The VHPA Aviator

A Special Supplement to...


30th Annual Reunion of the VHPA See David Adams Enterprises

Transcript of The VHPA Aviator

A Special Supplement to...

FFrroomm tthhee CChhaaiirrmmaann ooff tthhee VVHHPPAARReeuunniioonn CCoommmmiitttteeee,, MMiikkee LLaawwSpeaking for the VHPA Executive Council,

the Headquarters Staff, and the entire ReunionCommittee – I cordially invite you to attendthe VHPA’s 30th Annual Reunion in SanFrancisco from Tuesday, July 2nd through Sat-urday, July 6th 2013 at the San FranciscoUnion Square Hilton. We have a wonderfulparty planned for you, your family, and yourfriends!

In the next few pages you can see lots of de-tails, the registration form, the policies and pro-cedures, and some neat pictures. But beforeyou delve into all that let me mention SIX ideas.

FFiirrsstt,, wwhhoo ccaann aatttteenndd tthhee RReeuunniioonn??is may be ‘new news’ to some of you fa-

miliar with older VHPA practices. As a generalrule anyone who is “dues current” in the VHPAcan register, order tickets, etc. simply by payingthe Reunion Registration Fee. For anyone whoserved in the Vietnam War as helicopter pilots(membership eligible men) to register, youmust also be a member of the VHPA and bedues-current on the first day of the Reunion.Anyone who was not a pilot is also welcome toattend, just not as a member of the VHPA.ese registrants are considered Reunion invi-tees by being “dues current” subscribers of theVHPA Aviator magazine. In short, anyonewishing to purchase a ticket (for example a hel-icopter ride, a tour, attend an HPF, attend aconcert, etc.) must also pay the Reunion Reg-istration Fee.

It is important to know that all Reunion At-tendees (anyone who pays the RegistrationFee) are treated as equals. A VHPA Life Mem-ber, a former enlisted man, the widow of a de-ceased Vietnam Vet, a good friend – they areall treated as equals once they pay the Registra-tion Fee. ey are all equals because they canpurchase tickets at the same price, receive theservices (name badges, refunds, banquet seat-ing, etc.), stand in the same lines to board buses,etc. e only exception is that only VHPAMembers can attend the Annual BusinessMeeting.

SSeeccoonndd,, PPLLEEAASSEE rreeggiisstteerr eeaarrllyy!!You will notice there are some 20 or so tours

or activities scheduled outside the hotel. At thebottom of 18 of these descriptions we havelisted the maximum number of attendees foreach event. Many of these events sell out, andthey sell out early. e Reunion Committeedeveloped a waitlist procedure for last year’s Re-union and were successful in accommodatingmany at the last minute. Please review the ex-citing list of tours and events. Register early andbook the events you want. Early is better!!!

iirrdd,, bbrriinngg aa jjaacckkeett aanndd//oorr aa sswweeaattsshhiirrtt!!Please bring a jacket!! Remember what Mark

Twain (actually never) said: “e coldest win-ter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.”e truth is – it may be California, and it maybe lovely, but the wind can be vicious and thosesummertime temperatures can be disappoint-ing (code for cold).

FFoouurrtthh,, aa wwoorrdd ooff wwaarrnniinngg –– SSaann FFrraanncciissccoo iiss eexxppeennssiivvee –– eessppeecciiaallllyy

sseerrvviiccee aanndd ffuueell rreellaatteedd iitteemmss!!Our support contractors have told us to ex-

pect large fuel and both state and city tax sur-charges this summer. OUCH!!! is Hiltonis also a union hotel and now we are reallyhappy that the hotel contract we signed in 2008had caps on the banquet meal prices! Even ourgood friends tell us – this may be California,but be prepared for New York style prices.

All our golfers – e Presidio is a greatcourse but for the first time in our Reunionhistory your golf ticket is non-refundable.We have to provide a guaranteed minimumnumber of players and refunding the fees foreven two or three players would be aserious loss tothe Reunion.

FFiihh,, tthhiiss iiss tthhee VVHHPPAA’’ss tthhiirrddvviissiitt ttoo tthhee BBaayy AArreeaa

We had the ‘Big Bash by the Bay’ inSanta Clara in 1996 and the ‘Whata Party!’ at the San Francisco Mar-riott in 2005. e 2005 ReunionCommittee took a huge stepwhen they chartered the San Fran-cisco Belle for the July 4th dinnercruise to watch the fireworks withthe city lights as a backdrop. In lessthan a month the first deck sold outand we eventually ended up charter-ing the entire boat. e cruise was ahuge success, except for thosemembers who waited too long toreserve a ticket hint-hint. e2013 cruise price is now $159 perperson and is non-refundable for the samereasons mentioned above.

SSiixxtthh,, eennjjooyy yyoouurr vviissiittttoo ““ee CCiittyy””!!!!

San Francisco is one of the top10 places to visit in the USA anda world destination city. efood, the sightseeing, the wines,this history, the bay, the archi-tecture and even the smellsaround Fisherman’s Wharf areall special. Plus, you won’t beatour hotel rate for anyplace in SanFrancisco you woul d feel safe stay-ing – we guarantee that!

VHPA Reunions are all aboutrenewing old and making newiends based on our commonbonds forged when we were sol-diers once and young. Pleaseinvite your iends and plan onhaving a good time.

QQuueessttiioonnss?? CCoommmmeennttss?? CCaallll HHQQ aatt 880000--550055--88447722

oorr ccoonnttaacctt MMiikkee LLaaww((pphhoonnee)) 330033--998888--77779977

((EE--MMaaiill)) mmggllaaww@@eeaarrtthhlliinnkk..nneett

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www.VHPA.orgfor the latest information on

The 30th Annual VHPA Reunion 2013

WWeellccoommee ttoo tthhee 3300tthh AAnnnnuuaall RReeuunniioonn ooff tthhee VVHHPPAA!!WWeellccoommee ttoo tthhee 3300tthh AAnnnnuuaall RReeuunniioonn ooff tthhee VVHHPPAA!! Inside the Hotel Activities – 2013 Reunion of the VHPA

OO--CClluubbDDaaiillyy ffrroomm 1111::0000 AAMM ttiillll 1111::0000 PPMM - It is only fit-ting that the “official opening” of the Reunion happenson July the 2nd at the O-Club! In the tradition of aVietnam unit’s Officer’s Club, you can get shoot thebreeze and get a beer with your buddies. is year theO-Club is part of ‘ground zero’ – meaning the VendorRoom, Registration and the O-Club are all in the samelarge room. e O-Club offers well brandLiquors/House Selection Red and White Wines for$10, Bottled Beers (Domestic/Imported/Micro Brews)for $8, Domestic Keg Beer (12 Oz) for $4, and SoDrinks/Bottled Water for $5.

HHiissttoorriicc PPrreesseennttaattiioonn FFoorruummss ((HHPPFFss))uurrssddaayy,, 44 JJuullyy && SSaattuurrddaayy,, 55 JJuullyy - e HPF con-cept is the greatest success story of the last seven VHPAReunions! Most presentations are on par with a uni-versity seminar so each year we make a DVD of all thepresentations. at DVD is given to both next year’sHPF attendees and to e Vietnam Archive at TexasTech University in Lubbock, TX to help preserve ourlegacy. We set up a part of our ballroom for the HPFs,complete with theater style seating and high-end audio& visual presentation gear. Visit WWWWWW..VVHHPPAA..OORRGGfor this year’s HPF line-up.

