The Unseen Challenge Data Sets › ~rocha › pub › papers › the-unseen...information [11]....

The Unseen Challenge Data Sets Anderson Rocha Siome Goldenstein Institute of Computing University of Campinas (Unicamp) CEP 13084–851, Campinas, SP – Brazil {anderson.rocha, siome} Walter Scheirer Terrance Boult Vision and Security Technology Lab University of Colorado CO 80933-7150, Colorado Springs, CO, US {wjs3,tboult} Abstract Nowadays, it is paramount to study and develop robust algorithms to detect the very existence of hidden messages in digital images. In this paper, we provide two data sets for the Unseen Challenge of the First IEEE Workitorial on Vision of the Unseen (WVU). Example usage of the data sets is demonstrated with the stegdetect analysis tool, with surprising results reported. Our objective is to challenge researchers to assess their Digital Image Steganalysis state- of-the-art algorithms. 1. Introduction Steganography is the art of secret communication. Its purpose is to hide the presence of communication, as op- posed to cryptography, which aims to make communica- tion unintelligible to those who do not possess the correct keys [1]. Steganography has a lot of applications such as feature location (identification of subcomponents within a data set), captioning, time-stamping, and tamper-proofing (demonstration that original contents have not been altered). However, there are indications that Steganography has been used to spread child pornography via the Internet [2, 3]. Thus, it is paramount to study and develop robust algo- rithms to detect the very existence of hidden messages [4]. In this venue, Digital Steganalysis comprises the techniques that have been devised to distinguish between non-stego or cover objects, and stego objects. Non-stego objects are those that do not contain a hidden message. Stego-objects are those that contain a hidden message. Further, the ulti- mate goal of Steganalysis is the recovery of the hidden mes- sage. This hidden message is often encrypted, leaving the recovery of the “plaintext message”, after hidden message recovery, as a problem of cryptanalysis. The vision aspect of steganlaysis is the understanding of how digital images are manipulated to carry unseen data. In this paper, we provide two data sets for the Unseen Challenge of the First IEEE Workitorial on Vision of the Unseen (WVU). Our objective is to challenge researchers to assess their Digital Image Steganalysis state-of-the-art algo- rithms. We hope that with these data sets it will be easier to assess existent and new detection algorithms under similar validation conditions in the near future. We provide two data sets: one loss-less- and one lossy- compressed. The reason is that currently, key image Steganography software either uses DCT embedding, or bit twiddling/insertion (c.f., Section 4). We have used four dif- ferent message sizes for four different JPEG algorithms and three different PNG algorithms. In the following sections, we provide more details about the data set setup. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents some Steganography historical remarks. Section 3 defines some important Information Hiding con- cepts. Section 4 outlines the commonest Steganography ap- proaches available in the literature. Section 5 brings a de- tailed description of the two data sets we have created. Sec- tion 6 shows the Steganography tools we have used to create the data sets. Section 7 shows how these data sets may be used for experimentation, with the stegdetect analysis tool as an example. Finally, Section 8 presents some conclusions and remarks. 2. Historical remarks Throughout history, people always have aspired to add more privacy and security for their communications [5, 6]. One of the first documents describing Steganography comes from the Histories of Herodotus. In one such anecdote found in this work, a man named Harpagus killed a hare, hid a message in its belly, and sent it along with a messen- ger posing as a hunter. [5]. In another instance, Histaieus, in order to convince his allies that it was time to begin a revolt

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Page 1: The Unseen Challenge Data Sets › ~rocha › pub › papers › the-unseen...information [11]. Steganography strives for high security and capacity. Hence, a successful attack to

The Unseen Challenge Data Sets

Anderson RochaSiome Goldenstein

Institute of ComputingUniversity of Campinas (Unicamp)

CEP 13084–851, Campinas, SP – Brazil{anderson.rocha, siome}

Walter ScheirerTerrance Boult

Vision and Security Technology LabUniversity of Colorado

CO 80933-7150, Colorado Springs, CO, US{wjs3,tboult}


Nowadays, it is paramount to study and develop robustalgorithms to detect the very existence of hidden messagesin digital images. In this paper, we provide two data setsfor the Unseen Challenge of the First IEEE Workitorial onVision of the Unseen (WVU). Example usage of the datasets is demonstrated with the stegdetect analysis tool, withsurprising results reported. Our objective is to challengeresearchers to assess their Digital Image Steganalysis state-of-the-art algorithms.

