The vikings age presentation

The Vikings Age Group 5


Western civilization subject presentation

Transcript of The vikings age presentation

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The Vikings Age

Group 5

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Vikings History

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The period from the earliest recorded raids in the 790s until the Norman conquest of England in 1066 is commonly known as the Viking Age of Scandinavian history.

Vikings used the Norwegian Sea and Baltic Sea for sea routes to the south. The Normans were descended from Vikings who were given feudal overlordship of areas in northern France the Duchy of Normandy in the 10th century.

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Vikings Geography's History

Geographically, a Viking Age may be assigned not only to Scandinavian lands (modern Denmark, Norway and Sweden), but also to territories under North Germanic dominance, mainly the Danelaw, including Scandinavian York, the administrative centre of the remains of the Kingdom of Northumbria, parts of Mercia, and East Anglia. Viking navigators opened the road to new lands to the north, west and east, resulting in the foundation of independent.

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The Vikings explored the northern islands and coasts of the North Atlantic, ventured south to North Africa and east to Russia, Constantinople (Istanbul), and the Middle East.

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The last period of Vikings appeared when the kings of Norway continued to assert power in parts of northern Britain and Ireland, and raids continued into the 12th century, but the military ambitions of Scandinavian rulers were now directed toward new paths.

In 1107, Sigurd 1 of Norway sailed for the eastern Mediterranean with Norwegian crusaders to fight for the newly established Kingdom of Jerusalem, and Danes and Swedes participated energetically in the Baltic Crusades of the 12th and 13th centuries.

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The genetic of Vikings The ancestors of Scandinavian people

• Haplogroup I-M25335 percent in Norway,

Denmark, and Sweden, and peaking at 40 percent within western Finland

• Viking also live in Iceland and Greenland.

• Haplogroup R-M420Vikings settled in Britain

which most Norse descent in Shetland and Orkney Islands

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• The ancestors some group of The United Kingdom people like French and Normandy

• The specialized genetic and surname study in Liverpool demonstrated marked Norse heritage, found that up to 50 percent of males who belonged to original families of Viking before the years of industrialization and population expansion.

• similar to the percentage of Norse inheritance found among males in the Orkney Islands.

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Vikings are farmer. Viking men have sailing on the ocean while woman and children in village do farming. Viking has skilled in navigation. They can know to understand the wind direction that can guide them to sailing on the Atlantic Ocean. The Vikings have also studied the behavior of whales, birds, puffin and other seabirds this information has helped the Vikings travel to America and Greenland.

In people opinion, Vikings is vandal but these people are one side of a quiet personality, sensitive, and artistic. They have talent to make pottery, weaving and metal castings.

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Viking Gods and BerserkersThe warfare and violence

of the Vikings were often motivated and fuelled by their beliefs in Norse religion, focusing on Thor and Odin,

the most fierce and powerful were the berserkers. Before battle they would get into a frenzy that allowed them to ignore pain and throw thoughts of survival and safety out the window.

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• Old Norse is a North Germanic language that was spoken by inhabitants of Scandinavia and inhabitants of their overseas settlements during the Viking Age.

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• Meat products of all kinds• Seafood• Bread

• Porridge• Vegetables, fruits, berries and

nuts• Beer, and Bjórr

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Board games and dice games were played as a popular pastime, at all levels of society.

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1. Thralls were the lowest ranking class and were slaves.

• The Viking society was divided into the three socio-economic classes of Thralls, Karls and Jarls.

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2. Karls were free peasants. They owned farms, land and cattle and engaged in daily chores like ploughing the fields, milking the cattle, building houses and wagons.

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3. The Jarls were the aristocracy of the Viking society. They were wealthy and owned largeestates with huge longhouses, horses and many thralls (slaves).

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Weapons and Warfare of Vikings

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The Vikings used a vast array of weapons and armor: swords, axes, and spears were their main weapons, but some also used bows and daggers.


These weapons also used to show each individual's own wealth and social status. For this reason, most Viking weapons were decorated with precious gems which made them very valuable.

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The greatest of Viking weapons was his sword. It was highly prized for its fighting strength and was a status symbol

The Viking battle axe was a very deadly weapon. It could easily cleave through armor and still leave a mortal wound.

The Viking spear was probably their most popular weapon. It wasn’t as expensive as a sword, and was still very deadly

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Vikings armor consisted of helmets, shields, and chain mail or leather tunics. They wore strong iron helmets. Most were simple cup shapes, with a strip of metal to protect the nose and there is no evidence of Viking helmets with horns on them.


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Vikings fought mostly on foot and used their ships mainly as a transport to the scene of battle. The They had a dragon head on the bow of the ship to protect against the evil spirits of the sea.

Viking Ships

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Trade In the Viking Period

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• They operated under the protection and control of the king

• Ribe was another important trading town in the Viking Age

• The port of Hedeby in Schleswig, which is located in Germany today, was Denmark’s most important trading center during the Viking period

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A safe journey – free trade in the Viking Age• Missionary Ansgar and the

merchants he was travelling with were robbed of all their possessions

• Danish king Sigfred’s emissaries travelled to Worms to make an agreement with King Louis the German

• Their objective was to secure peace in the border areas between the territories of the Danes and the Saxons

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Exchange in the Viking Age• Silver became a more

important component of trading

• Brought for farm products such as cereals, vegetables and domestic animals

• Exchanged for necessities, such as clothes or tools, and luxury items, like jewelry and glass

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