PPookkeerr TToouurrnnaammeennttWWeeddnneessddaayy,, 33 JJuullyy &&FFrriiddaayy,, 55 JJuullyy,, 22::0000--55::0000 PPMM- is is a social activity for people who enjoy playingpoker, no money changes hands but you must have aticket to play. We obey all local gaming regulationswhile having a good time. All proceeds raised fromthis annual event go to the VHPA Scholarship Fund.

BBoobb HHooppee UUSSOO SShhoowwWWeeddnneessddaayy,, 33 JJuullyy,, 88::3300--1100::0000 PPMM- Join Bob Hopeand his special guests for a wonderful trip back in time.Relax, grab a drink and enjoy an evening of wonderfulentertainment. Our Bob Hope impersonator is so greatyou will soon forget that it is actually not Bob himself.Bob’s show band for the evening, e Swingin' BlueStars of the USS Hornet is a group of ladies who spe-cialize in performing songs from the 40's and 50's, eshow includes comedy monologs and mildly irrever-ent humor, songs and a special guest appearance by“Ann-Margaret”. is private, 90-minute”USO Show”is a tribute to both Bob and Ann as well as to the USOsingers and the men who were their audiences. iswill give you reminders of both “home” and AmericanLife and Values. Bring your camera! Tickets subject toavailable seats and they are traditionally sold at the door.

WWrriitteerrss PPrreesseennttaattiioonnuurrssddaayy,, 33 JJuullyy,, 1100::4455 –– 1122::0000 NNoooonn - e VHPAWriters Presentation is organized by John Penny ourbook reviewer. e theme for this year's presentationis "e Memoir that Heals." It is for members whoare budding writers and features Alan Rinzler, an ex-pert on editing and publishing since 1962. is

workshop will suggest steps to use memoir writing asa therapeutic creative process. Mr. Rinzler will alsodiscuss the kind of professionalism and discipline ittakes to write a book, and the many new print/dis-tribution options our authors have available today.

KKIIAA//MMIIAA GGoolldd SSttaarr FFaammiillyy BBrreeaakkffaassttFFrriiddaayy,, 55 JJuullyy,, 77::3300 AAMM –– 99::0000 AAMM - As combat avi-ators, most of you remember someone who didn't makeit back from Vietnam. A few of you have already con-nected with the families of your fallen buddies to sharewith them the fact that their loved one was never forgot-ten. Have you ever thought of inviting those families tojoin you at a VHPA reunion, and particularly at the GoldStar Family Breakfast? As a sister of a fallen Vietnam hel-icopter pilot (my 19 year old brother was killed while fly-ing scouts with C Troop, 1/9 Cav), I remember the firsttime I sat down with veterans who served with. e ex-perience of being with men who could tell me more abouthis life and his service was powerful. I learned that notonly are we families of the fallen welcome at VHPA re-unions, we are welcomed “warmly” by those who knewour loved ones. For the past six Reunions we have held theGold Star Family Breakfast event designed to bring GoldStar Families (families of the deceased) together with pi-lots who knew them. For questions about the Gold StartFamily Breakfast, or even about how to connect with abuddy's family, please feel free to contact me, “Little Sister”Julie Kink, sister of WO David Kink. I am also a mem-ber of VHFCN Family Contacts Committee. or email me [email protected] for help making contact, or for moredetails about our organization and this event .

QQuuiilltt SShhooww && TTeellll wwiitthh ooppttiioonnaall vviissiitt ttoo BBrriitteexx FFaabbrriiccssFFrriiddaayy,, 55 JJuullyy,, 1100::0000 aamm –– 1122::3300 ppmm,, IImmppeerriiaall BB -is is our fourth year for hosting an event for year we will return to our Show and Tell roots soplease consider bringing some of your own work –quilts, embroidery, knitting and/or crocheting. We willgive everyone a chance to display and talk about theirproject. We’ve also made arrangements for a tour of Bri-tex Fabrics. Located just three short blocks away in thefamous Union Square shopping district, Britex Fabrics( is one of San Francisco’s won-derful fabric shops. If you have questions or suggestionsfor this event, contact Dianna Law at [email protected] or 303-988-7797.

SSppoouussee//GGuueesstt//LLaaddiieess EEvveenntt:: MMuurrddeerr MMyysstteerryy LLuunncchhSSaattuurrddaayy,, 66 JJuullyy,, 1100::3300 AAMM –– 11::3300 PPMM - WhoDunnit? at is the question you will have to answerat this fun and interactive hotel luncheon. You cansolve this hilarious murder case while enjoying a de-licious 3 course luncheon but be careful, you may ac-tually be a suspect, or the killer could be sitting atyour table. ere are no hokey costumes, no lamescenarios, and no corny dialogue, just professional ac-tors who are masters at improv. is is a wonderfulchance to spend time with your friends, enjoy a deli-

cious lunch, be entertained and laugh all while solv-ing a mystery. Don’t miss it!

AAnnnnuuaall BBuussiinneessss MMeeeettiinngg ((AABBMM))SSaattuurrddaayy,, 66 JJuullyy,, 1100::0000 AAMM –– 1122::3300 PPMM - is is a“no cost ticket” event for the Reunion and everyonewho enters the room must have their ticket. Onlydues-current VHPA Members can attend the ABM,all Reunion-registered Members will receive theirABM ticket in their Registration Packet. Any dues-current VHPA Member can also attend the ABMeven if they aren’t registered for the Reunion, anyonedesiring to do so can obtain their ABM ticket fromthe on-site Reunion Registration Desk.

MMiinnii RReeuunniioonnssDDaaiillyy ffrroomm 1111::0000 AAMM ttiillll 1111::0000 PPMM -- One of theprimary reasons for our Annual Reunion is to recon-nect you with your compatriots from past days, and thevery best way to do that is through Mini Reunions! Seethe back cover of this brochure for full details!

CClloossiinngg BBaannqquueettSSaattuurrddaayy,, 66 JJuullyy,, 55::4455 PPMM –– 1111::0000 PPMM - Over theyears the Closing Banquet has developed its own per-sonality. Plans for this year include the following:� Back by popular demand the New York City PoliceEmerald Society Bagpipers will provide their stirringopening to the Banquet with their wonderful tribuneto the United States military services.�Catherine Truc-Cam Nguyen will sing the NationalAnthem. She is the 12-year old granddaughter ofTeresa and Paul Vo. Teresa worked with the 118thAHC “underbirds” in Bien Hoa during the war andPaul was a Major in the South Vietnamese Army.Teresa and Paul have attended several VHPA and118th AHC reunions.�VHPA Member Mike Roulier and the Warrant Offi-cer Candidate (WOC) Chorus will sing “is is MyCountry” immediately aer our Missing Man Tribute,they will also sing “God Bless the USA” immediatelyfollowing the VHPA President’s closing remarks. eWOC Chorus started in 1966 at Fort Wolters butthese days they also welcome RLO’s and EM into theirgroup! If you enjoy singing, you are certainly welcometo join them at this Reunion. Please contact Mike [email protected] for full information on re-hearsals, etc. �ere will be no amplified sound in the Banquet din-ing room following the President’s closing remarks andthe WOC Chorus presentation of “God Bless theUSA.” You and your party can sit at your table or else-where in the room for as long as you wish and you willnot have to talk over the dance band. e Cash Barswill remain open until they are no longer needed. �For those who wish to dance and simply listen to themusic/entertainment, we will have a professional groupplaying on the other side of the ballroom’s air wall witha proper dance floor, cash bars, and seating. Naturallyyou can come and go as you please.

