The Transfiguration of the Lord August 6, 2017€¦ · Bishop Edward Clark presenting the Body of...

Our mission is to SHARE God’s message with all people, to OFFER support to those in need, to PROMOTE Christian values and commitment to the family, to FOSTER a loving and welcoming environment enriched by culture and age diversity, and to DEEPEN spiritual growth through sacraments, prayer and service. The Transfiguration of the Lord August 6, 2017 5550 Thornburn Street Los Angeles, CA 90045 310-348-8212 And when they raised their eyes, they saw no one else but Jesus alone. SCHEDULED SERVICES Daily (Mon-Sat) Mass - 8am Saturday Evening Vigil Mass - 5:30pm Sunday Masses - 7:30am, 9am, 11am, 5:30pm Confessions—Friday 9-10am; Saturday 4pm-5pm Holy Hour - Wednesday 6:30pm with Our Lady of Perpetual Help prayers at 7pm Rosary - following 8am daily and Sunday evening 5:30 Mass First Friday -Eucharistic Adoration follows Mass, Benediction at 10am. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday–Thursday: 8:30am– noon; 1:00pm-4:30pm Friday: 10:00am-Noon (July 14th ONLY) RECTORY STAFF (310-348-8212) Our Pastor: Fr. Bill Bolton x 304 Fr. Valentine Ibe Our Deacon: Senior Deacon Guy and Helene Wauthy JustFaith, Engaging Spirituality, Social Justice/CLUE 424 289-9372 Business Manager: Juanita Rivera-Wiemken x 303 For calendar request email: [email protected] Youth Ministry: Kristina Provence x 313 Secretary/Bulletin Editor: Roxanne Shaw x 301 [email protected] SCHEDULING SERVICES (310-348-8212) Anointing of the Sick: call the rectory Baptisms: Must call rectory 6 weeks in advance to schedule Communion to the Sick and Homebound: call the rectory Funerals: contact the rectory to set date and time Anniversaries, Quinceañera, Memorials: call the rectory Weddings - Call the rectory 6 months in advance to set the date. EDUCATION AND FELLOWSHIP Adult Faith Community [email protected] Religious Education: Cristina Castillo 310-645-8318 Formation/Education, Sacramental Preparation for Adults (RCIA): 310-348-8212 St Jerome’s Catholic School (pre-K to 8th gr): 310-670-1678 Principal: Mrs. Priscilla Doorbar SCRC Prayer Mtg (7pm Fri): Mr & Mrs. Muoneke 323-294-1940 Senior Center: Allene Muccia 310-216-7354 Sunday School for Toddlers (11am Mass): Obi Nwabuzor Youth Ministry (teens) & Confirmation: Kristina Provence 310-348-8212 x 313 Tuesday Evening (7:30-9pm) Bible Study: Alan Bernstein 310-645-5355 or Steve Picard 310 487-2724 Tuesday Morning Bible Study: Benny Munoz 310-641-6339 LIFE, CHARITY, JUSTICE & PEACE MINISTRIES Creation Sustainability Jacqueline Welsh 310-283-8258 Detention Ministry (Restorative Justice): Mr. & Mrs. Muoneke 323-294-1940 Food Pantry LAX: Johnny Albano 310-641-8871 Immigration: Noreta Jose 310-367-6557 Respect Life: Louise Meehan 310-641-0842 Safeguard the Children: Adrienne Toth 310-337-9048 Voice in the Wilderness Tom Lenert 310-649-3245 Soup Kitchen (Every 3rd Sat.): Jude Ramlochan 310-348-9380 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Catholic Daughters: Kathy Fitzpatrick 310-703-2519 Knights of Columbus: Tony Holloway 323-295-4287 St. Vincent de Paul Society: Merv Hughes 310-908-9204 Bishop Edward Clark presenting the Body of Christ.

Transcript of The Transfiguration of the Lord August 6, 2017€¦ · Bishop Edward Clark presenting the Body of...

