era iL,i 7lh a parly in tb« country Ua.1 cure iiiJLn. r tonledorale ifoverum>'nt to pro- w 11 u uP .h:7lllK,0n wjr »Ka.D3iaSutc in am ty clared^t lr"'fd is aware that her Majesty al preserve a ,btB war ber Oetermliatton to «trict neutrality; and prohibited her subiccts fromtaking part on one side or the other. Van, sorry" have thjLTh,1 !°n °h, AI"-l'?bly k"* 001 fao< n obeyed. I lo i». Si th n,< "" eVerV (Hca(""u when it ai>; e red DniSd sum^rerwasKro'D«l0< complaint aga.nst the mcn^t With re« , Wlth tMo federal govern, "ith r^yC to the document to which myn. b e no' trv ,,6 " h R b"cn tbe subject or a gro. dea] 0? inquiry, it ua- said to ha,- >vn puNinl.ed in a AW Y, rl UrL'rU ^nUln\ ' 1r Sr'"a"i 'It'ex mat, having m ide t a JJ' lt t0 'iat> f'*n nllogdkrra fur<ier> b^n ^n^ hlur* "> 11 waj .uppotiod to have Mvv ^ ,U,e S6cre"'ry « the oTniederate wavy, tut a uas, m fwt) an invention c+ t^t nf" Z iTork- Cer,a1"'/. ' Should , "'ink of making any iMmnlunt on that «u aCquestf«?,."0urihCV on,fedur»,u K°vcrnniont. There if, 1. regard to which my noble friend b,"irta>,B-' mean the cafe of lus.-Nizon. I h»i ik tje.c re the courts, and tho shin ,n<t tbecariro have been reie .ted. Jt ig alleei'd that » rm lfh subject woy mtjrJerej aB,( ^ Americanirovern meat have ordered that a court wwtiaT Jbii'trv the tK.^nr000 °Kf lbe murJer- With regard to the mo tmn of my noble friend, I supiiose he will not deimrt from the u,ual farm and object to ,h intn^LZnX r^,"G7V'"75 ' afUr ^"cop^'^SS alo tlZt Mm >' 13 10 lh'\ ">sntion of the words 'to-called" before "gm*rnm,nt of the Confederate States." Otherwise it might stem a if the fhmse recognized the CartTirrr it* St^.VihtnvkkerMajrtyKai It^onfso Conf((tr^ to the amAn"1!' ! LASH" **"« said ho had no object* n Th.? Pr®P»»ed <>y his noblo rrlond. Tbe motion as amended was then agreed to. £e,'hV\l.!;m'n,t ?'the American Armies. Af ' Comn>°«», on Hie 4th or April, sir A oia nnf n"lice ,bal «"> Friday ne.vt he ah.iuid a«k Maieaiv^'en 0lary J0r lor,'ilin Affairs whether her fiutt L .5 "JS111 La(1 reco'"'J a CommunU^tlOQ re- !to miri«» alleged kidu.pplng of certain persons for tbe purpose of serving in tbe American armies. In IK. u TnE RECRUITS. k"b»"" if lie had communicated wu^fho rnitod States government on tbe snbieot. JivfncLI' 'hought tbe word'of an officer of the the vo.«««fw'thf'Vi** t" tbe D1*" fcuv'ng Come on board v<a tel without his knowledge ought to be mken. In IKa I. Th? C*"* °' the »**"«. s^Kw L rV! °:TM,0B ,h0 6lk or April, Colonel i»r r. i ... w 1 Ucr ^.cfetwy of state for Foreitn Affairs whether be could give any inforinntion fo the House of the results of the referenco to the Amertcan government resiling tbe seizure of the Saxon and the conduct of lieutenant Panenbowor. Mr- I.av*K" said that from a report of her Mniestr's nr ih'T .0r'1 l,b0 Kovernmenl ha.1 learned that the Jud^e of the I'lstrict < onrt bad diroct. d that the ves<-ol the Saxon and her cargo should be delivered to then re- Bpectjve owners, free rrom all costs, charges and expenses seizure"1" Wal of,'a v 't'e »«>d probable cause or f a«i ih.^ resiiect to Lieutenant Panenbower, he he- hP Wa* 10 be tried, but did not know under wbat circumstance*. "uu°r mS!lI,'I'u5AtKMkff whr,t"r aBV Pr"P<*al h\il beer, made to pension the widow ot the cbier oil.ccr of the Saxon yond ruroor!I> mformallon uP"a ">o subject be The Alexandra Case. DECISION or THE HOt'BE OF LORDS A0AIN8T THE n...iK.0WiN A>D REI.KASE OK THE VES8EI.. nors* or Loro«, April 0 .Yesterday the House of Lonlt held a special judicial sitting for the purple of deliTermg judgment in the case of the Alexandra. The ¦oble and learned lords present were tho Lord t han. el tor Ix.r-1 ( ranworth, Urd St. Leonards I^rd Wetslev dale and Lord Klngsoown. neLsiey- The care of tbe Attorney General vs. Sillers and nthAra wmi called. whAn the ,.eeA delivered jid£.nt Jvers? of the courts.' *nd d"m',Se<1 ,be ,ppeal trow th0 JuJgmeni u. The Laird Hams. uoceedednio\«n. i Cimm°0 l,w bar of ^»«J"n, hus jroceeded to i«ypt to exam me the l'asba on behalf of le rra .CC°mpa0le<l Mr¦ Hetcher, the owner of THE DASISH WAB. Bombardment of Dappel and louder, burs by the Allien.Sonderbnrs In FUmri. A Kambtr of'Women and Chil¬ dren Killed and fifty Houses llarntd, dir., A;*-. (*Aric»«TKijr, April S, 1804. Thf cannonade against tbe Puppet works commenced yesterday at two P. M., and lat>t»l wllliOut Intermission jctil aeven P. M. During the night tbe firing *i« continued at Interval* A conflagration hat broken out In (be enemy's line*. It is thought probable that tbetr barracks are on fire. Our loss w inconsiderable. Amu. 4,1864. 1 ho bombardment of Puppet was continued to-day. £ondrrburc It burning in «everal piaros The cannonade of tbe enemy is kept up by tbe same batteries as yesterday. Our oatposta on tbe right of the Huppel position ware attacked several times during tbe ulght. 1'lJtanoL, April 4.2:45 P. M. The Prn*«ians bare bombarded Sonderburg forty «lgbt boars, without any previous intimation. Klghty townspeople, women and children, bare been kli .' d or wounded. fifty bouses iu tbe centre of tbe town bare been burnt. fifteen hundred shclli have beon thrown Into tbe town, which tot deserted. Tbe cai.nonade suddenly and completely ceas«d tbia morning. H has, however, recommenced. Tbe lianmo position It uninjured. foetunjiaim, April 6.9 28 a. m. "be bomharlment of ,-<oiiderburf waa recommenced yet-teiday at two P. M. TheImppel work< bave sustained no injnry whatever. A pontoon train b»s Veen reen near Rallesgaard. Is* MiJirnis Past Tkt» A. * A livelv artillery flght took plsoe at Puppet yesterday. The b art ai d meat of tender burg has oeased. The "nen.y lias erected batteries tn Ptegswlg (SkJCldgd ) (or lb' purp. mo of bombarding men of war. i.eoera 11 asrard la «.'ipeued m f'opeuhsgen from Stock¬ holm. The Prussians Before Pnppel. A telegram from ll'imbnrg of April 2, pays..It laiaid that the Austro-Prn'sisn tro< p* Intend to turn the posi¬ tion of TMpptl by crossing over to tho Island of Ola'in vi ry shortly^ by Man* of Austrian pontoons. Kvery. tbtog u> SMl't40 be prepared for an important action. An Austrian s i>ia> r<>u is assembling at l.tsbon. Two more ablpa bave arrived. The Paris Foyt speaks of a atrlou* conflict (aid to have t»k-n place iu Jutland between an Austriau and Prussian rseimert. Vho lo iowing official telegram from fount Rechberg to the Austrian Auibastador a U'lidon baa been received and published Virirwi, April 2,18M. Re good enough to deny tbe absurd rumor that a muti¬ ny had taken ijace among the Hungarian troops In Jut- land. The spiVIt of the«e troops Is excellent, at>d there la not a amgl# ease ef either insubordination or desertion. April #, 1M4. I.ast night seewsl divisions of the Fourth rog ment of the (iiiards trove In thu surmy s Output-ti and lock up a puillon »wi: biaidrrd abd hfty paeos beyond tUu Hist purauai. In the engagement sixteen of the Prussian infantry and two piou*ois were wounded, bul none were killed Twenty eight Mmi were oaptured Tfce CoBfertBce. In the Flcone of Oumnom, en the 4th instant, I ord pal¬ mers! on paid all Ibe Powers who tinned tliu treaty of IMii liav* oouaented to vend representative* to the <».. fereuoe. (cb**re.) No *newer baa jet been received frem tbe German Diet to tbe invitation eddreeted to them. Tb«|ba*ia propoeedl (or lb* coufereoco to atari from ta an endeavor to restore peace to Farope. (Cheer* «nd laughter ) We have not thought it daeirable lo *1- temnt to eelll* tMforehaud thoee point* which would more properly be subject* for oooaiderattoo wbau tbe eonferenc* aboold assemble. (Bear, bear.) An armtt- lice bas net been agreed up n. | From tbe Part* Pays, Apr!) 6. ] Franco would only a*k In lli« Conference that tbe in¬ habitants of the duchies would declaro tbemselv** rela¬ tive lo tbe government tbey wlsb to bave in tbe event of ihe greater part ol the Power* abandoning tbe basis of tbe treaties of >851 Ombniuokn, April 4.10 10 P. M. Tbe frulr'Utrut of lo day say* .We l*arn that non- mark will be represented at tbe conference by M. do K.lle, tue I'aiiwb Minister in London M. de yuaario. the Miuister for horeigo Affairs, and M. Kringer, Member of the lliKb Court. The two latter are expected to leave for l4ndon on the 7tb instant. Vmwna, April 5. F veiling. The semi official Wittier of to-duy says . Tbe allied Powers will demand at tbe conference ample security lor tbe complete independence or the ducbies, us well f>B Tor an unconditional equality with tbe remainder of Denmark. They will further demand the political union of Schlwwig and H' Intein with (icrmuny, by which tbey are permanently to he protected. The Lai«*t Newt. Sot'TiiAHiniN, April 7, LMd Tbe Prussians bad driven in the Danllh outposts and occupied a position two hundred and fifty paces uearer to Duppel than tbo first parallel. The works were unii^ured by Ibe bombardment. Tbe bombardment of Hondorburg had ceased. The town was burning in several places. Kightv women and children were killed, and the town deported by the Inhabitants. THE MEXICAN QUESTION. The Imperial Dl(tlr«slti«*. [Prom la France of Paris, April ft. Tbe Archduke Maximilian has not yet received the Mexican deputation, difficulties having arisen at the last moment touching bis definitive acceptance oi' tbo condi¬ tions relative to bis eventual rights of succession lo tbe Austria throne. Tho Archduke consented to roo<" nco bi* riruis. but tbe Archduchess Charlotte is said to have ii'err,i *erises ob act ions to that stop. Ireah neKotia. tiiiti* iiave< iiomenoed. The jourivy of the Arrhdncheng Char 'Ml* to Vienna is said to bave eomo reference to :1.1s Cirrni uPtaix *. Tl»e Latent New*. A wfTTLKMKNT »KPOKVKI>. The very latest news by tho Raxonia states that the difficulties iibout the acceptance of the Mexican Crown y tne Aruhdiiku Maximilian have been solved by a comi ro mice with the Kiuperor of Austria, and tlie Archduke viU shortly proceed to Mexioo. TUB RECOGNITION OP IRK NKW KMPl&OK. La trarue of Paris believe* itself able to stale that il<> Courts of London, Rome, Vienna Itorlin.St. i' dorsbnrf Spain and France have agreed to roe umh/p the Kmpen.r or Mexico at' soon as bn accesai n shall have been notified lb them. THE .0!*«PJRA.V AGAINST XAPOI.PXM. Mr. SlanfelO, IV. P., and IHaxtinl \gala Chttrticd Will* flu Crime..Mr. Man. fcld IUitl(in« Ills Seal in tlie Bngllilt tablact^Ulftctof thr Developments in 10 tig. and and In lite Continent. &i- , <ke. The I.ondon Pfriofot April 4 says it Is understood thai measures have been taken winch will make the Jlon-e of Commons very animated for tut uexi lew we. k.. ,if Parliament should last go long. The lory op|posltiou, it is said, is mustering us utmost strength fer a combined and well organized attack en government l'he lonrton '1'mitr ol April 4 says the prospect" of the government have undoubtedly Improved since the com mencoiuent of the luster tetuss. Ibe c\erlions of Kng- 1'iiid in the caatc of |>ence h ive met, w ith at 1«.»-1 a p. r tint success, but, while various things seem to prognos¬ ticate for the government a «a'o passage through itie re- mainder of the session, there a rock ahead which they me m.iking directly for. We allude to the affair of Mr. SlansfMd. We d<i not pr«iudtc the case. Wen re quite willing to bear and waigh everything that Mr. tunaleid may say in extenuutlon or justification. bui we confess we think that the defence to s.ich a charge rhould be made by Mr. Klaus! eld as a private member of 1'arnu- mem, not as a person connected with the government, The london <ri«r of April 4 says .The story fee* that immediately alter the product ion of the budget notice will be given of a motion to lest the strength ut the gov ernmetit. Tho tory expectants profess themselves oonfl- (lent of success, and chuckle already ovor the fall of the ministry. Several papers ascribe the projected party movement to French lutriguo. The London Adrrbser of April 4 says that if it Is Suc¬ cessful llio new ministry will be a Napoleonic govoru men I. Maz/iui bas addressed a letter to the I .curton Time* solemnly aflirmlng that never was any mi ney handed over or pent by him to Mr. Siansfeld for the purp< se of helping tirecco, leualde, Honati, or any other, to any attempt aguinst the Kmperor a life, ami otherwise exonerating Mr «tansfeld fr in implication iu political schemes of the above Italian*, and also protesting against the want of British lucid souse and fan play habits, of which Mr. Siansfeld is the victim Nr. Stanafclfl Leavea the cabinet. In the house of Commons, on the 4th of Murtb.Mr. btAHfrtU) addressed the ji ire as l.llows 1 crave the indulgence of tne House while J offtt a personal explana¬ tion, and in order to admit of discussion. if it should be thought well, on the subset with which I have to deal. I shall conclude by moving the adjournment of the llout-e hmce the Houso'laat sit I have taken a step whi. h the place from whicblspoak has already suflii icntly indicated. 1 have leit it to be my duty to send in my resignation to the noble lord at tbe head ot the I lie House will recollect that n|*>n a former occasion tender ed that resignation and thai tbe noble lord refused In accept it. 1 ibank the noble lord for tbe implicit cre¬ dence which he gave to tho statements that I made t<> him and to the Hoope, and t thank him likewise for the courage he showed in standing by me. (Cheers.) But there are occasions on which it bocjuies a man to consult his own c. nscencc ai d his own sense of rn.U a- to the course which he should adopt, ana this api ears to me to ba\ e lieen one of tbmn 1 have bam tne convinced from what I have seeneheurd and read, that nave ceased to be.if 1 ould ever believe myself to have been.any accession to tbe strength of the government, and thAt I bave become.or, at any rate, I have reason to tear I may have become.a source o"" difllculty anil a cause o! embarrassment to them. Under these dleoumstances 1 I am sure every bouorsble man would feel- that tt was for me. and not for others, to lako upon my¬ self the responsibility of saying that I could nol consent to continue to be a cause of embarrassment to a government which t desired to support. (Hear, hear.) . * * sir, 1 trust that I have now made an ex¬ planation which will not be unsatisfactory to tbe House (Hear, bear.) I have only to add that if any doubts re main upon tne minds ot any honorable members. I not only am readv, but I Invite' tbem to give expression to those doubts, and to enable me now at once to completclv satisfy tbem and answer anything whlcn tboy may havo to say. Meanwhile leave this subject, ami I pat myself upon this House, and I may add upon my countrymen, with reference to a question in which Is Involved that which is every man dearest unblcci mhed character and a fair name. (Cheers ) The honor able gentleman concluded by moving tbe adjournment of the House. Lord Pium*."T05 laid.Wot only so, sir; 1 am convinced that my honorable friend attaches the nunc value to tho welfare and personal safely of that sovereign who reigns over the empire of franco which any laau in this House can attach (cheers) that be ts as sensible as wo are that that great sovereign has on many grave and important occasions proved himseir to bo a true friend and lalibfitl ally of lb s country--(rheers).and t/v all feci that Am firrnmal teurHy and hu dyraHic wtlfart an. not truly of the utmott iuIw to fh t h vil and attached peifle he orirrrm, bW art tqimllv e'leHMul to the gtwral intrrtiU of lump-.. (loud and general cheering.) The Prtxe Itlng. TRIAL OV flBBNAK, TOM «ATKK£, JEM MA< K ANI> OTHER CKLEIKITIM IN KNULAJ4B.A TLKA OP GUILTY RNTKKKD. (From the Utadrm Time*, April (1.; Yesterday Thomas King. John Carmel Heonan.Thomis layers, John Tylor. John Calvin, alias Jerry Noon, John Macdonald, .fame* Mace and Robert Trevors were tried ai th» Sussex Quarter Sessions, held at the -Itlre ball. I ewes, on obarges of having riotously assembled with olh<" persons, to the number of Ave hundred and more, arid or having assaulted and beaten Thomas King and .lobn rarniel Heenan. Messrs. Roupell and Willoui;hby conduct¬ ed the prosecuti'in. .sergeant Tindal Atkinaon and Mr. K. Hesioy appeared on behalf of King, Mace, talvin and Tyler Mr. 8iemh and Mr. (iates tenreaented Heenan, savers and Macdonald. 