


film themes

Transcript of Themes

Page 1: Themes


Page 2: Themes

The action in the short fi lm will express theme(s). Theme is an idea, a moral, or a message that is expressed throughout your short fi lm. lm-ideas/

Finding Themes is a critical point when developing a story, as the underlying meaning can be set out and developed further. Themes can range from Love to Death.


Page 3: Themes

In our short fi lm, a clear theme is Hope. As Mia, our protagonist

hopes to fi nd the love of her life. An additional, overlapping theme

is also Love. Mia desires to fi nd the love of her l ife, but the hope is lost to an extent through the memory of past dates who have not been successful. The problem that Mia repeatedly fi nds is

the fact that all of her dates are linked with Food. A key theme is Food because the food we have used particularly intertwine with each date. Our fi rst date who is called Robbie links to Fish and Chips. He takes Mia on her date to a fi sh and chip shop, this expresses his personality, attitudes and values because he is specifi cally portrayed as a gothic, dull and stranger character. His appearance will be greasy as we associate fi sh and chips with being untidy and messy. This l ink creates an interest to the reader because they will identify the link and as ALL of the dates are related to the food chosen for their date, a pattern will be evident.


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Our next date, Joe takes Mia to McDonald’s fast food restaurant. He is a self centred character and only cares about himself, his care and pride in his appearance shows this as he wears the stereotypically pretty boy outfi t showing he has the money but he can’t even make the eff ort to take Mia out properly, for a romantic meal. McDonald’s is a fast food restaurant and Joe rushes the ‘date’ purposefully because he is only after one thing. McDonald’s contrasts with his appearance because he looks immaculate compared to McDonald’s which is not a desirable food you would die for.

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Harry, the next date also presents his attitude and values, as he is so intelligent and looks down on people. Mia cooks a meal which involves meat, however she is not aware that he is a vegetarian. As his mannerisms are stuck up and unappreciative, his attitude to Mia bringing out the meal seems almost disgusted despite her naivety in not knowing his nutritional requirements. He sees people who eat meat cruel, and he acts insulted showing he is biased and sticks to his own opinions, attitudes and values. His appearance and posture will be clean, fresh and upright.

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Our final and most successful, resolving part of our fi lm is meeting Sam. Sam is intended to be Mia’s love. She meets him earlier in the fi lm – but they are both unaware they are destined to be together. He is kind, sensitive and caring. He seems down to earth and does not think of himself higher than her, or anyone for that matter. He allows the fi lm, characters and plot to have a sense of relief as there is HOPE eventually. The meal that him and Mia have is a simple, basic meal (Sausage and Mash) which seems a homely and welcoming meal to have for a fi rst date. This indicates that Sam is not only there for one thing, but to get to know Mia. The meal is not the centre of attention for him, but it provides them with a ‘date base’ but his character allows us to feel happy for Mia as she finally finds someone who can treat her right.