
THEME LOVE The theme in this story is love. Love is a feeling. It is very abstract where we cannot see or touch it. We can only feel it. In the short story entitled “Bequest Of Love”, we can see the love of a mother towards his son. All the parents in the world love their children. I believe that all of them are willing to do anything and even sacrifice for the good sake of their beloved children. Mother’s love towards their beloved children is a natural feeling since they gave birth to their children. In this story, we can noticed that Puan Haryati is a wonderful mother who loves his son, Karim very much. She loves Karim intensely although Karim was born handicapped. She and her husband take good care of Karim instead of abandon him due to his situation. Puan Haryati is willing to do anything for her beloved son. For instance, she is willing to face bankruptcy in order to fulfill Karim’s dreams of going around the world, if Karim is able to walk and run like all other boys. Meanwhile, when Dr Tan told Puan Haryati and her husband to be prepared for the death of Karim at anytime, she broke down. As a mother who had carried, fed and washed him for more than eleven years, Puan Haryati cannot accept the fact that her son won’t be with them very much longer. It’s the power of love that will make a person feel sad of having to face the leaving of their beloved one. On the other hand, we can also see the love of a father towards his son. As a father to Karim, Zulkifly loves him intensely instead of hates 14

Transcript of Theme

Page 1: Theme

THEMELOVEThe theme in this story is love. Love is a feeling. It is very abstract where we cannot see

or touch it. We can only feel it. In the short story entitled “Bequest Of Love”, we can see

the love of a mother towards his son. All the parents in the world love their children. I

believe that all of them are willing to do anything and even sacrifice for the good sake of

their beloved children. Mother’s love towards their beloved children is a natural feeling

since they gave birth to their children. In this story, we can noticed that Puan Haryati is

a wonderful mother who loves his son, Karim very much. She loves Karim intensely

although Karim was born handicapped. She and her husband take good care of Karim

instead of abandon him due to his situation. Puan Haryati is willing to do anything for

her beloved son. For instance, she is willing to face bankruptcy in order to fulfill Karim’s

dreams of going around the world, if Karim is able to walk and run like all other boys.

Meanwhile, when Dr Tan told Puan Haryati and her husband to be prepared for the

death of Karim at anytime, she broke down. As a mother who had carried, fed and

washed him for more than eleven years, Puan Haryati cannot accept the fact that her

son won’t be with them very much longer. It’s the power of love that will make a person

feel sad of having to face the leaving of their beloved one. On the other hand, we can

also see the love of a father towards his son. As a father to Karim, Zulkifly loves him

intensely instead of hates him due to Karim was born handicapped. Zulkifly and his wife

always tease each other in the childish way as their remarks would have Karim shaking

and at times crying with uncontrollable laughter. They are trying many ways to make

their son happy. For them, looking at Karim laugh is like looking at a well of happiness

that they fervently hope it will never dry up. Love between siblings also shown in this

short story between Karim, Fariq and Faroq. Although Fariq and Faroq always show

their indifference towards Karim, they still care and concern for him. It was Fariq who

first noticed Karim’s preoccupation with death. It can be seen that Fariq is care for

Karim as he is able to notice Karim’s problem. Because of love towards Karim, they

always make allowances for Karim. For example, Faroq doesn’t make a grand fuss of

what has been done by the mischievous Karim to him including putting chewing gum in

his favourite brand new running shoes. Later, they play football less often and spend a


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lot of time talking and goofing around with Karim, trying to make up for their previous

indifference towards him. Besides that, Fariq does his part by getting his girldfriend’s

father to publish the cartoons in his children’s magazine to make Karim proud, confident

and happy. What are all these about? It is the magic of love that will make a person

willing to do anything and even sacrifice for their love one.

DEATHDeath is a natural part of life. It is sudden, abrupt and can happen anywhere, anytime -

without ask before claiming his goods. In the story, Karim’s death occurs suddenly on

one cold night in June. He was sent to the hospital after collapsed in his bedroom. He

passed away without saying a word of goodbye to his family, he didin’t even regain

consciousness. Death helps one to see things in a different light. It helps us to treasure

every moment we spend with our beloved one until they are gone. For instance, when

Karim’s family know the fact that he will not be with them very much longer, they spend

every available moment with him and beginning to make allowances for him. Fariq and

Faroq play football less often and spend a lot of time talking and goofing around with

Karim, trying to make up for their previous indifference towards him. Death gives relief

to the deceased, but it brings sorrow to those who are still living. Karim’s family is struck

deeply for his leaving. They grow to realize the invaluable role Karim played in their

lives, and how he would always remain a part of them.