1. Introduction

Steganography is the art of secret communication. Itspurpose is to hide the presence of communication, as op-posed to cryptography, which aims to make communica-tion unintelligible to those who do not possess the correctkeys [1]. Steganography has a lot of applications such asfeature location (identification of subcomponents within adata set), captioning, time-stamping, and tamper-proofing(demonstration that original contents have not been altered).However, there are indications that Steganography has beenused to spread child pornography via the Internet [2, 3].

Thus, it is paramount to study and develop robust algo-rithms to detect the very existence of hidden messages [4].In this venue, Digital Steganalysis comprises the techniquesthat have been devised to distinguish between non-stegoor cover objects, and stego objects. Non-stego objects arethose that do not contain a hidden message. Stego-objectsare those that contain a hidden message. Further, the ulti-mate goal of Steganalysis is the recovery of the hidden mes-sage. This hidden message is often encrypted, leaving therecovery of the “plaintext message”, after hidden messagerecovery, as a problem of cryptanalysis. The vision aspectof steganlaysis is the understanding of how digital images

are manipulated to carry unseen data.In this paper, we provide two data sets for the Unseen

Challenge of the First IEEE Workitorial on Vision of theUnseen (WVU). Our objective is to challenge researchers toassess their Digital Image Steganalysis state-of-the-art algo-rithms. We hope that with these data sets it will be easier toassess existent and new detection algorithms under similarvalidation conditions in the near future.

We provide two data sets: one loss-less- and one lossy-compressed. The reason is that currently, key imageSteganography software either uses DCT embedding, or bittwiddling/insertion (c.f., Section 4). We have used four dif-ferent message sizes for four different JPEG algorithms andthree different PNG algorithms. In the following sections,we provide more details about the data set setup.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.Section 2 presents some Steganography historical remarks.Section 3 defines some important Information Hiding con-cepts. Section 4 outlines the commonest Steganography ap-proaches available in the literature. Section 5 brings a de-tailed description of the two data sets we have created. Sec-tion 6 shows the Steganography tools we have used to createthe data sets. Section 7 shows how these data sets may beused for experimentation, with the stegdetect analysis toolas an example. Finally, Section 8 presents some conclusionsand remarks.

2. Historical remarks

Throughout history, people always have aspired to addmore privacy and security for their communications [5, 6].One of the first documents describing Steganography comesfrom the Histories of Herodotus. In one such anecdotefound in this work, a man named Harpagus killed a hare,hid a message in its belly, and sent it along with a messen-ger posing as a hunter. [5]. In another instance, Histaieus, inorder to convince his allies that it was time to begin a revolt

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against Medes and the Persians, shaved the head of his mosttrusted slave, tattooed the message on his head and waiteduntil his hair grew back before sending him out as a covertmessenger.

Flashing forward through the centuries to our own time,we find that after the September 11th attacks, some re-searchers have raised attention to the possibility that the AlQaeda terror network had used Steganography techniquesto coordinate the World Trade Center attacks. Almost sixyears later, no proof of this claim has surfaced [8, 9, 10, 4].However, Steganography continues to remain in today’s se-curity news [4].

3. Terminology

According to the general model of Information Hiding, aclean object is the one that does not contain any hidden con-tent. Its counterpart is named stego object. The embeddeddata is the message that we want to send secretly. Often, wehide the embedded data in an innocuous medium referred toas cover message. There are many kinds of cover messagessuch as cover text, when we use a text to hide a message,or cover image, when we use an image to hide a message.The embedding process produces a stego object (e.g., stegoimage) which contains the hidden message. We can use astego key to control the embedding process so as to restrictdetection and/or recovery of the embedded data to partieswho have the correct keys.

