The Yuletide Lads

Helgi Valgeirsson “The Yuletide Lads” Adventure for children in all ages. With gratitude to all involved, for their priceless assistance in creation of this book. © 2012 Helgi Valgeirsson.


The Yuletide Lads is illustrated adventure for children in all ages, about a troll family living in a cave in the mountain. The family wakes up before Christmas and mum Ogress keeps everything and everybody under controls with spectacles. Also to keep human children in a short leash, Ogress sends the sons to town with a present to them that can behave. But as everybody knows trolls do not like commotion around Christmastime. All this happens as Ragjerk is busy doing nothing else but looking forward to Christmas. When Christmas is over the family lay down to sleep again, until next Christmas.

Transcript of The Yuletide Lads

Page 1: The Yuletide Lads

Helgi Valgeirsson

“The Yuletide Lads” Adventure for children

in all ages.

With gratitude to all involved, for their priceless assistance in creation of this book.

© 2012 Helgi Valgeirsson.

Page 2: The Yuletide Lads

Land of Ogresses and Ragjerk

Close to the edge of the world, far away in the North, there lies a majestic land, albeit, little

and remote, that it is surrounded by an angry ocean. The landscape at first glance, is rugged

and mountainous, and in midwinter the weather is often cold and windy. The island’s deep

valleys are surrounded by high mountains making this a difficult countryside to access,

especially in wintertime, when snow is covering the ground! In those months the days are

short, and gloomy, followed by long cold, stormy nights, with clouds in the sky that hang so

thick and heavy, the stars and moon are seldom seen. So harsh are the conditions in this

rugged landscape that plants and trees find it a great struggle to survive there. So it is no

surprise that few forests grow in this land and yet! Single trees can be seen here and there,

sometimes, even in little groups, producing small copses of trees in the wilderness of moss and

shrubs. The countryside may look rugged, but it is a land of cheerful, friendly people living in

warm and comfortable homesteads in cities, towns or farmsteads, in which a traveller will

always be made most welcome. These people are happy and contented folk, and very

knowledgeable about this land in which they live. But there is one place there yet to discover,

told of in a very old legend of which all the people on the island are familiar, which tells of a

huge, deep cave, high up in a big mountain called the Troll Peak. Still it is a fact, that none of

the locals knows EXACTLY where it is. It is there that an old troll couple, Ogress and

Ragjerk live together with their thirteen sons, the Yuletide Lads, along with their pet, the

Yuletide cat. For the greater part of the year, the whole family sleeps under their warm

blankets in a big group on the floor.

Page 3: The Yuletide Lads

Nothing disturbs this peaceful setting the whole year, but for the loud snoring in their safe

and warm shelter deep at the back of the cave. Each year, as Christmas approaches, they

begin to wake up, one by one, to get organized like the rest of us, in preparation for the

Christmas feast. Then it is a good time of the year for all the children to be on their best

behaviour, because thirteen days before Christmas all the inhabitants of Troll Peak are now

awake! Naughty children come to their attention at once. It is well known that trolls do not

like yelling and shouting one little bit. It really upsets them, especially as they have so much to

do and concentrate on, before Christmas and little children do not want to get into trouble

with angry trolls, do they? Ogress is the Yuletide Lad's mother, a frightful giantess. She has

long dark hair and wears an old dark dress, worn and frayed from constant wear. She is

thousands of years old, but she is still lively and perky, running an orderly and efficient

household. Time being short to have everything in order for Christmas she puts on her white

apron as soon as she is awake, then slips on her white wool stockings and her home made

black, sheepskin shoes, before energetically sweeping around the cave with her rigid broom

raising lots of dust and sand in all directions that over the last twelve months has settled in

the cave after which she scrubs the floor with a tangled wire brush and sweeps the chimney.

If she doesn't do that, then the cave becomes smoky and unbearable to live in.

Page 4: The Yuletide Lads

All but one of the Yule Tide Lads is the same size as human beings. Only one of them is very

small, and he will never grow to be bigger than a child. Each day, for the thirteen days prior

to Christmas, one per day, Ogress has to send her boys off to the town to get some food for

them all to enjoy at Christmas. So she wakes all her sons in a certain order from their deep

sleep, so she can send them to town one by one. But even if Ogress is a giantess, it not always

is easy for her to wake up her boys, and sometimes she has to be little bit rough with them.

Her sons, even though they are trolls are a colourful bunch, and behave just like all

youngsters, so Ogress gives each one the appropriate disciplinary treatment. Some of her boys

she shakes and some she slaps with her wet dish cloth. Sometimes she gives them a playful

kick up their behind to wake them up. Only one lad per day leaves late at night to make his

journey into the village to arrive in the town below their mountain cave before all the children

are awake. The lads have a magic potato to put in the children’s finest shoes that they have all

placed inside the windows of their bedrooms in the evening, before they go to bed. Children

who have been good all year will find a lovely present in their shoe in the morning. Naughty

children however, will be upset to find only a potato in their shoe. Before the boys leave for

town Ogress gives them each a sack of magic potatoes, reminding her ever hungry sons.

"These potatoes are not for you to eat on the journey boys, but presents for the children in the

town. They are magic potatoes given to your Dad and me by some dwarfs who are good

friends of ours for whom we once did a big favour.

