The Total Wellness Cleanse Review My 10 Day Detox Diet And Cleanse With Yuri Elkaim

The Total Wellness Cleanse The Total Wellness Cleanse Review – My 10 Day Detox Diet And Cleanse With Yuri Diet And Cleanse With Yuri Elkaim


In this blog post, I want to share with you an “after” video about my experience with the cleanse, as well as share a review of the Total Wellness Cleanse and the results that I experienced from it.

Transcript of The Total Wellness Cleanse Review My 10 Day Detox Diet And Cleanse With Yuri Elkaim

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The Total Wellness Cleanse The Total Wellness Cleanse Review – My 10 Day DetoxDiet And Cleanse With Yuri Diet And Cleanse With Yuri


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It’s been now slightly over 10 days since committing to the Total Wellness Cleanse committing to the Total Wellness Cleanse with Yuri Elkaim, and I’m happy to say that I’ve successfully completed the y pcleanse! I’ve been pleasantly surprised with the results so far, as not only have I

f f fshed a few pounds of toxins and fat, but my energy levels are through the roof.

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If you missed Part 1 of my Total Wellness Cleanse Review click hereCleanse Review, click here.

In this blog post, I want to share with you an “after” video about my experience you an after video about my experience with the cleanse, as well as share a review of the Total Wellness Cleanse and the results that I experienced from it. There are many benefits from going

l d h f ll I i i on a cleanse, and hopefully I can inspire you at the end of this blog post for you to commit to giving yourself this giftto commit to giving yourself this gift.

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The Total Wellness Cleanse ReviewFirst I want to say that the Total First, I want to say that the Total

Wellness Cleanse is actually a 30 day program with a 14 day cleansing phase program, with a 14 day cleansing phase, and another 14 days as a “maintenance” phase. I actually only decided to commit p y yto 10 days of cleansing, as on the 10th day I had plans of going out of town and

ld ’t b bl t f ll th wouldn’t be able to follow the program as strictly.

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I also decided this because of my plans of getting back into my weight training of getting back into my weight training routine, so I can keep putting on muscle. I will most likely do another ycleanse later on this year and schedule more time so that I can complete it fully,

fbut I was pleased with the results of only doing a 10 day detox.

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My ResultsI reached all of my objectives through I reached all of my objectives through

this cleanse. The primary reason why I decided to do it was so that I could have decided to do it was so that I could have more energy. While weight loss and getting rid of other symptoms are other g g y pbenefits of cleansing, it wasn’t what motivated me to do it, as overall I am a

h lth i di id l d d ’t h very healthy individual and don’t have much weight to lose. But, I did receive those benefits as well and below I want those benefits as well, and below I want to share my results.

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I dramatically increased my energy levels where the moment I wake up levels, where the moment I wake up I feel energized, happy and motivated to take action. I’ve noticed this energy stay with me throughout the entire day without fluctuation, whereas

fbefore the cleanse I would crash at certain points or have dips in my energy levels and productivitylevels and productivity

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I got rid of certain cravings and bad eating habits At times I’d have sugar eating habits. At times I d have sugar cravings or indulge in some unhealthy foods, but haven’t felt any during the , y gcleanse or even two days after. I expect it to stay this way. One thing Yuri Elkaimstates in the program is that we crave what’s in our blood. Once we cleanse our bloodstream the cravings go away our bloodstream, the cravings go away and you begin to crave healthy foods.

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I lost 4-5 pounds of waste, toxins and fat This also equated to 1-2% and fat. This also equated to 1 2% body fat. I feel lighter, am leaner with my abs more visible, and don’t feel or y ,look as bloated. My body flushed out a lot of toxins during the cleanse that it

fwasn’t able to before.My skin is brighter and I’ve had less

b k t I d t t f breakouts. I used to get a few breakouts on my arms or back, but haven’t noticed any as I’ve completed haven t noticed any as I ve completed the cleanse.