Figure 1 shows the typical process of hiding a messagein an image. First, we choose the message we want to hide.Further, we use a selected key to hide the message in a pre-viously selected cover image which produces the stego im-age. Additionally, the selected key can be used as the seedof a pseudo-random number generator that selects the im-age features to be altered in the embedding process (e.g.,the LSBs to be used).

Figure 1. Typical scenario for data hiding.

When designing information hiding techniques, threecompeting aspects are considered: capacity, security, androbustness [11]. Capacity refers to the amount of informa-tion we can embed in a cover object. Security relates to aneavesdropper’s inability to detect the hidden information.Robustness refers to the amount of modification the stegoobject can withstand before an adversary can destroy theinformation [11]. Steganography strives for high securityand capacity. Hence, a successful attack to the Steganog-raphy consists of the detection of the hidden content. Ourobjective, with the two data sets we present in this paper,is first and foremost to detect whether or not an image con-tains a hidden message. Afterwards, if possible, it would beinteresting to point out the estimated message size.

4. Steganography main techniquesIn general, steganographic algorithms are based on re-

placing a noise component of a digital object with a pseudo-random secret message [12]. In the following, we reviewsome of the main approaches to hide messages in digitalimages. We expect researchers to present reliable detectorsfor the very existence of hidden messages encoded by suchapproaches. It is interesting also to validate blind detectorsable to point out stego images regardless of the embeddingtool.

4.1. LSB insertion/modification

Among all message embedding techniques, least signif-icant bits (LSB) insertion/modification is a difficult one todetect [12, 7, 13], and it is imperceptible to humans [7].However, it is easy to destroy [13].

A typical color image has three channels: red, green andblue (R,G,B); each one offers one possible bit per pixel tothe hiding process. In Figure 2, we show an example of howwe can possibly hide information in the LSB fields. Sup-pose that we want to embed the bits 1110 in the selectedarea. In this example, without loss of generality, we havechosen a gray-scale image. In this case, we have one bitavailable in each image pixel for the hiding process. Wewant to hide four bits, hence we need to select four pixels.To perform the embedding, we tweak the selected LSBs ac-cording to the bits we want to hide. If the bit to be hidden is1 (0), we tweak the selected pixel’s LSB to 1 (0).

4.2. FFTs and DCTs

A very effective way of hiding data in digital imagesis to use a Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) or a FastFourier Transform (FFT) and hide the information in thetransformed space. The DCT algorithm is one of the maincomponents of the JPEG compression technique [14]. Ingeneral, DCT and FFT work as follows:

1. Split up the image into 8× 8 blocks.

Page 3: The Unseen Challenge Data Sets › ~rocha › pub › papers › the-unseen...information [11]. Steganography strives for high security and capacity. Hence, a successful attack to

Figure 2. The LSB embedding process. Image from the oil paint-ing Cape Cod Evening by Edward Hopper.

2. Transform each block via a DCT/FFT. This outputs amulti-dimensional array of 64 coefficients.

3. Use a quantizer to round each of these coefficients.This is essentially the compression stage and it iswhere data is lost.

4. At this stage, you should have an array of streamlinedcoefficients, which are further compressed via a Huff-man encoding scheme or similar.

5. To decompress, apply the inverse DCT/FFT.

The hiding process using a DCT/FFT is rather difficultto detect because if someone analyzes the pixel values ofthe image directly, he/she would be unaware that anythingis different [7]. There are many possibilities of hiding datain images via DCTs/FFTs as we show next.

4.2.1 Least significant coefficients

We can use least-significant bits of the quantized DCT/FFTcoefficients as redundant bits in which to embed the hiddenmessage. The modification of a single DCT/FFT coefficientaffects all 64 image pixels in the block [11].