1 ravers was undefended. sergeant Atkinson said hi* clients would plesd "goilty," with the exception >of Maoe, against whom there was no evidence, and trust to be allowed to ocme up Tor Judgment when caned upon. They bud consented to this cour«e, believing that the ends of public lattice wcni4 bo well *erv«d by It. and became tti«y did nol consider thai any object could be served by sxc'ting sympathy lor those who, under the present atste of 'he law. might be said to have committed a breach of It. He would not go into the question of prire fgbllng as a na Dona] means of self defence, and say wbother, In re¬ senting an injury, it was more man y to use tho w<w»- jtions provided by nature or resort to the gntle. Mr. Sleigh said that his clients had resolved to (Wow tlio aatne oourse Both counsel apologized to Mr. Ctaurib pe, the magistrate, who bad tnierferod st the light, for auy Insult or annoyance offered to him. 1 here were two in- diriment* against the defendants. In the one they were all charged, etcept King, with assaulting King, and In the other they were all charged, excepting Heenan. with assaulting Heenan To both Indictments all pls-.ded . gulity," except Mace and Travtrs.who pleaded "not guilty" In each case. Mr. Darby, the ct airman, said tho ground oron whi 'i tbe Court wail dMpotwd to a-t-eot tt the eourte that h .J been prop-,sod by tho Icarued Oo.i'i l"r the proseont'nn was Ibat the defenUMts in»tl espressed tboir regret for uij- eurred and that tb«jr bad apologized, through Ummt ooon- eel, Mr. Corntbopc. lie u>uld not belp thinking that iter* were otfeere behind the eMutee who bed ted ibe de- (eadMMe to thoee illegal prooeeriiuge. Ifader all ibe eir- eumaUoeee, the Ooort was wnliai; to accept the propo- oHtoa thai bad bem made, and would <>11 upon Ibe defendants who bad pleaded guilty to enter into thetr owa MMgataaacee, m tbc mm of ilOO each, to appear and receive judgment wbeu called upou. The defendants theo entered into the required auretiea and left tue eourt. GARIBALDI IN ENGLAND Arrival and Htteptlon of G»t«b«W' » Knglunil. hopiuamiton, April J. leoe- Garibaldi bun at >«nR*b set to-i on KngJiBbJL retved Bucb a welcome from tbo people of Kouthatnpi» who would congregate on the dock* m " wtthrtan<ltn« the sacrednese of the day.that tbe G«M raJ can forget. The Ripou pawed round Catobot (astloeoon after tw« o'cl< ck, and the Duke of Uuid, Mr. Hoelor. M. H. and a host of gentlemen r«ad!na*w to receive htm. There wan coneidesabl« d* mission ss t" who should have the honor of the ¦ company, when k was decided that be should be guest of tbc Mayor for the day APPEARANCE OP TI1E OKNKK41- iFouthamptou (April 4) corresponded of tbe ««"»"«> Tfmia. i Garibaldi was ,n bie cabio^fo; which, of oonrM ¦ HUib a men was mado by all bis eager wult.,nier« lbai en v a few could net hi while the remainder m> ette.,tnaliy ci»»,e(i the entrance that the General himself >.ould uot got °"1- ^CtT"lb«rlaJd and Mr. Seely however, MMged to cat into tho little apartment, and. after "hh0''*^. hufriesl welcome to its famous occupant, UM).General came out to receive tbe congratulation# »i bisotbe tbe plam untforn, of tbe Italian ,K 7e^ whi n became w«ll-«td lu wbi'h, through tho portraits, we bate hitherto been most familiar with bin feat urea In he Is below tbe m'ldle height, but bis we,I " frame and rather broad shoulders give him an annearance of great natural mbuhiness and activity, freiu whxih even hw lameness could not Ills features, when not id conversation with fr,,'n(li ,mve rather a sad wpcct bnt nothing can exceed tho anlm* tion of their e>. pros-ion when speaking (especially in Italian), and there ie a winning appearance ol^<*>d hu¬ mor about his eyes whuh m uot «>*y to be described, but winch those wb< see it can never forget, l'or 11 rest liis portraits are like l.nn :n all but »hlH «proei.oOf and in the fact that the photographs convoy iihe dea <f h.s being an older and much tal er man than he Ai onoo, when he came into the saloon, he welcomed bis friends wtth the most hearty cordiality, yet withadig .,ly thai, was striking «beti the peculiar simplicity of his manner wns retneini ered. hitn was his son. Menotti t.arbaldi, who was woun.1.' with hm father at Aspromonte, but who has en , volv re, vered the ellects of his mmry, Jh"u*b'',a f haldi still miners, and, from the itilluei-s of the t.cndous of tbe ankle ;s likely to leei ins burt lor some time. U1S HHrBPTION HY TUB VBOPLB. When tho steimer was close on the docks, all tbe qua}a WOnSm''.!lr"r wont up on tne paddlebo*. and the inW « «" *"s h»"e" nb.'h ni'ii1 ..tilinoed incessantly tillithe \ esscl . mie « oni'vde. To all these sabulous tho General re- , up.! i»v cheerilv wnvinir the embroidered -moting car he wore At the l.ndii.g p ace Mr Kicbar.lsoiiwasm vraUing wcanug what may be called the Guriiuld uin- "oV "hit "s I , Mich,trore the ver ~.,.ua itlsi'lav of re llantisl th:rt Many of r,° wore nbai.d f 'he ' COImb, and the ladies red '"^ "l'lrinun.tbe Mayor at once e;ime on board, and .,,5; 1 «W «;cner'l. s-.d be wn , r»ud lo'wo come J . Hi- iut.'oi md to 'eel sure that the welcome ti n him' iiiticially was one which would ke nnar iiv rsiis.ited by not only his fellow townsmen, but * ',; ,eo. V».gi«wl. Ile«.«l yanbaid.-s name was a bie.S'*toM word In ennt Hrita-n. Every where the ic i'lc hs>t hoard of his patriotic deeds and the noble ctloriK i.e had to achieve the Uidepecdeuce of C°?h«r,for. .a invitation to the Mayor s house was tb< o '!: , Miincml Garibaldi replied l-y sbaMup f w -ii v by 'ho 1. md and savtnif "I am grateful to y oi y- r 'in.1 r^-^wt ^ tlnnkfu! y accept y0fTTf!^Slikonieft tbe Hipf* andproce^lrao epe- caTsj. e through the to th. Mayor s re« dtnw uf l ark. t.verywheie he vrv. retched ii» yi* will ti O in^st he»r V enthusiasm an", tm«" tbstaodtug Tb"! it *iis "- ird iy. i av« were hoittcd in all d rectioos CiAl'.tPAtprS AtiVK R TO HIS KUlK.vns Uo'ore leaving 'he Kipon. t.aribaldi give to Mr. >e Kr»u a countryman of his, an old friend, a small scrap ot paper ouwt chbewrotewithapeuci. »;ai, Amit-^idero noo aver d*^KWAUtl! L lp .* .Copra t'llto, non .cciia p dei iMinuit. i»i» n l'«:E5t s. 1 do not de- r- auy poi-tica. (.ea-Otiiira- tien rpjove all. not to excite any agitation.l (.akibald 'f srtwn. _ Soethampton < A| ril 4) correspondence of I.ondon I me? To.<U>^ < ¦nribaldi ^ pubhdv re, e:.vo,l IDy be people undi .rporaliot. of this town and presented with an ad- ?»e s (.; all" tioi.ate ougratulst on on bis arrival in this country, m tho Town Hall, which forms the upper story vl ihe well known bar sate of («outhamptmn Kvoryiblo/ assoJ oil most satisfactorily and with! he uinnst eniniisia«m. ihr t»*»rtinn MornrtlmI to the Italian patriot wherever he appeared being most hearty and U'lhc'jl^y< r^n'^e a i pce :h and tbe low n Clerk read tbo f»nrnurato*atMrCfst* to IhP G60(?r»I ileneral CaRii aI.ih then bent forward and remained for »ouio minutes bowing, in anawor to tho *Pa -a w \ h whicb l*© whc greeted. He «»l i8t ¦P^kC a few wordi wTh evident deep .eetlng. but with ...strong a :«,reinn ,o cent and symptoms ot ellort to ov ercome the dir uit of pronunciation that b;s delivery was r ii -'rkably sioi* tbongb at all ?,mev clear aud distinct. "Ins ncTt the first time that 1 have received Proof of the ' lu' ot tho English n.ttion,and ha.e r-ce.yed those "r, (,i»ni t obh in w(Tfls. hut deeds. (<«raat cli« ering ) nave von that sym. athy sh-wn to me in many; rem itsnr sof mv ie, and very particularly in 1MK». when «¦ tic n the he p of the KnglWh nafiou. iv would ha e bien i. ,ble to '. 'mi l' to the de d, we d,d ,n - there July. A r 'at he"rlDv' ) 1'he Knghsh people i rovided for us in K-n and in arms and in money-tVy help all 'be i.c ds and «, . tue human laiBlly in thair work for freedom. Wha *'' y ,1 and ibey talk,d -f us I- worthy the eter t rraiitodact the Italian people (I »m cheers.) r answer wime of the words, noble and gererous of the Ma or 1 will say to vor. tbat I did nut sacrifice auy n*ri of mv life b it 1 think 1 d'd, and a very .»«. ,-t it was or try duty. and (piscine bis hard on i> s tieart) of the duty or every man. I Ouish by giving .. lL ,WS to yo'i lor your Kenetoua sympathy, and for y.,,r verv Wind itid goo.) welcome Jo me here to daj- it w «'m ist impo«aibl« to describe tbe ecth'isiasm with bib taese lew rem .rla were irracted. though, nnfortn nately tbe «hout ol applawse le<i "o many to attempt to f. rce tbcii way into tbe nail (which was crowded litir aiiv to suTocation) that conelderable confusion anpucd. and It »« JOMliM before the proc-edirgs coo d be continued. Commercial Intelligence, rtlB MJNtlON MONET MARKET. j H IT, b' I.ondon T mes (City articlo) April 7 t t, tb funds have again bean inactive ibrongboot the das cab i, with an occasional tendency to an increase ofdcires^i-'E CMaols lor delivery opwd and cloaed at -L. erdav s price.PIH S wrre 41000 Tfmc ' rlierx .t .<]fir the May account tbe last price wii'Ti to",. Haoksto<k closed at ito" to 2^40 re- duccl and b«w throe per ccots, 8»>, to India stock, jjhto 220, Iio'ia bc«ds be. to Ja. dis .aud ^cboquer b"The7,dise^nt1:dcm«wd today was iomparativaly moderate, but it Is not eapeola.i that the payment of tho dW doadi on Friday will .reata any groat lucroaso ol the advances that will have to be repaid to tbe hank At ibat il 'to being unusually large. m the icruii-i mark.t, aaontiou continues to be almost eyclu" vely directed to Mexican, whtah still r vi,c« undiminHbad opportumtles for tbo skill of [ rll,. 0r M>ec,ulatora for whose operations all the management of the question of tho tbrono would 1 m throughout to have beau especially advantagooua. v, mwhiie, n> «atlgfactory explanationj or anuounco- ,s n aiiv kh d ara made in London, and another post- rouement of tuo pr >l< raert.ngof tha committee of bou Ibolders ts ;,;>psrently not ImprobablB Tba ipcO'DK ir-iisactlons mere at 44«{, a rail of more than *, and . » .'e .ently, or the clrctiiaf o of the usual rumors that all Ua4 ba.t. removed, a rally occurred ,, r wbenrs tbeU was finally a ralspse to ] to' , 'a whatever way tbe vacillations of' " ib«,k» »nd the .tobbir.g which these ?.«n latioiiS r. t >te shall terminate, it will always h.asub e t for I. *rct that the treasures for tbe retiabilt- i.t, n it Mexico, which requited all the prestige ibattbe «. careful Ooai»ial tiinduct could impart to mem, Ua*e h.ou extinguished by the feeling now exhibited. the lte.v'*a del sra brought by the West mdia steamer /shout£\V> 000). have been a»iU for China, at ti^HJ- twr oSi, " showing a 'Jeolinn of Wd. from the prevmua rate, i nnf# ioriite Md, 61c. ft 68c. -Ttoor^ ro k'M opmiim at t^e Bank to day. Tb« rivals lately ha . been limited, and the eta lor part of InV am'auIs that may cotne iu will be purchased for ta,n a* wm-ajDS" *5t t4A.t.w»ts. C oiinp Prxcrt l'.tryiaud 6 perec t. a U t aited >tste« 0 p«' cent .a ®;% lx> , ft per ootit M a 00 Virginia Stale 6 p«' cent 4ft a 4^ iv., 8 erceut Atlantic and Gr«B Western. New York see., lit m rtgaga. 1*80 T | er cent ». a *0 po | cnnsy'v 'la, 1877, 7 (icr cont..x-C.fc n. 7d a 77 i.rieshsie«,|tn0(ill raid)... 68 a 70 I)o. 7porcent preforcoco|.... ..... .r... 60 a es po ' 1st mortgi«e, 7 per cont, 1M7 A3 a #S u, id do., 7 ier oent, Wa 68 <0.. 7 l<lf een»,18»3 "0 a «ft Do . 4th do., 1 per oent M » 68 IK) , Mb do., V per Oent Bft a 70 Mleb Po. h N. ladtina, sinking ruod, '8ft, 7 p. e. 09 a SA isew'Yeik Conlrsl.Oper cent(slnklnf land), man 62 a 64 Do 7 per cent, 1864 66 a Do.,7 percent (eiUktagfund), 1878 6" a 7i I)o , 7 per oent, convert, bonds, 1876 7tl a 7S I o'.tlOOshares 7ft a lllln Centra.. 0 per ceot,lSTta o. fio , 7 per com , 1*75 ..'6a ss t,.. »; Osbs-- dl*. 18 t 17 j ,, |hjo nhste* tall paid) 7Ja 7^ MvitMft VSiA^LiA^AA 2* 4 14; Michigan ('antral, con 1880 ft per ceot .. 8ft a W k»> mnkii.g fund, ft per ccnt, 1st anort., '83 70 a T5 Kailroad, 1st mor lg««e. 7 p.«. 18M....J00 a 103 r®.,m4o.,i per««b(. mia. ioa a i#< Pennsylvania Railroad bonds, lit mort.,8 per cent ounvertit te 80 » 81 Do., M i*>rt 8 cent on vert. i.e. 84 a 84 l>o |60 shar«N Da 44 Philadelphia Ai Heading |S0 sburoa 32 a 31 TUB LJVUtFOOI. COTTON MARRKT. Ijvmkpooi April 4, 1884. Thr »elton market hr>n be*n dull, but* are unal¬ tered The kuI.<s were 8,0oo halea. of which 1,000 were token (or eip<>ri and on speculation The import waa 18,807 bales, in addition to ts,078 iinee Friday. Liverpool, April B, 1884 We have to report a moderate demand to day, and a quiet market, price* if anything being the turn in favor or buyers. The sales are 4,000 bales, which 1,000 are for export anil speculation. Ltrwpoot, April 8, 1864. There has been a fa r demand for eoitnu to day. aiid the sales reach 1,000 bates i ,600 on tipec aticu and for export. J'nceB are without change. rim latmt MAHKirfi. l.nKMrooi., April 8, 1H«4 . arrow Hales to day »li thousand bales, inclining fif teen hundred to speculator* and exporter* tourket Oat and unchanged. Bread* tuilk quiet steady and unchanged. Provisions.No talcs. Kugar active. Produce quiet and steady. THE BALTIMORE SANITARY FAIR. Important Speech of Presi¬ dent Lincoln. THE FORT PILLOW MASSACRE Protection for Colored Soldiers and Retalia¬ tion I'pon the Enemy, Ac*! *«.f &#. F.AlTMORF, April 18, 1R64. The inauguration exercises of tbe groat f air at the Maryland Institute to-nlj;ht were very imposing. Tbo display was exceedingly line, lhe unmeugo building wan thronged. I'ro^idODt Lincoln niado a sjec< h. speaker < olfax and Senator WilRon accompanied the I resident to Baltimore. xbe President's appearance in lhe ball was greeted with tremendous applause which continued ttri.a moments. Alter the inaugural address of Governor Bedford die President was loudly called for, and in response he proceeded to make a brief address. niK I'KlCSIltKNT'S HI'KECH. He referred tc tbe great change that had taken place in Pali more iu tho last thnm years. Truly, he i^aid, the world moves. At the commencement of tlie war the sol¬ diers of the lTniou could not paes through Haittmoro un- molested, end cow we bave this lar^e awmblniro or people brought together to do them honor and provide for their wants and make them romfortabie AH honor to the brave patr.ot« who had wrought tbe change, and to the nohle womeo who aided tli' iu, when tbi* war bogan Kcarouly one individual supposed it would have laated till cow, AU thought it would have ended in »ome way m a much shorter time Very few at that tune thought tbe institution of davery would bo very much affected l»y it; nut these expectations were not realized, and here we are.