IInnssiiddee tthhee HHootteell AAccttiivviittiieess –– 22001133 RReeuunniioonn ooff tthhee VVHHPPAA

UUSSSS HHOORRnneett ttOOUURR AAnndd LLUUnnccHHttuueessddaayy,, JJuullyy 22nndd && WWeeddnneessddaayy,, JJuullyy 33rrdd((99::3300aamm -- 33::0000ppmm)) enjoy a wonderful day on board the USS Hornet. eAircra carrier USS Hornet Museum is a national treas-ure, having participated in two great 20th century events,World War II and the Apollo 11 manned space peacefully moored at historic Alameda Point onSan Francisco Bay, theUSS Hornet is a timelessmemorial to those who de-fended our American val-ues and to those who havepursued America's technological advancements. Yourvisit begins with a guided tour of the ship. Your guide (aveteran of the USS Hornet or other Aircra carriers) willescort you through the ship including the Pilot ReadyRooms, Officers’ country, crew’s Berthing and severalhistoric aircra and exhibits of WWII, Vietnam, and theApollo moon missions. don’t miss the helicopters ondisplay on the hanger deck including a HUP1 Retriever,Seahorse, Sea King, AH1G cobra, and a Hub. Follow-ing your tour will have time on your own to visit addi-tional areas of the ship which interest you the most. etour includes a boxed lunch which you may enjoy at yourleisure on board. Limited to 150 participants on each day.

GGRROOUUPP ddIInnnneeRRSSOOnn ttuueessddaayy,, JJuullyy 22nndd aanndd WWeeddnneessddaayy,, JJuullyy 33rrddwe have scheduled three separate two group dinners forour Reunion attendees to enjoy.

OOnn ttuueessddaayy,, ffrroomm 55::3300 ppmm –– 88::0000 ppmm,, we’re taking 50people to dinner at the Fisherman’s Grotto restaurant,located on San Francisco’s world-famous Fisherman'sWharf. Opened in 1935 asthe Wharf ’s first sit downrestaurant, our diners willenjoy excellent seafoodcomplete with views of theBay, the Golden Gate , thefishing fleet and the San Franciso harbor.

OOnn WWeeddnneessddaayy,, ffrroomm 55::0000 ppmm –– 77::3300 ppmm,, we’retaking 50 people to one ofSan Francisco’s mostunique and entertainingdining experiences, eStinking Rose. Located innorth Beach, San Fran-

cisco's renowned Little Italy, this Italian restaurant hasbecome world famous for its dishes that celebrate theculinary euphoria of garlic.

All group dinners include appetizer, salad, your choiceof entrée and a dessert courses. Your Group dining tourprice also includes round trip transportation and all taxesand gratuities associated with the meal. Please note, theStinking Rose restaurant is not wheelchair accessible.

SSAAnn FFRRAAnnccIISSccOO HHIIGGHHLLIIGGHHttSSBBYY MMOOttOORRccOOAAccHH WWeeddnneessddaayy,, JJuullyy 33rrdd ((99::0000aamm--11::0000ppmm))aanndd tthhuurrssddaayy,, JJuullyy 44tthh ((99::0000aamm--11::0000ppmm))Board your coach, with your experienced guide, for aninside look at one of the most culturally diverse and beau-tiful cities in the country.Your guided journey willhighlight famous land-marks and familiarize youwith the unique sociologyof San Francisco. erewill be wonderful photoopportunities as you see some of the city’s most famouslandmarks, including the Golden Gate Bridge,panoramic views atop the twin Peaks, nob Hill, and fa-mous Lombard St. Following the narrated portion ofthe tour, you will have the option to return to the hotel orbe dropped off at Fisherman’s Wharf. If you choose tostay at the Wharf, you will be on your own for trans-portation back to the hotel. Limited to 150 participants each day.

AALLccAAttRRAAZZ ttOOUURRWWeeddnneessddaayy,, JJuullyy 33rrdd ((1100::0000aamm--33::0000ppmm)) aanndd FFrriiddaayy,, JJuullyy 55tthh ((1122::0000ppmm--55::0000ppmm))Step back in time and experience the legendary island thathas been a civil war fort, a military prison and one of themost notoriousfederal peniten-tiaries in US his-tory. take theshort bus ride toPier 33 where you will board the ferry to Alcatraz. etour includes the 45 minute audio presentation “doingtime: e Alcatraz cell House tour”. Your tour alsoincludes a boxed lunch, the discovery channel’s orien-tation video, optional ranger and docent led tours; his-toric gardens and abundant wildlife. A light jacket isrecommended for this tour. is tour is subject to avail-ability. Limited to 100 participants each day.

BBRRIIddGGee ttOO BBRRIIddGGee ccRRUUIISSee WWeeddnneessddaayy,, JJuullyy 33rrdd ((11::0000ppmm--44::0000ppmm))is unique 90-minute cruise will sail under both theGolden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco-Oakland BayBridge in aspectacularcruise alongSan Francisco’sentire urbanskyline. Ac-companied bythe headphone audio, you’ll see San Francisco's stunninglandmarks like Alcatraz, coit tower, the Ferry Building,transamerica Pyramid, Palace of Fine Arts, and muchmore. As you sail, learn about San Francisco's unique nat-

ural history, architecture, and native American cul-ture. Sailing under both of San Francisco’s incrediblebridges will be the highlight of this journey. e cruisedeparts at 2:00pm from Pier 43 1/2 located in theheart of the Wharf at the end of taylor Street. ereare snack bars on board the boat or you are welcometo bring your own, maybe chowder in a bread bowlpurchased at the Wharf! Upon arrival at the pier youwill have about 30 minutes to browse or pick up asandwich prior to boarding. Limited to 250 participants.

GGOOLLFF ttOOUURRnnAAMMeenntt AAtt ttHHee PPRReeSSIIddIIOO GGOOLLFF ccOOUURR SSeetthhuurrssddaayy,, JJuullyy 44tthh,, 77 aamm –– 22 ppmm.. is year wewill play the Presidio Golf course, please see for de-tails about the course.e 117 year oldPresidio Golf courseopened for publicplay in 1995 andquickly gained a reputation as one of the nation’s toppublic courses. Located just minutes from downtownSan Francisco, the 18-hole, 6,500 yard course windsthrough beautiful eucalyptus and Monterey Pine’s ine city’s trademark hills. Our “scramble” tourna-ment package includes golf, GPS equipped golf carts,bus transportation from/to the Hilton, range balls,and a delicious sit-down deli platter luncheon in thebeautiful clubhouse. contact John Shafer [email protected] or 206-324-4936 for details. PLEASE NOTE - this is a non-refundable event.

MMUUIIRR WWOOOOddSS,, SSAAUUSSAALLIIttOO && BBAAYY FFeeRRRRYYtthhuurrssddaayy,, JJuullyy 44tthh ((99::0000aamm--33::3300ppmm))e day begins with a short bus ride north across theGolden Gate Bridge to Marin county. Here you willfind one of the most affluent counties in the UnitedStates, and the home to one of the few groves of virgincoastal Red-woods. eseredwoods areamong thetallest and theoldest trees ine x i s t e n c e .Upon arrival,there will be time to take the "nature trail" at MuirWoods which leads you into the heart of its cathedral-like grove. en spend some time in Sausalito, an al-luring village of art galleries, quaint shops andwaterfront restaurants offering wonderful views of SanFrancisco across the bay. ere will be plenty of timefor lunch and browsing on your own; you may chooseto spend your time walking among the cliff-hangingcottages and houseboat communities which have adistinct Mediterranean ambiance. You will return to

San Francisco by ferry, which you will board indowntown Sausalito. Upon arrival in San Fran-cisco, your bus will be waiting to transfer you backto the hotel. is is going to be a great day out, besure to wear walking shoes and bring a jacket. Limited to 250 participants.