JSteg (c.f., Section 6.2.3) is a simple algorithm that se-quentially replaces the least significant bit of DCT or FFTcoefficients with the message’s data. On the other hand,Outguess (c.f., Section 6.2.4) is an improvement over JStegin the sense that it chooses the best coefficients to performthe hiding in order to minimize the amount of changes inthe cover image.

4.2.2 Block tweaking

We can hide the data in the quantizer stage [7]. If we wantto encode the bit value 0 in a specific 8× 8 block of pixels,

we can do this by making sure that all the coefficients areeven in such a block, for example by tweaking them. In asimilar approach, bit value 1 can be stored by tweaking thecoefficients so that they are odd.

With the block tweaking technique, a large image canstore some data that is quite difficult to destroy when com-pared to the LSB method. Although this is a very simplemethod and works well in keeping down distortions, it isvulnerable to noise [7, 12].

4.2.3 Coefficient selection

This technique consists of the selection of the k largest DCTor FFT coefficients {γ1 . . . γk} and the modification of themaccording to a function f that also takes into account a mea-sure α of the required strength of the embedding process.Larger values of α are more resistant to error, but they alsointroduce more distortions.

The selection of the coefficients can be based on visualsignificance (e.g., given by zigzag ordering [7]). The factorsα and k are user-dependent. The function f(·) can be suchas

f(γ′i) = γi + αbi (1)

where bi is a bit we want to embed in the coefficient γi.

4.2.4 Wavelets

DCT/FFT transformations are not so effective at higher-compression levels. In such scenarios, we can use wavelettransformations instead of DCT/FFTs to improve robust-ness and reliability [7].

Wavelet-based techniques work by taking many waveletsto encode a whole image. They allow images to be com-pressed by storing the high frequency details in the imageseparately from the low frequency ones. Hence, we can usethe low frequencies to compress the data. Furthermore, wecan use a quantization step to compress even more. Infor-mation hiding techniques using wavelets are similar to theDCT/FFT ones. Some of them, also use the quantizationprocess to embed the message. Other ones, use coefficientselection [7].

5. Data sets

As we have mentioned earlier, in this paper we pro-vide two data sets: one stored in the PNG loss-less-compressed image format and the other one stored in thelossy-compressed JPEG image format.

We have chosen these image formats based on theirprevalence on the Internet. Thus, we have downloaded the

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images from common Internet web-crawlers such as GoogleImages1, Yahoo Images2, and Flickr3.

For the PNG data set, we have used the Steganographytools: Camaleao, SecureEngine, and Stash-It. For the JPEGdata set, we have used the Steganography tools: F5, JEm-bed, JPHide, and Outguess. For each one of these data sets,we create an embedding scenario comprising four differentcontent embedding sizes.

5.1. Message sizes

Each stego category uses a different embedding tool. Foreach stego tool, we provide 4 different embedding sizes:tiny, small, medium, and large messages:

1. Tiny messages. They are those which use less than5% of the channel capacity.

2. Small messages. They are those which use more than5% and less than 15% of the channel capacity.

3. Medium messages. They are those which use morethan 15% and less than 40% of the channel capacity.

4. Large messages. They are those which use more than40% of the available channel capacity.

For the PNG data set, this division is always explicit.However, for the JPEG data set, this division is not alwaysreported.

The hidden messages content embodies single randombit sequences, snippets of MP3 songs, plain-text sequences,and other images. No encryption prior to the encryptionsome of the tools perform as part of their embedding pro-cess was performed.

5.2. Categories creation

Each data set contains one set of clean images and oneset of stego images created using the tools described in Sec-tion 6.

The stego images are divided into four categories, onefor each embedding tool used. In both data sets, we alsodivide the clean images into modified and non-modified im-ages. The modified images are those which have under-gone some image processing manipulation such as crop-ping, overlay, and object-appending. The objective was tocreate a more realistic scenario with possible manipulationsthat would make hidden message detection more difficult.The non-modified clean images are those without any kindof image processing manipulation.