(iaugbtei).and slavery has be«n somewhat affected. (Ureat laughter.) So truo is it, my friends, that "man proj>escs ocd God disposes. " Toe world, he said, lia l long been in want of a correct Celinitwo of the wort freedom. Whilst all professed to advocate liberty, there was in the tnindB of many a very opposite view of what liberty was. With one mm liberty implied to worn for b.tnhelf and do an he pleased with the proceeds of his. labor. Witt others liberty incaut to do ai you pleased will other men and their labor. One «jf thesi two conflicting ideas would have to give wai to Uie oilier. lie thought, fri»m some occur roncee which bad on.y lately tukca place in Maryland that ber people wore about to determine which of tbosi vie** of freedom should control her destiny. The 1'iesl dent then passed on to refer to a matter whicl he raid hs supposed was ju«t now deeply agitating the minds of the people all over tbe country, He Alluded tc tb. «r«ufr.»« wblcb WM repi>rtmi hav, uksn place at lort PiUow, on tbe Mississippi river. the massacre of several hundred colored soldiers by tbe retwlr Many supposed that tbe government did not intend to do its duty in regard to tbe protection of tbeso colored soldiers. He denred 10 say that all auch were mistaken When tbe question of employing colored men as soldiers was left to tbe government, it rusted very much with himself whotber be should mako soldiers of them or not He pondered i ho matter carefully, and when he became convinced that it . as the duty to empoly then be lie not herniate to do so. lie stood before the Ame riran people responsible for the net-'esponsiMe beinre vh- Christian world. Kesponuble for it be jhould stand m tho eye of the historian. Responsible for it he stood before God, and he did not shrink from the deci®.on he music, for he bcliuviU it was right Hut when the government determined U. make soldiers ol these colored people, he thought It only just that tbey thonld have lhe same protection as tho whitu soldier. (Applause.) And be hesitated not to declare that the government won id so protect th-m to tbe utmost ol ,ts [>ower. Whenever a clear, authenticated case should be made out, retribution would follow. It had hitherto been difficult to ascertain with that certainty wb;ct should govern a decision in a matter so sorious. But It the atlair at Fort Pillow he thought they wero likely tc hod a clear case, lhe government had no direct en uetico to coniirm the rejuri* in existence relative to the massacre. But be himself feared that tbe fact related were true. When the government does know the facts froui official souroee, and they sub¬ stantiated the report#, retribution will be surely given (Great applause.) But bow should that retribution be administered, waa a 'petition still to bo settled. Would it be right to take the lire of prisoners in Washington, in Fort Delaware or eltewbere, .n retaliation for acta in whx b thay had not shared V Would It be right to take tbe prisoners captured, say at Vicksburg. and shoot thorn for acta of which he was not guilty, an* which It will probably be found were the ordering of o«ly a few ind|. viduals, or po«ibIy of only one man. The President re¬ iterates that the 'lovernment would not fail to visit rotrl. but ion whan tbe facts w ere clearly proven. Throughout his remarks were warm<y applauded, es¬ pecially his last enunciation of a determination to visit retribution for the barb*rn<»s deeds of the rebels, ARMY OF THl POTOMAC. Oeneral McClcllan to Have a Command. MB. N. I'A VIf>FON B DEBFATCII. ALKXAirnaia, April 19, 1864. It is said that General Grant has bora Teei ng lhe Army of the Potomac to see if they want "Lttlo Mac" to command them n tba onmlng campaign. He Is con¬ vinced that policy requires that General MeClellan should bave a proper command 10 this army, sod will, there¬ fore, designate him for a place which he can accept. Madame Rumor says all this will be done 'D a day or two. The Impending Battle. WtUT THE RFBFtS TfUVK OF TUa SHXT BAlTLg FISt. P. Trom the Columbus (Ga.) Sun.) ^e have good res- os lor bol.ovng Virginia to be tbe eeene of the next hostile *og»gctneui of * general nature. Ihn etis'uy 's suovouiouts are uniting to Uiie coin lusiou, and we noed not be startlod at aoy time to bear that lee has fallen ti.i k to tho eavirons or the capb t«l, and that a stupendous decoy movement Is being Bade by tbo stiomy on the soutb sido of tbe Jatn.H river, iioin lhe directum or Northeastern North Carolina Largo numbers of ctti- rens.noti'Coinbatants.of tbe northern counties of Vlr- H ir.'a are being .»ri istw t by tbe etiemy. Ibis b.ts be<'n iho u«tial pre'ude to general movements, and may, In tho pr-jout instance, be intoodeJ to oover leslgns iwh- big to a chango In tbe present poaiticn ot Meade s, now Oram's, army. Nrave from V«« Orlaane. Cairo, April 18, The sts«mqr I.umitutry ha- arrived, from New Orleans tho 12th. She briugs uu important uowi. Uotton was iu fair demand, taiaa am tMUes. at o<io. a 71o. for ordinary to striotly middling. H gar and moJatsuj tn lair dsmautl Supply muoh ttd i<oU. prl»«s rangud at lbigo. a 17Hc. i l . «i»vkJ.'vt mmm- AFFAIR8 AT ALBANT. TBS JLinrUJLL TAX BILL, Tlie State Tax Vive and a Half Milla on Aiwssfd Valnr.-An Increase of One Mill Over Last Year. Another Contest Over Banking Institution*. Improvement of 8eventh Avenue and Extension of the Track of the (second Avenue Railroad. DftropolHan Polhc Salflry ami n«nbiltin Square in lh« Mnate, fte., to, ft* Aum*y. April 18, IW4. Tltr. StATB Tlx. The last of the series or bills for the support of the Pluto government was pre euled tfiifl 03 orning. Th<> a heretofore presented wore bills maSipfj appropriation. Tbe bill presented this morning by tiie Chairman of the Committee or Ways arid Moans In tbo animal T.ix bi'l, providing lor a tax to meet the appropriations and to pay l bo expenses of tho Statu government. The tux provided for ander it will be sent out by the Comptroller next October, to bo collected in Januury, 1805. It provide* that there -thill bo imposed for the fiscal year commenc¬ ing with the first day or October, IStil, a t:tate tax, as follows . Milt*. Kor general fund 1,'» For claims and demands against the State in taws pa sed the I.cgmlaturo In 1843 '.* Kor bounties, fcr.. to volunteers 2% Kor common schools interest on nnd redemption of State debt >, Albany act! .^iisqiiehriiina Kailroud 311 Chenango anal MXteoaioo 3-16 Repairs and unprovemoLt of the Gonessee Valley < anal 1-16 Improvement Cbamplain < aim1 1-10 Total mills (a trifle over) % 6>£ The exact figures aro n HO of a mill over 5>, mills. Tbo tax lust wa 4mills. Consequently the presont lax is aa incrouse of 1 3-80 mill. The lax for bounties levied last year was 1 I l'.th ot a mill. It will therefore be seen that the increase for that purpose, or under war ex peiiditnrcH, Is eno nidi and one sixteenth of a mill, 'thus it will be Been that tbo Stato could have borne the tax for the extension or tho r hennugo Canal, and for the Ira- provement of the I hamplala Cauul un l the Conesce Valley Canal, and still tbo increuso would not have ex- cooled the tax of last year, bad it not been for the in¬ crease in the items for bounties to vwunteors. We liavo been told that tho state t»x this year would amount to three or lour, and ran bave uxed it at live. i>er cent; but when we oomo down to tho Hgiirea we b;tve only Ave and a half mills and three eightieths of a Hull. Probably when the tut comes to bi levied It will fo.1 short of live and a bait mills. Ail wh> know Comp- tivl er Robimon know ti nt bo always llxes tho tax as high as it will bear whei be prepares tbo budget; and It is well known, also, that when be sends out his rnuirnuuiuatious to the county ollloials It In always under the amount that Is ll\od in the law author i/.lng tho tnt. Instead of exceeding his ratimates, as usual with public officials reneraily, Comptroller Vobln- sou has thus far sinse lie hug been in olllco manu^wd to go through with a c nslderablo loss amount tban bia budget, or estimates at the commonceinenl of the year. bankiim lammiitoNs. The bill reported bv the minority of the Committee on Hanks, authorizing bmks and banking institutions to change their securities to Cnlted Slates bonds and stocks, this morning referred to the Judiciary Com¬ mittee to report complete. It will bo reported this eten- ing or to-morrow morning. there is riot much danger of Its becoming a law. or ever passing the House, unless there is considerable chango made In it. TUK fWAl* AUJOrRNMKVT. Tbe resolution providing for it tinai adjournment of the legislature <>n Saturday next was called up from tbe tabio in the Assembly thH morning. SeveraUimend merits were offered, and fii ally it wa«i laid on trie table without any day being fixed. It now looks as though tbe legislature win hardly adjourn bufore next week, Toea- day or Wednoeday. Most of tbe lobby are for adjourn¬ ing at once. niMA rAfssn in ihp A^mrir. Among thn bill* ml the third time and passed by tbe Assembly this morning were tbo following.The Senate bill providing for tbo opening and widening or Seventh avenuo from tbe north end or Central 1'arg to Harlem river, to extend the ir ark of tbe Second Avenue Itallroad to Waii street ferry and l<> Canal street and Uroadway, rela¬ tive to the extousion of tb" streets on tbe west aide of the c >ty, In the vicinity of Thirtieth street, and authoriz¬ ing the use of dummy engines on tbe several railroad* In tbe .State. poltl* SAIARIK*. The Senate Comniitteo on Cities unanimously reported favorably the Assembly blii amending the Metropolitan Police act, and tin rues in g the salaries of tbo police, with¬ out any amendments, excel l mere verbal on- s. Several other blllH wore reported by tbe committees of that body,, but Dene of any particular importance to tbe public gene¬ rally. MAKI'ATTA* SQIARR. There was R spicy debate over tho bill reported by tbe majority of tbe ,-enaie Committee on Cities In favor of the improvement of it inbattsn "quare, under the direc¬ tion ot tho Park Commissioners, and making It a part and parcel ot tbe I'ark. senator Fields had made a uiiuonly from the xauie committee iu ravor of closing Manhattan square and selling the lauds. 1 lie bill reported by lite majority rame np ID tbe Committer' of the Whole this morning in tbe Senate, senator field* op|>ogcd it bitierly, and mid* all sorts ef char :es In regard It, and endeavored to bave r.e Senate reject the majority bill and approve of his bill lor closing the square and selling the lands. Hut Ibc senate could nut *ee it In tbat light, aid or (bred the bill to aitacb tbe aqiare to the I'ark, to be Iraj roved under tbe control of tbe I'ark Commissioners, to a third reading. saviNua bank*. Tbe bills amending the charters of tbe Citizens'and Atlantic saringe banks in tbe city of New York both phased tbe senate, a large amount of r utlne buslneae was gone through with in the Senate this morning, but tbe foregoing is all tbat is of any public Importance, ma ma km a n or ma na*K ooMmnx* ax,, thb saKKivo Mix. Quite a scene took place in tbe Assembly Chamber to¬ day during the afternoon session. Mr. Andrua, Chair roan of tbe Committee on Hunks, rose to a question of privilege, aud staled that the bill on their tiles relative to tho organization of Btalo banks under tbo national l anko g law, purporting to have been reported by the majority of tho Committee on Hanks, »n nev^r before tbat committee. Ho Said a fraud bad been committed unoa the House. Ibla bill was the one rerorrod to tho Committee on tbe Jnrttctary to report compioie tins morning. Ibis bill was stolen bodily from tbe senate li.oe and brought iu here clandestinely by the gentlemin fr tn Westclie>ter (Mr. Brandretb), in bis minority report, wbeu the bill was u'tver introduced to this House or before tho V'lauiittee, aud now appeared on tbe nie: aa reported by a ma orlty of the committee. The House has bteu impwed open tbo bill has been stolen. Tbe chargea or Mr. Andrns were ordered to be eutere<l upon tbe journal A motion was tuadu that a commute', bo ap|«uated to- nvesligate. Tbo Chair announcod tho word "ma¬ jority" was a mistake of the printer, ynite a commo¬ tion existed for some time, several of the members being on their feet at the same tnr.e. It finally resulted In tba withdrawal of what wns considered tbe offensive language, when Mr. Hrandretb stated tbat be amended b.s bill be fore rejiorting it to conform to the Senati bill, as be con¬ sidered ho had a r gbt to do, and tbo eonimntlon sub sided. Senators accuse each other with betug liars and dnnkards. anil a member of the House calls one of bie ass uiaU-s a thief. Wbnt a set of n en they m ist be ir wo take their own vem >u ot each other's cii iracler. ma aLua.vr MK.asui. Tbe Aivany Bridge bill was orilere«l tn a tblrd read nj In tbe Assembly this afternoon, receiving sixty six votee, or one more tban necmsnry to p iss it. ran uMMKmoff or ? uwca is s*w mi an. Tbe Senate bill amending tbe |Insi«ctien of Running* set for New York city j a»*ed ihe A«-«emhiy to This is the bill re airm iided by ibere; of tbe New York Kire DepartmMt mi kRasa or tii* rat or statu rataos ovrr siti The bill Inc.-eaaiog tbe sa ary o( tbu on.uials etuplcyod at tbo Mute prla >na nm rawed. » rss innfflr aiTB.ssioV BILL. Tbe bills providing for thn completion of the flattery extension in New York city, and iBcorporat ng 'he Ameri¬ can I.itertry Kund Association, wertirleicd to a tblrd reading in the Seuat t. THV 'TTT TA* t*VT. Tho Committee on 'tie* have near'y eompleted tbe task in revifing the New York city to* '«vy, and Inteti I to report fc> morrow. Tbey bavo cut d wn" a number o. Items, and bave thus far -truck cut uboul ba!f a tn 'Hon rrom tbe Cotoptrol.iH'1 bulfet a.dabont a ir.iivn at the Councilitien'n eetlmate-.. It is probable tbat a lew other items will be cut down before ft la reported. rttMA.fuo avii auai t-AtH cANit aiLU sni.vsi> ai tirs MTOM The Ooverbcr baa signed the fibensrre Catial Ext 'o-'on and the Ckampiain Otul improvement bii s. Ho sti' bolds tbe bill lii^reasiLg tbe capital at< okol too trie Kaii mad under advisement. titf. harc.h ari.\i5»r res fAS ccwvwsiesiia* Ttie chargee made in the aff'davits ber r»- the «enat# Coinmltteeon Cities figmnat tbe .Sew York Ttx Connn's ¦touera bave ail hw*c rehniAao and ditoroved Ur vwunler atUd*vi«»