SAn FRAncIScO HIGHLIGHtSBY cABLe cAR & WALK tHeBRIdGe tOURSthursday, July 4th (9:30am-12:30pm)and Saturday, July 6th (1:00pm-4:00pm)enjoy a 2-hour city tour of San Francisco aboarda classic cable car. Ride through the historic neigh-borhoods that made the city famous. You will beriding a vintage cable car some dating back tothe late 1800/early 1900's. You may choose to sitin the front, theback or stand onthe side; this willbe a fun way tosee the city. Aerthe tour, yourcable car will takeyou to theGolden GateBridge for yourwalk where will be given ample time to leisurelywalk across the 1.7 mile bridge. Upon arrival atthe north side, you may choose to continue underthe bridge to Hendrik Point for a great view of thebridge with the San Francisco skyline in the back-ground. Please note the cable car is open and notclimate controlled plus it will be windy on thebridge; we recommend you bring a light jacket.Limited to 300 participants each day.

Please note, the same tour, without the opportu-nity to walk the Golden Gate Bridge, will be of-fered at a reduced rate on ursday, July 4th(1:00pm-3:00pm) and Friday, July 5th(1:00pm-3:00pm). is tour will also be lim-ited to 300 participants each day.

dInneR And FIReWORKSOn tHe BAYursday, July 4th (5:30pm-10:30pm)embark on a magical evening aboard the fabu-lous Horn-blower yacht!enjoy thestunning sky-line of the"city by the Bay", sail under the magnificentGolden Gate Bridge and enjoy the festive lightsadorning the Bay Bridge at night. e San Fran-cisco Bell is a 292-foot sternwheeler with three cli-

mate-controlled, enclosed levels, plus a spacious sun deckand three full wrap-around decks. Your private cruise in-cludes an all-you-can-eat buffet dinner, and a dJ who willbe playing all your favorite tunes, so you can dance thenight away. Highlight of the evening will be the spectac-ular San Francisco Fireworks on the Bay. You will have aclose, unobstructed view of this wonderful fireworksshow. Rate includes round trip transportation, cruise,dinner, all taxes and gratuities. cash bar will be availableon board. Remember to bring a jacket!! Maximum 325tickets sold, please note this is also a non-refundable event.

dAY In nAPA: BeRInGeR VIneYARdSFriday, July 5th (8:30am-2:30pm)today you will visit one of the most well known vine-yards in napa Valley; Beringer Winery. no winery orvineyard more thoroughly embodies the timeless appealand seductive flavor of napa Valley than Beringer Vine-yards, napa’s benchmark producer since the establish-ment oftheir vine-yard in1876. Yourvisit in-cludes ag u i d e dw a l k i n gtour of theheritage cellars, a chance to stroll the lush vineyards andto visit their expanded gi shop. You will sip three sam-ples of their fine wine while on tour and then you can fillyour glass again as you enjoy your gourmet boxed lunch.Your wine tasting will begin in the morning so we rec-ommend that you have a large breakfast before your tour.Limited to 100 participants.

cALIFORnIA AcAdeMY OF ScIenceSFr id ay, Ju ly 5t h ( 1: 0 0p m-4 : 30 pm)Spend the aernoon at the california Academy of Sci-ences building; the only place on the planet with anaquarium, a planetarium, a natural history museum, anda 4-story rainforest all under one roof. is stunning ar-chitectural achievement is home to hundreds of uniqueexhibits and nearly 40,000 live animals. Begin with a

short guided tour which will provide an overview of thisamazing facility. You will then have the rest of the day totour on your own and visit the exhibits which interestyou the most. ere are cafes on site for lunch on yourown. Rate includes round trip transportation, admissionto all museums; aquarium, planetarium, living roof, rain-forest and, all daily scheduled programs, and shows. Lim-ited to 100 participants.

HILLeR AVIAtIOn MUSeUM & StAtIcHeLIcOPteR dISPLAYFriday, July 5th (10:00am-4:00pm)e Hiller Aviation Museum is dedicated to discoveringthe past, celebratingthe present and envi-sioning the future ofaviation. e mu-seum’s exhibits high-light many historicachievements in flight that are native to northern cali-fornia and show how creativity and innovation are thefoundation for technical advances in air transportation.e museum displays include vintage and futuristic air-cra, prototypes, photographic displays, and models.Over 40 aircra on display and extensive exhibits chron-icle aviation history as far back as 1869. current plansinclude a static display of at least four helicopters – theViet nam Helicopters, Inc UH-1H from concord thatflew with the 25th Infantry division, eMU 309 based inHayward restored with 135th AHc details, cobra 095owned by the cactus Air Force in carson city, nV, andone of San Francisco Helicopters’ current ships. esehelicopters will park on the ramp behind the Hiller Mu-seum. Rate includes round trip transportation, museumentrance fee, a docent led tour, time to browse on yourown, and a boxed lunch. Limited to 250 participants.

Please note, this same tour is also available on this dateand time with an option of extending the return time onehour, allowing you to also visit the nearby Military Vehi-cle technology Foundation Museum. e Foundationoversees one of the largest and most significant collec-tions of historical military vehicles in the world and nowincludes 240 vehicles from the USA, USSR, Germany,england, France, Switzerland, czechoslovakia, and Israel.Many are completely restored to working (not firing)condition. Maximum of 55 tickets are available for thisversion of the tour.

OO uuttss ii ddee tthh ee HHoo ttee ll AAccttii vv ii ttii eess –– 2 013 R e un io n o f th e V H PA

USS HORnet tOUR And LUnCHtuesday, July 2nd & Wednesday, July 3rd(9:30am - 3:00pm) enjoy a wonderful day on board the USS Hornet. eAircra Carrier USS Hornet Museum is a national treas-ure, having participated in two great 20th Century events,World War II and the Apollo 11 manned space peacefully moored at historic Alameda Point onSan Francisco Bay, theUSS Hornet is a timelessmemorial to those who de-fended our American val-ues and to those who havepursued America's technological advancements. Yourvisit begins with a guided tour of the ship. Your guide (aveteran of the USS Hornet or other Aircra carriers) willescort you through the ship including the Pilot ReadyRooms, Officers’ Country, Crew’s Berthing and severalhistoric aircra and exhibits of WWII, Vietnam, and theApollo moon missions. don’t miss the helicopters ondisplay on the hanger deck including a HUP1 Retriever,Seahorse, Sea King, AH1G Cobra, and a Hub. Follow-ing your tour will have time on your own to visit addi-tional areas of the ship which interest you the most. etour includes a boxed lunch which you may enjoy at yourleisure on board. Limited to 150 participants on each day.

GROUP dInneRSOn tuesday, July 2nd and Wednesday, July 3rdwe have scheduled three separate two group dinners forour Reunion attendees to enjoy.

On tuesday, from 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm, we’re taking 50people to dinner at the Fisherman’s Grotto restaurant,located on San Francisco’s world-famous Fisherman'sWharf. Opened in 1935 asthe Wharf ’s first sit downrestaurant, our diners willenjoy excellent seafoodcomplete with views of theBay, the Golden Gate , thefishing fleet and the San Franciso harbor.

