THE U.C.E.G. METHOD MASTERCLASS - CPA Exam Guide...CPA Exam Guide and Ultimate CPA Exam Guide offers...

1 Your Guide To Implementing & Passing The CPA Exam THE U.C.E.G. METHOD MASTERCLASS By Bryan Kesler, CPA Website: Email: [email protected] Materials May Not Be Reproduced Without Express Written Consent From Ultimate CPA Exam Guide Inc., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Ultimate CPA Exam Guide

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Your Guide To Implementing & Passing The CPA Exam


By Bryan Kesler, CPA Website: Email: [email protected] Materials May Not Be Reproduced Without Express Written Consent From Ultimate CPA Exam Guide Inc., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Ultimate CPA Exam Guide

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I don't mean to insult your intelligence, because you're smart and you KNOW this, but...

CPA Exam Guide and Ultimate CPA Exam Guide offers no representations, warranties or guarantees verbally, in writing or otherwise regarding specific earnings or results related to your career or the CPA exam. Results for each person may significantly vary. None of the case studies, testimonials or reviews have been scripted

and are true and accurate to the best of the knowledge of &

Bottom line: I believe those who do nothing achieve nothing.

Are You Struggling With The CPA Exam? I Do Have A

Premium Solution.

It’s Called Ultimate CPA Exam Guide & It’s A Step By Step Mentorship Program That Will Help You Pass The CPA Exam Using Any CPA Review Course No Matter

How Busy Your Schedule.

Click The Red Button Below To Start Or Head To


Copyright © Bryan Kesler

The right of Bryan Kesler to be identified as the author of the Work has been asserted him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means,

electronic or otherwise, without written permission from the author.

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Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Make Time To Study III. Optimize Your CPA Review Course IV. Find An EFFECTIVE CPA Exam Mentor V. The Three Perfects of Passing the CPA Exam VI. How To Achieve The Atomic Effect VII. The Next Step

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The Moment That Defines You. Imagine yourself sitting in your work cubicle…

Unable to concentrate…

A small bead of sweat running down your forehead…

Your eye begins to twitch…

Your internet browser is open and every 20 seconds you are hitting refresh.


No change


No change


BOOM! -----> You scored a 77 on FAR!!!

Your 2-year battle with the CPA exam was finally over!

What do you think you would be feeling?


Unbelievable joy?

Uncontrollable screaming and hugging of all your unsuspecting co-workers??

The undeniable urge to burn every accounting & CPA exam book that you own

(think Office Space copy machine!)???

This is exactly what happened to me on that morning of 5/27/10!

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The pain and toil of the past 2 years was instantly forgotten & my life was forever changed!

LET’S DO THIS! If you are struggling to pass the CPA exam or looking to get started with the process, then you are in the right place (and together I know that we will be able to dominate this unbelievable exam)!

I am about to share the EXACT steps I took to pass the CPA exam and how you can implement this exact method that has been used by 10,000+ CPA candidates around the world.

Let’s do a quick introduction first…

My name is Bryan Kesler.

I am a 34-year-old father, successful CPA candidate, PwC Alum, Accounting Junky, and a bit of an entrepreneur.

My goal is plain and simple.

Help you pass the CPA exam on your FIRST try (and not make the same mistakes that I did).

Personal Note: I did NOT pass the CPA exam on my first try; in fact, I failed SEVEN times before I finally passed!

Unfortunately, this is not uncommon among CPA candidates considering the

average pass rate for each section is only 50%... and those odds drop even lower if you consider candidates who pass every section in a row WITHOUT failing.

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I honestly get tears in my eyes every time I think about all the rookie mistakes I made when I first began studying that caused me to waste both time and thousands of dollars...

Which is what I get for being an over-confident 24-year-old who thought he was going to dominate the accounting industry (without having to work very hard…)!

Which is why I created the Ultimate CPA Exam Guide Method (or U.C.E.G. Method as the cool kids call it)!

To share my numerous mistakes with you so that you do NOT go through the same pain and suffering I went through (and hopefully save you hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars)!

You want to save time and money, right?

INTRODUCING… THE U.C.E.G. METHOD I want to introduce you to the Ultimate CPA Exam Guide Method (U.C.E.G. Method for short).

This method helps you achieve the Perfect Study Plan to follow.

In order to achieve a Perfect Grasp of the AICPA blueprints.

