The whole process


Transcript of The whole process

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4 week animation projectBy Hassan Ishfaq

The projectThis project is a 4 week project. The aim is to understand the basic animations such as the bouncing ball, the sack and the swing animation. These were a couple of basic techniques that were used by many to the hang of it.

My PlanI wanted to do 2D animation. The reason for that was because I was more comfortable with doing it like that and I wanted to pursue my animation in a cartoon way.Iv always loved stick animation as it tends to be funny and there's so many things you can do with it. People think since its stick, there's nothing to show and It wouldnt be interesting. I totally disagree. Its as good as a normal 2D animation route people would tend to take but you have to think more creatively when you do stick animation. Its harder to show the feelings so you have to think about everything when doing it.

First bit.The first bit was to go around the internet to see what type of stick animation I wanted to show and I saw a lot of stickman fighting or windows version which I thought was really cool. Here are some examples . I did look at some 3D ones two as it showed the same concept as the 2d ones.

My settingI wanted to have google as my background as there's a lot of things you can do with this. I did some sketches too.

The guy I made my character in illustrator. I wanted my guy to have some fat to make It funny so this is what he looked liked.

This is my falling animation and if you look closely, the sprites are different to each other. I didnt want it to look dull so I did some movements to make it realistic.

The BIG change.After thinking about all of it I decided to add the stickmen for the 4 weeks project and instead I used ball. Reason for that is because of the timing. I didnt think I would have enough time do it all of the animation with the character as making the sprites and placing them would've been a nightmare. Here's the bounce animation and the process

The after events So after the bounce and the search bar breaking, I wanted to show the consequences of that action. So, having that in mind I thought about the using the letters in the animation too. This part is showing weight too just like the bar falling down due to its weight. The O from the letters shatters in to pieces making it look like its made from glass.

lifeAfter I did the shatter animation I thought about making it even more interesting by making one of the letters come to life. I picked the letter G. I made it so it tries to escape after the damage it had done to the letter O. Here's what I did with it.

Sound and overall Just to make better I added sounds to the video. It makes it feel more alive but I feel as if this whole animation was way too quick. Reason for that was the way I did the animation with the layers in illustrator. Even though it was 24 frames per second, it still didnt feel as good. But now I know and I hope to make thing's smoother for the main 6 weeks project. I just wanted to try the original way with the frame after the frame concept and I have done that. This was my first crack at it so im happy with it but I know there's loads to do better.

The video