mmm* fc&ii&tti iiiitiyimtiifflWiMtf friitimifrtatoirVM igjjwMmiimiim liaiiMfrtii^^ jiMaiipaiiail^^ \ ./y~^ JZ/• -C •$ ttlBUf «M iit-Z Published every ThnrMty Morning by HIDBIC*, ( , ,1 4. H. HAMIMOW. J. M. HEDRICK & CO., Publishers and Proprietors. t<$ wU «* /ii.lMi /li n u.i.VU lenon&i} ••. *v,al lo f?f -U ?T tlG Official of the Official Paper or the Oounw, Molal Paper of the "W»rDep«rbi meat. Terms—$1.50 per Tear. > INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE lilf.7*fl OH;'-' ih HHtawa one* near corner of geeoll Streets, over the Post Office, OTTUMWA, IOWA. I'I"W Oonrt t) my v. ,! Vol 22, No. 11 THUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1870. Established in 1848. ;t: tart 3% Unify <£<mri<!r. Published every evening, Kundajr egoepted TBUMS: To mail snbsoribere, per year.. 0 " " 6 mouths... .. 4 00 •» « t •• ...a so " 1 •' ........... l oo Deliveredfcy Carrier, per week 99 POUI^TEFI JOB DEPARTMENT. —-COMPLETE W1T1I NEW—SI XYPK8 AND PBBS8KS. PRINTING OP ALL KINDS, From a Visiting Card to a Mammoth Potter, executed In good gtyle. work duplicated. Eastern prices aad % P Si*'"' ~ # JOHN <J. BlIIiXaARD & CO., RETAIL DEALERS IN. , - " I, SHINGLES, LATE EU&shu» mw^mm 9 r Mouldings, Dressed Lumber DIMBITSIOIT STTriF'IFy:,:;^ The best Sheeting Paper, saturated and without, And In fn-t everything , T litoh the demands of the wholesale And Erotall'Jtrado in Lumber Ana Bailul.ig Material re i<iirc, snd at pi ices whichrtefv competition. ^ *t*Remeiubor the p *KH\ corner samanLha and Ql'een streets. Ottnmwa.'lowft.ia ,Oc oherl'-^ tf JOHN J. MILM KU * CO. EDWARD H. STILES, Attorney at Law, clel attention given to the argument of cases in ,he Supremo Court. •^Office at residence, corner. K>f Fifth and Washington fivree'o. <T.**** _ OTTUHWA, IOWA. T Nov.,23 188! d<*\vy w. J. MirOHEIL, ATTORNECAND COONSuLLOR AND REAL ESTATE AQENT. OJXtoe In Orub°«bu'.' *nr, corner of Court and Booond Strc? , O ,uai,va. Iowa. mti".25d&wC*ii Hutchison & Hackworth Successors to Stiles, Hutchison A Dixon, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office over H. G. Anglo <fc Co.'e Bank OTTUMWA, IOWA. All professional business entrusted to Item will be promptly attended to. flpecial attention priven to collections. July 30, lStW-wlf. USURY K. CLEMENT W*. MCNBTT. CIEHENT & McNETr, Attorneys at Law AND REAL ESTATE AQT'S KddvvnU$ Wanelle Co. Iowa iiaUES & FAWCETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. and Notaries Public. Office over First National Bank, Ottumwa, liowa We have a complete abstract of title to eve- ry town lot and piece of land in Wapel.^conn- ty. Titles examined, and abstracts showing every possible defect, furnished ut short ut£ tlce. »ang. 17. J. It CCiUMlKC:. WAGONS, CARRIAGES, Light and heavy spring Wagon AND SLEIGHS Of the best material and wo .manshtp, man* ufbcturcd by CTTMMlffGS & SUSBT. Special attention paid to Horse- shoeiug and Repairing. ALL WORK WARRANTED Second Btreet, between Court and Washington Ottumwa, Iowa. NOT. 2,1- J P- Utecht, eoary. DF.ALER IN DKUOfl AND FANCY .GOODS. Prescriptions carefuly putnpatall hours. MAIN STREET, CURLIEW BLOCK1 MWlfldwly. OTTUMWA, IOWA? i Gephart & Holly, STJTOHB K/S, AND DEALERS IN FRE811 MEATS OF ALL KINDS. Highest cash price paid for fat stoclc, Second St., four doors Eii«t of P. O. Nov2«dwly. OTTUMWA. IOWA. H. C. Grube, DKAJ.KH IN GBOCEBIE S r PROVISO FUJUlt FEED,HC«»AR ('OF- fee. Sr ces. To.tac. •> j>nd C1KRI«, Woofleu and W;_ o»e'nre. Him . emoveo U) hIs \ew Itoom Come.-Sec. and Cou. iit«. NoviOd »ly. ONUMWA IOWA. New Photograph Rooms J. •. WALLACE, Htanamakere New Brio . on Court Street. Any kind of a picture, of all slses, furnish d Mfeasonrute rates. Batlarac ion enamnteed. Jan. 18 ir-tj (.i Just Received, New patterns for Evening and Walkln »re.pes Over Skirt,. Clrcftars, PlJlS aSu Ber e 't. *'' Ba8<lIles > «ai'°r Jackets and r-A l late styles of Millinery and Dress klnt, done at hliort notice, by "»v«» MRS. E. A. KNOTT. Sleld s New Building, (ireeu Street, between Main and Second, Deo. It-dw OTTUMWA. IOWA \ I O. M. BOAT., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Is pe.maneutly located at BLAKESISURG TFovlny °-'" S excc P t wht " Pro'. ' Jan l.illi t-,;o wtf. W T. JOHKSTONT ^BftDENTIST. »• Rooms over Meelc's Store, Main Street, OTTUMWA, IOWA. JH0 M. 8INDUNGEB, MO LSE, S1GJ? AND Ornamental Painter. Dealer In PAINTS OILS GLASS AC. Ofcthe corner of Second and Market streets OTTUMWA. IOWA. Ally ». IMB-ch dAwtf. DS. S. L HTTBBABD, OF BOSTON. MASSACHUSETTS. With many years prrctlce In the old school of medicine, and several years In HOMCEOPAT'HY, Has loeated In this city. Coming to Ottumwa wfth large experience In the treatments CHRONIC D IB EASES, He respectfully tenders hlg profe- s'onnl ser- vice for SPECIAL AND GENxCRAL PRAC- TICE. OJHce—On Main Street, over S. ChaneyA Bro.'s store. Residence—On Fourth Street, lower side, between Wapeiloand Cass streets. April 29 lsfo-dAw tf i W. 8ILSBT Mattress Manufactory. Bay your Mattresses of a Regular Manufacturer. I have just started in the Mattress buedncss and would say to rll, i s.>i*cla!iy to deair sard Hotel keepers If you wish 10 purchase good You c«n be aeeommr da ed by calling at My Factory on Main Street, west of Court St reet. ^"Old Sofas and Mattresses, made over. L. &AYL0RD Ottumwa, Iowa, March 0, lSTO-diwy «r-I'. S.—CORN HUSKS WANTED at Gay- lord's Mattre's Fac'or v. THE WEEKLY COURIER J. M, HEDRICK, 1 TCnrTORH. A. H. HAMILTON, / KDITORS - W*. H. CAM>w«M.. LOOAL EDITOR. TUUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1870 THE DES MOINES VALLEY Manufacttiring Co., H. G. DiXOfi, PRESIDENT. 8ft nufne*nrpr» of REDFIELD'S PATENT Oscillating Separator AND SMUT MACHINE, for the States ol Iowa, Nebraska and Territo- ry of Utah and all that ponlino* i-ie sin.e of Wlxsourl uor,li of ilie Jlu^.ole b- J R. HI Orders bv mall "rompt'y at.ten . 1 to. Oflloe at foot of 1 In on st„, OUuinwa, Iowa. Feb 10 1870 wt'. & POUARD VA RRIAU E AXD WAOOS niAMtvAtr K!», ^r6nt Krae', ne«.r llu A Ollufflwn, Iowa ^kauufact.i -es uirda of Carriages Rugbies and Wagons OF THE BEST MATERIAL AND LATEST STYLE. J#*Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. All orders thankfully received anil promptly attended to. Please give us a call, and examine our work beforo purchasing elsewhereW MartbS lW7-d*wHm m THE RE AT Ottumwa Manufacturing Comp'y %',yiASHBURN, President. MAJCUFACTITBKKS OF PURNI1URE, STATU RAILING, . w'i'JiLUSTBBS, E. C. NEWTON. (Successor to Newton A ClitrkeJ Dental Surgeon. IBtr^'.Ox^ui. Wltl ' OUtpRlrl by tUe u ? oof »2,®. C t«?„ Un ' oa Blook . over S. Chaney A "• oei I .Tail 19, "70-ddiwif. . Ciw!)IWf*] (ilLLASL'Y li CO., •EEF AMD PORK PACKERS AND General Commission Merchants, Urxr.ftWA !*>WA. Oar fyillitles for pattking cattle and Jog"sod Helling (irodut't arp uqutu to any DP use in the Went,. J Chttr K < » reasorabln W>v. lllSbl d.t^tf. f»p NEWELL POSTS MOULDINGS, BRACKETS AND Turnings of all kinds. J^O-der* by mail promptly attended to. 4VOfllce and salesroom on Main street. In Dr. J. IJ. Taylor's new brownstone f jnt. St Son Manu*Ki:U'rt»r of and dbulorR^in KACHIXe Cf;4GKi .S, BREAD. CAMBiER. NTJTS dC., l,nion Bakery, neit door to Post Offloe Apr. 80.1S(W. OT 1'IIMWA, IOWA IT'ranli JfidLIer. AKGHITET AND BUILDER QT'fpMWA, - IOWA /Will furnish plans a'd spouifioaiioi.n lor of IKlingH of nil kind of remodeling old OBI's. AISKJ fuinisli ^lans lor bridgon oti Bn rL.tu' l, f"a Mjwin. Hi ar«attoualjle . Fa*** Fxcijub. *. W. SMITH, MERCHANT TAILOR, Uaiu Street, two door» east of Ottumwa House. A splendid Rioct of PIECE GOOD S , of tlielRtost pai terms which I will up in the best stylos, as cheap as can be f„aud west of (!••> MisslSHippi River. OttimiwM Vfnv f§i N Watchler, Boot and Shoe Maker, Ottumwa, - - - Iowa. Main treet, one door eust of tho Kx- pri MH OtHim Keeps oi.vtanllv on hand a t «MI nxsortuK'iit ol ieaibi'r.'aud i.v al- wnvh r;ady to aocomtnodute lUStomerH with G x)d Work in vhipLine H^palrlnff don*» on ubort notle**, M»«y, 2, IHft-l: <'h>»T»r:od 2:^. V.K A'» Dr. J. Williamson's old Stand. BOOT k SHOE MAKEK Is now prepared to make all |kinds of work In h:> J:lit-, or tlie Best Stoc 1- , AND AT FAIR UVIflG PRICES. **"* What shall it be P As tho Domocracy of this Stato are to meet in State convention in about two months, wo may bo pardoned in barely suggesting to them that it is high time to be casting about for a policy, for as certain as there is a sun in heavcD we cannot fix upon what is their policy from any light wo get from them, save tho all absorbing one of hankering after the loaves and fishes. Ono quite strong, and per- haps respectable portion of the- de- mocracy, are open avowod, fiat foot- ed repndifttionists. Another portion say, we have talked that kind of nonsense long enough, and wo might as wel' conclude to pay our debts as there is too much honor and too much principle among the people of Our country to swallow the rascally idea of going back on our promises, howover easy it might be to pay debts.that way. Again, a portion of the great Jofforsonian democrat'c party say, this thing of "nigger suf- ferage" wo will fight now and for- ever; this 15th Amendment dodgo is an outrage upon common decency, it iB tyraony in its worst form, it is D>abo'?sra, and though three-fourths of tho States have mado it a part of the national Constitution, we counsel armod resistance, if need bo, to ..s enforcement. Another portion saj*, hush this kind of foolishness, wo know this is a bittor pill, and so was the whipping'wo got in the rebellion, but it is folly to oppose tho negro now that ho is armed with tho bal- lot,—wo got enough of his bullets in tho few years past,—and now don't lot us bo so fool hardy as ,to repeat the dOBO by standing in the way of his ballots, but rather let us cuddle in with these black, fellows and make all possible promises to thom as to what wo will do /or them, and treat thom with tho utmost consid<v ration, for in this way wo can, if wo play this gamo well, get our eharo of these colorod votes.- We might enumerate difficulties and stumbling blocks in the Way of a similar character, but wo have, per- haps, mentioned enough to show the roasonjwhy wo mako tho suggestion thus early, that tho democracy eho'd be casting' about thorn for a policy. DscLi iis.—Our fellow Unvubuiuu, M.J. Wil'ianis, Esq., announced somo days ago as a candidate for District Judge, now declines to contest tho field for that honor. Wo aro sorry to learn this fact, as Mr. Williams would have had tho hearty support of this county, and would, if success- ful, have mado us a Judge second to not>o in tho State. lie, however, sees proper to decline, and, of course, wo must acquiesco in his decision.