While receiving the Perfect Support from the key resources in your life to keep you going no matter what happens on your journey to passing the CPA exam.

Want to achieve all of this?

Keep reading…

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[ TIME ]

How To Make Time To Study That Helps You Avoid Becoming A Jerk-A-Saurus

SUMMARY Time is your most valuable resource as a CPA candidate, and you need to understand how to maximize every second of your day.

If you don’t then you risk isolating the people in your life and your career.

In terms of the CPA exam, this can be broken down into 4 components:

1) Sacrifices 2) Goals

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3) Distractions 4) Relationships

When these four things are not locked in, you risk alienating the people you love, failing at your career and failing the CPA exam.

Sacrifices are a necessity if you ever hope to pass the CPA Exam. You must determine in your life what’s less important and more important than becoming a CPA and determine what you can temporarily cut out of your life.

Goals need to be set daily so that you can methodically get through everything you need to study on a day to day basis. Without setting simple goals for yourself, you will get overwhelmed.

Distractions are typically the CPA candidates worst enemy, but you can also use your favorite distractions as rewards for achieving study goals. Be smart in how you manage your distractions.

Relationships are one of the most important resources you have on your journey to passing the CPA exam. They are your family, friends/acquaintances and the people you work with. When you manage them the right way your relationships will be a source of great encouragement and motivation. If you isolate yourself and avoid communication, then you are setting yourself up for burnout and failure.

HOW TO MAKE TIME TO STUDY Before you can even start the CPA exam process, you need to ensure that you are in the right mindset.

Most CPA candidates assume that the CPA exam is just a big college exam, that they can just cram for it and they don't really need a method to follow because heck, college was a breeze…

…and well the pass rates speak for themselves…

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…and it pains me to admit that I myself fell for this assumption and it led to disaster but that's a story for a different day.

Something that you need to understand starting right now is that.

The CPA exam is unlike any exam you have taken and will require more time than you are probably expecting.

Before you even sign up…

…before you even find a CPA review course…

…You need to prioritize your life around the CPA exam.

Now in order to do this there are four areas that you need to address.

The first being…

What are you willing to temporarily sacrifice in your life to make time to study for this exam?

For example...

How important is binging all 12 seasons of the office for the 3rd time on Netflix?

How important is that weekly softball game or weekly trip to the mall?

And even harder questions like…

How important is it to over-achieve at work to get a yearend bonus compared to becoming a CPA?

If you want to pass the CPA exam, then you need to ask yourself these hard questions now.

Then once you've prioritized these activities around the CPA exam you must sacrifice them and cut them out of your weekly schedule.

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And this is something that I help my students in my premium CPA exam coaching program Ultimate CPA Exam Guide achieve by completing what's called a life audit.

A Life Audit helps you track how much time you spend on activities that are less important than studying for the CPA exam.

What the maximum amount of time per week you think you must study.

Now once you have identified what temporary sacrifices you will make in order to make time to study it’s time to set goals.

Since you have an estimate for the total amount of time you can study per week or month.

You need to set quantifiable study goals.

And by quantifiable study goals, I don't mean your goal is to spend 20 hours per week studying.

I mean you need goals that you can track and monitor.

So instead of saying…

…on Saturday I'm going to study for 6 hours…

You tell yourself, on Saturday…

I'm going to complete 3 video lectures, 100 multiple choice and 10 simulations.

The more intense your goals the better because you will push yourself to complete them.

Now this brings us to area #3 which is going to be Distractions.

No matter how hard you try you will always find a way to get distracted while studying…

…and it how you react to these distractions that matters most.

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What's cool is that when you make quantifiable goals you can leverage these distractions to your benefit.

For example, say there's a big movie coming out that you have been dying to see.

For me The Dark Knight was just a couple months away from coming out when I was studying.


I was constantly getting distracted by tweets and news articles about little details and new movie trailers being released.

And being the big nerd, I am, I could NOT help but be distracted.

Now I could have let those distractions eat up all my time and side track my studies every 15 minutes.

But here's what I did instead, I used those inevitable distractions as motivating factors to get my quantifiable goal completed.

Meaning… once I complete all three video lectures + 100 multiple choice and 10 simulations on Saturday.

I can spend all my remaining time browsing rotten tomatoes watching the latest trailers and news articles about the big movie coming out or go out to the bar with the guys

…or go on a date night…

…or whatever your vice is that distracts you…

This reward system works incredibly well because it's guilt free enjoyment.