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My mood has increased dramatically I really learned during dramatically. I really learned during this cleanse that foods play a role in your emotional states. Whenever I’d eat junk jfood or processed food, I’d feel bad after wards. Sometimes I would feel negative,

fdown, frustrated, irritated, or whatever. Whereas whenever I eat healthy foods on the cleanse I feel healthy foods on the cleanse, I feel BETTER afterwards and overall I felt happier and more positive naturally.happier and more positive naturally.

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There was many more I could probably name but these have been the main name, but these have been the main ones and most noticeable.

The challenge that I experience after The challenge that I experience after cleansing is to keep up the raw food lifestyle, as it creates a conflict with my y yfitness training goals and nutrition plan that I follow from my coach right now.

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But, the good news is that I learned a ton more about health through Yuri ton more about health through Yuri Elkaim in the Total Wellness Cleanse and have now eliminated certain foods and incorporated some new ones into my diet.

Overall, my health and body has benefitted from this cleanse, so I’m very hhappy.

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What Did I Eat?I primarily consumed raw foods during I primarily consumed raw foods during

the entire cleansing phase, which I was originally concerned about I thought to originally concerned about. I thought to myself, “What am I going to eat??” and had worries about being overly hungry. g y g y

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But, my body adjusted fast. What made the Total Wellness Cleanse so amazing the Total Wellness Cleanse so amazing was the meal plan and recipe videos that Yuri has.

Yuri basically shares with you dozens of Yuri basically shares with you dozens of amazing, cleansing raw-food meals that you can eat on each day.

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During the cleanse, I made tasty new recipes and ate foods such as:new recipes and ate foods such as:

Zucchini pasta with pesto sauceButternut squash pasta with tomato Butternut squash pasta with tomato

marinara sauceRefreshing cucumber saladRefreshing cucumber saladGreen Soup

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HummusBaba GhanoujBaba GhanoujGuacamoleC Zi Li S thiCreamy Zingy Limey SmoothieRawsangaGarlic and Spinach SoupTabouliAnd much more!

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was surprised by how good these meals tasted and really made sure I was tasted and really made sure I was prepared each day so that I wouldn’t go off the cleanse. Preparation is key! If p yyou aren’t prepared and don’t have the foods you will easily just say, “I’m going

f fto order a pizza instead” or opt for fast food. There are dozens of “cleansing” recipes and dozens of “maintenance” recipes and dozens of maintenance recipes to choose from.

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Are You Ready For A Cleanse?Ultimately a cleanse has to be Ultimately, a cleanse has to be

something that you are ready and committed for You have to be at the committed for. You have to be at the point where you are 100% committed to making a change in your life and have a g g ydesire for more energy and a better life. If you’re reading this far, then I’m

d i hi h I sure you are ready, in which case I can highly recommend The Total Wellness Cleanse by Yuri ElkaimCleanse by Yuri Elkaim.

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While the only downside in the program is the price but I hope that this Total is the price, but I hope that this Total Wellness Cleanse review shows the benefits of investing in a program like g p gthis. Yes, it’s expensive, but in my opinion, your body is worth it and you obviously can’t put a price on your health. If you’re telling yourself, “I can’t afford it” the truth is you can’t afford afford it , the truth is, you can t afford NOT to!

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But, you don’t necessarily have to follow a cleanse like The Total Wellness a cleanse like The Total Wellness Cleanse. You could always do it on your own, or opt for a more inexpensive , p pcleanse on the market, but from my experience I’ve never been able to consistently stick with something like that until deciding to invest the money in a high quality program that holds you by a high quality program that holds you by the hand during the entire cleansing phase.phase.

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Thanks for reading this blog post. I sincerely hope that you decide to take sincerely hope that you decide to take your health more seriously after this and that my experience by cleansing and y p y gdetoxifying my body has given you a convincing argument to start a cleanse

fand transform your body and health. You deserve to feel amazing and get the most out of life and a cleanse is get the most out of life, and a cleanse is a fantastic way to start by changing your life!life!