The Universe Prismic Lens with

The Universe Prismic Lens How does this starglyph assist one? What is its purpose? First I will begin by explaining that a starglyph is a term that I coined in 1998. At that time I realized some of the crop circles that were appearing in fields exceeded the knowledge and understanding we possess in our present library of knowledge and spirit. This first one where I discovered how it was used, could be called a Universe Prismic Lens. This starglyph harnesses and transforms universal, source or spirit energies and focuses this energy into a grounded point magnifying inner prismic light. Through its different lens and prisms, the universal spirit or ethers streams unseen qualities existing in our universe making it visible or felt by the person aligning to the starglyph. The invisible becomes visible and the unknown becomes more of a tangle reality. There are ancient stories about how Native American people have the ability to control and work with the stars, wind, water, earth and fire. The starglyph magnifies this energy through its series of lenses and circles as illustrated in the two-dimensional drawing. It bends and aligns these primal sources of the unseen world and can help one in advancing their connection to the Earth and the Sky. Legends of making it rain, parting clouds, bringing lightning, moving the winds and shape shifting are known to be a part of the native world. The reason why this exists for native people is because of these deeper connections to the earth and sky and their intimate connection to all things. It is about the understanding of becoming one with it. This prismic lens to spirit and the universe opens these channels and helps one to facilitate this understanding. Through using the starglyphs ability to focus this energy we can align our connection, realize and deepen our understanding in the unseen worlds of these elements. Every person is different and will align differently depending on their connection to spirit and the Earth. If a person is trying to expand their world, this starglyph will assist that. A persons inner abilities increase. Ones may notice greater capacity with their sixth sense, the connection to what could be called the universal consciousness; inner knowing

Transcript of The Universe Prismic Lens with

Page 1: The Universe Prismic Lens with purchased a book published in the 1950’s by a mathematician, Schwaller de Lubicz. He seemed

The Universe Prismic Lens

How does this starglyph assist one? What is its purpose?

First I will begin by explaining that a starglyph is a term that I coined in 1998. At that

time I realized some of the crop circles that were appearing in fields exceeded the

knowledge and understanding we possess in our present library of knowledge and spirit.

This first one where I discovered how it was used, could be called a Universe Prismic


This starglyph harnesses and transforms universal, source or spirit energies and focuses

this energy into a grounded point magnifying inner prismic light. Through its different

lens and prisms, the universal spirit or ethers streams unseen qualities existing in our

universe making it visible or felt by the person aligning to the starglyph. The invisible

becomes visible and the unknown becomes more of a tangle reality.

There are ancient stories about how Native American people have the ability to control

and work with the stars, wind, water, earth and fire. The starglyph magnifies this energy

through its series of lenses and circles as illustrated in the two-dimensional drawing. It

bends and aligns these primal sources of the unseen world and can help one in advancing

their connection to the Earth and the Sky. Legends of making it rain, parting clouds,

bringing lightning, moving the winds and shape shifting are known to be a part of the

native world. The reason why this exists for native people is because of these deeper

connections to the earth and sky and their intimate connection to all things. It is about the

understanding of becoming one with it. This prismic lens to spirit and the universe opens

these channels and helps one to facilitate this understanding. Through using the

starglyphs ability to focus this energy we can align our connection, realize and deepen

our understanding in the unseen worlds of these elements. Every person is different and

will align differently depending on their connection to spirit and the Earth. If a person is

trying to expand their world, this starglyph will assist that.

A persons inner abilities increase. Ones may notice greater capacity with their sixth

sense, the connection to what could be called the universal consciousness; inner knowing

Page 2: The Universe Prismic Lens with purchased a book published in the 1950’s by a mathematician, Schwaller de Lubicz. He seemed

may get stronger. One may see a more grounded connection to heart, which brings us

closer to all of these things. We can connect to the heartbeat of the Earth and the heart

beat of the sky. One’s strength in self increases and limitations begin to dissolve. A

person may discover the universe becomes more available to them as a result of all of


This starglyph can also be understood as the pure essences of the pyramid captured in a

static pictorial form. I discovered this Starglyphs three-dimensional form could be found

in all the pyramids but functioned differently leaving each with its on unique purpose.

You can view this in each of the illustrations. This starglyph is the spirit of the pyramid

drawn in a geometric shape. The ancient Egyptians used the pyramids to create, enhance

and connect one to spiritual light. The starglyph brings this unseen matrix to visibility

embedding it in greater awareness. It could be suggested that aligning to this starglyph

could brighten the energies of one’s chakras expanding them into unseen worlds while

aligning and connecting one to the chakras of the universe in a flow of perfect symmetry.

