The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a...

The Use and Abuse of Alcohol

Transcript of The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a...

Page 1: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.

The Use and Abuse of Alcohol

Page 2: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.


• Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid.

• Throughout history alcohol has been more popular than any other drug in the Western world despite many prohibitions against it.

Page 3: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.

Drinking Statistics

• About 50% of Americans over the age of 12 report drinking alcohol in the past 30 days.

• If the total amount of alcohol consumed in the United States each year were evenly divided among drinkers, each would consume the equivalent of 4 gallons of whiskey, 20 gallons of wine, or 50 gallons of beer.

• The 5.7% of Americans who are the “Heavy Drinkers” account for over half of all alcohol consumed.

Page 4: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.

Drinking Statistics

• Social, economic, and medical costs stemming from alcohol abuse totals more than $180 Billion per year.

• Through unintentional injuries, including auto accidents, alcohol is the leading cause of death among people between the ages of 15 and 24.

• Through homicide, suicide, auto accidents, and other accidents alcohol kills over 100,000 Americans every year.

Page 5: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.

Drinking Statistics

• Alcohol use contributes to over 50% of all murders, assaults, and rapes, and alcohol is frequently found in the bloodstreams of both perpetrators and victims.

• Nearly 80% of people who attempt suicide have been drinking, and about half of those who do succeed are alcoholics. Alcohol nearly triples the chances of fatal injuries during activities such as swimming, boating, four wheeling, and snowmobiling.

Page 6: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.

Drinking Statistics

• More than 800,000 people are injured in an alcohol related car crash every year.

• About 40% of 42,000 crash fatalities in 2001 were alcohol related.

• In a recent survey, more that 1 in 4 drivers admits to having used a form of drugs and or alcohol within 2 hours before driving.

Page 7: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.

Drinking and Sex

• Binge drinkers were 5 times more likely to engage in unplanned sexual activity and 5 and ½ more times likely to have unprotected sex than non-binge drinkers.

• Women who binge drink are at increased risk for rape and other forms of nonconsensual sex.

Page 8: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.

Using Alcohol with Other Drugs

• Alcohol-drug combinations are the number one cause of drug-related deaths in the country

• Using alcohol while taking any other drugs that cause CNS depression increases the effects of both drugs, potentially leading to coma, respiratory depression, and death.

• Common drugs that can result in over sedation when combined with alcohol include pain killers, Valium-like drugs, narcotics such as codeine, anti-depressants such as Prozac, and OTC antihistamines such as Benadryl and Nyquil.

Page 9: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.

Alcohol and the Body

• Alcohol affects many different organs and tissues.

• Problems associated with chronic alcohol use include diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems as well as some cancers.

Page 10: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.

Alcohol and the Digestive System

• Just a few days of heavy alcohol consumption can lead to fat accumulations in liver cells.

• If heavy drinking continues over time in inflammation of the liver can occur known as alcoholic hepatitis.

• Alcoholic hepatitis is a frequent cause of hospitalization and death in alcoholics.

Page 11: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.

Alcohol and the Digestive System

• Prolonged alcohol abuse damages and then permanently destroys liver cells.

• The destroyed cells are replaced by fibrous scar tissue known as cirrhosis.

• As cirrhosis develops, the liver gradually loses its ability to metabolize alcohol.

• Alcohol precipitated cirrhosis is the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S.

Page 12: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.

Alcohol and the Digestive System

• Alcohol can inflame the pancreas, causing nausea, abnormal digestion, and extreme pain.

• Acute pancreatitis can occur after just one or two severe binge-drinking episodes.

• It is often fatal and can develop into a chronic condition.

Page 13: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.

Alcohol and the Cardiovascular System

• Effects of alcohol on the CS depend on the amount of alcohol consumed.

• Moderate doses of alcohol, less than one drink a day for a woman and two drinks a day for a man, may reduce the risk of heart disease and heart attack in some people.

• Higher doses however have harmful effects on the CS.

Page 14: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.

Alcohol and the Cardiovascular System

• In some people, more than two drinks a day will elevate blood pressure, making a stroke or heart attack more likely.

• Some alcoholics show a weakening of the heart muscle know as cardiac myopathy.

• Binge drinking can cause “Holiday Heart”, a series of abnormal heart rhythms that appear within 24 hours of a binge episode.

Page 15: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.

Alcohol and Cancer

• Alcoholics have a cancer rate about 10 times higher than that of the general population.

• Alcoholics are particularly vulnerable to cancers of the throat, larynx, esophagus, upper stomach, liver, and pancreas.

• Drinking 3 or more alcoholic beverages a day doubles a woman’s chance of breast cancer.

Page 16: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.

Alcohol Mortality

• Excessive alcohol consumption is a factor in five of the ten leading causes of death for Americans.

• Average life expectancy for alcoholics is about 58 years; heavy drinkers may die as early as in their 20’s and 30’s.

Page 17: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.

Alcohol and Pregnancy

• Alcohol ingested during pregnancy is harmful to the developing fetus.

• The damage to the fetus depends on the amount of alcohol consumed and the stage of the pregnancy.

• Alcohol use in early pregnancy can cause a miscarriage.

• Moderate to heavy alcohol use can cause a collection of birth effects known as fetal alcohol syndrome. (FAS)

Page 18: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.


• Children with F.A.S. have a mixture of deformities that include a small head, abnormal facial structure, heart defects, physical abnormalities, mental impairment, and slower physical and mental growth.

• F.A.S. is a permanent, incurable condition that causes lifelong disability.

• F.A.S. occurs in 1 or 2 out of every 1000 live births in the United States.

Page 19: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.


• Alcoholism is usually characterized by tolerance to alcohol and withdrawal symptoms.

• Alcoholism is a disease and has many treatment options available.

• It often results in the tearing apart of families, friends, jobs, and marriages.

Page 20: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.


• Symptoms of a hangover include headache, shakiness, nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, and impaired mental functioning.

• A hangover is usually caused by a combo of the toxic products of alcohol breakdown, dehydration, and hormonal effects.

• It is estimated that hangovers cost the U.S. 148 Billion each year because of absenteeism and poor job performance.

Page 21: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.

The Effects of Alcohol

• At low concentrations alcohol tends to make people feel relaxed and jovial.

• At higher concentrations people are more likely to become angry, sedated, or sleepy.

• At higher concentrations, all motor functions are effected including vision, smell, taste, and hearing. Pronounced depression of the CNS also takes place.

Page 22: The Use and Abuse of Alcohol. Alcohol Alcohol is the intoxicating ingredient in fermented liquors; a colorless, pungent liquid. Throughout history alcohol.

Drinking Responsibly

• Despite all the negativity surrounding alcohol, there is nothing wrong with drinking responsibly.

• No more than 1-2 drinks per hour.• Have a designated driver• Call a cab• BE SMART!!!!!!!!!!!