Page 1: The Transfiguration of the Lord August 6, 2017€¦ · Bishop Edward Clark presenting the Body of Christ. “Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you

Our mission is to SHARE God’s message with all people, to OFFER support to those in need, to PROMOTE Christian values and commitment to the family, to FOSTER a loving and welcoming environment enriched by culture and age diversity, and to DEEPEN spiritual growth through sacraments, prayer and service.

The Transfiguration of the Lord August 6, 2017

5550 Thornburn Street Los Angeles, CA 90045


And when they raised their eyes,

they saw no one else but Jesus alone.


Daily (Mon-Sat) Mass - 8am Saturday Evening Vigil Mass - 5:30pm Sunday Masses - 7:30am, 9am, 11am, 5:30pm

Confessions—Friday 9-10am; Saturday 4pm-5pm

Holy Hour - Wednesday 6:30pm with Our Lady of Perpetual Help prayers at 7pm

Rosary - following 8am daily and Sunday evening 5:30 Mass

First Friday-Eucharistic Adoration follows Mass, Benediction at 10am.


Monday–Thursday: 8:30am– noon; 1:00pm-4:30pm Friday: 10:00am-Noon (July 14th ONLY)

RECTORY STAFF (310-348-8212)

Our Pastor: Fr. Bill Bolton x 304 Fr. Valentine Ibe Our Deacon: Senior Deacon Guy and Helene Wauthy JustFaith, Engaging Spirituality, Social Justice/CLUE 424 289-9372 Business Manager: Juanita Rivera-Wiemken x 303 For calendar request email: [email protected] Youth Ministry: Kristina Provence x 313 Secretary/Bulletin Editor: Roxanne Shaw x 301 [email protected]

SCHEDULING SERVICES (310-348-8212) Anointing of the Sick: call the rectory Baptisms: Must call rectory 6 weeks in advance to schedule Communion to the Sick and Homebound: call the rectory Funerals: contact the rectory to set date and time Anniversaries, Quinceañera, Memorials: call the rectory Weddings - Call the rectory 6 months in advance to set the date.

EDUCATION AND FELLOWSHIP Adult Faith Community [email protected] Religious Education: Cristina Castillo 310-645-8318

Formation/Education, Sacramental Preparation for Adults (RCIA): 310-348-8212

St Jerome’s Catholic School (pre-K to 8th gr): 310-670-1678 Principal: Mrs. Priscilla Doorbar

SCRC Prayer Mtg (7pm Fri): Mr & Mrs. Muoneke 323-294-1940

Senior Center: Allene Muccia 310-216-7354

Sunday School for Toddlers (11am Mass): Obi Nwabuzor

Youth Ministry (teens) & Confirmation: Kristina Provence 310-348-8212 x 313

Tuesday Evening (7:30-9pm) Bible Study: Alan Bernstein 310-645-5355 or Steve Picard 310 487-2724

Tuesday Morning Bible Study: Benny Munoz 310-641-6339

LIFE, CHARITY, JUSTICE & PEACE MINISTRIES Creation Sustainability Jacqueline Welsh 310-283-8258 Detention Ministry (Restorative Justice): Mr. & Mrs. Muoneke 323-294-1940 Food Pantry LAX: Johnny Albano 310-641-8871 Immigration: Noreta Jose 310-367-6557 Respect Life: Louise Meehan 310-641-0842 Safeguard the Children: Adrienne Toth 310-337-9048 Voice in the Wilderness Tom Lenert 310-649-3245 Soup Kitchen (Every 3rd Sat.): Jude Ramlochan 310-348-9380

PARISH ORGANIZATIONS Catholic Daughters: Kathy Fitzpatrick 310-703-2519 Knights of Columbus: Tony Holloway 323-295-4287 St. Vincent de Paul Society: Merv Hughes 310-908-9204

Bishop Edward Clark presenting the Body of Christ.

Page 2: The Transfiguration of the Lord August 6, 2017€¦ · Bishop Edward Clark presenting the Body of Christ. “Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you

“Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the measure with which you meas-ure will be measured out to you. Why do you notice the splin-ter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:1-3)

My parents and grandparents trained me consistently to give people the benefit of the doubt. When someone does or says something, if there is a possible good interpretation for their actions and words… grant them that respect. Only they and God know their intentions and motivations. I may only per-ceive the fruits of their behavior.