This alignment must exist on all levels of physical, mental and spirit to truly understand it

and know it. As one assimilates this starglyphs physical curves and energy one

strengthens their ability to be more in alignment with what exists in its endless potential.

The ancient Egyptians used the pyramids to create and enhance their connection to the

higher levels of mind, body and spirit. For further information on the purpose of the

pyramids please refer to my discovers on why the pyramids were built in (The Chameleon

Project, Why and Pyramid Shape?)

The two-dimensional starglyph was gifted from an unknown source by someone who had

a great understanding of how spirit and universal energies flow, as well as how these

elements move together through the three-dimensional form of the pyramid. The

understanding of who would have had such knowledge is beyond me. Yet, as you can see

through my illustrations there is a magical connection between the pyramids and this

starglyph. It is real and it does exist. I find the origin unexplainable. There are a few

conjectures on how someone of 5000 years ago with primitive tools could have possessed

such knowledge and abilities. But that can only be found in the illusive winds of this


How is it used?

These illustrations at the end of this note show how universal or spirit energies travel and

then bends as a result of the three-dimensional pyramid shape. At certain finite locations

within the pyramids, one is able to receive this focused stream of energy flowing through

the planes of one’s body, mind and spirit. It is like stepping in the currents of spirit and

the universe.

Walking through this starglyph in the gardens of the Chameleon Project can align one to

the spirit that is streaming through this shape. One can feel the flow and essence beyond

the physical world. We attune to the symmetry of the glyph. It assists one in connecting

to the elements of all creation. Its qualities flow through us like pure water releasing

blocks and obstacles that we find on our path. In the native way of thinking it is the

Page 3: The Universe Prismic Lens with purchased a book published in the 1950’s by a mathematician, Schwaller de Lubicz. He seemed

sacred winds and waters that ever flow through all things when we are listening or

attuned to our inner essence and to the finest threads of creation. It’s a never-ending

circle. Keeping this shape in the forefront of our vision amplifies what exists in the veils

of the ever-flowing cosmos found in the primordial ethers of source. We are connected to

everything. We can strengthen our harmony with the vitality and flow of the universe.

One’s ability to expand is governed only by ones personal view of limitation in the

known and unknown self. Spirit and the universe are infinite.

The Chameleon Project pyramid shape uses this primordial energy, spirit source. The

structure creates the elements needed for this glyph to come alive in this structure. It is

there for one to heal, understand our connections beyond the physical world and yet at the

same time understand our deepest connections to Earth. It broadens our sense and

knowledge of the universe and opens the door to the unknown world of the cosmos.

How was it discovered to contain these qualities?

Through a series of discoveries, I uncovered that this unique shape aligned to the

different pyramids of Egypt with no two the same. Yet, each had an important connection

with the starglyph. There are known and unknown focal points of the starglyph that find

different locations of the pyramid. There were four small circles on the outskirts of this

starglyph. I discovered these were the focal points that locked the starglyph to the

pyramid. These same four points direct a beam down into the pyramid. If you look

closely at this illustration below, you will see how these yellow beams from these small

circles travel down just touching the corner of the King’s chamber. It continues on and

touches both bottom corners of the Queen’s chamber and the resting at the top corner of

the lower chamber and at the bend in the walk way. At the bottom of the starglyph is the

location where the rivers of spirit and the universe flow at its most potent point.

The starglpyh as it correlates to the Great Pyramid.

Page 4: The Universe Prismic Lens with purchased a book published in the 1950’s by a mathematician, Schwaller de Lubicz. He seemed

How was this Starglyph discovered to contain such understanding?

Uncovering this starglyph’s secrets came in a vision by accident, if there are really such

things as accidents. As the vision unfolded it was amazing and mystifying, leaving me

with a feeling that all of this could have been easily missed never understood or noticed.

The Bent Pyramid

In 1998 I had been searching to find the angles of the Bent pyramid long before I saw the

starglyph crop circle. The library and books I purchased on Egypt’s pyramids had no

information about this particular pyramid at the time. It was considered a failure,

shrugged off as the first attempt at a Great Pyramid. Even the Internet at that time had

only a couple of things to say regarding this pyramid but had nothing I was looking for. I

understand why, what would be the need in writing about a mistake. It was this year my

discoveries about this pyramid began to unfold and a truly magical gate began to open

and I began to realize it was no mistake.