Transcript of THENEW YORK HERALD.It* price is fully maintained. Thedemand forhide*, skins, &c., good, and previous...

Page 1: THENEW YORK HERALD.It* price is fully maintained. Thedemand forhide*, skins, &c., good, and previous quotations fully main¬ tained Tbe New Zealand war was proceeding. Tbe natives





Tbe Glasgow and Baionla aC New forkwith Ptir Days Later Hews.

Sari Russell's Explanation Jthe Attempt to Communi¬

cate with Richmond.

The Alexandra Case DecidedAgainst the Crown.



The Towo SF Sonderburg Bom¬barded and on Fire.

A Number of Women and Chil¬dren Killed.

Garibaldi's Reception andSpeech in England.

The fttansfeld-Mazaini ConspiracyAgainst Napoleon*

Btansfcld Resigns His Seat inthe Cabinet.


The steamship Glasgow, Captain Sill, from Liverpool on

the 2d and Queenstown oa tbo 4th lost., arrived at tins

fort abiut four o'clock yesterday moraine. TUe Glasgowbaa landed over aoven huudred pacseugerg.The steamship Saxonia, CapUia Trautmarm. from

¦aothampton on the "tb of April, reached this port yes¬terday afternoon.Tbe news by tho Sascma >¦ four days later than the

advices of the Asia at Boston.BU thousand rates Lad defeated the *l* at

Teile.The Duke of Newcastle has resigned, and Mr. Cardwell

kse succeeded to the Colonial Secretaryship.Lord Clarendon has at copied tlie Chancellorship of the

Dach-y of iAucaster.The Liverpool Albim cays .The Great Eastern has been tnlcen up by Glass. Elliot

A Co., for tlio purpose of layiug the cablo between and America. When tbo cable is lata tbe proprie¬tor* of the Great Eastern are to receive £60.000 in paid¦p shares of the Mlautic Telegraph Company. It is notfattendud to lay the cable till next spring.Tbe news of an intended meeting of the democrats in

Madrid has been denied by the democratic party. All theMadrid journals except four support the policy of thegovernment.Domtntc, Duke of Palmetto, died at Lisbon on the 2d of

April, after a lingering lllnees.According to the news received from Corfu, tbe trail¬

er of tbe Ionian Islands to Greece will take place on

Um 2Mb of April. A battalion has been disbanded at

tHssolonghl for mutiny.Advlcoe from the Cape of Good IIopo are dated Table

Bay February 20, and Ascension March 6. At tho Capebusiness was advancing. Too large a quantity of unite-

ary and useless merchandise, such as jewelry, pieI, books, boots and shoes, sljpe, hardware, Ac., of a

ofeeap description, has been of late received on consign-Mt. The prize negroes brought In by the British bteam

¦loop Rapid had all been apportioned, and although buttwo hundred were for disposal, ovor two thousand were

applied Tor. At Tort Elizabeth business continued dull,and little improvement was looked for until the uneap!Mas caused by late failures subsided. Actual wants

(tally supplied, and stocks of all sorts plentiful. Owingtokumerous orders for wool for the American marketIt* price is fully maintained. The demand for hide*,skins, &c., good, and previous quotations fully main¬

tainedTbe New Zealand war was proceeding. Tbe natives

were concentrated at Pokectlke. General Cameron sur¬

rounded litem, and they will be compelled to surrenderthrough starvation.Tba Kangaroo left Liverpool on the 0th instant for New

Torn.The Pidcn tailed on the bth instant for N#w York

The City of New York.[From tne London Telegraph, April 7.]

A telegram dated queenstown, Wednesday, states ."The position of the vessel Is unchanged. A large supply.fstnpty casks have gen* out to her this morning. To-sorrow is appointed for tbe attempt to float her. andstrong hopes of success are entertained."