You completed what you needed to get done and don't have to think about the CPA exam for the rest of the day

Win win.

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Which brings us to the fourth area of our video today about making time to study.

And that is your Relationships.

Communication with the people in your life is crucial to your success.

You have your family, your work "family" and your friends and acquaintances.

These are all people directly affected by how you perform on the CPA exam.

If you struggle and withdraw into the shadows from embarrassment or stress, they will be the ones who notice…

…and if you don't keep them up to date on what you are doing and WHY you are studying so much then they won't understand…

…and you risk offending them.

And at work if you allow the CPA exam to affect your work then you are putting your job at risk.

So how do you avoid all of this?

Well when you maximize your time and orient it around the CPA exam, you need to open a line of communication with the RIGHT people.

You need to keep them informed of where you are in the CPA exam process and what you are doing.

You need them to hold you accountable for your studying as well.

You will be amazed at how much more efficient and distraction free your studying will be when you have an accountability partner in your life.

You will stop focusing on yourself and focus on not disappointing your accountability partner.

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Okay so let's wrap this up…

Time is your most valuable resource as a CPA candidate, and you need to understand how to maximize every second of your day.

If you don't then you risk isolating the people in your life and your career.

So again, you need to focus on 4 components of making time to study

1) Your Sacrifices to make 2) Your quantifiable Goals 3) Eliminating and leveraging Distractions 4) and building communication lines with your key Relationships in life

When you lock down these four components you will discover that you have the time to study for this exam.

And in the next section, we will discuss how to take all this time that you have made to study and ensure that you are maximizing every second of it by studying with your CPA review course in a way that is based on your study personality.

See you on the next page!

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How To Maximize Your Productivity & Increase Your Understanding Of The

AICPA Blueprints So You Don't Waste Your Time Spinning Your Wheels

SUMMARY Passing the CPA exam without a CPA review course is like expecting to beat Usain Bolt at a 100-meter dash at his peak performance without training.

It just can’t be done.

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Even if you have a CPA review course it’s still incredibly difficult to beat the CPA exam.

But when you understand how they work, how you learn and how to maximize your productivity it will significantly increase your chances of eeking out a 75.

Here are 4 essential components to maximizing your CPA Review Course:

1) Study Personality 2) Cut Busy Work 3) Understand 4) Review

Personalizing how you use your CPA review course is easier said than done but when you understand exactly what your goals are you can make almost any CPA review course work for you.

Study Personality: Everyone learns differently and no matter how hard a CPA review course tries they can’t tailor their course for each individual user. That’s why you need to determine your study personality and make the course work for your unique learning style.

Cut Busy Work: CPA Review Courses have to cover their butts by providing you the same information presented in multiple different ways to ensure that all CPA candidates are taken care of. It’s on you to cut the busy work from their recommended study plan.

Understand: You need a CPA review course that is going to help you understand the AICPA blueprints which the CPA exam is now based on.

Review: You want a CPA review course that allows you to isolate the exact areas you are struggling so that you know how to spend your time. You don’t want to spend time studying concepts you already understand.


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In the last section, we discussed the importance of making time to study.

We discussed the sacrifices you will need to make, the types of goals you need to set for yourself, the distractions you need to avoid, and the importance of communication with your relationships as you start your journey to passing the CPA exam.

But here's the thing…

You could have all the time in the world but if you don't know how to study with your CPA review course then you are dead in the water.

Which brings us to the 2nd essential resource CPA candidates need to pass the CPA exam.

Your CPA Review Course…

…and specifically, we want to cover 4 different CPA exam power ups that you need to utilize with your CPA review courses if you want to find success.

And these 4 power ups are:

1) Your study personality 2) Cutting busy work 3) Using your review course to truly understand topics 4) And finally using your course to review so that everything will be fresh on

exam day

Okay so the big one is study personality.

If you don't understand how you learn best, then you are setting yourself up for studying the wrong way.

…and here's the thing…

Everyone learns differently!

Some folks learn great from video lectures.

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Others from reading.

Others from can do a mixture of both.

And because of this, CPA review courses have to cover all their bases.

They create incredibly long video lectures and extremely detailed textbooks.

But here's what can happen, to use myself as an example.

I watched ALL the lectures and read ALL the text and did ALL the questions and I still failed…


Well it's because my study personality doesn't perform well from watching video lectures.

Now there were also a ton of other issues that added to the fact that I failed, which I will save for another day, but here's what I mean.