— Mr. Williams is in no sense a politi- cian, and wo conjectvro these days of scrambling for office, ho is averse to cntoring tho ring; at least wo have heard him express himself as having no tosto for at! electioneer- ing contest. TIIK THIRD DISTEICT.—Congres- sional honors are much sought after this season, in this Stato, and tho fight in most of tho districts waxes warm. In the Third District every body ought to be suited with some ono of the candidates, for their num- bor is logion. The Nashua Post ouu merates them as follows: Milo Mo Glathery and Wm. Larraboo, of Fayetto county; Thos. UpdograiT, 1) Liflingwoll, Murdoch and Newell, of Clayton; G. It. Willott, A. K. Bailey, E. E. Cooly, and Burdick, of Winno- shiok; Sanborn, of Delaware; 131 a. and Ruddiok, of Bremer; Donnuo, of Bochanan; Pratt and Fairfield, ol Floyd, Peering, of Mitcholl; General Vandoverand D. B. Henderson, of Dubuque; Berry, of Howard; and Powers, of Chickasaw. Hon. Abial R. Pierce of Jefferson county, is a candidate beforo the Re- publican Stato Convention, for the offico of Auditor of State. Major Pierco early in the Rebollion wont out in tho 4th Iowa Cavalry, utul for four years did excellent service, during which he was severely wound- ed. In tho autumn of 1807 ho wnr olootoc! Senator from Jefferson coun- ty, and has servo'' tw* sessions, and has acquitted himaou wiih marked ability and probity as a legislator.! Ho would make an excellont State Auditor. The Peila Blade has not bad the fairness to publish Judge Loifgb- ridtro's letter, but keeps right on rei- terating its story that ho vo'oJ against tho FifViitlh Amendment. is own county has been all the time concedod,to Stone, but if the Blade continues its false charges,tha' county, the only ono Stono cxpcctn to carry, will also pan out as Powe shiok did. Straight up and down lying has nevor defeated a republican in Iowa, yet, which fact we commond to Govornor Stone's Marion countv oracles, for their prayerful consider- ation. Be sure to read tbo; advertise- ment "Greatest Work of E ird of Supervisors of Wa- pello County. ! T- ^V JUNE 7th, 1870, 8K00ND PAY. ' i met pursuant to adjourn- ment, at 8i o'clock a.m. President O. D. .s4ale in the chair. All tho members p esent, ex- cept Supervisor Boyd. Minutos ot yesterday woro road, corrected and approved. ; The petition^ of Isaac kelson for administrator of llaiglin's estate, for abatement of ftSHcssniontc, road and reicrrod to tho committee on assess- ments. Tho petition of J. T. Reynolds et al, was read a H1 referred to comai't- too on highways a bridges. On motion of G. A. Derby that the rules bo Btisporidod, and tho mat- tor of tho bridgo company bo hoard, whereupon ,L. E. Grey and J. S. Wollr, was heard in relation to grad- ing and filling on tho s uth side of tho river. On mot'on of Supervisor Reynolds that a committee of three be appoint od by tho chair to view tho grounds and report to this board. Tho ehair appointed Supervisors Reynolds, Cloyd and Derby. Tho petition of D. W. Tower was road and teferred to committeo on county buildings. On motion of Supervisor Cloyd that tho road petitioned ior by II. B. Sissoa aud ol . B, bo taken up, whioh motion vao unanimous. On motion of Supervisor Gomhard, tho road potitio-iod for by H. B. Sib» son and others, bo establ'shed in ac- cordance with t'ae report of commis- sioners, petitioners paving oil costs by the tirst day ol' liio September session of this board. Motion car- ried. Tho petition of Y. H. liYilliauis for abatement of assessment was road and referred to o< a.<5"' .too on assess- ments. _ The, petition of Manning & Ladd forabi nent was reu- . a. err-i edto- .mittoo on t ".sni.uis. Pott in oi S. A. Swiggott was road rcforrcd^to co a mittoo on count/ baildings. In the matter of tho rOad petition- ed for by J. M. Peck and oiln ' s, tu ^ being tho day soi for final hearir , on motion it was taken up. A. i*. Hamilton, attorney for dofendauis, pri^.outed to tho ooa.-d tho potition of Goorgo Roynolds, J. J'. Reynolds and S. K. Cramer, commissioners, wiio wcro appointed to assess dam- at-es, and a*kod too board of emper- ors to sot aside their report, on m tion of Supervisor Derby, that tho t of tho comn.i jlonc-s bo set a-lie, and that tho same be reappoint od. Supervisor Ileinhard movod to amend uio motion, that tho commis- sioners bo required to report to thi > board, on Friday, tha 10th, at 2 o'clock p.m., and the :ditor instruc- ted to notify the co- m' ".oners im- mediately, wlrch motion was unani- mously adopted. Board adjourned until ono o'clock, p.m. Board of Supervisors met at one o'clock, p.m., Prosident O. D. Tisdalo in the chair; all tho members present. A number of third-class claims wore presented, and referred to tlio proper committee. l'lio potition of Eugene Faweott for abatement of assessment, was presented, a: d r "Vr: od to tho c n- mitloo on aatessrr The pet ; lion of Eugcno Fawcctt for the abatement of taxos was pre- sented, and referred to commit«.oo on assessments. Tho pot'tion of A. P. Montonia for abatement of taxes, was referred to tho committee on ass jments. Tho report of thoC '.uvi : on, the petition of B. F. Pratt & Brother recommend that an abatement of 6400 bo mado on tho assessment of petitioners, on motion that tho pray- er of petitioners bo granted; motion carried. lloport ot tho committee on the petition of Mrs. E. Marsh, for abate- ment of penalty on ta::es, recom- mend tho abatement of$5, a3 prayod for by petitioners. On motion of Supervisor Rein- hard that tho 'v itioa bo referred hack to tbo committee, Supervisor Boyd moved that the potif'on bo ro- jectod; motion lost. On motion of Supervisor Noville that tho report of tno committee bo concurred in, motion carried. Report of tho committee on the petition of Hester A. Acton, recom- mend that tho assessment of personal property assessed to said petitioner, bo stricken tVom her assessment, and that the auditor '. hereby o-dered to transfer said personal property from petitioner, and placo it to the name C C. Allon, on the x l ooks, on n o*i of Supe sor Boyd, the roport of committee bo concurred in; carried. Roport of committee on tho peti- tion of Isaac Nelson, admini^i'.-ator of tho estate of Hayle.- s i ccominc i d that tho abatement of ?35 as ask d for in the poiition, bo njado, and ,n motion the report of the committee wrs co-lciicred in. Report of committ?e oi petition of Mrs. F. H. Williams' for abate- ent. Committee rocommond that o valuo of the land described in the jtition, bo reduced to $5.00 por v for tho year It'*0, >i motion tho report of tho coin- i...*tee wa* concurred in. Report ol' Auditr- was read and referred to finance i >mmittoo. Petition of A. S'lamons was read and referred to c<5mmittoe on assess- ments. Petition of Alox Fishor, asking tho Board to proceed to col'oct sc.hoot fund not© against James For pyth. The i >£cmittoo rucommended tbat said n<ue be collected, or that said Forsyth renew and givo other securities. Report of tho committee concur- red in by tho Board. Ueport of committco on tho re- port of County Auditor on per am nent school lands, roportod th accounts ail correct, Ou motto- tho report was pl 'oe 1 on file. Roport ol the ommitteo on the petition Of Danici Carf, 6t *1, asking the Board to furnish to Justices of this county a copy of the Iowa Ju tiee, report that tho prayer of the pot jionc.*B be not granted. .\oti« i csrried. On mo on of Suporvisot' Boyd n. t tho c 'm of Lawrence AC m- I TS bo referred back to the coi nit- eo, motion carried. On motion the lioard adjourned until 8* o'clock to-mo. ow morning. GEO. D. HA'-ICWORTII, i Auditor. f t - r, - ;• „r 4ip«8tb, 1870, / ihu.:. Board wet pu to adjourn m'^it, et 81 o'cl9o^l a.nii. T?» .*» . v.. Proeident O. D. Tisdale |ift (the chair. ., ;' , t Members all prosont. Minutee of yesterday's proceedings read, corroctcd and «pprOved, The report of the committee on the petition of Eugono Fawcett. rocom- mond that the abatement of $800, as asked for be granted; oa motion the report of the committee was cononr- rcd in. Tho report of tho committeo on the petition of Eugono Faweott, for re- funding money on tax sale, bo grant- ed, and on motion tho report of the committee was concurred in, and that county auditor pay to petitioner the sum of $4.45. Report of the comrr'ttee on the petition of Thomas T.. .lotiey, for abatement on assessment, committee recommend that lot 3, block 17, be abated $200, for 1870. On motion tho ropoit of'the com- mittee was concurred ib. Report of committee on tho claim of S. B. Fuller, lor ?3, report that tho claim be rejected. Report of the committed ooaearrdd in by the board. i." ' > Rjport of the comafiUeo On the potition of It. L. Tilton, recommend that the claim of sa ; d petitioner bo bo rejected. Roport of cotnmittce concurred in by t be board. The claim of Lawreboo and Cham- bers for 8J2.30, that was referred Ijacii to tho committee on claims, was presented to tho board for allowance, and on ttooUon tho claim waa reject- ed by tho board. Report of tiio committee on coun ty offices aad buildingsj roport tho following resolution : Resolved, That the Sheriff of Wapello county bo, and the same is hereby authorized to make tbo ful- repairs on tbo comity jail ho" so, viz:*Looks and bars to cells; br r> to t" •; door, leading to tho jail yard; loc.