On Wednesday, from 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm, we’retaking 50 people to one ofSan Francisco’s mostunique and entertainingdining experiences, eStinking Rose. Located innorth Beach, San Fran-

cisco's renowned Little Italy, this Italian restaurant hasbecome world famous for its dishes that celebrate theculinary euphoria of garlic.

All group dinners include appetizer, salad, your choiceof entrée and a dessert courses. Your Group dining tourprice also includes round trip transportation and all taxesand gratuities associated with the meal. Please note, theStinking Rose restaurant is not wheelchair accessible.

SAn FRAnCISCO HIGHLIGHtSBY MOtORCOACH Wednesday, July 3rd (9:00am-1:00pm)and thursday, July 4th (9:00am-1:00pm)Board your coach, with your experienced guide, for aninside look at one of the most culturally diverse and beau-tiful cities in the country.Your guided journey willhighlight famous land-marks and familiarize youwith the unique sociologyof San Francisco. erewill be wonderful photoopportunities as you see some of the city’s most famouslandmarks, including the Golden Gate Bridge,panoramic views atop the twin Peaks, nob Hill, and fa-mous Lombard St. Following the narrated portion ofthe tour, you will have the option to return to the hotel orbe dropped off at Fisherman’s Wharf. If you choose tostay at the Wharf, you will be on your own for trans-portation back to the hotel. Limited to 150 participants each day.

ALCAtRAZ tOURWednesday, July 3rd (10:00am-3:00pm) and Friday, July 5th (12:00pm-5:00pm)Step back in time and experience the legendary island thathas been a civil war fort, a military prison and one of themost notoriousfederal peniten-tiaries in US his-tory. take theshort bus ride toPier 33 where you will board the ferry to Alcatraz. etour includes the 45 minute audio presentation “doingtime: e Alcatraz Cell House tour”. Your tour alsoincludes a boxed lunch, the discovery Channel’s orien-tation video, optional ranger and docent led tours; his-toric gardens and abundant wildlife. A light jacket isrecommended for this tour. is tour is subject to avail-ability. Limited to 100 participants each day.

BRIdGe tO BRIdGe CRUISe Wednesday, July 3rd (1:00pm-4:00pm)is unique 90-minute cruise will sail under both theGolden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco-Oakland BayBridge in aspectacularcruise alongSan Francisco’sentire urbanskyline. Ac-companied bythe headphone audio, you’ll see San Francisco's stunninglandmarks like Alcatraz, Coit tower, the Ferry Building,transamerica Pyramid, Palace of Fine Arts, and muchmore. As you sail, learn about San Francisco's unique nat-

ural history, architecture, and native American cul-ture. Sailing under both of San Francisco’s incrediblebridges will be the highlight of this journey. e cruisedeparts at 2:00pm from Pier 43 1/2 located in theheart of the Wharf at the end of taylor Street. ereare snack bars on board the boat or you are welcometo bring your own, maybe chowder in a bread bowlpurchased at the Wharf! Upon arrival at the pier youwill have about 30 minutes to browse or pick up asandwich prior to boarding. Limited to 250 participants.

GOLF tOURnAMent At tHe PReSIdIO GOLF COUR Sethursday, July 4th, 7 am – 2 pm. is year wewill play the Presidio Golf Course, please see for de-tails about the course.e 117 year oldPresidio Golf Courseopened for publicplay in 1995 andquickly gained a reputation as one of the nation’s toppublic courses. Located just minutes from downtownSan Francisco, the 18-hole, 6,500 yard course windsthrough beautiful eucalyptus and Monterey Pine’s ine City’s trademark hills. Our “scramble” tourna-ment package includes golf, GPS equipped golf carts,bus transportation from/to the Hilton, range balls,and a delicious sit-down deli platter luncheon in thebeautiful clubhouse. Contact John Shafer [email protected] or 206-324-4936 for details. PLEASE NOTE - this is a non-refundable event.

MUIR WOOdS, SAUSALItO & BAY FeRRYthursday, July 4th (9:00am-3:30pm)e day begins with a short bus ride north across theGolden Gate Bridge to Marin County. Here you willfind one of the most affluent counties in the UnitedStates, and the home to one of the few groves of virginCoastal Red-woods. eseredwoods areamong thetallest and theoldest trees ine x i s t e n c e .Upon arrival,there will be time to take the "nature trail" at MuirWoods which leads you into the heart of its cathedral-like grove. en spend some time in Sausalito, an al-luring village of art galleries, quaint shops andwaterfront restaurants offering wonderful views of SanFrancisco across the bay. ere will be plenty of timefor lunch and browsing on your own; you may chooseto spend your time walking among the cliff-hangingcottages and houseboat communities which have adistinct Mediterranean ambiance. You will return to

San Francisco by ferry, which you will board indowntown Sausalito. Upon arrival in San Fran-cisco, your bus will be waiting to transfer you backto the hotel. is is going to be a great day out, besure to wear walking shoes and bring a jacket. Limited to 250 participants.

SSAAnn FFRRAAnnCCIISSCCOO HHIIGGHHLLIIGGHHttSSBBYY CCAABBLLee CCAARR && WWAALLKK ttHHeeBBRRIIddGGee ttOOUURRSStthhuurrssddaayy,, JJuullyy 44tthh ((99::3300aamm--1122::3300ppmm))aanndd SSaattuurrddaayy,, JJuullyy 66tthh ((11::0000ppmm--44::0000ppmm))enjoy a 2-hour city tour of San Francisco aboarda classic cable car. Ride through the historic neigh-borhoods that made the city famous. You will beriding a vintage Cable Car some dating back tothe late 1800/early 1900's. You may choose to sitin the front, theback or stand onthe side; this willbe a fun way tosee the city. Aerthe tour, yourcable car will takeyou to theGolden GateBridge for yourwalk where will be given ample time to leisurelywalk across the 1.7 mile bridge. Upon arrival atthe north side, you may choose to continue underthe bridge to Hendrik Point for a great view of thebridge with the San Francisco skyline in the back-ground. Please note the cable car is open and notclimate controlled plus it will be windy on thebridge; we recommend you bring a light jacket.Limited to 300 participants each day.

PPlleeaassee nnoottee,, the same tour, without the opportu-nity to walk the Golden Gate Bridge, will be of-fered at a reduced rate on uurrssddaayy,, JJuullyy 44tthh((11::0000ppmm--33::0000ppmm)) aanndd FFrriiddaayy,, JJuullyy 55tthh((11::0000ppmm--33::0000ppmm)).. is tour will also be lim-ited to 300 participants each day.

ddIInnnneeRR AAnndd FFIIRReeWWOORRKKSSOOnn ttHHee BBAAYYuurrssddaayy,, JJuullyy 44tthh ((55::3300ppmm--1100::3300ppmm))embark on a magical evening aboard the fabu-lous Horn-blower yacht!enjoy thestunning sky-line of the"City by the Bay", sail under the magnificentGolden Gate Bridge and enjoy the festive lightsadorning the Bay Bridge at night. e San Fran-cisco Bell is a 292-foot sternwheeler with three cli-

mate-controlled, enclosed levels, plus a spacious sun deckand three full wrap-around decks. Your private cruise in-cludes an all-you-can-eat buffet dinner, and a dJ who willbe playing all your favorite tunes, so you can dance thenight away. Highlight of the evening will be the spectac-ular San Francisco Fireworks on the Bay. You will have aclose, unobstructed view of this wonderful fireworksshow. Rate includes round trip transportation, cruise,dinner, all taxes and gratuities. Cash bar will be availableon board. Remember to bring a jacket!! Maximum 325tickets sold, please note this is also a non-refundable event.

ddAAYY IInn nnAAPPAA:: BBeeRRIInnGGeeRR VVIInneeYYAARRddSSFFrriiddaayy,, JJuullyy 55tthh ((88::3300aamm--22::3300ppmm))today you will visit one of the most well known vine-yards in napa Valley; Beringer Winery. no winery orvineyard more thoroughly embodies the timeless appealand seductive flavor of napa Valley than Beringer Vine-yards, napa’s benchmark producer since the establish-ment oftheir vine-yard in1876. Yourvisit in-cludes ag u i d e dw a l k i n gtour of theheritage cellars, a chance to stroll the lush vineyards andto visit their expanded gi shop. You will sip three sam-ples of their fine wine while on tour and then you can fillyour glass again as you enjoy your gourmet boxed lunch.Your wine tasting will begin in the morning so we rec-ommend that you have a large breakfast before your tour.Limited to 100 participants.