Months of research passed and as a last attempt to locate the angles of the Bent Pyramid,

I purchased a book published in the 1950’s by a mathematician, Schwaller de Lubicz. He

seemed to realize the Egyptians were thinking at greater levels than what they were given

credit for. He too had seen the importance of the Bent Pyramid. And there it was, the

The original drawing of Schwaller de Lubicz

Page 5: The Universe Prismic Lens with purchased a book published in the 1950’s by a mathematician, Schwaller de Lubicz. He seemed

drawing and angles I needed. This obscure, relatively unknown drawing simply shows

how the pyramid was no error but in fact brilliant geometry. It is through the knowledge

of this geometric language, the ancient Egyptians knew how to unify the physical, mental

and spiritual worlds as one. Something that humanity of today has forgotten.

Four additional circles that

came to me in visions.

A compelling feeling suggested I continue to work on this drawing of Schwaller de

Lubicz. Through another ambiguous vision I completed four circles over his drawing.

Noticing a little more closely, I thought I recognized some subtle correlations in my

circles. I started seeing it had characteristics of a crop circle that had appeared the

previous year. I remembered this formation well having flown over this crop circle in a

helicopter at the time paying close attention to its shape. I had seen many crop circles but

this one was different. Viewing this crop circle left me with a strange feeling. I

questioned why such a glyph would appear, feeling for all intents and purposes, it

possessed no doorway to understand its peculiarities. I was left to my own discoveries.

Interestingly, People involved liked this crop circle and coined it the queen.

A mathematician/artist involved at the time had drawn the shape of the crop circle and

forwarded it to me upon my request. I superimposed the geometry over the de Lubicz

drawing with my four circles and discovered a flawless match, an amazing correlation

between the two.

Page 6: The Universe Prismic Lens with purchased a book published in the 1950’s by a mathematician, Schwaller de Lubicz. He seemed

The starglyph overlaid onto the 4 circles showing the starglyph connection to the

drawing of Schwaller de Lubicz and the Bent Pyramid.

As my research with this shape progressed, I discovered that this geometric form inner

laced with the bent pyramid in a unique way containing very obscure perfection. It was as

if in some way they were one and the same. Further work showed that the shape inner

locked with the Red Pyramid and Great Pyramid. These connections were in completely

different within each pyramid, (see illustrations) yet amazingly perfect. The common

thread was that the shape moved energy through the pyramids. This starglyph contains

information that we did not possess in our libraries of information. It was of magical


I discovered the starglyph was also based on a seven-pointed star and the shape was

constructed of what appeared to be a series of interlocking magnifying lenses, bending

and flowing energies from beyond the pyramid. This mysterious starglyph left me in

question as has to how something so important to understanding pyramids could have had

such an ambiguous path to unlock its secrets.

Page 7: The Universe Prismic Lens with purchased a book published in the 1950’s by a mathematician, Schwaller de Lubicz. He seemed

The seven-pointed star correlates to the starglyph and the Great Pyramid.

Page 8: The Universe Prismic Lens with purchased a book published in the 1950’s by a mathematician, Schwaller de Lubicz. He seemed

Starglyph as it

correlates to the Red Pyramid. Notice the incredible number of correlating reference


Khafra’s Pyramid is one of the only pyramids with nothing inside the pyramid except for

a small piece of an entrance tunnel and the peak of the central chamber. The starglyph

flows with all pyramids. The small green circles that were a part of the Starglyph

determined how this glyph locked into the pyramid and how some of the unseen energies

of the starglyph flowed.

Page 9: The Universe Prismic Lens with purchased a book published in the 1950’s by a mathematician, Schwaller de Lubicz. He seemed

Here is the starglyph as it configures one way to Khafra’s Pyramid the pyramid of Horus.

What is most important between the starglyph and the pyramid is the visibility of the

ancient hieroglyph representing the basket. The central chamber cradles at the center in

the bottom of the basket. One of its meanings of the basket reflects ‘everything’, ~ all

things needed exist also means feminine lady. It is located at the heart of the upside down

triangle. The shape is created from the center circle of the starglyph and the baseline of

the pyramid. The line is of the physical world and the circle is spirit. This line is the most

grounded point and represents Earthly qualities. The sides of the basket are of the circle,

that which has no beginning and no end.

This unusual starglyph appeared in a field in England. It possessed incredible knowledge

about our universe. As you can see with these discoveries, this unique starglyph

physically and geometrically connects to all of these pyramids. I would consider all of

this magical knowledge and a gift hard to explain. It exists, it is there, there is no

doubting that and so I offer humble gratitude to the creator of this geometric form and

knowledge. There is more to this starglyph to be uncovered and more starglyphs that

were gifted and these will be a part of future articles.