The JPEG data set also contains additional sub-categories. Each one of its four stego categories is di-vided into: Animals, Business, Maps, Natural, Tourist, and


Vacation sub-categories. The challengers can use this in-formation to further provide any insight about the detec-tion on specific image categories or simply merge the sub-categories. Finally, the JPEG clean category also containsa Misc sub-category which embodies part of the images ofPNG clean data set including the modified and non-modifiedsub-categories.

5.3. Training and testing data sets

We have divided the two data sets into training and test-ing, as we show in the following sub-sections.

5.3.1 PNG data set

Table 1 presents the number of images for each one of train-ing PNG stego categories.

Tiny Small Medium LargeCamaleao 400 400 400 400SecureEngine 380 387 385 380Stash-It 399 400 400 400Total 1,179 1,187 1,185 1,180

Table 1. Number of images within each training PNG stego cate-gory. 4,731 images in total.

Table 2 presents the number of images for the trainingPNG clean category.

Non-modified 2,000Append-modified 666Crop-modified 667Overlay-modified 667Total 4,000

Table 2. Number of images within the training PNG clean cate-gory. 4,000 images in total.

Table 3 presents the number of images for each one oftesting PNG stego categories.

Tiny Small Medium LargeCamaleao 250 250 250 250SecureEngine 250 250 250 243Stash-It 250 250 250 250Total 750 750 750 743

Table 3. Number of images within each testing PNG stego cate-gory. 2,993 images in total.

5.3.2 JPEG data set

Table 4 presents the number of images for each one of train-ing JPEG stego categories. For this category, we do not

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provide any prior information about the message sizes. Thedivision is by image category. It is possible to have morethan two equal images within a category with different hid-den content.

F5 JPHide JSteg OutguessAnimals 1, 732 2, 127 244 436Business 3, 779 − 124 11Maps 3, 361 − 112 68Natural 5, 211 1, 113 232 70Tourist 4, 968 1, 721 268 160Vacation 2, 960 353 100 35Total 22, 011 5, 314 1, 080 780

Table 4. Number of images within each training JPEG stego cate-gory. 29,185 images in total.

Table 5 presents the number of images for the trainingJPEG clean category.

Animals-Non-modified 61Business-Non-modified 31Maps-Non-modified 28Natural-Non-modified 58Tourist-Non-modified 67Vacation-Non-modified 25Misc-Non-modified 1,996Misc-Append-modified 665Misc-Crop-modified 666Misc-Overlay-modified 662Total 4,259

Table 5. Number of images within the training JPEG clean cate-gory. 4,259 images in total.

Table 6 presents the number of images for each one oftesting JPEG stego categories.

Tiny Small Medium LargeF5 250 250 250 250JPHide 240 322 318 101JSteg 198 202 199 198Outguess 481 421 − −Outguess 0.13 491 425 − −Total 1, 660 1, 620 767 549

Table 6. Number of images within each testing JPEG stego cate-gory. 4,596 images in total.

Table 7 presents the number of images for the testingJPEG and PNG clean category.

5.4. Data set examples

Figures 3 and 4 depict some examples from the PNG andJPEG data sets, respectively. The depicted images do not

CleanPNG set 504JPEG set 998

Table 7. Number of images within the testing PNG clean and test-ing JPEG clean categories.

contain any kind of image manipulation or hidden content.

(a) (b)

Figure 3. PNG data set examples. Credits to Flickr contributors:(a) Angeline Q.; and (b) Synwell Liberation Front.

(a) Animals. (b) Maps.

(c) Business. (d) Tourist.

(e) Nature. (f) Vacation.

Figure 4. JPEG data set examples.

5.5. Data set manipulated examples

Figures 5–7 depict some images containing possible im-age manipulations. Such manipulations can be prior to orafter the message embeddings and can appear both in thetraining and testing PNG and JPEG data sets. In general,

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such manipulations are simple and were performed usingImage Magick4, a software suite to create, edit, and com-pose images.