Video lectures present the exact same material that you will find in the textbook.

Because I prefer to self-study, I was doubling my study time because I would watch the lecture and then have to dive into the text to teach myself the material.

So, I ended up wasting precious hours of my life watching entire lectures...

...when I should have just started in the text and then use lectures as a reference for anything I didn't understand.

Now this was one of many reasons I struggled to pass the CPA exam when I first started out…

…and determining your study personality is just one of many power ups you can utilize to study smarter.

Which brings us to the next power up.

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Improving your ability to cut busy work as you study.

So, here's what I define as busy work…

Anything that makes you feel like you are getting studying accomplished…

…but the reality is that the activity is not helping you understand the AICPA blueprints as quickly as another study strategy.

So, for example something I did that made me feel incredibly accomplished was making a massive outline of the text.

I did this in college with great success.

It helped me organize my thoughts and summarize everything I needed to know.

But the problem with this was that I had so few hours in a day while studying for the CPA exam, that it slowed my progress down incredibly!

Everything changed when I cut that busy work and just invested in flashcards that were pre-made...

...and did a better job of summarizing what I needed to know than I could ever create.

Which brings us to our final two power ups…

…using your CPA review course to improve your understanding of the material and... utilize it to maximize your review of everything you need to know.

As the AICPA has said, the key to passing the CPA exam is to understand each and every AICPA blueprint... that you can answer any question they throw at you.

This includes simulations which will test higher order learning skills.

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So, what does this mean for you?

Well, it means that memorizing is no longer enough…

Simulations are the future of the CPA exam.

So how do you use your CPA review course to help you attain this "understanding?"

Well, you need to define your study methods and tailor them to your study personality.

You need to study in a way that ensures that you not only get through all the material but in a way that you are constantly reviewing everything you have learned to date.

Now you really have two options when it comes to developing study methods.

First, is to do what I did and go for trial and error to figure out what works and that involves spending dozens of hours researching, experimenting and ultimately wasting tons of time until you figure out what works for you.

Or you can do what I wish I could have done and that is to hire a CPA exam mentor…

Someone who has experience helping CPA candidates pass by studying the right way.

And good news

I'm, in my humble opinion, the best in the business at teaching CPA candidates HOW to study and maximize their CPA review courses.

I have a unique perspective, since I have access to every major CPA review course.

I understand how each of them work.

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What features help specific study personality types thrive and what hurts productivity.

Which is like having a “cheat code” to passing the CPA exam.

Now in terms of study methods...

...I teach two specific study methods in my premium coaching course Ultimate CPA Exam Guide.

The first is called CPA exam study loops, which is what you will implement during the learning phase of studying.

The second is called Final Review Study Funnels, which you will of course implement during your final review phase of studying.

What's cool about these Ultimate CPA Exam Guide study methods is that they are...

... step by step what you need to be doing on a day by day basis…

…to ensure that everything you learn on day 1 of studying is as fresh as what you learn in the final chapter of your course.

What's even more important is that these study methods can be tailored to work with ANY study personality that you might have OR CPA Review Course.

Now you might be thinking, these study methods sound great but are they proven…?

…and the short answer is…


These are the exact study methods I used to pass the CPA exam, and are what I've coached to CPA candidates around the world with amazing success.

So no, I'm not some magical CPA exam wizard who created a one-off method for passing the CPA exam.

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These are proven and replicable study methods that any CPA candidate can and should follow as evidenced by the success my amazing students have achieved…

…and FUN FACT…

…in the next section I'll teach you these study methods.

Alright so let's tie all of this together

In section 1, we learned how to make time to study

Which once you do that, you need to determine HOW to use your CPA review course.

And to do this there are four power ups you need…

The first is to determine your study personality.

The next is to cut busy work, and

Finally, you need to truly understand the material in your course and plan to review the materials within your course to keep them in focus and the only way to do this is to follow a study method that is based on your study personality.

In the next section I'm going to show you how having a mentor is going to tie all of this together and how when you do you can achieve what's called the ATOMIC effect.

Sound exciting?

I'll see you in the next section!

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How To Find Someone Who Can Personally Help You Pass Based On Your Study

Personality So You Can Avoid Forums And Waiting 48 Hours For

Customer Support

SUMMARY The biggest myth that I believed as a rookie CPA candidate was that a CPA review course was all I needed to pass the CPA exam.