Bafiiih (ommaalcatloa with theHebe it.British Subjects Ported Intotho Confederate Army.Consular Art-vlce to the Recmita-Hr. Crawford'sRlesion and the Return of the Foreignebel Iron-Clads.A Hint at Recogni¬

tion, Ac-IB the House of T>oms, on the 5th of April, the Marquis

tCLAHRiciiwB, in moving for tbe correspondence withI government of tbe Confederate Ptales relative to the

venaoval of Prltl'h consuls from their territory, com-Sd that the facts of tbe soveral oases had not been

represented by the government, and that in someces tbe consuls had been removed owing to tbe

representations of tbe federal government, and had notkeen driven out,as Insinuated, for their conduct in op.osing tho forcible enlistment of British subjects In theCoefederste army, although he believed the It.terferemosf some of these functionaries had been intolerable, lieAM not go the length of desiring the recognition of tbeconfederacy, but there was no doubt that tbo want of sr.credited officials had been productive of much mconTeni-eaca and loss. In his opinion this want might be suppliedwithout recognizing tbo Confederate Plates

Rari Itnsscu..It is rather difficult to make out the er¬ect sblert which my noble friend bss in vluw, but 1 will<*tatn yonr lordships a short time bjr a few remarks onthe various circumstances to which he ha* sllnded. Intfe* first place h* said It was not right to say that th*C«af*d*raU goverument had ssnt away our consuls,.or that many British subjects had been compelled toserve In the Oonrederate armies. I can only sp« ak.f the facts reported to me, and as I thought quite.otonous. There bar* been complaints over and*7*r ¦ff'® fm dltmrent parts of the CcnfedTateMate* that British subjects were obliged to servetB their mMitla and armiee. We have had to consultJhe Jaw officers, who bavo said that it was not fair to make.tHtsh auhtMta, not (Ming America* citltOtts .serve tn tbe

Cmies of either belligerent, without giving them tim" toive theoountry If ihsv thought flu iTiave acted on

that opinion, and It seems lo me not only law, but fairand equitable. My uoble friend may think they ought tot»e compelled; I belt** tfiev ought nittoh*. Then my nobleIttend enters Into the question of the withdrawal of Mr.Banob's exequatur, which was taken away, I thin*, t

rfairly hy th* Vnitfd Hint** jwrerttmfn.', nri th' fr»uml Ituuftiid mmniuntrattil uiith thr «n<my. Then he enters into

the case of Mr. Magee, who sent specie in a Urillsb ship,of- war, and blames Lord Lyons for what he did In thatlastter 1 beilets lord l.yons has taken the utmost

Cms in his mosi responsible position to behave fairlyd Impartially netw'ti both parties f'ermisslon was ohtalced from tb* American government that British ships-twar should he allowed from time to time to go to

ickaded porta, but Lnrd I.yon, tk.*ivKt u an xlw nftKs

ritUye tfuit Iport* Ihotilit to itmt /« a Ijrmftil.ra't vert mRrtiuh iAip»f vmr, iassmneh as such *p*eie might

afford means of carrying on war against a Plate frtenJIyto Orsat Britain. He accordingly stated thst opinion,and if he bad not done an the American government mightftave withdrawn th* prlvilsge.amt I think there is nothingh the law of uatlons thai wunid have de| rived them ofBie puwer lo do so. (Hour.) I thought thai Uird Lyonspasriglit, and I seat out sn ordsr that Uie oonsul who

sent the specie Kbnuk) not be continued In b>s fan«("..'.J Bal my noble friend gave a rutntr do

uiled account of the conduct of Mr Cridhod. Now,*_1*?«i«>l m eooeai it Rich

¦n*® I behove be eujoyed tbe eouHdeoce sad

°f «»*y oae for the Manner in wbkl) baPerformed bit He was desired to go to Mobile out" but »o act aa defend and protect

Br't*^Pf.0P<irty «<» inur^u. 71 uyu certainty a wry

JJSJ'Y*''' f* J*a*i of mr consult, vr of any ono.*Wfor *Bruukt<mn*,t»iM BriiuktnhtcU tAailluiwtrenot*raist their eniutmml in theS«am?a^t^ZL^L^T in lk4.niomeitt °f / '*»**

«tor>^T?h '*<. J*»rl of a cowrW, and Ido doi think tbere vm any instruct too given to our oon-

&SH? w,brb **J* t*»*y any of then in givingh*w^offlr^«r »h0^ m*r iB opinion of themw officer* of tbe Crown,or in any directk>um tbat I crave

KalJ any,bi"K ,hal wiu,J inuUd rfy. he ' onr,,der*,e sute" hao writti n to

ih^n^11 i'7 «* »hat conduct, 1 should have® A. ri* 10 and even to die

biisb tbe consul who had acted in bo impropei* "'.nner instead of that, the Piosidsni of tie

ttt tVT*le Go»ern"»;i>» »ent away our

.'b<'"g,h tb«»e »'« Hie persons to whom

in «rt. .J

k.*ou"1 ""urit,lr have recourse

? *£!? rf<,reH* {or grievances. Tho only[®®edy they would have wbeo the consuls were removed

' 525e by Mr Benjamin.namely. that sol

? d m,?hl *PP'y tf' th« tribunals of the

«3fJl fc I?T ' 1 e,"lly Mrriu'40 .'I*consul to claim

EE*"* , .. m*n ""'cblog about should go in a

rth»F^rn«TiT V ".** ,h»ng w,lloh could not be done.

J*??*1 th#l » vry harsh and unfriendlyproceeding on the part of the Confederate govcrnineot

Ihai tbcTnnr^r'.!' °"8bl to hy^m bored, likewise,tnat the '"onfederale government had vood reason to c >m

pU.n of our consul, and our consul sa> tog"

,t bo h?dbeen so instructed, the Confederate government mieht atOr.t have bei.eved h,m. Tbereforel did not enter intouy complaint or angry r«moostr*nce; but I asked Mr

mT nuJ! '' 'f OODe"!ar »Wi»te, or perHons under

22L2*: m® 1wer® 8enl 10 'he <»rfcdeiixie Htates

tk^s^^nod-E?V ^ MrfK}d 00 a,,d »«<">"«'.1.. 1, ' 2 . by wbicl» we mlifht ho ablo toobtam

JuuTf^®i'SrJ(Jr>#,i0UtiU lu to g,yea-or ll4ve rouHoas

riam of thai « Uy D?ble frl6nd d0~ "Ot com

f»^^K ? T r bas 00 boon »doluy in carrymp that arrarigement into eni)(!t. it w >s thi vhi no

IZXZ" *m<1 a le,ter 10 ^x-'hmond to know w'ethersuch persons would be received, and tbe letter the federal

Tw 10 be ""nl

V!l!L!.y / Hrxlxtk government to mdtavor to oifn

i.""" Confederate Sla'e, witn-

n ,m' vrt' at '""V Slata 01 considerable <t

tent, In which etnl war u rarrud on, artri in whirh there nncoiisideral.U uutnier of fin'uh itUgecU, J say th, re ,<in

^aUun'ZSh. Wthfl!!*n, ""^"tv'n"« I" "Her into commuti,.ratMin un<A those MaUs. (ilenr, hear ) My nobl« rriend

f"dw ?^^dry°,"r'0rrdV,'pS kD var,ou* olbcr ¦ubiects.

miuwT ^ iitr*u'ordi' when he arrived at Hirli

mond to call the attention of tho fOvernment

^ceth0wh,:rrW <"orre,lKinilenfo. a correspond^d JEW J b<>',CTC(1 »' the time to bo genuineb^eo era iL,i7lh a parly in tb« country Ua.1

cure iiiJLn. rtonledorale ifoverum>'nt to pro-

w 11 u uP .h:7lllK,0n wjr »Ka.D3iaSutc in am tyclared^t lr"'fd is aware that her Majesty alpreserve a

,btB war ber Oetermliatton to«trict neutrality; and prohibited her subiccts

fromtaking part on one side or the other. Van, sorry"have thjLTh,1 !°n °h, AI"-l'?bly k"* 001 fao< n obeyed. I

lo i». Si thn,< "" eVerV (Hca(""u when it ai>; e red

DniSd sum^rerwasKro'D«l0< complaint aga.nst the

mcn^t With re« ,Wlth tMo federal govern,

"ith r^yC to the document to which myn. b e

no' trv ,,6 " h R b"cn tbe subject or a gro. dea] 0?inquiry, it ua- said to ha,- >vn puNinl.ed in a AW Y, rlUrL'rU ^nUln\ ' 1r Sr'"a"i 'It'ex mat, having m ide

t aJJ' lt t0 'iat> f'*n nllogdkrra fur<ier>

b^n ^n^ hlur* "> 11 waj .uppotiod to have

Mvv ^ ,U,e S6cre"'ry « the oTniederatewavy, tut a uas, m fwt) an invention c+

t^t nf" Z iTork- Cer,a1"'/. ' Should,

"'ink of making any iMmnlunt on that

«u aCquestf«?,."0urihCV on,fedur»,u K°vcrnniont. Thereif, 1.

regard to which my noble friendb,"irta>,B-' mean the cafe of

lus.-Nizon. I h»i ik tje.c re the courts, and tho shin ,n<ttbecariro have been reie .ted. Jt ig alleei'd that » rmlfh subject woy mtjrJerej aB,( ^ Americanirovernmeat have ordered that a court wwtiaT Jbii'trv the

tK.^nr000 °Kf lbe murJer- With regard to the motmn of my noble friend, I supiiose he will not deimrtfrom the u,ual farm and object to ,h intn^LZnXr^,"G7V'"75 ' afUr "« ^"cop^'^SS alo tlZtMm >' 13 10 lh'\ ">sntion of the words 'to-called"before "gm*rnm,nt of the Confederate States." Otherwiseit might stem a if the fhmse recognized the CartTirrr it*

St^.VihtnvkkerMajrtyKai It^onfso Conf((tr^

to the amAn"1!' ! LASH" **"« said ho had no object* n

Th.? Pr®P»»ed <>y his noblo rrlond.Tbe motion as amended was then agreed to.

£e,'hV\l.!;m'n,t ?'the American Armies.Af' Comn>°«», on Hie 4th or April, sir A

oia nnf n"lice ,bal «"> Friday ne.vt he ah.iuid a«k

Maieaiv^'en 0lary J0r lor,'ilin Affairs whether her

fiutt L .5 "JS111 La(1 reco'"'J a CommunU^tlOQ re-

!to miri«»alleged kidu.pplng of certain persons for

tbe purpose of serving in tbe American armies.


k"b»"" if lie had communicated wu^fhornitod States government on tbe snbieot.

JivfncLI' 'hought tbe word'of an officer of the

the vo.«««fw'thf'Vi** t" tbe D1*" fcuv'ng Come on boardv<a tel without his knowledge ought to be mken.

In IKa I. Th? C*"* °' the »**"«.

s^Kw L rV! °:TM,0B ,h0 6lk or April, Colonel

i»r r. i ... w1 Ucr ^.cfetwy of state for Foreitn

Affairs whether be could give any inforinntion fo theHouse of the results of the referenco to the Amertcangovernment resiling tbe seizure of the Saxon and theconduct of lieutenant Panenbowor.

Mr- I.av*K" said that from a report of her Mniestr's

nr ih'T .0r'1 l,b0 Kovernmenl ha.1 learned that the

Jud^e of the I'lstrict < onrt bad diroct. d that the ves<-olthe Saxon and her cargo should be delivered to then re-

Bpectjve owners, free rrom all costs, charges and expenses

seizure"1" Wal of,'a v 't'e »«>d probable cause or

fa«i ih.^ resiiect to Lieutenant Panenbower, he he-hP Wa* 10 be tried, but did not know under

wbat circumstance*."uu°r

mS!lI,'I'u5AtKMkff whr,t"r aBV Pr"P<*al h\il beer, madeto pension the widow ot the cbier oil.ccr of the Saxon

yond ruroor!I> D° mformallon uP"a ">o subject be


n...iK.0WiN A>D REI.KASE OK THE VES8EI..nors* or Loro«, April 0 .Yesterday the House of

Lonlt held a special judicial sitting for the purple ofdeliTermg judgment in the case of the Alexandra. The¦oble and learned lords present were tho Lord t han. eltor Ix.r-1 ( ranworth, Urd St. Leonards I^rd Wetslevdale and Lord Klngsoown.


The care of tbe Attorney General vs. Sillers and nthArawmi called. whAn the ,.eeA delivered jid£.nt Jvers?of the courts.' *nd d"m',Se<1 ,be ,ppeal trow th0 JuJgmeni

u.The Laird Hams.

uoceedednio\«n. i Cimm°0 l,w bar of ^»«J"n, husjroceeded to i«ypt to examme the l'asba on behalf of

le rra .CC°mpa0le<l Mr¦ J¦ Hetcher, the owner of

THE DASISH WAB.Bombardment of Dappel and louder,burs by the Allien.Sonderbnrs InFUmri.A Kambtr of'Women and Chil¬dren Killed and fifty Houses llarntd,dir., A;*-.

(*Aric»«TKijr, April S, 1804.Thf cannonade against tbe Puppet works commenced

yesterday at two P. M., and lat>t»l wllliOut Intermissionjctil aeven P. M.During the night tbe firing *i« continued at Interval*A conflagration hat broken out In (be enemy's line*.

It is thought probable that tbetr barracks are on fire.Our loss w inconsiderable.

Amu. 4,1864.1 ho bombardment of Puppet was continued to-day.£ondrrburc It burning in «everal piarosThe cannonade of tbe enemy is kept up by tbe same

batteries as yesterday.Our oatposta on tbe right of the Huppel position ware

attacked several times during tbe ulght.1'lJtanoL, April 4.2:45 P. M.

The Prn*«ians bare bombarded Sonderburg forty «lgbtboars, without any previous intimation.

Klghty townspeople, women and children, bare beenkli .' d or wounded.

fifty bouses iu tbe centre of tbe town bare beenburnt.

fifteen hundred shclli have beon thrown Into tbe town,which tot deserted.Tbe cai.nonade suddenly and completely ceas«d tbia

morning. H has, however, recommenced. Tbe lianmoposition It uninjured.

foetunjiaim, April 6.9 28 a. m."be bomharlment of ,-<oiiderburf waa recommenced

yet-teiday at two P. M.TheImppel work< bave sustained no injnry whatever.A pontoon train b»s Veen reen near Rallesgaard.

Is* MiJirnis Past Tkt» A. *A livelv artillery flght took plsoe at Puppet yesterday.The bart ai dmeat of tender burg has oeased.The "nen.y lias erected batteries tn Ptegswlg

(SkJCldgd ) (or lb' purp. mo of bombarding men of war.i.eoera 11 asrard la «.'ipeued m f'opeuhsgen from Stock¬


The Prussians Before Pnppel.A telegram from ll'imbnrg of April 2, pays..It laiaid

that the Austro-Prn'sisn tro< p* Intend to turn the posi¬tion of TMpptl by crossing over to tho Island of Ola'invi ry shortly^ by Man* of Austrian pontoons. Kvery.tbtog u> SMl't40 be prepared for an important action.An Austrian s i>ia> r<>u is assembling at l.tsbon. Two

more ablpa bave arrived.The Paris Foyt speaks of a atrlou* conflict (aid to have

t»k-n place iu Jutland between an Austriau and Prussianrseimert.

Vho lo iowing official telegram from fount Rechberg tothe Austrian Auibastador a U'lidon baa been receivedand published

Virirwi, April 2,18M.Re good enough to deny tbe absurd rumor that a muti¬ny had taken ijace among the Hungarian troops In Jut-land. The spiVIt of the«e troops Is excellent, at>d therela not a amgl# ease ef either insubordination or desertion.

April #, 1M4.I.ast night seewsl divisions of the Fourth rog ment of

the (iiiards trove In thu surmy s Output-ti and lock up apuillon »wi: biaidrrd abd hfty paeos beyond tUu Histpurauai.