Page 5: The Yuletide Lads

These potatoes sprout and turn into a wonderful present in the shoes of the children who have

been good all year whereas in the shoes of the naughty children there is no change and those

children wake up to find a potato in their shoe. "Then in exchange for their presents, the Yule

Tide Lads have to acquire enough tasty food from the shops and houses in the town to see

them over, their own Christmas festivities. It is a fair trade, no robbery!" Ogress makes all

the Yuletide Lad's clothes in the same style which she washes every one hundred years in the

hot spring close to the cave, a mixture of old red jackets, with bronze buttons, green gloves

and green and white striped scarves which keep them warm in the cold along with thick black

woollen trousers, tight up to the knee, to stop their back sides freezing off while travelling

through the snow, finished off with white stockings and black homemade skin shoes. Each

brother wears a tall cap too, all of them a different size and colour from the other. Even

though they all wear similar clothes, each Lad is different from the other in many ways. But

they all have ONE plan after completing their town visits which is to meet at an appointed

place, and secret well hidden from view and here they will inspect all the tasty Christmas food

each Lad has collected before carrying everything back home in a big group to the cave to

celebrate Christmas.

Page 6: The Yuletide Lads

Ragjerk is Ogress’s husband and father to the Yule Tide Lads. He is a brawling, big troll,

bold, with gray sideburns framing an old face with one remaining tooth that sticks out of his

mouth from the lower jaw. He wears an old furry cap outdoors and over his grey pullover an

old coat made of the skin from a polar bear, now gray from dirt and old age and like the

boys, he wears black trousers tight to the knee, white stockings and skin shoes. He hates soap

and water and in truth is a real Lazybones. Whenever Ogress takes out the old wash tub,

Ragjerk disappears from the cave in a flash and is not to be seen again until Ogress has

finished all the Christmas cleaning all by herself. A freeloader like Ragjerk would rather be

outside in the cold having fun, than being up to his armpits in soapsuds inside the warmth of

the cave. Not even the worst of weather would keep him at home in the cave, to help with the

washing and cleaning. Most of the days and nights up to Christmas, Rag Jerk scurries up and

down the hills on his sledge, with the wind whistling in his ears enjoying hurling himself

around the countryside on his sledge travelling as fast as a hurricane while jabbering at the


Page 7: The Yuletide Lads

Sometimes he goes so fast, that at times Ragjerk eyes fill with tears. Then although he finds it

difficult to see that clearly, as to exactly where he is going, still he never has had an accident in

the snow, because Ragjerk knows the ground better than anyone. He is especially careful

when there are people around. Unless he wants it, they never see him smiling at their frown,

as they feel the sudden gust of cold wind blowing in their faces, as he passes them by. Even

though Ragjerk is idle, he is adamant that every home should have a Christmas tree on

Christmas Day and for this, he is prepared to make an effort by cutting down the prettiest

tree he can find, which he then transports back to the cave on his sledge. As a self-proclaimed

Christmas tree expert, he always can be relied upon every year to find the best tree available.

A tree in the cave always makes Ogress very happy. "It already looks like Christmas!” She

says happily to Ragjerk when he returns and puts up the tree, "and it smells so lovely and

Christmassy." So happy, is she in fact, that she delves into her cooking pot and brings out a

large helping of food which once she has plated it up she hands to her husband, to eat as a

reward for his efforts. When this happens then Ragjerk feels good and he mumbles his

thanks, but he is happy also, because now for some time to come, he can just get on with doing

the things that please him!

Page 8: The Yuletide Lads

The Yuletide Cat has not always lived in the cave with Ogress, Ragjerk and the Yuletide

Lads. Oh, no not at all! The Yuletide Cat is big as a lion, with fur as black as coal and with the

most entrancing green eyes that seem to glitter in the light. He sports a long agile tail too, that

he waves around as he travels through the snow. Of his origin, or where he plays, and where

he hunts, nobody knows for sure. But how he ended up in the cave, living with Ogress,

Ragjerk and the Yuletide Lads, you will learn more of later on, as this story continues. Since

the Yuletide Cat became a member of the Yuletide Family, his favourite pastime now is to

laze in his bed throughout most of the year and purr contently. Ogress always takes care of

the cat and makes sure that he has plenty to eat. Still, on those days before Christmas, when

Ogress is waking up the Yuletide Lads and is exceptionally busy preparing for the

celebrations, she has been known to forget to feed the cat and whenever this happens, the

Yuletide Cat being so ravenous, wanders off on his own, to find something to eat,

making sure he returns to the cave no later than thirteen days after Christmas when the

Yuletide Lads, Ogress and Ragjerk all return to their beds to sleep again. Then the Christmas

Cat just makes himself a comfortable place to lie on and falls asleep too.

Page 9: The Yuletide Lads

Chapter one: Hobbler

As everybody now knows, Ogress always is unbearably busy when she is awake, for that short

time before Christmas. But sometimes, just for a break, she likes to go outside to make a

snowman, and then it is back into the cave again to continue her housework and wake her

boys from their sleep with commotion, to send them off on their travels. In the middle of all

the Christmas turbulence Ogress is always amused when she is rousing the Yuletide Lads.

Just thinking about it makes her laughs to herself. She turns to her sons, lying there in a

group asleep on the cave floor and first of all she wakes up Hobbler with a kick in his rear. He

is an all time sleeper like his father and most of his brothers. Hobbler is a long and skinny

fellow and bold like his Dad, with long tangled sideburns gathering in a moustache right

under his nose. “Wake up, wake up! You are not sleeping Christmas away, are you son, are

you?” Ogress shouts. Hobbler wakes up, unenthusiastically, and continues to lie in his bed

looking at his mother with sleep still in his eyes, and she stares back at him like a

headmistress. With bad grace Hobbler then decides that it probably is the best for him to get

up and get dressed. After that long sleep, from last Christmas to this one, he is fairly stiff and

his legs he cannot bend at all. But when he finally sits up, stretches and scratches his back it

doesn’t take him long to prepare him for the journey. Ogress hands him a sack of potatoes

saying. “These potatoes are not for Yuletide Lads to eat on the way, but to put in the shoes of

the little children as thanks for the food supply and more we get from the village.