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Your CPA review course is the map, but your mentor is going to be your GPS to navigating all the roadblocks, struggles and frustrations you will encounter on your journey.

Mentors come in all different shapes and sizes, but some are useless, and others are worth more than their weight in gold.

There are 4 components to the perfect CPA exam mentor:

1) Motivation 2) Intensity 3) Study Methods 4) Community


When searching for a mentor ensure that he/she checks all four of these boxes.

Motivation: A mentor would be someone you hire that provides you with real motivation. The best mentors teach from personal experience, so find someone who understands not only how to pass the CPA exam but what it’s like to fail the CPA exam and recover. A mentor who does this will be able to help you set expectations and create a realistic CPA exam mindset for you.

Intensity: An effective mentor is going to push you to your limits. Not because he or she is a glutton for punishment, but because he/she understands exactly what it takes to pass the CPA exam.

Study Methods: A good mentor will be able to look at your current situation and develop a recommended study plan for you and the best study methods for you to implement based on your study personality.

Community can mean a lot of different things but for the CPA exam it does not include free forums on the internet that share questionable advice and are anonymous. A mentor is someone who introduces you to real CPA candidates in a safe space where real ideas are shared, and motivation and encouragement is given.

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HOW TO FIND AN EFFECTIVE MENTOR We are rocking it now future CPA!

Welcome to Section 3 in our CPA exam mentorship series.

So far, we've cover two crucial topics to passing the CPA exam.

The first being making time to study and 2nd using your CPA review course the right way…

…and the 3rd and final resource I want to discuss with you is finding a qualified CPA exam mentor.

I can tell you from personal experience that I would not be a CPA today if it weren't for the people in my life who showed me how to study for the CPA exam and introduced me to study methods that worked based on my unique study personality…

...the folks who kept me going when I got depressed and wanted to give up...

...and the patient people in my life who gave me community and a listening ear…

…even though I was being a negative nelly the whole time…

and most importantly I had mentors who showed me why high intensity studying was the only way to get this exam done.

Now you might be wondering…

…but Bryan can't my CPA review courses customer support help me with this?

I paid enough for the darn thing…

…won't being able to email someone or post questions on a forum enough?


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As much as I wish it was, the truth is, they don't have the bandwidth to help you with individualized and personalized support that is truly encompassing of everything you need to pass.

They also fail at teaching you the soft skills that you need to pass the CPA exam.

Like time management, stress and anxiety management and how to prepare and or recover from failure.

They also do a poor job, in my opinion, of teaching you how to use their CPA review course the right way based on your study personality.

This is because CPA review courses only teach you the AICPA blueprints.

They don't really teach you how to study in a way that will help you understand everything…

…Pretty much they just throw 20 lbs. of textbooks and a few thousand questions on your lap and say…

…here you go…

…good luck…

And that my accounting friend is why you need a CPA exam mentor.

Now you might not have ever heard of CPA exam mentors and to be honest I'm not surprised.

We are few and far between and to find an effective CPA exam mentor, who won't drain your bank account, is like finding a unicorn…

…and if you find one, please be selfish…

…take the unicorn put it in a safe place and observe and absorb everything it has to offer!

Okay, so now that we've established you need a mentor.

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What makes an EFFECTIVE mentor?

There is a difference!

Well it's going to be someone who can be at your side through this entire process and help motivate you until you pass, and this is important because you don't want to recreate the wheel if you don't have too.

A mentor will be able to personally show you what sections to sign up for and then help you recover from failure if that does happen to you.

He/She will be your cheerleader when you need it most.

When I was studying for the CPA exam, I wasted precious hours of my life searching for people who could help me with all of this…

…and I'm sure I became an annoying gnat to several patient people in my life…

…as I was constantly coming to them with questions…

Now the last thing I want you to do is to become an annoying gnat to the people in your life.

To help you avoid doing this to your peers, I developed a special mentorship program for accounting professionals called Ultimate CPA Exam Guide.

It includes several hours of mentorship training modules designed to help you from start to finish on your journey to passing the CPA exam.

But more on that later…

So, what else should a mentor be able to do?

Well a mentor is also someone who can teach you how to study for the CPA Exam.

This is especially important for people with good grades from college.

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They often don't understand the intensity needed when studying for the CPA exam.

And this is something a mentor should be able to show you how to do.

You also want your mentor to give you a plan of attack or in other words effective study methods to follow for each section of the CPA exam that are based on your CPA review course

Meaning you want someone who is an expert at how your course functions and can give you specific advice on how to study using it based on your unique study personality.