-sr .d repairs to collar door, and now floor to bo laid ovor tho old one, in tho kitchen; w.tvtrfipoutB at- tacu 1 to tho roofing; aleo to procure ha dcufts and shackots; E. Everett is hereby authorized to furnish 13} yards of carpet for tho use of the con .room, ropair window shutters and broken g'ass, in tho win- dows of tl j oo tut house. E. P. NEVILLE, Ch. W. C. REYNOLDS. JOHN HARLAN. Report of tho com>nittee on the petition of A. Siuimo s, for abale- ment of assessment, report that tho amount of $700, as claimed in tho petition, be abated, and that the •oanty auditor be, and is hereby in- * 'cted to striko sid $700 from the x books. On motion theieport of tho com- mittee was concurred in. % Roport of tho committed on tho petition of A. P. Muitonie, commit- too recommond that tho potition bo rejected; roport of committee concur- red in by tho board. v_ , Roport of tho committeo on the petition ot B. D. H. Baker, recom- mend that tho prayer of petitioner bo granted, aud tho auditor is here- by instructed to abato tho amount of $300 on outlot 24, Agency City. On motion tho roport of the com- mitteo. was concurred in by the board. " On motion the commUtee on bridge company was grantod, atil to-mor- row morning to mako report. Tho bids for county attorney woro read. Oi motion of Supervisor Foster th? election for coanty attorney was postponed until two o'clock this afternoon; motion carried. Supervisor Boyd, of Columbia township, made his roport on bridges and bridge fund, and on motion of Supervisor Roinhard, tliat the report bo received and placed on file, and that' ibo coijuty aud'tor draw an ordor op tho treasurer for $7.50 for his services, which carried. In tho matter of the t oad-petition- ed for by A. Benson et al; this being tno day set for final action, was taken up. Ou motion of Supervisor Cloyd that tho road bo established accord- ing to tho prayer of petitioners, pro- •petitioners pay all costs and d uages by tbo liret day of next J qou^v tt 't'op. carried. J On m t'c o* Supervisor Rein bard that the rotid petitioned for by James M. ii tnith and others, bo mado the o* ior of business for two o'clock this afternoon, motion carritd. \ the matter of the road pet'fioi ed jy D. E. Fankhouser et al, tuie be r ng the lay set for first hearng. as taken up. On motion t hat the road bo .stab- i-shed in accurdaace with tho report of the commissioner, rovidtng peti- tioners pay a'l cosLs and damages by tha first day of aext January; motion carried. < In the matter 'the road petition-' ed for by B. Ilai ,y et al, on motion j thoactioa of the county auditor wa^ eoncui-rcd in, providing petitioners pay all c r stsand damages. In tho matter of the road petition- etf for IgrW. action of tho auditor was concurrodin, and the petitioners bo'rcqulrcd to'pay all costs and damages. Resolved by tho boaTd ^that a committee of three bo appcintod to enquire into the expediency of pur chasing for tho use of the county, "Week's Tax Systom and Week's Condensed Index." And that said committee report to this board on first day of the next, session of this board. Committee—Supervisor* •«T>. Reinbard and Derby. Resolution adopted. v - Board adjourned until 1 o'clock p.m. : : . Board met at 1 o'clock p.m. President in the chair; members al! present. WhereaB the circuit court of the United StatoB for the State of Iowa, did at its October session 1869, grant to Robert Moir an alternative writ of mandamus against the board of supervisors of Wapello county, Iowa, to compel said board to levy a tax to pay a judgment in said court, in favor of said Moir against the conn- ty of Wapello, for about $6000, or to show cause. And whereas tho said court at its May torm, 1870,"granted in said case a peremptory writ of mandamus. Now for tho purposo of saving cost we hereby authorizo our attor- neys, Hendershott and Burton, to admit sorvice of said writ, and be it also rcsolvod that tho board will, at its September session, 1870, klovy a. tax to: fmy,. off aaid judgment and costs. On motion the resolution was adopted. On motion the road petitioned for by James Smith etal, was taken up. Resolution offered by Supervisor Cloyd: Resolved by the board that tho road petitioned for by James Smith ot al, be and the same is hereby es- tablished, on coudition the petition- er pay all costs and damages, by the first day of January, 1871. On mot : on tho resolution was adopted. In tho matter of tho road petition- ed for by Ira Wilson et al, was on motion taken up. Bids for county attorney taken np and road, on motion ot Supervisor Monroe that Ilendorshott and Bur- ton be appointed county attorneys for tho remainder ofthe yoar, motion carried. In the matter of the road petition- ed for by J. M. J. Allon ot al, was on motion taken up, and oa motion of Supervisor Reinbard . that the county auditor appoint commis- missioncrs to assess damages, and report. Report ot tiio committee on the road petition of J. T. Roynolds ot al, was presented and read. Committeo recommend that the auditor iB horeby instructed to ap- point a commissioner to enqu : reand report oo said road. On motion tfa$ xofeitl was adopted. The petition of Joseph Bowling for abatement of assessment was read, and referred to committee on assess ments. On motion, board adjourned until 8i o'clock to-morrow morning. Gso. D. HAOKWITH, Auditor. Juno 9,1870, OF TBI TEEM. Board of Supervisors mot pursuant to adjournment, at 8 o'clock a. m Presidoot in tho chair; members all present; minutes of yosterday's pro- ceedings road, corrected and approv- ed. Resolved by the Board of Super- visors of Wapello county, that thore is heroby appropriated out of the bridge fund the sum of $70, for the uso of Green townshin, to be taken out of the appropriation of said town- ship when made, and no ordor issued for the same, until after tho next aportionmont, H Roinhard, Supt Adopted. ' Resolution offerod 'hjr Supervisor Roynolds: Whereas it ba% been represented to this Board, that there is an amount of personal property in Agency City to-wit: A stock of merchandise woolen goods, which is liable to tax ation, said to bolong to one Meek and kept for sale by J. Q. A. Dawson which the Assessor of said city had not assessed, ThereV e, roscved by the Board that Joseph Myers, tbo Assessor of ss'd City, be reqni ed to amend his assessment, for 1870, 90 as 'to iaolndo said stock oi'goods. Resoiiu Oii adopted. Tho pet Yon of Charles Sax, for abatement of assessment wr.? tnkoc up and on motion wa? referred back to ;ho comrr>Utee on claims. Tho c'ai.n of W. P. Cowan for $88.r>0, which was role-red to the committee on claims, recommod tha; $03.50 of th'S claim be allowed. On motion tho report of tho oom- mitiee wus coneerod in. Report of County Aaditor on bounty for Wolf, Fox. trd Gopher scalps", referred to the committee on finance, made the following report: Your committee, to whom was re- ferred the within report, find no au- thority from tho Stato or from thi-" Hoard to y>ay bounty on Gopher scalps, but lind th« roport corroat in all other respects, and recommed thi adoption ol tho same, cxcept amount paid on Gopher scalps. Ou taction the report of the com- mitteo was concurred in. In tho matter of tho road petition- ed forS. P. P.olloek and others, this being tho day sot for final hearing was on motion taken up. A. W. Gaston, attorney for petit- ioners, and M. J. Williams, attornoy for defendants. Attorney for defendant filed a mo tion to sot asido tho roport of com- missioners. Motion arguod by counsol. On motion oi Supervisor Derby that tho caso bo postponed Until 1 o'clock p.m. Motion carricd. Tho petition of Carpenter and Godfrey asking tho county to refund to them the amount of $44, money paid on tax salo of land, which was on motion referred to tho committeo on assessments. Report ot Supervisor Harlan on bridges and bridge fund, was read, and on motion was placed on filo. And tho auditor is heroby authori- zed to draw an order on tho treasur- er for $12.50 for his services. Report of tho committeo on poor farm, waB road, and on motion was ordered to bo placed on file. Tho following resolution was, on motion, adopted: 1st, That Thomas Eyre be, and is he/eby authorized to have a new floor laid in ono room, and have two rooms coiled from tho floor to a suffi- cient hoight to protect tho plastering, and that the sum of $ , or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and tho samo is hereby appro- priated, to pay for the samo. 2d, That tho Treasuror be, and is hereby, authorized and dirocted to transfer the sum of One Thousand Dollars from tho Insane tax accounts to tho Poor Farm fund. Rcspectful iy submitted, R. W. BOYD, Chm'n. On motion of Supr. Rcinhard, that the finance committeo be instructed to fill up the blanks, carried. The road petitioned for by H. P. Hawthorn aud others, was, on mo- tion, retbrred to tho committoe on highways and bridges. The report of tho committeo on tho abovo petition rccommend that the Auditor be authorized to appoint commiss'oncr, hear tho caso, and establish the road, subject to tho ap- proval of tho Board. On mot'on ttie report of tho com- mittee was adopted. The road petitioned for by Cyfus McFarland and others, was, ou mo- tion refer/ed to the committoe on highways and bridged. Committee reuotnmend that tho Auditor bo authorized to appoint commissioners on the above namod road, hoar the caso, and establish tho road, subject to tho approval of tho Board. On motion tho report was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned uutll 1 o'clock, p. m. Board met at one o'clock, p. m.— President in the chair. Members all present. The road matter of S. P. Pollock and others, that was made tho order of business for ono o'clock, was taken up. On motion of Supr. Boyd, the res- olution offered by Mr. Gaston, Esq., to sot as'do a part of tho report of commissioners to assoss damages on road pet : tioned tor by S. T. Pollock, ct al., be adopted, Supr. Hyatt called for tho yeas and nays. Clerk called tho roll, and tbo vote was as follows:. . Yea—None. Nay—Sup's Cloyd, Reynolds, Der- by, llyatt, Dickeas, Boyd, Kilter- man. Reinbard, Evans, Monroe, Nev- ille, Harlan, Slutz and Foster—14. Ou motion of Supr. -Cloyd, that tho road be established in accord- ance with tho report ot commission- er. Motion withdrawn. On motion ol Supr. Derby, that tho report of commissioners in full bo sot aside. Motion carried. On motion of Supr. Derby, that tho Auditor bo, and is hereby, au- thorized to appoint commissioners to assess damages and report. Mo tion carried. Tho petition of Manning & Ladd for abatement of assessment, was, on motion, taken up, and, on motion of Supr. Boyd that the prayer of pe tition bo granted, Supr. iteiuhard called for tho yeas and nays. Clerk called tho roll- Yea—Sopr. Slutz—1. Nay—Mr. President, Cloyd, Roy- nolds, Hyatt, Derby, Dickens, Boyd, Kittorman, Rcinhard, Evans, Monroo Noville, Harlan and Foster—14. Motion lost. Tho claim of Wm. L. Griggs was prosentod, and, on motion, was re- jected. Roport of A. Lotspoioh, County Treasurer, was road, and, on motion, placed ou fi'o. Tho ooir munication of llall & Baldwin; dated Juno 1th. asking tho Board to levy tex to pay railroad coupons, waf presented, and, en mo- tion, the following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That tbo Auditor is hereby instructed to answor the within letter, and state that tho Board wi'l, at tho September session, levy tas to pay said coupons, with- out suit. Resolution of Manning & Ladd was read, aad, on mo> : oa refe-rod to coinm'-uoo on assessment*. On mo.ion, trie Boaxl a<!jourr.od oavll 8} o'clock, to-morrow moraing. GEO. I). liAcuwoRrj, Aaditor. . Laws of Iowa. Published by Authority. ; CHAPTER 125. AN ACT to amend chapter 55 of tho Revision of I860. Section 1. Bo it enacted by the General As- mbly of tho Stato of Iowa, That it shall bo lawful for ani railroad comoany for tho uso of wtjch any land shall havo been con- demned, for right of way, under chapter 55 of tho Revision of I860, to bavo recorded in tho record of de3ds of tho county where such land s situated, tho report of the commis- sioners assessing damages, where tho samo shall not h»vo boon appoaled from, aud tho amount of aBsossmont