(a) (b)

Figure 5. Object appending manipulation examples. Credits on theoriginal images to Flickr contributors: (a) Robert Keereweer; and(b)TReflex

(a) (b)

Figure 6. Image cropping manipulation examples. Such exampleswere cropped from larger images. Credits on the original imagesto Flickr contributors: (a) Michael Mahler; and (b) Gerad Coles.

(a) (b)

Figure 7. Overlay manipulation examples. Credits on the originalimages to Flickr contributors: (a) Alan Brid; and (b) Mike Lee

6. Steganography toolsIn this section, we present the Steganography tools we

have used in the data set creation. All tool URLs were lastaccessed on 4/27/08. Additionally, some tools are availablefrom our website5. Tools are presented in alphabetic order.

6.1. Bit twiddling/insertion

In this section, we present the Steganography tools wehave used in the creation of the PNG data set. These tech-


niques rely on bit twiddling/insertion, i.e., usually they altersome pixels directly (e.g., LSB insertion).

6.1.1 Camaleao

Created by Rocha et al. [15], Camaleao6 is a simple LSB in-sertion/modification Steganography software. The tool usescyclic permutations and block cyphering to hide messagesin the least significant bits of loss-less compressed images.Camaleao is available both in C++ and Java implementa-tions.

6.1.2 SecureEngine

Created by Adrien Pinet, SecureEngine7 is a Steganogra-phy tool designed for JPEG, PNG and BMP images. Itworks with five cryptographic algorithms: Blowfish, Gost,Vernam, Cast256, and Mars.

6.1.3 Stash-It

Created by Chris Losinger, Stash-It8 is a simple Windowsbased stego program for data hiding inside a perfectly nor-mal BMP, GIF, TIFF, PNG or PCX file. Stash-It softwarehides data in the least significant bits of images. It does notappear to have any additional encryption features.

6.2. DCT coefficient twiddling/insertion

In this section, we present the Steganography tools wehave used in the creation of the JPEG data set. These tech-niques rely on bit DCT twiddling/insertion, i.e., usually theywork on the frequency domain (e.g., DCT coefficients inser-tion/modification).

6.2.1 F5

Created by Pfitzmann and Westfeld [16], the F59 motiva-tion is that it is resilient to χ2 statistical attacks [17]. In-stead of replacing the LSBs of quantized DCT coefficientswith the message bits, F5 decreases the absolute value ofthe coefficients. The F5 algorithm embeds message bits intorandomly-chosen DCT coefficients and employs matrix em-bedding that minimizes the required number of changes toembed a message of certain length.

6.2.2 JPHide

Created by Allan Latham, JPHide10 uses the cryptographicBlowfish algorithm to provide a stream of pseudo random

6 rocha/sci/stego7 4268.html8( aw4

10 alatham/stego.html

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control bits which determine where to store the bits of thehidden file. The program allows embeddings lower than35KB only. As stated by the authors, larger embeddingscan cause visual and/or statistical artifacts.

6.2.3 JSteg

Created by Derek Upham, JSteg11 is apparently the firsttool to do Steganography in JPEG images. Version 1.0 in-cludes 40 bit RC4 encrytion, determination of the amountof data a JPEG can hide beforehand, and user-selectableJPEG options (e.g., degree of compression). Specifically,JSteg hides the data inside images stored in the JFIF for-mat of the JPEG standard. The embedding occurs after theDCT coefficients quantization (c.f., Section 4.2). After thisstep, the LSB of all non-zero frequency coefficients are re-placed with successive bits from the message to be hidden,and these modified coefficients are sent to the Huffmann en-coder.

6.2.4 Outguess

Created by Niels Provos, Outguess12 relies on data specifichandlers that extract redundant bits and write them backafter modification. For JPEG images, Outguess preservesstatistics based on frequency counts. As a result, statisti-cal tests based on simple frequency counts are unable todetect the presence of steganographic content [18]. Out-guess uses a generic iterator object to select which bits inthe data should be modified. A seed can be used to modifythe behavior of the iterator. It is embedded in the data alongwith the rest of the message. By altering the seed, Outguesstries to find a sequence of bits that minimizes the number ofchanges that have to be made in the data.