And again, this is exactly what I've built into my mentorship course Ultimate CPA Exam Guide.

It includes study methods to follow and detailed tutorials on how to use each CPA review course based on your study personality, and as I briefly mentioned in the previous video the two primary study methods, I teach are…

CPA Exam Study Loops & Final Review Study Funnels

Let's break them down step by step so you can understand exactly how you should be studying every day.

First up, CPA Exam Study Loops are a step by step process that you will follow for the first 6-10 weeks of studying.

Now how you implement your CPA exam study loops will vary by CPA review course and I do break it all down in Ultimate CPA Exam Guide.

But at a high level here's how they work…

During the learning phase you absolutely want to work through the material in your CPA review course…

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…but the piece that CPA candidates forget is to always be looping back and reviewing everything you've learned up to that point.

The last thing you want to do is to get through every chapter of your course…

…and then realize that you forgot everything in the early chapters and have a meltdown trying to relearn everything right before your exam!

In Ultimate CPA Exam Guide I give you a blueprint to follow because obviously you want to balance your learning and reviewing time but Ultimate CPA Exam Guide makes it easy to do this.

Now once you complete the learning phase of your studies, it's time to move onto your final review phase.

Now depending on your study personality this process will look very different…

…But here's the high-level day by day break down…

If you properly implemented CPA Exam Study Loops you should have a decent understanding of everything being tested.

During your final review phase, you want to implement your Final Review Study Funnel in the final 10-14 days before exam day.

The goal being…

You need to identify what you understand and what you don't and then focus all your time focusing on those areas.

Again this all depends on how your CPA review course is set up and I have tutorial videos showing you exactly how to do this in the most time effective way with your course within my mentorship course Ultimate CPA Exam Guide.

But long story short you need to use your review course's analytics to identify where you are performing lower and then focus your time on those areas.

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Depending on your study personality, there are specific study strategies to implement that will increase the speed you gain an understanding of these weaker areas once identified.

While some software attempts to automate this process, I find that putting all my eggs in the algorithm basket is a bit risky…

I show you how to overcome the inherit weaknesses in the test prep algorithms, which you will want to pay attention too if you are interested in maximizing your scores.

There are additional factors to consider during the final review phase as well you will also want to work on.

Such as time and anxiety management, which are crucial to your success…

…so, you don't spend all your breaks stress barfing in the bathroom!

Ya... I was that guy

You don't want to be that guy…

Now these are the two primary study methods that I teach in Ultimate CPA Exam Guide.

But I also have others that are specific to any situation you may or may not experience on your journey…

For example…

If you have failed the CPA exam, I teach what's called a…

9 Step Failure Recovery Catapult

…which will help you mentally recover from failure, but also give you the blueprint to follow as you study for your retake.

I also teach how to recover from passing a section of the CPA exam with a method I call the 4 Step Ego Check Method.

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This method is designed to help you avoid falling for what's called lazy lady syndrome.

Simulations keeping you up at night?

I'll teach you the 7 Point Simulation Domination Blueprint!

Want to know how to plan when to take each section of the CPA exam and still be flexible?

I'll give you my Six-Month Roadmap to passing the CPA exam while remaining flexible so that you can save the most amount of time and money in the long run…

…and that's just scratching the tip of the iceberg of what you will learn from Ultimate CPA Exam Guide.

Another factor to consider when finding a CPA exam mentor is…

Will it be someone who can provide you with community and is willing to help you personally.

Taking the CPA exam should NEVER be a lonely experience.

You want someone who has already won the war to be there to listen to what you are going through.

Now some of you might be thinking

Well I kinda have that…

I found a free forum online that seems helpful…

Isn't that enough?

Well here's the thing.

The forums you find online are full of anonymous people…

Who love sharing questionable advice…

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In my experience forums are a place where negativity about the CPA exam goes to thrive.

It becomes an echo chamber for complainers, and even worse, a distraction from studying.

So, my advice is to avoid forums at all costs.

And if you do use them…

Use them selfishly…

Meaning you post your question, see the responses and get out.

Don't waste time trying to help other people and their problems.

You don't have time for that.

What I would recommend is that you find an online study group with REAL people in it who are at all stages of taking the exam.

Folks who a couple steps are just ahead of you in the game who can answer your questions.

A group that is tightly moderated to remove negativity and bad advice.