CCAALLIIFFOORRnnIIAA AACCAAddeeMMYY OOFF SSCCIIeennCCeeSSFFrr iidd aayy,, JJuu llyy 55tt hh (( 11:: 00 00pp mm--44 :: 3300 ppmm))Spend the aernoon at the California Academy of Sci-ences building; the only place on the planet with anaquarium, a planetarium, a natural history museum, anda 4-story rainforest all under one roof. is stunning ar-chitectural achievement is home to hundreds of uniqueexhibits and nearly 40,000 live animals. Begin with a

short guided tour which will provide an overview of thisamazing facility. You will then have the rest of the day totour on your own and visit the exhibits which interestyou the most. ere are cafes on site for lunch on yourown. Rate includes round trip transportation, admissionto all museums; aquarium, planetarium, living roof, rain-forest and, all daily scheduled programs, and shows. Limited to 100 participants.

HHIILLLLeeRR AAVVIIAAttIIOOnn MMUUSSeeUUMM && SSttAAttIICCHHeeLLIICCOOPPtteeRR ddIISSPPLLAAYYFFrriiddaayy,, JJuullyy 55tthh ((1100::0000aamm--44::0000ppmm))e Hiller Aviation Museum is dedicated to discoveringthe past, celebratingthe present and envi-sioning the future ofaviation. e mu-seum’s exhibits high-light many historicachievements in flight that are native to northern Cali-fornia and show how creativity and innovation are thefoundation for technical advances in air transportation.e museum displays include vintage and futuristic air-cra, prototypes, photographic displays, and models.Over 40 aircra on display and extensive exhibits chron-icle aviation history as far back as 1869. Current plansinclude a static display of at least four helicopters – theViet nam Helicopters, Inc UH-1H from Concord thatflew with the 25th Infantry division, eMU 309 based inHayward restored with 135th AHC details, Cobra 095owned by the Cactus Air Force in Carson City, nV, andone of San Francisco Helicopters’ current ships. esehelicopters will park on the ramp behind the Hiller Mu-seum. Rate includes round trip transportation, museumentrance fee, a docent led tour, time to browse on yourown, and a boxed lunch. Limited to 250 participants.

PPlleeaassee nnoottee,, this same tour is also available on this dateand time with an option of extending the return time onehour, allowing you to also visit the nearby Military Vehi-cle technology Foundation Museum. e Foundationoversees one of the largest and most significant collec-tions of historical military vehicles in the world and nowincludes 240 vehicles from the USA, USSR, Germany,england, France, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, and Israel.Many are completely restored to working (not firing)condition. Maximum of 55 tickets are available for thisversion of the tour.

OOtthheerr nnootteewwoorrtthhyy LLooccaall AAccttiivviittiieessnnoott aassssoocciiaatteedd wwiitthh tthhee RReeuunniioonn

e San Francisco Giants are in-town from July 1stthrough July 10th and the Oakland Athletics are in-town from July 2nd through July 4th. A set of racesto determine the US finalist for the America’s CupRace (e Louis Vuitton Cup) is scheduled for July4th through August 30 in San Francisco Bay. Cur-rently the VHPA has no plans for any group partic-ipation for these events, but check for allthe latest changes and updates on these, and all eventsscheduled for our 2013 Reunion.

O uts i de th e Ho te l Acti v i ti ess –– 22 001133 RR ee uunn iioo nn oo ff tthh ee VV HH PPAA

WWWWWW..VVHHPPaa..oorrGG is the only official source forup-to-date reunion information. additionallythis website has links for the online reunionregistration application (orra) plus the hotel’sreservation system. it also includes the Morningreport (a searchable roster of attendees), a list ofscheduled Mini-reunions, and much more.

GGeettttiinngg ttoo tthhee hhootteell aanndd aarroouunndd hheerree tthhee cciittyyrreeuunniioonn hhootteell:: e Hilton San Francisco, 333 o’Far-rell Street, San Francisco, california 94102, 415-771-1400. is hotel is also known as the Hilton unionSquare. e hotel’s website is:

rreeuunniioonn hhootteell rreesseerrvvaattiioonnss:: ere are at leastthree ways to make your hotel reservations whileinsuring that you receive the VHPa Group rateof $119 per night during the period 28 June - 10July 2013. Please consider the following:� Hilton’s Group Services established a personal-ized website specifically for this reunion. You linkto it via WWW.VHPa.orG.� e hotel’s reservation line is 415-771-1400. Youshould say you want to make a hotel reservationand need to mention any number of keywords suchas “VHPa” or “VHPa national reunion”.� e toll Free Hilton central reservations line is800-445-8667 (Hiltons). You should guide theagent to the Hilton San Francisco union Squareproperty and use the keywords outlined above tofind the contract.� located around our hotel are close to 80 restaurantswithin walking distance, plus a Walgreens, and sev-eral large department stories. ask any Bell captainfor directions. PPaarrkkiinngg:: Self-parking is $20, plus tax per-day forVHPa attendees. ere are large parking structuresacross the street around the hotel. e Masono’Farrell Garage’s rates are $32 for 24 hours plus $1extra for in and out privilege.iinntteerrnneett aacccceessss:: VHPa attendees enjoy free internetaccess in their room as part of our contract with theHilton.

aaiirrppoorrtt SShhuuttttllee:: Here are some options for trans-portation from the airport to the Hilton. You cantaxi each way for about $40-$50. We have arrangedfor a special discount ($15.00 p/person with Su-perShuttle. reservations must be made in ad-vance by phone (916.648.2507) or on-line at: discount code eacZ5, all reservations must beprepaid in order to get the discount. You can also takethe Bart (Bay area rapid transportation). e“yellow line” will take you from the airport to thePowell St. Station about 3 blocks from the hotel. esenior fare is about $8.25 per person each way but beprepared to ask for help with the ticket machines.

ddrreessss ccooddeecalifornia casual is the dress code for this reunion with

some obvious reminders and suggestions as follows: (1)many men wear a suit and tie with the ladies wearing anice dress to the closing Banquet. You will even see dressBlues. (2) it is always a good idea to wear your reunionlanyard. (3) Bring a jacket; summers can be very cold in“e city”.

rreeuunniioonn rreeggiissttrraattiioonn ccaanncceellllaattiioonn ddaattee aannddeevveenntt rreeffuunndd PPoolliiccyy