In the engagement sixteen of the Prussian infantry andtwo piou*ois were wounded, bul none were killedTwenty eight Mmi were oaptured

Tfce CoBfertBce.In the Flcone of Oumnom, en the 4th instant, I ord pal¬

mers! on paid all Ibe Powers who tinned tliu treaty ofIMii liav* oouaented to vend representative* to the <»..fereuoe. (cb**re.) No *newer baa jet been receivedfrem tbe German Diet to tbe invitation eddreeted tothem. Tb«|ba*ia propoeedl (or lb* coufereoco to atarifrom ta an endeavor to restore peace to Farope. (Cheer*«nd laughter ) We have not thought it daeirable lo *1-temnt to eelll* tMforehaud thoee point* which wouldmore properly be subject* for oooaiderattoo wbau tbeeonferenc* aboold assemble. (Bear, bear.) An armtt-lice bas net been agreed up n.

| From tbe Part* Pays, Apr!) 6. ]Franco would only a*k In lli« Conference that tbe in¬

habitants of the duchies would declaro tbemselv** rela¬tive lo tbe government tbey wlsb to bave in tbe eventof ihe greater part ol the Power* abandoning tbe basisof tbe treaties of >851

Ombniuokn, April 4.10 10 P. M.Tbe frulr'Utrut of lo day say* .We l*arn that non-

mark will be represented at tbe conference by M. doK.lle, tue I'aiiwb Minister in London M. de yuaario. theMiuister for horeigo Affairs, and M. Kringer, Member ofthe lliKb Court.The two latter are expected to leave for l4ndon on the

7tb instant.Vmwna, April 5. F veiling.

The semi official Wittier of to-duy says .Tbe allied Powers will demand at tbe conference amplesecurity lor tbe complete independence or the ducbies, uswell f>B Tor an unconditional equality with tbe remainderof Denmark. They will further demand the politicalunion of Schlwwig and H' Intein with (icrmuny, by whichtbey are permanently to he protected.

The Lai«*t Newt.Sot'TiiAHiniN, April 7, LMd

Tbe Prussians bad driven in the Danllh outposts andoccupied a position two hundred and fifty paces uearer toDuppel than tbo first parallel.The works were unii^ured by Ibe bombardment.Tbe bombardment of Hondorburg had ceased. The

town was burning in several places.Kightv women and children were killed, and the town

deported by the Inhabitants.

THE MEXICAN QUESTION.The Imperial Dl(tlr«slti«*.

[Prom la France of Paris, April ft.Tbe Archduke Maximilian has not yet received the

Mexican deputation, difficulties having arisen at the lastmoment touching bis definitive acceptance oi' tbo condi¬tions relative to bis eventual rights of succession lo tbeAustria throne. Tho Archduke consented to roo<" ncobi* riruis. but tbe Archduchess Charlotte is said to haveii'err,i *erises ob act ions to that stop. Ireah neKotia.tiiiti* iiave< iiomenoed. The jourivy of the ArrhdnchengChar 'Ml* to Vienna is said to bave eomo reference to :1.1sCirrni uPtaix *.

Tl»e Latent New*.A wfTTLKMKNT »KPOKVKI>.

The very latest news by tho Raxonia states that thedifficulties iibout the acceptance of the Mexican Crown ytne Aruhdiiku Maximilian have been solved by a comi romice with the Kiuperor of Austria, and tlie Archduke viUshortly proceed to Mexioo.

TUB RECOGNITION OP IRK NKW KMPl&OK.La trarue of Paris believe* itself able to stale that il<>

Courts of London, Rome, Vienna Itorlin.St. i' dorsbnrfSpain and France have agreed to roe umh/p the Kmpen.ror Mexico at' soon as bn accesai n shall have been notifiedlb them.


Mr. SlanfelO, IV. P., and IHaxtinl \galaChttrticd Will* flu Crime..Mr. Man.fcld IUitl(in« Ills Seal in tlie Bngllilttablact^Ulftctof thr Developments in10 tig. and and In lite Continent. &i- , <ke.The I.ondon Pfriofot April 4 says it Is understood thai

measures have been taken winch will make the Jlon-e ofCommons very animated for tut uexi lew we. k.. ,ifParliament should last go long. The lory op|posltiou, itis said, is mustering us utmost strength fer a combinedand well organized attack en government

l'he lonrton '1'mitr ol April 4 says the prospect" of thegovernment have undoubtedly Improved since the commencoiuent of the luster tetuss. Ibe c\erlions of Kng-1'iiid in the caatc of |>ence h ive met, w ith at 1«.»-1 a p. rtint success, but, while various things seem to prognos¬ticate for the government a «a'o passage through itie re-mainder of the session, there t« a rock ahead which theyme m.iking directly for. We allude to the affair of Mr.SlansfMd. We d<i not pr«iudtc the case. Wen re quitewilling to bear and waigh everything that Mr. tunaleidmay say in extenuutlon or justification. bui we confesswe think that the defence to s.ich a charge rhould bemade by Mr. Klaus! eld as a private member of 1'arnu-mem, not as a person connected with the government,The london <ri«r of April 4 says .The story fee* that

immediately alter the product ion of the budget noticewill be given of a motion to lest the strength ut the governmetit. Tho tory expectants profess themselves oonfl-(lent of success, and chuckle already ovor the fall of theministry. Several papers ascribe the projected partymovement to French lutriguo.The London Adrrbser of April 4 says that if it Is Suc¬

cessful llio new ministry will be a Napoleonic govorumen I.Maz/iui bas addressed a letter to the I .curton Time*

solemnly aflirmlng that never was any mi ney handed overor pent by him to Mr. Siansfeld for the purp< se of helpingtirecco, leualde, Honati, or any other, to any attemptaguinst the Kmperor a life, ami otherwise exoneratingMr «tansfeld fr in implication iu political schemes of theabove Italian*, and also protesting against the want ofBritish lucid souse and fan play habits, of which Mr.Siansfeld is the victim

Nr. Stanafclfl Leavea the cabinet.In the house of Commons, on the 4th of Murtb.Mr.

btAHfrtU) addressed the ji ire as l.llows 1 crave theindulgence of tne House while J offtt a personal explana¬tion, and in order to admit of discussion. if it should bethought well, on the subset with which I have to deal. Ishall conclude by moving the adjournment of the llout-ehmce the Houso'laat sit I have taken a step whi. h theplace from whicblspoak has already suflii icntly indicated.1 have leit it to be my duty to send in my resignation tothe noble lord at tbe head ot the I lieHouse will recollect that n|*>n a former occasion tendered that resignation and thai tbe noble lord refused Inaccept it. 1 ibank the noble lord for tbe implicit cre¬dence which he gave to tho statements that I madet<> him and to the Hoope, and t thank him likewisefor the courage he showed in standing by me. (Cheers.)But there are occasions on which it bocjuies a man toconsult his own c. nscencc ai d his own sense of rn.U a-

to the course which he should adopt, ana this api ears tome to ba\ e lieen one of tbmn 1 have bam tne convincedfrom what I have seeneheurd and read, that nave ceasedto be.if 1 ould ever believe myself to have been.anyaccession to tbe strength of the government, and thAt Ibave become.or, at any rate, I have reason to tear Imay have become.a source o"" difllculty anil a cause o!embarrassment to them. Under these dleoumstances I am sure every bouorsble man would feel- thattt was for me. and not for others, to lako upon my¬self the responsibility of saying that I could nol consentto continue to be a cause of embarrassment to a

government which t desired to support. (Hear,hear.) . * * sir, 1 trust that I have now made an ex¬planation which will not be unsatisfactory to tbe House(Hear, bear.) I have only to add that if any doubts remain upon tne minds ot any honorable members. I notonly am readv, but I Invite' tbem to give expression tothose doubts, and to enable me now at once to completclvsatisfy tbem and answer anything whlcn tboy may havoto say. Meanwhile leave this subject, ami I pat myselfupon this House, and I may add upon my countrymen,with reference to a question in which Is Involved thatwhich is every man '« dearest unblccimhed character and a fair name. (Cheers ) The honorable gentleman concluded by moving tbe adjournment ofthe House.

Lord Pium*."T05 laid.Wot only so, sir; 1 am convincedthat my honorable friend attaches the nunc value to thowelfare and personal safely of that sovereign who reignsover the empire of franco which any laau in this Housecan attach (cheers) that be ts as sensible as wo are thatthat great sovereign has on many grave and importantoccasions proved himseir to bo a true friend and lalibfitlally of lb s country--(rheers).and t/v all feci that Amfirrnmal teurHy and hu dyraHic wtlfart an. not truly ofthe utmott iuIw to fh t h vil and attached peifle he orirrrm,bW art tqimllv e'leHMul to the gtwral intrrtiU of lump-..(loud and general cheering.)


(From the Utadrm Time*, April (1.;Yesterday Thomas King. John Carmel Heonan.Thomis

layers, John Tylor. John Calvin, alias Jerry Noon, JohnMacdonald, .fame* Mace and Robert Trevors were tried aith» Sussex Quarter Sessions, held at the -Itlre ball. I ewes,on obarges of having riotously assembled with olh<"persons, to the number of Ave hundred and more, arid orhaving assaulted and beaten Thomas King and .lobnrarniel Heenan. Messrs. Roupell and Willoui;hby conduct¬ed the prosecuti'in. .sergeant Tindal Atkinaon and Mr. K.Hesioy appeared on behalf of King, Mace, talvin andTyler Mr. 8iemh and Mr. (iates tenreaented Heenan,savers and Macdonald. 1 ravers was undefended.sergeant Atkinson said hi* clients would plesd

"goilty," with the exception >of Maoe, against whomthere was no evidence, and trust to be allowed to ocmeup Tor Judgment when caned upon. They bud consentedto this cour«e, believing that the ends of public latticewcni4 bo well *erv«d by It. and became tti«y did nolconsider thai any object could be served by sxc'tingsympathy lor those who, under the present atste of 'helaw. might be said to have committed a breach of It. Hewould not go into the question of prire fgbllng as a naDona] means of self defence, and say wbother, In re¬senting an injury, it was more man y to use tho w<w»-

jtions provided by nature or resort to the gntle. Mr.Sleigh said that his clients had resolved to (Wow tlioaatne oourse Both counsel apologized to Mr. Ctaurib pe,the magistrate, who bad tnierferod st the light, for auyInsult or annoyance offered to him. 1 here were two in-diriment* against the defendants. In the one they wereall charged, etcept King, with assaulting King, and Inthe other they were all charged, excepting Heenan. withassaulting Heenan To both Indictments all pls-.ded. gulity," except Mace and Travtrs.who pleaded "notguilty" In each case.

Mr. Darby, the ct airman, said tho ground oron whi 'itbe Court wail dMpotwd to a-t-eot tt the eourtethat h .J been prop-,sod by tho Icarued Oo.i'il"r the proseont'nn was Ibat the defenUMtsin»tl espressed tboir regret foruij-

eurred and that tb«jr bad apologized, through Ummt ooon-eel, t» Mr. Corntbopc. lie u>uld not belp thinking thatiter* were otfeere behind the eMutee who bed ted ibe de-(eadMMe to thoee illegal prooeeriiuge. Ifader all ibe eir-eumaUoeee, the Ooort was wnliai; to accept the propo-oHtoa thai bad bem made, and would <>11 upon Ibedefendants who bad pleaded guilty to enter into thetrowa MMgataaacee, m tbc mm of ilOO each, to appearand receive judgment wbeu called upou.The defendants theo entered into the required auretiea

and left tue eourt.

GARIBALDI IN ENGLANDArrival and Htteptlon of G»t«b«W' »

Knglunil.hopiuamiton, April J. leoe-

Garibaldi bun at >«nR*b set to-i on KngJiBbJLretved Bucb a welcome from tbo people of Kouthatnpi»who would congregate on the dock* m "wtthrtan<ltn« the sacrednese of the day.that tbe G«MraJ can forget. The Ripou pawed round Catobot(astloeoon after tw« o'cl< ck, and the Duke ofUuid, Mr. Hoelor. M. H. and a host of gentlemenr«ad!na*w to receive htm. There wan coneidesabl« d*mission ss t" who should have the honor of the ¦company, when k was decided that be should beguest of tbc Mayor for the day

APPEARANCE OP TI1E OKNKK41-iFouthamptou (April 4) corresponded of tbe ««"»"«>

Tfmia. iGaribaldi was ,n bie cabio^fo; which, of oonrM ¦ HUib a

men was mado by all bis eager wult.,nier« lbai en v afew could net hi while the remainder m> ette.,tnaliy ci»»,e(ithe entrance that the General himself >.ould uot got °"1-^CtT"lb«rlaJd and Mr. Seely however, MMgedto cat into tho little apartment, and. after "hh0''*^.hufriesl welcome to its famous occupant, UM).Generalcame out to receive tbe congratulation# »i bisotbe

tbe plam untforn, of tbe Italian,K7e^ whi n became w«ll-«tdlu wbi'h, through tho portraits, we bate hithertobeen most familiar with bin featurea Inhe Is below tbe m'ldle height, but bis we,I "frame and rather broad shoulders give him anannearance of great natural mbuhiness and activity,freiu whxih even hw lameness could notIlls features, when not id conversation with fr,,'n(li ,mverather a sad wpcct bnt nothing can exceed tho anlm*tion of their e>. pros-ion when speaking (especially inItalian), and there ie a winning appearance ol^<*>d hu¬mor about his eyes whuh m uot «>*y to be described,but winch those wb< see it can never forget, l'or 11rest liis portraits are like l.nn :n all but »hlH «proei.oOfand in the fact that the photographs convoy iihe dea <fh.s being an older and much tal er man than heAi onoo, when he came into the saloon, he welcomed bisfriends wtth the most hearty cordiality, yet withadig.,ly thai, was striking «beti the peculiar simplicity of hismanner wns retneini hitn was his son. Menotti t.arbaldi, who was

woun.1.' with hm father at Aspromonte, but who has en, volv re, vered the ellects of his mmry, Jh"u*b'',a fhaldi still miners, and, from the itilluei-s of the t.cndous oftbe ankle ;s likely to leei ins burt lor some time.