And this is the type of community that I have created within my mentoring program Ultimate CPA Exam Guide.

It's a tight knit group of CPA candidates who are progressing through the CPA exam at the same time as you.

You will get to know them at a personal level and not only get help from them but provide motivation for them as well.

And of course, I'm in the group every day answering your questions.

And that's it guys and gals

When you find a great mentor

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He/she will be able to show you how to make time to study…

How to maximize how you study with your CPA review course…

…and how to stay focused and motivated the entire time you are studying.

And in the next section, I'm going to share something really cool that happens when you use your mentor to maximize your time and your review course.

See you on the next page!

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How To Pass The CPA Exam With The Time,

Mentors & Study Tools You Have

This Is What Happens When You Start Applying The Ultimate CPA Exam Guide Method

Okay Future CPA

When you have a mentor, who can teach you how to make time to study and teach you the best study methods to follow in your CPA review course based on your study personality…

Something very cool happens

You can achieve the three required elements to passing the CPA exam.

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And in this section, we will be breaking down each element and how to achieve each of them.

The first element is you need to craft the…

Perfect Study Plan

And how do you do this?

Well the fastest and most effective way to create the perfect study plan is to find a mentor to help you organize your life around the CPA exam first.

Then you need your mentor to assist you in implementing tailored study methods that work hand in hand with your CPA review course that are based on your unique study personality.

And when you mix time + everything that an effective mentor will provide you with you will have the perfect study plan.

The 2nd element is going to be the Perfect Grasp of the AICPA blueprints, which as you know is what's now required to be done in order to pass the CPA exam…

So how do you do this?

Well when you mix the time you've made to study and implement tailored study methods to use with your CPA review course in a way that is based on your study personality…

…You will have a perfect grasp of the AICPA blueprints and in the previous section we discussed the exact study methods you need to implement for this to occur…

…and when you join my premium CPA mentoring course Ultimate CPA Exam Guide…

I will give you all the tools, the study methods, the study routines and the training you need to achieve the perfect grasp of the material for exam day.

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Finally, when you combine your CPA exam mentor with the support team your CPA review course provides…

…you will have the Perfect Support Team.

A support team that is always at your back to keep you going when the going gets tough.

From both a technical and motivational aspect.

You need someone to be there to help answer all your questions…

A support group to be there to listen to you…

Someone to hold your hand through the entire process when you get lost…

Someone to outsource your questions to when you are spinning your wheels…

When you combine the customer support you receive from your CPA review course with a mentor, then you achieve the Perfect Support you need to complete your journey to passing the CPA exam…

….no matter what happens…

Now this is where it gets exciting!

Because when you have a…

Perfect Study Plan

Mixed with a Perfect Grasp of the material

and you add in the Perfect Support Team

you achieve what's called the ATOMIC EFFECT

Which is what the next section is ALL about!

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[ The Atomic Effect ]

How To Achieve The Atomic Effect And Unleash An Explosion In Your Scores On

Exam Day

This is it future CPA

Are you Ready to achieve the Atomic Effect?

As we learned in the previous section.

When you mix time + your CPA review course + your CPA exam mentor it helps you attain the three essential elements you need to pass the CPA exam…

And those elements are

the Perfect Study Plan

the Perfect Grasp of the AICPA blueprints

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and the Perfect Support system in place to keep you focused and motivated no matter what happens on your journey to passing the CPA exam.

And when you find these elements something amazing happens…

You start a chain reaction that's not unlike what was discovered in 1944 by Leó Zillard, who was the Hungarian scientist who first hypothesized that, under the right circumstances...

…an atomic reaction could become self-sustaining and unleash a series of subsequent atomic reactions that create a rapid, exponential increase in energy.

When you take the three elements to passing the CPA exam that you will attain by following the U.C.E.G. Method…

…and you do achieve The Atomic Effect on your journey to passing the CPA exam, we're just replicating a natural phenomenon for self-sustaining growth.

And this self-sustaining growth helps us create the three skills necessary to passing the CPA Exam.

The first being that you grow a faster and better understanding of the AICPA blueprints and you can do this because…

You will have the study methods you need to implement in order to be constantly learning but also constantly reviewing everything you have learned up to that point.

The end result, you will be able to handle any simulation or multiple choice that the AICPA throws at you…

…no matter what CPA review course you are using…

…or what study personality type you may have…

Second, you grow the ability to compartmentalize your work personal and study life so you can effectively create targeted study goals.