and ccsts shall have been paid to the sheriff, and such record shall have the oll'eet of and bo prima facie ori- denco of titlo in the railroad company of tho right of way so taken, and shall constitute constructive notice of tho rights of such company and [in] said real estato. Soo. 2. This act shall be retroact- ive in its offcct and shall apply to roports already recorded, as heroin provided; but shall only bo retroact- ive as far as it rotates to the record- ing of tho roport of tho commis- sioner. Sec 19 This Act being deemed of immediate importance by the Gen- ral Assembly, shall tako effect and bo iu forco from and after its publi- cation in) tho Datly Iowa fotate Reg- ister, and the Daily Iowa Statesman. Approved April 14, 1870. I hereby cortify that the forego- ing Act was published in the Daily Iowa State Register April 26tb; and in tho lies Moines D<\ily Statesman, 0. ED. WRIGHT, Secretary of Stato, ORDERS SOLICITED. Whoroas, in many instances tho said grants are now in the business portions of tho citics wherein they- aro located, and it is thorcforo do sirablo that they should bo used for business purposes, and it is also ob- vious that if so permitted to bo used, they will more nearly servo their purpose than now, by iyioldidg a lar- ger revenue for roligioua purposes; thorefore, Sec. 1. Bo it enacted by tho Gen- oral Assembly of tho Stato of Iowa, That church organizations occupy- ing property grantod to thom by the territory or Stato of Iowa, aro hero- by authorized and ompowored to leaso such property for businoss pur- poses, and to occupy othor property with their church edifice; provided, that all of the income dorived from such teased property shall be devot- ed to maintaining tho religious exer- cises and ordinances of tho church, to which tho grant was originally mado, and to no ether purposo; and, provided further that such church and its affairs, shall remain in tho control of a regular board of trustees chc en in accordance with its charter. SEC. 2. This act being of imme- diate importance, shall bo in forco from and after its publication in the State Register, and Dcs Moines Statesnian, newspapors published at Des Moines, Iowa. Approved April 14, 1870. I, Ld. Wright, Secretary of Stato, hereby certify that tho foregoing Act was published in tho Daily Town State Register, April 26th, 1870, and Des Moines Statesman, April 26th, 1870. ED. WRIGHT, Secretary of State. Poweshiek County. The - sue was fnir'y made and well understood - tho Governor, st'll pres- ent and luboriug in the thickest of the fight, until the close of tho bat- tle, when all is over—the smoke clears, up—tho gallant Governor i- gone—this ouce pround Stone is no more—and on e.irehtl inquiry wat; last beard of, bathing his scorched aud heated brow in the placid waters of the Skunk river. The Republican voters of every township in tho county, except Jackson, have repu- diated Stone, and declared emphat- ically and enthusiastically for Lough- ri• 1 ge.—PoiWfhUb Hera! ', Tho Democratic State Convention of lown <s to conveno at Pes Moines Angus! tOth nest. Wherefore ? CHAPTER 132. AT ACT to amend soction one (1) of chapter Boventy-soven (77) of tho laws ol tho Ninth General As- sembly. Soction 1. Be it enacted by the Genoral Assembly of the Stato of Iowa, That scction ono of chapter venty-seven (77) of the laws of the Ninth Goneral Assembly, bo and the same is hereby amendotf as follows ; insert between tho words "county and provided,' in tbo seventeenth lino thereof, "and for that purpose tho boards of supervisors aro horeby authorized to call a special election if properly petitioned for by the legal voters of the county." Soc. -t. This Act being deemed of immediato importance, shall take effect and bo in force from and after its publication in tho State Register aud DeS Moines Bulletin newspapers published at Dos Moines,Iowa. Approved April 14th, 1870. I hereby cortify that tho foregoing Act was published in the Des Moines Register April 20, 1S70, and in the Bet Jlfoines Bulletin, April 26, 1870. En. WRIGHT, Secretary of State. CHAPTER 118. AN ACT making appropriations for the Iowa Stato Agricultural Collego I and Farm. j Sec. 1. Be it enacted ny the General Assembly of the State of Iowa, That thore is hereby appropriated out of tho Stato treasury from any moneys not otherwiso appropriated, for the purposo hereinafter stated, the fol- lowing sums of mouoy, or so much thereof as may bo necessary, viz: for extending and completing tho wings of the collego building, tho sum of fifty thousand dollars; for tho erec- tion and completion of a workshop for tho students, tho sum of five thousand dollars; for tho crection of a building over the gasometer, five hundred dollars, for farm improve- ments, the sum of two thousand dol- lars; for purchasing seods and plants for experimental grounds, tho sum of five hundred dollars; for tho purposo of draining, tho sum of ono thou- sand dollars; for professors' dwelling house, four thousand five hundrod dol- lars. Seo. 2. Tho money heroby appro- priated shall be expended under the direction of tho Board ot Trustees of the Agricultural Farm and Col- lege, [collego and farm] and shall bo drawn from the Stato treasuror, upon tho requisition ot tho prosidont of tho Board of Trustees, couuiersignod by the Secretary, at such times and in such sums as may bo required in making the improvements, and ereo. tion ot such buildings its abovo r& quired and described. Sec. 3. Touchers shall bo taken for all moneys oxpendod by the board of trustees, in carrying out the provis- ions of this act, and a record shall be kopt otalt expenditures, showing the amount paid, and for what servico rendered, to whom paid, and for what material furnished. Sec. 4. In all contracts entered in- to by said board of trustees, good i and sullicrent bonds shall be required I lor the faithful performance of the samo; and the said trustees shall mako a full report to tho nest general as sembly, showi jg iu detail the manner in winch tho money appropriated by this act has boon expended. See. 5. Tho money shall bo drawn from the State treasury by the treas- ure.* of tho board ot" trustees, and. shall bo paid oat by him unon orders by the president oi the board of t estcos, count arsigaed by the secretary. Sec. 6. This act being deemed of immediate importance shall take eil'eot on and ai'tor its publication in the Iowa State Register and Iowa Homestead, cewspapots publishodin CHAPTER 131. AN ACT supploraotary to an act, ontitled au act for tho government of Hospitals for tho Insane, defin- ing tho legal relations of insane persons, and providing for thoir care and protection. Sec. 1, Bo it enacted by the Gon cral Assombly of tho State of Iowa, That tho amount of tho salaries of tbo superintendent and officers of insane asylum at Mount Pleasant, bo determined by the board of trus- tees of that institution. Sec. 3. This Act being deemed of immediate importance, shall tako effect from and alter its publication in tho Dos Moines Bulletin and Doa Moines Register, newspapers pub- lished at Des Moinos, Iowa. Approved April 14, 1S70. I, Ed Wright, Secretary of State hereby cortity that tho foregoing act was published in the Des Moines Daily Bulletin, April 26, 1870, and tho Des Moines Rogistcr,, April 26, 1870. ED WRIGHT, Secretary of fctate. CHAPTER 123. AN AC1' to supply a deficiency in a certain appropriation for the em- ployees of tho Thirteenth Goneral Assombly. Section 1. Bo it onacted by tho Genoral Assembly of the Stato of Iowa, That is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of two hundrod and eighty dollars, to bo paid to tho janitor and paper folders of the Senate under the reso- lution of the Senate adopted on the 11th day of April, 1870. Approved April 13, 18TOi CHAPTER H& AN ACT authorizing COOTity Aud- itors to administer oaths, and pro> . viding a seal for said officers. Sec. 1. Bo it onactcd by tho Gene- ral Assombly ot tho State of Iowa, That each county auditor in this Stato is hereby authorized and em- powered to administer oaths, and in the performance of such act the county seal shall bo bis seal of offioe. Seo. 2. This act being deemed by tho General Assembly, of immediato importance, shall take effect from and after its publication in tho iowa Stato Register and tho Des Moines Statesman, newspapors published in Des Moinos, Iowa. Approved April 14, 1870. I, Ed Wright, Secretary of Stato, horeby certiiy that tho torogoing Act was published in tho Daily State Register April 27, and Des Moines Daily Statesman April 28, 1870. ED. WRIGHT, Secretary of State. Des Aioiu^s, Iowa. Approved April 13, 1870. I, Ed Wright, Secretary of State, certify that tho foregoing act was pub'ihhcd 'n the Daily iowa State Register, April 20th, and tho Iowa ijLomeatead, April 22d, 1870. KD WRIGHT, Secretary of Stato, CHAPTER 133. AN ACT to define tho rights of Church Corporations, in tho ease of certain grants. Whereas, in many cities of this State there a. o church organizations that occupy for religious purposes, lands and lots originally granted by the couLty and State tf low.-, and CHAPTER 13ii. AN ACT making appropriations for Stato Reform School. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Iowa, That there is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the Stato trea- sury not otherwise appropriated, tho sum of fifteon thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary for tho support of said school, and for tho paymont of salaries of officors and omployos; said moneys, or so much thorocf as may bo necessary for tho purposes hereiu specified, 6ball bo paid only as follows: tho said board, or its executivo commit- tee, shall cortify to tho auditor the correctness of all olaims on tho seve- ral appropriations hereby mado, and thereupon the latter shall issuo his warrant on the treasurer ot Stato tor tho amouut. Tho trustees, in their next annual roport, shall set forth a full itomized account ot the expenditure of tho appropriation. Sec. 2. This Act shall take effect and bo in forco, from and after its publication in tho D<s Moines Register and Des Moines Bulletin news- papers published at Dos M.oiaoa Iowa. Approvod April 14, 1870. I, Ed. Wright, Secretary of State, hereby cortify that the foregoing act was published in tho Daily Iowa Stato Register Al^ril 23d, and io the Des Moines Daily Bulletin, April 23,1870. ED WaiauT, Secretary of State. Tho Regisier says that the Capitol Commissioners are to meet at Madi- son, Wis., on the Dth of July next, aud examine tho capitol building there, and from thonce proceed to examine othor Stato capitols, that; j they may be tho botUr prepared to | WtLo ileal action in regard to tha ' Jian for the building in uiis State. "Pf