19 June 2013 is this reunion’s cutoff date to cancel aregistration and receive a refund minus the reunion can-cellation Fee. HQ must receive the refund request priorto 5 pm cdt on Wednesday, 19 June 2013 includingthose via uS mail. HQ can receive a refund request viauS mail, email, FaX, or phone. a refund request canbe for a specific event, for an individual guest, or for anentire registration. a refund request can include anyregistration fees and/or tickets for meals, tours, events.any membership dues, product fees (including reuniont-shirts and directory Fees, etc.), donations/contribu-tions/sponsorships gis paid or associated with reunionregistration payments are not refundable. addi-tionally the Golf tournament and the dinner FireworksViewing cruise are designated as non-refundable refunds will be considered for a non-refundable eventunless the number of participants at that event exceedsthe breakeven or guaranteed minimum number of at-tendees for that event.

is reunion’s cancellation Fee is $15. is fee is sub-tracted from any refund due regardless of the number ofitems in the cancellation/refund request. it also ap-plies to each refund transaction which is defined as when-ever a check is issued. as a general rule, HQ will processall refund checks not later than close of business on Friday,26 July 2013. if, however, you request more than one re-fund check (for example one in april and then one inJune), then there would be one cancellation Fee percheck.

each refund request received prior to the cutoff datementioned above will be processed by HQ not later thanclose of business on Friday, 26 July 2013. Since refunds aretraditionally paid via check the goal is to have all checksin people’s hands not later than Saturday, 2 august 2013.

ccaanncceellllaattiioonn PPeennaallttyy WWaaiivveerr PPrrooggrraamm aannddrreeffuunndd GGuuaarraanntteeee FFeeee

e following is extracted from the “addendum to thereunion refund Policy refund Guarantee” documentposted in the Policies area of the www.vhpaservice.comwebsite.

notwithstanding the details outlined in the cancella-tion date and refund Policy above, for an additional feeof 10% of the total of the registration fee and event ticketprices, an attendee may optionally pay the reunionGuarantee Fee and enroll in the cancellation PenaltyWaiver Program. is Program does not apply to any

designated non-refundable events described above. tobenefit from this Program, however, the additional feemust be paid along with other registration fees at the timeof initial registration. enrollment in the Program will notbe available at any time thereaer. e Program offersyou and your guests the opportunity to receive a refundshould you cancel or interrupt your trip to the reunionfor the following reasons:11.. Sickness, injury, or death of yourself, a traveling com-panion or members of either of your immediate families,which is diagnosed and treated by a physician at the timeyour trip to the reunion is terminated;22.. involvement in a traffic accident, en route to the re-union that causes you to miss the reunion or a particu-lar event;33.. Your home is made uninhabitable by a natural disas-ter such as fire, flood, earthquake, hurricane, or volcanobetween the time you registered but prior to the reunion;44.. You are recalled into active duty by the military thatcauses you to be unavailable to attend the reunion;55.. Subpoena or being called to serve for jury duty be-tween the time you registered but prior to the reunion;66.. You are quarantined or prevented from traveling to thereunion by governmental action.e Program will not provide a refund should you cancelor interrupt your trip to the Reunion for any of the followingreasons:1. Business, contractual, or educational obligations of you,and immediate family member, or traveling companion;2. Any unlawful acts, committed by you or a traveling com-panion;3. Other condition, event, or circumstances occurring prior toyour purchase of the VHPA Cancellation Penalty WaiverProgram.

rreeuunniioonn SSoouuvveenniirr tt--sshhiirrttcontinuing our tradition from several recent reunions,

Honor & Pride is this reunion’s “official reunion t-shirt” contractor. is reunion’s t-shirt will be a greencolor with the VHPa logo on the le front pocket and alarge version of reunion logo on the back. is year’sprices are the same you enjoyed in the last five reunions.You are welcome to order as many as you wish with a re-union registration until 1 June. all orders made aer 1June are subject to inventory on hand at the end of thereunion. [if we have a supply of the shirts you requested,we will mail them to you; if not we will refund your t-shirt money.] all cancellations made prior to 1 June comewith the option to have the t-shirt mailed to you aerthe reunion or having the amount paid for t-shirt re-funded. For all cancellations made aer 1 June, the t-shirts will be mailed to you aer the reunion. ere is a$5 shipping & handling fee per shirt when HQ mails t-shirts. Please know it is possible to order reunion t-shirtseven if you do not plan to attend the reunion. Simplycontact VHPa HQ and tell them you want a “reuniont-shirt only order.” ey will make certain you receiveyour t-shirts aer the reunion.

GGeenneerraall GGuuiiddaannccee FFoorr ttHHee rreeuunniioonn


HPF Event Fee $25.00One $25.00 PER-FAMILY fee buys access to everyone of the three HPF events for 2013. You will alsoreceive a CD of all of last year’s HPF and WSCevents. For 2013, this ticket may also be purchasedat the door of each event. Remember, every personin your family gets in under this one ticket.

EVENT #Attending Price TotalRegistration through 4/30/2013* @$25Registration 5/1/2013 and after* @$35Registration for under age 21 @$15Tour of the USS Hornet #1 (includes box lunch) (July 2) @$65Group Dinner at Fisherman's Grotto (July 2) @$65Group Dinner at Fog Harbor (July 2) @$65Early Bird Reception (July 2) No ChargeTour of the USS Hornet #2 (includes box lunch) (July 2) @$65City Tour #1 (July 3) @$31Alcatraz Tour #1 (July 3) @$71Bridge to Bridge Cruise (July 3) @$45Poker Tournament #1 (July 3) @$25Group Dinner at R&G Chinese (July 3) @$67Group Dinner at Stinking Rose (July 3) @$571st Time Attendee Reception (July 3) No ChargeWelcome Reception (July 3) No ChargeBob Hope USO Show (July 3) @$30Golf Outing with Lunch ** (July 4) @$136Muir Woods & Sausalito Tour (July 4) @$56City Tour #2 (July 4) @$31Cable Car & Walk-the-Bridge #1 (July 4) @$40Writers Panel Presentation (July 4) No ChargeCable Car Tour #1 (July 4) @$34Dinner Cruise (fireworks viewing) ** (July 4) @$159KIA/MIAGold Star Breakfast (July 5) @$20Gold Star Breakfast Sponsorship (July 5) @$20Winery Tour & Lunch #2 (July 5) @$92Hiller Museum & Helicopter Display (July 5) @$55HillerMuseum&HelicopterDisplay&TankMuseum (July 5) @$80Alcatraz Tour #2 (July 5) @$71California Academy of Science Tour (July 5) @$41Cable Car Tour #2 (July 5) @$34Quilt Show & Tell w/outing (July 5) No ChargePoker Tournament #2 (July 5) @$25Memorial Service (July 6) No ChargeSpousal Murder Mystery & Lunch (July 6) @$55Annual Business Meeting (July 6) No ChargeCable Car &Walk-the-Bridge #2 (July 6) @$40Closing Banquet – Adult (July 6) @$76Closing Banquet – Child (July 6) @$18Non-Registered Guest at Banquet (July 6) @$90Total From Sidebars XXXXX XXXXXVHPA Dues (if not dues current) 1 year @$36VHPA Dues (if not dues current) 3 years @$99Life membership (Call HQ for exact amount)2013 CD or Paper Directory Fee @$10Mult. Year CD or Paper Directory Fee (# of Years x $10)

** Denotes a Non-Refundable Event

Member name: Member No.: Wheelchair? � YesAddress: Address change? � YesCity: State: Zip:Email address: Telephone: ( )Wife/guest name: Hometown: 21 or older? � Yes/Wheelchair? � YesGuest name: Hometown: 21 or older? � Yes/Wheelchair? � YesGuest name: Hometown: 21 or older? � Yes/Wheelchair? � YesGuest name: Hometown: 21 or older? � Yes/Wheelchair? � Yes

T-Shirts Total $

Banquet Meal

* Each person 21 and older must pay the fullregistration fee, except for banquet-only guests.