…which is crucial to your success because if you don't control your distractions…

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…don't open communication lines with the people you care about…

…and don't create daily quantifiable study goals…

You risk alienating the people in your life…

…hurting your career…

…and ultimately failing and/or giving up on your dream of becoming a CPA.

This is the last thing I want you to experience.

The final and arguably most important skill is that you will develop the mindset transformation you need to push yourself beyond your limits.

You are prepared for life’s many road blocks.

So even if you end up failing a section of the CPA exam, you won't panic, because you have a plan for it.

You will be able to understand that it's just part of the process and because you are flexible you just roll with the punches no matter what happens.

Because you know the truth. You will pass the CPA exam, no matter what it takes.

Simply put these three skills have been missing in your plan to passing the CPA exam.

This is what CPA review courses have overlooked and are unable to provide.

And this is what's going to help you avoid becoming one of the estimated 75-80% of CPA candidates that fail at least one section of the CPA exam.

And prepare you to overcome ANY obstacle that comes in the way of you and your CPA license.

Are you ready to achieve the atomic effect?

Then apply now to see if you are a good fit for the program

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Once you click the apply now button, I'll ask you a few relevant questions to your exact situation

Based on your responses I'll be able to see if you are a good fit to join our community.

Don't wait any longer.

Apply now and I will see you on the inside!

Click The Button Above To Apply [Will Take You To A Website]

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When You Implement The U.C.E.G. Method, It Changes Everything

Just Ask Monica After implementing the U.C.E.G. Method she went from failing 9 times over 2.5 years and being on the brink of giving up, to increasing her scores by 12-21 points for FAR, REG &

AUD over a span of just 6 months to achieving her dream of becoming a CPA.

Just Ask Travis Travis joined U.C.E.G. Method hesitant to even take the exam because he wasn't the greatest student in college. With Bryan's guidance he became a Rockstar CPA candidate and passed

the CPA exam in 12 months while working full time. Just Ask Pat Pat was an on and off again CPA candidate for several years. After enrolling in U.C.E.G. Method, Pat discovered how to compartmentalize each section into manageable tasks and also discovered how to put pressure on himself to get everything done. End result? Passing FAR for the first time in 3 years of studying!

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Each Of These Accountants Was Right Where You Are Today

They Had Trouble Figuring Out HOW To Study For The CPA Exam, And Didn't Have Someone To Hold Their Hand

Throughout The Process

Each of them are incredibly sharp accountants and breezed through college.

But each of them committed to bring their Time, CPA Review Course and Mentor together and achieve amazing results.

They implemented a proven, repeatable system for starting, studying and passing the CPA exam.

Which enabled them to pass the CPA exam no matter what obstacles they encountered on their journey.

Now, if you want these results, and you want to achieve the Atomic Effect…

…so, you can see a massive improvement in your CPA exam results…

…exponentially increase your understanding of the AICPA blueprints…

…regardless of the CPA review course you are using…

Then I want to help you implement U.C.E.G. Method starting today.

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There Are 3 Types Of CPA Candidates That I Like Working With…

1) CPA Candidates who are brand new to the entire CPA exam process and want a head start on the process by utilizing a qualified CPA exam mentor

2) CPA Candidates who are currently studying for the CPA exam but are feeling lost or overwhelmed and need help to keep their head above water.

3) CPA Candidates who have failed the CPA exam and are struggling to recover and are beginning to doubt their abilities to pass this exam.

Will You Be A Good Fit?

I’ve helped hundreds of CPA candidates implement the U.C.E.G. Method and have perfected the process so you can get the results you need fast.

I believe in transformation, not information.

And that means you have the support you need to truly transform how you tackle the CPA exam. Whether that means completing our online training or receiving 1-on-1 help in our exclusive community or from our support team…

I’ve got your back.

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[ What's Next? ]

So If You Want To Explore Implementing The U.C.E.G. Method With My Help...

...then apply to enroll, by answering just a few questions to ensure you are a good fit for my program.

Click The Button Above To Apply [Will Take You To A Website]

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Are You Struggling With The CPA Exam? I Do Have A

Premium Solution.

It’s Called Ultimate CPA Exam Guide & It’s A Step By Step Mentorship Program That Will Help You Pass The CPA Exam Using Any CPA Review Course No Matter

How Busy Your Schedule.

Click The Red Button Below To Start Or Head To