mmm* fc&ii&tti iiiitiyimtiifflWiMtf friitimifrtatoirVM igjjwMmiimiim liaiiMfrtii^^ jiMaiipaiiail^^

\ ./y~^ JZ/• -C • $

ttlBUf «M iit-Z Published every ThnrMty Morning by

HIDBIC*, (, ,1 4. H. HAMIMOW.

J. M. HEDRICK & CO., Publishers and Proprietors.

t<$ wU «* • /ii.lMi /li n u.i.VU

lenon&i} ••. *v,al lo ?» •

f?f -U ?T tlG

Official of the

Official Paper or the Oounw,

Molal Paper of the "W»rDep«rbi meat.

Terms—$1.50 per Tear. > INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE

lilf.7*fl OH;'-' ih

HHtawa one* near corner of geeoll

Streets, over the Post Office,


I'I"W '« Oonrt t)

my v.,! Vol 22, No. 11 THUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1870. Established in 1848. ;t: tart

3% Unify <£<mri<!r. Published every evening, Kundajr egoepted

TBUMS: To mail snbsoribere, per year.. 0

" " 6 mouths... .. 4 00 •» « t •• ...a so

" 1 •' ........... l oo Deliveredfcy Carrier, per week 99




From a Visiting Card to a Mammoth Potter, executed In good gtyle. work duplicated.

Eastern prices aad

% P Si*'"' ~



I, SHINGLES, LATE EU&shu» mw^mm9


Mouldings, Dressed Lumber DIMBITSIOIT STTriF'IFy:,:;^

The best Sheeting Paper, saturated and without, And In fn-t everything ,Tlitoh the demands of the wholesale And Erotall'Jtrado in Lumber

Ana Bailul.ig Material re i<iirc, snd at pi ices whichrtefv competition. ^ *t*Remeiubor the p *KH\ corner samanLha and Ql'een streets. Ottnmwa.'lowft.ia

,Oc oherl'-^ tf JOHN J. MILM KU * CO.

EDWARD H. STILES, Attorney at Law, clel attention given to the argument of

cases in ,he Supremo Court. •^Office at residence, corner. K>f Fifth and Washington fivree'o. <T.**** _ OTTUHWA, IOWA. T • • Nov.,23 188! d<*\vy

w. J. MirOHEIL,


OJXtoe In Orub°«bu'.' *nr, corner of Court and Booond Strc? , O ,uai,va. Iowa.


Hutchison & Hackworth Successors to Stiles, Hutchison A Dixon,

ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office over H. G. Anglo <fc Co.'e Bank

OTTUMWA, IOWA. All professional business entrusted to

Item will be promptly attended to. flpecial attention priven to collections. July 30, lStW-wlf.


CIEHENT & McNETr, Attorneys at Law

AND REAL ESTATE AQT'S KddvvnU$ Wanelle Co. Iowa


and Notaries Public. Office over First National Bank, Ottumwa,

liowa We have a complete abstract of title to eve­

ry town lot and piece of land in Wapel.^conn-ty. Titles examined, and abstracts showing every possible defect, furnished ut short ut£ tlce. »ang. 17.

J. It CCiUMlKC:.

WAGONS, CARRIAGES, Light and heavy spring Wagon

AND SLEIGHS Of the best material and wo .manshtp, man*

ufbcturcd by

CTTMMlffGS & SUSBT. Special attention paid to Horse-

shoeiug and Repairing.

ALL WORK WARRANTED Second Btreet, between Court and Washington

Ottumwa, Iowa. NOT. 2,1- J

P- Utecht, eoary.

DF.ALER IN DKUOfl AND FANCY .GOODS. Prescriptions carefuly putnpatall hours.


Gephart & Holly, STJTOHB K/S,


Highest cash price paid for fat stoclc, Second St., four doors Eii«t of P. O. Nov2«dwly. OTTUMWA. IOWA.

H. C. Grube, DKAJ.KH IN


r PROVISO FUJUlt FEED,HC«»AR ('OF-fee. Sr ces. To.tac. •> j>nd C1KRI«, Woofleu and W;_ o»e'nre. Him . emoveo U) hIs \ew Itoom Come.-Sec. and Cou. iit«. NoviOd »ly. ONUMWA IOWA.

New Photograph Rooms J. •. WALLACE,

Htanamakere New Brio . on Court Street. Any kind of a picture, of all slses, furnish d

Mfeasonrute rates. Batlarac ion enamnteed. Jan. 18 ir-tj (.i

Just Received, New patterns for Evening and Walkln »re.pes Over Skirt,. Clrcftars, PlJlS aSu Ber e 't. *'' Ba8<lIles> «ai'°r Jackets and

r-A l late styles of Millinery and Dress klnt, done at hliort notice, by "»v«»

MRS. E. A. KNOTT. Sleld s New Building, (ireeu Street, between

Main and Second, Deo. It-dw OTTUMWA. IOWA

\ I

O. M. BOAT.,

PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Is pe.maneutly located at BLAKESISURG

TFovlny °-'"S exccPt wht" Pro'. ' Jan l.illi t-,;o wtf.

W T. JOHKSTONT ^BftDENTIST. »• Rooms over Meelc's Store, Main Street,



Ornamental Painter. Dealer In

PAINTS OILS GLASS AC. Ofcthe corner of Second and Market streets

OTTUMWA. IOWA. Ally ». IMB-ch dAwtf.


With many years prrctlce In the old school of medicine, and several years In

HOMCEOPAT'HY, Has loeated In this city. Coming to Ottumwa wfth large experience In the treatments


He respectfully tenders hlg profe- s'onnl ser­vice for SPECIAL AND GENxCRAL PRAC­TICE.

OJHce—On Main Street, over S. ChaneyA Bro.'s store.

Residence—On Fourth Street, lower side, between Wapeiloand Cass streets.

April 29 lsfo-dAw tf


Mattress Manufactory. Bay your Mattresses of a Regular

Manufacturer. I have just started in the Mattress buedncss

and would say to rll, i s.>i*cla!iy to deair sard Hotel keepers If you wish 10 purchase good

You c«n be aeeommr da ed by calling at My

Factory on Main Street, west of Court St reet.

^"Old Sofas and Mattresses, made over. L. &AYL0RD

Ottumwa, Iowa, March 0, lSTO-diwy «r-I'. S.—CORN HUSKS WANTED at Gay-

lord's Mattre's Fac'or v.





DES MOINES VALLEY Manufacttiring Co.,

H. G. DiXOfi, PRESIDENT. 8ft nufne*nrpr» of

REDFIELD'S PATENT Oscillating Separator


SMUT MACHINE, for the States ol Iowa, Nebraska and Territo­ry of Utah and all that ponlino* i-ie sin.e of Wlxsourl uor,li of ilie Jlu^.ole b- JR. HI

Orders bv mall "rompt'y at.ten . 1 to. Oflloe at foot of 1 In on st„, OUuinwa, Iowa.

Feb 10 1870 wt'.


niAMtvAtr K!», ^r6nt Krae', ne«.r llu A

Ollufflwn, Iowa ^kauufact.i-es uirda of Carriages

Rugbies and Wagons


J#*Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. All orders thankfully received anil promptly attended to.

Please give us a call, and examine our work beforo purchasing elsewhereW

MartbS lW7-d*wHm m


Ottumwa Manufacturing Comp'y • %',yiASHBURN, President.



. w'i'JiLUSTBBS,

E. C. NEWTON. (Successor to Newton A ClitrkeJ

Dental Surgeon. IBtr^'.Ox^ui.Wltl'OUtpRlrl by tUe u?oof

»2,®.Ct«?„Un'oa Blook. over S. Chaney A "•oei I .Tail 19, "70-ddiwif.

. Ciw!)IWf*] (ilLLASL'Y li CO.,


General Commission Merchants, Urxr.ftWA !*>WA.

Oar fyillitles for pattking cattle and Jog"sod Helling (irodut't arp uqutu to any DP use in the Went,. J

ChttrK<» reasorabln W>v. lllSbl d.t^tf.



Turnings of all kinds. J^O-der* by mail promptly attended

to. 4VOfllce and salesroom on Main street. In

Dr. J. IJ. Taylor's new brownstone f jnt.

St Son Manu*Ki:U'rt»r of and dbulorR^in


l,nion Bakery, neit door to Post Offloe Apr. 80.1S(W. OT 1'IIMWA, IOWA

IT'ranli JfidLIer.


/Will furnish plans a'd spouifioaiioi.n lor of IKlingH of nil kind of remodeling old OBI's. AISKJ fuinisli ^lans lor bridgon oti

• Bn rL.tu' l,f"a Mjwin. Hi ar«attoualjle . Fa*** Fxcijub.

*. W. SMITH,


Uaiu Street, two door» east of Ottumwa House.

A splendid Rioct of

P I E C E G O O D S, of tlielRtost pai terms which I will up in the best stylos, as cheap as can be f„aud west of (!••> MisslSHippi River.

OttimiwM Vfnv

f§i N Watchler, Boot and Shoe Maker, Ottumwa, - - - Iowa.

Main treet, one door eust of tho Kx-pri MH OtHim Keeps oi.vtanllv on hand a t «MI nxsortuK'iit ol ieaibi'r.'aud i.v al-wnvh r;ady to aocomtnodute lUStomerH with G x)d Work in vhipLine

H^palrlnff don*» on ubort notle**, M»«y, 2, IHft-l: <'h>»T»r:od 2:^. V.K

A'» Dr. J. Williamson's old Stand.

BOOT k SHOE MAKEK Is now prepared to make all |kinds of work

In h:> J:lit-, or tlie

Best Stoc1-,

A N D A T F A I R U V I f l G P R I C E S . **"*

What shall it be P As tho Domocracy of this Stato are

to meet in State convention in about two months, wo may bo pardoned in barely suggesting to them that it is high time to be casting about for a policy, for as certain as there is a sun in heavcD we cannot fix upon what is their policy from any light wo get from them, save tho all absorbing one of hankering after the loaves and fishes. Ono quite strong, and per­haps respectable portion of the- de­mocracy, are open avowod, fiat foot­ed repndifttionists. Another portion say, we have talked that kind of nonsense long enough, and wo might as wel' conclude to pay our debts as there is too much honor and too much principle among the people of Our country to swallow the rascally idea of going back on our promises, howover easy it might be to pay debts.that way. Again, a portion of the great Jofforsonian democrat'c party say, this thing of "nigger suf-ferage" wo will fight now and for-ever; this 15th Amendment dodgo is an outrage upon common decency, it iB tyraony in its worst form, it is D>abo'?sra, and though three-fourths of tho States have mado it a part of the national Constitution, we counsel armod resistance, if need bo, to ..s enforcement. Another portion saj*, hush this kind of foolishness, wo know this is a bittor pill, and so was the whipping'wo got in the rebellion, but it is folly to oppose tho negro now that ho is armed with tho bal­lot,—wo got enough of his bullets in tho few years past,—and now don't lot us bo so fool hardy as ,to repeat the dOBO by standing in the way of his ballots, but rather let us cuddle in with these black, fellows and make all possible promises to thom as to what wo will do /or them, and treat thom with tho utmost consid<v ration, for in this way wo can, if wo play this gamo well, get our eharo of these colorod votes.-

We might enumerate difficulties and stumbling blocks in the Way of a similar character, but wo have, per­haps, mentioned enough to show the roasonjwhy wo mako tho suggestion thus early, that tho democracy eho'd be casting' about thorn for a policy.