To do this I need to be centered on living the fruits of the Holy Spirit: Gentleness, Self-control, Love, Joy, Peace, Pa-tience, Kindness, Generosity, and Faithfulness. The disciples asked if they should call down lightening from the heavens upon those villages who rejected them. (Luke 9:54) Being judgmental comes from a place of self-righteousness and of-ten wrath.

I know we all tend to judge others by the way “I interpret” their actions. We often presume ill intent and malice as the context for their behavior. The truth is that this reveals more about “my attitude” about them rather than their attitude to-ward me or “us.” If my starting point is sour, any action or words on their behalf will be received and interpreted as sour. The beam in our own eye will distort our view of reality. Our blindness will keep us from recognizing acts of generosity, compassion and mercy and put a bad “spin” on whatever… as nothing good can come from him or them. (e.g. “Nothing good comes from Galilee”)

When someone disagrees with us does that make them evil? In our current social context disagreement on the means of dealing with situations quickly decays into name calling and personal attacks. Whether we are speaking of immigration, health care or climate change… when exploring various means and avenues to better respond to the situation given our resources and realities… the demonization of people suggest-ing alternative responses is rather prideful and arrogant. Like a child with fingers pushed into their ears I don’t even think they perceive the other’s suggestions and proposals. How am I so CERTAIN that MY solution is the ONLY and BEST? Who gave me or the person(s) I am believing in, the fullness of knowledge and truth? Who made me or the person(s) I am putting my faith in, God? This is how we ended up with witches being burned. This is how people resort to vigilante justice… and “believe” even as they are committing great evil that they are doing good… and they feel “justified” in their actions. “Let his blood be upon us and upon our children.”

Satan is the great divider. I know Satan rejoices as we turn upon ourselves and work to suppress and destroy others who

disagree with me/us. Yet, who anointed me/us as the messiah?

Our Christian objective is changing minds and hearts (conversion), not coercing people (extortion) or crushing them to do what we believe is the answer. This does take longer but encourages their personal growth and makes “backsliding” or only “behaving” when they know they are being “policed” less likely.

I know and believe the Truth will set us free, but who is the arbiter of truth? In an age where feelings have become “the way, the truth and the life”… In an age where if you disagree with “my opinion” you are attacking me and therefore must be mean and need to be silenced: we need to get a grip on our-selves. We are worth more than a flock of sparrows and to quote Jack Sparrow, “Sticks and stones, darling, sticks and stones.” If our worth and identity come from God rather than opinions we hold… words may hurt as they may have an ele-ment of truth (Hitting close to home?)… but they won’t harm us and actually may lead to growth and maturity… if I am able to listen to them with humility… and to pray, reflect and consider.

People we disagree with are often aware of things we are ig-norant of, have ignored or belittled (That BEAM in our eye?). Humility and the ability to truly listen and consider others viewpoints will open the path to better understanding and may result in a better solution than first proposed.“Know this, my dear brothers: everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” (James 1:17)

Treat others as you would like to be treated! Respect.

Listen to others as you would like to be listened to. Respect.

Don’t presume evil intent! Respect.

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.

O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.

I grant you that some cheek turning will be needed. And I grant you that at times we will need to walk the extra mile and die to ourselves. But sometimes what is most needed is the sense that one’s concerns have been respected and received. Who knows, this additional insight may change everything. “I have a dream…” And that dream is based on changing hearts more than regulating people’s actions…. And the truth that I too need God to change my heart as well. Without humility, there is no room for God.

From Fr. Bill

Page 3: The Transfiguration of the Lord August 6, 2017€¦ · Bishop Edward Clark presenting the Body of Christ. “Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you

Senior Center Mon., Aug 7: 12-4pm– social and cards. Wed., Aug 9: 12-4pm– games for prizes! For more information, please call the Senior Center at 310 216-7354.