U1S HHrBPTION HY TUB VBOPLB.When tho steimer was close on the docks, all tbe qua}a

WOnSm''.!lr"r wont up on tne paddlebo*. and theinW« «" *"s h»"e"nb.'h ni'ii1 ..tilinoed incessantly tillithe \ esscl

.mie « oni'vde. To all these sabulous tho General re-, up.! i»v cheerilv wnvinir the embroidered -moting carhe wore At the l.ndii.g p ace Mr Kicbar.lsoiiwasmvraUing wcanug what may be called the Guriiuld uin-"oV "hit "s I , Mich,trore the ver ~.,.uaitlsi'lav of re llantisl th:rt Many of r,°wore nbai.d f 'he ' COImb, and the ladies red

'"^ "l'lrinun.tbe Mayor at once e;ime on board, and.,,5; 1«W «;cner'l. s-.d be wn , r»ud lo'wo comeJ . Hi- iut.'oi md to 'eel sure that the welcome

ti n him' iiiticially was one which would kennar iiv rsiis.ited by not only his fellow townsmen, but* ',; ,eo. V».gi«wl. Ile«.«l yanbaid.-s namewas a bie.S'*toM word In ennt Hrita-n. Everywhere theic i'lc hs>t hoard of his patriotic deeds and the noblectloriK i.e had to achieve the Uidepecdeuce of

C°?h«r,for. .a invitation to the Mayor s house was tb< o'!: , Miincml Garibaldi replied l-y sbaMup h»f w -ii v by 'ho 1. md and savtnif "I am grateful

to y oi y- r 'in.1 r^-^wt^ tlnnkfu! y accepty0fTTf!^Slikonieft tbe Hipf* andproce^lraoepe- caTsj. e through the W« to th. Mayor s re« dtnwuf l ark. t.verywheie he vrv. retched ii» yi*will ti O in^st he»r V enthusiasm an", tm«" tbstaodtugTb"! it *iis "- ird iy. i av« were hoittcd in all d rectioos

CiAl'.tPAtprS AtiVK R TO HIS KUlK.vnsUo'ore leaving 'he Kipon. t.aribaldi give to Mr. >e

Kr»u a countryman of his, an old friend, a small scrapot paper ouwt chbewrotewithapeuci.»;ai, Amit-^idero noo aver d*^KWAUtl!L lp .* .Copra t'llto, non .cciia p dei iMinuit.

i»i» n l'«:E5t s. 1 do not de- r- auy poi-tica. (.ea-Otiiira-tien rpjove all. not to excite any agitation.l

(.akibald 'f srtwn._Soethampton < A| ril 4) correspondence of I.ondon I me?To.<U>^ < ¦nribaldi ^ pubhdv re, e:.vo,l IDy be people

undi .rporaliot. of this town and presented with an ad-?»e s (.; all" tioi.ate ougratulst on on bis arrival in thiscountry, m tho Town Hall, which forms theupper story vl ihe well known bar sate of («outhamptmnKvoryiblo/ assoJ oil most satisfactorily and with!heuinnst eniniisia«m. ihr t»*»rtinn MornrtlmI to the Italianpatriot wherever he appeared being most hearty and

U'lhc'jl^y< r^n'^e a i pce :h and tbe low n Clerk read tbof»nrnurato*atMrCfst* to IhP G60(?r»Iileneral CaRii aI.ih then bent forward and remained for»ouio minutes bowing, in anawor to tho *Pa-a w \ h whicb l*© whc greeted. He «»l i8t ¦P^kC afew wordi wTh evident deep .eetlng. but with ...stronga :«,reinn ,o cent and symptoms ot ellort to ov ercome thedir uit of pronunciation that b;s delivery was rii -'rkably sioi* tbongb at all ?,mev clear aud distinct.

"Ins ncTt the first time that 1 have received Proof of the' lu' ot tho English n.ttion,and ha.e r-ce.yed those"r, (,i»ni t obh in w(Tfls. hut deeds. (<«raat cli« ering )nave von that sym. athy sh-wn to me in many; remitsnr sof mv ie, and very particularly in 1MK». when

«¦ tic n the he p of the KnglWh nafiou. iv would ha e bieni. ,ble to '. 'mi l' to the de d, we d,d ,n - there July.A r 'at he"rlDv' ) 1'he Knghsh people i rovided for us inK-n and in arms and in money-tVy help all 'be i.c ds and«, ;¦ . tue human laiBlly in thair work for freedom. Wha*''

y ,1 and ibey talk,d -f us I- worthy the eter t.» rraiitodact the Italian people (I »m cheers.) ranswer wime of the words, noble and gererous of theMa or 1 will say to vor. tbat I did nut sacrifice auyn*ri of mv life b it 1 think 1 d'd, and a very.»«. ,-t it was or try duty. and (piscine bis hard oni> s tieart) of the duty or every man. I Ouish by giving

.. lL ,WS to yo'i lor your Kenetoua sympathy, and fory.,,r verv Wind itid goo.) welcomeJo me here to daj-

it w «'m ist impo«aibl« to describe tbe ecth'isiasm withbib taese lew rem .rla were irracted. though, nnfortn

nately tbe «hout ol applawse le<i "o many to attempt tof. rce tbcii way into tbe nail (which was crowded litiraiiv to suTocation) that conelderable confusion anpucd.and It »« JOMliM before the proc-edirgs coo d becontinued.

Commercial Intelligence,rtlB MJNtlON MONET MARKET.

j H IT, b' I.ondon T mes (City articlo) April 7 tt, tb funds have again bean inactive ibrongboot

the das cab i, with an occasional tendency to an increaseofdcires^i-'E CMaols lor delivery opwd and cloaed at-L. erdav s price.PIH S wrre 41000Tfmc ' rlierx .t .<]fir the May account tbe last pricewii'Ti to",. Haoksto<k closed at ito" to 2^40 re-duccl and b«w throe per ccots, 8»>, to India stock,jjhto 220, Iio'ia bc«ds be. to Ja. dis .aud ^cboquerb"The7,dise^nt1:dcm«wd today was iomparativalymoderate, but it Is not eapeola.i that the payment of thodW doadi on Friday will .reata any groat lucroaso ol

the advances that will have to be repaid to tbehank At ibat il 'to being unusually large.m the icruii-i mark.t, aaontiou continues to be

almost eyclu" vely directed to Mexican, whtah stillr vi,c« undiminHbad opportumtles for tbo skill of[ rll,. 0r M>ec,ulatora for whose operations all themanagement of the question of tho tbrono would1 m throughout to have beau especially advantagooua.v, mwhiie, n> «atlgfactory explanationj or anuounco-

,s n aiiv kh d ara made in London, and another post-rouement of tuo pr >l< raert.ngof tha committee ofbou Ibolders ts ;,;>psrently not ImprobablB Tba ipcO'DKir-iisactlons mere at 44«{, a rail of more than *, and. » .'e .ently, or the clrctiiaf o of the usual rumorsthat all Ua4 ba.t. removed, a rally occurred,, r wbenrs tbeU was finally a ralspse to] to' , 'a whatever way tbe vacillationsof' "

ib«,k» »nd the .tobbir.g which these?.«n latioiiS r. t >te shall terminate, it will alwaysh.asub e t for I. *rct that the treasures for tbe retiabilt-i.t, n it Mexico, which requited all the prestige ibattbe

«. careful Ooai»ial tiinduct could impart to mem, Ua*eh.ou extinguished by the feeling now exhibited.the lte.v'*a del sra brought by the West mdia steamer

/shout£\V> 000). have been a»iU for China, at ti^HJ- twroSi, "

showing a 'Jeolinn of Wd. from the prevmua rate,i nnf# ioriite Md, 61c. ft 68c.-Ttoor^ ro k'M opmiim at t^e Bank to day. Tb«rivals lately ha . been limited, and the eta lor part ofInV am'auIs that may cotne iu will be purchased for

ta,n a* wm-ajDS" *5t t4A.t.w»ts.C oiinp Prxcrt

l'.tryiaud 6 perec t. J® a Ut aited >tste« 0 p«' cent .a ®;%lx> , ft per ootit M a 00Virginia Stale 6 p«' cent 4ft a 4^

iv., 8 erceutAtlantic and Gr«B Western. New York see., litm rtgaga. 1*80 T | er cent ». "¦ a *0po | cnnsy'v 'la, 1877, 7 (icr cont..x-C.fc n. 7d a 77i.rieshsie«,|tn0(ill raid)... 68 a 70I)o. 7porcent preforcoco|.... ..... .r... 60 a espo

'1st mortgi«e, 7 per cont, 1M7 A3 a #S

u, id do., 7 ier oent, Wa <0.. 7 l<lf een»,18»3 "0 a «ftDo . 4th do., 1 per oent M » 68IK) , Mb do., V per Oent Bft a 70

Mleb Po. h N. ladtina, sinking ruod, '8ft, 7 p. e. 09 a SAisew'Yeik Conlrsl.Oper cent(slnklnf land),man 62 a 64Do 7 per cent, 1864 66 aDo.,7 percent (eiUktagfund), 1878 6" a 7iI)o , 7 per oent, convert, bonds, 1876 7tl a 7SI o'.tlOOshares 7ft a

lllln l« Centra.. 0 per ceot,lSTta o.fio , 7 per com , 1*75 ..'6a sst,.. »; Osbs-- dl*. 18 t 17j ,, |hjo nhste* tall paid) 7Ja 7^MvitMft VSiA^LiA^AA 2* 4 14;

Michigan ('antral, con 1880 ft per ceot .. 8ft a Wk»> mnkii.g fund, ft per ccnt, 1st anort., '83 70 a T5

Kailroad, 1st mor lg««e. 7 p.«. 18M....J00 a 103r®.,m4o.,i per««b(. mia. ioa a i#<

Pennsylvania Railroad bonds, lit mort.,8 percent ounvertit te 80 » 81

Do., M i*>rt 8 cent on vert. i.e. 84 a 84l>o |60 shar«N Da 44

Philadelphia Ai Heading |S0 sburoa 32 a 31TUB LJVUtFOOI. COTTON MARRKT.

Ijvmkpooi April 4, 1884.Thr »elton market hr>n be*n dull, but* are unal¬

tered The kuI.<s were 8,0oo halea. of which 1,000 weretoken (or eip<>ri and on speculation The import waa18,807 bales, in addition to ts,078 iinee Friday.

Liverpool, April B, 1884We have to report a moderate demand to day, and a

quiet market, price* if anything being the turn in favoror buyers. The sales are 4,000 bales, which 1,000 arefor export anil speculation.

Ltrwpoot, April 8, 1864.There has been a fa r demand for eoitnu to day. aiid

the sales reach 1,000 bates i ,600 on tipec aticu and forexport. J'nceB are without change.

rim latmt MAHKirfi.l.nKMrooi., April 8, 1H«4

.arrow Hales to day »li thousand bales, inclining fifteen hundred to speculator* and exporter* tourket Oatand unchanged.

Bread* tuilk quiet steady and unchanged.Provisions.No talcs.Kugar active.Produce quiet and steady.


Important Speech of Presi¬dent Lincoln.


Protection for Colored Soldiers and Retalia¬tion I'pon the Enemy,

Ac*! *«.f&#.

F.AlTMORF, April 18, 1R64.The inauguration exercises of tbe groat f air at the

Maryland Institute to-nlj;ht were very imposing. Tbodisplay was exceedingly line, lhe unmeugo buildingwan thronged. I'ro^idODt Lincoln niado a sjec< h.speaker < olfax and Senator WilRon accompanied the

I resident to Baltimore. xbe President's appearance inlhe ball was greeted with tremendous applause whichcontinued ttri.a moments. Alter the inaugural addressof Governor Bedford die President was loudly called for,and in response he proceeded to make a brief address.

niK I'KlCSIltKNT'S HI'KECH.He referred tc tbe great change that had taken place in

Pali more iu tho last thnm years. Truly, he i^aid, theworld moves. At the commencement of tlie war the sol¬diers of the lTniou could not paes through Haittmoro un-

molested, end cow we bave this lar^e awmblniro orpeople brought together to do them honor and providefor their wants and make them romfortabie AHhonor to the brave patr.ot« who had wrought tbe change,and to the nohle womeo who aided tli' iu, when tbi* war

bogan Kcarouly one individual supposed it would havelaated till cow, AU thought it would have ended in »omeway m a much shorter time Very few at that tune

thought tbe institution of davery would bo very muchaffected l»y it; nut these expectations were notrealized, and here we are.(iaugbtei).and slavery hasbe«n somewhat affected. (Ureat laughter.) So truo is

it, my friends, that "man proj>escs ocd God disposes. "Toe world, he said, lia l long been in want of a correctCelinitwo of the wort freedom. Whilst all professedto advocate liberty, there was in the tnindB ofmany a very opposite view of what liberty was.