DscLi iis.—Our fellow Unvubuiuu, M.J. Wil'ianis, Esq., announced somo days ago as a candidate for District Judge, now declines to contest tho field for that honor. Wo aro sorry to learn this fact, as Mr. Williams would have had tho hearty support of this county, and would, if success­ful, have mado us a Judge second to not>o in tho State. lie, however, sees proper to decline, and, of course, wo must acquiesco in his decision.— Mr. Williams is in no sense a politi­cian, and wo conjectvro these days of scrambling for office, ho is averse to cntoring tho ring; at least wo have heard him express himself as having no tosto for at! electioneer­ing contest.

TIIK THIRD DISTEICT.—Congres­sional honors are much sought after this season, in this Stato, and tho fight in most of tho districts waxes warm. In the Third District every body ought to be suited with some ono of the candidates, for their num-bor is logion. The Nashua Post ouu merates them as follows: Milo Mo Glathery and Wm. Larraboo, of Fayetto county; Thos. UpdograiT, 1) Liflingwoll, Murdoch and Newell, of Clayton; G. It. Willott, A. K. Bailey, E. E. Cooly, and Burdick, of Winno-shiok; Sanborn, of Delaware; 131 a. and Ruddiok, of Bremer; Donnuo, of Bochanan; Pratt and Fairfield, ol Floyd, Peering, of Mitcholl; General Vandoverand D. B. Henderson, of Dubuque; Berry, of Howard; and Powers, of Chickasaw.

Hon. Abial R. Pierce of Jefferson county, is a candidate beforo the Re-publican Stato Convention, for the offico of Auditor of State. Major Pierco early in the Rebollion wont out in tho 4th Iowa Cavalry, utul for four years did excellent service, during which he was severely wound­ed. In tho autumn of 1807 ho wnr olootoc! Senator from Jefferson coun­ty, and has servo'' tw* sessions, and has acquitted himaou wiih marked ability and probity as a legislator.! Ho would make an excellont State Auditor.

The Peila Blade has not bad the fairness to publish Judge Loifgb-ridtro's letter, but keeps right on rei­terating its story that ho vo'oJ against tho FifViitlh Amendment.

is own county has been all the time concedod,to Stone, but if the Blade continues its false charges,tha' county, the only ono Stono cxpcctn to carry, will also pan out as Powe shiok did. Straight up and down lying has nevor defeated a republican in Iowa, yet, which fact we commond to Govornor Stone's Marion countv oracles, for their prayerful consider­ation.

Be sure to read tbo; advertise­ment "Greatest Work of

E ird of Supervisors of Wa­pello County.

! T- ^V JUNE 7th, 1870, 8K00ND PAY. ' i

met pursuant to adjourn­ment, at 8i o'clock a.m.

President O. D. .s4ale in the chair. All tho members p esent, ex­cept Supervisor Boyd.

Minutos ot yesterday woro road, corrected and approved. ; •

The petition^ of Isaac kelson for administrator of llaiglin's estate, for abatement of ftSHcssniontc, road and reicrrod to tho committee on assess­ments.

Tho petition of J. T. Reynolds et al, was read a H1 referred to comai't-too on highways a bridges.

On motion of G. A. Derby that the rules bo Btisporidod, and tho mat-tor of tho bridgo company bo hoard, whereupon ,L. E. Grey and J. S. Wollr, was heard in relation to grad­ing and filling on tho s uth side of tho river.

On mot'on of Supervisor Reynolds that a committee of three be appoint od by tho chair to view tho grounds and report to this board.

Tho ehair appointed Supervisors Reynolds, Cloyd and Derby.

Tho petition of D. W. Tower was road and teferred to committeo on county buildings.

On motion of Supervisor Cloyd that tho road petitioned ior by II. B. Sissoa aud ol . B, bo taken up, whioh motion vao unanimous.

On motion of Supervisor Gomhard, tho road potitio-iod for by H. B. Sib» son and others, bo establ'shed in ac­cordance with t'ae report of commis­sioners, petitioners paving oil costs by the tirst day ol' liio September session of this board. Motion car­ried.

Tho petition of Y. H. liYilliauis for abatement of assessment was road and referred to o< a.<5"' .too on assess­ments. _

The, petition of Manning & Ladd forabi nent was reu- . a. err-i edto- .mittoo on t ".sni.uis.

Pott in oi S. A. Swiggott was road rcforrcd^to co a mittoo on count/ baildings.

In the matter of tho rOad petition­ed for by J. M. Peck and oiln ' s, tu ^ being tho day soi for final hearir , on motion it was taken up. A. i*. Hamilton, attorney for dofendauis, pri^.outed to tho ooa.-d tho potition of Goorgo Roynolds, J. J'. Reynolds and S. K. Cramer, commissioners, wiio wcro appointed to assess dam-at-es, and a*kod too board of emper­

ors to sot aside their report, on m tion of Supervisor Derby, that tho

t of tho comn.i jlonc-s bo set a-lie, and that tho same be reappoint od.

Supervisor Ileinhard movod to amend uio motion, that tho commis­sioners bo required to report to thi > board, on Friday, tha 10th, at 2 o'clock p.m., and the :ditor instruc­ted to notify the co- m' ".oners im­mediately, wlrch motion was unani­mously adopted.

Board adjourned until ono o'clock, p.m.

Board of Supervisors met at one o'clock, p.m., Prosident O. D. Tisdalo in the chair; all tho members present.

A number of third-class claims wore presented, and referred to tlio proper committee.

l'lio potition of Eugene Faweott for abatement of assessment, was presented, a: d r "Vr: od to tho c n-mitloo on aatessrr

The pet;lion of Eugcno Fawcctt for the abatement of taxos was pre­sented, and referred to commit«.oo on assessments.

Tho pot'tion of A. P. Montonia for abatement of taxes, was referred to tho committee on ass • jments.

Tho report of thoC '.uvi : on, the petition of B. F. Pratt & Brother recommend that an abatement of 6400 bo mado on tho assessment of petitioners, on motion that tho pray­er of petitioners bo granted; motion carried.

lloport ot tho committee on the petition of Mrs. E. Marsh, for abate­ment of penalty on ta::es, recom­mend tho abatement of$5, a3 prayod for by petitioners.

On motion of Supervisor Rein-hard that tho 'v itioa bo referred hack to tbo committee, Supervisor Boyd moved that the potif'on bo ro-jectod; motion lost.

On motion of Supervisor Noville that tho report of tno committee bo concurred in, motion carried.

Report of tho committee on the petition of Hester A. Acton, recom­mend that tho assessment of personal property assessed to said petitioner, bo stricken tVom her assessment, and that the auditor '. hereby o-dered to transfer said personal property from petitioner, and placo it to the name C C. Allon, on the x l ooks, on n o*i of Supe sor Boyd, the roport of committee bo concurred in; carried.

Roport of committee on tho peti­tion of Isaac Nelson, admini^i'.-ator of tho estate of Hayle.- s i ccominc i d that tho abatement of ?35 as ask d for in the poiition, bo njado, and ,n motion the report of the committee wrs co-lciicred in.

Report of committ?e oi petition of Mrs. F. H. Williams' for abate-

ent. Committee rocommond that o valuo of the land described in the jtition, bo reduced to $5.00 por

• v for tho year It'*0, >i motion tho report of tho coin-

i...*tee wa* concurred in. Report ol' Auditr- was read and

referred to finance i >mmittoo. Petition of A. S'lamons was read

and referred to c<5mmittoe on assess­ments.

Petition of Alox Fishor, asking tho Board to proceed to col'oct sc.hoot fund not© against James For pyth. The i >£cmittoo rucommended tbat said n<ue be collected, or that said Forsyth renew and givo other securities.

Report of tho committee concur­red in by tho Board.

Ueport of committco on tho re­port of County Auditor on per am nent school lands, roportod th accounts ail correct,

Ou motto- tho report was pl 'oe 1 on file.

Roport ol the ommitteo on the petition Of Danici Carf, 6t *1, asking

the Board to furnish to Justices of this county a copy of the Iowa Ju tiee, report that tho prayer of the pot jionc.*B be not granted.

.\oti« i csrried. On mo on of Suporvisot' Boyd

n. t tho c 'm of Lawrence AC m-I TS bo referred back to the coi nit-eo, motion carried.

On motion the lioard adjourned until 8* o'clock to-mo. ow morning.

GEO. D. HA'-ICWORTII, i Auditor. f t - r, • • -

;• • • „r 4ip«8tb, 1870, • • / ihu.:.

Board wet pu to adjourn m'^it, et 81 o'cl9o^la.nii. T?» .*» . v..

Proeident O. D. Tisdale |ift (the chair. ., ;' , t

Members all prosont. Minutee of yesterday's proceedings

read, corroctcd and «pprOved, The report of the committee on the

petition of Eugono Fawcett. rocom­mond that the abatement of $800, as asked for be granted; oa motion the report of the committee was cononr-rcd in.

Tho report of tho committeo on the petition of Eugono Faweott, for re­funding money on tax sale, bo grant­ed, and on motion tho report of the committee was concurred in, and that county auditor pay to petitioner the sum of $4.45.

Report of the comrr'ttee on the petition of Thomas T.. .lotiey, for abatement on assessment, committee recommend that lot 3, block 17, be abated $200, for 1870.

On motion tho ropoit of'the com­mittee was concurred ib.

Report of committee on tho claim of S. B. Fuller, lor ?3, report that tho claim be rejected.

Report of the committed ooaearrdd in by the board. i." ' >

Rjport of the comafiUeo On the potition of It. L. Tilton, recommend that the claim of sa;d petitioner bo bo rejected.

Roport of cotnmittce concurred in by t be board.

The claim of Lawreboo and Cham­bers for 8J2.30, that was referred Ijacii to tho committee on claims, was presented to tho board for allowance, and on ttooUon tho claim waa reject­ed by tho board.

