the U.S. “peculiar” or America during the ante-bellum era...

1. What is the “Peculiar Institution?” A white southerners term to describe slavery in the United States of America during the ante-bellum era specifically. The 1800’s to the American Civil War in 1860 What made slavery in the U.S. “peculiar” or different from that which existed in other areas of the world and/or in the Author/Professor at University of California at Berkeley Kenneth M. Stampp wrote a book entitled The Peculiar Institution: Slavery in the Ante-Bellum South. world and/or in the past? treatment/care plantations mortality rates family incentive/s height of slaves elimination of slave trade RESA: Slavery (15 min)

Transcript of the U.S. “peculiar” or America during the ante-bellum era...

1. What is the “Peculiar Institution?” A white

southerners term to

describe slavery in

the United States of

America during the

ante-bellum era


The 1800’s to

the American

Civil War in 1860What made slavery in

the U.S. “peculiar” or

different from that

which existed in

other areas of the

world and/or in the

Author/Professor at

University of California

at Berkeley Kenneth M.

Stampp wrote a book

entitled The Peculiar

Institution: Slavery in the

Ante-Bellum South.

world and/or in the


� treatment/care

� plantations

� mortality rates

� family incentive/s

� height of slaves

� elimination of slave

trade RESA: Slavery (15 min)

2. Origins of African Slave Trade…


war in


Jamestown (VA)

1606… discovery

of tobacco…

Plantations Plantations

develop across

the United

States southern


U.S. Constitution forbid

slave trade after the

year 1808…

Cotton Gin made

growing cotton

very profitable…

3. Middle Passage…

…ship voyage in

bondage from

Africa to the New



4. Slave Populations:

a) 1790 Census total population 3,929,000 (slave

population 698,000)

b) 1860 Census total population 31,443,321 (slave

population 3,953,760)

In 1860 U.S. slave population almost 4 million representing 53% of the Southern population

For slave women in the U.S. who lived through child-bearing years (50) average of 9.24children – near the natural limit…

RESA: Life

on a Slave


(20 min)

Distribution in 1825: U.S. 36%; Brazil 31%; Caribbean 21%; and Spanish America 11%

U.S. had the highest rate of domestic population growth and the Caribbean the slowest.

5. “Perpetual Servitude…”

6. Plantation Life in America:

a) Family Structure

b) Activities

c) The “Master”

d) Discipline (The “Overseer”)

e) Paternalism



7. A Southerners Scientific Argument…

a) Dr. Samuel Cartwright

(1) Dysacthesia Aethiopica (“Rascality”)

(2) Drapetomania

b) George Fitzhugh

(1) “Canniballs All”




Dr. S. Cartwright

disease that makes

slaves run-away


8. “Was It A Profitable Institution?”

Profitability of the Plantation;



Ulrich Phillips, author/historian

argued that slavery was not an

efficient form of industry…

Author/Professor at

University of California at

Berkeley Kenneth M. Stampp

wrote a book entitled The

Peculiar Institution: Slavery in

the Ante-Bellum South in

which he argued against that

of Phillips… that slavery was

very profitable.

9. Thomas Jefferson…

a) The President…

b) The Slaveowner…

c) The author of… “We hold these

truths to be self evident that ALL

men are created EQUAL…”





5,000 Acre



Issac Jefferson…

a slave from


10. “Po-Buckra” or the Southern

socioeconomic class of the “White-Trash”

and/or the “Dirt-Eater.”

Upper class (plantation owners)

Middle class (subsistence farm land Middle class (subsistence farm land owner; owns some slaves)

Lower class (subsistence farm renter; may own a slave/s)

Slaves (owned by others; no rights or freedoms)

Po-Buckra (white field hand worker; cannot afford to farm their own land)

11. The Rise of the Anti-Slavery sentiment in the United States…

a) Abolitionism

(1) William Lloyd Garrison (The Liberator)

(2) Frederick Douglass (The North Star)

b) Armed revolt

(1) Denmark Vessy 1822

(2) Nat Turner 1831

(3) John Brown 1859

c) The Courts

(1) The Amistad vs. United States 1839

(2) Dred Scott Case 1857

J.Q. Adams


Baldwin defending the Amistad Africans

John Brown

Dred ScottFrederickDouglass



Cinque; led slave revolt on the Amistad



Railroad (25 min)

12. The Mason-Dixon Line

The Mason-Dixon Line (or Mason and Dixon's

Line) was surveyed between 1763 and 1767 by

Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon in the

resolution of a border dispute between British

colonies in Colonial America.