St. Jerome’s School Collection Today the second collection basket will help sup-port our school. Each month please remember to use the yellow “School Support” envelopes to help our catholic families and their children have access to a great education which should be their right..not just for the privileged few. Thank you for Your considera-tion and generosity. Our children are our future.

Rosary Invitation You are invited to pray the Holy Rosary after each 8am Mass and Sunday 5:30pm Mass in the church. On Thursday at 1:00pm we meet in the Senior Center to pray. Pease join us!

Congratulations! We offer our congratulations to Lucas Andres Quintana

who was baptized into the Christian Community. May God bless you!

Holy Matrimony Celebration Congratulations to Devron and Inthia Carter who have become married in the Catholic Church. May God bless them!

JUSTFAITH Want to learn more about a journey of faith and compassion? JustFaith is an inspiring and energizing program that engages participants in Jesus’s life and witness and our Gospel call to love and serve others. In com-munity with other participants, you’ll share a spiritual journey of faith and compassion that is life-giving. For more information please contact Deacon Guy at 424-289–9372 or by email at [email protected]

Adult Faith Community YAM (Young Adult Ministry) will now be called the Adult Faith Community which is designed for families and working professionals who would like to fellow-ship on a monthly basis. Join us on Monday, August 14th at 7:30pm to attend our first Monday night meeting in St. Jerome’s Sen-ior Center. We will “Meet and Greet,” before we begin our study that will include prayer and a brief discus-sion. Light snacks will be provided.

Catholic Charismatic Prayer Meeting, SCRC Notice: The St Jerome Catholic Charismatic Group will be closed from July 20th—Aug. 11th. They will resume on Friday, August 18th for fellowship and prayers. Thank you!

St. Vincent de Paul St. Jerome Conference Collection

Donations for helping the needy is a vital function of our St. Vincent de Paul St. Jerome conference Ministry and because of your past generosity we have been able to assist many in our community. On August 19th and 20th there will be a special collection taken so we can continue our charitable works in our own parish neighborhood. There are special yellow envelopes located on the table near the church entrances. We thank you for your support and generosity and confident we will be able to con-tinue successfully in this ministry.

SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Brush up on water safety skills Summer is a great time to hit the pool and take a break from the heat. It is important for parents to take a few moments to re-view swimming and water safety with children. Re-mind them to put on sunscreen. Sign children up for swim lessons or a water safety class. Remember to use age appropriate flotation devices as needed. To request a copy of the VIRTUS article “Refresh Your Memory About Summer Water Safety,,” email [email protected] or call 213-637-7227. For particular help, call Assistance Ministry at 213-637-7650.

Film At St. Jerome Mark your calendar for our next Sunday film which will be on AUGUST 13TH AT 3PM in the hall. The film is called, OPEN BETHLEHEM. It is a documentary about the plight of the little city of Bethlehem and its Christian population. The film will be introduced by Fr. Alexi Smith who is Director of Ecumenical Affairs for the L.A. Archdio-cese. Fr. Smith as awarded the Religious Leadership award of the Valley Interfaith Council. We will hold a discussion after the film and refreshments will be served. All are welcome; bring a friend!

Loyola Marymount University

The Center for Religion and Spirituality at Loyola Marymount University offers the following theological and Spiritual formation certificate programs to the community. Contemplative Practices: Focusing on the call of Christian mystics, this program aims to serve as the conduit that supports participants as they deepen their awareness of the presence of an already present God. Faculty include: Dr. Jim Finley, Dr. Wilkie Au, Dr. Noreen Cannon Au, Fr. Martin Laird, and other guest instructor. Pastoral Liturgy: gives in-depth exposure to the theology and praxis of Catholic liturgy. Through read-ings written assignments and discussion reflecting the richness of liturgical and pastoral leaders within their own faith community. For more information, call 310 338-7758 or email [email protected]

Page 4: The Transfiguration of the Lord August 6, 2017€¦ · Bishop Edward Clark presenting the Body of Christ. “Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you