Report of tiio committee on coun ty offices aad buildingsj roport tho following resolution :

Resolved, That the Sheriff of Wapello county bo, and the same is hereby authorized to make tbo repairs on tbo comity jail ho" so, viz:*Looks and bars to cells; br r> to t" •; door, leading to tho jail yard; loc.-sr .d repairs to collar door, and now floor to bo laid ovor tho old one, in tho kitchen; w.tvtrfipoutB at-tacu 1 to tho roofing; aleo to procure ha dcufts and shackots; E. Everett is hereby authorized to furnish 13} yards of carpet for tho use of the con .room, ropair window shutters and broken g'ass, in tho win­dows of tl j oo tut house.


Report of tho com>nittee on the petition of A. Siuimo s, for abale-ment of assessment, report that tho amount of $700, as claimed in tho petition, be abated, and that the •oanty auditor be, and is hereby in-

* 'cted to striko sid $700 from the x books. On motion theieport of tho com­

mittee was concurred in. %

Roport of tho committed on tho petition of A. P. Muitonie, commit-too recommond that tho potition bo rejected; roport of committee concur­red in by tho board. v_ ,

Roport of tho committeo on the petition ot B. D. H. Baker, recom­mend that tho prayer of petitioner bo granted, aud tho auditor is here­by instructed to abato tho amount of $300 on outlot 24, Agency City.

On motion tho roport of the com­mitteo. was concurred in by the board. "

On motion the commUtee on bridge company was grantod, atil to-mor-row morning to mako report.

Tho bids for county attorney woro read.

Oi motion of Supervisor Foster th? election for coanty attorney was postponed until two o'clock this afternoon; motion carried.

Supervisor Boyd, of Columbia township, made his roport on bridges and bridge fund, and on motion of Supervisor Roinhard, tliat the report bo received and placed on file, and that' ibo coijuty aud'tor draw an ordor op tho treasurer for $7.50 for his services, which carried.

In tho matter of the t oad-petition­ed for by A. Benson et al; this being tno day set for final action, was taken up.

Ou motion of Supervisor Cloyd that tho road bo established accord­ing to tho prayer of petitioners, pro-•petitioners pay all costs and d uages by tbo liret day of next J qou^v tt 't'op. carried.

J On m t'c o* Supervisor Rein bard that the rotid petitioned for by James M. ii tnith and others, bo mado the o* ior of business for two o'clock this afternoon, motion carritd.

\ the matter of the road pet'fioi ed jy D. E. Fankhouser et al, tuie berng the lay set for first hearng.

as taken up. On motion t hat the road bo .stab-

i-shed in accurdaace with tho report of the commissioner, rovidtng peti­tioners pay a'l cosLs and damages by tha first day of aext January; motion carried. < •

In the matter 'the road petition-' ed for by B. Ilai ,y et al, on motion

j thoactioa of the county auditor wa^ eoncui-rcd in, providing petitioners pay all crstsand damages.

In tho matter of the road petition-

etf for IgrW. action

of tho auditor was concurrodin, and the petitioners bo'rcqulrcd to'pay all costs and damages.

Resolved by tho boaTd^that a committee of three bo appcintod to enquire into the expediency of pur chasing for tho use of the county, "Week's Tax Systom and Week's Condensed Index." And that said committee report to this board on first day of the next, session of this board.

Committee—Supervisor* •«T>. Reinbard and Derby.

Resolution adopted. v -Board adjourned until 1 o'clock

p.m. : : .

Board met at 1 o'clock p.m. President in the chair; members

al! present.

WhereaB the circuit court of the United StatoB for the State of Iowa, did at its October session 1869, grant to Robert Moir an alternative writ of mandamus against the board of supervisors of Wapello county, Iowa, to compel said board to levy a tax to pay a judgment in said court, in favor of said Moir against the conn-ty of Wapello, for about $6000, or to show cause.

And whereas tho said court at its May torm, 1870,"granted in said case a peremptory writ of mandamus.

Now for tho purposo of saving cost we hereby authorizo our attor­neys, Hendershott and Burton, to admit sorvice of said writ, and be it also rcsolvod that tho board will, at its September session, 1870, klovy a. tax to: fmy,. off aaid judgment and costs.

On motion the resolution was adopted.

On motion the road petitioned for by James Smith etal, was taken up.

Resolution offered by Supervisor Cloyd:

Resolved by the board that tho road petitioned for by James Smith ot al, be and the same is hereby es­tablished, on coudition the petition­er pay all costs and damages, by the first day of January, 1871.

On mot:on tho resolution was adopted.

In tho matter of tho road petition­ed for by Ira Wilson et al, was on motion taken up.

Bids for county attorney taken np and road, on motion ot Supervisor Monroe that Ilendorshott and Bur­ton be appointed county attorneys for tho remainder ofthe yoar, motion carried.

In the matter of the road petition­ed for by J. M. J. Allon ot al, was on motion taken up, and oa motion of Supervisor Reinbard . that the county auditor appoint commis-missioncrs to assess damages, and report.

Report ot tiio committee on the road petition of J. T. Roynolds ot al, was presented and read.

Committeo recommend that the auditor iB horeby instructed to ap­point a commissioner to enqu:reand report oo said road.

On motion tfa$ xofeitl • was adopted.

The petition of Joseph Bowling for abatement of assessment was read, and referred to committee on assess ments.

On motion, board adjourned until 8i o'clock to-morrow morning.

Gso. D. HAOKWITH, Auditor.

Juno 9,1870,


Board of Supervisors mot pursuant to adjournment, at 8 o'clock a. m

Presidoot in tho chair; members all present; minutes of yosterday's pro­ceedings road, corrected and approv­ed.

Resolved by the Board of Super­visors of Wapello county, that thore is heroby appropriated out of the bridge fund the sum of $70, for the uso of Green townshin, to be taken out of the appropriation of said town­ship when made, and no ordor issued for the same, until after tho next aportionmont, H Roinhard,

Supt Adopted. ' Resolution offerod 'hjr Supervisor

Roynolds: Whereas it ba% been represented

to this Board, that there is an amount of personal property in Agency City to-wit: A stock of merchandise woolen goods, which is liable to tax ation, said to bolong to one Meek and kept for sale by J. Q. A. Dawson which the Assessor of said city had not assessed,

ThereV e, roscved by the Board that Joseph Myers, tbo Assessor of ss'd City, be reqni ed to amend his assessment, for 1870, 90 as 'to iaolndo said stock oi'goods.

Resoiiu Oii adopted. Tho pet Yon of Charles Sax, for

abatement of assessment wr.? tnkoc up and on motion wa? referred back to ;ho comrr>Utee on claims.

Tho c'ai.n of W. P. Cowan for $88.r>0, which was role-red to the committee on claims, recommod tha; $03.50 of th'S claim be allowed.

On motion tho report of tho oom-mitiee wus coneerod in.

Report of County Aaditor on bounty for Wolf, Fox. trd Gopher scalps", referred to the committee on finance, made the following report:

Your committee, to whom was re­ferred the within report, find no au­thority from tho Stato or from thi-" Hoard to y>ay bounty on Gopher scalps, but lind th« roport corroat in all other respects, and recommed thi adoption ol tho same, cxcept amount paid on Gopher scalps.

Ou taction the report of the com­mitteo was concurred in.

In tho matter of tho road petition­ed forS. P. P.olloek and others, this being tho day sot for final hearing was on motion taken up.

A. W. Gaston, attorney for petit­ioners, and M. J. Williams, attornoy for defendants.

Attorney for defendant filed a mo tion to sot asido tho roport of com­missioners.

Motion arguod by counsol. On motion oi Supervisor Derby

that tho caso bo postponed Until 1 o'clock p.m.

Motion carricd. Tho petition of Carpenter and

Godfrey asking tho county to refund to them the amount of $44, money paid on tax salo of land, which was on motion referred to tho committeo on assessments.

Report ot Supervisor Harlan on bridges and bridge fund, was read, and on motion was placed on filo.

And tho auditor is heroby authori­zed to draw an order on tho treasur­er for $12.50 for his services.

Report of tho committeo on poor farm, waB road, and on motion was ordered to bo placed on file.

Tho following resolution was, on motion, adopted:

1st, That Thomas Eyre be, and is he/eby authorized to have a new floor laid in ono room, and have two rooms coiled from tho floor to a suffi­cient hoight to protect tho plastering, and that the sum of $ , or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and tho samo is hereby appro­priated, to pay for the samo.

2d, That tho Treasuror be, and is hereby, authorized and dirocted to transfer the sum of One Thousand Dollars from tho Insane tax accounts to tho Poor Farm fund.

Rcspectful iy submitted, R. W. BOYD, Chm'n.

On motion of Supr. Rcinhard, that the finance committeo be instructed to fill up the blanks, carried.

The road petitioned for by H. P. Hawthorn aud others, was, on mo­tion, retbrred to tho committoe on highways and bridges.

The report of tho committeo on tho abovo petition rccommend that the Auditor be authorized to appoint

commiss'oncr, hear tho caso, and establish the road, subject to tho ap­proval of tho Board.

On mot'on ttie report of tho com­mittee was adopted.

The road petitioned for by Cyfus McFarland and others, was, ou mo­tion refer/ed to the committoe on highways and bridged.

Committee reuotnmend that tho Auditor bo authorized to appoint commissioners on the above namod road, hoar the caso, and establish tho road, subject to tho approval of tho Board.

On motion tho report was adopted. On motion the Board adjourned

uutll 1 o'clock, p. m.

Board met at one o'clock, p. m.— President in the chair. Members all present.

The road matter of S. P. Pollock and others, that was made tho order of business for ono o'clock, was taken up.

On motion of Supr. Boyd, the res­olution offered by Mr. Gaston, Esq., to sot as'do a part of tho report of commissioners to assoss damages on road pet:tioned tor by S. T. Pollock, ct al., be adopted,

Supr. Hyatt called for tho yeas and nays. Clerk called tho roll, and tbo vote was as follows:. .

Yea—None. Nay—Sup's Cloyd, Reynolds, Der­

by, llyatt, Dickeas, Boyd, Kilter-man. Reinbard, Evans, Monroe, Nev­ille, Harlan, Slutz and Foster—14.

Ou motion of Supr. -Cloyd, that tho road be established in accord­ance with tho report ot commission­er. Motion withdrawn.

On motion ol Supr. Derby, that tho report of commissioners in full bo sot aside. Motion carried.

On motion of Supr. Derby, that tho Auditor bo, and is hereby, au­thorized to appoint commissioners to assess damages and report. Mo tion carried.

Tho petition of Manning & Ladd for abatement of assessment, was, on motion, taken up, and, on motion of Supr. Boyd that the prayer of pe tition bo granted, Supr. iteiuhard called for tho yeas and nays. Clerk called tho roll-

Yea—Sopr. Slutz—1. Nay—Mr. President, Cloyd, Roy­

nolds, Hyatt, Derby, Dickens, Boyd, Kittorman, Rcinhard, Evans, Monroo Noville, Harlan and Foster—14.

Motion lost. Tho claim of Wm. L. Griggs was

prosentod, and, on motion, was re­jected.

Roport of A. Lotspoioh, County Treasurer, was road, and, on motion, placed ou fi'o. •

Tho ooir munication of llall & Baldwin; dated Juno 1th. asking tho Board to levy tex to pay railroad coupons, waf presented, and, en mo­tion, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That tbo Auditor is hereby instructed to answor the within letter, and state that tho Board wi'l, at tho September session, levy tas to pay said coupons, with­out suit.