Voluntary Contributions:VHPAMembership Fund $VHPA Scholarship Fund $VHPA General Fund $Vietnam War Museum $VHPA Reunion Sponsorship $

VHPA 30th Annual Reunion • San Francisco, CA • 2-6 July 2013NATIONAL REUNION REGISTRATION FORM

Toll Free (800) 505-VHPA (8472)Email [email protected] (817) 200-7309

Information and register online at or mail completed form to:VHPA Headquarters, 2100 N Highway 360, Suite 907, Grand Prairie, TX 75050


___S@$18 ___M@$18 ___L@$18

____Beef ____Fish ____Vegetable

___XL@$18 ___XXL@$19 ___XXXL@$20


CREDIT CARD PAYMENTMC/Visa #:Exp. Date:Signature:

In lieu of a credit card, you can maila check or money order payable to

“VHPA” with form.






REFUND POLICYIMPORTANT: Please review the detailsof the Refund Policy, including thelimited opportunity to purchase aRefund Guaranty available onlyon a one-time basis at the time ofregistration, which is posted onlineat the official VHPA website:

Refund Gurantee Fee(10% of Total Events) $

HPF Event Fee $25.00One $25.00 PER-FAMILY fee buys access to everyone of the three HPF events for 2013. You will alsoreceive a CD of all of last year’s HPF and WSCevents. For 2013, this ticket may also be purchasedat the door of each event. Remember, every personin your family gets in under this one ticket.

EVENT #Attending Price TotalRegistration through 4/30/2013* @$25Registration 5/1/2013 and after* @$35Registration for under age 21 @$15Tour of the USS Hornet #1 (includes box lunch) (July 2) @$65Group Dinner at Fisherman's Grotto (July 2) @$65Group Dinner at Fog Harbor (July 2) @$65Early Bird Reception (July 2) No ChargeTour of the USS Hornet #2 (includes box lunch) (July 2) @$65City Tour #1 (July 3) @$31Alcatraz Tour #1 (July 3) @$71Bridge to Bridge Cruise (July 3) @$45Poker Tournament #1 (July 3) @$25Group Dinner at R&G Chinese (July 3) @$67Group Dinner at Stinking Rose (July 3) @$571st Time Attendee Reception (July 3) No ChargeWelcome Reception (July 3) No ChargeBob Hope USO Show (July 3) @$30Golf Outing with Lunch ** (July 4) @$136Muir Woods & Sausalito Tour (July 4) @$56City Tour #2 (July 4) @$31Cable Car & Walk-the-Bridge #1 (July 4) @$40Writers Panel Presentation (July 4) No ChargeCable Car Tour #1 (July 4) @$34Dinner Cruise (fireworks viewing) ** (July 4) @$159KIA/MIAGold Star Breakfast (July 5) @$20Gold Star Breakfast Sponsorship (July 5) @$20Winery Tour & Lunch #2 (July 5) @$92Hiller Museum & Helicopter Display (July 5) @$55HillerMuseum&HelicopterDisplay&TankMuseum (July 5) @$80Alcatraz Tour #2 (July 5) @$71California Academy of Science Tour (July 5) @$41Cable Car Tour #2 (July 5) @$34Quilt Show & Tell w/outing (July 5) No ChargePoker Tournament #2 (July 5) @$25Memorial Service (July 6) No ChargeSpousal Murder Mystery & Lunch (July 6) @$55Annual Business Meeting (July 6) No ChargeCable Car &Walk-the-Bridge #2 (July 6) @$40Closing Banquet – Adult (July 6) @$76Closing Banquet – Child (July 6) @$18Non-Registered Guest at Banquet (July 6) @$90Total From Sidebars XXXXX XXXXXVHPA Dues (if not dues current) 1 year @$36VHPA Dues (if not dues current) 3 years @$99Life membership (Call HQ for exact amount)2013 CD or Paper Directory Fee @$10Mult. Year CD or Paper Directory Fee (# of Years x $10)

** Denotes a Non-Refundable Event

Member name: Member No.: Wheelchair? � YesAddress: Address change? � YesCity: State: Zip:Email address: Telephone: ( )Wife/guest name: Hometown: 21 or older? � Yes/Wheelchair? � YesGuest name: Hometown: 21 or older? � Yes/Wheelchair? � YesGuest name: Hometown: 21 or older? � Yes/Wheelchair? � YesGuest name: Hometown: 21 or older? � Yes/Wheelchair? � Yes

T-Shirts Total $

Banquet Meal

* Each person 21 and older must pay the fullregistration fee, except for banquet-only guests.

Voluntary Contributions:VHPAMembership Fund $VHPA Scholarship Fund $VHPA General Fund $Vietnam War Museum $VHPA Reunion Sponsorship $

VHPA 30th Annual Reunion • San Francisco, CA • 2-6 July 2013NATIONAL REUNION REGISTRATION FORM

Toll Free (800) 505-VHPA (8472)Email [email protected] (817) 200-7309

Information and register online at or mail completed form to:VHPA Headquarters, 2100 N Highway 360, Suite 907, Grand Prairie, TX 75050


___S@$18 ___M@$18 ___L@$18

____Beef ____Fish ____Vegetable

___XL@$18 ___XXL@$19 ___XXXL@$20


CREDIT CARD PAYMENTMC/Visa #:Exp. Date:Signature:

In lieu of a credit card, you can maila check or money order payable to

“VHPA” with form.






REFUND POLICYIMPORTANT: Please review the detailsof the Refund Policy, including thelimited opportunity to purchase aRefund Guaranty available onlyon a one-time basis at the time ofregistration, which is posted onlineat the official VHPA website:

Refund Gurantee Fee(10% of Total Events) $

Join us for our 30thAnnual Reunion inSan Francisco, CA ~

July 2-6, 2013

VV HH PPAA22110000 NN.. HHiigghhwwaayy 336600,,

SSuuiittee 990077GGrraanndd PPrraaiirriiee,, TTXX 7755005500

MMiinnii RReeuunniioonnss –– tthhee ttrruuee ““HHeeaarrtt aanndd SSoouull”” ooff eevveerryy VVHHPPAA RReeuunniioonn

One of the primary reasons for our Annual Reunion is to reconnect youwith your compatriots from past days in Vietnam, Flight School and yourtime in the military. And the best way for you to do that is to attend a Mini-Reunion while you are in San Francisco. Mini Reunions are held through-out the hotel and are scheduled almost daily from 11:00 AM till 11:00 PM. In additionto specific units and flight classes, we’ve had Mini-Reunions for such sub-jects as tandem rotor, Dust-off, Operation Lam Son 719, anyone who was

stationed at Soc Trang, VHPA chapters, and even anyone interested in radiocontrolled aircra models. Really there are no rules!

If your unit does not have a Mini-Reunion scheduled, you are welcome tojoin other sister units that you might be familiar with. Or – you can even take

the initiative to start a mini-Reunion of your own. Mini-Reunionsare typically scheduled in 4-hour blocks and are available for book-ing on most days during the Reunion. Once a Mini-Reunion isscheduled, the details appear on the Reunion webpage and you and your friendscan start making plans. We’ll even help you find other old friends so you canurge them to attend. It is easy to schedule a Mini-Reunion, start with con-tacting Rebecca Bittle at RReebbeeccccaa@@vvhhppaa..oorrgg or 1-800-505-VHPA.