Prayers For The Sick

Liturgical Ministries Altar Server: Randy Billups [email protected] Eucharistic Min.: Tina Gustavson 310-649-1474 Hospitality: Joyce Holt 310-649-5586 Lectors: Cathy Fitzpatrick 310-337-6929 Music: Jim Drollinger 310-617-2465 Ushers: Tina Gustavson 310-649-1474

Mass Intentions

Padre Pio Prayer Group

Gerard Majella Catholic Church, at 4439 Inglewood Blvd. LA, 90066, invites you to join them every 3rd Thursday of the month, from 7-8pm for reflection on St. Padre Pio’s writings and veneration of first–class relics. For more information call 310 390-5034 or email Gaby Gomez at [email protected]

Sat. 08/05 5:30pm (M) Molla Sue Ruh

Sun. 08/06—7:30am (SI) Msgr. Norm Priebe 9:00am (SI) St. Jerome Parishioners 11:00am (M) Bernadette Fernandes 5:30pm (SI) Justin & Kristina Sharma

Week Day Masses Mon. 08/07—8am (SI) Monalisa Nwokike Tues. 08/08—8am (SI) Marie Omoruyi Wed. 08/09—8am (SI) Letty & Al Dvi Vardhana Thurs. 08/10—8am (M) Burke Mucho Frid. 08/11—8am (T) Dolly Juaneza Sat. 08/12—8am (SI) Louise Bowman

Memorial (M) Special Intention (SI) Thanksgiving (T)

2017 Holiday Craft Faire 1.50

St Jerome Parish is planning its 2017 Holiday Craft Faire the weekend of November 11h & 12th. If you would like to reserve a table as a vendor or know of someone who would be interested in reserving a table, please call Joyce at 310 649-5586 or Joan at 310 670-7801!

Summer Scripture Study Tuesdays 10:15am to 11:15am

Come join us in the Senior Center as we feast on the words in the Readings and Psalm for the upcom-ing Sunday at Mass. No experience necessary. Prayers for the sick and special intentions follow the study.

Anthony Annecharico Alex Bajot Bill Bolton Sr. Glenn Bordenave Maria Charmello Elizabeth Ezeani Anne Gingras Hank Grady Janice Holt Leticia Lopez Pat Menezes Marie Omoruyi Monalisa Nwokike Mary Quinn Pat Reggie Maria Rodriguez Vincent William

Eucharist Ministers Needed We are in need of Eucharistic Ministers for the Sun-day, 5:30pm mass. If your are interested and in good standing with the Catholic Church, please consider this wonderful ministry. Call Tina Gustavson at 310 649-1474.

Page 5: The Transfiguration of the Lord August 6, 2017€¦ · Bishop Edward Clark presenting the Body of Christ. “Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you

Can You Lend A Helping Hand? CATECHISTS Needed!!! We are in need of volunteers to serve as Religious Education Catechists for classes beginning in late September. Classes are held on Sundays from 9:30am to 10:45am. Share your gifts with the future leaders of our church community, our children. For more information contact Cristina Cas-tillo [email protected]

St. Vincent de Paul Bundle Sunday The St. Vincent de Paul truck will be in the

School parking lot on Sunday, August 21st, from 8am to 1:30pm, to receive your donations. Please bring any useable items that will help in their efforts to assist needy individuals: clothing, shoes, linens, books, household goods, and small appliances, etc. There is a free pickup at your home for larger items. Please call 323 224-6280. Thank you!

St. Jerome Monthly Soup Kitchen Our next meal will be served on Saturday, August 19, from 10:30am to 12 noon. If you wish to donate funds, kindly leave your donation at the Rec-tory, or send a check to St. Jerome, 5550 Thornburn St. Los Angeles, CA 90045. Note Soup Kitchen Funds in the memo section of your check. Thank you!

St. Jerome School News St. Jerome School is accepting applications for Pre-K, Transitional K and Grades K thru Grade 8. Applications may be downloaded from our website or you may visit the school office to pick one up.

Please call 310-670-1678 or visit us at