7. Example Usage

To demonstrate the usage of the data set, we have runthe popular stegdetect13 analysis tool against the trainingand testing JPEG sets. Stegdetect is capable of detectingall algorithms in the JPEG set, with the exception of Out-guess 0.2. First, stegdetect is run with default parametersagainst the training set, which is designed to provide a siz-able quantity of data for positive identification purposes, aswell as examples of clean images with modifications. Theresults for stegdetect run against the entire training set arepresented in Table 8. The overall false detect rate for theclean image set is 8.6%. Good detection and algorithmrecognition is achieved for every algorithm except Outguess0.2, which is to be expected. At this point, an analysis al-

11 paul/crypto/jsteg/12

gorithm can be tuned and re-run against the training set toevaluate performance variation.

Detected, C Detected, I No StegClean - 360 3809F5 22011 0 0JPHide 4506 604 204JSteg 638 421 21Outguess 0.13 220 10 295Outguess 0.2 13 5 237

Table 8. Results for stegdetect run against the entire training set.“Detected, C” indicates the correct steganography algorithm wasidentified, “Detected, I” indicates steganography was detected, butan incorrect algorithm was identifed, and “No Steg” indicates nosteganography was detected.

Second, stegdetect is run with the default parametersagainst the test set, which is designed to provide four con-trolled levels of embedded content per algorithm. The re-sults for stegdetect run against the entire testing set are pre-sented in Table 9. Similar to the results achieved for thetraining set, the overall false detect rate for the clean imageset is 8.0%. Twenty of the clean images failed to be pro-cessed by stegdetect. There are significant differences be-tween the results presented in Tables 8 and 9, with weakerperformance noted overall. This is not surprising, based onthe designed difficulty of the testing set. We provide de-tailed testing results for JPHide in Table 10. Looking atthis table, we see that stegdetect actually performs poorlywith the large embeddings (non-intuitive), as well as for thesmall and tiny embeddings (expected). Thus, we can learna great deal about the conditions at which various analysisalgorithms fail with the testing set.

Detected, C Detected, I NegativeClean - 899 79F5 0 216 784JPHide 333 153 495JSteg 444 353 0Outguess 0.13 206 31 679Outguess 0.2 32 37 833

Table 9. Results for stegdetect run against the entire testing set.

JPHide Large Medium Small TinyDetected, C 51 249 25 8Detected, I 47 61 35 10Negative 3 8 262 222

Table 10. Detailed results for stegdetect run against all four direc-tories of the JPHide testing set.

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8. Conclusions and remarksThe data sets we are providing consist of both lossless

(PNG) and lossy (JPEG) imagery, across four different em-bedding tools per image type. We have attempted to createvariation in the set by introducing four distinct sizes of em-bedded content in the PNG set, and a variety of embeddingsizes in the JPEG set, along with a series of modified im-ages that contain no embedding. The training set is largeenough to provide the researcher with a wealth of data toconstruct and/or evaluate various algorithms and detectiontechniques. From the results reported for stegdetect, wewere able to draw some surprising and interesting conclu-sions about its operational performance for varying levelsof embedding content.

Valid approaches may perform detection, detection andrecovery (size or content), detection and destruction, orfusion. In closing, we hope this challenge set will endure asa common comparison set for researchers working in thisspace. To our knowledge, a standard reference set has yetto emerge in the steganalysis field, thus, the set introducedhere is a first step in that direction.

Data sets are available at:

9. AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank the financial support of

Fapesp (Grant 05/58103-3) and AF STTR, Contract No.FA9550-05-C-0172. Furthermore, we also thank AnaCristina de Araujo Oliveira for the WVU’08 insightful logoand the people that have contributed to the data set creation:Edith Leung, Devin McKinney, Justin Schiff, Andrew Kur-fess and Miguel Lezcano Gonzalez.

References[1] F. Petitcolas, R. Anderson, and M. Kuhn, “Information

hiding - a survey,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 87,no. 7, pp. 1062–1078, July 1999.

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