Resolution of Manning & Ladd was read, aad, on mo>:oa refe-rod to coinm'-uoo on assessment*.

On mo.ion, trie Boaxl a<!jourr.od oavll 8} o'clock, to-morrow moraing.

GEO. I). liAcuwoRrj, Aaditor.

. Laws of Iowa. Published by Authority.

; CHAPTER 125. AN ACT to amend chapter 55 of tho

Revision of I860. Section 1. Bo it enacted by the

General As- mbly of tho Stato of Iowa, That it shall bo lawful for ani railroad comoany for tho uso of wtjch any land shall havo been con­demned, for right of way, under chapter 55 of tho Revision of I860, to bavo recorded in tho record of de3ds of tho county where such land s situated, tho report of the commis­

sioners assessing damages, where tho samo shall not h»vo boon appoaled from, aud tho amount of aBsossmont and ccsts shall have been paid to the sheriff, and such record shall have the oll'eet of and bo prima facie ori-denco of titlo in the railroad company of tho right of way so taken, and shall constitute constructive notice of tho rights of such company and [in] said real estato.

Soo. 2. This act shall be retroact­ive in its offcct and shall apply to roports already recorded, as heroin provided; but shall only bo retroact­ive as far as it rotates to the record­ing of tho roport of tho commis­sioner.

Sec 19 This Act being deemed of immediate importance by the Gen-ral Assembly, shall tako effect and bo iu forco from and after its publi­cation in) tho Datly Iowa fotate Reg­ister, and the Daily Iowa Statesman.

Approved April 14, 1870. I hereby cortify that the forego­

ing Act was published in the Daily Iowa State Register April 26tb; and in tho lies Moines D<\ily Statesman,


Secretary of Stato,


Whoroas, in many instances tho said grants are now in the business portions of tho citics wherein they-aro located, and it is thorcforo do sirablo that they should bo used for business purposes, and it is also ob­vious that if so permitted to bo used, they will more nearly servo their purpose than now, by iyioldidg a lar­ger revenue for roligioua purposes; thorefore,

Sec. 1. Bo it enacted by tho Gen-oral Assembly of tho Stato of Iowa, That church organizations occupy­ing property grantod to thom by the territory or Stato of Iowa, aro hero­by authorized and ompowored to leaso such property for businoss pur­poses, and to occupy othor property with their church edifice; provided, that all of the income dorived from such teased property shall be devot­ed to maintaining tho religious exer­cises and ordinances of tho church, to which tho grant was originally mado, and to no ether purposo; and, provided further that such church and its affairs, shall remain in tho control of a regular board of trustees chc en in accordance with its charter.

SEC. 2. This act being of imme­diate importance, shall bo in forco from and after its publication in the State Register, and Dcs Moines Statesnian, newspapors published at Des Moines, Iowa.

Approved April 14, 1870. I, Ld. Wright, Secretary of Stato,

hereby certify that tho foregoing Act was published in tho Daily Town State Register, April 26th, 1870, and Des Moines Statesman, April 26th, 1870.

ED. WRIGHT, Secretary of State.

Poweshiek County. The - sue was fnir'y made and well

understood - tho Governor, st'll pres­ent and luboriug in the thickest of the fight, until the close of tho bat­tle, when all is over—the smoke clears, up—tho gallant Governor i-gone—this ouce pround Stone is no more—and on e.irehtl inquiry wat; last beard of, bathing his scorched aud heated brow in the placid waters of the Skunk river. The Republican voters of every township in tho county, except Jackson, have repu­diated Stone, and declared emphat­ically and enthusiastically for Lough-ri• 1 ge.—PoiWfhUb Hera! ',

Tho Democratic State Convention of lown <s to conveno at Pes Moines Angus! tOth nest. Wherefore ?

CHAPTER 132. • AT ACT to amend soction one (1)

of chapter Boventy-soven (77) of tho laws ol tho Ninth General As­sembly. Soction 1. Be it enacted by the

Genoral Assembly of the Stato of Iowa, That scction ono of chapter

venty-seven (77) of the laws of the Ninth Goneral Assembly, bo and the same is hereby amendotf as follows ; insert between tho words "county and provided,' in tbo seventeenth lino thereof, "and for that purpose tho boards of supervisors aro horeby authorized to call a special election if properly petitioned for by the legal voters of the county."

Soc. -t. This Act being deemed of immediato importance, shall take effect and bo in force from and after its publication in tho State Register aud DeS Moines Bulletin newspapers published at Dos Moines,Iowa.

Approved April 14th, 1870. I hereby cortify that tho foregoing

Act was published in the Des Moines Register April 20, 1S70, and in the Bet Jlfoines Bulletin, April 26, 1870.

En. WRIGHT, Secretary of State.

CHAPTER 118. AN ACT making appropriations for

the Iowa Stato Agricultural Collego I and Farm. j

Sec. 1. Be it enacted ny the General Assembly of the State of Iowa, That thore is hereby appropriated out of tho Stato treasury from any moneys not otherwiso appropriated, for the purposo hereinafter stated, the fol­lowing sums of mouoy, or so much thereof as may bo necessary, viz: for extending and completing tho wings of the collego building, tho sum of fifty thousand dollars; for tho erec­tion and completion of a workshop for tho students, tho sum of five thousand dollars; for tho crection of a building over the gasometer, five hundred dollars, for farm improve­ments, the sum of two thousand dol­lars; for purchasing seods and plants for experimental grounds, tho sum of five hundred dollars; for tho purposo of draining, tho sum of ono thou­sand dollars; for professors' dwelling house, four thousand five hundrod dol­lars.

Seo. 2. Tho money heroby appro­priated shall be expended under the direction of tho Board ot Trustees of the Agricultural Farm and Col-lege, [collego and farm] and shall bo drawn from the Stato treasuror, upon tho requisition ot tho prosidont of tho Board of Trustees, couuiersignod by the Secretary, at such times and in such sums as may bo required in making the improvements, and ereo. tion ot such buildings its abovo r& quired and described.

Sec. 3. Touchers shall bo taken for all moneys oxpendod by the board of trustees, in carrying out the provis­ions of this act, and a record shall be kopt otalt expenditures, showing the amount paid, and for what servico rendered, to whom paid, and for what material furnished.

Sec. 4. In all contracts entered in­to by said board of trustees, good

i and sullicrent bonds shall be required I lor the faithful performance of the samo; and the said trustees shall mako a full report to tho nest general as sembly, showi jg iu detail the manner in winch tho money appropriated by this act has boon expended.

See. 5. Tho money shall bo drawn from the State treasury by the treas­ure.* of tho board ot" trustees, and. shall bo paid oat by him unon orders by the president oi the board of t estcos, count arsigaed by the secretary.

Sec. 6. This act being deemed of immediate importance shall take eil'eot on and ai'tor its publication in the Iowa State Register and Iowa Homestead, cewspapots publishodin

CHAPTER 131. AN ACT supploraotary to an act,

ontitled au act for tho government of Hospitals for tho Insane, defin­ing tho legal relations of insane persons, and providing for thoir care and protection. Sec. 1, Bo it enacted by the Gon

cral Assombly of tho State of Iowa, That tho amount of tho salaries of tbo superintendent and officers of insane asylum at Mount Pleasant, bo determined by the board of trus­tees of that institution.

Sec. 3. This Act being deemed of immediate importance, shall tako effect from and alter its publication in tho Dos Moines Bulletin and Doa Moines Register, newspapers pub­lished at Des Moinos, Iowa.

Approved April 14, 1S70. I, Ed Wright, Secretary of State

hereby cortity that tho foregoing act was published in the Des Moines Daily Bulletin, April 26, 1870, and tho Des Moines Rogistcr,, April 26, 1870.

ED WRIGHT, Secretary of fctate.

CHAPTER 123. AN AC1' to supply a deficiency in a

certain appropriation for the em­ployees of tho Thirteenth Goneral Assombly. Section 1. Bo it onacted by tho

Genoral Assembly of the Stato of Iowa, That is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of two hundrod and eighty dollars, to bo paid to tho janitor and paper folders of the Senate under the reso­lution of the Senate adopted on the 11th day of April, 1870.

Approved April 13, 18TOi

CHAPTER H& AN ACT authorizing COOTity Aud­

itors to administer oaths, and pro> . viding a seal for said officers. Sec. 1. Bo it onactcd by tho Gene­

ral Assombly ot tho State of Iowa, That each county auditor in this Stato is hereby authorized and em­powered to administer oaths, and in the performance of such act the county seal shall bo bis seal of offioe.

Seo. 2. This act being deemed by tho General Assembly, of immediato importance, shall take effect from and after its publication in tho iowa Stato Register and tho Des Moines Statesman, newspapors published in Des Moinos, Iowa.

Approved April 14, 1870. I, Ed Wright, Secretary of Stato,

horeby certiiy that tho torogoing Act was published in tho Daily State Register April 27, and Des Moines Daily Statesman April 28, 1870.

ED. WRIGHT, Secretary of State.

Des Aioiu^s, Iowa. Approved April 13, 1870. I, Ed Wright, Secretary of State,

certify that tho foregoing act was pub'ihhcd 'n the Daily iowa State Register, April 20th, and tho Iowa ijLomeatead, April 22d, 1870.

KD WRIGHT, Secretary of Stato,

CHAPTER 133. AN ACT to define tho rights of

Church Corporations, in tho ease of certain grants. Whereas, in many cities of this

State there a. o church organizations that occupy for religious purposes, lands and lots originally granted by the couLty and State tf low.-, and


AN ACT making appropriations for Stato Reform School.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Iowa, That there is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the Stato trea­sury not otherwise appropriated, tho sum of fifteon thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary for tho support of said school, and for tho paymont of salaries of officors and omployos; said moneys, or so much thorocf as may bo necessary for tho purposes hereiu specified, 6ball bo paid only as follows: tho said board, or its executivo commit­tee, shall cortify to tho auditor the correctness of all olaims on tho seve­ral appropriations hereby mado, and thereupon the latter shall issuo his warrant on the treasurer ot Stato tor tho amouut. Tho trustees, in their next annual roport, shall set forth a full itomized account ot the expenditure of tho appropriation.

Sec. 2. This Act shall take effect and bo in forco, from and after its publication in tho D<s Moines Register and Des Moines Bulletin news­papers published at Dos M.oiaoa Iowa.

Approvod April 14, 1870. I, Ed. Wright, Secretary of State,

hereby cortify that the foregoing act was published in tho Daily Iowa Stato Register Al^ril 23d, and io the Des Moines Daily Bulletin, April 23,1870.

ED WaiauT, Secretary of State.

Tho Regisier says that the Capitol Commissioners are to meet at Madi­son, Wis., on the Dth of July next, aud examine tho capitol building there, and from thonce proceed to examine othor Stato capitols, that;

j they may be tho botUr prepared to | WtLo ileal action in regard to tha ' Jian for the building in uiis State.