With one mm liberty implied to worn for b.tnhelf and doan he pleased with the proceeds of his. labor. Wittothers liberty incaut to do ai you pleased willother men and their labor. One «jf thesitwo conflicting ideas would have to give wai

to Uie oilier. lie thought, fri»m some occurroncee which bad on.y lately tukca place in Marylandthat ber people wore about to determine which of tbosivie** of freedom should control her destiny. The 1'iesldent then passed on to refer to a matter whiclhe raid hs supposed was ju«t now deeply agitating theminds of the people all over tbe country, He Alluded tctb. «r«ufr.»« wblcb WM repi>rtmi hav, uksnplace at lort PiUow, on tbe Mississippi river.

the massacre of several hundred colored soldiers by tberetwlr Many supposed that tbe government did notintend to do its duty in regard to tbe protection of tbesocolored soldiers. He denred 10 say that all auch weremistaken When tbe question of employing colored menas soldiers was left to tbe government, it rusted verymuch with himself whotber be should mako soldiers ofthem or not He pondered i ho matter carefully, and whenhe became convinced that it . as the duty to empoly thenbe lie not herniate to do so. lie stood before the Ameriran people responsible for the net-'esponsiMe beinrevh- Christian world. Kesponuble for it be jhouldstand m tho eye of the historian. Responsible forit he stood before God, and he did not shrink from thedeci®.on he music, for he bcliuviU it was right Hutwhen the government determined U. make soldiers olthese colored people, he thought It only just that tbeythonld have lhe same protection as tho whitu soldier.(Applause.) And be hesitated not to declare that thegovernment won id so protect th-m to tbe utmost ol

,ts [>ower. Whenever a clear, authenticated case shouldbe made out, retribution would follow. It had hithertobeen difficult to ascertain with that certainty wb;ctshould govern a decision in a matter so sorious. But Itthe atlair at Fort Pillow he thought they wero likely tchod a clear case, lhe government had no direct enuetico to coniirm the rejuri* in existence relative tothe massacre. But be himself feared that tbe facta« related were true. When the government doesknow the facts froui official souroee, and they sub¬stantiated the report#, retribution will be surelygiven (Great applause.) But bow should thatretribution be administered, waa a 'petition stillto bo settled. Would it be right to takethe lire of prisoners in Washington, in Fort Delaware or

eltewbere, .n retaliation for acta in whx b thay had notshared V Would It be right to take tbe prisonerscaptured, say at Vicksburg. and shoot thornfor acta of which he was not guilty, an* which It willprobably be found were the ordering of o«ly a few ind|.viduals, or po«ibIy of only one man. The President re¬

iterates that the 'lovernment would not fail to visit rotrl.but ion whan tbe facts w ere clearly proven.Throughout his remarks were warm<y applauded, es¬

pecially his last enunciation of a determination to visitretribution for the barb*rn<»s deeds of the rebels,

ARMY OF THl POTOMAC.Oeneral McClcllan to Have a Command.

MB. N. I'A VIf>FON B DEBFATCII.ALKXAirnaia, April 19, 1864.

It is said that General Grant has bora Teei ng lheArmy of the Potomac to see if they want "Lttlo Mac" tocommand them n tba onmlng campaign. He Is con¬

vinced that policy requires that General MeClellan shouldbave a proper command 10 this army, sod will, there¬fore, designate him for a place which he can accept.Madame Rumor says all this will be done 'D a day or two.

The Impending Battle.WtUT THE RFBFtS TfUVK OF TUa SHXT BAlTLg

FISt. P.Trom the Columbus (Ga.) Sun.)

^e have good res- os lor bol.ovng Virginia to be tbeeeene of the next hostile *og»gctneui of * general nature.Ihn etis'uy 's suovouiouts are uniting to Uiie coin lusiou,and we noed not be startlod at aoy time to bear thatlee has fallen ti.i k to tho eavirons or the capbt«l, and that a stupendous decoy movementIs being Bade by tbo stiomy on the soutbsido of tbe Jatn.H river, iioin lhe directumor Northeastern North Carolina Largo numbers of ctti-rens.noti'Coinbatants.of tbe northern counties of Vlr-H ir.'a are being .»ri istw t by tbe etiemy. Ibis b.ts be<'niho u«tial pre'ude to general movements, and may, Intho pr-jout instance, be intoodeJ to oover leslgns iwh-big to a chango In tbe present poaiticn ot Meade s, now

Oram's, army.

Nrave from V«« Orlaane.Cairo, April 18,

The sts«mqr I.umitutry ha- arrived, from New Orleanstho 12th. She briugs uu important uowi. Uotton was iu

fair demand, taiaa am tMUes. at o<io. a 71o. for ordinaryto striotly middling. H gar and moJatsuj tn lair dsmautlSupply muoh ttd i<oU. prl»«s rangud at lbigo. a 17Hc.

i l . «i»vkJ.'vt mmm-



Tlie State Tax Vive and a Half Milla on

Aiwssfd Valnr.-An Increase ofOne Mill Over Last Year.

Another Contest Over BankingInstitution*.

Improvement of 8eventh Avenue andExtension of the Track of the

(second Avenue Railroad.

DftropolHan Polhc Salflry ami n«nbiltinSquare in lh« Mnate,

fte., to, ft*

Aum*y. April 18, IW4.Tltr. StATB Tlx.

The last of the series or bills for the support of thePluto government was pre euled tfiifl 03orning. Th<> a

heretofore presented wore bills maSipfj appropriation.Tbe bill presented this morning by tiie Chairman of theCommittee or Ways arid Moans In tbo animal T.ix bi'l,providing lor a tax to meet the appropriations and to payl bo expenses of tho Statu government. The tux providedfor ander it will be sent out by the Comptroller next

October, to bo collected in Januury, 1805. It provide*that there -thill bo imposed for the fiscal year commenc¬

ing with the first day or October, IStil, a t:tate tax, as

follows .Milt*.

Kor general fund 1,'»For claims and demands against the State in tawspa sed the I.cgmlaturo In 1843 '.*

Kor bounties, fcr.. to volunteers 2%Kor common schools A»interest on nnd redemption of State debt >,Albany act! .^iisqiiehriiina Kailroud 311Chenango anal MXteoaioo 3-16Repairs and unprovemoLt of the Gonessee Valley

< anal 1-16Improvement Cbamplain < aim 1 1-10

Total mills (a trifle over) %6>£The exact figures aro n HO of a mill over 5>, mills. Tbo

tax lust wa 4mills. Consequently the presont laxis aa incrouse of 1 3-80 mill. The lax for bounties leviedlast year was 1 I l'.th ot a mill. It will therefore beseen that the increase for that purpose, or under war ex

peiiditnrcH, Is eno nidi and one sixteenth of a mill, 'thusit will be Been that tbo Stato could have borne the taxfor the extension or tho r hennugo Canal, and for the Ira-

provement of the I hamplala Cauul un l the ConesceValley Canal, and still tbo increuso would not have ex-

cooled the tax of last year, bad it not been for the in¬crease in the items for bounties to vwunteors.We liavo been told that tho state t»x this year would

amount to three or lour, and ran bave uxed it at live.i>er cent; but when we oomo down to tho Hgiirea web;tve only Ave and a half mills and three eightieths of aHull. Probably when the tut comes to bi levied It willfo.1 short of live and a bait mills. Ail wh> know Comp-tivl er Robimon know ti nt bo always llxes tho tax as

high as it will bear whei be prepares tbo budget;and It is well known, also, that when besends out his rnuirnuuiuatious to the county ollloials It Inalways under the amount that Is ll\od in the law authori/.lng tho tnt. Instead of exceeding his ratimates, as

usual with public officials reneraily, Comptroller Vobln-sou has thus far sinse lie hug been in olllco manu^wd to

go through with a c nslderablo loss amount tban biabudget, or estimates at the commonceinenl of the year.

bankiim lammiitoNs.The bill reported bv the minority of the Committee on

Hanks, authorizing bmks and banking institutions tochange their securities to Cnlted Slates bonds andstocks, this morning referred to the Judiciary Com¬mittee to report complete. It will bo reported this eten-

ing or to-morrow morning. there is riot much dangerof Its becoming a law. or ever passing the House, unlessthere is considerable chango made In it.

TUK fWAl* AUJOrRNMKVT.Tbe resolution providing for it tinai adjournment of the

legislature <>n Saturday next was called up from tbetabio in the Assembly thH morning. SeveraUimendmerits were offered, and fii ally it wa«i laid on trie tablewithout any day being fixed. It now looks as though tbelegislature win hardly adjourn bufore next week, Toea-day or Wednoeday. Most of tbe lobby are for adjourn¬ing at once.

niMA rAfssn in ihp A^mrir.Among thn bill* ml the third time and passed by tbe

Assembly this morning were tbo following.The Senatebill providing for tbo opening and widening or Seventhavenuo from tbe north end or Central 1'arg to Harlemriver, to extend the ir ark of tbe Second Avenue Itallroad toWaii street ferry and l<> Canal street and Uroadway, rela¬tive to the extousion of tb" streets on tbe west aide ofthe c >ty, In the vicinity of Thirtieth street, and authoriz¬ing the use of dummy engines on tbe several railroad*In tbe .State.

poltl* SAIARIK*.The Senate Comniitteo on Cities unanimously reported

favorably the Assembly blii amending the MetropolitanPolice act, and tin rues ing the salaries of tbo police, with¬out any amendments, excel l mere verbal on- s. Severalother blllH wore reported by tbe committees of that body,,but Dene of any particular importance to tbe public gene¬rally.

MAKI'ATTA* SQIARR.There was R spicy debate over tho bill reported by tbe

majority of tbe ,-enaie Committee on Cities In favor ofthe improvement of it inbattsn "quare, under the direc¬tion ot tho Park Commissioners, and making It apart and parcel ot tbe I'ark. senator Fields had made auiiuonly from the xauie committee iu ravor ofclosing Manhattan square and selling the lauds.1 lie bill reported by lite majority rame np IDtbe Committer' of the Whole this morning in tbeSenate, senator field* op|>ogcd it bitierly, andmid* all sorts ef char :es In regard t» It, andendeavored to bave r.e Senate reject the majority billand approve of his bill lor closing the square and sellingthe lands. Hut Ibc senate could nut *ee it In tbat light,aid or(bred the bill to aitacb tbe aqiare to theI'ark, to be Iraj roved under tbe control of tbeI'ark Commissioners, to a third reading.

saviNua bank*.Tbe bills amending the charters of tbe Citizens'and

Atlantic saringe banks in tbe city of New York bothphased tbe senate, a large amount of r utlne buslneaewas gone through with in the Senate this morning, buttbe foregoing is all tbat is of any public Importance,ma ma km a n or ma na*K ooMmnx* ax,, thb saKKivo

Mix.Quite a scene took place in tbe Assembly Chamber to¬

day during the afternoon session. Mr. Andrua, Chairroan of tbe Committee on Hunks, rose to a questionof privilege, aud staled that the bill on theirtiles relative to tho organization of Btalo banksunder tbo national l anko g law, purporting tohave been reported by the majority of tho Committee onHanks, »n nev^r before tbat committee. Ho Said afraud bad been committed unoa the House. Ibla billwas the one rerorrod to tho Committee on tbe Jnrttctary toreport compioie tins morning. Ibis bill was stolen bodilyfrom tbe senate li.oe and brought iu here clandestinelyby the gentlemin fr tn Westclie>ter (Mr. Brandretb), inbis minority report, wbeu the bill was u'tver introducedto this House or before tho V'lauiittee, aud now appearedon tbe nie: aa reported by a ma orlty of thecommittee. The House has bteu impwed opentbo bill has been stolen. Tbe chargea orMr. Andrns were ordered to be eutere<l upon tbe journalA motion was tuadu that a commute', bo ap|«uated to-nvesligate. Tbo Chair announcod tho word "ma¬jority" was a mistake of the printer, ynite a commo¬tion existed for some time, several of the members beingon their feet at the same tnr.e. It finally resulted In tbawithdrawal of what wns considered tbe offensive language,when Mr. Hrandretb stated tbat be amended b.s bill before rejiorting it to conform to the Senati bill, as be con¬sidered ho had a r gbt to do, and tbo eonimntlon subsided. Senators accuse each other with betug liars anddnnkards. anil a member of the House calls one of bieass uiaU-s a thief. Wbnt a set of n en they m ist be irwo take their own vem >u ot each other's cii iracler.

ma aLua.vr MK.asui.Tbe Aivany Bridge bill was orilere«l tn a tblrd read nj

In tbe Assembly this afternoon, receiving sixty six votee,or one more tban necmsnry to p iss it.

ran uMMKmoff or ? uwca is s*w mi an.Tbe Senate bill amending tbe |Insi«ctien of Running*

set for New York city j a»*ed ihe A«-«emhiy toThis is the bill re airm iided by ibere; of tbeNew York Kire DepartmMt

mi kRasa or tii* rat or statu rataos ovrr sitiThe bill Inc.-eaaiog tbe sa ary o( tbu on.uials etuplcyod

at tbo Mute prla >na nm rawed.» rss innfflr aiTB.ssioV BILL.

Tbe bills providing for thn completion of the flatteryextension in New York city, and iBcorporat ng 'he Ameri¬can I.itertry Kund Association, wertirleicd to a tblrdreading in the Seuat t.

THV 'TTT TA* t*VT.Tho Committee on 'tie* have near'y eompleted tbe

task in revifing the New York city to* '«vy, and Inteti Ito report fc> morrow. Tbey bavo cut d wn" a number o.

Items, and bave thus far -truck cut uboul ba!f a tn 'Honrrom tbe Cotoptrol.iH'1 bulfet a.dabont a ir.iivn atthe Councilitien'n eetlmate-.. It is probable tbat a lewother items will be cut down before ft la reported.n» rttMA.fuo avii auai t-AtH cANit aiLU sni.vsi> ai tirs

MTOMThe Ooverbcr baa signed the fibensrre Catial Ext 'o-'on

and the Ckampiain Otul improvement bii s. Ho sti'bolds tbe bill lii^reasiLg tbe capital at< okol too trie Kaiimad under advisement.

titf. harc.h ari.\i5»r res fAS ccwvwsiesiia*Ttie chargee made in the aff'davits ber r»- the «enat#

Coinmltteeon Cities figmnat tbe .Sew York Ttx Connn's¦touera bave ail hw*c rehniAao and ditoroved Ur vwunleratUd*vi«»